#hugh o'donnell
victusinveritas · 7 days
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flash56-chase05 · 1 year
Me acabo de enterar de que existe una película sobre la vida de Red Hugh O'Donnell llamada The Fighting Prince of Donegal, que fue hecha por un estudio en Disney en 1966 y ni siquiera la he visto, pero, por lo que he leído, debe ser la cosa más irreverente y ridícula —de hecho, es una película que pertenece a la categoría de ficción histórica.
Una película de un personaje real y del que tenemos bastante documentación.
Y lo peor es la publicidad.
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[¿Qué imperio, Disney, qué imperio iba a tener Inglaterra en el siglo XVI?]
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Porque el pobre Hugh O'Donnell no tuvo suficiente en su vida como para que Disney le simplifique la vida, ¿cierto?
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radioactiveparker · 6 months
The Breakfast Club - Eddie Munson X F!Cheerleader!Reader
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Part One - These Children That You Spit On
Chapter Summary - We meet five unlikely teenagers who have to spend the next eight hours in detention together. (A retelling of The Breakfast Club, written and directed by John Hughes.)
Chapter Warnings - Characters are all 18+ / Strong Language / Illusions to Abuse/ Abusive Relationship / Dysfunctional Families / Kleptomania / References to Demonianism and Satanism / References to Religious Beliefs / Sexual References / Stereotyping / Angst
Word Count - 6.6k
(Series Masterlist) (Masterlist)
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five)
October 25th, 1984.
Hargrove Residence.
"Billy, c'mon, I have to go."
You reluctantly pulled away from the warm embrace of the covers, or at least attempted to. Billy kept the dead weight of his arm slung heavily around your waist, trapping you to the mattress. He released a groan of annoyance as he curled it around you and pulled you into him. You spared a few minutes to stay in his warmth and shed the sleep from your brain. The grey hues of wintry light cascaded onto the room through the gap in the curtain. The room was otherwise obscured from light, making it effortless to close your eyes and fall back asleep. You refrained, deciding to focus your ears instead. The familiar chirping of birds and the quiet hum of unfortunate morning commuters on their way to work on a Saturday morning had you sinking back into your pillow. The smell of brewing coffee reminded you to stay awake. Your eyes blinked open again, and you shuffled from underneath Billy's grasp. He groaned again, this time burying himself into your neck. You giggled, planted a kiss to his cheek, and rolled him off you.
You quickly jumped in the shower, saying good morning to Billy's little sister Max, who was making her way into the kitchen, along the way. You dressed in the bathroom, checking your watch before heading back into Billy's bedroom to say goodbye.
He lay on his front, eyes still closed, but his breathing told you that he was awake. You placed a gentle hand on his arm, leaning in to kiss his cheek again.
"Billy, I'm going now, but I'll see you on Monday, yeah?"
He said nothing. You couldn't suppress the disappointment that swept through you. You turned to leave when he softly grabbed your wrist. You smiled, thinking he was going to ask you to stay, or to give you a goodbye kiss, but his gripped tightened. Your heart dropped.
"Billy, you're hurting me."
"Where do you think you're going?" He stared you dead in the eyes.
You tried to pull away. "I told you yesterday, Billy. Mrs O'Donnell gave me a Saturday detention."
"No, where do you think you're going dressed like that."
You looked at your outfit. You wore the signature green and white of the Hawkins High cheerleading squad. A sleeveless modest style vest, worn with a turtleneck layer underneath, and a green pleated skirt with yellow striping around the hem. It rested just above your mid thigh, so you pulled your socks all the way up to your knees to keep warm. "I told my parents I had cheerleading practice, so they didn't think I had detention. You know this, Billy."
"Do I? Or are you going to see your precious King Steve again?" His grip tightened even further.
He had that crazy look in his eyes that made your entire body freeze. You stopped struggling. Your chest went tight, and suddenly, it was like trying to breathe in a sauna room.
Billy Hargrove was not fond of Steve Harrington, and last Thursday night, you had snook out to go to a party as his house. You had cancelled your plans with Billy last minute after Carol begged you to go with her (not that it took much convincing). It turned out that Billy had been invited to the party by one of his other friends, unbeknownst to you. And you made the mistake of lying to Billy and told him that you were sick. 
The biggest mistake of your life.
He saw you there and started an argument that had the entire rooms eyes on the two of you. He had the same wild look in his eyes as he had now. He ended up punching Steve when he had come over to ask if everything was alright. 
"I only went to that party for Carol. I didn't even speak to Steve."
"No? Because he seemed real friendly with you."
"He wasn't! Billy, please, I don't want anything to do with Steve. Just please let me go."
He released you harshly, and you immediately brought your wrist to your chest, rubbing the sore skin.
"Get out of my sight."
You scurried out the door with tears in your eyes. 
Your first steps outside felt as though you were walking into the worlds largest refrigerator, though you were thankful it wasn't raining. You could do without the frozen shrapnel soaking you to the bone this morning. It had already started bad enough.
The sun had only just begun to rise, not having a chance to warm up the earth yet. Not that it would do much good. The temperature had been dropping more and more as the days went on, this morning being the worst yet. It had turned tomb-like silent outside with the exception of the crunching salt under your feet that had been newly laid to stop people from slipping on the first of winter's ice. A storm had come and gone the previous night, but the sky still hung sadly as a woollen grey shawl, bringing threat of another. The cold, however, was enough to calm you down. It felt refreshing after feeling suffocated in Billy's room.
You checked your watch again. You had twenty minutes to sneak back home and pretend that you had just woken up and got dressed for cheerleading practice.
You started running.
October 25th, 1984.
Hawkins High.
You had made it home just in time before your parents woke up. You explained you were doing stretches in your room, which was why you were red-faced and slightly out of breath. They didn't seem to buy it, but the alternative presumption was far too embarrassing for them not to take your word for it.
Your father offered you a ride to school, but after that rather awkward first encounter with them this morning, you thought it best to walk. And you were glad you did because it didn't take long before they were arguing. Your mother red-faced and clutched onto the cross around her neck while your father rolled his eyes. To the outside world, it would seem that you had the perfect family, but that couldn't be father from the truth.  A lot of the times when they argued, it would be over something petty, but all of a sudden, your name would be roped in, and the entire point of the argument seemed to vanish. You see, to them, you were leverage. As soon as you got a mention, they got the upper hand. They used you to get back at each other: a means to an end. Not intentionally, of course, but that didn't make it any less frustrating. It was nothing uncommon in your household, but that didn't mean you could stand to listen to it. You grabbed your coat and left as quickly as you could, neither of your parents noticing that you were gone as they continued to scream in each others faces.
By the time you made it to the schools entrance, you wished you had brought a change of clothes as ice shot through your veins and goose-pimpled your skin. You drew your coat closer to your chest, clenching and unclenching your gloveless fingers to keep the feeling in their tips.
As you bound up the schools steps like a heat-seeking rocket, the rubber tyres of a coffee brown BMW screeched to a stop. The sudden sound echoing across the empty school premises caused you to turn quickly. Through the windshield, you saw a man in a business suit at the wheel. Beside him was his eighteen-year-old son, Steve Harrington. Your heart raced when you saw him. You weren't expecting to see him here. 
Billy isn't here. You told yourself in an attempt to calm your jangled nerves.
His hands gestured animatedly as he argued with his father. Their words were suppressed by the metal walls of the car, but you could surmise their level of volume by the thick vein protruding from Steve's neck. Then, their words exploded like a bullet from the barrel of a gun, piercing through the stillness of the morning as the door opened and Steve stomped out. Something along the lines of "No school's gonna give a scholarship to a discipline case!". And just like that, their poor version of a conversation seized to exist by the single slam of a car door. Almost immediately, the car sped off, swerving around the parking lot like a maniac before disappearing. You stood in shock as Steve held his two middle fingers up at the abandoning vehicle. It was not a home life you would have pictured for King Steve. It was a rather unexpected display you had witnessed, but to Steve, it seemed like any other day. He jogged up the stairs, hands in his jacket pockets and sporting a healing split lip, looking so unaffected by the argument that you almost convinced yourself that you had imagined it.
He paused on the step behind you, finally noticing that you were there, but only for a split second, barely sparing you a glance before moving straight past you and through the doors. You felt heaviness in your chest. No "hello." Even a simple smile would have done. But you supposed they were reserved for his real friends. Sure, you and Steve knew each other - you had friends from the same group, and you had been to a few of his parties, but you hadn't even held a proper conversation with the guy - just dribs and drabs of small talk here and there, but he was nice.
Thoughts of Billy flashed through your mind. It seems as though Billy's appearance at his party the other day had left him wanting nothing to do with you. You understood why, Billy had caused quite the scene over nothing. But there was no reason why you should be punished for his actions. You shook the thoughts out of your head. It was nothing that you should dwell on, so you continued on into the school.
