helixcraft · 1 month
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Turns out, these two share a birthday
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
what do you think about the kaeya = caribert theory? i saw some people use it as an 'explanation why his skin is dark' like. oh he used to be a Monster and the skin is a remnant of it :) and it pissed me off so bad. i need to know what other people think about it
its honestly not a theory im super fond of i think its a little stupid no offense. i dont think it makes a lot of sense? to go super in depth i'd have to take another look at the caribert quest (and maybe read up on the khaenri'ah lore we have so far again) but i kinda feel like it establishes pretty firmly that kaeya couldnt be caribert. descended from that branch of the family maybe (though im more fond of the theory that kaeya is descended from the branch of alberichs that were actually being regents, something that chlothar wasnt involved in because he distanced himself from the rest of the family to look after his son) (makes sense that kaeya would know more about the alberichs being the regents in khaenri'ah than he knows about an alberich being the founder of the abyss order) (theres a post about it i reblogged it some time ago and it hasn't left my mind since) but like.. him actively being caribert? sounds.. honestly really dumb to me.. don't ask me how kaeya isnt (or at least doesn't seem to be) affected by any curse, be it monsterification or immortality, but i just feel like that isnt the explanation. the actual explanation could be related to the events in caribert though.. cant wait for them to tell us what it actually is lol. on the off chance that this fucking theory is true then ill just bite my tongue i guess but i know im right. ok now moving on to the elephant in the room. what kind of take even is thatttttt "thats why his skin is dark"what is bro talking about🔥🔥‼️ if i read that with my own two eyes id block a person SO fast. why would you say that and treat it as serious evidence and backing for your theory. thats just. racism basically. what. anyways kaeya whos half from sumeru supremacy
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qipoth · 7 days
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𒂭۪۪۪۪᳝۟ ━╋ ♪ •̩̩͙*˚ ❀
Yeah but this is a idea that is rotting my brain all over the week-
IMAGINE that you have an OC (almost self insert) for the game that you have been playing recently...And somehow, The voicelines are acting strange... Mentioning some unknown character (It names casually after your Oc) that has no been appeared....
Is just a coincidence...
You think that all of this is just a new character that is just gonna come the next version because is all that hoyoverse always do when a character is gonna come out. But the next version hits and is no character with the qualities that has been mentioned in.... And the signs is just getting more and more evident!!!!
And when you are exploring you see a new room for the faction that you always wanted to be part of it
And when you enter the room is the perfect room you ever imagined from you Your OC!!!
All of this is just strange... What is Hoyoverse cooking this time?? You think.....
But meanwhile in the universe, everything is in chaos, because the gaze of their almighty creator has been disappeared everyone is in panic
D-did they did something wrong?!?!
A-a-are you mad at them!?!?!?
But then, in this chaos it appears a new character!!! Everyone is stunned, because you. They hold the oh so divine essence of his creator!! Not even the Mc has that!! And the gaze returns even more warm, loving and gentle, like it is telling them that you bring them one part of you to them!!!!
You love them so much, right?
And the character asks to join to the traveler & paimon/Astral Express!! They are sooo lucky! So you get to travel with them
Don't pay attention to the obsessive eyes and glares that everyone has to you, the cligniness and the jealous glares that they trown to each other<3333
After all, you don't have to be worried to get hurt, they will protect you, At. every. cost.
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I'm not new in the community of Self-Aware, but I am new at all of this of the brainrot and fanfics!
I will be posting some ideas that I have or fanfics that it might be for there, also, you can use the ideas for the fanfics!! Just pls give credit...
So, I hope that my fanfics & ideas will be good for you!!!
Also I finally gain courage to write my own self aware blog pls be good
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liliewrites · 22 days
Let's see then 🤔🤔 Ngl lately I've been having such a hyper fixation on Arlecchino's hands, like not even in a sexual way (although.. 😏), I just think her hands are absolutely beautiful and the prettiest thing I've seen sooo...
Could I request sitting next to Arle while she's working or literally doing whatever and just absentmindedly playing with her hand cause they're just so pretty and how she might react to her s/o liking that part of her so much 🙏 Would NOT complain if it somehow lead to nsfw but I'm perfectly fine with maximum fluff 😌
Honestly, wdym "enough yapping", there is never enough yapping about Arlecchino.. I just think she's neat fr, I wanted to hug her so bad while catching up on the Fontaine story quests as well as her companion quest lol. And I am absolutely here to hype you tf up 😤😤😤💪💪 Keep up the great work as always ! Have a wonderful day
HELLLOOOOOOO 🔥 ANONN!!:)) AHAHAHAHAH thank u for the ask, oh yes , FINALLY i have the opportunity to write about arlecchino's hands.. hoyoverse did her justice like oh THEY KNEW what they were doing to the sapphics.
- warning/s ; no smut, but a bit of suggestive content at the end:)
(men please dni utc!)
"hello, darling!"
you cheerfully greeted your wife, whom was working in the study room. she looks at you, nods at you, then looks back at the papers.
"hello my beloved, are the kids asleep?" she asks as you sit down beside her. you nod at her question, scooting over to peek at her papers, but not too close to invade her personal space and interrupt her. "yes, my love. the kids are taking their afternoon nap but.. what are you working on, hm?" you ask, staring down at her hands that held the papers. you could make out numbers and lengthy paragraphs of formal and fancy words, all of which arlecchino was reading and signing.
"just some financial reports, darling. nothing special, i was thinking of expanding our home to better.."
oh, you tried to listen, but as soon as your eyes focused on her hand, it made it hard for you to listen. "... and then we could improve our training facilities.." you heard, absentmindedly nodding at her words. ".. so we could make the children have more.." again, you nodded.
damn it, your wife wouldn't mind it if you held her hand just so you could focus better on her words, right?
so you grabbed her right hand in yours, the one that held the pen. she wasn't using it anyway since she was busy explaining to you her plans and ideals for the orphanage. "- and so i was thinking, beloved. in order to raise the children's competency, i wanted to have them isolated in the mountains, without any kind of support whatsoever. it will help improve their surviv-"
you immediately cut her off, looking her with an absurd stare due to her suggestion. how could she even suggest that in the first place?
"of course, no, i wasn't serious with that suggestion, darling. i was testing whether you were listening or not, and you probably were not."
oh, you let out a sheepish chuckle, feeling a teensy bit embarrassed for being caught. regardless, arlecchino did not look upset and squeezed your hand that held hers. "is there something the matter, beloved? usually, you always diligently listen to my reports." she asks, genuinely concerned about you and it makes your heart flutter. it made you feel guilty, having to be distracted by a silly little reason, so you decided to listen to her better this time. "nothing, beloved. my mind was.. just preoccupied. let's talk about it later after you tell me your report." you told her, and arlecchino protested no further, explaining to you all over again her plans for the house.
you definitely did listen better this time, with your hands unconsciously fiddling with her hand. you were pressing on her palm, intertwining your fingers with hers, your thumb tracing small shapes and doodles on her palm. your mind taking little side notes like.. the texture of her hand wasn't that rough, but it was definitely a bit different from normal skin. at first, you were worried if this was causing her pain or any physical harm, but she assured you that it wasn't. still, you wanted to know the cause of her blackened skin and the pattern on her arms.
on the other hand (haha get it), arlecchino told you about expanding the facilities of the orphanage, adding another bedroom to make room for more children, etc etc, much to your relief as none of her plans included isolating them in the mountain.
after she talked, now it was your turn to provide your insights and opinions,adding some suggestions of your own. arlecchino listened to you intently as she greatly appreciated you and your passion for the children, she could tell that you genuinely were concerned about their well being and that you loved them greatly. she couldn't help but spare loving glances at you.. and knowing glances down at her hand. now she thinks she knows why you were so distracted.
after finally putting down your suggestions, you decided it was time for a little break. "well, my beloved. i assume we can wrap this up? i think all that should be fine for now." you told her, placing the pen down. for the whole time you had been talking, you never let go of arlecchino's hand. it was either two hands holding hers, but if you had to write, then only one. this didn't go unnoticed by your wife, but you did forget about it halfway into the discussion.
"i agree, i say we talk about some other thing, my dear."
"hm, like what?" you curiously ask. oh, there's more to talk about?
".. like how you've been distracted the first time i talked, but when you held my hand, your focus seems to have returned. perhaps you'd like to confess, darling?"
you only blink for a minute, then looking down at your hands holding hers. "o-oh! oh, right.." you stuttered, obviously flustered that you've been caught. you looked away, slowly letting go of her hand. "i didn't say to let go now, did i?" she told you, before pulling you on to her lap. she held her hands out in front of you, leaning her chin on your shoulder. "now, beloved, what is it about my hands that interest you so much?" she asked, and you thought for a little while, gather your little notes from earlier.
you intertwined your hands with her, and arlecchino saw the cute smile on your face as you started to talk. "your hands.. they're rough and calloused, they've probably done things humankind would deem twisted and cruel but.." you brought both hands to your lips, pressing a kiss on her skin. the small gesture made arlecchino feel her heart flutter, you looked so adorable on her lap, while speaking words of affection. ".. but these are the very same hands that work hard to provide for me and the children, the same hand that gives me warmth and security even on the coldest of nights and.." your thumb brushed against that one significant ring on her left hand, a ring that matched yours. "- these hands belong to the woman i dearly love."
that was it for arlecchino, she couldn't help but burst in joy- and she showed it in the form of spreading soft, ticklish kisses on your bare neck in front of her. you couldn't help but giggle at your wife's attempts at being playful again. she wrapped her arms tightly around your waist, making you unable to lean away from her. "my, you say such sweet words that directly hit my heart- and you expect the knave not to retaliate with an attack of her own?" she joked, continuing to tickle you, wanting to hear more of you sweet giggles. "i-i get it! i get it, i surrender, my love!" you exclaimed, feigning defeat. as the playful little moment between the both of you died down, arlecchino had her arms wrapped around you, a loving smile on her face as her forehead leaned on your back. "hm, can i have a kiss? as compensation for winning?" she asked, making you laugh at her words. oh, it was funny- more so that it came from the woman whom the public claims as dull and emotionless, as in front of you, said woman was currently looking like a fool in love as she held you in her lap.
you got up and shifted your position on her lap, now facing her. at the sight of your pretty, gorgeous face that she's come to love coupled with your weight pressing down on you-know-where, she couldn't help but feeling a certain type of yearning for you. her hand cupped your chin, pulling you in for a kiss that was not sweet nor innocent in any way. her tongue tied with yours, running along your bottom lip, and continued kissing you with intense fervor that you were unable to keep up. when she pulled away, however, a grin on her face that made shivers run down your spine was plastered on her face. her hand on your chin, the other rested on your hip.
