#hughie campbell x plus size reader
nobitchs-world · 3 months
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to be written!
mini series!
to be written!
to be written!
to be written!
head canons!
to be written!
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afrowrites · 2 months
Norman F Rockwell
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Black reader (plus size too!) x Homelander
Your a hardworking widow and single mother who works at vought in the graphics department, when a certain all American hero is intrigued by the sight of you, or maybe the scent of you...
Warnings: Stalking, Mentions of Death.
Wordcount: 1,891
Rating: Teen and up
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A woman stands alone with her ten-year-old son weeping next to her, her stomach holds the last legacy of her husband. And as they lower him into the ground a rifle can be heard to signify a fallen soldier. And a single tear runs down the woman's face knowing she must stay strong.
“~[Your name]~, did you get the final layout for the Homeboy Kids’ book yet?” She asked as she turned towards her coworker's voice, “Oh yeah, I got them, they look pretty good with all things considered.” 
The woman smiled, proud of her co-workers' adherence to her notes.
“Well, that's good, because you have to present them to Ashley today.” The woman said, dropping a bomb and slipping out of her office.
“Wait, I have to do what?!” You half shout.
You frantically search your emails trying to figure out why today you had to present in less than… 
“Oh shit! I gotta do this in an hour!” 
You were wearing your comfiest business casual clothes but were not ready to entertain your boss today, and the email mentioned that others would be attending. ‘Probably those weirdo's in marketing.’  You thought to yourself. 
You stumble down the hallway towards Ashley's office, holding your layout tubes while trying to zip up the back of your skirt. Thank God you had an emergency “I didn't just have a baby” outfit and some heels. 
You fluff your afro up, put on some lipgloss, take a deep breath and open the door to walk into Ashley’s office.
You could see Ashley's permanent furrowed brow shift into a fake plastered smile she gave to all her employees when trying to save face.
“Good afternoon, miss {Your Name}. Have a seat, please”
“Sure” you answer, feeling a bit awkward.
Seth and Evan are engaged in a calm conversation, tucked away in the secluded corner of the room. Meanwhile, you're absorbed in organizing your layouts, your back to the entrance, when the sharp sound of a door swinging wide pierces the silence. Out of the periphery of your vision, you notice the room's occupants abruptly rise to their feet in a unified, almost military precision.
"Uh, Homelander, welcome," she greets with a strained smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes, her voice tinged with a detectable quiver betraying her anxiety. Indeed, the atmosphere has shifted palpably; a heavy cloak of tension settles over the room, making the air itself seem laden with foreboding.
“Ashley,” he notes her presence. Uninterested. 
“ Hey Seth, Evan, good to see you.” Now a hint of sarcastic enthusiasm sets in his voice.
He sets down into his chair, and as he sits he turns his head to you. He sniffs the air realizing something. Even before you'd know, he finds you leaking, and suddenly his interest in you increases tenfold and with a sudden interest in you he introduces himself.
“Why hello there,” his devilish grin and piercing blue eyes startle you, “you know it's a shame I never get to meet all the wonderful people here working at Vought, what's your name Ms…?”
“Rodriguez, although people just call me [your name].” You smile professionally. 
“Well Ms.Rodriguez,” he takes your hand in his, brushing your soft knuckles before planting a kiss on them. “I do hope to enjoy your presentation.” As he gave you a soft wink. 
You find his introduction performative but also slightly genuine.
The marketing guys gave their little spiel on how to market the homelander’s son, Ryan. 
You soon make a suggestion. “I believe that would go well with young adult males, but we aren't thinking of the bigger picture here. We know how Homelander is when it comes to women.” 
You see his jaw tighten, so you tread lightly when you continue.
“We’ve already seen the comic books, so how about we take a look at something more child-like for mothers, show the soft story about Homelander becoming a father raising a child all on his own, raising him to be a good American hero.” 
The market guys roll their eyes and scoff in protest, but before they can open their mouths you hear clapping.
“Wow that’s… well that's good,” To you he sounds almost genuine but his mind is still working on you. You breathe a sigh of relief at his approval. 
You mutter off a “thank you, sir.” And scurry back to your seat.
After muttering a quick, “Thank you, Sir.”, you scurry back to your seat.
“Well I think this has been a great meeting, thank you all for being here. I-” 
Homelander interrupts, “Ms.Rodriguez may I have a moment to ask you something?.” 
Stunned, you respond, “Oh-uh sure,” you give him a weak smile. 
