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Sir Karluf and the Sons of Hreidmar
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haljathefangirlcat · 4 months
Some more character backstory speculation in the Volsung-Nibelung-Dietrich cycle. Sigurd/Siegfried spends his childhood in the woods under the watch of Mime/Regin the dwarven smith in all versions of his story except for the Nibelungenlied itself, which goes out of its way to make Siegfried RESPECTABLE. Even in the Scandinavian material, which presents him having two living parent figures and a grandparent (Hjordis, Alf, and Hjalprek), he still gets fostered and tutored by Mime. Though he does keep in contact with his family, as he says he's used to getting anything he asks for from them. His childhood with Regin makes sense in the versions where he's a foundling, but it seems a little weird for his family to hand him off to Regin of all people for his upbringing. Svend Grundtvig discusses the theory that Regin related to Hjordis through his sister Lofnheid, which would provide some reasoning for choosing Regin, but Reginsmal darts between the origin of the hoard to Sigurd meeting with Odin on his quest for vengeance, so it's hard to figure out what's going on. What do you think is the in-universe rationale for Regin being chosen as Sigurd's foster-father?
"[...] except for the Nibelungenlied itself, which goes out of its way to make Siegfried RESPECTABLE."
I kinda love how you phrased that because it immediately made me think back to Lang's movies, which generally stick close to the Nibelungenlied but still have Siegfried be fostered by and learn to forge metal from Mime -- so much for all efforts at respectability! XD
As for me, I like Regin being related to Hjordis. I think it makes sense, especially as Hjordis' side of the family seems to already have some pretty strange male figures on it (hello, Gripir!), I like how it neatly ties up the Volsungs' supernatural weirdness with the (back)story of the cursed gold, and I feel there's some good potential drama fuel in it. (Not to sound like a broken record -- tho I probably do, lol -- but Stephan Grundy uses the Regin - Lofnheid - Hjordis connection in his books, and I really enjoy both his take on Hreidmar's family and its ramifications through the later events of the story.)
However, it doesn't quite feel necessary to me. Part of it is that Volundr/Weland, too, gets a "taught by dwarves" story, and while the guy's admittedly the Master Smith and sometimes a giant/elf/other supernatural being himself, that sort of takes the edge off Sigurd's upbringing for me, making it, in my view, just a Weird Thing That Happens To Heroes Because They're Built Differently (And Sometimes Get A Little Too Close To The Borders Between Human & Non-Human) and something Hjordis and the rest of the family might have agreed to, even if with some reluctance/wariness, after noticing the kid wasn't exactly your average boy and needed something to balance off the otherwise all-human normalcy of his life.
Another part is that, a couple of years ago, I was trying to find out more about smiths in Norse and Germanic society. Unfortunately, nothing specific's coming to mind rn, only some vague recollections, but I remember reading about a seeming discrepancy between literary smiths appearing as isolated, mysterious, often not-quite-human figures and historical wealthy, well-respected smiths who were actually probably very socially active and connected to their communities. (Obviously, there was more to it, and I doubt the whole story was as straight-forward as I'm making it sound rn, with every literary smith fitting in a box and every historical smith fitting in the other, but again, this isn't all exactly so fresh in my memory.) So, I think it'd be kind of sweet for the adults in Sigurd's life to encourage him to pursue an interest that couldturn out to be very advantageous for him in the future in both a pratical, know-how sense and by giving him a possible new way to connect and work with other people with ease. Even if I do see Regin as a bit of a recluse himself, given his own history... XD But, hey, it's not like Regin's personality would necessarily rub off on Sigurd as he teaches him, right?
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
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also i'm going to take this opportunity to dump some fafnir doodles so please enjoy w
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↑ hreidmar (fafnir's face reference) prior to "disappearing under mysterious circumstances" (read: he got stabbed and fell to his death in a dungeon) ↑
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↑ fafnir's shapeshifting powers w ↑
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↑ a fafnir sticker i was working on that i ended up tabling when i couldn't get the face to the point that i was satisfied ↑
↓ i'm so sorry that this is gray on white and thus hard to read BUT as context: we were hired by the city guard to investigate a series of disappearances in the town of Bellows Hill, but really the captain kind of just wanted us to dig up enough evidence to give her an excuse to go after Cassidy, the local mystery flesh pit-esque super organism that laid dormant under the town and interacted with its via a series of hundreds of identical elven avatars (they like glass blowing <3)
we ended up getting abducted by the creature responsible though and she ended up going after Cassidy anyway, and almost refused to listen to our testimony because she figured Cassidy had just made replicas of us to save their own skin
it got resolved, thankfully, but i joked at the time that we should have had a The Thing™ style blood test scene w ↓
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Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Dawn of Ragnarök - Hreidmar's Blessed Armor by Stefan Kocevski
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dorokora · 1 year
Done with the side quests for now. Back to the story.
