#huh. i wanted to ramble a bit about emet but
noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#ok i will move these to my spam account soon but wait quick rant. actually not fully rant just smth i find interesting to think about#since yk how we ourselves change somewhat. like. huh. everyone to an extent i think but as an empath i'm probably more susceptible to it#depending on the people we're with. the environment n all. we change a bit#like w each friend i just naturally end up matching their way of text n their mannerisms esp when i'm around them#while most of it is natural n all too it's one of my love languages >< i love the feeling of. yk having more similarity#personally for me it makes me feel more understood n connected#NO FUCKING WAYYYY WAIT. SOB. watching from apollo's laptop rn a bit of that one cutscene with emet-selch ffxiv n bestie#the way. the way he looks at the wol. THE WAY HE SMILED.... HE DOESN'T SMILE OFTEN???? THIS GRUMPY LIL MF#wait i'm emotional. meteion and hermes n. FUCKKK#SOB HERMES YOU NEVER MANAGED TO FIND YOUR ANSWER. I'M SORRY. I'M SO SORRY#GOD CCAN YOU TELL THE KIND OF PERSON I AM FROM MY FAVE CHARAS#A 'FIELD OF FLOWERS'. IM GNA CRYYYYYY 'thank you for guiding me here' i. GOD I'M EMOTIONAL THIS#mafuyu's my fav chara. i'm a kanade kin. hahaha. & then. i'm a dark knight main in ffxiv. after tank i'm also a healer main#can you see? i love to. i love to help others oh my fucking god n it burdens me but. i love it more. as a strength.#flow is making me emotional. the lyrics mean so much to me. with ffxiv context n then. my emotional attachment to it for numerous reasons#the lyrics. out of context comfort me. resonate with me. the rain. stars. fate. memory. love. water. sleep. dawn. dreams.#i wonder what words others hold in importance. that resonate with their soul. & what it means to them. memories too#i know in certainty for me. i want to learn of everyone else#this little world of mine. i wonder. how. it looks like in your eyes. what others wish to learn of me too. i can only hope that#i'm so used to fiction you see. reality feels so distant at times. n with my differences it. oft feels i don't belong#yet still i hold on. why? bcs there's so much more to life. please don't give up. you deserve so much more.#n to everyone i know now. to just indulge in myself maybe. a selfish desire. i hope this will last. n i'll be there to see you#better and happier in the future. for as short and long as we know each other i care for all of you so so much#maybe i'm sorry for ever loving you in whichever way it differs per person in my life. but i'll be a bother. i don't want to#i don't want to lose anyone anymore#god... thinking back on drk and. myste's words resonate with me so much. love and forgiveness has always meant so much to me#ah yeah i remember again who i am. don't think twice is also making me extra emotional#i'm sorry though. it really does hurt n. time's going far too fast. but i'll try to do what i can. so long as you're still with me i think#i can manage. that's enough. that would be enough. even if i'm not enough. i'll hold unto myself and. what's important to me
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potassium-pilot · 3 years
Prompt 20: Petrichor
I’m in over my head, he thought, I know nothing of the Convocation other than what I learned in school; my creations seem so minimal compared to the Emet-Selch; they’re all taller than I am- I know height has nothing to do with it, but it’s still intimidating. Am I truly worthy of the seat of Elidibus? Am I really the Emissary?
“Do you smell that, young Elidibus?”
He turned his head behind him and noticed a woman. One of the members of the Convocation he met, but which one?
“Y-you’re…the Azem, is that correct?”
“I am, just like you are the brand new Elidibus. Now, do you smell that?”
Elidibus stared down at his lunch that he chose to eat outside on the steps at the back of the Bureau. “Oh…if the scent of my lunch offends, I apologize…”
“Your lunch neither offends my senses, nor is it what I’m referring to, Elidibus. We’ve had a dry period for some time, have we not?”
The weather was far from his mind, but he answered, “Yes, I…think so. Why?” Azem sat down next to the young one and replied with yet another question, “Have you ever noticed that scent that comes before rain after it hasn’t rained for so long?”
Why is she asking me this, he thought. Is this a test? “Uh…no, not really.”
