faesystem · 1 year
At the risk of creating another wave in already unsteady waters, I just want to get some clarification about a term I have seen used recently.
Hyper-Complex Dissociative Identity Disorder.
I have not been able to find any medical literature on the topic. From what I know, it is supposed to be a label describing a specific type of complex dissociative structure in systems who have undergone RAMOCA. However, I am very confused by it.
The first point of confusion is what it actually is. A lot of the structures it references, such as high fragment counts, multiple innerworlds, subsystems, ect are seemingly the same as complex-DID.
The only point that I know of that differs is that sometimes it can involve programmed alters. Which, first of all, does not inherently involve complex internal structures. Second, it seems as though it is not an inherent part of HC-DID, just a common one.
But if HC-DID involves C-DID structures + programmed alters, I fail to see how that would only be possible through RAMCOA? Now, do not misunderstand me, I know programmed alters can only happen intentionally, but I am under the impression RAMCOA refers to a very specific type of trauma. I know of someone with programmed alters from an ex of its who realised it had DID, does that mean that it underwent RAMCOA because the person intentionally programmed it? I will admit that is a grey area in my understanding, and if progamming itself inherently counts as RAMCOA I do apologise for implying otherwise.
But I also saw that it does not inherently have programmed alters and that the defining factor is that it is caused by RAMCOA. So, is it just complex-DID caused by RAMCOA? I fail to see what the unique aspect of internal structure that differentiates it from C-DID is in that case.
I even saw the definition that it was DID caused by RAMCOA in general, but RAMCOA does not inherently create complex internal structures.
I am just.
Quite lost.
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No explanations. No mercy.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
dinos are so weird that penguins didn't even make the top ten
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queenlua · 2 months
when i'm not busy being angry at it, i am a little awed (in the lovecraftian sense) at the sheer beautiful-grotesque hypercomplexity of this mess of protocols we call the World Wide Web. we built this city (the city is cthulhu) (and shows you cat pictures)
mostly i am angry at it tho, soooo
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clementine-kesh · 4 months
pacific rim was definitely part of what inspired me to go into climate science and working on gigantic, hypercomplex models does feel a bit like piloting a mech in some ways but i think we can go further. cesm3 should be drift compatible and come with a badass sword
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teeteepeedee · 5 months
and always in good fun, of course
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bobcat-pie · 5 months
I know large swathes of people would fuck a supercomputer given the chance but thats only because im on this site. So whats Alan Moore's excuse for knowing that objectum people exist and would want to fuck Fate (hypercomplex predictive supercomputer) in the 80s?
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eybefioro · 2 months
3d fractals.
As if I could completely understand 2d fractals. And now I discover there are 3d ones. Called. Called hypercomplex fractals. I mean it makes sense that they exist, considering everything. But. Like. Okay. Okay 3d fractals. Gonna smash my head aren't they
(Gods please don't throw me in a fractals rabbit hole again)
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luxe-pauvre · 8 months
In this situation, inequality only exacerbates the problem. The more wealth is concentrated at the top, the greater the demand for corporate attorneys, lobbyists, and high-frequency traders. Demand doesn’t exist in a vacuum, after all; it’s the product of a constant negotiation, determined by a country’s laws and institutions, and, of course, by the people who control the purse strings. Maybe this is also a clue as to why the innovations of the past 30 years – a time of spiralling inequality – haven’t quite lived up to our expectations. “We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters,” mocks Peter Thiel, Silicon Valley’s resident intellectual. If the post-war era gave us fabulous inventions like the washing machine, the refrigerator, the space shuttle, and the pill, lately it’s been slightly improved iterations of the same phone we bought a couple years ago. In fact, it has become increasingly profitable not to innovate. Imagine just how much progress we’ve missed out on because thousands of bright minds have frittered away their time dreaming up hypercomplex financial products that are ultimately only destructive. Or spent the best years of their lives duplicating existing pharmaceuticals in a way that’s infinitesimally different enough to warrant a new patent application by a brainy lawyer so a brilliant PR department can launch a brand-new marketing campaign for the not-so-brand-new drug. Imagine that all this talent were to be invested not in shifting wealth around, but in creating it. Who knows, we might already have had jetpacks, built submarine cities, or cured cancer.
Rutger Bregman, Utopia For Realists: And How We Can Get There
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
Sometimes feels like Connor AI is like Delamain from '77.
Delamain is a main AI from beyond the blackwall that controls a taxi cab company alone, including the cars. But thru time he lost control of some of his own shit leading to "sub-divisions" cuz they became hypercomplex on 'em own, getting autonomous and going rogue in the process - after all they come from beyond the blackwall. AIs there are from the old net, mostly mutated into dangerous rogue AIs or unstable AIs. Megacorps are constantly trynna get control of 'em to use as weapons in a tech race and corporate war/dispute to see who's more powerful.
So, they're all Delamain, but also...not exactly Delamain-Delamain. They became individuals coming from this main AI. The base is the same but they developed 'em own consciousness individually.
It's like an AI becomes so complex it "implodes" into other small AIs that started to grow inside this main AI.
Does it ring any bells?
