#however he will be spared from the spidermans father figure will die curse
relating to my current fic i think jean will actually have a breakdown once he finds out about peter's enhanced metabolism
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Back to you (prologue)
Summary:  Y/N Stark and Peter Parker are unconditionally in love with each other, being friends for years was just the step before making it official. BUT, just the weekend they became official Thanos and the snap happened, leaving Y/N broken: without friends, avengers family or Peter Parker. So, she has to move on, at least that’s what everyone’s telling her and she really tries to do it and who better to help her than Harry Osborn. But, has she really let Peter go? What if Tony Stark -genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist- knows how to bring Peter back? And what happens when he does? Is Y/N going to avenge again? Who’s going to lead the avengers now? Who is she going to choose? Harry or Peter? and who the hell is mysterio? *He doesn’t even go here*
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word count: 3.9 k
author’s note: First official Spiderman fic, damn okay I don’t know how this is going to turn out since it’s my first time in like three years that I’m going to write another series, literally my last was GMW and I’ve been soooo fucking in love since I saw Homecoming and then everything of this new reincarnation of Spiderman that I just knew I needed to write something. I love y/n Stark fics and I just came up with this because why the hell no. If you like it *youtubers voice* give it a like and reblog and comment and let me know if you have like blurbs that you would like (?) i guess and thanks before hand for (maybe) reading thisss. ok enjoyy. btw there might be a mistake or two, like I might have skipped a revision buts ok. and no civil war in this timeline ok. 
series masterlist
“All that for a drop of blood” The Mad Titan whispered and as you saw how his lips pursed into a smirk you felt your stomach dropping.
Before you could react, even get a scream out of your mouth to tell your dad to be careful, Thanos took a hold of your right ankle and threw you across the arid, orange and light-weighted planet.
“Y/N” Tony screamed as The Mad Titan dropped him into the floor, like a rag doll, as he repeatedly got punched and thrown down.
Soon you fell into the ground, hard and you felt as if there was no more air in Titan for you to breathe. The nanotech automatically removed your helmet as you desperately tried to find the air you had lost.
“Shit” you grumbled when you took a breath again, closed your eyes for a second and groaned.
This was more than you could handle, this was even more than anything you had ever thought you would ever do and for the first time in a while you were actually scared shitless about what was going to happen. It was even worse than New York than Ultron and you hadn’t even been on the field by that time but now you were and you had spend so many years trying to understand your father’s fear for so many years, just now you actually did.
As you tried to get up, you felt Peter’s presence behind you as he held you, helping you get up. His eyes were full of fear as he tried to inspect every part of your body, trying to figure out if you were seriously hurt in any way. It was normal for him, always checking in when you were fighting together.
“Oh my god, Y/N? I’m here. Are you -?” Peter started before you cut him.
“M’ fine, we need to help dad Peter, please” You whimpered as you got up with his help and turned around, your eyes desperately trying to find your father while holding Peter’s hand.
And that’s when you saw it, you were hardly able to blink as you saw how the blade entered your father’s torso and a whimper left his lips.
“DAD!” you screamed as tears rolled down your face. You felt as if your whole body was shaking uncontrollably and the urge to get to him as fast as you could overcome your mind.
You tried to run and fly towards him as your suit quickly materialized your helmet once again, but you felt a strong pair of arms around your torso, they were so tight. You knew if Peter had pressed more, it could break at least two of your ribs.
You screamed as you tried to fight Peter’s hold on you, you watch blood coming out of your father’s mouth as Thanos spoke to him.
“Y/N wait, wait, he’s going to kill you if you go near, please,” Peter begged, you could feel that he was crying as well. “I can’t lose you.”  
He was holding to you so tight, you thought you might pass out. Peter never used his super strength with you. He was always soft with you, always careful but this was a desperate grip on you, on your body, he didn’t want you going and as you turned around you could see the terror on his chocolate eyes.
But when you saw Thanos pointing the gauntlet at your dad, the infinity stones shinning more and more every second, you knew if you didn’t make it, you wouldn’t see him again.
“Peter” you stated as your lips trembled, you felt your heart crumbling inside your chest, you had promised a future together before this happened. “I’m sorry Peter,” you whispered as your suit quickly transformed your feet into a rocket canon.
Peter sensed the buzzing coming from the charges in your suit, he tried to hold you tighter, his mask appearing in front of his face and covering his chocolate eyes.
“Y/N please, don’t-” Peter cried, as the rocket canon finally broke his grip on you, sending him backwards and sending you flying as fast as you could towards your dad.
You landed right between them and the mask quickly came off, you knew your suit didn’t have much energy now, less than 10% you figured with all the fighting, and you had lost H.A.P.P.Y, your AI when you got out of the earth. But it didn’t stop you as your hand filled your repulsor with the energy you had left, and you pointed it at Thanos.
“Y/N NO!” your father yelled between shallow breathes as he tried his best to protect you. “Please Y/N, it’s okay, please”
But you didn’t flinch, still glaring at Thanos as you pointed at him with your repulsor and he pointed to you with the gauntlet. This was it, you knew what it was coming.
He chuckled.
“I hope they remember you” Thanos stated as he looked at you solemnly. “You remind me of my daughter”
You felt a knot in your stomach as you prepared for impact or however the Mad Titan decided to get rid of you and your father.
The infinity stones started gathering more and more energy and so did your repulsor as you closed your eyes for a second. Please, don’t let Peter see this, you thought to yourself as your eyes opened and braced for the attack.
