#huo daofu x wu xie
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l really don’t know whether to cry about wu xie’s face or laugh at this whole thing and esp xiao bai being like “what kind of sorcery is this? he never ever listens” lmao
and huo daofu who has witnessed the pingxie insanity:
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dual-domination · 1 year
6 and 7 for the shipping game
Your numbers say something about you, Arjun.
6 - "Exes"/"Divorced" ship Wu Xie and Huo Daofu are divorced without ever being in a relationship. Does that count? Nieyao for sure. The most dramatic Exes/Divorced ship in Danmei, ever. They even got a necromantic couple therapy!
7 - Non-con/Taboo ship Hard to think abt a taboo ship, since **different cultures**. I'd say Jackson/Heath is the closer I get of a taboo ship bc they're first cousins, but let me say smt: I live in a country where it's not only legal to marry a cousin, is widely celebrated, especially by the family itself. Meanwhile, in US, it's illegal in many states and people from there threw stones at me for shipping them. My first reaction was confusion, bc here you'll never get any bad comment abt being in a relationship with a cousin, this is very romantic for my culture. (Non-con is out of question, as you know).
Thanks for the (polemic) ask kjsjkskjjs
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programmedradly · 3 months
Writing Patterns
Thank you for the tag, @forerussake! <3
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
The Lantern welcomes him. - when the lights go up and the music stops, Guardian, Weilan
"Where is he?" - catch me if you can, Guardian, Weilan
It occurs to Chang Dong about a minute after starting the engine and turning the car around that maybe it would have been a better idea to take Liuxi's Jeep home and come back later to fetch his own. - you whose heart would sing of anarchy, Parallel World, Ye Liuxi x Chang Dong
Shen Wei is on his way home when the first few signs of rain turn into heavy drops, falling to the ground in quicker and quicker succession, until the sky opens and the sidewalk becomes alive with people trying to hurry somewhere dry. - all in the knowing of you, Guardian, Weilan
When they're in bed together, she likes to put her cheek on Chang Dong's chest and listen to his heartbeat. - putting songs into the hearts of the doomed, Parallel World, Ye Liuxi x Chang Dong
A huge dining table in the middle of the precinct is an idea way more police departments should adopt, Ray thinks. - One More Day, Guardian/Due South crossover, Gen
He finds Bai Haotian outside, keeping dry under the roof and anxiously peering out into the darkness. - not only the sugar, but the days, Lost Tomb Reboot, Huo Daofu x Bai Haotian
"My grandma said it was a family curse," Changcheng says, a crooked smile pulling at his lips. - (like i was looking for a place to rest), Guardian, Chuguo
There's a small notebook at the very back of the drawer in the nightstand in Xiaoge's room in Wushanju. - I will set sails and follow the breeze, Lost Tomb Reboot, Iron Triangle
He goes to bed as soon as they get home, because he's tired, he's always so tired, and being trapped inside the Huo residence didn't help. - i think of loss and i can only think of you, Ultimate Note, Pingxie
Hmm. Something I like to do is not using names in the first line. Sometimes I add them after the fact, if I think just using pronouns might be confusing for readers. But when I start writing, it's usually after thinking about the story for so long, it's perfectly clear to me who "he" is, so why should I specify Zhao Yunlan?
Sometimes I pick a canon hook to start a story, like the scene in Lost Tomb Reboot where they wait for Wu Xie in the rain, and then take it from there.
Otherwise I guess I ilke to start pretty much in medias res. I'm not really seeing much of a pattern. 😅
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eirenical · 3 years
*drops by to yell about "post-canon Huo Daofu and Xiao Ge… time-sharing Wu Xie"* <3 <3
AHAHAHA-- RIGHT. So, @elenothar when I told you I wanted to hold on to this ask and let the fic percolate, I didn't think it would then CONSUME MY THOUGHTS for the next several days until I had to get some of it down on paper. O_o;;; So, this is shaping up to be longer than originally intended, and this bit is still on the rough side, but here's the first (1200+ word) scene? To gauge interest, maybe? (...oh who am I kidding; interest or no interest, I'm gonna write it anyway. XD) Enjoy? ^_^
It was quiet. The party that had raged and roared like a living beast for hours before now slumbered. Huo Daofu threaded his way carefully through the sleeping and unconscious bodies it had left in its wake to take up a careful perch on one of the few remaining upright pieces of furniture. As he settled in, the bench's occupant lifted his bottle to clink aimlessly against his, then briefly raised it before taking a pull. Huo Daofu obediently took a sip from his own bottle; there was little enough left in it.
