#i actually need someone to edit that now that sounds so funny lol
joatthecopa · 1 year
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Quite literally the funniest thing that Saw has sent to me by far.
Anyway, who wants to play Saw X: Survive the Obby with me?
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boxerharrys · 2 months
The New Girl Spencer x F Reader part 2
sorry for any spelling mistakes or punctuations missing! and I'm not the best at writing but I was excited to get this out!
(also side note I bought something off of Spencers Depop today and he shipped today as well. So I sent a message on there saying thanks for shipping so fast not thinking he'd respond but then he did and it made me so giddy! lol well enjoy?)
( trying to make this like a real fanfic a true story to it)
As you got home you started your camera up and filmed a video explaining how you will not be working for Smosh as you edited it you had the realization you should it ‘I booked’ you kept it ready for when you are able to post.
You settled on your couch reading your paperwork from Smosh today. Your first video will be for Smosh Games channel. You will be playing ‘Sounds Fishy’ For Board AF with Shayne, Angela, Chanse, and Courtney. So excited to meet everyone you rest up.  
Same Day: 
Shayne walks up to Selina being the best wing man.
“So who was that you had a conference wither earlier? Was it a new cast member or some type of deal?’ Shayne asked 
“Actually she out new cast member she really funny and cool her name is Y/N. She’s staring next Wednesday” Selina said. 
“Awesome can wait for us to all meet her” Shayne says. He quickly runs off to find Spencer. “Spencer! SPENCER!” Shayne calls out as he approaches Spencers desk” 
“What do you need?” Spencer says in a sarcastic annoyed tone.
“That ‘angel’ you saw earlier is our new cast member… and she starts next Wednesday. I’m gonna be the best wingman” Shayne says excitedly while moving his eyebrows. 
“Oh awesome I won’t be able to talk to her on Wednesday ill be hiding in the games set for now” Spencer says.
Fast forward to next Wednesday: 
 You were so excited to meet everyone and film today, you got ready with a cup of coffee getting your clothes together doing your hair and makeup and packing a lunch. You weren’t sure if you had time to go anywhere or anything like that. As you drove to the office you listened to your playlist to keep you calm for your exciting day. 
You went to the front door scanning your new badge you received in the mail. But as you entered you almost walked into Chanse. 
“Oh Hey girl you must be Y/N I’m Chanse! I can’t wait to film with you later today!” Chanse says 
“Oh hi! Yes me too!” You say.
“Ill show you to your new desk” Chanse says. As you guys walk to your new desk you stop and meet the crew you didn’t yet and some cast members. 
“Hey guys this is Y/n the new cast member’ Chanse says. 
Amanda, Arasha, Damien, and Angela was there; you fangirled a little in your head but was pleased to meet them. You made it to your desk and settled in; grabbing your laptop out and started writing a little. You were interrupted by someone no other than Shayne and Courtney.
“Hey you’re Y/N right I’m Courtney this is Shayne, it nice to meet you we are excited for you joining our cast. Courtney says.
“Oh hi guys sorry but gotta be honest I love you guys I’ve been watching Smosh for years and you guys have inspired me so much it a honor to be working with you guys” you say to them.
“Aw thank you so much can’t wait to be inspired by you soon” Courtney says.
“Hey its almost our call time for Board AF, are you ready Y/N?” Questioned Shayne.
“Oh hell yeah I’m so excited but nervous” you say
As you all walked on to the game set you were introduced to everyone behind the scenes. “Hey just wanted to ask if anyone could possibly just give me a run down on how the game goes?” You asked 
“Oh yeah definitely! Spencer can you show Y/N really quick how the game goes and the rules” Alex says.
You see Spencer turning around from the back of the room almost like he was hiding.
“Uh-um yeah I can do that” Spencer says anxiously.
You go a sit at the table while Spencer walks over to you and leans down. As he leaned down you got a whiff of his cologne ‘damn he smells good you say to yourself’. Then Spencer starts to show you how the games works and goes over the rules. 
“ Does that make sense?” Spencer questioned as he looked at you.
You turned your head and stared into his eye thinking over everything. But then he looked away fast and pretended to look around the room. ‘Hmm that was weird does he not like me or something idk its probably nothing and just my nerves’ you said to yourself. “Uh yeah I think so thank you” he then hurries away and leaves the room. Shayne then follows him and you look at Courtney “okay then” you say out loud. 
“Im not sure what that was about maybe he remembered something” Courtney says. 
Out of the stage with Spencer and Shayne:
Shayne runs up to Spencer “bro what’s that” shayne says.
Spencer turns around and says “I just couldn’t look her in the eyes like that my heart was pounding out of my chest dude, she’s even prettier in person and smells so good… have you smelled her shayne hahaha?’
“Um no I’m not a weirdo Spence…but you’re gonna have to man up and control this she works here now man” shayne says 
“Yeah you’re right” Spencer says then taking deeps breaths to call his heart rate down.
“Okay lets go back I can do this” Spencer says.
You see Spencer and shayne walk back to the stage “y’all ready for this” Spencer says excitingly as he’s coming back in.
Through out filming you noticed Spencer staring at you a bit. It made you a little nervous but stopped paying attention to it so you could focus on doing the best you can for your first impression. 
“Wow guys that was awesome thank you and if you’re done for the day have a good day!” Spencer says out to everyone.
You then left the stage room and went back to your desk just chilling.
Meanwhile in the stage room Shayne goes up to Spencer “dude she’s amazing.. she hilarious and it was juts a games video” Spencer says to Shayne
“I will say you might’ve made her nervous tho Spence, that whole time you were starring at her” shayne says 
“Psshhhh no I wasn’t” Spencer says 
Alex chimes in “yeah you were”
“Fuck she probably thinks Im a creep” says Spencer 
Back to you:
Selina went up to you “how was your first filming day?” Selina says 
“Awesome thank you for asking, I’m so glad it was a board game and not an actual video game I’m not the best at those and don’t know much.” You say 
“Well maybe we can change that!” Selina says.
The next day
Spencers POV:
He was sitting at the table with shayne an Courtney as you walk in and head to your desk.
“Dude you gotta talk to her and get to know her at least” Shayne says 
“Oh maybe we can all go to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate her joining and then you can make your move then!” Courtney exclaims 
“Oh gosh guys its too early I cant even control my nerves around her yet” Spencer says 
“Well I don’t care I’m still doing it I think it would be good for all of us to get to know her” Courtney says as they are making a group text on their phone. Courtney gets up to walk over to you. 
“Hey what your number I’m starting a group text so we can go out to celebrate you joining us” Courtney says to you. 
“Oh wow so sweet uh yeah here’s my number” you say to them. 
“Thanks!” Courtney says. 
Courtney starts walking back to the boys.. “welp I got her number for you now too” Courtney exclaims to Spencer. 
“Oh thanks so ill just express my affection to her and shell think its you” Spencer says 
“Okay well don’t do that I’m not trying to steal your woman cause you know she’d go for me” Courtney said laughing 
They all laugh in union… 
Spencer gets up and walks up to Selina. 
“ Hey so I have a gap for filming so we can add one if you have any ideas” Spencer says to Selina 
“Oh perfect I have an idea! You can teach Y/N how to play a video game!” Selina hurries and runs over to you before Spencer could protest. 
He hurries and goes up to Amanda and Angela “yo I need your guys help later I have to show Y/n how to play a game please be there with me so I’m not alone with her” Spencer says. 
“Oh right I was told you like her and now you’re scares to be with her hahah okay yeah I can” Amanda says
Cut to later in the day. You: 
You head to the games stage in the corner you see Amanda, Angela, and Spencer at the single little computer in the corner out of the way.
Spencer was wearing a baseball hat on backwards ‘ kind of hot with that hat backwards’ you said to yourself 
“Hey guys are you ready to film this hahaha” you said 
They said ‘hey’ back in union. You sat down as Spencer was finishing things up on the production side for this.
(For this think of the new video of Spencer showing Angela and and Amanda Resident Evil but with you added to the video and the backwards hat cause so hot when he wears one like that) 
Spencer finished up setting everything he needed to and started to record
As he sat down he looked over to the three of you and said “Guys my dream has come true I’m getting paid to show girls a video game” yo start laughing with the other girls.
Thought out the video you guys kept making jokes and laughing and you couldn’t help but silently agree with the jokes of Spencer being hot… did you really start to have a crush on him.
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nothankyoudear · 1 year
London book shop recommendations?
Summary: A.Z. Fell and Co. is recommended as a local London bookshop on a Reddit post. Chaos ensues when someone actually takes the recommendation and goes there, only to find that: 1. They don't get to buy books 2. The gentle bookshop owner apparently owns a giant python And 3. The bookshop owner is 100% in love with his best friend with the sunglasses OR Ineffable Husbands told through Reddit posts.
stupid little fic i wrote. thought it'd be funny to post on tumblr bc its formatted like reddit... social mediaception?
anyways, also on my ao3, nothankyoudear.
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 2 years ago
London book shop recommendations?
Hi everyone! Not sure if this is the right subreddit for this, but I just moved to London and I'd like to support some of the more local book shops that are around here! Any good suggestions?
EDIT: Thank you for all the suggestions! I will definitely be checking them out :)
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buttscotchzzz · 2 yrs. ago Are you looking to actually take home the books?    
       SadLittleJay OP · 2 yrs. ago        yes... I think that's the purpose of bookshops?
             buttscotchzzz · 2 yrs. ago               Yes, obviously, sorry. I just live close to this book store called A.Z. Fell & Co, and it's the loveliest place. It's very cosy and the collection of books there is honestly unbelievable (I think  there are some texts dating back to the 16th century? Not sure why those are in a book shop instead of a museum). The owner is a lovely man too, but he refuses to sell his books. Not sure why.
              Yeah so, for looking around and sitting?? Fantastic place. Actually purchasing books?? Probably not so much.
                   SadLittleJay OP · 2 yrs. ago                     No apology needed, sorry if I came off too harsh :) Sounds wonderfully strange!! I'll make sure to check it out (even if I won't get to take any of the books back home lol)
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 2 years ago
Strange soho bookshop that doesn't sell books?
Hello! I've recently been recommended this bookshop called "A.Z. Fell & Co" in Soho. It's quite nice but also... Kinda weird? Not sure how to describe it. So I know it might be quite niche, but I just wanted to know if anyone knows anything about it? 
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DollieDollie · 2 yrs. ago Lived in Soho all my life. The shop is kinda infamous with the locals because nobody knows what the hell is going on with it. Weird as hell opening and closing hours too.