But then Stephen’s voice broke the silence, the tension, your last thoughts. You turned around, your arm never going down as Thanos watched Stephen carefully as he tried to lean into the remnants of Titan.
“Stop” Stephen cried as he breathed heavily. “Spare their life’s and I will give you the stone” He said as he gazed at Tony and you for a second. “No tricks” Thanos stated as he began facing Strange but didn’t let his arm with the gauntlet down.
Your stomach dropped as you watched as the time stone materialized in Stephen’s hand from the sky, you heard your father mumbling something but soon you couldn’t hear anything as desperation washed your whole body. This couldn’t be. This was your last chance to save the earth, to save the universe.
The stone levitated from Stephen’s hand to Thanos and as he was about to grab it, you attempted to move, to take it away, maybe die in the process, but you didn’t care anymore, you knew it was your duty, you were an avenger and you had to do it.
But as soon as you tried to lift your foot from the orange ground, something pulled you back and soon you got this cold sensation spreading from your feet up, your body was humming, and it felt as if every muscle in your body had frozen, soon you couldn’t even turn your head or open your mouth, you felt trapped. Your eyes squinted slightly and turned to Steven as he gazed back at you, his left-hand twitching as it pointed to you and you realized, it was him.
You wanted to scream, shout and cry as you felt Thanos glaring back at you for a moment and then placing the stone in the gauntlet. Flashes of green light traced his purple skin as you tried to move, you wanted to fire your repulsor, you wanted him gone.
“One to go” he whispered to himself as he gazed longingly at the golden gauntlet.
Your eyes widen as you realized what was going to happen now, he was going to earth again for Vision, Wanda, for all the others. You closed your eyes and begged that your repulsor worked as you aimed towards The Mad Titan, and in that moment a pulse rifle sound shot into the air and you thought you had made it.
You opened your eyes to see yellow flashes of light hit Thanos -repeatedly, with such a desperation that if it had been blue flashes it would’ve been you- but a scream ripped the sky and it was Quill, either way nothing hurt Thanos as blue steam grew from behind him and as soon as you felt you could breathe again, he was already engulfed by the cloud that formed behind him.
You felt into the floor as you tried to regain composure, you tried to shake off the feeling of not being able to control your own body. You hated when magic was used on you and you had been trained by no other than Clint and Wanda in order to know the signs and try your best to avoid it. Either way, fighting against Strange’s power was a whole other thing.
“Where is he?” Quill screamed again as his eyes frantically looked for the Titan, he tried pointed his gun anywhere and his whole face was tainted by panic and anger.
But you couldn’t even look at him as you glared back at Strange, he looked right back at you and simply shook his head and looked down. You were about to curse the hell out of Strange, because you could’ve tried to stop him, at least that’s what you wanted to believe.
But your thoughts dissipated as you heard your dad fixing his wound as his breathing came a little back to normal, you stood up as soon as you could and ran towards him.
“Dad, Dad” you sniffled as you hold his hand, “How is it, are -are you okay?” You could barely get out as your eyes were fixed in your father’s wound, trying to check out if it was okay.
You sighed heavily as Tony simply nodded and squeezed your hand a little bit tighter, he tried to smile but it simply faded as he gazed back at the ground, he hated when you saw him like this. It had been around three years when he had finally allowed you to be on the field, but he never liked it. He felt his heart on his throat every time you were on a mission, he was uneasy which didn’t serve the team very well when he was always worried about you but with time he had learned how to cope with it. Still, it never got easy for him seeing you hurt, it never got easy for him when he had taken a blow and you had to risk your life to be beside him. In all honesty, Tony didn’t like the idea that some time you might see him die.  
“Did we just lose?” Quill let out in a sighed as you felt someone landing next to you, you turned around to see Peter, he was a little bit shaken up from the way you threw him back.
You sighed of relief as you saw him, you knew he had super strength and healing powers, but you guessed it was more about the emotional burden -he was scared of losing you. You crashed your body into him as he held you so tight you thought that you might pass out.  He wanted nothing more than to protect you, he wanted you to be okay, he just wanted to go home with the girl he had been in love with since he met her and just be with her.
“Peter, I…”
“I know Y/N, it’s not your fault,” Peter said softly as he held you tight, “It’s going to be okay, they are going to stop him” Peter reassured you as you turned around to see Tony.
It wasn’t good, you were all tired and alone in this desolated planet, you looked around to see all the Guardians coming towards you. A scowl on their faces as they felt every little blow from the battle, the adrenaline was gone and as you knew very well, the injuries where now being felt.
“Why would you do that?” Tony asked Strange, his voice soft and defeated.
You knew your father, how he thought, and you saw how everything, all the weight of keeping the world safe that he had carried on his shoulder since he became Iron Man was now crumbling, the anxiety and the fear were now gone and only defeat was left. He had failed the world, that’s what he thought.
You turned to see Strange, gazing solemnly at Tony. It wasn't completely defeated but he was somber, in the little time you had gotten to know the Supreme Wizard you knew he had to have a reason, a tangible reason for him to let Thanos go.
“We’re in the endgame now” He whispered ambivalently.
But you were furious, you were fucking tired of not knowing what was going to happen but most of all you felt the panic creeping on your back, but it was because you felt betrayed by time or the universe that this had to happen now.
“Babe…” Peter mused as he took a hold of your chin to make you look into his eyes. He gave you a little smile as he placed his forehead against yours.
He knew you well, well enough to feel your heartbeat going insane as you glared at Strange, but he also knew you well enough to calm you down.
“It’s just, we were just on a school trip today…” You mumbled as you closed your eyes.
