foulstarfisheagle · 4 months
क्या आप जानते हैं कि हनुमान जी को त्रेतायुग में मुनीन्द्र ऋषि रूप में परमात्मा मिले थे, जिन्होंने हनुमान जी को अपना अमरलोक दिखाया था और सतभक्ति प्रदान की थी।
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#Hanuman #bhakti #heaven #ram #ravan #kalyug #god
#KabirParmatma_Prakat Diwas
#KabirPrakatDiwas #KabirisGod #kabir
#SaintRampalJi #SantRampalJiMaharaj
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discipleofgodkabir · 4 months
In the year 1813, like Sant Dadu Ji and Sant Garibdas Ji, 7 year old Sant Gheesa Das Ji of village Khekhra (District Meerut, Uttar Pradesh) met God Kabir in the form of a living Mahatma and showed him Satlok.
22 June God Kabir Prakat Diwas
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kripashankerji199001 · 5 months
माता दुर्गा को खुश करने के लिए माता का प्रत्येक भक्त नवरात्रि व्रत रखता है। लेकिन क्या भूखे बच्चों को देखकर कभी मां खुश हो सकती है? गीता अध्याय 6 श्लोक 16 में प्रमाण है कि व्रत नहीं करना चाहिए।
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ishwar-raidas · 6 months
God Kabir ji gave darshan of Satlok to ten year old boy Garibdas ji. Explained the knowledge and took him under his shelter and made him a resident of Satlok.
4Days Left For Bodh Diwas
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mahendra-rai-blog · 2 months
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कबीर_बड़ा_या_कृष्ण ?
कौन श्रेष्ठ?
शास्त्रों के आधार पर इस विषय पर एक बड़ी बहस छिड़ी है, जिसमें दोनों पक्ष अपने-अपने तर्क दे रहे हैं।
आप भी जानिए Factful Debates You Tube Channel पर ।
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burningpapergiver · 2 months
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Who is the Eternal God? To know, watch this special video on youtube.
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What is the secret of Om Mantra?
To know, must listen to the AudioBook "Gyan Ganga
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stickycheesecakewitch · 2 months
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While the four Vedas - Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva - are well-known, the true identity of the fifth Veda, Sukshm Ved, remains hidden.
Unveil this mystery by reading the book "Hindu Sahban Nahi Samjhe Gita, Ved, Puran".
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anviblog · 2 months
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Do you know?
The True spiritual Knowledge given by God Kabir Sahib Ji, that is, Kabir Vani,
is called the Suksham Ved
To know more, read "Hindu Saheban Nahi Samjhe Gita Ved Puran
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spiritual-knowlege · 1 month
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Kabir is God
Holy Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25 One, who brings and imparts the true bhakti of the Supreme God in the form of a messenger is Himself KavirDev i.e. Supreme God Kabir.
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sulekhasworld · 2 months
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By true worship a scattered family becomes one, the whole family lives a life of happiness. The journey of life is easily passed because the path ahead is clear.
SA True Story YouTube Channel
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shantidasi · 5 months
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is fasting against the scriptures?
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What does the Bhagavad Gita say about fasting?
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jayantimehta · 4 months
श्री रामचंद्र द्वारा रावण वध के बाद माता सीता की अयोध्या वापसी पर जब एक घटनाक्रम के दौरान माता सीता जी ने हनुमान जी का अपमान किया तो हनुमान जी वापिस जंगल में चले गए। तब दुखी हनुमान जी को मुनिंदर रूप में आए परमात्मा कबीर जी ने मोक्ष की राह दिखाई और असली राम की जानकारी दी I
22 June God Kabir Prakat Diwas
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ironsoulinternet · 2 months
Vedas, Gita, Quran, etc., have incomplete knowledge. Hence, they all guide us to seek refuge in a Tatvdarshi Saint. Sukshm Veda, the fifth Veda, offers complete spiritual knowledge. Download Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj App to learn more.
#अनसुना_पाँचवाँ_वेद सूक्ष्म वेद
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ishwar-raidas · 3 months
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On the manifest day of Kabir Saheb Ji, hundreds of dowry-free marriages were performed in Satlok Ashrams in a simple manner by Asur Nikandan Ramaini in 17 minutes in the company of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.
Mission of Sant Rampal Ji
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