#i LOVE the costumes!!!<3333
lyxchen · 7 months
I have indeed watched Casanova and for some reason it has become a comfort movie/series for me, at least the first part!! I just love it so much it's so fun and that whole ball scene when he and Henriette dance together is my very favorite I could watch it On Repeat!!!! It's sooooo beautiful and makes me soooo very happy!!!! Also the music is incedible and it is a crime that the official soundtrack never got released :((
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So Kenny. Do you know him? I think you might know him. Anyway we see him in sweaters right. But we never see Suguru in those sweaters. Do you think Suguru had those in his closet and gege never drew him wearing them (a crime) or do you think Kenny took his fruity ass to the store to buy cute clothes. Asking for a friend (it’s me)
REMMMMM…… i DO know kenny >:3 i know him personally actually. here’s a pic of us
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BUT YES . I HAVE AN ANSWER FOR THIS. my personal hc is that kenny tries to match the wardrobe of whoever his host is!! it might not even be a conscious thing…. but!! with that in mind!!!! i think it’s safe to say that even if the sweater he wears isn’t suguru’s, suguru is still VERY much a sweater guy. and i’ll die on that hill!!!!!! you can pry sweater boy sugu from my cold dead hands!!!!!!!!!!! he just strikes me as someone who dresses for comfort above all else :33
wait actually . i just remembered that sweater boy sugu is canon bc we see him wearing a black sweater in hidden inventory and it’s one of his best looks…….. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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GULP . he looks soooo boyfriend it’s insane ….
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wwillywonka · 8 days
literally never not thinking about this. please release a studio recording of this version with the new lyrics... please.....
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chaotictomtom · 3 months
there's that annual con in my city happening in june......... easiest option is to go as tf2 scout again (nice cos it can be up to 40°c here and it's my only cosplay w/o tons of layers) but.......... i kinda really wanna go as jim k ngl 🗿(SPECIFICALLY AMOK TIME...) but that means putting money in that cosplay which i'm also not even sure we can go to the con as we won't have any money coming in if we don't get any job before april so 💀 might have better things to worry abt than ooh is my cosplay cool enough for the con
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kowtownart · 2 years
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Happy Halloween Y’all!
Decided on a silly ‘Couples Costume’ for the two of us; Birb’s a Cowboy, and I’m the Cow!
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mel-loly · 2 years
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-Happy Halloween 🎃🌹
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daydadahlias · 8 months
JESS!!! How was your birthday?
It was good Dee, thank you so much for asking!!! all my friends were really sweet on me. it's a wonderful thing to be so loved <3
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raysofcrosby · 2 years
and we probs are gonna have to give credits to his girlfriend for the creativity bc i feel like rat boy has the creativity of a pre-schooler
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
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parkerpeter24 · 1 year
please I beg can you write a Peter Parker x reader one shot where the reader gets injured and when Peter visits her in the hospital her heart rate monitor keeps going crazy and he kind of teases her about it and she’s embarrassed but overall it’s fluffy 🙏🙏 maybe some angst because he’s worried and protective when she gets hurt but then it’s fluffy!! the heart rate monitor could expose her crush or just show the effect he has on her if they’re in an established relationship but that’s up to you <3333
omg i love this idea so much 😭
pairing ➳ peter parker x reader
requests are open (but no guarantee of writing-)
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the last thing you remembered was the bus hurling towards you. but peter had saved you.
you saw flashes of his costume before you fell unconscious.
to say your friendship with peter was new would be denying the fact that you just started talking to him four months back when you two got paired for a class project. the two of you had mainly bonded over the fact that he was spider-man, obviously after you’d caught him changing into his suit in the music room.
you teased him to no avail over what would have happened if someone like flash walked in on him instead of you.
it was another boring day in queens– just like the one before– or so you thought.
after school, you decided to grab a sandwich from delmar’s. you had become a fan of their subs since peter introduced you to the deli and mr delmar. you took your sandwich and were exiting the shop when you felt the ground shake beneath your legs.
