#husband diluc
mikaaki · 1 year
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prompt : husband ! diluc coming home late <3
characters : DILUC🙇‍♀️ , gn ! reader
notes : hhhh i love this stoic man. i want to give him a smooch <3
hi it’s been a few months teehee
warnings : pet names ( my love , my dear , etc ) , i think that’s it???
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being married to diluc is no easy task. he’s constantly away for ‘business’ related activities , whether that’s being at angel’s share or doing his nightly dark knight hero duties
it gets lonely , and it doesn’t help that you’re constantly going to sleep by yourself. even if diluc does come home and sleep beside you , he’s typically gone by the time you’re awake
your schedules don’t match up , constantly just barely missing each other. despite being married , you only get a few moments with your beloved each day. it’s an exhausting and draining cycle. it was a constant conversation topic between the two of you
tonight was different , however. he managed to come home early , having put his dark knight hero duties on hold for the day. he wanted his spouse to get some time with their husband , especially since it was a common complaint about your marriage. he couldn’t have the one he wedded being disappointed
stepping into your shared bedroom , he quickly took off his large coat and hung it on his side of the closet. he didn’t even bother to fully undress before collapsing on your bed , only having unbuttoned his shirt
his collision with the bed created a shift in weight and a loud crashing sound , quickly waking you. you shot up , letting out a quick gasp as you tried to adjust to the darkness
he let out a chuckle , as if he didn’t just terrify you
❝ sorry , dear. ❞
❝ archons , diluc. i almost had a heart attack. ❞
❝ well , i’m glad to see you didn’t. ❞
you let out a huff of annoyance , quickly turning away from him. ❝ what time is it anyways? ❞
he ignored your question , simply smiling at your annoyance. taking your hand in his , he began pressing soft kisses against the back of your hand
❝ diluc , ❞ you huffed , glancing over your shoulder to look at him
❝ yes , my love? ❞
❝ why are you home so early? ❞ you questioned , having noticed that it wasn’t quite as dark as it was when he usually arrived home
❝ i wouldn’t linger on the details. i’m just glad i’m home with you. ❞
❝ …so poetic , ❞ you teased , playfully shoving him away. ❝ go finish getting ready for bed. ❞
he followed your advice , getting up and entering the bathroom. as you drifted back off to sleep , he finished preparing for bed , eventually exiting after a few moments
seeing your sleeping form , he smiled to himself , crawling into bed beside you. he wrapped his arms around you , pulling you closer to himself before drifting off to sleep
this was something he could get used to
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nothin02052000 · 10 months
Diluc x reader (Modern AU!) inspiration by lolishdes (https://lolishdes.tumblr.com/post/695273449931915264/idea-i-would-appreciate-it-as-well-if-other)
I did it guys! I wrote my first nsfw yay :)
On a secondary note, this work does have some condescending air towards y'know kinky sexy times. I do not condone such a mindset but it is many a time the mindset of people who for the first time are entering this area in their sex life. Enjoy you life as you want but if it includes anyone else don't forget consent. That's all from me you guys. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this hefty boy of an upload💜💜💜
Diluc was a busy man. Everybody knew that. It wasn’t child’s play running a whole wine empire passed down through generations. Yet Monstald’s most eligible bachelor had found enough time to marry and settle down with none other than you. It was a surprise to everyone, including his family. Diluc, known for his no-nonsense attitude had married and settled down before his casanova of a brother! A love marriage at that! You remember the onslaught of tabloids around your marriage. Some of them find your origins and how the both of you met. Some said this was merely a tactical business move, with no love involved. Some took a more vicious approach; claiming you were a spawn of the abyss corporation itself, strategically placed to take down Monstald’s most booming business. But rumors were just rumors and both of you were pretty much expecting them, given in rabid fangirls. That was the very reason after all both of had kept your relationship a secret from the public eye. You wanted to achieve and establish your career with your own efforts. Both of you had decided to wait until you did just that. Seven years in Sumeru and you flew back to Mondstald as the best lawyer in the market to ask Diluc for his hand in marriage. He, of course, replied with an enthusiastic yes, the most emotions anyone had ever seen in the man’s eyes. And so you were married. It was the fastest and biggest marriage Mondstald had ever witnessed, the eagerness of the couple obvious to anyone who laid their eyes upon them.
