#hws whale bros
doueverwonder · 5 months
do you have any iceland and norway headcanons?
i'm going to assume you mean their relationship in which yes I do!
They're father and son not brothers; thanks for coming to my ted talk
During the viking age Sigurd had 11 kids, which it was 300 years but that was like ages 17-23 for him; he was too young to be having kids.
In correlation with that, he wasn't the best dad for... a long time. Not for lack of trying mind you, he simply didn't know what he was doing.
By the end of the viking age Sigurd had shut himself up and while Ari always tried not to be bitter he kind of is; like he'll talk about how he didn't see his father for a century after 1815 but honestly he didn't see his father much before that anyway.
their top father son bonding activity is going on hikes, like they just kinda walk around for a few hours in absolute silence and call it bonding.
nothing is helped by the fact that when Ari was young Sigurd had the whole “Men don’t cry” thing going on
he also just doesn’t know how to talk to people :\ he’s not extremely close with any of his kids and that’s the top reason.
modern day they’re still kinda trying to figure out how to be around each other.
Ari still feels *closer* to Harald (Dan) than he does Sigurd, just because he’s easier to be around.
“I know, he was going through a lot for a long time but he was still supposed to be my dad” vibes yknow?
not to mention Sigurd is just paralyzed by the idea that is Ari (and Faroe) don’t have a good time when they’re with him they’ll just keep preferring Harald, which leads to him not reaching out to begin with.
(something he needs to tell a therapist about and instead just tells Björn about smh)
uhh anyway complicated. Their relationship is complicated.
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ifindus · 2 years
We need more whale brothers😩
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aphfroghat · 1 year
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Norway when Iceland breathes
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qhimberly · 7 months
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Welcome to the Nordic Districts. Are you ready?
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hws-lceland · 8 months
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Whale sisters
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tolyys · 9 months
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i can finally share the secret santa gift i made for @qhimberly !! dragon whale brothers 💕 i've missed drawing fantasy omgggg
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corviisquire · 7 months
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I’ve read the comments on my post abt soulsborne sleep token thing! Here’s some concept art I tried. More is on the way just… HW ew. Tagging people who were interested/encouraging this idea: @sleep-token @wingedinsect @moonchild-in-blue @foundationsofdecay @madsthenightowl @a-s-levynn
Undercut is me mindlessly rambling about what’s going on in my brain about this. Don’t read unless you like torturing yourself with reading.
I guess to start, I have only played Elden Ring (crucible knight more like crucible kill yours-IM JOKING), I’ve watched some lore videos on Elden Ring Bloodborne and DS1, haven’t played DS1 yet, and have all the art books except DS2 (cause nobody likes DS2). I’ve played very limited DND games. I’ve read lots of weaponry wiki pages but I have bad memory. If any information I say below is incorrect (like I say this sword is two-handed but it’s not or I misspell spauldor… spalder? Spauldron?) please correct me. I’m just using information I know and I’m always open to suggestions and feedback!
Random Lore Bits: Sleep and the Whale lived in peace but Sleep was always the higher deity. It created all that lives on the land and the TMBTE creatures. Sleep had many worhsippers but Vessel and the rest stood out. They were appointed as the highest knights of sleep. Vessel always had Sleep’s favor and therefore became Sleep’s vessel. Confusing I’m aware lmao. Sleep and Whale became enemies somehow and Sleep injured the whale, causing it to die. This time period before the Whale’s death was called Eden. NPCs speak of Eden all the time about how, “Peace and day has never been restored since Eden” “Eden is over” “If the whale were here, Eden would still be here”. All followers of Sleep become corrupt.
Bosses: Once killed, all bosses turn into statues and have branches grow out of them. They aren’t dead, just dormant. You can fight them again but returning to their fight area and making an offering of a certain amount of tokens. Once defeated again they return to being dormant. If you defeat all resurrected bosses (fought each one twice) you get smth called a Talisman of Blood (important later).
Regular enemies: Idk skeletons???? Giant birds??? Snakes???? Giant insectoids Idk bro???
Location: Like Elden Ring lands between, it’s called Fields of Elation. The capital city is either Nazareth or Jericho. I’ll try to incorporate Calcutta somehow. Geography is a mix of frigid coast, deep dark forest, large cavernous cave strictures, old ruined castles with mysterious rusty machinery inside, sparatic temples to sleep (all whale temples were destroyed), and the remnants of towns. Large trade road that goes through the entirety of the land is called the Path of Reason??? Idk bro I’m spitballing.
Currency: Tokens. Killing enemies and bosses earns you large amounts of tokens and like how runes work, you can level up you and your armaments with them.
