#hsr timestamp
kodaiki · 7 months
꒰ 12:37 P.M. ꒱ ❛ hogwarts bbf!dan heng x reader ༉‧₊˚✧
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐈𝐓 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐄𝐓𝐋𝐘, leaning against a stone column in the corner of the courtyard, the air around you crisp with the chill of winter. there's a chatter of voices among them as the hour of lunch passes you by. fellow students pass by, their footsteps muffled by the layer of snow from the storm a few nights prior. the atmosphere is hushed, the winter silence broken only by the distant sounds of laughter and the occasional gust of wind. lunch hour is in full swing, and while your housemates are likely warming up in the great hall, you're out here.
you would be –correction, should be – in the great hall, probably enjoying some warm food with your fellow house buddies and not freezing to death but alas, procrastination is your rival once again, taunting you as you scribble down the best you can your homework for herbology without any distractions. you gnaw your lip through your struggles, your hair falling in front of your face, slightly swaying from the brisk winter breeze painting your nose pink.
your quill moves across the parchment as you work on your herbology homework, your breath visible in the cold air when you take a deep sigh. the crunch of footsteps drawing near makes a presence known to you, but still, your eyes remain focused on your task at hand.
“and what’s my baby sister up to today?” a deep voice chimes from above you paired with a chuckle.
“work, go away,” is your curt response as you barely look up to meet your older brother’s amused glance your way.
“but where’s the fun in that?” blade muses, stepping closer to your sitting figure, his feet crushing the fallen leaves beneath his feet.
it’s when you look up to glare at your seventh year brother when you notice the other pair of eyes looking your way, quietly standing behind blade. your brows raise and eyes widen at the sight. when your eyes meet, the guy quickly averts his gaze and instead, turns his attention to grass.
"hey dan heng," you murmur a light greeting, your tone a blatant shift from the way you’d spoken to your brother. your chin dips into the striped scarf around your neck showing off your house's colors as you feel the winter air tickle your nose.
blade, in turn, rolls his eyes at the obviousness of your tone and softened gaze.
"hey," dan heng replies curtly, offering a nod of acknowledgment. blade swings an arm over his shoulder, shaking dan heng slightly as he hoists him closer, to which he makes a sour and slightly uncomfortable, expression.
"oh, now that i've found you, dear baby sis, we could probably use some advice," blade drawls with a sly smile on his face. in return, your face twists into slight confusion as you tilt your head to the side in question. it seems that you're the only who doesn't know what he's talking about because dan heng quite literally freezes, his throat bobbing slightly.
"advice about what?" you raise an eyebrow, now no longer the slightest bit interested in your homework due in a few short hours.
"well, the yule ball's coming up in a few weeks," blade begins, wiggling his brows knowingly. you nod along, scratching the side of your head, briefly glancing at dan heng, wondering how he could need advice from you of all people. "do you have a date?" your brother then asks. you can't tell if it's a genuine question or if he's looking for a reason to tease you.
"no, i don't," you answer simply, glancing back down at your homework. you miss the way blade turns to look at dan heng. "so, what advice do you need?"
"well, as you're well aware, i'm probably going to ask kafka, my near and dear best friend,” he drawls as if it’s obvious. your eyebrows raise, well aware of his platonic soulmate bond with the purple haired student. though, over time you truly wonder if it’s platonic or not. “but dan heng here is busy beating himself up wondering how to ask his crush," blade finishes, a mischievous glint in his eyes. he smirks knowingly, clearly enjoying the revelation that he just dropped on you.
your eyebrows shoot up in surprise and your eyes widen slightly at the implication that dan heng has someone in mind to ask to the yule ball. not only that, it must mean he has some form of a serious crush on someone, period. the air seems to thicken with an unspoken tension as you process blade's words. the image of dan heng asking someone to the yule ball takes on a new significance, and a strange mix of emotions swirls within you.
"dan heng, a crush?" you ask, trying to keep your tone casual even though your mind is buzzing with curiosity – and maybe some buried jealousy.
blade chuckles, enjoying the reaction he has stirred. "oh yeah. he's been overthinking it for days, probably even longer. poor guy doesn't know whether to go for a grand gesture or something simple. it's like watching a potions experiment gone wrong."
“oh,” you say in acknowledgment, glancing at dan heng with your softest-least-obvious smile his way. he rolls his eyes at blade's tone of words, obviously speaking as if he isn't standing right beside him.
“so that's what brings us to you, y/n. personally, how would you-” blade begins to ask in a light-toned, almost nonchalant voice when he's nudged in the gut by dan heng. “hey, rude,” blade grunts at him, but brushes off the elbow to his side. “how would you want to be asked to the ball? i can practically see the smoke coming out of his ears when he’s pacing around our room.”
“i don’t pace,” dan heng quickly cuts in and it’s the first time he’s spoken since he and blade arrived at the courtyard.
“sure you don’t,” blade rolls his eyes. your brother turns back to you. “so? how’d you wanna be asked?”
you swallow back the lump in your throat and avert your gaze to the parchment of your unfinished herbology homework, though your mind is no longer focused on the intricate details of magical plants at the moment. the subtle revelation that dan heng has someone in mind for the yule ball has captured your attention, and you can't help but wonder who the lucky girl might be, though it does leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
you have no reason to feel this way, of course. as far as you're concerned, dan heng is your older brother's best friend. you've only ever been around him for reason of association since blade just loves to tease and poke fun at you, and you've always seen dan heng as a reliable friend. yet, as you continue to feign interest in your herbology homework, the image of dan heng asking someone to the yule ball lingers in your mind.