The marriage was a dream come true for you. The honeymoon you will never be able to forget. You couldn’t be happier that Diluc was finally married to you. You were his and he was yours and there was nothing more you could ever ask for. Except maybe… that he would spend more of his time with you. You know you were being greedy, you absolutely were, that was why you never told him about your greed. You knew he had to take two months off for the wedding and the honeymoon and so he had to get back to work soon after, busier than ever. Hell, you had client appointments every day. You saw your husband come late and later every night and leave earlier the next morning. It was difficult to even see him nowadays. But whenever you caught a glimpse of him, he looked tired. Gorgeously tired, but still tired. Dark circles adorned his eyes and he tip-toed around the room carefully to not wake you up. You felt guilty for the predicament you had put him into, but the man had assured you that this was the least he could do for you, and you deserved the best wedding ever. 
And so your day went, walking up in the morning in an empty bed, the warmth of your husband’s body barely radiating beside you. You sigh. Just a few days more, you reiterate to you, you reiterate your husband’s words, just a few more days and I will be back with you. You felt more and more tired each day, mentally and emotionally and finally physically. You felt unmotivated as if your life was taken away from you. You had stayed away from each other before, you studied in another nation after all, but everything changed after your marriage when you knew both of you were in the same nation, the same house. It felt as if you were so close, yet you couldn’t even touch him. It was taking a toll on you that’s for sure. You sighed again involuntarily, mentally noting it seconds after and sighing again. Your day had grown monotonous. Each day you woke up, took a bath, made yourself a cup of coffee, and went through your schedule for the day, before prepping for your online client meetings. You had also unlocked a bad habit. The quiet house was intolerable to your ears so you had started tuning into erotica audios on Reddit. You found this particular page during your college years when one of your friends had trolled you into visiting this page. You were annoyed and embarrassed at first but somehow still ended up bookmarking the page before closing it. It was a stain on your bookmark bar really, but for some reason, you ended up keeping it. You never really listened, not having the galls to listen when your dormmates were right behind you; just surfing it, reading the titles. First, there were the vanillas, then there was something more intense stuff like M Dom, mild choking, and many more. You felt uncomfortable reading their description, moreover the overwhelmingly horny comments. Was it really that good? It couldn’t be, right? How could anything like this be enjoyable? But you were drawn to them time and time again. You were hooked. But you wouldn’t admit it. You were just looking from the outside not partaking in it. Yeah… You were better than that. But in a moment of weakness, you clicked on that link again, carefully stowed in the depths of your bookmark bar. You selected one of the more intense audios and played it, the headphones on your ears hiding the obscenity you were taking part in. Never in a million years would you have ever thought you would ever actually hit play, let alone after your marriage. But here you were, listening, in pure awe of the vibrations going through your ears. That’s how it was from then on. Prepping for work while you heard moans and pants in your ear. Low enough for them to not obstruct your work but they were there. Hours on end. It was a guilty pleasure of sorts; a part of you hidden from the world. There was just one person you would want to share this with, your other half, your husband, Diluc. But wouldn’t that be coming off as too strong? You didn’t know the answer to that. You had never had a secret from Diluc. Yes, he didn’t know every happening in your life, but it was never anything that you had intentionally kept from him. You knew each other from when you were young. You never had hesitated to tell anything before ever. It was gut-wrenching to keep this from him. But he was never there so it never really mattered. 
The client meetings were normally scheduled from noon to two after which you ate your lunch and then worked on the proceedings of the meetings for one to two hours while listening to the audio again. Then you hit the gym. You have always wanted to take the audio to the gym as well. Something about listening to it in public seemed exciting to you. But you didn’t. You never could. So you left it there on your laptop, waiting for your return. At first, you were quite scared to leave your screen open with your now-top playlist displayed on the top. What if someone came into your bedroom? What if someone saw it? What if Diluc came home early one day and saw it? But you soon overcame it, becoming more and more careless about your actions. One day you didn’t close the website, and the other you didn’t lock your room before leaving. You were becoming more and more sluggish as if you somewhat wanted to be discovered. But days passed and it became your routine. You looked back at your room one last time before shutting the door. You said bye to Adeline and left for your daily gym.