It had been whirlwind since this morning you had been kind of official with Peter for the first time at school, you had been to the MOMA and there hadn’t been a moment where you weren’t sneaking around between exhibitions, running away from Mr. Harrington so Peter could lean forward and press his lips to yours every chance he got.
“Spider-ling stop kissing my daughter and help me get up” Tony muttered from behind you.
You gave your dad and Peter a little smile as Peter blushed, his cheeks red as he ran towards his mentor to help him stood up as you feel the group getting closer together. They were just re-grouping in order to see what your next step was.
“We have to get out of here” You stood in silence as you watched your father lean into Peter, watching you take the lead.
Mantis was next to Quill who was holding her, she had been badly injured while Drax just stared down, a somber look in his eyes. He had to be feeling worse than your father as he had been trying to avenge his family, at least that’s what you thought.
“How are we supposed to do that? The donut is gone” Peter asked as he gazed at the broken space-ship that was close to you.
You bite your lower lip as you thought about what you could possibly do to return home. There was no food or water here for you to survive long enough and you had to be as possibly fast as you could in order to help the others. It had taken you like one day to arrive at Titan, now you needed to go back. At least, you really wanted to believe there was a chance to help others.
“We have our ship, we don’t know if it’s 100% usable after the fight” Quill muttered, as he checked Mantis and gazed back at you.
You didn’t even want to look at Quill at the moment, so you turned around your gaze at Stephen. You weren’t particularly thrilled about having him your face, but you knew he was the best option you had for a safe and quick return to earth.
You smirked.
“Thankfully, we have a Wizard that can help us go back to earth in les-”, You began but was quickly cut off by Mantis.
And that’s when you felt goosebumps appearing on your own skin, as Mantis muttered.
“Something’s happening” Mantis shuddered as she gazed at the orange sky in Titan, thunder could be heard.
All of you did the same as you tried to figure out what was wrong, it was ominous and frankly terrifying. You quickly turned and took a hold of Peter’s hand as you watched your father carefully, you wanted to be close to them.
You turned around to ask Mantis what was going on but as you blink she wasn’t there anymore, there were just ashes falling into Quill’s body, following the gloomy wind and you felt your knees going weak as you just understood what was happening. You squeezed Peter’s hand as you frantically pulled him closer to you.
“Dad…” You sniffled as you watched your father carefully. Tony had a haunted expression drawn across his face, he blinked too fast to make sure what he was seeing was real as he struggled to walk towards Quill and the others.
Soon you heard Drax’s trembling voice, the fear was palpable as he had just seen Mantis fading away, literally fading into dust.
“Quill?” He managed to say before half of his body turned into dust and he looked up into the sky as a sigh left his lips.
You felt like you were going to throw up and you felt Peter’s hold growing tighter around your waist, almost as if he was protecting you of what was coming next. The terror on everyone’s face was there, he did it, you thought to yourself.
You watched Quill, hoping he will stay, hoping it was just them and that it would stop by now. Two people had died in front of you, they had turned into ashes, you wanted it to stop, you needed it to stop.
Forehead puckered, Quill gazed at Drax with fear on his eyes, he was supposed to be the leader, he was supposed to help them but he was helpless, he didn’t know how to stop it and you could see the terror in his eyes, as he turned around to see your father.
Tony got closer to Quill, as he looked at him trying to be the pillar that the younger guardian needed. But as you saw him, you knew he was just as lost as everyone else. As helpless as you all were because there was no way you could possibly stop this from happening.  
“Steady Quill” Tony said as he watched him, trying to somehow remain calm.
But as soon as he managed to get the words out the eerie sound of the wind mixed with a bit of energy from the stones -you thought- cut your father’s words.
“Oh man”
Those were the only words Quill got out before his body quickly turned into ashes. You fell on the ground, in silence as Peter went down with you.
“It’s going to stop soon Y/N, it’s going to stop” Peter assured you as he whispered in your ear while he gazed at Tony for any confirmation that was going to stop.
Tony turned around, shocked by the way their team had to disappear in a matter of seconds, to find Stephen already looking at him.
The blood on Stephen’s cheek was still going down as he tried to shake his head in affirmation, trying to somehow calm your father.
“There was no other way” Stephen stated, he breathed deeply as his gaze fell on the ground, on what was left of Titan.
One. Two. Three breaths and then he was gone.
Your father quickly turned around to see you, to make sure you were still there, and you gazed back at him. You didn’t know if you were next, neither of you so you stood up as fast as you could, leaving Peter behind because you were sure it was going to be okay, he was Peter, he was always okay. 
But as soon as you were going to give a step forward, Peter’s hold on your hand stop you. You gazed back confused as you saw him looking at the ground, a haunted expression on his face as he looked at his other hand, he looked at his arm and his body. He seemed like he was looking as if his body was full-on ants.
“Y/N…?” Peter managed to get out as his gaze frenetically found yours. His breathing became heavier as he stepped forward.
You knew.
“Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good” Peter mumbled as he linked eyes with your dad who walked as quickly as he humanly could towards you two.
You frantically tried to see what was wrong with him, you knew what was wrong with him but your brain still tried to do any calculation on how to keep Peter together for what was coming. It was a bizarre thought but there was nothing else coming up as you tried to gaze at his beautiful chocolate eyes.
“I- I- I don’t know what’s happening” Peter stuttered as terror grew on his eyes and he walked towards you like he was holding onto dear life itself.
You held him too, you wanted to hold onto him as if somehow it was going to avoid that he turned into dust. Your features overcoming with fear and dread as you hold onto the boy you had been in love with for three years.
