#hybrids of santa carla
catharrington · 15 days
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Link to read on AO3
Steve’s inside a tiny pop up bar, hastily designed and constructed in a warehouse as if that made it more dangerous than anyother bar. They were becoming a thing in the 90’s he supposed, like oversized suit jackets or spiked-collars. And he liked them just fine. It was even deeper underground than most seedy gay clubs.
The people who drink here don’t mind that he's a hybrid.
They don’t mind his triangle-shaped ears atop his messy, brown hair, or the long fur-covered tail that relays every emotion he’s feeling out loud for the world to see. Even the bad ones.
Like right now— seeing a ghost from his past again out of the blue, just a few seats down the bar, has got his tail flicking against his stool legs. A ringing metallic flick-flick-flick.
Steve digs his claw into the bar top, leaving a deep crescent mark.
Since Steve’s seen him last, he’s doing well. He’s smiling and glowing and he’s put on a few healthy pounds. He looks like he could lift Steve up over his head if he wanted to.
The ice in Steve’s drink melts and breaks apart with a soft noise. Another man at the bar tries to flirt with him, a hot, whispered breath right into the sensitive fur of his ears, but… Steve makes no moves to actually listen.
Because Steve isn’t at the bar anymore. He’s sinking into golden quicksand— California beach scalding.
Steve doesn’t even realize he’s staring until his pretty ghost turns around.
“Harrington?” His breathy voice asks. Just as boyish and melodic as ever.
“Harrington,” he repeats in a hiss, “back to last names? Should I be insulted, Hargrove?”
“Sorry, Stevie.” Billy chuckles as he leans over the bar. Up close, Steve can see he’s got a strawberry blond beard defining his jawline.
“I’ve got to say, I’m surprised to see you in a place like this.” He sings.
Steve can’t say he disagrees. His lips quirk up. Playful, it’s in his nature. “I come to these all the time, Billy. I like the atmosphere. And the art. It’s very new-age-industrial.”
Billy watches him for a moment with curious eyes, scanning over his expression. And, like so many years ago, Billy’s sea foam green eyes can read Steve’s face line for line like a damn book: “Bullshit.”
“I’m here to try and get laid!” Steve gives up the ruse with a laugh. It makes Billy’s own laughter come out, just as pretty as the rest of him. Steve takes a long swig of his drink while he allows Billy to laugh at him. Then slowly licks the sour taste from his lips.
Can’t help but notice Billy’s eyes track that movement as well.
“Is that what you want to hear?” Steve pushes.
Billy shrugs. He swipes back a lock of hair that had fallen across his forehead. “Yeah, sure. I believe that before Steve Harrington: indie art scene groupie.”
Steve rolls his eyes at being called a groupie. It’s not the worst thing, by far. “Sort of unfair you asked me what I was doing here, when I should ask the same. I thought you were splitting town? Running away from your old man?”
Billy watches Steve, his eyes widening as their last conversation resurfaces. As it floats to the top of Steve’s crappy mixed drink as buoyant as an olive.
“Figured you’d be sunburnt in Santa Carla by now?” Steve asks.
He asks and really means it.
That daydream had helped him repair his broken heart, his bruised and bloody ego, his tail between his legs. He told himself it wasn’t really about him, it was Billy’s father who ran him out of town. It was Billy’s father who planted and watered all the anger. The fact Steve was a hybrid was just a convenient excuse. Low hanging fruit. Even if the words never left his mind.
Even if the words sat on the edge of his bed every night to remind him of his unwantedness.
Steve imagines it was worth it, in some way, to get Billy to a safer place. Yet, he’s turned up here. Only a day’s drive from Steve’s hometown. In a pretentious pop-up bar. Glowing, and radiant, and blushing.
Billy lifts one hand to scrub at his beard. He’s got an open beer bottle pinched between his fingers. Effortlessly calm and suave. He takes a long swig before answering.
“Funny thing about Santa Carla… it’s a long drive out there for nowhere to stay.”
Billy’s searching his face, his body, as if it holds the answers. His electric-blue eyes settled finally on his tail.
Steve’s got to turn and order another drink. His fur starts standing on end from all the wonderful attention, preening from it.
“So you gave up?” Steve asks, uncaring.
“Something like that. I got a job here, an apartment. It was temporary ‘till I got some money, but you know. I just. Never left.”
Billy swallows thickly next to him. Shuffling as he gets closer. His hand is right beside Steve’s own as it lays on the bar.
Billy’s got ink all up and down his arms, on his chest and neck. He’s even got pretty things on the back of his hand. A red rose with brilliant green leaves curling over the edges of his palm.
Steve’s own hand itches to touch. To feel the tattoo’s raised scars, and Billy’s hot pulse under them. He wants to trace each one as if he were playing with lines of sunlight across the carpet on a sunny afternoon.
Steve reaches for his new drink, instead. He shivers as he drinks it down.
“Chicago’s not like Hawkins, then, huh? Where you just had to get out, just had to run—or, what?” Steve can taste the hatred in his own words. Stuck in his throat like a hair ball.
He was simply ‘Harrington’ to him across the bar now, only that. Billy’s hands were red, alright, but it wasn’t from his fucking tattoo. It was from Steve’s heart still beating inside of them.
“Steve,” Billy insists, “you know why I had to—.”
“I know.” Steve’s voice shakes with a whimper. His tail finally stops and curls closer to his feet, hiding away.
Steve blinks his swelling eyes down to Billy’s neck. The ink there is pretty too. Under the collar of the soft band t-shirt Billy’s wearing, Steve can see the wings of a flying sparrow.
“It was nice to see you again, Billy.”
Steve stands from the bar, finishing his drink before dropping a bill in one swift move, expecting to run away. He’s expecting to leave, to try and forget. Again. Just like last time.
But he doesn’t expect the hand that reaches for his elbow.
He doesn’t mean to shake the hand and keep walking. He’s on autopilot, he thinks. Blackout.
Feeling injured and lonely, Steve’s ears flatten to the top of his head and his tail hides between his legs. It had started raining while he was in the bar. The sidewalks are darker now, louder, from the onslaught.
And that’s just fine. The raindrops are fat and slow and they remind him of himself. He gasps for breath in the rain, and gets a mouthful.
“Oh, great, I’m drunk.” He mutters to himself.
Steve closes his eyes though a wave of nausea, stumbling further into the night, and when he opens them it’s like opening them up to a dream.
Blond curls turning dark in the rain, flattening to lay around Billy’s face in a pretty frame. His skin, pink and flushed from the cold, illuminates the freckles on his face like stars in the sky.
“Trying to make us even?” Billy yells over the rainfall.
Steve eyes him wary at first, hesitant he’s real at all.
“Making us even would be me calling you a freak!” He hissed.
Billy’s face falls. “Suppose so,” he calls. “You have every right to.”
Then he opens his arms. Holding them out as if waiting for a hug. Or a bullet. His shirts totally lost in the rain, turning the well loved gray to a solid black color that clings to Billy’s every curve. His abdomen is very welcoming, cozy, Steve wishes it could be his to run into.
He wished he could be the bullet. That he could hit Billy’s chest right there. Right there. In the same place his wound still bleeds.
But Steve was drunk. And cold. And wet. And his tail and ears hung so very heavy on his body.
He stayed quiet, watching blissfully as Billy got wetter and wetter. Until he wasn’t angry anymore.
“I was so mad at you for so long.” Forcing the words one by one, Steve’s voice trembles.
He closes his eyes and lets his silly, love-sick heart surge up into his throat.
“After us, I’ve spent my whole life trying to find someone that fits just like you, but… you’re different, Billy. You made me feel safe. Content. Warm.”
Billy scoffs, his hands dropping to his sides with a wet slap. “Bullshit.”
“Is it?” Steve meows a laugh.
Billy’s face creases in disgust, in confusion. Water falls from his long lashes as he blinks them rapidly.
“Cool it, kitty. I’m not some damn PRINCE CHARMING! I break everything I touch!” He yells over the rain. Over the base of the music they could still hear from the bar. Billy’s louder than any of that.
“Then why don’t you try fixing me!” Steve yells back. He’s desperate and mostly drunk as he steps closer.
And suddenly, Steve notices how Billy still radiates heat. The years of time between them tick down to nothingness. Steve shakes his head, pointed ears flicking water, his eyes a mix of tears and rain, and Billy opens his mouth like he’s about to ruin it.
But then, Steve’s pawing at that strawberry blond beard growth that wasn’t there years ago. And he pulls Billy’s head down with a light gasp that gets captured by Steve’s eager lips.
It’s a sad excuse for a kiss, it’s messy and it tastes like chilled beer. But Billy’s lips are hot, familiar, it makes Steve let out a whimpering, shameful moan.
Steve’s hands grip Billy’s shirt. Now he’s the one holding on— now he’s the one chasing. His claws rip the fabric with the want he has for Billy to stay so terribly bad.
“I never meant to hurt you.” Billy admits in a whisper.
He reaches down to cradle Steve’s arms. Slowly lifting the claws from his chest. Steve would let him do whatever he pleased, he’s already a trained house cat for Billy.
Their fingers laced together, as if pieces slotting back into place. With their hands like this, it brings back happy memories. On Steve’s teenage bed, in the early hours of the mornings before the world around them woke up. When Steve’s tail would wrap euphorically around Billy’s legs. When his ears were flattened by the force of his happy purring.
Then, Billy’s moving. Pulling him through the rain until Billy leads them to, truly, a tiny and shitty apartment. The red brick building was painted but beginning to flake off. Billy held his hand as they took the steps, and into the hallway, before begrudgingly letting go to fish his keys.
He turns over his shoulder to watch Steve. Key in the door. Steve is shivering, hugging his skinny frame, his sopping sweater. He doesn’t know what Billy could be looking at, but he smiles.
Billy opens the door and leads Steve inside. They settle in their underpants with towels around their heads on the couch. Their shoes and outer-clothes drip drying by the radiator.
Steve feels so content and warm he doesn’t even realize he’s purring.
“Woah, I really, really missed that.” Billy drawls. His hand finally reaches Steve’s tail, gently petting the tussled fur as if he spent years longing for this exact moment.
Steve can’t help but to kiss him again.
((My entry into the @harringrovezine Kings of Nowhere. I loved making Harringrove older and slightly down on their luck and lonely, so when I heard the prompt I jumped at making some sappy reunion scene. Of course I’ve got to make this pretty kitty Steven go through it a little bit before he becomes the King of Billy’s shitty apartment. And his whole life, I’m sure 😽😽. Thank you so much for letting me write on this amazing zine, make sure to check them out for other fic and art. Harringrove always and forever!!!))
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
List of all the losers from my Kinktober Fanart rounds! Remember the rules: You can request one of these, attached with the date of your birthday so I can gift it to you! You can even ask for the commission anonymously in my ask box. Closing date is November 8! -As someone born on the 24th of December, whilst suffering from the infamous birthday complex (fellow XMAS babies know what I'm referring to) I do ironically make a good secret santa and am better at that then Halloween stuff. *Kit Herondale X Ty Blackthorn as Sherlock Holmes & Watson *Jeanne Tao X Ren Tao as Leigong & Dianmu *Rima Toya X Senri Shiki as Chucky & Tiffany *Teppei Kiyoshi X Riko Aida as Hercules & Megara *Anna Kyoyama X Yoh Asakura as the representation of day & night *Juri Kuran X Kaien Cross as a magical girl & wizard *Isabelle Lightwood X Simon Lewis Lovelace as a princess and Lord Montgomery *Black Heart (Noire) X Purple Heart (Neptune) as Marceline & Princess Bubblegum *Maria Kurenai X Ichiru Kiryu as two angels *Sophie Lightwood X Gideon Lightwood as Cinderella and the Prince *Haruka Nanase X Makoto Tachibana as genderbent Ariel (mermaid form) and the Prince *Iris Heart (Plutia) as a demon queen *Juri Kuran as the Grim Reaper *Livvy Blackthorn as a zombie *Vert as a princess *Satsuki Momoi as a fairy *Jeanne Tao as a queen from ancient Europe *Adult Neptune's CPU form *Riko Aida in a puppy themed outfit *Tamao Tamamura as a goddess (inspired by her cloud) *Sophie Lightwood as Andromeda (Greek Mythology) *Maria Kurenai as an angel *Ash Morgenstern as Cupid *Zero Kiryu as a huntsman *Makoto Tachibana as a firefighter *Ichiru Kiryu as a necromancer *Daiki Aomine as a werewolf *Albert Wahlander as a human-whale hybrid *Midorima Shintaro as a fortune teller *Jem Carstairs in a classical Chinese setting *Simon Lewis-Lovelace-Lightwood as Lord Montgomery *Ren Tao as a thundergod *Carla Tsukinami as a human-dragon hybrid *Ruka Souen as Belle from Beauty and the Beast *Purple Heart (Neptune) as Ursula *Alexandra Garcia as a witch scholar *Green Heart (Vert) as a fairy *Shizuka Hio as a nine tailed fox *Isabelle Lightwood as a medieval princess *Black Heart (Noire) as a magical girl *Catarina Loss as an alien *Rima Toya as a zombie bride *Masako Araki as a female huntsman *Lily Chen in a burlesque themed outfit *James Herondale as a faun (goat-human hybrid) *Lyserg Diethel as a fairy *Jonathan/Sebastian Morgenstern as a devil *Haruka Nanase as a male mermaid *Senri Shiki as male Red Riding Hood *Ruki Mukami as a medieval fantasy bounty hunter *Ryota Kise as a wizard *Subaru Sakamaki as a mummy *Akatsuki Kain as a phoenix *Kiyoshi Teppei as a ninja turtle *Sousuke Yamazaki as Poseidon
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wickedanddeadly · 2 years
Tatum Bryce Hawthorne's Bio
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" You might not have been my first love, but you were the love that made all others irrelevant. "
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Tatum Bryce ( Formerly Lutz ) – Daughter of Colin & Zoe Bryce. Tatum is a blood-born hybrid due to her mother being a werewolf and her father a dhampir; though her werewolf genes are more dominant than either the vampire or human ones. She was born in Santa Carla during a rivalry between her family and current occupants. Her younger years were spent unlike most children her age. She always knew there was something different about herself. Every so often she would have spells to where her body would overheat right before having a growth spurt. It was things like these that made her not want to go to school like normal children – she feared being picked on for being so different. She convinced her mother and father to allow her to be homeschooled. Most of her time was spent at home playing in the backyard with her dog or catching up on her schooling. She never really spent much time with other children of her age.
Then the move to Los Angeles California came. She felt even more secluded. Most of the family she grew up with were still back in Santa Carla. Even after the move, there was never really much peace to be had with all the constant battles her mother and father had to face. It was like they moved from one area of enemies only to relocate to more – actually only one – Hades. Most times she was left with her mother while her father fought. It never really gave her much time with her father and left her missing him something terrible at times. Her father is her hero and always will be because no matter what challenges were ever placed in front of him, he’s always protected her and her mother. The love her mother and father share – it’s inspiring to her.