       Miriiriram · 2 yrs. ago        I live in Covent Garden and I've also heard some stuff about the bookshop. Never been able to figure out how the man keeps his shop open in central Soho since there's no way he's turning a profit - It's been here for as long as I can remember though. 
             SadLittleJay OP · 2 yrs. ago              Huh, how weird. Well, the shop owner seems nice so I'll keep digging! 
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 2 years ago
Update on strange soho bookshop that doesn't sell books
Hi everyone! Me again. Not sure if anyone is still keeping up, but I've had a few more trips to "A.Z. Fell & Co" and here are my experiences:
- I've had some people mention weird opening and closing hours, and from what I can tell that is 100% true. The sign at the front door almost melted my brain, but I've figured out the timings pretty good by now.
- The books kept there are very very strange. From what I can tell, most of them are published before the 1930s, and I swear I've seen some ancient texts around... I did find this one book with some pictures of earth and space though, so that's pretty cool.
- Nearly no one comes into the shop! Foot traffic outside is crazy, but every time I've been inside, I'm always the only one there. I understand that bookshops aren't the most interesting things around, but it's still a shop in the smack dab middle of Soho, so the pure emptiness of it is a little weird (take a shot every time I say weird or strange in this post lol)
- Mr Fell, the shop owner, is very very lovely!! There was this one time when I just sat and read for what must be hours, and he didn't even bat an eye - even offered me tea! We sat down, had a little chat about Jane Austen, and I could really tell that he is really passionate about his books - couldn't stop smiling and everything.
He did mumble something weird about Jane Austen being a spy, however, so still quite a weird fellow.
- Mr Fell still doesn't sell books. I asked him the first time I came into the store for some books and he said no, but I just assumed it was maybe because I didn't know him well enough? Anyways I asked him again and he just stared at me like I just asked to take his firstborn. So no luck on that yet.
- I think Mr Fell has a partner but I'm not quite sure about it. There's this man called Crowley that seems to be the only other person that comes into the bookshop, and he's got what is possibly the coolest sense of fashion in the world - I'm talking full two-piece suit, sunglasses on indoors, and bright red hair. Not ginger hair, RED hair. 
Mr Fell calls Crowley "My dear" and Crowley calls him "Angel". They act like an old married couple, bickering and everything, but I really don't wanna assume so... 
That's pretty much all I can think of off the top of my head, I think. I'll keep you guys updated (if anyone is still reading lol) if I find something new!
PS. unrelated but there's this coffee shop that's really nice - "Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death", just across the street from the bookshop. Really good coffee if anyone is looking for a drink!
EDIT: Okay well, this post blew up more than I expected. Good to see that other people are also strangely obsessed with this little bookshop lol! Thanks for the awards and I'll definitely keep you guys updated!!!
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Posted by u/SadLittleJay 1 year ago
Does anyone know what this snake is?
Found this GIANT snake on the floor of a bookshop!!! Does anyone know the species or anything?? 
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SSssssBoys· 1 yr. agoOh my god that thing is huge! You found it on the floor of a BOOKSHOP?
       SadLittleJay OP · 1 yr. ago        Yes!!! Crazy right?? I think it must've snuck in or smth because I'm a regular at the shop and I've never seen it before. Is it venomous????
             liveweire837· 1 yr. ago              Purely based on the size it has to be a ball python or an anaconda - Can't really tell from the photo quality. Neither are venomous but are still dangerous. Call animal control ASAP.
                   SadLittleJay OP · 1 yr. ago                      Sorry for the quality - I was a little busy screaming lol. But the store owner just came out and told me that it's apparently his pet? I knew some people keep snakes for pets but I've never seen them in real life, so huge too! Anyways thank you for the advice! :D ---------------
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 1 year ago
Update on "A.Z. Fell & Co"
Hello, I'm back with some more news! 
- First news: Mr Fell has given me his first name! I asked him what A. Z. stood for, and he thought for a while like he doesn't know his first name? Anyways his name is Azira, which I think is quite a cool name.
I tried looking him up on Google but nothing came up, so I tried asking him for his middle name and he got this weirdly panicked look on his face. I didn't push it further because he was turning a little red trying to think. 
- Mr Fell owns a giant snake. I think he's some sort of Python? Not quite sure about it yet. His name is Crawly (ha, like Crowley) and I found him on the floor one morning - gave me the fright of my life! Anyways, he's cute but he has this weirdly human look in his eyes sometimes. He also really likes curling himself next to or just on Mr Fell - didn't know snakes could be clingy lol. Sometimes I feel like I'm intruding on the two of them, which is kinda crazy because one of them is literally a snake.
- Crowley is still coming into the shop fairly often, and he's still just as intimidating as ever. He does, however, do this thing where he kinda melts when he talks to Mr Fell. Kinda hard to explain but you can really tell the difference in his body language. I can't see his eyes because of the sunglasses, but I swear they go soft and everything.
Maybe they're dating, maybe they're not. All I know is that when I ask Mr Fell about Crowley, he talks about him like how he talks about Jane Austen books.
- I've finally managed to lend (heavy focus on the word LEND) a book!! Returned in perfect condition :)
That's all I have for now! Will continue to update if anything else interesting comes up.
EDIT 1: Some people didn't believe in the whole snake shenanigan, which I completely understand (sounds ridiculous to myself too), but I've attached a picture of Crawly just as proof. You can see him curled up next to Mr Fell, which I still think is pretty cute.
[Attachment: 1]
EDIT 2: I've asked Mr Fell (in a very awkward conversation), and Crowley is in fact not his partner. I know people have been debating in the comments but Mr Fell says they're just best friends. Will investigate further on the matter.
EDIT 3: I've asked Mr Fell and Crowley if they mind me posting about them, and I am proud to say that I now have the official go ahead from the both of them to post updates. I've also made a subreddit since I feel bad spamming r/London with nothing but A.Z. Fell & Co content lol. I'll be posting future updates at r/AZFellAndCo :)
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PollyPirate · 1 yr. agoEveryone in agreement that there's definitely some HEAVY pining going on between Mr Fell and Crowley say aye
       WonderfulWorld· 1 yr. ago        aye
             cooliosoolio23 · 1 yr. ago              AYE
                  nothankyou845 · 1 yr. ago                   aye > 56 more replies
peanutbutternnut · 1 yr. ago a bookseller named azira w/ a fucking python sounds like a video game character. badass as hell
       SadLittleJay OP · 1 yr. ago        He's actually kind of the opposite of badass - dresses like he just stepped out of the Victorian era. He's got a bowtie and everything! 
                peanutbutternnut · 1 yr. ago                  even MORE badass
                         Lilypadwfrog · 1 yr. ago                           wait so mr fell is dressed like a gentleman from the victorian era, and crowley is dressed like an 80s fashion icon??? literally the most blatant example of opposites attract i've ever seen. next thing i know you'll be telling me that they have contrasting colour palettes LMAO                                  SadLittleJay OP · 1 yr. ago                                   You're not gonna believe this lol
HmmmmMMmM· 1 yr. ago "He talks about him like how he talks about Jane Austen books." BRO ---------------
Posted by u/Mimimeow 1 year ago
Has anyone actually visited A. Z. Fell & Co. ?
Basically just the title. I keep seeing posts about people trying to visit the store but always getting 'interrupted' by one thing or another. Has anyone actually managed to visit the place other than SadLittleJay?
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mirandapanda · 1 yr ago I was one of the people who got 'interrupted' on their way there. I found a little kitten on the side of the road and just couldn't leave her there, so I took her to the vet instead. Not too fussed about it though, since now it helped me meet the absolute love of my life, Luna.
      Mimimeow OP · 1 yr ago       oh my god SHE'S SO CUTE 😭 Maybe I'll try visiting the bookshop so I can get a cat
      Edit: Holy fucking shit ---------------
Posted by u/AnthonyJC 9 months ago
Why do people think they're in love It's all people are talking about. Can someone explain this. 
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Sort By: Best MillieRockers96· 9 mo ago well i mean,,, mr fell talks about crowley like he talks about books (which i think r basically his life and soul), and from the last update we got crowley was literally giving mr fell houseplants in what i can only say is domestic hell. if u see some videos of them u can also see that they look at each other like the other one's the sun when the other not watching, so yeah we're pretty sure they're in love just INCREDIBLY oblivious
                Lilypadwfrog ·9 mo ago                 100% in love. also talking about the whole "he talks about crowley like he talks about books", its lowkey crazy how much mr fell talks about crowley. like that man NEVER stops i think. but honestly just give the pinned post a look and you'll get it. 
                           AnthonyJC OP· 9 mo ago                             Oh ---------------
Posted by u/porlrlrlr 2 months ago What are some of the weirdest things that you've seen on reddit?
Very broad and basic question, but I'm bored and need temporary fulfilment
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yeahsolikeuhh · 2 mo ago A while back there was this bookshop that blew up because of a reddit post. Apparently the shop's been around for three hundred years or something, and apparently had shit like the first edition of the Great Gatsby and stuff trailing back to the 16th century or something - But that's not even the weird part.
People tried to visit the bookshop because of the popularity obviously, but every time they try, stuff just happens at random and it never happens. Everyone knows the bookshop is there, but no one except OP for that first reddit post has ever actually managed to get in. Sometimes they find a stray cat and get distracted, sometimes a giant storm just instantaneously starts, but literally ZERO people have gotten into that book shop except for OP.
The bookshop owner is called AZIRA (not fucking kidding), with a pet python (also not fucking kidding), who is also apparently dressed like he came out of the Victorian era (still not fucking kidding). Now I'm not saying he's a wizard, but I'm pretty damn sure he's a fucking wizard.
Also apparently he's also in love with his best friend and there's this huge pining thing happening the last time I checked, but I think OP stopped updating a while back so yeah. 
        Cauliflourpanfried· 2 mo ago         Holy shit I completely forgot about that. Genuinely the weirdest shit. Hope they finally got their shit sorted and at least kissed or smth tho. ---------------
Posted by u/MrAziraFell 6 days ago
I am Azira Fell, the owner of A.Z. Fell & Co. A sk Me Anything!
Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well. I am Azira Fell and I happen to own A.Z. Fell & Co. I've recently been informed of just how popular my bookshop has become, so here I am! Here is a picture of me, Crawly, and this sign I made for proof.
I'm still not very good at technology, so I truly do apologise for the slow responses. I will try my best :)
Edit: Thank you for all your questions! As much as I'd love to just sit and chat with all of you, I still have the calls of thousands of wonderful books to tend to. I hope you all have a lovely day :)
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monsteriaLoe· 6 days ago Are you aware of the weird phenomenon where, when someone tries to come to your shop, they always seem to get distracted or pulled away by another thing? And, being completely honest, were you involved in any of these? I understand the question sounds silly, but it's just so strange that I have to ask.
        MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago         Thank you for the question! And it's not silly at all. I actually was not aware of this until today! And if I had the ability to summon stray cats at will, my bookshop would already be overwhelmed with kittens.
        I suppose it must just simply be some sort of magic, or maybe even a miracle ;) - AZF
PollyPirate · 6 days ago Are you and Crowley finally together???? (feel free to not answer if it really is too personal or anything like that)
        MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago         Hello, Polly! Thank you for being so considerate. In short, yes we are together now. Now looking back on it, I suppose it was a little silly that we waited that long to be together. Well, that's all over now, and Crowley and I are as happy as ever - AZF
              PollyPirate· 6 days ago              OMG
                     JooolyRancher· 6 days ago                      Congratulations! What made you guys take the last step, if I may ask?
                                MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago                                 Well, it's actually quite funny since apparently Crowley had found the subreddit (I believe that is what it's called) that Jay had made while looking for the bookshop on the Internet, saw the posts that all of you made about us being obliviously in love with the other, and finally decided to tell me how he truly felt. So, if I have to be honest, it was all of you that helped us take the last step, and I am very grateful for that :) - AZF
                                        cooliosoolio23· 6 days ago                                        ok well now im crying
wormieboyyyyyy · 6 days ago Why don't you sell your books? Also do you have a favourite? (a favourite book I mean)         MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago         Well those two questions actually are quite interlinked, if I do say so myself. My answer to the first is because I simply love them all too much, and can't bear to part with them. My answer to the second is also I simply love them all too much, so I cannot pick just one. I do, however, especially adore the work of Terry Pratchett. - AZF
                wormieboyyyyyy · 6 days ago                 Ain't that the truth. Have you ever thought of selling a book, tho? Like ever? You do run a bookshop.
                        MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago                         Well.... I suppose I could sell just one. - AZF ---------------
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 1 day ago
Oh my god
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blackstarmylove · 10 months
Reaction to Rating (HC)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: No pairing. Featuring teams K, P, W, Mokuren, Qu and Unei
Warning: None
Requested by: @acpzyrw
4/5 Stars: The food was fantastic in both taste and presentation. The staff were very charming and had me head over heels! The performance seized my heart, I just could not look away! Overall a perfect experience except for when I fainted after seeing (*ahem*) good-looking abs, to keep it simple, and needed to be escorted home by my friends.
Actually, would fainting from seeing nice abs be a good or bad thing lol? Alright editing time. The one star off is from... (what can be a down side to all this....?) Aha! One star off for Unei not being a performer! .... Mmm, nah there has to be something worse.... One star off for the gatcha being mean! That’s slightly better reason, I’d say. What would be a reason you’d take a star off (if you have one 😂)
A/N: Hehe, fainting from seeing abs would be a good thing, except for the people who have to deal with the fainted fan. I would take one star off for the gatcha for sure. Another reason would be if Kei was not in Starless that day (though I would go on K performance day, so it's not really a valid reason lol). 😂 Also, I started to write for all the teams but ended up sounding repetitive, so I didn't finish the rest of Team C and B. 🙈
Tumblr media
Would instantly be interested in why you took off one star.
He would be the happiest to read the compliment about the performance.
If you took off one star for the gatcha, Kei would chuckle. Unfortunately, he cannot do anything about it except hope you get the card or item of the cast member you like.
If you took off one star because Unei was not a cast member, he would simply sigh and shake his head. Someone has not attended the April Fools performances. One performance per year for someone not part of the cast member should be enough.
You fainted from seeing abs? Sotetsu has a good laugh. He hopes his abs were mainly responsible for you fainting.
Regardless of why you took off one star, Sotetsu laughs.
Overall, he finds your rating very entertaining.
He hopes he is around next time you visit Starless because Sotetsu would love to flash his abs just to see you faint.
Ginsei pays close attention to your rating and is happy you enjoyed everything Starless offers. But why did you take off one star?
For Unei and the gatcha? He doesn't think that's fair.
Unei is not a cast member but was hired as an office management intern. In a way, gatcha means gambling, so 'the meanness' should be expected.
He has no reaction to the rating but is happy you liked the restaurant.
However, he does not understand why you removed one star. In his book, Gatcha and Unei are not valid reasons, so even if you explain it to him, Gui will not understand.
You compliment everything except the singer. What about the singer? Did you like their performance?
If Yoshino is the singer, he will take it personally and be upset. He will immediately take it as he didn't sing well.
Also, Unei is not an actor, singer, or performer in Starless, so why are you expecting him to be on stage? He can understand the gatcha, but doesn't that depend on your luck? Starless can't do anything if you don't have luck.
Blushes when he reads you fainted from seeing abs. Were his abs also responsible for making you faint? Regardless, he hopes you are okay now.
He finds your reason to take off one star kinda funny but feels the need to apologize to you for Unei not being a performer, even though the decision is technically not in his hands.
Yakou hopes you will reconsider your rating and give Starless five stars. They work hard, so taking off one star for a silly reason is not okay.
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Immediately wonders why you took off one star, so he doesn't bother to look at the compliments and jumps straight to the criticism.
Seriously? Gatcha and Unei are your reasons?
Kokuyou feels like throwing his phone out the window. Couldn't you have come up with a better reason to give four stars? He doesn't bother reading the entire rating solely because of your reason for removing one star.
Awww, come on! Unei? That's why you gave a four star rating?
The amount of work they put in and the efforts the kitchen team makes to cook, and you are stuck on something out of their control? That's like going to an expensive restaurant and taking one star off in the ratings because the restaurant is expensive.
Akira is frustrated with you and your rating.
Sin reads your entire review and shrugs off your reason for removing one star. All to their own.
Your rating will not change anything, as it is just one person's opinion.
At least you like the performance, food, and service - the things Starless is known for.
Wonders if you are that sensitive or just too pure? What other reason would you have to faint from seeing abs?
Takami shakes his head when he reads your reason for four stars is Unei. He chuckles. Please leave Unei in the office as he is needed there.
The cast members have enough on their plates, so they don't need to manage paperwork, design flyers, organize events and venues, and do all the accounting.
Aw, man. Gatcha and Unei? If you don't think your luck is good, don't go for anything gatch-related - take it from him, a gamer. As for Unei, the dude is part of the management team, not a team, so of course, he isn't going to be on stage.
Taiga grunts in annoyance at your rating. Next time, he will be sure not to read any reviews.
But he did laugh at 'fainting after seeing abs.' Did you just write that to make everyone laugh, or did it actually happen?
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4/5 is a good rating, and Rindou is content with that. He understands not everyone can be pleased and perfection is difficult to attain.
But he has a good chuckle at the 'fainting after seeing abs' part. It was a good thing you didn't get a nosebleed.
Rindou knows the gatcha can be brutal, whether in-game or item purchase.
If he meets you and learns you are the one who left the review, he will apologize to you for the gatcha being brutal. He will even ask what he can do to make it up to you.
Your reason better be valid for taking off the one star.
Gatcha and Unei? Those are your reasons? Maica feels the need to throw his phone against the wall.
That is the first and last time he reads any reviews.
What is the point of giving so many praises when you are planning to take one star away? Anyone who does that is like a judge in a reality show - they will shower the contestant with praise and then tell them they're not good enough and try again next year.
People are so hard to please, but Nekome reads the review carefully. He ignores most of the praises but stops to chuckle after reading you fainted from seeing abs.
Nekome wants to know why you took off the single star. Whatever your reason, he ultimately doesn't care but is still curious.
Gatcha? Unei? He doesn't have any thoughts about Unei not being a performer, but he has heard enough complaints from Taiga about gatchas being ruthless.
Nekome understands but thinks if you are unwilling to take the risk, don't spin the gatcha.
He is satisfied with 4 out of 5 stars and eagerly reads your review to learn your thoughts about Starless.
When he sees your comment about abs, Sinju blushes but feels guilty for being part of why you fainted. Should they wear less revealing clothes?
Sinju is one of the few cast members who agrees that Unei should get a chance on the stage. Then again, they need Unei to take care of everything behind the scenes. On second thought, maybe overloading Unei isn't such a good idea.
He doesn't care about anything except your comment on acting. Wait, you said performance, but what about the acting? Performance is generally dancing. You didn't like the acting?
Menou is disappointed and feels he needs to work harder as an actor to overpower the dancers.
Then again, that would require him to forgo his sleep. Nevermind.
He will take the 4/5 rating without further complaints.
What in the world? 4/5 for Unei and gatcha? Those are not valid reasons!
If Mokuren meets you in person, they would be tempted to ask you to give a 'more valid' reason to take away one star.
You were just trying to find an excuse to not give 5 stars, weren't you?
They know there are people like that out there, and in Mokuren's book, you are one of those people now.
Qu happily reads your review but doesn't know whether to laugh or feel concerned about you fainting because of abs.
Regardless, he is thankful as maintaining a physique is hard work.
He understands you want to see Unei on stage, but he already has a lot of work to do. Are you sure you want to put Unei through countless hours of rehearsals while he handles all the other operations in Starless?
Did you take an entire star away for him? Unei is touched and in tears. He didn't think he had fans!
Unei is determined to meet his fans and waits for you to return to Starless.
When he meets you, he thanks you profusely for supporting him and apologizes for being unable to be on stage. But Unei promises he will take any opportunity he gets to perform on stage.
➣ BlackStar Theater Starless Masterlists [1][2][3][4]
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The title makes me very worried!
Lmao not me being confused that parents come to pick up their kids at night when Lex says there are vans outside the school. 😂😂 I'm so stupid.
This underworld storm sounds very bad and really gross.
Something that is dormant, but does not sleep. One of those Zantosa house gross antedeluvians?
I forgot about the raven feathers.
Lmao Wynn keeps forgetting she is an archon now and people respect her.😂
Red death?? 😂 I'm sorry, it's judt so funny that they get to pick their own names and they pick them like they're edgy 13 year old gamer boys.
Why the fuck would they go to hell house?!?
Wynn just casually throwing out weird ass occult names.
Wow. Justicar Lucinde being well not kind but practical, giving guidance and not being unnecessarily cruel. I didn't think she had it in her.
Wynn is a necromancer??? I feel so stupid, how did I not know this? Or is this Wynn's ghost stuff?
NO!!! Noooooooooo!!!! Lex, don't do it!!! Not the bloodbond 3 please! 🙏😭
Fucking lady lucinde farquad.
Fuck the camarilla.
