#i wanted to give him a semi-trustworthy person in his life
relating to my current fic i think jean will actually have a breakdown once he finds out about peter's enhanced metabolism
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jester began falling in love with caleb in episode 103.
not any earlier in my opinion, and not later, either.
there's two elements to why i believe e103 is the turning point.
(1) the first is caleb's actions and jester's responses to them during the night they all sleep by the waterfall—his support of her idea to sleep underwater, his conversation with her after her commune with artagan, and his casting of programmed illusion in the dome.
(2) the second is the way her behavior toward caleb pivots around e103. before e103 is a noticeably different beast to how she begins to treat him after e103—the attention she pays him, her efforts to hold more standout interactions with him, and a dramatic swell of emotion and thematic meaning in these scenes’ respective subtext.
the rumblecusp arc is the point in which jester’s character growth, and caleb’s efforts to unconditionally support her, really begin to shine. throughout the complex growing pains that jester and artagan's relationship was experiencing, the one person who truly takes a moment to offer her support without any agenda or judgment is caleb.
(e103, 1:22:55, bold mine)
CALEB: You okay over there?
JESTER: (tearful) Yeah, I'm fine. Just—I'm just drawing.
CALEB: Maybe didn't go as well as you were hoping?
JESTER: Um... In some ways it went better. But no.
CALEB: I can't speak for him. But you do have us.
JESTER: I know.
CALEB: So whatever you land on, Jester, we'll make it happen.
JESTER: (shaky laugh) I have to figure out what I want to land on.
CALEB: That is the, uh—sticky wicket, isn't it?
JESTER: Yeah. Everything's confusing.
CALEB: Maybe... Maybe we sleep on it, it'll make more sense in the morning.
JESTER: Yeah. Yeah. Thank you, Caleb.
CALEB: I didn't do anything.
jester confesses that her commune with artagan didn’t provide the answers she was hoping for—that he knew about the curse on the island—and caleb doesn’t remark on what that seems like. he deliberately avoids speculating on why artagan is doing these things because “he can’t speak for him.” he doesn’t assume anything about what she might choose to do and explicitly leaves that choice up to her. jester vents briefly about how difficult the choice is, and caleb offers her reassurance, a reminder that some time will make things clearer. he doesn’t suggest solutions.
unlike fjord or beau, caleb doesn’t ask her to voice outright whether artagan is being a good friend. he doesn’t continually question his character and imply any personal opinions to her or what he thinks she should do. instead, he asks whether she’s okay. he listens. and he offers unconditional support.
this is consistently the stance caleb takes in the rumblecusp arc. and it’s not discussed much, i think, exactly how monumental that was to jester.
(hold on, this is a long one.)
jester is a young woman who grew up sheltered and wants to define herself outside of that shelter. for her, this campaign has essentially been a coming-of-age journey (talks for e76-77, 14:12). she is deeply sensitive to whether or not she’s respected because she’s aware of how her personality and general lack of experience makes others think she’s naive, immature, or incapable (talks for e79, 31:51).
it’s also incredibly evident that her relationship with artagan is unique. in e105 (1:15:01), jester tells the m9, “he really got me through a lot when i was younger, you know? and he was all i had, really.” he was her best friend from childhood in a home where she spent most of her time hidden in a single room. when she was younger, the few times she left the chateau, she was bullied by other girls (e110, 3:34:59). her best friend, though? her best friend was a god. a god with an incredible sense of humor, an aggrandizing attitude, and adoring respect for a young girl in a difficult situation who had as wonderful a personality as him. in every way that matters, artagan’s friendship undoubtedly saved jester’s life.
and she is so, so aware of this. she cares for him deeply, trusts him unconditionally, and is determined to be there for the one person who had been there for her when no one else was, not even her mother.
the renegotiation of this friendship after artagan revealed his full identity was clearly extraordinarily difficult for jester. she was having to reevaluate her entire relationship with the being that pulled her through a childhood of isolation and misery, question his intentions with her and whether they could even remain friends at all. and this was amidst her arrival at a dangerous island with her other friends to help him clean up his mistakes.
asking her to make a judgment on artagan before she’s ready to do it on her own, while managing some high expectations at the same time—not only is it a lot of pressure, it’s frustrating and painful. jester did not want to judge artagan without giving him his fair due and a proper conversation. knowing that her new friends dislike her old friend, besides being hurt by it, distracted her. she had to both defend him outwardly and interrogate him internally. and if she tried to explain how important artagan is to her, a lot of vulnerability would’ve been necessary when she was trying to be a leader and seem competent and capable, instead of a child who needs patronizing guidance.
this latter point is exceptional. because jester lavorre is so vulnerable when it comes to how much she thinks her loved ones respect her and consider her a valuable, equal, and trustworthy individual. and it’s difficult to feel like you’re being valued and trusted when people are repeatedly questioning you about a person and a relationship that they don’t understand in a way that, despite genuine concern, comes across as them doubting your own judgment of one of the most intimate parts of your life.
in this precise moment in e103, caleb is the only person who acknowledges—to her in person, even—that he doesn't have any place in judging her relationship with artagan. that it’s not what she needs from him or anyone else. that he’s content waiting for her to reach a decision. that he will respect that decision.
and jester can believe him. caleb’s done nothing but remain consistent on this stance. he repeatedly supports her choices to run travelercon, trust artagan, and come to his aid.
when other party members question artagan's legitimacy, caleb is the one who almost always speaks up to support jester (some examples: e61, 30:43 / e77, 49:17 / e95, 1:09:17 and 1:15:24).
he actively and enthusiastically offers his magical talents to her to provide for the event preparations. he has a whole conversation with her in e91 (beginning 1:53:41) where he expresses his immense respect for her and her personality, explicitly validates her faith in artagan, and shows her a tangible example of how he wants to help her during the upcoming travelercon. when she suggests some ideas, despite their arguable silliness, caleb takes them at face value and openly admits his lack of expertise in this area (e91, 1:58:35).
when they first arrive at rumblecusp, he directly reassures jester about the ‘travelercon 3000’ banner she leaves on the wrong beach by mentioning that he can make her a new banner (e101, 48:18). once preparations begin in earnest, caleb expends spells very freely, including ones of higher-level, to produce whatever jester requests.
in e103, he hears out her idea of sleeping underwater and gives it equal consideration in spite of other party members trying to shoot it down. the first time she suggests it (36:23), caduceus comments against it and no other party member acknowledges her except for caleb, who agrees with her quietly while the others move on. the second time jester suggests it (46:08), veth comments against it and caleb steps in to openly agree that it’s a good idea, even after fjord and beau join veth in being dubious.
compare these active, consistent moments of support and validation from caleb to similarly active and consistent examples of the other attitudes that manifest during the rumblecusp arc, in contradiction to people’s apparent claims of trust (one such claim of trust: e95, 1:00:21).
plainly insulting artagan to jester as if it’s a given, such as fjord’s “he’s generally full of shit, right?” (e107, 49:42);
fjord, beau, and caduceus’s conversation about “not ruining jester’s big day,” yet distrusting artagan to the extent of planning to keep her from being alone with him, preparing to attack him should he try to sacrifice 200 people for some speculated unknown ritual and/or hurt jester, and discussing all of this behind jester’s back (e108, beginning 15:41);
caduceus’s said shift to distrust of artagan because of a semi-disturbing conversation that jester was equally a part of (e107, beginning 20:40);
and the discussion right before jester’s commune with artagan where beau questions if artagan sent them to rumblecusp knowing of the memory problems, without regard for their well-being (e103, 29:40).
the unfortunate assumption being made by these party members’ repeated questioning and protectiveness of jester is that she cannot be trusted to have good judgment. despite their familiarity with some of the context of her relationship with artagan (especially after e105), they disregard her repeatedly-expressed support of him. they indirectly disrespect her ability to judge for herself whether someone is dangerous to her or her friends. they don’t acknowledge jester’s own role in creating dubious situations and instead direct all their negative feelings and sense of fault to artagan, minimizing her agency.
the e108 conversation is a dense microcosm of how the party perpetrates these assumptions throughout the rumblecusp arc as a whole. without qualm, they discuss deliberately controlling jester’s time with artagan to ‘protect’ her and their willingness to kill the evil image they’ve constructed of him, and dodge jester directly asking them what they’re talking about—even though it is a known given that the m9 would defend her with their lives with or without any prior discussion. the purpose of holding this conversation isn’t to make sure that jester is safe. like caduceus near-explicitly says, it’s to “feel better knowing” that “anybody else was on board with this” (20:26 and 18:57)—to validate their unacknowledged distrust of jester’s judgment with each other, behind her back.
and as laura has said: jester, with her very high wisdom, tends to know what’s going on even if she acts like she doesn’t (talks for e79, 32:39).
in e103, when jester is crying because she’s found out that artagan did know about the island’s memory problems, caleb doesn’t show any sign of taking this as proof of artagan's ill intent. what he does instead: he offers compassion for her pain with zero judgment. he promises to support her, no matter what she ultimately decides to make of this information. these are offers of safety and trust, ones that jester desperately needed.
then—caleb creates a programmed illusion of the m9’s lives. and it’s beautiful.
in comparison to all the analysis prior, this moment is straightforward. jester is an artist. she paints, draws, and creates, and she loves doing it. moreover, she loves making art for other people. though she doesn’t get many chances to do so, the mural of a flowery meadow that she paints for yasha’s room in the xhorhaus is a perfect example. similarly, she enjoys the art she makes when defacing other people’s property—altered signage or statue of the platinum dragon painted in rainbow—in part because they’re gifts to the traveler. she loves making those she loves happy.
happiness and love to jester is overwhelmingly about emotional intimacy. i’ve talked about this to some degree in a previous post about jester’s jealousy. please refer there for in-depth explanation. in brief, though, she puts value on how deeply she knows a person; how often she’s been able to be there for them. this is the love she learned from her mother and from artagan, and how she continues to love once she’s older.
caleb’s arcane rendition of the m9′s lives floating around the inside of the dome is a display of exactly this kind of love. not only is it art crafted from his magic and imagination and love—it’s blatant evidence of how much he cares for every member of the party and where they’ve come from. he remembers their stories and hangs them in the air in hopes that it’ll help them resist the memory erasing. he moves the memory of yasha and zuala in a meadow over to yasha’s pillow-side so she can watch it until she falls asleep. he creates a memory for vilya of her, her husband, and her daughter, listening to and respecting the emotional gravity of what she’s confiding in them.
only a few minutes after jester’s disappointing commune with artagan and her conversation with caleb, she walks into the dome and sees this art. she laughs and stares in wonder at all the memories (e103, 1:46:08). when beau points out the humorous memories of fjord being attacked by turtles so they can all laugh, she tells caleb with equal awe and joy, “wow. this is amazing, caleb” (e103, 1:47:04).
...of course, as lovely and meaningful as these back-to-back moments were for jester, it's not quite evidence of her starting to fall in love with caleb around this time.
that’s where the following episodes come in.
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[id: three screenshots of messages sent in a discord channel by the user “prim” (the op). all are timestamped to friday, august 28, 2020, the day after the live premiere of e107. the first has an additional timestamp of 12:53 PM, the second 1:03 PM, and the third 1:30 PM. they read:
honest to god though i don't know if it's just the shipper brain that is making me think laura is trying to roleplay jester beginning to reciprocate caleb's feelings [...]
like........ the golden dick hunt teasing is definitely on par with jester's past shenanigans, but the compliments have been Catching My Attention bc it's honestly not normal for jester to compliment caleb of her own volition like that, just as a one-on-one "i appreciate you" reassurance
and i'm thinking less about the spells from last night's episode (although how much jester was emphasizing the compliments made me go "awwwww") and more of the moments like jester telling caleb "that was impressive" after getting cad out of the tunnel with beau's help
but laura is absolutely a shipping troll with jester this campaign so i'm here like "I'M MAYBE 80% SURE I'M BEING FUCKED WITH BUT IT MAYBE HOLDS UP????" [...]
basically laura keeps doing things that make the alarm in my brain go off and i don't know if i'm picking up something legit or if i'm projecting my hopes, like the recent pattern of compliments from jester LOL
/end id.]
i’m not going to lie, if i try to list every single receipt like i otherwise prefer to do in these metas, i think we (and especially i) would all lose our minds. so while i’m about to provide a lot of citations, they genuinely are just a few possible examples that will mostly be within the dozen episodes after e103.
the more important detail that can be observed from this is that e103 is a turning point.
prior to e103, jester does not particularly go out of her way to interact with caleb. by and large, most of their direct interactions are either initiated by caleb or prompted by the context of a general party conversation. the majority of other moments that could be referred to as ‘widojest’ are of caleb’s evident feelings. beyond early campaign days, jester rarely teases caleb about sexual topics while insinuating things about her own sexual life at the same time.
after e103, laura and jester begin to go out of their way to interact with and intertwine jester’s time with caleb.
the rate of jester’s compliments and enthusiastic gratitude to caleb skyrocket (some examples: e104, 30:36 / e107, 16:49 and 1:11:28 and 1:12:15 and 3:10:39 / e110, 15:58 and 3:37:24 / e111, 36:15 and 38:41 and 50:58);
several mature jokes/flirtations she makes involve both caleb and herself (examples: e107, 1:16:17 / e110, 1:18:07 / e115, 1:52:53);
she deliberately and specifically engages caleb in full-blown interactions, such as the conversations during the tour of her childhood bedroom (e110, beginning 1:11:38), hanging out with him on the icebreaker ship (e112, beginning 3:45:29), and the reading of der katzenprinz (e115, beginning 1:52:43);
as well as the expansion of more extended ‘conversations’ like their motif of dancing (e108, 13:39 / e109, 2:54:14), their parental relationships (e110, 20:44 and 3:38:41 / e115′s der katzenprinz / e121, beginning 1:52:12), and polymorph shenanigans (examples: e107, beginning 2:58:41 / e117, beginning 1:13:55 / e118, 43:57).
thrown in are additional background details that further tie jester to caleb, such as her determination to recover caleb’s amulet after their defeat of vokodo (e106, 25:33), the knowing comments on his purchasing of paper (e109, 22:32 / e111, 1:25:49), her deliberate choice to ride whaleb during the avantika chase (e113, 2:32:28), her retrieval of caleb’s coat when he’s attempting to remove the necromantic emerald (e115, 1:30:56), and her deliberate reference to der katzenprinz to iver (e120, 3:05:14);
and simply everything about the tower. it’s another example of the art and creativity caleb produces with his magic to make his loved ones happy, which jester acknowledges at least twice (refer to the e111 compliments). contrarily, jester also makes note of the signs that this tower shows less love to caleb than she thinks he deserves, in keeping with her value of emotional intimacy (e115’s der katzenprinz / e122’s floor 8, room 1).
the reading of der katzenprinz in e115 is arguably the pinnacle of these examples. it’s intentionally initiated by jester. she both takes the step to visit caleb's room and indirectly requests him to read the story to her. laura’s implication that she remembered this subplot because of beau’s reading of a very romantic letter from yasha is particularly suggestive. the story itself incorporates many similar characters and themes that are present in jester’s backstory: the lonely, sheltered boy and his single working mom as jester and marion; the dubious cat prince who ultimately gives the boy freedom and confidence as artagan; and the deep love between the boy and his mother because of how they only have each other, which compels a powerful being to have compassion and thus set the boy free so that they can be together. very similar to both jester’s depth of relationship with her mother and her pleas on artagan’s behalf to the moonweaver’s celestial servant.
and the post-story conversation—caleb’s confiding of its importance to him because of his mother. jester’s open willingness to compare the cat prince to artagan, knowing that caleb respects their friendship and has treated artagan fairly. jester’s lingering, repeated looks toward caleb while smiling and holding her copy of der katzenprinz to her heart.
with all this dramatic expansion of the emotional and thematic intimacy between jester and caleb beginning to roll down the hill after e103—in brilliant contrast to their more muted, less reciprocal dynamic before this episode—e103 is more than likely the turning point of jester’s feelings. and based on the events and context, it was caused by the combined emotional appeal of caleb’s offer of unconditional support and his display of love for his family in the programmed illusion of memories.
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the-storming-sea · 2 years
i dont go here but give me your wrightquill hcs
oh my god a wrightquill ask?? **starts violently shaking my raft**
Because AA5 kinda erases AA4 Phoenix's character we are just. not acknowledging it. Instead we get a lawyer with AA4 Phoenix's personality bc that makes sense in my head, which intrigues Simon bc this Phoenix Wright is not the Phoenix Wright he heard about from his law classes
pulling in my own au here where the first time Phoenix meets Simon is actually during the 7 year gap as a favor to Miles. Phoenix was instructed to study Simon and see if he was a trustworthy man. while he still did not understand Simon after that, he's pretty convinced that Simon wasn't a murderer after that
he keeps coming back to play poker with Simon after that, whenever Kristoph starts getting under his skin. Simon can't complain – it gets lonely as fuck in jail – but he is a little confused
unfortunately they bond. its what happens when you both have overwhelming feelings of guilt revolving around protecting your weird little girl while being blamed for the law world absolutely going to shit
They also bond over the mortifying ordeal of caring about someone who wasn't who they said they were and said person also trying to kill them at some point, bc thats an oddly hyperspecific situation they can both relate to
they will occasionally play poker together on terrible evil days when they want to exist as their worst selves
Anyways after Simon's exonerated and he's had his mental breakdown, Phoenix is the most helpful in bringing Simon back to semi-normal life (along with Athena) because Phoenix knows what it's like to be forced to get back to normalcy after living approx. seven years on the edge
indulging in my asian-american nature for a moment. Simon is half Japanese while Phoenix is completely Japanese but is a immigrated to America at a very young age and is not in touch with his culture at ALL. He thought he didn't care about his culture until he started talking with Simon and then he realized that unfortunately he cares A Lot. So Simon gets to infodump on him while Phoenix gets to learn
The first time one of them kisses the other, Phoenix kisses Simon's cheek in front of the rest of the WAA and then just LEAVES, turning off his phone, and subjecting Simon to the WAA's questioning like the smug bastard he is
both Simon and Taka are big fans of the stubble
Simon makes a lot of bird jokes/phoenix jokes at Phoenix's expense bc you know. birds. jokes on Simon, they forgot to inform him that Phoenix is a dad pun menace
As is customary for every person Phoenix dates/is friends with, Simon loves the Steel Samurai and watches it religiously with Miles, Maya, and Trucy at Phoenix's apartment. Phoenix will never escape the Steel Samurai. half of his apartment is covered with Steel Samurai Merch.
They're some of the only people who can handle each other's sense of deadpan morbid humor (aside from Ema ofc). Hearing them joke around is kind of terrifying for anyone involved
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Okay I brought this up on @rainydaydecaf‘s post but I haven’t seen anyone else with this theory so here goes:
Taliesin intended for Molly to die often and develop a different personality each time he was revived.
In previous interviews he said he wanted a character that was a blank slate with no notion of his past, only what was fun and interesting at the moment. Matt even fucking said “Your eyes open for the first time.” The two of them had a long talk about Molly before campaign two started. That’d be all well and fine, except Molly didn’t have a lot of backstory that would need to be woven into Matt’s worldbuilding. But Tal would have had to clear the mechanic of “I basically get a new character with the same face every time I die” with the DM for obvious reasons.