“Hm. You should, young one. One of the gods put in quite a bit of work into making the rain as pleasant as possible. It adds a spice to life to notice the small things.”
He gathered a strange first impression of the Azem, but decided to take a whiff of the air, try to gather what she means. To his surprise, there was indeed a difference. “It’s…sort of earthy…”
“You’re right. It’s a pleasant smell to me, although some have their preferences.”
Elidibus took a moment and asked, “Is this some advice for how to deal with the Convocation?” Azem chuckled with her mouth closed, then responded, “No, friend, I’m just making conversation. You seemed so nervous in there.” Never had he felt more grateful for his red mask as he blushed at the thought that someone would notice such a thing. “The first day is odd, isn’t it?” she asked him.
“I don’t know about odd…but I must admit, I feel a bit…” he didn’t want to finish, but the phrase he was avoiding was ‘out of place”.
“Wanna know a secret about the Emet-Selch?”
That piqued his curiosity. “Uh…will that be all right?”
“Sure, so long as you keep it between the three of us.” Elidibus nodded at the agreement. He watched a wry smile form on the Convocation member’s face. “He’s a sucker for strawberry candy, and he bugs me to bring some home every time I leave Amaurot on my missions.”
His eyes widened at the thought. “Really?” She nodded. “He’ll deny it, but he’s obsessed with it.” Elidibus made a thoughtful hum. “Now what do you like?”
“Me?” he pointed to himself.
“Is there someone else here?”
“N-no…I…” he felt confused as to why she would care, making him hesitate. “I…I like that one concept, that card game…”
“Ah, you’re a gambling man. I see… you and I will need to play one night. I’ll show you some of the cheap tactics I picked up on my travels. You can help me clean out my friend, Hythlodaeus.”
The young man smiled. “What of you, Azem?” She smiled back. “I love to dance. When the Emet-Selch, Hythlodaeus and I go to the park, Hythlodaeus always takes me to see the musicians nearby, and I drag him into dancing when the Emet-Selch inevitably runs to avoid it. There’s another secret for you to keep.” Elidibus chuckled slightly.
“Ah, finally, a laugh.”
“Nothing to be sorry for; I just like knowing that you’re capable of letting loose for a bit.”
He nodded. There was a moment of silence before he asked her, “Azem, is there anything I should know about the Convocation?”
“That we’re all flying by the seat of our pants.”
He stammered at that remark. “I-I beg your pardon?”
“My young friend, confidence is key to being a member of the Convocation. Quite frankly, there’s something new everyday, and it’s impossible to create a real standard for how we handle things. We have our protocol, but as much as they complain about me skirting it, they have also conveniently avoided protocol themselves.”
“But-but we’re supposed to lead our people, keep our society thriving…”
“If that’s how you keep looking at it, you’ll be that nervous every single day for the rest of your tenure.”
He blinked.
“Yes, we’re leaders, and we do, in fact, lead, but there’s no trick to being a Convocation member. There is simply being one. Bring ideas to the floor, engage in debate, do your reports and other paperwork, and go home. You’ll feel much more fulfilled at the end of the day if you remove the unnecessary pressure.”
He contemplated her words.
“The next time we go to the floor, I have an idea about revamping the concept submission process, make it more streamlined for easier processing. Could I…ask for your support, Azem?”
She pretended to ponder, then told him, “Tell you what; I’ll support it…if you can beat me at a game of cards.”
“What?!” he exclaimed in disbelief.
“Those are my terms. Do you accept them?”
“Is that…that can’t be protocol!”
“It’s not, but I should tell you how the Lahabrea got me to support his idea to reconstruct the Akadaemia Anyder.”
The thunderclap roared over the Bureau of the Architect, and the rain slowly followed suit.
“Seems like a good time to play in my office, don’t you think?”
He still felt befuddled by the idea that any one of the Convocation of Fourteen should be anything close to him. That they were anything like him felt foreign. They’re leaders of Amaurot, creation masters; how could they be as clueless as the Azem claims them to be?
