#i actually did my sophomore film of them
billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
"Brushing through the other's hair while talking", "feeding each other food" and "snuggling up to them at night" from the prompt lists with Billy please. 🤍🥺
Him and reader are best friends in my head, (best friends but there is something more not said yet) but if you want them to be actual lovers that's totally fine too ❤️
Please take your time Em. Write it at your own pace. 💙
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : ^^^^^
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Warnings : Swearing and one innuendo
Word Count : 926
Billy was your roommate but he was also your best friend. You both attended the same college but during your sophomore year, you both got an apartment together.
Fridays are reserved for eating dinner together and watching a movie, that's how it was even when you both lived in dorms on the college campus. Billy finished cooking the meal as music played on the radio. "Can you bring me plates?" You got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen and grabbed the plates as he plated the pasta and bread, something simple, easy and cheap for college kids.
"Want a beer?" He nodded and you grabbed two of the cheap, bitter beers before going to the couch with the food as he got the VCR tape set up. "What did you get from Family Video?" He looked over his shoulder, "That pilot movie with Val Kilmer." You nodded and he sat down, grabbing the tv remote before he plopped down beside you as the tv began showing the film.
You handed Billy his plate and he began eating, getting the sauce on his face and some splattered on his chest and the two of you laughed as he wiped himself off. You began eating, watching the movie and Billy laughed at you as you gently stabbed your lower lip with your fork.
"Let me see your plate." You nodded, handing it to him, eyes still on the tv. "Open." You opened your mouth as he put a forkful of pasta in your mouth and you quickly took it before he pulled the fork from you. You heard the bread tear before the scratchy texture sat at your lips and you took the bread, your teeth scrapping against his fingertips.
He continued feeding you until the movie ended and you both cleaned up from dinner before going your separate ways to get ready for bed and he walked into the bathroom as you brushed your teeth, gently nudging you out of the way as he grabbed his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth, dribbling toothpaste on his naked chest and he grabbed one of your towels to wipe it off as you glanced at him and rolled your eyes and he laughed.
You washed your face, humming something you heard on the radio and Billy grabbed his razor and you watched as he shaved his face, making sure not to distract him. "Get rid of the mustache." He looked at you and scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Get fucked, the babes dig it." You pinched the meat on his hip as soon as he put the razor down and he jumped slightly.
"That hurt," he whined out as he rubbed the spot that started to redden. "Babes don't dig the caterpillar on your lip." He flicked your top lip before mocking you, raising the pitch in his voice as he added hand movements and you leaned against the wall, looking at him seriously as he did the same to you before he cracked first and began laughing, making you join him.
"My room?" He nodded and followed you to your bedroom before he plopped down, making the wood planks under your bed creak. "Billy, don't break my bed." He looked at you and laughed. "I can break it in a different way," he said as he flirtily wiggled his brows. "Out." He laughed and quickly but gently pulled you beside him. You grabbed his favorite candy, the chocolate bar that you kept under everything else.
You snapped a square off, "Open." He opened his mouth and you fed him the chocolate and as you gave him the last square, he nipped your finger and you jumped, not expecting it and he laughed. He threw the trash away and sat back down and you wiped your hands free of chocolate and saliva.
He laid his head beside you and you ran your fingers through his hair as he talked to you, complaining about one of his classes. "B, you don't even do the work." He rolled his eyes. "If she would let me fuck her, I'd have an A." You snickered, "More like a D minus." He glared at you as you continued to laugh and you held onto him as you stretched.
"I'm getting a cramp." You held your ribs as you continued to laugh, slightly shaking the mattress and Billy couldn't help but to laugh with you, his body shaking the bed frame as it creaked. You both calmed down and you heard a knock on the wall. "Stop fucking," your neighbor yelled out and Billy laughed into your pillow, holding onto the headboard with white knuckles as he tried to calm down and you laughed, putting your head on his warm skin.
The two of you finally calmed down and you wiped your eyes as Billy did the same and he fixed his hair before grabbing one of your stuffed animals and holding the panda on his abs. "Billy wants you to cuddle him," he said in a funny voice before throwing the panda at you and opening his arms. You moved the stuffed animal to the floor once more before laying your head on Billy's bicep as he wrapped his left arm around you and you wrapped your right arm around his shoulder as his head rested on yours.
"Good night," you softly said and Billy smiled. "Good night." He turned slightly and turned on the fairy lights before holding you tightly against him as the two of you fell asleep.
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
Caspian Aster!
(my Twst’s Yuu)
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The beauty mark is under the wrong eye because I’m An idiot
Trans masculine, he/him or ey/em, bisexual
Grade/Class: Sophmore/1A and 2C (keep reading if you’re Confused)
Birthday: October 13 (Libra)
Age: 17 (cause that’s when I started the game)
Height: 157 cm (Ik he’s short 😢)
Dominant Hand: Left
Homeland: Louisiana (doesn’t remember that)
Club: was in film studies but it was a bit to much for him so he joined board gaming club after meeting Azul. He also sometimes hangs out with Malleus and Jade so they aren’t lonely and will also pop by science club and pop music club for fun. Best Subject: History
Likes: making films
Dislikes: Sports
Favorite food: Teriyaki Pineapple Burger
Least Favorite food: Brownies
Talent: Being from another world? Idk
———————————————————— Cool Facts:
In the middle of Book 5 before the VDC performance he asked Vil to cut his hair, bye bye ponytail!
His guest room has a mini Monstoro lounge bar because he’s a stupid simp and basically recreated Octavinelle in his guest room and Azul decided to make a profit out of it
Hates Star Rouge with a burning passion
A few differences from canon:
Grade: in my Yuu’s universe after book 3 he complained to The headmage that being a joint student with Grim was bringing his grades down. So aside from magic related classes their grades are separate now and because of this Cas was able to take some of the basic classes as a sophomore because the freshman classes were too easy. He’s the age of the sophomores anyway.
Book 3: He did not tease Azul for his baby photo because WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?
Book 4: Did take up the offer to stay at Octavinelle over Winter break, but still had to keep ramshackle from falling apart so the events of the book are unaltered
Book 5: He did make it into VDC, because he does have experience performing on stage.
Book 6: Stayed at Octavinelle during Ramshackle’s repairs
Rooks nickname for him is Monsieur Soleil
Haven’t decided how many of them are in the actual story but obvi I self ship with Azul, Rook, and Jade :)
@keii-starz, @shinysparklesapphires, @dove-da-birb, @v-anrouge, @vivigoesinsane, @edith-is-a-cat, @krenenbaker, @l7k-a, @distant-velleity, @xen-blank come meet my Yuu!
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themuse-if · 26 days
Another 20 (or so) Questions with Maxine Matthews
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Interviewer: Welcome to another installment of our character interviews, where we dive deep into the lives and minds of our favorite cast members of The Muse. Today, we have Maxine Matthews with us, an aspiring dramatic writer who creates new worlds through her imaginative point of view. Max, thank you for joining us. Could you start by telling us what made you want to pursue dramatic writing?
Maxine: I've always been drawn to storytelling, whether through film, TV, or theater. Writing allows me to create worlds and characters that resonate with people, and I love the idea of evoking emotions and sparking thoughts through my work.
Interviewer: Could you describe your writing style in more detail?
Maxine: My writing is a reflection of my observations and insights into human nature. I can't say that I have a specific genre that I prefer because I want to try and be really well rounded as a writer, I still have a lot to learn after all. I do have a genre that I'm interested in exploring though. You know films like Labyrinth, The Never Ending Story, and Legend, 80's dark fantasy. I actually really enjoy those but I feel like they could be done even better with more diverse casts, better graphics, and more complex storylines. Honestly I think it's something that a lot of people would enjoy seeing in theatres again.
Interviewer: Interesting, isn't that a little niche? How do you think your work will be received by others? Better yet how do you want your work to be received?
Maxine: Personally I like the dark ethereal nature of those films, but I feel like now we could take them several steps forward. I think people would appreciate that same energy with richer plot and visuals. I think that audiences today are actually craving a more dynamic hero's journey.
Interviewer: And what about you? How do want people to see you outside of your work?
Maxine: I'm not really sure. Honestly I don't really care how people see me unless it's someone who's actually important to me. In general I would hope that people just see me as honest and unwavering, but besides that I can't say I really care.
Interviewer: I've been asking everyone else to describe their ideal best friend, but I think I want to switch it up for you. Could you instead describe how you feel about your best friend, MC?
Maxine: *immediately shifts her gaze away* I mean they're my best friend so I really care about them. They're like family you know...but not...actually family...thank god. Uh yeah honestly I just feel most like myself when we're together. We've been friends our whole lives and I can't imagine not having them around. I'm not really sure that I could have this kind of connection with anyone else.
Interviewer: Hmm, sounds like you feel very deeply towards MC. Would you say that you want a similar connection with your ideal partner.
Maxine: *shifts nervously* Probably...right? I mean obviously I want to have that really deep meaningful connection with someone...romantically. It would be nice if they were at least half as attractive as MC too.*covers her mouth*...fuck...did I say that out loud...
Interviewer: *tries to stifle a chuckle* Yeah you did. Alright next question? What was your first kiss like? Was it with MC?
Maxine: No! I mean, no, it wasn't. I was dating this girl, Jade, during sophomore year. She was great, super cool, but it just sort of fizzled out. It was nice...the kiss. We were just hanging out, studying together. One second we're talking about A Midsummer Night's Dream, and the next she's sucking on my bottom lip. Yeah it was a good kiss...she was a good kisser.
Interviewer: So I'm guessing you weren't in love with her. Have you ever been in love?
Maxine: Yeah you're right, I wasn't in love with Jade. I haven't really tried dating anyone since. I just haven't really felt that spark, that undeniable connection.
Interviewer: *leans in* Like the one you have with MC?