"hm.. beloved, do you want to see what else these hands can do for you?"
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
Hi~ Hi! ~How are you? Don't forget to rest, this is very important!
Can I request Welt Yang, Dan Heng and Arlan with a blind reader(gn or male)? Reader can protect himself, reserved and calm, but there are days.... When reader very upset about what he can't see their ٩(๑꒦ິȏ꒦ິ๑)۶
(hurt /comfort )
Reserved and calm blind S/O
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Welt, Dan Heng, Arlan ]
[ Honkai Star Rail ]
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Hehe :3c thanks for being so considerate and requesting some of my favorites boooooys ~
I think i already said this before but one of my biggest fears is to be completely blind, but writing this kind of prompt actually makes me feel comforted and less afraid! So thank you
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Welt Yang
Once you two start to be in a relationship Welt is already sure of what he feels for you and that he wants to share his life with you, he isn't the type to tell everyone about your relationship but is quite obvious that you two are together by how close he likes to stay with you or the expression full of adoration Welts has whenever he look at you
Welt doesn't think that your disability is a problem for your relasionship and he has no problem with helping you around if you need it, however he won't underestimate you in the slighlest, if you say that you are capable of taking care of yourself then he will step back and let you walk around on your own, just offering you his help when is need it (or when you want it)
Welt loves you and cares for you so of course he will look after your well-being, he wants to make sure you are safe and is willing to use his own strenght to help you and protect you if you ever need it (just as he is willing to protect the rest of the crew), even so he knows really well that you are more than capable to protect yourself and he is willing to step back and let you fight on your own (he doesn't say it often but he feel quite prideful of the fact that you are more capable of protecting yourself, and even more whenever he can see you in action)
Although, whenever you two are in a new place Welt is a little more cautious with where you walk and what you touch, always offering you his hand so he can guide you around until you feel comfortable enough to do it by your self (he can't really let you borrow his cane but he can always get one for yourself)
If you ever ask him to describe something for you he can do it, he takes a moment to be able to think on how to describe something in the best way posible and he is actually really good at doing it (he once worked in an animation company so he knows how to do it, however he sometimes can be a little too specific or talk with technicalities so he may have to explain a few things twice, but he doesn't mind and actually apologize for not being clear enough with a soft chuckle)
Your calm and reserved nature is no a problem for him, he knows that he must win your trust and make you feel comfortable with him for you to open up and he is more than willing to wait for you to talk to him whenever you are ready, in the mean time you two can just spend some quality time together
The only thing that can posibly bother him about your reserved nature is if you hide what you feel and what trouble you, he understand if you don't want to seem as weak (specially by the fact that you are blind and people can underestimate you by that) or even show vulnerability, he is your partner and he wants to be able to help you, he is willing to wait for you to be comfortable but if you don't seem to talk about something that is bothering you Welt will have no other option than ask you right away
Welt knows that even if you are used to your condition and even already learn to live with it that doesn't mean it wont bother you at times or that it can't cause you troubles, so when he gets to know that there are days that you just feel bad about being blind and about not being able to see anything he isn't too surprised about it, still he won't really take it in a bad way nor think you are exaggerating or something
Welt is actually pretty good at comforting you, he doesn't like leaving you alone when you feel so bad but he is more than willing to just sit at your side and make you company, also he can be a shoulder to cry or someone to vent to and he pretty much just let you vent all you need without saying much, just the necesary for you to know that he is here for you (probably just holding you close in a really comforting embrace, as if he was trying to hide you from the world so is just the two of you). Welt is really with words too, he doesn't sugar coat things but know what to say in the right moment
Even if you never feel bad about your condition Welt is constantly giving you reasurance about how amazing and valuable you are, a disability doesn't make you less than anyone else and doesn't make him love you less, so you doesn't have to worry nor feel insecure, and yet he is more than willing to repeat it for you a million of times if that makes you feel better
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Dan Heng
Dan Heng may feel quite troubled with the idea of starting a relationship for how much troubles he has with himself and his past, still he doesn't want to stop himself from walk in his own path, so, even if he can feel quite shy about the romantic stuff once he knows he likes you and his feelings are reciprocated he doesn't see why not at least give a try
Dan Heng isn't troubled in the slighest for your disability, he can feel a little sad about when thinking on it but he normally doesn't say anything about it (not wanting to upset you or even offend you by accident), he does respect you a lot and don't exactly underestimate you but he can't help but worry about you, he had a lot of troubles on the past and now that he finally can have some peace with people he can trust and love he just doesn't want to lose that
Even when you tell Dan Heng that you are more than capable to protect yourself that doesn't stop him from wanting to protect you, is just part of his caring nature (and he fears that his past just bring you problems), he just can't help but glance at you from time to time to make sure that you are alright or just to know that you are still there (in all honestly, Dan Heng sometimes just fears that something bad would happen to you and he need that constant reasurance even if you weren't blind he will feel the same)
He prefers to avoid getting into troubles but there are times when it is imposible but is in those times that he can see you actually defending yourself, and, even when he hates seeing you getting into troubles he also feel quite relief and even at ease knowing that you aren't defendless
Dan Heng doesn't mind at all your calm and reserved personality, it is a good change from the March and the trailblazer energetic mess that they are and your personality just helps him feel more at easy and comfortable, he is happy if you two just spend some quality time, even if you were just in the same room doing completely diferent things he will still appreciate those moments with all his heart
Dan Heng tries really hard to don't underestimate because of your disability but he just can't help but want to help you, and most of the times he just does things to help you unconsciously, taking your hand to help you guide yourself or making sure there is nothing that can obstruct your path while walking, he also normally walk by your side and tries to make sure no one bump into you or you yourself end up bumping into something
Whenever you have to visit a new place Dan Heng likes to walk slowly, just waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to walk with more confidence, as well he tries to describe you your surroundings mainly to warn you of what it is around (even when he is close, ready to help you avoid get hurt). He doesn't really think he is good at describing things for you but if you really want to he'll give a try, most of the time he gives good describes about the things you ask him but feels a little embarrassed if someone else heard him doing it (not that he will stop, he just can't say no to you when you ask for his help)
Dan Heng undestands really well your reserved nature, there are things that he prefer to keep for himself too, still he tries to remember you from time to time that you aren't alone in life, you have the rest of the astral express crew and you have him, even if the only thing he can do for you is be by your side the he gladly do it. When he start noticing that you feel more down Dan Heng imediatly has the impulse to offer you help and yet he ask you if he can help or you rather prefer to be alone, he doesn't like the idea of leaving you but if you feel more comfortable by being alone the he will leave you have time for yourself
Dan Heng isn't really the best to offer comfort but he at least decide to be a shoulder to cry if you need it, just letting you vent and hearing you with care, holding you close to him in a comforting embrace (if that helps you and you left him, of course) but without saying much, still he does say a few things about how important you are. Dan Heng feels quite bad about not being able to offer more comfort so he will decide to try to be more open about how much he cares for you and how important you are for him and the rest of the crew (also, he will probably ask Himeko or Welt for some device to be able to help you feel better about yourself)
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Arlan is someone really caring and selfless and when he start a relasionship with you he is more than ready to try his hardest to be a good boyfriend for you (what will take him some time and tries because Arlan tend to be way too selfless and dedicated to his job), even so, there is no doubt on how much Arlan actually loves you, even his co-workers notice and always express how happy they are for him embarrasing him on the process
The fact that you are blind doesn't bother Arlan but it does worry him, no matter how stronge and capable you are to defend yourself that doesn't stop him from worry about you (but that doesn't mean he doesn't find you incredibly amazing and admirable, everytime he thinks on how you are more than capable to protect yourself even despite not being able to see he feels motivated to do a great job in the Herta Space Station and even become stronger), Arlan is selfless and more than ready to step in the front of the battlefield to protect everyone and everything on the Space Station, and since you are so special for him that feeling just intensifies, he is naturally caring so he will always express it for you (along with his infinite love for you, most of the time he just does without noticing but with a lot of confidence, that is why he always gets embarrased when you or someone else point it out)
Most of the time Arlan is too busy to spend as much time as he would like with you so he treasures all the moments he has with you and actually tries to accommodate his schedule to be with you (thanks to Asta for that too) and when he can't he just let you with Peppy, letting you two at each other's care
Whenever you two are together Arlan tries to pay attention to the surroundings to make sure nothing will get in your way and bring you troubles, however whenever he is with you is just matter of time for him to feel so relaxed that he can let his guard down and just forget about all his work and worries for a moment, and everytime it happens he has a smile in his face, without fail. Even if he gets distracted he is quick to react, so even if he lets his guard down if something may threaten you (even something small like an obstacle that makes you stumble) he is quick to take care of it and will even apologize for let it happen
Arlan doesn't feel to skilled to be able to describe things for you if you ask him, he is more formal when describing things because of his work so he isn't confident to do it because he thinks he may just end up disappointing you so he ask Asta to do it for him, he knows she is better at helping you with that so he just steps back and watch you two talk about all you want (he feels a little bad for not being able to help you but doesn't really say it), but if you want to touch something to take a glance of it he will be happy to be there to you to hand you whatever you want to touch and make sure you don't hurt yourself by accident (if you want to touch his face he will be incredibly flustered but wont be able to say no)
Arlan is respectful of your reserved personality and the fact that you are so calm actually helps him feel more relaxed and have time to actually rest whenever he is with you, still he may feel a little bit anxious if after some time of being in a relationship you still are too reserved and prefer to don't talk to him about how you feel, he'll try to help you feel comfortable to open up but he isn't too sure to how to do it so he may just ask some advice to Asta
Getting to know that there are days where you feel really bad or even depressed because of how you disability makes you lose a lot of beautiful scenaries (specially for how much everyone in the Space Station talks about the universe and their investigation) makes Arlan feel upsed too, not because he pity you but because he doesn't like seeing his lover so sad, he will just sit by your side and let you vent all you need, holding you close and just reasuring you that even if you can't see that doesn't makes you less valuable nor less lovable, in all honestly he feels bad for not being able to do more for you and probably apologize for it too, but he also promise to never leave you and always love you, he will do everything on his power to make you happy (probably will resort to use Asta and Peppy's help to comfort you because he feels like he can't do much for you, its okay as long as it helps you feel better again)
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sleepybbie · 10 months
Hi! Your Blade thirst Drabble was so hot 🥵 could I request a thirst Drabble for IL! Dan Heng x reader please? Thanks!
𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 | dan heng • imbibitor lunae drabble
a/n: my inbox has been filled with dan heng il/dan feng lately what has hoyoverse been feeding to that man to make everyone so down bad for him? T^T
dan heng il x fem!reader
warning: smutty drabble below!
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no matter how many times he tells you, you just seem to can’t take your hands off his horns.
you couldn't help it! they were so fascinating to look at. touch even—there's just something so intriguing about them. vidyadhara such as him are indeed enchanting species from the xianzhou. however, it's not because of his bashfulness of why DAN HENG won't allow you to touch his horns; there's another reason behind his refusal to let anyone lay a finger on his horns at all.
it's simply because dan heng's horns are sensitive. and also it secretly...makes him easily aroused.
he's not sure why it has come to that of a certain conclusion, yet that was just him expressing the matter of the fact. everyone had taken note not prod on them for the sake of his space, but here you are...
rubbing on his horns while he whimpers beneath you as you sat on his lap.
his face was so flushed, panting heavily while he roughly holds on your waist to keep you still, the same movement you did while you rub on his horns. this felt odd...and he was also feeling hard at the same time. oh aeons, this isn't good...
"a-ah...y/n hold on...please, don't tug on them..they're..." he pleads with a hush voice, trying to keep his tone down as the two of you were just in his room. you were too captivated by the horns, e/c eyes cluelessly getting used to the feeling while dan heng was almost dying underneath you. he couldn't take it...you were such a tease.
in each subtle touch you delivered onto his horns, you can feel a twitch from his length, all underneath his gorgeous attire. oh so he wasn’t lying when he said his horns were sensitive…
“so you really aren’t lying about these horns…”
“why would i even lie about something like that?? gah..ah…please that’s eno—
you gently tugged on them, and he gasps. oh shit, that was hot. his grip on your waist became tighter, and his rock-hard cock must’ve been hurting badly; not to mention you were sitting down on his lap while groping his delicate horns. his eyes were shut, panting badly while all you could do was stare at his beautiful flustered face.
he can’t take it anymore. you were the one that started this
with a thrust of his waist, he forces his fabric-covered length to hit right at your folds, biting his lips when in the meantime you continued to fondle his horns. fuck, fuck, fuck…he needed you…the more faster you touch his horns the more stimulated he got. how captivated were you? didn’t you feel how hard he is?
“f-forgive me for what i’m about to do, y/n..i just…i need this, please..it hurts..” he murmurs, before dan heng slowly begins to move your hips, back and forth on the tent in his attire. finally, he got your attention. the sudden spark you felt down on your cunt as he rides you down his hardness made you look down. who knew you were able to place the reincarnation of the former high elder of the vidyadhara under your thumb?
“d-dan heng..?”
“i-i’m sorry, ah..please just let me…”
the fabric of his pants were getting wet, his head pushed down on the pillows while he repeatedly moves your hips down on him. you slowly start to mewl, hands finally down from his horns as you hold tight over his shoulders.
“ah…d-dan heng wait..”
“i-i can’t…forgive me, just…”
his fingers were so slender on your waist, tips as soft as cotton while he moves your body down on his hard length. how pathetic he looked, he’s a mess; and all because you touched his horns. you gently pushed his hands off of your waist, it took some time considering how hard his grip was, yet before he could complain, he watches you with wide eyes as you took your pushed your panties aside and pushed his pants down.
he panics a little. “w-wait, y/n are you sure about this? we can just slow—
his sentence was cut short when his aching dick sprang to life, and steadily did you place your now-wet folds on top, refusing to let it inside of you (just to tease him a bit more). dan heng’s carnal grip on your hips returned, and now with a fast pace did he grinds you down. the both of you were a whining mess.
your eyes darted down of how small bits of pre-cum started to shoot out from his rod while prodding yourself on him, leaving a stain on his outfit. biting your bottom lip, you thought of an idea..
“y-y/n wait, no hold on don’t..!”
your hands went back on his sensitive horns, having a tight grip on them, increasing the pace as you teased your clit down on his angry red tip, slowly sliding it down back. he moans, quite loudly, he had to bring a hand over his mouth.
it was nasty, the way his fluids were shooting out one by one in each thrust your folds gave, you finally gave one harsh tug on his horns and finally.
“oh fuck..!”
he came down on his high, spouting his seed on his clothes, some came over his face. you followed soon after, your cum staining on the skin of his cock as you both whimpered in unison. you feel his chest heave heavily, e/c eyes dusted with lust while you look at him.
after what seemed to be minutes of panting, dan heng gentle smacks your head, his breath still uneven.
“d-don’t you dare ever do that again..”
but he knows you still will.
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maxzinn · 3 months
off topic but also on topic its so clear that the genshin/star rail (saying both cause theres a large overlap) have no capability of thinking.
there are so many fics where *reader* somehow becomes a (sex)slave or is forced to do horrible shit and just general dead dove behavior. the fact that the author used INGAME LORE, CANON BACKSTORY FOR THE CHARACTER proves how braindead so many people are.
like people try to free slaves/captors in media isnt a new thing. theres a lot of art of that angelhusk ship where one gambles for the others freedom (never watched it but its an example)
like having slaves/captors in media isnt new and never has been but the only reason people truely care is because its a hoyoverse game and cant handle anything darker or complex then a PG rating
(sorry anon, I got carried away with this one tee-hee)
YOU'RE SO REAL FOR THIS!!! y'know I was sooo confused when people started screaming for blood when the authors are using his IN-GAME LORE in their fics and then claims that the people who enjoyed writing those have "white-knight syndrome" like cmon sjsadhjg you're giving me a fucking stroke.
I'll say it again, wanting to give slave aventurine or someone a better life DOESN'T mean they have "white-knight syndrome" when they have good intentions!!! We were all were crying for him and his tragic past, we all wanted to comfort him, and we at some point also wished for his salvation and the betterment of his life. These people need to stop throwing these "white-knight syndrome" accusations cuz it's definitely not about that. And like you said, it was his IN-GAME LORE. I already expected some authors to write about reader saving him from his slavery and there's nothing wrong with that! Cuz please, don't tell me you won't help the guy out of his abusive owner, let's be fr here.
Like you also said, many have been writing yandere/heavy dark themes about reader being literally SA'd and R'd by said character (do not tell me you guys haven't read all those fics where Aven was our debt collector and in paying our debt, he noncon or manipulated us into sleeping with him 💀) and now they wanna talk about morals?
And please, don't even try bringing up Romania or irl people in here. IT'S A FICTIONAL RACE IN A FICTIONAL STORY. it may be "inspired" like they said, but it's not directly addressing Romania!!
I get their point alright, I truly do. Like I said in my other post, I do not condone the sex slave! aus about aventurine and the master/slave bdsm cuz his story truly hurt me and I'm uncomfortable sexualizing his slavery when I know about his story and what happened to him as a slave. But I won't go as far as to actually send death threats to those authors and act like a hypocrite💀 people can write what they want to write and I don't have to read those writings if I don't wanna.
Just to say, I'm a yandere/dark-content enjoyer as well, it's just that I draw the line when it comes to aventurine cuz I just wanna cuddle and dote on that man and give him all the love and affection in the world. but like I said, am no hypocrite as well. (sorry if I can't explain it very well but I hope you get the gist of it)
It's just funny and baffling how people are like "eww this person wrote a fic about reader buying slave aventurine so they can be a good owner to him".... this is leaving me speechless how they turned an act with good intentions into something malicious... that poor author doesn't even have bad intentions when writing that fic.
When you apply their logic, it's like saying "this person adopted an abused child so that they can be a good parent to that child, disgusting" do they even realize how stupid they sound??? 😭
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ruumirmir · 1 month
𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘘𝘶𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘺
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ੈ♡˳ Author's note - I simply have too many unfiltered thoughts about them Sorry not Sorry. This is entirely self-indulgent and completely male-reader centered. Don't worry ladies,, If you're imaginative enough!! You too can self-insert into this yaoi!!! If any of these don't make sense to new readers Don'tttt worry about it :) Probably didn't make sense to ME either but the vibe matched. @eluxcastar my trusty co-pilot for this ship,, do you have any memes to add perchance 🎤🎤 I'd love to compile everything here.
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If you think Pantalone isn't a possessive prick you're WRONG. Lucky for him some people are into that.
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Being gorgeous and evil go hand-in-hand one cannot exist without the other
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*Sighs dreamily* Dont we all
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Synopsis of my first two Pantalone x Male reader requests everybody:
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Im sorry but it would be fucking hilarious for the plot. Loverboy being soooooooo normal about the rumours going around that Dottolone are Such Close Business Partners,,
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but actually dottolone fucking hate each other. Group projects tend to do that to people. Its the biomechanical malpractice doctor vs business unethics banker. And dottore getting a massive kick out of this one fatuu agent hating his guts . Idk Just a Thought :0
What being microwaved does to a man. Dont worry guys Pantalone can manipulate and gaslight me into a killing machine anyday bc he's hot <3
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Hoyoverse canonizing Pantalone's anger-issues is the best thing that happened to me. you can never trust an anime snake with a (^‿^) face
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One does not simply work in close proximity with a hot guy and Not think about getting boned atleast once.
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Somebody save childe
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Makes zero sense in hindsight but the lore is coming. trust 🙏 Something so delicious about finding your way back to the person that changed you forever.
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Hes just a pathetic little guy your honor. Let us all enjoy his extreme sad boy demeanor and sopping wet meowmeowism before we put him through the HorrorsTM.
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Synopsis of literally the most recent Loverboy one-shot by riri:
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Something something blatant favoritism.