"well," you begin, tapping the quill against the parchment thoughtfully, as you attempt to push whatever negative emotions are bubbling in your system, "i suppose a simple and sincere approach is always nice. maybe a heartfelt note or even a private conversation."
blade feigns a yawn, covering his mouth with his hand for dramatic effect. "bo-oring...and here i thought you'd go for something more grand and romantic. you know, like a surprise invitation under the stars or a magically enchanted message."
"well, those can be nice too, but sometimes simplicity holds its own charm. it's the thought and effort that count the most." you recall earlier in the week when march 7th was asked to the yule ball with a grandiose sign and flashmob in the middle of lunch. of course, she adored it, but you couldn't imaging sitting through that without feeling a little second hand embarrassment.
dan heng seems to be listening intently, though he's doing a poor job of pretending not to be. you catch his eyes briefly, and this time, he doesn't look away as quickly. there's a subtle warmth in his gaze that you can't quite decipher, but you offer him an encouraging smile.
blade, ever the perceptive older brother, grins knowingly. "i think that's some solid advice, don't you think?" he asks, nudging his friend beside him. it's almost like blade is staring through dan heng, and you can tell there's probably something you're unaware of that they're mentally communicating about.
dan heng, still recovering from the unexpected topic of asking his best friend's younger sister for love advice of all things, stumbles over his words. "i, uh, yeah. simple is good, got it."
"see? even dan heng agrees. thanks for the wisdom, dear sister." he offers a salute of gratitude as he turns to leave with his friend.
"hey, dan heng?" you ask before the've left ear shot. the two boys turn around to glance at you, blade raising an eyebrow with an imperceptible expression on his face.
"hm?" he hums, tilting his head slightly, his eyes boring into yours. you have to look away for a split second before you start to blush.
"good luck," you smile brightly. "no matter how you ask them, i'll sure they'll love it and say yes." the words tumble out before you can think. by the time you've said them, your cheeks are a warm pink, something you brush off as the cold winter air from sitting outside for too long.
"thanks, y/n," he says, offering a smile of his own, enough to illicit your brain to short circuit, which you don't have to recover from immediately because the boys then walk away. blade, of course, manages to sneak a teasing smile your way, well aware of what's probably going on in your head.
with that, blade drags dan heng away, likely to impart more "wisdom" in a less public setting. you could only assume what blade was busy whispering in his ear that makes him push him off while blade laughs. you're left alone against the tree, the courtyard now quieter as the lunch hour comes to an end.
the revelation that dan heng might be preparing to ask someone to the yule ball lingers in your thoughts. as you finally gather your books and stand up, ready to head inside and get warm instead of staying out in the cold for too long.
the day passes as you go through the rest of your classes. you hand in your poor attempt of your unfinished herbology homework, receiving a raised brow from professor sprout. still, she seems to give an equally as understanding expression, chalking up your less-than-ideal attempt having do with the excitement that relates to the yule ball.
you walk through the halls of hogwarts, hugging your books close to your chest on your way to dinner in the great hall, a much needed meal waiting for you after your long day. your eyes are trained at the tiled floor ahead of you as your mind is too preoccupied to focus on everything else. the corridors seem unusually crowded, filled with students excitedly discussing their plans for the upcoming event.
as you turn a corner on your way to your common room, your scattered and distracted thoughts make you unintentionally collide with someone, causing your books to scatter across the floor. flustered, you start gathering them, apologizing profusely without looking up. "sorry!"
a familiar voice responds, "no worries. i should have been more careful, too." you glance up, and there stands dan heng, a small smile playing on his lips as he bends down to help you collect your books.
"oh, hey again," you greet in a slight breathless tone, unsure whether you should feel more or less embarrassed that you collided right into him. "thanks," you say as he helps, feeling a strange warmth in the air as your hands accidentally brush against each other while reaching for the same book before you both quickly yank your hands back.
"no problem," he replies, handing you the last book. there's a brief moment where your eyes meet, and it feels like time stands still. there's unspoken tension, you think, and its palpable.
dan heng was never a man of many words, you know. then again, one glance from him can hold a million words. despite not being of many words, you never felt any less close to him than your own classmates who've talked your ear off on countless occasions. it might be an inappropriate crush, having one on your older brother's friend, but it's not like you can do anything about it now.
before you can say anything more, dan heng takes a step back, rubbing the back of his neck. "well, i better get going."
"right," you mumble, still caught in the lingering atmosphere between you two.
you watch as he turns away to leave you in the empty hall, but just as he's about to walk away, you notice him hesitate and pause in place. your face expresses confusion when he turns to face you again and looks back at you, a hint of nervousness in his eyes.
"everything okay?"
dan heng seems to struggle with his words for a moment, his gaze shifting as if he's trying to find the right way to express what's on his mind. it's a side of him you haven't seen before, and it leaves you both intrigued and a tad concerned.
"yeah," he finally says after a moment, his voice a touch lower than usual, like he's in deep thought. "i just wanted to say, um, about the yule ball..."
"oh! did you ask out who you wanted to?" your brows raise as your curiosity is piqued. your curiosity must be a masochist of sorts because why on earth are you so eager to find out something that will without doubt potentially ruin your night?
dan heng chuckles softly. "not quite," he says quietly. "i was just going to ask, did you really mean what you told blade and me earlier?"
"about what?" your head tilts to the side as you scrunch your eyebrows and a thoughtful frown is on your face.
"how you'd like to be asked," he clarifies. "something simple?"
"oh," you smile shyly. "well, yeah. i'm personally not one to love grand gestures of affection with the attention it garners," you laugh lightly to yourself. "why?"
"just wanted to make sure i'd get it right when i asked` you."