“Great,” he grins a menacing grin. “Let's take a walk.”
It's quiet for the first few minutes, almost bone-chilling . He clears his throat to break the silence.
“So, Rodriguez. What do you do here?” He asks in a way that sounds like he's interested but also way too critical. 
“Well sir, I work in graphics and art, but I do most kid's artwork and stuff.” You chuckle nervously.
He nods at your answer, and he continues, “Well I think that is just super!” He still smells your body producing his favorite thing (well maybe second favorite thing). 
He continues the walk in silence until you guys reach your office, he scans around the room trying to find ways to see you more often. Until he sees, “Oh, you have a family,” you turn the picture towards him.
“Oh yeah, my babies,” you sigh at missing them. “Rafael and America.”
“Wow, what a name for such a cute baby,” he feigns interest because as stated before he's only interested in what's under your skirt.
“Yeah, their father named them.” You feel a sharp twist in your heart when mentioning your husband's name, Homelander sees this and with his well-learned acting exclaims, “Whatever he did to you I'll get him.” He places a hand on your shoulder as he jokes with you.
You look up at him with teary eyes before wiping them away. “Oh no it’s not that my husbands not with us anymore.” 
He feels indifferent to your plight, yet he pulls you in for a comforting hug. He smells like warm spices but underneath he smells metallic almost of blood. It’s unnerving.
He releases you from his grip, only to take a long look down and clear his throat. 
“Hmmm I think you might wanna…,” You look down horrified. You're leaking.
Standing at your threshold, the rich oakwood panels seem to reach out, inviting you into the warm embrace of home. Before your hand can grace the knocker, your mother-in-law materializes, her eyes alight with the joy of your arrival. "Hola mami!" Your greeting is tinged with fatigue, yet her presence ushers in comfort. "Hola, {insert Spanish nickname}, how was your day?" Her inquiry is simple, yet it's the undercurrent of genuine concern that touches you. "Well, Mami, to be honest, it was a bit perplexing..." you admit, the words trailing off as you grapple with the day's events.
Your exchange is gently fractured by the delightful pattern of small feet drumming against the floor, a familiar and heartwarming cadence. It's a sound that signals the arrival of one of the most precious joys in your life, a guiding light that brightens even your darkest days. The architect of your daily smiles, your cherished child, the ever-sweet Rafi, bounds toward you. This tiny being, the center of your universe, radiates unadulterated happiness, infusing your mornings with meaning and your heart with boundless love.
"Hey, Mamacita!," He says, 
"Hey there, Papito" you greet, the corners of your mouth turning up in a weary but warm smile. "You're not gonna guess who I bumped into today!"
His eyes sparkle with curiosity. "Who was it?"
"The one and only, most amazing superhero of all time!"
Glancing down, you notice he's clutching his beloved Homelander action figure, its edges frayed and colors faded from love and time. It was a gift from his dad. The sight fills you with a bittersweet mix of joy and a pang of sorrow, knowing the layers of memories it holds.
Sighing, you reply, “Well I met the one and only…”, pause for dramatic effect, “HOMELANDER!”  You see his gorgeous little eyes light up, you love to see your little guy happy. He jumps around the house as his grandma yells at him.
 “Papito! You're gonna wake the…,” she’s already too late. And as your second little bundle of joy starts to cry, your mother-in-law is about to get the spoon on Rafi, “Don’t worry mami, it’s fine I wanted to see my baby anyway.”  You smile at her as you trudge towards your baby's room. “Hey Meri, how’s my girl doing?” You coo at her. She has your husband’s beautiful green eyes, gorgeous fluffy curls and chubby cheeks. You hold her close to you, your heartbeat calms her down. You sit for a while ignoring the noise from the street corner thinking of when her father took you to New Mexico, 
The evening air is warm and the breeze carries the simple romance of the night through the air. He cradles you in his soft loving arms as the stars pale in comparison to the sparkle of his eyes peering into your own.
“Y’know (y/n), I was just thinking,” “Oh that’s never good.” You snicker to yourself.
“Hey, that hurts.” He pretends to get shot in the chest. “Whatever,” You roll your eyes 
“Well, what I was going to say was, what if we get married…” He sheepishly says that last part.
“Um well, to be honest, I want to, after all, little Rafi-,” He interrupts. “Or Meri, I plan on having ten beautiful girls, well eleven because of you.’