It’s like playing a video game with no memory stick; you play through, learn the mechanics, get a basic understanding of the plot, but if you mess up there’s no save file and you start over empty. The newly awoken Tealeaf was in a semi-catatonic dream state with lingering memories from his previous life which told him “These people are trustworthy, the angel likes flowers, the wizard is hot, and food is the best thing ever.” Greater Restoration essentially snapped him out of a walking coma. If they had taught him to be Mollymauk again over the course of a few weeks without Restoring him, maybe that would have worked. Or maybe he would have struggled against his old identity as a new personality tried to grow in its place. It’d be like visiting relatives you haven’t seen in years and giving your cousin a plush dinosaur because that’s what they were into last you checked but they smile awkwardly and say “Oh I got bored with that, I’m into astronomy now.”
At the end of episode 140, Taliesin said he was going to get to do stuff with Molly he hadn’t been able to before. And then he promptly chucked Molly out the window as soon as Jester popped that bubble. This was Taliesin’s plan all along. He wanted to see how his friends would react to a character that kept dying due to his magic abilities that slowly killed him when he used them and any time they brought him back he wouldn’t remember them. It would have been such an interesting character trait to explore.
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greensaplinggrace · 4 years
Castlevania Fanfiction Recommendations
Wellspring (Complete) Trephacard
Wellspring (n): Where something begins. 
Trevor’s been throwing rocks and coins and shit into wells for most of his life, without any expectation of getting wishes granted or anything stupid like that. All he really wants is to know there's something down there.
Baba (Complete) Trephacard
Deep in the wilds, mysterious things wander through the lands on mysterious trails. Dracula isn't the only legend that walks their earth.
In stumbling across an abandoned village that seems too good to be true, Trevor stumbles across himself, too. Lucky for him and the lives of the countrymen riding on his success, Alucard and Sypha are there to pick him up.
Every Horse Movie (Epilogue) (Complete) Trephacard
Trevor basks in his Horse Victory, then inadvertently gets caught up in another person's in-progress movie. 
Walpurgisnacht (Complete) Trephacard
Two cold and lonely travellers take refuge in a mysterious castle... a castle which contains AT LEAST 0.5 vampires. And then they get snowed in.
Flirtation ensues.
Moon River (Complete) Trephacard
Trevor falls into a river.
Which normally, you know, wouldn't be so bad for the monster hunter, except it's the middle of the night. In winter. And instead of falling he may have been pushed in by an enemy vampire
.......yeah, this might be bad
Ten Second Tidy (Incomplete - 12/13) Trephacard
After everything, there is the cleanup. 
Understandings (Complete) Trephacard
Trevor had thought he'd understood, what the three of them meant to each other, what they were becoming. Or he'd hoped. 
Whiter Fang (Incomplete - 9/10) Trevorcard
Trevor finds an injured wolf in the woods. He can’t just... leave it.
Or: The timeline in which Trevor and Sypha find an empty coffin under Gresit but wind up meeting Alucard anyway.
an evening’s rest (Complete) Trephacard
“Oh, Trevor,” says Alucard, as he settles into the armchair by the fire, “you’re awake. Good. Sypha and I were just talking about you.”
“You were?” says Trevor, not quite sure whether to be concerned or excited by the prospect. Alucard and Sypha being the way they are, it’s fifty-fifty as to whether this conversation is going to end in spectacularly inventive sex, or with the pair of them giving him the silent treatment until he agrees to actually cut his hair for once, or replace his boots just because half the sole is missing on one of them, or god knows what else. He lives in fear of the day they decide he needs to learn how to darn socks.
Adrian’s Amazing Adventure (Incomplete - 7/9) Trepha
In which Adrian is a brat and way too smart for anyone’s good, Trevor is confused but he’s also too well trained for his own good, Dracula may not be capable of getting a heart attack but that doesn’t stop him from trying, Sypha swears she is the only one with a functioning brain around here, and Lisa schemes like a proper Lady of the Night.
Or: Adrian activates his father’s transmission mirror, ends up in unfamilliar woods and adopts a hunter. Everyone else just has to deal with it.
Blind Date with a Belmont (Complete) Trevorcard
If there was one constant in Adrian's life, it was this: Belmonts could never be trusted.
It'd been twelve years since they'd abruptly stopped hunting Adrian's family. His parents had never explained why the pact was formed, but after more than a decade of peace, Adrian finally learned to stop looking over his shoulder. Life in a small town, working in his mother's bookstore, was quiet and simple, if sometimes a bit dull.
Then a new Belmont entered the picture: less threatening than he should be, with dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a baffling interest in Adrian's newly proposed Blind Date with a Book display.
From birth, Adrian had been taught to fear the Belmonts. Somehow, this one was different.
We’ll Have Ourselves a Merry Christmas, One Way or Another (Complete) Trephacard
Adrian is feeling down about the holidays after having a fight with his father about his relationship with Trevor and Sypha. His partners are supportive in their own ways and Lisa Tepes talks some sense into her husband behind the scenes. 
dirty paws (Complete) Trevorcard
Trevor befriends a wolf. 
Honorary Family (Complete) Trevorcard
Trevor is only twelve when his family and home are burned and taken away from him, a month on his own in the wilderness is harder than it sounds when a kid is in that mindset. One desperate night he plans to steal some food and medicine from a home and ends up intervening when Lisa is being threatened by the church and saves her life but is taken in her place.
After almost being burned himself Trevor wakes up in the famous Dracula castle being taken care of, he bonds with Lisa quickly but has a harder time learning to trust Dracula and Adrian due to his upbringing. Or in which Trevor saves Lisa and ends up being semi-adopted by the Tepes family, he and Adrian have an odd relationship. They get at each other's throats but are also partners in crime a lot of the time. It might take Trevor a while to figure out what exactly this feeling is that isn't quite brothership but is definitely more than just friends.
Righting Wrongs (Complete) Trevorcard 
Trevor stumbles through the area of Târgoviște, right in time to witness Lisa being accused of witchcraft. He doesn't take kindly to that. And the Țepeș family does not forget their debts. 
A Parental Predicament (Complete) Trevorcard
Adrian is bringing home his boyfriend to meet his parents. There's just one tiny problem: his boyfriend is a descendant of a notorious monster-hunting family, and his father is Dracula.
It goes about as well as you would expect.
end of sanctuary (Complete) Trephacard
With the help of psychological magic, Trevor and Sypha enter into Alucard's dream world in order to help him confront his trauma, guilt, and other personal demons while also reevaluating their own relationship to him. 
The Threat of Explosion (Complete) Isaac/Hector
Isaac acts decisively to keep Hector from siding with Carmilla.
A.K.A. The seduction of Hector or Isaac thinks Hector deserves nice things.
Good Gloaming (Complete) Isaac/Hector
“Ah,” Isaac sighs when they first meet. “You’re the other Forgemaster.”
He says “other” the way most people say “pig shit,” but Hector’s tired from traveling and he doesn’t really think much about it until he’s gotten lost for the third time in an hour, in the same wing of the castle—following the directions that Isaac gave him.
In Memoriam (Complete) Gen & Trephacard
Trevor Belmont's family died when he was 12. He's spent quite a lot of time running from it since then. Lying to himself.
“But you know that the word Teloch means of death, right?”
Maybe, maybe it's time to stop.
Deliverance (Incomplete - 35/?) Trephacard
Adrian is beginning to think that Wallachia will be a smoking pile of ash long before he, Trevor, and Sypha can stop Dracula’s war on humanity. They’ve been chasing the castle for months, but each time they get close, it vanishes. Traveling with such genuine and trustworthy allies has been unexpectedly pleasant; Adrian doesn’t mind that Trevor and Sypha are involved with each other, but he is taken entirely by surprise when they open their relationship to him one evening.
Hopelessly in over his head, his heart keeps urging him forward, even when he’s forced to confront the darkest aspects of his nature. Adrian must learn to swallow his pride and let himself be vulnerable if he wants a chance at happiness. Unfortunately, there isn’t much time for looking within when the world is drenched in blood and magic, and the path to victory may destroy him completely. 
With Broken Words I’ve Tried To Say (Complete) Trevorcard
In which Alucard sends a letter to Sypha, but ends up corresponding with Trevor instead. 
The Shops On Morning Street (Complete) Trevorcard
Trevor Belmont, former monster hunter and current florist, is tasked with looking into the proprietor of the new tattoo parlor across the street, much to his annoyance.
What he finds is Adrian Ţepeş, current half-vampire, current tattoo artist, and a whole lot more than Trevor bargained for.
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honeypirate · 3 years
Kuroo’s fingers connect with your eyebrow as he pushes your hair from your face. A small action he’s maybe done a thousand times in your life but only now are you aware of the fireworks his fingers leave on your skin.
He’s talking nonstop about this volleyball game coming up and if it had been yesterday you would have been sucked into his story and paying attention to what he was saying.
But it was today, not yesterday. It’s today that you’re enamored by the sweat lining his forehead from his practice. Distracted by the sparkle in his eye and the way his eyes watch as you bite your bottom lip. Fuck what was he saying?
What made today different than any other was a little birdy told you a secret that wasn’t his to tell.
Kenma has told you how Kuroo felt about you. Leading you to realize just how deep your feelings ran, a depth you had been ignoring for years.
And now you can’t stop watching him and thinking about what it would be like to kiss him.
“Are you listening to me?” He asks with his eye brows raised and you feel your cheeks heat up under his gaze. “I uhm might have missed just a little” you admit and nervously rock on your toes.
“What’s on your mind?” He asks, his facial expression was soft and you could see in his eyes how much he would help if he could
“My mind is just really distracted today. Much to think about” you say with a laugh and he smiles
“Like what?” He asks and leans down a little
“Liiike” you look around the empty gym, everyone save for you guys had packed their stuff up and left.
“homework, volleyball, you, what I’m making for lunch tomorrow, my big project, my sisters wedding,” he laughs and cuts you off with a confused shake of the head and eyebrows furrowed “what was that?”
“My sisters..”
“No before that”
“Oh my big project! It’s about the..”
“Not that either but I am interested so remember to tell me about it”
“My lunch?” You ask, knowing exactly what you’re doing and what you’re avoiding
“Stop moving around it. you and I know what you said pretty girl” he says and brushes your cheek with his fingertips, moving in closer to you and resting his other hand just below your ribs
“You” you whispered as your heart raced in your chest “me?” He asks and his hand continues to brush up and down your cheek, soft and slow, sending tingles throughout your body.
“Why would you be distracted thinking about me?”
“Because I like you” you whisper breathlessly and his hand stops against your cheek
“And Kenma might have told me you liked me. So now I cant stop thinking about you even more. And god do you have to be so nice to look at? I feel like I’m being so creepy but I can’t stop staring because you’re just so amazing! You’re amazing at volleyball, good to your friends, you’re smart, kind, honest, giving, trustworthy. every time I look at you you’re doing something nice for someone else and I just - my heart!”
He laughs and his hand rests against your neck “I’m gonna have to have a talk with Kenma but I’ll do that later” he says and smiles softly, bringing his other hand up to hold your chin and keep you looking up at him as he takes a step closer.
You can feel his hands shake against your skin, his nerves finding their way out of his body even though he was acting confident.
“Since he’s already ousted my secret. Can I still tell you my confession?” His voice was just above a whisper, like he was afraid to talk any louder and ruin the moment.
“Please” you whisper back, raising your hands to slide up his chest to rest on his shoulders as you took the last step towards him
“F/n l/n” he starts and you chuckle softly, you felt so much happiness it had no where to go except for out, “I’ve known you since birth. You’ve been my oldest friend and closest confidant for the last many years. I only started to realize how I felt for you when you became our manager. I don’t know what it was about seeing you be the confident, commanding, person I knew you were but it changed everything.”
“You went from being my childhood friend, someone who I only saw as a kid sibling, to being the only one I think about. You’re so beautiful and kind, the way you interact with your peers shows how loving you are and how open your heart is. I find myself wanting to talk to you every second of the day, I want to take care of you, to hold you and help you. I find myself saving my jokes until I can tell them to you, looking for you when something cool happens, watching to see if you need anything. You’ve always seen me even when I try to hide my feelings. You always know what I’m thinking and without trying you raise my spirits. I’m.. im in love with you”
Your breath hitches. Your heart that seemed to be stopped that entire time suddenly raced to life. Your eyes burn like you might cry and your hands are gripping his shoulder tight. “I.. I..”
He smiles and moves his hands to cup both of your cheeks “you don’t have to say it back. Don’t feel pressure. I just wanted you to kn-“ you shake your head and reach up, cupping his cheeks as you stand on your toes and brush your lips against his.
You go to lean back, your toes hurting, but his arms wrap around your back and support you against him. His body was still warm from his practice and he smelled like sweat and his deodorant. You sigh out your nose as you bury your fingers in his soft, still semi damp from sweat, hair. not that you minded the sweat, you thought it was kind of hot since you knew how hard he plays.
When you eventually pull back and look up at him, you’re speechless for a moment as you take him in. from his kiss swollen lips, his love blown eyes, and messy hair. It was undoubtable ...
“I love you too, Kuroo”
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five-rivers · 3 years
Pep Talks 12
I think this might be the longest chapter of Pep Talks so far...
When Clockwork first took Danny on as an apprentice, he’d laid out some ground rules for when he unexpectedly found himself in an unknown timeline. As Apprentice of Time, Danny was more likely to attract anomalies like natural portals and the like, and when that was combined with his innate bad luck regarding portals, well… winding up in weird places wasn’t quite a weekly occurrence, but saying it was wouldn’t have been a huge exaggeration.
That’s all to say, Danny appreciated the rules. He didn’t want to wind up never having been born again, or, worse, making it so that one of his friends had never been born. Or causing an apocalypse. Or wrecking the future. Or—
There were just a lot of problems that he could, and had, caused.
If Clockwork were able to pick Danny up right away every time, most of the rules probably would have been unnecessary. But he wasn’t. Mostly because of physics-shaped problems involving paradoxes and how too many time portals in the same general area could screw things up, but also because of Observant- and politics-shaped problems. And, Clockwork had admitted to Danny, sometime Clockwork left him somewhere because he was supposed to be there.
The first rule was to lay low. Avoid people when possible, except to acquire basic necessities. Avoid major events, crowds, protests, and cameras. Avoid important-looking buildings.
Do not offer help unless asked first, or unless the person is a ghost. There was, evidently, a loophole that made it okay for Danny to interact with ghosts even in places where it wasn’t okay for him to do the same to humans. Clockwork had said ghosts fell under Danny’s ‘jurisdiction,’ a term that seemed just a bit too weighty with meaning for Danny. As for being allowed to help when asked… Well, Clockwork knew that Danny was incapable of not helping. Although he did ask that Danny be subtle and indirect about it.
He was also not supposed to fight anyone unless he himself was directly attacked, for similar reasons.
The fourth rule was to stay within the accepted rules of the world he found himself in, where possible. In other words, if people generally didn’t believe in ghosts or the supernatural, don’t challenge that belief by using his powers in public, but if superpowers were common, it was okay to use them.
The fifth was that, if he found himself in the past, leave civilized areas. With the threat of unpersoning himself hanging over his head, Danny took that one very seriously.
The sixth, the one that made Danny feel like a little kid despite his real age, was, if the previous rule didn’t apply, try to stay in the same general area he first found himself in.
There were others, of course, and special ones for special circumstances. For example, if he was captured by law enforcement, or injured, or actively in danger, or if he didn’t know what time period he was in. Different sets of rules prevailed if he was actually on a mission.
Clockwork had also told him that the rules no loner applied if it took him more than two weeks to find Danny. That, if he’d been waiting for that long, something had gone wrong, or Clockwork was unable to find him or pull him out.
It had been just under half that time, and Danny was starting to get worried. More worried.
He pulled his legs up, closer to himself. He didn’t need to conserve warmth, being what he was, but the action was comforting and the abandoned warehouse he was in was weird and creepy.
This whole timeline was weird and creepy. Also, semi-apocalyptic. They were going through some serious societal upheaval. Danny wasn’t entirely sure why, having only been here for six days, but he was pretty sure it had to do with the nascent ghosts partially overshadowing people and giving them power.
At least, that’s what it felt like. Danny wasn’t sure. The next nearest thing to this he’d ever encountered was a warlock, and that had been just one person. Ghosts were under his jurisdiction, but, like the warlock, the people with powers here didn’t quite feel like ghosts, and he wasn’t sure how trustworthy news sources saying that metahumans were all soulless degenerates were…
Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to find out. Hopefully, Clockwork would pick him up before another week went by.
He didn’t think the government here could actually catch him, but some of the things they apparently did to metahumans made his core ache. It was a very X-Men-like situation. Except, well, set in Japan.
Why Japan?
But! Eight more days. Tops. Clockwork would get him.
Before he’d finished the thought, something blew the door of the warehouse in and a ropelike appendage hurtled towards Danny’s corner.
He reacted. Rules were, if someone attacked him, he could respond in kind, and if superpowers were common knowledge, he could use his.
There were at least a dozen of them, all of them displaying an eclectic array of superpowers, some reminiscent of Danny’s ghostly enemies, others entirely novel to him. A fair few also had guns. One man even used multiple powers. Needless to say, the battle was incredibly one sided.
In Danny’s favor.
Hey, he’d been doing this for years, and he was very comfortable with his abilities. Most of these guys weren’t. Most. The multiple-power guy had been challenging.
Danny examined his captives. He should probably just knock them out, then go find a new hideout somewhere else, but he wanted to know why he was attacked, first.
“So,” he said, deciding that the curly-haired man with multiple powers was probably the leader, given the way the battle had been structured, “why did you and your goons attack me?”
“I heard you were like me,” growled the man, attempting to escape Danny’s telekinetic hold. “I’m looking for a power that can help my brother.”
Danny twitched slightly at the word help. “What do you mean, like you?”
“You can take powers, too,” said the man, staring up at Danny with desperate, hungry, red eyes.
Danny blinked, frowned. “You thought I could help you, or your brother, so you attacked me?” His frown became deeper. “Or did you attack me to, what, steal my powers?”
The man squirmed.
It was. That was such a ridiculous villain cliché, although the brother thing was a twist. People could get desperate about their families and do terrible things.
Including Danny. As had been proven many, many times.
His heart and stance both softened. This counted as a request for help, right? And the guy was sort of ghostly. On the other hand… Transplanting whatever it was giving these people powers willy-nilly couldn’t be healthy, especially if it was related to ghosts.
(Multiple ghosts in one body… It reminded him of his dark future self, which was never good.)
“Okay,” he said, dragging a hand down his face. “Alright. What exactly does your brother need help with?”
The man clearly hadn’t expected Danny to ask this question. “He’s sick,” he said. His eyes gleamed at the edge of tears. “His body is tearing itself apart, DNA molecule by DNA molecule. If I could just find the right ability, I could save him,” the man’s voice broke, “I knowit.”
Molecule by molecule, huh?
Actually… that was something Danny could help with. Crud. People had powers here, right? He was being asked for help, wasn’t he? He was staying within the rules. Especially seeing as these guys were like warlocks. He was only doing warlock stuff.
“If I help you with this—if,” he stressed when the man perked up. “If I help you with this, I need two things from you. Well, three, really. Actually, no, four.”
“Name them,” declared the man.
“Yeah, I was about to,” said Danny. “Anyway, first, you need to ask your brother if he wants this. If he doesn’t, you have to come back here and return it. Asap. As in, tomorrow.” He was pretty sure he could get Clockwork to give him a day, even if he came to pick Danny up right now.
“Those are your first two conditions, then?”
Danny nodded. “Yeah. Third one is, you have to stop taking powers from people who don’t give you permission. The end of that road isn’t pretty.” At least, he was pretty sure it wasn’t. All those little maybe-ghosts, slammed together… Even if it didn’t have any immediate effect on this guy’s personality, the resulting ghost could wind up possessing him. If the ghost vaguely wanted to go with him, that might change things. Maybe. At least, it’d slow things down.