The halls looked strange without their usual morning bustle. The squeak of your sneakers against the freshly waxed floor echoed as you made your way to the school library. You could hear Steve's fast pace ahead of you. His blue, straight-legged jeans and pristine Nike sneakers strode out of your sight until you were left in silence. The silence felt so loud that it rumbled from the high ceiling. You were so sure it was the cause of the last light flickering at the end of the hall. Continuing forward, you took the first left and proceeded straight until you reached the double doors at the end. A flimsy banner hung from the tiled ceiling, "HAWKINS TIGERS ALL THE WAY," with a decent enough illustration of the school mascot, threatened to fall. You treaded lightly as you moved beneath it, holding your breath in fear that any sudden movement would cause it to fall down on you. You released it when you made it safely to the other side.
Your fingers traced along the lockers as you walked, reading the bits and pieces of graffiti as you went; 'Fuck this shit, I'm out' in scrawled handwriting, 'I hate Mondays' with drips of black paint streaking down some of the letters, and a cartoonish depiction of a weed leaf smoking a blunt which made you chuckle. You walked past a trophy case, eyeing the splendid totems of athletic and academic prestige alike. A picture of the basketball team in all their glory on the top shelf, another of the cheerleading squad, yourself included, and a grainy image of the physics club haphazardly chucked on the bottom. Your white sneakers squeaked once more as you pivoted to the right before making a final left to the pine doors of the library.
Before you were six tables placed into two rows of three, with three chairs sitting snugly behind each one. You were surprised to see Nancy 'goodie two shoes' wheeler sat at the front table, with her perfectly permed hair and fur-lined jacket still on her shoulders. You didn't think it was possible for Nancy Wheeler to get detention, but then again, the same could've been said about you. Steve had strangely enough sat on the same table as her, despite every other seat being completely free, leaving an empty chair between them so as not to make it weird. Neither of them spoke to each other and instead opted to sit in silence, fiddling with their finger nails or a loose thread on their jumper. As you took your first foot in, a tall, lanky girl with short, dirty blonde hair sped past you, mumbling a quick sorry when she nearly knocked you off your feet. This unorthodox first impression of the girl, who you had only ever seen around the school halls, had commenced quite the distaste for her already. She was red-faced and sweaty, carrying her thick winter coat over her elbow, undeterred by the chilly weather. The whites of her eyes almost blended with her rosy cheeks, bloodshot like she was holding back tears. She had been in a rush to get here and away from whatever had made her upset. You imagined that's what you must have looked like this morning, and you almost started to feel a little sorry for her. She took the middle table on the left side, dumping her coat on one chair before hiding her face in her arms. If you hadn't known any better, it looked as though she was trying to fall asleep on the table.
You made your way to the table to the right of hers, taking the seat on the furthest side. You kept your coat on for now but dumped your bag on the chair beside you. With a huff, you rested your head in the palm of your hands, watching the back of Nancy and Steve's heads.
The heavy weight of the library door forced its hinges to fold and close impulsively, and Eddie slipped through the crack before it closed all the way, because god forbid he wasted his energy on something as measly as opening a door. The pride in his face when he reached the other side was as if beating the door was life or death. Like he was Indiana Jones rolling under a trap door to avoid being impaled by spikes. All he needed was a wide-brimmed fedora.
You tensed at the sight of him. You had heard rumours that he was a Satan worshiper and that he would do casual rituals on the weekends. You didn't believe it, of course, Eddie was all bark and no bite, but that didn't make you feel any easier around him. Eddie was not a good person. He had been caught one too many times trying to sell weed to freshman because they were 'naïve and easy to upsell' or trying to get them to join his little Hellfire Cult. He would spit and hiss at the teachers, setting up traps in unsuspecting students' lockers, or even straight up stealing their locks so their personal belongings were out for anyone to see. He was like a snake. Once he caught his prey, he was coiling around it, pulling himself into it. Constricting, suffocating, waiting to ascertain it was truly dead before taking a bite. His scales came in the form of clinking enamel badges, and his words were the venom dripping from his tongue. To put it lightly, he was one big bully - a miscreant.
His kleptomaniac fingers touched practically everything he walked by: picking up flyers and not even bothering to read them before dropping them to the floor, unhooking the phone from the receiver so it dangled limply from the checkout desk, and pocketing a few pencils that are no doubt going to end up missing because Eddie Munson has never brought a pencil to school a day in his life. He walked slowly, confidently, giving everyone in the room time to become aware of his presence. You could feel him eyeing you up when he walked by. You met his stare like an owl, following until you couldn't turn your head any further. You weren't going to let him intimidate you and you wanted him to know it. It was the first time you had seen him wearing something other than his usual hellfire shirt and leather jacket. He had the same dark, denim jeans with the holes in the knees and once white reeboks, only this time he wore a black t-shirt with a thick winter coat in a matching colour. Red, plaid fabric peaked out from the confines of his coat. Sensibly, he had worn a shirt over top as an extra layer to keep warm. His footsteps were wide and languid as he moved to his seat, dumping himself on the table behind you and untangling his scarf from around his neck.
Just as everyone settled in, Principal Richard Higgins strode in, stopping dead centre in the mouth of the passageway between the two rows of tables. You tried not to laugh. Principal Higgins was a sight to behold, swapping his usual grey suit and tie for flamboyantly bright pink t-shirt a size too small for his pot belly, a casual white blazer, a pair of jeans and bold coloured sneakers. You didn't notice until now that he had the figure of a lollipop, round on top, but stick thin on the bottom. You understood now why he always wore a suit; it evened him out a bit. Though he did confirm the rumour that teachers were definitely not normal.
He glanced at his fancy watch. "I would first like to congratulate you all for being on time." Though it sounded more sarcastic than sincere.
He seemed to be looking straight at Eddie as he said that. Eddie only responded by kicking his feet up on the desk.
"Now, it is 8:02am. You have exactly eight uneventful hours to spend in each others company." He began pacing up and down the aisle with his chest puffed out in intimidation (well, as intimidating as a lollipop shaped man could be), slapping Eddies feet down as he did.
"You many not talk, you may not move from your seats -" He stopped at the weird girl who had nearly knocked you over and slapped a hand on the desk. She shot up with a gasp. "And you may not sleep."
"Today," He continued, marching to the front, "we're going to try something different. I want all of you to - uh?"
Principal Higgins dropped a stack of notebook paper on the nearest table and then made his way for the pot of pencils on the checkout desk. He paused in confusion when he saw the pot was empty; every pencil hiding snuggly in Eddie's pocket. You rolled your eyes as Eddie snickered behind you. There was a long pause of awkward silence as Principal Higgins made his way around the desk in search of more pencils. There were a few quiet grunts of effort and then a "Ah ha" before he appeared back in front.
"Right, I want all of you to write me an essay of no less than one thousand words describing to me who you think you are." He began handing out paper and pencils to everyone. "And when I say essay, I mean essay. Not a single word repeated a thousand times. Do you understand, Mr. Munson?"
"Mr. Munson understands, Principal Higgins." Eddie said.
Higgins ignored him. "Maybe you'll learn something about why you're here, and perhaps you'll decide whether or not you care to return."
"I'll be across the hall in my office. Any monkey business is ill-advised. Questions?"
You saw Steve shake his head and catch Nancy shaking hers like she couldn't believe this was happening to her.
Principal Higgins gave one solid nod to confirm that question and answer time was over before making his way towards the library doors.
"Yeah, I got a question."
He took a pause, hand clenched firmly on the door handle as he twisted around. He raised his brow at Eddie, already sick and tired of his antics.
"Does Don Johnson know that you raided his wardrobe?"
There were a few snickers, including you, trying to discreetly cover your mouth to hide your smile. Principal Higgins was undisturbed. There wasn't a thing Eddie could do or say that would insult him. At least, that's what he wanted him to think.
"You'll find out the answer to that next Saturday. Mr. Munson. Do you have anything else you'd like to say to impress these people?"
Eddie smirked, leaning across the table and clasping his hands. He accepted the challenge, staring the Principal dead in the eye. "You got any naked pictures of your wife?"
The Principal's face turned red, and he referred to him with a hateful look in his eyes. "You've just earned yourself another Saturday detention, Mister." He pointed.
His eyes scoured the room, looking for anybody else who would challenge him. "Does anybody else want to join him?
The laughing stopped.
"Didn't think so."
And with that, he left, leaving the door wide open to give him a straight view of the library through his office window. Eddie chuckled, resting his feet back on the table, clearly proud of the reaction he had gotten.
Then silence.
A lot of silence.
Eddie placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes like he was going to sleep. Nancy began fiddling with her pencil, thinking about how she was going to start her essay. Steve cracked his knuckles, and the other girl (who you had yet to learn the name of) just stared at her paper. You simply sighed, took off your coat, and began daydreaming about all the other ways you could've chosen to spend your Saturday.