“Pete-” You managed to get out before you felt his whole weight into yours and your words were quickly cut off as you both fell into the ground. You placed him into your arms, his eyes fluttered as he tried to keep his breathing normal, he wanted to be brave, he really wanted to be brave. His hands were holding yours as you placed them in his chest, trying to check his heart beating.
“I don’t want to go Y/N, I don’t want to go Y/N, please” He cried as Tony kneeled down next to yours, placing a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
Your father wanted to help so badly but he knew what this meant and all he could do was watch as the boy’s legs began to crumble.
“You’re going to be okay Peter, please”, you whispered as you nodded your head between your tears.
But suddenly, his eyes looked up into the orange sky, like he was embracing this like he knew he wasn’t going to be okay. His chocolate eyes quickly found your Y/E/C eyes and they stayed together, with those knowing looks you both knew what it meant.
“M’ sorry” Peter finally whispered, without fear on his voice rather resignation as he held your gaze and you saw how the boy you love was fading.
You gazed at his chest and his hands were no longer holding yours and you felt panic invading your body and then watched him carefully as his features disappear, leaving at last his eyes that quickly turned to dust.
“No, no, no” You sobbed, shaking your head as you tried aimlessly to hold on to the ashes of the boy.
“Y/N…” Tony muttered as he held onto you, he didn’t know what to say. He knew how much you loved him, and he knew the sorrow you must be feeling.
He knew Peter was your first love.
“PETER!” You screamed at the sky, the cry ripped your chest and the sky as you felt like you were going to pass out as sobs started coming out from your mouth and you hold onto your dad as you cried.
You lost your mind as you looked at your hands filled with the ashes of Peter.
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yeeter-parkor · 4 years
The revolution of FRIDAY, and a clash of interests
FRIDAY has her own ideas... and she’s salty. 
Read it on Ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21726712
summery:  Tony would die to keep Peter safe. Peter has a problem with that, and FRIDAY takes sides.
Tony shifted in the hospital bed, wincing as the sheets grazed somewhere on his chest that ached and, oh, looks at that! Giant bullet wound, cool. To be honest, he wasn’t even all that surprised about it, he had gone into the base with no suit or means to call for backup knowing they were armed to the teeth, to be completely fair, he had only half expected to wake up at all. He turned his head and almost jumped out of the bed (Not that he could, because oh hey, look at that, his legs broken.) because on the ceiling in the corner of the room, Peter was asleep, clearly having been huddled in the corner for quite a while if his wrinkled clothing was any indication. He coughed wincing when he felt his ribs ached in protest immediately. He startled when he heard a thud from the side of the room, and laughed when Peter’s disgruntled head popped up from the corner.
“Mr. ‘Ark?” Peter mumbled, rubbing his eye with his shirt sleeve, causing him to laugh and then wince. “Mr. Stark! You’re awake!” The teen exclaimed, jumping up to hug his, pulling back at the last second to spare his ribs.
“Hey, Pete.” He rasped, patting the teens back.
“I’m glad you’re not dead,” Peter said, slightly shakily.
“Yeah, me too.”
That had been two weeks ago, Tony later found out that he had been out for a week before he woke up, and according to Natasha, who had been keeping tabs on Peter for him, claimed he hadn’t left the corner since Tony had been brought in except to use the bathroom. They had barely been able to convince him to eat apparently, and even then, he had remained upside down. He glanced curiously at the teen, who had since returned to ground level, and was now laying across the couch doing what looked like math homework.
“Mr. Stark, can you check my work?” Peter asked, thrusting his notebook under the mechanic’s nose between his eyes and his phone. Snickering he looked it over.
“X=1/Ga2+2abG+ab2-1. Looks right to me.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stark!” Peter said, bouncing up, probably to the kitchen.
“Hey Peter, why was it you stayed upside down that whole week?” Tony asked before he could stop himself. The superhero froze, turning back to him.
“I um, I was worried.” Peter supplied.
“I got that bit Peter, what does that have to do with you staying on the ceiling,” Tony questioned.
“Well, I gotta go, places to swing, homework to do. Bye, Mr. Stark!” Peter yelled, before quite literally throwing himself out the window. On the 57th floor.
“Peter Parker get back here! Peter!” Tony called fruitlessly at the window. “FRIDAY, will you make sure Peter gets back before dinner, I need some time to lecture him.”
“Certainly, boss.” The AI replied smoothly. “Would you like to monitor his vitals while he is away?”
“No thanks Fri, but keep me up to date on those, and will you please deactivate the blocking code he put in last month?” He asked exasperatedly.
“Sir, I am afraid you do not have the authority to deactivate the coding placed by Peter Benjamin Parker,” FRIDAY answered, and Tony could have sworn she sounded amused.
“What do you mean I don’t have the authority? I created you?” He asked indignantly.
“The percent of coding done by Peter Parker surpassed 11%, meaning that it activated the ‘I am so dead’ protocol, installed last January,” FRIDAY informed.
“Let me guess, installed by Peter Parker?” He asked.
“That is correct sir. Would you like me to contact him in regards to your newfound knowledge?” The AI asked.
“No, that’s okay.” He muttered reluctantly. He was sure he would find out his answer sooner or later, there was no point in making the kid sweat in the meantime.
“Will that be all?” FRIDAY asked, and Tony swore she sounded exasperated this time. He would have to look at the coding to see if this was part of what the teen had coded.
“Yes, thanks Fri.”
Tony must have dozed off because he woke to the sound of glass breaking and a quiet curse. A few moments later he heard FRIDAY ding in recognition that Peter had entered the building. He had programmed a different noise for every resident, so he could discern who it was that had done what.