What??? It's still the same fucking night???? These nights are endless!!!! But I'm relieved! There still is a chance. 😭
The masquerade is failing in new York where they are fighting and diablerising in the streets? Oh no. Who could have for seen this unlikely turn of events...
Lol pendragon being scared of getting diablerised.😂
I know Wynn hates this, but it sounds like she's doing a good job at being an archon. Fighting ghost stuff and being a badass is kind of her thing.
The sabbat doing their weird fire ritual stuff? Yuk.
Serpentine? Is he a settite??
A nun? FLAYED OFF FACE???? what the fuck. 😭 (the painted bone with flowers and stuff is kind of cool, but very gross)
Well I guess this explains the desecration of graves cw.
Archon Cabot. Sounds kind of hot, sorry not sorry. 🤷 Wynn having someone reach out to keep the coterie updated is much appreciated.
I totally forgot they hadn't talked about the ritual yet. 😂
Zofiel is being channeled by Pendragon??? This sounds like the worst idea I've ever heard.😂
So either Zofiel has taken over Pendragon, or Pendragon is fleeing diablerie?? Either way he is facing some deserved consequences of his own actions. 😂😂
Britta tiny voice: I stepped into the circle and kissed him. Lmao
Johnny is cracking me up this episode. First with the phone and now with the mirror and Britta. He doesn't give a shit.
Johnny 😂😂 gping full dad! 😂😂😂 So angry, yelling he's turning this combat suv around.
Miles just so tired and annoyed, and no one is listening to him.
Lil baby Neil needs Wynn with him. 🥺 I grt yiu baby Neil, I also need powerful Wynn with me to protect me with her claws of doom!
13 levels of damage? That seems like a lot???
So if corpses are running around eating people, I'm assuming the masquerade is also breached in new haven?
No not Rufio and his dogs 😂😂 I know this is all super serious but I cannot take anything seriously when they are around.
Wait why do they need to heal? Am I forgetting something?
Not me thinking my phone broke but it is just sound editing week of nightmares effect. 😂😂
Also yaaay Wynn!!!! Is this part of Neil's new power he got for ascending?? Dope af.
Oh no. Lex saying Miles, Miles Miles Miles in that specific tone cannot be good.
Zofiel? He sounds kind of scared or smth? Wheres your fucking power when we need it?
He's hitting Rufio with his sword and it's like killing a child, he's just a teenager pretending to be a badass but he's actually just got 3 down hairs on his lip and doesn't know how to properly smoke.
Tim rolling a lot of dice! Yay!
Wow sword bisected and torpored though, nice job Miles. That sword is badass.
Whoooo baby, Johnny omg. You're so badass. I need to fan myself like Al middle aged Southern woman on a hot day.
We can say all we want about Neil, he might not be the raw damage dealer that the others are, but he got Wynn here, and his hiding stuff is clutch!! Also I know it's been a while but remember when he made it easier for Johnny to resist frenzying for like 3 months. That was clutch! (I know there's no point in me defending Neil here, we all love him, I'm preaching to the choir)
Oh no. Lex is letting them have freebies, I don't trust it. Bad stuff is coming. If not this fight then the next one.
Weeping bear???? Wtf. I'm almost there on my relisten too. 😂
Beserker merit? Reduce by 3??!!!?? Holy freaking fuck. That is so good!!!
Ohhh we're basically getting canary mode? Damn. So cool.
The blood is so bad it hurts the special armour? That's not Good.
The bullets are consumed by an en tropic field??? They're just freaking dusted like in endgame? Damn that is not great.
He feels sick??? No! Not my baby sweating!!! Hell have to throw away that suit!!!! 😔
They fight so well together now! Like it's almost instinctual. Love that for them, hopefully it will keep them alive.
I feel like I don't know enough about combat and vtm lore to know how bad this fight is. Because honestly it doesn't seem that bad, they keep killing folks, they're all laughing and it doesn't sound like the panicked hysterical laughter yet (I could be wrong though) but then we have them running and throwing dead bodies at a nun with an entropy shield, and that sounds very bad??
Okay that is a lie, I know it has to be bad, but the vibe isn't that bad!!
That no did sound very panicked. And bone rafting has to be bad right??? Isn't that what Vito did??
Fuck yeah Wynn!!!!
They were all so good!!! 😍😍😍 (Neil did his best, you guys!)
Lmaooo I clearly didn't understand how bad this fight was until the after credit scene. 😂😂😂 Holy hell!!! "Are you touching your weapon to her?!?" it would just be gone??? That's crazy! He hardly got to swing it at all!!!
I know he's going into torpor within 24 hours but it feels like a fair trade.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
I should be sleeping, but I'm not known for my wisdom in that particular field, so on with Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
TriMax Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 2, Chapter 5 below.
Chapter 5: Desperado
Oh, no. They're coming for Vash's friends on the sand steamer.
Wait, that's the girl from the end of the last chapter, huh? That means they can't be far from Milly and Meryl.
"Did your work go well?" Heh. I'll note he does not answer this question. Nicholas D. Wolfwood. The "D" is for "Deflection."
Gods, his hands. This is so much more traumatic in context.
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NM, it's just Vash's bad driving. Or maybe he noticed WW wasn't sleeping so good and decided to unsubtly wake him up?
LOL, I have SO MANY THOUGHTS about what's going on in WW's head here, but they're all spoilers, so I'll keep them to myself.
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LOLOLOLOL, WW dragging unconscious Vash into the inn and demanding two rooms is just so funny to me. Like, no wonder these people are staring at him like that. They must have SO MANY QUESTIONS.
I assume there will only be one room. And one bed. Edit: My assumption was wrong.
LOL, nothing wakes Vash up quite like the sound of someone else in need, trying to do the right thing against impossible odds.
He's so cute when he's semi-conscious.
WW, what the hell life have you been living? I'm so sorry, my guy. No wonder Vash is giving you such a headache.
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I wish I could find a suitable picture to show just how much this building looks like the old Spanish missions dotting the landscape in certain parts of the Southwestern U.S., but it seems like 99.9999% of the pictures are of the buildings inside the walls... or of the ones that have been extensively renovated rather than having crumbly bits like so many of them do. (Also, it's late and so I can't be arsed to do a detailed search. Maybe this will help get my point across? IDK, I'm not writing an essay on Spanish missions right now. I already did that back in 4th grade.)
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If I had a son who was recklessly hellbent on getting himself killed alongside me as I defended the town/inn/whatever, I'd tie him up and lock him away, too.
LOL, dehydrated Vash. Gods, babygirl is in baaaaad shape. He's trying, though.
I dunno, a half-dead Vash is still probably pretty competent.
Is now a good time to point out that the word "Desperado" means "The Desperate"? (Also, apparently it's not actually Spanish. We're learning things today in Trigun Book Club.)
"What was that, Vashie?" *Vash barks insistently* "You think you can come up with a plan?" *Vash barks enthusiastically* "Ok, I trust you, boy!" *Vash wags his tail.*
Some quick Spanish notes on page 134 here for those who may not hear these terms so frequently: Mi Amigo = my friend (may not actually indicate a friend; can also be used to create a mock-friendly tone in a situation where intimidation is coming into play) Jefe (pronounced "heh-fay") = slang term meaning "boss" or "leader" (can also be used sort of like "man" or "dude" in English, or in a mock-friendly tone to kinda rub in that the person being called "jefe" is not in charge of the situation) Comprende? = Do you understand?
This guy has too many teeth. And a weird way of standing. Is... is he wearing metal underwear?? What kind of weirdness do you have to go through to get this kind of anatomy? How does he close his lips??? M... maybe it's a mask of some sort??
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Holland en Flambe sounds like a dessert.
Rest in peace, vodka. I'm sure someone out there misses you.
Hahahahaha, this kid. He's having to hold the whole weight of intimidation because Vash looks like a rag doll someone left out in the rain too long. Wait. Does Wolfwood know Vash is here?? Heheheheheheheh.... BF's gonna be maaaaaaad....
I love Vash's expression through this bit. He's trying, but he does NOT have the energy for this right now.
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Listen to your father, Rob.
Ohhhhh, shit.
Ok, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. I love the absolute chaos of the top part taking over the whole page, with this guy's shouting bearing down on Vash and the family from the top, claws sweeping in from the left with a motion so fast and deadly it leaves motion lines going all the way up the page... and then, cutting in at the bottom, in a panel that's practically pure-white serenity, the soft but definite *click* of the Punisher's machine gun opening. Beautiful.
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And, of course, we turn the page into a two-page spread of Wolfwood letting 'er rip, adding a more controlled and entirely different type of chaos to the scene.
LOL, BF's mad. Just a little, though. Confusion has tempered his anger.
Ok, this, though. How the angle goes from him carelessly tapping Vash on the head with his gun (while practicing shit trigger discipline, I might add) to us looking up at Wolfwood from a perspective very close to what Vash's would be if he could lift his head. How, in the second panel, Wolfwood looks like a desperate man about to pull an executioner's trigger out of fear and confusion for the unknown before him. How, even so, he's debating if Vash is actually the monster he's heard of when there's so much evidence that, despite superhuman skills that Wolfwood has witnessed multiple times firsthand, Vash seems so kind and cares so much for people he ends up in this situation even while half-dead.
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Meanwhile, Vash seems to be taking well-deserved nap....
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themysticsword · 1 year
Quitting RoR2 Modding
(posting this in case anyone who plays my RoR2 mods isn't in any of the discord servers lol)
So, basically, yeah, I'm done with Risk of Rain 2 for good. Don't wanna associate myself with the game. Just really want it gone from my life. I don't want to think about it.
All of the mods I made out of my personal interest are now marked as deprecated, and potentially will even be deleted later. The only things that will stay are projects that were either made for friends, had contributions from more than just me, or are funny enough that I feel like they should stay.
Why? For a lot of reasons.
The Community Manager
So, SeventeenUncles (or Suncles, as we all call him). The guy may seem like a chill person on the twitch streams, but god. He's Bad at server moderation. Everybody in the server knows it. And if somebody has any kind of complaint about that moderation, he silences all the critique and tells to open a ticket via Modmail, which will not result in anything because why would he care lmao he's the community manager and he makes all the rules.
Like this one. I wrote a proper, consise ticket about my mute (which was unfair, by the way!), expecting to either get unmuted or at least get a response or have a conversation as to why they think it was fair. Guess what I got.
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you're welcome suncles.
There's a lot of problems with how he's running the server, which I'm not gonna talk about, because, luckily, someone else has already done it, in detail! https://www.tumblr.com/gabrielultrakill-bigboobs/723312859455651840/the-official-risk-of-rain-discord-and-its-hellish?source=share
A lot of nasty stuff. In the official server, mind you.