Maxine: I... I mean. *takes a deep breath* I know what your trying to do.
Interviewer: *raises their hands in surrender* I'm just asking you a simple question. After hearing what you've had to say so far I think it's a very valid observation.
Maxine: *rolls her eyes* You want me to say that I'm secretly in love with MC. And I don't know, maybe I am, but they are to important to me for me to risk exploring those feelings. What if they don't feel the same? What if they do and we try being together but it doesn't work out? I love how we are now. Even if I have these other...feelings.
Interviewer: Alright, I won't press you any further...for now. What’s your ideal Friday night?
Maxine: Well I love a good theme almost as much as I love a good movie. I like to plan these movie nights where we do a double feature and have a movie themed dress code and snacks related to the movies we're watching.
Interviewer: That sounds like a lot of fun, make sure to invite me next time. Ok have you heard any good music lately? What’s the last song you listened to?
Maxine: "Ego" by Kennedy Ryon. I heard it the other day and I've had it on repeat ever since.
Interviewer: I'll have to give it a listen sometime. So what is your latest obsession?
Maxine: I just finished this really good book, The Star and The Strange Moon, by Constance Sayers. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I finished it. Annoyingly enough I don't know anyone else who's read it, so I can't discuss it with someone who gets it and it's killing me.
Interviewer: I'll make sure to give it a read, then we can chat about all the little details. Ok next question. How do you behave in a relationship?
Maxine: Mmm I don't know. I mean I've only been in one and that only lasted about 3 months. I think I was pretty...chill. It honestly just felt like we were friends who would make-out sometimes. If I was with someone that I had strong feelings for, I think I would be a bit more serious and maybe a bit territorial.
Interviewer: That makes sense. What about your approach? Do you go in first towards those you’re interested in or let them come to you?
Maxine: If it's just making friends then yeah I would say I'm pretty outgoing. And if we're talking about something more than that I think I'm probably a bit more cautious. It's nice knowing that someone wants me before I make a move.
Interviewer: Yeah taking that step first is quite the bold move. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Maxine: I can't stand arrogance. Like it's fine to be proud and confident but when you start to make others out to be less than, it's just really off putting.
Interviewer: I couldn't agree more. So, what do you notice first about a person?
Maxine: Their style, not in a judgey way. The way people dress tells you a lot about them. What they value, their hobbies, yeah it's just really interesting.
Interviewer: That's really true. A lot can be learned from how people choose to present themselves. Alright this is our final question. What did you dream about last night?
Maxine: Honestly I couldn't sleep I've been packing and getting ready for this big road trip. I'm riding with MC and Cameron to move in at NYU. It'll be a bit of a drive, but I'm pretty excited.
Interviewer: Well that sound like a side story just waiting to happen. Honestly Maxine this has been an absolute pleasure, but I believe that’s all the time we have for today. I hope that you find success on you journey through university. Thank you so much for coming in and sharing more about yourself with us!
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Tagged by my darling @glassangels <3<3<3
1. Are you named after anyone? Im named after a kinks song which is a massive win for me personally. They almost named me rosa after the pixies album (which wouldve made sense bc we do in fact surf) but one of my moms friends was already knitting a sweater with the kinks-name on it and she convinced them to keep it. My middle name is also my paternal grandmas middle name so i guess that counts too
2. When was the last time you cried? No idea tbh. That thing where you lie down on your side and then your eyes start leaking happens to me a lot but a proper sadness-induced cry hasnt happened for months. I will say that sometimes i say something made me cry, and although it technically didnt due to no tears falling, it did make my soul hurt and crying is the closest phrase that expresses that <3
3. Do you have kids? Thank god no
4. What sports do you play/have you played? Soccer, ran track for a bit, ultimate frisbee, swimming, fencing, fighting (mma, kickboxing, cage, etc), equestrianism (im including my brief and unimpressive time vaulting here), did some stuff with a circus briefly (contortionism, aerial arts, lyra), and then the usual outdoorsy shit (surfing, bouldering, hiking, skiing, and since caving is technically a sport, caving). Also danced for a bit (ballet, contemporary, and jazz). Yeah man idk either
5. Do you use sarcasm? Technically yes but its less "sarcasm" and more "inability to express a truth about myself without making it into a joke". A bit of sarcasm when the time calls for it is always fair game though and i will indulge
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone? The way they carry themself says a lot about their temperament and emotional state and whatnot so thats typically where my eye is drawn. Second place goes to wherever theyre keeping their valuables on them and how expensively theyre dressed though
7. Eye color? Blue but ive got a bit of yellow central heterochromia so they tend to look green if its bright out
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Kill them <3 scary movies 4ever
9. Any talents? Party trick-wise i did retain some contortionist ability and so thats always a good one to break out. Also can spit water up to 30 ft for tooth gap reasons. I am the type of person whos just naturally good at a lot of things (sorry) so i consider that a talent too
10. Where were you born? The top left corner of the USA, not including alaska
11. Hobbies? Writing, journaling, watching movies, reading, various textile arts, going for walks, playing assorted instruments, and occasionally traditional art (im particularly fond of ballpoint pens and oil pastels). Would say listening to music but thats a job to me and i clock into that shit like i get paid
12. Any pets? Maeve the most anxious dog in the world who i love very much <3
13. Height? 5'8/172 cm
14. Favorite school subject? I was a school hater so it really depended on the teacher... in high school i did have the same teacher for like three years in a row (she taught me english in freshman year, history in sophomore, + health in junior) and she was totally awesome so all those classes were great. Typically the classes i had the most fun in were english and history just bc there was more room for fucking around. In the single semester of college i took i did have crazy amounts of fun in my film class though which i will say was mostly because my professor rocked and i got him on my side early so i could kind of do whatever
15. Dream job? Due to the Issues and also common sense mainly i just wish the government actually took care of people and i wouldnt need to work. But if i have to chose a job than itd be a) writing a book or two that are good enough i could live off the royalties and film rights and whatnot for the rest of my life or b) pulling an enya (dropping some widely beloved and largely incomprehensible music and then disappearing totally from the public eye to live in a castle in the middle of nowhere)
Idk whos already done this so ignore me if you have lol @supersonic1994 @nothingrhymedwithcircus @hauntedwoman @halogenstreetlight @evebabitzgf @serethereal and anyone else who wants to <3<3<3
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acaciapines · 2 months
for the ask game, answer whichever of these speak to you the most: 4, 5, 11, 14 :D
oh they ALWAYS speak to me. i answer All. i will not be contained.
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
actually shockingly few! ever since i finished my big owl house editing pass back in june i've not done a whole lot in terms of projects...and recently i've been playing rain world so instead of writing im playing rain world like 24/7. currently my only main project is the dess raises kris au, and in that 'verse the only thing i'm writing right now is a dess/chara relationship study. i WOULD finish it, but, uh. rain world. (<- guy who is trying so hard not to write rain world fic. i probably wont but also i am always tormented by ideas. but consider i have to tell the story of my slugpup scooter SCOOTER I WONT EVER FORGET YOU--)
5. What's a fic idea you've had that you will never write?
probably countless that i do not remember right now! but digging around through my drafts, i've got a few deltarune daemon aus that won't ever see the light of day...one of them was a fangame where the player played as one of kris's two daemons, and the other was a fic where ralsei was kris's daemon. the ideas from there have basically been repurposed elsewhere--a lot of my kris&ralsei stuff went into various works, and the fangame stuff is being reworked into the dess raises kris au.
beyond that, in terms of things that are actually abandoned and won't be used elsewhere, there are so many daemon aus that i've left behind for one reason or another, though the gravity falls transcendence au is the one that i think was the best...that one postcanon his dark materials fic i was gonna write where lyra and pan return to will's world and cause general shenanigans there with him and kirjava...a vera-centric son of sea foam wings of fire au because vera is the love of my life and i was rereading wings of fire bc i felt nostalgic....oh my god fantasy high SOPHOMORE YEAR FIC, which i tried to start TWICE, once from fig's pov and once from ayda's that was their road trip back home and i have some very funny snippets from...MY INFINITY TRAIN DAEMON AU WAIT THAT ONE STILL GOES SO HARD ACTUALLY. okay drop everything ive ever said the fact that i never wrote my infinity train book two daemon au is a travesty. i was cooking with that one.
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
sort of! i usually always have at least one or two songs i connect to any given fic, but in terms of what i listen to when actually WRITING, it's changed over the years. i used to put on compilations of video game music--usually utdr, pmd, and then just whatever got recommended to me lol--then i did like. those character playlists people make on youtube? mostly bc they tended to pull from the same pool of songs so it became good background noise lol. now i use the youtube mix or whatever its called for a similar reason--it tends to play the same handful of songs ive listened to a lot, so they dont distract me.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
oh i LOVE this question, and it would be without a doubt my nimona daemon au oh, are you at all like me. nimona itself is obviously both a comic and a movie, and i'd say animated film since the fic follows the movie plot more--i think there'd be a LOT of really cool scenes you could get with that fic. i also think i could make killer animatics based on my fics if i could draw good enough <3 and thats not a joke i have scripts and sketch storyboards and everything. maybe one day i'll finish one of those.