as the glass door slid out of your way, you made an exit, only to notice the commotion and all the noise. your eyes widened as you watched peter– or spider-man– holding a microphone as he spoke to a guy in a big metallic suit that looked like a rhino.
your heart skipped five beats at once as peter swung towards the guy. mr delmar was the one who shook your shoulders, snapping you out of your daze. it was as if you were frozen on the spot. you looked at the man and then back at peter before you were pulled away by mr delmar who ran away from the centre of the event grabbing your arm.
your eyes were focused behind, head turned in the direction of your friend, fighting the gigantic metallic thing. where did the guy even get this?!
when the guy in the big rhino suit stomped, everything from the ground to the buildings around you shook. the police cars were thrown around as peter urged for every citizen to evacuate the area.
the moment his mask eyes met yours, they widened, a sudden panic evident on his face even with the mask on. he swung over to you, his wide eyes meeting yours up close, “what are you doing here?!” he asked, both hands on your shoulders just like mr delmar had done to snap you out of it.
he was quick to pull you into an alleyway, away from the eyes of the rhino guy.
“i-i was getting a sandwich.” you answered, suddenly realising said sandwich wasn’t in your possession anymore, “i lost it…”
“you can’t be- don’t worry about the sandwich, get out of here!” he said, waving his hands around anxiously.
“peter, i’m worried-”
“don’t be. i got it.” he assured. you frowned, clearly not convinced by that.
“but, pete…”
“just go. as soon as this is over, we’ll get a sandwich.” he promised. at least this time you had the adrenaline to blame for making your heart skip a beat.
the two of you then had to part as he escorted you out of the alley, sending you off to the direction opposite to the rhino. you ran as fast as your legs would let you but the bust that rhino threw your way was faster.
and the last thing you heard was peter yelling your name.
your heart was still in your throat when you opened your eyes. you winced at the bright lights. who needed this amount of lights during the daytime. a sound of steady beeps filled your ears as the thumping in your ears subsided.
trying to move was a mistake as you felt the dull pain in the back of your skull. then you noticed it. a hand wrapped around yours, which was resting on the hospital bed.
“hey, hey, you’re okay.” peter’s soft voice fell in your ears as your eyesight slowly adjusted to the lights on the off-white ceilings, “you’re fine.”
“what… what happened?” you asked as your head turned slightly. peter saw your struggle and helped adjust the bed so you could see him better.
“do you remember the fight? with the rhino?” peter’s voice was hesitant.
“yeah… i do.” you said, eyebrows furrowed as he continued.
“y-you were hurt but… spider-man saved you.” he gave you a look of assurance but you could tell he was worried, “you hit your head and the doctors said- they said you might not remember a few things and i thought…”
“i’d forget you?” you finished the sentence he left off and peter nodded hesitantly. your frown deepened, “how could i?”
you wanted to say more but all you could do was squeeze his hand. peter smiled at you and your heart fluttered.
“you okay?” the brunette asked, looking at your heart rate monitor which sped up by a fraction, “it’s normal to be anxious after what happened today, but you’ll be okay.” his voice was worried and you couldn’t help the warm feeling that spread throughout your chest.
did you just get caught by peter. you’d never really acknowledged the heart but peter was quick to read the monitor again as he placed a hand on your shoulder, “y/n, you alright?”
“yes, peter.” you said quickly, “the accident and that big rhino guy, so you know?” you laughed awkwardly, “my head hurts.”
your attempt to change the topic of the conversation became successful as peter nodded, “oh yeah... you were out for a few hours because they put you on painkillers.” he gave you a pursed smile, “might have to stay here a few days.”
“oh?” you asked.
“your parents said they’d bring some necessary stuff so, they must be on their way back now.” peter explained. it took you a few moments to take it all in but then you nodded.
“are you okay though?”
“me? oh, i’m alright.” a soft squeeze to your hand made you realise that peter and you had been holding hands since the moment you opened your eyes and you cussed at yourself for letting your heart speed up at the thought.
peter’s eyes flickered to the heart rate monitor again, “what is it?”
