#hyrule is my favorite
dalemon · 6 months
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So I don't know why my phone has decided to take the photo vertically but here's Hyrule from The Signature is 9/9 (AU by @jenniferchaulam) jamming out on his turntables.
I left my laptop in Australia like a numpty but that meant that I got to experiment more with traditional art and I'm really happy with how it turned out!
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luwyv · 1 month
You must know that the amount of Sky content you are giving us is bringing me so much joy thank you
He's just so loveable and wonderful thank you
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Have two little guys vibing and playing!!
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Some older art of the best little guys themselves!!
I never posted this because I wanted to link the fic it was inspired by, but I couldn’t find it :(
(It was about four and Hyrule discovering each others… shrinking abilities, and then going off and having fun in the woods together. In the sequel Legend got suspicious and investigated in his bunny form XD)
edit: the wonderful @uncleskyrule found the fic! It’s Of Minish and Men by Seeking7 on Ao3!!
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lemonspades · 3 months
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Cotla's orders no brooding everyone
< part 17 - part 19 >
Also me breaking down under the break over Impa in totk
Like okay I had a break down over Lady Impa while writing this story haha, the joys of actually exploring crossover aus and looking up to realize the colossal abyss you've dug yourself in
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but like Impa
Baby girl... oh my god
Home girl lost her best friend and her family and her purpose to live all in one fucking night and for 100 years she watches her ward Zelda fighting this fucking monster and she can't do jack shit but wait for Link's ass to wake up but that doesn't mean this woman's gonna let shit go to waist no sir. and like yeah she's old but that's not gonna stop her and NO she is NOT going to use the weird rejuvenating serum that her fucking sister made because she can do it by herself thank you very much! (it's totally not because she'd be the younger sister again plus some sibling angst that's i've been thinking up an)
*cough cough* I mean whaaaaaat?
seriously though sound off in the bottom i found another sad old person to fixate over
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zeldadiscussions · 11 months
The repeated use of the specific word imperialism in fandom discussions of TotK really bugs me because like… we know what imperialism looks like, right?
Genocide either by murder or assimilation, leadership that is either of the conquering race or loyal to it generally for personal gain, control of the conquered’s resources, and a social climate where the conquerors are considered superior.
But in this Hyrule none of the other races had their cultures erased, they aren’t governed by Hylian leaders and the local leaders’ first priority is taking care of their people, they manage their own trade affairs, and Hylians don’t constantly subject others to put downs about their race.
If a Hylian man dares enter Gerudo Town without the Chief’s permission, they kick him out or put him in jail. That’s how much control the Gerudo have over their own territory and how little being a Hylian matters if you mess with them.
Rauru is accused of hoarding power but he literally gave his secret stones out to the other races and they remain in possession of them to this day.
Basically the only time the other nations seem to actually follow Hyrule’s lead at all is when facing common threats or working towards common goals. Hyrule only ever meddles in other lands affairs either to lend them aid (Link and Zelda fighting for everyone, the folks at Tabantha Bridge Stable providing disaster releif to the Rito, etc.) or requesting aid from them (Rauru and Zelda asking the Sages and Champions to help them fight Ganon[dorf].) They lead like a team leader leads.
Sonia and Rauru didn’t found an empire.
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They founded an alliance.
I know I’m beating a dead horse here but to my eyes at least (for now) there is zero solid evidence of Hyrule exerting control over the daily lives of non-Hylians or stealing their resources, two major defining traits of imperialistic rule. Hyrule is at the head of the alliance, yes, but an empire isn’t the only system of governance that has one group or individual at the helm of a coalition. The difference is in the details and the details here are that Hyrule leads the others but it does not dominate them, and that is key.
The only empire in the game would have been the one Ganondorf was trying to force on everyone and that was pretty bluntly depicted as being a bad thing. How can we say it’s pro-imperialistic if the main conflict is preventing the rise of an evil empire?
You can’t effectively analyze a narrative by completely ignoring everything about it and its meta that contradicts a knee-jerk viewpoint. What is even the point of analyzing it at all at that point?
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cynderrfall · 2 years
Linked Universe the anime
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noirandchocolate · 5 months
Age of Calamity is such a funny game when you think about it because most of the characters go through Events and use their strengths and suffer hardships and stuff, but honestly they mostly end the game the same as they started it. It’s not “bad storytelling” or anything to have most of the main characters (Link, the Champions, Impa, etc) not change very much character-growth wise, I’m not insinuating that. They’re heroes and it’s fun to watch them BE heroes and in some cases have nice heartfelt moments together, etc.