"hm," you hum to yourself with a nod, barely registering his words. a few seconds pass and your head jerks up a bit to meet his serious gaze, your face displaying perplexity. "wait, what?"
at your lost expression, dan heng smiles (smiles!) with an amused laugh through his nose. "the advice wasn't for me to ask someone else, y/n." he reveals in a . when you're still too shocked to say anything, he asks instead. "would you want to go to the yule ball with me?"
your heart skips a beat at the unexpected question. for a moment, a long moment, you're frozen in place, trying to process everything he just said. the realization dawns on you that the secret crush you harbored might not be so one-sided after all.
the courtyard conversation wasn't merely about hypotheticals for dan heng, you knew that, but not to this extent! not to mention, your brother blatantly asked you how you'd like to be asked (on behalf of all girls, but still) to the ball. you feel a little bamboozled, to be quite honest, but in the best way.
the air is thick with anticipation as you meet his eyes. the warmth in them is more evident now, and there's a vulnerability that you never expected to see from someone as composed as dan heng.
"really, me?" you ask, a genuine smile tugging at your lips.
"of course, you," he says like it's most obvious answer. after a few seconds, his expression turns serious, "if it's uncomfortable for you or if you don't want to, forgive me-"
"no-no, that's not it!" you quickly cut him off before he can finish, waving your hands in front of him. "i'd love to." you beam.
relief washes over him, and a smile breaks across his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "yeah?"
you nod in confirmation, still smiling widely. you jut your thumb in the direction of the great hall. "i was just heading to a late dinner. you wanna come?"
dan heng wordlessly nods with a smile and falls into step with you as you both begin walking through the long corridor.
"so...earlier today with blade..." you trail off, breaking the comfortable silence as you recall the courtyard conversation.
"all his idea," he sighs, rolling his eyes. "he knew i wouldn't have just asked so he just had an idea of his own."
"did blade know the whole time?" you ask.
"he's only been bothering me about it since the start of fifth year."
you pause in your step. "fifth year?" you ask, shyly peering at him through the corner of your eyes as you walk toward the great hall.
"yeah," he says, scratching the back of his neck as his ears go red. "apparently i wasn't subtle enough for your brother to notice. it took him a while for me to admit it..."
you laugh, recalling on your own side how your own brother taunted you for staring extra long at his friend. was he playing matchmaker this whole time? "does that mean we'll have to thank him at some point?" you can only imagine the shit-eating grin on his face, all by his own behind the scenes doing.
there's a brief silence between you two and you come to the same answer.
"absolutely not."
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.... so that's the first fic im back with! i know im rusty so pls let me be...plots will get better i swear <3 ty for reading! also we just gonna go w dan heng and blade being besties it's an alternate universe ok
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skelecored · 1 year
"blade relies on kafka's spirit whisper to repress the mara inside him" HELLO????????
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nomazee · 2 months
Greetings! Would it be okay if I request bodyguard!Dan Heng x celebrity!Reader with a 19:58 timestamp? I hope it's okay, thanks in advance.
i think my dan heng favoritism is showing because this is the longest drabble i've written for this event so far,,, i love dan hen hsr,,, THANK U FOR UR REQUEST :**
my 1k event!
The airport is much too bright for Dan Heng’s taste. The reflectiveness of the linoleum floor tiles and the beaming LED lights make him squint as he guides you towards the baggage terminal. 
“That was fun!” your enthusiasm is almost painful compared to how exhausted Dan Heng feels. There’s no hint of a drag in your steps or a lull in your words as you head towards the carousels, on the lookout for a sky blue and neon green striped suitcase—courtesy of you, of course. You asked Dan Heng for his opinion when you were first buying it, claiming that it would be easy to recognize among the sea of plain, typical suitcases. Truthfully, it was an eyesore, but you looked so happy about it, so he just nodded along. 
“Fun? You’re not tired?” he asks. Your atrocity of a suitcase is, in fact, easily spotted, and Dan Heng goes to pick it up for you. Luckily, his is on the same carousel, and he takes up both in his hands before turning back to you. “It was a long flight. You’ll be jet-lagged for a bit.”
“Oh, I’m definitely tired,” you admit, engaging in a wordless struggle with Dan Heng as he fights against your attempt to take your own suitcase from him. He has yet to engage in an actual fight as a bodyguard (or do much at all, really), so he might as well help out by being your glorified bag-carrier. It makes him feel less guilty about the paycheck he gets every two weeks. “But being in first-class was so exciting! You didn't think so?” 
Exciting is certainly a way to describe it. For most of the ten-hour flight, Dan Heng was trying to not puke in a paper bag in front of you in fear that he’d embarrass himself, and then get fired. He hadn’t been on a flight in years, and sitting through one that’s that long was not the best way to ease back into it. It would be embarrassing to admit out loud, but you have a way of reading through him, so he divulges as much of the truth as he can stomach.
“There was… it was shakier than I thought. But it wasn’t loud, which was good.” 
“I meant, like, the food and stuff! And the hot towels that they gave us.” 
Of course you’d be excited over something like a hot towel. He tries not to look down at the (objectively) ugly suitcase that he’s successfully torn from your hands, but it’s all very you and he can’t help but be reminded of every single one of your habits. 
“Are you hungry?” he asks, instead of talking more about the plane, because he’ll seriously be sick if he keeps replaying the turbulence in his head. “The portions were small on the plane. We can check into the hotel first and then find somewhere to eat.” 
A sigh escapes you, lighthearted as you swat Dan Heng’s arm with your hand. You both walk through the confusing maze of the airport and eventually find the exit, stepping into fresh air for the first time in a while. “I’ll get you dramamine on the flight back, Dan Heng. Maybe then you’ll be clear-headed enough to understand how nice the hot towels were.” 
You’ve clocked him, saw right through him and pried your incessant way in and offered him a motion sickness pill while you were at it. He tries to ignore the flush of his cheeks as he watches you smile from his peripheral, but it’s hard to ignore when it’s all that he can feel right now. 
“The— food,” he stutters, because he’s a fool and would like to lay down already. “What would you like to get? It’s a little late, but you should get some dinner.” 
