#tltr fanfic
lunarriviera · 1 year
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words: 2k rating: teen relationships: Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei tags: kissing, first kiss, just a whole lot of kissing, that's it that's the fic, rain village, also there’s a tabby cat summary:
It’s not until Wu Xie’s asleep by the carp pool one afternoon that he gets kissed.
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laireshi · 1 year
For the ask meme!!!! I want to ask all of them actually, but i will limit myself: 🏷 💕 📚🤩💌
Thanks Anon!
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
I tend to just click on the ship tag I want and start there. If the fandom is big enough (insert crying in small fandom), I might filter down to angst or h/c.
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oh, I was wrong in the last reply. THIS is like choosing a favourite kid. Let me choose some from DMBJ only:
Threshold Concept - or the fic where I deal with all my TLTR issues, lol. Xiaoge whumps so prettily.
i thought the past would last me (but the darkness got that too) - I wrote this one before NPSS started updating the last part and it's still what I hope will happen in regards to saving Xiaoge XD
Hidden Dangers - because this is how I see heiping and xieping coexisting together after Ten Years, and I had fun with it.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
A Life in Exchange remains one of my favourite pingxie fics!
Composite Events is full of Xiaoge feels ;; also, Xiazi.
Tanhua is an amazing novel fic, reads like canon
lost the day's rhythm, its precariously imposed momentum XIAOGE IS SUCH A MESS
Who Dares Not Gaze Upon Guanyin? is one of the best dmbj fics I've ever read, if not the best
How To Tame Your Cat - CAT!XIAOGE. also it's hot.
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Does angst count as a trope? Does h/c? Does doing bad things to Xiaoge xD ?
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
And I've already answered this one here^^
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eirenical · 2 years
3, 12, and 34 for questions for fanfic writers? <3
Going back and finding things in my inbox I never answered... I believe this was from this ask meme.
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
...I honestly haven't got the foggiest. O_o;;; This is probably low self-esteem talking, but I am constantly surprised when people think my writing is good or worth reading. OTZ So I have no idea what makes them stand out. OTZ
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
I recently started working on a plot bunny that I've had bouncing around my head for MONTHS that I've fondly nicknamed "The Time Swap AU." Essentially what happens is that TLT2 era Wu Xie and post-TLTR Yucun era Wu Xie... swap bodies, and then have to deal with the resultant fallout with dramatically different circumstances and honestly, almost genres.
TLT2 era Wu Xie finds himself in a domestic, gently healing amnesia trope romcom and post-TLTR Yucun era Wu Xie finds himself in a Time Travel fix-it/don't fix-it angst-fest in which he's doomed to relive some of the most difficult years of his life.
And also themes of reconnecting with parts of yourself and your loved ones you'd thought long lost and coming out the better for it.
It's gonna be fun. ^_^
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
...you get a part of Convenience because I STILL love this bit and I really need to come back to this story again someday.
Fusheng slipped back into bed, gaze sliding around the room, cataloging the damage from the evening, the things he would have to clean up come morning, before he had to explain it all to Luo Cheng… or worse, Shuang-jie. No.  No, he couldn’t risk that.  Shuang-jie would see the bruises, no matter how he tried to hide them.  She would ask, and she would scold, and the word ‘convenience’ would slip off his tongue and shatter on the floor for him to cut himself to ribbons on and she would know—
Fusheng bit down hard on his forearm, breathing ragged as he fought to get himself under control, adding one more damning bruise to the set he already had.  When Fusheng came back to himself enough to disengage his teeth and lower his arm, Xingcheng had shifted, turning towards him in the bed, his left arm now slung over Fusheng’s stomach, his hand heavy and possessive where it lay, and a sweet, contented smile on his face as he curled closer.
And, in spite of his turmoil, that smile… that possessive arm… they sparked a surge of warmth in Fusheng’s chest, even as a tendril of deeper, darker heat coiled low in his belly.