Lowering his bottle, Huo Daofu let it dangle loosely from his hand as he leaned over to brace his elbows on his knees. It had been a long time since he'd indulged himself this way. A very long time. Beside him, Wang Pangzi leaned back to rest his elbows on the table behind them, tipping his head back. He was smiling. "Now *that* was a party."
The corners of Huo Daofu's lips pulled up in an answering smile before he even realized they had. They'd been doing that a lot lately. Smiling without his express permission.
They used to do that often. Before.
The smile fell from Huo Daofu's lips as though it had been washed away by a bucket of cold water. He'd been down this road before. He'd been down this road before, and it had only led him to heartbreak. He had no desire to travel it again now that he knew where it led. He looked up, gaze catching on the only other upright person in the room. Zhang Qiling. Xiao-ge. Wu Xie's Menyouping. Wu Xie's—
Huo Daofu tore his gaze away, closing his eyes to the sight and finishing off his bottle in one long pull. By the time he had finished, Pangzi's leg was a heavy line of warmth against his own, his outstretched knee lazily nudging into him. He laughed. "Now, where have I seen that look before, I wonder?"
Taking advantage of the few inches remaining on his side of the bench, Huo Daofu shifted away, frowning to discourage Pangzi from claiming the inches he'd ceded. Pangzi, of course, took no notice. Wu Xie had ruined his understanding of personal space, like he had for so many others… if Pangzi had had any to begin with. Pangzi had rolled onto his hip to face Huo Daofu, one arm propping his head up on the table, the other bracing his own bottle on his hip. He raised an eyebrow.
Huo Daofu matched that look, stare for stare, for as long as he could before breaking. He twirled his empty bottle idly back and forth between his hands, wishing he hadn't finished it, that he could take another drink in lieu of answering the question so clearly waiting in Pangzi's open expression. Finally, he sighed, leaning back against the table. Quietly, he said, "How do you let him go? When the mission is over, when the wounds are healed, and to the victor have gone the spoils… how do you let him go?"
Pangzi's snort ruffled the short hair at the back of Huo Daofu's neck, and he repressed a shudder. "Xiao-ge?" Pangzi's hand waved wildly across the room for a moment before he snorted again. "He's like a feral cat, that one. Happy to accept food and skritchings and pettings when it pleases him, but restless and aggressive if tied down to one place for too long. It's better for everyone concerned to let him wander where he will and when he will. Eventually you just…" he shrugged. "…learn to accept it." There was a brief pause, then Pangzi reached out and poked Huo Daofu hard in the shoulder. "Aiyo. You're not turning into another Sang Bei'er on me, are you? One Xiao-ge superfan is already more than we can handle."
Huo Daofu turned to face Pangzi, his face hardening. Zhang Qiling. Really.
As their eyes met, Pangzi's face abruptly softened. "Ah. Ah, ah, ah. OK." That last came out in English, and Pangzi reached out again, this time to pat the spot on Huo Daofu's shoulder that he had just poked a moment before. "Apologies, apologies. I misunderstood." Another pat.
If Huo Daofu could have moved further away without falling off the bench, he would have. He wasn't used to… this. Pangzi sat up beside him, finally, taking another pull of his bottle before turning his own gaze across the room. Zhang Qiling was still sitting upright, looking down at a boneless Wu Xie, who was sprawled across his lap like some oversized cat, with a softer look than Huo Daofu had ever seen on his face. His fingers slowly sifted through Wu Xie's hair and Wu Xie curled *closer* and— Huo Daofu's stomach clenched at the sudden sense memory of his own fingers sliding through that same hair. He dropped his head into his hands, doing his best to convince himself when Pangzi's overly heavy patting resumed moments later, that it was reassuring and not intrusive.
Softly, and with almost more sympathy in it than Huo Daofu could bear, Pangzi said, "I hate to say it, but I think you're very much barking up the wrong tree here. I don't have a great track record, myself, of being able to let him go. Exhibit A being me literally falling to my knees and begging for his life outside your very own youtiao shop, not all that long ago… in case you forgot."
Quietly. "I haven't forgotten."
How could he?