“you’re holding my hand.” you pointed out, feeling your face heat up.
“yeah, but what- oh.” he realised what you were implying and his own cheeks turned a shade of pink, “oh?” not even a second later a smug look overtook peter’s features, “did i do that?”
“i-i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you failed miserably to hide what you’d been trying to all along when the heart rate monitor kept picking up your increased heartbeat, “can we turn this thing off?”
“quite frankly i’m enjoying it.” peter chuckled and you rolled your eyes.
“this is not fair to me!” you tried to sound offended however the smile on your face gave it away.
you two ended up sharing a laugh but as soon as it died down, peter spoke, “you know i think, if i was attached to that ‘thing’, i would have the same reaction.”
“you would?” you raised your eyebrows. it was your turn to give peter a smug look.
peter’s hand made its way over to where it had previously been, holding yours, “maybe after you’re discharged, we can go out, say… get a sandwich?”
you gave him a smile, “it’s a date.”
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theebubblegumbitch · 1 year
Thinking about Chad Meeks Martin bringing his gf to a frat party (slight smut ensues)~
Being a little too excited when you match his Halloween costume (a slutty cowgirl ofc~)
Spending maybe the first ten minutes of the party actually socializing before whisking you away upstairs because he just can't take seeing you prance around in that tiny little cow print mini skirt anymore :(
Taking his time teasing you before he places you on top of his lap so you can stay true to your costume ;)
Watching in awe as you bounce on top of him, with the full costume still on, consistently praising you on how well you're doing
"Oh my god you're doing so good."
"You look so gorgeous, keep going, just like that."
Throwing his head back as he gets close to cumming, reaching his hand down under your skirt to stimulate your clit so you can cum too
Even more praise after you've both come down from your highs
"That was so amazing, you did so good..."
"I'm so lucky to have you, you're so beautiful."
Giving you lots of little kisses as aftercare before making sure you both look presentable when you go back downstairs to rejoin the party
A/N: sorry it's not a full fic I don't have any ideas rn but please gimme some!!! My asks are wide open ESPECIALLY for this man so don't be shyyy <3333
-With love, from Miss Grace~
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himbofan · 1 month
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
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heyyyyy y'all sorry for being MIA for months... but don't worry you can't get rid of me that easily >:)
ODASAKU!!! i just love this man so much.... we have been married for 20 years and i wanted to share some of the things oda would do as ur boyfriend cuz he's perfect boyfriend material <33333
i have a lot of bsd ideas and things i wanna write too so never be afraid to slide in my inbox and tell me what u wanna see :3 i love to yap about 2D men :333 anywayzzzz hope u enjoy!! likes and reblogs always appreciated <3333 🫶 (this is like my fourth time posting this, pls show up in the tags this time 😭😭)
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wc: 300+
characters: sakunosuke oda
cw: gn!reader, tooth rotting fluff
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sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…remember tiny things about you, from your favorite coffee order to which side of the bed you like to sleep on. even the most minute and menial details are etched into his mind. don’t like tomatoes on your sandwich? don’t worry, you’ll never have to ask him to change it again, he’ll always make sure you never have tomatoes.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…watch every video you send him beginning to end without skipping, anything from a 10 second funny cat tiktok or a 2 minute youtube video explanation about the life cycle of shrimp. he’ll respond with a “👍” or “Lol.” every time.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…always agree to matching halloween costumes with you, even if they’re silly. he doesn’t really have a strong opinion about what he wears, he just likes to see you excited. last year y’all went as barbenheimer but he was barbie and you were oppenheimer. (he had a blast)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…listen every time you rant about annoying coworkers or classmates. even though he looks uninterested, he’s actually listening carefully, even if he doesn’t know who you’re talking about he just likes to hear how you feel and think. he's an excellent listener and loves to hear you talk because he likes the sound of your voice :)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…attract animals for seemingly no reason. whenever you’re out and about in the city, he never fails to have a stray cat appear and rub up against his legs, or a squirrel cautiously approach him begging for food. his aura is so comforting and secure, he’s basically an urban disney princess.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…let you pluck his eyebrows and have self care nights with clay masks and fuzzy hair bands. he doesn’t really know what’s going on but he lets you pamper him with products because he loves to spend time with you and see you smile. :)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…slow dance with you in the living room, kitchen, hallway, or anywhere the mood strikes you. he loves seeing the beauty in the mundane domestic moments, it reminds him that your shared love is unconditional.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…stare at your face while you’re sleeping. he wants to memorize every feature and shape, silently admiring how the rays of light dance off of your skin in the early morning. even if you’re snoring or drooling, he’ll always think it’s adorable because you’re the most beautiful thing in his life.
