#hsr mourning actors
feroluce · 30 days
Hey do you guys think characters call each other Mourning Actors when they're being a buzzkill, since hsr can't have Catholics? "Alright, we get it, you're a Mourning Actor" kdkzjskskek
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windtorndagger · 10 months
Do you think the Mourning Actors have like a small acting troupe and they host summer events on whatever planet they are on? It’s always children’s theater to spread the art of theater, with the occasional opera. Sampo always gets pulled in because he’s their best babysitter.
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yellowymellon · 1 month
2.2 spoiler analysis (?)
The most tragic thing about Sunday is that he didn't learn anything. Granted he was trying to convince our side of his plan and we lept on the offense to try and stop him instead of talking to him, it might've not convinced him but it gives him a broader perspective. He who doesn't know the world, only dreams. Sunday's philosophy happened as a result of his shelterdness. It's ultimately flawed because what he thinks is weakness is too broad when he actually means the weak willed and the unfortunate. I actually agree on that part, some ppl are dealt some card that can't be changed, but he thought of firefly as a weakling even tho she isn't weak willed, she's fighting for herself . He only knows penacony, and how everyone here is only trying to escape from something, a job, a past, and eventually a life. It was the impeding horror that his wish cannot come true because no higher power can ever grant them the perfect world, and the crushing sadness as he sees people helpless.
But escapism is inherent in humans, and that's why his plans never were about changing reality, or fighting for the world. He was the one who escaped the most from life and living, from pain and tragedy. He, Is the Weakling. And so the shadow of nihility loomed over.
if he wasn't ascending but kept being a human god then I can only assume he'd break, because he is not protecting the weak anymore, he's holding on their everything, and they'd lay every burden on him to fix. It was true when robin said that the order cannot fix humanity's flaws, and Sunday had the fatal impressions that the weak needed to be "babied", instead of nurtured and led to become strong themselves, and that the weak would rather not fight against the odds. I was a bit iffy about how the crew had no real argument but that last line...damn it was too good. Life slumbers, so that someday we wake up. And I think that's the moral of the story. People have their ups and downs, we struggle and it gets too hard to bear, so we escape, and that's okay. But then dawn comes again and we have to face life. "There's no night with no darkness"
I still semi support Sunday's plan, because the moral of the story to us was to face reality, but this is a fictional world, we can never have a dude ascend to create this paradise to us, but they can.
Sunday is so stubborn, as he falls down from the defeat of the duel he said would decide the better ideology, he still reached to the sky and lamented over his loss, as if humanity lost, and people would still suffer. But wasn't that the point of the dual? Wasn't that what should've convinced him? He falls motionlessly even as robin hugs him.
Everything was too strange to him, when TB tells him we sleep so that someday we wake up, he's stunned into silence,like it's too late of a conclusion he never came to because HE never woke up. And thus, he wakes to weep.
If you've seen the 2.3 LC with Sunday on it, spoilers for description if you mind : he once again despairs over the loss, and what does he eventually say? That maybe....maybe there's a way... *Sigh* we know of elio's letter to him, but Sunday gets stubborn like with sparkle so I'm not sure if he'll agree but, not the order again pls;;;
If anyone can articulate what path Sunday was walking on (clarification: as an aeon xD) hit me up! I can't explain it...he didn't fully believe in the order, nor Harmony, him saying to ena that humanity was the one who created you sounds like he believes in humanity, yet he doesn't, it's like he believes in the path but not the aeon (or their track record of destruction lol). Sunday has the kind of contradictions that tingle one's brain
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spark-circuit · 23 days
My Trailblazer: nah bro you won't catch me going near the Masked Fools' Tavern. who KNOWS what kind of nefarious pranks and schemes are going on behind closed doors..... 🤨
Sampo, Sparkle, Giovanni, Aha secretly in human form, and some of the other Masked Fools:
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kuijoon · 2 months
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No the fuck you aren’t
Btw they’re both crafted using the exact same materials except the good one uses metal and Sampo’s uses trash
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glvssviscera · 3 months
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Look everyone it is Aventurine’s still alive sister!
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ahaclownery · 10 months
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I can't believe I never stopped to read this 😭 
Also, the Mourning Actors really are a helpful bunch. Pretty contrary to their sibling group.
The Mourning Actors also reported the destruction of the Tia'nua galaxy to the IPC...so I guess they're just your local depressed, but reliable neighbor.