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jellybeanium124 · 4 months
adhd vent
cannot believe my psych might require me to do like $3000 and 16 hours of testing to """"prove""" I have adhd. give me 10 minutes I will leave you without a shadow of a doubt.
every couple of months I have this day. I never know when it will happen. but very rarely, I will have a day where I can just... do things. call the people I need to call, email the people I need to email, clean my apartment, run errands. I can get like 4 or 5 things done and I have to fucking milk it when it comes because most days are not like this.
most days getting 1 thing done is a win. getting nothing done is average. getting nothing done + being so filled with bees I can't even focus on stuff that's meant to be entertaining for more than a minute is a bad day. if I get the closing shift there's a 70% chance I will do nothing else that day because I do not have any sense of how time works and am worried if I leave the house to do groceries I will be late for work. on a good day I can do laundry before a closing shift. I never even remember to contact people until a time where I can't (at work, night). I can't even begin building habits like "exercise" because I don't want to do it and forming a habit for something that is technically unnecessary for my survival and I don't want to do is impossible.
there's a decent chance I will do absolutely 0 things on my days off because I'm so beat from work. this is part of why I'm getting into records. I have to LEAVE THE HOUSE to go to a record store. and because it is FUN and I might get a TREAT (new record) I am actually able to sometimes do it. this would be less of an issue if I had more friends where I lived. But Circumstances happened and now I only have one friend where I live. all my other friends are in [HOMETOWN]. I'm working on a second friend.
everything has an exact place in my apartment and if something isn't in its place (or for objects that move a lot, like my phone, one of its few places) I have Absolutely No Fucking Idea Where I Put It. I still have my TI-84 calculator from high school and I still use it if I know I'm gonna do multiple calculations in a row bc I will not remember the previous answers and the TI-84 records it for me. I keep it in my desk drawer. once I thought I lost my phone for like 10 minutes because I used my calculator and then put my phone in the drawer when I was done with the calculator. it took me forever to retrace my steps and realize what I did. I forget things one second after they happen.
I was constantly struggling to turn homework in on time from 7th-9th grade (12-14) and I only "fixed" that problem by developing severe anxiety over turning in homework late. and then I lived with severe anxiety during school years from 9th grade through my freshman year of college (14-18). idk why it suddenly didn't come back my sophomore year. probably because I moved out.
I wanna work in the film industry but that's driven by my effort and I can't even fucking remember I should be doing something about it most of the time!! and then reaching out to people is so difficult! sometimes for anxiety reasons but sometimes I just can't work up whatever I fucking need to work up to respond to an email. I love this work and once I'm on set I'm a hard worker and generally good (people seem to like me) but getting on set has been damn near impossible and not just because it's a difficult industry to break into.
this has just been my life. for 10 fucking years. and it's worse now because I don't have the structure of school or my parents looming over me. I only pay my rent because I have a calendar alert set up every month. I only pay for wifi and my credit card bills because they let you set up auto payments. my roommate is in charge of the electric bill and whenever they text me what my half of this month's payment is I have to venmo them immediately or it will never happen. when my calendar alert to take my birth control pops up on my laptop I don't let myself close it until I've swallowed that pill. when my alarm goes off telling me whatever's in the oven needs to come out, I don't shut it off until I'm out of my seat, otherwise I'd accidentally keep watching youtube or whatever and burn everything. everything's a calendar alert, everything's on a timer, I have a physical fucking whiteboard calendar on my desk to remind me of everything. if I didn't have these things set up and I didn't force myself to be diligent about it, I'd never remember when I needed to go to work, and banks and landlords would start coming after me.
my car is out of windshield wiper fluid. only the driver's side window goes down. the AC's out. and most recently the aux cord stopped working (this happened before and I got a new cord which worked for a short while so I think there's something wrong with the car). and I haven't fucking found the time to take it to someone and get it fixed. my AC is out!! in june!!! and I can only open one window!!! and I suffer because the car still technically works and drives me where I need to go and since this isn't life threatening or otherwise immediately pressing I have no idea when I will get to this!!!
I just want the days where doing two things being a major accomplishment to be a thing of the past. I want it to be a distant memory. I want to be able to function like everyone else.
you don't need to send me to someone for 16 hours across two days and cost me $3000. Idk what more proof you could possibly fucking need. give me the goddamn pills that will make my brain work.
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allthecastlesonclouds · 8 months
Is someone were to start watching dimention 20 . What series(?) would you reccomend n where ?
omg omg okay okay so i'd say there are so many different routes you can take depending on what genre you like!! this is truly so hard omg. i can start off by saying most seasons are on a subscription service called dropout which is the only subscription service i will be paying for in my life (unless you're counting a patreon as a subscription service), but they also have a youtube where they've released a couple full seasons.
i'm putting Escape From The Bloodkeep at the top because a) Villainous Found Family, b) free on youtube, and c) there's an NPC named J'er'em'ih. It's a Lord of the Rings knockoff from the perspective of the villains who are dorks and also queer. Found family to the max and so many bits.
i will be crunching this post because it is LONG! genres galore!
if you want Drama: A Crown of Candy is a Game of Thrones/Candy Land mashup. The Ravening War is the prequel. Both of them have a nonzero chance of making you cry and Do have permanent deaths. A Court of Fey and Flowers is the other drama but it's. queer Bridgerton with fairies. no angst many flowers and there's LETTER WRITING and a RUMOR PHASE
Coming Of Age: Fantasy High Freshman Year, Sophomore Year, Junior Year, and The Seven. While I think t7 is higher in quality than Freshman Year, you do need FY for context. either way, both feel as realistic as an adventuring school can be to an actual coming of age story.
Misfits and Magic is also a Coming of Age and an homage and just. a fabulous piece in general which I think is a GREAT introduction (if you have dropout)! it's a group of people going "how much can we poke fun at jk rowlings books bc we grew up on those but we Don't Like Her and actually her system is trash?" it's a smaller cast using the kids on brooms system, and, once again, it's queer and coming of age and found family. there's a wet cat of a man if that's what you need in your life.
Horror Seasons: Neverafter and Burrow's End are the two Overtly Horror seasons and they both pull it off very well. Neverafter is found family. Burrow's End is a literal family (of stoats) (not anthropomorphized, just plain stoats). they're Good Horror.
The Unsleeping City (Part I) is also very good. only filmed media that's made me cry. i can't speak to part ii specifically because i did not vibe with the virtual filming style. i got dropout because of Pirates of Leviathan, but i had the context of s1 and s2 of fantasy high so. idk man. is this coherent?
romance: Shriek Week and A Court of Fey and Flowers. Monster dating sim and Fairy Bridgerton. i'm not a dating sim person so i couldn't really do shriek week but ACOFAF. Man. That season.
Mystery: Mentopolis. I cannot tell you how much I loved Mentopolis. such a good season. Hank Green is there. Mike Trapp (creator of J'er'em'ih) is there. It's truly just tropes tropes tropes. everything is a pun.
Mentopolis also fits under action, which is what I would put Coffin Run under as well. Coffin Run my beloved. 2 vampires a wannabe-vampire and a jewish-old-man-who-misses-his-wife walk into dracula's castle and go. "hey we're your favorites, right?"
i'm so sorry. i hope this helped. i really love this show man. there's very few seasons i couldn't finish and 20 seasons out right now (the 21st is coming out every wednesday starting last week) and while there are MORE seasons like A Starstruck Odyssey (scifi comedy, 10/10 no notes) this is a long post to say. TLDR: you gotta know what style of show you like. my friend and i both watch it but she REFUSES to watch fantasy high and i can't stomach A Crown of Candy but we still both watch other seasons.
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kinomiya · 1 year
Mayblade Day #22: Cover Art.
Thanks @hellovivirose​ for collaborating with me on whatever last minute disaster this was that we produced. ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª
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[ARTICLE TEXT: Another day, and another musician has been targeted by a series of leaks. Less than two weeks after Neoborg was embroiled in a series of scandalous rumors posted by someone using the pseudonym “crimson sunbird” on the anonymous gossip site DeuxMoi.
The anonymous leaker suggested the band used ghostwriters for their debut album, questioning the frontman’s authenticity in doing so. The band has remained silent regarding these rumors, despite the attention they’ve received.
Today, in what appears to be a continuation of these targeted leaks, an anonymous tumblr account has posted what they claim is a genuine leak of the cover art and tracklist to the bands highly anticipated sophomore album. Only time will tell if there is any veracity to these claims or if it’s simply an elaborate hoax intended to harm the bands reputation with their fans.
Prior to publication, we reached out to NeoBorg’s representatives but they did not respond immediately for comment.]
The door to the apartment violently swung open and Yuriy angrily stalked into the spacious Tokyo high rise. He approached the figure who was lounging on the sofa, playing on his phone and dropped an iPad into his lap.
Takao didn’t flinch despite the loud thud of the device hitting his knee. Instead he glanced from his phone to the tablet screen, scanning the article the webpage was open to. The disinterested expression on his face made Yuriy’s scowl intensify.
“What about it?” Takao inquired as he finished reading the article and looked up at the intruder in his apartment, an eyebrow slightly raised.
“You better have a real fucking convincing explanation to how this couldn’t be you, Kinomiya,” Yuriy said through clenched teeth.
“Why do you think I’d do this?” Takao questioned, as he shifted on the sofa, tossing the device in his hands beside him.
“Gee I don’t fucking know, maybe because you’re the only person who’s seen this who isn’t part of the band or the team!” Yuriy spoke, frustration and betrayal in his voice as he clenched his hands into fists at his side.
“Then it sounds like you have a mole on your team or in your band,” Takao retorted, his nose wrinkling in displeasure at the man's accusation.
Yuriy closed the distance between them, grabbing onto the collar of Takao’s yellow t-shirt and pushing him into the back of the couch, where Yuriy towered over him.
“Listen closely you little brat, my band is my family, and if you’re saying I should believe your suggestion that one of them is a traitor, you’re about to have a rude awakening,” he spoke in a threatening whisper, as his clenched fist turned white.
A bitter laugh escaped Takao’s lips as one of his hands moved to grab onto Yuriy’s forearm. His nails left red marks on the pale skin as he pushed the man away from him.
“Why are you always like this?” Takao asked, as he gave Yuriy an abrupt shove that caused the man to let go of his shirt collar. He spoke again, his irritation no longer hidden: “How long has it been now, Yuriy? Half a decade? But because I never had the misfortune of going to that shithole boarding school with you and your misfit friends, you’ll never even humor the idea that I don’t actually want to ruin your life!” Takao finished with a frustrated shout.