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Reminder that Loverboy joins the Fatui as a part of mandated service right after graduating school at the fresh age of 18 and kills a guy roughly 3 years later :D
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Peak dynamic btw. He can be your angle or yuor devil. As long as he's behind over your shoulder 👍
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"I learned my passion in the Good Old Fashioned School of Loverboys"
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Thankyou homoverse they made Pantalone a certified Yapper. Him and Loverboy are just the "Talks a lot" vs "Listens" ship
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No caption. This was just funni
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Hey guys can anyone tell that I love a good corruption arc.
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Despite his increasingly worsening state of ethics, don't forget that deep down hes still going to be a sopping wet meowmeow💕
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Idk blame @/eluxcastar riri they put the devil's temptation thoughts into my brain
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
— dark alhaitham au .
based on this post.
the reason why hoyoverse made alhaitham a simple man was because if he were the slighest bit ambitious with darker intentions, then sumeru would have fallen into his hands long ago
whether or not he's the grand sage, he'd be the manipulative character pulling all the strings
if he could create multiple strategies for a tiny team to rescue a god from the government— THEN HE CAN COUNTER THAT in the reverse situation
imagine sumeru arc just dropped, and alhaitham is the villain in the trailer
him with a dark green background? glowy eyes?? DEEP VOICE INTRO something about watching the world burn???
curiosity knows no bounds. he does things to entertain his thirst for knowledge because as a smart man, everything has become so so boring.
meeting with him in port ormos still applies but he's a little more cruel in his negotiations.
remember that fight with cyno in the desert? where cyno makes you doubt alhaitham's intentions?
yeah, you realize he isn't just part of the akademiya— he is the akademiya. it's a battle between the general mahamatra and someone who's technically his ex-boss.
he has the army at his disposal, he wouldn't hesitate to use the people of sumeru themselves against you
climactic scene where you scream at him, asking him why he's doing all this and he answers "It's simply interesting. Wouldn't you want to know if humans could create gods?"
alhaitham finding out all about you losing your sibling to an unknown god, finding ways to convince you to be on his side; "If you could have the power of gods at your disposal, wouldn't that speed up your journey more? Aren't you exhausted running around as everyone's errand boy/girl?"
after all, alhaitham isn't exactly a bad ruler. he's quite good at it— much of the public leans to his side, he knows better than to be a cruel dictator yet he wields his authority without fear of consequences. he even let's nilou's theater do whatever they want!
I feel like alhaitham would figure out how to reverse public opinion against you.
A public display of his acting. Everyone witnessing (and misunderstanding) as you argue with him and just so happen to "intentionally hurt" him. that's attempted murder against their grand scribe.
Or maybe he pleads with you. He knows you're a powerful force on your own, so he switches the cards and tries to ask you to spare sumeru's people.
all of a sudden, you're the bad guy out to destroy sumeru's peace.
kofi / gen.mlist
all of a sudden, you're the bad guy trying to destroy sumeru's peace.
which is why it comes as a surprise when you try to encourage everyone to go against the akademiya. you explain that he's trapping lessor lord kusanali, or that he's collaborating with the fatui, but they simply tell you "hmm. . . if it's grand sage alhaitham, perhaps he knows what he's doing?
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primojade · 2 years
❝ loving you is the highest crime I'm willing to commit. ❞
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | in which Scaramouche reveals you the reason why he hates you so much. But in the silence that comes after his hatred is revealed, and from the unspoken words that never leave his lips, would it be too selfish to ask for something more than this? 
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | GN!Reader x Scaramouche; angst with an open ending; mention of kidnapping; could be read as romantic or platonic; a "what if" route in the Fallacy of Love CYOA series; spoilers for the Sumeru Archon Quest; cursing; SAGAU themes (but not the creator thingy) more of this AU in my masterlist if you want to read them!
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | Uhhh look, I have no idea if Scara could go out of his robot without breaking those stuff in his back? But let's pretend that he could for the sake of the plot xD also, tell me if you want a part 2 cause this one felt kind of a cliffhanger to me hahaha. 
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The first time that the game revealed his true colours, you knew that Scaramouche was not one for pleasantries. Perhaps he would if the situation calls for it, or if it means getting his way into tricking his enemies into lowering their guards down before he swiftly strikes them down. But in terms of normal conversations, he was like a person who wouldn't hesitate to call you 'fucker' or something insultingly similar.
He canonically called us 'suckers'. You inwardly snickered at the memory when you first heard it. It was kind of surreal, you know. Back then, you were hoping and praying to Hoyoverse that Scaramouche would be playable and don't let him end up like Signora. And now, he was almost playable!!
Only if you yourself weren't isekicked in Genshin Impact in the first place…then you'll be rejoicing in getting this angry purple guy with mommy issues into your party. And if you weren't thrown in Teyvat, you wouldn't also ended up in this…peculiar position.
"You…" Scaramouche's thunderous voice echoed in the vast chamber, his magnificent robot hovering behind him in a threatening manner. The artificial light that casts over the massive room gives highlight to his ethereal features, giving you time to admire his otherworldly—albeit angry—beauty. It was as if he was planning to skewer you alive with his sharp gaze if you wouldn't give him your full attention. "...You aren't afraid of me at all…"
You couldn't help but to feel shock at his surprisingly accurate observation. While it was true that you were kidnapped by the Sages and their minions, you almost immediately relaxed the moment you heard Scaramouche was the one who ordered it. After all, you knew his lore in-game at the very least and what will happen in the Archon Quest so it wouldn't really matter if he kidnapped you or what.
The Traveller and Nahida will come and defeat the false god, restore the Dendro Archon's reputation and power, save the Irminsul, and the Traveller was once again being crowned as a hero of a nation. That was written in the 3.2 version of the game.
Scaramouche is written as a villain who was destined to be defeated. But in the end, even he would probably be redeemed and would inevitably befriend the Traveller since he will become a playable character.
"...Duh, what are you talking about? Can't you see I'm shaking?" You felt a cold sweat on your back as Scaramouche inched closer to you. Though he was on the smaller side of the male characters, his charisma and appeal isn't lost to you. Especially now that he was glaring at you as if he was ready to plunge you away like what he did to the Traveller in the fighting cutscene. 
"No, that's not it…" Scaramouche gritted his teeth, before he grabbed your collar and forcibly made you look straight into his burning eyes. "...that look in your eyes, that way you're looking at me right now…I despise it, I loathe it more than I despise the Traveller and everyone in this world!"
His hand on your collar tightens when you start to struggle under his hold. "Everything you told me, every expression you gave me…I remember it all. Everything was etched into my mind and I…I won't ever forgive you!"
“What in the name of the Archons are you talking about?” Even if there was a pit starting to form in your stomach, and even if he started to shake you out of sheer rage, you forced yourself to not waver under his maddening gaze. 
You have no idea why he hates you so much, nor the sins you seemed to unknowingly commit to him. You were not like the Traveller who could go head to head with him and actually defeat him. You were not like the gods that abandoned him, nor the Harbinger that used him. In fact, you are a nobody to him. Nothing but an addicted gamer of Genshin Impact that was isekai’d in Teyvat for some cruel, unknown reason.
So, why does he hate you so much to the point that he ordered you to be kidnapped just to spit in your face how much he despises you?
“—Back then, when I invaded your mind, you confidently told me that everything I did would be futile and pointless, so it's best if I gave up my plans to save myself of the pain," intense anger bled through his tone, the venom on his voice made you tremble inside.
You remember that. It was during the part where the Traveller touched Haypasia and Scaramouche connected into their mind. But to your surprise, you were also connected to him. Although everything played out just like what happened in the Archon Quest, you still tried your best to convince Scaramouche to stop whatever he was doing—just like the Traveller.
You said it out of pure concern for him. As much as you want everything to play out what it was meant to be, a small part of yourself didn't want to see him suffer with your own eyes when Nahida and Traveller defeat him and take the Gnosis that he treasures so much from him.
You don't want to see him so miserable and lifeless as if his very soul had been ripped apart from him. You especially don't want to see him plummet down from his 'godhood' with no one to catch him as he falls—just like a discarded puppet that he so believed he was.
Still, you don't understand his spiteful words towards you.
"—but now, I understand." There was a sudden calm in his voice that made you slightly nervous, like a brewing storm ready to swept you away. With a harsh tug of your collar, he leaned forward until his face was mere inches away from yours. You couls feel his ragged breathing, his gritted teeth, and his anger. "...you have no right to judge me, mortal. You have no goddamn right to judge people like that!"
You felt as if Scaramouche threw a bucket of cold water into you. 
"I…" Judge you? You wanted to say, but all you've managed was to look at him with wide, horrified eyes as realisation slowly dawns on you.
Genshin Impact is a video game with a strong plot and fictional story, played by millions of people across the world. Scaramouche is one of the villains, the antagonists, who has done nothing good to the main character. He was someone who was just a mere supporting character in order to make the plot interesting, someone who, just by existing, is a catalyst to the plot of Sumeru Archon Quest, who had a sad backstory in order to grab the heartstrings of the players. 
A cash grab for the simps, to cruelly put it.
Scaramouche could never win this battle because that was how this world was set. He could never have the Gnosis because he was written for something much different. 
No matter how hard he tries, no matter how much he struggles, he will only just be hurting himself because his actions are futile for the future had long since written.
The villain role that was given to him is fixed and cannot be changed.
"You were looking at me, thinking that my actions are useless, that I would never become a God, that I will become even less than what my creator thought of me when she abandoned me!" Scaramouche shouted at you and with so much vigour, he finally let go of our collar. Your knees gave out and you were left kneeling on the ground with a daze expression. "—when you were looking at me, gazing at me with those sympathetic eyes as if I'm someone who challenges the absolute impossible!"
No, its…its not like that. 
But you felt sympathetic and empathetic at Scaramouche because just like you, he had no chance of winning this battle. He was not the main character. He was a villain, a supporting role, like yourself. 
This is a world inside a sick game, where each playable character was moving and making choices based on what was programmed of them. They have no control of their choices because that's how the game's flow works.
But all this time, maybe unconsciously, you were seeing—judging—everyone you met here because you knew they were not real. They were programmed characters made to entertain the gamers. 
But Scaramouche…
The Balladeer was so different as he himself shattered your little world. His blazing purple eyes even bluer than what you expect. 