“Or would you prefer to sit alone in the rain? Because I will be returning inside to listen and watch it from the comfort of my dry and warm office with my meal. I would be pleased for the company, but I will leave that decision to you, young Elidibus.”
She stood up and as she said she would, she turned around and walked inside the Bureau. Elidibus sat there for a moment, realizing just how little he liked to get wet, but still wasn’t sure what to think. Finally, he rose from the stairs himself, and opened the door to return inside himself.
He walked down the halls to locate her office, passing each door, trying to see if there were any that he could peek through, but many were closed. Lahabrea…Igeyorhm…Nabriales…Emet-Selch… and last, but not least, Azem, the only open door. Before young Elidibus could enter, he heard a voice behind him.
“Ah, good afternoon, Elidibus. Were you hoping to speak with me?”
Emet-Selch approached him from behind. Elidibus turned to meet his gaze, despite being hidden behind a white mask, and answered, “Oh, no sir. I was hoping to speak with Azem. She invited me to lunch in her office.”
“Did she now?” he asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice. He took his shoulder and told him, “Come.” The two entered her office together, the Emet-Selch clearing his throat to get her attention. It worked, but she didn’t pry her gaze from the window.
“Hades, use your words”, she teased.
“Helios, are you corrupting this young man?”
That got her attention enough to turn around. Indeed, the young Elidibus stood at his side, a shoulder in the Emet-Selch’s right hand. “He informed me you asked him to lunch with you in here.”
“Oh, Hades, there’s nothing to corrupt. He’s quite stalwart for someone so young.”
“What has she told you, young man?” Before he could answer, she piped in with a teasing, “Nothing of import. Certainly not about how you beg me for strawberry candy when I leave the city.” Hades gasped and stumbled his words, “I-you-guh-I most certainly do not!”
“Uh-huh” she taunted, “Nor how you try to bring home near every stray cat you meet.”
“I would never bring such a pest into our home!”
“Right, now what will you tell Locus when we get home? She’ll be just the saddest cat we’ve ever had.”
He growled, shot his gaze to Elidibus and told him, “Everything she tells you is an absolute lie.”
“Only when it’s convenient for me to be telling the truth will he say I’m telling it, or so I’ve noticed.”
“Helios, you’re impossible!”
“I love you too. Now you better not have eaten lunch without me. I’ll excuse dear Elidibus here, but you?”
“I would never. Come, Elidibus, take a seat.” The young man nodded and took one of two seats in front of Azem’s desk.
“Um, Azem, when did you want to play that card game?” Elidibus asked meekly.
“Ah!” She pulled out a deck of cards and answered, “I’d like to finish my meal, then we can get started.”
“You’re not teaching him that ridiculous card game.”
Helios shook her head at her beloved, “I don’t have to. Why, he told me himself he loves card games.”
“Do you?” Emet-Selch asked the new member incredulously. “Uh, yes, sir, I do.” Realizing how this could be taken, he blurted out, “I-I don’t usually play it when I’m working, but-but I was asked to play with her for a work reason.”
“Oh dear…” Emet-Selch rubbed his temples and asked, “I think I know what she’s doing. All right, young one, what did you want to bring to the floor?”
Something within him sparked. That such a powerful creator could possibly listen to someone like him made him feel so honored. “Well, sir, if I may, there’s been many complaints about the process for submitting a concept, and I had an idea for how to streamline it, make it easier for employees to process submissions, and if you’ll hear me out, I think we can make it work”, Elidibus rambled excitedly.
“Hm”, Emet-Selch thoughtfully hummed, “You are correct that many do have trouble with their concepts being input. Long wait lines, a filing system that needs updating…not a bad idea.” He turned his head towards Azem and asked, “But why are you making him play cards for this?”
“I need to see him play now that he’s told me he likes this game. Besides, he may have your support, but I still have my terms.”
“Such are the dealings of our Azem; you truly wish her to be your role model, young man?”
“Role model? I’m simply his coworker.”
“Well, I’m glad you would deny the mantle. It might be better for someone who actually performs his duties to teach him the ropes.”
“Ha! I do my job well, thank you. It’s just not pencil-pushing.”
