6ad6ro · 1 year
Pass the happy! 💌 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 more people! Get sending. 💖💐✨
1. DJin 2. breakin 3. grafitti 4. and then there's the MC 5. top of the food chain, devourin' the competition abort mission, 'cause it's the bomb like nuclear fission to go against the arsonist, now that's a bad decision 'cause listen they steady dropp...
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kinqzaddy · 5 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌🖤
I'm gonna use my main playlist that has all my songs on it since my fave playlist is my One Direction one lmao.
All Star by Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!
Caramel by 5 Seconds of Summer
Conga by Gloria Estefan
Smooth by Santana ft. Rob Thomas
The Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin
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lesbioniccommando · 28 days
I accidentally started my day off today by catching two separate clips of cops executing a dog and a person and that has understandably put me in a funk that i've not escaped from. For a little bit there, in the mid 2010s, it almost seemed like we were getting somewhere. All the innocent people's names being shared, the demonstrations in cities, the outcries after court decisions, etc etc - normal people standing up and demanding better and getting a militarized police force descended down upon them with tanks, gas, beatings, etc etc. It feels like most people I talk to don't even remember the hell that was the summer 2020 George Floyd protests, at least not the people in my day to day life.. here in Austin where cops broke bones and gave brain damage to people by shooting them with beanbag rounds, where we failed to convict another killer cop, Christopher Taylor. At the time, it felt like this was finally it - the upheaval. I remember going to work and hearing helicopters fly above my shitty strip mall.
Are we ever gonna get 'there' or are the police going to continue to be a protected class who get to murder, steal, and terrify people with impunity for time immemorial, all while getting the shiniest and most tactical military gear to do it with? A bunch of cowardly psychos trained to view themselves as an occupying army to a lawless wasteland where everyone is both beneath them and a hyperlethal terrorist looking to kill them and their entire family. Sorry to preach to the choir but it just seems fucked up that there's a job path to high school bullies where you get to kill dogs and unlucky people having bad days and not only do you get no punishment, most of the time you get paid vacation all while society is expected to bend over backwards to valorize you as an ESSENTIAL hero of the community and give you a free sandwich to wherever you roll in on
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madeofvoid · 1 year
Like I've GOT to hamner it in how FUCKED Neo is rn.
For starters, Ruby's weapon and fighting style gives her a disadvantage in close-quarters combat. Its big, its clunky, and hyper lethal.
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She cannot swing at a human being like she would a random monster. This kills the man. (She learned this by hitting random mobsters full force btw) Admittedly, being reduced to a fine red mist by "One of the most lethal weapons ever designed." Would likely be a quick and painless death, but Ruby is a Good Guy. She can't just kill people. Which is why She Holds Back.
Seriously, think about it-- when has she ever shot someone with her gun? Like she means it? She can literally mlg 360 noscope headshot a moving target from 100 yards or more. She can do this While She Is Being Flung By The Recoil. She can do this Consecutively with little to no loss in efficiency or K/D/Shot ratio.
Her best solo matchups are against:
Groups of baddies
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Literal monsters
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Or people that she Really Doesn't Like
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All of this is to say that Ruby Rose is not a Fencer. She is not a Ninja. She is not a Boxer. Ruby Rose is a Blender.
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So trust and believe me when I say that Neo is effectively dead. She dies a quick and hyperviolent death at the hands of a hyperlethal emotionally ruined child who has no more fucks to give and nothing left to lose.
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lordsky4ever · 8 months
15 questions tag game, tagged by @cafeotaku thanks for the tag 😁
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Idk probably like a month ago.
3. Do you have kids?
No but I would like some someday. Preferably two kids
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Basketball and football used to play a bit of soccer as well.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yea quite a bit.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
A person's eyes and their body language
7. What's your eye color?
Brown eyes.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both are fine but happy endings.
9. Any talents?
I can play bass guitar and I can change my voice to sound like someone else.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading manga / Watching anime. But when I'm not doing that usually just playing OverWatch or something. Or enjoying a good movie
12. Do you have any pets?
No but if I could have a pet I'd want a dog. Preferably a Beagle or a German Shepherd.
13. How tall are you?
I'm 5′10″
14. Favorite subject in school?
History & drama.
15. Dream job?
Being a voice actor.
I tag @tokyopandaclub @timetravelingg @daydreaming-juna @shyyyguy @spiritgungawd @hyperlethal @greaterpaladin @cherrytomato-shutdown and anyone else who wants to
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sburbian-sage · 24 days
DurationPrince Here. So after a long time, I think I figured out what exactly happened, although I'm not 100% sure it's all.
