#i aint tagging all of these peps
sherewrytes · 2 months
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Lost cause
Sukuna x reader
Sukuna and Y/n has been distant for some time. Talks and time spent together become less and less.
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genre. fluff to angst (idk), established but toxic relationship, 18+
tags/warnings. boyfriend! sukuna, profanity, smoking, alcohol/intoxication, talks of depression. minors dni.
notes: This is just straight off the dome, unedited. I just had a plot and rain with it. Hope it doesn't make you cry.
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You were tired
It was 8:51pm, you hadn't heard from Sukuna in two weeks really. The last messages you got was him saying
Bro stop spamming my messages. We will talk soon I thank you for checking in but I'm not in the right headspace rn, I'll talk to you soon
Thank God you can see notifications on your screen so you won't have to open his messages. You left it unopened. This is how things were between you two right now. You'd barely speak then hang out once a month, talk a bit then he's MIA again. You knew Sukuna had shit hard. Family passed, taking on a lot of responsibilities that aint his own. You knew that somewhere deep down he cared, or maybe you wanted to believe he still cared.
The I love yous over the months were less and less, you went from babe and baby to just a simple bro. You felt iced out of his life. You kept your promise to be there for him but it's like he was failing on his.
You laid in bed contemplating calling him but knew he most likely won't pick up. You contemplate smoking a blunt or just drinking altogether to ease the pain you felt but you thought "what's the point." You wondered if to pray for some sign he still wanted this and much as you did.
Your mind played on a conversation you guys had last month where he told you he still wants this relationship and still wants you. He said, "I stay away when things are hard with me mentally cause I don't wanna bring that shit to you." You laid in bed replaying old voice notes to hear his voice. You closed your laptop and turned off your wifi on your phone just so you won't be tempted to call him.
You remember the moments you'd talk for hours on end. He would always show up when you needed him most but these days it felt like you were showing up for yourself more than he was. Some days you felt tempted to end things other days you felt the love come back.
You remember another conversation you had with him after an argument you had over something, and he said he's worried that you're losing feelings for him. You didn't confirm or deny it.
It's now 11pm
You already texted Sukuna for the night, and there was no answer. Your messages were unread. You saw a text message came in. It was Sukuna it was just a voice note saying
"Hey there, good night. Still not in a good space mentally but as you know when things get tough you gotta keep going"
You listened to it, missing the sound of voice so much, it almost moved you to tears. You felt like confused on whether you should keep trying with him and being patient or just end it. You simply responded
"Thanks for the motivational pep talk and you're happy to see he's a bit better."
After that, it was back to radio silence with Sukuna again. You felt like your world was falling apart. He was the one who chose you. He pursued you, so why was he acting like this. He kept saying he cared, but he's never around. The stuff you know about his personal life is tough and you get why things are a certain way.
You were tired of always feeling like you were putting in more than you were getting, wondering if you were just being played or used. Tired of conversations so you decided to just live your life and whatever happened between you and Sukuna happened.
He was tired
Sukuna was tired of always making you feel like you meant nothing. There was no one else for him but you. His feelings for you overwhelmed him. All he could think about was you. He needed a moment to clear his head and all it made want was you. He won't deny the time away from you helped him. He was scared to come back around. He knew you weren't one to tolerate shit. He wants to be better not only for himself but for you. He hoped this time away helped you as much as it helped him.
He saw your texts, your missed calls. He was avoiding it, fuck, he was avoiding you. Maybe he was avoiding the emotions you made him feel. He still remembers how your lips felt when you first kissed him. How soft your hands were in his. How the shade of baby blue on your nails when you first met warmed his heart.
He was scared to lose you. He felt like you were done with him. He wasn't done with you. He wants to be better. He hates pushing you away. He knows it's his trauma and his pain from his fucked up life.
He hates that it's ruining everything he wants. He wants you, only you. You're the only one he gets emotional with. You're the only one he talks to on a deep level. He knew from the moment he heard you in the background some months ago when he called Toji. Your voice alone, let him know you were his.
He wants to fix things but he feels like you're done. He sees the signs. He knows he should be doing more but right now, his life and his mind is overwhelmed. He still loves you but he isn't sure if you still love him.
