#hq! yachi
yomiro · 3 months
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offbrandkyoya · 2 months
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HOW TO GET A LOVER - kageyama tobio x reader
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summary: kageyama has a crush on you and tries to win your heart with the help of his friends
pairing: kageyama tobio x reader
genre/tags: smau, high school, love at first sight? miscommunication, hard pinning, comedy, volleyball talk
warning: swearing, kys jokes, nsfw jokes
taglist: open!
note: this doesn’t follow the hq timeline
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[1] freaky kageyama
[2] no name no game
[3] step 1: name
[4] cookie and milk
[5] milk chan irl
[6] date?
[7] abort mission
[8] like
[9] still step 1
[10] wait a minute
[11] secret
[12] falling for you
[13] as friends
[14] yogurt feed
[15] waste
[16] hit tweet
[17] amazing
[18] chat
more to be added…
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weathertheraine · 2 months
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I feel like I’m seeing shrimp colours rn
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mangobursts · 1 year
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they still have my whole heart
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hannycho12 · 1 year
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Art collection for bundle up Kageyama Tobio I did on twitter.
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eavee-ry · 5 months
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infection AU
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gothamtwinks · 2 years
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Ok I guess I’ll post here now because the state that Twitter is in 😭😭
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mari-writes · 3 months
At summer training camp in her second year, Yachi Hitoka notices a small, heart-shaped Pride pin on Akaashi Keiji’s sports bag.
She spends the first two days of camp agonizing if she should say something. Is it appropriate? Would Akaashi be weirded out? How does one casually initiate a conversation with a fellow gay?
So far Yachi has only told two people: a cousin, and her former crush/mentor, the incomparable Kiyoko Shimizu. She’s chatted with people online, but always anonymously.
The thought of coming out to someone new is terrifying.
But Akaashi, and really the entire Fukurodani Volleyball Club, have always been approachable. Yachi recalls running into Akaashi and his ace, Bokuto Koutarou at Nationals. They were so kind, easing her worries and doubts during an intense match. Despite being just as tall and intense as the other athletes Yachi regularly met, she never felt intimidated by the pair.
And so, she now finds herself peering nervously around the corner of the Ubugawa gymnasium to where Akaashi, now captain of Fukurodani, stands. He’s staring down at his phone, his bag casually slung over one shoulder. The rainbow pin gleams under the midday sun.
Taking a deep, steadying breath, Yachi approaches. As she does, she sees that Akaashi is smiling. It’s subtle, just a slight twitch at the sides of his mouth, but it’s noticeable. She wonders vaguely what he’s looking at on his phone.
She chides herself for being nosey.
Akaashi hears her shuffling and looks up. “Ah, Yacchan.” He politely tucks the phone away. “Good evening.”
“Hello, um, hi, Akaashi-san!” Yachi stammers. “H-how are you?” She winces at her own awkwardness.
“Doing well, thank you.” He nods politely. “And you? Are you staying cool? Hydrated?”
“I’m okay!” Yachi bows back. “But yeah, it’s so hot out today!”
“You’re not a summer person, then?”
“Not at all!” She groans. “I feel like I’m melting!”
Akaashi chuckles. “You sound like Bokuto. He abhors the heat, especially when it’s humid as well.”
Yachi grins. “How is Bokuto-san doing? He’s at Central Sports University, right?” She assumes Bokuto keeps in touch with his old teammates.
Akaashi hums. “Moving from home was a big change, but he’s happy. His new team is a good fit.”
“I’m glad.” Yachi reaches down to fiddle with the hem of her t-shirt, unsure. She feels like she’s about to dive off a cliff, not knowing if there will be a net to catch her. Her anxious gaze shifts, and now the pin is in direct line of sight, as if taunting her. How can she bring it up?
Yachi flinches, realizing she had been staring at the pin for a few beats too long. When she meets Akaashi’s gaze, he looks uncertain. Oh no! Does he think she has a problem with it? “Sorry!” She cries, arms waving frantically. “I didn’t know what to say, because�� um, I saw it and I just…”
“This?” Akaashi’s fingers wander across the bag’s canvas and to the pin’s enamel surface. He taps it with one of his perfectly filed nails, lifting an eyebrow curiously.
Yachi swallows down her fear. “Yeah! It’s nice! Um, I’d like to find one for my book bag!”
Akaashi looks mildly surprised, but his face softens quickly. “I see.”
“Haha, yeah…”
“So.” Akaashi clears his throat. “You’re…”
“Yeah!” Yachi says again hands tighten into fists excitedly. “I’m gay!” Her ears burn in embarrassment as her companion bites his bottom lip, trying not to laugh at her outburst.
“Well, thank you for sharing that with me, Yacchan.”