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random hsr headcanons i sometimes think about
ratio and sampo are distantly related cousins that come from the same planet, which is one of the worlds where aha is worshipped. they both vaguely follow the path of elation, but sampo is a masked fool and ratio is a mourning actor. sampo "treads" the path of nihility because he has no faith in humanity, and simply treats them as an elaborate stageplay. ratio "treads" the path of the hunt because he finds the elation to be idiotic and hopes to eliminate the masked fools one by one.
seele and pela are related somehow, and when they first meet each other they get the weirdest sense of deja vu.
stelle wants to become a quantum type, caelus wants to become an ice type.
march both loves and hates being frozen in combat. she loves it because it reminds her of the six-phased ice she was trapped in, and thus, her connection with the astral express. she hates it for the same reason.
dan heng trained his usage of a spear by sitting under a maple tree in autumn and slicing them as they fell
caelus would call dan heng "dan" out of naivety and not knowing xianzhou naming customs. even after they visited the luofu it took him like a month to realize that he was calling dh by his surname and thus linking him to his past as dan feng.
welt sometimes forgets what world he's in and starts speaking languages that don't exist in the hsr universe.
one time before the crew visited the luofu, march misspelled her name as marah (somehow) and dan heng refused to speak to her for like a week
himeko knows her coffee is a bit strong for some people but offers it anyways to watch people squirm
black swan has chronic fatigue which is why most of the time she just appears ominously. she doesn't have the energy to walk.
acheron and welt are both self concious about their grey streaks
when the aetherium wars championship was taking place, bronya watched silver wolf / march / trailblazers' math and when she saw silver wolf she choked on her tea
xueyi and boothill would either be besties or hate each other's guts, no in between
hanya forgets to breathe a concerning amount every day
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(Please note this theory will get longer once I complete Penacony, I haven't started yet due my busy schedule with college and exams)
-Sampo is the Successor of Aha, Aeon of Elation-
The reason why I say successor rather than the actual, original Aeon, is because:
Aha is described as an Aeon that does not truly comprehend nor understand humanity, with it, the emotions tied with humanity. It understands joy, with being the Aeon of Elation, but that's all it comprehends
While as Sampo still very much has that sense. And showcases emotions beyond that joy.
Aha's people, can be categorized into two groups:
The Masked Fools, and the Mourning Actors
The Masked Fools are a group of people that truly believe in Aha. "They believe that the truth of the world is a joke, and the ultimate meaning of all things lies in mere laughter" -HSR Data Bank
The Masked Fools are described as extremely radical when it comes to their beliefs. Doing whatever they can in that pursuit of joy, pleasure, elation. Causing Chaos every where they go.
While the Mourning Actors are that of the opposite. "They are firm believers against Elation. They believe life is full of ups and downs, that agony makes people mature but fleeting joy only offers hopeless and unreachable temptation." -HSR Data Bank.
They believe all beings should renounce joy, and endure grief to temper their spirits.
They are described as people that ride a gondola that spans the stars in order to perform. They collect and wear different masks from different worlds, while recording the sorrows of intelligent life.
And they are said to have been blessed by Aha itself, with Aeon like powers. As joy and sadness are two sides of the same coin.
Now obviously with these two opposites technically being under the same Aeon, it would not surprise me with they were essentially at war with each other.
Think of it like, Masked Fools is Celestia, while Mourning Actors is the Fatui.
- I believe Sampo's home planet is either on its last legs, or is no longer in existence. With both sides under Aha being complete opposites of each other and from what it sounds like in the data bank, not getting along, it was probably only a matter of time before they became the planet's undoing, Sampo being one if not the only survivor because he was hand picked by Aha.
Now another thing that is known to us, to an extent, is that Aeons can die or be killed.
Canonically there are at least around 4-5 Aeons that are dead or presumably dead due to their unknown whereabouts.
Aha is stated as Alive, but also, Aha is one of the few without a humanoid or somewhat alien form that you can at least make out a comprehensive figure in giant entity. Aha is canonically a series of in-animated masks and objects used in theatre/circus. A vague humanoid silhouette can be seen, but is clearly overshadowed. And if an Aeon can die, then how can you claim it is truly eternal?
Aha is described as few things but unpredictable and calculating seem to be the most consistent going as far as to shapeshift into a human for some time in order to trick Akivili (Aeon of Trailblaze) and its followers, the nameless, which resulted in Aha blowing up half of Akivili's Express and an entire planet.
- Another known fact of Aha, is that it refers to itself in third person, something Sampo also does.