But yeah. He represents the company Hopoo Games, and who am I to support a company with a prick as their representative :)
The Community Itself
Now, I know this is a dumb reason to quit over, but it's not the reason. It's just one of them.
It's toxic. Elitist. And, most importantly, way too controllable. We have, like, 4-5 mainstream content creators, and almost all of them manage to give the worst tips to newbies despite sinking hours into the game and, supposedly, having a lot of experience and knowledge.
It's so bad to the point where some youtubers call out the wiki for giving "false information", so their fans go on the wiki and make edits while parroting whatever Mr. Youtuber said.
Picture this: you're a new player, and you have unlocked a hard character. You struggle with them, so you go to the wiki, and the first thing you're told is that you actually need to unlock a different ability for them to make them playable. And only 7-8 paragraphs below, the wiki tells you how to use the base abilities properly. You know. The ones that you have right now, as a new player. While also making them sound weaker than they are in reality. Doesn't this sound like imposing someone specific's preferred playstyle onto everybody else?
Constant arguments. You open the discord server, or the subreddit, or a youtube video, just about anything, and you'll see people disrespecting each other over a video game. These arguments usually stem from someone being incorrect, them getting corrected by others, and that person fighting until the end of times just to prove that they're actually right, because, for some reason, they can't accept being wrong.
And I kept seeing these arguments. Engaging in them. When you want to interact with the community of a game on this scale of popularity, you just can't not encounter the bad parts. Statistically impossible.
Oh, and you know why the community partially is like that? Because the devs and the moderators are fine with that behaviour. The devs are known to be all mean and like "massive trolls" or whatever. Meanwhile, you don't see this shit happening in the A Hat in Time or Celeste servers.
Other Projects
Lastly, I've been meaning to quit RoR2 for a long time now. I want to move on and do something else. I've been making RoR2 mods for 4 years now, I think? It's a shame I have to leave like this, but eh, whatever.
If you're reading this, I hope you're doing well! I'm doing well, because I got rid of the part of my life that's been bothering me for way too long :3 See ya in other games that I'll mod!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 19 days
LMAOOO nah dw abt embarrassing me it must be done….Id rather you see it than have me send it to someone who doesn’t match my freak and have them think im insane
Omg Karasu in the lead?? Guys…….Mira you’ve fr cultivated Karasu nation LMAOO but no you’re so right I remember seeing a poll awhile ago from someone and ofc there were the fan faves like Nagi Reo Kaiser as options and I was shocked to see Karasu there?? Ofc he was dead last in the results but not unexpected ig….also BAROU THIRD GUYS!!!! Barouism rising too??
No seriously Isagi would be sooo cooked if Nagi wasn’t there….trust I know that Nagi goal in u20 is gonna make him skyrocket I’m imagining all the edits to it now LMAO
It’s just the miraverse of content….new genre it’s called “would Mira watch this?” The parallels do go hard though I wasn’t expecting to find so many LOL
HAAHA SHIDOU lowk that’d be really funny….imagine like a 200k wc fic of Shidou shenanigans and sus quotes
Maybe I’ve been too desensitized because when you said too extreme I was expecting a lot more violence LMAO you got the perfect amount though I think when you said extreme I was thinking of Shidou level oops
NO FR?? Like he’s not gonna ever take the top spot but lowk I’ve grown to appreciate him….youre so right though LOLL closeted sweetheart >>> closeted asshole bro wait the grape candy scene was so cute I forgot to mention….its so funny how he kinda just gives it to her without saying anything about it like how people would do secret deals or something but no it’s just grape candy LMAOOO
THREE bro….the aura is crazy…to the dude who wanted your insta you should’ve been like “if you buy me a $50 cupcake I’ll give it to you” /j lowk investing in a bodyguard does not sound like a bad idea tho
OOOOOOH very excited for everything….also the whole masterlist layout for the oaeu>>>>>>>> the visuals look so CLEAN omg but guys look it’s aiku on Mira’s blog!!!! I saw the poll and have not touched it like wdym I’m supposed to choose???? Let’s see if I can be decisive for once but just know I was debating between tabieitaken and barou….speaking of im kinda curious to see which idea of mine will spark inspiration first LMAO take ur time tho im being so well fed with everything in the lineup so far
Im also laughing missing the cutoff is so funny to me because (unless I didn’t read something) it’s like if you didn’t safely get something in before the impending arrival of aiku you’re in for the long ride LMAOOOO
Ok actually real time update I just put them into a random generator to pick and voted LOL because there’s no way I’m deciding in time but I needed to show some opinion somehow….ok but anyways the main point I came back for was why is Nagi tied with your vote tracking option LMFAOOOOO I’m ngl I’ve never set up a poll here what’s the purpose of that…I just know that people aren’t supposed to pick it but I’m crying why does it have more votes than otoya and yuki
- Karasu anon
HAHA okay that is fair i will def keep you posted on any future typos 🤩 honestly they add to the experience though i mean what is a translator without occasional goofs (/j but also as someone who read a 1.5 million word novel translated online from korean #orv i am very used to wading through odd phrasing to get to the heart of a story so ngl sometimes my mind just skips over typos entirely and i don’t even notice)
unfortunately karasu nation has fallen…he’s in second now (w barou as a very close third) because SAE ITOSHI has a healthy lead 😭 honestly it was expected that man just has too many fans 😓 and most of the other characters on there aren’t AS popular (i’m sure there would’ve been more of a split if rin kaiser or isagi were included but honestly none of them were screaming oaeu to me…sae is kinda in the same category as them for me but he had strong oaeu potential hence why he’s included despite not being a miraverse all star like nagi karasu and barou)
I AM SOOO HYPE FOR THE EDITS PLSSS karasu and otoya edits from third selection?? nagi edits from the u20 game?? BAROU EDITS FROM THE U20 GAME 🤤⁉️ AHHH it’s going to be so good i just know those editors are going to cook up so many delicious concepts i’m actually hype (barely one more month we’re so close!!) and LMAOO no literally iirc nagi scored like four of the five goals against barou and naruhaya or something like if he hadn’t done that isagi would’ve had the naruhaya treatment and been out for good 😭 tik tok fans forgetting who the og goat of bllk was 😢 okay but honestly that’s why i love having nagi AND barou as my favs because one or the other is always up!! truly no losing there (and bllk bros automatically respect anyone who loves barou because most of them are barou glazers as if barou is ANYTHING like them 😒)
i guess part of it is also probably just kaneshiro using typical character archetypes too?? like girly dude white haired dude flirty dude etc etc the nagi dragon art was insane work though like what was the reason for that except to cater to us specifically
nah because yk i’d cook even for shidou 😭 but he would not be my first choice (or my second, or third, so on and so forth) HAHA he’s just a bit too chaotic plus like we’ve mentioned i don’t really find him too attractive even though ik some people do?? LMAOO omg idt i could ever write a character as violent as him especially not kiyora…like he’s chill for the most part just not hesitant to punch someone if needed i guess is how i interpreted it?? whereas shidou would just do it for funsies
I HAD FUN WRITING THE GRAPE CANDY SCENE IT JUST FELT SO HIM like the way he gives her a piece after she successfully swallows a pill as if she’s a dog or smth it’s just so innocent 😭 meanwhile reader is like “wow our tongues will match 😏” FBXJFKDS and him writing his number on the empty box so he doesn’t have to throw it away OR actually give her his number in person for fear of rejection…kiyora my underrated goat fr 🥹
JFNFJDDJSJ PLSSS just drop a quick “erm have i known you since you were four years old?? yeah i didn’t THINK so!!” and move on…i fear writing has made my standards very high hence why i’ve never been in a relationship but you’ll never catch me settling fr 🥱 if they’re not like bfb karasu or peregrine nagi or white butterfly hiori I DON’T WANT THEM 🤣 or ig someone like seabird sae would work too HAHA i’ll sacrifice the pining for a man w money and a sense of humor 🤩
OMG YAYYY I’M GLAD YOU LIKE IT i was inspired by those dollar store self help books as well as rom com movie covers when i was making it and i think it turned out well!! and then i saw one of the graphics accounts i follow had posted the green and purple hearts divider and i was like holy shit this is PERFECT it matches so so well w his entire aesthetic…also peep oliver and aiku being diff colors like his heterchromia 😮 LMAOO genuinely this is probably aiku’s first appearance on my blog (besides his cameo in the last part of fwtkac) but ahhh i’m trying to figure out which req to do next myself!! i have a few to choose from so there’s def a bit of variety…i’m thinking of your requests i’ll probably do chigiri?? because barou is part of the oaeu and idk if i feel connected enough to bachira to write for him yet 🙂‍↕️
NFJDBXSNK no because that’s literally what it is…after the gagamaru req my inbox was pretty stagnant in terms of new reqs so i was like ok let me just get these ones cleared out and then i’ll go back to posting my own things again as well 😭 literally the two hiori requests are from my 500 follower event so from back in JUNE like i need to wrap these up and post them 😭 but idm making the newer ones wait like they can go on the crazy oaeu ride w all of us in the meantime 😩
OMG WHO DID YOU END UP VOTING FOR (unless you want to keep it a secret because if so i understand 🫡) also omg that annoys me sm like fr a pet peeve…basically no one can see the results of a poll until they vote but that includes the creator of the poll?? so if you don’t want to skew the results you just make another option so you can keep track of the poll while it’s still open 🤩 but i absolutely HATE when people pick that option like are you seriously that desperate to know the answer that you pick the option that literally says it’s only for me?? it doesn’t matter what you put people will vote on it but it’s so annoying ughhhh i can’t stop putting it because i’m nosy and like to know what’s going on with the poll in real time but it fr irritates me that people pick it like literally just choose a random option if it’s that deep 😒 i think part of what annoys me is like it so clearly says don’t pick it…and then people still pick it…like were you all dropped on the heads as children or smth…ANYWAYS sorry i feel like i’m so chill normally but there’s random things that genuinely make me crash out for no reason 😭 ALSO POOR YUKI AND OTOYA they’re still behind the FOR MIRA ONLY OPTION (me rn: 🤬😡) atp i’m not going to do polls anymore…like damn sorry i tried to get you all involved why are you being stupid and illiterate rn
actually tbh it’s not that deep idk why it enrages me sm 😰 but uhhh i fear it does for some reason
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yagamisdiary · 2 months
I have a love hate relationship with the fact that you enjoy making us suffer throughout the entirety of your books and making us think they will have a bad ending just to give us the best possible endings ever 🥲 ugh i love you so much youre my favorite author ever, while im here i apologize for the incoming paragraphs but i just need to say it:
1. Idk how you do it but the book covers you choose are always so perfect like?? Idk if im explaining myself but i feel like they capture the vibes of the books perfectly