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ssahotchnerr · 10 months
Honeyy I just had this thought about Aaron and Jack and I'm absolutely melting. So I thought about you 👀 Imagine just a little blurb 🥹
bau!Reader with divorced Aaron, when Jack is like 4 or something? and Reader tries to flirt with Aaron in the cutest way 🥹🥹
So at Aaron's birthday, ofc Garcia organises a surprise party at Aaron's house, and Reader makes Aaron find Jack like this 🥹🥹
This is kind of cliché but I just love the idea of Jack in a octopus onesie LMAO
AW stop that's adorable 🥹🥹🥹 and sobbing thank you for thinking of me <3
hehe after the initial surprise of the party altogether - you tell aaron you have yet another surprise, but this one from just you and jack.
SO you tell him to wait elsewhere so the two of you can get it ready, and once jack is snuggled in that onesie😭 and is SO excited for his daddy to see - he's wiggling in it 😭🤭 - you find aaron in the kitchen, tell him to close his eyes and lead him gently over.
and meanwhile, your heart is just fluttering because one, you have the biggest crush on aaron. two, you're a bit nervous. and three, since you're ushering him over to jack, you're touching him <3333 which sends tingles ALLL up your arm and you can't help but blush profusely <33333
and when you give aaron the okay to open his eyes, just the biggest smile erupts on his face, which feels even more rare these days - ever since he and haley got divorced. AH he laughs gently and says to jack, "what do we have here?🤨" and jack is all ":D daddy i'm an octopus!!!!!" and of course, aaron immediately whips out his phone to take a picture 😭
and even though aaron had a positive and adorable reaction, you start second guessing it, like maybe he thinks it's silly or dumb and you start to ramble a bit: "i know it's not much, but-" aaron stops you before you can even finish, says he loves it and how he needed that more than you know 🥹 and gives you a hug as a thank you <3333 and cue the blushing once more <3333333
hehe he also teases you by saying you just made his job of finding jack a halloween costume so much easier this year too 🤭😭🥰💓
BUT also, he insists of getting a picture consisting of you, him, and octopus jackers 😭😭 and that's the picture he always secretly goes back to on numerous occasions 🥹 the two of you still aren't together, he's pining HARD, and a case has been particularly bad. so when he gets into his hotel room, he looks at that picture to relax, ease his racing mind, and to help him sleep - remember that while there are bad things in the word, these are the moments worth remembering 🥹 he even keeps an extra copy of that picture in his wallet 🥰
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ddejavvu · 2 years
just imagineeee steve as a sugar daddy to y/n and eddie. he would treat y’all like ROYALTY and always make sure you were okay. so so overprotective too😩😩
hnngh sugar daddy steve <3333
one of the things he spoils you the most with is food, believe it or not. he makes snack runs all the time, all you have to do is give him the puppy eyes before he gets gas and he's coming out of the store with 7 candy bars 3 bags of chips and 4 drinks for you all to share
he takes you guys shopping allll the time and you and eddie actually have a running game where you pretend to debate buying the most expensive ugly thing you can find and you wait to see how long it takes steve to break and tell you to choose something else
but when it's an expensive thing that actually looks good? try it on!! you all share one dressing room, it's really cramped so everyone is pretty much pressed against each other and you slip your shirt over your head to try a new one on and eddie looks down from in front of you and steve looks down over your shoulder and they just grin at each other before absolutely ravaging you in the dressing room. they're like leeches you swear you walk out with more hickies than you can count
steve has bought eddie one (1) polo shirt, and eddie almost threw a fit. steve had to grovel, swore he wasn't trying to 'throw off your style, Eds.' and eddie ended up wearing it as a halloween costume with his hair all straightened and poofed and tied up to look like steve's