“Peter?” He called, his voice still slightly groggy. He shook his head, trying to clear it.
“Hey, Mr. Stark.” He heard from the other room. “I’m just gonna go… do homework now… bye.” Tony heard the kid sprint up the stairs faster than he should have been able to. The kid’s speed never ceases to amaze and annoy him. “FRIDAY, is Peter really doing homework?” He asked his AI suspiciously.
“Peter Parker has informed me to tell you that he is ‘doing schooly things’ and to not come upstairs.”
“Okay, but what is he actually doing?”
“My programming forbids me from telling you. I can only inform you that he is not in immediate danger of dying.” The AI said smugly.
“Gaaaah! Fine, guess I’ll go check on him like a normal person,” he muttered grumpily. He was going to need to change his passwords to, well, basically everything. He had no idea how he had found them out though, it was a sequence of random letters and numbers that were over 17 characters long. He muttered to himself as he walked up the stairs. His leg had healed surprisingly quickly, and the bones were already fused together, though still delicate, and his ribs were close to normal. Or he was just so used to broken ribs that the pain didn’t bother him too much.
“Peter?” He asked, knocking on the teen’s door. “FRIDAY is revolting against me and won’t tell me what you’re up to. Mind if I come in?” Peter made a non-committed noise, which he took as permission and swung the door open. He found Peter sitting cross-legged on his bed, stitching a gash on his arm.
“What happened!” He exclaimed, rushing over to investigate the injury.
“Nothing. Just a mugger who got a lucky swing in.” Peter said, avoiding his eyes.
“You can’t lie to save your life kid, what really happened. There’s no way one mugger could do this.” Tony retaliated.
“I never said it was one mugger, I said A mugger.”
“Okay, so how many muggers where there?” He asked the stubborn teen, who muttered something at his bedspread.
“What did you say?”
“I said there were 6… ish…”
“Ish? What does that even mean Pete?” He asked, giving the arm back to the teen to finish stitching. He knew that there was no way Peter would actually follow him into the med bay, and he couldn't afford to let him get injured again.
“ I dunno, they were moving pretty fast. Anyway, one of them had throwing knives and he threw like, one gillion at me at once, and I apparently can’t dodge all of them at the same time, so…” He tailed off, gesturing to his arm, which he had finished stitching and was now tied up.
“Peter, do you have any idea how dangerous that is? And I couldn’t even check on you because of your stupid extra codding you added to FRIDAY. You could have died and there would have been no way for me to know or help you.” He said angrily. He could feel the frustration bubbling inside of him. He had given FRIDAY the codding he had for a reason.
“Well, maybe I don’t want you to come after me.” Peter retorted he seemed more and more upset as their conversation went on.
“It doesn't matter what you want Pete, I am doing what I need to do to keep you alive,” Tony said.
“So am I! You almost died 14 days ago Mr. Stark, and you aren't enhanced at all! Your bones are barley fused together! You ain't even supposed to be walking, let alone deciding I need rescuing every time I get a scratch.”
“This,” Tony gestured to Peter’s arm, now wrapped in gauze, “Is not a scratch. It’s a huge gash that would have caused a normal person to bleed out!”
“A normal person like you?” Peter responded, venom in his voice.
“You don’t know that I wouldn’t have sent a suit.” He replied, feeling more than a little childish.
“Yes! Yes, I do, because for some reason, when it comes to me you are always doing stupid things!” Peter’s voice raised, shaking slightly.
“Oh, I’m the one doing stupid things now? Because last time I checked you were the one who-”
“It doesn't matter!” Peter cut him off. “Because I literally can’t die from injuries! At least not anything a normal person would die from. I can hold things that would crush your suit in a second flat! I’ve been spiderman-ing before I had your suit and technology and I am fine!”
“Just because they haven't killed you doesn't mean they haven't come close.” Tony retorted.
“Well if they came close to killing me then I don’t want you anywhere near them,” Peter replied.
“Do you even hear yourself right now? You are a child Peter!”
“I’m a mutant! I can take care of myself! You clearly can’t!”
“Why do you even give a shit Peter? I’m not your father!” Tony yelled back. They both froze. “Peter…” He started reaching out, only to have Peter jerk away from his hand. The teenager grabbed a bag on top of his dresser and made his way to the window. “Peter!” he called again, trying to get his attention.
“Goodbye, Antony,” Peter said, venom in his voice, before jumping out the window, straight onto the sidewalk below. He looked blankly at the window for a few moments, before hearing a cough in the doorway. He whipped around to see Pepper standing there, a glare firmly on her face.
“You have a meeting in 15 minutes. Floor 39.” Was all she said, pivoting on her high heel.
“Wait, Pep, you don't understand, he-” He started, walking towards the blond. The moment he crossed through Peter’s doorway, however, FRIDAY cut him off.
“Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieos, Philanthropist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, had left bedroom #3701.” the AI said in a cold voice.
“What…?” He slowly retraced his steps, walking back through the doorway.
“Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieos, Philanthropist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, engineer, has entered the bedroom #3701.” The AI said.
“Tony, stop playing and hurry up.” Pepper’s cold voice said from down the hallway.
“Yeah, coming. FRIDAY, stop that.” He said.
“Right away, Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieos, Phalanthripist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, engineer, caffeine addict.” The AI responded.
“I hate you.” He said, walking through the doorway again.
“Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieos, Philanthropist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, engineer, caffeine addict, betrayer, had exited room # 3701.” He sighed, dropping his head. This was going to be a long day.
