#...... he is very. i didnt intent to give pete a father figure
relating to my current fic i think jean will actually have a breakdown once he finds out about peter's enhanced metabolism
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peterpumpkinparker · 5 years
Dropping By- Peter Parker/Spiderman Oneshot
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Hi guys! I know its been awhile and wow Ive missed this blog-hopefully this makes up for the 3 months of ghosting <3 Word Count: 800+ Genre: Fluff! Warnings: None!
You stared at your complexion in mirror, not truly happy with the person staring back. Did your hair look fine? Did you look under dressed? Over dressed? Was your makeup too much? Too little? Your head swirled with these unanswered question. You knew know matter how hard you tried, you weren't going to look perfect on this first date.
Peter Parker, your crush since you walked into his chem class and fate graciously put your seat next to his. Your crush since he helped you study for chem after your grades started to slip. Your crush after you realized he was the Spiderman. Your crush after 4 months of pining for him, had asked you out. You thought it was a miracle, but really, everyone knew it was meant to be- and by everyone, Ned and MJ. But he had asked you out to dinner, at some new Italian restaurant, and you calmly said yes even though you wanted to scream.
You smiled at yourself in the mirror, letting the happy memory wash of that day over you like sunlight in summer. You weren't sure you were ready for this date- the butterflies you had were practically eating your stomach from the inside out- but you weren't going to back out now.
You walked down to the living room, hearing your parents in the kitchen. It was almost a half an hour to your date- and you were hoping to give a pep talk to your parents to not make things awkward between you or Peter by asking embarrassing questions. But, to your confusion, your parents looked like they were leaving- when they specifically said they would be home.
“Whatcha guys doing?” you asked casually, cautiously watching your mom pack makeup into her purse.
“Oh, y/n, you look so nice,” your mom complimented, her voice leaving a trace of guilt.
You grabbed a water from the fridge, your hand shaking from nerves.
“Are you going somewhere?” you asked before gulping down water.
Your dad sighed, giving your mom a sidelong look. “Y/n, were sorry, but you cant go on your date tonight.”
You felt your heart drop down to your stomach as shock filled your system. Almost choking on water, your voice cried out, “Why?!”
Your mom gave you a sad look, explaining,” Your father forgot he had a company get together tonight, and he promised he would be there, and he can only get in with a plus one.”
“Its required I have a partner with me to get in,” your dad further explained, “some fancy restaurant or something like that- I know it sounds stupid,” he added, seeing your clearly reproached face, “but your mother and I have to go. And you have to hold down the fort while were gone”
You looked between your parents, hoping for a crack in their faces, a way to wiggle in and get what you both want, but there was no way in.
“So- no date?” you asked helplessly.
“Im sorry, y/n, but- no date.” you mother answered, her voice stern but sympathetic.
You sighed, filling your disappointment replace the excitement. “Guess I'll go call Peter.”
“Alright,” your father called out from the front door, “tell him were very sorry- we'll be back around 9!”
Your mother gave you a quick hug, and after your good byes and the slam of the door, the emptiness of the house made you somehow sadder than before. You didnt want to call him- the dread of letting him down, or him thinking your backing out made you feel guilty. But you found yourself finding his number in your phone, and clicking the call button, the ringing sound making you chew on your nails from nerves.
Peter picked up surprisingly quickly, making the butterflies come back from the sound of his hello.
“Hey Peter,” you sighed, dreading to tell him the news.
“Hey y/n!” he said rushed, as if he had been running for a while, the sound of wind making his voice sound fuzzy. “Im almost there, dont worry, I just gotta couple blocks to go-”
“Are you being Spiderman right now?” you asked, a smile sneaking onto your lips.
“Uhhhh-why you ask that?”
“Cause- I can hear Karen through the phone,” you stated with a smirk, waiting for his reaction.
“Crap!”you heard him curse, making you laugh even though the guilt was eating in your stomach.
“Yeah… I am,” he admitted, “but Im gonna change in the alleyway next to your house- so your parents wont think Im some crazy person when I come to pick up.”
You sighed, burshing your hair to the side. “Peter- Im so sorry to say this, but- you cant come over.”