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Favourite DMBJ fanfic tropes - 2022 binge
Pingxie getting together only by Grace of Pangzi
Any combination of Xiao Hua, Hei Xiazi and Xiuxiu in background, casually being much more cool and competent than the main characters
"Wu Xie touched a thing" being its own genre
Xiaoge is a Cat Person (sometimes literally)
Special tag warning just for Sanshu <3
Wu Xie being too busy Angsting over his Decade of Dark Deeds to notice Xiaoge is silently pining
Pangzi adopting Xiao Mei <3
Piaopiao is just there
Any flavor of Iron Triangle Nonsense(tm)
Xiaoge, a widely adored member of Rain Village community
Liu Sang, a professional Sufferer
mostly of Iron Triangle Nonsense(tm)
Love Stronger Than Amnesia
Wu Xie and Pangzi having a Married Couple dynamic
Wu Xie and Xiaoge having THAT Married Couple dynamic
Kan Jian, a sweet baby angel
Pining solved by a convenient tomb curse
Pining solved by Ershu's quest to get Wu Xie married
Pining reached critical mass and Hei Xiazi felt compelled to give advice
Retired Happy Ever After <3
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV), 沙海 | Tomb of the Sea (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, 盗墓笔记 | The Lost Tomb (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling Characters: Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Zhang Qiling, Wang Pangzi, Liu Sang (DMBJ Series), Bai Haotian, Wang Meng (DMBJ Series), Li Cu (DMBJ Series), Kan Jian (DMBJ Series), Wu Sanxing Additional Tags: Temporary Character Death, I Made Myself Cry, gratuitous ring description, no beta we die like a-ning, Sleepy Cuddles, xiaoge is a good pillow, xiaoge has a poker face, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Wu Xie and Xiaoge are the only ones in here, Everyone else is a mention, PINGXIE. IN. SPACE, i don't know how to tag things, I am so sorry Summary:
This is inspired by Slutspeare's amazing fanfic, A Swiftly Tilting Planet. (If you like AUs and you like Space AUs then please for the love of God go read A Swiftly Tilting Planet)
The end of one journey is the beginning of another. Memories return and conversations a decade in the making finally take place.
Xiaoge will never be able to thank enough whatever lucky star it was that brought Wu Xie to him.
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scaredysap · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Liu Sang & Wang Pangzi Characters: Wang Pangzi, Liu Sang (DMBJ Series), Zhang Qiling (Minor) Additional Tags: Failed Rescue, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Hurt No Comfort, Angst, POV Wang Pangzi, tagged the relationship but one of them is the major character death, look at their track record and guess who it is, Hei Xiazi is there but he doesn't do much, semi-graphic description of a corpse Summary:
Pangzi’s mouth hangs open.
He turns to look at Xiaoge, who has been staring unblinking at Liu Sang since he spotted them. He looks at Hei Xiazi, whose jaw is as tight as the fists clenched at his side.
- Only a few minutes stand between a sucessful and failed rescue mission.
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maximumfuckingsass · 3 years
The fanfic asks sent to @kholran by anon were my friend, and I was dragged (a little easily) into coming up with maybe three prompts with him. Lol. Thus, this mess:
After watching that one scene where Liu Sang, Xiao Bai and the guy who's name I never recall (R.I.P.) get taken, we were both annoyed how it was sort of brushed off. Somehow on the topic of not addressing assault or worse, we ended up thinking what if instead of Xiao Bai it happens to Liu Sang because he insists they leave her be? The Iron Triangle has to come save them, like in the show? Instead of ignoring it like in the show, it sort of heavily hangs in the air probably with bad attempts at pretending he’s okay for days until he’s forced to address it by the others, because it’s traumatic no matter how far the guy got with him.
Another group catches Liu Sang when he’s separated to use his hearing to find the treasure or Wu Xie while in a tomb with the iron triangle. He doesn’t cooperate and they torture him. Some of them take advantage of the fact they have a pretty little prisoner who their leader is annoyed with anyway. Trio comes to save him, probably to his surprise especially by how furious they probably are seeing how bad off he is. They’re stuck continuing through the tomb while he’s definitely not okay yet. Maybe this was during Thunder City arc, so that’s what everyone’s looking for.
*All over the place because it was a small flicker that we threw stuff into to make a prompt. Literally do whatever with it haha, he just wanted to read something exploring non-con and the uncomfortable reality of dealing with the aftermath and I like that theme too even if not the main focus/goal... 
This is entirely unrelated to our brainstorming chaos, but I just want more Xiao Bai and Liu Sang causing havoc, because I feel they’re both underestimated characters. I don’t know, but the image of them in a fight with XB easily dodging with her tiny frame and LS knocking them around cracks me up. They remind me of a fox and... cat for some reason??? Give me anything of them.