2. Ok now this is kinda personal and i dont mean to sound like im venting, but have you ever read a fic that impacted you so much to the point where you find yourself still thinking about it to this day 😭 bc that's how i feel about both of ur books, they're so beautifully written and i'm always thinking about the characters or going back to read random parts of the books (edit: i had this paragraph written way before parasite was removed okay but i started rereading eldia yesterday because im truly heartbroken, devastated, downcast, miserable, dejected and inconsolable by the fact that its finished)
I discovered you in july-ish 2021 during parasite era but didnt actually read it until june 2022, i was devastated when i finished it but also had to cleanse my soul cause i accidentally burnt my self out during the last few chapters (i mean it in a good way lol, it was rlly hard to read the last 2 chapters 🙇‍♀️ they were written really well and i felt unsettled while reading the beginning of y/ns whole breakdown, i could feel the gloomy depressed vibe it had if you get what i mean), so anyway i moved on to Eldia. At that time, it was fairly new so there were only like 10 or 11 chapters, ive been keeping up with Eldia ever since and its truly bittersweet to see it end like i was literally full on sobbing for no reason 🥲 probably the sentiment of being a reader for 2 years idk lol. Anyway what im trying to say is that your books were one of the only things that helped me escape reality in 2022, i didnt really find joy in anything and hated my life, however ive definitely improved ever since, so im honestly rlly thankful for you Amara 💕
Edit: i just know it sounds stupid and youre probably tired of hearing the same thing over and over, but i've had this written out for like 5 months and was kinda scared to send it because i felt like it was corny, but with Eldia's resolution i felt encouraged seeing all these people tell you what they think :P so sorry for the long ass paragraph lmao, i just needed to say it because i know in 10 years ill be a grown ass woman and still thinking about these books, theyre attached to my brain forever (like a parasite, ironic)
Ok so i doubt ppl will read this (or that you'll even read all of it) so if you reached the end i must say that you actually ate with the baby names in Eldia 🤭 im saying it here to avoid accidentally spoiling anyone but Andromeda 😪 i remember in early july i sent you an anon ask saying that i pictured you as a girl mom and even listed a few names, i was gonna list Andromeda so its kinda funny to me 😭 and Elrose?? Andromeda is my fav name but Elrose grew on me and i actually rlly like it, idk why it just sounds and looks so satisfying OMG DAMN I JUST SCROLLED UP AND DID I REALLY WRITE ALL OF THAT?? IM SO SORRY AMARA 😭😭 i definitely had way more to say but i feel bad now, it was gonna be an anonymous ask but atp i'll just let it be public
to conclude i must say that whenever someone asks me what my favorite books are, i hate that im not able to say "Oh my favorite books are parasite and eldia" because they're considered fanfics and not 'real books', i think thats really stupid, not only because fanfiction is just as valid as what ppl consider 'real books' but because there are so many fanfictions turned into real books or movies?? Ok im done (for now) but as you can tell im not really good at going straight to the point sorry for writing about 10 paragraphs love you queen vivan las escritoras latinas 🤞
1. honestly i find a pic that fits the vibe i want the book to give before i even write the story then i just somehow find a way to incorporate the cover
ex) eldia’s cover is jean with wine all over him, iykyk there’s an exact scene in eldia that references the cover
2. thank u so much 🥲 the ppl who have stuck around the longest always say the most sweet stuff bc yall really have been alongside me for so many years now and were like growing together which is kinda cool
3. i wanted a name that had ambrose and elijah both in it and it was either elrose or embrose but i ended up liking elrose more, embrose was too similar to ambrose
4. i don’t mind the length of the message at all! i love love love reading all the stuff i receive and the ones that are the longest stick with me the most. 🫶🏼
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maxellminidisc · 4 months
I think it's so fucking funny that my dad has this like absolute hater thing going on with that one skyrocketing Mexican artist that's VERY popular right now and I'll censor his name cause idk how rabid his fan base is, Pe$o Plum4. But it's like anytime someone mentions him he's like READY to call him lame and my dad doesn't even like regional like that LMAAOO
And I hadn't actually listened to him yet outside of like his 3 really popular singles cause I'm just on a massive music/releases delay but after one of my dads hater rants and what i thought was an abysmal sounding song in some new commercial I just saw I was like let's give this a go.
And hmmm on one hand I do REALLY like what he's doing with musica regional and like the sort of kaleidoscopic genre blending he's doing but when the obvious rapping shifts come in I just have to cringe. Cause either he or the feature goes off beat each measure or two. And it doesn't even pass as like experimental, intentional swings in the beat, or rapping on the off beat, etc. Cause even when you do that, theres still a sort of sonic cohesion to that that makes it work. Like if you're going to rap, you NEED to stay on rhythm or "harmonize" with it otherwise you look soooo goofy and dare I say....posery. Like the vision is there, 7/10, it just needs editing and by that it's either up your skill set, stop making the feature rap when that's not their forte, or stop lol
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narastories · 1 year
So I know we're slipping into Saturday in this timezone, but I nevertheless have a question!
What's your relationship to dialog? Because I have had a variety of opinions from writers: some love it, some hate it. Do you like writing it? Is it easier to write than the rest or harder? Do you have opinions on dialog tags? On written accents and language quirks?
Sorry if this is all vague, the gist of it is: tell me about your approach to dialog. I'm asking because I really liked the dialog in your latest FPA fic.
Good luck with your current project and thank you!
Thanks for asking, I'm still happy to answer this on a Saturday lol
Also, I'm really flattered that you liked the dialog in my fic <3
This is such an interesting topic and I think I have lots of opinions! I would say there was definitely a time when I would have said dialog was my least favorite, but I think it has changed. I'm still struggling with it sometimes, especially if I need a character to give a certain piece of information to another character for plot reasons and I don't want them to sound dry. That still feels pretty hard.
But sometimes it's actually the dialog that comes to me first from a scene and then I make sure to write it down immediately. I think it also makes it a bit easier to see if it flows naturally if you only have the dialog next to each other and nothing else. Also maybe my brain hacked itself into daydreaming up some dialog because I found it hard lool
I also really like banter-heavy scenes in media (you know, the FPA has plenty of good lines for example), and that both motivates and inspires me to try to get the dialog right. It can also be fun once you learn how a particular character talks. (Although I do tend to second-guess myself every once in a while.)
Writing in first POV also indirectly helped I think because when you write the narration you are already closer in tone to how that character speaks, if that makes sense?
Writing different English accents specifically is very hard for me I think, because I never got a lot of exposure to them irl. And because of previous fandoms I know how it looks when someone does it really well (looking at you @geekinthefuschiahair sorry to tag you in a random discussion but this question made me think of how you writing Jamie's Scottish accent always filled me with awe and humility lol)
With the punctuation of dialog and the different language quirks around that I'm not picky. I don't know if you agree as a fellow European but I feel like since we get exposed to a lot of languages in our lives minor things like how someone signals the start of dialog just don't seem like a big deal? What I mean for example is that I ordered three books of the Dresden Files series and it took me actual DAYS to notice that one was the UK edition and had single quotes instead of double quotes around dialog lool I just opened both and went "yeah, looks about right" lmao
It's funny because I know that people can be extremely picky about that.
But if you read books in different languages growing up I think it's not that difficult to adjust to punctuation.
Actually, I think when I translated my first fic to English and put it on AO3 I used the Hungarian way of doing the dialog with EM dashes (I can sense some people shuddering right now) because I didn't know any better. I edited it since ofc lol Then because I got into Outlander and because I lived in the UK for a while I tried using single quotes, but then I had a lot of American fandom friends and decided to spare their eyes lol
So that is to say, I'm not picky about that. As long as you tell me who is speaking, I'm fine. Which is more of a pet peeve of mine. As a writer, you obviously know who is talking. And then sometimes you think oh I don't want to overuse a character's name or "he said/she said'. But I think that's a myth and you can't overuse that stuff. It's repetitive but I think when you read your eyes just glide over those phrases and it doesn't take you out of the scene. But if you have to stop and try to figure out who's saying what that is a lot more tedious in my opinion.
Alright, well I clearly had a lot to say about that so thank you for those excellent questions! xx
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inkofamethyst · 7 months
March 8, 2023
No one would ever get this out of me irl but I very occasionally, at the peripheries of my thoughts wonder what might have been if I had agreed to go out with that guy from biochem. (Can you tell that Hadestown has had an effect? This is dizzying. Next thing you know I'm going to be begging to have a crush (but also I'm very picky about my crushes bc they can't be undergrads (lol tbf I'm only barely not an undergrad myself), they can't be in my department, and they have to be someone I see somewhat regularly (no passerby crushes)).) Because part of the reason I said no was fear and part of it was that I was in excruciating pain when we had that study date (mostly the fear though), and then there was also the whole being devastated about not getting to show off that solo that I worked really hard on. Bad vibes all around. But he wasn't a bad guy. I was just scared.
Even still, I can't seem to remember his name.
[edit, next day: I wrote the above last night and you would not believe the butterflies I got today when all I did was make eye contact with some (very attractive) dude before a class. Ridiculous. (I have the need to catch his eye again.) This is gonna be like bike-boy from junior year lol. Or the caving dude, also from junior year (literally who did I think I was, trying to go caving just to get close to a man??? Lowkey still wish I'd been able to get in on that trip, but alas).]
God, I really cannot dance. Was recently informed that alum from my undergrad uni would be restricted in their GDrive space so I went in and culled (will ultimately have to remove half of what I have stored) a bit. In early pandemic days there was some Broadway challenge (it was basically a big ad but it was fun and free (and very successful, incredibly marketed), so) where each week you'd have to take time to learn a song or dance or something and post it and I saved my dance video to my uni GDrive and it's AWFUL. Like the steps are all there, I can remember them (because I drilled it hard) but I'm so clunky lookin--it's dreadful. IT'S SO BADDD. (keep in mind it was newsies though so like it is bad but the choreo isn't helping either) But. If nothing else, I keep that smile on lock(down). I haven't watched any of the theatre tapes from high school but that doesn't make me excited to see them, beyond hating the recorded sound of me singing, bleh.
Found out what next year's stipend numbers are going to be and there's still literally no way I'd be able to make it work with my current savings rates (25% (also I'll be increasing my estimated taxes to 30% from 25%)) without help. It feels kind of weird to say this because I truly miss my grandmother so much like it's not even funny, but she's helping me so much right now.
