#i DO love the wells cathedral staircase she IS beautiful
period-dramallama · 4 months
Find someone who loves you like Tudor dramas love that Wells Cathedral staircase
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yinyangswings · 3 years
Hanging off the Ledge
Fandom: Assassin's Creed Unity
Characters: Arno Dorian, Reader, Elise de la Serre (mentioned)
Pairing: Arno x femReader
Notes/Warnings: Implied thoughts of suicide, drinking, mention of vomit, used Google translate for my French so forgive me on that
Word count: 3088
Summary: You knew that there would always be trials when you fell in love with Assassin Arno Dorian. Knew that he had demons within him. What you didn't know was that your own demons would rear their heads at a vulnerable moment after an argument with him. Nor did you know that it would be Arno who finds you standing on the ledge of the South Tower of Notre-Dame, staring down at the streets of Paris.
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She wandered around the streets of Paris. The moon mingled with the lamp light, the sound of men singing from the bars, dogs barking, a cat hissing from an alleyway.
She didn’t really notice.
“You’re going to get yourself killed if you keep being reckless like this, Arno!”
“For fuck’s sake Elise, I’m not a child!!”
She frowned, wrapping her arms around herself. The argument itself wasn’t a new one. She thought he was being reckless and he, as usual, didn’t appreciate being coddled. And if she was being truthful with herself, this hadn’t been the first time he had called her Elise by mistake. Right after she had died, he would call her that on a nearly daily basis. She had red hair. Elise had red hair. For a man who had been drinking away his sorrows, it hadn’t been a surprise to get the both of them confused. But as a few years had gone by and he had grieved correctly he had stopped. She had thought, naively apparently, that maybe he was beginning to move on. When they had gotten together she had thought that maybe he actually loved her. That, while Elise would always have some part of his heart, which she had expected, she could share with the ghost of his former lover.
But that seemed like it was a lost cause.
He doesn’t love you. He loves Elise. He’ll always love Elise over you. If he could save her by sacrificing you, he’d do it without hesitation.
She felt her eyes begin to burn and she roughly rubbed under them, pointedly ignoring the voice whispering in the back of her mind, but was pushing into her mind like a nail. She slowed when she found herself in front of Notre-Dame, the large building looming in the square. It wasn’t a church anymore. Some cult now ran it. The Cult of Supreme Being, if she remembered correctly. It was dark, signifying no one was likely in there.
She worked the door open and slid into the shadowed building. She remembered being a child and coming here once with her father and brother. It had been a beautiful cathedral, the stained glass glistening down upon the pews, the statues, the soft hymns of the choir.
She had gotten in trouble for staring too long, but she couldn’t help it. It had been a comfort for her.
It was now a shadow of what it once was. A daily reminder of the mistakes of this country. Of the change that had happened.
Just like you. You’re a mistake.
She found herself walking up the stairs in the back, her footsteps echoing despite being as quiet as she could. Several staircases, unlocking some doors, and climbing more stairs later she found herself in one of the towers, staring at the bells.
It was so quiet, only the wind passing through the room seemed to sing its song. She slid her hand across the one bell near her, feeling the chill of bronze soak into her hand. She jumped when her foot kicked something and she looked down to see a small crate of...wine bottles?
“Oh for God’s sake. Really?” She muttered, bending down to look at it more closely. It looked like someone had had the idea that no one would look for wine in an abandoned church.
Well...at least no one who wasn’t an assassin and knew how to pick locks.
She hesitated for a moment before she flipped the bottle over and looked at the label. It wasn’t even a good year. But it would do. She worked the cork out and took a swig, grimacing at the taste. She took another swig.
You’re useless. It’s no wonder your father died hating your existence. Why your brother died hating you.
And another.
You’re a disgrace to the Creed and the Brotherhood.
And another. The wine tasted bitter and she knew that she should stop, but it was helping with the pain, numbing it.
Arno will never love you. He will never see you as anything more than a replacement.
She coughed violently as she choked on the wine, not able to tell if the burn in her eyes was because of that or something else. She sank back, sniffling slightly and coughing at the burn. The voice was relentless.
Usually she could ignore it, plaster on a smile and carry on her day. But now…
Wouldn’t it be better if you just ended it?
As though to bolster the suggestion a sharp breeze rushed past her, creating a mournful sound through the tower she was in and she looked towards the opening.
And she took a step forward.
Arno Dorian was not in the greatest of moods as he jumped from roof to roof. The argument was still fresh in his mind. He understood Y/N’s point of view on the whole thing, but he felt that he wasn’t a child that needed to be coddled. He was an assassin, just like her. He hadn’t appreciated her scolding him, but looking back it hadn’t been a critique but more of a worry of hers. And he yelled at her, making her leave their room and the Café. Which was why he was running around Paris like a lunatic in the middle of the night looking for her to apologize. He had considered waiting at the Café but after three hours, he began to grow worried. Even at her angriest, she hadn’t been gone that long.
His desperation was growing in stature when she wasn’t in any of her normal spots that she would go to. He was about to head back and see if she had made it back to the Café when the moon peeked out of the clouds and illuminated Notre-Dame. He spotted a flash of red on the top of the South Tower. He stumbled to a stop, looking up, squinting to get a good look, before hurrying over to the church, making short work of getting to the top.
Sure enough it was Y/N, sitting on the railing of the tower. She glanced over her shoulder, before looking back out towards the city.
“Bonjour Arno.”
“There you are.” He huffed, landing on the roof of the tower, a frown on his face. He took a step and blinked as he kicked a wine bottle, watching it roll away from him.
“...Fancy a drink tonight?”
“Casse-toi. Like you’re any better.” Y/N slurred, taking another swig from another wine bottle, swaying slightly in the wind.
“Y/N, get off the ledge.” Arno said evenly, despite his heart threatening to pound its way out of his chest. “You’ll fall, Cherié.”
She cackled, though there didn’t seem to be any humor in her voice.
“Wouldn’t that be…” She hiccuped. “Wouldn’t that be une tragédie? I’m sure my funeral would have a grand total of...one attendee; moi! They might even bury me, or they’ll just dump my body into the Seine.”
She laughed again though he frowned.
She glared at him, before rolling her eyes, and pointedly ignoring him, taking a swig from the bottle in her hand. She was silent, staring at the few people of Paris wandering around, unaware of the two assassins sitting above them.
“Suppose I’d need to avoid some random passerby though, oui? Can’t...can’t hurt an innocent because of the Creed.”
It was as if cold water had been dumped on him.
She couldn’t mean...she wasn’t seriously considering...
“Y/N, get off the ledge.”
It wasn’t a gentle request anymore. She scoffed, standing like a child who was being called home during a riveting game of tag and didn’t want to. She swayed and stumbled on it, drawing closer to the edge.
“And if I do that by jumping off? No stacks of hay down there that I can see.” She asked good naturedly, her voice amazingly calm.
“Y/N, don’t joke like that.”
“Who’s saying I’m joking?” She hummed, twirling in an unsteady circle, swaying backwards. Arno dashed forward, grabbing her arm and yanking her back onto the roof, the bottle falling out of her hand and disappearing over the edge. He could only hope it didn’t hit anyone below as his arms folded around her, holding her close as she began to fight against him.
“Avez-vous perdu la raison?” He snapped. “Why would you even consider killing yourself?!”
“Because the place would be better without me!”
Arno staggered backwards as she kicked at his legs, his mind reeling, trying to catch up with the situation, but unable to comprehend it.
“What are you talking about?! Do you know how devastated we’d be if you died?!”
“Who, Arno? Who would fucking miss me!?” She cried, fighting against him. “My family is gone, Arno! My brother died hating me because of the reason I was even brought into this world! Father hated me because I killed Mother! Name on fucking person who would care if my brains splattered on the steps of Notre-Dame below!”
To that she let out a laugh that could have been a sob.
“You? YOU!?” Her voice went into hysterics. “You don’t give a damn about me! You never did!”
“Y/N, what’s gotten into you!? Of course I-”
He went still and he released her in shock. She stumbled away, but didn’t attempt to jump off the ledge again. She seemed to curl into herself, tears sliding down her face as she looked at him.
“You think...you think I’m stupid? Or blind? You don’t think I don’t know that you see Elise every fucking time I fucking turn and you see my hair, or when we spar, or...or argue? You think I’m that blind to not see that ache in your eyes every damn time you even look at me?? For fuck’s sake Arno, you’ve called me her damn name tonight!” She inhaled sharply, trying to stop crying, but failing. His eyes darted from side to side, replaying the argument earlier in his mind, before his eyes widened.
“Y/N, I didn’t-”
“Do you know how much it hurts trying to pretend I’m happy, when I’m reminded daily just how unnecessary and unwanted I am in this world? How much better you and this world would be without me? You want Elise back so much but I’m not Elise. I can’t be her. I can’t even begin to compare to her.” She whimpered. “I’m an assassin, but I was literally only born to be that because my brother was too sickly to be one. And despite that, despite working day in and day out to prove to him I could be a good assassin, I know that my father didn’t even want me! So...so why even bother being here? No one wants me, Arno. I’m just...just this big mistake...I...I…”
“Ma Cherié…” He said, his voice suddenly rough and he hurried over to her, pulling her to him again. She struggled for a moment, beating at his chest to get him to let go. He did not, digging his hand into her hair to keep her still. “Ma Cherié, no.”
“Let go, Arno!”
“No. Not until you listen to me.” He said. “I know I make mistakes. Too many to count. I hurt you so much without even realizing it. And you are the most patient woman to not murder me in my sleep for that.” He trailed off, swallowing noisily, “Oui, there are times I think about Elise, and wonder what life would be if she was still alive, and oui sometimes there are moments where I see her in you.”
She struggled against him again and he thanked the wine running through her right now. At least he could get her to listen to him.
“But that doesn’t mean I’d be better off without you. That I don’t want you here.”
She went still.
“I love you Cherié. I love you so much. You don’t deserve all this pain and weight I’ve put on your shoulders. Especially with Elise. There are similarities between the two of you, but the differences outweigh them. Christ...I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve anything you give me.”
He moved her head away, cupping her face in his hands, brushing away the tears that were sliding down her cheeks.
“I don’t deserve waking up with you curled up to me and if I try to leave the bed, you hold onto me because it’s not yet time to wake up in your mind. I don’t deserve listening to you hum as you’re fixing a stitch in our robes while leaning against me, or your laughter when you’re sparring and you’ve pinned me. I don’t deserve having you scold me for being an idiot on a mission, yet having my back on said mission. I don’t deserve any of that.”
She stared at him and he gave a desperate laugh, his eyes glittering in tears.
“But even though I don’t deserve it, every day you bless me with those tiny memories. How could I be better off without you?”
She inhaled sharply, tears sliding down her cheeks. She let out a soft keening sound, closing her eyes tightly as a sob tore out of her throat, silencing the voice that was begging her to just pivot and jump.
“I can’t Arno...I just...I…I...I don’t know what to do.”
She heard him inhale shakily and felt him kiss her brow. He seemed to be shaking as well. He pulled her back into a hug, and she didn’t resist this time, just sobbing, face pressed into his shoulder.
“...Let’s go home.” His voice whispered into her ear after several minutes, rough as though he was holding back emotions. She nodded weakly, and he lifted her and carried her away. Before she could even object, he was walking down the stairs and past the bells of Notre-Dame.
She didn’t remember how exactly they got back to the Café Theatrë. She did remember having to stop several times in alleyways to puke her guts out from all that damn wine she drank. She remembered that Arno’s touch never seemed to vanish. Whether it was holding her hair away from the vomit, rubbing her back as she heaved, or holding her close to make sure she didn’t fall flat on her face when she stumbled away, he was always touching her.
The last thing she really remembered was going up the stairs to their room, being laid down on the bed and feeling a kiss against her temple. The next thing she knew, the sun was beaming into the room and her head felt like it had been used as a drum.
She let out a groan and curled up under the blanket, trying to rid herself of the headache. Distantly she heard a soft chuckle and then the clink of a cup on the nightstand.
“Can’t say I envy you. I know from experience it isn’t fun. Though this is a change in roles from what I usually remember.” Arno’s voice said softly. She muttered an expletive and peeked her head out from the covers. Arno sat down on the edge of the bed, offering a smile.
“It’s close to noon. I figured with the amount of drinking you did last night, you earned your sleep.”
Y/N groaned, covering her face with the blanket again.
“Come on. Let’s get some food into you. I promise you’ll feel much better.”
“If I ever go towards a wine bottle again, you are free to spank me.” She muttered, finally leaving the cocoon of blankets and Arno smiled.
“Oui m'dame. Granted, while it is a tempting offer, I have a feeling that’s not going to happen anytime soon.” He said and she snorted, instantly regretting it and cursed under her breath. He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead before handing her a pastry.
She wasn’t really hungry, but nibbled on it anyways, glancing over at him as he watched her. He was just staring at her as though making sure this wasn’t a dream and she was actually sitting in their bed alive and well, despite the hangover. He had dark bags under his eyes, which were curiously bloodshot. He was wearing the same clothes he had been wearing the night before. Almost as if he hadn’t...
“Did you stay up the entire night?” She muttered in surprise, realization dawning slowly in her hungover brain.
“...I wanted to make sure you didn’t try and leave to go back to Notre-Dame.” He finally said and she grimaced, looking away.
"Je suis désolé, Arno. I didn’t-”
“No! No, don’t apologize...just...is that the first time you’ve...that you’ve considered that?”
She shrugged.
“I’ve never gone as far as I did last night...but there’s always that voice in the back of my head saying that everyone would be better off if I wasn’t around...I don’t usually listen to it. But it was just...so loud last night. It drowned everything else out.”
She shifted away, embarrassed. He swallowed roughly before cupping her face, brushing a thumb against her cheek bone. She leaned into his touch, finally looking up at him.
“If it does happen again, if that voice becomes too loud?” He asked softly. “Find me. I meant what I said last night. I love you. I don’t deserve you, but I love you. And I’ll spend every day I have remaining telling you that. So find me, and I’ll put to rest any worry you have.”
She nodded, closing her eyes as he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, the tip of her nose, and then very delicately her lips, before resting his forehead against hers.
It wasn’t a clean fix. There were still problems that needed to be discussed. Issues that needed to be talked about. In the future he would have nightmares of wondering what if he hadn’t gone looking for her, if the next day they had found her body at the steps of Notre-Dame, and waking up in a cold sweat to check and see if she was still there next to him, still breathing. For a while after, she couldn’t go near Notre-Dame, couldn’t even take a sip of wine before her stomach revolted at the contents because it reminded her of that night.
But right then and there, it didn’t matter.
She was sitting there breathing, and in his arms.
And that was all Arno Dorian cared about.
Bonjour : Hello
Casse-toi: Fuck off
Cherié: Sweetheart
Une tragédie: A tragedy
Moi: Me
Oui: Yes
Avez-vous perdu la raison: Have you lost your mind?
Ma Cherié: My Sweetheart
Oui m'dame: Yes Ma'am
Je suis désolé: I am sorry
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mutuals as historical buildings??
now that’s what i’m talking about!!!!
@archaicmusings: the acropolis of athens, athens, greece.
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i mean? duh? did you expect anything different? of course cal with her interest in classics history would be one of the most recognizable buildings of the classics age! now, don’t ask me what the heck this building was for because i don’t know. that is not my side of history, friends, and i’m smart enough to admit that.
anyways, can’t you just see cal leading a tour around the building?! she would absolutely be wearing socks and sandals and that makes me love her more. 
 @almightygwil: little red schoolhouse, farmington, maine.
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this is more of a concept of buildings than a specific building, but the one pictured above (built in 1852) is pretty spot on in terms of the building(s) i would choose for ellie. 
when i think of ellie, i think of little house on prairie. i think of one room schoolhouses and lots of kids under the tutelage of one teacher. essentially, when i think of ellie, i think of the historical life i would kill to live in the mid-to-late nineteenth century (if things didn’t suck for so many people back then). ellie is warm and absolutely gives great hugs (even if i’ve need received one from her) and i would love to be her student in one of these schools. 
@im-an-adult-ish: wrigley field, chicago, illinois. 
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do i know anything about baseball? barely. do i know about the significance of wrigley field? again, not really. 
what i do know is baseball is really important to meredith and so is wrigley field. i mean, her dog is named after it so that’s some indication of its importance. i do think that something about wrigley field screams “all american” and meredith is a very all-american girl (in the best possible way). 
@ineloqueent: yerkes observatory, williams bay, wisconsin. 
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according to the internet, the yerkes observatory was “the birthplace of modern astrophysics” in 1892 when it was founded. i don’t know if that holds water, but i do know that tina loves stars and space and looking at stars in space. of all the other observatories i was looking at, i liked this one the most because, while it serves a specific function, it also is architecturally beautiful. it’s really european in feel (especially for being in wisconsin of all places) and we love our european tina!!! anyway, the combined natures of science meeting european architecture was what made me say, “yeah tina would be this building.” 
@dancingdiscofloof: palacio de cristal, madrid, spain.
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the first place on our list that i’ve been to irl!
i had absolutely no idea where we were going when we started the trek from madrid’s palace to this crystal palace. really, i was just walking and trying not to cry ‘cause i’d only eaten bread and cheese for a week. but then! out of the blue! this beautiful crystal palace in the middle of a park. also ducks!
this building reminds me of rove for two reasons: it’s classic, and rove is classic. it’s also modern, and rove is also modern. from what i can gather, the crystal palace operates slightly like a museum. different art exhibits have been housed in the building from time to time. (when i was there, the sculptures inside were these weird, like, sandstone naked people?? idk what that was about) 
anyway, rove kinda reminds me of a museum or at least a very classy museum tour-guide.
@gwiilymslee: le mont saint michel, normandy, france.
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look at that! it’s like freaking tangled! america could never!!!
all freaking out aside, audrey is absolutely a princess who deserves not only her own castle, but her own castle on an island. i think mont-saint-michel truly has this otherworldly feel to it, like something out of a novel or a movie. audrey gives me those same vibes.
@joemazzmatazz: san bernadino alle ossa, milan, italy.
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another place on our list i’ve been to irl! i was in italy (among other countries) last year, and i randomly found this chapel nearby the milan cathedral. there are bones and skeletons of (supposed) plague victims decorating the very cramped room, and let me tell you, it was one of the weirder experiences of my life sitting in that room. 
i chose this for regan because, while i could have gone for the quintessential 80s punk scene and that would have fit just fine, i also think regan is a blend of the macabre and the aesthetic if that makes sense? like she’s one of those people who can really pull off the edgy, grunge vibe while also maintaining class and sophistication. that’s the general feeling i got from this chapel when i was there, so i thought it fit. 
@deacyblues: the flatiron building, new york, new york.
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pearl will never not scream early 20th century to me. the flatiron building was built in 1902 and is typically seen as a landmark of the rapid growth of new york city, as well as the development of architecture in the united states. 
anyway, to me the flatiron building is iconic of the early 1920s, and so is pearl. the building has some european feel to it, too, with the way the faces of each side are carved, and pearl often speaks with this blend of american/british vernacular. really, i think what i’m trying to say is pearl reminds me of transatlantic movie-stars, and so does the flatiron building.
@six-bloodyminutes: the guggenheim, new york, new york.
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there are two sides to mo. when i first met her, i was like, “huh, this girl is pretty put together. she seems like she knows what’s going on.” then i got to know her more and i thought, “oh wait. she, in fact, does not know what’s going on.” 
the geggenheim reminds me of mo because, from the exterior, it’s sleek and classic, but also unique. it makes you want to take a closer look. on the inside, it’s full of modern art that makes zero sense whatsoever. mo is much the same: put together on the outside, but on the inside, she’s full of surprises, absolutely delightful in her exuberance, and a joy to get to know better. also: i feel like if she were a staircase, she’d be the staircase inside of the guggenheim as well. 
@hijackmy-heart: casa mila, barcalona, spain.
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nat is fun. like she makes me laugh a lot and she’s witty (in two languages!!) and she absolutely knows how to have a good time. much like this really strange looking building. there’s a certain whimsy to nat that i feel like this building evokes, too. all in all, 10/10 building, 10/10 person.
@kiwi-hardy: bishop’s castle, rye, colorado.
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the last place on the list that i’ve been too irl! the story of bishop’s castle is strange: essentially this man named jim bishop bought land in c.o. for $450 in the 60′s, and he has been handcrafting this massive stone castle ever since. there have been legal battles (over the stones used themselves and over road signs and who controls the castle in the event of jim’s death) but let me tell you one thing: that castle is not built to code whatsoever. i was afraid for my life.
i feel like nothing captures the chaos of leah as much as the house with a fire-breathing dragon on one side, a gift shop on another, and spray painted signs all over the property that say many things but particularly “enter at your own risk”
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
Tale as Old as Time - Chapter 4
Rami!Prince Adam x Reader
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Summary: A prince cursed. A young woman aching for adventure. The classic tale of seeing beauty within.