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humanlighthouse · 3 years
Comparing to different versions of characters in dmbj drama their characterisation remains same except Huo Dao Fu. The man made 180° flip and landed on the opposite end of the same spectrum.
The inconsistency is just so wierd. What do you think about it?
Hi anon! Thanks for sending this hilarious ask about my favorite bitch 😁 the funniest part of it is probably that you’re asking ME, who has watched TLTR, read books 1 to 5 and just...vaguely absorbed the rest of the story through tumblr posts? (don't shoot, my media consumption is weird, I am aware of it but have no plans to change) Until a few days ago I didn’t even KNOW that HDF was in anything other than Reboot. To be fair, I assumed that he was being (not) introduced like that, as Wu Xie's implied ex that he had had a terrible break up with and who conveniently happened to be a doctor, because if there is one thing Reboot taught about this franchise, it is not to question plot holes and throwaway lines and to exploit them for fanfic purposes instead. But after some frantic googling and a couple of hours spent looking at his striking silhouette in that riding boots - skinny jeans - tweed vest combo, my best guess is... again, messy break up. Because EVERYTHING is always Wu Xie's fault somehow, and it just fits so well? Whatever happened between them was off camera so we can only speculate (and speculate we shall, my friend) but it wouldn’t be the first time someone held onto the deep yearning and anger of being left behind and used it as fuel to turn into the Baddest Churro Maker Bitch around, right? Cutting ties with your previous affiliations, dressing to kill (revenge body, yes girl, work it), switching careers, the whole shebang, and he was doing such a great job at Being Fine With It, until Pangzi appeared with the living embodiment of his PTSD lying across the backseat of his van, and my boy didn’t even hesitate? He just dropped everything to follow him again?? Man, I wanna know what happened between them now! My bet is on Wu Xie leading him on some crazy adventure somewhere exotic, nothing too lethal, just very thrilling and with lots of sexy moments of tension, Huo DaoFu was already picking out wedding rings, until Wu Xie ran into Something Interesting (ADHD King) and just... dropped him without a second thought? Once he'd remembered him he probably apologized and got a brick thrown at him or something, laughed like the sun and went on with his day, while HDF thought of literally nothing else for the next ten years.
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ruanbaijie · 4 years
Top 5 characters you want to wrap in a blanket 🥺 -yibobibo
characters who need more cuddles and love and warmth, in alphabetical order!
1. hyakuya mikaela (seraph of the end)
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2. jin ling (mdzs/ cql)
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3. shi mei (2ha)
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4. tomioka giyuu (kimetsu no yaiba)
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ok not that obvious in the anime yet but in the manga...
5. wu xie (tltr)
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I mean he was coughing his guts out most of the show so HE NEEDS TO BE WRAPPED IN A BLANKET AND HANDLED WITH CARE
answering “top 5″s!! ✩°。⋆⸜(ू。•ω•。) (altho I admit to being terrible with fanfics so please avoid those *nervous cough*)
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Ok, just to be clear before I begin, I don't support harassing or threatening people for any reason, and I hate the antis that do things like that. But a lot of antis (like myself... I think?) do not wish to bother other people about our ships. It's just that certain age gaps/incest/abuse in ships makes us uncomfortable. It bothers me how the anti-anti people seem to think we're wrong for feeling that way. Why? We're just uncomfortable, but we won't attack anyone.
...You think? What do YOU mean by that?
Ok let me see if I can level with you. It’s fine to be uncomfortable with ships. It’s okay to hate them even. But you can’t tell another person to stop liking said ships because one: it never works. Malicious antis harass and threaten people all the time over it but people will still enjoy the thing anyway and if you are like me, they will do it out of spite because people don’t like being told what to do especially by strangers.
Two: They aren’t real, it isn’t real. none of it is. Nobody is actively being harmed. Please understand, I get being uncomfortable about certain ships; I...fuck it I’ll just say it, I hate rey/o. I severely dislike jons@ and jon/erys because they are related but I won’t tell people not to ship it just because it makes me uneasy. Because I know at the end of the day they ain’t real and I can use blacklisting tools if need be if I don’t want to see that kind of content. And most antis seem very lazy and just want to be mad instead of finding a solution, I’d call that petty and immature. Talk to @freedom-of-fanfic they know a lot more about this subject and are more clear and concise.