When Tatum reached the age of 18 she began spending more and more time away from home. Something in the woods called to her, made her feel like that was her getaway from everything. One day while hiking she came across an extremely handsome man named Brandon. It didn’t take Tatum long to realize he was different like she was – not the same but similar. She’s a hybrid and he was a werewolf. They spent more and more time together, becoming as close as two people could possibly get. They moved in together, a little cabin in the woods that they called their own. About a year later they eloped and married.
Tatum and Brandon were married about 2 years when a battle broke loose, Hades went from family to family torturing certain members to gain Sonya and Gunner’s attention. He mainly went for those who Sonya was tied to through her new marriage – again her family was under attack. Her father was attacked but healed enough to go into battle and Brandon wouldn’t be left behind. She didn’t want him to go, but she couldn’t fight his reasoning – If family wasn’t worth fighting for then what was? – Tragically Brandon was killed in the middle of battle leaving her widowed and broken. She moved back in with her mother and father, and they soon decided the best thing for her was to move her away from all the painful reminders of her lost husband. Back to Santa Carla, they headed.
As of December 2021: After re-establishing herself in Santa Carla, Tatum had a chance encounter with a skin-walker named Leon Hawthorne. A whirlwind of dangerous events drew the two close until they eventually became lovers. Despite being different species, Tatum and Leon were deeply in love, and in time, that love helped them start a family of their own. Tatum is currently pregnant with twins, babies that will carry the skin-walker gene through Leon. Even before impending motherhood, Tatum has shaped up to become a hunter much like Leon and her uncle, Lucifer/Sam Winchester. She maintains a big sister relationship with her cousin, Luke, and helps mentor his sired fledgling, Chanel.
Basic stats Height: 5'5" Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Powers and abilities Enhanced Superhuman Strength Enhanced Superhuman Speed Superhuman Endurance Superhuman Agility Superhuman Senses Super Durability Enhanced Accelerated Healing Factor Immunity to UV and Silver Immortality Shape Shifting/ Transformation Control Weaknesses Decapitation Heart Extraction Silver Holy Ground Magic Relations Colin Bryce ( Father ) Zoe Bryce ( Mother ) Leon Hawthorne ( lover ) Marie Morningstar-Winchester ( Aunt ) Zoey Dolan ( Aunt ) Judas Alexander Logan ( Uncle ) Lucifer Morningstar/Sam Winchester ( Uncle ) Gunner Logan ( Grandfather ) Sonya Alexander Logan ( Grandmother ) Luke Mendoza ( Cousin ) Chanel Dixon ( Surrogate Sibling ) Drake Alexander ( Great Grandfather ) Face claim - Ashley Greene
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thelostboys-rp · 4 years
{Arc} Back to Murdertown
Mae Clayton returns to her hometown, sent away as protection while vampire gang warfare is taking place in L.A. A human surrounded entirely by vampires, Mae doesn’t fit into the human world and longs to be a vampire. In Santa Carla, she strikes up a respected friendship with the Lost Boys pack and grows close to a certain dark-haired vampire.
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1. Back to Murdertown
Santa Carla born native, Mae Clayton, returns to the murder capital and has a run-in with Dwayne and Laddie.
2. Santa Carla Blues
Mae is introduced to the leader of the Lost Boys, David.
3. Leave Them Wanting More
After her meet up with David, Mae bumps into Dwayne once again, only this time, Marko and Paul join up.
4. Freedom in the Darkness
Dwayne and Mae go out on a date, which eventually leads into something more personal.
5. Peeling Back the Layers
Date night on the boardwalk leads to Mae and Dwayne learning more about one another.
6. Fireworks, Mayhem, and Murder
Laddie's venture through a seedy part of town leads to trouble.
7. No Secrets
David and Marko learn about Dwayne's new relationship.
8. Making More Friends
Dwayne introduces Mae to extended members of their paranormal crew.
9. The Hottest Resort in Santa Carla
At long last, Mae visits the infamous Lost Boys Cave.
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americancowgirl19 · 2 years
The Witch and Star
Summary: You’ve returned to your family in the disguise of their coven mate Star in a mission to finally destroy Max.
Warnings: angst, magic, blood, fluff, body possession
Reader: Female Reader
Pairings: Poly!Lost Boys x Female Reader
Word Count: 5490
A/n: I REALLY didn’t want to do this BUT I’m gonna have to make ANOTHER part to this. The third part will be the conclusion and if I make a fourth it will just be fluff and smut if anybody wants that. I’m so sorry it took forever to write THIS part and I’m going to make an effort to not make you wait so long for the next one. I hope you all enjoy this and PLEASE tell me what you think!
PS I tagged who I thought would want to be tagged, if you don’t want to be tagged please let me know and I promise no hard feelings! If you DO want to be tagged let me know!
@thelostboys-posts @piscesnyx @stickywinnerpastabakery 
Part One - The Hybrid and Her Mates
Part Three - Spells and Chaos
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“For the past week Star has had this reoccurring dream. At first, she had trouble remembering it when she woke up but now it was clear to her. Well, the dream was clear but it’s meaning was still lost on her.
The dream always took place just outside of Santa Carla. There’s this beautiful girl with alluring eyes and a sweet smile. Everything about her is inviting. When Star wakes up all she wants is to meet this woman. Every hour she’s awake there’s this urge to leave Santa Carla in search for her but she can’t be real right? It’s just a dream.
She’s thought about confiding in one of the boys but always brushes the idea off. They hardly cared about her, so why would they care about what’s going on in her mind?
By the middle of the second week Star can’t hold back anymore. She just has to go to this spot she’s been dreaming about. She needs to meet this woman.
It’s hard to leave Santa Carla. Despite the urge to find this woman Santa Carla will always have a leash on her. A pull that keeps her from running away that gets stronger every time she gets close to the border of the small town. But tonight, the need to find this woman overpowers the pull to stay in town.
When Star finally arrives, she can’t help but feel a little bit silly. There’s no one around. It’s just her, the trees, and the ocean. You could see the pier in the distance and faintly hear the screaming of those on the rollercoasters. 
What was she thinking? Of course, the woman doesn’t exist. It’s just a figment of her imagination. 
“I was wondering how much longer I would have to wait for you to come find me,” 
Star swirls around. She’s met with darkness. Great, Star thinks, now I’m hearing things.
“You’re not hearing things,” The voice reassures her. There’s a pause before the voice continues. “I just have to be certain you’re alone,” It whispers.
“I am,” Star says, her eyes surveying her surroundings. “Who are you?” She asks, her voice kind and welcoming. She hopes to coax the person out of their hiding spot.
“Someone who can help,” it says vaguely. “Someone who can help you escape Max,” it whispers from behind her. This time, when Star spins around, there’s a woman.
It’s you; the woman from her dreams. Your eyes are just as captivating and smile every bit as inviting as Star remembers. Within seconds Star feels as if she can truly trust you but she forces herself to be weary since the last person she trusted changed her life for the worse.
“Who are you?” Star asks again, her voice half demanding half curious.
“Y/n,” You introduce yourself. You take in her appearance. She’s beautiful, you won’t deny that. Beautiful with a gentle heart. She doesn’t exactly seem like your mate’s type, but you can’t help but to wonder; after all the years you’ve been gone have, they found someone to fill the void you left?
“I’ve dreamed of you,” She whispers. “A-and of this place!” She adds quickly. “What is this? I don’t understand,” Star groans, running a frustrated hand through her hair.
“Of course, you dreamed of me and this place... How else was I supposed to get you to come meet me here?” You ask, tilting your head. Star’s eyebrows pinch together as the confusion only grows.
“Who are you?!” She snaps stepping away from you feeling fear creep up her spine.
“That answer is more complicated than you realize,” You state, fiddling with your thumbs. “I guess I should start off with the fact that I’m Max’s sister,” Star’s jaw drops.
“Max?” Star deadpans staring at you.
“Unfortunately, yes,” You nod with a tight-lipped grin. “I understand that he’s in the process of forcing you into vampirism,” You observe. Star becomes visibly uncomfortable, and you know you hit the hammer on the head. “I want to prevent that. I want to give you your life back,”
“That’s not possible,” Star whispers, her gaze turning to the ocean. You notice that despite her being in the in between stage of vampirism she has come to terms with what she believes to be the inevitable.
“It is,” you tell her gently. You move to her side and gently grab her hand bringing her attention back to you. “I can return your humanity to you. You can leave this place and never have to look over your shoulder again,” You promise.
“They’ll never let me go,” She whispers, her eyes misting over. You release a soft sigh and cup her cheek as if you were a mother comforting a child.
“They will,” you assure her. “But this isn’t something I can do alone. I will need your help. I will need you to be strong and very brave. You must do everything I tell you. Put your trust in me and you will have your freedom,” You vow. 
“Tell me how,” Star says, you pull your hands from her. “How is it possible?... And what do I need to do?”
“When a sire dies any person that has started the transition but has yet to complete it will return to their mortal form,” You explain to her. “You and that precious child are not fully fledged vampires yet. Once Max dies, you both will be free,” You promise.
“And Michael?” She asks. “He will be free as well, right?”
“Michael?” You ask, frowning your eyebrows.
“He’s been hanging around the boys for a while,” She explains. “Max wants him and his family,” Your eyes darken as you instantly recognize Max’s fucked up plan. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s attempted this but you know it will be the last.
“As long as he doesn’t complete the transition then yes, he will be fine,” you reassure her. Star visibly relaxes and lets out a long sigh. She nibbles at her lips hesitant to ask her question. You lightly encourage her.
“What about the others? The boys?” She asks.
“What are they to you?” You can’t help but to ask. Star nibbles at her lip a little harder.
“It’s complicated,” She whispers. You fight to stay calm. You didn’t want to scare her off, but you also feared her explanation. You knew you had no right to be possessive, but you couldn’t help it. 
“For this to work you need to trust me,” you say. “I need to be ready for everything. Tell me,” You reach for her hand and gently take it into yours once again. “What exactly are they to you?”
“Ever since I joined them, they’ve been protective but not exactly kind. There’re nights where at least one of them will seek me out for... comfort,” She explains. You lower your gaze to hide the anger but keep your grip on her light and gentle.
“Comfort... how?” You whisper your question wondering if you wanted the answer.
“Some night they just needed someone... to hold them I guess.” Star shrugs. Your eyes snap up. “They say my scent comforts them but they won’t tell me why. Then afterwards they usually avoid me... Like I said, it’s complicated.”
You subtly take in a whiff of her scent. You smell faint traces of vanilla and jasmine. Your heart flutters as you recognize the scents. It’s the same scents that you used to wear. It’s the same scents you still wear. They’re much more subtle on her compared to you but you can understand how they take comfort in her.
“So, what will happen to them?” Star asks breaking you from your thoughts. “They’re vampires, not in transition,”
“I’m going to break the bond between them and Max,” You explain. “I’m going to free them and once Max no longer has a hold on anyone, I’m going to rip him limb from limb,” You whisper. Star feels her heart stop. Even through your voice is soft she can sense the danger. She knows you’re a predator. A predator that has been hunting their pray for a long time.
“What do you need from me?” She asks.
“Your body,” You state. Her mouth drops again. “Max will know the instant I walk into town, and everything will be for nothing. So, I want to possess your body for a short while and use it to get close to Max,”
“And if you fail?” Star asks.
“Then we’re all dead,” you tell her. “If you want your life back. If you want your freedom and the child’s freedom and the same for Michael, then you must trust me. If you don’t then things will only become much worse for you. Centuries trapped as Max’s little slave, forced to sleep during the day in fear of being burned alive, and killing the innocent just for your survival. Could you live a life like that?” You ask, fully sympathetic and understanding. You’ve been in her position more than once. You understood it was hard to take a stand against Max. You understood.
“No,” Star whispers, shaking her head.
“You won’t remember nor feel anything. I’ll be in complete control,” You assure her. You step closer and raise your hand. “It’ll be a peaceful sleep,” She stares at your fingers tensely. “Please, trust me,” You beg. Star hesitantly nods and it’s enough for you.
With a touch of your finger on her forehead the transference begins. Both of your bodies are transported back to the hotel you had been staying at. The room is spelled so that none, other than you and Star, can enter. By the time the transportation is complete your abilities and consciousness are in Star’s body.
Your original body lays peacefully on one of the beds. You check yourself in the mirror. You take a moment to get used to this body before returning to Santa Carla.
When you see your boys for the first time in centuries, they’re on bikes. Of course, they look the same but different as they adapt to the current times and style. They still look deliciously attractive. All you want to do is jump their bones and ravage them for the next decade, but you can’t allow yourself to become distracted now. Not when you’re so close to your own freedom with your mates.
Still, you can’t help but to watch them. David’s smoking on his bike being the strong silent type. Marko and Paul are teasing each other playfully and sexually. Neither of them cared about being in public. Dwayne was watching them form his bike and would occasionally lick his lips.
“Star!” A child shouts and races towards you. You jump startled from your thoughts. All the boy’s glance in your direction but only David holds his gaze. You awkwardly greet the child chiding yourself for not knowing his name. “Where were you?” He asks, grabbing you hand and dragging you to the boys.
“Yes, Star, where were you?” David asks condescendingly. You almost forget to answer. You relish the sound of his voice and the smell of all their scents reaching your nose.
“Oh-uh, went sightseeing,” The excuse was pathetic, and you wonder if you’d be able to trick them that you’re Star. You’ve always been a shit liar when it comes to the four of them. You figured as long as you could fool Max long enough to be able to complete the spell then all would be fine.
“Sightseeing?” David deadpans. You hum rocking on your heels.
“Found a new spot, lost track of time,” You shrug, forcing yourself to look away from him. Of course, your eyes immediately go to Dwayne. He’s eyeing you like he had when you first met him, and you wonder if he can see through this illusion as well.
David just hums and you know he’s suspicious. Looking away from Dwayne your eyes linger on Paul and Marko. It’s like you never showed up, they’re too engrossed with each other. Perhaps your lustful staring isn’t something normal for Star because if anything it only makes David but Dwayne more suspicious of you.
“Let’s go,” David decides. The child jumps behind Dwayne and Marko reluctantly leaves Paul to get on his own bike. “Star,” David snips. You instantly look back to him. If you were you, you would have smacked him for using such a tone but all you did was climb behind him.
When they took off you wrapped your arms around David’s waist. The other boys hooted and hollered but all you could do was hold onto David. You didn’t even realize you were nuzzling him but luckily Dvid remained silent.
The last few centuries have been unbearably lonely and painful. You and Ezekiel had traveled the world helping vampire escape their sires. You worked to improve the spell. Unfortunately, a lot of vampires died before you could perfect it.
It wasn’t until a few decades ago did you finally figure out what was wrong. Once the spell worked you and your surrogate father spent the rest of the time searching for Max and your mates. 
You were so close to having everything you wanted when death finally caught up to Ezekiel. He had held on for so long. He was so desperate to see you free and happy. All you could do is promise him that your dreams of happiness would come true. You hoped that wherever his soul resides that he will see it happen.
Your grip around David tightened and still he didn’t say anything. He let you hold onto him until you reached their spot. The first night went as smoothly as you could expect. David and Dawyne were suspicious while Marko and Paul were oblivious.