When you came back that day though, Adeline seemed unusually happy. Even though you asked her what had happened, she remained adamant about not saying anything. She informed you that she and the rest of the staff had to leave early today due to some situation she couldn’t disclose to you before quickly ushering you to your bedroom. All your questions though, were answered as soon as you opened your bedroom door. There on the bed lay your love, your husband, your Diluc. You cried in surprise as you ran into his arms and kissed him. You both hugged each other wholeheartedly, for all the days you had missed each other’s presence. You forcefully pushed yourself away when you felt his hand wander too close to your post-gym sweaty back and excused yourself to a quick shower. Diluc whined, but ultimately let you go. You turned on the shower and let the hot water flow down your body. He was here, home, close to you. You felt jitterish, butterflies roaring in your stomach. You couldn’t wait to fall right back into his arms.
Suddenly, you heard the door-knob click, freezing mid movement, before realising it was just Diluc. He must be here to freshen up himself, you thought, maybe brush his teeth. You heard him close the cabinet and the water in the sink flowing.
“So… how was your day? Anything special?” He asked, while brushing his teeth.
“Well, I got to meet you today,” You said, giggling.
“Me too, love, I am glad I got to meet you when you were awake,” He replied smoothly.
You found his behaviour very funny. You were sure nobody would believe that Diluc was able to talk like this.
“What happened at work today?” He asked this time.
“Oh, you know, the usual, client meetings, lawyer things,” you replied, nothing really standing out to you about the day.
“Nothing? Are you sure?” Diluc asked again, as if he was anticipating a particular answer.
You replayed your day in your mind again. “No not really, why?”
“Nothing really, I just happened to catch a glimpse of your laptop screen when I came home.”
“My laptop screen? What about-” Your breath hitched as realisation dawned upon you. Your eyes widened and heartbeat quickened. He saw your playlist. He saw your playlist and now he knows.
“I never knew you were interested in such risqué fantasies, my love.” He said in a teasing voice, followed by a dark chuckle.
 The heat on your cheeks started to spread all over your body, embarrassed that you were caught.
“H-huh? Whatever do you mean Luc?” You said in a weak attempt to save your last shreds of dignity.
 “Don’t act clueless, I saw your laptop was filled with erotic audios. If I remembered correctly, there was this one that was tagged as Mdom was it? And it had some mild choking and manhandling too~" 
It was one thing knowing that he knew, and it was another thing for him to describe her transgressions in such a vivid and shameless manner. You couldn’t think of anything to say. Luckily you didn’t have to say anything at all as Diluc himself draws the shower curtain apart, your naked body now revealed to him. You looked at him, bewildered at his actions, but he was smiling at you with such loving adoration you couldn’t say anything to him. He put a hand on your shoulder pushing you back against the cool wall and a shiver ran through you back at the stark contrast of temperature. His hand trailed down from your chin to your waist, not leaving your skin for a second. "Do you want to try your fantasies with me, my love?" 
You gulped at the thought. Did this man even know what he was insinuating? You never really wanted to do it now, did you? Was he just joking?
“Diluc, please stop joking about this,” You breathed out, gently pushing him.
“I am not,” Diluc insisted, not moving.
“Please, you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do just to please me Diluc,” you said, your hand still resting on his chest, resisting his advances.
“Be assured, Y/N, I would never do that. I am only asking because I feel comfortable doing this. So, tell me my darling what do you wish for. Your pleasure is the only thing I desire.”
At this you gave in, hands in his hair and pulling him in deep, “Make you the only thing I feel tonight. You should be the only thing I see, the only thing I hear, the only thing I taste, the only thing I smell. I want you to overwhelm me.”
Diluc grinned, “As you wish, my love.”
Diluc picked you up and carried you to the bed, soaking. The bed and floor were going to be wet after this but both of you can deal with that later.
“What will you say if you want to stop, my love?”
You looked up at your lover and the only thing you could come up with was, “Rose, as beautiful and gorgeous as you, my darling.”