So remember how everything started going wrong when I countered [Infinite Rage] with [In the End], causing it to end instantly? Well, that would imply that I destroyed an infinite amount of time. but sessions are temporarily, aren't they? that would probably mean that in order to brings Infinite time to an end, it had to destroy other timelines.
ALL TIMELINES. Expect this one.
[In The End] is potentially a cataclysm ability. One that probably says on the tin "End something Eternal at the cost of destroying time itself (Except one timeline)".
That would explain a LOT of things: - How the hell [In the End] worked: it's a cataclysm ending another one. Fire with Fire - Why the hell I haven't encountered time stuff in my session like time corpses. They are all already gone. - How I can talk with you outside of time, because now "Outside of time" is not longer a aspect improbability, it's everywhere that isn't the timeline of mine. A void made out of Timeline corpses.
But if that's the case, that means I probably doomed my session, unless this timeline magically became alpha or something.
So what should I do, if I ever get back to THE timeline?
I don't think this is even remotely the case. There is no "Cataclysm Ability", a distinct thing you do that snaps the Session in half. The Cataclysm is an event, and the "spark" that sets off the powder keg is either a bespoke freestyled manifestation of your power, a normal ability boosted to hyperlethal levels, or something else entirely. I think you're mixing up Cataclysms with Berserk Triggers, where someone usually does trigger a specific ability that they may not even have access to.
Now, it is possible that some timeline erasure bullshittery happened, but it is irrelevant right now. Why would you focus on what you do once you leave the fuckbubble when YOU'RE STILL INSIDE THE BUBBLE??? You've been in there for like five months DP!!! I feel like I'm going insane on your behalf. I don't know if my "collect yourself, destress, and achieve zen so the thing disappears" advice didn't work, or if you keep getting distracted and begin theorizing about what just happened in a way that only opaquely seems to be related to how you get out of there? Unless you did, but you've never indicated as such? My brain is throbbing, I feel like I'm about to start a cataclysm of my own at this point. At this point I'm tempted to ask you to use your "make things end faster" ability on the bubble until you pass out, just to see if turning you off and on again does something. Someone please get this man out of the purgatory bubble.
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possessedscholar · 3 months
You’d think Fentanyl was some kind of hyperlethal toxin the way cops talk about it…
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"I can hardly believe a place like this actually exists. I don’t even feel the urge to clean." - Codsworth
This is </null>. They woke up one day in a strange white place with a man in a lab coat and a child. Then they found themselves awake in a place called home. The robot knew them. They had memories of the place. The robot is very nice. It knew the spouse and child. They love the spouse and child. The memories know. The robot knows, too.
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First off: this is my Survival playthrough I have going on concurrently to my Sizzel game. Sizzel has about 2 days on it, so sometimes I step away. Plus I was monumentally let down when I tried to go rogue on the landing of the Overboss' dorm room or whatever it's called. Did you know no one gets hostile... unless you shoot Gage? I hate this game sometimes.
Second: I play my Survival save in black and white. I think of it as a much more engaging and dramatic experience.
Now. Let's talk about one of my favorite things to talk about: the number of heavy-handed changes I've made to the game mechanics to play exactly the way I wanted to.
I've made it so that the damage values across the game are increased extremely high, and that both the damage ideal and the damage deal to me are multiplied by 4. That has seemed to lead to a nice balance where attacks take a reasonably realistic number of hits to take someone down, usually in the one range. I also downloaded a mod that I need to remember the name of, next time I open the thing I'll try and take a look, but it completely rebalances headshots so that they are always lethal so long as the caliber of the weapon is proportionally powerful enough for the size of the creature.
So as you can imagine, any firefight I get engaged in is a really short fast tussle, and leads to some absolutely ridiculously engaging moments. Cracking off with a pipe and watching a super mutant slowly fall backwards, only to sprint in the other direction out of fear as several hounds sprint towards me. I use the same cocktail of mods for my non-survival playthrough as well, but on the survival difficulty the lack of fast travel and the additional impact of body health simulation systems lends itself to the hyperlethal game mode I've cultivated. I also downloaded Bastion, a mod that rebalances power armor, but I haven't really used any yet, so I'm waiting to review. I'm excited because it makes it so all damage taken is zero until the air breaks, then whatever area broke off becomes a weak point.
Additional mods I would love to get: I watched a video where somebody said that on survival difficulty you should be able to fast travel from a settlement to another settlement that is connected by a supply route. I thought that was brilliant, and I agree. Crafting: way more recipes, way better interface. I've finally drained all the affection I have for the default HUD, but FallHUD requires compatibility patches, and I don't even know any other mods.
Also, I know there's a voice pitch modulator mod: I'd love if Sizzel and </null> sounded different.
Oh </null> has no name because they're a synth and Father is a quack, so the value in their brain for name is empty. Hence... </null>.