If this worked the way he thought it did.
The man scowled. “And you know this, how?”
Danny rolled his eyes. “Look, you’rethe one who said I was like you, not me. Too much of these powers can mess you up.”
“If the number is the problem, it shouldn’t matter how I take them.”
“Do you ever get bad dreams?”
The man stilled completely. “What do you know about that?”
Danny shrugged. “Enough,” he said. “Do you want to be overwhelmed by your powers? Do you want to explode? It could happen.” Actually, Danny had no idea if it could happen or not. But it sounded good. “More importantly, do you want to help your brother or not?”
“Of course I do!”
“Great!” said Danny, clapping his hands together. “Let’s finish this up somewhere privately, okay?” He grabbed the man’s shoulder and phased them through the floor into the basement, which he lit with a ball of ectoplasm. “Okay,” he said. “Fourth thing.”
The man was staring at the ectoplasm with undisguised curiosity. “What is it? Money? A new identity? Passage out of the country?”
“Uh, no,” said Danny. What would he do with any of that, after all? “I need to know the full story behind you and your brother.”
“What? Why? Don’t you know enough?”
“So that I can be sure that I can help, first off. Also, the way I’d be doing it involved me giving you something rather personal, so…” He trailed off with a gesture that indicated he expected the man to talk.
He sighed. “My name is Shigaraki Hisashi. My brother’s name is Kazuki, and he’s been sick since we were children…”
Danny let him give a summary of his life up until this point. He had the vague feeling that he wasn’t being told everything of importance, but, then, not everything about a person’s life could be condensed into an hour or so of storytelling.
Apparently Hisashi had basically raised Kazuki, and once Hisashi’s meta power had come in as a young adult, they’d been completely abandoned by their parents. Hisashi had put together a group of freedom fighters (Danny skeptically recalled the guns, but also forced himself to remember the hints that there might be something like concentration camps for power users) to defend himself, his brother, and others with power. But Kazuki’s illness made him incredibly vulnerable, and as he was Hisashi’s one major weakness…
The feeling that he was living through an ‘X-Men Japan’ comic intensified. He felt so sorry for this guy. Danny knew what this kind of life was like.
“Alright,” he said, softly, finally, “I can help. And, this probably doesn’t mean anything coming from me, but that better world you were talking about? Where people with powers and people without can coexist? I think you’ll be able to make it happen. Just don’t let anyone stop you.”
“I don’t intend to.”
Danny nodded. “I can give you something to help your brother. A power,” he clarified. “But I need you to know, it could change him.”
“Change him?”
“His personality.”
“You were saying something about that before. Forgive me if I don’t agree with you. These powers are tools.”
“Okay, sure, but even just having more options can influence how a person behaves. Just warn him before you give it to him, okay?”
“Of course. I’m a man of my word, after all.”
“Right,” said Danny. “Give me your hand.”
“A handshake?” asked Hisashi.
“Not exactly.”
Danny let a minuscule, almost microscopic, piece of his core break free from the whole. It hurt like a knife to the chest, and some of his physical and mental abilities would be impaired for a while, but he had done it before, and it would heal before long. A fragment this size would give a power on par with those he’d seen so far in this world. It would also grow, of course, but it was unlikely for any human to live long enough for that to become a problem.
He let it pass into Hisashi, and the man shivered.
“That should strengthen his body without being too much of a burden on him,” said Danny.
“What kind of power is it?” asked Hisashi, reclaiming his hand and flexing his fingers.
“Uh,” said Danny, casting about for something vague that would fit. “A gradual stockpile of power. That enhances the user’s body.” That should be close enough. “Remember, ask first.”
“I will, I will,” assured Hisashi one more time. “And you can be sure I’ll be returning regardless, to thank you.”
“Uh huh.”
It took a while for Hisashi and his men to clear out. Longer still for Danny to find a new place to sleep. But he did.
He woke to a time medallion around his neck and Clockwork’s exasperated expression. “Daniel,” he said, “what did you do?”
Toshinori and Izuku stared at Danny with open mouths.
“You’re the original stockpile user?” yelled Izuku, pointing.
Danny smiled sheepishly. “Surprise?”
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
AIUI, Burbank is even more a question mark than The Shadow is; we don't know if that's a personal name, surname, or nickname, we no nothing of his past, his personal life, or even (again, AIUI) his personality. Is that something that should be kept in adaptations, or ought he be developed more?
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The thing about developing a mystery is that you still need to have something in place to purposefully obscure or slowly reveal. You still need to give your audience tidbits and information here and there that makes them want to learn more and find out what the answer is, even if they know it's never really happening, even if the answer couldn't possibly live up to the hype.
Twin Peaks was able to delay the mystery of Laura Palmer's murder for an entire season and more partially because Laura Palmer had such an rich, troubled inner life and turmoil, that we could gradually receive snippets of information regarding it every episode and still not know the whole story, so much so that, even after we learned who did it, there were still many, many stories to be told within Laura Palmer's life and the city. This holds true for The Shadow, and it holds true for Burbank.
Gibson successfully created intrigue regarding Burbank because, not only was Burbank a crucially important figure in The Shadow's organization and therefore someone we'd want to know more about, but because everytime Burbank showed up to play a substantial role, you could gleam something new about him. Burbank is a great example of staging in The Shadow pulps because his scenes are often written as if we were watching a movie where the head of our main character keeps being blocked from view, until it's revealed, and it doesn't really help us understand him much better than before, even though we've come to learn more about what he acts and looks like.
In fact, The Shadow even seems to be aware of this, such as in the scene below when the narration goes to great lenghts to obscure Burbank's face, even in a scene when there is literally no one around but Burbank and The Shadow. Why go through this much trouble to obscure Burbank from no one but the reader? Why not just refrain from describing what he looks like instead of making sure we can't even imagine what he looks like in our heads in the scene? What's the mystery over what's ostensibly just an average quiet-faced man? And so Burbank doesn't become just a mystery, but a tantalizing one.
The fellow's back was toward the light; since the elevator was dark, it was impossible to distinguish his features. When he helped The Shadow carry the boxes to an open apartment, the bulky objects came in front of the man's face. Since the apartment was dark, too, the features of this silent companion remained as concealed as The Shadow's own.
The fact pleased The Shadow. The less people who saw Burbank, the better - Voice of Death
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For example, we do know where Burbank's name comes from, and potentially his first name. In both “The Shadow Laughs” and “The Case Of Congressman Coyd,” Burbank is referred to as “Mr. Burbank,” which indicates it's a last name. In The Death Giver, Burbank hands Harry a business card
At three fifteen, the stenographer entered and tendered Harry a card. It bore the name:
A later story specifically namedrops famous horticulturist Luther Burbank, and according to Will Murray, Walter Gibson did confirm to him personally that Burbank was named after Luther Burbank.
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We know Burbank's main feature is that he's "quiet-faced" with a "soft, even-toned voice", and that characters can recognize Burbank by his voice even when his face is obscured, but his look isn't consistent. His sole appearence in a cover comes from The Lone Tiger, where he seems to be past his fifties and being semi-bald, but it's not how he looks in Edd Cartier's illustration where he's got a hairdo. Both seem to be somewhat based on Dr David Burbank, the New Hampshire dentist who founded the city. He's been said to be at least 40 once, and this in itself is at odds with some descriptions that place Burbank as younger than The Shadow and describe him as "a young man with a solemn look", which is more in line with how he tends to be depicted in comics, particularly the blonde man with the eyepiece designed by Michael Kaluta.
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We know he was officially introduced after Harry Vincent and Claude Fellows, but that apparently he's known The Shadow for quite a while, as he (as Cranston) refers to Burbank as "an old friend" in his introduction (is he an old friend of Cranston as well?). Robert Sampson speculated that the two met in 1924 at a radio station, where as Rick Lai speculates that Burbank may have been recruited in an unrecorded adventure in Rio de Janeiro, mentioned in Gypsy Vengeance, that took place between the first and second novels.
We know that Burbank is at a rather unique position among the agents because he is maybe the most important figure in The Shadow's network, the main keeper of The Shadow's secrets, the one entrusted to run the organization on The Shadow's absence, the only one who can directly reach The Shadow in the Sanctum, and if anyone knows anything about whatever secrets there are in The Shadow's past, it's definitely him, but he's also the one we know the least about as a person, and contrary to the other agents, Burbank is often described in mechanized terms, which gives him a rather inhuman aura somewhat different than that of The Shadow's.
In a sense, Burbank was the mainspring of the machinery that The Shadow used in his warfare against crime.
As contact man, he kept in touch with all the active agents; there were times when he actually ran things, during The Shadow's absence. Tonight was one of those rare occasions when Burbank was needed on active duty.
Nevertheless, the human cogwheel had connected up a switchboard and had a short−wave radio set handy, so that he could continue his contact duties from this empty apartment - Voice of Death
When emergency demanded, Burbank served as he now was serving. Instead of making calls to the deserted sanctum, he was issuing orders in The Shadow's stead. - The Key
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Everytime Burbank gets any sort of spotlight, we learn a little more about him, who he is, what he can't and can do. His methods, what he does to spend the time, some of the things he does for The Shadow outside of communications like planting recording devices in criminal hide-outs and devising or managing electrical devices and The Shadow's advanced technology (even if he doesn't fully understand it).
"Burbank began his own attempt to scale the wall. Ordinarily, his clutches would have been inadequate, and his toe holds were uncertain. But the wire was drawing upward under The Shadow's haul. It gave the needed support whenever Burbank floundered. The Shadow could actually sense his agent's progress by the varying strain upon the wire. At last, Burbank flopped over the roof edge like a landed fish" - Masters of Death
There were remarkable devices here. Burbank understood some of them, but the millionaire alone was familiar with all the equipment - Eyes of The Shadow
“To Burbank, long, lone vigils were nothing. He was not a man of action; he was one of endurance. Prompt, precise and always dependable, Burbank had served The Shadow well.“ - The Key
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During his long hours of duty, he resorted to one methodical habit as he bided away the time. He always had a supply of chewing gum.” - The Killer
Burbank leaned back in his chair. His position was one of patient relaxation. While he awaited new telephone calls, his attitude was one of complete passivity. There was nothing excitable in the make-up of this man who sat with his back toward the light. Yet Burbank was a man of amazing endurance. In place of action, he exercised untiring vigilance. It was this quality that made him a most important factor in the affairs of that amazing personage known as The Shadow - The Killer
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Burbank is, at once, the barrier between the agents (and by extension, us) and The Shadow, as well as the bridge that allows the agents (and us) to find and reach The Shadow.
And I do like it that Burbank's specifically said to not be cut for action, that he's not really a fighter or a marksman or even a super tech genius, on paper he's really just a guy who sits in a chair all day fiddling with radio equipment. But he is still cool and impressive by the standards of what matters most in The Shadow's world. He's patient and resourceful and vigilant and clever and trustworthy, and he's someone that The Shadow trusts more so than anyone else.
There was no sound of the door closing; no sound, indeed, to indicate that any person had moved in that direction. Yet Burbank knew, from experience, that his master, The Shadow, had departed, after giving him the sign that his vigil was ended.
Such word usually came from The Shadow’s sanctum. Tonight, being in the vicinity of Burbank’s present station, The Shadow had preferred to give his faithful agent fifteen or twenty minutes of extra respite by visiting him in person
Such was the way of The Shadow. Though none of his trusted operatives had ever seen his undisguised face; though his ways and actions were secret and mysterious to them; they received constant signs of The Shadow’s appreciation of their reliable cooperation - Death Triangle
In Suite 808, a figure was seated in front of the writing table. It was The Shadow, in his guise as Arnaud; Burbank was off duty, asleep in the other room.
The telephone buzzed; The Shadow answered it. He spoke in a quiet, methodical tone, a perfect imitation of Burbank's voice. Harry Vincent reported - The Case of Congressman Coyd
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On one hand, I don't think the "mystery" of Burbank is ever going to be ruined, or should be ruined. But on the other hand, I definitely think there's a lot of room to explore more regarding what exactly is he as a person, as an agent, what kind of roles he plays, what is his connection to The Shadow or what relationship he has with other agents or other people he's meant to be in more direct contact with. I think it's a matter of balance.
There's a lot of room to work with particularly regarding how you could adapt Burbank into adaptations set in different time periods (not necessarily modern day), because with how communication technology had advanced beyond imagination, there's a lot of ways you could adapt or recontextualize Burbank, The Shadow's social network.
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angelanimedesaray · 4 years
Wings in the Dark Chapter 10:  Reparations
AN:  Yaaaaaayyyyy I got this one done.  For some reason I’ve been in a weird spot where I write more on my phone and my focus is better when I write on my phone, but I’m also super vulnerable to typos because AUTOCORRECT and its just harder for me to spot on the smaller screen with the tiny text, so excuse any typos.
Characters:  Levi, Fem!Vampire!Reader, Erwin, Petra, Oluo (Mentioned), Eld (Mentioned)
Pairing:  (Eventual) Levi x Fem!Vampire!Reader
Warnings:  Language.  Ikr, we just got super tame after a wiiild ride.
Word Count:  5124
<----Previous Chapter    Masterlist    Next Chapter---->
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*Levi’s POV*
“I’ll admit, it would have been nice to know ahead of time that you were going to hijack the interrogation like that to antagonize her.”
Levi ignored the pointed jab at his actions down in the dungeons, gaze instead roaming around and taking stock of the people they past in a surveillance instinct too ingrained into his being by now for him to shut it off even going down the street towards a tea shop.
Considering L/N could hear so far out, even when she wasn’t paying attention, Erwin and Levi had decided to leave headquarters entirely to have this conversation.  Which was why they were now headed for a tea shop instead of Erwin’s office to discuss something so confidential.  Or at least their opinions on the situation, not necessarily the information itself.
"Did you at least get what you wanted out of it?" Erwin asked as they took seats at one of the outside tables.
"I did.  Mostly.  You?"
"I was skeptical when you told me, but after that little display of hers, she's clearly not human.  Not anymore."  Erwin leaned back in his seat and appraised Levi, their conversation pausing momentarily as they placed their order with the waitress that came outside to check on them.  Once she went back inside, Erwin continued.  "If you have more questions, why didn't you ask them before we left?"
"It had nothing to do with why we were there.  Personal curiosity. And it didn't seem like the time to ask."
Especially after he'd goaded her like that, making jabs at painful memories for her until she reacted, throwing harsh accusations at her semi-blindly and seeing if anything stuck.  The last thing she would want to do would be to give clarifying details about her past traumas to satiate his curiosity.
Her tale made her origins make more sense, but there were a few details that still weren't so clear to him.
The way she explained it, she was attacked and turned by a vampire the night before--for reasons unknown, he noticed.  She hadn't said why she was turned, or by who.  She'd actually glossed over that part and moved on--and then went home, not knowing what happened to her, thinking she was sick.  Her friend came to visit her, Y/N lost control, attacked and killed her, then fled.  He was sure there were details to make the tale far more gruesome, but this was what he knew for sure without letting his imagination run wild.
But then she'd shown up dead a few days later as well.  That was the part he was trying to figure out.
“Some deaths, okay, fine, I'll come back from it.”
So, she ran away after the initial panic, and then came back solely to fake her death so they wouldn't keep looking for her.
And by fake her death, she went for a...temporary death, something she would come back from.
But why go so far as to let herself be buried?  It was a closed casket funeral, so she could have snuck out before they sealed the casket and no one would have known.  Why wait?
He hadn't forgotten the fear and trauma in her eyes when she'd mentioned being buried alive was one of her deepest fears.  And now the mental image in his mind of a woman clawing desperately at a coffin, screaming for help while no one could hear her had a face to go with it, the face of someone he knew, no less.
It was humanly impossible to break out of a grave and crawl your way out.  But if you had vampire strength, and every time you suffocated from the lack of oxygen or the dirt crushing down on you and maybe even getting into your lungs...then it was possible. So long as you died a few times on the way up.
Shit...something like that had to do some damage to a person.
Not to mention what came after.  Forty years living in the Underground, roughly.  He'd only been down there a little over half the time she had.  And he hadn't spent it like she had--skulking in the shadows killing people because what she was demanded she kill to survive no matter where she was, and she couldn't go above ground not because it was denied to her, but because if she did she would literally die.  Yeah, he'd killed plenty of people in the Underground as well, but far less, and for a reason that was entirely different even if it could be worded the same.  He killed in fights because the Underground was that dangerous, or he was protecting people he cared about.  She had to actively hunt and kill people to...feed.
If she'd been in the Underground before he was even born...he wondered if they had ever crossed paths, and he just didn't remember.
Hell, with her criteria for who she hunted and killed, he was surprised she hadn't killed Kenny in all that time with him Underground.
Or maybe she had, after Kenny left.  It wasn't like Levi would know.  Though he was fairly certain the man had gone topside, which would mean out of her reach and away from her hunting grounds.
If only there was an alternative to her diet.  She’d laid out why it couldn’t be helped, and he understood that, they were good reasons.  But still, if there was another way...
“You're thinking about something rather hard over there, Levi,” Erwin commented, and Levi realized he’d been staring intently at the table and had even failed to notice that the waitress was in the process of delivering their tea.  Erwin was also watching him, though his hands were still in motion, his analytical gaze fixated on Levi’s still form.  Shaken out of his thoughts, Levi leaned back so he wasn’t leaning forward intently anymore, picking up his teacup to start drinking before it got cold.  Erwin waited until the waitress left to continue talking.  “Is it something I should know about her?  Another hunch, maybe?  The last one was mostly right.”
Levi snorted softly at that.  Mostly right his ass.  He’d been thinking murder and treason and assassinations, someone out to get them, someone seeking to harm people in the Scouts.  Ulterior motives and selfishness, malice.
Maybe the murder hadn’t been that far off, considering her body count, if he did the math right in his head.  And maybe she had been hiding a secret.  Perhaps she was dangerous, but so was Levi.  It didn’t mean she was an enemy.
“No,” he said curtly, putting an end to Erwin thinking Levi might be holding out on him regarding his suspicions after how off they’d both been about this situation.  “Like I said, it doesn't have to do with whether or not she's trustworthy and if she should be in the Scouts.  Just personal curiosity.”
“So you believe her?  About her intentions?” Erwin asked casually before taking a sip from his cup, eyes cast down as he spoke but flickering up to gauge Levi’s reaction once he finished speaking.
Levi eyed him because of the look on his face, but answered nonetheless.  “...I do.  She was sincere down there, some would say too honest.  Most people try to hide the fact they’ve killed hundreds--thousands--of people, or that they could kill the people who didn’t trust them without blinking an eye, but she was upfront about it.  She didn’t have to be.  She’s dangerous, that’s a reality no matter how you look at it, but she’s attempting to channel that into helping instead of just causing damage.”  Levi sighed, setting down his cup.  “I assumed a lot about her intentions and where she came from, and it's going to bite me in the ass.”
And he was probably going to have to put some effort into making amends after all this--especially with how he’d antagonized her down there and clearly crossed a boundary.  Several boundaries, actually.  And now that the moment had passed, the guilt was starting to settle in.  He’d accused her about some harsh stuff, some of which she was sensitive about, given her reactions.  She was the one who had to live with what she was, so he doubted someone going after the very things you might cling to in order to retain your humanity was something anyone would take kindly to.  After she saved his life--even if it had also been her that had almost killed him to begin with--after she protected him from herself and other vampires, even if he wasn’t aware, after she’d gone out of her way to learn from and appease the entire squad, after going through years of training to get where she was now, after putting so much at risk when she could have stayed safely in the shadows, after trying so hard to find a place topside, he’d jabbed at pretty much everything.  Her basic motives, her humanity, her intentions, her personality, everything.