“So be it,” He said, littering your body with kisses, “Now remember, I don’t want you coming until I tell you to, okay?”
You only manage to nod, your whole attention focused on the sloppy kisses reaching closer to your nether region by the second.
You gasped as you suddenly realized your lover had stopped kissing and was now hovering right above you.
“Verbal confirmation, my love. Say yes.”
“Y-Yes,” you quivered, “Now get back to what you were doing,” you said, pushing the man down again.
“So eager,” Diluc remarked, and you could feel him smirking and he continued kissing you, getting slower the closer her got to your pussy.
Your breathing got quicker as you felt him kiss right above your pussy before looking up one last time right into your eyes. Amazing. Now he would finally start eating you out, you thought preparing your body for his mouth until you saw him smirk. No. No no no. He couldn’t do that, right? But he was. He moved back up your body as you shook from the lack of stimulation. “No! Diluc please no! Please touch me! Please just- just!” your words jumbled by the end into a sob. Diluc paused for a second and dipped down to kiss you. 
“Just say the word and all this would stop, my love and we can go back to what we always do,” Diluc whispered in your ear.
Stop! You- you didn’t really want this to stop. You had never really experienced pleasure like this before. It felt weird, but your body craved it. It wanted more. 
“No!” You almost screamed, “No please continue, don’t stop, please!”
“You don’t have to say another word, my love,” Diluc said, kissing the tears streaming down your cheeks “Would you be okay if I choked you?” He asked.
“Yes,” You said, voice trembling beyond control as you pulled his hand to your neck, “Do it, please.”
At this point, you were sure you had lost your shame, but who cares, it is your Luc you were talking about. He was your love, your eternity.
“If you feel trouble breathing, tell me, promise?” Diluc asked, now his second hand stationed on your neck too. 
“Yes,” you said, eagerly.
“Good girl,” Diluc said patting your head gently, “Now focus on me, my voice, and breathe only when I tell you to, got it?”
“Yes,” you confirmed, deliriously.
Diluc rested both his hands on your neck and tightened his grip slowly. You take a breath and feel his hands clasping your neck his eyes looking directly into yours. That’s when you noticed him holding his breath with you as well. Your heart blossomed with love as you remembered why you loved this man so much. You had never met anyone as gentle and caring as him your whole life. So considerate, so thoughtful that it made you cry tears of joy. 
“Now breath, my darling, breath,” you heard his voice echo in your mind. Just his voice. And you breathed out as he breathed out himself as well. “I am going to do it again, okay,”
You smiled back at him and that was the only confirmation he needed. It was like you both were one. Breathing in together and breathing out together. You had never made love with him like this before. You felt heat in your pussy, suddenly feeling touch deprived. You felt like you need some friction, any friction, to just cum. But there was none.
Your breaths suddenly became erratic. 
“What is the matter, love,” he said, feeling your breath in your throat.
“Need… to… come… please” you managed to muster out somehow.
Diluc kissed you tenderly on your forehead. “Just a few more minutes, my love, could you do that for me?”
You barely nodded at his words.
“Can you say yes?” Diluc asked.
“Ye- aah-Yes!” you replied.
“I am grateful, my love,” Diluc said, pleased.
Diluc kept his promises and after five minutes kissed you on your lips deeply, complimenting you continuously, “You did great! You are doing amazing! Just like that! You are gorgeous!” Your mind barely registered them, but his feelings weren’t lost on you. You felt his hand crawling down to your pussy and this time his didn’t stop and was quick to give you all the pleasure you craved. He fingered you mercilessly, already knowing your body all too well. You cried in pleasure and kissed me every time you did, taking in everything you provided. Finally, you came, shaking vigorously by the end of it.
After a few minutes, he picked you up to take you to the bathroom to wash you. Wait! Was this over? But what about him? He didn’t get anything!
“Wait!” You cried in Diluc’s arms, “What about you? You never got to-“
“Shhh!” He interrupted you, “Don’t worry, I am fine dedicating this night to you. I told you have already told you that pleasure is all that I desire, my love. Either way, we are married and have an eternity to pleasure me and further discover this new aspect of our relationship. So, focus on resting for today, it was our first time doing this, let's take it slow, okay?