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Sukuna finds himself outside your apartment, dreading this moment. He decided to try to fix things. He runs his hand through his hair then knocks on your door.
Your door opens and it's Sukuna. You were shocked to see him there. It's 10pm. You sigh and said "Oh you suddenly remember me?"
Sukuna face paled just a little then he sighed. " y/n, can we talk...please."
You study his face expression, you want to hear him out but decided against it. You told him frankly "Sukuna it's late. I think you should just head home." Sukuna felt tears sting the back of his eyes. There was no love or anything he remembered in your eyes. He panicked " y/n please, I just wanna explain what's been going on with me."
You sigh and close the door in his face. Sukuna was shocked he never got that reaction from you ever.
Were you done with him for real Did he not matter to you anymore Did he spend to much time away Did someone get into your head
All these thoughts were racing through his mind. He fished out his pack of cigarette from his pocket and lit one up. He stood at your door for as long as it took him to smoke three cigarettes back-to-back before he realised he should just leave.
He headed down your complex's car park and hoped on his bike and headed home. He walked into the usual. Mom and Step dad on the their phones. His little sister on his laptop. His twin brother studying trying to use education as a way out of this hell hole they all lived in.
He sat alone in his room, thinking about how he fucked up, the one thing that was good for him. He found himself outside sitting on the wall in his family back yard scrolling through old messages between you two. He saw how his I love yous became less, how you'd express how him being hot and cold upset you. He saw everything. He saw you lashing out on him cause of your own issues as well. It made him feel sick.
He approached you first and he couldn't be consistent. He started hating his life. he mumbled to himself " If shit wasn't so fucked him in my life I'd have her. I'd give her everything she wants."
he remembered an issue you both had where a former friend/ fling of yours was trying to get with you. He remembered you showing him the messages and the emotion seething through him. He remembered the fear that he might lose you to someone else. How can a guy say he knows you better than him, knows what you like what you love. That's his role. He begged you for the guys handle to have a word him with him. The guy paid Sukuna no mind.
Sukuna realized he has no pictures of you and him together. NONE. all he can do is look at the pics you sent him randomly and feel sick. Why the hell was he doing this.
He found himself back in your messages sending a long voice note.
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You were pissed off at Sukuna having the audacity to show up at your door. It's been almost a month of almost little to no contact. You decided to send him home and get back to your own devices. You were scrolling on Tik Tok when you saw a message from Sukuna. You clicked on it, planning to leave him on read and saw it was a voice note. 7 minutes.
You were curious so you pressed play. The first thing you noticed was the lick of his lighter and the usual inhale. His voice sounded a bit shaky y/n. You...You, there's shit I've done that I didn't mean to do. I wasn't aware I was doing this shit. I've just been treating you based off my past experiences and that's how I usually am with people. I tried to handle you different, well they way you would want me to..... for the most part. I dont have the type fo conversations we have....had with anyone. I dont sit down one on one and talk to people the way I do with you. You heard him flick his lighter again and inhale then exhale. then he continued People around see me different than how you see me. They see me as positive and serious. The way Im with you. I don't be like that with anyone. If you get what I mean. I won't lie y/n you're difficult to deal with, fuck even Im difficult to deal with. I know you're way more sensitive and I can't deal with you, the way I deal with others in my life. Dealing with you sometimes, it's complicated for me, highly so but it's also new and different. Im still trying to learn you in that way. I've never had anyone like you before y/n. I can only do so much from what I know and try to understand your old world and how things are from your perspective. Im being honest it is difficult for me. Sometimes I need to take a step back to try to understand and if I can't, you make me understand. You heard Sukuna sigh then he continued on again.
Me working on myself and bettering myself for you and like my future with you would be an amazing thing. I understand that you gotta work hard and grind to get that shit as well but everything I do is for a reason. I don't do shit to spite anyone or hurt anyone especially not intentionally. I may be rough at times but I got my reasons. Im only human. Im always....Im used to thinking people are attacking me and I always push people away. Idk why I do. I don't know if it's ptsd, I don't know if it's self harm. I don't know if there is something I don't like about myself that causes me to act this way and push people away. I don't know if it's just that I can't accept certain things about people and certain things about myself. I try to understand a lot more every day and that's one of the reasons why I wanted some time to myself.