But it’s just hilarious to me that the characters in the game who DO get some form of character development arc are:
3. King Rhoam (a distant third place but he does realize his kid’s interests were helpful not frivolous and he apologizes and lets her continue leading the army and fights by her side)
2. Zelda (expected, she is the main character after all, and she gets to grow from doubting herself based on her father’s words and how special and talented everyone around her seems to be in comparison, and being upset at not being able to help more, to realizing her worth as a capable leader whose love and passions were what saved everyone)
1. MASTER FUCKIN KOHGA (goes from trying to peace out and let his lackeys take care of every fight, to desperately NOT wanting to leave Sooga and the others behind (poorly and obviously hiding it behind “come on stick together so you can protect me!” while he as the PC for your first play of that mission is clearly doing all the work to protect them); ends up not only joining Zelda’s faction to protect/get revenge for his Clan despite his hereditary beef with the royal family, but PERSONALLY taking to the battlefield including in the final deadly dangerous missions; declares during that final battle that HE is gonna “send that giant menace packing,” ie the very same monstrous entity he previously served)
Like. It’s not even close. Master “Top Banana” “Kill You All To Death” Kohga. Has THE most character development in the game.
And it’s just. So unexpected and therefore great and entertaining to me.
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karmaisdue · 5 months
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credits go to @linkeduniverse
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unexpectedstormy · 8 months
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Obsessed with how Sky always has to be touching Wild after his ordeal
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(Bonus cute Bunny compilation)
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 1 month
I actually wanna get a few things out of the way first. I made these for when the game first came out, but just never finished them so I decided I'd post it for the anniversary. Second, IGNORE LINK IN THE SECOND IMAGE DONT LOOK AT HIM JUST FOCUS ON KOHGA.
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Bonus bonus:
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snailtaco · 3 months
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A story never told.
(Explanation under cut)
In English, my teacher made us participate in NaNoWriMo where we write for the whole month. Of course the rules were more lax (we only had to get to 11,000 rather than 50,000), but we still had to plan and write an entire story (or beginning of one in my case).
If you couldn’t guess from the image above, I basically made a glorified fanfic oops (note: this will never see the light of day.)
The main story plot line (at least the beginning) is based off of "in this game, no, you're not the only target" by gin (tabanthas) (great fic would recommend!) but with a worst case scenario cuz I'm a sucker for trauma bonding (i hope thats not weird, i just like my favorite characters suffering)
I did have to change names as to not raise suspicion from my teacher and alter some basic features, but ultimately I got to just shuck a whole bunch a head cannons on these poor boys.
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Left is the reference to the boys. The right is just the top image without shadows cuz I'm indecisive.
Sorry for making this lil rant so long I never get to talk about this unfinished story and I really wanted to recommend another :)
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layraket · 11 months
The creature of Hyrule!
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Aka Hyrule, 'Rule and tiny guy
Creature: Fairy
Type: Prey
Position: Healer and magic boy of the gang
Diet: Mostly sweet things, like berries or directly sugar
-Fairies are not usually seen really as normal animals, but it's known that theyre very searched for their magic, so that make them like preys
-He usually keeps a high light around him, but when he's tired or just feels more comfortable let shows his physical appearance
-Likes to stay close to Legend and travel in his back or head
-Sometimes keeps company to Time, is the only predator that he feels totally safe with
-When they're lost he tries to explore more in detail where are they, and if it is safe around
-Likes to spent time with Four, maybe for being other very tiny creature on the gang
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lunawolfiefoxy · 4 months
Silly headcanons for LU boys!
Time: While he claims to fear nothing, if he saw Princess Ruto, he'd be running for the hills shouting "Not today demon!". He calls Malon "wifey" as his main pet name for her, but will also call her "Sweets" "darling" and "love"
Warriors: He's trans. Fight me on that. My guy has gotten the surgeries he can pay for, and he's happy about that. He also grew up in a more dangerous place so he knows a lot more than he lets on. He's an amazing pick-pocket and can, if he wanted to, stab you literally in the back without even Wolfie or Wild know he was there. Sneaky sneaky. His fear, because I thought it was funny and because he doesn't know the difference between a cow and a bull and has seen too many rodeos as a kid, is cows.
Twilight: SUPER delicate. For how strong he is, he has no idea if one hug will squish someone. He also, even though he's been told not to, will juggle the goats. Don't worry, he asks beforehand to make sure the goats will be okay with it. Twilight is also a HUGE Mama's boy. While he loves his father Time *cough cough*, getting validation from MALON sends him to the stars. Lastly, his fear, because as Wolfie he accidentally breathed them in, is ants.