“Okay,” you said, knowing you can’t do anything about it anymore.
“Sleep tight, my love, let me take full care of you today,” he said resting your head comfortably on his chest. And so, you drifted away in deep slumber, snug in your lover’s arms.
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smolmilkyways · 6 months
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happy third anniversary to my first five star 🥰💐
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
Their greatest weakness!
Aka genshin’s most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes greatest weakness or biggest turn ons. The easiest way to get them riled up and ready.
In general you just existing makes her feel more… greedy. But often are the children surrounding you with innocence and naïveté so she keeps her hands to herself most of the time. But sometimes she wishes she could just pick you up and carry you away. Oh seeing you being so motherly warms her heart.
But she has her needs and whenever you’re alone her hands are often all around you. The easiest way to seduce her is simply just showing a little neck. She lovesss to mark your neck, biting and smearing lipstick all over. You’ll have to wear a scarf or collared shirts after but its a small price to pay. In particular she’s fond of ribbons and lace. Especially around the chest. She likes the idea of being able to untie your clothes like unwrapping a present. She will do so slowly and gently of course, she would love to use the ribbon to bing your hands or block your eyesight.
She’s definitely the easiest to seduce. She’s oh so repressed. Even seeing you in a simple low cut dress showcasing even the littlest of cleavage will have her reeling. A great way to lure her to bed and to take a ‘rest is to simply wear a nightgown more low cut and sweetly ask when she’ll be coming to bed. She’ll be rushing through work as soon as she can. If possible she will just ditch the paper and go to you right away. Unable to focus now that she nows what she’s missing.
Anything. The sight if your thighs, your neck, your cleavage, your belly, your hips. Oh anything that is you. He cannot help himself when you show even the smallest of skin. Once when you went to the beach with him he quickly pulled you to a more isolated part to ravage you. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself, you weren’t even wearing that lewd of a swimsuit but so much skin just sent him into frenzy. If you wore lingerie he would lunge at you almost immediately.
He is much harder to seduce. Often he’s the one seducing you, his hands lightly tracing your skin to heighten your senses. He’s a big fan of blindfolds. So if you wear a sleeping mask he tends to get a bit mischievous. He won’t do anything if you’re unconscious unless you’ve given him permission to do so prior. Its not that he isn’t attracted to you, he simply has alot of self restraint
But to lure him from his office is difficult as he has a high self control. So subtle and innocent looks won’t work. He’ll know what you’re playing at. If you want to seduce him you have to commit and hard. Lingerie is a favorite of his. Especially if he catches sight of it under your clothes. The difficulty being that.. the get up you usually wear isn’t allowing of little peaks like that. So you have to be creative and direct. In general he likes begging. You will probably have to grovel too as you try to encourage him to come to bed with you. Then he will oblige.
Anything. If you’re with him he is likely obsessed with you. Like a drug any inch of you will drive him mad and wanting more. In his homeland however such revealing clothes are a liability. But oh how he lovessss your thighs. He often lays his head on them, bites them, squishes them, etc. thigh highs in particular will drive him insane. Stockings too. You could be wearing anything but if you’re wearing stockings or thighs highs it will drive him mad. You will not be walking straight.
Ohhhhh despite her stoicism and professionalism she is down bad for you. Anything drives her crazy. She is great at hiding this though. In public she will simply maintain her usual professionalism. But in private? Oh she won’t be holding back. She won’t stop herself from taking what she wants where she wants. She can tell when you’re doing it on purpose. She is quite fond of gloves, lacy and transparent ones in particular. She loves to hold your hands in hers while in the act. Its such a intimate feeling to her. She loves lace in general but your hands are just so delicate to her. She loves feeling them on her too.
Honestly touch is a big turn on to him. In particular light touches and body contact too. If you just pull his body close to yours, leaving no gaps in-between he’ll start to get flustered. If you sneak up behind him and start lightly touching him he’ll get all worked up and flustered. He’d be too embarrassed to do anything at work. That would take alot of seduction. He’d be pouting and trying so hard not to whimper as you easily would have him wrapped around your finger. He is easily aroused by the sight of your body. But if you start teasing him he’ll be following you like a dog on a collar
Another thigh guy. He fuckin loves thigh highs an stockings too. He loves just ripping them off and burying himself in between your thighs. The best part to him is seeing you have to walk away in torn tights clearly showing what exactly you had been doing in his office. He loves mesh clothing in general because he loves just ripping it off. Like tearing wrapping paper off a box. He cannot resist it.