I believe Sampo is a product of forbidden love. A child born of a Masked Fool and Mourning Actor, possibly born out of wedlock, thus carries traits of both.
Sampo is labeled as a Masked Fool but also seems to not go as extremely and knowns when a line shouldn't be crossed and what lines to not cross flat out.
He may do what he does for a living, but knows when enough is enough and is cautious in his line of work in order to not get caught.
Canonically Sampo has been shown or told to us by others if not him, that he has helped Natasha (Main Doctor of Belebog's Underground) in gathering anything she needed medically in order to treat her patients as most supplies were above ground and the underground had been locked down from going up when Cocolia was in charge, he had his ways of going back and forth.
And he is also great with kids, Hook, who is the leader of the moles, a little gang of her friends that try to help around the underground the best way they can, and a playable character, as been shown to go to him for help or information and he actually takes it seriously, not wanting to upset or hurt her because she's just trying to help out in what way she can and who is he to ruin that.
Now he is clearly not the most stable individual, there are several indicators that he isn't 100% stable such as his E4 constellation and one his idles showing him with lifeless eyes.
Said E4 con called "The Deeper the Love, the Stronger the Hate"
The fact he canonically is so sneaky and agile that his footsteps do not make noise, leave footprints in snow, or disturb water if he walks on a puddle or something similar.
Not to mention, he can quite literally appear and disappear whenever he feels like. Several times in quests he is with you, the next second he's gone, only to reappear like "i was here the whole time, what are you talking about?"
So what I think is:
I believe Aha's time is coming if not already come, and no one has truly noticed yet. But Aha being how it is, planned ahead and chose a successor to carry on its pursuit of laughter that leaves one breathless, that will lead to unexpected delights that uplift the soul towards divinity.
So if Sampo is someone born from the two groups under Aha, then Sampo would be the perfect candidate. As he is someone that can understand Aha's ideology and way of thinking but also comprehend emotions and humanity in a way, Aha can not.
Aha chooses a child that most likely had a horrible and possibly traumatic childhood, because of him being born of both sides, and possibly born onto a planet with horrible conditions for living
And that with how it currently stands, it's either a matter of: How long Sampo can conceal it?
How long Sampo can buy time until Aha completely passes and truly take on the role of successor, because as he currently stands he is in a incomplete state that will only finish the transformation when Aha is no longer in the picture.
(Also the closest we have to a "home base" for Sampo, is Epsilon which sounds like a planet that may act as a temporary yet is probably the main residence for Sampo, yet from how he describes it.
Its not a planet he's in any hurry to get back to, because according to him, is a giant vanity fair. So most likely the planet is just a giant ego fest)
This all based on my speculations with my current lore knowledge and interpretations.
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mirokuna-hime · 8 months
I really wish people would stop comparing Genshin and HSR, they are different games at the end of the day.
HSR isn't as extensive in lore as Genshin because it doesn't need to be.
In Genshin we spend the majority of our playtime interacting with the world and discovering it, exploring is a core aspect of the game and the knowledge we gain from it helps us understanding the history of Teyvat and the plot we follow.
In HSR we have many different worlds, we hop from planet to planet while only given a relatively small insight into it's history because it simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, rather it focuses on the people, the relationships and how all the different factions (Stellaron Hunters, Nameless, IPC, Masked Fools, Mourning Actors etc.) are interacting and influencing each other.
That doesn't make one game better or worse it just sets them apart. Genshin and HSR are only surface level similar but are quite different games when you take a good second look and it's not just the combat mechanics.
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egotokill · 22 days
8 n 22. hsr. hiii
hiii im gonna do a pookie answer and a non pookie answer for both of these. also answer my ask shitface
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
pookie version: dh topping. sorry. cant get behind it absolutely not
non pookie version: honestly most opinions about sunday fit the bill.. he's very misunderstood as a character. 2.2 spoilers ahead dont say i didnt warn you guys: the most outrageous one was the eugenics one But i think people who say he hates humanity are just kind of stupid. he so clearly loves humanity thats why he wanted everyone to be in the beautiful dream of order. he did it in the wrong way for sure but everything he does stems from love for humanity
another one is the baiheng = bailu theory. like Hello they're a completely different species
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
pookie version: how genuinely stupid dan heng can be and im serious. we see a glimpse into it in belobog when he goes to the fight club by himself, but like Everything he does almost is so foolish. hes just as unhinged as everyone else on the express. he barely even tries to hide it. also he canonically makes shitty jokes and i think its beautiful. AND AND AND ok last one but why are we all ignoring dan heng being with the mourning actors???? am i the only one who talks to welt
non pookie version: luocha being in jail sorry its funny af and no one jokes about it anymore where are you guys cmon. also sampo never did ANYTHING bad to us and like no one cares abt it i love sampo a lot why is everyone so mean to him. ok i cant think of a real one unfortunately im too pookie brained
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brainrot-mx · 1 month
Just a silly post, cause I'm still thinking of HSR x Danganronpa, here's what Paths I think the characters would have! Just based on what I think:
(Keep in mind, I do not know some of the charaxters too well. If you have any other ideas, write them down!)