“Whatever you want, Dan Heng,” and he looks to his side to see you smiling at him, so warm and familiar and he’s really, really trying not to puke on the sidewalk right now for a variety of reasons. He ignores you again, because that’s his best way to cope, and hails a taxi before cramming in both your suitcases in a flustered haste. 
In the backseat of the car, you lean against Dan Heng’s side and open up Google Maps, scrolling through all the restaurants near your hotel. The line of your arm presses into Dan Heng’s, and his attention is flitting between that feeling and the bright icons on your screen, different foreign names and descriptions of food popping up. 
“I don’t feel like sitting down for a full dinner,” you admit, mercilessly skipping any restaurant that has things like tablecloths and candles and small plates. “Something to take back to the hotel would be nice. Oh—” you bring your phone closer to his face as if he can’t already see it crystal clear, “—the menu for this looks good! They have some of your favorites.” 
Dan Heng skims through it and finds that they do, in fact, have a suspicious amount of his favorites. There’s a prideful look on your face, hiding the fact that you likely spent an hour researching local restaurants to find something Dan Heng likes. It embarrasses him and makes him have hopes, like a fool. You treat him less like a bodyguard, more like a close assistant—a position that you’ve never actually had filled, which makes his suspicions (and hopes) grow day by day. Really, it’s more like a close friend, a partner, and he likes that thought more than he’s comfortable admitting. 
He mumbles something like okay, looks good, and the grin on your face only grows brighter and cheesier. He’s forced to look away from you and stare out the car window instead, watching the passing city lights against the dark background of the autumn night, in a country that he covertly learned the language of, so that he could guide you around a little better—in a country that you spent an hour looking up restaurants in, so that Dan Heng would have something to eat.
gen taglist: @tragedy-of-commons @lasiancunin
fill out my event taglist (pinned) or general taglist (navi) to be tagged in upcoming works!
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okkotsuus · 1 year
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ from me, to you
➥ @okkotsuus 500 milestone event
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⠀ overview
hello, first of all, thank you so much for reaching this milestone with me; i couldn’t have done it without every single one of you! this truly means a lot to me, i never thought that anyone, much less over 500 people, would enjoy my writing at all.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
this event is going to consist of a little collection of mini-events! you will have three sections to choose from (you may participate in all of them, but some are single use, or mutual exclusive. it has been extended to last until july 1st, 2023
the first section will be a collection of prompts (creators will be credited), you will pair those up with a character and send it in an ask. i will then write it, to the best of my ability, and publish this answered ask. you may participate in this section with no limit (to the extent of reason).
the second section will be match-ups. for this you have three request formats: you can either send me a little blurb about yourself (hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc), send me pictures of yourself (piccrew or pictures of an oc/self-insert will work perfectly. if you send me actual selfies then i will not post them in the ask, so please leave an @/ so i can tag you with, nobody but me will ever see those pictures.), or you can do both! for this you will select a fandom, that i write for, and send that with the information. you may participate in this section once, mutuals may participate twice.
the third section is love letters, this is mutual exclusive. i recommend you go through the match-ups for this one. if you have received your match-up(s), then i will write from them. if you did not get a match up or wish to have your letter from a different character; then please send the character. it would be great if you could also provide a little blurb about yourself like the match-up one. mutuals will be able to participate in this once.
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⠀ rules
above is a brief overview of each event and their most important rules, here will be a more deep dive into the specifics.
⠀↳- section one: prompts -༉‧₊˚✧
⠀you may participate in this section as many times as you wish.
⠀each request may include: once character and up to two prompts.
⠀you may include a vague description of what you’d like to see, but do not get too specific (it gives me writer’s block).
⠀please do not include the following in your request(s): race, gender, physical body, culture, one-shot length, etc.
⠀you may request on or off anon.
⠀↳- section two: match-ups -༉‧₊˚✧
⠀you may participate in this event once, mutuals may participate twice (please send them in different asks).
⠀in your request you must include the following: the fandom (jjk, bllk, hsr, or tokyorev), and something about you (a little blurb, pics/piccrews, or both).
⠀if you include an actual picture of yourself, you have to leave some way for me to tag you (off anon or include an @/), i will not post the ask that has your pictures in it and only i will ever see them.
⠀mutuals may additionally request a drabble, headcanon, or timestamp with their mat-up(s).
⠀↳- section three: love letters -༉‧₊˚✧
⠀this event is exclusive to mutuals, they may participate up to one time.
⠀if you went through match-ups, i will default to that unless you request otherwise. if you got two match-ups, then you must choose which one you want your letter from.
⠀if you choose not to use your match-up, then you must specify the character and fandom you want in your request.
⠀if you did not go through match-ups, please send information equivalent to the one that you must in match-ups, regardless of the fact that you are choosing your character.
⠀you may choose if you want this sent to you publicly (an answered ask on my blog), or privately (dms, discord, google doc, etc).
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⠀ template
these are a set of example templates you may use for each section. you do not have to use these, but if you are struggling or just want to make sure you have anything: please use these freely as reference!
⠀↳- section one: prompts -༉‧₊˚✧
“i would like to request (character) from (fandom) with (prompt 1) [if second prompts: and (prompt 2)].”
ex. “can i request nagi from blue lock with angst #5 and angst #7?”
⠀↳- section two: match-ups -༉‧₊˚✧
“i would like to request a match-up for (fandom), here are the details about me: (information/pictures/piccrew/etc).”
ex. “can i request a tokyo revengers match-up, (blah, blah, im so seggsy, blah, blah)?”
⠀↳- section three: love letters -༉‧₊˚✧
“i would like to request a love letter from (match-up choice).”
ex. “can i request a love letter from my jjk match-up?”