He had a lot of damage control to do moving forward if they were going to keep working together.  He sincerely hoped he’d only damaged the well and hadn’t poisoned the water.  A damaged well he could fix, but a poisoned water supply…
Levi’s gaze narrowed at Erwin as he realized the other man still hadn’t said anything, his suspicions solidifying.
“What about you?  Do you think she’s a risk you’re willing to take?” Levi asked, echoing her words from down in the dungeon Levi had immediately known would catch Erwin’s attention.
“I am a man who likes a good gamble,” Erwin said with a bittersweet smile, resting his cheek on his fist as he considered the situation before them.  “As long as she’s not attacking other Scouts, she’s trying to keep her bloodlust under control, she’s not causing problems for or bringing more danger upon the Scouts...I don’t see why we shouldn’t let her stay.  From the sounds of it, having a vampire willingly join our ranks wanting to use all those abilities to help our cause is a once in a lifetime chance.  She’s offering it on a silver platter.  As long as she can keep herself under control, which she’s been able to do so far, I say we take her up on her offer.”
“And if she can’t?  If something happens and she loses control?” Levi asked, eyebrows raised.  She’d said it herself, she was a threat, there was always a chance something could happen, and that shouldn’t be forgotten.  But what would they do if she did slip up with no sign of being able to correct herself before it got out of hand?
“Then she’ll be our responsibility to take care of,” Erwin said evenly, gazing at Levi in a way that made him believe Levi would be the one to take care of her if she stepped out of line.  He had the best chance, yes, but it would still be risky.  “Hopefully we won’t have to kill her if anything goes wrong, she’s valuable, and it would be a huge setback to lose her vampire abilities...but if it ever comes to that…”
“It won’t be a problem,” Levi said flatly.  He meant that in the matter of conflict of interest, not that killing her if it ever came to that wouldn’t be difficult.
Erwin nodded.  “She stays in the Scouts, then.  I’ll have to factor in all this new information about where best to put her.  She probably shouldn’t be anywhere near medical, for her sanity’s sake.  And Levi?”  Levi fixed him with a stare as if to ask what the hell was up with his change of tone, which Erwin ignored.  “Considering the strangling tension between the two of you down in the dungeon, are you going to ease up now that you have the story--for the most part--or do I need to switch her to a different squad?”
Levi scoffed.  “I’m not going to apologize for being angry about the fact that she kills people, Erwin.”
“It's not like she has much of a choice, from the sound of it.  And she’s doing rather well, given her situation.  A lot of thought had to have gone into coming topside and joining the Scouts, how to pull it off.  She was ready with those questions, and considering she wasn’t planning on us figuring out what she was, that means she already went over those questions herself.  She’s going with what she believes to be the best route, and considering she’s more of an expert on the subject than we’ll probably ever be…”
Levi waved him off--he didn’t need this explanation, he already knew this.  She wasn’t going to prey on innocent people, she couldn’t afford to downgrade her diet too much considering she needed to be in peak health and control fighting in the Scouts, and she couldn’t just stop unless she wanted to die a slow and agonizing death.
Starvation over decades, maybe even centuries…
Regular starvation was bad enough, he knew that from personal experience.  He couldn’t imagine going out like that--he wouldn’t wish that on anyone.  Especially self-inflicted.
Levi’s gaze wandered to the few people in the street, moving idly from one person to the next, not really paying them any attention beyond basic people watching as he brought himself to his decision.
While he understood her position, that didn’t mean he was entirely comfortable with it.  But was he willing to try and make this work, to keep her on his squad--this time as his decision, not a decision Erwin made in the name of surveillance--and see if things could still work out despite the mess this entire ordeal had turned into that almost ended in his death.
Was it a damaged well, or poisoned water?
Was he going to cut his losses, or try to fix this?
“...Don’t put her on another squad,” he finally told Erwin.  “She’ll still have her skills put to the best use with my Squad.  I’ll figure out how to deal with...everything.”
He was going to try and make this work, despite the current friction between them.
The only question now, was how?
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Erwin was the one to tell L/N that she was staying in the Scouts, of course, and by extension he was also the one to tell her she'd remain on Levi's squad, and that it was Levi's job to keep an eye on her and make sure she stayed in line.  As for Levi, it was back to business as usual while Erwin handled speaking with L/N.
And two days later, Levi abruptly decided that everyone was going to do a deep clean of HQ, assigning everyone at least one room, with L/N having two considering how fast and how well she cleaned, and himself having three so that he had plenty of time to think while he was cleaning.
Now that his concerns about betrayal and deceit had been assuaged, he could finally allow the softer sides of her he’d glimpsed to settle in his mind, too.  Between the darker side he now had a better picture of and the person he’d been seeing since she joined the Scouts, he could finally form a more complete picture of the new person on his squad and start to decide what he thought of her.
Any lingering concepts in his mind that she wasn’t up to the job went out the window--except for a general concern about her being around too much blood.  She hadn’t been in the middle of a truly hairy expedition with people dying left and right.  She’d been struggling when he was bleeding out in front of her--what would it be like when there were people dying bloody all around her?
Then again, she’d already pointed out that his blood was particularly alluring.
That was still an odd thing to think about--he was probably going to do his best not to think about it.
He wasn’t too worried about her being able to hand the more...psychological stresses of being a Scout.  If she could handle being directly responsible for death, and being around it so much after living in and hunting in the Underground, she might fare better than most in the environment.
If it hadn't been the sharper, harder edge he'd seen to her personality in the dungeon, the knowledge of the things she'd already seen and been through, he'd be worried she had too soft of a temperament and personality for the Scouts.  It had been what he'd seen from her before the whole vampire thing came out.
She was the woman who went out of her way to comfort the horses and make sure they knew they could trust her.  Who sat in the field with the horses and simply soaked in the sun's rays while drawing whatever she could see--namely horses, at least once the man who had been watching her, yet she never said a word.  She was the woman with a tea garden in a hidden corner of the Scout’s headquarters so that she could save more of her salary...and use it to shelter and provide for the parents who didn't know, and would probably never know, they're daughter was still alive.   The woman who snuck treats out to the horses from her own plate, who'd gotten at least half of Levi’s squad drinking their tea with a bit of white sage for health purposes--only Levi aware of just how much it was actually doing for them.  The one who had asked for a different kind of lesson or tutoring from each squad member so they wouldn’t feel like she was some air-headed newbie that thought she was better than everyone because she was put on a fast track to Levi’s squad fresh out of the cadets, so that they could feel like they were still teaching her something, that she was learning from them.  She was the kind of person who made little gestures like covering him with her cloak when she saw him asleep at the table without a second thought, or timing a fresh cup of black tea almost perfectly to help keep him alert when despite his insomnia he would start to feel tired in the middle of the day, who'd risked the loss of a leg to make sure Eld wouldn't get hurt even after Levi killed the Titan, and who had saved his life even though, at the time, doing so was a great risk to her, because he could put a swift end to the life she'd been trying to build above ground.
She was a good person at heart.  Complicated as hell, still dangerous and a risk, and she had her skeletons, her demons and dark secrets, her flaws...but still, a good person at heart.
He’d been watching her closely long enough to pick up on all of that and then some, even if he’d tucked most of it away for later evaluation considering at the time he was worried it might be a front for some insidious ulterior motive.
And he had to do something to try and mend the relationship they had.  They couldn't function as part of a squad with all this tension and friction, let alone as captain and subordinate, definitely not as a team.  There had to be some level of trust if they were going to be working together in the future, and right now, there was pretty much none, mostly because of him.  And he had to be the one to make a first step towards repairing the damage that he had inflicted so that they could start building at least the groundwork of a working trust in one another.  They would need it when they went out in the field, because all that raw ability meant nothing if they couldn’t function with each other.
Levi scrubbed harder at the stone floor, seeing his fingertips turn pale with the rest of his hands red from the hot soapy water and the pressure he was putting on the brush.
Levi sighed, leaning back and putting the brush back into the water, turning and lowering the cloth over his face to look over at Petra standing in the doorway with a broom in hand.
"Oluo says he's done with his room, he's just waiting for your inspection," she informed him, though the look on her face was enough to tell him he'd be telling Oluo to do it all over again as soon as he saw it.
"I'll do it when I'm finished," Levi answered, raising the cloth over his face and pulling out the brush to start scrubbing again.  "Tell him to make sure he's finished while he waits."
"Yes, Captain," Petra said with a small nod, turning to leave.
"Has L/N finished with her two rooms?" Levi asked before she could leave entirely, focused on a new spot of stone as he spoke instead of looking up at her.
"Yes, sir.  She actually went outside, out front, to do some extra cleaning while she waited for you to be ready to inspect the rooms."
She was also really good at cleaning.  She had to be, right?  She'd lived below ground longer than he had, and her senses were extra sensitive.  One bad smell must be torture for her, the dust probably setting off her sensitive nose with the slightest buildup, her sight probably making it easier to pick out grime, and her speed making her a faster cleaner than anyone here--when she didn't have to slow down because she was being watched by someone who didn't know what she was.  No wonder she was so damn good at cleaning, why he hadn't found any flaws with it to date.
It almost felt like cheating to him, for some reason.
He pressed unnecessarily hard down on the brush again, feeling the bristles bend and strain slightly in the brush, his fingertips turning pale again.
"Tell her when she's finished with whatever she's doing right now to come up here," Levi told Petra, offering no more explanation as he continued scrubbing at the floor.
“Yes, sir.”
Petra left after that, and Levi focused on the room around him--his third room, mind you, and he was almost done.  His hands were red, a little raw, too, but it wasn’t anything serious.  He just kept getting lost in his thoughts while he was cleaning, and instead of calming down like he normally did when he cleaned, he’d tense up at those moments where he got lost in his thoughts.  He was going over his attempt at a peace offering over and over again, well aware that he wasn’t the best...people person, that communication on a social or emotional level was not his strong suit.  But he was hoping the intention behind the gesture would be clear.  She wasn’t an idiot--she was smart.  There was a decent chance she’d be able to see what he was trying to do.
Levi was just starting to finish up, finishing with a bit of polish on the metal in the room when L/N finally made her appearance, standing in the doorway with similar cleaning additions to her uniform as him, though she had an apron on that was currently tucked up and into her straps to keep any dirt from falling onto the floor while she walked.
She must have been doing some garden and yard work, then.  Pulling weeds or something like that out front.  At least she wasn’t tracking dirt everywhere, from what he could see--and his eyes were scanning her and her surroundings carefully to make sure she wasn’t about to ruin his hard work.
“You wanted to see me, Captain?” she asked formerly, keeping her gaze fixed on him instead of letting it wander around the room at anything other than him.
That was a start, at least.  He’d be worried this entire rebuilding the bridge thing wouldn’t work out well if she couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
But the tension was still there, thick and uncomfortable, enough to put even him on edge.  There was a distance in her posture, a different kind of guarded than when he’d been snooping around and watching her every move.  Like she was hyper-aware of what he was going to think of her moving forward.
He was still coming to a decision about that one, honestly.
“You’re going to start training with me,” Levi said with no lead up, causing her eyebrows to raise in surprise, opening her mouth like she was about to ask questions before she quickly closed it again, since he continued to talk as if her reaction didn’t phase him in the slightest or give him any kind of pause.  “You’ve got some things to work on before the next expedition.  Two lessons a day, sparring and ODM gear.  Make sure you make the time for it.”
“Ah, Captain...I’m not sure if I...should…” she said hesitantly, caught between obeying what was close to a command from her Captain and a reluctance to take him up on the lessons because...what, was the tension that bad for her that she didn’t think she could train with him?  Did she not want to be anywhere near him any more than she already was?  Did she think she would make him uncomfortable?  Did she not like the thought of being alone with him?
That was a viable concern, actually.
Or maybe she just thought there wasn’t anything he could teach her.
On the contrary--she’d said herself that she was having trouble with the ODM gear.  She’d said one of her risks was that she reacted too fast for the gear to keep up with her, sometimes.  That was a problem, especially in a situation where one needed to rely on instincts--how could you rely on instincts while also trying to muffle them to lower to the level of the gear, or nearby people?
She needed help finding the middle ground, or at least training herself to instinctually pace herself so she didn’t outpace the gear in an emergency.  Like she’d pointed out herself, that kind of mistake could be the difference between life and death, even for her.
As for the sparring...well, the only people here that came close to matching their skills was each other.  Who else were they going to spar besides each other?  Besides, it would be refreshing to have someone he could actually go all out on that would be a challenge for him.  He was sure the same applied for her, now that she didn’t have to hold back to keep her secret hidden.
If that had been the reason she’d thrown the fight the first time they’d sparred.
Plus, all that raw strength and speed meant nothing if she didn’t know how to use it.  He could still teach her things, show her some techniques she could use in a fight, that kind of thing.
Is offer to teach her was his way of offering an olive branch to her...and he didn’t take too kindly to her starting to turn down the offer.
Levi narrowed his eyes slightly at her as she continued to cast about for a solid excuse to turn him down.  Most people here would kill for one on one lessons from him--a fact he was well aware of.  Yet here she was, proving just how out of the ordinary she was as she seemed to be beyond just the vampire thing, trying to weasel out of it.  “What?  Don’t think you have anything to learn because you’re so naturally gifted?” he asked in a jab much softer than his accusations during their interrogation.
“No, it’s just…” she started to say with a frustrated sigh, looking over her shoulder like she was looking at someone, even though no one was there.  “Eld’s already giving me ODM gear lessons…”
Was that really it?  He doubted it.  Yes, Eld was teaching her a few things, Levi was aware, but it wasn’t the same as what Levi was offering to teach her.  And it wasn’t a reason to turn him down in the first place.  Just another excuse.  Unless she was really worried about what the others would think if she got not only one daily private lesson with Levi, but two.  As much as Levi was usually of the opinion “To hell what other people think,” this one he could see where she was coming from if it was the case.  She’d just gotten the others to warm up to her despite their grumbling and cold shoulders after the extremely green rookie got sped through all the tape and obstacles right into Levi’s Squad while they put in hard work and were hand picked by Levi after some time in the Scouts after displaying their own strengths and skills over a period of time.  It must have looked like favoritism--and Levi giving her double private lessons wasn’t going to help anything.
It didn’t change the fact that she still needed them or could benefit from them.  And that it was a way for them to start making amends...in a roundabout way.
“ODM techniques.  Special maneuvers:  team and solo, correct?” Levi asked, mostly rhetorically, though she still nodded in confirmation.  Levi moved over to the table he was keeping his cleaning supplies on, starting to pack up his things so he could leave to start doing inspections of everyone’s designated rooms.  “I’m not going to be teaching you what Eld is.  You said you were having problems with reacting too fast for the gear, right?”
Levi spoke pointedly, giving her a sidelong glance so he could gauge her reaction and she could see he was serious about this--and that he didn’t have any ulterior motives.  She didn’t protest again.  She still looked a little uncomfortable, possibly because of the bump this could cause with the others once they found out, maybe because it meant the two of them were going to be spending more time with one another and they were going to have to get over this tension between them really quickly if they didn’t want to end up at each other’s throats trying to kill each other, but she didn’t protest anymore.
“Four a.m. in the woods for hand to hand.  Two hours before dinner on the training grounds for the ODM gear.  Don’t be late,” Levi told her, taking his supplies and leaving her behind in the room as his way of dismissing her.
Now to go yell at Oluo for not getting his cleaning job done properly, most likely.
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Next Chapter---->
(Strikethroughs Couldn’t Be Tagged)
Levi Tags:  @humanitys-hottestsoldier @clary-quinn @sunny-flo​ @whalerus​  @thirstyforsometea
Wings in the Dark Tags:  @regalillegal @animeluver23 @theshylittleelfgirl @queenthorin1 @dilucs-thighs @sociallyanxiousmouse @subtlepjiminie @hakunamatatayqueen​ @queenofcurse @linxiajei17 @levisbebe @toni-jones
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zelenacat · 4 years
When We Were Young- Chapter 9- An Obitine Story
The fourteen and a half years that had passed since Duchess Satine had heard the name Obi-Wan Kenobi had been semi-peaceful. Korkie was sixteen now, and attended the Royal Academy of Government, Satine couldn’t be more proud of him. Satine had also kept tabs on Tyra, at sixteen, she was a padawan learner to Quinlan Vos and was known to be an acquired taste, like her master. Tristan Wren, a blonde boy of fourteen had great skill in martial combat and was interested in the sciences. Mara had been harder to find at first, but Parna arranged a meeting between Kamrari and his apprentice a few weeks ago. She was very clever for a fourteen-year-old, and had figured out who Satine was.
“Yes, Mara,” she’d whispered, “I am the Duchess.”
“I have a pin with your emblem on it.”
Despite herself, Satine had smiled, “I’m glad you haven’t lost it.”
Mara looked the Duchess straight in the eye, “I would never lose the only gift my mother gave me.”
Those words kept Satine calm when she realized that she didn’t really like the people her children were becoming. However, she couldn’t have raised them herself, and they had their lives, that was the most important thing.
“Your Grace?”
Satine looked up, Parna was standing at the door to her personal parlor.
“The guards have informed me that the Jedi is here.”
The Duchess felt the atmosphere change when she walked into the room. Testing her old love while trying to keep her voice neutral, Satine spoke to him.
“Master Kenobi, my shining Jedi knight to the rescue once again.”
“After all these years, you’re even more beautiful than ever.”
Satine forced herself to stay composed, “Kind words from a man who accuses me of treachery.”
“I would never accuse you of personal wrongdoing, Duchess.” Obi-Wan commented seriously, “however-”
As Obi-Wan launched into some story, Satine was only half listening. That beard, he hadn’t had a beard last time they’d met.
“Everyone of my people is as trustworthy as I am.” the Duchess concluded.
“I know we sound defensive but-”
“Clearly,” Satine huffed, “your investigation was ordered because the senate is eager to intervene in our affairs.”
“My investigation was ordered by the Jedi Council.” Obi-Wan said calmly.
Satine frowned, “I stand corrected.”
After a moment of silence, Satine held out her hand.
“General Kenobi, perhaps you’d like to join me on a walk through the city.”
With grace, Obi-Wan took Satine’s hand and offered her his arm. The Duchess gestured to her lady.
“It’s so good to see you again, Obi-Wan,” Satine confessed when they arrived at the park, “despite the circumstances.”
“Your peaceful ways have paid off,” complimented the Jedi, “Mandalore has prospered since the last time I was here.”
“Not everyone on Mandalore is convinced that our commitment to peace is a sign of progress.” Satine divulged, launching into a speech on Death Watch.
“I hope you’re right, Duchess.”
Satine smirked, remembering the first time Obi-Wan admitted she was right about something. It was Draboon.
“Something amusing, Duchess?”
Satine strut forward, “Your choice of words pleases me is all, Master Jedi.”
Obi-Wan made a noise in his throat, likely a guttural reaction to the word “please.” She’d left it open, clever She-Wolf that Satine was, he could answer that any way he wished.
Rushing to catch up with her, Obi-Wan answered, “I wasn’t aware that I was entertaining, Satine.”
“You aren’t aware of many things, Ben.”
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow at her, this was getting dangerously close to their old ways.
“Do tell me, Master Jedi,” the Duchess switched tactics, “do you fancy yourself a peacekeeper?”