The library was by no means modern, but the faculty seemed to have no appreciation for the sort of library they've been given and ungraciously added touches of their own. There was an ugly mix of deep mahogany and grey sheet-metal bookcases, a couple of fake plants collecting dust, and old academic trophies that probably haven't been touched since the sixties. There were posters, some painted, some printed, but most were horrifically Halloween themed, and a rather provocative David Hasselhoff calendar behind the front desk, which the librarian thought no one could see. 
Those few times that you had actually stepped foot in the library, you noticed it was never truly quiet. There were always whisperings of students, the whirring of printers, and the clicking of keyboards and typewriters.
But today, a Saturday, with only five students bored out of their minds, it was truly silent.
The library was so quiet that you could practically hear the books ageing. The books consumed the noise, leaving you all in a suffocatingly awkward space of ineloquent glances. Broad daylight struggled to reach the room. Not that the sun was trying to, but the blinds sought out to fight against it anyway. Instead, it was the hanging lights above that lit the maze of a room. The soft lights were enough to put you to sleep. Your eyes were fluttering softly, your head drooping--
"Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Master, master!"
Your peaceful almost-slumber was rudely interrupted when Eddie opened his big mouth to sing that god-awful song. You had never listened to it in your life, but would gladly never listen to it again if it meant that Eddie would shut the hell up. You turned around to give him a glare of annoyance, and when you turned back, you noticed that the others had done the same. He peeked out through one eye, smirking at the look on everyone's faces, before continuing, only this time he was humming instead. Thank god.
"Shit!" Eddie sprang up, feet down, sitting up straight and alert. He startled you, and you turned again. "What are we supposed to do if we gotta take a leak?"
He pretended to undo his zipper, the childish act making you roll your eyes. "If you gotta go, you gotta go."
"Oh my god." Nancy looked like she was going to throw up. She turned and shielded her eyes.
"Try it, and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor." Steve threatened.
Eddie laughed, accomplishing his mission of upsetting the others. "You know, you're pretty sexy when you're angry, big boy."
He turned his attention to the quiet girl sat adjacent to him. She shifted under his gaze.
"Hey Buckley," She turned with a look of boredom, like she was used to his antics, "why don't you go and close that door so I can get our little cheerleader here naked?"
You almost gave yourself whiplash with how quickly you turned to glare at him. "Don't even think about it asshole."
"Why you a virgin?"
"Fuck you."
"You're disgusting." Nancy added.
"Awe, I'm sorry, you feeling left out, Princess? There's plenty of me to go around. But I suppose if you don't want to wait your turn, I wouldn't say no to a three-way."
"Ugh, you're such a creep!"
"Listen, man, if you piss me off, you're totalled." Steve defended the two of you, though you felt it was more for Nancy's sake than yours.
"Just ignore him, Steve. Maybe he'll go away." Nancy suggested, placing a hand on his shoulder to turn him to face the front.
There was a pause. Their shoulders relaxed when they had thought Eddie had given up.
"Oh, so are you two like boyfriend/girlfriend?" Eddie teased.
No reply.
"Steady dates?"
Nancy continued to ignore him, but Steve smouldered with anger.
"Tell me, Princess, have you two played hide the sausage yet?"
"Hey, keep it down in there!" Higgins called from across the hall.
He rolled backwards on his office chair until the five of them came into view. They were all seated exactly how he left them. He rolled back out of sight.
Everybody visibly relaxed.
Eddie hid the shock of Nancy's outburst behind another annoying smirk.
"Just ignore him, guys." You advised. "He's only doing it to get a rise out of you."
"Sweetheart, you couldn't ignore me if you tried." He gave you a confident wink.
You hated that it made your cheeks flush with heat. You quickly turned before you gave him something else to tease you over.
"We gotta close them doors. How are we supposed to party with the old pinhead checking us out every two seconds?" Eddie stood from his seat and moved towards the doors.
"I don't think that's a good idea. The doors are supposed to stay open." This 'Buckley' opened her mouth for the first time since she's got here. Everybody looked at her bewildered.
It was only Eddie who didn't seem phased by this, but he still paused. "What do you mean 'supposed to'?"
"Vernon said, Dingus, and I really don't want to get on his bad side. I mean, Mrs. Clickety Clackety is already threatening me with suspension, and I can't afford that. How am I supposed to get accepted into any sort of college if I get suspended. They'll think I'm a horrible student, and I'll be one big massive reject and--"
"Whoa, Robin, slow down." Steve interrupted her breathless rambling. You were struggling to keep up with each word. She was talking so fast. Just total word vomit, like she'd been trying to keep it down since she got here and suddenly just projectiled everywhere. It didn't even occur to you then that Steve knew her name.
"So?" Was Eddie's only blunt reply.
"So, why don't you just shut up." Steve scowled. "There's four other people in here, you know? Stop thinking about yourself for once."
"Wow, you're a math wiz, Sporto. I bet you know your ABCs, too. See, I knew you were smart. You hide it well, Harrington." Steve grimaced at that. "I mean, let's face it, you gotta be smart to play basketball."
"Who are you to judge?" Steve challenged. "You don't even count. If you disappeared forever, it wouldn't make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school."
There was a twitch in Eddie's eye. He hated how that got to him, but he recovered swiftly. "Oh? Well, maybe I'll join the basketball team or the wrestling team? Or better yet, the student council, I think you'd like some of the ideas I have in mind for this place."
He moved slowly, intimidatingly to Steve's table, stopping in front of it before leaning down so he towered over Steve. He reminded you of an adult reprimanding a little boy. But Steve wasn't a little boy. He could hold his own.
"You could try, but they'd never take you."
"Damn, I'm hurt. truly." Eddie was definitely not hurt.
"Will you just stop? If you keep this up, Higgins is gonna come storming in here. I've got a game next Saturday, and I'm not gonna miss it because of you."
"Wouldn't that be a bite? Missing a whole game." Eddie feigned sympathy.
"You wouldn't know anything about it, Freak. You've never competed in your life."
"I know, and I feel all empty inside because of it." Eddie puffed his chest as if his heart was swelling with pride. "I have such a deep admiration for guys who toss balls into laundry baskets."
"Whatever, man. You don't have any goals."
"See, that's where you're wrong, I do have goals." Eddie paused in suspense, and Steve perked up a little in his seat. "My goal is to be exactly like you."
Steve slumped back and rolled his eyes. "You're worthless."
"I compete." Robin added after a beat. All eyes turned to her. You could tell she didn't like that much, but she continued anyway. "I'm in band, and I'm on the debate team, and I'm in the Latin club and chess team. This one time, with the debate team, we had this big banquet at the Hilton and we had to get dressed up. And, uh, I didn't have any shoes so I had to wear my mom's shoes. It was kind of weird because my Nana doesn't like when I wear other people's shoes. But, yeah. It's not athletic, but I compete in a lot of stuff."
"That's not the same, Rob." Steve sighed.
"You have to be a jock to compete?" Eddie confronted.
"I was talking about athletic competition."
"What's the difference?" You questioned. Everyone turned to you this time, but you kept your attention on Steve. You could see the proud smile on Eddie's face out of the corner of your eye.
"What do you mean?"
"What I said."
Eddie's eyebrow raised in amusement, enjoying someone else putting Steve in his place for a change. If he was being totally honest, Eddie didn't really have anything against Steve. Steve's friends, on the other hand, were a different story. Eddie found himself being hounded by Steve's friends more often than not, but Steve didn't actually do anything. But he didn't stop it either. Of all of them, he was the easiest to rile up, and Eddie couldn't help but cease the moment whenever he could.
Steve scoffed but bowed out of the conversation. "You're all fucked."
"Hey man, watch your mouth. There's ladies here remember? They don't appreciate you using a word like FUCK! in front of them." Eddie gestured to you. "I don't know if you know this, big boy, but her mother is a nun!"
It was true that your mother was a religious person, but she was certainly not a nun. "No she isn't."
"Sorry," He turned back to Steve. "Her father is a nun!"
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped your lips. The sound caused a mischievous glint in Eddie's eyes. You hated it.
"Higgins is leaving." Nancy proclaimed suddenly.
Eddie paused with wide eyes like a deer in headlights, not wanting to get caught out of his seat. Everyone looked down the hall in time to see Principle Higgins exit his office, not even sparing them a glance. Eddie proceeded to the doors, peeking his head out to watch Higgins drink from the water fountain at the other end of the hall. 
Eddie came back in the room. "We gotta move fast, the scumbag's just filling his tank."
Steve sent Nancy an annoyed look that said 'why did you have to tell him that?', causing her to shy away. She was already thinking the same thing herself. Eddie pulled a chair to the door, stood on it and took a guitar pick out of his pocket. With the guitar pick, he removed a screw from the door spring assembly. He jumped off the chair and the door closed behind him. 