“i would like to request a love letter from (character) in (fandom). (information/pictures/piccrews/etc).”
ex. “can i request a love letter from nagi in blue lock, (blah, blah, im so seggsy, blah, blah)?”
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⠀ prompt list
this is the list of prompts that can be used for section one, it is very extensive; which is why it is placed last here. all of these prompts come from @mcflymemes , throughout these posts: post-break up , quotes to a lover pt2 , most romantic lines , forbidden love , and sleepover prompts .
⠀ ↳- fluff -༉‧₊˚✧
my heart beats faster when you take my hand.
you know it's you i want.
when i'm with you, the only place i want to be is closer.
this feels better than any dream.
i fall for your smile every single time.
it's so beautiful when you smile.
i knew from the moment i saw you.
over everything, i choose you.
no one compares to you.
i long to hold you in my arms.
i was your exception.
if i had a camera, i'd take a picture of you every single day.
you should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.
you are beautiful without knowing it.
anyone who has seen your smile has known perfection.
all i want is to deserve you. tell me what to do. i’ll do anything you say.
it has made me better loving you.
i find myself choosing you, more and more every day.
i believe in you completely.
you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you.
the first time ever i saw your face, i thought the sun rose in your eyes.
you are, and always have been, my dream.
i love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night.
come near now, and kiss me.
it’s always better when we’re together.
in your smile i see something more beautiful than the stars.
when i saw you i fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.
you complete me.
i think i’d miss you even if we never met.
i never want to stop making memories with you.
every time i see you, i fall in love all over again.
this isn't a crush. this is love.
you make me happy. that's all that matters.
⠀ ↳- angst -༉‧₊˚✧
i never stopped thinking about you.
i didn't realize how good i had it until you were gone.
what we had was perfect.
i should have begged you to stay.
after all this time? really?
i made a lot of mistakes. i said things i wish i could take back.
i'm not giving up on what we had.
you were really one in a million.
i never fell out of love with you.
you were so good to me, and i blew it.
i really messed things up, didn't i?
i wish i could take it all back.
i've always loved you. always.
nothing feels right since you left.
the sight of you leaving is burned into my brain.
you sound like you're still in love with me.
i never moved on. not for a minute.
it was always you.
that didn't change how i feel.
i'll be better this time. i've learned from my mistakes.
you think you can just walk back into my life and act like nothing happened?
maybe i'm still in love with you.
you're everything to me. you always have been.
i missed you. more than you know.
you weren't there for me when i needed you.
do you still love me?
we both made mistakes.
i never want to let you go. not again.
when you fall in love, it is a temporary madness.
where have you been? i didn't think you were coming.
i waited up all night for you.
you're worth fighting for.
i don't know how much more of this i can take.
i'm not giving up on us.
i saw your letter.
i thought you weren't coming.
you'll see me again. i promise.
do you believe in true love?
i can't keep doing this.
am i worth fighting for?
i've been in love with you all this time.
maybe someday, we'll be together.
i don't know how much more my heart can take.
i'm not ashamed of loving you.
⠀ ↳- suggestive -༉‧₊˚✧
i'm in my bed, you're in your bed. one of us is in the wrong place.
i shouldn't want you this bad.
i wanted your kiss to leave a mark. that's how i knew i loved you.
i want to feel your skin. i want to breathe you in.
let go of your inhibitions.
i always want more with you.
i don't want comfortable. i want passion.
when it comes to you, i don't like to share.
the proof will be my body.
i want you in the worst way.
my passion for you is intoxicating.
i get carried away when i'm with you.
i want someone who will kiss me like it's the only thing keeping me alive.
that does something to me.
i’ve hungered for your touch.
we kiss like we invented it.
you're being too loud! someone will hear!
you should stay here. i don't mind.
i'll take the couch, and you can have my bed.
don't be serious. i'll take the couch.
would it be all right if i stayed the night?
i'll stay on my side of the bed if you stay on yours.
bad news. the room's only got one bed.
i'll just sleep on the floor.
you should stay like this.
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okkotsuus 23
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randomvideoschi · 8 days
Honkai Star Rail | 2.2.2 | MoC 12 : Floor 12 - 6 Cycles | E0S1 Boothill and E0S1 Acheron | 3 Stars
📒 Description:
Honkai Star Rail is an engaging turn-based RPG developed by miHoYo, known for its captivating gameplay and intricate storytelling. Players journey through a vast universe aboard the Astral Express, encountering mysteries and formidable enemies. The game combines strategic combat with stunning visuals and a rich narrative, creating a deeply immersive experience.
Embark on a thrilling interstellar adventure in Honkai Star Rail! Traverse the galaxy on the Astral Express, uncovering secrets and battling powerful adversaries in this epic turn-based RPG. Experience a vast universe, strategic battles, and compelling storytelling. Join the trailblazers and start your journey among the stars!
In this video, we delve into Memory of Chaos 12 with E0S1 Boothill and E0S1 Acheron in Honkai Star Rail 2.2. Watch as these formidable characters take on one of the game's toughest challenges. Whether you're seeking strategies for using Boothill and Acheron or simply want to see their prowess in action, this video will provide valuable insights and exciting gameplay!
🎵 Music Used:
All music used in this video belongs to miHoYo and the respective owners. ©
⌛ Timestamps
0:00 Boothill | Break Effect
3:51 Acheron | Hypercarry
9:50 Conclusion
10:02 Boothill Build
10:15 Ruan Mei Build
10:29 Bronya Build
10:44 Gallagher Build
10:57 Acheorn Build
11:15 Black Swan Build
11:31 Pela Build
11:49 Aventurine Build
📃 Disclaimers:
All property used in this video belongs to Honkai Star Rail and miHoYo. ©
All rights reserved to miHoYo.