The final arc of this chapter is Fafnir’s arc and his daddy issues
Fafnir is gathering all the dragons of the world for a special conference meeting. But only Nidhogg and Jormungandr, Fafnir and his dad showed up for it. Fafnir purposed that the dragons help the human due to the numbers of demon lord that have been resurrected. Nidhogg and Jormungandr agree with Fafnir’s plan. Hreidmar, Fafnir’s father, rejects the idea of helping humans saying that they should just burn the humans and be done with it. Fafnir and his dad are about to fight in their dragon forms and Nidhogg tells them to take their father and son spat outside. They have their father-son quarrel offscreen where Fafnir lost.
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Sometime later, Bacchus finally reunites with Nidhogg while he was bathing. Yuuji and Fafnir bump into each other. Everyone gathers at the villa.
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Yuuji explains what’s been going on lately. Nidhogg and Bacchus have their long awaited talk. And then they fcked that night.
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The next morning the group discuss their dragon plan and the history of dragons. Life all started with a white meteor and ragnarok came when the black meteor arrived creating the giants. Odin was chosen as the Hero and his companions Thor, Freyr, and Loki by his side. Ymir was created from thousands of human corpses, Tiamat was born from the corpses of two dragons. Tiamat's body was split in two. Filling the sky and the earth, and that’s how present world was created. End of Ragnorok, friendly fire broke out, and many of Odin comrades-in-arms fell by his hands. According to one theory, it is a sect of "gods" who planned it. It is said that it was a secret maneuver by Loki. At the end of Ragnorok, Odin sealed all of the Giants so that they could never be revived and then disappeared himself. So all giants were sealed away and all the gods have died off. It will seem that history is currently repeating itself. Will the humans perish? Will the Demon Kings perish? Or will they both perish? We then head to the mansion to confront Fafnir’s dad. Meteo shows up to cause more problems. He summons black meteors to rain down from the sky. He also activates the curse on Hreidmar’s ring. Turns out that ring was Andvari’s ring, the one he put a curse on before Loki took it and his gold from him. Everyone tries to run but Yuuji is frozen in fear. Yuuji remembers that it was a black meteor that crashed down in Tokyo and killed his parents. Hreidmar tells Fafnir he’ll stay behind and gives his dragon necklace to his son. Hreidmar turns into his dragon form to stop the meteor shower.
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Nighogg tells Fafnir to take Bacchus and Yuuji far away. He gives Fafnir his grimoire. He’s going to hold them off as long as he can. Nighogg tells Bacchus to live a long life and that he loves him. He turns into a dragon files to the meteor shower. With both his dad and Nighogg powers, Fafnir gets a power upgrade along with a new weapon, armor, a golden dragon form. He is now the new dragon king. Up in the sky, Hreidmar’s and Nighogg’s dead bodies have fused together to resurrect Tiamat. Metro’s plan is a success as all five demon lords have been revived. Yuuji is still frozen in fear. The area below started to get covered in darkness due to the black meteors and the people down there have been turned to stone. At this rate, the whole world will be covered in darkness. Bacchus tells Fafnir that they need to go to where Orgus is.
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And that’s where it ends
To be Continued
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hoesamo · 1 year
Actually this is about Jorgumandr as he is a dragon known to put things he likes in his mouth, and he commonly swallows them accidentally.
OH THANK YOU ANON. I went to sleep fully thinking Fafnir confused kissing for cannibalism. Doesn’t help that in the crossover event Fafnir tries eating or siphoning off Hreidmar’s energy so I just fully thought it was a cannibalistic thing.💀
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snowcloudsmyvision · 7 years
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Hreidmar Chradzach, my first Dragonborn. It's been actually 9 months since I made him, it's just that I never really got to deawing him. Maybe bc I don't think I can be accurate. And I was right, but I don't need to. I'm happy how this turned out. At the very least.