You interacted with the child while subtly eavesdropping on David and Dwayne. Star wouldn’t be able to hear them but for you it was as if they were talking beside you. They didn’t know why you were acting different but they were determined to figure it out.
You knew you had to work quickly to get the spell done. It wouldn’t be easy. You would need not only locks of their hair but vials of their blood. You figured you would be able to get their hair and blood fairly easy; it was Max you had to be cautious of. His hair and blood are required as well.
The morning everyone went to bed without any interrogation. You laid in Star’s bed with the child cuddled up to you. You threaded your fingers through his hair soothingly. You waited until you knew everyone was dead asleep before slipping off the mattress.
Despite the fact that Star is in transition you weren’t. Your magic and vampirism followed you when the transference completed. This allows you to have all of your strengths and stealthiness that Star wouldn’t normally have.
Grabbing clippers from your bag you sneak into the part of the cave that the boys are resting. You were grateful they had taken on the habit of sleeping upside down. Made snipping some hair from them easier.
When you prepared for extracting some blood you whispered a spell to help them fall into an even deeper sleep. When you had enough blood, you stashed everything away and slipped out into the daylight. 
You walked into the heart of Santa Carla. You easily blended in with the crowd staying unnoticed. It didn’t take long to track you brother. When you saw him, you found yourself frozen. Even after all these years he still terrifies you to your core.
“I wish you were here,” You whisper, thinking of Ezekiel. “I need your strength,” Even though Ezekiel is gone you channeled his courage and strived forward. You slipped into his shop and slowly gained the confidence to approach him.
“Star,” He greets with a smile. “And what are you doing here?” He asks. You can hear the warning in his tone. 
“I know I’ve been difficult,” you say, lowering your eyes. “I wanted to... apologize,”
“It’s alright, my dear, I understand,” Max says, placing a heavy hand on your shoulder. You fight the urge to flinch and tremble. You refused to be the scared little girl. You were so close to getting your revenge and freedom. You just had to be strong for a little longer.
It wasn’t hard to bring tears to your eyes, but it was difficult to embrace him. You knew all Max desired was a family. Seeing Star finally come around and accept him as a father figure would be a dream come true. You just had to be careful not to fall into his trap.
“Everything’s going to be alright,” He promises. “There, there,” He pats your back. “You know what you need to do, and everything will fall into place,” He mutters.
“I do,” You whisper, nodding. “I just wanted to talk to you first,” You mutter.
“And I’m glad you did,” Max whispers as you pull back. “Now, run along and I’ll check on you later,” he tells you. You nod stepping towards the door. You shove the locks of hair you had stolen into your pocket.
Before you walk out the door you make eye contact with a boy. A flash of color glides over your eyes before the same happens to his. A second later an unexplainable rage takes control of the human boy.
He lashes out at his friends and a brawl takes place. Max instantly interferes but is cut with a knife before he can break up the fight. Once the boys are thrown out you rush to his sigh feigning concern. You bring a napkin to his cup and dab the blood away.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine Star, they can’t harm me you know that” He comforts, patting your head. You give him a small smile before giving his cheek a kiss and leaving the store.
You walk a few blocks before dipping into an alley. You lean against the wall and begin to breathe heavily. You tremble so badly you fall to the ground. You take in quick short breaths while hugging yourself.
Your head whips up and towards a boy. He races towards you before kneeling. He takes your face in his hands and you instinctively pull from him. He looks at you strangely but respects your distance.
“What’s wrong? What happened?”
“Nothing,” You hiss. It another few seconds before you compose yourself. You stand up and brush yourself off. “What do you want?” You ask.
“I was looking for you,” he says, following you out into the street.
“Yeah, well I’m going to be busy for a while so don’t bother,” you tell him.
“Star, what’s wrong?” He asks. When you keep walking, he grabs your wrist and spins your around. You snarl and slam him against the wall.
“Don’t touch me,” You snap. He lifts his hands in surrender. You huff and let him go. “Look, everything will make sense soon but for the time being do yourself a favor and make yourself scarce.”
“What’s going on?” He pesters. “Whatever it is, I can help,” You laugh.
“No, trust me, you can’t,” You shake your head at his naivety. “Just stay out of my way and everything will be fine,” You promise.
“You’re not making any sense,” Michael mutters. You sigh and turn around forcing him to stop walking abruptly. 
“Look, you got yourself into some deep shit messing with Max and the boys. I’m trying to help not only you out but myself as well. In order to do that I need you to trust me and stay out of my way,” you tell him. “Give me a couple of days and everything will be fine,”
Before he could reply you’re disappearing into the crowd again. You return back to the cave with a couple of hours to spare. You grab all the samples and lay them out on the ground.
You look at the napkin with Max’s blood on it. You hope its enough blood. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get more without raising suspicion. Everything else was perfect. All you had to do is wait for the full moon. Which isn’t for a few nights.
You just had to survive another night with your mates.
You contemplated telling them who you were. You considered cluing them in on the plan. Only the risks were too high. They were high already but if they knew the risk level would raise.
It’s not that you didn’t trust them. You trusted them with your heart, your body, your very soul. You just couldn’t risk Max finding out about the plan. If your mates knew and couldn’t keep Max out of their mind, then the jig would be up. you had to prevent Max from finding out. It killed you to keep this from them, but they would just have to understand. 
That was the main reason you didn’t tell them. The other reason was much more selfish. You left without a word. You didn’t say goodbye, you didn’t promise them your return, you just abandoned them. You feared they wouldn’t trust you and that they wouldn’t love you anymore.
You had to prepare yourself that they wouldn’t want you once this was over. You would stay true to your word and give them their freedom. Once they were free, they could do as they please. You just hoped they’d want to spend the rest of eternity with you.
“What is all of this?” 
You curse when you see the kid watching you. You were amazed with his ability to sneak up on you. You began to put everything away and ignore his stare.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” You say.
“What doesn’t he need to worry about?” Paul asks, rubbing his eyes as he saunters into the room. You go to respond only to get caught staring at his bare upper body. His pants hang low on his hips and his hair isn’t styled yet. He had just woken up and all you wanted to do was sink your teeth into him. “Star?” Paul asks feeling strangely aroused by your stare.
“Oh, uh,” You clear your throat and look away. “It’s nothing,” You mutter practically running up to the room to hide your bag. “I’m going out,” you tell Paul and leave before anybody could question or stop you.
You walk up to the market and shop for some herbs. These aren’t necessary for the spell, but it should help strengthen and speed up the process. You also just wanted to avoid the boys for as long as possible. 
Nearing midnight you sensed the boys by the pier. You knew the cave would be empty thus prompting you to return. You went to put the herbs with your stash only to find everything missing.
“No,” You whisper, practically tearing the room apart in your search.
“I never knew you were a witch,” Dwayne said behind you. You whirled around and saw your bag in his hand. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“It’s private,” You whisper. “Max is touchy with witches... I thought I’d be safer if he didn’t know,”
“Yeah, he can be pretty touchy with them,” Dwayne nod, his expression unreadable. He tosses the bag onto the bed. “But how would you know?” He wonders, closing in on you. You move around trying to avoid being cornered. The movements are slow and casual but intense. Either one of you could lash out and both of you know it. 
You’re certain this isn’t common behavior for Star. She’s a newbie in transition. She wouldn’t dare stare off with someone as old and strong as Dwayne. She wouldn’t move with the confidence that you do. You knew Dwayne wouldn’t, and couldn’t, hurt you. At this point you knew the jig was up, but you couldn’t help but to play along wanting to see how this would turn out.
“Max isn’t exactly a closed book,” You answer simply. “He wants a family and is willing to do anything to get it. A witch would ruin his plans,”
Dwayne hums and continues to stalk around the room. You’re about to continue the conversation when he strikes. He’s fast, faster than you remember but so are you.
Dwayne shoves you into the wall but you shove his chest and switch positions. Now his back is against the wall and his arms are pinned above his head. He doesn’t fight your grip. He simply smirks at you.
“If you were in your real skin I’d kiss you,” He whispers, fondness and adoration taking over his face.
“What gave me away?” You ask, keeping your tone low like his and your face close. You enjoyed teasing him but hated that neither of you would do anything while you were in Star’s body.
“Everything,” He mutters. “From your hungry stare to your-” He pauses and runs his nose along your neck. “-irresistible scent,” He moans, leaning his head back against the wall. “And now this,” He glances up at your hands with a casual smirk. “You always loved reminding us of your strength just like we loved taking advantage of your pleasing nature,” The instant the last word leaves his lips your positions switch again and this time you allow him to pin you against the wall. “You could possess a thousand different bodies and I’d still be able to pick you out,”
“Dwayne,” You whisper, slipping your hands from his to cup his face. “I could never hide from you, could I?” You mutter, pulling his head down to yours. Your foreheads rest against each other. His hips press against yours needing as much contact as he could get.
“I hate that you felt the need to hide in the first place,” He whispers, closing his eyes in an attempt to hide the sorrow in them. His hands wrap around your wrists while his heads turn inward to kiss you palms.
“I didn’t want too, please believe me,” You beg of him. “It was necessary,”
“Don’t hide anymore,” He pleads with you. He forces his eyes open and another wave of sorrow hits him when he looks at Star instead of you. “Where are you?” 
“I’m somewhere safe,” You promise him. “This will all be over soon. I swear to it,”
“I can’t hide this from the others,” Dwayne says. “David will know as soon as they return. Marko and Paul will pry it out of him sooner rather than later,”
“The more you know the more danger you will be in,” You warn him.
“We don’t care,” Dwayne shakes his head. “We’ll stand in the sun to give you shade. We’d lay in a puddle of holy water so that you can walk across our backs and stay unharmed. We would do anything for you,”
“I don’t doubt you,” You assure him. “Not for a second,”
“Then trust us to help you,” He begs. “I know why you’re here and we know why you left. Let us help you,”
Before either of you could go on you both heard the sound of bikes. You tense in anxiety. Dwayne softly shushes you and presses a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“We’re not angry with you... We’re upset but only because it’s been so long since you’ve been with us,” He mutters.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. He gives you a playful grin and bumps his nose with your.
“I know,” He mutters pulling back. You turn towards the mouth of the cave.
“Send Michael and the child away,” You tell him. “And I’ll explain everything,” Dwayne nods walking to greet the others.
You grab you bag off of the bed and walk into the main area. Dwayne is having words with David while Michael leads the child away. Marko and Paul walk over to you.
“What’s going on?” Marko asks. You don’t respond right away. You kneel on the ground and spread out the ingredients for your spell along the ground before pulling out your book. “Witch,” Marko breathes. A second later Paul snatches the book and inspects it.
“Where did you get this?” Paul whispers, recognizing it.
“I found it some time ago,” you tell him. He snarls and goes to grab you but Dwayne intercepts him. Marko jumps at the suddenness of everything. Paul continues to growl and struggle in Dwayne’s grip as he snaps at you.
“This isn’t your book! You stole this! Where is she!? Where’s the woman you stole this from?” He snaps.
“Paul is that...” Marko whispers. Paul shoves Dwayne off of him. The two growl at each other.
“It’s Y/n’s,” Paul confirms. “I remember her reading it... It’s one of her favorites with her most powerful spells,”
“Such as mater manipulation, weather control, and I assume there’s a possession spell in there as well,” David says, shifting in his seat. His eyes narrow in on you but you don’t shrink away.
“Possession?” Marko asks, looking from David to you.
“Star isn’t a witch,” Dwayne states.
“Little flower?” Marko whispers, inching towards you drawing your gaze from David. Finding his courage he speeds up to close the distance.
“Marko,” Paul mutters anxiously. He didn’t understand what was going on but soon it would be clear.
“You smell like her,” Marko whispers, hesitantly grabbing your hips. “Tell me it’s true,” Marko pleads trying not to get his hopes up.
“It’s true,” You whisper, resting your hands on his arm. A small smile turns into a wide grip. He pulls you into his tight embrace and spins you around. You laugh clinging to him.
“What are you doing here? Where’ve you been? Why’re you back?” Marko spits out question after question. You gently shush him while promising him answers.
“Y/n?” Paul asks. “What’re you doing in Star’s body?”
“Hiding from Max,” you tell him. “I’m sorry I left without saying anything, but I had an opportunity to separate us from Max. I had to take it which meant I had to leave you behind,”
“Have you figured it out yet? Or do you need another couple centuries?” David asks with cold indifference. You hold back a whine.
“I’ve figured it out,” You promise him. “In a couple of days, the moon will be full I can sever the bond. We’ll all be free of him... and free to kill him,” 
“Now you’re talking, baby!” Paul shouts stealing you from Marko. He lifts you into the air before holding you close. “You found us,” Paul says. A slow smile spreads across his lips. “Finally,” He breathes nuzzling his head into your neck. “God, I was so nervous the trail was too subtle for you to pick up on,” He whispers in your head.
“Trail?” You ask, when he reluctantly pulls away.
“We knew you’d come back,” Dwayne says, a small, sweet smile on his face. “We just didn’t now when,”
“Max was furious when you disappeared,” Marko explains. “He spent a long time trying to hunt you down and then the rest of the time making sure you’d never find us,”
“We heard the rumors,” Dwayne began again. “About the hybrid separating vampires from sires. He knew what you were trying to do and knew you were growing stronger,”
“He’s scared,” Marko says. “When he realized just how strong you were he hid us. Figured that as long as he had us with him you wouldn’t dare touch him,”
“When he started to hide us, we started leaving a trail knowing you’d pick up on it,” David says, finally walking over to you. You smile at all of them. You didn’t even realize it was a deliberate trail you were following. “And now you’re back,”
“And now I’m back,” You whisper standing toe to toe with him. “And I’m ready to finally set us free,”
“I knew you would figure it out,” Marko smirks coming up to your side. “So smart,” He touches your face. “And still Star,” He mutters tilting his head.
“Max would know if I entered the town... He won’t expect me as Star,” you tell them. “I just need to hide until the full moon. You can’t do anything out of the ordinary and you can’t let him into your minds. I know it’ll be hard but if he finds out he could ruin our chances,”
“We’ve got your back, baby,” Paul promises, kissing the back of your head. “We’ll keep you hidden and Max occupied. Once your spell is done we’ll take turns tearing him apart,” He promises ready for blood.
“And once it’s done, you’ll never leave our sight again,” David states, forcing you to look at him.
“I won’t ever leave,” You promise. The corner of David’s lip tilts up and you take it as a sign to embrace him. You cuddle into his chest, and he holds you tight. “I love you,” You whisper to all of them.
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ghoul-lover9000 · 4 years
Making David Jealous By Flirting w/ Michael
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You’re still human, but you’ve been hanging around the Lost Boys for a while and their leader has taken a special interest in you and you have as well. However, he’s been getting very close to Star to lure in a human that Max has advised the boys to change named Michael. You know that she can’t stand him, but it still hurt to see him insisting on her riding on his motorcycle. 
This jealousy led you to the “solution” of flirting with Michael. 