Word Count: 5.5k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @26-7-49​, @drowsebaby​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @xviiarez​, @rogerina-owns-me​, @brianssixpence​, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​, @queenmylovely​, @queen-paladin​ If you’d like to be added, let me know! There’s only one chapter left!
A/N: Time for the most famous part of the story!
Warning(s): None!
Prologue  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3
Chapter 4 here we go!!!
In the morning, Rami was true to his word and he retrieved you at nine. Then, you walked together to the garden. He told you that he spent every morning in this place because it always put his mind at ease. That made you question even more.
“Why do they mean so much to you?” you asked. “The roses.”
He reached out for one and delicately touched the petals with the pad of his paw.
“My mother planted them,” he said. 
“Your mother?”
He nodded. “She worked hard at maintaining them because roses were her favorite flowers. She was a bit of a romantic.”
You smiled. “She sounds wonderful.”
“I’m sure your mother is equally wonderful,” he replied.
You looked away sadly and paused, remembering what you could of your own mother.
“She passed away, actually,” you said. “When I was still a little girl.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “What happened to her?”
“Pregnancy complications,” you told him. “My little brother didn’t survive either.”
“That’s horrible,” he said. “I see now why you’re so close to your father.”
“I see now why him taking a rose upset you so much,” you said. “If he had known, he would never have -”
He held up a hand to stop you. “Don’t. I...it’s done now.”
You nodded. 
You walked together a little further.
“Do you like gardening, Y/N?” Rami asked.
“Oh, yes,” you told him. “I started last year after reading about it. I like to grow things I can turn into something else.”
“So, food?”
“Yes,” you said. “I’ve really enjoyed helping Daisy out.”
“Daisy is a kind soul,” he said. “She’s been a joy to this castle.”
“She told me how you saved her,” you admitted. “It was so...compassionate. It surprised me.”
“Yes, I...I’ve been very bitter about my fate, and I never wanted to burden anyone else with it,” he said. “But Daisy resonated with me.”
“Well, what about the servants that remained after your parents died?” you asked.
“I tried to dismiss them, but they refused,” he explained. “Mrs. Carson insisted I needed looking after since I was still so young.”
“It’s a testament to you that they’re so loyal,” you said.
He looked away bashfully and you smiled to yourself.
“Tell me about you,” he said, facing you again. “About your life in the village.”
“The trouble with talking about my life in the village is that I barely had one,” you said with a sigh. “Every day was the same. Go to town for the day’s needs, come home and fix breakfast, get Papa to take his medicine and see if he needs help with his new invention. Then, spend the afternoon reading.”
“Mrs. Carson did tell me you love books,” he said. 
You nodded. “Yeah. Ever since I was a child, I’ve longed for adventure. To have something magical and unexpected happen. To see far off places. Books were my primary form of travel.”
You both chuckled. 
“My mother loved to read,” Rami said. “She always had something on hand. And she read to me a lot. My father wanted me trained in more sporting things like riding and archery, but mother insisted on my studies as well.”
“She sounds like a wise woman,” you replied. “And a bit like my mother.”
“It’s a shame they never met,” he said sadly. 
“They probably would have been great friends,” you agreed.
A beat passed. The wind blew through the garden, making you shiver. It was a crisp autumn day, but winter would arrive before you knew it.
“Let’s go in,” Rami suggested. “I’ll have Mrs. Carson get a fire going.”
“That sounds lovely,” you said, pulling your shawl tighter around your shoulders.
“There’s something I’d like to show you first,” he said.
You raised a suspicious eyebrow at him as he offered you his paw. Smirking, you took it. He led you inside and toward the dining room. It was too soon for lunch, so your curiosity was piqued.
“Where are we going?” you wondered.
“You’ll see,” Rami replied mischievously. “It’s a surprise!”
You giggled and continued to follow him. You were going around a corner when he suddenly stopped.
“Close your eyes,” he instructed.
“Why?” you returned.
“Just do it!” he insisted with a grin.
You shook your head and obeyed. Rami took a moment to admire your face as you stood there. The sunlight pooling through the window struck it just right and for a moment, it appeared you were glowing.
“Well?” you questioned. “Are we going to continue?”
He shook his head and cleared his throat. “Yes, of course.”
He took your hand again, and he began to slowly lead you down the hall. You couldn’t be sure how much further you traveled with your eyes closed, but it seemed only a few seconds passed before he stopped you again.
He dropped your hand, and you resisted the urge to crack open an eyelid and peek at what he was doing. You squeezed your eyes further shut instead. You heard a metallic click and the rattling of a chain. Then, the creak of rusty door hinges.
“Just a few more steps, Y/N,” he replied, guiding you forward.
You knew you had entered another room because the smells changed. It was a bit musty, but there was the distinct scent of parchment and leather. 
Even with your eyes closed, you felt the room brighten as some curtains were pushed back and the sun began to warm your skin. A smile began to part your lips.
“Can I open my eyes yet?” you asked eagerly.
“Just one more second,” he told you.
You heard his footsteps come up behind you and his paws fell gently to your shoulders.
“Okay,” he said. “Open.”
You opened your eyes, squinting at first at the brightness, and  then looked around. Your mouth fell open. 
There were books everywhere, on every wall from floor to ceiling. And the ceiling was as tall as a cathedral. Sliding ladders covered whatever height one might need, but there were also staircases up about halfway, with a path going all the way around the room. It was as appealing to you as a Christmas feast, and you couldn’t wait to sink your teeth in.
“Rami, I - I’m speechless!” you cried. “I’ve never seen so many books!”
“This is our library,” he said, a pleased smile on his face. “But I figured it could be your library, if you like it.”
“I love it!” you exclaimed. “You’re really giving it to me?!”
“Of course!” he said. “Friends give each other gifts!”
“Oh, but I could never return the favor!” you said. “This is….Rami, this is the sweetest gift I have ever received. I can’t thank you enough.”
“That smile is all the thanks I need,” he replied. “Besides, it’s I who should be thanking you.”
“What for?” you asked.
“Life was so dark for me before you came here,” he said. He glanced out the window and then back at you. “You brought me sunshine, Y/N.”
You beamed. That made you feel warm and fuzzy from your head to your toes.
“Can we have lunch in here today?” you requested. “Please?”
The look on your face made him realize in that moment that he could never deny you anything. You owned him.
“Whatever you like,” he assured you. “I’ll let Mrs. Carson know.”
You began exploring the shelves and Rami told you the books he’d read, so you pulled a few of those first.
“After I read them, we can talk about them,” you said.
“We can try,” he chuckled. “I haven’t read in so long…”
“We can read it together then,” you said. “And jog your memory.”
“That’s perfect,” he agreed.
Thomas came up and got a fire started in the fireplace. Then Mrs. Carson and Daisy brought up your lunch within the next hour. Daisy was also amazed by the room, since - like you - she had never seen it before.
“Wow!” she gasped. “This must be every book in the world!”
You smiled. “Do you like books, Daisy?”
“I dunno,” she said. “I never learned to read.”
You blinked. “What?”
“No one ever taught me,” she explained. “I learned how to cook and sew and speak, but never reading or writing.”
“Would you like to learn?” you offered. “I can teach you.”
She grinned. “Oh, yes please!” She looked nervously at Rami. “Is that alright, sir? I’ll still do all the cooking, it won’t interfe-”
He held up a hand to stop her. “Of course, Daisy. Take all the time you need.”
“We’ll have our first lesson tonight, after dinner,” you said. 
She giggled. “I’m looking forward to it!”
She practically skipped out of the room. Rami looked over at you.
“That was a kind offer,” he said.
“It’s important for people to know how to read, especially women,” you replied.
“I agree,” he said. 
You smiled at him. “So, what should we read together first? Shakespeare?”
“Goodness, no,” Rami said. “He’s dull.”
“Shakespeare?” you questioned. “Dull?”
“Yes!” he insisted. “Let’s start over here…”
In the coming weeks, you made excellent use of the library. Every morning, after your walk, you settled in for tea and reading. You made things exciting by reading aloud and acting out whatever you could. Mostly, you liked hearing Rami laugh.
In the afternoons, he would take some time to himself, and retreat to the west wing. You remained in the library. You decided to do some research into curses, hoping to find some way to break the one on Rami.
Unfortunately, the queen’s collection had little information on such matters. The books about magic mostly warned against its use and the ones who practiced it. Most solutions to magical incidents were unhelpful. You needed a concrete way to break this spell. But it seemed that Rami’s case was unique. You could find no other record of a similar curse and how it was broken.
After one afternoon of difficult research, you heaved a frustrated sigh and pushed the book away from you. Now that you were spending so much time with Rami, you pitied him all the more for his situation. In fact, you rather liked him. If you were his sunshine, he was your moonlight - soothing and peaceful, with a touch of mystery.
With another defeated sigh, you picked up the book and returned it to the shelf. You got the same hopeless feeling you had when you first arrived at the castle, only it wasn’t for yourself. Rami was a prisoner in this cursed body. And there was no key in sight. 
Tears began to well up in your eyes at the injustice of it. You sniffled, but were unable to stop them from falling down your cheeks. Even the warmth of a crackling fire couldn’t soothe your aching heart.
You looked out the window. Snow was falling gently from the sky, adding onto the already thick blanket on the ground. The snowman you and Rami had built in the courtyard looked rather lonely, but then you watched as Rami appeared and walked over to it. You smiled to yourself when he put a hat and scarf on the head. At the same time, it broke your heart. 
Rami actually had such a tenderness to him. He deserved to be a man again.
A soft knock on the door diverted your attention. Daisy stood in the doorway.
“Y/N?” she asked, brow furrowing. “Are you alright?”
You wiped your face and nodded. “Yes, I’m fine. Just getting sentimental, that’s all. Are you ready for our lesson?”
She brightened and nodded. You sat together beside the window to begin. Daisy was learning fast, but there was still a long way to go. You never realized just how important it was to learn early in life. Though, Daisy told you few girls in her village ever learned to read. Only the rich ones.
It made you grateful for your home. Your town had its issues, but you were able to attend school and choose your own way. That was nice. The thought also made you miss your home terribly.
You and Daisy studied for about an hour when Mrs. Carson came to get her to start dinner. You could tell Daisy was disappointed that her lessons couldn’t be longer, but she never complained. You were just putting the last book away when you heard a hard and sudden thunk against the glass of the window.
Startled, you examined it. Snow was splattered over the glass. You looked out and saw Rami standing several yards away, tossing another snowball up and down in front of him. You opened the window.
“Is that a challenge?” you called out.
“Only if you’re not chicken!” he returned.
You snatched your cloak off the back of your chair and wrapped it around you. Since the library was on the first floor, you climbed right out into the yard. Immediately, you knelt down and packed some snow into a ball.
“You’re on,” you said.
You hurled the snowball directly at him. He turned his back and it exploded across his cape as he laughed. You couldn’t waste any time, so you crouched again to make another. Rami launched the one in his hand, but you ducked, so it collided with the stone of the castle walls.
Mrs. Carson and Daisy returned to the library. Daisy decided she wanted to try something new in the kitchen and test her reading ability by consulting a cookbook for dinner. They were coming to ask you where to find one. They were surprised to find you absent from the room, even though they could hear your voice nearby. Then Mrs. Carson spotted the open window.
Both women went and looked out of it. There you were, down in the snow, wrestling with Rami. Both you and the prince had collapsed into a fit of giggles.
“Well, things have changed between them two!” Daisy laughed.
“Yes, Daisy,” Mrs. Carson agreed. “I think...there may be something there that wasn’t there before.”
“What’s that then?” Daisy wondered.
Mrs. Carson watched as you brushed snowflakes out of the hair around Rami’s face.
“Affection,” she said.
That night, as Anna helped you dress for bed, you accepted the loss of your life in the village. There was a pang in your heart at losing your father, but you found what you were looking for.
“What are you smiling about?” Anna teased as she draped your dress over the chair for your vanity. 
“I’m just happy,” you replied innocently.
“Tell me,” she insisted.
You sighed. “It’s silly since it’s been months, but...I finally feel at home here.”
She smiled. “I’m glad to hear it, Y/N.”
You gave her a quick hug before crawling into bed.
Rami was being helped out of his things by Thomas. The butler had served as butler and valet to the king, and now served Rami the same. As Thomas gathered Rami’s wet clothes from the floor, he noticed that the prince was….humming.
“You’re in a fine mood tonight, sir,” he remarked.
“Things are changing, Thomas,” Rami said. “For the first time since my mother and father died, this palace feels like a home.”
Thomas blinked. “You’re falling for her, aren’t you? Y/N?”
Rami shook the excess water off his fur. “I...I am.”
“Well, that’s great!” Thomas cried. “The spell should be broken!”
Rami’s face fell. “It’s not that simple. She has to love me too, remember?”
“Don’t get discouraged, sir,” Thomas said. “There’s hope.”
“How?” Rami wondered. “You’ve seen her, haven’t you?”
“Of course, she’s a beautiful girl,” Thomas said. “And I think she’s beginning to see you, too, sir. To really see you.”
“You mean, you really think she’s starting to love me?” Rami wondered. “I’m still a beast!”
Thomas shook his head. “No, sir. You have always been a prince.”
A beat passed as Rami tried to gather himself. He had no words to express his gratitude for Thomas in that moment.
“I…” he began, but trailed off, unsure.
“You ought to do something romantic for her to let her know how you feel,” Thomas suggested.
“Like what?” Rami wondered.
“The New Year is coming up,” Thomas said. “Have a ball.”
“A ball?” Rami questioned. “Who would come?”
“Make it a private ball,” Thomas said. “Just the two of you, but get dressed up - you in tails, she in a gown - go all out.”
“You really think that would work?” Rami wondered.
“It can’t hurt to try,” Thomas said. “And you are on a time limit, sir. Now’s the time to take a risk.”
Rami looked over at the rose. Thomas was right, time was running out. The rose was curved over itself as it wilted, and more petals were all around it. He watched as another came off the stem and fluttered down to join the rest.
“You’re right,” Rami said. “It is time to take a risk.”
He straightened up. “Talk to Mrs. Carson. I want the main ballroom cleaned as soon as possible. I’ll help. I’ll need new clothes, so speak to Anna about tailoring some of my father’s old things. And Y/N will need a gown. Let her pick anything she wants from my mother’s collection.”
“Very good, sir!” Thomas praised.
“Oh! And Y/N is to know nothing about it, only that it’s a surprise,” Rami said. “The cleaning, the preparation, is all to be done as quietly as you can.”
“You are truly a romantic, sir,” Thomas said with a grin. “We will have it done.”
“Thank you,” Rami said. Then he swallowed. “For more than just this.”
Thomas nodded with understanding. “We will always take pride in serving you, sir. Good night.”
“Good night, Thomas,” Rami replied.
With that, the butler bowed and left. Rami sank down onto the bed, thinking of you. He really did have hope now. Whether or not you fell for him romantically didn’t matter as much to him. Just to know that he had you as a friend, someone who cared about him that wasn’t a servant or family member, was enough to make him optimistic. Not just that he could be a prince again, but that there was a life for him as he was now.
The new year was in a week. During that time, you noticed that the staff were unusually busy. Mrs. Carson was barely around when you needed her, Anna seemed flustered, and Thomas might as well have vanished. You only saw Daisy during your lessons. Even Rami was spending more time away from you.
“Is something wrong?” you asked him as you went for your daily walk through the garden.
You still took the walks, despite the frigid air. Rami found it refreshing and you thought roses were particularly beautiful in the snow.
“No, why do you ask?” he returned.
“Everyone has been rather...distant,” you explained. “Have I offended the staff?”
“Certainly not, they adore you,” he said. “There’s nothing to worry about, Y/N.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you sure?”
“Believe me, I’m sure,” he chuckled. “Everyone loves you.”
You did not shy away at the word love, so he didn’t regret saying it. Instead, you smiled.
“I love everyone here too,” you said. “That’s why I’m worried.”
“I know it’s odd, but just trust me,” he said. “You haven’t done anything wrong. There’s just...a little more work than usual to be done.”
“Why?” you pressed.
“If I told you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Ugh. You and your surprises.”
You glanced over at him and met his gaze, confirming to him that you were teasing. You loved his surprises because they kept your life at the castle interesting. A little adventure. 
The following day, Anna took you to the queen’s old closet. You were astonished by the size of it - it was almost the size of your whole room! - and got a little overwhelmed.
“The master wants you to pick something elegant,” Anna said. “For your surprise.”
“I don’t have much experience with clothes like this,” you admitted. “It all looks elegant to me.”
“I’ll narrow it down for you,” she offered.
She walked toward the back and selected four dresses. Each of them was stunning. The first was emerald green and velvet, and you thought it would be appropriate for the time of year. The second was a deep red, with white lace accents around the collar, which you also thought very wintery. The third was a sapphire blue, with jewels adorning the waistband. Then the fourth one really grabbed your attention. It was golden-yellow, made of satin, with a stunning sweetheart neckline and cap sleeves.
“Which do you like?” Anna asked.
“The yellow one,” you decided. “It’s like sunshine.”
You would never forget the day Rami told you you brought him sunshine. Well, now you’d make it as literal as you could.
“Good choice, Y/N,” she agreed.
“Anna, aren’t these a bit formal?” you asked as she helped you out of your day dress.
You’d need to try on the new dress since the queen was a little taller than you, with slightly broader shoulders, so Anna needed to make adjustments.
“Of course,” she said, looking up at you with a smile. “They’re ball gowns.” 
Your brow furrowed. “Ball gowns?”
“Yes,” she said. “Stay there while I grab a petticoat.”
When Anna had the dress on you - petticoat and all - you were stunned by your appearance in the mirror. Anna gazed at you as well, and you saw her eyes begin to water.
“Anna!” you cried. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” she sniffled. “You just...you look like a princess.”
You turned back to your reflection. You did look like a princess. You felt like a princess. But you were still yourself. Though this was something you never even imagined in your future, it felt right. You smiled.
“I look beautiful,” you said, half to yourself. “I never thought I could look like this.”
“It’s not just your sweet face, you know,” Anna said. “It’s you.”
You blushed at her words, feeling humbled by their sincerity.
“Thank you,” you said.
She grinned. “Come on. Let’s pick out some shoes and a tiara.”
“Oh, I couldn’t wear one of the queen’s tiaras!” you insisted. “It feels...wrong.”
“Y/N, if she were here, she’d lend them to you herself,” Anna said. “After everything you’ve done for her son -”
She stopped herself. You took her hand.
“Anna, what do you mean?” you questioned.
She shook her head. “I’m just being silly, but you’ve made a change in him. A great one.”
“How so?” you continued.
“It’s difficult to explain,” she said. “But you’ve given him hope.”
You let that sink in. You had given Rami hope? Well, he had given you a new life - a life filled with more than you even thought of. You had your own library for goodness sake! That was always a dream of yours.
“I...I don’t know what to say,” you told her. “I’m glad he’s happier. I’m actually happy too.”
She hugged you. You closed your eyes in her embrace, letting yourself feel and accept her appreciation. It was an odd feeling, but a good one.
“Now,” she said, pulling away. “Shoes and tiara.”
“I really don’t feel like I can wear the tiara,” you said. “I’m not a princess.”
“Very well, if you insist,” she conceded. “At least let me give you this.”
She picked up a comb from the shelf to her right. It was a beautiful hair comb made of gold. It had diamonds and rubies across it, but they were so delicate and dainty they reminded you of freckles. 
“That will be perfect,” you said.
New Year’s Eve arrived, and you were in your room most of the day preparing for your surprise. Anna had tailored the dress to fit like a glove, and it looked impossibly more beautiful. You took some time to walk around in the heels, since you had never worn shoes like that before, but you took to it quickly. Then, Anna and Mrs. Carson showed you the basic waltz steps.
Rami was fidgeting as Thomas helped him dress. The prince had not worn anything new or tailored in many years. He hadn’t been trying to see or impress anyone. But tonight, he wanted very much to impress you. To show you how much he cared for you.
When everything was ready - your hair was done, the dress was on, and the final touches were finished - you walked to the main hall. There, you saw Rami. You beamed. He looked dashing in his suit with tails. It fit him exactly, so you could see his whole form. He stood up straight as you approached, his smile widening with every step you took.
“Welcome, madam, to the New Year’s Ball,” he said when you came to a stop in front of him.
“A ball?!” you gasped. “I’ve never been to a ball before!”
Your cheeks reddened with bashfulness, and Rami saw your concern.
“Don’t worry,” he assured you. “It’s just us two.”
You brightened. He offered his arm and you took it. Carefully but confidently, he escorted you down the stairs and into the room to the left. What you saw took your breath away.
The ballroom looked brand new. The gold and bronze decor gleamed in the low candlelight of the bright chandelier. The floor was waxed and it shined beneath your feet. It all sparkled and glittered, making you feel like you were truly a royal. You had never seen such grandeur in your life.