Sky: We all know him for being sweet and kind and a total beast when someone hurts those he loves, but he also, after hurting those people, will apologize for hurting them cause he suddenly feels really guilty about it. Sometimes, if he gets the chance, he'll carve minifigures of the others and hide them in his pouch, when the others finally found out, his pouch was overflowing with animals, but mostly them. Sky would be the type of person to carve the lead in pencils. His fear, scarecrows. Do I need to say more?
Legend: Oh boy, here we go, Legend is autistic. That's the main thing. Anytime his orchard gives a good production of apples, he gets really excited and will word vomit to anyone close by most of the time it's Ravio since they live together and are dating. He may be an awful cook, but his baking skills can challenge even Wild. He mainly bakes apple desserts, but loves to try new recipes, as long as no one gets in his way. He's a big neat freak and feels really embarrassed when someone sees his house as a mess. Being a hoarder and a neat freak is hard though, so he ends up trying to clean everything and it looks barely better then before. His moto, like mine, is: "if I don't do it now, it'll never get done." Which leads him to collapsing from exhaustion because he tries to do everything at once. Legend has bad joints, surprise surprise, so he drinks tea in the morning and at night to counter that. Because of this cute story I read, I think that whenever Legend is around people that he loves, in a home that he feels safe in, because of a side effect of being Bunny, he will fall asleep right then and there. Finally, Legend fears thunderstorm, for obvious reasons, loosing more people he loves, quite obvious, and Cuccos, also obvious.
Hyrule: Also a Mama's boy. Even though he doesn't know his Mama, though he soon will, he likes to hang around Malon when on the farm and ask all the questions he can think of. He can't read, like most believe, or write, but he is surprisingly really good at interpretation and reading lips. His fear, water, poor baby can't swim and has had too much trauma around it.
Wild: This one's a lot too. Wild is also autistic, and a huge introvert. When first introduced to the chain, he either ran away, or would hide in trees most of the time out of fear of them. Wild actually collects makeup, and dresses, and is really good at hair and applying makeup, though he can't do his own hair for squat. Wild has insanely good hearing from "growing up" in the middle of nowhere, and acts animalistic, ex: growling when he feels he's in danger, whimpering when in pain, when he yelps it sounds more like a yip, curling up in a tight ball when he sleeps. Wild, though he hunts a lot, actually really loves animals, and takes care to only hunt the animals if there are too many, or if the animal is sick or injured beyond repair. When he has a memory, his heart stops and he stops breathing, almost like his spirit has been transported to that point in time. Super supporter in anything, unless it's something that's harmful to his family, ex: transphobia, homophobia, making sexual comments to those who are asexual and/or not interested. Is afraid of anything that reminds him of the Shrine of Resurrection.
Four: Any and every time he exits a portal, his mind splits so the colors are there, but Four is physically the only one there. His shadow always seems to move on its own, and he sometimes talks to it when he's feeling down. If he's given a recipe, he's a decent cook, but without one, his food would turn out like Hyrule's. When he's not spilt, his fingernails are painted. Thumb black, pointer green, middle blue, ring violet, pinky red. When at the farm, he snatches all of the groups armor, weapons, and shields and repairs them, otherwise his favorite chore is to tend to the horses. His fear, I think it's obvious, loosing more people he loves.
Wind: The air around him always smells of salt, and he never seems to run out of energy. Though he hates being the youngest of the group, he does take advantage of it to get away with doing stupid things, until he gets hurt, then he gets in trouble. Being youngest, he obviously gets baby, but there are times where he is the one babying one of the others, and those are times he uses to manipulate the others. He is a pirate, pirate equals treasure hunter, also pick-pocket, also knowing every swear in the book, also having a flask of rum. When the others learn of this, Time confiscates his flask until he discovers non-alcoholic stuff that tastes the same, never telling Wind. Wind's fear, Time's disappointed look.
I wrote this in my headcanon age order, do what you wish with this 😈
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Have some sketches I did today :)
Also here is a pic of them all together
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webhead3345 · 7 months
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I’m very into fairies right now, so I wanted to draw something from @skyward-floored’s HC concerning Warriors in this fic:
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1000emotions · 10 months
things link has said in canon (and which link said it)
edit: i didnt include the dialogue options (skyward sword, botw, etc) cause we dont know which one link ended up saying😔
1. hyrule/link from tloz 1986 and zelda 2 said this:
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such an amazing quote. good for him. i love him
2. next up we have wind waker link who meows. Idk how to put links (haha) in the middle of a post so you might have to go to the bottom to find the video.
3. lastly we have botw link who is quoted saying:
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