Yuriy stared between his open hand and the shorter man who now stood before him a bewildered expression on his face at Takao’s normally calm demeanor being replaced with anger.
Maybe he was right, how many trials and tribulations would Yuriy make Takao go through, how many more times would he move the goalpost on the man. Never satisfied that this wasn’t all just some elaborate plan to ruin him straight out of a generic coming of age film.
“Then tell me… who do you think is trying to sabotage us?” He asked with a sigh as he lowered his hand to his side and shifted his gaze away from the wild rage in front of him.
“I don’t know, maybe the dude who’s dating your manager's niece,” Takao replied nonchalantly, tilting his head to the side slightly as he continued: “you know, the one who thinks he’s better than you in every way.”
Yuriy closed his eyes, inhaling deeply as he recalled all the private arguments with Volkov about allowing Kai to take on a more significant role in the writing process as well as performances, insisting it would be to their benefit due to his popularity with their fans.
He wasn’t quite ready to admit how much sense it made.
“Sorry…” He muttered awkwardly, daring to sneak a glance at Takao.
“I’m used to it,” Takao replied monotonously, nudging his shoulder gently against Yuriy's, in a silent act of comfort before finishing: “Anyway I thought it was funny at first that he was gossiping about how you didn’t write your own music because it wasn’t like any of the music he was writing was better but… it’s less amusing the lengths he’ll go to sabotage his family, for his own benefit.”
“I’m going to kill him,” Yuriy grumbled as he returned the nudge, in a silent thank you.
“Or… you could just reveal that he’s the grandson of your record label's CEO?” Takao suggested, a hint of amusement on his face as Yuriy suddenly looked at him in shock
Takao leaned closer to the man, moving a hand to gently cradle his jaw, as a smirk danced across his lips as his breath tickled Yuriy’s face.
“See, what did I tell you? It’s to your advantage to trust the vapid global superstar that writes your music for you… because I know things.”
All Yuriy could reply with was an exhale of air that sounded vaguely like a chuckle.
Maybe it was about time he cemented the post once and for all.
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saturnaftertaste · 5 months
never wrote any of this down but the last week of college this year…@riff-raaf concoction lunch tuesday was arguably the best meal i’ve ever had in my life so much sunshine and arabiatta sauce and fake mulled wine…got an a on my final project for my hardest class ten minutes before my fake-date and i ran to see an absolutely life changing production of illinoise and boy did i feel it! there is no real way to describe what i saw except that it felt like the color of purple sparkles on a sweet blue twilight night lit by warm-white ikea lamps on a summer thursday; changed me forever and i will always be grateful to the dash for informing me that tickets had released and to fate for making it so my friend saw my request for someone to go see it with me as soon as i put it out into the universe; a dinner at applebees and then a long walk along the piers, sitting by the water playing urdu love songs…running errands on thursday and attending my friend’s student film premiere…running the last school market of the year with my club and setting up my own table to be run by my friend, hitting up raising cane’s after, gossiping and polaroids and spinning the cube and holding hands and skipping in a totally platonic way with my friend; using the last night i had with the seniors to convince them that actually just because i like superhero comics does not mean i am not one of them; preaching the riverdale gospel; chatting until two in the morning on the concrete in front of our dorm building…saturday the very last operation outside of sophomore year (more to follow) but brunch at our fav tea house; shopping; boba; central park and lots and lots of crying and sad songs and wandering; p.f. chang’s for dinner, eeaao rerun for the last night of the semester, packing until 5am…the push and the shove to store everything on sunday, jesus the way we had to maneuver those boxes…nightmare, actually, but we got it done, packed up my suitcases, and then got to my lyft at exactly 6:29 (he was scheduled for 6:30) and off i went! home again, home again, hot air and pink skies and long, sunny days and humid sweaty nights, a long flight that i napped on and a city i was glad to land in. what a week!
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dawnstar-33 · 8 months
Introducing my TWST OC: Tyche!
I love making ocs, I actually have one for each dorm + Yuusona, but Tyche is probably my favourite of the ones I've currently made. If I've made any cannon lore errors, please let me know so I can adjust!
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Character based off: None
Dorm: Octanville
Name: Tyche Aurelia
Nicknames: Ty, ChiChi
Age: 17, Sophomore 
Love interest: None
Sexuality: Bisexual, Asexual
Pronouns: He/They
Club: Film Research Club
Backstory: Originally from the sea, Tyche, a curious young Jellyfish strayed too far from the comfort of home one day, and found himself rather lost amongst the coral. After attempting to find shelter or a landmark to bring himself back to familiar ground, Tyche himself stumbling across a young Azul.
The two quickly became friends after some apprehension on Azuls part, and the sheer stubbornness that was Tyche wanting a new friend, he was persistent that started coming armed with shiny rocks as gifts, he still continues to give shiny rocks as a form of affection to this day. Later he was introduced to Jade and Floyd, even though their friendship was rather slow to develop because of the Tweels constant pranks at his expense, the group as a whole is now quite close and enjoy eachothers company, despite the constant arguments between Tyche and Floyd.
For all his harmless nature, Tyche has always had a pretty vulnerable emotional state and struggles to regulate his emotions, often leading to breakdowns for little reason, the smallest thing could set him off, it was discovered pretty early on that he struggled with his emotions on account of coming from a household where it was seen as a great sign of weakness.
When the dark mirror chose him, for the longest time he assumed it was a mistake on account of his belief that he possessed no credible magical ability. It wasn't even known to Azul and the Tweels untill he name was called at orientation, looking like more of a nervous wreck than usual. However as time went on, Tyche found that Healing spells and Hexes came to him a lot more naturally than most other spells, and come in handy in a dorm with Floyd in it. Tyche has a very calm temperament, quite the pushover and will avoid conflict at all costs, however should the need arise, it shouldn't be forgotten that he was placed in Octanville for a reason...
He now works at Monstro lounge with Azul and the Tweels and occasionally surprises them and customers with his baking skills for the cafe. Tyche and Floyd getting into arguments isn’t uncommon, as Floyd often pawns his shifts off on him and Tyche long just accepts it.
Appearance: Tyche’s appearance very much resembles that of a Moon Jellyfish. Standing around 5’6 without heels.  Like Azul, Jade and Floyd, he also kept some of her more “animalistic’’ features even after the potion, mainly being the freckles across his body that appear to resemble those on a Jellyfish. In addition to the freckles, he also kept the deep blue colouration of his eyes that seem to glow in the dark, often scaring other members of the dorm. When he was first granted a human form, the first thing he did was cut his hair into a ‘jellyfish’ style that curled at the ends. Tyche is well known around Nights Raven for his small twists on the Uniform, mainly the hand embroidered sea creatures sewn onto the hem of his sweaters and the cuffs of his blazer. 
Usually donning blue eyeliner and a light brown lipstick, he finishes his outfits, formal or casual with pearl earrings and a necklace that match his multiple piercings. Much like Jade, he has an affinity for jewellery and is never seen without the abundance of rings and nails painted black with nail polish that always seems to be chipped due to nail biting.
Signature Spell: ‘Deep Sea Peril’
Temporarily paralyses an opponent who is hit by the spell, reminiscent of a Jellyfish's ability to sting its opponents. Can only last a maximum of 5 minutes without side effects that worsen the longer he continues to use the spell.
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The teacher series!!!!!!! Seems so so exciting. I'd love to read more of it xx.
Ah OK! I'll give you a sneak of part 2 because you're the person to respond 😊🫶
It was about to be the first week of October and homecoming was just around the corner. It was cute to see the girls and boys getting asked to the dance. It reminded her of her time in high school. Her and Harry were sitting in her office, planning the schedule for their next drama club rehearsal.
“Did you go to homecoming?” She asked randomly and he glanced up at her.
“Yeah, I did. But I only went my junior year.” He said.
“What? Why?” 
“Well we don’t have that in England, or at least not the school I went to. And I moved here when I was 15, so my sophomore year I didn’t go as a protest to my mum dragging us here. I only asked someone my junior year and went with them. But then my senior year I actually got a concussion while we played a scrimmage football game and I was in the hospital.” He laughed.
“Wow, that’s wild.” She shook her head.
“And you?”
“Yeah, I went every year. Mostly with my girlfriends.”
“No one ever asked you?”
“I mean, they did to prom… I was just a little weird in high school.” She giggled.
“I see. Are you gonna chaperone?”
“Yeah, they asked me yesterday…” she mumbled, “Have to be there from 7 to 9pm.”
“Oh perfect, we’ve got the same shift.” He smiled and she glanced up.
“Yeah!” He grinned wide.
“That’s awesome. At least I won’t be alone with Brian.” She giggled jokingly and he nodded.
“Niall, please!” Harry begged.
“No way, Harry! I do not want to do the 9 to 11 shift. There’s no way.” Niall said crossing his arms to show his unwillingness to switch chaperone shifts with his friend, “Hey! No roughhousing!” He shouted to some students as they played some basketball for P.E.
“Please mate, Y/N is on the 7 to 9 with you and she thinks I’m on that shift as well.” He pleaded.
“Why would you tell her you’re on that shift if you’re not?” Niall asked and Harry huffed. 
“I mean, why wouldn’t I? C’mon Ni, please.”
“Does she even like you back? Are you sure this might go somewhere?” He asked, eyes careful on the games at hand.
“We kissed.” He said and Niall glanced over to him with a smile.
“What? When?” He grinned in excitement, all of his unwillingness melted away at his friend’s small victory.
“When we met to cast the winter musical. We caught a film after and we kissed and we haven’t kissed in almost a month now so this is the perfect chance! If we get off by 9 we might get the chance to go out again or something.” Harry explained.