This thread of conversation lasted until the monument in front of them exploded.
“Are you alright?”
It was the emotion in Obi-Wan’s words that made her breath hitch.
“I’m fine.”
Running into the fray, Satine let herself help those struggling to stand. She had a soft soul deep down, really, she knew that about herself.
“I want to interview everyone here,” Obi-Wan announced, “no one is to leave this scene.”
No sooner had he said this than a rogue pedestrian ran from the crime.
“You there!”
What followed next were a shocking chain of events. At the end of it all, Satine couldn’t believe that one of her people would give up his own life to give ground to a cause that hated her.
“I didn’t kill him.”
“I know,” Satine said cooly, “that’s why I’m still talking to you.”
When they arrived back at the palace for their journey to Concordia, Parna brought out a new outfit for her lady.
“The Master Jedi’s arrival seems to have upset you.” she commented.
Satine sighed, “I never let my emotions get such control of me.”
“If I may, your Grace,” Parna ventured closer, “you called the Master Jedi Ben.”
“Yes, I did.”
Parna raised an eyebrow, “Many years ago you told me that the father of your children was named Ben.”
Satine went red, realizing what she’d done.
“You needn’t worry, Your Grace,” Parna took Satine’s hands in hers, “he doesn’t seem to know.”
“It’s myself I’m worried about Parna,” the Duchess confessed, “I never got over him.”
“You’ll be alright, Satine,” assured her lady, “you’re strong.”
“Thank you, Parna, I surely hope I am.”
When Satine saw Obi-Wan again, she thought she caught his eyes lingering on her pale collarbone, which her salmon-colored dress exposed. Hiding her hopefulness with a smile, Satine let Obi-Wan lead her onto the ship.
They talked about Concordia’s history on the ride over, but what they did not mention was how Obi-Wan knew such information. How Satine used to tell him about Mandalorian history while bandaging his wounds.
“Duchess Satine,” began the Governor, “you are most welcome.”
The Duchess replied gracefully, remembering on her part to introduce Obi-Wan, which actually, she was quite proud of. 
“Governor Vizsla is one of the officials I spoke of,” Satine continued, “he’s been working to find the members of Death Watch.”
After a brief discussion, the Governor went to attend to the body of the bomber, in which Obi-Wan took the opportunity to gently graze the Duchess’ arm.
“Satine, I need a favor from you.”
It took a moment to recover her wits, but eventually the Duchess realized what the Jedi would be doing.
“Remember, you are here under my protection,” Satine warned, “please try not to cause problems where none yet exist.”
“Think of me as,” Obi-Wan grinned, “searching for solutions.”
“I have to tell you,” Satine yelled over the rumbling of his speeder, “I’m opposed to all of this!”
The Jedi Knight had the audacity to wink, “I’d be disappointed if you weren’t!”
After lying to the Governor, Satine retreated to the quarters that were set up for her, where Parna was reading Satine’s toilette.
“The Jedi?” she asked, without turning her head.
“Meditating.” the Duchess answered.
Parna snorted.
Smiling like a fool, Satine threw herself onto the couch and sighed, “This is going to be awful.”
“On the contrary, Your Grace,” Parna crossed her arms, “I think you are most certainly going to enjoy this.”
“That’s for certain,” Satine agreed, then, melting slightly, “he winked at me.”
“He winked at you?” Satine bit her lower lip, “Yes.” 
Parna sighed, “Just a wink and you’re already like this.”
“You should’ve seen us when we were younger.” Satine’s eyes went far away.
“You forget, Your Grace,” Parna moved to stare down her lady, “I was the one who cleaned your room after his visits.”
Satine grimaced and turned a nasy shade of scarlet. Parna laughed.
“This,” Parna stated, “is going to be the highlight of my career.”
“Do ready me for dinner, Parna.” Satine huffed.
“Yes, Your Grace.”
After fixing her hair, the Duchess went to drinks with the Governor, where they discussed the Death Watch problem. For some reason, the shadows cast on the official’s face unnerved Satine.
“Take it as a compliment,” Governor Vizsla toasted, “someone very powerful is working towards your downfall.”
Satine frowned, mulling over her thoughts. Who could possibly want her gone?
“Duchess, please acknowledge.” Obi-Wan’s voice echoed in her ear.
This was an awkward spot to be in. Using all the political skill she had learned in the last seventeen or so years, Satine maneuvered out of her situation with the Governor and grabbed a speeder.
“Where exactly are you?” the Duchess whispered when she arrived.
“Listen for the loud, metallic, clanging sound,” Obi-Wan snapped, “that would be the machine about to chop me into bits.”
Ignoring Obi-Wan’s snark, Satine followed the loud, metallic, clanging sound after triggering an alarm at the entrance. She barely made it under the conveyor before the guards in Mandalorian armor clamored away.
“It certainly took you long enough!” huffed Obi-Wan.
“You know, I haven’t saved you yet!” Satine remarked.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, “no need to remind me of that.”
“Be patient.” Satine scoffed.
“I happen to be a bit short on patience right now!” Obi-Wan countered.
Muttering to herself and ignoring her Jedi, Satine fiddled with the control panel.
“Satine, turn the machine off!” yelled Obi-Wan.
“I’m trying!” Satine remarked hotly.
The Duchess pushed the right button, she grinned.
“Look out!”
As Satine was grabbed from behind, she kicked a barrel into the machine perfectly enabling one of Obi-Wan’s grand escapes. Then, with a few kicks and grunts, the Jedi had freed her.
Straightening her shoulders, the Duchess commented, “For a man sworn to peace, you take an unseemly pleasure in the injuries of others.”
“For a woman sworn to non-violence you don’t seem troubled that I could’ve been killed back there.” came Obi-Wan’s snarky retort.
“But you werent,” Satine insisted, “and yet I still haven’t heard any thanks.”
“Well,” Obi-Wan sighed, “you certainly haven’t changed much.”
Covering her eyes, the Duchess pretended not to notice as Obi-Wan punched a Death Watch member.
“This is not the way we came in.” observed the Jedi.
“Look,” came a far off cry, “it’s the Jedi!”
Pulling Satine behind the safety of a rock, Obi-Wan grinned. Satine scoffed.
“We’ll have to stand and fight, or in your case, just stand.”
The Duchess of Mandalore was offended. Still, she tried not to gape as Obi-Wan got up to his old tricks, or look at his muscles while doing so, definitely not that. Inhaling sharply as her Ben was knocked down, Satine threw a rock at the soldier.
“You there!”
Then, she ran being a rock, being useless in a fight as she was.
“I’m alright.” she responded, feeling soft at the concern in Obi-Wan’s voice.
Obi-Wan searched her face, his blue eyes she knew so well lingering on her jaw. Their moment was cut short however, when Obi-Wan abruptly stood and faced a new enemy.
“Governor?” Satine gasped.
“For generations my ancestors fought bravely as warriors against the Jedi-”
“Save the history lesson, Pre,” Satine shouted, “you’re a traitor!”
“You tarnish the name Mandalorian,” Vizsla spat, then, turning to Obi-Wan “defend her if you will.”
Satine was shocked on many fronts, she had never been betrayed before, yet Obi-Wan, it seemed, was going to defend her. They fought, Satine began to tremble, cursing herself for getting accustomed to safety.
Then, she saw it. Having been by Obi-Wan’s side in imminent danger before, Satine knew exactly what to do, jump into the Jedi’s arms. The landing was rough, somehow, she landed on the cold stone, Obi-Wan’s body as her shield from the debris above.
There was an awkward moment when neither of them moved, remembering what they used to do when pressed so close together. Then, stiffly, Obi-Wan stood.
“Your Grace-”
“I’m fine,” Satine turned to the Jedi, “but you are not.”
Obi-Wan winced.
“Give me your arm.” Satine said gently.
Obi-Wan shook his head.
“I’m not going to wound your pride, Ben,” the Duchess sighed, genly taking Obi-Wan’s arm around her shoulder, “please just lean on me.”
The Jedi did, but Satine didn’t need the force to know he was uncomfortable. When did he get so rigid, so formal? The Duchess supposed she had changed to then. Maybe, Obi-Wan didn’t want to resume their relationship where it was abruptly cut off? That thought cut Satine to the core as they approached the speeders, and gingerly, she lent Obi-Wan some of his dignity back.
“I suppose we’re even now.” she concluded.
“How so?” grunted the Jedi.
“I saved your life,” Satine explained, “you saved mine.”
“Yes, well,” Obi-Wan grinned, “mine was the more daring of the two rescues.”
When they arrived back at the Governor's House, Satine decided against cleaning up Obi-Wan’s wounds like she used to, and bid the Jedi a chilly goodnight. Parna however, noticed some bruises would form by morning.
“The enemy grappled me,” Satine explained sadly, “I fear this problem is more widespread than we thought.”
“Satine, your safety is of the utmost importance.” Parna said, breaking formalities.
Sighing, Satine pulled on her nightdress.
“I hope this distraction won’t let you forget that.” continued the lady.
“I hope so too,” Satine agreed, climbing into bed, “thank you for our help, Parna.”
In the morning, breakfast was polite and the flight back to Sundari was silent. Satine was grateful when Senator Merrick and Prime Minister Almec exchanged pleasantries with the Jedi so she didn't have to. If things continued this way, it would turn out awful.
After a quick scuffle over who was supporting the Death Watch, Satine left Obi-Wan on the loading platform, not expecting to see him for some time. Unfortunately, he was on the same ship she was, so there wouldn't be many places to hide.
After a quick brush up with Parna, Satine made her way to the ship’s parlor-like room and sat herself upon a cushioned dias. Having already sent for Obi-Wan, Satine began to inform her peers of the current terrible affront on life itself, the Republic’s newest war.
“And yet some would argue,” Obi-Wan crossed his arms, “the safest defense is a swift and decisive offense.”
Satine raised her eyebrow at the Jed.
“You are quite the general now, aren't you, Master Kenobi?” she asked.
“Forgive me for interrupting, Your Highness,” Obi-Wan paused, “I meant no disrespect.”
“Really,” Satine turned to address her peers, “Senators, I assume you are all acquainted with the collection of half-truths and hyperbole known as Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
The Jedi grimaced, Satine smiled.
“Your Highness is,” Obi-Wan frowned, “too kind.”
“You’re right,” Satine frowned, momentarily lost in thought, “I am.”
Had the Duchess scanned the room, she would’ve seen the inquisitive looked of Senator Robb and Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker.
“Allow me to introduce my fellow Jedi,” Obi-Wan gestured, penetrating the silence, “Anakin Skywalker.”
Satine smirked, “I remember a time when Jedi were not generals, but peacekeepers.”
“We are protectors, Highness,” Anakin shifted, “yours at the moment, we fight for peace.”
The Duchess huffed, fully herself once more, “ What an amusing contradiction.”
“What Master Skywalker means is we are acting at the behest of Your Highness, to protect you from the Death Watch and the Separatists who don’t share your neutral point of view.”
“I ask for no such thing.” Satine stated plainly.
“That may be so,” Obi-Wan stepped forward, “but a majority of your court did.”
Satine gave Obi-Wan a pointed look, “I do not remember you as one tot hide behind excuses.” 
“I do not remember you as one to shrink from responsibilities.” Obi-Wan countered calmly.
If it wasn’t for Senator Orn Free Ta, Satine would have argued with Obi-Wan all night. She’d put her finger on it now, what made her so mad. He was stiff, the years had made him so, he was formal and changed, nothing like her Ben, the father of her children.
“Your Grace, In regard to the senate vote, we think-”
“I think a multitude makes discord, not good council.” Satine concluded.
“You are right, My Lady.”
Trying to ignore Obi-Wan, Satine engaged Senator Robb in pleasant conversation, her musical laugh being distracting enough.
“A republic military offensive is the only sure defense against the Separatists.” Obi-Wan interrupted.
Satine threw her glass at Obi-Wan, who dodged it with ease.
Standing with a calm smile, Satine stated, “Even extremists can be reasoned with.” 
“Perhaps, if one can be heard over the clanking of their battle droids!”
The Duchess scoffed, “The sarcasm of a soldier.”
“The delusion of a dreamer.” the Jedi countered.
“Duchess, Master Jedi,” Senator Marrick turned between the two, “itt’s been a long trip, I think we can all use a little rest and refreshment.”
Satine stared Obi-Wan down, how dare he call her that!
Shoving Obi-Wan out of the way, Satine left the room to cool off.
“Oh, Parna,” Satine huffed as she opened her quarter doors, “I hate him!”
Parna turned, gaping with a tilted head.
“That’s quite the interesting tale, Your Grace.”
“I can’t stand him now,” the Duchess threw herself onto the couch, “it’s just like, it’s just like when we were young.”
“You’re not old, Your Grace.”
“Younger.” Satine corrected.
“If I can remember correctly, Satine,” Parna grinned, “he had to erase your guards’ memories because-”
“Before that, Parna,” Satine waved, “I meant before that.” 
Eventually, the Duchess returned to the foyer for dinner, which, pleasantly, she found was free of Master Kenobi.
“I beg your pardon, Senators-”
Or maybe she spoke too soon.
“Our men are investigating a situation below decks, I respectfully ask you to wait here till it’s settled.”
Satine frowned, someone really wanted to kill her. Obi-Wan’s comm beeped.
The Jedi had the audacity to smile, “Please excuse me.”
Becoming a slave to her own thoughts, Satine didn’t hear anything else until Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber.
“Secure the lifts!” he shouted with urgency.
It did no good, a nasty spider droid nearly got to Satine, fortunately for her, Obi-Wan did his duty as always, and protected her. She cursed her wild heart for fluctuating so fast at his valiant efforts.
Senator Orn Free Ta screamed and ran backwards. Satine looked down, miniature versions of the spider droid scattered around the room. Fleeing to a remote corner, Satine was surprised to find Obi-Wan following her.
“My duty is to protect you, Duchess.” Obi-Wan replied, keeping his eyes on the floor.
Satine pulled out a deactivator and shot at the droids. Now she was back to back with Obi-Wan, fighting off enemies like had occurred a decade and a half before.
“Do you always carry a deactivator? Obi-Wan yelled, slightly agitated.
“Just because I’m a pacifist doesn’t mean I won’t defend myself.” Satine responded.
Obi-Wan huffed, “Now you sound like a Jedi.”
As the chaos faded, Obi-Wan bent down and picked up one of the disabled droids.
“Just like that swarm of venemites on Draboon, remember?”
A smile pricked Staine’s lips, “How could I forget, I still have the scar.”
“Begging your pardon, Duchess,” Obi-Wan began, falling for Satine’s trap, “I distinctly remember carrying you to safety.”
Satine turned, her expression gleeful, “I meant the scar I got after you fell, and dropped me.”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan looked down, “yes.”
Satine couldn’t help herself, she giggled, which caused Obi-Wan to raise his head and try to discern what was so funny.
“Why don’t you go to your quarters, Duchess,” Obi-Wan suggested, “this must’ve been very trying for your nerves.”
“Are you contradicting yourself, Master Jedi,” Satine raised an eyebrow, “should I be safe without your protection?”
“We’ve swept the area, Satine,” Obi-Wan sighed, using the Duchess’ name, “you'll be fine.”
Parna was relieved to see her lady.
“Oh, Satine,” she sighed, “we were ordered to stay where we were-”
“I know,” the Duchess took her lady’s hands in hers, “but you’re alright?”
“Me, of course, yes, and yourself?”
“I’m fine,” Satine lowered her eyes, “but I hate that I am the target of these attempts.”
“You are strong, Your Grace,” Parna looked Satine dead in the eye, “you will survive this.”
Nodding, the Duchess allowed Parna to recomb her hair.
“Your Highness,” a droid beeped, “the party is gathering in the foyer.”
“I must be off,” Satine stood, “thank you for your help, Parna.”
“Of course, My Lady.”
At dinner once again, Satine was surprised to find everything in order.
“Duchess,” observed Senator Ta, “you are not eating?”
“I have no appetite.” Satine confessed.
She was still mulling over the fact that someone very powerful wanted her dead, and her people were willing to betray their own Duchess to help assassinate her.
The door opened, Satine felt Obi-Wan’s energy, not in the literal force sense, but she knew his mannerisms. The Duchess focused her eyes on her wine glass, they only rose when the last spider droid was revealed.
“My theory, is that our little friend will attack the Duchess and anyone who defends her,” the Jedi paused, “anyone that is, except the traitor who programmed it.”
“Obi-Wan, this line of questioning borders on torture!” Satine stood.
“Oh, I assure our pacifist Duchess that all is under control,” Obi-Wan’s tone was calm and inquisitive, but Satine felt there was an eagerness there. 
Why, she dared not guess.
“But it seems to like you, Senator Marrick.” Obi-Wan observed.
“Really, General Kenobi,” the Senator paused, “you’re quite clever.”
Satine stayed still, perfectly in shock. An elected representative of the people, turning on her? Marrick smacked the droid out of Obi-Wan’s hands and, unmoving, the Duchess watched itt approach her. At the last moment, she jumped backward.
For a second, she breathed easy, seeing her shining Jedi knight jump to her rescue, but as a yank jerked her backwards, Satine felt that ease of being diminish. The Duchess felt a pang in her heart at being separated from Obi-Wan who she had just been reunited with. Satine was certain she was going to die.
“Monster,” she cried as Tal Marrick shot the crewmen, “you’re a horrid monster.”
“Get used to it.” was his smug response.
The Duchess’ jaw dropped when the Senator contacted Death Watch command. Was she so easily betrayed?
“Reinforcements are on their way.”
Satine’s blood went cold. What would she tell Korkie, Tyra Satine, Tristan, and Mara? Only one out of the four children knew there were hers, and that was based on only an inkling. Would she die without saying goodbye to her children?
“Come in, Kenobi,” drawled Marrick, “you’re expected.”
“Tal Marrick, you are under arrest, release the Duchess!”
Satine’s heart palpitated wildly, Obi-Wan was going to rescue her again. The Mandalorian part of her was stubborn and wanted to say he didn’t need to save her, but the reasonable half of her brain knew that she was being held hostage.
“I took the precaution of wiring this ship’s engine, I press this red button,” Marrick smiled, “and we all will die.”
“Obi,” Satine pleaded, “if you have any respect for me, you will not take such risks with so many lives at stake.”
“Satine,” Obi-Wan’s eyes widened as Marrick pulled her away, “don’t!”
The Duchess was a mess, her emotions in a storm, she had so much left to say. What if Obi-Wan never found out? As Satine watched the Jedi follow in his crouched fighting stance, Satine decided on what to tell him.
“This is Marrick, stand by to disengage,” the Senator grinned, ‘say farewell, Duchess.”
“Obi-Wan,” Satine bit her lip, “it looks like I may never see you again, I don’t know quite how to say this but: I’ve loved you, from the moment you came to my aid all those years ago.”
Marrick groaned, “I don’t believe this.”
“Satine, this is hardly the time or place for-”
Satine whimpered.
“Alright, had you said the word, I would’ve left the Jedi order.”
Those words brought tears to Satine’s eyes.
“That is touching, truly it is, but it’s making me sick, and we really must be going.”
“Ugh,” Satine coughed, “you have the romantic soul of a slug, Marrick, and slugs are often trod upon.” Grabbing the gun, Satine held it at arm’s length, aiming at the Senator as he explained his plan to kill everyone on the coronet.
“I will not allow that.” Satine spat.
“And what will you do,” Marrick asked, “if you shoot me, you condemn yourself a hypocrite to all the pacifist ideals you hold so dear.”