After getting back to the cave, you were making a habit of acting way too interested in the new guy.  
“How are you liking Santa Carla?” Michael: It’s great, very interesting place. “So, you got a girl yet?” Michael: *stares at Star* No. “Would you like one?” 
 At this point, David is in his chair, glaring at the two of you and going, “Fuck no, fuck no, my human, my human, fuck you” in his head. But he keeps his composure and plots. 
While walking to the train tracks that night, he makes sure to walk ahead with Michael and let him know a few key things. 
David: Look, let’s cut the bullshit, Michael. I know you like Star and you’re not interested in Y/n. Michael: Okay, and? David: And the next time I see you talk to Y/n, something real bad is gonna happen. Might be to you, might be to your brother, might be to Star, but you’re gonna regret ever even looking at what’s mine if this sort of thing happens again. Michael: I didn’t know, dude, lay off. She was flirting with me. David: I know. That’s why I’m being nice and giving you a little warning. Most guys don’t get this sort of thing, you’re lucky, but I mean it. I don’t care if she’s right in front of you, threatening to burn your house down. You don’t interact. Got it, Michael? 
He wraps his arm around Michael as this is going on and it slowly gets tighter and tighter as David gets even more pissed off. 
The fact that you’re still human flirting with another human hurts him even more. It’s not that it’s Michael, it’s that he’s a human and David’s a bloodsucker, one that turns into an ugly, violent human-bat hybrid. 
Later that night, David comes to your window and all he says is, “Explain.”  
“If you can cozy up to Star, why can’t I cozy up the new guy? That seems pretty fair.” 
David: Sweetheart, I had to. For- 
“Max. I know, but did you have to be so goddamn good at ‘pretending’. I mean, come on, making her ride your bike. That seemed low.” 
David: Well what about you practically taking your panties off for lover boy. 
“I wanted to get back at you.” 
David: Then, I don’t fucking know. Do it with Paul or Dwayne. I can live with that. I can’t deal with you making heart-eyes at a lowly human. Jesus, a human! 
“What’s wrong with humans?” 
David: Not like that, babe. I mean that... I don’t like the idea of you running off with a human. That thought kills me.
“I just wanted you jealous. I’m not running off with anyone.”
David: You promise? 
*hugging him tight* “Yes, David, I promise”
After this, he tries to push you more into drinking the blood now even after despite your promise so you can be with him forever. 
Also, Michael is terrified of you now and you can imagine why. 
I really hope this was good. A lot of it was dialogue and I always try to make it as natural and accurate as possible. Thank you for requesting this, @hecatemacbeth7​. 
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survivingthejungle · 7 years
in honor of this recent dope ass eclipse here’s a couple words for my favorite vampire biker gang.
It was common knowledge amongst the residents of Santa Carla, California that being alone at nighttime was particularly hazardous to one’s life. When the sun went down, bad things happened. But what those residents didn’t know was that bad things were bound to happen whenever the moon and her friends came out to play.
All those residents, of course, except for the local witches. Granted there were only two- you and your mother- but two was enought for one town. Especially one that had enough supernatural activity to begin with.
Those rebellious teenage motorcycle fanatics, who seemed like they could pose a much bigger threat than breaking in windows and stealing snacks from the local 7/11 if you stared at them long enough. The very few who knew, or at least had an idea of what they were, kept their mouths shut, if only to protect their own wellbeing. What they were. Those half human, half parasite hybrids who preserved themselves by taking the lives of others, those supernatural, otherworldly beings who only came out in the dark. Those vampires.
What the residents of Santa Carla were unaware of was that, contrary to popular belief, could go outside into the sunlight without bursting into flames, never to be seen again. No, unbeknownst to most, these beings would forever be able to go outside, regardless of whether the sun was out or not, so long as the moon could block it. For just a few short hours, so long as some part of the sun was obscured by the moon, vampires were free to roam about wherever they liked. The moon, after all, is where they got their power from.
Little did these vampires know, however, that witches’ power comes from the moon as well. And with this eclipse coinciding with your 17th birthday, you’d finally receive your supernatural powers to help you keep their threat at bay. All your life you’d been successful doing herbal magic, natural magic; the kind that you could sustain through real, tangible, physical objects. On every witch’s 17th birthday, however, she received her supernatural powers as well. Getting them on an eclipse granted something extra special for her, however. When her power comes from the moon and the sun overlapping, she- you- not only has control of her elements during the daytime and night time, but also reigns superior over any other supernatural in her realm. Those vampires were in your realm. Whether they knew it or not, you were officially in charge of them.
For you, this meant that you had the ability to control them- you could freeze them in midair for all you wanted, you were basically telekinetic. That didn’t really matter to you, though. All you cared about today was making sure you did everything within your power to stop anyone from being exsanguinated by the rebellious undead.
The slightest shadow fell over Santa Carla when the lost boys opened their eyes and left their subterranean pile of ruins.
“Damn,” Paul said, smiling, “Been a while since any of us got some sun. This what two P.M. looks like around here?”
A car, your car, pulled to a stop overlooking Hudson’s Bluff. You planned on getting out as soon as you parked, but you were a little too busy dancing to Maroon 5, so you waited until the song finished before you actually got out of your car. The vamps were relaxing by their bikes, staring at you, slightly dumbstruck and at a loss for words. Your 5'6 self walked straight up to them, lanyard hanging on your neck, sunglasses colorful and reflective. “Listen. Here’s the deal,” you started. Why waste any time with politeness dealing with serial killers? “I know what you are. And you know what you are. Let’s not pretend to be clueless, ‘kay?”
David was at a loss for words, but wouldn’t reflect that in his facial expressions or the way he carried himself to stand toe to toe with you, staring down at you menacingly. Or at least trying to. You weren’t scared of him, you had no reason to be, you were in charge of him! “And just what,” he smirked condescendingly, “exactly, are we, kiddo?”
“Give it a rest, David. You and I, and Paul, and Marko, and Dwayne, know what you all are. But let’s cut to the chase.” You sidestepped him, giving him a moment to let the shock register on his face before he turned to you again. “You no longer have the freedom to run around completely unsupervised killing anybody you feel like. I’m assuming you have yet to realize I’m a witch?”
Paul, of course, was having a field day with this. He didn’t like your vibe at first, but you were cute, and assertive. And you got David to lose his cool within the first 2 minutes of meeting him. That deserved a certain amount of respect, in his book. He wanted to play along. “And what does that mean, little miss?” he asked you.
“It means, and I’m sure David remembers this, that as a witch who’s seventeenth birthday is during a total solar eclipse, in the simplest of terms; I’m officially in charge of you punks. What I say goes. and I say no more killing. There are plenty of other ways to survive.”
“And what are you gonna do if we don’t listen to you?” Dwaye tried. “We get enough babysitting from Max as it is.”
“Maybe I didn’t clarify this, but… I said I was in charge of you. I meant all of you. Like… All the vampires around here. All five of you.” They circled you now, like a flock of vultures.
“What if do we keep feeding on people?” Marko asked you, twirling a strand of your hair in his hand. It was relaxing as hell, and a damn good distraction technique.
“Try me and find out, prettyboy.” You broke the circle and headed back to your car.
As you walked away, David called out, “We gonna be seein’ you around much?”
“Don’t have much of a choice! It’s my JOB to ‘be seein’ you around’ now!”
“Why aren’t we goin’ for her?” Dwayne asked, “She knows too much!”
“Relax, she’s not gonna do anything. Witches hate blowing their cover.”
“I like her,” Paul shrugged.
David rolled his eyes. “Keep it in your pants.”
“Tadpoles? You in?” You called into the boarkwalk comic shop. The Frogs were notorious for preaching fire-and-brimstone in regards to the undead, and if you wanted to maintain any sort of peace between the magical, undead, and mortal, you’d have to talk it out with them. You headed to the back, and found the two brothers alongside some blonde kid.
“Hey, beat it, lady,” The one wearing a ridiculous red bandana around his head told you, once he turned around and realized someone was standing there. You figured that one was Edgar. “We’re closed,”
You scoffed. “Ha. Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to right now, but if it involves messing with the vamps who live down in that cave, you better cancel your plans. They’re not gonna be a problem anymore.”
“How do you know about vampires, girl?” the taller, tanner one asked. Had to be Alan.
Rather than respond to his borderline sexist attitude, you just flicked your wrist and made a shelf full of comic books fall to the floor while maintaining eye contact. “It’s kind of my job, punk. I’m serious. If you start some unnecessary beef with my guys, we aren’t gonna get along to well. You mind you business, we mind ours. Deal?” You held your hand out.
The blonde one spoke up. You hadn’t heard of him yet. “Well uh… I don’t think that’s gonna work out too well. See, these vampire dudes, they kinda turned my brother and his girlfriend into halves, and, well… the only way to turn them back is to kill them. So… We kinda have to kill them.”
You immediately cracked up. “'The only way?’ Kid, really? Who told you the only way to turn back a half is to kill some vampires?”
“Not just any vampire. The HEAD vampire,” said Edgar.“
“Honey… No. You are so, unbelievably, misinformed. There are plenty of ways to turn back a half. Good thing you found an ACTUAL professional before you did something you’d regret. Where’s your brother and his girlfriend right now?”
“Uhhh… back at my house, why?”
“Come on. Let’s go pick ‘em up and we can get this whole deal sorted out right now.”
Back at your home, the Frogs, the blonde one, Sam, his brother, Michael, and Michael’s girlfriend, Star, all sat in a circle at the table in your greenhouse. It took about 20 minutes, but you finally finished mixing a concoction of herbs, liquids, and spells before pouring two glasses and placing them in front of the halves. “Drink up. It’ll be easier if you close your eyes and hold your breath.”
Michael grimaced. “Are you sure this will work?”
“Tell me if you can still fly and grow fangs afterwards, let’s find out.”
“Hey David, we aren’t, uh, actually lettin’ that girl tell is what to do, are we?” Marko asked.
“'Course not. Four of us against one little witch? She wouldn’t stand a chance,” he responded smugly.
“I sure hope you’re not talking about me!” You spoke up from behind the 4 of them. Paul immediately smiled upon seeing you; he thought you were just a trip. If they were all being honest with themselves, they all liked you to some extent. Dwayne admired your dedication to protecting others, David liked how you weren’t afraid to speak up to them, and Marko liked how you just seemed to have a llittle quirk about you. Paul, for the most part, just thought you were pretty, but he also appreciated that you seemed to have a sense of humor and you looked like the kind of girl who would be fun at parties. “I’ve got nothing against you all, really, but I’m being completely deadass when I say that if you start fuckin’ shit up around here, you’re gonna regret it.”
“Chill out, girl!” Paul told you, slinging an arm around your shoulder. “It’s in our nature. Can’t argue with nature.”
“Watch me.” You slipped under his arm to get out of his grasp.
No more than 5 minutes later, the sun was totally eclipsed by the moon, and onlookers stood staring up on a packed beach, completely oblivious to their surroundings. The boys picked off some passed out drunk and left the scene so quickly, no one noticed they were there in the first place. They hurried back to the cave, not even entertaining the possibility that you knew what was going on or you would try to stop them, but when they found themselves frozen in place, feeling as if they were being crushed under tons and tons of pressure, they were unpleasantly surprised. "What the fuck have I been telling you all day? Seriously, I was hoping we could get along but, if y'all keep doing shit like this, I’ll just get rid of you right now.”
You appeared from around a corner at the entrance of a cave, your arm outstretched towards them, making a claw shape with your hand as to hold them in place. You sent the passed out drunk guy up to the top of the cliff with your other arm. “Jesus, girl, let us go! This don’t feel too nice!” groaned Paul.
You refused. “This is your last warning. Get a blood bag supply or something, go vegetarian, but no more killing people. You’re too grown to be doing childish shit like that. Do we have a deal?”
They agreed, and you finally released them. They rolled their necks and arms, trying to losen up again. David looked absolutely enraged, and his line of sight was focused directly on you. “Don’t ever do that again.”
You shrugged. “Don’t give me a reason to then, buddy.” The moon was beginning to move out of the suns way now, their time was running out. “Alright, I gotta babysit now, but stay outta trouble. I’ll be back around later tonight, I’m outtie! See ya!”
They boys reentered their cave. “I’m gonna kill her,” growled David.
“I’m gonna marry her,” mused Paul.
I’m way too into this it’s going on wattpad i’ve made up my mind I have so much more i wanna say but i’ve been writing this for days, i’m back in thr flow, i go back to school on tuesday and i’’ve been procrastinating on all my homework but…… at least I wrote for yall
also im gonna go ahead and pretend that time periods don't exist because if i want to write about jammin to maroon 5 during a total solar eclipse in the 80s u can bet ur ass im gonna
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soreiya · 7 years
Tagged by @zelo-s Sorry that this is really super late. LAST… [1] drink: Orange juice [2] phone call: I have no social life so if I have called anyone it was most likely just a Dr.'s office or something. [3] text message: A guy from the Tales of Community on Facebook messanger.......... [4] song you listened to: The BGM while playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild [5] time you cried: Probably yesterday. I thought about some things I talked about with my ex friend's mother the day before. HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: Never dated anyone ever... [7] been cheated on: No [8] kissed someone and regretted it: No [9] lost someone special: I don't know. [10] been depressed: ha haha ha ha ha.... [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: I do not drink. LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: (I'm just going to leave the colors that were already listed. Since they remind me of my OC.) [12] Azure [13] Pink [14] Purple IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: I really don't know. [16] fallen out of love: No [17] laughed until you cried: No... Though it's possible I laughed while crying. [18] found out someone was talking about you: Yeah... The ex friend always has negative things to say about me. [19] met someone who changed you: No, I am the only person who can change myself. [20] found out who your true friends are: I don't have any true friends. [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: No GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: I don't really like Facebook? There was one time I just added all the randoms who added me. Just because it was so empty.... Now it's just a mess of strangers who I keep unfallowing whenever they say something that I disagree with since they are strangers so it doesn't matter. [23] do you have any pets: A cat named Carl that I call Carla. [24] do you want to change your name: Too much hassle... [25] what did you do for your last birthday: I don't remember. Probably nothing. [26] what time did you wake up: 12pm [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Watching one of Video Games Awesome's streams. [28] name something you cannot wait for: A day when I'm making a lot of money with art.   [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 20 minutes ago. [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I just don't want to be abandoned anymore. I'd like to feel some sense of security. [31] what are you listening to right now: Just the sound of my tower fan. [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: A long long time ago. [33] something that is getting on your nerves: My ex friend treating her mother badly... It makes me really sad. Why can't she take action towards making things right? Why does she have to be so selfish? It's frustrating to have to hear about all of this.   [34] most visited website: Tumblr [35] elementary: I had a teacher in kindergarten who would hit us with rulers... I was placed in rooms or closets if I acted out... Public schools would have lawsuits placed against them for shit like that now a days. [36] high school: I quit because I wasn't getting enough help. I'm too damn stupid for school. [37] college: I'll likely never go to one... Thanks for making me feel more inadequate. [38] hair colour: Dark brown [39] long or short hair: long [40] do you have a crush on someone: No [41] what do you like about yourself?: I'm honest therefore I don't have a fake persona. Anyone who knows me will know me for who I am. [42] piercings: I don't have any [43]blood type: IDK A? [44] nickname: Nico or Soreiya/Sore [45] relationship status: Forever alone [46] zodiac sign: Gemini/Cancer hybrid [47] pronouns: I don't give a fuck to be honest [48] fav tv show: I don't watch much TV... Like I'll watch stuff like Once Upon a Time, but overall I watch more anime than TV shows. Though I do spend a lot of time watching HGTV... I don't know why I like the remodeling shows so much................. [49] tattoos: 0 [50] right or left handed: Right FIRST… [51] surgery: Never had anything serious... Just some stitches on my arm. [52] piercing: 0 [53] best friend: Don't have one. [54] sport: I don't play sports. [55] vacation: I don't go on vacations. The kind of rich fuck do you think I am? [56] pair of trainers: ????? RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: Nothing [58] drinking: Nothing [59] i’m about to: Burn some DVD's... I'm still not backing up everything on my PC. [60] listening to: Still nothing [61] waiting for: Karma to kick some people in the face [62] want: Encouragement/support [63] get married: hah................... [64] career: I want to make money with art WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: Neither... I'm not comfortable with people touching me. [66] lips or eyes: ? I guess eyes? [67] shorter or taller: Short [68] older or younger: Younger [70] nice arms or nice stomach: What a weird options... I guess stomach? [71] sensitive or loud: Sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: Relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? When you're around foreigners they so things like that...........  It's not for me. [75] drank hard liquor? no [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? No... I'm legally blind so glasses do not work for me. [77] turned someone down: Yes [78] sex on first date? I'm not easy like my ex friend... [79] broken someone’s heart? Doubt it [80] had your own heart broken? Yeah, but not for anything romantic. [81] been arrested? No [82] cried when someone died? Yeah [83] fallen for a friend: No DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? Hell no [85] miracles? I'd like to, but from my experience in life they don't seem to exist. [86] love at first sight? That is nothing more than lust. You can't love someone without really getting to know them. [87] santa claus? No... [89] angels? No, but they can be cool looking OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: We've been through this......................... [91] eye colour: Do you plan to become a stalker or something? They are brown like shit. [92]  favourite movie: I don't have a fave. Though there are some that have stuck with me through the years. Like The Neverending Story for one. I think I just really like the feeling that old fantasy movies can achieve. 