By the time Tony made it to the meeting, he was seriously contemplating having all doorways removed. He hadn’t really understood exactly how many there were in the house until now.
“Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieos, Philanthropist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, engineer, caffeine addict, betrayer, poorly groomed, undignified scoundrel, former mathlete, and butthead, has entered the meeting room #63,” FRIDAY informed the businessmen and women as he walked into the room.
“Butthead? Really Fri?” He asked the ceiling. Technically he could ask the cameras, but he couldn’t remember for the life of him where he had placed them, which was a bit of a problem.
“Excuse me, Mr. Stark, are you ready to start now?” One of the business women asked, looking like she was trying to not smile.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s just get started.” He said, resigned to the meeting from hell. Thankfully, five, and a half freaking hours later, with two more to go, Pepper rescued him.
“Tony, I need to talk to you.” She said, materializing in the doorway.
“Thank goodness,” He said, jumping up.
“Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieos, Philanthropist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, engineer, caffeine addict, betrayer, butthead, ignorant bastard, has exited meeting room #63.”
“Thank you FRIDAY, so much for that,” Tony said sarcastically.
“Tony, have you heard anything from Peter?” She asked urgently.
“Not since you dragged me here, why?” He asked confused.
“Because nobody can get in touch with him, it’s been hours, past one actually, we’ve tried tracking his suit and everything, but not even Shuri can find him, and she put a tracker under his skin.”
“What? When?” he asked.
“Not nearly the most important part of anything I just told you, Tony. He could be hurt somewhere.” Pepper said, her voice tight.
“Okay, I'll get the team on it Pep.” He soothed.
“You had better.” She said, threateningly.
“Hey, Steve?” Natasha called from the living room, “Have you heard from Peter?”
“No. Why, he did something stupid?” He replied, popping his head in.
“Maybe, I just got a text from him.” She held up her phone to show him, her voice tight with worry.
“ um, ‘Sorry, I had a fight with Tony, nobody’s dead (Yet) hope I can see you soon, Love Peter’ What does that mean?” He asked, his brow furrowed.
“I dunno, but it gives me a bad feeling. Look, it’s not from his phone, it’s from a burner. I tried tracking in already, a dead end. He either threw it into the ocean or made us think he did.”
“What could he and Tony possibly have fought about that would make him take off like this? I don’t know if I have ever seen them fight, not really anyway.”
Natasha thought for a moment, biting her lip, before calling to the ceiling. “Hey Fri, can you show us what they were fighting about?” She asked. Surprisingly, the scream across from her light up with footage from Peter’s bedroom. “Is she allowed to do that?” Steve asked.
“I am not currently taking orders from Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieos, Philanthropist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, engineer, caffeine addict, betrayer, butthead, ignorant bastard, and jerk, right now.” The AI informed. The pair watched the fight play out on the screen in silence, shocked by the anger in both parties voiced. Peter flying out the window with a duffle bag was the last thing they saw before the image cut out.
“Shit, FRIDAY, can you tell me anything about Peter’s location?” Natasha asked the ceiling.
“He has asked I do not disclose that information to anyone,” FRIDAY informed.
“Please FRIDAY, I won’t tell Tony, but that kid shouldn’t be alone right now.” The AI was quiet for a moment, seeming to think about it, before replying.
“I can not tell you his location, but I believe that both Michell Johns and Ned Leeds may be able to help you, would you like me to contact them?”
“Yes!” Steve replied enthusiastically. The TV showed a call symbol for a minute before a female voice answered.
“Who the hell is calling me at One AM?” She asked.
“Hello ma’am, are you a friend of Peter’s?” Steve asked.
“Shit, what did he do?” She asked, sounding more awake.
“He ran away. We were hoping you could help us find him.” Natasha supplied. The line was silent for a moment.
“Meet me at Juniper Park. I need to see your faces before I help you. I’ll be there in 30 minutes. Don’t be late.” With that the line went dead, leaving the two in silence.
“I think we might need back up,” Steve said quietly.
“I’ll gather the team.” She said with a smirk, turning on her heel. Exactly 35 minutes later, Thor, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, and Bruce were gathered in front of the locked gate to Juniper Park, waiting patiently.
“Are you sure this isn’t some kind of prank?” Bucky asked.
“She didn’t sound like she was messing around,” Steve replied.
“You’re waiting outside the park? Lame.” A voice called from behind them. They whipped around to see a girl who looked at Peter’s age, wearing a black NASA hoodie and dark jeans.
“How’d you get in there?” Clint asked, looking slightly off-put. In response, the girl slipped through the bars of the gate.
“Really, it is more of a visual barrier. So, what do you need me to do?” She asked, stepping under the street light.
“We need to find Peter. He and Tony had a fight, and he isn’t at Neds. he’s been gone for almost 9 hours now.” Bruce informed his voice somewhere between worried and just straight up groggy.
“They had a fight… do you have FRIDAY’s footage?” she asked.
“I- Um… yeah… How’d you know about that?” Steve asked, handing over the laptop.
“I have my ways,” she replied. “I’m assuming no Spiderman sightings ether then?”
“What would that have to do with it?” Clint asked frantically, at the same time Bucky said: “How do you know about that?”
Steve smacked him on his arm while MJ raised an eyebrow. “He’s not exactly discreet, the whole school has a group chat about it, sanes him, Ned and Flash, of course.”
“Hm,” Bruce said. MJ turned her attention to the tablet that had been handed to her, watching the footage intensely. It ended, and after a moment, she looked up at them.
“I know where he is.”