It had been years at that point, since Huo Daofu had last set eyes on Wu Xie, years since what they'd had had ended in a fiery explosion of tempers that had left a hole inside him that had still been only slowly healing when Wang Pangzi showed up on his doorstep. He'd seriously considered, then, leaving Wu Xie to die, had still been considering it days later when he joined them on that frantic rescue mission from which Wu Xie should not have returned. But being near him, supporting him, taking care of him, day after day after day… of being subject to that wry, unassuming smile and the dry sense of humor that they'd always shared… of having that body back in his arms, no matter how dire the circumstances… it had weighed on him until he'd reached a wary sort of peace with himself and an even warier sort of peace with Wu Xie. Huo Daofu had bid him goodbye on that last desperate mission fully expecting it to *be* goodbye, that having made their peace, they could let each other go, and Huo Daofu would be left to remember him fondly after his death, instead of with the bitterness that had so overshadowed their last parting.
But then Wu Xie had returned.
With Zhang Qiling at his side.
And now Huo Daofu was faced with a Wu Xie who had let *him* go… and he being unable to return the favor.
Pushing himself off the bench, Huo Daofu gave Pangzi a pat of his own in return. "Never mind, Pangzi. I'll find my own way." Softly. "I always do." And then before Pangzi could say another word, Huo Daofu turned and left. He had responsibilities. He had his pride. He was no longer 20 years old, willing to pine forever after the unattainable. It was time to let go. Angry words hadn't worked the last time, formed as they had been of barbed hooks that pulled both ways. This time, Huo Daofu would simply… wish Wu Xie well. And hope that that would be enough to cut the ties that needed to be cut, for both their sakes.
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eirenical · 3 years
THAT was 2400 words of Huo Daofu x Wu Xie smut I was not expecting to write this morning, but HERE WE ARE, I GUESS.  XD
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eirenical · 3 years
would love to see ur thoughts on!! wu xie/xiao hua, da qing/ye zun, kunlun/ye zun, pangzi/liu sang, pangzi/a ning, zhao yunlan/wu xie, guo changcheng/chu shuzhi, huo daofu/wu xie, jake/nog, miles obrien/julian bashir, kira/keiko (i'll stop for now ToT)
If anyone else wants to send ships, feel free!
Splitting these into groups...
Wu Xie/Xiao Hua
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
I WILL TAKE THEM ANY WAY I CAN GET THEM. TT^TT My personal headcanon is that they're childhood friends who grew into adult friends who can be literally anything to each other and nothing will interfere with the depth of that friendship. No matter what happens between them, they will always be friends who understand each other and are on the same level in ways no one else is with either of them, and that comes first, last, and always. So, any other changes in their relationship can come and go as they need to with their feelings remaining constant no matter what. I JUST REALLY LOVE THEM, OK?? TT^TT
Pangzi/Liu Sang
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
...borderline squick. I just CAN'T see Liu Sang romantically or sexually with any of the Iron Triangle. He's too young but more than that, he READS as too young to me. Like, to me it's too much of a mentoring/parental relationship for me to ever be comfortable shipping him with any of them. OTZ
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
...Pangzi makes too many rape jokes in her direction. Sorry. OTZ
Huo Daofu/Wu Xie
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
*shouts from the rooftops* HUO DAOFU IS WU XIE'S BITCHY EX, PASS IT ON. Honestly, I bet their relationship was SUPER UNHEALTHY, TOO. But I think they'll settle into being bitchy friends, eventually, and I love that for them. ^_^ (Personal pet headcanon is that Huo Daofu was yet another thing that Wu Xie used and discarded/broke in his quest to bring down the Wangs and that's why things are so... strained... between them in TLTR.)
Putting the rest under a cut because this is getting very long already. XD
Zhao Yunlan/Wu Xie
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
I... honestly can't see Zhao Yunlan ever really being OK with ANYTHING that Wu Xie did during Sha Hai. So I can't really see them working as a ship with that between them.
Guo Changcheng/Chu Shuzhi
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Da Qing/Ye Zun
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Sorry. I can't. OTZ I headcanon both of them as aro/ace too hard to ship them with anyone. (Da Qing by natural inclination and Ye Zun by trauma, but same effect.)
Kunlun/Ye Zun
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Same as above, but with a bonus of them hitting my cheating squick. OTZ OCCASIONALLY, I can handle this as an OT3 with Shen Wei involved, but it's not something I really seek out and I can't always handle it when I come across it.
Star Trek DS9
AHAHAHA. OK, so I'll admit, I was... never really fannish about DS9? At all? Like, I shipped Julian and Garrack because honestly... who didn't? But not in any kind of way that I would have sought out content for them. I'm very archival in my fannishness for Star Trek, honestly. The closest I come to seeking out fannish content is reading the published novels. Never really read fanfiction for any of the shows, don't really feel a need to do it now. So, this is going to be interesting...