Waypoints: Sites of grace, bonfires, more like RITUALS (I am not funny). I think calling waypoints rituals makes sense.
Flasks HP/FP: Estus Flask, Flask of Crimson/Cruelean Tears…. How about Flssk of H I G H W A T E R. Nah I’m kidding. No idea! Suggestions are open! I’m reading lyrics and nothings jumping out.
Incantations/Spells: Can be equipped to magic armaments and weapons! Kinda like you can choose between spell sword or just being a wizard.
Player Character: Tarnished, undead, hunter…. No idea what to call them. Robes and garments Very inspired by TPWBYT. Thinking the whale was an ancient god defeated by Sleep. Player Character is gifted with a certain power of the whale and was resurrected to defeat Sleep. Game opens with epic cutscene and player charter emerges from a cavern (TLYW) and goes through it before finding themselves on the coast of a freezing raging sea and an inviting forest. There’s probably one class you play as cause I’m lazy and you just collect armor and new weapons on the journey. TLYW style robes with greaves, hood, and gauntlets. Basic longsword.
Vessel: I’ve read the feedback and I agree that staff needs to stay. Live laugh staff. I’ve seen a few Elden ring builds where it’s right armament is staff for casting the long range stuff and left armament is a short sword, miséricorde (mercy dagger), scimitar(?), or other various short weapons. I like the image of this because I imagine him having somewhat light armor so if you’re far away, he spell. If you’re close, he stab. Spells are gonna be red. Change my mind. I like the Elden Ring boss Maliketh’s magic attacks so I imagine something like that. I imagine his boss fight starts with epic cut scene with him kneeled in a big arching cathedral temple type place and he’s like, “you seek to defeat the vessel of Sleep, foolish warrior? I have not known defeat against those of the sea nor those of Sleep” or some crazy bs like that. Half health, hands of Sleep show up and swipe and grab and Player Character. Just giant spindly hands that appear and float around. Attempts to break away form Sleep control but fails so that why he evil >:}
II: Dual wielding… what? No idea. I want him to dual wild some sort of straight weapon cause like drumsticks but honestly… sickles are so badass… Med. to light armor so he can move around a lot. Some sort of helmet with feather Mohawk. Boss area is probably in a fort outside of the main city. Just you and this guy. Get ready for a stamina check.
III: I’m torn between frenzied flame/black flame style magic user or spell sword. If magic, light armor. If spell sword, med. armor. Boss fight in a large old temple, candlelit and torn tapestries everywhere. Better have some fire immunity talismans on you.
IV: Halbert. All the way. Heavy armor my guy. Idk not much to say. Thinking banished knight ornstein inspo?? Boss fight Outside the gates to Vessel/Sleep’s castle. Vigor check time!!!
Chokehold: large dark cavern with webs strung about. It appears from above like, “A traitor to Sleep, hm? Pity. You seemed like you would be a good asset to the Vessel’s artillery.” Big axe time. High HP high strength boss. Vulnerable spot is probably its stomach area. Gives you armor, weapon, talisman, and incantation “Branches in a Flood” (roots sprout from the ground and entangle enemy).
The Summoning: Player probably stumbles upon the fight after meeting Aqua Regia and Granite. Mean killing machine. Idk what else to say erm… maybe player interacts with a sleep token symbol on a pillar with runes and it summons (pun intended) the summoning creature??? Stonehenge lookin boss area. Armor, weapons, talisman, and incantations are dropped.
Granite: Relatively peaceful NPC. Dialogue options are cool and it probably raises stats and alters your armaments. Quest line ends with Granite maybe just becoming dormant or it becomes a member of sleep again and sad boss fight initiates. Drops its armor, axes, root/weed talisman that increases stamina and immunity.
Aqua Regia: Chill and never ends in boss fight. Probably lets you summon them during other boss fights. Spear and sword. Gifts you new armor and talismans. Quest line maybe ends with them becoming too weak to keep battling and becomes dormsnt. You get their armor, spear, sword, rose talisman that raises FP, and a spell/incantation that shoots gold acid rays called Gold Rush or smth similar (Like Aqua Regia? Get it?)
Vore: Awesome boss. Inflicts poison damage for sure. I think we can all imagine how fighting Vore would be. In a poison lake haha it wants you to suffer. Armor, weapons, talisman, and incantations are dropped.
Ascensionism: Swords swords swords. Pulls a Starscourge Radahn and turns a meteor and player has to dodge lmao (cause yk ascending). Boss area is probably in a giant colosseum that’s old and crumbling. Armor, weapons, talisman, and incantations are dropped.