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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Nine Worlds of Norse Mythology. Norse Cosmology contains ‘Nine Homeworlds’ (Níu Heimar in Old Norse) in which all beings reside. These worlds are centered on the World Tree, Yggdrasil, which lies at the centre of the Cosmos. Each of these Nine Worlds is the homeland of various classes of beings that are part of Norse and Germanic mythology. Travel between the worlds are described in myths, where gods and other beings sometimes interact directly with humans. Upper level Asgard / Ásgarðr / Aesir – Land of the Aesir Gods and Goddesses Vanaheim / Vanaheimr / Vanir – Land of the Vanir Gods and Goddesses Alfheim / Álfheimr / Álfar – Land of the Light Elves Middle Level / Middle Earth Midgard / Miðgarðr / Menn – Land of Humanity Jotunheim / Jötunheimr / Jötnar – Land of the Giants Svartalfheim / Svartálfaheimr / Dvergar – Land of the Dark Elves (Nidavellir – Land of the Dwarves) Lower Level Muspelheim / Muspellsheimr – Primordial Land of Fire Niflheim / Niflheimr – Primordial place of Ice and Fog, Land of the Dead (Hel / Helheimr / Náir – Land of the Dead, Home of the Goddess Hel) Asgard / Ásgarðr / Aesir – Land of the Aesir Gods and Goddesses High in the sky lies Asgard, home to the Aesir, the sky gods. Asgard was also the home of Odin’s Valhalla and Freya’s Fólkvangr, where brave Viking warriors would go after death. Home of Urdarbrunnr, the Well of Fate, guarded by the Norns. Vanaheim / Vanaheimr / Vanir – Land of the Vanir Gods and Goddesses A mysterious place, home of the Vanir Earth Gods. Home of Njord, Freya and Freyr, who came to live in Asgard after the Aesir-Vanir war. Alfheim / Álfheimr / Álfar – Land of the Light Elves Next to Asgard in the heavens was Alfheim, home to beautiful Elves, the Gods of nature and fertility. Alfheim was ruled by Freyr. Midgard / Miðgarðr / Menn – Land of Humanity Home of mankind, also known as ‘Middle Earth’. Midgard was connected to Asgard by Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge. Jotunheim / Jötunheimr / Jötnar – Land of the Giants Home of the Jotuns (giants), enemies of the Aesir. Jotunheim was mostly rocks, wilderness and dense forests. Loki came from Jotunheim, later to live in Asgard. Home of Mímisbrunnr, the Well of Wisdom, guarded by Mimir. Svartalfheim / Svartálfaheimr / Dvergar – Land of the Dark Elves Deep in the underground lived the hideous dark Elves, known to cause trouble to humans such as causing nightmares. They could not be touched by the Sun, otherwise they would turn to stone. Nidavellir – Land of the Dwarves Similar to Svartalfheim was Nidavellir, where dwarves lived in caves underground. Ruled by Hreidmar, the dwarves were masters of craftsmanship and gave presents to the Aesir, such as Thor’s hammer and Odin’s spear. Muspelheim / Muspellsheimr – Primordial Land of Fire Muspelheim was a burning hot place created in the far south. It was home to the fire giants, fire demons, and the giant Surt, enemy to the Aesir. Niflheim / Niflheimr – Primordial place of Ice and Fog, Land of the Dead The lowest of the Nine Worlds, this land of ice and mist was located in the northern region of Ginnungagap. The oldest of three wells, Hvergelmir (‘Roaring Kettle’), was located here, which was the source of all cold rivers and the origin of all living things. Hel / Helheimr / Náir – Land of the Dead, Home of the Goddess Hel Home of the Goddess Hel, daughter of Loki. When humans were not accepted to Valhalla or Fólkvangr, they came to Hel’s hall Elivdnir.
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footsiepop · 3 years
fun fact!
Ok so, mythologically, Ótr, Fáfnir, and Regin were a trio of dwarf brothers. And then one day FUCKIN Loki kills a random otter and whoops, that's Ótr and now the family is pissed at Loki for killing Ótr. Originally Hreidmar, their father, demands Loki be slain, insisting upon a life for a life. However he successfully argues that he couldn't have known the otter was Ótr the dwarf, and is instead made to fill the otter skin with gold, and then cover the gold-filled pelt with more gold until the body is entirely hidden.
He nearly finishes this task, but one of Ótr's whiskers is still sticking out so he gives up the cursed ring Andvarinaut, stolen from the dwarf Andvari.
Fáfnir proceeds to murder Hreidmar to obtain the gold paid out for the death of his brother, and the cursed ring ends up warping him into a dragon.
(Regin later enlists the help from the hero Sigurd/Siegfried to slay the dragon Fáfnir to get the same gold paid out for Ótr's death, and then Sigurd both slays Fáfnir, and kills Regin for trying to murder and rob him.)
Mind that different tellings may be slightly different and I don't specify *which* mythology because that is a complicated answer.
And really, dear reader, the reason I tell you this is so you know that in Reginn Fire Emblem's New Year unit, the Ótr/otter thing isn't only a joke about his name or such-- no, the Ótr of myth straight up had a major habit of just transforming into an otter to chill!