“Rami!” you cried, stepping forward to take it all in. You spun around to get a proper look. “Oh, it’s beautiful!”
In the corner, sat a string quartet. You shot Rami a questioning look.
“There can’t be a ball without dancing,” he said. 
He nodded to the players, and they began a soft, slow melody. Then, he looked back at you. He lowered himself at the waist, bowing. Then he offered his hand.
“May I have this dance?” he asked.
You blushed. This was like something out of a book you had read. Only, Rami looked quite a bit different from the heroes you were used to. You smiled to yourself because you realized it didn’t matter one bit.
“You may,” you replied. “My prince.”
He rose to his full height again, grinning. You took his hand and he led you out onto the floor. One hand was in Rami’s. The other was on his massive shoulder. His free paw went to your waist. Then, he took that first step. The music crescendoed, and you began to dance.
Your heart swelled with the music and the sway of your body. Rami was a patient and helpful partner, so you felt like you had been waltzing since before you could walk. No step was out of place. You didn’t miss a turn. Your cheeks began to ache from smiling, but you couldn’t feel it. All you knew was the sense of belonging right in Rami’s arms.
Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly
Just a little change Small, to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the beast
Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will rise
Tale as old as time Tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun Rising in the East Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast
Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast
You and Rami slowed to a stop as the music faded down. You were out of breath as you looked at each other, each of you enthralled by the other.
“Y/N, I…” he began, but trailed off.
“Could we step outside?” you asked. “It’s suddenly quite warm in here.”
He chuckled. “Sure.”
Taking his arm again, you walked out to the balcony. The night was bitterly cold, and you shivered as the wind hit your warm skin. Rami removed his jacket and wrapped it around you. Together, you walked over to the edge and looked out over the woods. The stars above you looked like jewels across the sky. 
“What were you saying?” you asked.
“Y/N, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind for quite some time now,” he said. “You see, after getting to know you, I…”
“I want to know if you’re happy here,” he said. “With me. In the palace. I...are you?”
“I am, Rami,” you told him. “Truly, I am. There is one thing, though.”
His heart skipped a beat. “What is it? Whatever you need, I’ll do.”
“I miss my father,” you admitted. “I miss him so much it makes me ache sometimes. If I could just see him and make sure he’s okay, I could…”
Rami’s mind went right to the solution.
“There is a way,” he said. 
Your eyes went wide. “There is?”
“Come with me,” he said.
He led you back to the west wing. You had not returned there since the incident with the robbers out of respect. It felt like a milestone that he was inviting you up this time. You went to his room, where the mysterious rose still stood, only looking worse than the last time you saw it. Rami picked up a gold hand mirror and held it out to you.
“This can show me my father?” you questioned. “I thought it was from the enchantress.”
“It will show you anyone,” he said. “It’s how I found you when you were in the west wing that day. Just tell it who you want to see.”
You were skeptical, but you trusted Rami. So, you held the mirror before you.
“Show me my Papa,” you said hesitantly. “Please.”
The mirror glowed, so brightly you had to look away at first, and then a picture formed. Your father was in his bed. Little crimson stains lined the collar of his shirt. He was white as a sheet and sweat covered his forehead. He coughed violently and you winced as you saw more blood dribble into his beard.
“Papa!” you gasped quietly.
Rami heard the cough and saw your face. His heart began to sink. The situation was dire.
“Oh, Papa,” you sighed, tears welling up in your eyes. “He’s so sick.”
You looked desperately at Rami. He looked back at you. He knew what he had to do, but his heart was hammering fast against his chest in protest. He glanced at the rose and then back at you.
“He needs you,” he said.
Your brow furrowed. “I…”
“It wasn’t a question, Y/N,” he continued. “Your father needs you.”
He took a deep breath. You watched him, holding yours as you waited for what he would say next.
“I release you,” he said. “You’re no longer a prisoner here. Go home and look after your father.”
You blinked at a tear slid down your cheek. “I’m free?”
“You’re free,” he confirmed.
His heart stopped hammering. Now, he felt it breaking. You would leave here and never return.
“Rami, I...I don’t know what to say,” you replied.
“Don’t say anything,” he said. “He needs you. Be with him.”
You took his paw between your hands.
“Thank you,” you said earnestly. “You’re a kind person, Rami.”
He looked away. Mostly because he didn’t want you to see his own emotion. You started to hand the mirror back, but he stopped you.
“Keep it,” he said. “It’s a gift.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I don’t need it anymore.”
A beat passed. You chewed your lip to think of something else to say. But what do you say to the person that you had this unique experience with?
“Take care of yourself, Rami,” you said.
“You too,” he returned.
His paw fell out of your grip and he went to the window. Feeling a terrible sense of dread, you left him there. You hurried to your room so Anna could help you change and pack.
Rami listened to your footsteps die down the hall. Then, Thomas and Mrs. Carson entered.
“Well, sir,” Thomas said. “How did it go?”
“She’s leaving,” Rami replied dully. 
Mrs. Carson gasped. “How could you let her leave?”
“I had no other choice,” Rami answered. “I love her.”
When you were changed and packed, you hurried out to the stables to grab Dotty. You got her ready as quickly as you could with your shaking hands. As you galloped out of the courtyard and away from the castle, you heard a mournful roar echo from the west wing. Rami’s cry. Your heart shattered.
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golden-deer-dear · 5 years
Pray at Your Altar 1/4, Claude x Byleth Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: When a marriage proposal is answered with the death of the messenger, Claude is sent on a mission to deliver Almyra's revenge. But first, he is going to find out just what the all powerful Archbishop wants from the strange woman he was supposed to marry.The secret revolving around Byleth is something Claude can't leave alone.
Notes: So, I lost 30 pages of outline and world building for History on Repeat. I'm working on trying to recover the doc, but I'm just really blah about touching it. Apparently I'm dealing with it by writing another multi chapter fic, although this one will be much shorter. I love arranged marriage aus where the couple basically falls in love while also developing into a power couple, and it's honestly really surprising to me that I haven't tackled this idea yet for claudeleth.
Pray at Your Altar
Claude stared at the severed head, the mutilated and decaying features barely recognizable as the messenger sent across the border a month ago. Congealed blood stained the silver tray so lovely provided to charter the grisly object back to its homeland. Whatever had become of the rest of the body, they were left in the dark. 
The entire court was in an uproar, their shouts echoing off marble walls. The only people not screaming in outrage were himself and his parents. Queen Odette’s fury was clear on her face, her cheeks blushed hot with rage. Her fingers clutched the arm of her husband’s throne in a white knuckled grip. 
Where his wife burned hot, King Mahtab was freezing cold. He stared at the head with the same calculation as his son, but where Claude seemed curious, Mahtab was decisive.
One brave, or perhaps stupid, courtier stepped forward, his voice rising above the others. “It was a mistake to think the Fódlani above any other barbaric actions! The Archbishop has reacted to a simple marriage request with an act of war!”
The yells overtook him once more, the crowd engulfing him as he stepped back. But when Mahtab stood, the room went eerily silent at a whiplash pace. It was as if every single one of them forgot to breathe as they awaited their king’s words. 
Mahtab descended half way down the dais that left him towering above the court, coming to a stop one step behind Claude. “We will not go to war.” Mahtab held up a hand, holding back the tide of anger that was practically palpable at his words. “But that does not mean we will let such an insult pass. This mission -” Mahtab paused, a heavy hand dropping to Claude’s shoulder, “- will fall to my son. We will use this opportunity to see if he possesses the strength to defend the throne.”
Claude was not sure what his father was planning, but he was not about to fail at something so important. If he succeeded now, he might very well gain the influence he needed to achieve his dreams.
Almost two years had passed since Claude had come to Fódlan. He had been at Garreg Mach Monastery for almost a full month, narrowly avoided losing his life only three days ago to bandits, and had yet to see the woman who had caused this whole mess in the first place.
Well, that wasn’t entirely fair he supposed. As far as he knew, this supposed goddess reborn might not even know what had been done in her name. He doubted that, but as he had barely any data to go on, it was not a conclusion he could yet rule out. Rhea’s word obviously had way more influence than was healthy over these people, especially since the death of King Lambert. She held so much sway over the people of Fódlan it disgusted him. There was blame on both sides of the border for the current hostilities, the hatred that had them both distrusting outsiders, but Rhea seemed to be someone determined to keep the system in place on this side. Doing so would certainly leave her influence securely in place. 
The Church’s influence was the entire reason the marriage proposal had gone to this Byleth instead of the Adrestian Princess. And after meeting Edelgard, Claude mentally let loose a sigh of relief. It was no insult to her, Edelgard was a smart and passionate woman, but Claude was certain he would drive her insane. And then her ever present shadow would find some unpleasant way to dispose of him. Claude was glad he had successfully dodged that fate without much effort on his part. 
Still, he wanted to meet this mysterious woman his father had attempted to marry him off to. As far as he could tell, she only came out of seclusion for one or two religious ceremonies a year. Otherwise it was deemed too dangerous for Byleth to make an appearance. Not that Rhea phrased it that way, but Claude read between the lines of the lies that fell from her mouth.
Which was why he was so surprised when Rhea summoned the three house leaders to the audience chamber, and standing beside the Archbishop was a young woman. Despite never seeing her before, Claude knew immediately they were in the presence of the goddess reborn. Edelgard and Dimitri had come to the same conclusion as him, if the open shock on their faces was anything to go by. He should purpose a poker game with them; they would be terrible at it.
Byleth certainly was beautiful. She was decorated in golden ornaments that tinkled softly when she moved. And that dress! Claude did his best not to make his stare obvious, but the cut of her blue dress emphasized Byleth’s alluring figure. But her expression was so blank Claude could not even begin to guess what she was thinking.
“Welcome,” Rhea greeted in her warm voice, a serene smile on her lips. “I know this is unexpected, but as we have never had all three heirs studying with us at the same time, I thought it would be prudent to introduce you all. I can tell by your faces that you have already guessed who this lovely young woman is beside me. Edelgard. Dimitri. Claude.” Rhea paused between each of their names, waiting for their nods of acknowledgement before continuing on. “This is Byleth, the reincarnation of the progenitor god.”
As Rhea turned to Byleth, Claude was caught off guard by the look of...was that greed? It was a fondness that seemed born of knowing Rhea would be rewarded with whatever it was she wanted from the young woman at some point soon. It was so obvious on the Archbishop’s normally guarded features, that Claude felt his skin crawl.
Byleth nodded her own greeting, not saying anything. That blank look was so foreign, Claude could understand why those who had seen her would believe there was something inhuman about the woman. But that blank look, for some reason it made him angry. 
What had Rhea done to cause such an effect on Byleth?
Claude received his second shock of the day as he made a nightly stroll around the grounds, dodging the knights on patrol that would lecture him about being out so late. He caught a flash of gold and blue as he circled toward the cathedral. 
Looking over a stone railing, Claude saw Byleth standing before a grave. Well, this was certainly a chance Claude was not about to pass up.
“I didn’t think Rhea let you out for strolls.” Claude knew that while his tone was casual, his words were perhaps a bit too malicious. Still, he wanted to see her reaction.
Byleth flinched at the unexpected interruption. He thought he saw her eyes widen for a split second, but in the dark Claude could not be sure. “She doesn’t,” Byleth answered back, her voice even and unconcerned.
Huh. That alone was worth the outing. He had begun to suspect that Rhea had more control over Byleth than he previously thought, and he could very well gain more confirmation if he kept poking. And maybe he would even find out something about Byleth herself. The woman intrigued him. He had not stopped thinking about her since their meeting that morning. Claude wanted so much to unravel her secrets.
Claude flashed her a winning smile, one she seemed to study and pick apart, her eyes narrowingly ever so slightly before easing back to her blank expression. “So, the goddess’ reincarnation has a rebellious streak? Wouldn’t have guessed. But why come to the cemetery?”
“To visit my parents,” Byleth answered easily. She was so straightforward with her answers it was throwing Claude off. He expected to have to pick apart her words to uncover what she truly meant like he was having to do with Rhea. “They both died when I was a baby, but it...it feels right to come visit them.”
“I’m sorry,” Claude said, not hiding his sincerity. He had honestly never even thought about her having parents, but somehow that obvious fact made her seem a bit more human.
Byleth shook her head, the tassels of her crown brushing against the tips of her ears. Those intense eyes refocused back to the gravestone. “I don’t remember them. My mother died giving birth to me. A few months later there was a fire in the nursery where I was. My father was caught in the blaze, but Rhea just managed to save me.”
Yeah, Claude wasn’t buying that. He highly doubted that was all there was to that story. However, before he could think of something to say, both their heads snapped up, bodies tense at the sound of approaching footsteps. They moved together as one, slipping into the shadows cast by the staircase down into the graveyard and huddling together. 
Seteth’s voice hissed above them, directing knights in their search. Claude knew it was not for his benefit. They pressed against each other, trying to take up as little space as possible, barely breathing until the torchlight passed overhead. It was only when it was once more dark, Claude’s view illuminated only by the half full moon, and the sound of footsteps had retreated, that the two of them dared to move. Claude dropped his arms, only now realizing they had been wrapped around Byleth to hold her close.
Byleth’s hand lingered on his, seeming to study the feel of it against her own. Claude felt heat on his cheeks, and knew his face was bright red. Not for the first time that night he was grateful for the darkness that surrounded them. He knew Byleth was still studying him, but her reactions were so minimal he could not even begin to guess what she was thinking. 
“I do not know when the next time Rhea will be distracted, but I usually go to the Goddess Tower. They never find me there.”
Claude nodded, another smile flashing across his lips. “I’ll have to check it out sometime. Perhaps I’ll see you there.”
Claude could not help but feel pride swell in his chest as he caught the barest hint of amusement in her answering tone, so subtle he never would have caught it if he was not trying to pick apart every piece of her.
After two long years, he was finally making headway with his mission. 
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umccall71 · 5 years
The Decision of a Lifetime
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Chapter 13
Book: The Royal Romance
Characters: king Liam x Lady Sexy
Word Count:
Disclaimer: All characters used are sole property of Pixelberry. I am simply borrowing them for entertainment purposes.
Summary: Liam x (mc)Sexy knew they were destined for a lifetime together, but his world had other plans. The couple share a fateful night that would forever alter their future. Does fate stand strong together or banish his love to the shadows?
@ao719 @elles-choices @hopefulmoonobject @carabeth @indiacater @3pawandme @drakesensworld @romanticatheart-posts @smalltalk88 @choices97@jared2612 @lauradowning29 @blackcoffee85 @furiousherringoperatortoad @marietrinmimi @jovialyouthmusic @sashatrr @whenyourheartskipsabeat @the-soot-sprite @custaroonie @ownworldresident @rainbowsinthestorm @silverofdreams @silviasutton1989 @wughshuman @gibbles82 @fantasy-of-fiction @simsvetements @eadanga @annekebbphotography
The countdown commences… one week to go before the royal wedding and no more hiding the marriage or the little Royal on board.Sexy and Liam were slammed with nonstop meetings with florist,the royal chefs, the bakers, reporters,photographers, every square foot of the palace was buzzing with excitement of the upcoming wedding.Sexy stood in front the antique floor length mirror studying her growing baby bump.She felt conflicted between excited and nervous about the possibility of someone learning about the pregnancy before they were ready.
Sexy rubbed circles of lotion on her bump,“hey there little angel… I see that your doing well...I know your there… your daddy gets such a kick out of watching you grow. I want you big and strong… even if I have stretch marks, it’s worth it in the end. I can’t wait to meet you, to bring you home to us.Daddy is a really important man but he will be always be there for you.”, she smiles as she feels her hardening belly.
Liam stood in the doorway to the bedroom face aglow from witnessing her conversation with their unborn child, “you better believe I am going to be there in every way imaginable”,he slid behind Sexy and gently wrapped an arm around her belly. “It’s amazing how much your beautiful belly has grown… I can’t wait to share our news with the world.I still can’t believe that we are responsible for making this little person”,he leaned forward kissing her cheek.
Sexy stared at their reflection in the mirror, “just the three of us”,she leaned her head back against his chest. “Liam.. we won’t be able to hide this little one for much longer”,she smiled.
Liam spun her to face him and dropped to one knee, “just say the word and we can make an announcement.”
“I can’t wait so I can breathe without worrying that a photographer will catch an angle of the baby”,she breathed out.
“Love I can see that moment coming soon… where we have our happily ever after. When we stand up there and say our vows before our country, it will be so liberating.”Liam stands and kisses Sexy deeply.”I love the sight of you bare with our little one. It’s almost the end of your first trimester and before you know it we will be learning if we will be having a little boy or girl.”
There is a quiet ping of a text message from an unknown number. The smartphone glows on a mahogany desk, a well manicured collects the phone, opens the message scrolling down:
Boss...we are all set to end this once and for all.The individual quickly taps out a response, “I’m sure It will be a …. blast.”
Constantine goes to meet with Liam to finalize his officiating the ceremony at the cathedral, “Liam so have you and Sexy decided if you want standard vows or vows of your own?”,he flippantly inquired.
“We are going to write our own vows and right now I am on my way out… we have a doctors appointment to get to soon.”,liam smiles. He neatly placed a stack of outgoing signed documents on the corner of his desk for his assistant to organize and have delivered. There was a soft knock on the door, “Come “, Liam quickly approved of the visitor to his study. He glanced up, smiled, “hey love… I’m just finishing up so we can get going to avoid traffic. Bastien already has the car pulling it around.”
Sexy wore a navy blue, apricot, and white crochet neckline tunic dress.Her eyes scanned the room and noticed king father sitting on the couch. “ Oh.. I didn’t realize you weren’t alone… I can wait in the car”,she felt uneasy being in the room with Constantine.
“Sexy…. it’s wonderful to see you. Your looking well.”, he shot her a felonious grin. Sexy felt the hairs in her neck stand up. “Yeah, thanks… you really don’t need to pretend for me. Don’t feel compelled to make idle chitchat with me in private.Lets not forget, you would prefer the blonde demon to be standing here in my place.”,she released an exasperated breath as she absentmindedly strokes her bump. Constantine lit up at the notice of her small belly, “The next generation of Rhys your carrying”,he boasted.Liam watched on as Sexy shifted uncomfortably before interjecting, “we’ll love… we can head out now… sorry to keep you waiting”, he gently kissed her cheek leading her out by the small of her back.Liam's blue eyes were shining when he flashed his million watt smile at his wife.
Constantine watched with a smile that quickly turned into a scowl. Liam showed his father out and locked his study behind them. “Sexy … Regina would love to get together for some tea with you before the big day.”, he acknowledged.
Sexy’s hazel eyes met his darkened eyes. “I’m not sure… I’m sure I’ll be busy up until after the wedding. I will get back to her”,she dismissed his invitation. She and Liam waved him off as they made a path to the grand staircase and Constantine left in the opposite direction,he watched on as they reached the front door. “So will we be having tea?”,Regina inquired. “Who knows, that piece of trash tried to blow me off… she’s certainly getting too big for her own good. She seems to think that she can speak to me however she’d like to speak.”
She clutched his arm as they surveyed the staff scurrying around preparing for the big day. Regina stood wearing a resting bitch face as she glared as the SUV pulled away.
Liam and Sexy pulled up to the medical complex a short time later , entering through the back door. Bastien opened Liam’s door to allow the king to exit, he then extended his hand to Sexy to guide her out. The nurse met them along with the doctor at the door bowing promptly. “Your majesties… so good to see you both again.” Sexy was given a gown asked to change to begin the examination.
“Liam… are you okay with all the sneaking in back doors to see our baby? I know this isn’t how you envisioned…”, he interrupted her thought.
“Sexy… I want to be here for you and our baby… no matter what it looks like. This is temporary… not for much longer will we have to go through these lengths. Once the announcement has been made, we can have the doctor and his staff examine you at the palace.”He smiled at her as she slipped back onto the examination table.
After several minutes the doctor and nurse came back into the room and began checking her vitals.Sexy was excited to see their baby on screen again.
The room fell silent while the doctor searched for that all important sound… little angels heartbeat. Liam’s blue eyes looked on intently flashing between Sexy’s hazel eyes and the ultrasound screen.Suddenly the heartbeat broke through the quiet. He released a breath he never realized he was holding in. He leaned down and whispered , “there they are love… in all proud glory.”
Sexy felt a stray tear cascade down the side of her face as she gently kissed Liam and smiled.
“Is the baby okay Dr.? Is the baby growing?”,she chimes in hoping to calm her fears.
“Your majesties… your baby is perfect. I’m sorry to make you feel the baby is not growing. Everything is excellent. The Oregon right on target”,he clapped his hands after completing his exam.
Later after making a next appointment, the couple left with Bastien in the blacked out SUV. The two celebrated the viewing of the baby… The suv sped up slightly halfway back to the palace. Bastien observed that they were being followed by another SUV. He inconspicuously made a few turns paying close attention to the tail as they followed behind.Bastien radioed to a member of the King’s guard the license plate number that he was able to make out. By this time Liam too had noticed Bastien’s actions and tried to conceal his reaction careful not to worry Sexy.