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Never really thought about it, but i guess I could see it?
Miles O'Brien/Julian Bashir
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
I mean... again, I guess I could see how you'd get there, but I'm perfectly happy with Miles/Keiko and Julian/Garrack.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
I... honestly don't even remember them interacting in canon. O_o;;;
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eirenical · 3 years
Wu Xie :)
Yesssssssss.  OK, ngl, I was kind of hoping this one would come my way.  ;D
The obvious answer is Pingxie Pingxie Pingxie because the chemistry between Wu Xie and Xiao ge is RIDICULOUS.  I fell for them hardcore from the second Wu Xie picked up the phone to call him in like... episode 2 of TLTR.  XD
The less obvious answer is that I am 100% on the “Huo Daofu is Wu Xie’s bitchy ex“ train.  They’re another pair that just have RIDICULOUS chemistry and I just get this vibe that they really, deeply understand each other.  There are so many times in TLTR where everyone else is on one page and these two just LOOK at each other and you can tell they’re on a completely different page than everyone else and having a grand old time with their equally dry and morbid senses of humor.  And I LOVE that.
My favorite permutation of this?  I really do think that Xiao ge loves Wu Xie and loves being with him and all that entails, but that he gets... restless.  A little feral cat, if you will.  And that he just needs to wander off and be on his own for a while sometimes.  And I would love to see a permutation where it’s just kind of understood that he and Huo Daofu just kind of... share.  ^_^  Not in a threesome way, but in a way that they both understand each other’s claim on Wu Xie and neither of them wants him to be alone, so they just kind of... work that out between them.  ^_^
...no I haven’t thought about this a truly ridiculous amount, why do you ask?  ;D
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eirenical · 3 years
1 and 2 for the writing meta prompt please!
Thank you, @flamingwell
[If anyone else would like to send questions, here is the list. ^_^]
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Oooooooh boy. Well, I have quite a few. XD So, how about we just go through the ones I have actively open in Word right now?
Legacies Found: The Untamed, sequel to Legacies Lost. This is a giant canon divergent AU that I've been working on for well over a year at this point. There is one key thing that I changed (and in the interest of spoilers, I'm not going to say what, but if you're curious and don't mind spoilers then, by all means, come ask and I'll tell you all about it. ;D) and it affected everything in-universe, some for the better, some for the worse. Here's the AO3 summary:
Sixteen years ago, the Yiling Patriarch died, a victim to his own hubris and the Yin Tiger Seal. Hundreds of cultivators from many different sects died with him that day, their souls forever doomed to find no rest, even in death. On this, the 16th anniversary of the battle of Qiongqi Pass, Jin Ling is determined to make pilgrimage, to try to put the spirit of his long-lost father to rest. He finds much more than he bargained for, and what he finds… will change everything.
And in the sequel, things have progressed significantly from this point, but the people involved are still broken in various ways, not quite at the point of healing yet, but getting there. The plot is opening up to the wider world and new characters are going to be introduced, and I'm having a lot of fun writing it, but it is SO MUCH SLOWER GOING. OTZ
Mirror, Mirror: I talked about this one extensively in this post, and it hasn't really progressed any further from there. XD This is a Guardian AU based on a short film that Zhu Yilong did with Li Bingbing called "Into the Mirror" (there's a link in the other post).
Reclamation: *eg* For anyone who's been following my Whumptober series (yes, I know we're WELL past October OTZ) of fics that I've been writing for Granting You a Dreamlike Life, this is the latest in the series. This monster is already almost 18K words and it's... it's a LOT. The story is a canon-divergent AU that starts out mostly overlapping canon during episode 35 and begins to diverge somewhere between there and episode 36. I leaned REALLY hard into the whump on this one, went really self-indulgent and wrote the fic that I would most want to read for this fandom, because I was pretty damned sure that no one else would write it or would take it as far and as dark as I wanted it to go if they did. And this particular story is the darkest of the bunch so far. ^_~ I'm not going to link directly to this one, because this is definitely a HEED THE TAGS situation, but if anyone's interested in some really, REALLY dark GYADL fic... hit me up and I'll be happy to tell you more. ^_^ (And for those who just want to look for themselves, you can find it under #eirenical does whumptober or on my AO3 where the series name is "Indefinitely." ^_^)
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I think I've talked enough about my current projects, so how about some future projects for this one? ^_^
(...and how about under a cut because this is getting kind of long...)