I wanted time for you for yourself as well to think. I wanted time for me to think. You told me when we met, I met you at an awkward time and from there everything was like a rush. I just wanted to take a breather. I wanted to live in the moment of life. hopefully this mini break which was partially intentional. I wont say it was fully intentional only partially. I felt like I didn't have a choice. I mean in a way I did and I didn't because I know couldve gotten help but at the same time y/n I didn't wanna use the time I had to just drop everything and come online and be around when I wanted to just grind and try to get shit together. I just needed that space for myself to think and comprehend things and I hoped it worked for you as well. I didn't do any of this to like really..... I won't say it's all your fault. I wanted some time to recuperate my mind. you know, there is multiple reasons why. That's why I came overI wanted to have a talk with you. I'll you sometime...if you want that and we could discuss a lot of things. Im only human.. I dont know if anything I said made sense to you y/n....
The voice note ended. You didn't know how to respond to him
He then sent you a gif with the caption this be us fr
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You just stared at your screen not knowing what to say. Sukuna's words confused you. You decided to at least sleep on it and think.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
can we please do black!reader feeling insecure and robin by fingering her in front of a mirror👀
thank you🤍
*aggrivating middle school teacher who everyone hates voice* i dunno, CAN we???
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(Robin Buckley x Black!Reader)
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warnings: insecurity, fluff, smut (fingering) and lesbian stuff. very gay.
a/n: this reader is black as stated above, while there aren't a ton of descriptors (read it over and was surprised at that considering i was imagining me while writing it lol) but the implications are very much so there and i just have to make it known. this was very therapeutic for me, Robin deserves a canon black gf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tagging also as robin x reader for my black babes who don't bother even using the black!reader tag since there aint much out there for us ♡
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It had been a very trying season for you.VERY. 
Band season, anyways.
See, nothing sucked more than seeing your girlfriend with her ex-fling and unfortunately, you had to deal with it a lot, making sure to always show up to Robin’s competitions and events (though those were kind of mandatory since you were also a high school student). And because life hates you, Robin was always placed like right fucking next to Vickie.
You knew about their past, had been forced to witness their—albeit brief—relationship until they both got tired of dating their personality clone and determined they’d be better off as friends. A couple weeks later, a lonely Robin finally opened her eyes and realized you were right there the whole time and it didn’t take long until you began seeing each other.
That short period of time was kind of the problem. Halfway through your friendship with Robin, you’d realized you were in love with her. You hadn’t known how to feel since you were coming to the realization you were gay, then she came out to you and you suddenly felt ecstatic about your secret. Mostly. 
It was annoying when she began to pay attention to Tammy Thompson but you didn’t get a vibe from her so it didn’t kill you. 
When Steve Harrington started sniffing around her, you weren’t all that bothered, knowing she’d never return his feelings. Then you came out to her. 
You were kind of hoping you’d go right to the confessions of love, kisses and happily ever after but that hadn’t happened. It had been disappointingly realistic; she’d told you she was glad you trusted her and that was that.
Then V ickie was suddenly in Robin’s gravitational pull. She had a boyfriend her entire high school career then of course the moment Robin started liking her, suddenly he wasn’t in the picture anymore. It hurt to see her slowly take your spot in her life. Suddenly, sleepovers with Robin weren’t as frequent and then stopped altogether as she did them with Vickie instead—and it killed you to imagine what they were doing at those sleepovers. She stopped spending time with you, too. It was so noticeable, people would stop and ask you about why you weren’t with her or why she wasn’t around and you just had to awkwardly shrug it off.
When they broke up, she of course came back to you and like some stupid pathetic teenager, you acted like you had no dignity and welcomed her back with open arms, as if she hadn’t abandoned you for some pretty Molly Ringwald lookalike. Two weeks later, she invited you to the fair and kissed you at the top of the Ferris  Wheel. And despite feeling very much so like the second choice, you had kissed her back.
Flash forward to the school pep rally and you were constantly looking over your shoulder, at the area of the stands the band was occupying, where your girlfriend was being chatted up by the pretty redhead. You knew they were still on friendly terms and you wouldn’t tell Robin but it bothered you.
It bothered you so bad, your eyes would always get a little shiny due to how stupidly butt hurt seeing them together made you, all because they looked good.
