#i DO however. have my promare dvd
bogkeep · 5 months
im the victim of a HORRIBLE TRAGEDY (couldn't find my CD with the promare OST in my big heavy box of CDs :((((((( )
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Mitsu’s Top 5 Anime of 2019
Whoa! Top five again! Having a fulltime job on my feet sure does take away from anime time. For once though, everything I finished, I liked or want more of. I didn’t force myself through stuff I didn’t like because other people liked it or was just kinda “meh” about.
This year, there are a lot of shows that were just getting started and/or were remakes. It’s amazing to see modern technology and techniques being put into shows of properties anywhere from ten to fifty years old. I’ll do my best to put these like usual, 5 being yeah, I liked it!! And 1 being This Show Has Become My Life. However, I broke one of my own rules and allowed a movie on this list. All well! My list, my rules!
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5. Given
It’s impressive to find an anime that has a good plot, characters, and a genuine romance with good chemistry. I have been throwing given at people because it does have a gay lead, but I didn’t start watching it until it was confirmed. I had heard of the manga a long while back and knew it was at least a boys love series, but with TV censorship, there was no telling how much of that romance they’d keep. I’ve actually started reading the manga since the anime ended because I really like all of the characters and the simple story of a band rising to fame. I really hope they continue this one too, because it’s funny and the music was really good. Overall, it’s a soft, good time.
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4. Kimetsu no Yaiba Demon Slayer
I promised myself I wouldn’t marathon the 20 something episodes that were out at the time I started finally watching demon slayer. As with given, but even more so, I saw so much of demon slayer before the anime came out. I fell in love with the designs and characters, and seeing the love and animation that went into the actual anime was just amazing. I ended up watching said twenty episodes in one sitting and then had to painfully wait week after week for new episodes. I’m looking forward to more demon slayer. I’m hoping that they’ll broadcast the movie in theaters unlike some other anime movies I’ve had to hunt down online or just ignore entirely.  While demon slayer’s biggest fault might have been its pacing, in the wide scope of things, it actually went by in a blur. Each arc felt complete with plenty of action sequences as well as general plot things happening. This just makes me want to read ahead in the manga more.
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3. Fruits Basket
It doesn’t even feel real sometimes that fruits basket finally got a new anime at long last. I had been telling people for years it would never get a season 2, the 2001 anime specifically, if anything it would have to be a reboot. I’m so glad to see what they’ve done with it. Implementing a fresh style onto it, taking into account the larger scope of the series, and respecting the author every step of the way. Next season will be a doozy since it’s little to no comedy from here on out. I’ve cried nearly every episode because it’s been so true to the original manga. Semi-related, I actually started buying the brand new Yen Press collectors edition of the manga, even after saying “I have the entirety of the Tokyopop manga I don’t need it.” Turns out I, a collector, could not resist it once I saw it in person. Gonna have to build that third bookshelf soon…Anyway, next season will be a heart-breaker! Good luck!
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2. Dororo
Talk about remakes that are worthy. Dororo has been one of the best anime I’ve watched in years. Gorgeous animation, incredible design and story. The original manga is kinda eeehhh…. They made good decisions with the new one to up the likeability of the characters, give it more weight, and it makes a lot more sense. Also the theme songs. God, I haven’t had all four themes of one show on repeat for so long. They’re beautiful and the actual music videos for both EDs? Super good. Please go watch them.
One thing I’ve gotta praise it for though is how they managed to improve it while also not forgetting its origins. The character designs are still incredibly similar to Osamu Tezuka’s actual designs and art styles, despite how they’ve been updated. It’s such a good stylistic choice that really makes it stick out when they could have scrapped those designs all together or gone fully for realism.
I need to rewatch it a third time to really dig into every little detail, but I think watching it two times and being giddy the whole time earns it a high spot on my list.