"That's not funny, man. Fix it."
"Please fix it." Robin pleaded.
"Am I a genius?" Eddie asked, though it was more of a brag than a question, as he quickly pushed the chair back to its rightful spot.
"No, you're an asshole." 
There was a muffled "Hey!" from behind the door and everyone rushed to act as casual as possible. Eddie quickly took his seat, only this time he sat next to you. You tensed uncomfortably, smelling the faint cigarette smoke on his coat. You wanted to smack him for being so stupid. You just prayed that Higgins wouldn't notice he swapped seats. 
The door busted open. 
"Why is this door closed?" There was fury in his eyes.
Everyone remained silent, avoiding meeting his eyes. Steve turned to look at Eddie as if deciding the best way to rat him out. 
Eddie jumped in before he could say anything. "How should we know, we're not supposed to move, right?"
Higgins singled out Steve, obviously noticing how he had looked at Eddie. "Why is that door closed?"
Steve looked to Eddie once again. You were cringing at how obvious he made it. You could feel Eddie shaking his leg under the desk. A nervous habit? Perhaps Eddie was afraid to get caught. Or he was just furious at Steve for even thinking about being a snitch. He lowered his eyes at Steve, a glare that said, 'Go on, I dare you'. Steve backed down.
"We were just sitting here. Like we're supposed to." Nancy answered for Steve, who was taking a suspicious amount of time to reply.
"The wind must've blew it." Robin added.
"It just... closed, Sir." Steve reluctantly agreed.
Principal Higgins eyed Eddie anyway and pointed a thick sausage finger. "This looks like the mindless sort of crap you'd find amusing, Munson."
"I think a screw fell out of it. I heard something that sounded like a screw falling out." Eddie tried to persuade.
"Yeah, right. Give me the screw."
"I don't have it."
"Am I going to have to turn you upside down and shake you?"
"I don't have it, Sir. Screws fall out all the time. The world is an imperfect place."
"Give it to me, Munson."
He smiled suggestively. "Where do you want it?" 
"With all due respect, Principal Higgins," you interrupted before he made things worse for himself. "Why would somebody steal a screw?"
Eddie looked at you in surprise, but you made it clear to him that you didn't do it because you liked him. Higgins walked back to the door.
"How do your parents put up with you, Munson?"
"They gave up on me a long time ago, Sir." He said it with such sincerity that your heart actually ached for him.
Higgins opened his mouth to say something but decided against it. He realised how pointless it was to go after him. Instead, he went to the door, trying his luck at opening it and hoping it stayed that way. It didn't. He tried again, this time grabbing a chair to hold it open. 
"That won't work. The door is way too heavy."
Higgins ignored Eddie. He pushed the chair against the door and let go. It threw the chair across the room, and the door slammed with an echoing bang. There were a few gasps of surprise and snorts of laughter. 
Higgins fumed, eyeing the room for a solution. "Harrington, get up."
Steve unwillingly got up from his seat as the Principal directed him to grab one end of a bookcase.
"How come he gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up. It'll be anarchy!"
You elbowed Eddie's side to shut him up. He wasn't making this better for himself, which would no doubt end up with all of you getting punished. The two of them heaved together, and Steve actually ended up doing most of the work. The odd book fell to the floor, nearly tripping them up as they hefted it along slowly. They struggled for a few more minutes to slide the bookcase over to the door. Only when they finally got it in place did Eddie open his mouth again. 
"That's very clever, Sir. But what if there's a fire?"
Higgins hadn't thought of that, but he didn't let it show.
"I think violating fire codes and endangering the lives of children is unwise at this juncture in your career, Sir." Robin chimed in and then sunk back in her seat under the Principal's stare.
Higgins turned back to Steve. "Alright, what are you doing with this? Get this outta here, for God's sake! What's the matter with you? Come on!"
Steve wanted to kill Eddie for opening his big mouth and then Robin for supporting him. The two of them struggled again to move it back to its original place. Once done, Steve sat back down with bated breaths. 
Principal Higgins started towards Eddie, sweat dripping from his forehead, despite barely lifting a finger. "You're not fooling anybody, Munson. The next screw that falls out will be you."
Eddie muttered under his breath. "Eat my shorts."
"What was that?" Higgins barked.
"Eat. My. Shorts."
"You've just bought yourself another detention, Mister."
"Ugh, I'm crushed." Eddie faked a wince.
"You just bought yourself another."
"Well, I'm free the Saturday after that."
"Hmm, beyond that, I'm gonna have to check my calendar."
You looked at Eddie fearfully. He was getting absolutely slaughtered by Principal Higgins. Although, no matter how much you dislike him, you couldn't help but be moved by his defiance. 
"Cut it out." You whispered to him.
He ignored your plea, keeping up his front. He wasn't going to let this scumbag of a Principal break him. Not in front of the others, and, for reasons Eddie didn't quite understand yet, certainly not in front of you. He dared Higgins to give him another. 
"Okay, Munson, your ass is mine for the next two months."
"I'm thrilled." 
"You sure would like everybody to think that, wouldn't you? Maybe if you spent more time trying to do something with yourself and less time trying to impress people, you might be better off." Higgins brought his attention back to everyone else. "I'm not gonna put up with any more crap from any of you. Next time I have to come in here, I'll be coming to crack skulls." 
He set his threat with a hard, angry glare and finally left the room. 
The silence set in once again.
<<<Masterlist // Next>>>
Taglist: @cruwushes @the-ch0sen-on3 @namelesshumanperson @ali-r3n @cadence73 @munsonssweets @ahoyyharrington @mewchiili @yourdailymemedelivery @httpsunflowers @b-irock @coolglittercornbae @sav12321 @cumslutforaemond @siriuslysmoking @learninglinesintherainn
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transthadymacdermot · 6 months
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image in the middle my art, all others except for that of the belfast 14th july celebrations from pinterest
WIP Reintro: Red and Riotous Light
Status: seven morbillionth draft
Genre: historical fiction, gothic horror
Content warnings: gore, death, cannibalism, place & time typical bigotry, &c
The year is 1796 and the island of Ireland, once considered peaceable, is awash with sedition. In Belfast, the arrival of a mysterious Englishwoman whose defection to the French makes her a target of both curiosity and suspicion brings with her tidings of a prospective deal between a local United Irish cell and the French government: guns, and ammunition, sold at a premium price, delivered by a French ship. The only problem? The ship is arriving at the opposite side of the country, and these would-be insurgents need it where they are -- and the French said nothing about transport. Additionally, the committee seems to have had a suspicious number of brushes with authority lately. More than they used to. Hopefully someone isn't getting cold feet...
Meanwhile, in the isolated townland of Áth Síomóin, the arrival of a hapless new schoolmaster sparks the powder-keg the two sides of the area's sectarian divide have long been sitting on and leads, inadvertently, to the death of a Catholic of some consequence -- and, crucially, does not lead to the punishment of his killer. The resulting crackdown on Defender activity, facilitated by the arrival of another English visitor, is to be expected at first. However, as the situation deteriorates, it becomes clear that local agrarian resistance leaders have neither intent nor indeed means to capitulate, and all sides begin to adopt increasingly extreme measures in an attempt to win the seemingly endless feud. And there's also something off about some of the local children -- hearing voices, saying funny things. It can't be good for them, after all. All this bloodshed.
Ask to be +/- from the taglist + main characters under the cut
William Hughes Rearden - an extremely driven and neurotic member of the Belfast United Irishmen hellbent on getting French arms for his men. he/him
Lady Maria Whittaker - an English reformer who defected to the French; Rearden's close friend. Her mission is to arm the UI and she doesn't care what she has to do to accomplish it. she/her; first name pronounced "mariah"
Seamus "Seamy" Breen - a small, unhappy Irish Catholic boy who, after he witnesses the death of a schoolmate, develops the ability to speak to the dead. he/him; nickname pronounced "shaymie"
Eoin O'Donnell - a womanising Defender leader in Áth Síomóin who has decided that he will also be taking and using some of these French arms, actually. he/him; first name pronounced "owen"
Sarah Connolly - a nihilistic Catholic peasant woman trapped in an unhappy relationship with an abusive boyfriend, who knows much more than she lets on. she/her
Edward "Lazarus" McClure - the loyalist owner of a rural inn who has lately betrayed his principles for a Catholic boyfriend who he seems disturbingly devoted to. he/him
Elizabeth "Eliza" Durham - the heiress to the fortune of an Anglo-Irish landowning family who runs her family's estate like it's the navy and suffers little dissent. she/her
Anthony Franklin - an actor, committed abolitionist, philosophy enthusiast, and London Corresponding Society delegate originally from the West Indies. he/him
Charles Nathaniel Maurice Irving-Hamilton, Lord Drenning - a foppish English soldier brought over by Eliza to help quell agrarian disturbances. Really really bad at his job. he/him
Eleanor "Ellie" Gage - a waif of uncertain background who lives with the Presbyterian minister in a neighbouring townland and works unofficially for the local regiment. she/her
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runawaymun · 5 months
All your fic idea sound delightful but I’m very curious about the Magician Nephew x LOTR crossover and the Another MGME but it's just my OCs from my historical fiction novel!
