#i LOVE this film
Deleted scene from "The Marvels"
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waterriseslew · 4 months
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Lewis Pullman in Water Rises
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strangedandelion · 1 year
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I felt like the third wheel watching this scene
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batshaped · 1 year
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funky little local fauna incites citywide dance panic
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abirdie · 2 months
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Gael García Bernal in The Science of Sleep (2006, dir. Michel Gondry)
(these gifs also feature Charlotte Gainsbourg and Aurélia Petit's shoulder)
Gifs are all 540px wide so you can click to see larger.
[other gael filmography gifsets]
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ninjadeathblade · 1 year
"Can you just be a girl?"
"But I'm not a girl. I'm a shark."
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oscarwetnwilde · 4 months
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One of my favorite roles of James Wilby: Robert in Shadow In The Sun. (2009)
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This was supposed to be for today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: candles, but it's now 1,801 words, so I'm just going to post it as a oneshot and upload it to ao3 instead (because it's absolutely NOT micro lmao)
Just to establish this now: this is a Talk to Me AU
Remus Lupin offers to go first.
"I'll do it."
Sirius hasn't met the bloke in his life, having tagged along with Lily, but he's not complaining. Anyone with the balls to try out the hand is fine in his books.
The hand is already stationed at the small coffee table, Remus walking calmly over to the seat pulled up in front of it and dropping down onto it. Sirius smiles for a moment, rooting through his bag and pulling out one of his white candles. He drops it on his desk and lets Peter light it.
"Candles?" Remus asks disbelievingly, Peter just nodding.
"Light the candle to open the door, blow it out to close it."
"Lift your arms," he says when he sees James behind Remus, belt in hand. Remus obeys quickly, glancing up as James lowers the belt around him and the chair, tightening it around his waist.
"Mm, kinky," Remus mutters under his breath, and Sirius snorts, entertained. Something is telling him this possession is going to be great. James yanks the belt tighter, making Remus flinch. "Fucking hell, mate."
"It has to be tight," James explains, taking a step back. Sirius moves to sit with him. James sits on the sofa, Sirius sitting on the floor in front of him. "Trust me."
"Right, once we've started the clock, it can't run for more than ninety seconds," Sirius calls to the room, the same spiel he says every time.
"Why? What happens after ninety seconds?" Lily, Remus' friend, pipes up. Sirius meets Lily's eyes with what he hopes appears as a menacing smile.
"They'll want to stay." As he explains, he lets his eyes land on Remus', maybe rattle him up a little before he starts. Remus meets his eyes unblinkingly, throwing Sirius a little bit. Nobody has been this... blase before.
"And if you die while they're in you," James interjects at the realisation that Sirius is too busy watching this man, "then they'll have you forever."
The rest of the party start muttering, gossiping. Remus rolls his eyes, and Sirius decides it's time to stop fucking around and just get on with it. Time to freak this bloody kid out, stop him from seeming so mysterious.
"Okay, enough stalling, let's go!" Sirius claps once, commanding the attention of the room. Everyone falls silent as a few people start pulling out their phones to film. "You ready Lupin?" Remus nods. "Alright. Put your hand on it. Like, holding it." Remus complies, reaching out and fitting his hand to the white ceramic mould. For a moment, Sirius observes his hand in the embalmed one, his thumb cutting through some of the scribbled writing.
He's not even shaking.
"Now," he continues quickly. He won't be so relaxed in a second. "Say 'talk to me'." Remus chuckles a little disbelievingly, eyes not breaking contact with Sirius' as he speaks.
"Talk to me." Ignoring the tug in his stomach, he watches as Remus turns his head and he jumps a mile.
Fucking finally.
His hand immediately flies backwards, his whole body rejecting whatever he's just seen. Sirius starts laughing before he can think, enjoying the first time reaction and recalling his own. Honestly? He was shitting himself too, but nobody needs to know that.