one of your favorite things is going shopping with steve when he goes to get groceries, or toilet paper, or dish soap, anything mundane like that. He lets you climb into the cart and sit inside which leaves very little room for the actual groceries and then eddie rides on the end and it's one big gigglefest as steve piles bread and pasta sauce and noodles and veggies on top of you. they both have to unbury you in the end, you're staring the checkout guy down as your boyfriends dig you out of the food pit you've been consumed by
he buys you guys jewelry all the time!! he'll buy you pretty delicate necklaces or sweet little earrings, and then turns around to give eddie a studded bracelet with a leather band that looks more like a dog collar than jewelry. sometimes though, sometimes you switch and it drives steve feral.
seeing your hands covered in Eddie's gaudy rings and one of his black chokers around your neck while Eddie's got a pretty little silver chain tucked into the neckline of his shirt and one of your earrings hanging from his left ear?? ruined. he's toast.
steve funds eddie's metal obsession, and he funds your top interest too! sometimes he'll gripe about buying eddie another album or spending over a hundred dollars on books for you, but you always give him a big kiss on the cheek for being so good to you and you know he's not really angry, he's just a grumpy kinda guy. he grumbles a lot but all he needs is some lovin and he's fine again :)
okay but the overprotective thing?? yes. he demands to hold your hand when you cross the street. One time eddie just charged for an empty street and he was gonna be totally fine but steve yanked him back by the collar of his jacket like dude. and eddie just stared as steve bewildered because he was literally just halfway across the street how did he suddenly teleport back to the sidewalk?? steve jokes about getting eddie one of those leash backpacks bc he swears the man is bouncing off the walls and always getting lost but you're so good and you hold his hand so well :'(
sugar daddy!steve is always wearing sunglasses i'm sorry but i have to say it i need to speak my truth - sometimes you or eddie steal them and giggle while you try to impersonate him and he's sitting in the corner like :/ real funny you two :/ and you and eddie sprint at full speed towards him to smooch his cheeks until he's not grumpy anymore and he's blushing and he's laughing and argh you love your boy :(
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pink---condoms · 1 year
Halloween costumes with dt+k as their girlfriend <3333
He's ghost face and your an akatsuki member. Would be by your side throughout the entire night, not leaving you alone for one second. Would also remind you with every movement you make how hot you are and how lucky he is. Would back shot you everytime you bend over, due the material of your costume your dump truck would be perked up against the fabric. There's nothing more he love than grabbing the excess pieces of clothing and pulling it behind you to see your actual body figure he loves so much. Gave him head at home.
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He's matching with you, one spiderman and one spiderwoman. Would be choking on his saliva after seeing you in your costume. When he gets his hands on you, wouldn't want to let you go for the rest of the night. Would be attach to your backside through the whole night like a little puppy. He is your puppy. When you two are alone, he would spank your ass so hard, enjoying the way it jiggled. Apparently the night was young, if you know what I mean.
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Suggested that you be an angel and he be an demon, because you were his angel. So nevertheless your costume was an angel with him as your hot demon. Would 100% gush about how innocent and cute you look but at the same time hot and sexy. Would be taking at least a 100 picture each second. Would definitely pull you onto his lap, just to take pictures and to feel dominant. Kisses everywhere because your pretty and deserves them.