Ask me about my not-yet-written-fics from this list
Okay, so:
,Magician's Nephew x LOTR crossover
It's so easy to make this work.
Jill and Diggory have magic rings that transport them to the wood between worlds. In theory, the wood contains portals to every world that has ever existed, or ever will exist, right?
So the events of the magician's nephew happen. They wake Jadis, get chased by her all the way back to the wood, and then they run for the nearest pool. And rather than it being home they run for the one that happens to be Middle Earth.
Jadis still grabs onto Digg's ankle.
(Debating on whether or not to include uncle andrew. It does involve them having to go back to England in between their trip to the dying world, and then for some reason back to the wood. Maybe the whole lampost situation happens still idk. I do just love the idea of Jadis and Uncle Andrew traipsing through Middle Earth).
I have not fully decided which age to put them in but there IS something immensely funny about Diggory and Jill wandering around Middle Earth with some magic rings.
And also for some reason Diggory and Jill end up with one ring color, and Jadis (and also potentially Uncle Andrew) wind up with the other ring color, and/or there just aren't enough rings and somebody ends up with all the green ones).
They wind up separated and traipsing around looking for each other and/or trying to separate Uncle Andrew and Jadis. I think it's best if maybe Uncle Andrew and Jadis have the green rings, but aren't willing to leave without also having the yellow ones.
Jill and Diggs wind up in Rivendell (obviously I MUST include Elrond) and give everyone a heart attack because they have a funny little yellow ring that absolutely rubs Vilya the wrong way and doesn't match any Music in middle earth. Meanwhile apparently according to them there are Some Very Dangerous People wandering around with another set of weird magic rings.
I want Jadis to decide that she absolutely wants to be queen of Middle Earth and to try very hard to launch a campaign for it.
Also want Jadis to find out that there are other magical objects and to try and collect them all like Pokemon, and to be a royal pain in EVERYONE'S (including Sauron's) ass.
Anyway that's it that's the idea.
MGME But It's Just My OCs From My Hisfic Novel
okay to make this make sense you gotta understand that within the actual history post the book I wrote, two of the main characters get killed.
(the book is set during the very last year of the nine years' war in Ireland, where Hugh O'Neill, High King of Ireland and Chieftain of Ulster fought against the colonizing English army. He had convinced Spain to help him (Catholics vs Protestants), but the Spanish pulled out and Baron Mountjoy (British occupation) essential starved the Irish out by burning all their crops, and eventually Hugh signed a treaty after one final stand in Ulster. Baron Mountjoy smashed the stone of kings, where all the High Kings of Ireland had been crowned for thousands of years, and formally began the occupation, moving British colonizers in to take over the farmland in Ulster and press the Irish into serfdom.
ANYWAY. So that's the background. Later Hugh and his ally Rory O'Donnell go to Spain to try and muster up some more help, but they wind up actually getting sick and dying during the trip.
So my OCs are Hugh's wife and daughter. (Hugh was, historically, a terrible husband and I am an absolute slut for messy toxic dynamics). The OC winds up with Rory in the end bc he was historically a Really Cool Guy.
So naturally, instead of them dying later I'm like 'haha what if they just got transported to Middle Earth'.
I have not thought this through very hard but I would obviously like the Classic 'they wind up in Rivendell' because again, Elrond, obviously obviously.
Mostly SOL but I could also see Rory and Hugh going "oh, there's another colonizer who wants to destroy the free people of THIS land??? Fuck him. We're absolutely joining that fight."
I could see this being set in the second age actually during the first founding of Rivendell (and so Rory and Hugh and up in TLA) but I could also see them at Pelennor in the TA, but unfortunately that means that my OC mom doesn't get to meet Cel :( And I want them to be friends. They would get along so well.
Elrond, of course, parents both OCs (even though one of them is a grown ass mom) because I want him to. Also he hisses at Hugh. Because he's trash.
Alternatively they could wind up sometime in the early third age and join the war against Angmar and then we still get Cel. I'm not picky.
This one is more vague and I mostly daydream about SOL situations of my OCs in Rivendell but there's definitely A Plot in there somewhere.
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itsawritblr · 1 year
Son of Birthday Week Random Shit Queue.
New decorations for my studio.
Hmm, I need to straighten that smaller photo . . .
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Three of my favorite sleuths. (Art by carlbatterbee & available from Redbubble)
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Atticus Pund and Susan Ryeland from Magpie Murders.
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PBS Mystery! coffee mug and Sherlock Holmes Pusheen with the first red maple leaf of Fall!
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Research reading.
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Mystery collages.
Miss Marple (Joan Hickson) Poirot, Poirot, Capt. Hastings & Miss Lemon (David Suchet, Hugh Fraser & Pauline Moran) Sherlock, Sherlock & Watson (Jeremy Brett & Edward Hardwicke) Cadfael (Derek Jacobi)
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Father Brown, (Season 5 cast Mark Williams, Sorcha Cusack, Emer Kenny, Jack Deam & John Burton) Vera, Aiden & Kenny, (Season 5 cast Brenda Blethyn, Kenny Doughty & John Morrison) Shetland, Jimmy Perez, Sandy & Tosh (Steven Robertson, Alison O'Donnell & Douglas Henshall) Inspector Morse, Morse & Lewis (John Thaw & Kevin Whately) Inspector Lewis, Hathaway (center) & Lewis (Lawrence Fox & Kevin Whately, with Sanjeev Bhaskar) Maigret, Rowland Atkinson
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dadsbongos · 5 months
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the higher up a fic is, the newer and more accurate it is to my current writing style (re: older = more cringe)
fics with obvious references to sex are not marked +18 because it feels redundant, but they are still meant for +18 audience. fics/blurbs that don't specify smut in the title are marked +18 for clarity's sake
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eddie munson
-MASTERLIST: ex-potential boyfriend (10 things i hate about you) Jim Hopper places a new rule against dating for both his adopted daughters - Eleven can’t date if you don’t - and Mike hires Eddie Munson to get around it. Unfortunately for Eddie, you are renowned by peers for being a horrid shrew.
-fanservice pride fic written during '23 pride because i needed a bisexual eddie to come out as bisexual to when i Realized(TM)
-he's in a band You and Eddie are forced to team up and make him into Snowflake King material so that you can beat Jason Carver in a bet (for fifty bucks and the success of Lucas Sinclair’s high school basketball career).
-unusually short eddie fic for valentine's day After being stood up on a Valentine’s picnic date, a friendly neighbor boy comes to end the embarrassment.
-eddie/s.o with goldenhar syndrom you’re waiting to go into reconstructional surgery, and your boyfriend - Eddie - won’t stop trying to read your patient form.
-freak’s church Eddie Munson has been trying to court you in his own special way since kindergarten and now he may finally get a chance thanks to Mrs. O'Donnell’s stupid poetry contest.
-1988 VAMPIRE ORGY TOUR While on tour with Corroded Coffin, Eddie can’t help but notice that at every stop - from Indianapolis to San Diego - he happens to run into you.
-monachopsis Eddie gets severely jealous of Dustin’s babysitter, but then he meets you and finds that you two are similarly wired (neurodivergent and misunderstood in the 80s).
-the third (feat. chrissy cunningham [smut ramblings mdni]) part one part two part three
-self-indulgent blurb of eddie meeting hopper you bring Eddie home to meet your adoptive father, Jim Hopper.
-skipping through a john hughes’ movie Your Home Economics teacher assigns a project - take care of an egg for a full week and present it. You end up paired with Eddie “the freak” Munson. At least your best friend, Chrissy, seems excited for you.
-the cheerleader you hate you, a hot cheerleader, are put into a group project with Eddie, a hot nerd, that requires a visit to the Hawkins’ art museum. Neither of you does a very good job of hiding your secret friendship, or your feelings for each other.
-the geekification of chrissy cunningham (feat. chrissy cunningham) phase one - weed and puppy love phase two - beating the shit out of her ex phase three - obligatory and unabashed epilogue (and smut [mdni]) Following her public break-up with Jason Carver, Chrissy Cunningham finds comfort and affection in two of Hawkins' most renowned freaks. Coincidentally, you and your boyfriend, Eddie, both seem to have a crush on the poor girl.