“Love.. we are pulling up soon to the palace. How do you feel about lunch and maybe a brief rest?”,she nodded. Sexy turned her body into Liam testing her head on his shoulder for a moment. “That sounds like a a wonderful idea my king”,she giggled.King Liam escorted his wife to the dining room of their private quarters where a spread of grilled chicken,asparagus,wild rice and salad were prepared for them.
They sat enjoying a pleasant conversation before Sexy became a little restless. She tried to hide her tiredness, “Liam… I believe I will take you up on that nap now. This little one has plans of their own.”, she smiled before standing and walking down the hall. Liam followed close behind, helped her with her heels and covered her with a cashmere throw. It didn’t take long for Sexy to drift off to sleep.
Liam quickly exited the royal quarters and commanded Bastien and the guards meet him in his study. Liam took larger than life determined footsteps until he reached the door. He unlocked his study and they filed in standing at attention.”Does anyone want to tell me what the hell that was back there?Why is there someone close enough to follow me and my Queen?This ends here… deal with it NOW. The royal wedding is a week away, everyone is to be vetted over and over. I need no stone unturned when it comes to this day and more importantly to my love. I want security tripled, no one is allowed in 50 feet of Sexy without me knowing what the hell they had for lunch in the third grade on a Wednesday “, Liam was seething. The guards nodded and Bastien dismisses them all to return to duties.
Before Bastien was leaving the king , he turned , “Sir You have my word that nothing will happen to your family. I may have contributed to delaying the two of you getting together by following my former King’s orders, but I will lay down my life to make it right and see to it that your both safe and happy my king.”,he became slightly moved by his words. Liam clapped Bastien on his back , I am trusting you with my family Bas...I cannot have anything happen to her”, his eyes glistened as he spoke driving home the need to follow through with her safety and cripple any foes that wish to bring them harm. Liam whispered to himself as Bastien left, “I will protect you my love, I will lay it down to keep you out of harm's way.
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fanaticwritings · 5 years
smoke and mirrors- [prologue]
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pairing: tom holland x reader
words: 1k
a/n: i am not writing a summary for this because the prologue is a summary of sorts. this is an idea that has been stuck with me since forever, in fact i started writing something like this for another character but tumblr fucked up and nobody really read it. @keepingupwiththeparkers' beautiful writing made me want to start writing again and if you're reading this, i'd like to say thank you. so much. (p.s: you don't have to read this story!) anyway, i promise that this fic is going to be real good. the idea real appeals to me and I'm gonna try my level best to execute it. it's not your normal ceo x reader; it's full of suspense, heart breaks, a LOT of fluff and a bit of smut. so please give this a read and i hope you stick around! thank you xo
The steady hum of the engine died as the black sedan came to a screeching halt. The chauffeur got out as you waited in the backseat, straightening the hem of your dress.
A second later, the door to your right opened and you were instantly blinded by a thousand flashes.
Unfazed, you stepped out of the car with effortless elegance that now came to you naturally.
Still blinded but unbothered, you trudged up the stairs to the hall, heels clicking behind you.
"Who are you wearing today, Ms.Y/N?"
"What is the next big thing for Winchester Corp?"
"Are you seeing Mr. Osterfield?"
"Holland & Co. remains to be your biggest competition even today. Thoughts?"
The paparazzi was as merciless and as invasive as ever. They didn't care about you being one of the youngest woman CEO of Manhattan, your personal life seemed to be of a prime importance.
"Winchester Corp has a lot in store for the public, some of which you will be seeing soon," you answered, flashing a radiant smile at the reporter.
You continued to answer other questions about the company for a while, ignoring personal questions all together.
You were thankful when you reached the top of the stairs and walked into the majestic hall, leaving the swarm of cameras behind you.
The interior of the hall was breathtaking. Large, crystal chandeliers hung from the white ceiling. Mosaic paintings of pictures from what looked like Roman Mythology adorned the walls that surrounded you. You recognized some of the stories, fondly remembering how much mythology had intrigued you when you were a child. Further down the hall, round, decorated tables were set up all around a raised platform. The architecture reminded you of a Roman cathedral which, perhaps, this place was.
There were a lot of people in the hall, some you recognized and most you didn't.
The Manhattan Gala was always like this.
Business tycoons, big shots of the city and some other important people you didn't bother remembering the names of, were the small group of people that were invited to the gala.
"Hello, Miss Y/N," a chaperone called to grab your attention and handed you a card with your name as well as the number of the table that was assigned to you.
You met a couple of business associates on the way to your allocated seat and a blond big shot who's name you failed to recall.
Before long you ran into Rachel Allen, chairman of another large scale company in the market. Her name you knew because she was always up in everyone's business and tired everybody easily.
"Hey, Y/N. Gosh, you look amazing! Is that Krutz you're wearing?" she cooed, giving you a smile that didn't exactly match her zestful tone.
Before you could reply, however, she gasped looking behind you, "Oh. Look who it is."
Ignoring her, curious as to who it could possibly be, you glanced over your shoulder, following her gaze to whoever she was looking at.
Even from across the room, his brown eyes were disarming.
Tom Holland was gifted with a natural and charming persona.
He was also sweet and gentle, which made him popular with the ladies. The fact that he was the CEO of a multi-million dollar company was only an added bonus. They flocked to him like birds to prey, almost fighting for attention. But little did they know he had eyes for one woman only.
He held Y/N's gaze for a long second, mouth twitching, before turning to the slightly older woman who was currently shaking his hand.
"Remember that you can always reach out to me," she was saying and Tom really hadn't been following so he only nodded, smiling.
Harrison Osterfield, his closest friend, caught up with him just then and Tom sighed in relief. He did enjoy being around people but only the kind who's names he at least remembered.
"If another person asks me about the shit with Winchester Corp, I'm gonna walk out of here," he blurted to Harrison, who
chuckled lightly, patting his shoulder.
"Mate, you wanted that to happen."
Tom shrugged, rolling his eyes.
They sat down at their table, exchanging plesantaries with those who sat with them.
The host of the evening was soon up on the stage, engaging in light-hearted humor. She then moved onto the performances that were lined up for the event and the crowd cheered.
Before they knew it, two hours had passed. The cultural dances and music had been really worth the while and since the charity gala was for such a good cause, Tom didn't complain much.
The crowd broke apart for dinner, later and once again the socialities resumed.
"I'm going to grab some food with Liz," Harrison informed him, gesturing towards the aisle that lead to the dining area.
"You'll be okay?"
"More than," Tom answered.
He grinned when Harrison shot him a knowing look and left to fetch his girlfriend.
He sat then, at his table, observing the crowd around him. People were shaking hands and laughing their hearts out, so much so, that to an outsider it would've looked like a merry affair. But only they themselves knew that it was all, mostly, a facade.
Events like these were more about expanding your networks and showing off your wealth. Little did they care about building real relationships.
Tom quite hated the atmosphere but certain things he could have no control of. Besides, he had even grown used to this, being in the business for so long.
He glanced around once more, only to catch Y/N looking at him again. She held his stare for a moment and then got up, straightening the long, velvet-black dress that she was wearing. She tucked a stray curl behind her ear and said something to the woman next to her.
He watched her make her way through the crowd and disappear behind one of the giant pillars in a far corner of the hall.
He looked at his rolex; 10:45 it told him. He waited a heartbeat before stalking off in the same direction as Y/N. As an afterthought he wondered if he should've waited a little longer. He decided that he didn't care.
The brain does as the heart wills.
He took short, cautious steps but it wasn't long before he had turned left into a dark aisle behind one of the pillars and caught up with her.
She was leaning against the railing of a staircase that lead to god knows where, her gown shimmering slightly in the dark.
"You look quite lovely, Miss L/N," he said, approaching her coolly, the hint of a smile playing at his lips.
You watched him get closer, straightening the cuffs of his black tux. All of his hair was gelled to a side except for a tiny unrelenting curl. You smiled to yourself.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Mr. Holland," you said, biting down on your lip as he drew closer.
There wasn't much distance between you two at all, but Tom took his time. Despite being shrouded in complete darkness you could feel his gaze travel down your figure, leaving you with a feeling of being completely bare.
The next thing you knew, you were being pulled towards him; a sharp tug of your arm resulting in you being thrown against his chest.
You couldn't suppress the soft chuckle that burst out of your lips when he buried his face into the nape of you neck, his hands encircling your waist.
"I missed you, darlin," he murmered, his breath warm on your skin.
"I did too," you whispered, throwing your arms around his neck as he drew back.
You stood pressed together for a while, noses brushing against the other's. The noise from the hall didn't quite reach this area, so all you could hear was Tom breathe deeply and his heart beat against your own.
You'd been doing this for two long years now, whole seven hundred and thirty days of it, but it wasn't enough.
It would never be enough.
And then Tom was kissing you, full and slow, taking his time to drink you in. He pulled you impossibly close, tiny hills forming on your skin at the touch.
Your lips fell into a routine, nipping and sucking at his own. You remembered how sloppy it had been the very first time. But now all of his being, every inch of his skin was etched into your memory. You couldn't get it wrong if you tried.
You felt him push you against the railing, the wood poking you slightly, as he deepened the kiss. It was a welcome pain. His hands squeezed your waist as one of your own fisted his hair.
"My place tonight?" he murmured against your lips when you had to break apart for air.
"Okay," you answered, slightly out of breath.
Being in a relationship when you were owners of giant companies wasn't easy at all. And the fact that your companies were arch rivals didn't help either.
Your relationship was the most private of affairs. Not a soul, bar a few friends, knew about it. To protect yourselves from being mercilessly prodded and judged, you played along with the rumors of you hating each other's guts. But it also meant that you could never be seen together in public, which made things... difficult.
Perhaps it was a part of the reason why you had made it so far. Perhaps it was because the universe willed it to be so.
Because you both thought, even though neither had admitted it, that you had found your soulmate.
It was the most perfect thing.
Until, it wasn't.
@lil-writes @captiveties @imaginingthefandoms @fangirlingonrhys @killbillls @borkystank @miklsnvengers @bunnie-kookie @silverreading @skz-in-ncity @estate-euphoric @tragicluver @aestheticgaybish @rororo06 @forever-stuck-in--neverland @sholland4
[want to be tagged? send an ask/ comment below!]
Please leave feedback, I'd be forever grateful!
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gregmation · 4 years
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Obviously I’m posting this a little late cause aint nobay travellin no where these days but a couple months ago I went back to my birthplace of Frankfrut, Germany for my first art trip of 2020 and I had a spect-tac-ular time! Recently I’ve been living in the Atlanta area for work and I’ve been disappointed with the appreciation of art here. In Germany I felt like it was a night and day change. They loved the arts and therefore because of my natural artistic temperament I felt loved as well. By both the people and the city even though it was cold… AF.
I used couch surfing or the first time and I’m not gonna lie y’all, I was shaking in my adidas on the days coming up to my trip. I was so scared of trusting a stranger for housing in another country. I’m too pretty. I could…you know… get fondled… but luckily I did not even though one dude tried to host me in a nudist house (I didn’t stay there haha).  I loved how everywhere in the city people were riding bikes, and walking. Yes walking! God how much I’ve loved just strolling and taking public transport and feeling the city like in SF. The hum of creative energy purging from the streets. Feeling alive!  Also, did I mention I went to a special Van Gogh exhibit and there as a line out of the door. The enthusiam was umm- mazing.
I began exploring on the art row street in Frankfurt where they have the Das Städel Museum  (with the Van Goh exhibit) as well as the Schirin Kunsthalle Frankfurt. There were museums as long as the eye could see about seemingly everything and I loved it’s proximity to the water. I included some of my favorite pieces in the museum below that really inspired me with their sense of confidence.
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  Near the art street street we climbed up the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew to look out at the city. Jesus Christ guys that was the longest spiraling staircase I’ve ever gone on to get to the top of something. It had to have been a least football field straight vertical haha. We got schnitzels and apple wein after that and I’d to say that both were terrible. I know it’a German staple but I’m sticking to Atlanta for food still haha
The next day we headed to Heildelburg Castle.  While me and my host were on the train (the most beautiful train I’ve ever ridden on) I was drawing the the people and a girl noticed me sketching the scene. She asked if I was drawing her and I said yes, so please go back to looking out the window haha. She did, took a picture and we talked for a bit more on the train. Such stark contrast to Atlanta once again where no one says much to me if I do any public work. No one cares! When me and my host got to the castle I painted it quickly in watercolor even though my hands were frozen solid.
  That’s it folks! Overall things were cheap and people were very nice to me. The architecture of the city was stunning (shown slideshow at the top) and I would definitely go back. I’d give Frankfurt a Greg Art Trip score of 3.8 out of 5 pencils.
If you’re interested in seeing the art I did in Germany then check out my new Art Travel Store below!!
  Greg Mitchell, Coronaviiiirus!! Sh!t is gettin real!
    Art Trip 1: Frankfurt Germany! Obviously I'm posting this a little late cause aint nobay travellin no where these days but a couple months ago I went back to my birthplace of Frankfrut, Germany for my first art trip of 2020 and I had a spect-tac-ular time!
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eryiss · 5 years
Fraxus Week Day 2: Night Out
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Summary: The idea of performing a Unison Raid had previously felt unattainable for Freed and Laxus. But after hearing stories of their guildmates managing to perform the spell, the two powerful men make it their goal to do the same.
This is my first admission for Fraxus Week event for twenty-nineteen hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus. This one is nice and fluffy, and follows the prompt 'Night In/Night Out.'
You can read it on Fanfiction, Archive of our Own, or under the cut. I hope you all enjoy it!
Day 2: Late Night Drinks
The night was soft as they walked towards the guildhall, flickering streetlamps illuminating their way and the soft sound of the rippling canal guiding them. In a somewhat unusual display of public affection, Freed was leaning against Laxus, who had an arm wrapped around his waist and a small content smile on his face. Both men were smiling, in fact, and the reason for this was resting silently on the fourth finger of Laxus' left hand.
An engagement ring.
The jewellery piece was minimalistic, perfect for the blonde. The band was entirely black – made of obsidian apparently – and encrusted with small white diamonds across the centre. At the peak of the ring sat two larger diamonds, one yellow and the other purple. Reflections of their magics, Freed had explained, and Laxus kissed him again.
A lot of kisses had occurred between the two men that evening. Freed's proposal had come at the end of a mission the two had been on, happening on a near-empty beach just as the sun was setting, overlooked by the hotel they had just checked out of. Laxus couldn't be sure if this had been Freed's original intention or if he had seen how beautiful the situation was and decided to scrap his original plans and proposed then and there. Laxus didn't care if either were true; the moment had been perfect, and now he was to be married to the love of his life.
After the proposal itself, they had spent some time at the beach together enjoying the moment. The sinking sun glinted on the calm water, the sand was cooled by the darkened sky, and the couple were entranced by each other. However, despite neither wanting to, they needed to retreat to the train station so they could get back home.
It had been Laxus who had suggested that, rather than going home immediately, they should go to the guildhall. Bickslow and Evergreen would probably be there and both men wanted them to know as soon as possible.
"Not the whole guild though?" Freed asked, and Laxus had laughed.
"God no. Not tonight," He grinned, running a hand through his hair. He absently noted the feeling of the ring against his scalp. "They'll go insane. Don't think I can handle it."
"Thank god," Freed grinned, glancing at the ring and feeling his heartbeat slightly faster.
The train ride hadn't taken long, and they soon found themselves back in Magnolia. Laxus quickly recovered from the slight amount of motion sickness he experienced as they walked along the cobbles, the loud clock of the cathedral chiming ten times to signify the time. It was then that Freed had found the blonde snaking his arm around his waist, the ring resting against the rune-mages thigh. It was a nice feeling.
As they got closer to the guildhall, its presence was obvious. As always, it was brighter than the rest of the town and acted like a beacon, with raucous laughter being heard louder and clearer with each step they took forward. Neither man felt nervous as they approached, instead feeling empowered. This was their home, and their engagement would only make it better.
They managed to enter relatively undetected; other than Natsu, who seemed to have a sixth sense on people who he deemed fight-worthy. Ignoring the younger man, they both walked to the bar which Mirajane was attending to. As she was currently busy, they leant against the bar-top and waited. When Laxus placed the hand housing the ring on the aged wood, Freed smiled and intertwined their fingers with an expression of adoration across his features. Laxus wore the same expression himself.
"I should tell you, Mirajane knows," Freed explained as they waited. Laxus looked down at him with a small cocked eyebrow. "She was quite helpful in finding the one I was happy with."
He ran his finger over the ring gently to make sure Laxus knew what he was talking about, while also making sure that nobody who wanted to listen in on them would know what they were talking about. Laxus nodded slightly, resting against his fiancé with a smile.
"She reacted calmly when you told her, right?" He asked with a small grin.
"Oh completely," Freed chuckled. "She squealed, asked me around fifty questions within a minute and nearly passed out because she lost her breath; a perfectly rational reaction."
The two shared a laugh and waited for a little while longer as Mirajane finished serving the rest of the bar, before she came to the newly engaged couple. She smiled politely at them both, placing a wooden tankard under the bar and looked over them both. It was clear by the small frown on her fact that she hadn't expected the two to be there; it was rare that the couple would come to the guild this late, let alone after returning from a mission. There was clearly a reason for this unusual display of behaviour, and she was looking to see what it was.
It took her only a few seconds to see the sparkling ring on Laxus' finger. She looked up at the two of them, her mouth slightly agape with excitement. She brought her hands to her face, a wide smile breaking over her face.
"Before you say anything," Laxus said in a low voice. "We're only tellin' a few people today, so don't go shouting about it."
"Oh, of course," She whispered, still beaming. "But I'm so happy for you both."
Before either man could react, she leant over the bar and pulled them both into a slightly awkward but welcomed hug. Both men returned it as best they could, and the moment they pulled back Mirajane had pulled Laxus' ringed hand towards her and was inspecting it closely. She was hardly being subtle, but the amount of alcohol the guild had consumed throughout the night meant that nobody was paying enough attention to the threesome to understand what exactly was happening.
"It looks so beautiful," She continued to whisper, somewhat wistfully now. "I thought you weren't going to do it until later in the month, what made you change your mind? Oh, was it romantic, I bet you're both super romantic when you want to be?"
Freed chuckled a little, having expected this barrage of questions. It was true that he had originally intended to propose at a later date but seeing the beautiful scene of the beach – and how stunning Laxus had looked in the low, golden light – something inside of him had told him that this was the perfect time to do it. The fact that Laxus said yes told Freed his instincts had been right.
"Sorry," Mirajane cut herself off before she went any further. "You're not making a big deal about it tonight; you probably don't want me asking for every detail. I'm just excited for you both, that's all."
"You needn't be sorry," Freed assured her. "Besides, we'll be telling Evergreen and Bickslow upstairs, so we have some privacy. If you can get away from the bar for a little while, you're more than welcome to join us."
"Really?" She asked, grinning again when Laxus nodded. "Okay, I'll talk to Kinana. And I can get some champagne, on the house, make it a real celebration."
"Thanks," Laxus nodded. "Can you get us six glasses?"
"Six?" Freed questioned. Even with Mirajane, there would only be five of them.
"I wanna tell Gramps tonight as well," The blonde looked down to his fiancé. "You don't mind, do ya?"
"Of course not," Freed assured with a smile, feeling warm inside again.
"He's in his office right now," Mirajane explained, still wearing a large grin and fidgeting somewhat now. "I can bring him up with me, if you want."
"That'd be great, thanks," Laxus nodded.
With that, Mirajane walked down the bar again and began speaking to Kiana, leaving the newly engaged couple to leave the bar and walk towards the upper level of the guild. Freed had made sure that both of their teammates would be at their regular table, the lacrima-call on the train ending abruptly when Evergreen began demanding what was so important that she should be dragged from her home to the noisy guildhall on her night off. Freed knew hanging up on her would be unusual enough for her to do as he said.
As they climbed the spiral staircase, Freed found himself unable to stop smiling. When he had first joined the guild, he had been in the attitude that he needed nobody – both romantically and platonically. So to be in the same guildhall, telling his closest friends that he was to wed the man he loved was something he never expected to happen. It felt great.
Laxus' hand found itself against the small of Freed's back as they reached the upper floor and began to walk to their normal booth in the far corner. Evergreen sat with her back towards them, and she was clearly talking to Bickslow. It was obvious that Bickslow was more awake than Evergreen, as his animated hand movements and wide smiling face was a stark contrast to the slumped posture of the fairy mage sitting across from him. When he saw the couple approaching from the staircase, he clearly grinned wider and waved at them vigorously.
"There's my favourite power couple," He practically shouted, Evergreen looking over her shoulder with a significantly less enthusiastic expression. "Look at you two, coming out after dark. It's been a while; thought you were just a pair of grumpy old men for a little while."