Are You Really Okay?: Player character pulls a stupid and decides to touch and inspect the strange incubator with a fetus inside and AYRO appears and is like “DONT TOUCH MY CHILD” initiate boss fight. Small castle is the boss fight area. Armor, weapons, talisman, and incantations are dropped.
The Apparition: Big guy, big hammer. Boss fight is somewhere in a forest clearing. No other ideas for it. Drops weapons, armor, talisman, incantations like everyone else.
DYWTYLM: Chokehold but with tiny dagger and looks like a giant engine. Probably shoots fire from the pipes on its body? Chokehold is PISSED if you defeat this guy first. Brothers fr fr. Boss fight in an old building filled with machinery. Speed is low but HP is super high. Drops armor, weapons, incantations, and talisman.
Rain: Your magic immunity better be HIGH. Renala style fight: Crazy hits, bad defense. Probably drops some crazy cool incantations, armor (really bad armor), and a talisman of fire immunity and raises your FP. Boss fight area is in a shiny crystaly forest area surrounded by weeping willow/wisteria like trees.
Take Me Back To Eden: The last boss before Vessel. Killer fight. Armor is also fire??? Difficult but probably super dope. Boss fight is in a SUPER large hallway in the castle of Sleep. Drops weapons, armor, talisman of resistance against airborne attacks.
Euclid: NPC that’s probably cranky and hesitant to befriend you at first. Still a follower of Sleep but respects the players fate to defeat the sleepmiester (I’m so tired bro—). Might fight you idk.Once dormant, drops and old mask of Vessel, a few incantations, and armor.
Endings: Endings one: You defeat vessel, sleep becomes dormant and no gods rule over the land. Retires and vessels are resurrected. Endings 2: You defeat vessel and become the new Vessel of Sleep. No difference from first ending, you just chose if ya wanna be evil or not. Endings 3: If you acquire the Talisman of Blood, Sleep sees you worthy to fight them without using a vessel. Radagon Elden Beast situation. When you defeat sleep, the whale is resurrected.
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ask-hwshero-au · 3 years
I wanted to ask you how did you get your superpowers? Were you born with them? Did someone give them to you? Or a funny accident?
Sorry, I'm struggling with english
Lukas: The way me and my lillebror got my powers is nothing special really. We were just born that way.
Erik: I can speak for myself Lukas! But, he’s right. We were just born with powers.
Berwald: To make a long story short, I was born with the gene to have powers but they didn’t get activated until I was a teen.
Tino: I was experimented on. I don’t like talking about it…
Lykke, coming into the room: Hej! Did we get an ask?
Lykke, after reading the ask: I think I left something in the oven! Can’t let the food get burnt right? *speeds off*
Tino: I’ll join you, an extra hand won’t hurt!
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kolkolkol · 4 years
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took this from my manga copy bc i love it so much
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arthoe-iceland · 4 years
"Thoughts on Iceland being considered emotionless?"
i didnt realize this was a common take ! i mean this is just blatantly untrue—he wants the cool, unbothered affect (maybe inspired by the way he sees his brother ? tho i don’t think nor is emotionless either) but he’s definitely an emotional kid ! you can see him getting flustered in the birthday strips, as well as with norway leading to occasional outbursts, like any hormonal teen trying to be cool when in reality they’re brimming with feelings
this is def a common idea with ice but i’ll still repeat it: like his nation, there’s lots of fiery emotion (lava) churning beneath the surface—and sometimes it bursts, being through anger, embarrassment, joy,...
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Headcanon: Norway and Finland, being the two motherly figures of the Nordics, sometimes make “cuddle nests” (re: blanket forts) where they cuddle with their children and nieces/nephews. Faroes and Sealand love it, while the others pretend to hate it but secretly love it.
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doueverwonder · 1 year
No lies here I love both equally but I’ve also seen some people with pretty strong opinions on this
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ifindus · 2 years
how do you think the other nordics would react if norway and Iceland ever started to fight? and I mean REALLY FIGHT. not some small sibling quarrel. how would they handle the situation?
Thanks for the ask! It reminded me of the fanfic Care that I was supposed to draw somthing for once I read it so I take this as an opportunity. It begins with Norway defending Iceland from Denmark's wrath in the past and then cuts to modern life where Iceland and Norway has just fought, and how they handle it - all Nordics present in both.
I think all the Nordics would be a bit apprehensive to meddling in the fight, as it's very in the culture to "stay out of it". Though, Denmark is always very passionate about the unity of their group, so he would probably be the first to talk to them again, convining them to make up in the end. Sweden would probably just offer silent support to both of them, seek them out and sit beside them for a while without speaking. Finland is probably more alike to Denmark in the sense that he wouldn't want to be around so much negative energy for a long period of time, perhaps even getting angry with them if they take too long to become friends again.
