#human x alien? yessss
ja3hwa · 12 days
ahh monster kink i think i have too haha (i haven't write monster x reader one shot though) or more correctly its special creature kink (?) i mean such as siren, hybrid, evil something like that aww
Honey! Anything that isn't human is considered a monster/creature in my book ehehe. But yessss sirens, hybrids, vampires, wolves, fae, orc, alien, monster under your bed. Hehe all of them ahh
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lovesomehate · 2 years
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List of ships that I love but it gets more ✨problematic✨ as it goes on: 39/??
✨Vanilla side✨
Megamind & Roxanne Ritchi - Megamind
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Favorite Human
Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: McCall!Pack x reader (platonic) Word count: 2.8k Summary: It’s Malia who first smells it - the bitter scent that had started to Infiltrate yours - and she, Lyida and Kira decide to find out what was wrong with you...  Warning: Nothing too much really, but it’s slightly Angsty I guess. Also the feels Requested by the amazing, patient and great anon: Hi~,Teen Wolf person again. Can i request a pack image where the reader is hiding something for the pack and the pack are all sort of catching on to it like chemosignals and behaviour. Eventually they kinda piece the bits together and figure it out. they all try to comfort you and help you get better. Something just along those lines.(They could be hiding selfharm stuff, family stuff or they like someone in the group or yeah, you can pick what your comfort writing for) Thank you have a nice day~
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The California sun was beating down on Beacon Hills and its inhabitants, a feeling of peace and calm that was - by now - almost foreign in the city laid in the air and prompted the resident teenagers and young adults to enjoy a day away from school, stress and (for a very special group) life threatening situations. This particular group - the McCall pack, as they were known in the supernatural community of the city - decided to spend their free time on a very nice, but fairly unknown clearing in the beacon hill woods and for once being surrounded by these trees didn’t give them the vibe that one of them could probably die at any given moment. It was a rather nice change. “Uno,” Liam smiled as he slapped a +4 card onto the floor, making Mason groan and throw his head back. It was the third time in a row that Liam was winning and while it seemed to leave you completely cold it annoyed Mason to no end, but he couldn’t stop playing either until either you or him finally beat the wolf. While the three of you were sitting in your game circle, Malia, Lydia and Kira were lounging on a picnic blanket enjoying the sun and having their conversation. The only one who was sitting on the grass like a lost puppy was Stiles, phone in hand but seemingly not having the attention span to focus on it for more than five consecutive seconds. Originally he and Scott had been sitting there together talking about Lacrosse or girls or whatever the two of them talked about when they weren’t planning to save the city, but Scott had - after lots of pleading and begging on his betas part - disappeared into the direction of the city to buy some ice cream for everyone. “Y/N?” Liam shocked your shoulder and you had to shake your head to come back into reality and out of your thoughts. “Yes?” you looked at him with wide doe-eyes full of confusion. “It’s your turn.” “Oh, right, sorry, just lost in thoughts,” you smiled apologetically and shrugged before turning to your cards to think about your next move, not noticing how Liam and Mason exchanged a look. They had started to notice the change in your behaviour only recently. Your usual very cheery, always-seeing-the-best-in-everyone-and-everything self started to be stuck in your thoughts more often and your smile seemed just a little bit off lately. “Here you go,” you looked up again and put a +2 in front of Liam earning a quiet ‘Yessss’ from Mason at the prospect of finally beating his best friend, only to be sorely disappointed when a smirk immediately filled Liam’s face as he victoriously added his own - last - +2 card onto the pile, effectively winning the game and starting a rather useless discussion about whether the fact that the makers of Uno stated that putting a +2 on another +2 and making it a +4 wasn’t allowed counted anything. While Mason and Liam kept on blickering you pulled yourself up from the grass-floor and wandered over to the girls who welcomed you with kind smiles and made space for you on the blanket. As you sank down you were immediately pulled into Malias lap who hugged you into her and pressed her nose into your neck and y/h/l hair to smell you - a habit of hers that you had at first found more than disturbing but by now had gotten used to. In fact, the more time you spent with your not-quite-human friends and acquaintances, the more you noticed that they all had their own little