"You two better have a good reason for bringing me here," Ever grumbled. "And for hanging up on me, Justine."
"As you can see, Ever's picking up on the grumpiness slack you two are leaving," Bickslow cackled.
Laughing a little at the comments of their friends, they moved into their regular booth; Bickslow having moved besides Evergreen so that the couple could be next to each other. They didn't let Evergreen's apparent annoyance bother them, they knew that even if she was bothered by being dragged from her home, that would soon go when she discovered why.
As they sat down, Evergreen had worn an investigative expression and watched them both closely. She was curious as to why her friends had been so insistent they meet that night; it was incredibly unlike them. As she watched them, there was some more abnormal things about them. They both had a single hand under the table – Laxus his left and Freed his right – which made her think that maybe they were holding hands under the table. Furthermore, they were both smiling in an almost lovestruck way, something that they would usually only do in their home.
To put it bluntly, they were being all lovey with each other. It was weird.
"Okay seriously," Bickslow almost shouted after a small amount of silence. "You're killing us here, guys. You just gonna leave us in suspense? What's up?" He started to whine at the end of his complaint.
Freed and Laxus shared a look, the latter deciding to speak. "Gramps could take a while to get here. Probably enough time to tell 'em."
"Probably," Freed agreed.
"You wanna do it then?" Laxus asked; he wanted to be the one who tells his grandfather, and also wanted Freed to be able to tell their friends. When the rune mage nodded with a small smile, it made the blonde smile as well.
Freed looked over to their two friends, wearing a calm but happy expression. Both Evergreen and Bickslow clearly wanted to know whatever secret the couple had, so much so that Evergreen's eyebrow was practically twitching and Bickslow was fidgeting in his seat with excitement. He withheld the urge to laugh at the two of them, wondering how their reactions would change when they found out what had happened.
"Since you both clearly want to know, its probably best to just say it," Freed began. "Earlier today, after our mission ended, I asked Laxus to marry me. As you can probably guess, he said yes."
There was a moment of silence. This was when Laxus chose to show the engagement ring.
After the second without speaking, Evergreen seemed to have completely forgotten about how annoyed she was about being taken to the guildhall. A wide smile had broken out across her face, and she couldn't stop her eyes from flickering between the ring on Laxus' finger and the couple. Their clear love-fuelled behaviour with each other had an obvious explanation now, and she felt small tears pricking at the sides of her eyes with how happy she was for two of her closest friends in the guild.
Bickslow was less subtle with his happiness for the two. Droplets of salty tears were already flowing down his cheeks, and his smile had somehow doubled both in size and intensity. If he was fidgeting before, he was practically vibrating in his seat now. Freed had no doubt that, if the table separating them wasn't bolted to the floor, he would have knocked it to the ground and pulled them into a hug.
"Holy fuck guys," Bickslow managed to speak first. "You know you're gonna be like the most powerful married couple in the country, right? D'you think Alzack and Bisca are gonna be pissed that they're not the only married couple? Oh, d'you think you'll have kids? Get a baby!"
Despite clearly being excited, Bickslow must have known that they didn't want everyone to know as his ramblings were relatively quiet. Laxus found himself laughing and Freed wore a soft smile. It was obvious Bickslow was happy for them.
"Leave them alone," Evergreen scolded the man beside her before looking at the couple. "How did this happen? It must have been planned, right? This ring's amazing."
"I decided I wanted to do it about a month ago," Freed began, and Laxus looked down at him with adoration in his eyes. He hadn't heard this yet. "It took a short while to find the right ring – eventually Mirajane found me in a jewellery store and wouldn't stop asking until I told her what was happening – and then she helped me find one that I liked. I've been carrying it around for about a week now."
"So you knew you were gonna propose at the end of the mission?" Evergreen asked.
"Not exactly," Freed smiled a little more. "I knew that I was going to propose by the end of the month, and my original plan was to do it at the harvest festival, but I had also promised myself that if a better situation presented itself then I would take. Which is, of course, what happened."
"You gotta give us more details than that!" Bickslow demanded, almost pouting.
"We can do that when Mira gets up here. She'll probably be pissed if she missed it," Laxus laughed a little, his hand meeting Freed's again. The rune mage found himself stroking Laxus' palm softly, a small gesture that the blonde loved. "And Gramps should probably know before we go into detail about it, he should be up here soon."
"Sure, that seems fair," Evergreen nodded, though she too was impatient to hear about how the proposal had happened.
"So have you guys come up with any ideas about the wedding yet?" Bickslow probed with a wide grin. "I better be the best man. And unless you wanna become some damn handsome statues, you should probably make Ever a bridesmaid."
"That might be a little difficult without a bride," Freed laughed.
Bickslow went to protest because they both knew what he actually meant, but they heard footsteps from the staircase to the second floor. When they looked over, they could see Mirajane at the top of the staircase holding a tray containing a large bottle of champagne and an assortment of crystal glasses. She was still smiling and, when she looked towards the newly engaged couple again, it seemed that her smile grew.
Standing before the barmaid was a slightly dishevelled and tired looking Makarov. The blonde knew that his grandfather only worked in his office when he was overwhelmed by paperwork and was trying to catch up, so he probably was extremely fatigued by the work he had been dragged away from.
As his grandfather approached, Laxus felt a weird sense of nervousness in his stomach. The weirdness came from the fact he wasn't scared about his approaching grandfather, and the nervousness didn't feel as though it was a bad thing. It felt like telling Makarov was the thing that would truly make this engagement real, and that was something Laxus found himself craving to happen. Perhaps it was more anticipation than nervousness.
"I've been told you need to tell me something. You brats better not have done something stupid," Was how Makarov greeted the couple. "I've got enough fines because of Natsu, I don't need another wrecking ball in human form."
"No its… er," Laxus stopped himself. He should have thought about how he'd actually say it. "It's nothing bad."
"I know that my boy, just messing with ya," The old man grinned, expanding his arm to pull two chairs towards the booth that the Raijinshuu and Laxus were sitting at. "I know this guild's a little eccentric, but even we don't get out champagne when we do something wrong. So, what actually do you have to tell me?"
At the question, Laxus gathered his thoughts and took a small breath. His grandfather would be happy for them both, he knew this without a doubt; hell, when he found out that they were dating he had tried to throw the two a party because it had 'finally happened after all these years.' It wasn't unrealistic to think that the old man would start crying in a similar way that Bickslow had when he was told. He just wanted to get this right.
"Okay," He said after a moment. "So, y'know how you treat everyone in the guild as a member of your family?"
"Of course."
"Well, so I guess what I'm saying it," Laxus took a breath to prepare himself. "With Freed, you don't have to treat him like he's a member of the family anymore. Because he actually will be part of our family."
To remove any doubt as to what he was saying – because he wasn't exactly being clear, he knew – he lifted up his left hand to clearly show the old man his engagement ring. Makarov seemed to take a few seconds to completely understand what his grandson was telling him. The second he did, however, a million different emotions seem to flash across his features. It settled on a mixture of pride and happiness for his grandson and new grandson-in-law.
"You're engaged?" He asked, voice showing the same emotion his face did.
"Yeah," Laxus nodded, and his voice cracked slightly over the single word. "Fuck yeah we are."
The blonde wrapped an arm around his fiancé with a wide grin, and Mirajane took this moment to pop the champagne she bad been holding. As she began pouring them all a glass of the expensive alcohol, Makarov expanded his arms again and pulled them into their second awkward hug of the day; at least this one didn't leave them with a bar digging into their hips.
"I'm so proud of the both of you," He said gently, voice cracking slightly in a similar way to Laxus'. "How far you come since you were kids… just so proud of you."
"Thanks, Gramps," Laxus whispered.
"None needed, Brat," Makarov grinned. "Now you remember this. Marriage might not be all roses, but the two of you are your biggest allies and friends. You look after each other, you love each other, and you make sure that you never waste a day together. You both understand me?"
"Yeah," Laxus grinned.
"Of course," Freed nodded.
"You better," Makarov grinned. "Now, you two also have to tell me what happened. An old man can never have too many sentimental stories swirling around in his mind, and I have a feeling this one's gonna stick with me."
With this, alongside some prompting from the others sitting at the table, Freed began to explain what had pushed him to propose at the time he had and what was going through his mind when he was doing it. He recited what he had told Laxus when he was on his knee, and Laxus occasionally chipped in with how he had reacted and what he had been thinking when it had happened. This had made Bickslow and Mirajane cry, while Ever and Makarov seemed unable to stop smiling at the couple.
Freed and Laxus themselves had found comfort in leaving against each other. Freed had his hand resting over Laxus' gently playing with the engagement ring. Anyone who saw them would agree that they looked as content and happy as two men could be, and it warmed Makarov's heart to see his grandson in such a state.
"Right then, a toast," The old man suddenly said, standing up with a smile and picking up his glass. The rest of the table followed his lead. "I'll keep it short, because if I don't, I think I'll start crying, so here goes. I know more than anyone that the people in this guild don't always have the best start in life, and sometimes they come here looking for family and love. And I'm so glad that the two of you have found it with each other, and that your love is so pure and strong that you want to take the next step with each other."
A small chorus of agreements came form the people sitting at the table, other than Freed and Laxus themselves. The couple smiled and leant a little further into each other, smiling softly at each other. Laxus leant down and pressed a small kiss against Freed's lips.
"To Freed and Laxus," Makarov continued, voice slightly louder. "I wish you a long and happy marriage."
The group raised their glasses, clinked them together and went to bring them to their lips. Makarov returned to his seat at the table, going to bring his drink to his lips. It was then that the group realised that the guild had gotten slightly quieter – but by no means silent – the moment Makarov had finished his toast. It took a few seconds for them all to realise why exactly that was.
"Marriage!?" A loud voice shouted from below. It belonged to Natsu. The lack of sound was because he had stopped fighting.
"Laxus-san. Freed-san," Wendy's voice followed after. "You're getting married?"
Makarov grinded his teeth a little, knowing that Freed and Laxus wanted to keep it quiet. When he looked at them, half expecting them to be angry at him for letting it slip by forgetting about enhanced hearing Dragon-Slayers contained, he saw that they were both laughing about it.
"We should have thought about that. Surprised it took that long for one of them to overhear," Laxus laughed, looking down at his fiancé with a soft smile. "You ready for it?"
"Of course," Freed chuckled slightly. "In retrospect, we were probably quite naïve to think we could keep any kind of secret in this place."
The two shared another short, chaste kiss with each other. As they did, they could hear a large amount of the guildmembers below breaking the 'no non-S-Class mage teams on the second floor' rule so they could confront the couple with any questions that had about hoe the two had become engaged. Almost simultaneously, the raised their champagne to their lips and emptied their glasses entirely.
"Good luck," Freed offered Laxus with a smile.
"Likewise," Laxus grinned.
The crowd of guildmates had made their way up the stairs at that point and were already throwing a wave of questions in their directions. Many of them were slightly invasive or overly personal but done so in a loving way that Fairy Tail was essentially known for. And even though the two were usually quite private and would normally take such an affront in a less than kind way, but they decided that today they would just let their guildmates have their fun.
Nothing could bring them down that night. Nothing at all.
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alj4890 · 5 years
Sappy Prompt
(Thomas x Amanda) with the prompt: Can I touch you? Requested by @alleksa16
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(Thomas x Amanda) A Choices Red Carpet Diaries and The Royal Romance Fan Fiction. Taken from the storyline of And Then I Met You.
@walkerinfolkvangr @alleksa16 @penguininapinktuxedo @blackcoffee85 @stopforamoment @fullbeaumonty @cocomaxley @darley1101 @hopefulmoonobject   @krsnlove   @annekebbphotography @gibbles82   @bella-ca  @hopelessromantic1352 @pixieferry  
No Touching
Amanda turned to check all sides of her formal St Orella's court dress. The royal blue color caused her pale skin to glow and rosy cheeks to appear. Her dark hair was swept up in a formal bun while the St. Orella’s duchess tiara of blue diamonds and sapphires sat upon her head. She began to pull on her crisp white elbow length gloves while calling out to Thomas.
"Are you ready yet? We need to be leaving soon if we don't wish to be hounded by the press." She straightened her gloves and was trying to put her sapphire bracelet on. Thomas came out in his tuxedo shirt and pants. The royal blue regalia ribbon showed brightly against his white shirt. He straightened the white bow tie while searching for his black jacket.
He stopped mid step when he saw Amanda. She looked up at him and grinned. "What is it?"
His eyes took in her fairytale appearance. "You look like beautiful princess somehow brought to life from a page out of a storybook.."
She laughed and walked over to him. Her full skirts rustled with the many slips and tulle underneath the floor length blue silk. She pinned the St Orella jeweled crest on the regalia ribbon before holding up his jacket for him. She smoothed the black material and made sure the crest was prominently displayed.
She took a step back and admired him. "You look very handsome." He moved closer to kiss her and she sashayed out of his path. His eyes widened in surprise.
"It took much too long to get all this on for the coronation." She eyed him for a heated moment. "No touching until after we return."
He picked up his white gloves and slipped them on. "No touching?" His dark eyes seemed to glow with mischief.
She nodded slowly. "You may take my hand to help me out of the carriage and offer your arm to escort me, but that is all. With all of the nation watching Liam crowned King, I want to appear at my best with you. This is our first representation of St. Orella and I do not want to let our people down by my hair falling or mussed clothing."
Thomas' gaze remained on her. Amanda's suspicion grew the longer he was silent. "Thomas, what are you planning?"
The curve of his lips caused her heart to flip. "I was merely thinking of other ways to touch you."
Her cheeks flared with color. She briefly closed her eyes. "This wasn't meant as a challenge."
He nodded as he offered his arm to her. "Shall we?"
Knowing she was in for more than the tediously long ceremony, she reluctantly took his arm. "Please behave." She whispered as they walked down the grand staircase of the palace. She nodded and smiled at some of the nobles that were milling about in full court attire.
He looked down at her and gave her the smile that precipitated a day of sweeping her off her feet. She heaved a resigned sigh and stepped out to the waiting carriages. He handed her up into one and waited patiently while she fought her dress and sat down. He climbed in beside her and looked out the window.
"Do all the nobles ride in carriages to the cathedral?" He asked as he noticed some town cars were parked out front.
"No. Only those with the highest titles. Members of the royal family and their dukes and duchesses adhere to this tradition from centuries ago." She smiled and slipped her gloved hand in his. "I'm very glad you are here with me."
His sharp gaze landed on her lips. He watched as they parted slightly and he leaned in close. His eyes met hers. "I'm very glad to be here with you."
She gasped as he leaned even closer, to only then move back to his original posture. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at his profile. "Thomas."
She opened her mouth to only shut it when crowds of people lining the streets began to cheer and wave small Cordonian flags. She smiled at a group of children waving excitedly at her. She raised her hand and waved with enthusiasm to them. She sat back once they passed and noticed Thomas watching her with a soft smile.
She reached over and gently squeezed his hand. His eyebrow quirked at her. "I see that you are allowed to touch me."
Her eyes swept over him. "There is something I love about you in a tuxedo." She placed her gloved hand on his thigh. She trailed her fingertips up, feeling the muscle tense in anticipation. She removed her hand before going any higher and turned to look out the window.
"Amanda." He said in a strangled voice. "That was--"
"What you had planned for me? Or perhaps the equalivent of?" She turned back to tease him, only to find his face lowered near hers. She could feel each exhale he released on her lips. The smell of his aftershave drew her closer. She licked her dry lips and lifted her eyes to his. A seductive smile curved her lips. He leaned closer to only have her switch to the opposite seat.
His surprise was quickly followed by a scowl. "Amanda." His voice dripped with warning. "You are playing a dangerous game."
"Perhaps I am." She held his heated gaze as she spoke. "Perhaps, I am simply leveling the playing field."
His lips curved in anticipation. "Are we opponents now?"
She slowly nodded.
When the carriage stopped at the cathedral, Thomas stepped down and held his hand to her. Before she could climb down, he slipped his arm around her waist and caused her to slide down his body. Their eyes lowered to the other's lips. She stepped back and shook her skirt out. He offered his arm and covered her hand with his. With practiced smiles, they walked past photographers and entered into the sanctuary.
They were led to a set of pews on the left side of the dias. Maxwell and Nadia waved to them from the right side where they sat beside Bertrand. Thomas leaned over as if to draw her attention to others nodding toward them. "Are you going to behave in church or shall we continue this?"
Her face turned to his. Their lips only a couple of inches from each other. She brushed a piece of lint from his jacket, near his ribs, and smiled at his slight jolt. "I think that is your answer."
His smile held a slight edge as he whispered in her ear. Her cheeks turned rosy as he began to describe each and every action he planned on taking as soon as he had her back in their room. She closed her eyes briefly when his low voice washed over her. "I will write poems on your skin with my lips."
She opened her eyes and let out a startled oh when someone touched her shoulder. She smiled and greeted Olivia and Rashad as they sat behind her. Before she could counter his verbal seduction, the ceremony commenced.
Altar boys walked forth with candles while a choir sang. The haunting music caused the pair to pause and become serious. Liam, in full regalia, walked forward somehow exhibiting both confidence and humbleness at becoming King. His blue eyes glowed when he passed by the suitor from New York.
Once he reached the dias, he knelt down as the Archbishop began the prayers and blessings upon Liam and his reign over Cordonia. Amanda struggled with tears of pride at seeing her oldest friend become the man they all believed he could be. The country could not have a better set of shoulders to lean on.
Thomas slipped his hand in hers for comfort when he noticed her dabbing her eyes. She glanced at him and smiled at his sweet gesture. His thumb caressed her knuckles as they turned their attention back to Liam.
The crowning of the new king took nearly three hours. As Liam stood before the congregation at the end, wearing the crown that held the very history of Cordonia, a hush fell over everyone as he spoke. The sincerity of his vows to do his utmost to be the ruler they needed was felt by everyone listening. He bowed his head in thanks before he descended the platform and walked up the aisle.
Thomas stood when Amanda did. She paused at the end of the pew as others filed past. He leaned down toward her ear. "Can I touch you now?" She looked at him over her shoulder and shook her head.
He straightened and let his eyes stray down her curves. She stepped out and waited to take his arm. She saw where his eyes were and cleared her throat. He chuckled at her raised eyebrow. He looked around the sanctuary and it's gothic motif. She noticed his attention elsewhere and squeezed his arm.
"If our marriage had occurred at a more normal pace, this is most likely where our wedding would be held. The King, well King Father, has always encouraged nobles to marry here so that the citizens of Cordonia can feel a part of the festivities."
"Is this what you would have wanted?" He asked, thinking it did not fit with what he had learned of her.
"No. I would have either have wanted a very small wedding at the chapel in St. Orella or eloped. My nerves could never handle being paraded before everyone."
"Is that why you did not want to be a suitor for Liam?" He asked as they walked slowly down the aisle.
"A small piece of it, I suppose. Mostly it was because I knew I wasn't in love with him." Her face sobered. "You see I met this man in California and he stole little pieces of my heart each day. I certainly couldn't marry one of my best friends while being so in love with my director."
Thomas pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He didn't care if they became mussed or pictures were taken (which one lone photographer caught the only picture of them kissing in the middle of the main aisle). Thomas only knew that he had to kiss her at that very moment. He had been barely hanging on by a thread since they began their teasing. To hear her words, well he gave up resisting.
She smiled when he lifted his lips. Her voice, low with passion, ruffled his senses. "We better hurry if we want time to change out of these clothes."
He quickly escorted her outside and all but picked her up to be placed in the carriage.
Olivia and Rashad stood openmouthed at their rush. Drake walked up behind them. "What's going on with the Hunt's?"
"Don't know." Olivia said as she watched the carriage return to the palace.
Rashad checked his watch. "We still have two hours before the luncheon."
"Maybe they are really hungry." Maxwell offered as he and Nadia joined them.
Nadia's eyes twinkled with mischief and of one being in the know. "You could say that."
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fandomlife-giver · 6 years
Toxic Veins (Alucard x OC): Ch.7
Warnings: Heavy explicit language, violence, death, minor sexual content
Pairing: Alucard x OC
Word Count: 3837
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"Walter, get here now! Bring a medic, Phyre's down!"
W-who....who is...
I felt my lids crack open, but everything was slanted and hard to see. I must've moved my head because a fuzzy picture of a gloved hand that was on my cheek came in to view. Then, my eyes barely moved up to be met with blurry red eyes that held a mixture of concern, guilt, and...fear?
Well, I was dying, so it was pretty hard to tell. Then, I saw him open his mouth and come closer to me. Oh, he better not...
"Don't touch her!"
The hand disappeared, and he backed up to glare as my eyes moved to the other person to my right.
"I will not sit here and watch her die!"
"Nobody touches her! Just back away!"
There was one emotion clear in her eyes. Worry. She was panicking and that was a rare sight to see.