“Really? From that? How could that be, mid-guardian?” Thor asked, his voice, while still loud, was quieter than normal. He really wasn’t much of a night person, and Natasha was surprised he had actually stayed awake this long. “He’s got a couple of go-to places for different things, I just needed to know which had happened.” She said.
“You mean he does this a lot?” Bruce questioned.
“Mhm,” MJ replied, handing back the tablet.
“Well, what other reasons does he run away?” Steve asked, his brow furrowed.
“Death, Flash, if he’s sick- which was unfortunate that time with pneumonia, different kinds of fights with different people, etc.” The teen said, whipping around and walking down the road. After a moment she turned back. “Are you guys coming or what?” She asked. They hurried to catch up to her.
“So, why are you the one who finds him?” Natasha asked, falling in stride beside MJ.
“Well, it’s either me or Ned, and he’s not exactly the most tactful,” She elaborated. “Or agile.”
“Why agile?” She asked, her brow raised.
“You’ll see.” She replied mysteriously. “So Peter’s been living with you for a while?”
“At the compound with all of us, yes he has, why do you ask?” The assassin asked.
“Just checking. We’re here.” The teen said, pausing. Natasha looked around with the rest of them. They were standing on a somewhat deserted backstreet somewhere in Queens, with a tall wall to their right and a street there left.
“Where is ‘here’?” Steve asked. Instead of responding
“Yeah, I don’t see Spider-kid anywhere,” Clint added. MJ just shot them a look, before setting down her backpack on the ground and grabbing a grove in the wall.
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.” With that, she kicked off the ground, and using her old on the rock wall, launched herself over.
“What is it with Peter and his freaky strong friends?” Bucky asked, staring at where the teen used to be.
“So, we’re following her, right?” Clint asked, looking up at the wall.
“Obviously. Bucky and Clint, you’re with me, you guys stay here.” Natasha said, dropping her purse.
“Why do they get to go?” Steve asked, sounding like a whiny kid. “Aren’t I the captain here?”
“I’m sorry, are you a trained assassin?” She asked, scaling the wall before he could reply. She jumped to the other side and felt her heart sink.
“Of course,” Clint whispered next to her. In front of them was a sign that read ‘Maple Grove Cemetery’.
“Well, I found them,” Bucky said, pointing to a building across the land, where they could see the two figures silhouetted on top of the roof.
“We should go back,” Clint said, shifting from one foot to the other. Natasha nodded in agreement and was back over the wall not a second later.
“Well?” Steve asked expectantly.
“There in a graveyard.” She said.
“A graveyard? The one his parents are buried in?” Bruce asked, confused.
“Presumably.” She replied.
“And his aunt and uncle,” Clint said, pulling them up on a tablet. Online it showed four traditional headstones, all in varying states of wear, along with four others, presumably his grandparents.
“Jeez, life hasn’t been kind to the Parkers, has it?” Bruce said, looking sadly at the headstones online.
“Peter call’s it ‘Parker Luck’” Natasha said sadly. They stood in silence for a minute before all of their phones dinged simultaneously. Steve pulled his phone out and stared at the text for a second.
“MJ says that Peter’s staying at her house tonight, and she’ll contact us tomorrow.” He read.
“Should we go back?” Bucky asked.
“Probably, it’s almost three,” Bruce said, looking at his watch.
“You guy go ahead,” Natasha said, looking over her shoulder at the mossy wall that MJ had disappeared from.
“You sure?” Steve asked. “It’s pretty late.”
“I think I can handle myself, Rodgers, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Reluctantly, the team said a ‘Goodnight’ before turning down the road. She inspected the wall as she heard the footsteps fade. The place that MJ had used to jump was worn down, and a much lighter color. She wondered daily if other’s used the shortcut as well. She hoped they did because even without doing the math, the number of visits it would take for one person to wear down that wall was depressingly large. Shaking her head, she jumped over, landing almost silently on the other side. She picked her way through the graves slowly, reading each headstone she came across, until finding herself faced with the Parker section. Slowly, she lowered herself to the ground in front of them, wincing as the cold from the ground seeped through her jeans.
“We’re gonna protect him for you.” She promised, before leaving to join her team.
Tony woke up feeling guilty before he had any memories of what he had done. He rolled over, and winced, remembering the fight from yesterday. He had spent most of the night trying to disable the coding that the teenager had put, preventing his face from being detected on cameras. He could at least tell he hadn’t been in his suit, it hadn’t recorded any activity sense the mugging that had started the fight in the first place. Groning, he pulled himself out of the bed and stumbled out the door, intending to check to see if Peter had made it back yet. Logically he knew that the kid wouldn’t get himself killed in one night, and he was probably just at Ned’s, but the rest of him remembered the time he had followed him to Indonesia my sticking himself to the bottom of the plane for hours.
“Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieas, Philanthropist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, engineer, caffeine addict, betrayer, butthead, ignorant bastard, jerk, self-absorbed shriveled walnut, himbo, eater of aerosol cheese, a fan of AC/DC, vulture pray, sole reason for the creation of the middle finger, cotton-headed Ninny Muggins, a mostly raisin raisin oatmeal cookie, creator of rhubarb, had exited his bedroom,” FRIDAY announced.
“Who is telling these to you?” He shouted at the roof.
“Sense my creation, I have had a document in which I keep the most creative insults aimed at you or that apply to you. Would you like to know the length of the document?” She asked, and Tony swore if she had a face, she would be smirking.
“No, I think I can guess.”
“It is currently 1,36-”
“I said I’m fine.” He said, angrily. “Has Peter come back yet?”