versions of that, even though with Malia it was the most extreme since she was still the one running mostly on her basic instincts. At least that’s how Stiles explained it to you. He said that since you were logically seen the most vulnerable and ‘weak’ member of the pack their natural instincts where to protect and shield you from all dangers and make sure you are alright and - after your initial reaction of punching the hell out of Stiles’ shoulder in order to show him just how not-weak you were - you started registering it more and more. It was mostly very little things with Scott, Liam, Derek and in some situations (even though rarely) Peter like little hugs and giving you their clothes to scent you, pushing themselves in front of you in the face of even the most harmless of situations or the way they just sometimes randomly turned up at your house (this was mostly Scott, Liam and Malia though) to check if you’re okay even if they could just call. With Malia it was all that, but times ten in intensitivity. And the smelling. Malia herself wasn’t quite sure why, but she simply loved your natural scent. It always managed to calm her down. So you got used to her randomly smelling at you even if it did weird you out from time to time. Usually she would pull back after a few seconds, give you a happy smile and get back to what she was doing before like nothing happened, but this time when she drew back she looked at you displeased and confused. “Is something the matter?” you asked just as confused and now the other girls, who had gotten used to Malias antics and taken on the habit of just completely ignoring it in order not to get growled at, got curious as well and turned their attention towards you. “Something’s off,” Malia grumbled and scrunched her nose like she’s smelt something rotten. “Oi!” you scoffed and moved back a little, feign being offended, “Are you telling me I stink?” “No,” Malia sighed and rolled her eyes, “It’s not that, it’s just...your scent is- I don’t know how to put it really. Bitter? I think?” “What does that mean?” Lydia asked, her interest now seemingly spiked. “‘M not sure,” Malia shrugged and moved forward to take another good sniff at your hair, only for you to move your head back out of her reach and put your hands on her shoulders to keep her a distance away from you. “I think that’s quite enough,” you chuckled, but it sounded mechanical almost, “I appreciate the concern, but I don’t really think me smelling bitter means anything.” Noticing the way you held yourself defensive, something that you almost never did, all three of the girls wanted to investigate further, but you quickly moved off of Malia’s lap and stood up. “Oh look, there’s our ice cream,” you smiled as if nothing was happening and jogged over to your Alpha to help him. “This was weird, right? She’s acting weird, isn’t she?” Kira questioned and looked between the other two girls who nodded, “What’s that about?” “Not sure, but we gotta find out before the boys notice anything. Malia is bad enough already, but if the male wolfies find out we’ll have a real problem on our hands,” Lydia sighed and inspected you from afar. 
After then the three of them noticed it far more often, the way you held yourself changed and your smile seemed to lessen by the day. By the time you started to fold into yourself and Malia said that your smell was getting more bitter, to the extent that she could smell it above almost everything else surrounding you, they knew that it had gotten out of their hands. They had to involve the others as much as they dreaded their reactions. As they had predicted Scott, Liam and - surprisingly enough for a human - Stiles didn’t react kindly to it, immediately planning to confront you. But in a turn of events, their thirst for actions and the girls rational thinking evened each other out and they decided on an approach that was reluctant enough to not scare you away, while also - hopefully - pushing you to tell them what was wrong. They wanted to do it in an environment that you felt comfortable in so they decided to go to your place, but that meant that they couldn’t all come, since they didn’t want to overwhelm you either. So, after a long and exhausting discussion, they decided that Stiles would be the one who’d go in first to make sure everything was clear and then give the others a heads up to follow. The Pack was standing - as inconspicuous as it was possible for a group of five - on the other side of the street your house was in as Stiles was walking down your driveway, welcomed by a cute door plate that had obviously been made my a little child and he was pretty safe in his assumption that you had been the one who had made it when you were younger. After taking a breath of reassurance Stiles raised his hand and knocked on the door. You must have been near the door already, because not even ten second later the door was tipped open and you stared at him with tired eyes, in your alien Pajamas with messy hair. If Stiles had not known better he would have assumed you had tried to sleep. “Who is it Honey?” He