0 notes
n3kk1tty · 6 months
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Beast's of Santa Carla
(Prologue read for more context before chapter 1)
Original Character in chapter: Lamia
(Y/n) - Your name
(F/C) - Your favorite color
(Beasts of Santa Carla is a AU of the Lost Boys. It involves adult themes, poly relationships, and is definitely not made for the underaged. If you don't like poly content, queer representation, shipping of the boys together or heavy sexual themes and violence. This story is not meant for you and that's okay. This story is made solely for my own enjoyment and anyone else who's along for the ride. )
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1
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Succubi Hybrids weren't an uncommon occurrence in the underworld. Sexual beasts of the night able to feed off a wide range of beings surely had to have a few weaknesses just like others. Just so happened that their strength of being able to reproduce with many intelligent species was also a huge weakness. A simple bite to the back of the neck was a permanent marriage to another in the succubi species. When mated one lost complete reproductive control that's usually kept in check with reproductive seals and even if the succubi kept in a male gendered state they were still susceptible to pregnancy.
As if a mocking from the creators of the universe themselves not only would a mating be permanent and pregnancy would sure follow if one tried to feed the succubi would also lose the ability to gain substance from anyone other then the being who marked them. This sadly became a popular method of enslaving a succubi as being the only food source they would have no other choice but to obey unless they turned to getting marked again by another. Creating bond after bond mate after mate. Losing total freedom to choose their meals having to survive solely off their mates.
A genetic set back that was also the reason succubi society thrived since the beginning of time. They could produce child hybrids who could take both strengths of parents or produce hundreds of succubi from a single bite. You fiddled with your chocker thinking about your parents. How could a split second decision in a night of passion end with your own creation. The back of your neck itches remembering the task your aunt had given you.
You had gotten into a deep well of shit with her after you were caught attending an exclusive fight club for the non humans of Santa Carla. I mean how were you and the others supposed to know the guy you were fighting wasn't a ghoul but actually a human so high on drugs his face looked rotted alive and he was surprisingly rabid to boot. That night your aunt Lamia practically dragged you by your ear the whole flight home hissing about how a hybrid as yourself shouldn't be using your strength to rough house with unruly lycanthropes when she wasn't watching. And as if she wanted to dish out the worst punishment in the seven circles of hell for you she hand picked you for the task of a resident vampire babysitter.
You could practically feel your neck itching worse at this title. Vampires were notorious for being bite happy and were did those fuckers like to bite people the most. That's right. The neck. A succubi's worst possible match up. I mean truly that's the whole reason Max and his thugs were banned for life from any succubi ran establishment in Santa Carla was because they were known to be bite happy. Your aunt was confident your status as a hybrid gave you a natural edge over them but the thought of having to out fly a pack of bite happy feral vampires who barely knew there own society's rules was not a comforting one to you.
Luckily though tonight was supposed to mostly be for you to get used to watching them and to take in some Intel while you were at it. If you had your way during this whole time frame as a babysitter you'd never even breathe in the same air as them. Though right now that seemed more like a dream then a reality as you trailed behind the young fledgling the group called Laddie. You could feel your opinion of these guys getting worse by the second, I mean come on making child vampires has been outlawed since the dark ages and here you are following behind this small boy as he had gotten lost from the group a while back.
You felt bad just leaving him to his own devices in this crowd so once you noticed him split you made a point to trail him. Out of all of them this boy seemed the weakest and most vulnerable to attack your poor heart couldn't even stomach the idea of this kid just getting picked off. Even in the night in their own hunting grounds if anyone with even a minor sliver of ill intention wanted to they could easily take this kid out. So like a loyal guard dog you tailed him at a distance making sure to follow his movements and keep weary that none of his older companions spotted you either.
It wasn't a certainty they had even noticed he dipped out on them about an hour ago. The group seemed to be way to occupied with the growing argument between the head of the pack David and the newest addition Micheal. You could barely hear what they were even arguing about as these damn board walk attractions and crowds were creating the perfect white noise for their argument to be hidden from snooping ears. You and this little guy were definitely a great distance from any of the gang members by now.
The poor boy looked lost and a little panicked at this point obviously so lost he couldn't even smell his pack mates and make is way back on his own. His worry wasn't the thing that had you on edge though, it was the kids sense of starving you could feel radiating off of him. The hunger any demon could identify. It was the need to feed and this was definitely not the place nor time for a young fledgling to be. One little split second decision and the whole board walk would be a mass panic as this kid looked ready to lunge for any ones throat.
You grinded your teeth. You didn't want to be spotted, your presence wasn't supposed to be known but this kid. There was a reason kid vampires were outlawed and this scenario was exactly why. Kids are to emotional, to instinctual. A child can't control the beast that's blood thirst and Laddie looked absolutely starved almost like he's never had a drop of blood in his whole life. You frantically looked and tried your best but as you figured no one has come to find him yet so it was you and this kid in this growing problem.
Laddie was a ticking time bomb and you knew it. You didn't like any of your choices but everything faded to the background as the bomb started to go off almost in slow motion. Laddie was morphing and gearing up to lunge at an old couple walking by. You were in a corner and had no choice but to do what a babysitter should. Protect the peace. Protect the fucking vampire kid. You weren't in a fight club with werewolves for nothing. Your speed and reaction time was unmatched. In a blinding swarm of (F/C) moths morphed Laddie was scooped in your arms and whisked away from the prying eyes of mortals like a flash of light.
You slumped against a wall in the dark alley as you let Laddie take greedy gulps of blood from your forearm. The small boy cradled in your embrace as he snarled hissed and chugged blood like his life depended on it. You have never been happier in your life to have the ability to mass produce blood than in this moment. Thanks dad for being a huge fucking bug demon ,flesh manipulation has never been a better ability to have then for a hungry fledgling.
This little guy was really going to town if you had been a mortal this guy would have already started draining them to raisin status. You felt a sense of sadness for him. Was he really that hungry? Were they not helping him get kills to feed on. How irresponsible were his pack mates. You pondered the question before softening your gaze and gently soothing the boy releasing pheromones to help the poor baby relax. His whole body was tense and desperate like if he let go he would die.
"It's okay sweetness Im not going anywhere, drink as much as you want I have plenty to give." You stroked the boy's greasy hair feeling his jaw slightly let up on your arm. He instinctually relaxed into your embrace.
All Laddie could hear was your heart beat and soothing words as it felt like his head was coming out of a fog. He felt so calm and safe. The scent of vanilla and cinnamon filled his nose reminding him of a freshly baked sweet in Autumn. His head hadn't felt this clear in a long time. He didn't understand why Star told him not to drink blood this experience was so warm and inviting maybe Dwayne was right. His yellow eyes glowed softly. His transformation was complete. He had his first taste of blood and he didn't think it would be this calm.
If only Star and Micheal knew that at this very moment in time it was now too late for Laddie he'd be a vampire permanently now whether they killed Max or not. Though I don't think any of the vampires would or could have predicted that Laddie 's first feeding wouldn't be human. Instead Laddie's first taste was that of this Hybrid who had him gently cradled into her softly humming a succubi's lullaby to help whisk him to sleep so she could sneak off. The little one had long finished feeding and now was just gently nodding off into her arm after such a big meal.
If only they knew what this split second decision had done to change their fates in the future. As now Laddie was no regular vampire like the boys. This accidental tangling of fates had now turned Laddie into a day walker. Day walkers were vampires able to walk in the day concurring the sun in exchange for the weakening of powers in the light and an extreme taste for demonic flesh and human bones. If only (Y/n) had known this was Laddie's first feeding ever she may have never let the boy feast off her valuable blood or maybe even that knowledge wouldn't have stopped her caring nature from taking over. No one can say what would have happened in paths not chosen.
All that was for certain now was (Y/n) was going to have even more encounters with the vampires she was wary of. Her fate now eternally tangled with this vampiric child and those who surround him. As the others discovered a sleeping Laddie curled in a blanket with a strange scent on it and dried blood on his mouth it was evident something had transpired. Now they needed to find out what happened to their youngest member and figure whose scent this was. As the boys could tell by the scent this definitely didn't belong to no human. It had the semblance of scent of a place that were barred from going.
The nest of the Succubi of Santa Carla.
Chateau Vermillion
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(End of chapter 1)
(Chapter 2 )
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n3kk1tty · 5 months
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Beasts of Santa Carla
This chapter contains light mentions of NSFW material
This story includes a lot of original characters. Photos of characters and favorite scenes will be drawn. You can find their photos on the masters list along with the prologue and past chapters.
(Master List)
Original Characters- Lamia, Veve, Volk, Puck, Calypso
(Y/n)- Your name
(F/C)- Favorite Color
(F/S)- Favorite Soda
(Beasts of Santa Carla is a AU of the Lost Boys. It involves adult themes, poly relationships, and is definitely not made for the underaged. If you don't like poly content, queer representation, shipping of the boys together or heavy sexual themes and violence. This story is not meant for you and that's okay. This story is made solely for my own enjoyment and anyone else who's along for the ride. )
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3
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The car jostled and lurched tumbling you around in the  dark bag as the car sped down the Santa Carla dirt roads. The wolf boys in the front hooting and hollering as the radio blasted a catchy pop tune, occasionally a hand reaching back to adjust the bag so you weren't just at the mercy of the cars jerking.  The energy was thick with excitement, hell you would have been excited if it wasn't for being forced to wear gross dirty werewolf gym clothes inside a used body bag. You were seriously gonna kick those vampires asses if you saw them. You didn't even get a say in whether you got to confront them or not. Just shoved straight out the door and into your friend's car floor.
Speaking of friends, you were happy the boy's energy was so high as it made for a perfect little lazy feeding. Though you were sure your aunt had ordered this little kidnapping at your expense . What a buzzkill she was for cockblocking your chance to give those men a piece of your mind. If they wanted to disrupt your sleep schedule and your meal time so badly then they could catch a lashing from your wrath. Tail twitching in disdain you knew your aunt was right though. If you acted like your father and jumped too quickly into a fight unprepared then you'd eventually end up enslaved to someone too.
Though despite his predicament you knew your parents loved each other but you couldn't figure out how they worked it out. Your hands find their way up to your choker fiddling with it absentmindedly. If you were in your dad's shoes freshly marked, would you be able to be happy with one partner like he was. Something from deep inside knew that wouldn't be possible even biologically. You were a hybrid. A genetic misfit. Even if you wanted to settle with just one partner your body's hunger would just end up killing them or yourself as the demand in you would never be satisfied. You had little hope of settling down one day and possibly becoming a parent like your elder family members have.
You didn't know how many partners you'd even need to be properly maintained. There was the fear in you that you’d take after your Aunt who had fourteen partners and sometimes even they couldn't keep up with her. You stop fiddling with your collar. There was no reason to be worrying about this right now. Those vampires probably just wanted to kick your ass for being in their turf or wanted to use you as a juice box till they were satisfied with you learning your lesson. The only people who wanted you were sick fucks chasing after a fantasy version of yourself. A fantasy presented to them on a glowing stage wrapped in lace and lies.
Who wants to mate a succubus for life that likes to fight and devours up life energy like a bottomless pit. A hand shakes the bag momentarily snapping you from your dark self reflection, a gruff low voice speaking above you. “ I’m moving you now. We're gonna have to walk the rest of the way on foot so sorry if it gets bumpy. Try not to make any noise, okay.” A smile graces your lips wiping off your sullen blank face. Ah, Volk. If you weren't ever going to settle down at least you had loyal friends and customers to fill your loneliness. This scary teddy bear of a man has been frequenting Chateau Vermillion ever since he strolled into town that rainy afternoon.
He was so cute his first time coming to the Chateau. He absolutely refused to make eye contact with anyone other than his adopted father as he stood in the entrance stiffer than a board. This stoic man was secretly nervous around women and you were his first and only succubus provider since that day. You were one of the kinder succubi in the joint as you didn't mind if a session didn't include sexual wants and actually preferred the change of pace. You remember when this boy strolled into your private room nervously refusing to move a inch from the door frame stuttering a pitiful hello. You raised your arms offering sanction in your lap for the boy to gently sweep away into a night of peaceful conversation and praise. Ever since he has loyally guarded you from unwanted attention.
He was a good reliable friend and like an added bonus was a delicious feed for you. His soul tasted like an apple pie topped with fresh vanilla ice cream but you knew you weren't in love with this man and neither did he love you. Maybe someday you'll get partners who love you more than life itself but today was not that day. Today you felt more like an angry sack of potatoes who was really fed up with a certain group of motorcycle riding vampires. So romance was definitely not in the air.