And he looked so real. So human-like and yet god-like at the same time. 
"—I will become a god," he said with finality, so sure of himself that you almost believe him. He turned his back on you and walked towards the giant robot hovering in the distance, the elegant flutter of his sleeves was so real. "—And I do not care if it will be useless. Because unlike you who easily give up, I make my own decisions and I will forge my own future the way I want it to."
As you listlessly watched the Traveller and Nahida slowly but surely defeat Scaramouche's god-like form, watching the familiar battle scene of the Shouki no Kami unfold before your eyes just like you see back in the screen of your device, for the first time since you arrived in Teyvat, you realised that perhaps, despite his artificial origins, Scaramouche was the most human of them all.
...One that you have no right to judge so rashly as he continued to struggle and fight under the harsh thumb of his cruel fate.
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𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | I had this brainrot a lot because I know that a lot of us must've thought along the lines of 'i can't wait to beat up scara' or something along those lines lmao. Ik cause i'm the same LOL. But what if this behaviour had bleed into you when you were isekai'd? Like ofc they are all video game characters, they are programmed and coded to act like what the script told them to, but I felt like Scaramouche fit the trope that wouldn't just give up easily even if the 'ending was already decided' so that's why he hated the reader because he thought that they were judging his actions as useless and futile, even if the sentiment comes from good conscience in our part! I just hope I manage to deliver the feelings well because im not really good at describing stuff 🤡🤡💀
TAGLIST (open! Send a dm or ask to be added :3) | @xinii , @maehemthemisfit , @abvolat , @crazypriestess , @ghostsaysno , @kittence , @unabashedlyminiaturetyrant , @xiyanin , @toasterinabathtub , @sketcheeee , @fuoon , @luvwukong , @salty-salty , @rosebatsc , @inky8 , @thegeekact , @almighty-raiden-shogunate , @isuckat-avery-thing , @perhapsabitgirlypop , @2cuteforyourlies , @stxrgxzxr , @elsoleil , @tsukkinoyya , @mkaella , @celi-alika , @tiffthescales , @blurr3db3rry , @messyserver , @shadowmist0706 , @chin-chii , @observation-subject-753 , @clovers-anxiety , @shizunxie , @lleoll , @shoujishu , @uwu-panic , @forgotten-blues , @chaneylovesfangirling , @enma-reblogs , @cookielovingalien , @iruiji , @samarill , @definitionofsadness , @spynerr , @bigcandlesmolbrain , @universal-rose , @feverish-dove , @inlovewithwaffles , @jar-03 , @swaggyb0ke , ... (if ur username is bolded, it means i cant tagged u :(( maybe its in ur settings? Also lmk if i missed anyone cause im such an idiot sometimes shsh)
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin Impact Gf Headcanons
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Hi everyone!
Part 2 of genshin impact gf headcanons is here yayyyy! This one was easy because I use our Liyue girls a lot~
Expect for ganyu I don't have her hahahaha-(I'm sorry ganyu mains)
REMINDER: These characters don't belong to me they belong to hoyoverse and all these headcanons might be occ/inaccurate so pls don't take them too seriously :3
Including: Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu, Yelan, Yanfei and Beidou
Anyways let into it! Enjoy!
(Liyue Girls)
~Tianquan~ (Ningguang)
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~Flirty/Rich Girlfriend~
- She's rich and flirty, If you wore a pacific outfit or jewelry that she bought for you she will flirt with you, Her reason is because you look amazing and that she thinks your cute when your face is red~
- Since she's the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing she's often very busy doing errands, business meetings and some duties outside of being a Tiaquan. But it doesn't mean that she neglects you, she actually makes time for you and prepares special dates and gifts just for you~
- She LOVES spoiling you. Don't bother telling her to stop she won't, She loves seeing you in expensive clothes and jewelry. Sugar mommy?-
- Your main dates are mostly dinner dates or shopping, you guys go to lots of places in Liyue when it’s her day off.
- Everything that you look at she’ll buy...even if it’s just a second she’ll buy it for you don't hesitate to ask her If you want this or that because she’ll buy it, anything for her love of course~
- But its a different story if you bought something for her. It doesn't matter if its just something cheap you bought or if you made it yourself! She will treasure it and buy you something in return!
- Everybody in Liyue knows you’re together, she didn't bother hiding it since she wants everyone to know you’re hers and she's yours :D
- Whatever you ask her to buy she’ll buy it all for you..all she needs back...is your love~
Nicknames: Darling, baby, sweetie and love
Voice line about you: ‘’Traveler I would like you to deliver this to a person named y/n, Who is y/n you ask? My darling lover of course~’’
When she talks to you: ‘’Darling are you sure you don’t want this bracelet? Don't worry about the prize...its just 500k mora don't worry-’’
~Yuheng~ (Keqing)
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~Tsundere Girlfriend~
- She would definitely be the tsundere type. Although she is a bit more nicer then a normal tsundere would...maybe-
- She gets shy with just one touch from you. Since she isn’t really used to being held by someone else, it might take her sometime to warm up to you.
- If you asked her to train with the art of sword she will gladly help you, she wants you to be able to protect yourself even if she isn’t there.
- Same for Ningguang, Keqing being the yuheng of the Qixing she is often very busy...even on day-offs she's still busy! But don't worry...she tries to make time for you :3
- When you both have the time to go on dates she would first take you on a restaurant and then shopping with her paying for everything, since mostly she wants to spoil you because she knows once she gets back to work you both won't be able to spend time together anymore.
- If you wanna stay at home tho..she will just cook for you both with her special dish(Grilled Tiger Fish). I hope you like seafood~
- If you give affection to her in pubic expect her to slap your hand or your face away from her she gets embarrassed easily so don't mind it :3
- Being the tsun tsun she is, she mostly acts a bit too harsh towards you, and sometimes because of this you both would get into arguments...but in the end you guys will apologize to one another~
- Even when she's a tsundere she loves you...she just doesn’t wanna admit it~
Nicknames: Idiot, dummy and love(Sorry I couldn't think of anything lol-)
Voice line about you: ‘’Y/n? Tsk..what did that idiot do again? H-huh? *blushes* Nothing...stop asking me about them!’’
When she talks to you: ‘’Idiot! Don't hold the sword like that! *sighs* here...let me teach you...give me your hand..’’
~Pretty Secretary~ (Ganyu)
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~Shy Girlfriend~
- Even when you both weren’t officially dating yet she was always so shy with you and it was really cute~
- Ganyu wouldn’t know what to do when in a relationship so you would definitely have to guide her about pda, being cuddles and affectionate stuff overall.
- If you just randomly kiss her or hug her her face will be as bright as a tomato, it’s really cute and she doesn't know what to do when you do that~
- As the secretary of the qixing she is often really busy even on day-offs like Keqing is....so whenever you both get the time to spend time together she makes sure to savor it because she doesn't know when she’ll have free time again....
- She would often gift you different types of flowers(mostly qixing flowers)!
- Your dates are mostly going out on picnics in gardens...she loves nature even if sometime she loves eating the plants lol 
- When cloud retainer found out about you two she MEGA TEASED ganyu for it and went as far as telling you about Ganyu’s childhood which was REALLY embarrassing for our poor girl(-////-)
- Definitely teaches you how to use a bow. If you’re interested of course ehe~
- However, sometimes Ganyu is insecure about herself....whether it’s how she looks or how she acts she always finds a way to be negative to her herself...so...when she starts thinking these bad thoughts...all you can do is hug her, give a kiss on the forehead and tell her that you love her for who she is :3
- Since sometimes she's sleepy, she loves to take naps with you under a tree, with her laying on your lap...something simple as napping together is actually heaven for her~
- Touch her horns. Even if she gets shy about it...she actually will not stop you(just ask for permission first ofc)she loves the feeling of your soft fingers caressing her horns...it makes her feel relaxed and less tired :3
- Love with Ganyu is both pure and very wholesome, Your love for her is as sweet as a sweet flower and her love for you is like a flower being taken care of gently :3
Nicknames: My qixing, sweetheart and love
Voice line about you: ‘’Oh hello traveler! Huh y/n? *blushes* w-why are you asking? W-well...there my lover of course....hahahaha..you didn’t expect that?’’
When she talks to you: ‘’Good afternoon my qixing, Huh? what's this? a gift...for..me? *blushes then smiles fondly* thank you...sweetheart~’’
~Night Orchid~ (Yelan)
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~Protective/Flirty Girlfriend~
- She's a mix of being overprotective over you and being very flirty with you, When she's protective she acts all serious and would always pull you behind her, When she's flirty she teases and loves making your face beet red she thinks you’re adorable and fun to toy with~
- Since she is apart of the Ministry of Civil Affairs she is often very busy and she sometimes might not even come home sometimes from the work she does...but don't worry she's just fine! Just doing...important things....
- Sometimes she might bring you with her at the yanshang treehouse, You sitting on her lap while she’s gambling with someone~
- While that person is all nervous about making a move all she has is a smirk on her face and her just caressing your tight and occasionally kissing your neck~
- She loves having you on her lap because she loves to hold you close and make feel safe and sound :3 
- Like ningguang, She will spoil you like crazy! buying you expensive clothes and expensive jewelry and also treating to expensive restaurants...honestly...she has a lot of money to spend so..don't be afraid to ask her for something :3
- Sadly...she will hide away many secrets from you....since she doesn't want you getting in danger..and she also doesn't want you seeing some things that you won't be able to handle....
- She sometimes testes out some new tricks with her strings which ends in you being tied up and her just giggling at you-
- Even when some people may call her mysterious...thats what you find endearing and interesting about her...and she wouldn’t mind you unwrapping her yourself to you~
Nicknames: Dear, baby, darling, sweetheart, honey, bunny and babe
Voice line about you: ‘’Hm....traveler..you’re good at protecting people right? Why don't you do me a little favor and...protect my darling y/n while I handle something real quick?’’
When she talks to you: ‘’Are you enjoying yourself in my lap honey~, I’m glad you do hehehe....let me best this idiot first and then I'll give you all my affection and attention later bunny~’’
~Adepti Lawyer~ (Yanfei)
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~Caring Girlfriend~
- A very caring girlfriend indeed she is your honor! Even when she's busy with her cases and other things that she has to do...she always finds time in helping you and also finds the time to check up on you!