“Ughhh, fine.” Niall grumbled, “All in the name of love.”
“You are the best, I owe you!” Harry called out as he hurried out of the gym to make it to his class.
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
TW: This video has a nude image. This is one of the most unapologetically real films I’ve ever watched. And this is easily the scene that spoke to me the most. I too have Asperger’s syndrome. I was diagnosed when I was thirteen after a sensory overload in school that got me in trouble. I was lucky to have parents love me and support me and take the time to understand me. But I had nothing short of a miserable school life, where I was not only pressured and stressed to tears, but I was heavily bullied and abused for my condition. It wasn’t just kids finding it funny when I was miserable, or finding me stupid for not understanding a joke, or pretending to be my friend to solidify that I was lesser than the people around me. It was also adults letting me know just how wrong and broken I was, screaming at me for having questions, denying to help me, punishing me for not doing something fast enough, or even punishing me for looking at something weird. And when quarantine started and I attempted to break free from my horrible school life, I was grounded for an entire season, and my mom told me that the problem was always me for not being able to do what normal kids could do. I grew very hostile towards my peers as a result of betrayals and abuse, finding solitude in being a part of nothing for the longest time, and if you knew me back then, you’d know me as an odd kid who paced around for no reason, didn’t need glasses but wore them anyway, and was sarcastic, snarky, and hot tempered to be unpleasant to be around. If you knew me back then, you would hate me. I didn’t gain friends until my senior year in high school.
Im one of those autistic people who don’t struggle too much with showing their emotions. For a long time, I had to bottle up my anxiety attacks because whenever I had them, people found it funny or punished me for having them. My guidance lessons were ‘don’t be angry’ ‘don’t be anxious’ ‘just ignore it all’. And I tried to cry at night, alone, hoping no one noticed. Sometimes they didn’t. And around my sophomore year I got heavily sick from it, seemingly for dumb reasons, I felt like I was the problem and was a garbage human being. I had moved away from that abusive environment and taken to a much more comforting state and home life, and I felt like I didn’t deserve any of it because ‘I was a problem’. It was only then that my mom understood and got me the help I needed. And then in my final year of school, I could begin a healing process. I could find much more positive ways to fit into society and see the benefits in myself. Like my writing, and my skills in the theater. I excelled at stuff like that in ways other people didn’t. My habit of need for constant movement really helped my health physically, and I could be a runner if I wanted to.
I have a partner in my life now and we’ve been dating for over two years now. She was autistic, like me. It actually started out as a childhood friendship nearly eight years before we fell in love. Talk about slow burn. She moved away to another country, but we made a promise to never lose contact. And we never did. She became my own Mary over the time we were apart. Our communication was about stuff we found enjoyment in, like our own writing, or media we liked, and the people around us never understood it, found it ‘not chemistry’. We grew to ignore them because it made us happy and that’s all that mattered. She was there for me in my lowest points, and I was there for hers. She’s chronically ill. She was hospitalized just a year after our separation, and only now is she starting to recover and get better. Back then it just got worse and worse for her and she became depressed to suicidal thoughts. She claimed I was the one who saved her life. Then a year before we would finally see each other again, I noticed her feeling more for me. But I didn’t let it surface because I didn’t know how I felt at the time. I was always someone who very openly rejected love with no hesitation, and it was one of the things I was bullied for. Then half a year before we would see each other again, she accidentally told me she was in love with me. So I guess she confessed first?? Or, I was the first one to do it on purpose, because I called it out, and returned it. And so I begged my family to move down the country, where she was, to see her again, and we did. And that vacation was where we had our first kiss. After I had come out to my parents for being an asexual lesbian, (I didn’t realize the asexual part until I was in my senior year where someone pointed it out.) we officially moved a few months later, and we could proceed with a healing process and a happier life. And not only for me, but for her, as now she is beginning to heal from her many illnesses and form a healthier lifestyle since we got together.
A life where I could see the positives in myself and see that my Asperger’s was never the problem, it was how people treated me. I was not lesser then. People might not understand me, but how I communicated and what I felt was valid. And I could do great things with that I could do.
So when people say your functioning of your brain is wrong or less than an average person,
“I do not like it when they say that. I do not feel disabled, defective, or a need to be cured. I like being an aspie. It would be like trying to change the color of my eyes.”
Please, watch Mary & Max. This movie is so uncomfortably real, especially for people like us. It’s not an easy watch, but I feel like it’s a necessary watch. I wish I saw this movie sooner than I did, when I needed it the most.
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brbabcseu · 1 year
What are some fun facts about AJ and his friends? They look like a fun group!
Leighanne w ur permission I am kissing u in glee
I got fun facts ABOUND
They're a very fun group! Jesse's never had complaints abt them, he thinks they're all good kids. They all got their own troubles and have their moments, especially around high school, but they're kids yk? Jesse is happy to have them under his roof if they ever need an escape or a vent or what-have-you. He WOULD love it if they could keep it the hell down after 10 pm though.
Damien is the newest initiate to the group. He's a sophomore when AJ and the other three enter their freshman year. Damien got to know Maya first through extracurriculars-- he runs track and Maya figures skates! They'd hang out after their respective practices and listen to podcasts while waiting for their parents to pick them up. AJ has a huuuuge crush on Damien and everyone teases him abt it... idk I love Damien so much he's such a goober!! V much one of those kids who "acts cool" bc he's always so chill and can easily run in more popular crowds but he's not a douche, he's actually v affable, if not a little too apolitical when it comes to disagreements + drama amongst the teens. Guess he's afraid it'll make his persona less neutral, and the idea of not being able to be friends with every different clique makes him feel insecure :(
Axel is overly boisterous, moderately annoying, and incredibly funny. Will Say and Do things just to see what happens. Rule of thumb: if it provokes their group to throw proverbial tomatoes at him, he's commiting to whatever that bit is. Likes to keep the energy up and the conversation flowing, otherwise he gets too anxious (he deals with a lot of tough things internally) and his friends remind him to relax once and a while, he doesn't always have to be so On around them. Close with all of them but has a special bond with Maya; AJ coming in close second.
Maya is sunshine incarnate. She always has a way to find things beautiful. If her life isnt going to inherently be like an indie film then she's going to MAKE it like one!! And she makes it look effortless to boot. Lover of all thing doodle-y, poetry, and podcast-y. Doesn't always matter the subject; admittedly though, she has a hard time focusing on something full through. If the name or thumbnail interests her she goes "sure hell yeah" and follows it lol. Her and Ax's respective neurodivergencies fit together very well. Her and Sam love to brag about their "boy-free" outings in front of the three guys and will usually team up when everyone else is being annoying. Maya considers AJ her sweet angel baby boy and would carry him around in her pocket if she could. She lovingly gave him the nickname "AppleJack" 🥹
Sam's been around the longest. A very level head in the group, a grounding force. She knew AJ since they were in diapers so they're essentially siblings. This is evident in how they treat each other; they'll whack one another over the head w a pillow and call each other a dumbass with EASE but also be ride or die till the end. The two can share one look and burst out laughing, super silly and goofy!! Sam's mom, Eliza, is a recovering alcoholic and has been slowly but surely putting her life together while Jesse's friend and local foster mom Delilah has taken care of Sam on and off throughout the years. Eliza is good people; her and Jesse are kindred spirits. So, meeting her and seeing her as a fellow struggling parent with a history of addiction, he vouched for her a lot and tried helping her out with housing and finding work while she was at her lowest. There were a lot of playdates, so Jesse's seen Sam grow up. He was there for all her school events, helped with all the birthdays, just as he did with AJ. A lot of that connection goes unsaid-- so it hit Jesse like a freight train when one day a 12 year old Sam approaches him and very casually hands him a father's day card. "You're not my dad but you are A dad, and a good one. I never met my own real dad so thanks for being there instead," the card read. She has to watch her smirk and keep from rolling her eyes and says, "Ah, you don't gotta cry about it!" when Jesse gets that 🥺🥹 look on his face. Despite being as prickly as her mom, she accepts his bear hug and tells him she loves him. The card is still on his dresser.
Doodles!!! Respectively: Sam receiving aforementioned bear hug, Maya and Damien hanging out, and Sam and AJ at their most affectionate
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madame-fouquet · 2 years
2022 Anime Retrospective
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With the year having come and gone, and a whirlwind of, frankly incredible, anime with it, it's time to do what has become a tradition for me and present my annual end of the year anime round-up! Each year it feels like I talk about just how hard it was to narrow the field as if it is something unique to that year's batch of anime, but perhaps it's time to admit that every year has a ton of great stuff that make it difficult to pick just a few to represent the best of them.
That said there were still a couple factors that made this year uniquely difficult, mainly the threat of a sweep by one particular series. However I am nothing if not fair, so I imposed a rule that I wouldn't let any series occupy more than two spots. I WILL however be doing a special mini-shout-out at the end of each category to that one particular series. That out of the way I do want to also open with a quick shout-out to some entries that didn't quite make the cut. My Dress Up Darling was a positively incredible series with an equally incredible main couple who were impossible to not root for, Marin herself being an especially lovable goober who had me constantly “Squeee”-ing along with her. Chainsaw Man was also a GREAT late-year entry that I feel is gonna really get a chance to shine in later seasons/coeurs so I'm gonna let it wait til then for me to really gush. Eve from Birdie Wing, Marin from Dress Up Darling, Chainsaw Man's Power, and Do It Yourself's own Jobko-chan are all wonderful and delightful ladies, but couldn't quite measure up to the character who did come away with this year's accolade. I do still absolutely love all of them though. And One Piece Film Red's Backlight encapsulates both an absolute banger of a song as well as a potent and emotional moment in the movie, but there were reasons it couldn't be on the list for either of those categories. That will not, however, stop me from listening to it on repeat.