Emet-Selch shook his head. “Whatever will we do with you?”
“The better one is ‘what will you do without me?’”
“Work, probably.”
She scoffed at him, and told Elidibus, “I’m ready for that game now.”
“Deal me in as well.”
“My stars, Hades- you would play cards at work?”
“We’re not exactly working now, are we?”
A smile formed on her lips as she shuffled the deck. “Not quite. Don’t worry about him, Elidibus, it’s just me you’ll need to beat, not that it’s hard to beat our Emet-Selch at cards.”
“Hmph, slander, my love.”
The three played a good round. Azem gave him a run for his money, but he ultimately succeeded in the end, and received her full support for his proposal. Not that it mattered; she would have supported him anyways, but she enjoyed seeing the young man go from the nervous wreck he started his day as to a more relaxed version of himself, one that realized he was among peers, and not masters.
“There, he won. Are you happy, Helios?” Hades asked annoyedly.
“Quite. Thank you for a good game, my young friend” Azem complimented.
“Now come, Elidibus; it’ll be better for us to discuss this without her influence.” Hades stood up and walked out of her office to go next door. Elidibus stood up, ready to follow him as he requested, but then stopped. Without turning around, he asked her, “Would it be all right if I came back to eat with you tomorrow?”
She grinned. “My friend, anytime I’m in Amaurot, you’re more than welcome here. I’d rather you here than outside in the rain.”
He smiled and said, “Thank you.” Elidibus walked out of her office and moved himself from her office to the Emet-Selch’s.
The day went by without much clamor, then Elidibus gathered his things and left the office for the day. As he walked outside, the humidity left from the rain slicked his skin. It felt sticky, not his favorite sensation. Then he remembered the conversation from his lunch with Azem.
He took a deep breath, and embraced the earthy scent that blessed the city of Amaurot.
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astroellipse · 3 years
rambling time :)
Hmmm I realize now why Urianger is actually leaving the party at this point. It’s to force Thancred to actually do something concerning Minfilia. He’s served primarily as her emotional support up until now, with Thancred... idk he gave her a headpat a couple of times. His optional dialogue there was “I will talk to her. When the times is right.” You dumbass the time has been right for an eternity.
Oh and now we get death baited again. I was genuinely afraid the first time that they really killed Thancred. He seemingly had enough death flags for it, unlike with Y’shtola whose apparent death came from nowhere. God... and the hiding his very soul stuff... I wonder if that’ll make a return later. Certainly is convenient, not to mention dramatic. But man this really was bait, he just like, turns up fine later. Kinda dumb ngl.
Wtf I’m tearing up about Minfilia prime again... god...
Oh... OHHHH I understand what’s going on in this vision now! G’raha is reading Count Edmont’s book, and this roegadyn man is Bigg’s descendant... Huh, that’s funny. Two of the stories from Heavensward got muddled. A hero rides in astride a white dragon to save a little girl... The WoL riding into Ishgard on Midgardsormr, and Vidofnir saving the little girl. Fun detail.
?? Did Emet-Selch just SMILE at the WoL? His eyes crinkled. Do his eyes crinkle anywhere else??? Nobody else even saw that I think it might’ve been genuine, even if it’s just to see that the WoL hasn’t fallen apart yet. Like, he smiles in other places. There’s the mocking smiles, and the one last genuine but sad one near the end, but I can’t recall seeing one like that.
Ah. I think this is it. He’s explaining the Sundering.
I love this line and the delivery...
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His logic makes sense. It IS relative, in this case. It of course doesn’t excuse the killing of millions and whatnot... it’s simply that the Ascians can’t accept things as they are now. A world without Zodiark is wrong. I wonder if they’d ever accept things as they are now if they weren’t tempered.
It’s silly that the game first explains the true nature of Ascians nowadays in some optional dialogue... the unsundered Ancients can raise fragments to become Ascians themselves, presumably anyone... though only fragments of the Convocation of Fourteen can rise to their respective office, through use of those... memory stones, or whatever they were. I’ll get back to that eventually.