- She’s busy day and night sadly...soo whenever you get a chance to be with her make sure to cherish it~
- If you both sleep at the same bed you won't be able to cuddle with her properly....because her horns are always in the way...her horns will smack you in your sleep so..sleeping close to her isn’t really the best idea hahaha.....
- If you want her to..she will rant about all the cases she has handle through out her day, its a way of her taking about how her day has been~
- If you make her a dish that has tofu in it she’ll instantly wanna marry you lol she thinks you’re perfect! and she will explore with happiness if you pack her lunch~
- If you get hurt while doing some commissions or just by accident she’ll immediately treat you...she doesn't like you groaning in pain nor seeing you hurt....so try to be more careful next time :(
- Whenever she has to go to a different nation to handle a case she always brings you back some trinkets as a gift for you! and there always base on how they’ll remind her of you :3
- Make sure you always look after yourself...or otherwise you’ll yanfei very sad :(
Nicknames: My lover and my love(doesn't see a point in nicknames)
Voice line about you: ‘’Traveler! What do you think about this? It looks nice? alright I'll buy it! for who is it? Well for my lover of course!’’
When she talks to you: ‘’Y/n why don't you be more careful and less reckless!? You know how dangerous it is to fight the fatui alone.... *sighs* I'm just glad your safe my love...’’
~Sexy Captain~ (Beidou)
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~Possessive Girlfriend~
- I see her as a possessive type of lover...since she is a pirate after all she is very possessive of her treasures and obviously you<3
- She also loves to spoil you! Just seeing you all dolled up just for her and using all the stuff she bought you makes her mind blank~
- When you’re in public she would always be holding your hand while walking or have an arm wrapped around her neck while walking, it’s a thing to show other people your only hers.
- She LOVES having you lay on her chest, she just loves the way you nuzzle your head in her chest she thinks its soo cute~
- You and Kazuha definitely get along..and Beidou’s happy that you get along with *ahem* her son *ahem*
- You also would get along with the crew! and they will tease you all the time regarding there captain but its fineee they’re just happy for there captain~
- Since Captain Beidou loves to drink, don't mind her coming to you all drunk and straight up flirting with you infront of everyone...she's shameless after all~
- If you get sea sick..just lean onto her and she’ll take care of you~
- If you cook for beidou she will instantly be head over heels for you(not like she wasn't before lol)she thinks your gonna be amazing as her spouse~
- Beidou LOVES kissing you, it doesn't matter if you’re busy or you’re doing something if she wants a kiss give it to her! She loves having your skin against hers~
- Even if Captain Beidou is always at the sea gazing at the infinite ocean...she will forever drown at the just one glance at you~
Nicknames: Baby, sweetheart, babe and sugar
Voice line about you: ‘’Traveler...this isn't a treat but..please try and not touch my sweetheart got it? *glares* oh sorry hahaha...thanks!’’
When she talks to you: ‘’ Sugarrr! w-what? *hic* I'm *hic* not drunk! o-oi look at me! *hic* I said...look at me...ara~ hahahaha! *hic*’’
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Omg I'm done T-T 
this took me a while lol
I hope you guys enjoyed this! see you in my next post :3
Reblogs and feedback/comments are appreciated! :3
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pineappleandcake · 2 years
this is like,,, kind of a crack concept, but imagine yandere Yelan stealing yan Pantalone's darling instead of his fur coat
tw : yandere themes and crack
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I can imagine that Yelan would decide to steal you away from Pantalone as revenge for stealing her bracelet <3
Afterall how could Yelan not like you? You're so cute and adorable! No wonder why Pantalone kept you confined to his side. But don't worry about a single thing because Yelan will treat you like the cute little pet you are <33
Yelan would act so smug about it too. That girl is a sly bastard I can't even!!
Things with Yelan were quite weird in the beginning. You basically got transferred into the arms of one yandere into another. Although your situation with Yelan isn't really an improvement from Pantalone's situation. Your still captive and you don't even have your own freedom.
Yelan's embrace was so suffocating and you hated every single last bit of it. Not to mention her flirty personality never failing to make you feel embarassed as you try and cover your face which is as red as a tomato! You're so cute when you get flustered and Yelan loves knowing that you're blushing because of her <3
But at the same time, she's also a very dangerous Yandere. Afterall she quite literally managed to steal you away from the Regrator himself.
I can also imagine darling underestimating Yelan in the beginning too. You were excited because during your stay with Pantalone he was incredibly difficult to even escape from :((
Poor you because you think that it would be incredibly easy to escape from the clutches of Yelan. But Yelan worked so hard to get you and you're not getting away so easily..
Imagine that one night you run away from Yelan's home only to make it a few steps out the door and before you know it, one of Yelan's agents that you didn't know about who was sent to watch you drags you back into her home </3
Unfortunately for you, now you know that escaping from Yelan's grip is incredibly difficult. Especially with her embrace being so suffocating that you might even start wishing that Pantalone would come find you again :((( poor darling...
From that day onward, when Yelan isn't home a few of her agents will be watching you making sure that you don't try anything stupid. You don’t even dare try anything to save yourself the embarrassment of being dragged back.
Yelan is smart and intelligent so don't ever expect to outsmart her. She works for Ningguang herself and not every ordinary person can do that.
Another thing Yelan knows whenever you have an ulterior motive. She can read you like an open book.
What do you mean you want to go and take a walk? You're just using it as an excuse to run away.
You're not fooling anyone, she laughs at you and starts degrading you. Immediately you feel stupid for even trying to outsmart her.
If you had to be honest, you'd rather be with Yelan than with the Regrator. You hated the fatui with all your being and not to mention everyone knew of how cruel and ruthless they were.
Another thing is that Yelan is extremely unpredictable and you never know what might happen if you fuck up really badly. You're always on thin ice whenever you're within Yelan's vicinity; afraid of what would happen if you piss her off.
You sometimes complain about being stuck with her. But you make it seem like being in Yelan's care is the worst thing in the world, she tells you. If you're being a good pet then she won't be mean to you. Isn't that such a simple thing to follow?
Meanwhile things in the Snezhnaya are going haywire.
Imagine Pantalone's reaction once he found out that Yelan abducted you. He'd start cursing himself out because stealing away Yelan's precious bracelet was a terrible idea because she found a way to get back at him. What other better way to do that than to steal away his most precious jewel - you his poor darling.
Yelan is like 😎
While Pantalone is like 🤬 👺
He would absolutely throw a huge temper tantrum at the nerve that sly girl had. The audacity to steal his most precious thing away from him. More precious than any amount of mora in the world - you his poor darling.
"WHAT THE #$!@*& I HATE THAT GIRL SO MUCH THAT PIECE OF @$%^ WHAT A #@!?#*&^ ARCHONS YOU @!$%#" Plus a whole bunch of curses as he screamed in frustration as he ripped all of his documents on his office desk.
Once Pantalone finds out that Yelan abducted you, he would send fatui agents to gather information on where you could be at.
But at the same time, Pantalone knows that he can’t do much about it. If he were to kill Yelan then he’d literally be starting a war with Liyue itself.
But until then Pantalone has to hold on to his last shreds of sanity. Unfortunately though, no matter how much Yelan shields you away from the prying eyes of the fatui; you’ll be back in Pantalone’s arms at one point whether you like it or not.
You can expect that once Pantalone has you back, you are never leaving his sight ever again. He will make sure to always have you within arms length because he is making sure you won’t ever escape or ever worse; Yelan coming back for you.
He’ll force you to attend business meetings with him and wherever he goes, you’re forced to come too. You won’t be allowed to leave the house without Pantalone by your side. And by any special circumstances that Pantalone can’t be there to watch you, expect to be placed into Dottore’s care (who’s absolutely ruthless). If you ever try to escape from Dottore you’ll be forcefully dragged back as he explains to your boyfriend Pantalone about what had happened (who isn’t happy about it at all).
You’ll sleep with cuffs chained to the bed along with rope at your legs tied to the bedpost. Whenever you sleep Pantalone will tightly clutch you in his arms as he rests his chin atop your head. You can’t help but feel like he clutches you tightly because he’s afraid that you’ll leave again and he’ll have to go to bed without you by his side.
But based on the circumstances, that’s probably true.
Even Yelan wasn’t this horrible, you would think as Pantalone held you tightly.
For once in your life; you wish Yelan would come save you from him. Who knows? Maybe she’s could be plotting to get you back.
But until then, you hang on to the only sane part of yourself left. You tell yourself that you would make it out of this into freedom and you never gave up hope.
But sometimes, you wonder if you should just give up. You could never escape from the fatui.
But everyone has goals in their own life. Yelan’s goal was obtaining you in order to make Pantalone jealous.
What might be your goal you might ask?
Making it out of here in one piece.
Author’s note : Yay I finally finished this 😭. But congratulations because you’ve made it to the end 🧍🏻‍♀️I’m sorry it took so long but I saw this in my inbox the second the anon had sent it but I wanted to take my time because this is a really good concept idea! Anyways I might rewrite this and post it on my new blog @pineappleanddonut .
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scaredpigeons · 1 year
Reincarnation Theory; an attempted breakdown on Alhaitham and Kavehs relationship that will never come to fruition because Hoyoverse are cowards— by Pidge.
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When I finally got my hands on Alhaitham, I was ecstatic. Not only because damn, I finally get to play as this hunky, genius know-it-all pretty boy who would surely never give me the time of day if we were in the same room, but because attaining his character in game gave me first class tickets to learning more about him.
Up until his release as a playable character, we didn’t really know much about Alhaitham. He seemed cocky and aloof, sure of himself and had the knowledge to back up those attributes. It was honestly a little frustrating to see a character who acted so much like one you’d want to hate, but you simply just…. Couldn’t. Because seriously…? He’s not wrong. Dig a little deeper, and a lot of players found his actions and personality type to be extremely autism coded, and honestly refreshing for a lot of neurodivergent players like myself, so used to never seeing “undesirable” personality traits in characters who are designed with the intention for you to love them.
Working on building up Alhaitham to be my main Dps was entertaining, and in doing so I ventured more into the desert, learning more and more about the mysterious King Deshret and his seemingly abandoned society.