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orandoggo · 7 months
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These two has a tight grip on my brain rn y'all have no idea
Like wouldn't it be cool if Diluc and Wriothesley were sparring partners? Hc Wrio is the more confident one between the two
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pipfrankenstein · 3 months
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redraw of the new diluc emote :33
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namachuki · 11 months
Concept for you, werewolf! Diluc. Thank you.
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sarahsartistportfolio · 8 months
funny romance scenario
Reader asks character to get married to them and then quickly quietly divorce just because reader wants to change their last name(maybe just to distance themselves from their family name).
But every time reader approaches character like "ok here are the papers you need to sign for the separation. Remember to do it soon ok" Character just keeps...putting it off and making excuses why they haven't signed them yet because they secretly love being married to you.
During the time that you're "married" they secretly try to flirt with you/show you how good of a spouse they can be so in the end you hopefully forget about the divorce. Ex: they call you wifey every chance they get :)
Diluc, Xingqiu, Heizou, Alhaitham, Childe, Wriothesley, Ningguang, Lyney*, Cyno
*makes the divorce papers disappear every time you bring them to him :)
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dilfiesz · 1 year
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💢 buruchii on twitter. ++credit them if you use any icon.
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suguwu · 11 months
...modern au and an accidental (drunken) vegas wedding with diluc
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winds-of-dawn-and-dusk · 10 months
@abowlofcurry regarding your tags
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IN LIYUE I HAVE HIM, MY GEOLORD SUPREME (supreme because he was the only one for SUCH A LONG TIME).
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IN INAZUMA, I HAVE THE MASTER OF HIMBOS AND THE ADORABLE FACTOTUM (seriously, Thoma is too adorable for words, and Itto....I just can't with him. Just hearing him talk makes me so happy <3)
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kay-selfships · 1 year
me seeing that we have an event in mondstadt and hoping to see my husband
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
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Happy Diluc day!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
Early love!
Aka into the early courting stages! Pure fluff
Characters included: Arlecchino, Jean, Diluc, Shenhe, Chlorinde
Afab reader
Early into the courting stages it is quite awkward. As the caretaker you know she’s not the most emotional or social of bosses. But she often requests you stay a little bit late or come see her in her office. At first it has you terrified you did something wrong. But overtime you get used to it. These little meetings are mostly her talking about the kids and any issues you think they might have etc. Nothing too unexpected, but then she starts asking personal questions like lovelife and values. You can’t help but overthink what it means
Truth be told Arlecchino is already smitten with you at this point. She’s just now starting to make her move now that she’s certain life can’t be as enjoyable without you. She sends you flowers on your day off, unintentionally the children also start to try and brag about their father in a advertising sense. She’s well composed, she brings home cakes and desserts specifically for you to enjoy over tea alone with her. She also starts to slowly suggest you move in or move closer. Even offering to compensate the cost. She’s slow with this all. Making sure to ease you into it so she won’t scare you off.
The first time you ask if she’d like to get dinner sometime she almost got a heart attack. She didn’t expect you to be so forward but you’ve grown accustomed to her to the point she’s no longer intimidating. She of course accepts watching you light up and blush with a hidden glee herself.
Oh she’s very old school. She approaches your parents for permission to court you and of course they agree. Gifts show up at your door, often flowers or your favorite treats. Meals are sent including your favorite foods with the price paid in advance. And she lingers around in your presence. Her gifts are bold but she herself is not. She’s very professional around you. She’s very polite but she tries to hard to hide her blush and trembling lips. You’re just too beautiful for her. Everytime she looks at you she is overwhelmed with her feelings. Mostly she writes letters complimenting your skills, your beauty, anything. The Knights also seem to be more protective of you.