You laugh a hearty laugh. “Yeah right, let’s just focus on the first one, but yeah I wanna be married.”
“Okay great because I have this ring in a box and I didn’t know who I was gonna give it to.” He yawns sarcastically. 
You wide-eyed stare at him for a little, until it sinks in. You sit up and push his shoulders to the ground. “Oh my God!” You kiss his face all over.
“Hey mami, watch the baby. They ain’t finished yet.” He chuckles “I love you, baby.” he smiles with his gorgeous lips. 
“I love you too, papito.” You lean in for a kiss all while smiling into his lips.  And while you once again fall in love, your favorite song plays.
~Como la flor, Con tanto amor, Me Diste tu~
“Se Marchitó, Me marcho hoy,” You sing to the bittersweet words of Selena, “ Yo sé perder, Pero a-a-ay, cómo me duele, A-a-ay, cómo me duele.” 
The smells of your cooking penetrate the room and seep out of your window into the cold air of a New York night, the warmth and love from your kitchen emanating from your apartment.
Unfortunately for you, a certain pair of eyes enjoyed your little performance, and the ethnic food smelled to him albeit too much spice for his taste, he could still feel a distant mother’s love through those smells.
And when you decided to close the window, he took that as a challenge to get into your life and ruin it. 
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wierdblavk-girl · 2 months
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Adrian Chase- peacemaker
Nathan young- misfits
Any of the Gallagher siblings except for Liam, Debbie platonic only for Ian- shameless
Bob Floyd- top gun maverick
Georgie cooper- young Sheldon
Daniel larusso- karate kid
Johnny Lawrence - karate kid
The greasers-the outsiders (anyone under 18 will only be fluff or platonic)
The pogues- obx (platonically or fluff)
Hughie Campbell- the boys
Fezco- euphoria
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This list can always be added to
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kaleldobrev · 2 months
Yes Ma’am
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Plus!Size Reader
Feat. Character(s): Reader, Soldier Boy/Ben, Hughie Campbell, William Butcher & Annie January
Summary: Macho Man Ben never thought he’d ever take orders from a woman; but now he does so with a smile (aka Ben is whipped and he doesn’t care)
Original Request: @spncupcake | I need a Soldier Boy &/or Dean fic where reader is plus sized + gives his attitude right back to him. He only ever listens to her & agrees with her every time. Basically just a whipped little puppy. Everyone teases him, but he doesn’t care because his girl/reader is all he needs 😭 I guess kinda like he’s an asshole to everyone but her kinda vibes 🥵
Not so subtly asking if @kaleldobrev could do this ? 🥺
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Ben, Cursing (13x), Derogatory Language (by Ben), Slightly Offensive Language (by Ben), Whipped!Soldier Boy, Domestic!Ben
Authors Note: Hopefully I got everyone tagged that wanted to be. If I missed you, I'm sorry! I'm working on re-doing the way my tag list is | I hope this came out okay! ♡ | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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A Few Years Ago…
“We need someone to watch Mister Radioactive over here,” Butcher said to you and Hughie. And almost as if it was second nature, Hughie whipped out his hands into a rock, paper, scissors stance; eyes on you, because he knew for a fact that it was either going to be you or him to watch Ben.
You turned your head slightly, watching Ben drinking out of a Seven merch cup, as he watched an old movie of his on the television; scoffing every few seconds every time a member of Payback appeared on screen.
“Can’t believe these are the bozos that gave me up to the Commies. They can’t even make their fucking cues,” he scoffed, mumbling to himself.
Turning back, you looked at Hughie and placed your hand on top of his, pushing it away. “I can do it. No need for rock, paper, scissors,” you said.
Both Butcher and Hughie looked at you with slight confusion. “Really?” The two men said at the same time, exchanging glances before ultimately landing on you.
“Are you at least going to take some Temp V just in case?” Hughie asked; but Butcher didn’t seem amused by his suggestion, as he gave him a very dirty, displeased look as if to say, ‘That is the stupidest fucking thing you’ve ever said.’ “He could kill you.”
“I doubt that he would. I mean, look at him. He’s literally just watching one of his old cheesy movies. ‘Sides, I’m the only person he remotely listens to anyway,” your tone slightly smug in nature. But your comment caused Butcher to scoff. “What?”
“Sweetheart, he doesn’t listen to anyone,” he stated, not even trying to be covert.
You raised a brow. “Oh really?” You crossed your arms and smirked. “Hey Ben? Can you turn down the volume a bit? It’s a little loud,” you said, without even looking at him.