Her face grew closer to me.
"Phyre, stay awake!"
Unfortunately, as she said this, her face was getting fuzzier and my lids were already closing.
"Phyre!" Her voice grew distant as there was only darkness.
My eyes slowly opened up, to be met with a darkened grey sky.
Wait. What happened? Where am I? I was with Integra...and Seras...and...
I went to move my head towards that sound, but...it wouldn't move. What is going on?
"Nica Manchester."
Nica? Manchester? I've heard that name before...
Very slowly, my head began to turn until it was met with a pair of very dirty brown leather boots.
Oh, so now my head turns. But I didn't move it.
"Abraham Van Helsing."
Whoa! Who said that? It sounded like it came from me...?
"Tell me, why have you chosen this as your fate?"
'I really don't know, I just wanna go home and eat some of Walter's red velvet cookies.' That's what I wanted to say, but for some reason, the girl I was possessing decided to stay quiet.
"You believe silence will change what has been done?"
Look, I'm tired, I'm hungry, I just got impaled—wait, why does my neck feel wet?
"Your time is running out. These people, the cathedral, your family will tell the story of the hero that ended the vampire king."
I felt my eyes begin to sting until it became a little blurry and a few tears fell from 'my' eyes. And the next thing I see is his face coming down to mine. So this is what Integra's ancestor looked like. Then, I felt his hand cup my face. Almost in a tender-like, loving way.
"Why do you cry? Why do you waste your tears on the Count? Nica, please, tell me."
"Abraham. Please, understand me. I do this for one reason only."
"Why? For what reason shall you give what remains of your life to destroy the Count?"
I felt my lip begin to quiver. "Because it is he that holds the one part of me that could never perish as my body will."
"What? What has he done to you? Speak to me, Nica."
This is beginning to sound like a soap opera.
"...My soul. No matter what may come of me, no matter who I shall become centuries from now, my body and soul will always belong to my king."
He shook his head. "No. No, he is a monster, Nica. Look at what he has done to you."
I felt my head slowly shake. "No. He is a man. A man that has known darkness and torment. I knew him as a common thief, a murderer who saw only confusion. He is my Vlad."
I saw something darken in Abraham's eyes when those words were said.
"He can't change the curse that was laid upon him. But it has changed him." Her voice wavered.
"That is not my Vlad, that is the Count Dracula." The sadness and desperate tone of her voice were enough to make me cry. "Can't you see? All I want is my Vlad back. Promise me, Abraham, promise me you will kill it."
Ow! My side really hurts...and...I feel a little light headed all of a sudden.
Sadness crossed his face as he moved his hand from my chin. "Nica..."
My hand shot out and grabbed him as my eyes locked with his. "Promise me, Abraham! Bring him back to me. I will come back, and when I do, I want to see him, not it. Kill it. Kill that monster."
"Kill the Count Dracula."
My eyes shot open and they were met with my bedroom ceiling. A long exhale escaped me as I closed my eyes in realization I that I was...well, me.
I looked over and saw Walter walk in, then close the door behind him. He looked up as he did. "Ah, Miss Laurifer, I am glad you are awake."
I moved to sit up, but the burning pain that came from my stomach made me wince with a face twisted in pain.
"Please try not to move. You might open your stitches." He said as he walked over to the side of my bed.
Stitches? "Walter, how long have I been unconscious?"
He hummed and put his arms behind his back. "Today, I believe it makes 3 days."
My eyes went wide. "3 days?!"
I pushed the covers off me and while trying to ignore the pain, sat up and swung my legs over. Walter quickly stopped me and tried to push me back down.
"Miss Laurifer, I wouldn't. You still have much time to heal, it would be best to rest for now."
I sighed. "Walter, if I've been out for 3 DAYS, I think I've rested enough. Please move."
"Your stitches may open and that will only extend your time for he—"
"Frankly, it was a miracle you survived with how much blood you lost—"
"Walter! Look!" I lifted my shirt and made him look at my stomach where I had been stabbed. His eyes went wide.
"How is that possible?" His hand moved to touch the smooth surface that was clear of any wound ever being there, all that was visible was a large red mark covering the center.
Another sigh escaped me as I lowered my shirt and stood up. "It hasn't healed completely, I'll be a little sore for a few hours."
He looked up at me with a frown. "Miss Laurifer, considering the fact only a vampire can heal that rapidly, I am forced to assume the conclusion you are one."
I shook my head. "No. No, I'm not a vampire." I looked up at him. "If I tell you, will you promise not to tell Integra? I plan on doing it when the time is right."
He closed his eyes with a sigh. "I've been making a lot of promises for you lately. But yes, I promise."
A small smile spread on my lips.
"All flesh is grass and all the comeliness thereof as the flower of the field. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the word of our God abideth forever!"
I listened to him speak before he plunged the stake down into my chest. I felt my blood splatter on my face as a pool of it poured from my mouth. My eyes cracked open, and a clear view of the shadowy figure towering over me became my sight.
A streak of blood ran from my nose and blood drizzled from the corner of my eye. "Have I been...bested, sir...?"
He looked down at me. "Yes, you are bested. This is not a nightmare you will be waking from. Your castles are plundered, your dominions in ruin, your servants destroyed. And the girl has fled this place forever more! She will never be yours, Count!"
The girl? He refers to the Harker maiden. Mina was her name. I have already forgotten her. The only one I wish to make mine once again is...my queen. Nica. More blood stained tears pricked my eyes just by the thought of her name. Nica...forgive me, my flower.
By hearing him grunt, I look up at my killer. "But, I feel she is not the beauty that rests on your mind." His eyes narrowed. "Her fate was not for told and I pray her soul finally lay rest at peace."
He speaks in a memorial. Why would he speak of her in such a way? "Nica...? Where is...Nica?"
His face twisted into a sneer of anger as he reached down and raised his fist. With a yell, he struck down on the stake, making it deepen further into my heart. My eyes widened and a scream of pain escaped me as I flew back from the force of hurt.
He grabbed the collar of my cloak and pulled me back up to his face. "She is dead! Murdered! She lead the mob to where you were and was torn apart by your brides."
What? No...No!! I felt more blood stream down my face as I internally wallowed in anger and mourning, cursing myself for the monster I was! My queen! Nica! My love, not you!
"She didn't even try to fight them." I looked back up at him as he held a glare towards me. "I know her skill, she could rip out the heart of any monster, yet she gave willingly. Why? You will never know."
He used all his force of strength to throw me back to the grass ground. "You are judged and found wanting, Vampire King! You have nothing. You are nothing."
"Nothing!" His face of anger was the last I saw before my eyes closed for good and darkness was all I saw.
His eyes opened wide as a small gasp escaped him. His hand moved up to touch the blood that had formed from his eyes and as he looked down at it, more bloody tears rained down in his palm.
"Dreaming...it was just a dream...hmph. It was nothing."
I quietly laughed to myself and it was at that moment I decided to make myself known. "I've never seen a vampire cry before."
He was a bit startled and when he turned towards my voice, he accidentally knocked over his wine glass which I'm pretty sure didn't contain wine. I walked deeper into the room from the staircase that led me down to his chambers and toward his chair that resembled a throne, where he sat.
"Even at the end of a gun barrel, they would show fear, but never tears. Must've been one hell of a nightmare." I stopped a few inches away from his chair.
He looked up at me with his bloody tears still running down his right cheek. "Phyre. How did you get down here?"
I gave a shrug. "I lived here when I was a kid. I know all about the hidden rooms of this mansion."
He chuckled. "I'm surprised, but very delighted you came down here to see me."
My face turned into a frown as I walked closer until I stood right in front of him, then I knelt down to look up at him. As I did this, he watched me with curiosity and some surprise.
"I had a nightmare too."
My hand went up to my neck where I could still feel the wetness of her blood from where she was bitten. "Only...something tells me it wasn't just a dream." I looked down at the blood tears on his hand. "And something tells me yours wasn't, either."
I looked back up at him with sadness glazing my eyes. "I'm sorry."
His eyebrows furrowed together as I rose back up and reached a hand out to cup his face. "I am so sorry you had to go through that. And I want you to know that it killed her to see you like that."
His hand shot up and grabbed my arm before I touched his face and I unintentionally flinched when he did. I looked up at him to see his face had gone cold. "Her?"
My gaze lowered to the floor as my head dropped. "I don't know why you did what you did for sure...but I know why she did what she did. You don't even realize how much she loved you. And now, as I look at you, I can't help but feel her pain...and..."
His hand rose up and cupped my chin, then moved it so I looked at him. For a moment, he just stared at my eyes, but then he spoke. "You remember, don't you?"
I cracked a smile. "Not everything. Just some parts."
I moved my hand back up to his cheek. He seemed to relax into my hand, and I moved my thumb to wipe away his tears. "You shouldn't waste your tears on the past. It's in the past for a reason."
He smirked. "You say that like you know the struggle of a past."
My smile dropped. "You aren't the only one that knows darkness...pain...and hell."
His smirk disappeared and I hadn't even realized I was tearing up until I felt a tear roll down my cheek. He moved his hand off my face and moved it down behind my neck. Then, I didn't even know what was happening and the next thing I know, his lips were on mine.
Hey, how did...he...ya know this...isn't so bad...
My hands moved through his hair and I pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Then, he wrapped his arms around my legs and lifted me up so I was straddling him. And after at least a minute of our hot and heavy make-out session, my alarm clock went off.
We both froze and pulled away from each other, then looked up to where we heard her.
I sighed. "We really need to get her a mute button."
Walter sweat dropped as Seras bared her teeth in anger at him. "Fine. If it helps, the orders were confirmed by Alucard as well."
She perked up. "Master?"
A small grin spread on Walter's face. "Yes. Since you’re still refusing to drink blood like a proper vampire, you’ll slowly become weaker. You must now sleep in a coffin filled with the soil of your birthplace. This smallest of concessions is the only way to keep up your strength."
She did a small groan and closed her eyes.
He tilted his head. "I take it you’re still feeling uncomfortable with the situation? Hm?"
The sound of footsteps echoed down from the hallway as a dark figure appeared in the doorway of Seras's room.
"You’re an idiot."
Seras looked up and gulped. "Master..."
I rose my eyebrows. Um, and Phyre, if anybody cares I'm alive...
Alucard kept his arm around my waist as he looked directly at Seras with a serious face. "You chose the night. Once you’ve turned your back on the light of day, all the sunlight should ever mean to you is smoldering pain and a slow death."
Seras stayed quiet and looked down, which made a smirk crawl up Alucard's face.
Walter looked back at us and smiled. "Good evening, Alucard." He walked to the side and stopped at a case that sat on her dresser, then looked back at him. “I have something very special I was hoping to show you."
I looked up at Alucard as he hummed and released me to walk over to Walter. Only then did Seras notice me.
"Phyre, you're awake!" She ran over and hugged me. A little too tightly, might I add.
"Seras...human...can't...breathe." She quickly let go and apologised with a smile.
"The Jackal, a custom 13 millimeter anti-freak combat pistol. It fires custom-made rounds far more powerful than the 454 Casull rounds you’re used to. 39 centimeters long, 16 kilograms in weight, 6 rounds per magazine. The Jackal has more firepower than any human could be expected to handle."
I looked over at Walter and Alucard as Alucard held up his new pistol with a proud grin. "And the rounds?"
"13mm explosive shells."
"Pure Macedonian silver."
"And the tips - explosive or mercury?"
"Mercury tips, and are all blessed."
Alucard looked it over then grinned at Walter. "It’s perfection, Walter."
Walter smiled and bowed. "I’m pleased that you’re pleased, sir."
Alucard turned his grin over to me. "What do you think, Phyre? I bet this beauty could even stop Father Anderson dead in his tracks."
A small smirk curved at my lips. He's like a little kid with a new toy.
Seras jumped up and beamed at Alucard's Jackal while he basically ignored her. "Oh my God, Master! That’s amazing!"
"Miss Victoria. I believe I have something special for you as well."
Seras stopped to look at Walter as he pulled out a very very large cannon. "Huh?"
"The Hallconnen, a 30mm anti-freak cannon! Designed to be used with depleted uranium shells and exploding incendiary shells. This weapon will destroy all but the most heavily armored targets."
Seras stared and pointed at it with a dropped jaw. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"
I winced at her ear pounding volume. "Seras, you really need to tone it down with the screaming. Honestly, you're gonna wake the neighbors.”
"And miss Laurifer." I looked back at Walter, who was looking at me with that smirk on his face. "I have been working on something especially unique for you that is a major upgrade from a single pistol."
Yeah, I had a feeling you would. I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
He reached behind him and pulled out a case that he presented towards me. "The Bloody Rose and The White Tulip." He clicked two bottom buttons that opened to reveal two identical pistols.
"A twin pair of 15mm anti-freak caliber handguns with 60cm barrels, bullets coated with Macedonian silver and explosive tips. These caliber handguns carry a devastating punch and allow any gun fighter to run head-on into danger in style."
I'm pretty sure a huge grin spread on my face, because now I'm starting to believe I did die and was in heaven. I picked up the pistols and looked them over. "Hmmm. Phyre likes."
And when I turned them over, the Manchester family crest was engraved in combination with Hellsing's. I looked up at him with a smile. "Thank you, Walter."
He smiled and nodded. "I've also taken the liberty in creating a stylish, yet very deadly weapon that is not only the form of a fashion item." He flicked his wrist and out came two pairs of metal claws. "Titanium talon claws. They are retractable, each blade is detached by the flick of the wrist and they allow you to conceal if you ever find yourself apart from the twin handguns."
I smirked down at the claws, then up at him. "You sure know the way to a girl's heart."
"Hahahahahahaha! So this dude’s friend, I mean, he’s like a real doctor but, like, does the cosmetic shit on the side, right? So then that same crazy fuck with the horn comes back but now he wants a plexiglass plate for his skull. And the doctor fuckin’ does it! He makes a window! You can see the fucker’s brain and shit. The guy's got a big monster horn and his head meat on display. The guy's a freak. I mean, what the fuck! Hahahaha! Yeah...you get it?" The Deadpool wannabe smiled at the man in white that was walking next to him.
"Shut up."
The wannabe's smile dropped. "Hmm?"
He sighed. "The stream of dribble pours from your mouth before every job. Can we just this once try for quiet, focused and cool?"
He scoffed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it. Same old shit. I know. Fuckin’ A, bro."
The blonde man in white looked ahead at Hellsing's gates as they approached it. "Failure is not an option."
The other laughed. "Oh, please. I could pull this job in my goddamn sleep."
They stopped in front of the gates and a soldier stepped forward. "Hey, what are you two doing here? These grounds are off limits."
The man in white's eyes widened behind his glasses as he held up his hands. "Oh, I’m so sorry. We’re on a sightseeing tour of famous English estates." He gestured back towards the bus that was parked in front of the mansion.
The other guy tilted his head. "Are you saying this mansion isn’t open to the public?"
The guard pointed a finger at him. "This is private property. Please leave at once."
"Yes, sir."
"All right."
They both turned to the side and by the snap of the blonde's fingers, seconds later, a bullet flew past them and hit the soldier straight through the forehead. The guard beside him gasped as his body fell to the ground.
The guard looked back at them with wide eyes, and further back at the bus, where there were several guns poking out and aimed at him. They both looked at the guard, with the loud mouth tilting his head. "Dude’s lookin’ kinda queasy."
The blonde smirked. "He could use a nap."
The other one looked at him with a crooked grin. "Right then, ciao." Seconds after he snapped his fingers, the guard was blasted with hundreds of rounds, even after he was dead.
"Hold your fire! Hold your fire!" He looked back at them when they continued to fire. "I said hold your fuckin’ fire!" Finally, they ceased their fire and they both looked at the gate, or what was left of it. "Dude, bro... these guys are complete fuckin’ idiots. Are you sure about this shit?"
The blonde smirked. "Please. This is a test, an insignificant ordinary test. Don’t forget the big picture. His plans are moving forward and we are but the smallest cogs in his great machine."
He gave a short laugh. "Fine, whatever. Now, let’s have a little fun."
Once he snapped his fingers again, the metal doors to the bus were blown off and out marched an entire army of soldiers that came out and stopped in front of them.
The man picked up two sniper guns and looked directly at them. "Listen up, maggots! You know how the plan goes! You make the kill, you drink the spill!" As he talked, they began to march towards Hellsing's mansion. "And if you run into Alucard or the Hellsing beeyatch, don’t you quit until they’re dead... dead... DEAD!"
He grinned. "Oh, and if you catch a glimpse of that hot ass Manchester blood bag, she'll be yours for the taking! Whoever gets to her first gets to fuck her first! It is party time!" His insane laughter followed the army as they all marched.
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choicesfanatic86 · 6 years
TTS:  Part 24 (Liam x MC)
DISCLAIMER:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except characters unique to my story.  Those belong to me. ;)
PAIRINGS:  Riley (MC) x OC, Riley (MC) x Liam, Liam x Riley (MC) x OC, Olivia x Drake, Bertrand x Savannah, Maxwell x OC
SUMMARY:  Bertrand Beaumont and Savannah Beaumont are husband and wife.
If you are new to the series and would like to catch up by reading previous parts, please check out my master fan fiction listing.  CATCH UP HERE
TAGS:  @herladyshipxx  @theroyalweisme @blackcatkita @devineinterventions2 @hopefulmoonobject @captainkingliam @pbchoicesobsessed @cocomaxley @queencatherynerhys @mfackenthal @boneandfur @spetstoof @bobasheebaby @grapefrults @pessimystic-fangirl @dralenamax @mspaigemoore @drakelover78 @kaitycole @jayjay879 @hhiggs @umccall71 @penguininapinktuxedo @topsyturvy-dream @decisso @pnhanga @ladynonsense @mrs-simmy @jamielea81 @alwaysthebestchoice
5/10/18 - So sorry for the delay on this.  I will be having another part come out later today. :)
PART 24 - Vows
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When Riley woke the next morning, he was gone.  She hadn’t expected him to stay, what with the house being flooded with nobles and the press, but it didn’t make her bed feel any less empty.  Things were still tense, even after they talked, but she was sure that in time, they’d adjust to the idea of a long distance relationship.  At least, for as long as it took her to figure out what she wanted to do with about her life in New York.
She shook the thought out of her head, and decided not to worry about it today.  She’d have lots of days to worry about their relationship and how they were going to make it all work out.  Today was about Bertrand and Savannah and their love joining them together as one. In a few short hours, Bertrand and Savannah were going to be wed.  She couldn’t help but smile at the thought of two of her good friends joining their lives together as husband and wife.  They deserved one another, and she had only hoped that their future would be filled with as much happiness and joy that was due to them.  They’d struggled so much over the last few years, and it was about time that something positive headed their way.
She went over to the wardrobe where the dress she had selected at the boutique was hanging.  She looked it over in excitement.  It was stunning, and when she had seen it in the makeshift boutique, she knew she had to wear it for the wedding.  She started to imagine what Liam would think about it, and what he would be wearing.  She started to get dressed.  She wanted to make sure her hair and makeup were flawless for the wedding.  
When she was done getting ready, she headed out of her bedroom toward the grand staircase.  As she descended the stairs, she looked around.  Just as it had been yesterday, everyone was bustling around preparing for the afternoon ceremony.  The floral arrangements were the same as last night, but elegant crystal accents were added to add a bit more flair to the already elegant design.  Men were walking around in neatly pressed black suits, and they were wearing white gloves.  She assumed they’d be escorting guests to the ceremony and reception sites.  It was all so beautiful.
In that moment, as she walked around the estate taking in all of the stunning floral arrangements and wedding décor, Riley wondered if this is what her wedding to Liam would have been like.  During the social season, when she had thought herself as a forerunner for his hand in marriage, she often pictured what their wedding would be like.  She was certain it probably would have been much grander considering that he was the king and there was a certain level of expectation about those sorts of things.  The ceremony would be a huge production, of course.  It would likely have been held at the palace or in one of the local cathedrals.  She wondered if she would have had a say in the floral arrangements, their wedding colors, or even the type of music that was played.  
She started to wonder if they would have that one day in the future.  Once things were settled with things in New York . . . she wondered if that would be the logical next step.  After all, he had said it himself . . . they’d spent two years apart, yet they picked up from almost exactly where they left off.  He had the whole white wedding with Madeline . . . would he be allowed to have another wedding ceremony?  Or would she have to jump through countless hoops to even be able to marry him again.  She recalled the princes of England and how their significant others needed to convert to their religion and give up their jobs and lives to conform to the societal ideal of royal life.  She wondered if that’s what would be in the cards for her as well.  She chided herself at being so ridiculous.  They were nowhere near marriage.  They’d only just come to a loose agreement about what they’d be doing about their relationship.  So many other things were still up in the air.  Marriage should be the last thing on her mind . . . yet . . . here she was . . . imagining herself in Savannah’s shoes.  She sighed, the thought of marriage suddenly consuming her.