"Oh my god," Remus says, voice suddenly shaky and eyes darting everywhere. "Who the fuck- who the fuck was that?" He turns to Sirius, as if expecting an answer. Sirius is a little busy laughing, hitting James' leg once. "Who the hell was that?!" Remus asks again, louder, finally compelling Sirius to answer. He shrugs first.
"No clue, it's different every time." He dissolves into further laughter, dropping his head for a moment, before pushing on. Yeah, Remus is freaked out, but Sirius knows he isn't going to stop there, he can feel it. "You didn't do everything, though. You need to say 'I let you in', otherwise this is all pointless," he says pointedly, forcing himself to swallow his entertainment and get through the end of the prep.
Remus can do it. He knows he can.
"Hold on, wait, I'm-"
"Just do it!" James exclaims. "Do it, do it, do it..."
Fuck yes. Sirius joins into the chant immediately, watching as everyone around him joins in. Well, everyone apart from Lily, who looks like she wants to go and drag Remus from the party. Remus glances at everybody watching him, before turning and looking straight at Sirius. Something in him seems to shift, turning back to the hand, pressing his lips into a thin line and slowly reaching out.
Ah, there's the shaking.
He clasps the hand, taking a deep breath.
"Alright, alright!" He shouts, eyes screwing shut. "Okay, fine. Okay." Sirius starts willing him to do it in his head.
Go on, you've got this.
Talk to me.
"Talk to me." He opens his eyes and immediately glances away. Sirius bites back another laugh, checking to see that he hasn't broken contact with the hand.
If anything, he's just gripping it tighter.
"Go on, say the next part." Sirius inches himself slightly closer, pulling out and unlocking his phone, ready to time it.
"I- I can't look at it!" Remus is still looking away, Sirius praying for him to just say it.
"You don't have to look at it, okay? Just say it. 'I let you in'."
"I- I can't-"
"Say it!" Sirius shouts, watching him carefully. He can do it. He needs to do it.
Come on, Remus.
After taking a deep, stabilising breath, Sirius starting to think that he's going to give up, his eyes focus on a space.
Staring the spirit down.
He's such a fucking badass.
"I let you in."
Remus is immediately thrown backwards, neck flying back until his head is facing the ceiling. He exhales once and James stands, tapping Sirius' shoulder once before he moves forwards.
"Timer?" He asks, before walking over to Remus.
"I've got it," he answers, starting it as Remus' pupils dilate, eyes suddenly an inky black, no white visible.
James clicks twice, drawing the newly possessed Remus Lupin from his haze. They blink, eyes flicking to James and head starting to tilt down. Sirius smiles to himself. His face is flushed, neck covered in red lines.
Okay, strangled.
A laugh bubbles out of Remus' body, Sirius glancing down at the timer.
75 seconds left.
Sirius smiles as he watches the others at the party laughing along with the spirit. The laugh grows more maniacal by the second, until it stops abruptly, Remus' body pulling back as they choke slightly, breath stopping in their throat. He loves these ones, they're always the most interesting.
Remus' head whips straight to Sirius, tilting to the side once.
"Someone's following you," their voice is croaky, fried, and Sirius doesn't flinch.
"Really? They hot?" He asks casually. James snorts, the spirit turning and swinging for him with their free hand. Sirius cackles at that, enjoying watching his brother leap backwards with a swear. "Oh, not your biggest fan, 'ey?"
Remus' body coughs once, the spirit turning their attention elsewhere. God, this one doesn't have the best attention span, does it? He glances quickly at his phone to make sure they're making good time, before enjoying the show. The spirit leans forward and makes a biting action at Hestia, who's eyebrows raise, nervousness leaking onto her face. It doesn't last too long, though, as they make their way to Lily.
"She doesn't like you." Their eyes flick just above Lily's shoulder, behind her, and Lily looks behind her for a moment, concerned. The moment she does, every drawer and cupboard on James and Sirius' cabinet opens and slams shut, the whole cabinet yanked forward.
Holy fucking shit, this is amazing.
Sirius looks back at the phone.