-within six days 1 - “Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?” 2 - “O, I am Fortune’s fool!” 3 - “O, speak again, bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night.” 4 - “Juliet is the sun.“
5 - “For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.” 6 - “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” 7 - “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” 8 - “Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” You, the valedictorian to-be, and Eddie, the bimbo pothead, start studying together so he can graduate. In return, he shows you a more “wild” life.
-the one and only Eddie picks you up from a party when you’re on a bad high and then you two agree to go on a date the next day.
chrissy cunningham
-the third (feat. eddie munson [+18!]) part one part two part three
-slumber party (+18!) Chrissy comes to Corroded Coffin’s show and then makes the hot bassist (you) cum (you teach her how). -part 2 (+18!)
-why did you ask me out? 1 - the setup 2 - just how it used to be 3 - heartbroken but alive 4 - evil trance 5 - background characters to commercial lines You and Chrissy are long-lost best friends that join sides to pull one over on the girls hoping to make you prom queen as a bet. Things don’t always go to plan - sometimes you realize you’re in love and sometimes the girls shoot back at you.
-the geekification of chrissy cunningham (feat. eddie munson) phase one - weed and puppy love phase two - beating the shit out of her ex phase three - obligatory and unabashed epilogue (and smut [mdni]) Following her public break-up with Jason Carver, Chrissy Cunningham finds comfort and affection in two of Hawkins' most renowned freaks. Coincidentally, you and your boyfriend, Eddie, both seem to have a crush on the poor girl.
robin buckley
-like batman! You and Robin get Kill Bill teenager-style revenge on Jason Carver and his friends after they spread a nasty rumor about you. Sapphic ways ensue (Do Revenge but a little gay).
-slender aphrodite has overcome me You and Robin were supposed to work on a chemistry project, but then she takes you to Lovers’ Lake. Also, Eddie supports lesbians.
steve harrington
-steve harrington loses his mojo Steve and you are both depressed kids working towards nothing specific. Maybe you should kiss (AKA a convoluted three times Steve watches his friends be in happy relationships and the one time he gets into one).
horror movie collection (halloween special) -includes American Psycho, Halloween, Scream, Friday the 13th, Fear Street, and Jennifer's Body
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xian-moriarty · 1 year
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Les Trois Mousquetaires
Réalisation :Stephen Herek
Scénario : David Loughery
Casting :
Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland, Chris O'Donnell, Oliver Platt, Tim Curry, Rebecca De Mornay, Hugh O'Conor, Gabrielle Anwar, Julie Delpy, Michael Wincott
Synopsis :
Comment le fougueux d'Artagnan quitte sa Gascogne natale pour rejoindre la célèbre compagnie des mousquetaires, à laquelle appartenait jadis son père.
Une grande déception l'attend a son arrivée à Paris quand il découvre que le cardinal de Richelieu a dissous ce corps d'élite dont ne subsistent plus que trois hommes à la bravoure légendaire : le mélancolique Athos, le suave Aramis et le monumental Porthos.
Plaisir de lecture :
J’adore ce film. Mais il n’est pas sans défauts et assez loin du roman de Dumas.
Tim Curry nous offre une version très méchante et perverse de Richelieu absolument géniale.
Beaucoup d’humour.
Note : 5 chats.
Disponibilité :
Existe en DVD.
Disponible sur D+.
Disponible en VOD.
Bonus Point Chat :
Pas de chat. Sniff.
Note : 1 chat.
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hatchingphoenix · 1 year
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I'm proud to announce that the long-awaited first collection of Everyday Drabbles is now available for orders and pre-orders on Amazon! The Mountain's Shadow collects three-hundred of the best Everyday Drabbles written between 2018 and 2020. I originally started the project on Wattpad, and some haven't been published outside of that site until now! The collection features a gorgeous cover by Natasja Hellenthal and is available to order as a paperback now! The ebook copy will be available on April 30th and is available for preorder. This collection features a huge number of hundred-word stories that will take you from the hearts of the secret, magical forests to the fringes of outer space, and everywhere in between! I hope you enjoy this collection of curated drabbles, and I'll see you tomorrow for another story!
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Little Annie Rooney (William Beaudine, 1925) Cast: Mary Pickford, William Haines, Walter James, Gordon Griffith, Carlo Schipa, Spec O'Donnell, Hugh Fay, Viola Vale, Joe Butterworth, Oscar Rudolph, Francis X. Bushman Jr., Charles K. French, Eugene Jackson. Screenplay: Mary Pickford, Hope Loring, Louis D. Lighton; titles: Tom McNamara. Cinematography: Hal Mohr, Charles Rosher. Art direction: John DuCasse Schulze, Paul Youngblood. Film editing: Harold McLernon. To our eyes, there's something grotesque about a 33-year-old movie star pretending to be a hoydenish 12-year-old girl. But then there's also something grotesque about a 50-year-old diva playing Octavian or Cherubino. Operagoers accept the one, so why can't we accept the other? Moviegoers of the 1920s certainly did -- in fact, they demanded it of Mary Pickford, rejecting attempts in which she tried to play roles her own age. Pickford was exceptionally small, just a fraction over 5 feet, which helps her carry off the scenes in which she's performing with actual boys, though it's worth noticing that there are no other "girls" in these battling gangs, probably because putting Pickford up next to real girls would draw our attention to the maturity of her face. We become aware of that maturity most when we see her with other adults in the film, like 6-foot-tall William Haines, when only the costuming and her diminutive stature work to maintain the illusion. Still, Little Annie Rooney was near the end of Pickford's turns as a little waif. Four years later she would almost act her age in Coquette (Sam Taylor, 1929) and win a not particularly well-deserved Oscar for it, then follow up with some grownup roles, including Katherine in The Taming of the Shrew (Sam Taylor, 1929), in films that flopped and precipitated her retirement. Little Annie Rooney was cooked up by Pickford herself almost as a conscious farewell to the little girl in curls. You have to get yourself in the frame of mind of the original audiences to appreciate how good Pickford is in this hodgepodge of slapstick action and tearjerking family drama, but she really was a formidable actress.
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flash56-chase05 · 2 years
Esperas mortales
Veo necesario rectificar uno de mis primeros fics, Decepción, que publiqué para la Rare Pair Week 2022. Sabía desde hacía tiempo que iba a tener que hacerlo, e incluso se me llegó a pasar por la cabeza borrarlo y reescribirlo, pero, al formar parte de un evento, prefiero dejarlo ahí.
Pero publico una corrección de los hechos para que no sea confuso con todo lo planificado para más adelante.
Irlanda viajaría a España —por primera vez, todo sea dicho—, en 1602 después de la batalla de Kinsale, pero, al contrario de lo que se dice en el fic, no lo haría sola; habría acompañado a "Red" Hugh O'Donnell y a otros nobles en su viaje para solicitar una nueva ayuda a Felipe III.
Serían recibidos en La Coruña con honores por el Gobernador de Galicia y el Arzobispo de Santiago, donde asistirían a la fundación de un Colegio Irlandés y visitarían la Torre de Hércules, lugar de gran importancia para la mitología irlandesa.
(Irlanda no podría evitar acercarse a la torre y recordar a su padre, aunque fuese por un simple segundo, junto a todas sus historias).
Tras hospedarse en la casa del Gobernador, Irlanda habría aprovechado para preguntarle por España —al que no había avisado de su plan por falta de tiempo—, y se habría encontrado con que estaba ausente en América.
A la vez que O'Donnell mandaba cartas al Duque de Lerma y al Rey, Irlanda intentaría encontrar las palabras con las que comunicárselo, aunque no conseguiría nada antes de que, en abril, el noble decidiese entrevistarse con el Rey en la propia Corte para insistir en la ayuda que no hacía más que ser aplazada.
Ella lo acompañaría hasta Valladolid, donde sufriría la falta de respuesta por parte del Monarca y se decidiría por fin a enviarle una carta a España para pedirle que intercediese por el noble. Desafortunadamente, no habría manera de que llegase a tiempo.
Sería obligada a presenciar la enfermedad de O'Donnell, ya en septiembre, y su posterior muerte a los pocos días.
[Se dice que fue envenenado por un irlandés, James Blake, por orden del Gobernador inglés de Munster, pero la Historia está llena de conjeturas, y ni en ese momento ni ahora, conociendo los síntomas, se ha probado que pudiese ser así, por lo que dejémoslo como una incógnita].
Ella estaría allí para llorarlo y rezarlo, para acompañarlo en su entierro en un Convento franciscano, y para enviar una carta a su hermano, Ruarí O'Donnell, avisándole de su muerte.
Y en diciembre sería cuando llegaría España, que se presentaría de inmediato ante ella. Irlanda le recriminaría que no hubiese estado presente en sus últimos momentos, que ni su Rey ni su valido hubiesen tenido el valor de enfrentarle y le hubiesen permitido pudrirse en una torre.