“And you, Kenobi, you are no stranger to violence, you’d be hailed as a hero by everyone on this ship,” Marrick shifted his eyes to Satine and giggled, “almost everyone.”
“Come on then,” the Senator gestured, “who will strike first and brand themselves a cold-blooded killer.”
Within the next second, Tal Marrick was dead and Satine realized she was holding a gun. Distraught, she threw it away.
Satine stepped forward, “Obi-Wan, I-”
“General Skywalker, sir, the last of the droids have been defeated.”
The Duchess straightened, “I must get back to the business of diplomacy.”
Instead what she did was run to Parna and cry.
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Request: It's 5:32 in the morning from where I am, so sorry for asking this early. How Kenma, Ushijama, and Tsukishima react to their s/o that just unintentionally roasting them, other people, and things? - @animmle
tiny a/n: thank you for the request! No matter how early or late I always appreciate them! 🤍 ~ this isn’t my best work but I couldn’t think of much :(
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Requests: Open!
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☾ Tsukishima Kei ☾
• You knew walking into a relationship with him, let alone friendship, you had to have a thick skin
• What he didn’t know is how thick HIS skin had to be too
“I don’t know tsukishima maybe if you tried a little harder things would run smoother.”
• He knew you had no ill intentions though, especially by the way you kissed his nose and smiled at him
“Don’t kiss me it’s emba-“
“Finish that sentence. Do it. Finish that sentence.”
• Honestly you had to be the only person who tsukishima was intimidated by
“I’m not scared of you y/n.”
“I don’t expect you to be.”
“....Yeah why would I ever be scared of a small person. How silly of-“
“I’m not scared of you either, how could I be scared of a tall guy who doesn’t care about anything but music and school. Sounds nerdy to me.”
• You laughed lightly while he glared at you
“I’m only kidding!”
• Yeah he didn’t talk to you for a few hours after that-
• Your problems weren’t only with him though...no....
“Oh so the king is going ba-“
“Why are you roasting on kageyama? The boy can’t even talk to other people you think he cares what you think?”
• Tsukishima was cackling at this while Kageyama turned red in embarrassment
“Y-y/n you really just helped him and then k-killed him!”
• Looking at Kageyama you automatically started apologizing
“I’m so sorry Kageyama! You’re amazing at volleyball, so it’s okay that maybe you prefer the game over the people! It’s not weird or anything!”
• As your boyfriend and Hinata’s cackling intensifies along with Kageyama’s red cheeks Daichi sighed pulling you away from the situation
• He doesn’t do anything to stop you from roasting other people and things he really just lets you continue
“I don’t know I don’t like this girl.”
“One time she told me she hated dogs. And if you hate dogs how are you even a tad bit trustworthy?”
“I’m right here?”
“Okay and I’ll say it again?”
• Now you were full on bickering with her 🙈
“You got yourself into that.”
“It’s not my fault she got all defensive.”
• when he confronted you about it-
“Y/n you have a big mouth.”
“I think it’s pretty normal sized if you ask me-“
• he laughed lightly watching you touch your pink lips and look confused
“No I mean, you offend people. And you don’t know when to stop.”
• You furrowed your eyebrows on confusion even more.
“Could you explain a little more?”
• Tsukishima sighed and sat with you on the floor next to your bed where you were studying, placing his face in the crook of your neck placing small innocent kisses on it
“I’ll explain another time.”
“Okay lazy bum.”
“No I knew what I was saying.”
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✰ Kenma Kozume ✰
• You’re terrible at keeping your comments to yourself and he knew this
• The thing is, he loved it.
• Was it ever too quiet for his liking there you were
• Many people Kuroo thought it would’ve bothered him but the moment you say something it’s like he can’t help but smile
• It’s not that you were outgoing automatically, but you knew out of you and Kenma you had to be the talker and you knew this since you were younger
“Your hair is so long! I thought you were a girl..”
• Kenma hated you when you first met because of this
“But honestly you’d be prettier than half the girls here!”
• Yeah you were only making it worse
• But once he got over it, he saw you just had a big mouth and said whatever came to your mind
“I don’t know Kuroo, you sound very sus to me. I used to not trust you when we were younger.”
“What why?”
“You give off bad boy vibes, I guess In the end you were just a big nerd. What a plot twist in my opinion.”
• Kenma cackling while Kuroo tries to claim he is a bad boy
“It’s not a bad thing!”
“It’s not a good thing!”
• Kenma sees how honest you are and thinks everyone should have someone like you in their life
“Everyone needs a y/n in their life.”
“Really? That’s a first.”
• You laid your head on his lap while he smiled looking down at you, hair covering his face
“You have such a pretty face my love, you cat looking eyes top everything off.”
“I don’t have cat looking eyes?”
“Eh you do.”
• When he tried to confront you about how much you babble with no filter-
“Oh I know.”
“You know?”
“Yeah, but if I didn’t say what I was actually thinking- that’s just as bad as lying. No?”
• Kenma stared at you for a second
“Babe, your brain. It’s amazing.”
“I like to think it’s pink and cute but okay.”
• Kuroo, Yaku and Yamamoto don’t get you but the moment you met Lev-
“So you’re like the opposite of Hinata?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re tall, can’t seem to want to learn to play the sport, and you come off as intimidating.”
“No...no more like you come off as stupid.”
“Kenma :(“
• Yeah Lev is the only one who doesn’t get offended by you because he focuses on the wrong things
“You’re so lanky and tall.”
“Am I really that tall?”
• Kenma hates your interactions with Lev because he thinks they’re not funny
“Don’t talk to her Lev.”
“Why?! Me and y/n are best friends!”
“No you’re not.”
“We aren’t but we can be aquatinted!”
“That sounds so much cooler suck it Kenma.”
• Yeah You were the reason everyone found out how dumb Lev was
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✰ Ushijima Wakatoshi ✰
• He likes to think you’re as unfiltered as him
• But he also thinks you’re too unfiltered and it’s not that you unintentionally roast people you kind of expose them
• He also definitely saves you when you’re about to say something
“I don’t know your skirt seems kinda unflat-“
• Like then, he cupped a hand over your mouth and dragged you away without a word
• And that’s how you knew if you were saying something offensive, your boyfriend would cup his hand over your mouth and drag you away.
“I don’t know Tendou, you have creepy eye-“
• You pouted before looking at your boyfriend
“I wasn’t finished! But I think it’s bad ass! I’d be intimidated if I didn’t know you were a crackhead!”
• Tendou was definitely your best friend and he eggs you on to say stuff you shouldn’t
“What do you think about Ushijima’s spikes today hmmmm?”
“I couldn’t focus I was too busy looking at those beefy ar-“
“OH yeah I mean not as strong as usu-“
“How can I fix them?”
• Every now and then you knew when to speak up and when to not, when it comes to volleyball you don’t because you’re not a pro?
• You managed to catch yourself sometimes but then you turn into an even worse babbling mess
“Semi you remind me so much of Sugawara from Karasuno, that guy. Such a good setter- NOT THAT YOU ARENT A GREAT PLAYER TOO! You’re an amazing player!-“
“Y/n I get it.”
• Ushijima gets entertained when you babble, he’s never seen anyone think as fast as you do in situations like this.
• He doesn’t ever think to confront you, mainly because he thinks it’s a cute quirk of yours and finds it somewhat entertaining
“Goshiki reminds me so much of Rock Lee. I can’t be the only one who sees it?”
• Tendou had a field day with this statement and Goshiki just didn’t know who Rock Lee was
• Ushijima just watches-
“No I asked Ushijima out and he turned so red I swear-“
“That’s enough talking.”
• He cupped his hand over your mouth and dragged you out while you waved bye 🧚🏻‍♀️✨
• You often almost exposed your boyfriend
“He sleeps with a volleyball night ligh-“
“He always asks me to pick out the pickles in his-“
“He hates when I hug a pillow instead of h-“
“He seems superior here but when it’s us it-“
• This is when Tendou and Semi rise and snatch you from him
“What were you saying y/n?”
“Yeah finish what you were saying about Wakatoshi~”
“Oh yeah!”
• And there your boyfriend stood ready to take you away when-
“Ushijima has a bunch of you guys’ pictures framed! It’s really sweet!”
“Oh really?”
“Wakatoshi that’s so sweet!”
• You smiled at your boyfriend who looked at you and sighed
“You’re a hassle.”
“What how?”
“Y/n is an angel Wakatoshi!”
“Thank you Tendou.”
“I never said she wasn’t an angel, just a hassle.”
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hateswifi · 5 years
Making Do (With What Life Give Us): Part 4
So last part, don’t be afraid to talk to me, I love interacting with you all. I hope you enjoyed this short (15k word) fic. Without further ado, I give you Part 4.
As her friendship with Adrien grew she realized that he and Chat Noir are the same person. They had kissed during Dark Cupid, turns out they both remember it and found it awkward and decided on being friends. They would have won the gaming competition if Marinette hadn't given her spot up to Max. She had won his father's hat competition without prior knowledge of their friendship, in fact, Gabriel had offered a scholarship which she would have taken if not had it been for her need to disappear to be Ladybug. But she did take commissions from her new uncle, Jagged Stone. Chloe and she had become co-class presidents together again and everyone was quite happy. She also joined them in battle as Queen Bee with the promise of secrecy. Adrien and Chloe had officially unofficially adopted the two blondes into their family. Her parents are super protective over them especially after hearing about their nightly escapades as heroes. As a group, they were close, with the help of her family, to figuring out who Hawkmoth is. 
After an awkward conversation that Marinette did not in fact like Nino more than a friend, he joined the friend group with the later addition of Alya, his new girlfriend. Throughout it all, Damian and her family had started to come to Paris more, thankfully no one from her friends besides Chloe and Adrien had met them. She didn't want to tell Nino and Alya because of the Ladyblog, Alya had a tendency to stretch the truth and to do practically anything to get a good story. She didn't fully trust them and with good reason and it all started at the beginning of her third year in Paris.
A new student joined the class, which would have been fine besides the lies she was constantly telling. "I'll meet you in the park in ten minutes," she had said to Adrien.
"You wouldn't believe what she just said," Adrien snickers to Marinette as she comes out of hiding.
"How'd you know I was there?" Marinette asks, sitting beside him.
"Chloe texted me saying you felt something suspicious about her," Adrien said.
"And with good intention, she's clearly lying," Marinette pouted.
"Obviously, she's best friends with Ladybug even though she just moved here? How does that even make sense?" Adrien asks. "So I'm not saying that you should, but I'm going to meet up with 'Ladybug's best friend' I feel like she would LOVE to catch up with her, don't you think?"
"I'll let you know what my dear friend says," Marinette smirks. Adrien and the rest of her brothers had started to rub off on her.
"I don't recommend it, I would wait to see what she says first," Tikki whispers from Mari's purse. "Or you could interrupt as you depending on what she says."
"We'll see," Marinette said, standing up. As she entered the park she heard the liar talking. 
She coos. "Ladybug isn't even the most powerful hero, it's Volpina, the holder of the fox miraculous." She pauses while she pulls out her necklace. "This is the fox miraculous, it used to be my grandmother's, but she passed it down to me. I let Ladybug have her time to make a name for herself because we're best friends."
"You've been here for like two days," Adrien started.
"And," Marinette says, walking up. "That was a necklace released in Gabriel's last line. Also why would you tell a total stranger about something, 'so important' something that is supposed to be a secret," Marinette said, sitting down beside Adrien.
"Sabine, Tom, and Chloe are waiting at home for lunch, want to come?" Marinette asks Adrien.
"I would love to!" the liar interrupted, standing up.
"And you are?" Marinette asks.
"Sorry Mari, my dad wants me to come home today," Adrien said, standing.
"It's fine, just remember mama and papa would be heartbroken if they don't see you soon," Marinette said walking towards the entrance.
"Hey I've been busy, could you imagine how much more busy I would be if we hadn't threatened to dye my hair?" Adrien laughs, remembering that wonderful weekend.
"What do you mean?" Lila asked, racing up behind them.
"A couple of weeks ago, Adrien wanted to have a sleepover with our friend group, but his dad was being himself and decided that he couldn't," Marinette started, prompting Adrien to finish. "They snuck in through the window with some semi-permanent dye and the dyed my hair lime green. I threatened to shave my head if he kept forcing me to stay in the house."
"You're a bad influence on him!" Lila shouts, grabbing her arm.
"All I'm showing him is that he doesn't have to live his life as a prisoner in his own house," Marinette responds, pulling her arm from Lila's clutch.
"And I couldn't be happier," Adrien says as his car pulls up. "Bye Mari, we still on for after school?"
"Yes, Mama said if you don't learn how to back soon she'll disown me," Marinette laughs, hugging him.
"She can't disown you and even if she did Bruce would be more than happy to take you back," Adrien snickers.
"So are we never going to talk about this again?" Lila asked, the two friends stopping in their tracks.
"As long as you don't lie, we could start a friendship," Marinette smiles. "See you in class, Lila. Welcome to our class." They wave and walk there separate ways.
Stuff started to go downhill from there, Alya and Nino believed Lila lies over Marinette and their friend group them. It was a dark time in Marinette's life, everyone besides Chloe and Adrien. The retaliation that the class set against them was beyond tolerable. Gabriel still made Adrien deal with Lila because apparently 'she is all the rage right now.' Marinette had been more unhappy than usual so Marinette's parents decided that she needed a break from the drama, but on her last day before her vacation when everything went to hell. 
"I can't believe she was even let into this school!" Alya loudly exclaimed during lunch. 
Lila's sniffled, she had been distressed because Marinette 'supposedly' made fun of her for her past, "What do you mean?"
"Well before she became a jealous wench we were best friends, I just so happen to know almost everything about her," Alya snickers.
"What do you mean? She has secrets?" Lila asks, rubbing her eyes to wipe her tears away.
"She used to live in America, where her dad left her before she was born. Her mother was a stripper and died because she couldn't pay for her drugs and was shot," Alya laughs. "She lived on the streets until Sabine and Tom adopted her. Then she became friends with Chloe and Adrien for their money and connection, obviously. She then manipulated Adrien, Lila's soulmate, to hate her."
"I recommend you silence yourself before I break your elbows and give them to Titus," A voice comes from the entry of the cafeteria. "You're saying only the bad, most of them exaggerated and false.
"And you are... someone she paid to pretend to like her?" Lila asked.
"No, she doesn't need to pay me, even if she could she wouldn't be able to. She is my best friend," he said.
"Ummmm... No! I'm her best friend and she's never spoken of you," Alya said, crossing her arms.
"A real friend would check her statements before announcing these lies. Speaking of the Angel, where is she?" he asked.
"You must not be talking about her because she's an actual demon," Lila sniffles. "Have you heard the things she's done to me?"
"And I don't believe you," He said.
"Thanks, Demon. I never needed any of them all I needed was my closest and most trustworthy friends," Marinette said after she had run and hugged him.
"Hey, Angel, it's good to see you again," he said into her hair.
"And who are you, 'Demon', you never answered," Alya asked, putting air quotes around 'Demon'.
"I'm Damian, Marinette's best friend," Damian said, an arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"That's debatable, we both know I'm her better friend," Adrien snickers.
"Nope. I was her first friend," Damian answers.
"But first is the worst, and as being her second friend, I'm the best," Chloe says, smiling.
"Come on guys, you get to spend all the time with me, let me spend some time with Damian. I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving," Marinette says, snuggling into his embrace.
"Good job making the conversation all about you," Lila remarks.
"Whatever... come on let's go to class, the sooner this ends, the sooner I can leave," Marinette says and they turn to walk to class. 
"Who the hell does she think she is?" Lila said, crossing her arms.
"A jealous, psychotic, gold-digging, wench," Alya answers.
"With good tastes though, did you see that hot piece of man that defended her," Lila said.
"Dark and brooding," Alya adds before they head to class. The lesson was normal, glares and disappointing glances sent her way, as she designed. With fifteen minutes before dismissal for the day, a knock came at the door. 
"I'm here for Marinette," Damian said, entering the room.
"Oh thank God, I don't know how much more of this crap I can take," She responds in English. "Bye Chloe, Adrien, love you both, see you next week." She hears her friends respond with a bye as the door closes.
The trip went well and the time was well spent. Marinette released her first line while in Gotham under, the alias she used to be known as, Sunshine. They had a party held in her honor where for the first time ever, she showed her face to the public and the Ice Prince and Princess Sunshine became an official couple. She melted his heart, as said by a majority of the news outlets. 
She had also made a speech at the closing of the ball. "So honestly, I just want to thank Bruce, who was kind enough to foster for me, Damian, who was a supportive food friend turned boyfriend, my brother, Jason, Tim and Drake, who taught me to live my life. Along with my two best friends, who I met in Paris, Chloe Bourgeois and Adrien Agreste. My adopted parents, Tom and Sabine, who only have my best interest at heart. Last but not least I would love to thank my antagonists all my classmates, who I'm too mature to call out by name, especially the liar, you know who you are."
The girls watch in disbelief. Lila was crying actual tears as she saw her lie-kingdom begin to fall. Alya cries as she sees her career end. 
When Marinette returned a couple of days later, Marinette walked into class early, smiling. Alya stood there, arms crossed and glared ready. "You are a petty waste of--"
"I could have been petty and released all your names," Marinette says, trying to walk past the red-head.
"No, that is just common courtesy, it was just petty to bring us up in your lies," Lila said.
"You want to see petty, fine," Marinette said, dropping her bag on Bustier's desk. She pulls out her notebook and rips it.
"So... why should we care," Lila asked.
"That. That right there ripped up and at the bottom of the waste bin is our end of the year trip," Marinette said, pointing to the waste bin.
"You! You petty bitch!" Lila screams.
"Yep, and proud of it," Marinette smiles and takes a seat, but not before placing a stack of papers on their desk.
"Also this is for you," Adrien says, walking into class. He places a stack of papers on Alya and Lila's desk.
"And what are those," Lila says, significantly paler than normal.
"Well from me, those are lawsuits from my parents, Jagged Stone, and the Waynes," Marinette said, smiling as she took a seat.
"Mine is a court-mandated cease and desist order for your Ladyblog, for spreading rumors about the Agreste Brand. For you, Lila, your papers are termination papers, for spreading false rumors," Adrien said.
"W... What, you can't do this the Ladyblog is my life work!" Alya screamed.
"Who cares about you!? My mum is going to send me back to military school if she finds out I got in trouble for lying, please don't do this," Lila exclaimed, falling on the ground.
"I gave you a way out last year, you didn't take it," Adrien said, sitting beside Chloe and Marinette.
"It's all your fault! If you hadn't been such a bad influence on him I could have had it all," Lila screamed, attempting to jump at him.
"Nope! you couldn't have," Damian said entering the room.
"Lila Rossi, you're under arrest for working the terrorist, Hawkmoth and using celebrities' names to get free things," the officer said.
"Damian, what are you doing here?" Marinette asks, standing up to greet her boyfriend.
"Father and I are here on business," he responds hugging her,
"And does any of that business have to do with you helping me?" Marinette asks, smiling into his embrace.
"Some of it the other half was actual, WE work. I'm going to be working in this wing of WE when I graduate," Damian smiles.
"Sounds great, Demon," Marinette says, breaking the embrace to look him in the eyes.
"I can't wait to start this next chapter of my life with you by my side, Angel," Damian said, kissing the crown of her head.
Extra (how Damian realized Marinette was definitely not just a friend):
Marinette had come to the ball (not really party just really big party) wearing a light blue off the shoulder cocktail dress, looking as beautiful as normal. He had been enjoying himself until he saw it. Normally he’s not one to be jealous, but the way she was smiling at this guy was bothering him. Damian found Jason and told him. “I have a suspicious feeling about that guy.”