Want to make a text-based, randomized, hunger-games-style battle royale game in python for my friends to play. In a different life, I think I could've been a game dev. Literally. Writing, music, computer science (I don't really do visual arts though). To be fair, like, there's nothing stopping me from trying. On the side, just for fun, coming up with minigames. I think I'd need to become like Brandon Sanderson though, where I relax by doing something (actually, now that I think about it, I'm not that far off, it's just that I don't have a ton of access to my favorite hobbies rn (music, sewing, etc)).
Today I'm thankful for how beautiful biology can be sometimes. I love how we find reflections of the same ideas at all levels!!! Recently I was thinking about multicellular organisms, and how they're just a bunch of different cell types that have different jobs with the goal of all working toward the greater good of staying alive together. And you don't just see this in things like animals! There are unicellular organisms that form colonies when times get tough, and they sometimes will even divide out work amongst themselves. And at the multi-organismal level, people banded together during those early days of covid to make sure the elderly were fed, that we were getting fitness classes, that we could see performances. And I know this is a basic idea in biology, but that doesn't stop it from being beautiful.
[edit: I finished all of my pre-spring break homework!!!! Let the breaking begin!!!!]
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zjpg · 1 year
idk if this is trauma-dumping. it might be so this is your warning ig lol. (mentions of weight (a lot), death, being left out, mean friends? idk it’s a lot i’m just ranting.)
idk why but i kinda realized that my personality is solely based off of my friends. like. idk. and i don’t necessarily enjoy my personality. i feel like i’m mean, annoying etc. and i think i realized this when i stayed away from my friends for a while. i went and loved with my grandparents for a while and i have like a completely different personality.
i just try to match my friend’s personality, or maybe it whoever i’m talking to or hanging out with. cause i’m hanging out with different friends today and tm and i feel different.
i love my friends. but sometimes i just want to be treated and perceived differently. idk i think it’s why i’ve been trying to shift and why i write fanfic. i kinda always dreamed of this main character persona ig. because idk if anyone knows this but i am overweight. i think on the bmi scale i’m borderline obese (which tbf the bmi scale is a piece of shit tbh - coming from someone who to a medical class for the last two years)
but yeah i’ve never been the skinny pretty friend. if you’ve ever heard the song “fat funny friend” that was basically me throughout my school years tbh. and in elem and middle school i had some friends that definitely gave me trauma because of how they treated me.
now my current friends are just kinda mean, maybe it’s more of one specific friend who i’ve had trouble with in the past. idk around her i can never just feel good about myself. and it’s clear that since i’ve last seen her, her values have changed. and idk it’s kinda hard to come to terms with that because we’ve been best friends for so long. i spent the entire pandemic with her (we literally lived together tbh. like if she wasn’t at my house i was at her and we couldn’t survive 24 hours without each other)
again it’s just sad to feel like i’m less than. esp having like, she struggles with her body image too. which i feel like most people do and that’s okay, and she is skinnier and i feel like if most people would see her they would compliment her for her body. nonetheless it’s very normal and acceptable for her to dislike her body. sadly it’s normal at least (because of unrealistic beauty standards) however. whenever she’s around me and our other friend (who’s smaller than me but still considered plus-mid-size? which we have talked about together many times because can understand each others struggles) anyway the first friend will always make comments like “i feel/look morbidly obese” “i look fat” etc. and again it’s valid to feel that way but at the same time when i (again borderline obese) look at myself and then her and she says that. i literally wanna crawl in a whole and never show myself to the human eye again
idk if that makes me sound like a bitch or selfish. but she knows i’m bigger, we’ve talked about it before. and when our other who (who has been working out and trying to better herself and her health) sent results of her past few months of working out, proud of herself. friend 1 came in sending a body pic of herself in workout clothes says she looks fat and i got so she has to go work out (or something like that) and that’s upsetting to us but especially friend 2 because she is just trying to be happy about her body but then friend 1 comes in and says that her body isn’t enough and she has to work out even tho her body compared to mine and friend 2 is amazing
and i don’t wanna sound like she can’t have insecurities or she can’t talk to us about her insecurities. she can. we always do (friend 2 and i) but i hate the way she (friend 1) talks about weight. and like. another thing. whenever someone annoys her or makes her mad she calls them fat. usually along the lines of “fat bitch” “fat ugly bitch” and she makes fun of their bodies. even if they have the most perfect body. and ofc with years of friendship, we’ve had times where we didn’t get along and when we were pissed at each other. so it makes me wonder what she has said about my body behind my back.
there was a time kinda recently where i got drunk and friend 2’s party and because of some event with friend 1 that happened in the earlier evening. i said some shit. i was black out drunk tbh, i don’t remember anything. but i remember some stuff. and i feel horrible for saying it. but when friend 1 and i talked about she was like. kinda being mean. which i completely understand. but she wasn’t letting me get my point across. she wasn’t hearing what i had to say. and she wasn’t validating any of my feelings that i clearly have been having for a long time (i never act like that when i’m drunk) and maybe i sound really bad here because i obviously did make a huge mistake that like still keeps me up at night even now (it’s literally 2 am). and i say there and i listened to what she said and i validated every fucking feeling she had just like i always do. but she didn’t care to listen to how i felt that night.
there’s so many instances that has happened to this one friend where she just talks and makes up excuses and demands that you validate how she feels without doing the same back. (because she’s not an angel either) there was a time where we were a group of 4 before we had a falling out with friend 3. and friend 1sts a whole group chat named “besties without lucie(me)” when all 4 of us had a gc called “besties”. and i didn’t know for months until friend 2 called me and told me everything. how they made plans without me had the gc without me. and anytime friend 2 would bring up my name friend 1 would make excuses as to why i “couldn’t come along”. i couldn’t be in their secret gc because i was “too sensitive” and her reasoning for not coming to outings was usually because i “said i was busy” (i was never asked if i wanted to hangout. i found out through snap and life 360 that they were out without me). she even used my aunts passing as an excuse as to why i couldn’t go. even tho when her grandma passed she came over to my house unannounced and me and my mom had to take care of her for days because she was so depressed.
i cried myself to sleep during those times. and because it was around christmas my mom let and my brother open gifts early in order to cheer me up and she would go out and hang out without me. and now i have such bad trust issues with not only that friend group but everyone around me. i hate being left out. i’ve always been left out like my whole life.
idk i just. i want nice people around me. i want people who validate me and my feelings and i want to be included for once in my life.
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fitzpirations · 1 year
Some thoughts on me seeing Days of Wine and Roses like,, almost a month ago now but I don't feel like editing it other than to add a few extra bits in bold & at the end. Overall, I really enjoyed it! Intrigued at what's next for the cast & crew, and if I could see it again/replicate my first viewing I probably would.
My thoughts, like film have developed and I am mostly out of a terribly weird headspace that I was unfortunately stricken w/ this weekend and I gotta say I loved Days of Wine and Roses.
I do think it’s perfect in the theatre it is right now & while I would LOVE for it’s actors to win very big awards for it and do believe they are due… for me a transfer is not the right move. Willing to debate on it! I think the story is important and unique and beautifully told but,, I also think the set/sound/lighting design @ Atlantic is special and can’t imagine it staged differently. It perfectly fits that space and needs that intimate of an audience, in my opinion.
anyway, this isn’t a full review & no one cares, but I’m so stoked with how things turned out & with my friend and I scoring great cancellation ticket seats & seat upgrades for a very cheap price and the fact that REDACTED who I adore was also there. my friend spoke to them while I blacked out- it was very neat. So embarrassed of myself for our post-show interactions that I’ve physically cringed and tensed up every time I think about it but! The show keeps replaying in my head and I’ve been thinking more and more about how it was told and listening to the demos and I just think how great is it to see a new piece of live theatre! I went in knowing a barebones plot (and purposely avoided real reviews, the demos, and the original movie) and was so happy to go on that ride. I do so so wish my mental health wasn’t being all finicky because I think I would’ve been all the more immersed in it but- nothing I can do about that. Luckily I didn’t say much of anything to the redacted actors in question, but my lack of interaction with one while my friend spoke to them and kept nudging me & my theatre equivalent of “good game” to the other will haunt me forever ❤️ my only consolation is I believe I wasn’t memorable in my presence & that maybe 1 day I’ll properly meet these people who I literally adore as a fellow creative. Wouldn’t that be nice. Until then, I will continue to beat myself up about it LOL. It’s so,,, I hasten to actually explain it more, but I feel about 3 feet tall thinking about it.
And did they drink ANY wine the whole time??? I’m very Kirsten in the first few scenes-coded in that I don’t drink and really never should be convinced to, haha. So I’m not super knowledgeable on names of booze- but I think I would have noticed them drinking wine, red wine at least. And no roses, just sad tulips. Oh! I could go on about the 2 little transition scenes they do with ok, both the “wine” (the bag from the liquor store that they have you you to believe is only holding one bottle) and the “roses” (the soon-to-die Tulips). Like it’s set up as a bit of like? Something to watch while they’re moving things around but actually? It reappears in the actual plot in a large way. And so many moments echo and mirror each other in words, actions, and song between Joe and Kirsten, but the reprises (so to speak) are new and fresh. Just so so neat. What a fun & exciting new piece of theatre. And why is the rolling out of the bed all the way to the front of the stage so funny? maybe it just was to me.
anyway anyway I have a lot of thoughts/they keep coming in and like loading which is wild. Like I’m joking but it’s as if I blacked out?? Perhaps someone on here will appreciate the image of me debating just buying closing night tickets even though I was too cheap to spend full price on any other performance// but a newer friend of mine posted a story of like, the New York Times review on opening night and I responded to it like “I’ve been dying to see this show!” and he was like “yeah haha it’s really good I’m working press on it lol isn’t that funny and I had to take a group pic with Kelli and was emailing her to arrange something and she saw me and called me over by name and gave me a hug- I didn’t know she knew my name!” I worked with this guy on the show I stage-managed recently and he’s in the process of quitting his sweet sweet press agent job and I’m not a close enough friend to acquire tickets from him and let me tell you,,, I was absolutely losing my mind reading this .
cut to my (other, closer) friend and I rolling up to the show without tickets the other night, with just hope & a dream and we were like 'wouldn’t it be funny if we saw like ~celebs/Broadway people because a lot of them are off tonight?' and we were chatting about watching the Tony's and stage-dooring and other unrelated stuff & we get tickets after 20 minutes and go to dinner and when we come back she’s like look it’s REDACTED TONY WINNER and I’m like omg. We go to step into the building proper and who do I see but my literal favorite actor at the moment other than REDACTED who is in the show and I was like friend it’s REDACTED! and she’s like go say hi and I’m like??? No I will not be doing that. And she’s like but he’s your favorite! And hey, we’re here to see REDACTED, who’s your other favorite! It’s a big night for you! But she was so loud that I was like looking straight ahead embarrassed that the random people in line would hear us. Literally what a time though, we had standing room tickets and then we got moved up like twice to center row, perfect view seats. Literally like a day later I was finally like O MY GOSH about it all,,, the desire to not be crazy about any of it and keep cool made me robotic in the moment and I’m very pro leaving-people-who-don’t-know-me-alone, so the circumstances were odd.