Nobody said you were wrong to feel uncomfortable. What’s actually wrong is that you have the audacity to ally yourself with those that harass others because it gives them this weird power trip. Of course you say that you don’t condone harassment but it’s hard for me to believe that because of the loud minority of malicious antis that seem to speak for all of you. And trust me, I had to hold myself back from just telling you to fuck off because of the hell that some of you antis have put me and many others through. I apologies my thoughts are all over the place and I’m kinda pissed but at the same time I hoped I explained this.
tltr (in short)
Your feelings are valid but you have no right to be a dick about it when you don’t like something.
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eirenical · 3 years
*drops by to yell about "post-canon Huo Daofu and Xiao Ge… time-sharing Wu Xie"* <3 <3
AHAHAHA-- RIGHT. So, @elenothar when I told you I wanted to hold on to this ask and let the fic percolate, I didn't think it would then CONSUME MY THOUGHTS for the next several days until I had to get some of it down on paper. O_o;;; So, this is shaping up to be longer than originally intended, and this bit is still on the rough side, but here's the first (1200+ word) scene? To gauge interest, maybe? (...oh who am I kidding; interest or no interest, I'm gonna write it anyway. XD) Enjoy? ^_^
It was quiet. The party that had raged and roared like a living beast for hours before now slumbered. Huo Daofu threaded his way carefully through the sleeping and unconscious bodies it had left in its wake to take up a careful perch on one of the few remaining upright pieces of furniture. As he settled in, the bench's occupant lifted his bottle to clink aimlessly against his, then briefly raised it before taking a pull. Huo Daofu obediently took a sip from his own bottle; there was little enough left in it.
Lowering his bottle, Huo Daofu let it dangle loosely from his hand as he leaned over to brace his elbows on his knees. It had been a long time since he'd indulged himself this way. A very long time. Beside him, Wang Pangzi leaned back to rest his elbows on the table behind them, tipping his head back. He was smiling. "Now *that* was a party."
The corners of Huo Daofu's lips pulled up in an answering smile before he even realized they had. They'd been doing that a lot lately. Smiling without his express permission.
They used to do that often. Before.
The smile fell from Huo Daofu's lips as though it had been washed away by a bucket of cold water. He'd been down this road before. He'd been down this road before, and it had only led him to heartbreak. He had no desire to travel it again now that he knew where it led. He looked up, gaze catching on the only other upright person in the room. Zhang Qiling. Xiao-ge. Wu Xie's Menyouping. Wu Xie's—
Huo Daofu tore his gaze away, closing his eyes to the sight and finishing off his bottle in one long pull. By the time he had finished, Pangzi's leg was a heavy line of warmth against his own, his outstretched knee lazily nudging into him. He laughed. "Now, where have I seen that look before, I wonder?"
Taking advantage of the few inches remaining on his side of the bench, Huo Daofu shifted away, frowning to discourage Pangzi from claiming the inches he'd ceded. Pangzi, of course, took no notice. Wu Xie had ruined his understanding of personal space, like he had for so many others… if Pangzi had had any to begin with. Pangzi had rolled onto his hip to face Huo Daofu, one arm propping his head up on the table, the other bracing his own bottle on his hip. He raised an eyebrow.
Huo Daofu matched that look, stare for stare, for as long as he could before breaking. He twirled his empty bottle idly back and forth between his hands, wishing he hadn't finished it, that he could take another drink in lieu of answering the question so clearly waiting in Pangzi's open expression. Finally, he sighed, leaning back against the table. Quietly, he said, "How do you let him go? When the mission is over, when the wounds are healed, and to the victor have gone the spoils… how do you let him go?"
Pangzi's snort ruffled the short hair at the back of Huo Daofu's neck, and he repressed a shudder. "Xiao-ge?" Pangzi's hand waved wildly across the room for a moment before he snorted again. "He's like a feral cat, that one. Happy to accept food and skritchings and pettings when it pleases him, but restless and aggressive if tied down to one place for too long. It's better for everyone concerned to let him wander where he will and when he will. Eventually you just…" he shrugged. "…learn to accept it." There was a brief pause, then Pangzi reached out and poked Huo Daofu hard in the shoulder. "Aiyo. You're not turning into another Sang Bei'er on me, are you? One Xiao-ge superfan is already more than we can handle."
Huo Daofu turned to face Pangzi, his face hardening. Zhang Qiling. Really.