heard the voice of your mother scream, but the usual sweet voice he was used to hearing from her was strained and mixed with annoyance. “Uhm...It’s Stiles! My friend from school, he was here last month to study for my english exam, you remember?” “Oh, yes,” your mother walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway, “Hello Stiles.” Stiles returned the greeting, but his thoughts were more occupied by the state of your mother. Her hair looked unwashed and even more messy than yours, obviously not because of sleep, but rather because she hadn’t brushed it in a while, there were red stains under her eyes, the skin around it dry and strained, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that she must have cried - a lot - and her blouse was wrinkled, which he knew from their previous meetings and what you had told him about her would usually be a no-go for her. “Well, if you’ll excuse me,” she smiled, but it was tight-lipped and obviously forced, but before she disappeared into the kitchen again she looked at you, “Y/N, make it fast please.” You just nodded and turned back to Stiles. “Hey,” he said again, a little bit uncertain now, the situation having thrown him off of the plan he had made in his head on the way from the pack to the door. “Hi,” you said and he had to admit that you were definitely your mothers daughter by the way your forced smile perfectly resembled hers. “I wanted to talk to you, uhm, we - I mean me and the pack by that, well it started with Lydia, Malia and Kira, but anyways - we noticed that you’ve been...how do I put this correctly- well, I guess you’ve been off more lately and so we’ve been worried, because usually you smile a lot and you always make unfunny jokes and all that and now you don’t so-” Stiles rambled and just let everything flow out at once, probably would have continued to do so if you hadn’t held up your hand to stop him. “Not-Not here, okay? I’ll answer your questions, but not here. Let’s take this outside, please,” you shut Stiles up and took his arm to lead him out of your house and onto your porch where you sat down on the stairs leading onto your front law. For a while there was silence as Stiles found himself unsure of what to do next, but he could basically feel the piercing stares of his friends on him. After a few seconds of contemplating he sat down beside you, while still keeping a little bit of distance - just to make sure he wasn’t too overwhelming. “So…” “Yeah, so…” “Why...have you been so off?” Stiles asked but honestly couldn’t help but cringe a bit at how completely un-smooth he sounded. “I- It’s-” you tried multiple approaches, but stopped yourself every time, only to sink your face into your hands and sigh, “I’m sorry.” You raised your face again and looked at Stiles and he could see the sadness, this slight sense of despair. “Hey, it’s okay, don’t rush yourself,” Stiles tried to comfort you, “If you can’t tell me that’s okay, we’re just all very worried about you. We want to make sure that you’re okay.” “No, it’s fine, I- I think I actually wanted to tell you all for a while, but- I don’t really know, it’s just been hard for me… My parent’s have been going through some rough patches for the last few months and now my dad - he,” you stopped again and hugged your arms around you, Stiles couldn’t help but notice the glistening of tears in your eyes, “-He moved out two weeks ago. I mean, sure there were signs, it wasn’t working well by all means, but moving out? That was pretty shocking for my mom and me.” By now the tears had started rolling down your face and Stiles couldn’t hold back anymore. He moved closer to you and laid his arm around your shoulder to pull you into him. It seemed that the pack couldn’t hold back anymore either, because only a few seconds either Lydia was kneeling in front of you holding your hands, the rest also finding positions around you - hoping to give you as much comfort as possible. You gave them a wet chuckle, even though your tears didn’t stop flowing. “I could’ve guessed that you’re not far. I’m sorry for being a mess.” “No, Don’t ever be sorry for feeling. We love you and that means that we’ll be there for you through the bad times just as we are in the good times,” Scott assured you and lovingly petted your head even though he knew that you always complained about how it made you feel like a little child or a puppy. “Thank you guys for being here - it’s just a lot right now. My mom is expecting me to be on her side, while my dad keeps expecting me to decide about where I’m going to live now. He wants me to move with him to New York into the city he grew up in, but I don't want to leave Beacon Hills. I have my whole life here, my school, you guys, my mom, literally everything, but I also don’t want to lose him- It’s just, I feel so torn and it seems like every choice I could take would be the wrong one,” you were full on sobbing at that point, but it was clear enough for your friends to understand you. “Hey, It’s okay,” Lydia tried to calm you down, “I know that this seems like an impossible choice, but