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thesilvershire · 3 years
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Hreidmar’s Armor... (194/?)
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enchronocity · 3 years
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Hreidmar's Blessed and Cursed Armor set w/ the Mechanical Synin because I was standing too long for good lighting.
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thestonelady · 3 years
Theory for POV
Warning: possible spoilers
During one of my replays I noticed something interesting in the background of Andvari's workshop :
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What may that weird piece of cloth be? To answer that, we need to look at two versions of the same tale, that traces its origin back into the Migration Period (c.  300–500 AD to be precise)
These are The Völsunga saga and Nibelungenlied.
Part of the Völsunga saga can be found in the Poetic Edda as well, that part being called Reginsmál (the Lay of Regin). Here the dwarf Regin tells his foster son Sigurd how his family acquired Andvari's gold :
One day Odin, Loki and Hœnir walked alongside a river. There an otter just left the water. Loki killed the otter and the three gods went to Hreidmars house to spent the night. But when Hreidmar saw the dead otter he knew it was his own son, Ótr. At first Hreidmar demanded a life for life, but then he settled on a weregild. Loki returned to the river, the Andvarafors, with a fishnet he got from the goddess Ran. With that fishnet he caught a pike.
Loki spoke :
Who is the fish
that swims in the river
and from misfortune cannot save itself?
Save your head from death
Give me the flame of the waves.
The pike answered :
Andvari am I
and Oin my father.
Many a fall have I fared,
An evil Norn
In the olden days
doomed me in water
to dwell.
To save his life, Andvari gave Loki all his gold, but hid one ring, the Andvaranaut. But the god saw it and took the ring from him as well. So Andvari cursed both the gold and the Andvaranaut :
Now shall the gold that Gust once had,
bring death to brothers two,
and evil be to heroes eight,
no one will my use wealth.
Loki gave the gold to Hreidmar. But he soon after was murdered by his other son Fafnir. Fafnir took the gold and ran away, turning into a dragon... (I included this because I have no idea how much the fandom knows about the myths, so I apologise for making this so long)
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(Also, is this the fishnet from Ran?)
Now in the Nibelungenlied this part is completely absent. But we know both tales tell the same story. Due to being orally told from generation to generation for centuries, the details changed and some parts were forgotten.
Codex Regius which includes Reginsmál was written down in the 13th century in Iceland, and the Nibelungenlied was as well written down in the 13th century, but in what is now modern day Germany.
But what has all of this to do with that cloth?
The answer is simple, it is in the Nibelungenlied where a dwarf named Alberich had an magical cloak (die Tarnkappe) that could make the wearer invisible and it gave them the strength of twelve men. Siegfried acquired Tarnkappe from Alberich and most notably used it to help his brother-in-law Gunther to get Brünhild as wife (poor Brünhild).
And what has this to do with Andvari?
Well, from what I've read, thanks to comparing the two tales we know  Sigurd=Siegfried, Regin=Mimer, Gunnar=Gunther, Brünhild=Brynhild, and... some scholars say Andvari and Alberich are counterparts of each other (which would mean elf boi is a twice crowned king because Alberich is the king of the dwarves and thanks to French translations Alberich turned into Auberon (Oberon) the king of the fairies)
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So is the weird piece of cloth actually die Tarnkappe from the Nibelungenlied? We shall see in future updates if it turns out to be more than just a pretty background decoration.
Word glossary:
Andvarafors - literally means Andvari's waterfall, the place where Andvari lived
Andvaranaut - translates as 'Andvari's gift'
Hœnir - an obscure Aesir god. In some versions he helped Odin create the first humans
Ran - is the wife of the sea god Aegir. She’s usually mentioned in the context of drowning unfortunate seafarers and dragging them down to dwell in her underwater abode.
Weregild - in ancient Germanic law, a fine paid by a person who committed an offense to the injured party or, in case of death, to his family
Side note: if anybody wants to ask for my sources, they are: the English and German Wikipedia entries; a Czech translation of the Völsunga saga; and Auguste Lechner's adaptation of the Nibelungenlied. 
If anybody wants to add something or correct me feel free to do so, please 🙈
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jeffreystewart · 2 years
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Norsery Rhymes from A to Z Fáfnir, The Fearless and Strong - V2 Well here we are on another ThorsDay with another 20 min sketch of a Norse (and Germanic, sometimes Celtic) mythological characters.  This week it’s a second version of Fafnir / Fáfnir / Fafner of the Dverg (Dvergr / Dwarf) mentioned in the Volsunga Saga. On his way to becoming a giant dragon.