As their eyes met, Pangzi's face abruptly softened. "Ah. Ah, ah, ah. OK." That last came out in English, and Pangzi reached out again, this time to pat the spot on Huo Daofu's shoulder that he had just poked a moment before. "Apologies, apologies. I misunderstood." Another pat.
If Huo Daofu could have moved further away without falling off the bench, he would have. He wasn't used to… this. Pangzi sat up beside him, finally, taking another pull of his bottle before turning his own gaze across the room. Zhang Qiling was still sitting upright, looking down at a boneless Wu Xie, who was sprawled across his lap like some oversized cat, with a softer look than Huo Daofu had ever seen on his face. His fingers slowly sifted through Wu Xie's hair and Wu Xie curled *closer* and— Huo Daofu's stomach clenched at the sudden sense memory of his own fingers sliding through that same hair. He dropped his head into his hands, doing his best to convince himself when Pangzi's overly heavy patting resumed moments later, that it was reassuring and not intrusive.
Softly, and with almost more sympathy in it than Huo Daofu could bear, Pangzi said, "I hate to say it, but I think you're very much barking up the wrong tree here. I don't have a great track record, myself, of being able to let him go. Exhibit A being me literally falling to my knees and begging for his life outside your very own youtiao shop, not all that long ago… in case you forgot."
Quietly. "I haven't forgotten."
How could he?
It had been years at that point, since Huo Daofu had last set eyes on Wu Xie, years since what they'd had had ended in a fiery explosion of tempers that had left a hole inside him that had still been only slowly healing when Wang Pangzi showed up on his doorstep. He'd seriously considered, then, leaving Wu Xie to die, had still been considering it days later when he joined them on that frantic rescue mission from which Wu Xie should not have returned. But being near him, supporting him, taking care of him, day after day after day… of being subject to that wry, unassuming smile and the dry sense of humor that they'd always shared… of having that body back in his arms, no matter how dire the circumstances… it had weighed on him until he'd reached a wary sort of peace with himself and an even warier sort of peace with Wu Xie. Huo Daofu had bid him goodbye on that last desperate mission fully expecting it to *be* goodbye, that having made their peace, they could let each other go, and Huo Daofu would be left to remember him fondly after his death, instead of with the bitterness that had so overshadowed their last parting.
But then Wu Xie had returned.
With Zhang Qiling at his side.
And now Huo Daofu was faced with a Wu Xie who had let *him* go… and he being unable to return the favor.
Pushing himself off the bench, Huo Daofu gave Pangzi a pat of his own in return. "Never mind, Pangzi. I'll find my own way." Softly. "I always do." And then before Pangzi could say another word, Huo Daofu turned and left. He had responsibilities. He had his pride. He was no longer 20 years old, willing to pine forever after the unattainable. It was time to let go. Angry words hadn't worked the last time, formed as they had been of barbed hooks that pulled both ways. This time, Huo Daofu would simply… wish Wu Xie well. And hope that that would be enough to cut the ties that needed to be cut, for both their sakes.
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ruanbaijie · 4 years
Top 5 characters you will protect to the ends of this earth! 🥰
*screams* okay so most of these (i.e. all of them) can kick ass better than I can but they need a lot of proteccction
1. alucard (castlevania)
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2. chu wan ning (2ha)
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ok this is technically run yu (ashes of love) but he’s a close runner up
3. jiang cheng (mdzs)
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4. qiao chu sheng (mriad)
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DO NOT get me started on the note that zyl wrote to qcs at the end of mriad DO NOT I WILL CRY.
5. wu xie (tltr)
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answering “top 5″s!! ✩°。⋆⸜(ू。•ω•。) (altho I admit to being terrible with fanfics so please avoid those *nervous cough*) 
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ruanbaijie · 4 years
top 5 tltr characters? ^^
AHHHH ali!!! tltr feels like such a long time ago omg OKAY WAIT I GOT THIS
leaving precious baby wu xie out because he’s an obvious one
1. hei yan jing
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2. jia ke zi
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3. wang yue ban (aka wang pang zi)
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sometimes I really want to hit him for being annoying but he’s always there for wu xie and his devotion is just-- ;-;
4. xie yu chen
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AHHHH XIAO HUAAAA okay I really need to start reading the books for more of him
5. zhang qi ling
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and his badass theme song
answering “top 5″s!! ✩°。⋆⸜(ू。•ω•。) (altho I admit to being terrible with fanfics so please avoid those *nervous cough*)
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