Makoto - Path of Harmony
We all know this man is a saint and works on restoring peace to the dangan world. Geniuenly wants to get along with everyone and fights for peace
Kiyoko - Path of Hunt
She seeks answers continuously, as a detective but also in general. Doesn't forget and forges her own path.
Byakuya - Path of Preservation
He thinks of ways he can survive and has all his life been fighting to come out on top. Despite being a prodigy, he keeps shielding himself from others due to distrust and views.
Toko - Path of Propagation
(sorry lmao) This path was born out of the Aeons loneliness, creating it's little critters with it's newfound power to quell it. Toko also seeks relationships and feels alone, paranoia from others actions and thoughts makimg her distance herself
Asahina - Path of the Trailblaze
Free-spirited and has strong beliefs, I believe she'd be an amazing Trailblazer, willing to help out with the Stelleron disasters and the people. She's steadfast in her pursuit of anything she believes to be right, feelings proving quite important to her.
Yasuhiro - Path of Elation (Path of Finality)
Part of the group called Mourning Actors. His predictions surely entertain the one who thinks of the universe as meaningless fun. I also think it'd be funny if he made a bet with Aha in human form and got powers as a result because his prediction came out wrong. He is not happy about this, as he's a follower of Terminus
Sayaka - Path of Beauty
Self-explanatory. Still, her beauty isn't the only thing that defines her. I consider it beautiful that her drive to rescue her friends was so strong, that she did what she'd done.
Leon - Path of Destruction
Yeah. He kinda dug himself a hole with how he acted (normal distressed teen LMAO) None of that paths fit him too well... maybe Rememberance, with how he is still influenced by past memories?
Chihiro - Path of Erudition
Genius with computers, smart. Nous would def cast him a glace
Mondo - Path of Destruction
Again with the self-report.
Ishimaru - Path of Trailblaze
I couldn't decide here, because the Path of Order is more about forceful manipulation of humanity. Enforced laws and forceful decisions, none of which describe someone like Ishimaru. I'd say he is a former follower of Order, becoming part of the Astral express to find his values once more, ones unbound by an entity demanding them.
Hifumi - Path of Beauty
Took a bit of time, but he eventually joined the Knights of Beauty. As a hobby, he draws whoever he meets on different planets, as a way to immortilize the beauty.
Celestia - Path of Voracity
I did think of maiing her part of the Order, but she doesn't particularly care about the Order part as much as the manipulation. Her greed therefore outshines that Path, making her a perfect fit for the Voracity.
Sakura - Path of Permanence
She found the answer she wanted to give to the question of existence.
Junko - Path of Destruction
Yeah. I'd say the Remnants of Despair are too, as is Monaca. She'd probably be a part of the Anhiliation gang, the leader most likely.
Mukuro - Path of the Hunt
I don't believe she was so destructive as much as determined to be there for her sister (without the weird incest implications the anime added for some reason.) in like her own messed up way. Also very good fighter and determined to use it for her goal, hatered for anything that lasted longer then it needed.
And that's it for Drv1 ! Again, type how you feel about my choices wherever I can see it. I wanna see 👁👁
(the hashtag is #drv3 & hsr crossover even tho it's drv1 lmao)
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yellowymellon · 16 days
so leaks say the next planet is theatre like and ppl are speculating that the mourning actors are involved and it makes sense SEE I TOLD YOU ALL BUT YOU CALLED ME CRAZY SUNDAY IS JOINING THE MOURNING ACTORS
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tiredfoxtf · 2 months
HSR lore is so fascinating to me. So there are those Aeons that are like concentration of one single concept, but they are also conscious and alive.
Which means that they can be killed. Just like Long The Permanence. Or can be swallowed by broader concepts just like Ena The Order was swallowed by Xipe The Harmony.