“Are you going to see Savannah?  Olivia is in with her now,” Andy asked, interrupting her thoughts.  “The ceremony is going to start in about an hour,” she explained.
Riley cleared her throat, her mind still thinking of Liam and marriage, but she forced herself to focus on Andy.  “What did you say about Olivia?”
“She’s in there helping Savannah get ready.  Drake’s with them, too.” Andy reiterated.
“Well, I had wanted to see her, but I suppose I’ll pass.  Olivia and I aren’t on the best of terms right now,” she sighed.  “I don’t want Savannah to sense the tension . . . not when she’s supposed to be on cloud nine today.”
Andy nodded.  “Maxwell’s in with Bertrand.  I’m sure Bertrand would love to see you,” she suggested.
Riley smiled, nodding approvingly at Andy’s suggestion.  “I’ll see you out there then?”
Andy smiled, as she walked out toward the courtyard.
Riley wandered down the hallway, past the ballroom.  Bertrand and Maxwell were getting ready in the study.  She knocked on the study’s door before slowly opening it.  “Hey, mind if I come in?”  Riley asked.
Maxwell and Bertrand looked up from where they were readying themselves for the ceremony.  “Not at all, Lady Riley.  Please,” he motioned for her to come inside.
“You look exceptionally dapper, Your Grace,” she inclined her head toward him, a small smile playing on her lips.  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were getting married today,” she murmured.
He nodded his head proudly.  “Thank you . . . that means quite a lot coming from you, Lady Riley.”  She had never seen Bertrand grin so broadly.  She could sense the excitement in his voice.
“I just wanted to wish you luck, and express my heartfelt congratulations,” she paused, feeling herself getting a bit emotional.  “ I know . . . I know you and I haven’t always seen eye to eye on . . . well pretty much everything,” she chuckled.  “But this . . . today . . . what you’re doing is amazing.   The love that you and Savannah share is absolutely enviable.  You guys deserve every ounce of happiness that this world gives you, and then some,” she said happily.  “I love you both, and am so happy that you two found one another again.”
Bertrand cleared his throat, overcome with the sentimentality of it all.  “Lady Riley, you render me speechless.  You never fail to surprise me.  Your words . . . they’re so beautiful, and are much appreciated,” he smiled at her.  “I know you are still leaving in a matter of days, but Savannah and I  . . . we’ll be leaving for our honeymoon tonight.  Bartie will be joining us.  I want . . .,” he stopped himself, trying to maintain his composure.  It was sweet to see a softer side of Bertrand.  Beneath the snarky front, he was actually an extremely passionate guy.  “I know you’ll be gone when we return, but I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to join us . . . it means a lot to us . . .it means a lot to me.  I’ve never had a sister, but if had the opportunity to have one, I would want her to be like you . . . more precisely, I’d wish it were you,” he said sincerely.
“Oh, Bertrand.” She gathered him up in her arms, squeezing him tightly.
Maxwell was quietly watching their exchange from the corner of the study.  “Hey, I want in on the hugs, too,” he whined.  
Riley laughed, opening her arms out to him as well.  “You guys, things aren’t going to be like before alright?  I’m going to stay in touch this time.  And I’ll visit  . . a lot and you can visit me in New York too okay?” She started to tear up.
“And we’ll do the same,” Bertrand said firmly.  “You’re a Beaumont.  Whether you like it or not, you’ll forever be family,” he acknowledged.
“Seconded,” said Maxwell happily.
“Alright . . . enough of this sobfest,” she laughed.  “Finish getting ready so that you can marry your girl.”
Bertrand nodded, sending her another large smile as she left the study.
She wandered back into the main house, heading toward the courtyard.  Guests were starting to file in, taking their seats in the elegant ceremony set up.  It was as if she were walking into a dream.  Everything was picture perfect.  Nothing was out of place.  The courtyard had been transformed into a sparkling vision.  The event planner in her nearly dropped dead right then from the beauty of it all.
Andy waved her hands frantically, motioning to her that she had saved Riley a seat.  As Riley took her place beside Andy, she did a quick scan of the seated guests.  She saw many familiar faces, Hana and Neville . . . Kiara . . . Penelope and her husband . . . some other nobles from court . .  . but she hadn’t seen him.  She hadn’t seen Liam.
“I’m so excited,” Andy whispered.
Riley nodded a bit distracted, her eyes focused on the door leading to the courtyard, waiting for him to walk through.
“Are you looking for him?” Andy nudged her side.
She nodded bashfully.
“He’s the King  . . . he’ll probably make a grand entrance or something,” Riley reassured her.
A few moments before the ceremony was scheduled to begin, she spotted Bastien coming up from around the side of the house.  He was followed closely by Mara and another security agent who flanked Liam at his side.  She couldn’t hold back the smile that appeared on her face.  He looked so very handsome.  He was dressed in a formal tuxedo, and she couldn’t help but swoon at the sight of him.
And nudged her, “Told ya.”
She nodded, her eyes never leaving him.  It seemed like he was searching the crowd for her as well.  She watched as his eyes scanned across the crowd.  Bastien was trying to hurry him to his seat.  He finally started to look at their side of the courtyard, when suddenly their eyes met.  A small smile formed on his lips.  She nodded in his direction, biting her lip a bit.  She couldn’t get over how amazing he looked.
“You two need to stop having eye-sex with one another.  Be a little subtle for goodness sakes,” Andy poked her in her side.
“We are not having eye-sex,” she whispered heatedly.  “Now shut up, the ceremony is about to begin.”
The gentle classical melody began to play, and all eyes were suddenly on the back of the courtyard.  Maxwell, Drake, and Bertrand walked slowly down the aisle.  Bertrand was in his element, nodding at everyone as he walked down.  Drake cleaned up well.  He looked truly fetching in a formal tuxedo.  Riley knew he must have been terribly uncomfortable, but he also knew he would do just about anything to make Savannah happy.  Maxwell, was adorable, and she could have sworn she saw Andy swoon just a bit as he walked past their aisle.  This was it . . . the moment they had spent weeks anticipating.
Olivia and another woman who was carrying Bartie proceeded down the aisle next, they were dressed in elegant black dresses. It was a sharp contrast to the beautiful pink floral arrangements that adorned the aisle.  As they reached the end, the traditional bridal march music began to play softly in the background.  The crowd stood awaiting Savannah’s procession, and she appeared as a glowing vision in white.  Her hair flowed loosely around her, curled just slightly.  Her dress was a white chiffon looking design with a fitted bodice.  Strapless so that it accentuated her beautiful neck and slim shoulders.  She was stunning.  She was already beautiful, but today, she was absolutely stunning.  Not a single eye left her as she strolled slowly down the aisle.  Riley saw as her eyes met Bertrand’s across the aisle, and she wondered how amazing it must have felt for the two of them to see each other right before they were to make vows promising to love and cherish one another for the rest of their lives.  Her heart swelled with love and admiration.  
The ceremony was traditional, and Riley almost thought it was a bit too cookie-cutter.  Considering the elegance and beauty of all the décor, she had expected something a bit grander.  She was corrected, however, when it came time for the couple to exchange their vows.  
“Savannah, my love.  Where do I begin?  I never thought for a single moment that I’d be the lucky man standing opposite of you on this beautiful day.  I thought surely, there had to be someone better . . . someone more deserving of your love.  I still think I’m not worthy of your love.  You are an amazing woman . . . a dedicated partner . . . a wonderful mother.  How did I get so lucky?  I love you, beyond measure.  I know I don’t’ say it too often, but you, my love, are my world.  I am truly fortunate that in a matter of minutes I will get to call you my wife.  For as long as I am living, I will do everything in my power to ensure that I never let you down.”
Savannah started to tear up, as his vows left his lips.  She sniffled a bit before continuing with her own vows.  “Bertrand, if only you could see yourself the way that I see you.  I’m the lucky one.  You are passionate and smart and brave and kind.  You are everything I have ever wanted in a partner and so much more.  Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.  For the next fifty years, I will wake up every day thanking my lucky stars that I get to call you mine.  Forever yours, my love.  Forever mine.”
Riley thought she was going to burst.  She was so overwhelmed by the beauty of their vows.  It just solidified how perfectly perfect they were for one another.  The officiant then continued the ceremony with the more traditional “I do’s.”
“Do you, Duke Bertrand Richmond Beaumont of Ramsford take Lady Savannah Lynn Walker to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do,” he murmured surely.
“And Lady Savannah Grace Walker, do you take Duke Bertrand Richmond Beaumont of Ramsford to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do,” she said brightly.
“Then, by the power granted to me by King Liam Rys of Cordonia, I am proud to announce that you are now husband and wife.  You may kiss your wife, your Grace.”
The kiss was discreet, as Riley had expected it to be.  As much as they loved one another, she could never imagine Bertrand dipping her with a passionate kiss in front of the entire court.  The kiss may have been simple, but the love in his eyes was incomparable.  Bertrand Beaumont and Savannah Beaumont were husband and wife.
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New Post has been published on https://www.jg-house.com/2020/04/02/love-lost-moscow/
Love Lost: Moscow
The moment I took the final step up the wide staircase and reached the third floor of the MS Sergei Yesenin, I stopped and looked at my left wrist, before realizing I had lost my watch a few days after arriving in Russia.
Then I looked out the window of the door leading to the upper deck of the boat.
I could see part of my traveling group in the open air, against a view of downtown Moscow. In my hands rested my Pentax 645, a medium-format camera fitted with a 90-millimeter lens.
A few minutes before, in my stateroom on the second floor, I had been downloading images from my camera to my MacBook Pro. I had transferred more than 350 images into two directories, the first one from the previous morning, the second one from the previous afternoon.
As I pushed open the heavy door and stepped outside onto the top deck, I felt the gaze of the other members of my group.
Igor, the big Russian from Vladivostok, who stood directly in front of me, smiled and said, “Why such a big camera? Is it heavy?”
“Yes,” I replied, “quite heavy.”
Igor was holding, in his right hand, a can of beer, called Baltika 3, Russia’s most popular beer.
It was 9:00 in the morning.
Behind Igor, I could see the waters of the Moscow River and, along the bank, a series of low, red buildings. Beyond those structures lay the heart of the Russian capital, a quite interesting place.
Waterfront, Moscow River, Russia
A Little Book for a Friend
Natasha had told us that morning over breakfast in the dining room on the second floor of the boat she was planning to take us to Red Square as well as Saint Basil’s Cathedral and the Kremlin.
Just to the right of Igor I saw Esmeralda, the Filipina woman in her early 30s from Los Angeles. Next to her stood Martha and Natasha.
I handed my copy of Dostoevsky’s “Notes from the Underground” to Esmeralda, who, the previous evening, had asked me for a third time if she could borrow the book. Finally, I did what I had promised.
Esmeralda gave me a smile. A few days before, she had told me she wanted to read the story as soon as possible. I had replied that Dostoevsky was a great provocateur, and this little book would introduce her to the writer’s style and sensibility.
A breeze came off the water and blew my wide-brimmed hat off my head. I had to catch it in mid-air.
Natasha laughed. She seemed nervous. “All right,” she said, looking up. “Is everybody ready now?”
The entire group moved en masse toward the door and proceeded down the wide staircase. We had to leave the boat via an access point on the second floor. As we were walking down the stairs, Natasha turned to me and said, “Georgetown, in Washington, D.C., is an attractive place, isn’t it? Do you think I would like living there?”
Downtown Shopping District, Moscow, Russia
Red Square Romance
On Red Square, when Natasha heard a mobile phone start to ring, she stopped, suddenly. The rest of the group continued walking.
Tourists wandered around us as Natasha removed her cell phone from her bag, glanced at the screen, and looked away. She seemed upset.
It was 1:45. The sun was bright. The air was warm.
We had just finished our lunch at a place called Bar BQ Café, in Okhotny Ryad, a mall west of Red Square. I had eaten a steak as well as a large cheesecake dessert. It had the best taste of any cheesecake I had ever eaten. Earlier, we had toured Saint Basil’s Cathedral and the Kremlin.
Now we were on our way to a large, upscale shopping center, called GUM, with its range of exclusive stores, like Hermès, Moschino, and Hugo Boss, on the northeastern border of Red Square.
As the group approached the main entrance of GUM, Natasha moved slightly to one side, holding her phone up to her face and speaking rapidly in Russian. Behind me, I heard Igor mutter something and, then, I felt his hand on my shoulder.
“Natasha is talking with one of her boyfriends,” Igor said in a loud voice.
At the doors of the shopping center, Natasha, still speaking rapidly into her phone, stopped while the rest of the group proceeded into the shops.
Igor and I stopped, too, not far behind Natasha.
I turned to look at Igor. He looked like he had been drinking more beer, not only during lunch but also after lunch. I could smell the beer on his breath.
“Natasha just told her boyfriend that she would meet him at the Iceberg Bar tonight at 8:00,” said Igor.
I remembered that Esmeralda and Martha had mentioned to me at lunch that they had gone to the bar the night before. Also, I recalled Natasha had told me that she had a Russian boyfriend in Moscow.
But I knew, in addition, Natasha had an American boyfriend in Washington, D.C. The man was a pilot for United Airlines and traveled around the world.
Waitress, Moscow, Russia
Marriage Proposal
On the second level of GUM, not far from the Louis Vuitton boutique, a young woman with short, black hair and a red shirt wiped a glass-topped table with a rag. The table was opposite an ice cream store. The waitress darted across the polished stone floor of the walkway and went back inside the small ice cream shop.
I sat down in one of the two chairs at the table which the waitress had just cleaned and looked at a menu with pictures of different ice cream dishes. The waitress returned and took my order while I picked up my Pentax camera and started reviewing the images of Saint Basil’s Cathedral and the images of the Kremlin on the LCD at the back of the camera.
“Do you mind if I join you?” I looked up and saw Esmeralda, who didn’t wait for an answer. She smiled and sat down in the other chair at the small table. She ran her hand through her long dark hair, which dropped down dramatically to her waist.
“Martha is with Natasha,” said Esmeralda. “They went inside La Perla.” Esmeralda studied my face with her large brown eyes, waiting for a reaction. I had none. “It’s a lingerie store,” she added.
Esmeralda looked away. “I hope Natasha knows what she’s doing,” she said, suddenly. “Tonight she’s planning to dump her Russian boyfriend. I hope he doesn’t turn violent.”
The young waitress approached again and placed a dish of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce on the table in front of me.
“Didn’t you just eat a large piece of cheesecake?” asked Esmeralda. Once again, she didn’t wait for an answer. She looked at the young waitress and asked for an espresso.
“You know,” Esmeralda continued, looking directly at me, “I have something to ask you. Both Martha, who is my cousin, and Natasha, who is my new friend, have given me some new advice.”
“What was it?” I asked.
Esmeralda started to laugh, nervously. Then she said, “Both of them have advised me that I should ask you to marry me.”
“Are you sure?” I replied. “This development is a little sudden. What if I said, ‘Yes?’”
#Russia, #Travelogue #Art, #Beauty, #Culture, #Love
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tanminaaeisha · 5 years
Go North… Go Baguio!
(Travel writing)
    Baguio is one of the most visited places in the Philippines, if not the most.  A place so urban yet so close to nature.  A place so small yet with so much to see every day of your stay.  A place of comfort and culture.  From the modern hotels and rest houses to the old ruins and villas, you will feel as though you’re in between two different eras.  Like a time traveler, you can go from one era to the other.  Quite amazing actually.  And so off I went to Baguio even if it’s just for only a “2-day-1-night” stay.  Well actually it was a 1-day exploration.  We need to attend a wedding the next day, which is the reason why we took this trip.  But 1-day is better than waiting for that free-time I need to be able to go there. 
      When we arrived, I literally dropped my bags near my assigned bed, grabbed my jacket and begged everyone to do the same.  I wanted to get an early start because there��s so much to see with so little time.  Excited to see the villagers as they were before, my first stop was the famous Tam-awan Village.  Found in the hilly mountains of Baguio is an unsuspecting art village. At the entrance you would see natives dressed in their colorful traditional clothing, smiling and more than willing to take pictures with you for a few bucks.  The village is designed to look and feel like a traditional Cordilleran village. At a glance, you only notice traditional huts with grass roofs scattered on different levels of elevation throughout the forest.  But going into these huts you’ll realize that each of them is actually a mini-art gallery.  Nature and art in one spot.  Again, amazing. 
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Next stop, Baguio Cathedral.  It has been a known old saying that when you go to a place the very first time, you have to look for the church and make a wish.  And so I did.  Went to Baguio Cathedral just to do that but I didn’t know I needed to climb a 104-step staircase just to reach its doors.  Had I done my research, I would have known that this Neo-Gothic Designed Cathedral rests on top of a hill.  According to the residents, this used to serve as an evacuation camp during World War II.  Now it’s a serene place where people attend mass and even exchange their vows.  Anyways, after saying my prayers, I lit a candle, made a wish and went off to the next spot.
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      The ever-so-famous Mines View Park.  Here you can eat, shop and go sight-seeing in one place.  Since we only have two days, might as well go to a place where you can do and see more.  I hurriedly bought a few souvenirs to finish the task.  I must admit I spent quite a little longer buying stuff because there’s a lot of beautiful hand-made or hand-carved souvenirs that I tend to stop and just look sometimes.  Everything was so colorful that I took a few steps back and took a shot at the lane of souvenir stalls.  You won’t believe the many colors and hues my camera captured in just one shot.  It was so beautiful.  But nothing can be compared to the view just behind me.  I turned around and there she was.  The wide and enchanting view of the Cordillera Mountains.  It was so magical.  With the fog hovering over it, like a huge silky blanket protecting Mother Nature while she rests.  I was staring at it when I suddenly felt a cool breeze brushed against my cheeks.  I then just smiled.  That moment and the feeling was too perfect; I don’t believe I can catch it on cam.
      Now, we need to get some “shut-eye” to be ready for the wedding the next day.  We definitely don’t want to look like zombies in the photos so we made our final stop.  The Canto Bogchi Joint.  Yup!  Bogchi.  Chibog!  Filipino’s slang word for “eat” during the 70’s.  This used to be one of the well-loved restaurants in The Ketchup Food Community.  After the Community closed, it took them a while to set-up a new place along Kisad Road. And guys, the rumors are true.  They serve finger-licking foods!  And lucky for all of us who missed The Ketchup Food Community, Canto is back.  Still offering the same best-seller Bar-B-Que Pork Ribs with their Homemade Bar-B-Que Sauce.  Everyone loves it… and we did too! 
      The next day, we woke up a little late than we should.  As expected, everyone was running nuts just to make it to the church.  And luckily, we did.  The wedding, with the cool morning breeze and the nature so close, was beautiful.  But that’s another story.  Anyways, we went straight to the hotel after the wedding.  Got dressed and packed and off to the terminal bound for Manila.  Yes.  This was one crazy trip but was very much worth it!  The sights, the weather and the people.  All worth the crazy trip.  Baguio.  A place where you can have both worlds!  Amazing.
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ohmygillygoshoppler · 7 years
I’m having a lot of fun writing this chapter. Writing about Heaven and the angels is probably one of my favorite things to write, I love the world of the angels. I’m gonna have to write more of these!
The Imundii Spire was a structure located Near the coast of Silverwall, about a forty minute walk from her new home on the pier. It was almost as grand as structure as the Argent spire, towering over the sea and it's home on the rocks; A pillar of sandy colored granite and emerald stone. The plateau looked like it peered out beyond infinity, far beyond what the ocean would allow. It was everything Ophelia imagined it would be, and more; spectacular, a marvel to witness for oneself. The way it's at the edge, right on the edge of the ocean, right beneath the lighthouse; it looked like a castle from a fairytale. It was like a dream really, and now she was going through the deed of making that dream come true. All she had to do was walk right to the front doors, and begin her journey to the Stars.
Right through that front door...
Taking a deep breath, Ophelia began to make her way up the worn and weathered steps. The enormous Imundii, the pillar of knowledge, of Science and Technology, towered above her, making her feel so small. She thought about how everyone else was so small compared to this effigy, and that fact made her more comfortable. She looked around and saw faces unfamiliar to her, which was strange given the fact that almost every angel in the City looked exactly alike. These were names and faces she had never seen before having never left her City. The eagerness of meeting all these people made her stomach swell. Social anxiety also did the same, only this felt like more of a bloating sensation than actual joy. There were four guards stationed outside of the front door, all holding onto long, gleaming rapiers, which was also strange. What were armed guards doing at a library? Didn't they have anything better to do with their valuable time?
Why was the royal guard concerned in protecting an Angelic facility solely dedicated to scientific research? Perhaps an angel of great importance was visiting today. Maybe they were on guard because they had nothing better to do. Or maybe they were sent here to keep an eye out for her; to watch out for the Renegade Ophelia and see if they can convince her to come back home. Maybe Raphael was in.