His name means in Old Norse, ‘embracer’, or ‘holder’, and to ‘hoard’. He was known as the  The Fearless and the Strong Armed.
Fafnir lived with his father Hreidmar and his two Brothers Regin, Lofnheidthr / Lofnheiðr, Lyngheidthr / Lyngheiðr, and Otr / Ótr. The home was a house of Jewels and gold.
After Loki is asked by the family to make reparations for accidentally killing his Brother Otr, Loki dooms them by making reparations with the cursed Andvari’s gold and the ring Andvaranaut.
This drives them each mad, until Fafnir kills his father and takes the ring and gold, along with his fathers gold to a secluded cave. Where it turns him into a giant serpent or Dragon. Where he builds a hoard of wealth even greater filled with riches and magical items.
Eventually Fafnir’s Brother Regin sends his hero foster son Sigurd to get revenge on Fafnir who is bested by Sigurd. Fafnir as he dies warns Sigurd about the gold and rings curse and that Regin will betray him due to that curse.
I think I’ll do a few more stages of him becoming a dragon next time.
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dragon-discourse · 4 years
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Name: Fafnir
Type: Mythical
Culture of Origin: Norse
Description: A wingless dragon.
Myth: Fafnir was originally a Dwarf, one of the sons of Hreidmar. When his brother Otr was killed by Loki, Hœnir, and Odin, his father forced the gods to pay reparations. The gold was cursed, however, and Fafnir killed his father to claim it, transforming himself into a dragon to guard it.
His surviving brother, Regin, tasked the hero Sigurd to kill Fafnir. Sigurd hid in a pit and as Fafnir went past, Sigurd stabbed his sword up and into the dragon's stomach, killing him.
When Sigurd tasted the blood from Fafnir’s cooked heart, he learned the speech of birds. This allowed him to learn that Regin planned to kill him.
Fafnir’s story features in Wagner’s Ring Cycle.
As he lay dying, Fafnir warned Sigurd about the gold’s curse.
Fafnir was the inspiration for both aspects of Smaug as well as Glaurung, two dragons in the works of Tolkien.
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paganimagevault · 3 years
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Anvari's curse and Loki's theft by Emil Doepler 1905
"Now," says Regin, "there was a dwarf called Andvari, who ever abode in that force, which was called Andvari's force, in the likeness of a pike, and got meat for himself, for many fish there were in the force; now Otter, my brother, was ever wont to enter into the force, and bring fish aland, and lay them one by one on the bank. And so it befell that Odin, Loki, and Hoenir, as they went their ways, came to Andvari's force, and Otter had taken a salmon, and ate it slumbering upon the river bank; then Loki took a stone and cast it at Otter, so that he gat his death thereby; the Gods were well content with their prey, and fell to flaying off the otter's skin; and in the evening they came to Hreidmar's house, and showed him what they had taken: thereon he laid hands on them, and doomed them to such ransom, as that they should fill the otter skin with gold, and cover it over without with red gold; so they sent Loki to gather gold together for them; he came to Ran, and got her net, and went therewith to Andvari's force, and cast the net before the pike, and the pike ran into the net and was taken. Then said Loki—        "'What fish of all fishes,        Swims strong in the flood,      But hath learnt little wit to beware?        Thine head must thou buy,        From abiding in hell,      And find me the wan waters flame.' He answered—        "'Andvari folk call me,        Call Oinn my father,      Over many a force have I fared;        For a Norn of ill-luck,        This life on me lay      Through wet ways ever to wade.' "So Loki beheld the gold of Andvari, and when he had given up the gold, he had but one ring left, and that also Loki took from him; then the dwarf went into a hollow of the rocks, and cried out, that that gold-ring, yea and all the gold withal, should be the bane of every man who should own it thereafter."
-The Saga of the Volsungs, Chapter 14
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Ægis - (different translations) terror, horrible, shield
Hjalmr - helmet
In Snorris Skaldskaparmal the Helmet first belonged to the dwarf king Hreidmar. Hreidmar was killed by his son Fafnir in a fight about Andwaris gold treasure and the Helmet then belonged to Fafnirs treasure. Ægishjalmr has magical powers, which Fafnir used to disguise himself as a dragon.
As a magical rune-symbol it was drawn on the forehead or embedded in the inside of the Helmet of a warrior, for protection, overcoming the enemy, or calming a dispute. The Algiz-Rune is recognizable in the Ægishjalmr symbol, which has the same meaning of protection and defense.
I'm always happy to get informed about incorrect informations or additions 😊
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