I can assure you we will find a way. We’ve defeated some of the greatest evils that the world has seen and we were successful. We’ll be just as successful with this, okay?” You started nodding and for the first time in a while you were actually feeling just a little bit like yourself again, a sliver of home filling your heart at all your friends who were by your side and supporting you. “Lydia’s right,” Scott agreed. “There’s one thing I gotta ask though,” Liam started and before anyone else with a little more sense of sensibility could stop him asked: “Why didn’t you tell us before? I mean we’re you’re best friends ri-” At that moment Mason basically threw himself at him and put his hand in front of his mouth to shut him up. “You don’t have to answer that,” Kira assured you, but you just shook your head. “No, it’s fine, I get why he asked. I- I guess I just thought - it’s like Lydia said, we fight evil on a weekly base, we have to worry about so much more serious things than my stupid family drama.” “Now listen to me,” Lydia spoke up in her I-will-take-no-talkbacks-voice and looked at your sternly, “This is not stupid and it is by no means less imporant than anything else we do, okay? Maybe it’s not life-threatening or supernatural, but it is still hurting you and as friends we can’t let anything hurt our favorite human, can we now?” And in that moment everything was okay again - if only for just a few seconds - with your friends by your side and Stiles yelp of protest, because he insisted that he was at least Scott’s favorite human, - earning himself a look from Scott that told him that what Lydia said also applied to him - even made you laugh your normal laugh again. And so, when Malia finally got close enough to you with all your friends surrounding you to smell your scent, she found that your normal, sweet scent was finally returning again, and even though there was still a bitter undertone to it she now was sure that it would soon be back to her favorite scent again.
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megatraven · 3 years
atlas for the character hcs? :o
yessss <3 (the mc mentioned is human mc, not alien)
1. sexuality headcanon: demiro and demisexual. demi all the way babeyyy!
2. otp: atlas x mc, atlas x mc x jaxon
3. brotp: atlas & jaxon, atlas & orion, atlas & nova, atlas & comet, atlas & adira (??? was that her name efrtgrefrtgh)
4. notp: none
5. first headcanon that pops into my head: the very first moment following what happened to his squadron where he wasn't constantly aware in some way of his survivor's guilt came early into knowing mc, and she's helped him carve out more moments where he's happy to be alive since then
6. one way in which I relate to this character: threatens people with empty threats :) (for him its the airlock, for me it's destroying them in general)
7. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: when he got scolded by mc for fighting with tyrian LMAO
8. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: hgnghh... cinnamon roll..
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purplesurveys · 4 years
All About the Letter A!
Please List! (at least one)
Animals I Like: Aspins! That’s what we call our native dogs, and usually they’re street dogs. Since they come from the street, they can eat all types of human food with no problem and are generally less likely to contract serious diseases. They make for amazing guard dogs and are just the best companions. Kimi’s part aspin :)
Foods I Like: There’s a local place that makes really good avocado cheesecake, and I’ll go with that.
I Know Someone Who’s (jobs): Anthropologist, air cabin crew, and accountant.
I Wouldn’t Mind Visiting: Athens, Arizona, Antarctica.
Sometimes I Feel: Anxious is the word I’m looking for most of the time these days. Sometimes I also get agitated.
Music I Listen To: Against Me!, Ariana Grande, alt-J, Adele.
Movies I’ve Seen: Anomalisa, A Clockwork Orange, A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Streetcar Named Desire, Amélie, American History X, Adventureland.
Names I Like: Amelie/Amelia, Alessandra, Arden, Ava, Audrey.
And now, onto the random questions!
Are you able to distinguish the difference of when to use “a” versus “and”? If the survey meant a/an, then yes.
Have you ever been in an airplane before? Yessss, a bunch of times. Riding airplanes never fails to make me feel excited, too.
Are you available? No. Which reminds me of some asshole who messaged my Facebook last week and said he wanted “to talk” to me because I’m “pretty.” I was the most horrified demisexual and my fingers went straight to the Block option lol.
What’s the best/funniest “autocorrect” that has happened to you/in your phone? Fuck turning into duck is always funny.
Abercrombie, American Eagle, or Aeropostale for clothes? Pass. I think all three of these shops went out of style like a decade ago.
Do you believe in angels or aliens? I believe in extraterrestrial life but not in the big head, green skin, big black eyes way that they’re usually portrayed as. I don’t believe in angels.