A door swings open and loud heavy footsteps are heard echoing through the house as a large bag is placed carefully on a mattress. The zipper is slowly pulled down from the bag and light rips through the dark gently embracing your unamused face. “Volk you know I'm gonna kick your ass if I smell like a dead guy and your B.O all night. “ You spring forth from your fabric prison crawling out onto the bed at lightning speed. The hulking tan werewolf is already five steps ahead of you standing by your side with a basket of soaps and a towel. “ You wouldn't have to if you stopped attracting weird fuckers to yah. I think Veve has my number on speed dial now.” You let out a chuckle as you start to strip the boy's clothes off yourself tossing them to him while winking.
“I think you enjoy playing a knight in shining armor. Or would it be furry armor. “ The man looks unamused as he tilts his reddening face towards the ceiling. No matter how many times he's seen you bare he never truly gets used to being this intimate with a woman. Which feels embarrassing as you two have done enough things together embarrassment should be the last thing he feels. “ I mean come on (Y/n) you are over here so much you practically live here. I can't remember the last time my bed was left alone for a week without you somehow ending up in it.” The werewolf trails behind you to the bathroom connected to the room as a cheerful crowd can be heard from the living room. “You like our sleepovers, don't even lie. You get all your needs met when you want and we also get to binge Tv shows  and eat questionable Italian food. “ 
The last of your clothes are gone except for your choker as you start the shower sitting on the toilet seat looking up sneaking a cheeky smile to him. “ I just want to know if you're safe. I'm scared one of these times someones gonna hurt you. Who the hell will watch Transformers with me and eat crappy take away food then“ Volk huffs out placing your toiletries down and hanging the towel up for you. “ I don't know, maybe you could get over your fear of women and talk to someone other than me. Or am I scaring all your potential lovers away.” You had the biggest shit eating grin on your face before Volk aggressively ruffled your head.  “ Now there's my shortstack jackass. You're not scaring no one away. I'm working on it. Just hard to get the courage to talk to Lycan women yah know. And Where's your partner huh.”.
Volk pushes your head away with a smile on his face. He hated when you were hard yourself and he could tell this vampire business was wearing you down. You hop into the nice warm shower grabbing your soaps that Volk had kept here for you. Before shutting the curtain and shoeing him off to go get you your fight clothes for the club. “ Hell will freeze before I become not single. It's not like a bunch of partners will fall outta the sky begging to date me. Also id want them to all get along and maybe also fuck around a little. You know create my own badass harem I'm always talking about “ Volk shouted back from the closet as he searched through your pile of stuff. “ Why do they gotta mess with each other as well?”
You laugh as you shout back scrubbing the vanilla soap into your skin. “ Have you ever been in a orgy before? Pretty hot when everyone's getting along. Specifically same gender action if you know what I mean.“ Volk damn near jumped outta his skin hitting his head on the top of the closet rack. “ That's just nasty. I don't wanna hear about your sexcapades. “ Volk rubbed his head holding your clothes as you turn off the shower. “ Yeah you're right, maybe I should talk about ours hmm. Let's see last time you wanted me to call you a-” Stepping out the shower Volk threw your clothes at your face, steam coming out his ears at this point. Smirking you dried your body changing into the ( F/c) leotard and leg warmers workout gear you had. You planned to get some aggression out tonight working up a sweat and probably staying the night winding down with cartoonz and whatever the others cooked for dinner.
You patted Volks shoulder as you moved to the door. “ Come on yah vanilla softie let's go join the others before they think we're in here fooling around doing the sideways tango.” Opening the door to head to the living room you noticed the curtains were open to the window and it seemed like you almost caught a flash of someone. You figured it's just your imagination or one of the boys outside being a perv trying to get a free show. Walking into the living room a pause hit the crowd before a bunch of rowdy men started cheering for you making wolf whistles. You do a little bow and a spin for the room before putting your hands up to stop there on cor of remarks. “Okay okay, Shut your traps you pervs not like you sleezers ain't seen me before in this get up. Ready to get your ass handed to you again Puck hopefully you'll get the win this time I promise I'll go easy.”
You bump the big guy on the shoulder making him scoot from his spot which he moves just a little before squeezing you against the couch cushion and armrest with his shoulder giving you a smile before opening a ( F/S) and handing it to you. “Nah, I switched with Calypso since he's coming into the fight tonight.” Your eyes widened with excitement. “You mean it! I thought Calypso had to stay with his wife till her pregnancy was over.” You could feel the anticipation like lightning through your body. Your tail swayed happily in the air, a smile as wide as can be spreading across your face in pure excitement.
“Nah she said that he's driving her nuts with his overprotectiveness. You'd think for a mercraken and having like 20 kids he’d have chilled out by now. Speaking of women though I need a favor (Y/n)” You turned your head slowly glaring the big guy down already knowing what this favor entailed. “ I’m not smelling you to test for the itchy and icky because you stuck your dick in what was cheapest again Puck.” You stared him down ready to send him to the stratosphere for being a dumbass again while the boy's face sank in panic. “Aw come on man! (Y/n) You know succubi's noses are the best way to hunt out all sorts of STDs. I just need this favor man. I didn't make enough of this check to get a full service at the Chateau, please don't tell Veve on me!.”
This hulking guy was practically grabbing your arm sobbing. “ Geez I'll do it but you gotta stop crying like a bitch every time it's getting sad man. “ Pucks face lit up before making a play shocked face scoffing. “Oh my goodness young lady you kiss your mother with that foul mouth.” You smirked back at the man. “Nah, I was too busy kissing yours last night.” Puck playfully punches your arm as you close your eyes, moving your head around him to get a whiff. “ Well I got good news and bad. Good news you're clean, bad news you're still an idiot.” You shot up laughing dodging another punch from Puck before he got up to chase you. Volk walking in from the bedroom in his clean gym clothes wrapping his knuckles while showing you two out the door.
“ If you two shitheads are starting tonight's party then you take that outside before Calypso shows and the spectators. I got bets and I wanna see more money in my pocket then I know what to do with tonight.” Volk promptly pushed Puck forward with his foot as you ran towards the fighting ring squealing with laughter. You were always one of the people that helped get the ring set up before the night's festivities started. It was a huge oval of old cars piled high in the sky reinforced with all sorts of metal pipes or welded scrap. This thunder dome was able to take extremely heavy blows from fighters during whatever games the club was doing that night. Old car seats were used as stadium chairs as any inhuman who wanted to watch was welcomed as long as they paid an entrance fee.
This fee was mostly used to fuel concessions that were handed out making even more bank for the fighters and the ring itself. How it usually went was there were people who placed bets or tipped fighters they liked watching perform. Though at the end of the night whoever was the top fighter with the most matches won under their belt would receive a big pay out from whatever was made on concessions and entrance fees. While other fighters were paid accordingly following ranking. This system made everyone happy while lining their pockets from doing something they loved and surprisingly it was popular even with nonhumans from out of town. As a succubi hybrid you acted like a ring girl while also participating in maintaining and fighting in the arena.
As you raced into the middle of the ring you let a joyous powerful guttural screaming war cry. One so strong you'd put a heavy metal singer to shame. It was so loud and demonic it echoed off the walls, your form hunched over in an animalistic stance fangs bared for all the heavens to see. Your spikes running down your spine to tail almost damaging your leotard as they stood tall, blood spraying from your form as it quickly slinked away. A huge magical circle encompassing the arena in a sea of crimson as you finished your screaming stomping into the ground with your foot as a wall of bones emerge from the crimson abyss piercing the cars from within reinforcing them even more as any left over blood morphed into a sea of moths returning to your form.
This was the true face of your power. This is what a proud hybrid was able to accomplish when utilizing every last ounce of potential from their genetic blessings. Under your lace and lies laid a beast of blood and bones. Able to manipulate your blood into any genetic makeup resembling that of a succubi's or demonic insect. You could make gallons of blood, walls of bone, and recreate any organ pertaining to your body or others. Your succubi father was a powerful healer who used his ability to heal and soothe others to push people's nervous systems to the brink of mental degradation when he wanted to while your other father was a jorogumo. A spider demon from the Asian continent who took on a feminine appearance to trick humans, your father was beautiful and graceful. He could make anything with his webs which he spun from his blood.
These two power houses came together to create a hybrid as powerful as you with a genetic technique that was scary to go against for other fighters. You fed off the crowd's energy during the battle and while not being physically strong on a base level your speed and cunning nature made you one of the top opponents in the ring. Your father's never wanted you to waste your blessings using your beauty and mystique to just seduce people in a brothel all day. They wanted you to grow to your max potential and every night in the battlefield you'd push yourself to the limit. Tonight you'd blow all this pent up frustrations out letting your truest self be free.You stopped admiring your work along with Puck and the others when everyone's attention was drawn to the giant Mercraken coming into the ring's entryway holding three beings.
Paul and Marko had been tailing at a distance behind this beat up pick up truck out to the old Santa Carla junk yard for a good long while now . Laddie rode with Paul in the front of the bike as he tracked them with almost precision .  Even though Paul and Marko couldn't smell a thing when that back door opened Laddie was damn near ready to rip that black body bag open as soon as it came outta the back of Chateau Vermillion. The pair noticed the group of Werewolves carrying it out so they knew if they got to close they would get busted. Neither of the two wanted to get into a brawl again with the Santa Carla wolf pack. Surfer jerks on the boardwalk were way different than an angry pack of Lycanthrope as the fur bags actually could put a decent front against their Vampiric powers.
As soon as the bikes pulled in close to the Old house Paul and Marko could now definitely smell your scent. It came washing out the old building and wrapping around them, almost dragging them by their noses to where you were hiding. They snuck close to the porch before they saw a huge round werewolf come walking out to rummage through the ice chest next to the door, a little joint in his mouth hiding their scent from him. Laddie almost jumped to run up and through the doors before the pair grabbed him holding him back. This kid was going to get them caught before they even got a glimpse of their mystery woman and they couldn't have that. Dragging the small kid back to where the bikes were hiding the pair plopped Laddie down. “ Remember what we told you little man were on a spy mission to rescue your big sister.” Paul looked at the excited boy in the eyes before Marko chirped in.
“ Yeah, and if those big bad werewolf's spot us they may hurt your big sister so we have to sneak in and rescue her. You are our look out okay little dude. You have to watch the getaway vehicles so when we rescue her we can get back safely to the cave.” Marko and Paul turned to each other having a silent argument before raising their hands to play rock paper scissors. After three rounds Paul silently threw his hands in the air with excitement as he won the right to go in and either spot you or grab you. Which meant Marko, who looked displeased, had to sit here with the kid keeping him busy. Like a sore loser he flipped the taller blonde off before Paul stuck his tongue out at him, placing a kiss to his jealous mate's temple and sneaking around to where the scent was strongest.
Marko and Laddie sat back at the bikes now engrossed in a game of tic tac toe as they used their feet to make x’s and o’s in the dirt trying to be as quiet as possible. Paul crouched over to the window that your scent was coming from slowly peeking in to see if you were alone for prime kidnapping. He couldn't wait to get his fangs on you. He has been imagining your face ever since he caught your scent that day with Laddie in the alley way, you had been a mystery angel haunting his dreams everyday. He slowly looked up into the window only to have his heart be hit with a thousand bolts of lighting and be weighed down by the earth itself.  You were breathtaking as your face radiated with joy but there was his mystery angel striping Infront of a disgusting flee bag. 
Paul had never felt this feeling before. This gut wrenching turning and churning sensation in his stomach and a building of hatred running like lightning through his heart to his hands. It took everything in him to not bust through the glass and rip those werewolves eyes out. Taking you for himself on the bed marking you as his and replacing that beast's scent with his own as it should be. He didn't want to watch you take off your clothes for this man but he couldn't look away. He swore if that fucker even grazed your form he'd rip his throat out with his teeth. Paul's ears rang from how angry he was, not able to hear anything as the scene played out before him in slow motion. This was strange to him. This was a maddening sensation.
He didn't feel this way when the others showed affection for each other. He didn't feel this way when David talked about bringing Micheal into the pack or when Marko and Dwayne had sex together. He was used to watching his loves be with others in an intimate way but this was different, something was way different. It pissed him off to his core even if it was just you standing there to get naked to take a shower. It felt wrong like only him and the others should get to see your natural beauty bare to the world softly lit under the fluorescent lights. He stood there watching for every moment like a hawk in pure agony. Every smile, every laugh, it should be him standing there. He should be him receiving this blessing why did this fucker get to be so close to his angel.  And a blessing he had received as your face turned towards the window, his eyes almost meeting yours.
Paul had to duck out of sight from you. Your eyes quelled his anger shooting him again in the heart if only for a brief moment. Not only did he get to see his mystery girl's face but he got to see her bare dressed only in her flesh and a smile, the choker complimenting her frame. But it was all tainted. Their first moment of passion is interrupted by that fleabags tainting presence and as quick as Paul got to watch his mystery girl she was gone walking out of site to were he couldn't see. He just wanted to watch you smile forever and he hopped soon your smile would be fired towards him and his loves. Paul quickly followed towards the next window were he could get a glimpse of you and there you were again twirling around a strutting confidently for all these fuckers to enjoy.
He wanted to slowly rip each one's tongues out Everytime they whistled at you or received a smile from you. His jealousy consuming him he watched as everyone started to leave the building, you running forward laughing and hollering being chased by those men. He wanted to chase after you and quickly snatch you away but there was no opening for him to do so. Paul had to rush back to where Marko and Laddie were practically pulling them with him towards the giant car stack were you ran into. They were moving so fast to catch up that Marko had to sling Laddie over his shoulders running with him piggy back style just to stay in pace as he tried to get answers outta Paul.
“Well did you see her Paul? What was she like? Is she cute?” Paul put his hand over Markos mouth as they watched from a distance there mystery girl race into the center of the ring stopping before hunching over. Her back arched as spikes sprang from her spine and tail pointing towards the sky as she let out the coolest sounding death metal scream they had ever witnessed. Her angelic face baring fangs to the sky as she screamed for the heavens to hear her cry. Her blood flooded the arena, the scent almost knocking all three of the boys down, especially Marko and Paul as they felt themselves dizzy with lustful excitement. The scene was downright demonic. Powerful. Exciting.
Marko could feel his face turning red with a wicked smile of excitement. This mystery woman was absolutely amazing and down right attractive. This display of power did something to Marko. It stirred something lustful inside him and his imagination was going wild. He wished he had his sketchbook so he could draw this scene In front of him so he could always remember this moment. You were oozing a dark power, a beastly nature which Marko could absolutely get behind. He almost wanted to cover Laddie's eyes as it felt inappropriate for him to watch this. The cry felt like you were flirting with him, he could feel himself being drawn into your light feeling himself moving forward to run to you. Suddenly the three boys were yanked into the air, thick muscular tentacles holding them in place threatening to squeeze the life outta the vampires.
“Who the fuck are you” Yellow eyes stared into there souls as a deep voice echoed in there ears.