España no podría hacer más que abrazarla y consolarla en el llanto que había acompañado a sus gritos, recriminándole mentalmente a su Rey ese repentino abandono de tan leales vasallos.
(Porque su presencia allí tampoco hubiese asegurado nada.)
Él la habría acompañado hasta su casa, puesto que, por más que lo desease, Irlanda sería consciente de que, por el momento, no podría volver.
[La Guerra de los Nueve Años (1594-1603), a pesar de tener las mayores victorias de los irlandeses sobre los ingleses, acabaría un año después. Sin embargo, desde la derrota en Kinsale se sabía que la ganarían los ingleses, y ya se estaba planeando la Fuga de los Condes, un evento recordado como el final de la era medieval irlandesa, que tendría lugar en 160].
Ella misma se encargaría de recibir más adelante a Florence Corny, el confesor francisco de Ruarí O'Donnell que sería enviado a la Corte española como asesor sobre los asuntos irlandeses y tendría un papel esencial hasta su muerte en Madrid en 1629.
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wankerwatch · 13 days
Lords Vote
On: Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024
Baroness Altmann moved that an Humble Address be presented to His Majesty praying that the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024 (SI 2024/869), laid before the House on 22 August, be annulled because they would significantly reduce state support for pensioners without sufficient warning and without a proper impact assessment, and because they present a significant risk to the health and wellbeing of many pensioners on low incomes. The House divided:
Ayes: 30 (26.7% XB, 26.7% Con, 16.7% DUP, 13.3% , 3.3% PC, 3.3% LD, 3.3% Green, 3.3% Bshp, 3.3% UUP) Noes: 138 (90.6% Lab, 7.2% XB, 1.4% , 0.7% Con) Absent: ~663
Individual Votes:
Crossbench (8 votes)
Butler-Sloss, B. Craig of Radley, L. Curry of Kirkharle, L. Deech, B. Desai, L. Hastings of Scarisbrick, L. O'Loan, B. Pannick, L.
Conservative (8 votes)
Bellingham, L. Foster of Oxton, B. Hodgson of Abinger, B. Manzoor, B. Moynihan, L. Polak, L. Sterling of Plaistow, L. Verma, B.
Democratic Unionist Party (5 votes)
Browne of Belmont, L. Dodds of Duncairn, L. Hay of Ballyore, L. McCrea of Magherafelt and Cookstown, L. Morrow, L.
Non-affiliated (4 votes)
Altmann, B. Fox of Buckley, B. Hoey, B. Taylor of Warwick, L.
Plaid Cymru (1 vote)
Smith of Llanfaes, B.
Liberal Democrat (1 vote)
Ludford, B.
Green Party (1 vote)
Jones of Moulsecoomb, B.
Bishops (1 vote)
Southwark, Bp.
Ulster Unionist Party (1 vote)
Elliott of Ballinamallard, L.
Labour (125 votes)
Adams of Craigielea, B. Alli, L. Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent, B. Anderson of Swansea, L. Armstrong of Hill Top, B. Ashton of Upholland, B. Bach, L. Bassam of Brighton, L. Beamish, L. Beckett, B. Berkeley, L. Blake of Leeds, B. Boateng, L. Bradley, L. Bragg, L. Browne of Ladyton, L. Campbell-Savours, L. Carter of Coles, L. Chakrabarti, B. Chapman of Darlington, B. Clark of Windermere, L. Collins of Highbury, L. Crawley, B. Cryer, L. Donaghy, B. Donoughue, L. Drake, B. Eatwell, L. Evans of Watford, L. Falconer of Thoroton, L. Faulkner of Worcester, L. Foulkes of Cumnock, L. Gale, B. Golding, B. Goudie, B. Grantchester, L. Hacking, L. Hain, L. Hannett of Everton, L. Hanson of Flint, L. Hanworth, V. Harman, B. Harris of Haringey, L. Hayman of Ullock, B. Hayter of Kentish Town, B. Hazarika, B. Healy of Primrose Hill, B. Hendy of Richmond Hill, L. Hodge of Barking, B. Howarth of Newport, L. Hughes of Stretford, B. Hunt of Kings Heath, L. Hutton of Furness, L. Jay of Paddington, B. Jones of Whitchurch, B. Jones, L. Jordan, L. Keeley, B. Kennedy of Cradley, B. Kennedy of Southwark, L. Khan of Burnley, L. Kingsmill, B. Knight of Weymouth, L. Lawrence of Clarendon, B. Layard, L. Lennie, L. Leong, L. Liddell of Coatdyke, B. Liddle, L. Lipsey, L. Livermore, L. Mann, L. Maxton, L. McConnell of Glenscorrodale, L. McIntosh of Hudnall, B. McNicol of West Kilbride, L. Mendelsohn, L. Merron, B. Morgan of Drefelin, B. Morgan of Huyton, B. Morris of Yardley, B. Murphy of Torfaen, L. Nye, B. O'Grady of Upper Holloway, B. Parekh, L. Pitkeathley, B. Ponsonby of Shulbrede, L. Prentis of Leeds, L. Ramsay of Cartvale, B. Ramsey of Wall Heath, B. Rebuck, B. Reid of Cardowan, L. Ritchie of Downpatrick, B. Robertson of Port Ellen, L. Rooker, L. Rowlands, L. Royall of Blaisdon, B. Sahota, L. Sherlock, B. Smith of Basildon, B. Smith of Malvern, B. Snape, L. Spellar, L. Stansgate, V. Symons of Vernham Dean, B. Taylor of Bolton, B. Taylor of Stevenage, B. Thornton, B. Timpson, L. Touhig, L. Tunnicliffe, L. Turnberg, L. Twycross, B. Vallance of Balham, L. Warwick of Undercliffe, B. Watson of Invergowrie, L. Watson of Wyre Forest, L. Wheeler, B. Whitaker, B. Wilcox of Newport, B. Winston, L. Winterton of Doncaster, B. Wood of Anfield, L. Young of Norwood Green, L. Young of Old Scone, B.
Crossbench (10 votes)
Boycott, B. Casey of Blackstock, B. Ford, B. Freeman of Steventon, B. Hunt of Bethnal Green, B. Krebs, L. O'Donnell, L. Patel, L. Walney, L. Watkins of Tavistock, B.
Non-affiliated (2 votes)
Austin of Dudley, L. Verdirame, L.
Conservative (1 vote)
Attlee, E.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Events 8.15 (before 1800)
636 – Arab–Byzantine wars: The Battle of Yarmouk between the Byzantine Empire and the Rashidun Caliphate begins. 717 – Arab–Byzantine wars: Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik begins the Second Arab Siege of Constantinople, which will last for nearly a year. 718 – Arab–Byzantine wars: Raising of the Second Arab Siege of Constantinople. 747 – Carloman, mayor of the palace of Austrasia, renounces his position as majordomo and retires to a monastery near Rome. His brother, Pepin the Short, becomes the sole ruler (de facto) of the Frankish Kingdom. 778 – The Battle of Roncevaux Pass takes place between the army of Charlemagne and a Basque army. 805 – Noble Erchana of Dahauua grants the Bavarian town of Dachau to the Diocese of Freising 927 – The Saracens conquer and destroy Taranto. 982 – Holy Roman Emperor Otto II is defeated by the Saracens in the Battle of Capo Colonna, in Calabria. 1018 – Byzantine general Eustathios Daphnomeles blinds and captures Ibatzes of Bulgaria by a ruse, thereby ending Bulgarian resistance against Emperor Basil II's conquest of Bulgaria. 1038 – King Stephen I, the first king of Hungary, dies; his nephew, Peter Orseolo, succeeds him. 1057 – King Macbeth is killed at the Battle of Lumphanan by the forces of Máel Coluim mac Donnchada. 1070 – The Pavian-born Benedictine Lanfranc is appointed as the new Archbishop of Canterbury in England. 1096 – Starting date of the First Crusade as set by Pope Urban II. 1185 – The cave city of Vardzia is consecrated by Queen Tamar of Georgia. 1224 – The Livonian Brothers of the Sword, a Catholic military order, occupy Tarbatu (today Tartu) as part of the Livonian Crusade. 1237 – Spanish Reconquista: The Battle of the Puig between the Moorish forces of Taifa of Valencia against the Kingdom of Aragon culminates in an Aragonese victory. 1248 – The foundation stone of Cologne Cathedral, built to house the relics of the Three Wise Men, is laid. (Construction is eventually completed in 1880.) 1261 – Michael VIII Palaiologos is crowned as the first Byzantine emperor in fifty-seven years. 1281 – Mongol invasion of Japan: The Mongolian fleet of Kublai Khan is destroyed by a "divine wind" for the second time in the Battle of Kōan. 1310 – The city of Rhodes surrenders to the forces of the Knights of St. John, completing their conquest of Rhodes. The knights establish their headquarters on the island and rename themselves the Knights of Rhodes. 1430 – Francesco Sforza, lord of Milan, conquers Lucca. 1461 – The Empire of Trebizond surrenders to the forces of Sultan Mehmed II. This is regarded by some historians as the real end of the Byzantine Empire. Emperor David is exiled and later murdered. 1483 – Pope Sixtus IV consecrates the Sistine Chapel. 1511 – Afonso de Albuquerque of Portugal conquers Malacca, the capital of the Malacca Sultanate. 1517 – Seven Portuguese armed vessels led by Fernão Pires de Andrade meet Chinese officials at the Pearl River estuary. 1519 – Panama City, Panama is founded. 1534 – Ignatius of Loyola and six classmates take initial vows, leading to the creation of the Society of Jesus in September 1540. 1537 – Asunción, Paraguay is founded. 1540 – Arequipa, Peru is founded. 1549 – Jesuit priest Francis Xavier comes ashore at Kagoshima (Traditional Japanese date: 22 July 1549). 1592 – Imjin War: At the Battle of Hansan Island, the Korean Navy, led by Yi Sun-sin, Yi Eok-gi, and Won Gyun, decisively defeats the Japanese Navy, led by Wakisaka Yasuharu. 1599 – Nine Years' War: Battle of Curlew Pass: Irish forces led by Hugh Roe O'Donnell successfully ambush English forces, led by Sir Conyers Clifford, sent to relieve Collooney Castle. 1695 – French forces end the bombardment of Brussels. 1760 – Seven Years' War: Battle of Liegnitz: Frederick the Great's victory over the Austrians under Ernst Gideon von Laudon.