Oh. You can also ask about Emet-Selch’s true name here, and there’s foreshadowing that you may one day learn... mannnnnnnnnn why do they have to kill him though??? The Hades fight is cool, though heart breaking. They bring back every other character, even Asahi to an extent for godsakes... The trailer, iirc, had a voice over from him so... maybe... maybe if we get more into the WoL being Azem... I dunno. I want to hope.
Ohhghhg I regret eating right before this bit with Vauthry downing... meol... ugghyhhh the noises this is awful I can feel my stomach turning :( That whole business... it’s not surprising the story moves past it quickly. Still funny though that they never outright acknowledge that all that was literally cannibalism.
Ah. AH!!!! There’s the line!!!!
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So... he recognizes Azem even now. Huh. And what follows... he thinks the WoL would have liked it, Amaurot or however you spell it. He’s being... nice. Oh. That is... a sly proposition. He’s suggesting that the WoL just let things happen, that if they survive they’ll become whole. Of course Emet-Selch would want that, to have his friend back...
And now we come to the silliest plot point in the expansion. Really? Just make a giant Talos? Just like that? Even with an entire nation’s people working on it organizing everything and putting together the materials and all should take an eternity.
Duuuude I hate Mt. Gulg. Also this stupid audio effect they have on Vauthry, the echo is too much it hurts to try and understand what he’s saying, even with the text.
Ohhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy gooooooooooood G’raha’s deception is so bad but... it still hurts....... and Urianger... this is the most intense he sounds in the entire game... that “Do not interfere!”. G’raha!!!! You idiot!!!!! Gggghg. OH MY GOD THAT’S HIS RING HAND! HE’S REACHING TOWARDS HIM WITH THE HAND THAT BEARS HAURCHEFANT’S RING.... UNINTENTIONAL BUT GOOD!!!!!!! And finally his hood..... god.... I’m gonna cry again I can nbarely type./.... his inspiratyion...... and HIM EMET-SELCH!!!!!!!! GGGGGGGGGHGFHGH NO. THIS SUCKS SO BAD@!!!!
Ohhhhhh this story is evil. That it should be able to make you feel bad for disappointing Emet-Selch....... I mean it’s true. You weren’t strong enough, and others pay the price.
Seeing all of this... I wonder if Endwalker will attempt to top this level of relevance the WoL has. Suddenly... they are the existential threat. I mean again I suppose they could if they let the WoL take on Hydaelyn’s power as Zenos suggests. I do still hope that happens.
Ah... and again his ring hand to touch Ardbert..... cute... Hey wait why isn’t the WoL allowed to have any real heart to hearts with any of the Scions. Let them be friends :(
... ... wh. Why have they said the same thing? Emet-Selch says to the WoL before they depart, mocking how the world would react to the WoL’s affliction, “There is no hope. We are finished. Mankind is finished.” And. G’raha says this to Urianger once he arrives originally, to convey people’s reaction to the final calamity that befell the Source. I... suppose... Emet-Selch was watching? But that doesn’t make sense, they discuss other information here he doesn’t know. It’s just to draw a parallel, then? Oh. I see. G’raha then expounds on it and makes it something hopeful.
Oh also. It would have made infinitely more sense for it to have been one of Cid’s descendants to assist G’raha in traveling back in time. I can only assume that SE knows their fans well enough to know there would have been a crowd upset at what that implies with Cid, with how much they play around with the rivalry between him and Nero. Very funny thing to notice.
I can’t get out of my head what must have been the WoL’s original plan to reach Emet-Selch... take an Amaro over open water, then just dive in and swim around until the find him.
Ohhggh... I love Urianger his apology is so cute... he’ll stay by the WoL’s side for as along as he is able, if they’re willing to forgive or at least set aside their displeasure... even if they’re a danger to those around them...
Ohh and Alisaie!!!! This is why ShB is so good they actually CARE about the WoL it’s so nice... Oh right, and Urianger actually acknowledges their poorly thought out plan and thinks it’s silly. I don’t remember this from the first time, that swimming that far would probably make them die from exhaustion anyhow.