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1. Promare
And here we have the rule breaker! I normally only mention movies as honorable mentions on this list. To begin with, I wish MAL had a separate section for movies and OVAs simply because just down to every detail, this and a TV anime are on an entirely different scale.Still, let’s talk a little promare. I’ve been obsessed. In addition to an incredible world, characters, a fun, but kinda simple story, this movie just has so much rewatch value. I struggle daily on whether or not I’d want to see a full anime and I think the final decision is no….I just want like…two more OVAs. I saw both Lio and Galo-hen, though Lio-hen had no subtitles as I watched it online before the movie. Same with Galo-hen, but Galo-hen aired during the Redux showings.This movie has such a good soundtrack. The colors! Wow! The action sequences! I really love the mecha designs and the constant Trigger/Gainax references. I also had to drive out of state to see it. I mean, I didn’t HAVE to go see it three times in Texas, but I don’t regret it. I also saw it all three days it played here in OKC during Redux, including the 4DX showing. I wish I could experience the 4DX like, at least two more times. It was so fun. This really is a roller-coaster of a movie. It deserves the buzz that cropped up around it. Perfect way to end 2019 anime. Every day I wait anxiously for the US DVD release.
I hope everyone had a good 2019 in anime terms. There were a lot of shows that came out and I hardly watched anything. I hope 2020 has even more good stuff to offer. The TBA list already is filled with lots of goodies. I’ll try my best to resurrect this poor blog some way or another next year! I’m still here!
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flyingcookierambles · 4 years
watching stranger things s3 and the half of it with my family was so eeghhhh.
not that the show/movie themselves are bad or anything, i love them. i also loved the himbo-lesbian friendship/solidarity. 
however my family, very cishet, unwoke, generally just a bunch of normies who have never heard of social justice ever, kept complaining about how robin/ellie (lesbian) should’ve gotten together with steve/paul (himbo). aaaaaaaaarrrgh i was so annoyed and i wanted to basically rip my hair out and scream to the sky. i told them during stranger things s3, “no they’re just friends,” and for the half of it, i said “they have himbo-lesbian solidarity.” of course, my sister, who thinks she’s woke or something (????) turns to me and is like “only lesbians know that” and “when did you know?” (during the part where paul is looking up “how to know if i’m gay” to better understand ellie). and it’s so annoying that because i’m p sure that my family thinks I'm a lesbian because i keep just saying “no” whenever they ask if i’m dating someone/when ill find a boyfriend/whatever. when actually I'm ace/aro and also I'm just trying to be a good ally and stuff. uuuuuuhghghghghghhghg. also the himbo-lesbian solidarity/friendship thing is just an internet joke???? i feel like it really kicked off after thor Ragnarok with thor and valkyrie’s friendship?? you don't have to be a lesbian and/or queer to to know about the trope, it’s just an internet joke???? wtf??
(fun fact i tried to tell my mom that i’m ace/aro, aka i was just like “i’m asexual, so I'm not interested in dating people.” and then a few months later or smth she and i were doing dishes and she started talking about how she wished i were with someone so i wouldn’t be alone for the rest of my life bc it’s “lonely.” nice that she literally said “someone” or “person” or something that was gender neutral, but then she was like “i wish you would grow out of being that asexual or whatever it is” and i was like internally screaming oof big cringe no. also i plan to have friends and cat/other pets. its really between having rodents (rabbits/rats/ferrets) and cats right now and i cant decide which to get when i move out into a hopefully pet friendly apartment.)
basically, my family is too cishet to understand platonic love/friendship, heteronormativity is a thing, nuance and stuff except glee and/or for love simon for some reason????????? aaaaaaa. bluh ill just not pick any queer movie to watch during family movie night. not that i really get to pick any movie for family movie nights that have started since we’re all home again due to college kicking us out of dorms/school shutdowns and/or summer vacation, since my movies are “too foreign”/aka my family is like illiterate and refused to watch non-english/us movies, “too artsy or hard to understand” (the half of it), “anime.” bluh
hopefully. maybe. ill consider showing them promare when my blu-ray/dvd preorder comes later thing month (may 2020), but i know that they’ll probably complain/question galolio and be like “galo should’ve kissed aina” uuuuuughughguhgugh
edit 5/12/2020: oof just remembered the time we watched venom and my mom mentioned at the end that she that Eddie and ann should’ve gotten back together and it took 500% of my self control to not out myself as a monsterfucker uh i mean symbrock supporter bc dear god I'm so tired. I'm so tired of my family and their inability to see how people care about each other and how much venom cares about Eddie and how being a man and woman does not automatically mean that romantic feelings will appear god.