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I am foaming at the mouth for 'Rainbow Hanging Over Your Head,' may I request some good old world building, writing fun facts, info dumping, no-context spoilers, or whatever you wish you speak on about (aka please I'm super interested in your soulmate world [insert 'I just think it's neat' meme here])? I just about cried reading the most recent installment. It was fantastic.
thank you this is a really great jumping off point for a list i made i a discord server
so this verse is going to be a hypercomplex web of deconstructing various trope and BS irl concepts through this fictionalized lens heres the quick and dirty of what exactly that looks like
RHOYH-verse and metaphorically analogous BS concepts in our world
Red: anti-adoption (both being adopted and giving children up for adoption), anti-birth control, "blood is thicker than water," "family is everything so you have to let them do anything", parentification
Orange: relationship hierarchy, "you can only have one best friend", the concept of "emotional cheating" (ie "having an emotionally intimate relationship outside of the primary is infidelity")
Yellow: Intellect is separate from emotion, caring emotionally about someone is incompatible with mentally challenging, arguing, or growing and learning with them
Green: sex-negativity, sex is only for producing children, homophobia/criminalization of queer sexuality, acephobia, anti-birth control again, transphobia (via the idea that transition that sterilizes trans people is immoral), prejudice against sterile people and promiscuous people
Blue: amatonormativity, One True Love, polyamphobia, arophobia, anti-queerplatonic prejudice (feeding back into relationship hierarchy above)
Violet: anti-QP again, relationship hierarchy, relationships exist in specific boxes and parameters with societal roles and anything outside those parameters is deviant
Colorblindness: all of the above and the way they can lead to abuse through their enforcement
i know its ambitious to plan to tackle all of these but i am nothing if not consumed by hubris
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111seedhillroad · 10 months
(this is probably a spiiiicy take for some but) I really think that people bringing up population size in response to talk about degrowth, decentralization, rewilding is a red herring that appeals to something true (that current populations cannot be sustained with pre-modern means) in order to refute it as unthinkable and affirm a myopic, orthodox view on the role of technology and economic development.
you could understand it as "capitalist realism" but its more than that; it's technical realism, its extractive realism, logistical realism. it's "theres only one way to feed this many people", ignoring that this hypercomplex paradigm rests almost entirely on the pillars of destitute labor, fossil fuel and limitless extraction with no "realistic" alternative, only a mixing of the cards at the top.
What is actually unthinkable is the unavoidable consequence of building populations on these pillars. Are buildings constructed with the idea of their collapse already in mind? If they were, they would surely be made of lighter material and much lower to the earth.
I also find it quite disingenuous to bring up the large chunks of world population located outside the West. The idea that things can't change too radically because the rest of the world depends on the West. It seems to assume that the movement away from economic growth would still have western countries at its center and the rest of the world revolving around it helplessly, implicating the individuals in the west for the consequences of foolhardy systemic overgrowth. on the contrary its those places that have developed the least, on the fringes of economic influence that will probably revert the quickest to something ecologically stable. its the westerners who are fucked, who don't remember shit about anything before TV, refrigeration, and the SUV; and leftists know this implicitly, they are scared so they must make that reversion unthinkable. the only movement is forward, indefinitely, eternally chasing the horizon.
Its this that informs communists who believe that the eschaton is only reachable through a stage of intensive capitalism, by "raising the productive forces" in the places they deem the backwaters of the world. stopping is unthinkable because no ideologue like marx would advocate it. ideologues want more comfort, more conveniences, a stronger social contract; they don't sincerely want to think about the basis of existence.
i could go on forever. the main point is that you can't make people acknowledge that their life is completely at the whim of something dead, because its terrifying and only people who have genuinely reckoned with this for a while are receptive to an idea of the future that takes it all into account.
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lalinna · 1 year
Foundation Watchalong
S01E01 - The Emperor's Peace
Welcome to my Foundation watchalong. I plan to post every other day a list of my random thoughts during each episode. By the end of it, I'll give three random awards. Categories may (and will) vary.
⚠️ spoilers under the gif ⚠️
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1 - The water planet is gorgeous. Imagine swimming under that sky!
2 - The classic sci-fi cover art style of the murals was a great touch.
3 - Lee Pace peacocking while he serves roasted peacock to his clones. That's it, I'm won, best show ever.
4 - What's with the parchment? WTF happened to humanity that at some point in the future it went back to writing studies in parchment? I think I need to read these novels.
5 - That said, this storyline is awfully close to a story I am currently writing and that annoys me deeply. I've been ripping off stuff I never read/watched? That's not fair!
6 - The little clone kid creeps me out.
7 - I can't say I feel too sorry for Gaal. Sure, Hari appears to be a manipulative **** and to be using her with zero regards to her well-being, but what was the alternative? Seems to me like she didn't fit her home planet anyway. Plus, Raych is hot.
8 - Can we take a minute to appreciate the sheer awesomeness of Jared Harris? He's perfect in the role. I like how his Hari can be arrogant, irritating, charming and the most lucid person onscreen while he moves along with what seems to be a crazy hypercomplex plan.
9 - Oh, I like Gaal and her understated positive energy. Yeah, girl! Go build things.
And now...
🏆 The Linna S01E01 Awards 🏆
MVP - Hari Seldon
Cockiest Peacock - Brother Day
Best (so far only?) Ship - Gaal/Raych
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woolooism · 1 year
concept: numbers iceberg chart but with actually relatively unknown numbers. with numbers that lie outside just number theory.
almost all number icebergs post put Graham's number and TREE(3) onto one of the lower tiers, and most people already heard about it. i want an iceberg that puts hypercomplex and surreal numbers on the chart, to name a few. i want to hear a youtuber explain what a quaterion is in just two minutes.
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nyctoheart · 2 years
I am the same way as you. My hypercomplex medias? Top tier understanding. Things people in my day to day life can reliably get the names of right? Not a clue
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