“Are you it’s not because how he’s making her smile?” Jason asks, nudging him with his elbow. 
“And why would that bother me!” Damian asks. 
“Well remember that time in the gym, right after Marinette became Ladybug and you found out she had a partner,” Jason asks, Damian gave a nod, yes. “Well today could be that day. The longer you wait the less chance you have with her.” He finishes before walking away. 
Extra (how they became a couple):
He was utterly and completely hecked --gotta keep it family friendly ( ; -- he was in love with his best friend and it looks like someone had already beaten him to it. At the thought he walked away to the balcony, failing to notice the bluenette, who had seen him sad and decided to check up on him.
When she found him he was leaning on the guardrail he was holding a glass of grape juice, not being the legal drinking his brothers found it funny to give him it. “What’s the matter Dami?” Marinette asks, putting a hold on his shoulder. 
“It nothing, I just realized that I’ve been missing who's been in front of me this whole time and now its too late,” he sighs, taking a swig from his glass.
“Missing who?” Marinette asks, placing her head on his shoulder.
“You, you’re the best thing that’s happened to me and it’s too late now,”  Damian explained.
“What do you mean it’s too late?” Marinette said, lifting her head. 
“Didn’t that guy ask you out?” Damian asks, standing up straighter. 
“What? No Dami. He’s a client,” Marinette explained, pulling him into a hug. 
“Wait seriously?” Damian says. “God, I’m so stupid.”
“Yes Damian, if you hadn’t noticed I’m head over hill for you,” Marinette says, kissing his cheek. 
“Seriously!?” Damian asks, picking her up in a spin. 
“If I didn’t know Adrien I would say you’re the most oblivious person I know,” Marinette giggles into his embrace.
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sifeng · 4 years
Love and Redemption: Some Thoughts and a Comparison with Ashes of Love
So, I’ve been watching Love and Redemption (琉璃) and while there are some visible faults, I also quite like some plot points and characters. So here are some of my thoughts and also, if your an Ashes of Love fan I totally recommend you check this drama out! The themes are similar, the character setups are similar, the worlds are similar too. 
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I’ve just finished the 35th episode, and I’ve gotten to a point where a flower creature of sorts has been forced to become Ling Long 2.0. I actually really like this idea because it shows that a lot of people become evil because of the people they are around, not because they are naturally evil, their personality is naturally cruel or anything else of the sort. Ling Long grew up around “orthodox” people that, while also imperfect, weren’t sadistic like Wu Tong. Because of that she became a person that liked to fight for peace and removal of evil from the world. However, when her exact same personality was placed in a different atmosphere without previous memories she became just as sadistic and cruel as the people around her. I think that actually fits super well with the overall theme of this drama, which is that good and bad aren’t black and white. Even a person who is “good” in the subjective sense of that term can just as easily be “evil” if placed in a different growth environment. Honestly I find it so interesting that Ling Long went from A Zhu to A Zi (Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils reference) in like one episode. 
A Comparison
When I first started liking cdramas, one of my first favorites was Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜), but I actually like this drama more. First of all, I think the pacing is better. The beginning of AoL was a little draggy now that I think about it, and Jin Mi only began to really show her feelings for Xu Feng around episode 30 (and it wasn’t even Jin Mi liking Xu Feng it was Saintess liking the King). In comparison, in Love and Redemption, we see from the very start that Xuanji likes Sifeng in a different manner then she likes, for example, Minyan, thus not only making it easier to ship them, but also being able to get to the tragic elements of the story faster. The CGI in Love and Redemption is simply amazing, beats 99% of cdramas honestly. I wish the cinematography was a little better because with this level of CGI, it truly deserves better camerawork. 
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Also, I dislike when people call Xuanji stupid, because while in the beginning she is a little dumb, she really isn’t as bad as some other characters out there. She’s like what 20? And she’s never left home or her training place in her life. Why would anyone expect her not to make trouble? Or get in trouble? That’s like teaching how to memorize all the math formulas in the world, but not teaching you how to use them and then blaming you for not being able to apply them. I haven’t gotten to the really tragic part where Xuanji and Sifeng get separated, but so far I like her more than Jin Mi honestly. Xuanji might not be the smartest person, but I love how trustworthy she is of her friends and how high she holds her friendships. Unlike so many of the adults in this series, she actually uses logic to try to understand problems not just problematic and contradictory pieces evidence. Like when Minyan is accused of being betraying their sect, she doesn’t just go “oh there’s ‘evidence’? Then he must be guilty”, she actually thinks about his character and personality and how illogical it would be if he actually betrayed them. 
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I also like Sifeng more than Xu Feng. When he was being accused of being a demon, he managed to bring up inarguable pieces of evidence that clearly proved he was not a demon, or at least not a problematic one instead of just going like “you should believe me because I’m so great!” (not that Xu Feng did that, but he did use ethos instead of logos, though, both apparently don’t work if you’re a male lead in a tragic xianxia). The tragedy of his character is done so well honestly. He died for Xuanji in 9 lifetimes. NINE. Please give him a happy ending. (Okay but I really dislike his second hairstyle with the two strings of hair hanging out and also Teng She’s hairstyle. Why can’t they just tuck that piece of hair in? It makes me feel so annoyed for some reason.)
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No one likes Hao Chen, and I’m glad. He hates people manipulating Xuanji, but he manipulates her all the time. I do agree that if Xuanji is happy without her six senses, she shouldn’t be forced to search for them, but she isn’t happy and she wants to search for them. So why should anyone who actually likes her try to prevent that? But I actually think his character is written relatively well. As the ruler (or second in command?) of the heavenly realm, he has to put matters in front of romance, though that doesn’t mean he has to manipulate her. I understand why he does what he does and I don’t think his character is as illogical as Wu Tong, but yeah, I definitely don’t agree with what he does. In comparison, Run Yu is truly quite likable. He does try to keep Jin Mi to himself instead of letting her be happy, but overall his story is written really well and evokes our sympathy.
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Oh and when it comes to friendships I also prefer the ones in Love and Redemption. First of all, it’s not just Xuanji and Sifeng who are cute together, I like that Sifeng is friends with Ling Long and Minyan as well, and they also become friends with Yanran (or Xiao Yinhua) and Ruoyu as well (though they could’ve avoided some tragedy if they hadn’t befriended him). I don’t know why, but I’m really excited to see what tragedy our OTP goes through later on, because I’ve seen the gifsets on Tumblr and boy am I excited for some tragedy!
But one thing that is better about AoL is definitely the acting. I think Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan did pretty good here, especially Cheng Yi, but Yang Zi, Deng Lun and Luo Yunxi (especially Yang Zi and Luo Yunxi) are more experienced and thus obviously better, especially when it comes to really emotional scenes. 
FInal Thoughts
One problem I have with Love and Redemption, at least so far, is that the evil demons have no motivations to be as evil as they are. I’m pretty sure I’ll get a reason, but so far I have to say that they aren’t really well done characters in that sense. Especially Wu Tong. Like this guy has no backstory whatsoever, but is extremely cruel and sadistic from the first second we meet him. Maybe he’s like really just insane or something, but his whole “sympathy story” for why he joined the demons makes zero sense. He wanted to murder someone because him cheating gets revealed and then gets mad that the father of the person he tried to kill wants to get revenge. His story also contains two (as of so far) unexplained plot holes: 1. why every single sect decided to chase after him and 2. why he managed to escape death despite a bunch of skilled martial artists running after him for like a really long time. 
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Lastly, I like the fact that the orthodox people aren’t exactly “evil” but their goodness is what makes them annoying. They don’t mean harm when they tried to test if Sifeng was a demon or if Minyan is a betrayer, they truly are thinking for the overall good, but their constant paranoia and need to do “what is right” and not “what makes sense” is truly what makes them unbearable. They sometimes throw away all logic for love, or sacrifice their own daughter in order to “do what’s right” instead of actually thinking of a method to not only save the daughter and keep the world at peace. It’s because of their goodness that they are able to be manipulated into idiocracy by Li Ze Palace. 
Oh and one last thought. I don’t know if it’s on purpose, but the lack of people in the heavenly realm is really interesting. Like, maybe the producers didn’t have enough money, or shots of the heavenly realm with more than like ten people (not in war) don’t exist in the book either, but it creates the image that the realm is super empty. The human realm, despite all its faults and cruelties, feels so much more alive and full of life in comparison to the boring and cold looking heavenly realm. 
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I'm not who you think I am
Azarath metrion zinthos...
Azarath metrion zinthos...
Azarath metrion zinthos...
The Titans alarm blared through the tower, distributing Raven's meditation session. She mentally groaned today was not the day to be dealing with villains.
For the last few weeks, it seemed like the world was out to get her. Between dealing with her own emotions, her father, Garfield and Jaime arguing over petty things that they would more likely forget about later, and Kori breathing down everyone's necks, she was bound to lose it at any point.
The only person in the tower that really didn't seem to give her any trouble was Damian. I mean, they were a couple after all, and even if they weren't, it wouldn't be anything new. However, in this case, Damian would always be the person she'd go to when she needed a break from everything and vice versa, but he had been gone for a little over a week on some, what Raven liked to call, 'Batman business', and wasn't expecting to be back for another few days. Sure, they had phone calls and video chats, but they would always come short because of something happening and one of them having to leave, leaving them barely any time to talk.
Raven ran down to the main area of the tower where her teammates were waiting. "What's the emergency?" She asked as she walked down the small flight of stairs.
"The Fearsome Five is causing a ruckus in the city." Kori began, leading the team out the door. "I've received reports of destruction, robbery, anything you could possibly think of, really."
"You know with Rob gone this ain't gonna be an even fight." Garfield said.
"We've taken The Fearsome Five down before without Damian." Raven said with a slight snap in her voice.
"Yeah, I know." He whined. "But it's a lot faster when he's here."
"Well, he's not." Now she was really snapping at him. Though she didn't really mean to. She was just frustrated with everything going on and, if she were honest, she desperately missed Damian and wanted him home. She muttered a quiet apology and walked ahead of her team.
The city was a mess. Buildings were crumbling on both ends of the street, some even catching on fire, bank alarms were ringing, children were crying and clinging to their mothers who were trying to find their way out of the ruckus. The entire scene made Raven sick. It reminded her of the destruction of Azarath, just to a minor degree. How someone could do something like this was beyond her.
The culprits in question emerged from the smoke and ash holding backs of money in each of their hands.
Jinx looked at the four, counting silently to herself before smirking, "Where's the pretty boy?"
Raven wasn't very appreciative of the cocky tone that came from the sorceress before her but still answered her calmly, "He's away. It's just us."
"What a shame. Just my luck, right?"
She threw an energy blast at the team and all hell broke loose. Starfire seized after both Shimmer and Mammoth, Blue Beatle came for Psimon, and Beast Boy after Gizmo, leaving Raven to deal with Jinx, blocking her attack with a shield of her own energy magic.
Both sides struggled for a while. Blast after blast and hit after hit, neither side seemed to be slowing down any time soon.
Raven was growing angrier at her fight. Jinx had been making snarky comments and taunts since the fight started and it was starting to drive her nuts.
"Is it true what they say?" Jinx as the two finally clashed, "That the little crystal on your head has your dad trapped?"
The question threw Raven off guard, causing her to weaken herself and giving Jinx the upper hand on pinning her to the ground.
"If it is true..." the sorceress began, leaning down towards the empath's face, "then I wonder what happens if I do this..."
She touched the small stone, sending a shock of magic through her fingers and into it. Raven's eyes went wide. She could feel herself losing all sanity she had left. All the anger and frustration she had built up until this point was about to make itself known. Her vision went from black to white, to red in a matter of seconds before she had completely blacked out.
Raven awoke in a cell. Her wrists were chained with cuffs that halted her magic. She recognized the cell from her visits to Damian's home: this was a cell in the Batcave. For a moment, she wondered how she had got there before bits and pieces came back to her. She remembered screaming of citizens and the yells of her friends trying to stop her. She remembered nearly killing everyone in sight and destroying nearby buildings and roads. Then she remembered a plane: the Batwing coming into Jump City.
"I must have fought Batman himself..." then, she realized, "Oh no... I must've fought Damian, too..."
She begins to think the worst at that point. She had feared for a while that Damian was only with her for research reasons because he didn't trust her. Because of this, she refused to ever look into his emotions. She couldn't bear the thought of finding out it was the truth. Thought, if that is, in fact, true, she'd definitely find out about it now.
She heard some yelling going on upstairs. She recognized the voices to be Bruce and Dick. It was difficult from where she was, but she tried to listen in on what they were saying.
"...ruce, aren't you being a little rash?"
Dick, she decided.
"She's a chaotic monster, Dick, she has to be restrained somehow."
"Look, all I'm saying is that we don't know what happened. This could be one huge misunder--"
"What misunderstanding, Dick?! You were there, you saw what she did, for God's sake, Dick, she tried to kill us!"
"You don't see the Titans every day, Bruce. I've seen this girl every day since she arrived and trust me she is anything but a monster. The only reason you--... Did you hear that?"
"Came from the roof."
"Wait is that..."
"She's getting away! Still think she's good, Dick?"
"Shut it."
There was running before silence filled the air.
"What was--" Raven began, but was cut off by a familiar voice.
"A distraction."
Raven snapped her head around to see Damian holding a pair of keys in his hand.
"Distracting him with his own holo-tech. Grayson's idea, actually. Still, we should hurry, my father is no fool." He unlocked the door and got the cuffs off Raven, who only looked down at her freed wrists in confusion. She snapped out of her trance when she saw Damian reach for her hand, leading her to a nearby motorbike that he was obviously planning to use as a getaway vehicle.
"What about your dad? Won't he come looking for us?"
"Grayson said he had a plan for convincing him to reconsider his wishes. Is it a good plan is still in question, but it's the only plan we have."
"Whatever you say..."
They were silent the whole way back to the tower, leaving the Empath to her thoughts. She mentally scolded herself for allowing Jinx to get that close to her but was madder at the fact that she caved into her advances so easily. She knew she was stronger than that, and wondered why she would have allowed herself to be overtaken by a low leveled witch. It was then she decided that Bruce was right, that she was too monstrous to be a hero.
The couple finally reached the doors of the tower. Raven put a hand on Damian's shoulder, stopping him from going inside.
"Wait, Damian..." she hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I wasn't sure you'd actually save me... thank you."
The boy wonder scoffed slightly. "You should know by now that I do not care what anyone else thinks. I will always back you up."
"You didn't let me finish... I think your father is right."
She crossed her arms and gave him a serious look. "Damian, half the city is destroyed because of me. Hell, I tried to kill people I care about... besides, it's not like you probably trust me anyway. You've always been skeptical of people, even your friends, and family. And especially people who have done something like this." She flung a hand out, pointing at the city where reconstruction was still happening. "And not just that..."
"Then what else?"
"If I may be so blunt: you're not exactly the most hideous person in the world, and it doesn't help you share the blood of the biggest billionaire out there... you could've had anyone. You could have had someone better than me--someone more heroic than me... so why me? Why trust me? Why love me?"
He was silent for a moment. Shocked at what came out of the girl he loved so dearly. Truth be told, he loved everything about her. Even her faults. After a moment, he finally was able to respond, "Because you are the only one I want. You always have been... is that really so hard for you to believe?"
"Damian, listen..." She put both of her hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eye as she spoke. "I'm not who you think I am... I'm a demon who has her own demons. Ones you can't possibly imagine. And I don't want to hurt you because of those demons."
Damian smiled a rare but genuine smile. "And I pray one day you will allow me to meet them. But until then, I'm just pleased to stay by your side. You have already proven to me that you are trustworthy, Raven, time and time again. I know you believe that your outward appearance and your family history makes you a horrible being, but trust me, it doesn't... I think I'm a pretty good example of that. And even with recent events, I know this isn't fully your fault. I've already been in contact with Koriand'r, she told me everything. Besides, as you said, you, yourself, have demons."
Raven couldn't say anything. She only looked at him pleadingly to just leave her and live an at least semi-safer life, but he only continued to smile, saying, "You cannot convince me otherwise, beloved."
She sighed in defeat. "I figured as much... though I should warn you that there may come a day you regret that decision."
"Highly doubtful."
"You heard me. You should know I could never regret you. Not for a moment."
Raven smiled, seeing as though there was no point in arguing with him. "You should probably go help Dick."
"Sadly, yes. You should get inside. I'm sure everyone is worried." He said, walking towards his bike. "I'll return shortly." And with that, he drove off.
Raven let out a sigh before turning a heal to walk into the tower, smiling slightly to herself.
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stowaway-macaw · 4 years
Biome Curse (Part 7)
Scar woke up to the sound of Jellie batting at the glass bottles attached to his belt that he had hung off a hook on his desk. He awoke easily since he wasn't as active the day previous and lifted the belt away from Jellie, not that she stopped swatting at the colorful crystals. As Scar put the belt back on his waist and started reaching for his cloak, he realized that Grian wasn't in the room. For about five seconds, Scar panicked, thinking that maybe that the only person who still remembered him had either left or been taken against his will. Then he remembered the pendant. Breathing a sigh of relief, Scar held the pendant so he could see it but the cord remained around his neck.
He was about to call out when he suddenly felt a presence nearby. He let the pendant fall and opened the door to the snail, hoping to face the strange entity that had forced a curse on him. He couldn't pinpoint the exact location of the presence until it spoke.
My wizard is awake. My wizard looks well rested.
Scar nodded slightly and an eerie silence followed and Scar had finally spotted the bird eyeing him and chose to pretend like he couldn't see it again.
The bird is missing again. Did my wizard send him away again? The jungle thinks my wizard should keep a tighter leash on his bird.
Scar was thankful for the question, despite sounding slightly like an interrogation. It told him that the jungle couldn't know whether or not Grian was inside the pendant.
"No, he's inside the pendant." The voice perked up immediately as soon as the words left Scar's mouth.
Fantastic. My wizard knows what is best for the bird. The bird should know that it is most free under the jungle's care. The jungle sees that my wizard needs no assistance. The jungle will now focus elsewhere.
And with that, Scar heard the flapping of wings and the blur of red disappeared from his view and eventually, so did the presence. Scar heaved a sigh of relief and held up the pendant again.
"You can come out now!" He called to the glass encased feather. Nothing happened.
"Hello?" Still nothing. Scar was getting increasingly nervous and desperately wanted to call out Grian's name, especially after getting such a positive reaction from the jungle when he told it that Grian was in the pendant.
"Hey, come out already!" Finally he was surrounded by the familiar whirlwind of color and Grian finally appeared in the middle. He looked dazed and held a faraway gaze that stared right through Scar and was barely responsive. The blank expression was worse looking since Grian's mask was on top of his head rather than over his face. To Scar, he looked pale, but it was hard to tell since he was still semi-transparent.
"Uh, are you okay?" Scar asked, anxiety rising in his throat for the third time that morning. Grian's head dipped slightly in what was probably a weak imitation of a nod.
"Noooo, oh no. You're obviously not okay! Hey, come back to me!" Scar had no idea that the affect would be this bad and guilt swelled up inside him. What had he done? He tried to grab Grian's shoulders, and remembered that his mask was still off when his fingers passed right through the arms of his friend.