I saved this as a draft when my internet was being stupid hoping closing firefox would help. It did not. Anyways i came back to close this up and also note. I have been playing GNB terribly wrong for a while now. You’re granted a bonus damage ogcd after every move of your cartridge combo, not just the last one. I’m so stupid I thought it was like, an option of which one to use, but no. GNB is confusing, the combos are like... barely combos you can interrupt them to do whatever and return to them later. I’m looking at the optimal opener and i can feel my brain melting how the hell do I remember this??? I mean I don’t have to yet, I’m not at 80, but jfc. Idk if I’m ever gonna be able to raid like, properly lining up skills during battles sounds too difficult for me. I have a pea brain when actually fighting things case in point that one raid where it makes you do simple addition and division. It made me think 6+4 was 12. It’s hard enough for me as is to not let too many ogcds drift, at least not too bad...
Anyways. going to keep playing but I can wrap this up.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
wait im gna do my school assignments before anything else but 🥺 ffxiv brainrot
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#I WAS STRESSED EARLIER WAIT#HEAD IN HANDS I AM#AAAHAHHAHAHGJSKFM#i am so sorry it seems i still go insane over fictional charas#i will only ever be this obvious n direct when it comes to fictional people i like#emet-selch n my azem....#please i really want the time to just sit down n think about THEM#i want my azem to complement my wol. not exactly opposites but#my wol's name is Lune i think. but i'm not super sure#either Lune or Nox bcs her oc love interest is artem n if i call her artemis then . uhuh#sobbing i used to pair my wol with aymeric but he's so Old#n then hmmm alphi is HMMMM#alphi wld be if i were to pick from npcs but i think artem . as an oc wld be a better match#cries in white hair n blue eyes#but actually ngl i'm not sure bcs i used to have black eyes for artem huh#but with my wol having black hair n light grey highlights n grey eyes#bro so much of my ocs are Black & White with a dash of blue and purple here n there#oh man ffxiv n my creativity is my stress relief fr i can just escape a bit from my responsibilities#i have this due in 4 hours but i haven't started sob bcs i took a nap after getting home n#i shld finish this draft for the methodology.... urgh . pain#in the future i think i'd enjoy research a lot more. i hate the acaddemic pressure from school#esp as an academic achieving student :') the pressure hurts man i think it's often overlooked#bcs for the past few years dealing w all that academic stress n expectations to do well as usual n then dealing w my mental health. sob.#wait i'm getting off topic........... 🥹 that said though uhh#i love thinking abt the little dynamics w my wol n npc charas. n w my ocs that make up a full party#n then ! help wait im thinking abt my ocs as a whole too#lune/artem in ffxiv n in my original story.... i wna make their names reflect on stuff#i know all the meanings of my oc's names :> n everyone in my life. i love names so much
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i am thinking about ffxiv. my head still aches but in a good way now
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#i really love emet-selch#i love ffxiv so much#gives me so much comfort#huh. i wanted to ramble a bit about emet but#now i can only think about the very fact that i love emet and ffxiv so much#sometimes it surprises me when i realize how much i really do love emet's character#alphinaud was my first proper fave#n though i really also liked thancred yshtola a lot#aymeric became my fave#and haurchefant#but yeah their part's mostly in heavensward so#alphinaud yeah#THEN EMET-SELCH CAME.....#he's not the prettiest nor is he the kindest but#his character's aesthetic is really just my favorite#from his names to his story#i really like sad characters huh 🤕#i love how imperfect all the ffxiv characters are. they all have their flaws in a very human way and it's so beautiful#emet's attachment to his past. the way his love for his home and for his family and friends influenced his actions#i admire his resolve. his dedication. his invincible ideals#he's such a slave to sentiment n we're so similar in that regard#color scheme isn't my no. 1 fave but def smth special to me#dark/white hair. gold eyes. other colors in his palette include red and purple#and perhaps my wol/azem is the blue that balances it out#oh how tragic the eons of loneliness twisted his kindness. the burdens he's carried alone for so long#regret. guilt. how it hurts to remember#i love tragic stories so much T_T#yk every single time emet-selch is referenced or written or wtvr in anything i just get emotional bcs he means so much to me
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