Have you ever been arrested? Nope.
Can you tell the difference between acute, right, and obtuse angles? Yes.
Do you appreciate art? In which forms? I appreciate all kinds of art, but like if I was in an art museum I would always flock to paintings.
Does any part of your body currently ache? Which part? Nothing is aching but my entire body is feeling very hot because it’s noon.
Do you get a lot of acne? Only whenever I’m really stressed in school. When all my deadlines start coming together, there’s always one or two noticeable pimples that show up and it’s always in an unfortunate area on my face, like in the middle of my eyes.
Are you athletic? To an extent, I guess? I can play table tennis and have shown good reflexes in sports like futsal.
Who/what are you attracted to? What attractive qualities do you find appealing? I’m demisexual; who I’m attracted to depends on who I’ve become close with, so having a list of desirable traits around doesn’t work for me.
Favorite author? I don’t have one.
Favorite actor or actress: Kate Winslet.
Do you consume alcohol? Yesssss and am always down for it.
Do you have any ailments? Not anymore! I had a UTI last week but with some very good antibiotics prescribed to me by Angela’s mom I’ve been feeling better for around a week now. It was bad for a while though and I kept having a fever that never went away and I could barely go up and down the stairs without feeling faint.
Do you wear an apron when you cook? No. I don’t think we even have aprons at home.
What time do you normally fall asleep? Midnight or a few hours after that.
Have you ever broken your arm or your ankle? I’ve sprained an ankle before. I had a bad fall, embarrassingly, in front of a rally that was ongoing at school at the time.
What is your age? 22.
Do you typically win or lose arguments? With Gabie, it only ever ends in a truce because neither of us like losing. With my mom, I let her win so that I can pretty much continue staying in this house, but she doesn’t know I could essentially kill her if I just chose to turn up my arguments to 100% lmao. 
Do you believe in astrology? No and it’s really hard to like people who take them incredibly seriously. A worst breed of people is those who like astrology but relentlessly shit on the MBTI test like...sure it might be bogus too, but at least you take a million questions about your personality on the MBTI test...
Do you enjoy going to amusement parks? My friends and I don’t ever have time to go to amusement parks, but even if we did, I’d probably be the friend that doesn’t go half the time. I just wouldn’t get my money’s worth in places like those since I don’t go on rides anyway.
Do you like the color aqua? It’s not a bad color at all. < True.
What are your aspirations? Get a great start into my career, save some money to help my parents for a bit, move out, travel some, and ultimately, all the white picket fence stuff with the person I’ll be with. Idk, I’m conventional when it comes to my goals.
Do you have any allergies? I don’t.
What is one of your most awkward moments? I have at least one everyday. Same goes for embarrassing moments.
Describe your appearance: I’m 5′1″, black shoulder-length hair with bangs, dark brown eyes, two ear piercings with one of the piercings ripped open from an accident, and shoulders that are a little bit tilted if you look closely because of my scoliosis.
What kind of an accent do you have? I wouldn’t know how to describe it but I have just a teeeeeny bit of an American accent due to me talking in English most of the time with nearly everyone I know, but it’s not perfect because of my Filipino tongue. It’s the same accent as those who went to private school and speaks English as a first language.
Are you addicted to anything? I don’t have any serious addictions but I will never pass up the chance to eat macarons, cheesecake, and any dish with truffle in it.
What are you afraid of? Death, cockroaches, losing the people I love, being in the kitchen and having something get on fire, getting eaten alive by an animal, drowning in the middle of the ocean or sea.
Are you big on showing affection? Intimately, like if it’s only the two of us together. I don’t like being too showy when in public because I know a good number of people don’t like it.
Do you live in an apartment? Nope. House.
Do you prefer Apple products? Yeah, all the gadgets I use regularly are Apple.
Have you ever received an award? For what? The last one I received was in elementary school for winning in a quiz bee.
Are you an Aquarius or an Aries? No.
Which alarms have you heard before? My phone’s, the fire alarm in emergency drills, the national local alerts on my phone whenever there’s a typhoon, earthquake, or volcano eruption, firetruck siren, ambulance siren, police siren.