In a matter of seconds, Butcher and Hughie watched Ben pick up the remote that was next to him on the armrest as he slowly started turning down the volume. “Better?” He asked, unfazed.
“Yes, thank you,” you smiled.
Butcher scoffed. “I’m sure he’d turn it down if me or Hughie asked him to.”
“Then why don’t you give it a try to try and prove me wrong.” Your voice was smug, and your smirk remained, as you knew for an absolute fact that Ben wouldn’t listen to either one of them.
Butcher smacked Hughie, and pointed to Ben. “Um…hey, can you…can you turn that down?” Hughie asked nervously.
“Fuck off,” was all Ben said to Hughie’s request. His comment caused Butcher to roll his eyes.
“Fine. But don’t come crying to one of us when he ain’t listenin’ to ya,” Butcher smirked.
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Present Day…
“Ben?” You asked, trying your best to reach the plate from the top shelf, but it was just out of your reach.
“Yeah?” Ben asked, faintly in the distance.
“Need your help! Can’t reach!” You yelled back.
Within a few seconds you heard Ben come walking into the kitchen from behind you; a faint scoff could be heard from his lips. “You’re so fucking short,” he commented. You turned around, and glared at him; and he knew exactly what that look from you meant. “Sorry, sorry,” he said, not meaning his apology whatsoever. “Now scoot,” his tone a little demanding.
You moved over, and watched him effortlessly reach the plate from the top shelf, handing it to you with the biggest smirk on his face. As you went to reach for the plate, he snatched it quickly away. “What do you say?” He smirked; his comment causing your eyes to roll.
“Thank you,” you said, your tone matching his sorry. Again, you reached for the plate, and yet, he still kept it from your reach. “Oh, how could I ever forget!?” Your voice now sarcastic, with a mix of annoyance. You went onto your tippy toes to the best of your ability, and he leaned down a bit to reach your lips, where you were able to give him a quick peck.
“That’s better,” he winked, handing you the plate.
“Remember, Annie and Hughie are coming over later,” you reminded. You didn’t have to look in Ben’s direction to know how much he hated the idea of the two of them coming over. “It’ll be fun.”
“Fun for you, torture for me,” he said, walking back into the living room and plopping onto the couch.
“They aren’t that bad Ben,” you said as you went to lean in the doorway that was between the kitchen and the living room. “‘Sides, I thought the three of you were finally finding some common ground?”
Ben scoffed. “Common ground my ass,” he mumbled. “I hate them, and they hate me.”
“They don’t hate you Ben, you just think that they do,” you tried to reassure. And your reassurance was genuine as you knew that neither Annie or Hughie hated Ben. Yes, maybe they disliked him a bit cause he was still a Grade A asshole to anyone but you, but they do what friends do and have supported yours and Ben’s relationship because they know how happy not only you are, but Ben is even if he didn’t show it in front of them.
Ben didn’t even answer you, he just simply scoffed again. “Can you still do the ribs for tonight please? I mean I can do the grill, but I much prefer when you make them,” you said sweetly.
Ben rolled his eyes, sighing. “Yes, I can still do the fucking ribs.”
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A Few Hours Later…
“Are you sure that it’s too late to cancel?” Hughie asked, as him and Annie shut their car doors at the exact same time.
“Yes, we promised Y/N weeks ago that we’d come over,” Annie said. “Besides, I even made my Nana’s pecan pie for the occasion because Y/N mentioned that Ben likes it.”
“If you’re hoping for brownie points with Solider Boy, I’m not sure pie is going to do it. Maybe we should have brought some expired Aspirin or coke from CIA lockup,” Hughie said half joking.
“Very funny,” Annie said very unamused by her fiancés comment. “I’m sure tonight won’t be that bad.”
“At least one of us is positive,” Hughie replied.
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There was a knock at the door, and your face lit up with excitement. “Ben? Can you grab the door please? I’m taking the pie out of the oven!” You called out as you started opening up the oven door.
“Sure thing!” Ben called out in a weirdly good mood sounding voice that threw you off. Yes you’ve heard him in a good mood before (he’s basically always in a good mood whenever you were around), but you were surprised just now because Annie and Hughie weren’t particularly his favorite people (or so he says). But you shrugged it off, happy that maybe he changed his mind about them.