“Yo! (Y/n) Is this your fucking kid!” The kraken held Laddie in the air by his foot, shaking him a bit. Your face drops in shock as you stare at the startled little boy not even paying attention to the other two vampires currently also being held hostage. “CALYPSO YOU CAN'T HOLD A CHILD LIKE THAT!” You scream at the man he looks confused before looking back at Laddie. “ Put him down now! Honestly your wife should kick your ass buster. You've had twenty kids and one on the way and you're holding a little one like that.” You open your arms as he tossed Laddie to you, reaching out to catch the small dazed child as the blood rushes from his head to his feet.
You worriedly coo over the boy checking him over like a mother hen making sure his head wasn't shaken up too bad. You turn to the kraken as you hold the boy in your arms making sure to give Calypso a good lecture. “ Also does it look like he's my kid! I don't even have a mate how the fuck would I pop a vampire kid out let alone for the kid to be this age already!” Calypso raised an eyebrow at you because you were acting like the boy's mother right now the way you fussed and cooed at him. “ I thought he was yours because he smelt like you. I figured these two helped you make him.” The man holding the other vampires up in the air in front of you both looking directly in your eyes while awkwardly trying to escape.
Oh now you were pissed. They ruined your sleep, disrupted your breakfast, now they were crashing your sanctuary at fight club. Not to mention bringing Laddie into this little grudge with them getting the boy mixed in with their problems. You gritted your teeth, everyone could practically feel you radiating with anger. Laddie was too nervous to speak so he tucked himself into your side hoping not to catch your wrath. “ No Calypso. I've never spread my legs for these men in my life. Let alone held a conversation with them. In actuality they have been making my day a living hell.” You gritted your teeth into a smile kneeling down to Laddie.
“ Hey baby fangs, big sister has to handle this so why don't you go over to that nice man over there and get some snacks, okay little one. We can talk about this after I'm done teaching them a lesson.” Laddies eyes grew wide as he gave your arm a little tug puppy eyes laying it on thick. “Please don't hurt them big sis. I just wanted to see you and they wanted to meet you too.” The boy looked scared that you'd hurt his friends but you softened slightly. “It’s okay sweetheart we're going to handle this by playing a little game okay. You like games right? They are fun aren't they. “ Laddie's face brightened as his mood eased. “Tag?” You smiled ruffling his head. “Yes tag.”
Laddie ran off while you turned to Paul and Marko who were currently enamored with how sweetly you treated their youngest member. Both wished you'd call them sweet names and fuss over them like you'd did with Laddie but right now they could feel your anger seething off of you with each step closer. The smile on your face and sweet tone was failing to hide that they were in serious trouble. This was way different then when the pair got in trouble with David and Dwayne, they felt fear and arousal as you got closer. Like two kicked puppies unable to make a noise with how tightly they were being held by the kraken man they stared up at your face failing to hide their blushing faces. Hoping the guy wouldn't be able to feel how tight their pants were getting at this inappropriate time. 
“ You two have been the biggest pain in my ass all night. You fuck up my sleep schedule, disrupt my breakfast ,and have the balls to bring a child with you when coming to beef about a territory dispute.”  Your smile at them was laced with venom as your eyes flickered with malice. When you knew Laddie couldn't hear what you were saying to them you continued. “ I know you don't know who I am but I know a lot about you, Marko and Paul. You better pray that the other four ferals you have running around in your pack come to save you sorry assholes from your fate. As I have some business with you that's being settled tonight.” Paul trys to open his mouth to make a Pervy remark as he's excited you know about the pack. But before he could say anything your hand shoved its way in pinning his mouth and tongue from being able to utter out anything. 
His fangs grazing your flesh he almost moans as your blood graces his tongue. You stare at him in his eyes, your pheromones activating as you start drugging the pair to make them more compliant. “If you two wanna act like feral horny dogs chasing my tail all night then I'm gonna treat you as such. I don't wanna hear anything other than you praying for forgiveness or barking like the dogs you are. Until you earn my respect I'm not giving you a drop of my time. So let's make a wager.” You unleash Paul to grab a squeaky hammer passed to by Volk as you had to settle this while not upsetting Laddie. “ You two will be tonight's opening act. For forty minutes you will try and get your painted hand prints of me to tag me while I'll only be able to smack away your advances with this toy hammer. If I win you two have to leave my sight, get over whatever I did to make you upset, and never bother me again. “
Marko pulls in whatever breath he can while his head is spinning to muster a reply. “ And what if we win.” You smile letting out a laugh at the ridiculousness of the notion of you losing to these slow asses. “ Then I'll make good on my word and do whatever you request and answer whatever your questions are. If you two actually managed to pull that off maybe you'll actually gain my respect to not view you as horny dogs.” You lift Markos face with the hammer to meet your sadistic eyes. “ But I'm not going easy on you two. I’m gonna use you up to vent all my frustrations so you may wanna start thinking of a safe word to shout when begging for mercy because I'm not gonna play nice.” You let his face go before notioning for Calypso to drop them Volk tossing the pair spare fight club uniforms. “ Go change. You don't wanna get those nice clothes ruined, do you puppy dogs?”
Paul, shocked and horny playfully let out a bark in response which riled you up. You turned your head letting out a sigh as you went to finish opening up the arena for the fight. 
The crowd was electric chanting in the stadium. They were excited to see the beast of blood and bone going against the Santa Carla vampires. A never before seen treat for the violence hungry crowd the bets and tips were already flowing in before the match even began. They were warned in advance it wasn't gonna be a regular paint tag match where they would use baseball bats, metal pipes, or hell even wooden hammers. But that didn't stop the crowd from going crazy hyping the event up. Everyone who was a regular knew that you wouldn't let your fans down and you were sure to prove that tonight. 
When you came out to the field with people chanting your stage title you made sure to put on a show. Doing back flips and twirls the crowd losing their minds every time. Paul and Marko watched you intentently determined to win this match at all costs. I mean how fast could you be against two of them and with only a squeaky toy hammer for defense. Paul wanted to aim for tagging you on your chest while Marko really wanted to place a nice bright green hand print across your ass. It really didn't seem like a fair match up to them as they stood at the starting line glaring you down with a smile. Volk stood at the top of the stadium with a gun Laddie by his side, he aimed for the sky ready to start the match.
With a loud bang the game of cat and mouse began. Before the pair could even move a millimeter towards you their heads were bouncing to the sides as the hammer sprang between them, darting through them like air you paused. The dazed pair looked back to see your wings made of light staring back at them. “ Catch me if you can puppy dogs. “ You took off into the sky Marko followed suit while Paul tried to fly quickly to cut you off. Your body moved like a jet through the air, a streak of lighting being the only proof you were there. The music blasted, the crowd cheered, the energy was thick with excitement and you were eating it up.
The pair kept trying to make pinscher attacks on you or corner you into the walls. They couldn't dream of out flying you and when they got too close it felt like punches hitting them when you smacked back with the hammer. Your little weapon may have been cute and not usually painful to be hit with but when you moved it at the top speeds you were it felt like rubber bullets against their skin. Sometimes you’d boost yourself off one side of the wall just to hit one of them with an attack and bounce off the other. Repeating this motion to cause a confusing combo attack. Marko was a little better off then Paul because of being faster than him.
Though that left Paul out in the open taking your attacks like a fish in a barrel. You laughed, tormenting them with each hit of the toy. This is what they deserved for thinking you'd lie down like a bitch taking their tiresome antics. If they were gonna act like children you'd treat them as such and tonight they'd learn not to piss off the beast of blood and bone. You smiled, powered up by the crowd and the energy in the air. You were no longer tired, you were no longer thinking of anything other than how much fun you were having. You hadn't even noticed you were starting to let your guard down talking to the boys, one may even say you were flirting with them. “Come on Marko you can be faster than that, I know you want something from me if only you could put your hands on me.”
You snuck up on Paul blowing air into his ear before dodging an attack. “ Come on handsome, I'm waiting for you to touch me.” You would wait till they got close to you high in the air before letting gravity take you. Allowing the force to pull you straight down watching the boys following behind you. They were really trying hard. All your flirting and fake moaning driving them nuts. Not to mention when you'd dance for the crowd or smack your ass teasing that they couldn't catch you. Hell you even started singing let's get physical winking at them riling them up more. You were having the time of your life. You haven't had such a good match up in a while.
Laddie was enjoying the show a lot as well. He didn't know you were so talented or that the terror twins were so fast. They weren't fast enough to out race you but they had quick reflexes which they had quick calls when you were goofing off. Though every time they would almost touch you your body would disperse into a  bunch of moths. Thirty minutes had passed and they had only ten minutes left to catch you. Volk and Calypso cheered for you while Laddie cheered for the boys to make it fair. “ Amazing ain't she.” Calypso said, shaking the little boy's shoulder. “Big sis is awesome! Has anyone ever caught her in tag?” The kraken let out a hearty laugh before confidently puffing his chest out. 
“You're looking at him, kid.” Laddie stood in surprise before jumping with questions on how he did it which gained more laughs from the man. The man came close to the boy's face before giving him a wink like a cheeky old man. “ The trick to slow her down and make your way into her heart is to make her laugh. That's how Volk became friends with Miss sweet and sour up there. When she's laughing she loses all idea of where she's at or how to disperse her body because she's too busy laughing her ass off.” Laddie looked at Paul and Marko he hoped they could make big sis laugh. He wished he could hang out with her more than just in the daytime. You had just pulled another death drop on Marko but this time he was committing. He didn't have time to think anymore; there were only five minutes left on the clock. 
The boys were having fun even if it was at the expense of getting their asses kicked because slowly you were being less hostile towards them and they absolutely loved it when you flirted with them. Marko kept pushing himself to his max he was so close to catching you. He was an inch from you before you dispersed into a sea of moths. Marko couldn't even have time to stop before he crashed into a big pile of mud. Above him in the air at a distance you looked at him, you felt a little bad because it looked like a gnarly crash. So you took a second to make sure you hadn't killed him like a bug hitting a windshield but then he sat up on his knees face looking like a messing kitten who didn't know how to keep their face clean and something broke in you. You tried to contain the laughter, all the malice gone from earlier as you sat in the air trying to hold in a laugh.
But the more you try not to laugh the harder you will. You burst into a fit of laughter with two minutes left on the clock. You were in the air laughing your ass off at Marko kicking and flailing your legs. Suddenly Paul crashed into you from behind firmly grabbing your chest before spinning you in his arms wrapping himself around you shouting. “I CAUGHT YOU! I FINALLY FUCKING CAUGHT YOU!” He was overjoyed rubbing his face on your head hollering in excitement. The energy from the match made him completely blank out that he was only supposed to tag you not catch you. You two begin to drop as Paul refuses to let go claiming he won fair and square. The ground was coming closer and closer by the moment and you were in a direct impact zone of Marko.
“WE'RE LOSING ALTITUDE EINSTEIN!” You shout shifting your weight so your body spins to your back exposed to the sky you make your wings extend as far as they can go accounting for you and Paul's weight to hopefully slow you down so you don't crush and kill him on impact. A huge gust of wind from the fall overtakes the stadium when the dust clears your straddling Paul's lap as he's still holding on tight. “ Are you fucking nuts! You could have gotten yourself killed! What were you thinking!” You fuss as the man not even realizing the buzzer went off or a muddy Marko is currently rushing towards you. Paul smiles up like an idiot laughing. “ I do tend to stop thinking when it comes to pretty women like yourself. You can call me your dog any time.” Paul winks.
Your mind breaks at this as your face heats up. Was this idiot really flirting at a time like this? You were just beating his ass a moment ago and he's flirting with you now. You don't get time to ponder this before Marko jumps on top of you, smashing you between their bodies and grabbing you by your horns. A bolt of lightning shoots through you the pressure, friction, and smell all becoming clear to you. The boys are laughing and cheering when you freeze. Hold on, when did this fight become so erotic and did they always smell this good. Did they know a succubi's horns were an erogenous zone? The feeling was too much , your face heated up. This was so lude everyone was watching. You try not to move to cause anymore friction between your thighs or horns as you were becoming hot and bothered pitifully protesting. “Hey! What are you two doing!” You try letting out a protest.
Marko shifts his weight causing your hips to press further into Paul's lap almost grinding on him and your horns also were stroked slightly from the movement. You were only wearing a leotard and it didn't take you long to get ready to go down there. You didn't want them to know this was turning you on but the sudden movement caused you to bury your face in Paul's chest letting a moan out. The boys pause their celebrations after catching your little noise from Paul's chest. Like a dial up phone it took them a moment to realize what was going on. This pause gives you enough time to force your head back, head butting Marko straight in the nose. A sick crunch coming from him as you crawl off Paul in embarrassment scooting away defensibly covering yourself shouting. “ You win! You win! I give up!”
Paul is currently holding Markos nose trying to fix it while also looking at you. Both the pairs heads were spinning, all the energy in the stadium made them completely blank on what they were actually supposed to be doing. But right now they just wanted to keep hanging out with you. This whole thing was so much fun. They both didn't know just letting their vampiric powers out that much would be so fun. “ Does that mean you have to do anything we ask? Like seriously anything. “ Paul's eyes shine with excitement and mischief before you laugh holding his face back from yours.
“Well yeah! You earned it after all. Plus I haven't had someone catch me in a long while so why not “ You continue to laugh as Paul uses your hand as a headrest to think. Markos head spun from his new concussion coming on, your head was really strong. All he could think about was how awesome it would be for you to join the pack and how strong you were. “ D-date!” Paul and you turned to Marko as he tried forming a sentence through his confusion. “ Date us now !” Your face freezes before you bust into a fit of laughter, the pair staring at you as you laugh. You prop yourself up getting back on your feet as you laugh, catching your breath to gentle ruffle Markos concussed head.
“ Slow your rolls, pretty boys. I can't be your girlfriend but how about we start with a date. Just the three of us. “ The pair stare at you as you chuckle to yourself, currently rubbing Markos' poor concussed head as his vampire powers are trying to heal him up. “ Like tonight?” Paul says enthusiastically before earning another chuckle from you as you start petting his head too. “ Well not tonight I have the rest of my matches up to win. I'm taking the rest of the week to get used to my sleep schedule so why not next week on Tuesday. “ The boys soak in the feeling of your warm hands and kind voice currently embracing them as they nod in agreement on the date hoping they could stay in this moment forever.
Laddie came running up to the group tackling you inside back down into the mud laughing. You were covered in sweat mud and paint prints all over you and honestly you couldn't care less. This was what fight club was for you. A way to relax and make friends and you feel like at least these two blonde goofballs weren't so bad after all. The four of y'all got mostly rinsed off with the hose at the house before changing into fresh new clothes and the boys back into their outfits. The chaotic three vampires spent the rest of the night enjoying the fight club matches and using their tips from the round to get snacks and drinks. Cheering for you anytime you'd go on stage.
When the night was drawing to an end you sent the boys off with Laddie strapped to Paul's chest in a baby fabric sling as the little boy couldn't keep himself awake by the end of the matches. You wrote your number on both the blonde's hands just encase the marker writing didn't make it on the way back with trying to keep Laddie in his blanket burrito cage against Paul's chest. When the boys got home they were tired from the awesome night, full of snacks that were either human or other worldly and a little bit of liquor. Star came rushing to them when Paul proudly showed off how Laddie was strapped to him. Doing a little strut to show the kid wasn't coming off easily.