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transthadymacdermot · 10 months
Can you tell us a little about Seamy Breen??
Yes!!! he's a young irish catholic boy who was born in 1786 (so he's 9 when RRL starts -- I'm listing his birth year because he shows up in something different I wrote a while back much older so I don't want to just supply his RRL age) and lives, when the story starts, with his father (Charlie), mother (Máire), and siblings, the most important of which are his elder sister (Agnes) and younger brothers (Hugh and Patrick), but there's over 10 of them in all, on a patch of land they rent from the local landlord Lord Durham. He doesn't have many friends apart from the aforementioned younger brothers and the young stableboy (Wilbur) at other main character Lazarus McClure's nearby inn, who he meets near the start of the story at a bizarre combination 4th july/12th july/14th july party Lazarus decides to throw to kill every single proverbial bird in the sky with one stone. Now, at this party, one of Seamy's parents' friends is killed in a gang fight, which is its own post, but to make a long story short the murderer is not at all punished and the situation deteriorates until the area is close to open violence between the factions involved, and so Seamy decides to find some evidence for the murderer's guilt to get him convicted and put the whole situation to rest. Realising he can't do it alone because he is Nine Years Old, he ropes Wilbur into it too.
Unfortunately, in the middle of their investigation Wilbur dies in the crossfire of a completely unrelated gunfight between a unit of soldiers and some local troublemakers. Seamy is understandably permanently changed emotionally and mentally, including the fact that a few weeks after Wilbur's wake (during which, relatedly, Wilbur's ghost also appears to another character, O'Donnell, though O'Donnell is on the brink of death from diphtheria at the time so it's ambiguous as to whether or not the ghost is real or a physical manifestation of guilt or just the usual weird shit you see while feverish. anyway), Seamy starts seeing ghosts. At first, it's just Wilbur's (who is trying to help Seamy come out of his shell and stand up for himself in the weirdest way ever) but he also ends up seeing a few more from throughout history (a murdered steelboy from the 1770s, a woman who died in the cold snap of 1741, a french soldier from the 7 years war, and so on. this plot is a major reason I am working on a historical context note to insert at the end of the story) who, for various reasons, all want to kill Lord Durham -- who, incidentally, also ordered the soldiers to start the gunfight that killed Wilbur. What will Seamy and his ghost posse do now that they are all together and realising that they all hate the same guy? we shall have to see...
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leanstooneside · 5 months
The meek shall inherit the earth
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runawaymun · 1 year
🪩🎧✅🥀❌🎬💿🎤 any and all of these for whichever of your original fiction WIPs you want!
*h e a v y b r e a t h i n g*
okay I am not going to do Thol babe that would take way to long. Let's do We That Remain!
(disco ball emoji) Would you want a movie adaption, TV, or something else? Animated or live action?
I think it'd make a movie best tbh. Or maybe a limited series but that almost feels too long.
🎧—What would the soundtrack be like?
soundtrack playlist coming right up
✅—Which character/plot point/etc would be your favorite to see on screen?
“Do...do you remember the first time we met?” he asked. It was daft, but it was the only thing he could think of. It was worth it to hear that broken laugh from her lips at the memory.  She looked back at him, blinking back the tears with a shaky smile. “You were using my favorite tree as target practice.” “It was my tree,” he pointed out, a grin whispering over his face. “—And you missed and shot a notch right through my poetry book,” she retorted. “Anyway, it can’t be your tree. It was on my land. I was there first.” She was trying very hard to sound mad at him. He knew she wasn’t, and couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “That book is my favorite now.” “Nick and all?”  She looked straight at him, a gaze that seemed to fill him up until he might burst.  “Especially with the nick.” 
just. them. their everything. The whole quiet blooming of the romance aAAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAUGH I want to peel my skin off every time I think about them!!!!
🥀—Which character/plot point/etc is most important for an adaption to get right?
Hugh. 100% Hugh. If Hugh's wrong the whole thing is off. Like Hugh makes actually one of the most objectively rational, sensible, and reasonable decisions in the book. Is it the right decision? No, not really, but it's the smart decision and he was doing it out of a misguided attempt to save everyone -- and it might have worked if, you know, it wasn't Queen Elizabeth and Charles Blount that he was making that bargain with.
And he does care about Ultana in his own really messed up way. He doesn't love her, but there is a level of respect and care there that I got wrong in the early drafts that emerged in the most recent draft -- you know how it is--- and that's really integral to understanding the book and their interactions and arcs.
❌—What’s the worst thing an adaption of your WIP could do? Your absolute worst nightmare?
Erinea x Thomas
or Erinea x anyone, really.
OR, or or, like let Mountjoy actually finish what he set out to do in that scene where Ultana stabs him in the hand with her hair pin. I could see some studio wanting to let him succeed for The Drama(tm) and I'd burn the place to the ground before I let that happen tbh.
🎬—Who would you cast as your characters?
So, in a perfect world:
Ultana O'Neill - Alex Kingston Hugh O'Neill - Daniel Day Lewis Erinea O'Neill - Amybeth McNulty Rory O'Donnell - Liam Neeson Baron Mountjoy - Jason Isaacs
like unfortunately most of these actors are no longer the correct ages to be playing these characters as they would have been when I started writing the thing, but that's who I cast and by god that's who they look like/sound like in my brain now tbh.
🎤—Describe the opening scene
I unfortunately have A Thing for starting out stories hot with a battle scene. But I like this one because it has a very particular spooky vibe to it. I would want to set the stage to make sure we get some very clear visuals on the state of the Irish army at the time. They're not doing well. Unforms are ragged/old. Pretty much everybody's wounded. We're cold, wet, exhausted, etc. etc. And then we get the English standing army -- and these guys emerge from the fog and they're almost inhuman tbh.
And of course you've got Mountjoy up on a hill above it all like a spectre.
Shapes began to glide through the trees, forming a line, then a circle, a slow deathwalk around the huddled ragtag army. Horses. Men on them. They stood at the edge of the trees, faces locked behind their helmets, armor and lances catching the cold morning sun. A single rider on a white horse made his way to the crest of the southern hill. His face was set with confidence, and his clothes were deadly red.
That's a scene I have so firmly affixed in my brain -- that first standoff between Rory, Hugh, and Mountjoy -- there really isn't much I would change about the visuals tbh. Like if there was ONE frame that I would want to make sure gets in the opening sequence it's that one, because that's the thing: Mountjoy's up there presiding. He's at the point of upmost advantage and confidence. He has nothing to lose. The odds are stacked overwhelmingly in his favor in this battle and he never stoops to join it, vs Rory and Hugh who are right down there in the thick of the fray. Also something-something 'i saw a rider on a pale horse and his name was death' heavy-handed symbolism y'know.
💿—Free space for anything I didn’t mention! Talk about things you would add, things that are important to you, or even lay out the plot of every episode of your Netflix Original if it suits you!!
Ultimately there are always scenes that get cut from adaptations, but one I'll fight tooth and nail for is the foaling scene. I feel in my soul that it would be on the chopping block and no. That's the first glimpse we get of Ultana commanding a room in her element and using a bit of authority -- especially around Hugh. And Hugh lets her. The foaling scene is crucial to understanding their relationship and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.
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