The symbolism found within ruins and relics had me jumping to conclusions so quickly. Rushing to message my best friend and fellow genshin impact enthusiast, Kier, to tell them of my theory.
Alhaitham has to be a reincarnation of king deshret! There’s so much symbolic mirroring in his design, his constellation, everything! Even if he isn’t, he has to have something to do with this ancient society, I mean c’mon, look at him.
And Kier, ever the seemingly nihilistic critical thinker brushed me off.
I’ve not payed much attention to the desert lore so far, they’d said. It’s sort of boring and white washed, and I’m focusing on the archon quest line right now. But whatever you say, kiddo.
Of course being in the throes of a questline involving the dendro archon herself, and the questionable nature of the beloved scaramouche becoming a playable character, (I could write a whole essay on the problems of that story’s narrative alone, but I shall save that for another day) was enough to distract me from this thought process, but then he arrived.
Alhaitham’s story quest caused every cyno x haitham shipper to do a collective and dramatic record scratch, because who was this stunning blond bombshell and why is he so hot despite nagging at our boy?
Kaveh stole my heart immediately. One look at that little open back panel on his shirt and I was done for. And as the drip marketing started, and the leaks were sucked up the fans straws like a sugary drink on a hot summers day, I went digging.
Alhaitham has multiple voice lines dedicated to his flamboyant roommate, and several that mention him in passing. They have matching animations for when they are standing idle in game. Their signature dishes mimic foods from each others referenced cultures, even items within their Teapot gift sets are representative of each other in some way. For a game that so seemingly discourages relationships between adult playable characters (in favour of keeping an open ended relationship with the beloved traveller of course,) these two are seemingly more connected to each other than any two characters we’ve seen before.
So with my theory that Alhaitham is a reincarnation of King Deshret, that would make Kaveh the goddess of flowers, yeah?
That was my initial thought too, until I looked deeper and found the mirrors.
Mirror symbolism is extremely important to Alhaithams character. He is literally named after a prolific contributor to our understanding of vision, optics and light— Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham, born around a thousand years ago in present day Iraq. Alhaithams elemental skill and burst involve mirrors of dendro energy, which fly off and bounce off of each other when his burst is activated, much alike to how light bounces off a mirror.
Alhaithams character story lines mention that despite their seemingly tedious relationship, he really respects Kaveh and his intellect. Kaveh helps Alhaitham to look outside of his comfort zone, and Alhaitham helps keep Kaveh’s feet on the ground. He says they are excellent mirrors of one another, and takes their relationship as an opportunity to observe and learn things that he never might have without him.
Here’s where my blatant romanticism comes out to play. What if Kaveh is not the goddess of flowers, but the reincarnation of King Deshret himself? What if the two deities wanted to be reincarnated as perfect mirrors of one another, while still retaining qualities the other loved so dearly?
KD was very clearly an architect himself, the ruins and buildings of the desert are no small feat, which is what drew me to the idea that perhaps Kaveh is the king. Kaveh is an extremely skilled architect, literally known as the ‘light’ of his darshan. KD naturally would retain that love and devotion for aesthetics in design. But he loved the goddess of flowers, so why not reincarnate as someone she might love? Someone thoughtful and emotional, someone who cares, someone beautiful and full of life.
The goddess of flowers loved KD as well, for his undying will in his search for truth, for his strength, intelligence and ability to lead. Hell, she sacrificed herself just so he could get closer to his goal. But of course, she’d not be able to be rid of some of that care-free nature, that free will that lead her followers to love her so, hence her reincarnation into someone that Deshret would have loved, a person who dedicates their entire being to the truth, to the pursuit of knowledge, even if that means seeming self absorbed in the eyes of others (when in reality he’s only going to put effort into what is interesting to him, such is his own use of that free will.)
The GoF still roams the sands for her love, even though she’s not a fan of the sands that destroyed her in the first place, (Alhaithams ascension materials are found deep within desert caverns, “*tsk* there’s sand in my shoes”
And the mourning king still searches for his flowers that represent the love he lost so long ago. (KAVEHS ASCENSION MATS ARE MOURNING FLOWERS????)
Of course, this theory may change and grow as we learn more about Kaveh, as at the time i am writing this, he is still locked away in Hoyo’s basement. But rest assured, as soon as i get my hands on him i will take another deep dive into the lore behind these two morons, and we can further discover how connected they really are.
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Guys you might be sad to hear this but I've ditched genshin(had to say goodbye to my heizou) and jumped to honkai star rail.
Before anyone says anything just know I too am mourning the loss of the jump button.
Well anyway I want to talk about a theory I have.
When you start the game your immediately bombarded with the hottie known as kafka, I honestly had no idea what was happening and I still don't.
It's known that Kafka is technically the MC's(us) mom, I've rewatched the scenes a couple times again and noticed a lot of things.
When she talks to us one on one(except that time with silver wolf) she just sounds so concerned for us. I might be overthinking it but I feel as though she genuinely cares for us.
The first cutscene where the Mc and Kafka meet I instantly notice that Kafka seems to have known us for a very long time, while she does kind of feel like a mother if you watch it more closely you get a different feeling, it feels like were her long lost friend or something.
I've also watched a lot of tik toks about this and found out that it wasn't just Kafka that made the Mc but a bunch of other stelleron hunters helped too.
This is a pretty far stretch but I have a theory that the Mc is meant to be a clone of someone, I'd call this person og mc.
The og Mc was probably a member of the stelleron hunts, probably a very well liked member judging by how Kafka treats us when were alone, I actually haven't got to the part where the Mc meets blade so I don't know how he treats us, I think silver wolf treats us pretty well because it seems she has a habit of messing with people and she hasn't really done that to us(I think). We haven't met any of the other stelleron hunters but my instinct tells me that there going to treated well if we were ever one on one with them.
Back to the main theory, the og Mc was in the stelleron hunters, I predict that the og Mc died a very a painful death and didn't have the greatest life. The reason why I think that is because of a guy named Elio(pls let me know if I spelt it wrong).
When Kafka and silver wolf talk about Elio, they talk like what he's going to happen is absolute, Kafka told the Mc what elio said our future was gonna be like and damn it was pretty good, he said that people will like us and we'll get family, then at the end of our journey we will feel peace and our worries will wash away.
Since they are notorious criminals it feels unusual for this guy to give us such a good future. Now that I've added all my points I'll put my theory into one sentence.
The Mc is a clone of the og Mc who was a stelleron hunter and very well liked by the group, especially kafka. Then they died a very horrible death. Many years later Elio decided to create a clone of the og Mc known as our Mc, perhaps Elio had a deep bond with the og Mc so he wanted to give the clone a much better life, Kafka was on board with this but still couldn't help but feel the need to be closer to the Mc (hence why she shows up so much)
While this theory has a lot of loup holes, such as it doesn't explain why the Mc has a stelleron placed inside them by the stelleron hunters, it's technically a ticking timebomb that could kill them at any moment, it's all so confusing because of the future Elio said the Mc will have. Also why did Kafka act so concerned for the Mc when she was the one who put the ticking bomb inside of them.
Its very confusing and hoyoverse is doing a good job at keeping me confused.
Pls let me know your theories and I hope you enjoyed mine.
Have a good day
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
Hi! Thank you for answering my prayer. Sooo…Tighnari x reader but reader takes some things literally (has a hard time detecting sarcasm, jokes go right over reader’s head) [totally not calling myself out (I am)] Also, how's your farming for TIghnari going?
pfft- (is this your way for asking more from me? Alright I’ll whip something up for you. Even if it isn’t <33) Also ✅/⭐️
Farmings great so far. 5k primos with everything he needs. Besides mora and exp books lol. Stole some of colleis artifacts to give to him. Including her stringless and amazing sands rip.
Here’s a recording of my current build for him. (On Faruzan. Half of it is colleis artifacts, unless I somehow get a better sands (Which I’m so proud of) it’s his IM SORRY COLLLEII 😭🤚 forgive me for my actions :d )
Don’t forget about the extra crit dmg from EM. I have 164.4 in total with it. (I basically have 600 EM. Which should grant 35% out of 60%) It’s only for charged shots and burst tho lol. But he does better with it XD
Hoyoverse where’s my Tighnari?????
Profile if ur looking for it. Lvl 10 friendship card with collei. Been playing since 1.6!
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Anywayss, I’m on America server.
Here’s something I came up with. Just not a full on story lol.
A Lummox at heart
(Fluff, G/N Reader.) (Love confession.)
under cut <33
“Master Tighnari I don’t think Y/N understands sarcasm. They usually don’t react to jokes.” Collei admitted thinking of times when you heard jokes from cyno and didn’t understand.
“Y/N is truly the biggest lummox I have ever seen.” He’d reply focusing on his letter to send. Listening to collei talk about you. Speak of the devil, you came in with cyno.
He lowered his ears. Getting worried if he was going to hear another joke from cyno. “Were we collei-ing (coming) in at a wrong time?” Cyno stated as collei looked unamused. You stayed silent barely understanding his random jokes. Collei muttered out a few words as she kept listening.
“What-?” You’d state clearly oblivious to the joke he told. “We sure totally would love to listen to it again.” Tighnari mocked cyno as he rolled his eyes. Focusing on the paper.
“Oh then tell us cyno.” You’d state as Tighnari regretted his sarcastic remark. Lowering his ears as far as he could and finished the letter.
As cyno finished explaining everyone beside cyno and Y/N were dreadful. “Ohh!” You would state understanding it now but not bothering to laugh.
As cyno left a little later to go attend to his duties collei did the same. When you were about to take your leave he grabbed your arm gaining your attention as you turned around with an confused and soft expression.
“is something wrong Nari?” You’d ask being curious as he let go of your arm. “I really want to tell you something.” “Go ahead then Nari.”
“I love you I’m sure of it.” He’d say growing shy with the seconds as his tail swished rapidly. One of the rare moments to see the oh so calm and collected head chief so flustered.
“Anything else-?” You’d ask also shy kinda waiting for him to explain why. “What else do you need to know? Knowing me surely is enough. Or do you not know about some species of mating?” He’d ask blankly stating with a slight sarcastic tone.
“Nevermind then.” You’d say as you looked away. “Anyways… I accept it!” You’d state turning back to his view quickly. As soon as he heard those words he jumped at the chance to hug you. Literally.