As soon as Ben opened the door, his once calm and cheerful mood diminished once he saw Annie and Hughie at the door. “Lite Brite. Pussy. Welcome,” Ben said, in the most monotone voice he could muster up.
“I brought my Nana’s pecan pie,” Annie smiled, showing Ben the foil wrapped container. “Heard it was your favorite.”
“Y/N already made one,” Ben scoffed. Annie lowered the container in a kind of defeated way before she looked over at Hughie.
“Thanks for having us.” Hughie tried his best to sound genuine, but he knew that Ben would be able to hear right through it.
“If it were up to me, neither one of you would be here.” Ben’s tone continued to be monotone.
“I’m gonna go see if Y/N needs any help,” Annie offered. But before she could even enter the doorway, Ben stopped her, and took the pie from her hands, giving her a small nod. Was that…approval? Annie thought. No, I must be delusional, she thought again.
As Annie managed to get past Ben after her pie was taken from her, it was Hughie’s turn to try and get inside, but Ben blocked the way. “Sorry, I don’t have a pie to offer you,” Hughie chuckled.
Ben fake laughed, and placed his hand on Hughie’s shoulder. “No problem, pal,” emphasizing the word as he gave his shoulder a slight squeeze.
“Ow,” Hughie mumbled.
“Fucking pussy,” Ben mumbled, before letting Hughie come into the house.
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“So, what did he call you two this time?” You asked, grabbing two white claws from the fridge for you and Annie.
“Lite Brite and Pussy,” she slightly chuckled. “Not really creative.”
“Ben’s not really the creative type,” you laughed back.
“So, tell me, have you and Hughie set a wedding date yet?” You asked, and Annie smiled.
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“So, we haven’t set a wedding date yet,” Hughie said, his voice nervous as he watched Ben start flipping through channels trying to find something to watch.
“And why the fuck are you telling me?” Ben asked, finally deciding on a hockey game to watch.
“I uh, I figured Y/N mentioned it to you,” his voice still nervous.
“She did,” was all Ben said, taking a sip of beer.
“Jesus Christ, it’s like talking to a brick wall,” Hughie mumbled to himself. “I’m gonna go see Y/N and Annie.”
“Alright lady boy,” Ben mumbled not so subtly.
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“I’m O for two,” Hughie said as he walked into the kitchen where you and Annie were.
“What was the other one?” You asked.
“Lady Boy,” Hughie said, his voice weirdly calm.
“Well, that’s a new one,” you remarked, taking a sip of your white claw. “Ben?”
“What?” Ben asked, clearly annoyed.
“Did you call Hughie, Lady Boy?” You asked.
“Yeah, what about it? Is he crying about it already?” Ben asked, still unfazed; but you could hear a slight smirk on his lips.
“No, was just wondering,” you said.
That’s when Ben sighed. Because the only reason he knew you were asking, was because he somehow did or said something he wasn’t supposed to. But it wasn’t his fault that his girlfriend’s friend always took things the wrong way and didn’t have a sense of humor. “Sorry Puss—Hughie,” Ben said, saying Hughie’s name through gritted teeth.
After Ben apologized (fakely), you turned your attention back to Hughie. “I think that’s the best one you’re gonna get.”
“Pain in my fucking ass,” Ben mumbled.
“What did you say?” You asked, although you heard him loud and clear, as his mumbling and whispering really weren’t low.
“I said, you’re a pain in my fucking ass,” Ben said at normal volume.
You cleared your throat before you spoke. “Come again?” Your tone in full sass mode.
“Fucking Christ,” he mumbled. “I said I love you.”
“I love you too!” You smirked, finishing your white claw.
“Butcher was right. Soldier Boy really is whipped,” Hughie said with slight amusement in his voice.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Ben asked, his tone aggressive as he looked over at Hughie. Hughie’s demeanor now changed, and it resembled that of a scared puppy.
“N-nothing. I said nothing,” he answered quickly and nervously.
“That’s what I fucking thought,” Ben smirked, giving him a quick nod before looking back at the hockey game. “Four and zero, fucking unbelievable.”
“You didn’t say anything wrong. I really do have him wrapped around my finger,” you whispered to Hughie, even though you knew Ben was still able to hear you.