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aphfroghat · 2 years
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Did this during history class.
I wanted to draw hongice but I drew Nor and Ice instead lmfao—
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qhimberly · 8 months
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In a modern au where Scandinavia was there for baby Iceland and teenage Norway’s childhoods. Norway is trying to get his baby brother to hold his finger.
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noshmonet · 7 years
Do them all!!
1) Describe them in 3 words.
Erin is intelligent, handsome, and unique
2) Their favourite style of clothing
They like to wear any dark tshirts or a bit loose for example their stand by me shirt tucked in with skinny jeans that are rolled up with black vans
3) What mannerisms do they have?
This is hard but when they’re upset they fidget with their thumb and use humor more. When their happy they smile or laugh more. This is weird but when their being sarcastic they roll their eyes a bit more. When excited they get loud and cute aha
4) Do they play an instrument?
Yes I think shoot what was it aghhh they told me before I think this may be wrong but a sax
5) How did you meet/become introduced to them?
We lived on the 23rd floor of an all girls dorm. We met through one of my friends who was in the same class as her. 
6) Favourite thing they’ve ever said/texted/messaged?
Hey I love you, And then I saw u in the hall one day and I waved and u smiled and I was like hmmm she has a nice smile, and you’re a dork
7) What do you like doing with them?
I like watching say yes to the dress with them or anything on tv, cuddling in bed, walking and talking, and watching stupid youtube videos
8) Their favourite colour
Their favorite color is pink
9) Do they keep up to date on pop culture?
Uhhh I think so I mean their more updated than me
10) Sweetest thing they’ve done for you?
Buy me flowers, take me on dates, make me feel better when I’m upset, help me with my hw, tries to make me laugh when in a bad mood, and hold me whenever I ask as well as comfort me
11) Have you dreamed about them?
12) Have they dreamed about you? (if you know)
Oh yes they have
13) Can they dance?
No but it’s cute cause well their cute
14) What does hugging them feel like?
OH MY B I S C U I T S!!!!! Let me tell you it is the best thing ever. I fit right into them. Like it’s not awkward or anything. It’s perfect. Like I feel safe and loved and omg I love hugging Erin
15) Your favourite thing about them?
Oh jeez this is hard but her smile her real smile and their nose gosh I love their nose and and when they laugh oh gosh and their butt like yasssss and their personality and her lips like they are soooo soft
16) Their favourite thing about you?
I’m pretty sure it’s my smile, nose, and butt. Oh also my chest aha
17) Best memory of you together?
Okay see this is hard but I will pick my top three okay.
1. The twenty one pilots concert during and after
2. The night I told them I liked them
3. Our first date 
18) What are they like when they’re tired?
They get really cute like extremely cute. Like they’ll be more clingy and affectionate. They have this soft voice and aghhh it’s adorable. 
19) Could you imagine growing old together with them?
whoa this is a fullY loaded question aha
20) Could they imagine growing old together with you?
Whatever happens happens bro
21) What would an ideal date with them be?
Well idk I guess like going camping or being outside really. They really love nature and I wouldn’t mind being outside cause I mean clouds and stuff
22) Are they competitive?
Oh gosh yes. Erin and I wrestle sometimes and when I win they get so mad about it. It’s cute tho.
23) What do you do together?
Uhhhh we sleep together sometimes, do hw sometimes, watch tv, get food. You know the simple, domestic things
24) Which smells remind you of them?
Old spice, flowers, nature, and clouds if they had a smell idk why but they do and also they wear cologne so that too.
25) Do they remind you of any music?
Oh gosh yes. I have a playlist that reminds me of them. This most recent song is sushi by northern whale
26) Could you tell them your biggest secret?
27) Could they tell you their biggest secret?I hope so aha but that’s up to them. Trust is important in a healthy relationship yo28) How do you greet each other?
Hey bro or hey dude or Babe 
29) What makes you blush that they do?
Oh wow um when they call me princess or bbygirl, call me beautiful or handsome, call me momo, and kiss my nose or cheek sometimes
30) What makes them blush that you do?
When I call them my pretty pretty girlfreind or my handsome boyfriend, kiss their face a bunch, call them bbygirl or bebes, and tell them how beautiful they are
31) Would you say you love them?
Ummm Yes!!!! I love them a bunch yo
32) Would they say they love you?
Well I would hope so haha but in all serious yes 
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