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unwillingkomaedakin · 4 years
Entry 7 - July 8th 2020
not too much has been happening the past few days, but enough to fill up this entry. today is the last day on this trip, we head home tomorrow. finally. my memory is a little fuzzy but i'll try my best to remember what happened.
on the 6th, we went to a bunch of shops and stuff. don't really remember much about that part. we went to some small shopping centre, we got kfc (against my will lol) but i found a cheap dvd set of toradora and bought it so that's cool.
later on, we went to this anime and manga store that i found on google. it was mostly manga, there was so much manga. like multiple walls of manga. it was amazing. i bought like 12 manga, promare and some stuff from a gachapon machine with vocaloid stuff. that shop was definitely a highlight.
on the 7th we went to another shopping centre (there's so many in the capital). we went to this arcade for like an hour or something. it was big, but small. bigger than the one at home but not that big. i won 200 tickets from this one game where you spin a wheel and it stops and lands on the number of tickets you win. that explanation was horrible. sorry. i got a small harmonica at the prize counter since i couldn't find much that interested me.
after we finished there, we went to the "social distancing cinema" which was right next to the arcade. we watched the sonic movie. it was better than i was expecting honestly. i predicted almost everything that happened, but it was still a good time. i really like popcorn, but i hate the aftertaste and how the small brown things from the popcorn stick to your mouth after. i hate it so much. so i don't have popcorn that often. oh yeah. that night my brother threatened to beat me. that was fun i guess.
on the 8th, today, we went on an hour drive at the start of the day to a town that's almost the same size as the capital but has a lot more to do. we've stayed there multiple times before years ago, but it's still decent. the last times we went there, my abusive stepdad always came with us. it was weird not having him there yelling at me all the time, but it seems that my brother took over that role.
we went to another arcade, this one was way bigger than the last one. huge. i got the highest score on the piano tiles game and played a shit ton of ddr. i really like ddr. but i tire out quickly so after a few games i was really tired, tired doesn't really describe it, overwhelmed with exhaustion. when that happens, i tend to make a face similar to the one Komaeda makes after getting patted by peko in Komaeda limited. so i was covering my face a lot. i hate my face so much, but it'd still be embarrassing to be unconsciously making a semi-ahegao face, so i had to hide my face.
i helped this woman with the ddr machine, and we even versed each other on a round to lost one's weeping per her request. the fact that she wanted to do it with me. really overwhelmed me. in a good way i suppose. i haven't had someone want to do something with me like that at all, let alone a stranger. it was surreal, though i lost because i was already tired from like 10+ rounds of ddr lol.
when our time was up and we had to exchange our tickets, my family had already done it so i went by myself. i looked everywhere couldn't find anything i wanted. the moment i realized that, i noticed there was a girl standing next to me looking for prizes. i thought about giving her my tickets since i had half a thousand but didn't want them, but anxiety kicked in. however, i managed to overcome it and talk to someone. i haven't started a conversation with a total stranger like that in years! it was so strange.
i asked her if she wanted my tickets, and at first she thought i was joking, and even offered to buy me something with her tickets. i said no and omg. the expression on her face. this happened like 11 hours ago and it still makes my heart happy. she was so happy, and thanked me really enthusiastically, i almost cried. she was so happy, and all because of me. that's the first time my actions have made someone happy in such a long time. i want that image engraved into my head. it gives me so much hope. after i gave her my card (the tickets were on a card) i left, and of course my family was like "omg you should've gave it to us we're so greedy grr". honestly, i think that was the best outcome for that trip. making someone happy was better than any arcade prize. i'm starting to tear up just thinking about it. i haven't felt proud of myself like this in years. i hope she's doing well. god bless her.
we left the arcade and did some other things, getting lunch and what not. after a while, we left to go to another shopping centre (i dunno why we kept going to them tbh). i didn't see much since there wasn't much for me there. however. however. i saw this shop that makes custom shirts and stuff so i went in there. i got a sweater with Komaeda holding a gun with a fake png background, i'm wearing it right now. i almost cried from laughter when it was being made. it's comfy. it was really cool, one of the best parts of the trip (the absolute best part is hands down that exchange with the girl at the arcade prize selection).
while we were there, we finally got a screen protector put on my new ipad. i already wrote this but for some reason it didn't save so short version time. we bought two screen protectors before, but we fucked up with putting them on.
now we're in the hotel, we're leaving to go home tomorrow. i'm so excited. i miss home.
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