Anyway I literally have a notes app I keep throwing thoughts at about the most random moments from the show or the staging and it’s v good theatre. Like I enjoyed it, but wasn’t in love or anything but the more I stew on it, it’s a random choice of adaptation, a weird little show, its stars (including the actress playing their kid) are arguably all too old for their roles, there’s a song in Norwegian?? the opening number didn’t give me the ick but I was scared for my life that Brian was singing all of his lines// like I knew it was going to be a “two-hander” and read that the others other than the kid don’t really sing but that opener,,, I was like o no do I hate this? But also the set was so cool and as a recent big fan of Brian is was v cool to literally see him irl (lame I know) but why does the cast just pose in the beginning and slay for like 30 seconds? Idk but it was v 1950s chic of them idk idk we literally were clapping like,,, YEAH 👏👏👏 yeah! 👏👏 . And the scatting/jazziness of it all, I literally was shook but so pleasantly surprised by it all. What a treat! New musicals!!!
ok i literally never resolved the point I was making that the opening scene was not my thing and I was a bit scared I was going to hate it, but really enjoyed like the following 90%! Something about the first song is that it shouldn't be a song, in my opinion. I get why people are tempted to call it a play with songs, but I do think it's a real musical. Just was a bit cursed watching Joe singing right off the bat when no one else did, imo! If I were to see it/hear it again I may come around to it, but something about the way he was like half-singing was weird to me lol
but also randomly saw something from a video (that I haven’t watched as of yet) of Kelli saying they were supposed to open on BROADWAY February 2021 I think?? (tell me they wouldn't have closed immediately w/ omicron? or am i mistaken, I watched like 3 shows I was rooting for that season close early, and there were a TON) Literally the more I think about the show I’m like,, respectfully don’t transfer to Broadway,, it’s so special where it’s at, like I know Atlantic announced its next season I feel? But I don’t know what theatre it would fit in correctly, they’re all too big and the opposite of the intimate experience it is rn. In a perfect world I literally want them to film this version (which I know is the epitome of highly unlikely) but also, I think realistically other than the star power of the cast and creative team it’s such a hard sell for your typical theater-goer or tourist and I would hate for its history to be one of a flop like,, what have we learned from The Sweet Smell of Success :((( I also learned via Kelli ‘s own post and someone’s reference on here that there’s a full boot of that…someone please me up with a link!
So what have we learned. A lot of takes I have not shared,,, it turns out I can get starstruck and it’s so embarrassing it makes me want to scream. Show is good! I’d love a cast recording and for it to not just die but,,, I’m fearful of the idea of a transfer- it seems like it’s likely happening anyway, someone on the team commented on Kelli’s ig about the Tony's all like “excited for next year!” And my press agent friend is all “they’re eying a transfer!” And it’s not that they don’t deserve it but… idk I will remain skeptical of that. I truly believe it can be a success where it is now, and that just because it isn’t a Broadway show doesn’t mean it isn’t impactful and rewarding creatively and etc etc there is the part in my brain like this is Brian’s Tony tho, no?
I firmly believe had everything w/ Next to Normal gone down differently he would have beat those little Billy Elliots’s in a heartbeat, but I digress. Like other than SSOS which I only have a idea of (and no clue about that year’s competition from the top of my head) he’s been up for 2 comedic roles which are hard sells in a category with “proper,” dramatic roles nominated -as in, actors who appeared in a leading role in a drama- and then ITW-which I have thoughts on separate from who his competitors were- which tows that line and sadly like,, it wasn’t even close for him. I feel like every nom he’s had doesn’t even quite show off how talented he is as an actor like idk how to describe it, but idk. I want a Chip Zien nom & win for Harmony, which my brain tells me may be a featured role but if it’s lead… all hypothetical but I’m not rooting on the show’s downfall… I just think it’s perfect where it is.
Anyway... chaotic highly informal thoughts but I also have a few screengrabs from my notes app note I am going to paste below. Would love to hear someone else's thoughts, and am willing to say, obviously, one of the REDACTED's in question is BdJ.
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It's been so funny and interesting to me getting into Taylor Swift after already having long been into Stray Kids and kpop in general, so here are some funny parallels I've noticed between the two and/or their fandoms:
Ryan Reynolds
The Vault/Chan's Laptop
Really dumb fun fandom energy. Like please, I did not expect the ship name Toe, but that is the only one I am using now. Please I am begging Stays to have this energy when skz start dating publicly
Videos appreciating them existing in cute
Taylor's cats 🤝 Minho's cats
Frothing at the mouth over good/cathartic lyrics and the analysis of such
Ed Sheeran appreciation
Being serious derps irl/online with fans
Loving how their hearts and minds work and how they convey the contents of the same
Reluctant song ranking tiktoks
Knowing exactly which era a photo was from solely based on hair and/or clothes
Knowing details about them that would sound really creepy to someone outside the fandom it's not creepy if they say it in an interview or behind the scenes I swear
TOO MANY SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS and on that note, lowkey wanna leave the list here solely for the sake of things
Learning vocabulary because of them. Seriously. Why did it take me until the last month to figure out that Miroh meant maze and that Clé means key when I've been stanning them since 2021. I'm so mad.
Songs instead of therapy but please go to therapy if you legit need it. "this is me trying" was not about using lyrics as a replacement for professional help. That's a Placebo.
"yes they can actually sing live and here's the proof"
Very involved in their songs from start to finish and it shows and we love them for it
OH SHOOT—I just realized Taylor's Versions vs SKZ 2020/2021—
ME! lol. I do mean the song but also technically me myself as well now heh
Writing love/breakup songs except it's completely made up
Extremely prolific
"so I made this song at stupid o'clock in the morning and here it is lol" and it's the freaking sparkly cd meme
We CARE care about album drops and about them making the money off of it that they deserve as artists
Wanting merch but wiping the lint off the bottom of our wallets to try to find the money
"Please let one measly concert seat be available even if it sucks"
"wait a second, they/their fandoms AREN'T hysterical like the media paints them to be?" *insert mental hurricane that eventually dies down here* "wait, am I actually considering joining them??" *narrator voice: but by then, it was already too late*
Seeing the same memes/edits but in different fandoms but it's not memes I've seen in non-music fandoms. Like literally. Just watched one.
Acronyms that look like keyboard smashes to everyone else please though Swifties you're way worse please have mercy on this baby I'm still learning—
Recycling quotes from haters into song lyrics, like please yes queen/king, continue, go off
Giant creepy creatures as tour set pieces
Taylor and Chan being parents even though they have never actually had children
And on that note, knowing everybody in their industries
Rolling out our list of reasons like a scroll every time we say we stan them and the other person so much as inhales to start a response. We could probably recite that list in our sleep at this point.
I seriously need to shut up or I will get nothing done today but yeah if you stan one, please give the other a chance because you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't.
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corrose · 2 years
3, 24 (any), 45, 50?
Oooh ty for the ask! I honestly forgot I queued up that fic writers ask post and was like ??? but here we go!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Overuse of ‘just’ 
Introspection & pining but the POV character doesn’t know they’re doing either 
overlong luxe descriptions of landscape and interior design (more kindly stated as environmental storytelling maybe) 
It should be at least slightly funny. I want people to laugh. 
24. Are there any easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they?
Ough good question… but I don't think I have any fun answers for any of my current fics. I wish I were clever enough to insert easter eggs into my writing, but my brain partitions fandom content into specific little boxes that don’t have much interaction between each other
I DO have one Liufang fic that will probably remain unpublished where Sun Jing and Qiu Tong from Tamen de Gushi (她们的故事) have cameos as Bai Zhan and Qian Cao disciples! 
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
This is going to sound very funny, but. I have gotten better about sharing my writing lol. Not at autorial things that actually matter, like pacing, or analysis, or rising falling action whatever! I have gotten better at sharing my writing :) 
I write a LOT and I share very little. Mostly because I write solely for an audience of one (1) (me). Most of what I’ve written has never been read by anyone besides me, and probably won’t ever have any kind of audience except for me. And I’m totally okay with that!  
Case in point: 
Moshang WIP word count to date: 192k (excluding 33k of my forays into Bingqiu and Liushang) 
Moshang Published word count: 117k 
Not bad, actually! (honestly I thought I'd written more lol) Now let’s take a look at my older fandoms 
Eyeshield 21 WIP word count: 602k 
ES21 Published word count: 14k  
LMAO WHAT. I am covering my face with one hand. No comment. 
Homestuck WIP word count: 150k 
Homestuck Published word count: 0 
LOL. again, no comment. 
The more I feel like I need to make my own food, the more I tend to write (by god ES21 i am looking at you with wet and pathetic eyes…) and I only publish if I feel like i have something good to contribute. I suffer from an overbearing need for perfection (self-perceived) so if it doesn’t pass my own vibe check/exactingly high standards, I won’t publish it. This means that there are tons of shorter minifics, character interactions, drabbles, AUs etc that simply languish in my docs bc I guess my internal metric for ‘contributes to fandom’ is longfic. I got a little better at sharing my writing with Moshang, mostly because I liked what I had written so much and at the time, it didn’t feel like anyone had done exactly what I wanted to see. Haha perhaps it was only my ego that got bigger, and not my writing skills? :')
ANYWAYS. I would like to try and use my brain more when engaging with things and creating instead of just devouring something and then smashing whatever is in my brains directly onto a doc and being like OOOO WOW!!!! COOL FIC!! I LOVE IT!! MWAH (all themes, motifs, and analysis fly directly over my head and escape like a flock of birds) but also my brainspace is so small and crammed so full of whatever the OTP of the era is that it’s quite difficult for me :’) 
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
I am going to use this to answer #46! 
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
I write almost exclusively on my phone lmao. Lying in bed in the dark, on my phone, on gdocs! 
I edit exclusively on the computer, so any writing that needs to be added at this stage is on the laptop. This is the most grueling part of writing for me and makes me gnash my teeth so much. Editing is so hard and so time consuming and spurs the perfectionist in me like someone kicking a horse into gallop lmao.  
If i didn't write on my phone, i wouldn’t get any writing done, I think. This is also part of why chapter updates take so long. Always bottlenecked at the editing point!
Thank you for the asks!!! Why was this such a long answer lmao
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