"Excuse me sir," the young girl called up from a dozen steps below them. "Do any of you know if Lady Bastet is in today? I was sent for her."
The guards, wearing their typical gleaming uniform and heavy helms, must have known who she was, for the identified her by name. The guards clapped a fist to their hearts and bowed their heads. The only man not wearing a helm of any sort addressed her.
"Yes of course, Lady Ophelia," he replied, extending a gloved hand down towards her as his three comrades went to go and open the doors for her. "She should be in her office, at the very top of the Spire , in the observatory. It's a direct flight upstairs."
Politely, Ophelia took the guard's hand and bowed her head. "Thank you, sir." She said with a clap on the soldier's back as she stepped on inside.
Now the Imundii looked a lot larger on the inside than it was on the outside. The floors and walls were paved of the finest gold, which reflected everything from the ceiling to the passing feet that squandered by. The windows, which ranged greatly in size and height, were made entirely from stained glass that one could find in a cathedral. As a matter of fact, the glass was probably made here, from the sand pits in the rock quarries just outside of this tiny town. Ophelia thought to question about that later on.
Curled wings stretched out and gently cast the angel upward toward the spire's peak. On her way up, she noted the similar architecture to that of the Argent Spire, how the library itself revolved around a winding staircase leading to the top. A few other angels all flew about, each one a female of dark skin and dark hair. Angels in the city only ever had white hair! The only other angels Opi had ever seen with any other color hair were Marci, Rose, and Idella. But even still, they were all so fair; the women here were a large contrast to that, sporting deep olive toned or mahogany skin, the diversity of this place was incredible.
She landed on a small jade platform hovering just on top of the lab's landing. The lab was a small, cozy space swathed in a somber golden and bronze color by the amber windows and noon bright sunlight. A simple two-story flat with a short staircase that spiraled around the huge cluster of golden globes in the center. That piece alone was the centerpiece from the entire room, setting directly beneath a ray of golden sun. Planetary models, moon models, star maps and comet charts practically hung from all across the expansive ceiling, which happened to open up to a glass-dome stargazing room! Right where the telescope should be! And the Brazier for the Lighthouse was being tended to by a tall, skinny man in long white robes. There were cats everywhere!
Cats everywhere~
The grinding and clanking of the gears and plates below the globes was rhythmical, relaxing almost. It was all around, in the walls, floor, and even a few up above. Those moved the mobiles and stars hanging from their respective wires. Ophelia also heard humming coming from behind the globe. She hurriedly made her way down the tiny flight of stairs, watching the mechanisms work through the glass floor, and came across the figure of a squat little old lady with a fat white cat in her arms, along with a few scrolls. She set them on the tabletop and giggled to herself, talking in a hushed voice to the cat.
"Now if Sahaquiel would just put his scrolls back when he finished reading them, I could die happy!" she heard the old lady mutter.
"Excuse me, ma'am," Ophelia started, hoping not to startle the little woman. "Do you happen to know where Lady Bastet is? I'm hoping to ask her about an apprenticeship, and I-"
The leathery little lady turned to face Ophelia, looking her over with eyes so small, so obstructed by winkles, she almost seemed to have no eyes. "Ha! You're lookin' at her! This is ol' Lady Bastet. You must be Ophelia, Aboddon's girl! I've been so eager to finally speak to you outside of letters! Oh, and look how beautiful you are! You look just like your father..."
She just met me and already I feel insulted. This will be a fine day indeed...
With surprising strength, Bastet grabbed a hold of Opi's gloved hand and shook it furiously. The white cat traversed the lady's broad shoulders and now sat atop them. Ophelia wondered how such a frail looking woman could have such a strong grip! (And support such a fat cat-) She knew Bastet was older than the rest, but she had no clue she'd be so... well... Angels typically didn't tend to age once they turned thirty, and didn't seem to age for a very long time after that. So an angel as worn and wrinkly as Bastet had to have been millions of years old! That's, like, waaay longer than any other angel's been alive! She may very well have been-
"Why, yes, I am of Aboddon's house, but not any more! I'm setting up shop here in Silverwall now! Right on the pier." Opi proudly declared, taking a moment to reassemble her thoughts and focus on the conversation.
"On the pier? You mean Jophiel's old studio? Well that's awfully kind of her to let you move in. Or did Azreal let you in? I know for a fact she let him in first- Don't you know how often that house gets flooded?"
Ophelia giggled. Bastet has a funny train of thought. "Actually, no, I don't. Although I am aware of the seasonal flooding. Pompeii gets a lot of rain, the sea swells, and Silverwall pays the price."
The old angel laughed as she stroked her cat's head. "True. Well come on in, make yourself comfortable. I'll pour us some tea."
Bastet set the cat on a table right beside the curve of the globe and shuffled off into the bookshelves. The cat then stretched, licked her paws for a moment, and curled back up on the tabletop. Ophelia took a moment to admire the office as she took a seat at the desk. She listened to Bastet clattering around in the hidden kitchenette. The bookshelves lined the areas of the wall in front of the machinery, ever taller to reach the ceiling opening up above. So many books, and they were the handwritten observations of the Angels of the Stars themselves. These were their findings throughout their lives of watching the heavens beyond our own. They had gone farther than any astronomer before, and the Kingdom of Heaven did so at an incredible age.
Bastet shuffled back into her office with a tray of teacups and a large black kettle that hung hung from a woven ring around the crook of her arm. She hooked a long stand of grey hair behind her ear as she spoke. "So you're here to ask about an apprenticeship with me? While I'm utterly flattered, you know that my daughter, Kokabiel is also a scholar, among other things. She regularly gives lectures here at the Spire." She proceeded to pour three cups of tea, one cup for the cat.* "She usually teaches the more juvenile youth of or area, but Silverwall is such a small community. Not a whole lot of families with children. Mostly old folks and workers, so not too many people have any interest in stargazing. Her classes are small."
"Oh, I know, my Lady. In the City, there weren't even astronomy classes! There was hardly nay science at all! Just engineering, military, mystics, medics and scribes. That's why I came out here." Opi said quietly, fiddling with the teacup in her hands. "Azreal told me there was only about twenty people living here when he was in town." she lifted her teacup to her lips. "What I wanted most was to learn more astrology and astrochemistry; My only interest is the cosmos, and the White City only has but a few things to teach. I still have many questions left unanswered, and I feel like this may be a way for me to just, dig a little deeper."
The elder angel sighed nostalgically. "Well, If you're already here, I want you to know that I'm taking a few of my personal belongings from his office, and I'm letting you move in. Whenever I give you an assignment or a project, this will be your workplace, as well as your study. Your own private office at Imundii. I thought you might like the telescope upstairs, so I have the keys to the hard light latch in my top desk drawer."
A sarcastic chuckle. "Oh, do you mean to tell me this is all mine now?" Opi inquired playfully as she set her cup on the table. She jumped when the man tending the Lighthouse brazier left, opening the loud, creaky door.
"Did I just stutter, child?" The elderly angel asked with a raspy laugh, sipping her tea. "I'm old. I've had enough of all this flying back and forth from my house to the spire, and back. I'm retiring, and I'm retiring my space. My daughter has her own office, her own telescope, and I have no other predecessors to give this place to. Plus, my cats seem to think you're nice, so I think I can trust you." she explained as she sat back in her chair and took a long drink of her tea.
Ophelia sat rigid. "Oh my God, you weren't lying." she clasped her hands together over her lips and pulled in a deep breath, nearly spilling her drink. "I'm sorry for swearing, but you can't be serious. All this space? All these books? Your cats? And the telescope?" she asked, not having realized that tears were gliding down her cheeks. "Your cats, though?! I just got here!"
Bastet smiled so much, her eyes nearly disappeared beneath her wrinkles. "If Mau likes you, then I like you." she said, stroking the white cat's long back. "Besides, I've spoken with some of your old teachers since we've been exchanging letters, including Raphael, and even he says you're a great person. You're clever, reflective, and full of potential. This is the perfect place for you, child. I will be teaching you privately in my home, but this is where you will do most of your research and major projects. And your reading. Did I mention the reading?"
"Oh, there was never a need to mention reading," she mumbled and wiped her cheeks." Forgive me for being so drastic, I'm just excitable!" Ophelia stopped talking when she looked on over to see the wrinkly old smile. A flush heated her cheeks and Ophelia sighed, trying to play it off.
Bastet giggled like a little girl. Something about the way she giggled sent a flush of a deeper crimson across Ophelia's face. The student sipped at her tea, trying to contain her excitement. Bastet's wrinkly little face curled into a tender smile.
"Besides, it's best a working woman has a place separate for her work from home. Work and Home tend to fuse together to make Mess."
She couldn't help but think about the teachings of Kokabiel downstairs. Ophelia had read a few passages on Kokabile at the Argent Spire, but little information was found other than the fact that she was a child of the Archon Bastet, and had fallen in love with science and the universe rather than her Codex. She asked Bastet if and where the Angel of the Stars would be teaching today, and was told that, "Her classroom is downstairs, on the ground floor. It's one of the first rooms to the left as you enter. You can't miss the great big blue door."
Excitement welled up in her guts as she walked around the ground floor, searching for that blue door. The white walls and the golden floor seemed to circumnavigate the enormous fountain within forever, but after about twenty minutes of searching, she found it. The enormous blue door, one that stretched almost as high as the ceiling-
And the doors were wide open.
The room was actually a music room, lighted in ambient white light that looked like it was coming from outside as well as inside. It was about that time for the sun to be it's most intense. The light cast all of the blue and white furniture throughout the room in brightness; the station where the orchestra would be seated; the blue pews of the choir; the cluster of blue and white robed teenagers gathered around the grand organ at the center of it all, one among them speaking in an older, all bathed in the shiny white light of the stainless windows.
"Sound waves are so beautiful to hear, my pupils, but imagine how beautiful they'd be to see with our eyes."
Ophelia glanced about, making sure she wouldn't get into trouble wandering into a class that wasn't hers, and stepped inside. She approached quietly from behind, so not to disturb anyone who was listening, and she listened in herself. There were a few young angels up in the windows as well, one with a large white guitar, another with a long pink lyar, and a young man in light armor. Minstrels. And a paladin? In the White City, you would never see a paladin- or a warrior of any kind- sitting near a bard! She watched them from below as she reached for her writing utensils in the knapsac at her side.
"Have any of you ever wondered why organ pipes have different lengths? I press a key," a high pitched squeal rang out through the room, making Opi flinch. "and it sends compressed air into a particular pipe, producing sound waves. Now, if we could slow down these sound waves a couple hundred times, they'd sound much, much different."
She pressed another key, playing a much deeper tune than the first. Only this time, as the sound came spilling out of the pipes up ahead, the entire room rippled. The waves from the pipes actually emanated all around the room. The younger students gasped and marveled in awe at the sight, as did Ophelia. Impulsively, she began taking notes. She heard laughter from up above her, in the rafters. More young men and women in light armor, bearing the same colors as the paladin the the window.
"The length of the pipe determines the length of the sound wave that can fit inside of it. A short pipe gives you a short sound, whereas a long pipe gives you a long sound. Short sound waves have a high pitch, or frequency," Again, she pressed a key, playing another high pitched squeal. The sound waves bounced from here to there all across the expanse of the beautiful abbey. it was a little disorienting to watch. The more noise people made, the more distorted things looked. It got to the point where Ophelia could no longer make out the text she had written in her notes.
"Let's stop this wave here to get a better look." Quickly, Kokabiel stopped and brought her hands out before her, stopping a small part of the ripple from moving. Ophelia tried to see what was happening behind the more taller classmates. The spell warped the images of her waist and hands, and all the sound waves suddenly stopped in the middle of their paths to the ears. "The distance between adjacent waves is called a wavelength. Longer pipes give you a longer sound wave, with a lower pitch, or low frequency."
It seemed as though the scholar was growing irritated by all of the chaotic waves, so with a flurry of comical and frantic swatting, the magic sound waves vanished from sight, the magic dispelled.
"Thank you. Now, notice how far and how fast these waves have traveled during the duration of this note. Sound waves can't travel through a vacuum, like in outer space, they need matter to travel on, like molecules of air, water, and rock. Light waves, however, are different. They fly solo; and that, my children, is what we will be discussing today."
At this point, the other students were just now getting their notepads out at the ready as the live lecture began. The paladins in the rafters chatted among themselves, and the bards in the windows laughed, soon disappearing with their armored friend out the window. Ophelia had been writing everything down. "Light waves can move through empty space, and they can move fast. Over a million time faster than sound waves. And the wave lengths of the light we see, are so much shorter than sound waves, about fifty-thousand light waves could fit right in here," Kokabiel held her pointer finger about a hair higher than her thumb and let all of the children get a good look. Some giggled, others squinted, as if trying to see the tiny waves of light with their own eyes.
"Just as the wave length of sound determines the pitch we hear, the wave length of light determines what colors you and I see. Prisms, or the glass fixtures of light-bending science, change and manipulate that light. Prisms spread out the white light we see to reveal all of the colors that make up that white light."
A young man raised his hand above his head and Kokabiel pointed to him. "But how can a prism spread out the colors concealed in a beam of sunlight?"
"Fantastic question, Andell, I'm so glad you asked!" Now, she pulled a small crystal out from her robe pocket and held it high up into the light. On the marble floor below, the entire rainbow could be seen perfectly. "You see, when light travels through air or space, all of the colors move at the same speed. But, when it hits glass at an angle, the light slows down and each wave changes direction. Inside the prism, each color moves at a different speed. In glass, violet light, which is carried by the shortest waves, slows down more than red light, which has the longest wave length. These changes in speed help pry these colors apart, sending the waves off in slightly different directions. That, my pupils, is how a prism works."
"You are witnessing Astrophysics; the birth of my own field of science, and the sciences you will all come to understand, hopefully, by the time these next few terms are over. Written in light, the vertical black lines between one and every color, within one and every color, are a secret code."
Hushed murmurs arose from the cluster of students. Now, Ophelia had no intention of coming here to hear a lecture of the the properties of light and sound, but she was already so engaged, there was no way she could tear her attentions away. Well, that, and she had never heard anything about hidden codes in the light. That was some food for thought.
"When I first saw this phenomenon through my telescope, I wondered why. A code, it comes to us from an alien universe. I wondered, what is this message written in the dark vertical lines. Little did I know that it would take a hundred years of research, questioning, and need only experimentation to decipher it. There are many layers to the fine structure of beauty. Like the chemistry of our planet, and its atmosphere. Many distinct threads, allow me to examine one, at the utmost surface: The colors of nature that dazzle us. What's really happening? Let's take a look a bit deeper into the colors that we see and the codes within."
As Kokabiel went on about this subject, Opi heard the Clock Tower start to go off. It was chiming ten. Oh no, the Boys! I'm still moving! I have to get back home!
Ophelia ghosted out of that classroom as quickly as dignity would permit. The flight from the Imundii to her new home was a short one, but somehow those young Paladins made it possible to get everything delivered in less than three trips. Ophelia apologized to the group for getting sidetracked on this most tedious task. They said it was no problem, though, and had spent some time enjoying the scenery. Made her day much easier.
*phew* That was a long one. Hope I didn’t bore you all!
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3monthsineurope · 5 years
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September 18, 2019
Wednesday Ingvar and I woke up around 8 in Dortmund. I had packed and organized most of our stuff the night before, so getting ready was easy. We wore comfy clothes for the train, and left before 9 for the HBF. We took the same metro to the HBF and got some breakfast. We shared a coffee and I got a super tasty chocolate croissant and Ingvar got a sandwich. We waited at our platform for a bit, then our train arrived early.
We were able to get a table with four seats situation, which was super nice! The trip to Cologne (Köln in German) from Dortmund was an hour and 20 minutes. I did my make up and wrote for my blog, while Ingvar snoozed a bit and listened to podcasts. This train didn’t have WiFi, which was a bit of a bummer. We arrived at the main station of Cologne around 11:20. We walked about ten minutes to our hostel, Cologne Downtown Hostel. We past the famous Cologne Cathedral, or Dom (dome). It’s gothic and soooo beautiful. This was actually my third time to Cologne! In 2014, I visited my friend, Franzi, and she took me there for a night with her friends. Last year, I went to Franzi’s wedding, and visited a different friend, Shedya, in Cologne afterwards. And this time we were visiting Sheyda as well!
We didn’t get to check in to our hostel yet, but Ingvar changed and we left all of our bags at the reception. We used the WiFi for a few minutes and decided to meet Sheyda ten minutes away, in Neumarkt. Ingvar and I walked to meet her at the Starbucks. We both got a drink (they had my cool lime refresher! They discontinued it in the US, but I’ve found it a couple times in Europe!). Sheyda met us a few minutes later. It was so good to see her! It was amazing to think that I just visited her last October! It was super nice for her to meet Ingvar! Ingvar means “ginger” in German (but it’s spelt Ingwar, because Germans switch the “w” and “v” sounds in words). It was such a nice day! We decided to walk to the Dom. Sheyda and I had climbed our way to the top last year, and she didn’t want to do it again this time, haha! She needed to run to her University, so Ingvar and I were going to go up on our own. The three of us went into the cathedral, which was massive! Ingvar had never been in a building like it.
If you recall, Sheyda and I had met on a plane from Baku, Azerbaijan to Tbilisi, Georgia, in 2017. She was flying from her hometown, Tehran, Iran. We spent some time in Georgia together, and have kept in touch since. Ingvar and I climbed up the Dom, which was still really hard! It had 533 steps to the top. Ingvar powered through to the top, while I need a few short breaks, so I finished a few minutes later. The steps are in a column, so we wound our way up almost the whole way. The view from the top is absolutely amazing! The day was clear and we had our jackets off from the climb up. We were both sweating. We walked around, enjoying the view for a bit, then headed back down.
I think the way down is easier, but Ingvar things it’s harder, because it hurts his knees. It’s also tricky because we go down the same staircase that we went up, so it’s really tight! We made it outside, where Ingvar recognized someone! Isn’t that crazy? He recognized her voice from working at the bank, but didn’t know her, so we didn’t say hi, haha. We met back up with Sheyda and decided to wander closer to the Rhine River, and grab some lunch. We sat outside with a nice view and had some German food. I wanted to try halve hahn, which is like a German appetizer of bread, veggies, and aged Gouda cheese. Ingvar got fried blood sausage with mashed potatoes, Sheyda got some fried fish and fries, and we were also given some mini buns with a super tasty yogurt dip. The food was tasty! I didn’t love the blood sausage, but Ingvar liked it! We both really loved the Gouda.
After lunch we walked some of the river, and this famous bridge, Hohenzollern Bridge. It has tons of locks on both sides, like the bridges in Paris. It was cool to walk across the Rhine and just chat. We took the metro back across the river and checked into our hostel. The beds weren’t very nice, and there wasn’t a plug by the beds, but the bathroom was much nicer than our hostel in Copenhagen. We got settled in our room and used WiFi for a minute, then met up with Sheyda in the reception.
She wanted to take us to the south part of the city, so we took a bus there. Her and I had been there a year ago! I recognized one of the gates, that used to be part of the city walls. We grabbed a few bottles of kölsh and headed to the river. We sat on some steps and chatted while drinking the local beer. It was pretty windy earlier in the day, but it was nice and sunny, without being too hot. We hung out by the river for a while, then took the bus back to the Heumarkt area, near Neumarkt. We switched to a metro train, then headed back to the “wrong side” of the the Rhine. We found a place called KölnTriangle, to watch the sunset behind the Dom and the city. It was sooo pretty! Sheyda has never done that before, so it was pretty special. Sheyda is just such a special person. She speaks Farsi (Persian), German, and English! And she is just so sweet. She apologized for having such a small room that she couldn’t host us, and paid for some of our lunch when I didn’t have the right cash. She and Ingvar really got along, which was so nice!
After the sun set, she took us to a place for kebob, which is meat rolled into logs and roasted. We took the train to the hipster part of town. We went to Kebapland! It was super packed. Thankfully we got a table. Ingvar and I shared lamb kebob, while Sheyda had a lamb sandwich. They came with rice, a creamy sauce, a spicy sauce, and bread. We also had a typical Turkish drink, called Ayran. It’s a thin, tart, slightly salty, yogurt drink. I had had it before, but this time I liked it better. It was super nice with the flavorful and slightly spicy meat. Ingvar and I paid for dinner, as a thank you to Sheyda, but she didn’t love that haha.
We took the metro back to Neumarkt, close to our hostel. Sheyda came up out of the metro to say goodbye to us outside. I just can’t speak higher of her, she is seriously amazing! We hugged goodbye and she went back to the metro to go back to her dorm, about 20 minutes away.
Ingvar and I walked back to our hostel. It was such a nice, amazing day! I took a hot shower and got ready for bed, while Ingvar watched a soccer game on his phone. Ingvar was on the top bunk this time, heehe, so I was on the bottom, which was nice. I went to bed around 10:30, exhausted but so happy from the last few days. :]
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