She carefully unwrapped the boy, whisking him away to get him tucked in for the night while snatching the fabric that smelt of you from the boys. When Paul and Marko made it back to their nest stripping into pajamas to get ready to sleep David and Dwayne came crawling in not far behind them. “Where have you been? Did you find her.” David questioned as he readied himself for sleep as well making notice of the welts on the terror twins forms. Marko proudly flashing a fang filled smile to him. “ We scored a date next Tuesday. I’d say we did an amazing job.” Dwayne dropped his hair brush that he was using to untangle Paul's hair. “ What did you say?”
Paul turned back to the tan vampire raising an eyebrow. “We scored a date? Well for just me and Marko. We had to get our asses beat pretty bad for it but we managed to pull it off. Something off babe. “ David could feel his patience snap trying hard not to unleash it on his beloved mates. “ Do you two know how much money me and Dwayne just dropped tonight to convince Lamia to reserve that girl for a whole night Monday. “ The two blinked back at David's frustrated face. That night everyone could hear David's wallet crying in the distance .
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All previous chapters and prologue plus art works for Beasts of Santa Carla can be found on the Master List link above.
( Chapter 4 )
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n3kk1tty · 4 months
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Beasts of Santa Carla: Second Child
Damien came out the womb crying up a storm. It shocked everyone when his first sound to the new world was a high pitched screech that could put a banshee to shame. A hybrid just like his Mama (Y/n) he took on traits of both a insect hybrid succubus and a vampire. Though Damien came out displaying more bat-like abilities and features than anything. Paul joked to Micheal that his came out the womb with leg and arm warmers as he had a layer of black fuz on his arms and legs.
Eventually Damien figured out how to control this but anytime the baby would get cold then poof out came the warmers. Damien was able to learn demonic insect tongues like (Y/n) was as they shared the vocal cords abilities to do it. Though as an infant this caused trouble as that meant the pack had a baby making high pitched super sonic bat clicks and insect noises that hurts everyone except (Y/n) head. Damien is a mama's boy through and through. Star usually switched off with her wife as she kept their bundle of joy warm while the boys looked on in jealousy.
It almost made Micheal cry the first time he could hold his son and not have him immediately cry until he was handed to the girls. Paul loves trying to mimic his baby boy to help him speak so he trys to make the bat and insect sounds Damien is making and while he can't make some of them he's getting really good at the clicking and chirping ones. He is absolutely smitten when (Y/n) helps him make the noises and loves how animalistic she sounds when she speaks in demonic insect tongues. Paul will take the headaches any day to listen to both his son and wife communicate in their special language.
Beasts of Santa Carla is a fanfic series I write for the lost boys. You can find current chapters on my blog.
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n3kk1tty · 2 months
Crack Head Cannons for Beasts of Santa Carla: Happy ending addition part 1
( Beasts of Santa Carla is a fanfic series I wrote for the lost boys in which all monsters exist in a society in Santa Carla. It's a lost boys Au. Me and @tac-the-unseen have been cooking up these head cannons behind the scene and there just too good no to share)
Laddie is the oldest of the kids. He always will be even if he isn't biological. That does leave him though to be the coolest big brother ever.
( Explanation: Laddie is able to age up as a vampire thanks to a special medicine vampire society created to help child vampires to grow up. )
The group ends up having 3 bio kids of their own. Clarabella ( Succubus ) Damien ( Hybrid) Aneta ( Natural Born Vampire )
( Explanation: Succubi are a breeder species they have percentages of what species their baby will come out as with the spouses. Hybrid is a true mix of both parents species which creates a new one. Mura/ protag is a hybrid herself)
~Big Brother and the baby beasts~
Laddie started going by Dee when he became a teenager and started hanging out with the Woodsboro gang. He initially was hanging out with them because he was interested in Sydney but then he started a real friendship / something more with Billy and Stu.
Billy and Stu found out his real name was Laddie when a toddler Clarabella ran up to her big brother calling him that. He was not escaping that teasing from them.
Clarabella has the ability of blood strings. She can make threads out of her blood which can cut through anything. She manifested it when she was young. Laddie used this to teach her how to easily pick locks for him so he could escape when grounded.
Damien cried a lot as a baby and for the first few months of his life couldn't be held by his father's because he thought they were too scary. Laddie was an exception though and it pissed the male vamps off that only he could hold their son.
Michael carries Clarabella like a sack of potatoes through grocery stores with Damien in a fabric sling on his chest because he will cry if he can't feel close to his parents. Star keeps fussing over him carrying the little girl properly while baby Aneta just blankly stares up at her mom.
The vampire coven had a house built above the cave because Mura, Star, and Michael refused to live in a cave. Mura paid some dwarfs to build it because dwarven technology and construction is unmatched and it's what the city of vampires mostly utilizes.
~ Bug Arc ~
Paul is scared of bugs. It stems from him waking up to a few roaches stuck in his hair unable to get out. This is why Marko is allowed to keep pigeons in the cave so they keep bugs off Paul in his sleep
All three kids are not scared of bugs thanks to Mura having the ability to create them from her blood and the fact their grandfather is a spider demon and mother is a moth like succubus.
Damien loves bugs a lot. Exspecially beetles. This sensitive little boy likes to have his succubi mother make him cool beetles to carry around or battle.
This works on car rides because him and Clara will battle beetles together and it keeps them entertained but Paul has to sit crazy far away from this. David plays beetles with the kids and Marko specifically loves to chase Paul with them.
This has led to Damien who is seeking quality time with one of his father's to bring Paul bugs. Or inviting Paul into a pillow fort he built just to jump lighting speed out as there's a bunch of live creepy crawlies in there that the little boy is hoarding together. This always causes the young boy to cry as he thinks Paul is running away from him.
No need to fear though his big sister Clara is always there to try and explain to toddler Damien that Paul isn't scared of him he's scared of bugs. She just goes about it wrong.
Paul clings to the ceiling as Damien wails below him. Crying his little eyes out like the world was ending. Of course this gets the attention of the leader of the pack David as he knew his son cried a lot much to his disappointment but this one sounded different. Clara waddles up to her brother patting his head to try and get him to cease before the other parents arrive to discover her not asleep for nap time. " It's okay Dami papa loves you. He just doesn't like buggies. See" Damien stops crying as he watches his older sister use her strings to pick up a centipede and while Paul looks curiously down at his daughter all hell breaks loose.
With speed and precision Clarabella launches the squirming bug at Paul and lands it smack on his face. Pure screams of terror erupts in the playroom as he drops from the ceiling to the floor flailing in discomfort. David and Michael burst through the door in a panic as many other foot steps from the house can be heard rushing up the stairs. " WHAT HAPPENED!!" David shouts only to be met with the scene of Paul crying violently as Clara and Damien stack bugs on top of him. Paul practically foaming at the mouth by how upset he is. Michael feels terrible trying not to laugh as he rescues Paul while David has a stern talking to his trouble making daughter.
Aneta is another problem for Paul as his youngest baby girl. The little one who takes after his relaxed nature the most. Likes trapping bugs in her mouth alive.
On many occasions Paul through his fear has had to wrangle scorpions from her mouth or even spiders.
He was outside with the kids at one point when they were visiting Mura's parents house and he heard a loud buzzing coming from the little girl's mouth.
Dwayne had to double assist him in rescuing the cicada from the tiny terror in fear it would damage her mouth.
Mura was heavily scolded for showing the kids her trick of making bugs in her mouth. David and Star assume this is where Aneta picked up the bugs in the mouth stunt as the little girl will proudly show her moth mother.
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n3kk1tty · 5 months
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Poly Pack Future Careers
( This AU takes place after Beasts of Santa Carla fanfic series)
David in the early 2000's invested in an old western themed whiskey business that he liked and now has shares in it while not having to work a day in his life.
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Dwayne sometimes bartends/ bouncers at Chateau Vermillion when he gets bored though his main focus is taking care of Laddie while he goes through teenage vampirism with his slow ageing pills he is required to take by the vampiric council.
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Paul started cultivating his own strain of weed back in the 90s in him and Stars smoker room in the new house. He sold his strain for a long time but his business didn't take off until legalization. Celebrities will pay top dollar just to get an ounce of his strain Fanging Flower.
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Marko has sold his art for ages and dipped into learning many different art styles but in the 2000's he really got into tattooing non humans and humans alike. David got him a tattoo gun one Christmas and Marko would spend his time using Paul as a guinea pig canvas ever since. Paul only kept the ones he thought were the best. Was a hard thing to explain when Dwayne caught Marko giving Paul a tongue piercing in the basement bathroom in the stoner room.
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Star got into learning witch craft and magic after becoming a Day walker. She works at the witch shop in town during the day as she enjoys the time away from the pack. David is happy she brings him good smelling incense from time to time.
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Micheal works at a mechanic shop in town with the lycanthropes as he formed a close bond with a lot of them. He specializes in motorcycles and enjoys customizing rides. The whole pack thinks it's attractive when he comes home smelling like motor oil and gasoline.
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(Y/n) took over Chateau Vermillion and is now on the Santa Carla inhuman committee as a representative for the vampires and succubi kind. She still participates in the fight club to this day even if the pack gets worried about her after she starts having kids. Nothing like Star and Dwayne having to take turns watching over a heavily pregnant hybrid as she tries to go fighting when no one's looking.
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n3kk1tty · 4 months
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Clarabella in her teens. The boys hate that there little girl is all grown up and the fact they would prefer her to wear as many layers as a nun. David despises the outfits Clarabella wears and absolutely tried to get in the way of any of the teenage boys that flirt with her. Though he doesn't often have to because Clara is a very strong willed woman thanks to having David's sas.
" Go stick your dick in a electric outlet. Maybe then you'll get a charge." Clara often hates being flirted with by surfers when she goes with Laddie to the board walk to hunt. She prefers woman for her meals or likes really feminine scrawny men ( just like her incubus grandfather. ) It took a while for the pack to figure out all the kids inherited their hybrid wives ability to speak Demonic insect tongues but since Clara was a late bloomer and only started doing it after Damien was born Marko says she's manifested it out of spite. Though this technique Clara uses to flirt with insect demonic women on occasion.
Clara first manifested her powers when she was six because Laddie was secretly using her to pick locks to get out of the house when he was grounded. Her ability is blood strings. Turning her blood into long unbreakable threads she's able to manipulate others bodies or cut through solid objects. Dwayne and Star had to get onto her for giving her brothers instantaneous hair waxes with her threads. " Stop pulling your brother's eyebrows off when you get into fights. " Dwayne would chastise his first daughter after she took off not only Laddie but Damiens eyebrows because they wouldn't give over the remote.
Laddie tries sassing his younger sister when he was in a bathing suit at the beach for her having too much skin exposed and because he had a happy trail at the time she ripped a whole patch out in an instance. Only her little sister doesn't get this treatment after she had fire ants and roaches swarming her. Clarabella may be a preppy and overall popular girl but she's sassy, bitchy, and kind to the weirdos. Not afraid to turn someone into a pile of chunks for making her siblings cry.
When she was ten at the mall with her father's Marko and Micheal they had lost her by the food court because some pedo had managed to drag her off when they had their backs turned. Needless to say the mall had to be evacuated after a man was found chopped into uniform small parts in the fountain. No one could even comprehend what happened one minute he was running with a girl the next he was in the air falling in pieces.
Clarabella is a Lost Boys fan child from my fanfic series Beasts Of Santa Carla. She exists after the main story's ending.
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n3kk1tty · 4 months
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Beasts of Santa Carla the first child
Everyone in the pack gathered around excited to see the newest addition. (Y/n) had spent the last six months trying to prepare her lovers for a succubi birth. She herself wasn't sure how long she would be pregnant for as she was a hybrid after all but it seemed like she took after her incubus father in the duration department. Succubi being a demonic breeder species weren't pregnant for long no matter if their baby was a succubi, hybrid, or the species of their mate.
This caused the pack to be in distress after they found out succubi only stayed pregnant for six months before birthing their child and could fall pregnant not but a week after and their bodies didn't suffer or face consequences from back to back pregnancy like humans did. This especially freaked out David whose only experience raising kids was Laddie so the idea that if him and the others weren't careful they could quickly accidentally have six kids back to back was giving the poor vampire gray hair. As soon as you gave birth David was giving you your pregnancy suppressant meds even though he loved you dearly he didn't think he could handle back to back babies. Six months felt way too short to prepare for father and motherhood.
While their hybrid lover sat back making onesies and horn caps for her future bundle of joy the rest prepped like crazy. Star did everything she could to make sure her lover's pregnancy was as stress free as possible. Marko spent the sixth months showering you with love and painting the baby's room in the house. Paul sang to the baby bump every night and filled the nursery with soft things. Micheal was freaking out the whole time though he didn't know if he would be a good father especially with how his father treated his mother but he had Dwayne there to calm him down and help him.
Those two stood guard around you ready for whenever you were gonna give birth. Then there was David. Who on the outside appeared calm while in reality he was panicking over demonic and human baby books nonstop. He would wait for when you and him were alone to crumple to your side fussing over your bump and demanding to know if you were being taken care of good, if you needed a massage or food. When you did give birth to your first baby girl the group gathered around you panicked as they immediately noticed how small she was. You had to calm your lovers worries explaining that succubus gave birth to smaller babies to help put ease on the birthing process which went relatively easy.
Your little Clarabelle was born. She was definitely a succubus much to the boys demise who weren't excited for their daughters future puberty but she was adored. Your little one was a talker to mostly half hearted squeaks which scared Marko when she was but a few hours old he tried removing her from your chest to place on his and he was met with the most furious little squeak when she was in the cold too long. Paul joked that she must have gotten David's temper which caused the bottle blonde to roll his eyes. Everyone took turns providing the little one nonstop body heat which melted hearts Everytime someone would swap out to have a little sassy bundle on their chest.
Stars heart couldn't handle the cuteness when Clara first drank from a bottle for her how her little ears wiggled up and down as she aggressively suckled. David and his daughter would have arguments as she squeaked when he changed her diaper and she hissed and rattled her tiny tail. The man secretly loved how feisty she was as it made her bath time with Paul and Marko interesting to say the least as she was just small enough to fit in a big kitchen bowl to be bathed. Clara loved nibbling on Laddie's fingers or crawling after him and he was a good older brother to her. Dwayne and (y/n) would take turns sleeping with the baby on there chest.
The pack thought they wouldn't be ready for a baby in their life but even so they fit in naturally with parent hood.
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n3kk1tty · 6 months
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Beasts of Santa Carla.
This is the protagonist. This is just what I imagine the insert is while writing. Feel free to make your own succubus hybrid drawing for your own insert.
I based her off a rosy maple moth, Dolly partons fashion in the 80's with 70s makeup.
The story is in Y/n style so it's you in the story or your oc.
The only thing your oc needs to have set in stone is the spiked tail, horns, moth shaped wings, and need a chocker or neck covering. Other then that feel free to go nuts and I'd love to be tagged if anyone makes there own.
( Masterlist )
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