effectfsa · 2 years
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The chemical messenger of a body also known as hormones is the key component for sending multiple signals into the tissues and other organs through the bloodstream.
It acts as a catalyst for glands' overall functionalities.
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onnocollective · 3 years
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Conversations w/ Human Harmonics
a conversation with musician Human Harmonics, who is behind the track titled 'ETHER'. Filled with noisy, dark ambient tunes, ETHER is track number 04 from our compilation tape - rough cuts
Listen to ETHER here -
OC: How have you been in the pandemic ? Human Harmonics: Mostly depressed
OC: What is one piece of music that you can’t erase from your head
Definitely, Charm (Over Burundi Cloud) by Brian Eno and Jon Hassel. I was fifteen when I’d first chanced upon the track and it completely changed how I thought about music and sound. Their whole Possible Musics album is so good. Just timeless music
OC: What type of music have you been the most into these days? Any particular track?
Recently have been listening to this piece by İlhan Mimaroğlu called Wings of the Delirious Demon. It’s composed of a series of effects being applied to some sounds from a clarinet. The piece was made way back in the 1960s but strangely sounds alien even today
OC: Describe your setup and your music-making process
Its mostly my laptop - using Ableton. Sometimes I switch over to TidalCycles and mess around with my folder of recorded samples
OC: Did you have any visual motif in mind during the making of your track - ETHER?
Not a motif per se - but I had this visual of myself sliding down this long tube - like those things that they have at water parks. Thats it
OC: Have you noticed any changes in the way you approach music now compared to when you first started ?
The only thing I want to focus on is to avoid falling into the pitfall of making repetitive stuff just because that comes easier to me. I enjoy sounds that keep transforming, keep moving - sounds that feel alive
OC: How did you get started with music?
I used to play a bit of tabla when I was a kid. My parents being the typical Bengali parents, wanted me to pick up tabla as one of my after school activities, mostly because my father used to play a bit as well. But that was more like an activity I used to do.
Fast forward a couple years later and one of my friends showed me this mobile app called Piconica. Started playing around with it and before I knew it, I was hooked. Have been making music ever since
OC: What have you been currently working on?
I have been trying to put together some of my pieces into a small project. Don't know if I can describe it as an album per se, but it does have a story behind it. So have been mostly working on that
OC: What type of music have you always wanted to try your hand at ?
I've always wanted to play a piece with real instruments. Would also be fun to make some dark ambient Jazz
OC: Which do you prefer - experimenting and discovering a song while in the making process or having a rough mental idea beforehand and then trying to actualise it ?
Definitely discovering while making it
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effectfsa · 2 years
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Let's start hustling!
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