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Tagging: @spncupcake | @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx | @pleasantlycrazyworld | @pichipachini | @deanwinchestersgirl8734 | @deanbrainrotwritings | @rachiem4-blog | @syrma-sensei | @justletmereadfanfic | @deans-daydream | @midorimachisenpaii | @anamiad00msday | @beansproutmafia | @uncle-eggy | @zombie-freak | @queenie32 | @grx-deanslovr | @livingordeadwhoknows | @ficmesideways | @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden | @the-achievementhunter | @k-slla | @mrlonelycat | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @ladysparkles78 | @jackles010378 | @zepskies | @roseblue373 | @mrsjenniferwinchester | @globetrotter28 | @missscarlettangel | @foxyjwls007 | @nancymcl | @jacklesbrainworms |
If I missed you, my apologies! I was either not able to tag you because the tumblr username is no longer the one you use when you submitted a tag form, or you do not have your mentions on. Please make sure you’re able to be tagged so you don’t miss anything you’d like to be tagged on! 💙 I also in the process of re-doing my tag list, so stay tuned for that!
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abodyfromthebalcony · 2 years
The day that I met you I started dreaming
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Pairing: Hughie Campbell x Reader Wordcount: 1.4K words Summary: after a long mission you and hughie go to your motel room and realise it only has one bed! Fluff ensues! A/N:Hughie my cancer moon boy!!! Fluffy one bed fic <3 First fic in a while had a lot of fun with this! rbs and comments are greatly appreciated
“Shit.” You say letting out a sigh. After hours of being out on a mission chasing down a supe Butcher thinks might lead to Homelander, all you want to do is crash on your motel bed and forget about everything. For the past several weeks the only way to get away from all the stress of trying to take down Vought, was sleep. A sleep deep enough that makes you forget about your life is all you need, but when you walk into your motel room you’re sharing with Hughie you see only one king sized bed. 
“Oh shit.” Hughie says when he walks into the room. His eyes dart from the bed to you and back to the bed. He immediately looks stressed 
“Who was in charge of booking the rooms?” You ask. “Uh Butcher I think?” Hughie says putting his duffle bag on the bed. ”Fuck” You mumble under your breath. 
Butcher knows you like Hughie, he teases you about it constantly but Hughie is still none the wiser to your crush on him.
You feel very embarrassed about how you feel about him. You’re supposed to be a badass, cut throat, supe killer but god when he enters the room you just melt.
The way he can come up with a unique solution for any problem when you’re on a mission, the way he can make you smile even when things seem hopeless, his stupid Billy Joel shirts, the way no matter how bad it gets he still tries to do the right thing, it all has made you fall head over heals. 
Butcher has picked up on this and has set you and hughie up in a motel room with only one bed. Either he is making fun of you or he’s giving you a push, regardless of which it is you are going to kill him for this later. You throw your bag onto the floor and fall onto the bed. You look back to Hughie, he has tensed up every muscle in his body.
 “Do you want to switch rooms or something? I can go ask the group if anyone wants to switch with me, I don't want to make you uncomfortable” Hughie says, sort of rambling.“No, no, it's ok. If I’m sharing a bed with anyone I’m glad it's you.” Your heart drops, realizing what you just said. “Um I mean like I’m glad It's not like Butcher or M.M. they both snore super loud you know ha ha..” Good save. 
“And hey maybe we can watch a movie or something before we get some rest? Maybe plus one, the new scream movie or maybe a hunger games rewatch?” you say as you start taking off your boots. “I'd love to but I do smell like um…” “Like shit?” “Yes, yes like shit so I’ll be taking the longest shower I've ever taken but how about tomorrow?” He says, smiling at you. “Yes, definitely, I would love that.” You say, smiling back. 
When he leaves to take his shower you change into an oversized t-shirt and pajama bottoms and get into the bed. Your heart is beating out of your chest, you’re left fantasizing about Hughie. You hear the sound of the shower and Hughie humming “uptown girl” in the bathroom. You think about the water hitting his smooth skin, his fingers running through his wet hair.. 
You try to shake off your fantasies by switching on the tv, there’s nothing on that you're very interested in but it occupies your mind. The motel itself is dingy and cold but it was better than the pawn shop basement. You focus on the tv and the state of the motel until Hughie comes out of the bathroom. 
He’s wearing flannel pajama bottoms and one of his many billy Joel t-shirts. “How many Billy Joel shirts do you own?” You tease. “What, do you not think my collection is cool?” He jokes “Is the fanboy thing not working for you?” “Oh of course it is! How could a girl not be turned on by a guy who is obsessed with Billy Joel?” You both laugh before Hughie says “Really I can sleep on the floor if you want.” “No hughie we both need the rest and again i really don't mind sharing a bed” Hughie turns off the lights and shuffles into the bed.