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Karl Jacobs
Wouldn't even notice it's Halloween till you asked him to match costumes. Would only agree to match with you if you let him picked the costumes out, which you had to choice but to let him. To your surprise the theme of your fits were hello kitty. Not really hello kitty but you was melody and he was kuromi. The moment he saw the way the costume braced your body he could've sworn he was seeing piece of heaven on earth. When he was complimenting you, he felt like he should've been on his knees instead of standing. You just look so fucking hot. Unsurprisingly, your chair was 'broken' and his face was the only seat available
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I don't know why I wrote this, it's not even Halloween. But I wrote it anyways so I'm gonna post it. I haven't posted for awhile because I was sick but I'm better now and posting again! 😁
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mazeinthemiroh · 7 months
for skz or think decorating for Halloween would be the highlight of there year tbh. Like carving the pumpkins, putting up spider webs and buying masses amounts of candy would make them feel so giddy. Especially watching u hand out candy to the little kids dressed as ballerinas or pirates 🥹
stray kids on halloween
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genre: headcanons; fluff, crack, general
warnings: cursing probably, not proofread
a/n: sorry, this should've come out in halloween night but DIDN'T. because tumblr decided not to post it when i queued it. anywaysss sincerest apologies. hope you can still enjoy this guys 😭
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wants a pretty chill halloween tbh
see cosy autumn traditions hcs to get some idea
he is open-minded when it comes to this holiday. he's fine jsut sitting back, staying at home and doing a movie marathon
but if you are a major halloween fanatic he can't help but indulge your obsession
because he freaking loves you, duh
once he finds out you're obsessed he wants to do everything. decorations, pumpkins, fancy-dress, the whole sha-bang
just to see that smile in your face <3333
his fave holiday
other holidays, he really can't be bothered. but when halloween turns it's head around the corner, he's suddenly very alert
wants to dress up as a cat
would defo rock a chat noir outfit just saying
wants to look sexy for you 😘
let's you do his make-up
will not say know to couples costumes either, although he might protest at first
highkey wants to dress up his cats for halloween :(
defo loves halloween parties
would even ask you if you wanted to host one with him because he's down for that, and he's a good host!!
buys LOTS of candy and makes sure everyone has their share
feeds you lots :] all the time!
very good with the kids who knock on the door for trick or treating
he just loves seeing them and compliments them in their outfits etc
overall, such a good vibe
locks the doors, closes the curtains, wraps himself in a blanket
he gets scared around this time of year ngl
people walking around at night banging on people's doors for sweets and shit MIND YOUR BUSINESS
likes the whole aesthetic of halloween and the creativity in some people's outfits but that's about it-
would much prefer stay indoors with you
but will do something artsy :)
likes carving pumpkins, it's quite satisfying for him, and he spends time putting intricate patterns in them
he's a scared-cat
but thinks halloween is fun so he's kind of a mixed bag
if you make him watch horror movies he's clinging to you the whole time
the type to jumo with his whole body and throw popcorn everywhere in the process
refers to stay in than go out on halloween
but if you both end up at a party, he wants to be the hottest person there and he's not settling for any less
not that he has any competition
he thrives in the season
it's baking season for him!!
he spends the majority of his time in that kitchen
wants to make his own candies for the kids :D
candy apples!!!
cookies with spooky decorations on them!!!
i think his fave cookie design is a spiders web and he managed to perfect it over time so it looks really good
can't way to share his treats with the world and give everyone cavities 🥰
wants to eat all the candy for himself
would rather just go trick or treating with you instead of give candy to some random kids
because... more candy
so your adult-asses rock up to people's houses asking for sweets with your half-hearted costumes
i fully see seungmin wearing a white sheet and calling himself a ghost
you guys laugh most of the night - so it's more fun than he thought it would be
halloween is like a 2nd april fools with him
he think he can get away with trickster shit just because it's 'the day'
the calender has allowed him to be this way and he's living for it
can and will prank them members and yourself
but let's you join in on all the fun
once the novelty wears off though, he gets kind of bored
if halloween is not about doing evil shit in a cape then what is it?
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