🏷️ Tags:
#HonkaiStarRail #Acheron #Boothill #BlackSwan #Clara #Robin #Sampo #Gallagher #RuanMei #MoC12 #MoC #f2p #gameplay #Honkai #miHoYo #AstralExpress #StarRail #TurnBasedRPG #MobileGaming #AnimeGames #SciFiGames #GachaGames #RPG #StrategyGames #Gaming #EpicBattles #HonkaiImpact #SpaceAdventure #GamingCommunity #GamePlay #InterstellarJourney #HonkaiStarRailUpdate #HonkaiStarRail2.2 #Trailblazers
Honkai Star Rail Bronya 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Blade 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Dan Heng 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Robin 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Jingliu 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Blade 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Luocha 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Kafka 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Black Swan 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Ruan Mei 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Huohuo 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Challenge 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Strategy 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Tactics 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Battles 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Dynamics 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Quest 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Leadership 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Insights 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Encounters 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Crew 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Journey 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Plan 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Wisdom 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Showdown 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Triumph 2.2
#honkaistarrailaventurine #honkaistarrailsparkle #honkaiStarRail #honkaistarrail #hsr #honkai #moc12 #moc #3starclear #3star #chroniclesofthewhiteknightsdreamkingdom #acheron #argenti #ruanmei #sparkle #fuxuan #seele #luocha #Blackswan #adventurine #drratio #dratio #topaz #numby #topazandnumby #topaz&numby #huohuo #aventurine#e6 #s6 #e6s5 #jingliu #blade #robin #honkaistarrailrobin #imbibitorlunae #argenti #herta
📖 Search Words:
Honkai Star Rail Acheron, Honkai Star Rail Boothill, MoC 12, E0S1 Boothill, E0S1 Acheron, Honkai Star Rail 2.2, miHoYo, Honkai Star Rail gameplay, Honkai Star Rail guide, Honkai Star Rail tips, Astral Express, Honkai Star Rail characters, Honkai Star Rail strategy, mobile RPG games, anime RPG, best mobile games, space adventure games, turn-based combat, Honkai Star Rail download, Honkai Star Rail review, new Honkai Star Rail update, Honkai Star Rail builds, Honkai Star Rail meta, Honkai Star Rail team composition, Honkai Star Rail walkthrough, Honkai Star Rail tutorial, Honkai Star Rail high level gameplay, Honkai Star Rail MoC strategies
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voiceoutofstars · 3 months
Another fan narration of HSR. This is the first part in a collection of Data Bank entries on Terms, including all Locations (as of 2.0).
Concepts - 00:00
Herta Space Station - 00:47
Jarilo-VI - 02:26
Xianzhou Luofu - 04:37
Penacony - 06:11
Music Tracks are "Reflected Light" by SergePavkinMusic, "Sinius" by Daljit Kundi, "Beata" by OB-LIX and "Dark" by Haletski.
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goldenbeeschool · 5 months
Welcome to a world of academic excellence at Golden Bee Global, the epitome of international schooling. In this video, we unveil the secrets behind the Best International Schools in Bannerghatta. 🌍✨
Explore the unparalleled opportunities that Golden Bee Global offers to shape your child's future. From innovative learning methodologies to a global perspective, we leave no stone unturned. Join us on a journey towards success and academic brilliance.
🔍 Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction to Golden Bee Global 2:15 - Features of the Best International Schools in Bannerghatta 5:30 - Success Stories from Golden Bee Global Alumni 8:45 - Admission Process and How to Secure Your Spot
Don't miss out on this golden opportunity. Subscribe, like, and hit the bell icon to stay updated with our future videos. Your future starts here! 🎓🚀
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a-la-campanella · 6 months
Hoyofair 2024 New Year Program
Timestamps are in the video description, along with English subtitles for (as of now, some) translated lyrics throughout the stream.
Personal thoughts and all that - this program is a mix of both Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail fan works, so I want to talk about both! I'm cherry picking the sections I have comments for, which is most of the program (and nearly all of the first half).
Managing dedication between both games... is pretty time consuming, haha. This is a HSR blog, but I really can't keep Genshin under wraps.
For the first half — Genshin Impact
The opening song is cute. They used both Aether and Lumine, and traveler twin appreciation is always appreciated.
Dive Into The Mystery was a bop! I like the singer's voice and the use of photographs and newspapers to highlight the characters of Fontaine. It gives off a mix of old and modern news. This kind of MV is fun to watch.
KIERU is back with another animation, this time Persona 5 style for the Fatui characters of Fontaine! Rogue on the Rocks is fully voiced, too! They don't miss. Arlecchino is... wow. I love Arlecchino.
The Knave MV: X is dedicated to Arlecchino. The transition from a jazz-y vibe in the previous video to rock sung by NANO threw me off for a bit, but it goes hard. The crying statue of Furina, and references to whoever I assume was meant as a stand-in for the previous Father...
The premise of Cyber Fontaine: The Last Bakery is? Something out there. Xiangling and Navia is not a duo I expected or ever thought about, but they work well together! This was an adventure to watch, blending action, suspense, comedy, hinting at a larger world in Fontaine, and with a satisfying end. The song they play sounds familiar but I can't quite place it...
Secrets of the Harbingers takes Charlotte into the deep end of journalism... anything for a good scoop, the people have a right to know the truth! Sprinkle in some hilarious posters in the background. The featured harbingers are Pantalone, Sandrone, and Il Dottore... quite the trio.
The animation for Furina: All the World's off Stage highlights Furina's time in the streets of her nation. She's a girl, it's her world! The music goes hard, Furina is living her best life off stage, and all is well in the world.
I think every year has featured at least one stop motion animation. I'm happy for that; stop motion is incredibly time-consuming. Not much to say about the Furina stop motion, I'm glad to see it.