"83 seconds, James, take the hand back!" Sirius calls confidently, as Lily turns back to Remus, her anxiety clear, as the spirit keep drawling about something to do with death.
"Right, come on, you've had enough time here." He reaches out to take the hand. However, the moment he goes to pull it away, Remus' free hand flies out and snatches the embalmed hand back, sending shock rippling through Sirius.
That's never happened before.
It doesn't matter, they still has five seconds. It'll be fine.
James reaches back, grabs the embalmed hand with both of his own and yanks it. The spirit just won't let go, though, their grip somehow overwhelming James'.
"Bollocks. James?!" Sirius hisses, watching the clock run as the spirit starts a chant of its own.
"Run, run, run, run," they keep going, eyes wide and burning into Lily's as the light above them flickers and bursts. Sirius covers his eyes as Peter joins James in trying to free Remus of the hand. Nothing's working, the clock just keeps going.
"James, ninety seconds, fucking get on with it!" Sirius shouts, ignoring the clamouring from everyone else and focusing on Remus. He's still shouting 'run', the lights are off, and it's been 96 fucking seconds.
"I know, okay?! I fucking know!" He groans as he and Peter try to wrestle the hand away.
Fuck it, something needs to be done.
Sirius abandons the phone, ignoring the shards from the light bulb as he surges forward and over to Remus' arm. Without thinking, he shoves his own hand between Remus' palm and the embalmed hand's palm, gripping the fingers of the embalmed hand and wrenching it away from Remus. A scream escapes him as the hand finally falls, tumbling across the carpeted floor. Peter moves quickly, dropping down to the coffee table and blowing out the candle to shut the door.
It might not make a fucking difference though, they've never done this before.
Sirius has fallen in his aggressiveness in pulling the hand away. He runs an anxious hand through his hair and immediately pushing himself up and over to Remus.
Remus has fallen forward, breathing heavily, and Sirius needs to know he's okay.
"Hey, Remus? You alright?" He murmurs gently. One of his hands goes to Remus' lower arm, the other pushing his hair back as he realises that Remus is sweating from the exertion. "We went a bit over. Remus?" Remus glances up, eyes meeting Sirius'.
Okay, he's definitely conscious.
"That was..." he looks away for a moment, Sirius pulling his hand away from Remus' head as he does that, eyebrows knitting together as he tries to figure out what Remus is going to say. "Amazing."
A relieved, overjoyed smile immediately finds its way onto Sirius' face, applauding as he stands.
"Fuck yeah! That was the best one yet!" He calls happily, turning and clapping Remus' shoulder, who's laughing along with him as James takes the belt off.
Remus Lupin.
How the hell had Sirius never heard of Remus Lupin?
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Ughhh I watched Nimona with my mom and I LOVED IT IT IS A GEM AND ONE OF MY FAVOURITE CARTOONS but I just found out that my mom thinks that "gay people are just forced in all of these movies and films that I watch lately" and I'm just really disapointed because up till now she never said anything so against LGBTQ+. There are a lot of discusion on parents against gay people in nimona but have no problem with all violence so I'm not going to start a new one I JUST REALLY WANTED TO SAY THAT BAL AND AMBROSIOUS ARE ADORABLE AND I ROOTED FOR THEM FROM THE SECOND I SAW THEM AND I LOVE NIMONA SHE IS THE BEST
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carpe-mamilia · 9 months
Actor and writer Jim Howick (Ghosts, Horrible Histories) talks about his love for Bruce Robinson's 1987 film 'Withnail & I', the studied debauchery of the striving, starving artist, its ache of regret for the 60s, and the strange, romantic comforts of desperation, booze and enormous herb-laced joints (lamb and otherwise).
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adharafirenze · 10 months
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mykindascary · 2 years
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horrorgirlblog · 2 years
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Vincent Price - The Pit And The Pendulum (1961)
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pan-diasaster · 5 months
the sexual tension between abhimanyu and rohan is just oof
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winterroseblog · 2 years
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