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Best of the Year: Call of the Night
“Take me away midnight, Bloodshot red eyes, A lullaby for grown-ups.”* The unprecedented power of the temptation offered by a street lit, not by the sun, but by the harsh burning glow of neon signs and muted business windows. The freedom you find wrapping itself around you just as the gloomy shadows of murky alleys close in on either side. The endless possibilities of the deep, dark, and beautiful night.
Crazy how something like an anime can encapsulate such profound and abstract concepts, how it can make me long for those quiet and intimate walks to a 7-11 at midnight, the way it felt like the whole town was just for me and a single other person. But conveying those feelings of nostalgia for distant memories of the romantic and unknown is clearly EXACTLY what Call of the Night was setting out to do, and the fact that it was able to so perfectly do just that is exactly why it is my best show of the year.
Call of the Night is more than just a vehicle for exquisitely communicated vibes though. It's also the story of Ko-kun and Nazuna finding each other, and trying to find meaning in their lives through that connection. Of Ko trying to come to terms with who he is, and what connecting with other people actually means. Of Nazuna trying to shake off the deep malaise that has haunted the long nights of her unnaturally long life. It is a story of people finding themselves through each other and through the freedom offered only by the mystery of the night.
Along with the harsh feelings of entropy and malaise Call of the Night also understands how to perfectly communicate things like fear, intimacy, joy, and raw sex appeal. Every other series that makes an attempt at being erotic ends up feeling sophomoric and lazy next to the subtle, classy, and perfectly potent showings from Call of the Night.
I would love to keep going on about Call of the Night, and I will! But not here. This series threatened to sweep nearly every category this year and, though I denied it that privilege, I will give the show its due and note, as an honorable mention, each thing it would have contributed to those categories. If that isn't the ultimate endorsement of a single series, I don't know what is. “Flooded with don't-do's, Smeared with shouldn't know's. Under the screen of darkness coming to get us, You're always so capricious, The Call of the Night.”* *Yofukashi no Uta by Creepy Nuts
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Runner-Up: Made in Abyss Golden City of the Scorching Sun
***This is one of the first times I feel like I need to tag one of my entries with a SPOILER warning. So if you haven't watched the latest MiA season and have plans to, maybe consider skipping over this entry. Just know that I highly recommend it!*** With all the romanticism out of the way it's time to get heavy. Made in Abyss can be a very divisive series, and for good reasons, but it qualifies as a “problematic fave” for me. I'm not here to get into the weeds about the series though, what I am here to do it talk about what a fantastic follow-up this second season is to the initial outing as well as the movie.
For me, Made in Abyss was always about three things: The unrelenting power of the human spirit, the awe-inspiring beauty of the bizarre and dangerous, and the strength to retain one's identity and principles in the face of overwhelming horror that dares you to lose your way. Golden City of the Scorching Sun follows up on all of these themes perfectly, willing to pursue just how far the human spirit can be pushed while still refusing to break.
The new characters are also extremely good fits for the continuation of those thematic explorations, with new-comer Faputa having an arc that ties wonderfully into Reg's own continued growth while still also focusing on the question posed by her own existence: Even if you are in the right to seek revenge and enact abhorrent acts in its name, is it still morally just to do so? (if you were to ask me the answer is: yes.)
The new villain of Wazukyan also does a fantastic job of following up on past antagonists by continuing to show how easy it is for raw confidence and unstoppable ambition, like that exhibited by spunky protagonist Riko, to spiral into self-serving cruelty and arrogance. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the Abyss is allegory enough for the awful afterlife that I think the original exhibition leader's intentions qualify as a guiding beacon into the dark. And while a lot of parallels can be draw between Wazukyan and series supervillain bad-dad Bondrewd, I think Wazukyan's approach and mindset are different enough from the “Father of the Year” that he stands well on his own. Overall this entry was exactly what it needed to be, different enough to stand apart from it predecessors, but still fully acting on that mission statement that we started the exhibition on. And it has me just that much more excited to continue down into the Abyss and see what beautiful horrors are waiting for our heroes when they finally reach the bottom.
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Runner-Up-Up: Kaguya-sama Love is War -Ultra Romantic-
Any season that has Kaguya-sama means that every other show is competing for a best of slot with Kaguya-sama. Any year that has Kaguya-sama is a year where every other show is competing for a best of slot with Kaguya-sama. This show is like the new gold standard for both rom-coms and absurdist high school comedies, and the third season shows that it absolutely refuses to slow down when it comes to “pause the show and take a minute to finish laughing” comedy, as well as absolute gut-punching emotional peaks.
I lauded the second season for achieving the previously thought to be impossible task of making me actually care about and feel bad for Ishigami, a feat which this season follows up on by continuing to feature him as a... surprisingly good guy? Yeah it's wild. It also made me form an emotional connection with Ino, despite her rather off-putting personality. Honestly Kaguya-sama really is just “the show that makes you see the good in a bunch of stupid kids.” (Gosh they're all so dumb.)
What also helped this season, I think, was giving some more screen-time and substantial growth to the long-suffering ultimate wingman who is Hayasaka. Hayasaka has spent so much time in Kaguya's shadow, having to expend so much time and energy managing her mistress's emotions that, both personally and narratively, she's had ZERO time to experience growth and handle her own problems. But now it's her turn to shine in the spotlight and express all that pent up frustration in the most normal and natural way anyone could- with a rap-battle. She deserves everything they finally give her honestly, especially considering this season also saw her being forced to confront one of the most brutal ordeals any character in the series could ever suffer... being locked in a small room while Shirogane sings. Heaven have mercy.
The absurdity of it all and the stupidity of the characters is 100% why we're here. Well, that and the fluffy fuwa-fuwa doki-doki emotions we experience from watching Kaguya and Shirogane FINALLY make some of the most substantial progress in their relationship yet. The finale of the season is a “needs to be seen to be understood” sort of thing, and has me absolutely chomping at the bit for that cinematic follow-up.
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Runner-Up-Up: Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story-
“Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass.” -Happy Gilmore 1996
While many of the outfits in this series are quite goofy, and a number of the asses are definitely fat, I like to think that Birdie Wing has shown that golf needs just a little bit more than that. According to Birdie Wing, golf also requires Mafia connections, amnesia, a shady underground golf teacher, the hypnotizing powers of pussy-stank, a wlw bent, and Gundam references aplenty.
Seriously though, Birdie Wing has no right making me enjoy watching, and being engaged as heavily with the sport of golf as it did. I'm not a sports show girl, it takes a rare and special series to make me tune in for the scores and drama and, well... Birdie Wing is definitely both rare and SPECIAL. Anime is the only medium that could give us mob-backed underground life-or-death golfing and get me to type that sentence with a straight face.
If Birdie Wing was JUST empty spectacle it would still probably be a pretty good time. But it somehow manages to squeeze very real character work and emotional drama in between the physics-bending drives and mob violence. The incredibly sweet and genuine budding relationship and emotions between leads Eve and Aoi is the actual driving force behind the series, even if it's easy to occasionally lose track of it behind all the VR and mechanically randomized underground golf courses.
I find myself just kinda going in circles trying to talk about this show, unable to describe it any other way than wonderfully absurd and beautiful. Birdie Wing kicks in the door to the sports-anime-bar to a perfectly timed record scratch as the other series full of spunky, hopeful, and wide-eyed high schoolers stare in disbelief at the explosive assassination of a political leader the series features as a slight aside. It takes one look around the room and dares anyone to ask what ridiculous heights it's going to get up to next. And I am so ready to see what those heights are.
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Runner-Up-Up: Sasaki and Miyano
Standing in stark contrast to that last entry is something rooted more deeply in reality and subtlety. Sasaki and Miyano is such a powerfully sugar sweet romance that I feel like even the most bitter among us can find themselves drawn into the budding feelings between the leads. Along with being an exceptional example of the classic fluffy romantic comedy, Sasaki and Miyano also proves you can have your pining, and actual advancement of the relationship too.
It's one thing to have characters in a series who are genre-savvy, aware of the tropes of the story they exist in and able to note when they're happening, but it's another thing I think to have a lead who is savvy of the genre he's in (in this case Boys Love) and also in complete denial of it happening. Miyano loves to love Boys Love, but dang is the boy is in such deep denial about what that means for his own romance. I think one of the strengths of our uke-adjacent lead is that, while he spends part of the series in denial about his sexual preferences, it never comes off as paradoxically homophobic or anything. Instead we just get a young guy who had never thought to consider that liking other dudes was an option for HIM specifically, and I feel like that is a pretty relatable feeling.
I'll admit that I was worried going into this series that it was going to be yet another single coeur MLM/WLW series that spent the entire time on setting up the central relationship without ever reaching the payoff, (a trend I've been seeing a bit more often than I'd like lately.) I was then incredibly pleasantly surprised when the series ends with an actual substantial step in the advancement of the central relationship. It sounds minor, but when it comes to romance, I'm not just here for pining and longing looks- I wanna see some actual payoff dammit!
Sasaki and Miyano was never the most lavish production, but it certainly did know how to spend it's budget smartly. Things never looked awkward, or off model, and even if they weren't an incredibly extravagant effect, the colored shapes that would float by during the particularly soft moments never failed to make me melt and feel the gentleness and emotions of the moments. And I think that's the best way I could describe this show's strengths. It always made me feel the softness, the tenderness, and the love infused into it, and that sounds like the most you could ask of a romantic series.
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Honorable Mention: I'm Kodama Kawashiri
I love short form series. I still consider Working Buddies to be one of my favorite anime of the past decade. The format, it seems, is ironically often allotted more freedom than its full length brethren. The amount of creativity that has to be utilized to tell a story, move a character forward, or make a point in three to five minutes can be startling. But that this series just uses that time to be painfully relatable is possibly even more impressive.