You try to close your eyes for a couple of minutes but you can’t sleep, knowing that Hughie is right beside you. When you open your eyes you see Hughie has practically shimmied his body to the very edge of the bed to give you as much space as possible. You roll your eyes lovingly. “You can come closer Hughie I’m not going to bite your arm off, I’m not Butcher.” You half joke but you do really want him to come closer. “Are you... Are you sure?” Hughie says turning over to face you. “Yeah of course. If you stay there you’re going to fall off.” You say as confidently as possible but you are terrified of doing something wrong or something that makes him uncomfortable.
He moves a couple of inches but still so far away. “Oh cmon, you can’t be serious.” You say. He gives you a puzzled look before you grab him and pull him to the center of the bed. “Oh well if that's how it is i'll just take up the whole bed.” He laughs, moving himself even closer to you. “Yes exactly!” you giggle. You move yourself even closer. “See super comfortable!” you say still laughing. He presses his forehead against yours “how about this? Is this close enough?” He says sarcastically, you both giggle “Yes perfect thank you goodnight.” You say as you turn your back to him, still pressed against each other 
He’s so close to you now. You smell that strawberry kids shampoo he’s always using and that axe body spray he uses to cover up the stench of blood after missions. It's honestly very endearing. Just being near him brings a wave of calm over you. He has always made you feel safe just by being in the room with you. Being this close feels like the world has stopped in its tracks. No Vought to worry about, no compound v, no supes just you and him lying beside each other. 
Suddenly you feel his hand on your shoulder and his arm around your other shoulder. He holds you, resting his head against the back of your head. You can feel his heart beating fast in tandem with yours. You lie there in silence for several minutes as you try and summon up the courage to say how you feel but you’re afraid if you say the quiet part out loud this will all stop. All the joking around during missions when you know you should be working, all the singing songs loudly enough to annoy M.M. on long car rides and more than anything these quiet moments, you are so scared to lose all of it. But he's holding you and it feels right. So you say it.
“I really like you Hughie” You say turning to him, there's a beat of silence where Hughie tries to form words but can't find what to say “It's ok you don’t have to say anything i… I know it’s a lot.” you say trying to reassure him. “I just… I really really like you too and I don’t want to lose you. It feels like… whenever I get close to people something bad happens to them.” He says
 “You won't lose me, I promise. I’m all in.” You say holding his face, even in the dark you’re admiring every inch of his face. He lets out a breath “Is it ok if I kiss you?” He says, your heart skips a beat, you nod, he leans into you, kissing your lips, you lay one hand on his chest, one hand running through his still damp hair, kissing him back, it all just feels right. 
 You don’t know how this is going to work in the morning. You know it's going to complicate everything, you know at the very least the rest of the team are never going to get off your ass about it if you ever tell them. At worst vought will use it against the both of you but.. Right now you don’t care. Right now it’s just you and him.
“Could we maybe stay like this until morning.” You ask. “Yeah.. yeah sure.. I’d really like that.” Hughie says. You can hear a slight smile in his voice. For the rest of the night he holds you close and doesn’t let go. 
You both get the best sleep either of you have had in weeks.
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nobitchs-world · 5 months
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Me after searching up “character name x black!reader” and it gives me some Harry Potter shit
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nobitchs-world · 4 months
Me when my favorite tag updates when it hasn’t been updated in months
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nobitchs-world · 4 months
Someone please make a Hughie Campbell x reader and she’s Butcher’s daughter do it with anything please
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wierdblavk-girl · 2 months
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¸¸♬·¯·♪·¯·♫¸¸ 𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝓮 ¸¸♫·¯·♪¸♩·¯·♬¸¸
𝕮,19, bi sexual, I love music and making playlists, I’m black all of ocs and yns will be too, my name is Ciara but I’d feel more comfortable if being called C or CiCi
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wierdblavk-girl · 10 days
𝓗𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓵
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ᴺᵒᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ʰᵉʳᵉ ʸᵉᵗ
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⋆ these are characters that i write for that don't have a particular fandom, usually movies or if i don't want to write for the rest of the cast of a certain series!
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joel miller
tess servopoulos
jim hopper
boaz priestly
jonathan byers
ss harley quinn
hughie campbell
murphy macmanus
annie "starlight" january
mike schmidt
kathani "kate" sharma
billy butcher
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