They looked like they went with each other. Sure, people wouldn’t look at the two girls and think they were a couple since that would go against, like, the homo sapiens agenda or something, but to those who were like you, it would be immediately apparent they made a pretty couple. 
No one would think that about the two of you. Because you didn’t look like Vickie. Or like Robin.
You got so in your head about it, you started to feel sick. You’d informed the teacher whose class you’d come to the pep rally with you weren’t feeling well and quickly slipped off to the nurse’s office.
 You hadn’t gone unnoticed.
Since she was just a high school nurse, she’d told you to lay down on one of the uncomfortable gurney-thingies until you felt better. You’d closed the curtain to your area and cried there for a good hour before she eventually called your parents to pick you up, only disturbing you to gently inform you on when they had arrived and were waiting for you at the front office. You huffed out a sigh and got up, grabbing your backpack, you yanked the curtain open.
You inhaled sharply when you immediately locked eyes with your girlfriend sitting on one of the chairs lining the wall. Suddenly, you were very conscious of the black mascara trails under your eyes and cheeks.
You made sure the nurse was in her personal office and out of hearing range before asking, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m sick,” she grinned sheepishly, obviously not sick as she waved a note she’d received from her teacher. “I saw you leave the gym earlier and I got worried. As soon as we got back to class and I got out of that stank band uniform, I decided I was sick, which I mean isn’t totally untrue since I’m worried sick about you and I needed to make sure you were okay.” 
You felt your face get hot, “Well, I’m okay.” Liar.
Robin pursed her lips, not believing you for one second. 
“Are you sure?” Because it didn’t look like it, it was obvious to her you’d been crying and the fact you were attempting to play it off made her more concerned. You always told her when there was something wrong, always talked to her. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Was just . . . It’s nothing.” You didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. You’d done this to yourself, anyways.
She glanced around to make sure you two were still alone before she got up from the chair, leaning in to whisper, “You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
Robin even had the metaphorical balls to reach out and cup your cheek, thumb swiping along your cheek and smearing the mascara trail. Daring, considering neither of you were publicly out since the Midwest wasn’t so kind about it. Showing affection in public places was a dangerous move but Robin needed to touch you, comfort you.
You sniffled and caved, “I just—I saw you and Vickie together and you just looked. . .” 
You trailed off as the stupid tears began to form on your waterline again, “You looked like you go together, like you belong together.”
Robin frowned, displeased with what you were subjecting yourself to. She had no more romantic interest in Vickie, it was purely platonic. Truth be told, she didn’t really like interacting with her all that much, it was kind of awkward since Vickie would just start word-vomiting. Before, it was endearing to her but after their relationship had ended, the word-vomiting wasn’t out of nerves, it was due to awkwardness. Neither one of them was sure how to continue on being friends since they hadn’t been friends in the first place so it was just terribly awkward and usually one-sided conversation.
“Well we don’t. I belong with you.” It was surprisingly firm, something you were unused to hearing come from Robin unless she was annoyed.
It looked like she was going to say more but the nurse popped her head out of her office and you both sprang apart.
“Dear, you’re still here? I thought you’d left to go home already.”
“I’m on my way out,” You promised, heart beating wildly at having almost been caught. It seemed to satisfy her, she disappeared again, leaving you and Robin to trade that was close looks.
“Can I come over tonight?” Robin blurted out, hands twitching at her side, wanting nothing more than to hold your face again.
You nodded, pulling the straps of your backpack on.
She looked relieved and almost leaned in, no doubt to give you a kiss, before she caught herself. “Okay, I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah,” you whispered out before scurrying out of the room.
You’d told your parents your illness was just some bad cramps, so they had no problem letting Robin come over. It meant they didn’t have to deal with your mood swings since you weren’t notoriously friendly during that time of the month.
Later that night, when Robin walked into your room, the first thing she did was lock your bedroom door.
“Alright, you beautiful human being.” She awkwardly tried kicking her converse off and cursed under her breath when she couldn’t because of how tightly they were laced. After she aggressively pulled at the laces, she yanked them off her feet and fell back on your bed, leaning back on her arm. She parted her legs and tapped the space on your blankets between them. “C’mere.”