For a series that is sixty-six percent opening by volume it is astounding how much they got me to care about the titular character of Kawashiri. Maybe it's because I too am constantly procrastinating on any given project I'm currently working on, or wish I could just eat fried foods and drink beer for every meal, or have also made attempts to game the sleep system that have all ended in abject failure. I'm not sure, but I do know I would die for this pitiful little kappa woman.
And maybe that's the magic of Kodama Kawashiri. She doesn't need to strive for something profound, or accomplish amazing feats, or dig into the deep levels of the human condition and examine what it truly means to be a person for us to love her and enjoy our time with her. She just needs to remind us that, it's okay to occasionally have a mini-mart dinner or linger in the bath knowing full well there are things we need to be actually accomplishing. That deadline can totally wait, and there's no way this will come back to bite us in any way. We're all human, we're all flawed. We should all take time to slow down and let ourselves be just a little slothful sometimes. You should be kinder to yourself. I should be kinder to myself. I'm Kodama Kawashiri. And You are too.
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Best Character of the Year: Riko (Made in Abyss Golden City of the Scorching Sun)
***This is one of the first times I feel like I need to tag one of my entries with a SPOILER warning. So if you haven't watched the latest MiA season and have plans to, maybe consider skipping over this entry. Just know that I highly recommend it!***
It feels a little odd giving this award to a character who made her premiere in animated form several years ago but, while Riko in the first season and movie was fantastic, I find that this season was the one where her character really materialized and compelled me. As good as she was in that first coeur, she did unfortunately spend most of its incredible final act sidelined and unconscious, so it was difficult to fully appreciate her impact. Similarly the movie felt like more of Nanachi and Prushka's story than Riko's, again making her feel like a supporting character in the story she is technically the protagonist of.
One thing that really stood out to me as Riko progressed through this latest season was how easy it would be to take her optimism and positivity for granted. Riko has seen, done, and been involved with horrors both natural and man-made beyond comprehension, but she has been left in a situation where she isn't allowed time to deal with and internalize any of it. She is being forced, constantly, to push it down and forge ahead, because to lose to her traumas and emotions now means death. So to see her allowing herself to blanket that trauma in her genuine love and fascination for the Abyss can really come across as one of the most heroic things she's done, at least for herself. She knows that she will have to confront these things some day, but she also understands that now is just unfortunately not that time.
Riko's empathy, despite the depths of human cruelty she's had to face, is perhaps the most important thing she contributes to the tenacious trio that is her, Reg, and Nanachi, and it is on full display in this season. The way she frees Vueko without a thought, the way she can answer Wazukyan's final question with her characteristic sense of wonder, the fact that she was able to forgive Maa and by extension get ME to forgive Maa. She is constantly showing that, despite the growing and impossibly heavy burden on it, she still has a heart, and that might be the one thing keeping her from becoming like so many of the other people she has encountered on her journey, and the thing that defines and separates her from the other White Whistles.
Honorable Mention: As I mentioned before, Call of the Night ran the risk of sweeping this whole year. So my CotN character shout-out goes to Seri Kikiyou: The far too relatable ennui-afflicted vampire gyaru.
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Best Moment of the Year: Rose's Arm (Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story-)
Were there more emotionally affecting and deeper reaching moments in anime this year? Oh, absolutely. Are there any real ramifications or far reaching consequences from this event? Not really. But when I tell you that not a single other moment this year got the kind of genuine audible reaction that  came out of me when Rose's futuristic robot arm prosthetic exploded out from beneath her glove, I am being absolutely serious.
Birdie Wing had me thinking I was fully prepared for it, that I knew exactly what level it was operating on and that, while it may be able to impress me with the depths of excess and ridiculousness that it could reach, I didn't think it would have the ability to fully surprise me. And then, despite my acceptance of the mechanical modular underground golf course they were playing on, I was NOT actually ready for the reveal that Rose had a gosh-danged ROBOT ARM. And the way this information is presented to us, with it exploding off her body after making a drive? I just couldn't. I screamed. I cried. I died laughing. I said “No” repeatedly, I asked “Why?” just as often, and I had to pause and catch my breath. No one else is out here doing it like Birdie Wing, I still have trouble believing this moment actually happened on screen like that in a series about GOLF!
The fact that such a short moment could produce so many emotions and at such intensity means that I couldn't give this award to anything else. Please, if you haven't, watch Birdie Wing. This show is the completely fake real anime that anime deserves and I love its absurdity with all my heart.
Honorable Mention: I almost gave this award to Call of Night's first episode when Nazuna and Ko take flight at the end. The insert song kicking in, the ethereal lighted sky that is almost synonymous with the series, the lingering beginnings of a budding romance, absolutely incredible visual storytelling.
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Best Theme Song of the Year: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Queendom (Ya Boy Kongming)
I was unsure about Ya Boy Kongming when the spring season first started up. Just reading the synopsis I didn't know if the series could actually execute such a unique concept. Before I could make a decision though, my partner rushed over to me with a video he'd found on social media and together we watched the OP for the series with all of its incredible imagery and energy as this monstrous ear worm of a song belted out alongside it. After watching that, there was no more need for waffling. I knew we were going to watch the show.
That alone should speak to the strength of the OP. The point of an opening number is to get you in the mood and headspace for the piece of media you're about to enjoy, but in this case it was the single most convincing advertisement that could have possibly been made for the series. The raw “getting hyped in the club” vibes of the song, the positively excellent energy of watching the cast dancing along or engaging in hilarious music video style shows of excess, it makes it impossible to not have a good time while it's playing. And I think Eiko herself would approve considering that all she wants to do is spread happiness to the world through music.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNn9NxZH2Vo Honorable Mention: All three Creepy Nuts tracks from Call of the Night have not left my mind (or playlist) since the show ended. I'd be hard-pressed to pick only one of the three as a favorite, but considering their own Yofukashi no Uta was the inspiration for the series itself, it feels fair to give it to that one especially. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zArhnXbh3Yc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OndK9RknCYU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6WjVGEVbNc
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Best Movie of the Year: One Piece Film Red
So here's a fun story: A buddy of mine hit me up asking if I'd be interested in going to see One Piece Film Red in theaters with him. He'd gotten a pair of tickets but his friend he was going to go with had to drop at the last minute. I told him I'd be happy to go, but I asked, since I'd only ever read maybe a couple dozen chapters of One Piece and picked up some other bits of info through cultural osmosis, if he'd be okay with me occasionally leaning over and asking who someone was or if I was supposed to know something from the series or not. He then confessed that he knew even LESS than that about One Piece and had primarily gotten the tickets because the buddy who had dropped was a huge fan.
I think that is able to speak more to the strength of the movie than anything else. If you at least know the basics of how the world of One Piece works and who the Strawhat Pirates are, you are going to be able to enjoy this movie I can assure you, because I absolutely did. And I didn't just enjoy it, I fell in love with it. More-so than anything else, this film has gotten me the closest to finally going back and tackling the insurmountable task that is “catching up on One Piece.”
I'm a fan of musicals, and especially love when an anime is a musical (Go watch Starmyu) but after Uta's bombastic performance of “New Genesis” I had just assumed it was a clever diegetic opening number. But when she started singing again during the lighthearted battle with the various pirates during “I'm Invincible” my attention was once more piqued. And when she unleashed the absolute banger that is “Backlight” during that heartbreaking confrontation, I knew this was something very special.
And perhaps, fittingly, Uta is that special something that made the movie so great. The combined performances of Kaori Nazuka (speaking) and Ado (singing) help bring to life a character who is so much more compelling and deep than I was prepared to give her credit for going in. This movie is just as much, if not more, her story than that of the Strawhat Pirates whose series it occupies. From what little One Piece I had engaged with I was already quite taken with Shanks, but his daughter has proven to be a character who I hold even more near and dear to my heart.
If you're a One Piece faithful, you've probably already seen this movie. If you're a One Piece casual who has been waffling on it, do yourself a favor and see it now. And if you're a One Piece Newbie or just someone who has heard a lot but never taken the leap, this is your ship coming in, and it's time you climbed aboard.
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Worst of the Year: The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting
***Disclaimer: I only vote a series “worst of the year” that I have watched all or the majority of. I will not vote for something that I tried for one or two episodes and dropped due to not liking it, so this often ends up as more of a “least favorite” or “most disappointing” category. I also will NOT vote for something with an infamous reputation. I know by word of mouth of some truly ABYSMAL shows, but I didn't watch them, so it's not fair for me to give them that flack (No matter how well deserved).***
With the now usual disclaimer out of the way let's dig into the crimes committed by this series and the manner in which it has disgraced the family name. Don't misunderstand my thematic hyperbole, Yakuza Babysitter is by no means an abhorrent show, but it is a series that seems to have somehow misunderstood its own core concept and the potential contained within.
Lots of people, myself included, love the comical juxtaposition of something like members of  organized crime syndicates and mundane heartwarming activities, just look at the explosive popularity of the Yakuza game series. However when you do something like this you need to nail down what the very specific tone or tones you're going to be working with are and present them fully and succinctly from the beginning. Which is not something YGtB ever really did? The beginning of the first episode implies that we're going to be primarily in for the cross-section of Toru's violent, unhinged personality and the sweet and innocent activity of caring for a young child. But we rarely ever see Toru enact that much violence, and when we do it's always for the sake of others, or in the name of righting wrongs. We never really actually SEE much that reinforces what we're constantly told, that Toru is an madman on the edge, only barely contained by the family head's strength of will.
And that's where the series mostly drops the ball. We're constantly being told things, but never shown the evidence of their truth. There's this mysterious and threatening individual who pops up at the end of several episodes to attempt to spread a foreboding cloud over the future, but the rest of the series never commits to this concept (at least not up til the eighth or ninth episode when I finally gave up.) Though frankly I wouldn't blame anyone for dropping during the absolutely awful time of a head-scratcher that was the fourth episode. Here's a writing tip: Just because you've cleared the three episode test, if you haven't fully nailed down your core vibes and concepts, or even introduced all the members of your primary cast, it might not be a good idea to air an episode that you admit UP FRONT is completely non-canon and is just wasting the viewers time.