He held you close as he took in your scent and wrapped his tail around you. Marking you as his effectively. His ears back to their normal state as you embraced the bug. He’d leave the crook of your neck alone as he faced you.
“You’re truly a Lummox at heart. You’re my favorite lummox.” He’d say as he peppered few kisses on your face. Earning a few giggles from you. Not bothering to deal with his work for the day.
He was always by your side when you were at Gandharva Ville, letting everyone know you were dating their head chief. (Yes you know how fennec foxes mate.) If anyone still tried to take their chance he’d dismiss it after his patience was gone. Growling with his tail on end and his ears perked in annoyance and anger.
He’s get you gifts every now and then something he thinks you’d enjoy either that he personally found in the forest or sumeru city.
(here it is woo <33 I hope you enjoyed it.)
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archaic-lord · 2 years
Of Dust and Flowers, The Seelies Who Survived
To give some context on this theory, this idea sprang to mind when I came across a twitter post sharing an entry from Honey Hunter World detailing an unreleased 4th volume to the "Customs of Liyue" book. The volume in particular talks about Glaze Lilies in a historical and cultural context. The information presented within made me think of this theory:
"Could Guizhong have been a Seelie?"
After doing some researching, I've come to conclude that it has a high likelihood of being true! So to explain this, I will discuss it in this order:
Guizhong and the Goddess of Flowers are of similar descent
Seelies and their similarities with the two
With that laid out, let's take a look at...
Part 1. Guizhong and the Flower Goddess
Firstly, let us establish who they were and what they did during their life.
The God of Dust, Guizhong, was one of the founding deities of Liyue. Originally, she took dominion over an area now known as the Guili Plains together with Morax. She was incredibly kind and wise, and took great interest in machinery.
During her reign, she taught the people under her protection how to live and survive. In particular, she taught them agriculture. She also had 4 wise tenets whom the people of the Guili Assembly followed:
"To unite in ambition is to be steadfast and immovable for all time."
"Wisdom is like water, it nourishes all those who receive it and in it is a reflection of the truth."
'"Fortify the bones, that movement be supple when the time comes."
"Virtue grows tall like a tree, though there be shade it will flourish forever"
Guizhong is heavily linked to Glaze Lilies, and seems to have been the one who created them! This is mentioned in the unreleased volume of "Customs of Liyue"
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Disclaimer: the photo above is unreleased content from the game. it's been at least a year since it was leaked, but they've not added it after all this time so please take it with a grain of salt.
"[Guizhong] released glittering blue seeds from her long sleeves, scattering them over the Guili Plains."
Here are other instances of Guizhong being linked to Glaze Lilies:
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The Goddess of Flowers
As of version 3.2, not much is known about the Goddess of Flowers yet. The specific details we do know are highly suspect however.
The Goddess of Flowers was one of the 3 wise God-Kings who co-founded Sumeru thousands of years ago. She was also the first among the 3 to die via unknown means.
She had several titles such as "Mistress of Dreams", "Lord of Flowers", "Mistress of Dreams and Oases". It seems that her abilities did not just stop at proliferating flora, she calmed people's minds and produced flowing water from her sleeves.
She and the Lord of Deserts established Ay-Khanoum, the city of Jinn and the Moon. Following her death, Ay-Khanoum dissolved into smaller societies.
She was also affiliated with the Padisarah flowers.
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The Connection
So now, to summarize the info, let's take a look at the similarities between Guizhong and the Goddess of Flowers! In essence, both of them were:
Gods who were known for their wisdom and gentle nature. They got along with 2 other god friends.
Gods who co-founded an ancient human society along with their god friends.
In possession of esoteric knowledge and guided mankind.
Both the first to die among their god friends, which was followed by a calamity that damaged their established civilization.
Associated with a flower that became rare or extinct following their deaths.
Seeing this now, it's very unlikely that their connections could be mere coincidence, no? After all, their stories went exactly the same save for a few variables like geography.
Hence, I'd like to propose that this is Hoyoverse telling us there's something about them that may be crucial. What struck me as odd about the unreleased volume were several moments that are only ever seen in the Sumeru!
Referring to Guizhong and Morax as "God-Kings"
A god proliferating a certain type of flower across a large area.
Suffice it to say, I think it was very intentional that Hoyoverse decided to remove this before we got any more proper Goddess of Flowers lore. I'm doing a minor prediction that we may come across this volume officially some time in the future.
So.. why try to connect Guizhong and the Goddess of Flowers? Well, this is important in proving Guizhong's origin as a Seelie, as we shall see in...
Part 2. Seelies and Such, Silly or Similarity?
Before we tackle the meat of this speculation, let's set up one last assumption to make our case. This assumption being:
"The Goddess of Flowers was a Seelie"
While it's only been teased at, it's been hinted quite enough to make it pretty much true.
Arama, during the Aranyaka storyline, mentions a survivor of the Seelie calamity befriending King Deshret and Rukkhadevata.
Nilou mentions her costume being based on the Goddess of Flowers' clothing. This includes a pair of horns that are also seen in Seelies.
The Goddess of Flowers is associated with the Moon. The 3 Moon Sisters were said to have lived alongside the Seelies.
So now, given the trail Hoyoverse has given to connect Guizhong and her, do we see such similar traits? As it turns out, yes!
Floral Resemblance
The first comparison I'll be making concerns the similarities with flowers.
Within the game, there is another flower that behaves and looks similar to the Glaze Lilies that Guizhong are linked to. This flower is the Nilotpala Lotus.
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Both flowers, aside from sharing the same color scheme, have the peculiar behavior of only blooming at night. In other words, when the Moon is out. The Nilotpala Lotus, in particular, was produced by the Moon Sisters as they stepped on the earth.
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So now, we've connected Guizhong and the Moon Sisters through parallels in their respective flowers. But this doesn't reflect the qualities seen in the Padisarah. Why not?
It's because haven't seen the real Padisarahs. The ones we encounter are just mimicries done by Rukkhadevata. This is similar to how Glaze Lilies are now almost exclusively cultivated in farms. The only reason they still live in their endangered state is due to Morax's influence.
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Seelie Service
Moving on, Guizhong also bears a striking resemblance to how Seelies guided humans. Simply, Seelies used their obscure knowledge to help mankind develop many things.
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This is eerily similar to Guizhong's actions, as well as her 4 philosophical commandments, no?
"To unite in ambition is to be steadfast and immovable for all time."
"Wisdom is like water, it nourishes all those who receive it and in it is a reflection of the truth."
'"Fortify the bones, that movement be supple when the time comes."
"Virtue grows tall like a tree, though there be shade it will flourish forever"
I think it's not strange to see how all of her tenets mention nature and complex concepts like time or truth to convey how to strengthen her people's bonds. Not to mention, it's mentioned repeatedly how beautiful Guizhong was.
With this in mind, I think it's safe to say Guizhong at least has done things similar to Seelies. Additionally, she is one of the only deities who have been shown to possess so many traits similar to them.
Now, Guizhong being associated closely with the Moon Sisters puts into question her status as "God of Dust". Why dust? To this, I introduce this piece of information found within Moonpiercer as well.
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I am also theorizing that, while Seelies may not be of the same lineage as the Moon Sisters, they posses traits that are found within them!
Titillating Titles & More Similarities
Let's use the Goddess of Flowers as an example. We know that she is not simply just a Flower Goddess. Ironically, it seems as though producing flowers is just something she happened to also do. Many descriptions of her focus on her ability to give dreams and produce water.
In other words, the titles they got as gods are merely one facet of their being, compared to other gods like Marchosius, Boreas, Decarabian, and even some of the archons.
Just as the Goddess of Flowers possesses traits found in the Moon Sisters (flowers, water, dreaming), Guizhong also exhibits these qualities (esoteric wisdom, agriculture, dust).
Something I forgot to mention is Volume 2 of 'Records of the Gallant'. In it, not only do we see Guizhong being mentioned, she is also depicted alongside Glaze Lilies, the starry sky, AND Seelies.
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Something I also just realized in the making of this theory is the mirrored descriptions of Guizhong and the Goddess of Flowers' appearances. One of these was the matter of sleeves.
They are the only gods to my knowledge to have ever used their sleeves as part of their powers. Guizhong sent forth Glaze Lily seeds from her sleeves, while the Goddess of Flowers poured fresh water from hers.
Also, the color of their clothing reference each other's flowers. Guizhong wears an indigo robe, which resembles the Padisarahs. The Goddess of Flowers, if Nilou's dress is to be trusted, wore blue and white clothes, resembling Glaze Lilies.
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Part 3. In Conclusion
Given how many elements about Guizhong matches the Moon Sisters, Seelies, and especially the Goddess of Flowers, it's incredibly hard to now just look at these examples as happenstance, ya know?
I originally researched this topic because of Guizhong and the Goddess of Flowers' parallels in sleeves, but the more I looked into it, the more apparent the parallels became.
From their wisdom to their flowers, it just makes too much sense for me!
So here's the scenario that I'm proposing to end this theory:
A long time ago, when the nation of the Seelies and Moon Sisters fell into ruin, many perished from the disaster. Despite this, a number of Seelies managed to survive. They descended upon the earth in different parts of Teyvat, some even in the area now called the Dark Sea.
Two of these Seelies, each of whom resembled the Moon Sisters in beauty and ability, landed far from each other. And though their stories would deviate in some ways, their fates aligned nonetheless.
She who wielded the irrational wisdom of dreams established a thriving nation in the scorching desert, and she who wielded the rational wisdom of technology did the same amidst the rocky landscape. When they perished, their nations would suffer tremendously.
One of their friends would mourn and change his personality drastically, and another would sacrifice themselves, reverting into a smaller, weaker form.
The flowers that they oh so cherished would almost be wiped away, but friendship gives way to preserving your legacy.
Part 4. Closing Remarks
If you, the one reading this right now, have managed to make it all the way to the end of the post, give yourself a pat on the back!
My name is Noxis, and this marks my first, official post on Tumblr! This is part of a personal project I'm doing to interact with the Genshin Community, and it also serves as my first time actually visiting Tumblr regularly!
If you did read all of this, please excuse my way of organizing and discussing as I'm pretty new to the platform. I'll be sure to learn along the way however, and with it more Genshin lore speculations and theories >:))
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