“Wait- whats wrong y/n?” he asked, hurt in his voice, making your heart ache.
“Nothing, its just, my parents have some stupid company party to go to, and they need me to “hold down the fort”, you said with air quptes, not remembering Peter couldnt see them, “so- the dates cancelled.”
“I really was excited, Pete, I was,” you put in after, rushing your words to hopefully fix any wound you caused him.
“Me too,” he replied after a small silence, his voice smaller than usual.
‘Next week,maybe?!” You hated hearing him sound dejected, so to compensate, you tried to make your voice sound hopeful.
“Kay?” you asked him, hoping he would forgive you for doing this to him.
“Kay,” he repeated, his voice still sounding as if you just dumped him.
“Im so sorry about this Pete.”
“Its not your fault- Ill see you later, I guess. Night y/n.”
You sighed, laying on your bed, hoping the tears trying to crawl up would go away.
“Well,” you concluded to the ceiling, “that didnt go as well as I hoped.”
With no plans for the night, you decided to just do what you usually do on a normal night- blast music and try to do some homework. The night was just about to come, twilight coloring  your room with a burst of golden hues. It was beautiful, you had to admit, and again you felt a pang of longing to be with Peter
.It had been an hour of lonely listening to your depressing playlist of sad songs when a sudden knock was heard on your window. You jumped, a scream escaping your mouth as you instantly turned off your playlist.
You craned your head at the window pane, trying to see who the intruder was, but only a pink and orange sky greeted you. You stepped off your bed gingerly, and as you opened the window to investigate the strange sound-Out of nowhere, a red object whipped out from above the window, making you scream until you realized who it was.
“What the hell!?” you yelled, laughing off the fright.
“Im sorry, Im sorry!” Peter unhinged himself from his upside down position, the piece of webbing flying away in the breeze as his feet made contact with your small terrace.
You smiled, nervousness attacking your stomach. “Its okay,” you asked after brushing your hair out of your face- “why are you hear?”
You watched Peter shuffle a little with his feet, his broad shoulders blocking your sight of the railing of the terrace.
“Well, I felt bad that we couldnt- ya know, go out or anything-” he fumbled, “so….” He took a pause, looking at you so intently with those bug eyes on his red mask you felt a little unnerved- like he was staring right into you.
“Uh-Why dont you just close your eyes,” He finally said, the nervousness coming through in his voice. You were confused, so you took his outstretched hand with a suspicious smirk, and you laughed at the ticklish feeling his hand left on yours as he led you out your window.
“Okay, “ he counted, “one..two...three.”
You opened your eyes, and when you did, you were met with the sight of a mini picnic, complete with even a little bouquet of flowers with your favorite Italian food laid out on take out plates. It was the cutest thing you had ever seen, and you didnt know how to react to such a sweet gesture.
You stared at it, shocked- how could you be with someone so sweet and caring?
“I mean, its not much-” he began to ramble as if he was embarrassed about the cheesiness of it, “but I figured since you would be home you might want to hang out here- its okay if you dont but I just  thought maybe Id come hang out with you instead of going somewhere so I picked up the food I hope you like the flowers some lady sold them to me on the-”
You laughed, kissing his cheek to make him stop- you knew if you didnt do something, anything, hed probably go on that nervous rant for hours.
“Its perfect.” You smiled at him, happiness filling up in your eyes.
Peter felt relief envelope his body. He wished he wasn't so awkward around you, but you didnt care if he rambled, or accidentally scare you half to death. You were so sweet and funny and new him so well and man, you looked so pretty at this time of day, he wish he could take a picture of you and keep it forever. He sighed, relishing the feeling of your hand in his.
“Wait-” you interrupted his thoughts, “how are you gonna eat?” You pointed at the obvious mask covering his face.
“Oh!” He thought, feeling dumb for not thinking of that and maybe changing before he decided to knock on your window.
He quickly fumbled with his mask, bringing it above his nose so all you could see was a wide grin.
“Better?” he asked.
“Much better,” you smiled, and kissing his  cheeck again you yelled: “Lets eat!”
I hope you guys liked this! I havet been active (like at all) so I hope this makes it up! :)
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