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osp-originals · 1 year
That Time Lucas Broke his Ass and Passed Out
This is set in Penelope, Armando and Lucas’ sophomore (second) year, when Pen had just joined the film club, so she and Lucas have not know each other very long
Inspired by #7 and #2 on my favorite whump tropes list
TW: breaking bones, syncope/fainting, avoiding medical treatment (due to the cost)
All he was going to do was walk backwards while filming. He had done this many times before. Totally normal situation.
Little did he know, this time would be anything but normal.
“Camera?” the director, Henry, said.
“Rolling,” Lucas responded as he pressed the ‘record’ button on the device.
It was his first time using the university’s biggest, heaviest, fanciest, and most expensive camera.
“Sound?” Henry asked.
“Speed,” said the sound tech, Penelope.
“Scene one, shot one-A, take two, marker,” Armando, the assistant director, said.
He then let the top of the clapboard fall, making the distinctive loud click. He stepped to the side.
The actors began saying their lines and walking toward Lucas. He started walking backwards quickly to keep pace with them. His mind was focused intensely on keeping the shot steady and walking smoothly. His feet barely lifted off the ground.
His heel caught on something. Sounds of concern came from several people in the room.
In the next few seconds, several thoughts raced through his mind.
Oh shit, I’m falling!
I can’t drop this camera. It’s way too expensive!
Welp, this is going to hurt, but it’s a sacrifice I’m going to have to make.
In real time, it just looked like him falling unceremoniously on his butt without even trying to catch himself.
It was way worse than he thought it would be. His tailbone smacked the tile floor hard. The pain shot up like a bullet through his spine. He definitely felt the right side of the bone crack.
“FUCK!” he yelled out involuntarily.
“Ooch, that’s gotta hurt,” Henry said.
Lucas squeezed his eyes shut and breathed shakily and slowly, trying not to scream.
“Are you okay?” Penelope asked.
The lightheadedness started to creep in.
Oh, I should’ve expected this…
He carefully set the camera down next to him.
“I think I actually broke my ass,” Lucas said.
Henry couldn’t hold back laughter. Lucas cracked a slight smile. He couldn’t say it wasn’t funny, even though it was extremely painful.
“Seriously?” Henry asked incredulously.
“Yeah, seriously,” Lucas responded.
Henry laughed even harder.
“Here, I’ll help you up,” Penelope offered.
He finally opened his eyes to see that she was standing next to him, holding her hand out for him to take.
He didn’t want to move, but he couldn’t just sit there forever. He grabbed her hand and started to pull himself up. The pain spiked, as he expected it to, and he pushed through it and stood up.
That may have been a bad idea.
The lightheadedness increased as well, as it usually did in response to pain. The room started to spin. He stumbled forward a few steps as his vision filled with colorful sparks. Penelope caught him by the shoulder and steadied him.
“You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, just a bit dizzy,” he answered, leaning his head down to try to get the blood flow back. “It happens to me sometimes.”
“You should probably sit down then.”
“I’d rather lie down, considering my ass is broken,” he quipped.
“Okay, yeah,” she said with a laugh.
She started leading him to the nearest bench, her hand on his back. He staggered again. His balance was practically nonexistent. Penelope put his arm over her shoulder so he could lean on her.
He tried to blink away the colored dots but they wouldn’t go away. His legs got weaker and his head spun faster.
He heard her say something, but he couldn’t understand. It felt like he was floating away and falling asleep at the same time.
He seemed to be leaning on her shoulders more and more. She looked over and noticed his face looked paler than normal.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she said.
The blush vanished from his cheeks. His eyes rolled back and he went limp in her arms.
Luckily, he was rather light and she was rather strong, so she lowered him gently to the floor so he was laying on his front.
“Did he just pass out?” Armando asked in disbelief.
“I guess so,” Penelope answered. “Lucas?”
Everyone started to gather around him.
“What the hell? Why would he pass out?” Henry wondered aloud.
“I don’t know,” Penelope said. “He said he was dizzy, and he said ‘it happens sometimes,’ and then he just… went out.”
“Oh, if it happens sometimes then this might be, like, normal for him,” said senior and director of photography, Olivia. “So maybe we shouldn’t freak out about it yet. Plus, I’ve seen him get dizzy before.”
“Did he faint though?” Penelope questioned.
“No, he just sat down for a bit and had a snack and he was fine,” Olivia explained.
“Look, I think he’s waking up,” Armando noted.
The first thing he was aware of was some voices talking around him. The second was the white-hot pain in his ass. (No, not inside his ass. In the bone.)
Then he opened his eyes. Things were somewhat blurry, but he could see the floor and two sets of shoes and someone kneeling in front of his face. He noticed his cheek was pressed up against the cold tile floor.
Why am I laying on the floor?
He blinked the blur away and recognized the person kneeling in front of him was Penelope.
Nothing made sense. He didn’t understand what anyone was saying, where he was, or why he was there. Penelope seemed to realize she wasn’t getting through to him and placed her hand on his back. The feeling of it helped him stop panicking.
That’s really nice of her. She looks so worried about me, too. What should I say to her?
“Hi, Penelope,” he slurred out.
“Oh, hey, he said something!” she said to the others. “Hi, Lucas. Can you hear me?”
“Yeah, I hear you,” he responded.
“How do you feel right now?” Olivia asked him.
“Uh.. weird,” Lucas replied.
The feeling in his head was hard to describe, and it certainly wasn’t a state of mind that lent itself well to putting difficult descriptions into words.
“Are you still dizzy? Lightheaded?” she asked.
“No, that’s not it,” he told her.
The feeling was slowly disappearing.
“Well, have you ever passed out before?” Penelope asked him.
He took a second to process the fact that that must be what just happened—he passed out—and then to remember whether it had happened before.
“Yeah, I have,” he said. “Twice, I think. And it’s always been when I was in a lot of pain.”
“Ohhh. I guess this makes sense, then,” Olivia figured.
Lucas propped himself up on his elbows.
“Yeah, and a couple of times, I’ve just gotten a bit dizzy when something hurts. A lot of times, actually.”
“Oh, alright,” Penelope said. “Well, if you think you actually broke a bone, I guess you should go to an ER or something.”
“What are they gonna do, put my ass in a cast? No. I’m not gonna pay a bunch of money for them to tell me it’s broken and send me home.”
“They’d probably give you prescription painkillers,” Olivia suggested.
“Maybe,” Lucas admitted. “But I’m fine without them.”
“Are you sure?” Penelope questioned. “You did just say you pass out from pain a lot. That sounds… rather inconvenient.”
“It’ll be fine. I have Tylenol.”
“If you say so.”
The end
I’ll definitely be doing some follow-ups to this set at different points in his recovery!
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greensparty · 2 months
This Month in History - July Part 2
This month there are so many pop culture landmark anniversaries that I had to do 2 installments. For Part 1 read here. Here is This Month In History from July 16-31:
July 16, 1999: Eyes Wide Shut opens
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In July 1999, Stanley Kubrick's final film was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2014. Happy 25th EWS!
July 21, 1989: UHF opens
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In July 1989, Weird Al Yankovic's comedy about an underdog UHF TV station opened. Here is my piece I wrote in 2014. Happy 35 UHF!
July 22, 2014: Alvvays released
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In July 2014, the self-titled debut album from Alvvays was released. I've been lucky enough to cover this band's albums and concerts over the last 9 years. But this debut (my #31 album of the 2010s) spawned the near perfect single “Marry Me Archie”, my #3 Song of 2014 and one of the best of the 2010s.  In June 2015, I saw them live at Brighton Music Hall and was impressed by their dream-like sound. The band even signed my CD at the merch booth. This debut is the sound of dreamy indie poppers swinging for the fences in a big way. It still holds up! Happy 10 Alvvays!
July 25, 1989: Paul's Boutique released
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In July 1989, The Beastie Boys' magnum opus was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2019. Happy 35 PB!
July 26, 2019: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood opens
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In July 2019, Quentin Tarantino's look at the changing Hollywood of 1969 opened. I saw this opening week and loved every minute of it! It's like it was tailor-made for a film geek like me. I named it my #1 Movie of 2019 and it made my #10 of the 2010s. Just a few weeks ago I spoke with co-star Nicholas Hammond at Super Megafest about this film. Happy 5 OUATIH!
July 27, 1979: The Amityville Horror opens
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In July 1979, one of the earliest and scariest movies I went to see in the movie theater with my parents was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2019. Happy 45th TAH!
July 27, 1984: Ride the Lightning released
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In July 1984, Metallica's second album was released. It was a band refusing to fall into the sophomore slump! When I did my Top 5 Metallica Albums list last year, I ranked this at #4! Happy 40th RTL!
July 28, 2004: Garden State opens
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In July 2004 the voice of 20-somethings at that time film was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2019. Happy 20th GS!
July 30, 2004: The Manchurian Candidate opens
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In July 2004, Jonathan Demme's remake of The Manchurian Candidate was released. This is truly an underrated remake. When it came out it was updated to be about a Gulf War vet and a multinational company. It kind of got lost in the Summer movie shuffle, but over the last few years there's been some revisionist takes on it saying how ahead of its time this was and how amazing it was that in an election year, this slipped through the cracks of a major studio to make a movie with obvious references to Cheney and Halliburton. I picked it up on blu-ray a few years ago and it is actually a very smart paranoid political thriller. Demme was being underestimated since his last film was also a remake (The Truth About Charlie, an update to Charade). But as always Demme delivered! Worth revisiting. Happy 20th TMC!
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