Its quite cute for you to see the Acting Grandmaster so flustered. Her cheeks turn red when you look at her and talk to her. You decided to return the favor one-day and send her a meal, homemade, her favorite too. And ohhh she went from overworked and tired to beaming pure joy when she heard it was from you. She treasured each bite like it was gold. When she found out it was made by you she felt like she was on cloud 9. She was already starting to plan the wedding. The other knights were too.
Shenhe was a odd woman. She doesn’t quite understand when you pick to the best flowers and offer them to her, your face red and your hands shaking that it’s because you like her. She sees it as you trying to appease her like she’s some demon. When you clarify its just a gift she thanks you and… eats the flowers..
You try to introduce her to more tasty meals but she’s more fond of salads and vegetarian meals. Its an adeptus thing she says but its also a bit jarring to see her just eat the bouquet of flowers you spent so long agonizing over and debating which was better looking. The best method is gift giving. A beautiful ornate hairpin is appreciated and she will wear it.
One thing though is Cloud Retainer who is seemingly putting you through trials and tribulations to court her as she wants to make sure you’re the absolute best for her. You still do so. When she suggests you train to get a idea of what Shenhe’s life is like you do and boy are you sore from one day’s worth of training. She wanted to make sure you weren’t weak.
But when its all said and done, you didn’t quite pull off those herculean tasks, but your dedication and determination was proof enough that you were worthy to her. You planned a whole confession on Jueyun Karst, the journey there now seeming more like a hike after all your efforts, having appeased your future mother in law, and being a bit more stronger than before she just randomly asks you out one day before the day of the confession. You accept yes but its unfortunate you planned all this romantic gestures and such for nothing. In the future you just have to be direct and obvious.
Oh another chivalrous lady! Like jean she’ll request permission… from yourself.. you’re confused because it’s basically a confession but she insists on still going through the courting process. Does she not realize you already accepted her affection? Oh well. The gifts are wonderful. She even has a customized outfit made for you at Chiori’s which fits you so well. Delicate lace you look absolutely stunning in. Jewelry, food, flowers, and more. You keep telling her you accept her feelings but she insists on continuing. Its improper to conclude too soon apparently? She wants to go through the whooleee routine. You even send her gifts in return to which she proudly wears and displays in her home. She refuses to throw out the flowers even when they’re brown and crisp. Finally after a month of having already accepted her feelings, already having told her that: she asks you out. And you accept. Somehow she looks surprised and delighted as if everyone couldnt tell the outcome.
Oh another chivalrous one! Only he’s a bit more shy. He’s got a big reputation and he worries if he makes it too public if you would get dog piled on by his other admirers. So his gifts aren’t marked. Causing you to go crazy trying to figure out who is giving you sooo many flowers! You’re questioning Flora when Donna breaks down in tears realizing you’re the one Diluc had been sending flowers to and not her. She makes you swear to treat him well and love him dearly. Which is very confusing but you still agree. You mostly just wanted to tell him to please send something else because you’re out of vases and your cat keeps trying to eat the flowers.
You aren’t sure where to go from here though. Do you confront him? Do you send him something? Unlike Diluc you do not have this courting tradition engrained into you. You don’t exactly have alot to offer really. So you decided to catch him in the act of leaving flowers. You stayed home all day diligently watching the door from your window, not wanting to make a fool of yourself and ensure for certain it was Diluc. Donna could’ve been wrong afterall. She wasn’t though. You were almost half asleep when you heard footsteps. You peered out your window catching sight of his red hair. You immediately junped out and called out to him and… fell out the window into the planter below. Whoops.
So your first “date” with Diluc might’ve been him rushing you to the Cathedral to be seen and healed. Luckily the planter broke your fall but he still fretted over you. He apologized alot despite you reassuring him it was fine. He ended up worried when you said you spent all day waiting to catch him. You forgot to eat and he dragged you to dinner, paying for it of course. You ended up bonding with him over it. He refuses to call it your first date with him becoming so much went wrong but you still enjoyed it.
You forgot to tell him to not send flowers thiugh because shortly after that you came home to a bunch of flowers. Luckily this time they were potted plants so you could patch up your garden you body slammed.
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wyvernne · 1 year
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chiblpic · 8 months
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