Have you ever been under anesthesia before? What was the outcome? No and I am scaredddddd for the possibility. As far as I know that’s an injection too; and besides, I might end up saying embarrassing shit in front of my parents.
Anything else that you’d like to ask? Nopes.
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scullydubois · 5 years
thoughts on Biogenesis (6x22)
Written by Chris Carter, Frank Spotnitz Directed by Rob Bowman
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Can't believe I’m on the last episode of season 6...that’s so sad
An opening VO from Miss Gillian...whew, a rare occurrence 
A history lesson from Scully...it’s what we deserve
I have to say, the sixth extinct definitely is underway by now
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What does it mean….what does it all mean
Oh shit
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He’s at American University 
This is starting off a bit slow
TBH, it just looks like regular old hieroglyphics to me
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Oof, not good
FBI headquarters? Heard of it
Okay, fringe theory is cool
Ooo the doctor is missing
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Y’all, there’s a whole elevator
Sir….are you good Mulder
I like how neither one of them is particularly alarmed by his not being able to hear
Samantha’s still out there huh….ridiculous
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Sir….get some medical help sir
It is just a piece of paper..for now
It’s a fake rubbing
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Navajo! Is that guy from the Blessing Way gonna come back
A fraud...but why
Mulder’s got a sense
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YESSSS I loved the code talker
Does she look like she’s packing any latex, Mulder
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Welp...found the body
This is not gonna end well for Mulder, let’s be honest
Cosmic galactic radiation
Listen to her Mulder, I swear to god
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Fuck I forgot about the chip or whatever inside Skinner
Krycek, leave
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At least the code talker started transcribing it before he got wheeled off
Mulder….Mulder please
You’re so dumbass
STOP Mulder
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He’s collapsing
Scully’s chasing someone
Krycek, you bitch ass
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Scully’s getting ANSWERS and she’s getting answers NOW
The Bible came from aliens *not clickbait*
Uhh, it’s spinning
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Diana Fowley, I know it’s you, don’t hide from me
This is some shit
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I knew Chris Carter was gonna do us like this
If there’s a Diana/Mulder sex scene, I’m logging out
Nooooo Albert
Scully’s asking some deep questions 
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Fuck, Mulder’s hospitalized
But also, can’t trust Skinner now either
Psychiatric unit? What did Diana do
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He’s gone crazyyyyyyyy
“Not to me”
What happened to Diana after Mulder and Scully got put back on the X-Files
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Damn...Scully said fuck all y’all
Healing rituals
Is she looking for cameras
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Oh yikes...found one
Convenient timing
The human genome ties into this? Why
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RIP Dr. Sandoz
Krycek you ugly ass bitch
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I like how she just freaking went to Africa...what else can she do
That is a spacecraft huh...alright
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Consensus: There’s a lot of balls in the air right now, I’m ready to see how they’re all gonna come down.
4 out of 5 stars
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spector · 5 years
tell me about odyss! 👀
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HDGHODHGIHG YESSSS... I DONT THINK IVE EVER EXPLAINED ODYSS TO ANYONE BRO.... I LOVE HIM SO MUCH hes like one of my first Serious OCs.... hes heavily inspired by my fear of dying in deep space that ive had ever since i was a kid for whatever reason. 
odyss is also somewhat inspired by american gods bc he is in a way a godlike creature, symbolizing humanity's want to explore but also conquer space, think of him as a New God in a way. he appears as a skeleton in an astronaut suit and he literally is a reanimated body. he was a NASA astronaut (one of the first ones) that got separated from the station while fixing some shit outside and he just drifted away and died in his space suit. except that Some Cosmic Power chose to bring him back to life and many years after his death, he just appeared inside the same space station, COMPLETELY SCARING everybody onboard. (like imagine ur minding ur business and suddenly theres a quiet skeleton in a space suit staring at you IN THE MIDDLE OF SPACE). 
he came back with them to earth because he completely forgot his identity, learned some things about his past, realized that there is no more (heh) space for him on earth, this isnt his world anymore. so he just returned to space. the government knows he exists (and tbh now that i think abt it, he’d make a GREAT x-files episode tbh). there are ways to make him return to earth (NASA is known for sometimes reaching out to him and asking him questions about space-related things and he always answers in such vague poetic ways, it rly is like praying to a god). but overall, he definitely prefers to be alone and just drift between stars, visit dead planets and take comfort in the fact that space is SO TERRIBLY EMPTY bc he himself is just a shell.