Yachi releases a shaky breath, grinning back nervously. For a while they are silent. Cicadas buzz above, gym shoes squeak on hardwood nearby. She wonders if Akaashi is feeling the same sort of content relief at finding another queer person to confide in.
“When did you know?”
“Huh?” It takes a moment for her to discern Akaashi’s question. “Oh! Um, well. Back in first year, I had a crush on someone, but at first I didn’t know it was a crush!” She recounts the clarity she experienced, when she finally understood her feelings. It was like everything suddenly shifted into focus.
It had been hard, accepting that Kiyoko couldn’t return her feelings. But she is forever grateful for the older girl—for her influence, kindness, her support when she came out.
“How are you doing now?” Akaashi asks kindly, causing Yachi to relax further.
“Well, I’m glad I know who I am! But now I basically fall in love with every pretty, nice girl I meet!” She sighs. “It’s tiring!”
Akaashi chuckles. “I suppose I can’t relate exactly. I’ve only ever had feelings for one person.”
Yachi leans in curiously, waiting for her companion to continue on his own. She doesn’t want to pry.
“I always found guys attractive,” he says finally. “But when I came out in middle school, my parents told me to keep it to myself. They said I’d ‘grow out of it,’ so it wasn’t worth acting on.”
Yachi frowns. “I’m so sorry, Akaashi-san! I, um, think my mom will be supportive when I tell her. I’ve heard her talk positively about the marriage equality movement…”
Akaashi’s eyes crinkle as he smiles. “I’m glad to hear. But remember, even if she doesn’t, you will find people who support and love you. I found that at Fukurodani. In fact,” he reaches into his pocket. “Let’s exchange numbers. If you ever want to talk, contact me. Bokuto, too. Anytime.”
A surge of affection hits Yachi. It’s overwhelming, how it wells up inside her, through her heart and into her throat. Not since Kiyoko had she felt so seen by another person. “Thank you,” she croaks, blinking furiously. (She is not crying. She’s not!) “Wait,” she says, realizing what Akaashi had said. “Bokuto… I mean, is he also…”
Shyly, Akaashi nods. “I’m sure he’d be okay with me telling you. Bokuto is bisexual. And, well…” His voice lowers slightly. “He and I… we’re together.”
Yachi feels like she might fall over at the news. Akaashi and Bokuto, two of her favorite people in the entire world, are dating? Incredible!
“That’s wonderful!” She cries, hands pulling into fists  in excitement. He chuckles, sharp cheekbones going pink. 
“Thank you. I… have to agree...”
From then on, Yachi and Akaashi grow closer. They spend time together at training camps, keeping in touch in between. They end up at the same university and often meet up to study together.
Yachi confides in Akaashi and Bokuto, who give her advice before she comes out to her mom. They encourage her to ask out a girl in one of her classes, celebrating when she gets her first date.
Over the years, Yachi meets many other queer people who become incredibly important to her. But she never loses touch with Akaashi. The connection they made that one summer day in high school remains a defining moment in her life.
She’ll forever be grateful.
Thanks for reading! I wanted to expand this for A03 but as usual these days, I lost the motivation. I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Please REBLOG and/or REPLY if you did. 🥰❤️ Thanks for your continued support!
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fish-with-more-eyes · 2 months
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haikyuu!! lads as drawfee imgs hehe
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freakurodani · 1 year
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i just want to give them a digital camera
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flatchestka · 15 days
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The bestest friends to have ever
I have the biggest headcanon that yama, yachi and hinata end up forming a tight bond during and after graduating highschool to the point when they just want to hang out and be chill theyd hit up each other just to shoot the breeze.
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weathertheraine · 4 months
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For Valentines, Yachi made all the other first years tomo-choco (friend chocolate) !! It was well-received :,,) Tobio is going to put off eating his so he can continue staring at it. Yachi-san made this for him… friends chocolate… because they are friends…
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gayaest · 1 year
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Karasuno First years ♿️🏐🧡
PARAVOLLEY AU ⭐️ alt text added!
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rceibo · 10 months
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milaisreading · 3 days
Kageyama twin!Yn and the nicknames she gave everyone in her phone:
Tobio- Awkward cinnamonroll
Hinata- Hyper cinnamonroll
Yachi- BFF
Yamaguchi- If overthinking was a person
Tsukishima- If salt was a person
Daichi- Coolest captain
Sugawara- Sugar cubes
Asahi- Platonic husband
Kiyoko- Big sister #2
Tanaka- Simp 1
Nishinoya- Simp 2
Iwaizumi- Og husband
Oikawa-Drama starter
Osamu- Cuter twin
Atsumu- Brother of the cuter twin
Akaashi- Husband #1
Kita- Husband #2
Aran- Husband #3
Suna- The only guy with a fox face
Sakusa- Gloomy ace
Let me know if u want a pt 2
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temeyes · 29 days
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first years
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