The Best funeral service for you... Hu Tao is so dear to me. The phone number? The coupons? THE COURT CASE? Keep trying and you might get some customers soon.
Subutai Production returns for Furina VS Nahida: Trial of the Archons! Fully voiced court room drama between the gods. Theater kids. Love that for them.
Genshin Magicka: Little Witches, in the same style as Little Witch Academia! Collei, Yoimiya, and Sucrose are our student witches, with La Signora as the antagonist and Nahida to be saved.
Modern AU with characters vibing together for Travel to Your World. Tighnari keeps the ears. Big sis Jean is always going to be Klee's sister, no matter the world. Thoma going grocery shopping with Navia pulled a smile out of me, and transitioning to Ayaka shopping for Genshin plushie merch (all the plushies are official merch, by the way) got me to laugh. Everyone is wearing such fashionable outfits. Idol group Amber/Nilou/Barbara/Yunjin VS girl group Yelan/Ei/Yae Miko/Eula, then boy band Al Haitham/Cyno/Scaramouche/Wrio(???)... I was genuinely surprised to see him there. 4nemo with Kazuha/Heizou/Lyney/Venti! They're not the OGs but they are sure four anemo boys. So many characters from different regions would be friends in the modern world... I can definitely see Dehya and Childe hanging out in a bar together. The ending, though, with all five released archons - what a way to end the year.
The Way Colored in Starlight concludes the first half of the program, rolling credits with art by Kurattes. I'm glad to see their art at the end of the year. They've done a lot of stuff for previous New Years and Anniversaries, so it feels fitting. And y'know, Lumine love!
For the second half — Honkai: Star Rail
The opening song is another bop! What a beat, what a voice!
Galactic Grand Prix! Animated by MIOTA ANIMATION! I'm pretty sure they're a studio. Argenti's teammates are Stelle and Clara, while Asta has Welt and Pela, leaving Luka with Fu Xuan and Herta. Hard to tell who won (it cuts off at the end to transition to Lynx) but way later in the stream an announcer mentions Asta got first place, with Luka leading in second and Argenti placing third.
Luka shines in Sparks Yet to Fly! From the program list, this was the one I was most excited for. I don't care for him that much, but I think he's an interesting guy. The people behind this video seem to care a lot about him from how well produced this video is; he has his fans among this world, too. Pretty sure the audio they use is from the HSR OST, though not sure which track.
Nowhere to Run takes Blade down memory lane, with the fall of the High Cloud Quintet to chasing a shadow of Dan Feng to him joining the Stellaron Hunters. The song that plays is Oracle, from Honkai Impact 3rd. I knew I recognized it, but it took me a while to figure out the name of the song... I'm not a HI3 player.
The Astra Express trio in Our Trailblazing Adventures kicks off with Stelle and Caelus, March awakening from the ice, and Dan Heng on a bridge on the Luofu. Overall a wholesome trio going about their lives, do not separate them.
The one afterwards is Dr. Ratio dancing in only a towel. This is more like a meme song, but it's funny, so I like it.
Dead Girl Walking leads us to the Ten Lords Commission! It focuses on Hanya and Xueyi, to be precise. To be honest, I thought it was going to be a Heathers reference at first. Nice animations!
I'm happy with Pink Ambience. Elysia is my favorite HI3 character, and hearing TruE play moved me to nearly tears. I wish she would appear in HSR... but even if not, it's okay (and I'm confident it won't happen because that would turn over her entire purpose; she's meant to be a unique existence, she can't exist outside of the role she already had). March would be good friends with Elysia.
Took me a while to realize Funny Bone was about Sampo, I really thought they were all OCs from the Masked Fools. Just your ol' buddy and pal, Sampo! The song is a banger, and the animation reminds me of Arcane, sort of. A blend of 3D and painting, I guess? I love the ending.
Dan Heng Rises takes us back to the fight against Phantylia, now animated. The great galactic batter Stelle herself fights alongside Jing Yuan, Welt, March, and Dan Heng to take her down! Dan Heng catches March from falling, it's cute. Welt uses the Star of Eden! It's nerfed but still effective enough to give Dan Heng a boost! Lightning Lord shows up too! I didn't expect much going in, but this video is great. Power of friendship triumphs, after all.
A lot of the people who saw Cyrille's Doll likely forgot about who she is. She's an NPC you can encounter in Belabog as a child, but is dead in the present due to unfortunate circumstances beyond her control. You get to go through her story throughout the quest chain Vessel of Mediocrity. The song for this one is called てるてる坊主 or Teru Teru Bouzu, which apparently is a children's nursery rhyme. It also refers to the white dolls/charms crafted to bring in good weather; if you've seen Weathering With You, then you know what they look like.
Lynx in Winterland is just Lynx exploring. It's a wholesome video, and that's all I have to say. I'm sure Lynx is a nice character, but I don't care about her that much, to be frank (same boat as Luka).
The rolling credits play with a piano cover of Fly Me To the Moon... which is pretty fitting, given HSR's space themes, and the lyrics of the song. Let me see what life is like starward, forevermore.
And that concludes everything in the stream! Thanks for reading this far, kind stranger!
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rxfill · 6 months
Timestamp for HSR is 9:06PM.
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hutaoscoffinn · 3 years
* ★ ゚・。 * 。 Requests* ☆ 。・゚*.。
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Ahh I’ve gotten a lot of requests lately and decided that setting up a system for these would probably be a good idea~
Timestamp Requests
* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。
Fandoms I write for:
★ Bungou Stray Dogs (BSD)
★ My Hero Academia (MHA/BNHA)
★ Genshin Impact (GI)
★ Owari No Seraph (ONS)
★ Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)
★ Trash of Count’s Family (TCF)
★ Pokemon
★ Honkai Impact 3rd (HI3)
★ Honkai Star Rail (HSR)
I will only be writing for female or nonbinary characters so if you want to request something that includes a male character, this is not the blog to request that content!
* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。
So you want to request something from me? Heres what I need you to include so I can make sure I get what you want~
★ The specific character/characters you want along with what series they are in
★ Whether it is a oneshot, small imagine, headcanon, ect
★ Whether you want smut, fluff, angst or a mix of those
if you are requesting smut let me know what kinks you would like to see included
If you have any kinks you don’t want me to include also let me know!
★ I will always default to a gender neutral AFAB!Reader unless requested otherwise. If you do not want a gender neutral reader add that in the request.
I do not write male!Reader simply because I do not feel comfortable writing male!Reader
Example: Hello! Could I request some cuddling headcanons for a fem!Reader with Fu Hua from HI3? Fluffy please~
* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。
I have the right to deny requests if I do not feel comfortable doing them. Reasons could be a character requested makes me uncomfortable or I feel like I do not know the character well enough. I might also deny a request if it includes a kink I am not comfortable with or another topic I am uncomfortable with.
If I do not feel comfortable writing your request or want to clarify something I will send you a response as a private response. This is just so there is clear communication
Topics I will not write are: male/amab! Reader, cheating, incest, step brother/step sister relationships, step mother/step father relationships. Major character death, pregnancy/maternal/child themes (aka the reader having children or a character having children), anything relating to drugs or overuse of alcohol (includes marijuana). These topics make me uncomfortable so I will not write them personally.
* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。
Requests will take time! I do headcanons and small oneshots/blurbs a lot faster than I do longer oneshots. I will not do requests in order of submission date or time. I complete requests when I have an idea or a spark of inspiration for them. If I finish a request before yours don’t worry, I am getting to it but I might not have the inspiration I need yet.
* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。* ★ ゚・。 * 。* ☆ 。・゚*.。
Honestly though thank you guys for the love and support! I love doing requests for you guys and I cant wait to do more~
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years
masterlist | scenarios
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Ordered by oldest to newest
ϟ - male! reader ✿ - platonic c! - character/canon! (only relevant to dsmp but i no longer write for them with few exceptions)
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crushing w/ y. soma, h. akira, k. ryo and i. satoshi (food wars) 
hair scenarios w/ t. kuroo, k. bokuto, s. tendou, and y. nishinoya (haikyuu)  
having a sweet but hot tempered s/o with k. akabane, n. shiota, c. ryuunosuke, and i. yuuma (assassination classroom)  
birthday celebration w/k. akabane, r. nakamura, i. yuuma
sister! reader w/ pretty setter squad (haikyuu)    ✿
late nights w/ k.ayaka, hutao (genshin impact)
unexpected nostalgia w/k. kazhua, k. ayato & k. ayaka  ✿
child! reader w/blade, yanqing, natasha, & gepard  ✿
tucking you in w/himeko & kafka  ✿
cat in a past life - y. welt  ✿
hsr characters but they’re different parts of jungkook’s seven mv
safe - express crew ✿
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timestamp fics
[2:34am] technoblade & ranboo (mcyt)  ✿
[3:42am] zhongli (bnha)
[2:31am] y. welt (hsr)  ✿ 
[1:43am] l. floyd (twisted wonderland)
[2:28am] jingyuan (hsr)  ◈
[3:17pm] h. hikaru/kaoru (ohshc)
[8:49pm] dan heng (hsr)
[1:43am] octavinelle dorm (twisted wonderland)
[12:32am] i. rin, i. sae (blue lock) ✿
[4:30pm] i. sae, s. ryuusei (blue lock)  ✿
[10:02pm] aphelios and sett (league of legends)
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nettimelogic · 6 years
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We finalized our demo setup for TSNA, showing TSN with synchronization, redundancy (also HSR&PRP), priority queues, preemption, scheduling, cylclic forwarding, credit shaping and more.
We created a TSN cycle analyzer to check where frames are received within a cycle as well as a synchronization accuracy tool which shows the measured offset to the reference from all slaves.
For more information check www.nettimelogic.com
Update: We updated the setup so each frame going to the TSN cycle analyzer is tagged with a VSS tag which contains a nanosecond accuracy timestamp of when the frame was sent. This eliminates the jitter introduced by the host PC which took timestamps in the driver.
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0 notes
voiceoutofstars · 3 months
Another fan narration of HSR. This is the second part in a collection of Data Bank entries on Terms, and includes all Character-labeled entries affiliated with the Genius Society (as of 2.0).
Herta - 00:00
Aiden - 01:43
Rubert the Emperor - 03:37
Ruan Mei - 05:18
Polka Kakamond - 07:10
Music is "Reflected Light" by SergePavkinMusic.
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voiceoutofstars · 3 months
Another fan narration of HSR. This is the sixth collection of Data Bank entries on Factions.
Garden of Recollection - 00:00
The Cremators - 02:05
Morning Actors - 04:06
Masked Fools - 06:35
Music tracks are "Dark Sad Ambient Piano" by Ashot Danielyan and "The Shining Moon Princess" by OB-LIX.
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voiceoutofstars · 3 months
Another fan narration of HSR. This is the first part of the Data Bank entries on Factions.
Introduction - 00:00
Astral Express: Trailblaze - 01:41
Stellaron Hunter: ??? - 03:43
The Namelss: Trailblaze - 05:41
Music is "Serious Dark Ambient Atmosphere" by Ashot Danielyan.
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voiceoutofstars · 3 months
Another fan narration of HSR. This is the eighth collection of Data Bank entries on Factions, featuring two new entries as of 2.1.
Self-Annihilator - 00:00
Ten Stonehearts - 04:09
Music tracks are "Tibet" by Serge Quadrado Music and "The Shining Moon Princess" by OB-LIX.
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