he is known to appear to astronauts in moments of danger, sometimes signaling that their death is imminent. but he’s also guided some of them to safety, so you never know what you’re gonna get with him. 
his name is obviously inspired by the odysseus myth bc he too is locked in eternal voyage but the difference is that odyss has seen his home but it no longer felt as such so he chose to return to the very thing that killed him and stay there bc he knows his death more than he knows his life... and also he lets me explore themes of mythologizing space and its TIGHT, i love him, love drawing inspirations from things that genuinely freak me out, like the complete stillness and emptiness of space. the space in which odyss lives doesnt have aliens in it, theres no life, theres just this feel of entropy...UGH !
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brainy-storm · 6 years
S415 - Where you at, bro? (½)
General Thoughts:
ahahaha I knew Eve was bad but dang she had no regrets, wow. Unapologetically a bad guy. Nice.
I found the storyline with Manchester a bit odd, hmm. And the way he died was very...unceremonious. I’m hoping he’s not actually dead, hm.
LEX LUTHOR. But I’ll have a section on him later.
I think that the CW writes family dynamics, really well in this episode. Especially all the sibling dynamics, just good.  (which is why my next sections will be split in families)
The Danvers:
I like how Alex is so concerned over James, because yeah they’re all friends and she’s also just like ‘where are you’ Kara because she’s worried their friend is about to die and Kara isn’t around
And it just shows ooooof this mind wipe thing is even more painful
But Kara is also trying to help J’onn, who is torn over his family
And he can’t bear to lose Kara or Alex because that would be like losing his family all over again i cri
And then Kara telling J’onn he’s important to her and Alex no matter what
And then Alex and Kara hugging it out
J’onn and Manchester:
Just before moving onto the other families, I just find it very weird for J’onn to go from 0 of no violence to the 100 of killing.
There must have been a way to apprehend Manchester. unless, again he’s not actually dead which would be good
But I am glad that if he did kill Manchester, he’s already reflecting on it and there might be repercussions.
why do I also feel like idk...Manchester might have recorded the whole thing to see an ‘alien’ kill a ‘human’ and then it would cause more tension and have a war. But maybe I just watch too many dramatic shows haha
The OIsens:
I mean James was mostly asleep but it was interesting to learn a bit more about him. Like how he had to run away from home before. And how he’s been to the hospital like 12 times cause of stuff like wow James. So this must date pre-Guardian stuff, like dang.
Anyway, I liked Kelly’s introduction
I give her my good-sister stamp of approval for not agreeing to go with Lena’s solution right away because yeah, she didn’t know Lena through anyone but James, and they hadn’t met so it makes sense. It seems like a realistic kind of reaction and I can see myself doing the same in that situation 
But she also wanted to take the chance to save her brother when things seemed bleak and saw that she should trust in her brother’s friends (or chosen family, as she called it which got meeee)
Oof she needs
Also leaving James with the phone to talk to his mum - YEP. SIBLINGS. 
The Luthors:
The whole time I was screaming LENA HE TRYIN TO TRICK YOU.
I mean she kinda knew but also kinda fell for it a bit.
I feel bad for her cause she thought her brother was dying, even though he’s an evil person, she still cares for him as a brother. And then he told her about her mother which is WOW but  yeah after getting her whole backstory with her mother, I see why he got to her like that
And his acknowledgement of her achievements was good too. She deserved that, at the very least from her family.
The Luthor dynamic was really good, like just how I wanted it to be. Excellent.
ALSO OTIS. WAs alive daNG. Mate. I thought maybe Mercy might have been alive but it was Otis wowow. That reveal also got me cause I was like good that guard can drop that water cause he knows Lex is a SHIT. But it was Otis like well done dude I actually 0% saw that coming.
Eve just changing her outfit to be typical bad-guy was lol but also perfect.
Poor Lena’s face, though when she saw Eve betrayed her.