In my heart both characters exist in the same game, but alas, nobody cares, and so, I can't.
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qqchurch · 10 months
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the rightful duty of an adult is to teach a child how to make super unethical hyperlethal poisons together :)
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6ad6ro · 2 years
17 Questions, 17 People (sorry for takin a year to do this)
Got tagged by @hyperlethal
Nicknames: Rob
Sign: fish
Height: 5'10"
Last thing I googled:  ride dreams burn down youtube
Song stuck in my head: “Aria - Грязь”
No. of followers: 4791
Amount of sleep: 12 hours (sleeping disorder lol)
Lucky number: 42 yeah i know
Dream job: music
Wearing: just shorts still in bed need to get up ughhh vguhnijmk
Movies/books that summarize me: hitchiker’s guide. blade runner. 1984. idk dumb n confused but also sad?
Favorite song: over past 10 years the song most consistently stuck in my head is “crystal castles - celestica”. some weird curse.
Favorite instrument: synth. but i’ve been messin with acoustic again lately.
Aesthetic: ugly
Favorite author: go ahead and make fun of me but george orwell
Favorite animal noise: crow bein annoying. but i also like seal honks. or when a porcupine is all excited and won’t shut up.
Random fact: nirvana’s album “nevermind” was orig gonna be called “sheep”.
not taggin anyone srry lol.
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a-certain-elf · 1 year
12 and 50 for Amaya
Thx for the ask! Sorry this took me so long.
12. Crack headcanon
Idk if this is really crack but: Shes the best with every weapon. Doesnt matter what it is. Shes hyperlethal. Like John Wick in TdP.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Im gonna answer this by not answering it. I dont think she blocks any memories out. Everything that she went through has made her into the person that she is today and that is thx to both the good and the bad.
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oni-official · 2 years
About the Spartan budget...does caffeine even effect Spartans?
AD here.
You've never known true exasperation until you've had to mother a group of hyperlethal, heavily augmented sociopaths who have trouble waiting for the action at the best of times and could snap you with one hand after they raided the espresso machines.
I had to send three of them to a timeout corner.
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crimkit · 5 months
april 25
When I was young, a fruit-by-the-foot seemed to contain so much more footage-per-fruit—the gelsticky candysnack
feeding a gaggle of children (or murder, flock, parliament if you prefer) for days-and-days-and-etcetera without anyseeming
end, nautilary candyshell. Like a sixinch sub, or nocturnal ferryboat ride (Nanaimo-bound, out of the mainland’s
horseshoe), or the deep mountain-woods (filled, as they are, with cryptids—Ogopogos, Sasquatches, the hundreds of ol’
Wendigi) its apocalyptic-large implications, sticky abysses of sugarchoked unknowledge. Nowadays, natch, the fruittape’s
threefoot length barely constitutes a snack; the six-inch sub is a bait for a fish (a large one, at that); the ferryroute is routine—
Nanaimo, after all, is only so large, and ferries only have so much mystique—; the world of the forest, its cryptids replaced,
not by new beasts, new horrors taking humanform, treeancient menaces stalking the copses, turning kids into corpses—now,
they’re all beasts of the earth. Bears and the like—no doubt hyperlethal, sharp on five ends, but we know what’s inside a
bear; insides of a wendigo remain unknown. Even still, I miss those old days. Those days of mysterious transport, of falling
asleep to the bassrumbling ferrymotors as light fell, of living off of the halfpint sandwiches, gorging on candy whenever I could,
and fearing the woods for the stories I’d heard. The days of wondering, magic, of a grandiloquent mystery—of not knowing
how long the roll of fruittape goes.
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lordsky4ever · 1 year
Tag ten people
Tagged by @dantexxorihara thanks for the tag dude 😁
1. Relationship status: Single
2. Favorite colors: Green & Purple
3. Song that's stuck in my head: Annihilate ( Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne, Offset )
4. Last song Listened: Die For You ( Valorant )
5. Three favorite foods: Pancakes, Stuffed crust pizza,
6. Last thing googled: ice Shard build guide for Diablo
7. Dream trip: Japan
8. Anything I want right now: 100 mil and to find the love of my life lol
Tagging ( No pressure if you don't want to do it )
@metaldragoon @spiritgungawd @daydreaming-juna @cherrytomato-shutdown @doctor-d00m @hyperlethal @xsakurastormx @timetravelingg @6th--raikage @invokedsummon
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I need it to be know that while yes, Sam is my hee hee ho ho hyper hips shortstack oc she is also canonically a highly trained special forces Operative. She's so scarily effective she's been categorized as "hyperlethal" In official government documentation and has been investigated to determine if she was actually some kind of genetically anomalous super soldier.
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walkingsackofshit · 1 year
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