Anyway, there's also Paths that are representation of those abstract ideas and basically if someone pathstrides hard enough they can become and eminator of the certain path, in other words receive special kudos from the Aeon of the path. Also Aeons of the Paths like to give their kudos to some fractions that worship them. Like Qlipoth The Preservation for the IPC which stands for the Interastral Peace Corporation, but don't worry about it. Or if they think they would be worthy of their gaze, like Nous the Erudition for both Genius Society and Intelligentsia Guild. Or just because they are a huge troll. That one goes to Aha The Elation for blessing The Mourning Actors, that generally HATE their guts and trying to prove that true purpose of any existence is to suffer.
Oh yeah, by the way, if you pathstride even HARDER you can become the new Aeon. Like Nous the Erudition, the super-computer that now is floating in space somewhere, making calculations did.
There also some Aeons that we have no fucking clue what happened to them (*coughs in Akhivili the Trailblaze*) or we can't Really confirm their death (*coughs harder in the Idrila the Beauty*).
And sometimes someone tries so hard to Worship an Aeon and follow their path, but no matter what they do they cannot attract their gaze. Fs in the chat for Annihilation Gang that Nannook does not care about even remoutely.
By the way one of the best concepts and coolest ass names come from those pathstriders.
Like "The Garden of Recollection" (of the Remembrance). The "Doctors of Chaos" (of the Nihility). The Riddlers and History Fictionologists (both of the Mythos). Knights of Beauty (of the Beauty (duh)) and Galaxy Rangers (of the Hunt). THE FUCKING MASKED FOOLS (of the Elation). >>>
And this is just the surface, like BY UNIVERSE.
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a-la-campanella · 5 months
Data Bank: Characters
It's just a bunch of HSR OCs. I'll edit this as I add more OCs and as we get more information on the different factions.
Format: Name - Elemental Type (Lore Aligned Path)
Qiming - Quantum Harmony (Harmony) The son of a wealthy merchant family aboard the Xianzhou Luofu, with connections to the Iris Family in Penacony through his mother's side. These relations are sustained by various business dealings.
Xiulan (Selene) - Fire Nihility (Nihility) Formerly a Self-Annihilator, now reformed as a Doctor of Chaos. Born from the union of a Xianzhou Native and a Thalassan, she has spent the past few centuries residing on the Xianzhou Luofu.
Hectolite - Ice Nihility (Remembrance) A memokeeper from the Garden of Recollection, most well known for her accomplishments in the IPC as one of the "Ten Stonehearts". Her expertise lies in espionage. She possesses no memories prior to the days she joined the corporation.
Fides Salus - Quantum Destruction (Erudition) A distinguished member of the Intelligensia Guild known for her mastery over language and scathing peer reviews. Her debate skills may seem second to none, but really, it's her presence that far outweighs any challenger.
Apparustus - Wind Erudition (Hunt) Among the many forms of inorganic life who dream of exploring the vast universe, most choose to walk the path of either the Nameless or as a Galaxy Ranger. This is one of the robots from Planet Screwllum who transcended their code to obtain consciousness and individuality, then joined the Galaxy Rangers with aspirations of seeing worlds at peace. It vows to bring about the end of Dr. Primitive, though will admit it has yet to even see the Genius.
Karuna - Physical Preservation (Elation) A no-name Mourning Actor, he has quite the a talent for shedding tears.
Z. Kret - Lightning Hunt (Enigmata) Among the Riddlers, there is one who dreams of liberating sheep throughout the asphodel fields... and while he is condemned for his actions, he truly has altruistic intentions. It's a shame; few in the universe know how to save themselves.
??? - Physical Abundance (Order) People say that voices rings clear throughout all of Salsotto; if it is their voice, then there is no to fret. Though their god cannot hear it, from beyond the sky, the choir sings on.
Kondoli - Imaginary Preservation (Trailblaze) Formerly a Nameless One who dreamed of mapping the Imaginary Tree, he is now but an old man retired at Pier Point. Many notable high-ranking members of the IPC seem to respect his opinions.
Mecoatl - Fire Hunt (Beauty) A Mirror Holder devoted to discovering traces of Idrilla in different worlds. In collecting relics throughout time and space, (s)he must contend with the History Fictionologists about the significance of the relics. Like many followers of Idrilla, (s)he has never doubted Them.
[LOCKED] - (Abundance) Of The Unshackled...
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