The Lost Tomb Reboot
I have... several fic at the plotty stage for TLTR, and I just added a new one to the list this morning. XD
Ershu fic: So, for anyone who's been following my TLTR journey, you know I'm obsessed with Ershu. I LOVE HIM. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. And you know what happens when I love a character, right? Right? I WANT TO BREAK THEM. *coughs* Anyway, something happens to Ershu in S2 of TLTR that I won't go into detail about because spoilers, but essentially, he's betrayed and ends up in the hands of the person who betrayed him with no one else being the wiser and with him helpless and unable to tell anyone. And there are just... all KINDS of dark, fucked up possibilities there, and just like the Whumptober series, I AM going to write that fic, even if no one but me ends up reading it. ;D
Probably post-canon domestic bliss fic: For those of you who enjoy WHIPLASH ;D, I just honestly want ALL THE SOFT DOMESTIC IRON TRIANGLE. ALL OF IT. And I want Wu Xie and Ershu to have an opportunity to sit down and actually TALK about things (e.g., their need for a family heir), instead of trying to one-up each other. Special appearances by all the ducklings, Xiao Bai's girlfriend, and Lia Jiale and Jia Kezi (...my fic, my rules, we ignore canon when we want to ^_^) having an ...oh moment, and sweet, soft cuddles for Liu Sang and Kan Jian because they're adorable and I love them, too. (I have no idea if this is all going in one fic or if it will be a series of slice of life things, but I just want everyone to get their happily ever after IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK???)
Post-canon Huo Daofu and Xiao Ge... time-sharing Wu Xie?: IDEK what to call what's going on here, but... yeah. XD (See, @elenothar, I haven't forgotten! ;D) To crib from another post... I really do think that Xiao ge loves Wu Xie and loves being with him and all that that entails, but that he gets… restless.  A little feral cat, if you will.  And he just needs to wander off and be on his own for a while sometimes.  And I would love to see a permutation where it’s just kind of understood that he and Huo Daofu just kind of… share Wu Xie.  ^_^  Not in a threesome way, but in a way that they both understand each other’s claim on Wu Xie and neither of them wants him to be alone, so they just kind of… work that out between them.  Like he's a time share. (OMG, I have to be careful of how often I use that phrase for this fic or I'm going to end up calling it that as a title. XD)
DMBJ x Highlander xover that I just came up with literally this morning: No, seriously, this LITERALLY just popped into my head as I was waking up this morning. It was a wild fucking ride, too. O_o;;; ANYWAY, I'm probably going to make a separate headcanon/plotty post for this one, but basically I just randomly woke up thinking... Duncan was an antique dealer in the late 80s/early 90s in the US. Wu Xie is an antique dealer in China, now, and his family has been involved in the antique trade for a... VERY long time. Maybe Duncan did some business with the Wu family. Maybe he met Wu Xie as a kid. Maybe he knew Xiao ge even EARLIER than that (like 100 years earlier). Maybe post-canon Highlander, Duncan starts getting back into the antique trade by helping to quietly repatriate artifacts and comes to China to deal with the Wu family to do that, and meets Wu Xie again... and Xiao ge. And has a WTF moment because Xiao ge ISN'T an Immortal like he is, but he doesn't look a day older than when they met 100 years ago and just... WTF?? And Wu Xie is looking at Duncan and looking at Xiao ge and having a WTF moment of his own because is EVERYONE immortal except him and Pangzi?? And... I just think that would be a lot of fun to play with. ;D
The Care and Training of a Former Megalomaniac V and VI, maybe?: OK, so this idea isn't really concrete, but I still want to play with it. I want to do something to tackle Ye Zun's past with the Rebel Leader and the trauma that that left behind, and I'm thinking he'll end up having a good (...drunk) talk with Da Qing about it.
Another idea I had (MUCH more concrete) was based off my own poor lazy bb. He LOVES to catch bugs. LOVES IT. He gets SO EXCITED and SO into it... but sometimes the bugs fly up to the ceiling. And Gabriel is comfy in my lap and doesn't want to move. So he will swat at the bug... halfheartedly. And then he will turn around and complain to me when it won't come down to be swatted at again. Like I can somehow make it come down so he can play with it? IDEK. XD ANYWAY. I had a vivid mental image of Da Qing doing this to Ye Zun and somehow convincing him to actually... bring the bug down. Using his powers. And someone at the SID detects Ye Zun using his powers so ZYL and SW race home... to find Ye Zun... using his powers... to tether bugs for Da Qing to play with. And I just think that would be hilarious. XD
...I think that's everything in the mental kiddy right now? XD
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