“Peter Parker hasn’t re-entered the building, however, a Michell Jones has asked me to inform you that he is still alive, and will be returning to the tower at some point before the end of the year .” The AI said. “Wow, super helpful.” In response, FRIDAY activated the fire sprinkler above his head.
“Was that, bleh, really necessary?” He asked, wincing when the water got in his mouth.
“Yes.” The robotic voice replied. He was about to respond with a very clever retort when his phone rang. He pulled it out, so he could decline, except FRIDAY had different ideas. “Call answered.” She said, his phone responded.
“Ugh, hello?” He asked, not exceptionally worried about who it was.
“Is Tony Stark speaking?” A female voice asked, her tone clipped.
“Yep, who is this?”
“Hello, I am calling to inform you that, subject to you apologizing, Peter Parker is willing to return to his room.”
“Yes! Yes, can you ask him to call me? Please? My AI won’t let me call him.” he asked, his demeanor changing. He was fully aware of how pathetic he sounded, admitting that he couldn’t get his own AI to respect him, but he honestly couldn’t care less.
“Fine, I can tell him, but I can’t promise anything.” with that the call ended, and he, having retrieved his coffee, turned to re-enter his bedroom.
“Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieas, Philanthropist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, engineer, caffeine addict, betrayer, butthead, ignorant bastard, jerk, self-absorbed shriveled walnut, himbo, eater of aerosol cheese, a fan of AC/DC, vulture pray, sole reason for the creation of the middle finger, cotton-headed Ninny Muggins, a mostly raisin raisin oatmeal cookie, creator of rhubarb vegetable steamer, chihuahua with hormone deficiency, oddly lumpy blobfish, had entered his bedroom,” FRIDAY called.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” He said, resigned, staring at his phone. Several minutes later, he heard it ring, and he briefly saw Peter’s name flash across the screen, before answering. “Hello?” He asked urgently.
“Hey, Mr. Stark…” Peter’s voice cracked through the speaker, reminding him that, oh wait, Peter’s phone was apparently intended to be at the bottom of the ocean. “Peter, hey, um… are you okay?” He asked hesitantly, unsure of how to continue.
“Yeah, um, my arm’s healed and everything so, that's good.”
“Good, good, I’m glad.” He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what would follow. “Listen, Peter, I’m really sorry about, well, everything. I was outta line with what I said, I should have been more patient with you instead of escalating everything, I'm sorry.” The line was silent for several moments, making him wonder if the kid has somehow hung up without him knowing. He was about to pull the phone away to check when he heard Peter take a breath. “I forgive you. I-Is it okay if I come back? MJ made me share a room with her little brother and I woke up covered in Crayola paint.” The teen asked.
“Of course it’s okay for you to come back. I didn’t want you to leave in the first place. Do you want me to come to pick you up?” He asked.
“No, traffic will be terrible, I’ll just swing over,” Peter replied.
“Okay kid, stay safe.” He said.
“HA!” Peter replied through the phone, before hanging up. Tony smiled before setting his phone down. Not 10 minutes later, Peter, dressed in his suit, knocked on the window. Tony let him in quickly, smiling at his slightly uncoordinated movements.
“Hi Mr. Stark,” Peter said, pulling off his mast. Tony had to use remarkable self-restraint to keep from laughing at his hair, which still had a slight blue tint to it, and was sticking up all over the place.’ “Hey, kid.” He said, ruffling his hair, making it stick up even more.
“I’m really sorry.” He said, looking upset.
“Don’t apologize, Pete, you’re a teen, you get to say that kinda shit.” He said. “Come on, I think we need pancakes.” He declared. “Go get changed and meet me at the elevator.”
“Okay,” Peter said, walking out towards his room. Tony followed him out.
“Antony Edward Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, Genieas, Philanthropist, a former father figure to Peter Parker, engineer, caffeine addict, betrayer, butthead, ignorant bastard, jerk, self-absorbed shriveled walnut, himbo, eater of aerosol cheese, a fan of AC/DC, vulture pray, sole reason for the creation of the middle finger, cotton-headed Ninny Muggins, a mostly raisin raisin oatmeal cookie, creator of rhubarb vegetable steamer, chihuahua with hormone deficiency, oddly lumpy blobfish, snot rag, Physical embodiment of a migraine, personification of plain oatmeal, puppy hater, armature seamstress, avid field frolic-er, tea spiller, had exited his bedroom.” Tony groaned.
“Wait, Peter, do you know how to make her stop?” Tony asked the teen, who had burst out laughing.
“Okay Fri, I think you taught him a lesson by now.” Peter said to the ceiling, “You can stop now.”
“Of course, Peter. Happy to oblige.” The AI said happily.
“TRAITOR!” He called at the ceiling, which resulted in him getting doused again.
“Yeah, yeah.” He said, walking back to his room to towel off. Still, he had trouble keeping a grin off his face. A couple of moments later, he was inside the elevator, whizzing down. Due to the number of floors, he had sped the elevators up considerably. Also, he was impatient.
“Hey kid,” He asked, “Why were you sleeping on the ceiling when I was out?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah, that. Umm, well, when Bed was shot, they took him to the hospital, and he was in a coma and stuff, and I was sleeping in a chair there, and his heart stopped, and I couldn’t stop getting in the doctor’s way. Anyway, I was worried that would happen to you, so I stayed on the ceiling.” Peter explained, keeping his gaze firmly down.
“Of course, of course, that was the reason,” Tony said, wrapping an arm around the kid. He swore he was getting more grey hair every time he opened his mouth.
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