Lex freakin Luthor:
YESSSS. I like it. I love that they just made him like ‘I’m a bad guy, and I know it.’ Like he knows people see him as a villain and he’s like ‘yeah I do what I want’
Straight up just murders everyone.
Idk I just like villains where it’s a clear cut ‘aha, yes, BAD MAN IS BAD’. But also smart. so like Supergirl can just try and fight him without constraint, cause he’s LEX LUTHOR who murders people seemingly for fun (or at least just with complete disregard)
Also, I love how he calls James ‘Jimmy’ to mock him, and like I bet he already disapproved of the relationship with Lena because he’s like public friends with Superman (signal watch ahem), and then ofc got him shot like yeaaah.
They probs won’t try and get Supes down cause it’s Supergirl’s show but I hope that someone tells him all about this later.
Or we get like a space-text with a ‘Good job Kara :) ‘( I missed those cute texts from season 1)
I like how Nia is shown to be integrated to their group, like even though she hasn’t been part of it for long, she has been there for the game nights and James is her first boss (yes?) (or one of her first boss’), and he’s given her advice and actually she came out to James before she did to Kara so I feel like the emotional bond is there for her to be really upset over this. 
I also see why she jumps to saying she should have predicted this, because she already predicted and failed to save her mother, and - though the show doesn’t say this - maybe she thought that since becoming a superhero and getting her powers she should’ve been able to predict things like this. Maybe the show will say it later (hopefully)
In a way, she’s also with her chosen family, after what happened with her sister. which hopefully we’ll follow up on, one day
Okay so, like you know how I love Brainy? (whaat? brainy-storm? You love BRAINY? REALLY? ok ok shh)
Firstly, him blaming himself was on point for this, because he has so much pride and expectation on himself and feels responsible, he thought he should have been able to predict this all and should have been able to fly into CatCo and do this before it happened arghhh.
It’s also in line with his character from s3 where he was frustrated about not being able to get the signal to space, or in 4x04 where he was upset he couldn’t think of anything to help Supergirl --- which he does bring up
I mean, poor Brainy.
But seriously, so from that I’m taking O.G Brainy [which hasn’t happened yet because if Brainiac came to Earth I feel like they would knowww  soo...future storyline?] But also Brainy’s evil mum from reboot so yessss. And more too probs.
And Mon-El being dismissive - I wonder if this is in like a general sometimes the legion is harsh/dismissive or is this in a threeboot like leadership battle with Cosmic Boy kind of way. 
Both the ancestry and the Mon-El mention I feel deserve to have longer explanations and I wishhhhh he could have elaborated.
And then him saying he had to move his whole existence MY POOR BRAINY
Anyway, I just want to say Jesse Rath freaking smashed it. Like seriously, his scenes were not going to affect the main storyline of this episode but he was like THIS IS MY CHARACTER PIECE AND I WILL PERFORM THE HELL OUT OF IT.
If you click on this link you can see a tweet that shows that Jesse Rath bled after punching that vending machine. 1. I hope he takes care of himself 2. but I appreciate this effort like wow 
Era? I think a mix of all eras were channelled here well.   
shipper thoughts, as usual, will be on 2/2 but yeah I ship kara x brainy so pfft this episode was not great for me in that aspect but that, firmly  aside I thought it was very good 
23 notes · View notes
agentkittyhawk · 3 years
Supergirl rewatch: 2x15
- So are all aliens human shaped/able to disguise themselves as humans?
- Snapper is such a good journalist
- I forgot how reckless and impulsive Maggie is, a grenade!
- What the heck J'onn, that was so cruel. Also, did you break into your employee's apartment to do that?? Questionable actions all around.
- Alex and Maggie do make a great crime-fighting team
- Oh, the ship actually had a destination! I thought they were just randomly blasting them into space
- Mon-el x Kara is a major squick for me, so I will be pretending that doesn't exist
- I get Kara going rogue and blogging the article, but also, does she have any following on a blog? Is it an official CatCo blog? Or is she just sending an article out onto the internet and hoping people find it?
- Guess it worked because Lillian found it immediately.
- Coffee late at night Kara? Nice excuse lol
- Yessss Alex and explosives. Also it's delightful to see someone follow through with their threat
- So many story ideas from the spaceship, and what a great scene between Kara and Alex
0 notes