"Put… put on your mask." Scar's voice failed him as the dread and guilt continued to grow. What if Grian was stuck like this? What if he had permanently cost himself his only accomplice in this wreck of a situation? What if he had lost his friend forever? All these questions and more wreaked havoc in Scar's mind as Grian's hand moved to pull down his mask. Scar stared intently at his friend's blank eyes until his mask was all the way down and his form solidified. The vibrant purple eyes behind the mask were the only thing visible and suddenly shot wide open. A desperate and ragged gasp filled his lungs and Grian nearly collapsed. Scar moved to support his heaving friend. After a handful of seconds, Grian spoke up.
"Nev… never… never again…" Scar's worries were shoved aside by Grian's words, but he still felt the guilt.
"We're going to… keep this mask on… unless it's absolutely necessary… Also… " Grian was finally able to stand up straight and looked Scar directly in the eye.
"Don't you dare blame yourself for this. There was literally no way you could have known." Scar was taken aback by the harshly encouraging words.
"How did you know…?" 
"It's so like you to blame yourself for something like that. Seriously dude, I'm fine now so all we have to do is keep my mask on. Easy." While Grian's words did banish some of the guilt, some still lingered since he could still hear the weakness in Grian's voice. Scar decided that would be good enough for now though.
"If anyone is at fault, it's that darn bird." Grian mumbled to nobody in particular. Scar chuckled slightly.
"Not calling it a pesky bird?" Scar teased. Grian huffed in playful frustration, but Scar could tell it had some genuine disgust to it.
"Yeah right. Pesky birds are pesky, not downright life-destroyers." Scar snorted at the comment and he could see the smirk on Grian's eyes. Then the two fell silent, an unasked and unanswered question hanging in the air. Scar vouched to break the silence, knowing that it would be better if the two discussed the issue now rather than later.
"So, what was it like?" Scar asked very hesitantly. Grian's gaze averted down to his bare feet, and he remembered all too well what it was like.
"Not pleasant. It's like not having a body, but still being conscious. You don't really feel anything, but at the same time you can feel a lot. Like dreaming but worse. It messes with your mind and your memories. You lose yourself in a space like that. Time doesn't matter, emotions don't matter, it's so... backwards. That and… I..." Grian's voice faded out into a mumble that Scar couldn't hear, and his face was now completely facing downward so Scar couldn't even see his eyes. His mask was covering both his expression and his voice which made it even harder to discern what he had said.
"...name" was all that Scar could make out from the marginally louder mumbling.
"I really can't hear you." 
"I forgot my name." Scar could finally see how tense Grian was and his voice cracked at the statement. Scar couldn't see the tears, but he knew they were there. Grian had forgotten his name. Neither of them had heard or said their name in two days, but after being practically forced into being something that wasn't who they were, it was all they had to hold onto from their normal life. Scar knew what it was, but he still couldn't say it. He felt a pang in his heart and moved to embrace his friend.
"We're going to solve this. I know it." Scar spoke with quiet confidence. Admittedly the confidence was completely staged, but "fake it 'til you make it" was a useful philosophy in times like these. It took some time, but the two had eventually composed themselves.
"You ready to go back?" 
"Sure am."
"Alright then. Go ahead and follow yesterday's plan and try to make some progress with Stress, but this time, avoid taking off the mask as much as possible." And with that, Grian nodded and took off in the direction of the cowmmercial district. He did his best to bury the morning's events in the back of his mind, but doing so proved to be quite difficult. When he arrived at the barge, Stress was already there waiting, but this time, someone was with her. As Grian got closer, he could hear their conversation and realized that the other hermit was Xisuma.
"-tell me sooner!?" The admin seemed angry.
"Look, I had to be cautious! I wasn't sure if one of the hermits would try to hurt him!" Stressed yelled back, obviously feeling, well, stressed.
"This is crucial! If he had been someone dangerous, what would you have done?"
"Please trust me when I say that you'll understand why I knew he wasn't. As soon as he shows up, you'll see!" Grian had landed already and was standing quietly to the side, but figured that then was as good of a time as any to speak up. He cleared his throat and the two squabbling hermits whirled around to face him.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" He asked, trying his best to look as reasonable as he could in spite of his attire. Xisuma stared at him in shock, but not at the colorful clothing. Rather, he looked into his eyes and saw and felt exactly what Stress had felt when she first encountered him; the familiarity, the trustworthiness, and even a tiny hint of nostalgia.
"I… see what you mean…" the three stood there for a bit, until Grian broke the silence.
"So… did she tell you about her wish?" 
"Yeah… but she didn't say what it was. She said she had made a deal with you…" Grian nodded and explained some more.
"Yeah. All I ask for in return is information on the magic in the jungle." At his words, Xisuma planned his next move carefully.
"Why do you want that information?" He asked gently, and noticed that the eyes behind the mask drifted downwards.
"Something very… unfortunate has been done to my friend and I. We're doing what we can to reverse it." After hearing this, Xisuma was positive. He was so sure after hearing that there was another person like this one, that these people were the answers to the problems spanning the whole community.
"What's your name?" Xisuma saw the man visibly wince, as though the question had physically hurt him.
"I… genuinely wish I could tell you. All I can tell you is that I have the-"
"The ability to grant our heart's desire, yes I've heard the line." Stress was somewhat dismissive about how he dodged the question, but Xisuma learned why with her next sentence.
"If you want a name so badly, then give one to yourself! It might not be what name you were given, but I think a name chosen by you or your mysterious friend will be more personal than any other. That's why nicknames are so popular!" Stress surprised herself with her outburst, as well as the two standing in front of her. Grian himself wasn't sure how to process it, but he wasn't given much time before Xisuma spoke up again.
"Well, we need to call you something. What about bird?"
"I will be content with literally anything but that." 
"Alright, strong no on that one." Xisuma thought some more after the speedy rejection of his first idea. Stress suddenly chuckled and smiled slightly.
"Why not play off that line you keep repeating. "Heart's desire", right?" When she suggested it, Grian perked up.
"Oh that works out. See, our situation is pretty complicated. There's this voice that keeps commanding us to do things and it's pretty intent on me just being something that belongs to my friend. It calls me bird, so I really don't want you guys to call me that. But if you call my friend "Heart" and if I'm "Desire", then I'm literally "Heart's desire"! As much as I hate to be considered a belonging, the nickname should make the voice happy if it ever finds out about it. I'm just happy that it's something you guys suggested instead of that… thing." Grian explained in the best way he could, and the three decided to stick with the silly titles either until the issue was fixed, or a different nickname caught on.
"Also, before we tell you all that we've found, we recruited some extra help." Xisuma said, changing the subject. Grian tilted his head.
"A friend of ours named Etho. He's… got a way with loopholes. I told him to meet us here, so he should be here in a little bit. He's going to help us with the whole magic spell situation. I thought I'd introduce you two since I can't get much research done about the jungle, but I ran into X here and ended up spilling our deal." Stress said, looking slightly sheepish. Grian thought for a moment.
"Etho, huh?"
"Did I hear my name?" The voice came from very close to the group and all three hermits jumped and cried out at the sudden appearance. Lo and behold, standing there was the familiar masked face of Etho. 
"You're early!" Stress cried, a hand on her chest as she slowed her rapid breathing. Etho smiled with his eyes, innocently.
"Yeah, it sounded important so I got here early. Don't worry, you don't have to explain much; I've been listening for a while." His face returned to neutral.
"I'll help. Where do we start?"
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3rachabffs · 5 years
not a date (maybe a date) ➺ zhang yixing
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◦ pairings: yixing x reader 
◦ word count: 2.6k
◦ prompt: parent!au + meet messy, exes + “you have the emotional capacity of a brick.”
◦ description: when sehun tells you that he convinced his friend to babysit your daughter for you, you can't say that you're thrilled. most of sehun’s friends are exactly like him—partiers, irresponsible, so on and so forth. but meeting said friend puts all your worries to rest.
◦ a/n: cross-posted on ao3
“I can babysit.”
“Sehun, you have the emotional capacity of a brick.”
You say that lovingly, of course. Sehun is your best friend and has been since you two were snot-nosed toddlers fighting over who gets to go down the slide first. The only thing that has ever changed in your relationship is that now the two of you fight over who gets to write what editorials for the magazine you work at.
However, you loving him doesn’t change the fact that he’s a semi-irresponsible partier who drinks from dusk until dawn and has no problem with speaking whatever is on his mind, even if it means hurting people’s feelings. As an adult, you can appreciate those traits (to an extent), but imagining him taking care of a child, especially your child… Well, there would be lots of crying and screaming. And that’s only taking Sehun’s reaction into consideration.
“You know,” he replies, “I would take great offense to that if you weren’t one hundred percent correct.”
Sehun spins around in his desk chair and takes a sip of coffee (it’s only 10 AM and he’s already on his third cup, trying to fight the hangover) before promptly turning back around and wiggling his perfectly sculpted eyebrows at you. “I have an idea.”
“Should I be scared?”
“No, no. Of course not.” He pauses, and then sighs. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what? I’m not giving you a look.”
“Yes, you definitely are. You’re giving me your “Sehun is stupid and I’m not gonna go along with anything he says” look.”
“This is just my face!”
“No, your eyes are deader than usual.”
“Just trust me, will you?” And with that Sehun gets up from his chair, smooths out the wrinkles from his suit, and begins to head towards the elevators.
You slowly spin in your own chair to follow his path as he walks, arms crossed disapprovingly across your chest. “And where are you going?”
“To talk to a friend of mine in Art Media. I’ll be right back, babe.”
You can't help but roll your eyes at his antics. You thought he would stop with the pet names after the HR violation but once the higher-ups found out that the two of you weren't dating and Sehun was very much gay, everyone seemed to stop caring about it (including whoever reported the situation in the first place).
Turning back to your desk, you continue typing up the editorial you were working on prior to the whole "need-a-babysitter" fiasco. You're still not quite sure what you're going to do—maybe you should just cancel the cooking class—but that's an issue you can focus on during your lunch break.
Sehun doesn't come back until you're already printing what you wrote so that you can run it upstairs to your editor. You raise an eyebrow at the mischievous smirk on his face.
“What did you do?”
"I got a babysitter for you."
Alarm bells begin to go off in your head immediately. Sehun said the person he was going to talk to was a friend and all the friends you've ever met of his have been exactly like him—partiers, irresponsible, so on and so forth.
Getting out of your chair, you grab Sehun's hand and pull him towards the break room. He follows quietly, but only until the two of you are a safe distance away from the rest of your coworkers. Once you're behind closed doors, however, he pulls his hand away and gives you one of his signature looks, the—
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I appreciate you trying so hard to get a babysitter for me but, Sehun, come on! I've never even met this guy, how am I supposed to trust him with my child?"
"Well, he—"
"Is he one of your clubbing friends? One of the ones you stay out with until 4 am? Oh my god, he's not the friend who drove you home drunk one night, right? Look, I'll find my own sitter, okay? Thanks for trying but you can tell your friend no thanks."
"Or you can."
You practically jump out of your skin at the new voice that interrupts your (one-sided) conversation with Sehun. Leaning against the doorframe is one of the most attractive men you've ever seen, what with his dark, slicked-back hair and proportions that could rival those of a male model.
"I-I'm sorry?" you stutter. "What did you say?"
Sehun claps, looking all too happy for the situation at hand. "Y/N, I'd like to introduce you to Yixing, the friend I was talking about. I brought him with me because I know you would want to meet him."
You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping that in the next two seconds you'll magically be teleported anywhere other than here. But alas, you are not Dorothy with her magic red heels. So, you decide to be a responsible adult and apologize.
"Yixing, I am so, so sorry for anything you might have overheard. It's just... when it comes to Naeun, I'm so protective."
Yixing, bless his heart, smiles at you and alleviates all of your worries. "Hey, it's alright. I'm the same with my kid, too." The surprise must be written all over your face because he continues, "I'm guessing you didn't expect Sehun to have friends—other than you—that have kids."
"Honestly? I didn't. He's kinda stuck with me since we grew up together, after all."
"Well, let me shock you some more. Another friend of ours, Jongdae, also has a kid."
Turning to Sehun, you cross your arms. "You never thought to introduce me to these friends of yours? People that I could relate to?"
Sehun just shrugs. "Not really."
You roll your eyes. "And that's why I never expect anything from you."
"I like not being held to expectations."
Yixing laughs, amused by your bickering. "Not to interrupt but, Y/N, now that you know I'm not one of his quote-unquote clubbing friends, do you trust me to take care of Naeun? I figured it would be nice for her and my daughter to hang out with one another since they're around the same age."
You take a moment to think but, honestly, it's just for show. In the few minutes you've spent with him, you can tell that he's trustworthy enough to take care of your daughter. "That sounds lovely. What time's your lunch? Maybe we can meet and discuss this further."
"I usually take lunch at 2, but I can fit my schedule with yours. I'm the Art Director so I don't think anyone will fight me on it."
Your jaw drops. "Oh my god, you're the Art Director? I'm sorry, I had no idea."
"It's fine, I don't expect people who aren't in the same department as me to know who I am."
"Right, of course not, I was just surprised.” You give Sehun a look, signaling to him that you want to discuss how he’s friends with the Art Director at a later point. Then, you continue, “Anyways, my lunch is at 1:30, so if that's good for you we can meet then."
"Perfect, I'll meet you in the cafe." With that, he claps Sehun on the shoulder and takes his leave.
Now alone, Sehun focuses all of his attention on you. "Oh, a lunch date, hm? Spicy."
"Sp... Spicy?" You fumble over the word, flabbergasted. "No, no, no, no. Not spicy. It's basically a business meeting. I'm just gonna learn a bit about him, tell him what he needs to know in order to babysit, and let him know what time I'll drop Naeun at his house. That's all."
"I don't know, it kinda sounds like a date to me," Sehun teases.
"In what world does that sound like a date?" Huffing, you push past him and head back to your desk. "Whatever, I need to get my editorial to Minseok. Bug off."
"Y/N and Yixing sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N—"
You hit Sehun on the head using your printed editorial, shushing him. "We're not in kindergarten anymore, Sehun! That's enough, I'm leaving."
"Alright, you minx. Go."
Getting into the elevator, you yell, "I'm not a minx!"
You're instantly swarmed with feelings of regret at your outburst when all of your coworkers turn to look at you and couldn't be more thankful when the elevator doors close.
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"So, Naeun is four, right?" Yixing asks.
You take a moment to swallow the bit of sandwich you were chewing before responding. "That's right. And your daughter, Hana, is the same age?
"That's right." Yixing digs into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and takes out his wallet. It only takes him a second for him to locate her picture and hand it to you. "That's her, on her birthday this year."
The girl looks exactly like him, dimples and all. Her hair is a bit lighter though, which you assume is a trait she acquired from her mother.
"If you don't mind me asking, is Hana's mother still in the picture?"
Yixing sighs as he gingerly puts the picture back into his wallet. "No, she's not. She decided that being a mom wasn't her calling and decided to chase her passions in Rome or something like that."
"Oh, wow. I'm sorry. That's... wow."
Yixing chuckles, running a hand through his hair and messing it up just enough that a few strands fall perfectly against his forehead. "It's alright. Based on how she acted during the pregnancy, I was expecting the worst. Plus I wouldn't really want her in Hana's life anyway."
"It doesn't sound like you really liked her that much, if I’m being candid."
"No, I guess it doesn't."
The conversation dies down for a few moments as you both take some time to actually eat your lunch. The silence is a comfortable one, which you appreciate. It’s not common for you to feel so at ease with a person you’ve just met.
Yixing starts talking again abruptly. "I think I did love Chengxiao when I was with her. Or at least I believed I did."
You look at him with your cheeks puffed out, mid-bite. You had thought it was a sensitive topic and didn't expect him to continue. Yixing takes one look at you and smiles, handing you a napkin. You take it despite the embarrassed blush on your cheeks. The way he looked at you... It was almost fond. You quickly cast that thought aside, however. Surely you're reading too deeply into things because you’re attracted to him.
"When I met Chengxiao, I was young. 22. I was just starting out at the company and I was so overwhelmed. I was looking for someone to distract me, and she was that person.  We dated on and off for months and things got more serious when she got pregnant.
“My parents suggested I marry her, but she didn't want that and honestly, I wasn't sure I did either. I loved her for what she did for me, though. And even more so now that, because of her, I have Hana.
“But she was a wildcard, always looking for her next adventure. It's why I didn't expect her to stay after the pregnancy, but I'm not upset that she left. I don't think she would have loved our daughter the way she deserves to be loved."
Yixing stops, giving you a bashful look. "I'm sorry, you didn't ask for my life story."
You shake your head vehemently, not wanting him to feel like he overstepped by sharing so much with you. "No, no, it's perfectly alright! I'm glad you were comfortable enough to share something like that with me. It really speaks towards your character."
He raises an eyebrow. "Oh? And what does it say about me?"
"Well..." You pause, wondering where to begin. "It says that you're an incredible father. You care so much about your daughter and obviously put so much thought and care into anything that involves her. It also says that you're kind, almost to a fault. This woman, Chengxiao, she left you. Yet, you're still thankful to her and hold no animosity towards her. I find that to be very admirable."
By the time you're done, you're sure that your face is as red as an apple. Yixing has been paying you rapt attention, staring at you the entire time you spoke. It’s as if everything you had to say was of great importance to him.
Breaking out into a beautiful, dimpled smile, he thanks you. "I'm honored you seem to think of me so highly already. I hope I don't blow it on our next date."
"Our next date...?" Your heart soars.
He nods. "I'd really like to see you again. And not just when you drop Naeun off later."
"I'd really love that."
"What would you think about getting dinner on Friday night? You, me, and the kids."
The fact that he was willing to include Naeun and Hana on your first real date has you beaming. "That sounds perfect. More than perfect."
"I'm so glad."
On that note, Yixing gets up, smoothing out any wrinkles from his suit before throwing out his trash in a nearby garbage. You follow suit and he waits for you inside the elevator, foot holding the door. He presses the buttons for your floors—8 and 11, respectively. A few seconds pass—floor 1, floor 2—when suddenly he turns to you, grabbing you by the waist.
"Can I kiss you?"
You let your body answer for you, capturing his lips with your own. His touch is electric, sending a tingle down your spine. You get so lost in his touch that you don't notice another person getting on the elevator until they clear their throat.
You and Yixing pull away from each other immediately. Flushed and breathing heavily, you share a guilty look, akin to two teenagers who were caught making out underneath the bleachers. The woman who entered the elevator just laughs and shakes her head, before exiting on floor 6.
Soon enough, you arrive to your floor and bid Yixing goodbye.
"See you tonight at 8."
"See you then. I can't wait to meet Naeun."
The doors close, taking Yixing away. You have a strong urge to act like the dramatic lead in a teen romance movie and lean against them so you can slide to the ground in a lovesick daze. But you're not in a movie, you are an adult in your workplace. So, you smooth down your skirt and march over to your desk confidently, ready to tackle the rest of the work you have for the day. No matter how cute Yixing is, you won't let him hinder your performance.
Sehun eyes you as you approach and pounces the second you take a seat. "Tell me everything. I know something happened, you're practically glowing."
You keep your lips shut tight, not wanting to play into his antics. He gasps, taking your silence as an answer in itself. "You two didn't hook up in a storage room or something, did you? That'd be amazing."
Glaring at him, you respond, "No, we didn't." You turn back to your computer, ready to continue your work, but you can feel his stare boring into your side. With a sigh, you concede. "We did kiss in the elevator, though."
"Oh my god, yes! I should become a matchmaker or something, I swear."
You roll your eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Get back to work, slacker."
"Just say thank you."
There are a few colorful words you’d like to say that certainly aren’t even close to being thank you, but you bite your tongue.  "Alright. Thank you."
"I better be your best man at the wedding."
"Oh, Sehun, shut up!"
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