You immediately crawled over, ready to straddle her but she tutted, manhandling you until your back was to her chest and you were staring at your reflections in the mirror attached to your dresser. 
“There we go,” She chirped, arms wrapping under your bust as her chin settled over your shoulder. “See, I don’t ever want to invalidate your feelings because I love you, but it’s mind boggling to me that you would think Vickie and I look good together when we so obviously look like soulmates.”
You frowned at her reflection, “We do?”
“Oh, we do. You and I look so good together. Of course, mostly because you’re so freaking pretty,” She didn’t break eye contact as she pressed a kiss to your neck. Her lips didn’t leave the area, “And it kills me that you can’t seem to see that.”
That does it.
You burst out laughing, nose scrunching and body shaking as you let your weight collapse back into her. Robin rolled her eyes, unwinding her arms from around you so she could lean back on her hands to wait for you to calm down.
“I’m sorry!” You croaked out, still laughing like a hyena. In your fit, you ended up falling of the bed, back to your carpet as joy filled every cavern of your chest. 
Her lips pursed comically, obviously trying to hold back her own smile. She knew what had been the cause of your case of the cackles, Robin could be bossy and she was hot, you thought she was so hot, but.
But. But. But.
She could not be intentionally sexy. On accident? Sure. On purpose??? Not so much. And you didn’t mean the way she dressed, which was hot too. She just couldn’t be very dominating. It was cute when she tried, because you knew she was trying so very hard to not be awkward. 
“I’ll wait,” The way she said it, like a substitute teacher who couldn’t wrangle their class was intentional, she even sat up and clasped her hands in her lap.
“I’m sorry,” You apologized once more, sitting up as your laughter turned to giggles. Once those were under control and you were smiling like an idiot, you knee-waddled back over to her. Robin made sure to keep you at bay with her hands outstretched to block access to her lap. “C’mon, tell me all about it!” 
“No, you lost that privilege.” There was no sincerity to it, her pretty mauve lips were curled into a teasing smile. “Go laugh some more.”
“Please?” You asked, eyelashes batting up at her. She was a sucker for your eyes—and really looking forward to sex—so she caved immediately, though you didn’t climb back onto your spot, choosing to tackle her to the bed and pin her hands to the bed instead as the both of you laughed.
You were about to trail your hands lower, towards her armpits where you knew she was the most ticklish when your brain registered she wasn’t not laughing anymore. You blinked down at her, taking in the shift of the atmosphere.
Robin was staring up at you, blue eyes full of adoration, reverence, her lips parted a little almost like they were frozen around a soft gasp. She was looking at you like she couldn’t believe you existed, let alone existed as her girlfriend. 
She’d had her fair share of crushes, dream girls, likes-at-first-sights. Had one prior relationship, one that made her long for the formers just because of how much work she hadn’t known went into relationships. 
Vickie was nice, sweet and a little too much like her. It was annoying, she’d begun to think Vickie was annoying and that was when she realized how unfair she was being. Ever see those tv shows where the best friends are so in sync, they’re talking in unison? Constantly saying the same thing at the same time? Yeah, there was a reason why they were just friends. It’s cute the first couple of times, creepy and agitating the rest.
She’d felt like such a failure when they called it quits, though. Robin finally had one of the dream girls interested and it didn’t work out. It felt real shitty. She vowed to go easier on Steve, if he felt like that all the time, he deserved a break from her antagonizing.
Then you happened. Well, you were always there, swooping in when Barb had abandoned her in favor of being friends with Nancy—okay, that was a little mean, Robin could have easily interacted with both, she was just in her ‘I’m not like those girls’ phase, which you put up with—didn’t even seem to mind when she started hanging out a little more with Steve than she did with you (you did, just hurt in silence), always answered your phone when she needed you, like you had some sort of Robin Senses. 
Yeah, you were always there. Hadn’t even been doing anything when she came to the realization. You’d been laughing at some memory Jonathan and Will had been telling, your hyena cackle echoing in Nancy’s basement and Robin had the most tit-clutching thought about how much she loved your laugh, how much she loved you.
And she knew she had a chance with you—or at least fit the demographic you wanted to appeal to—so she hadn’t hesitated, not willing to waste a single second. She’d been stupid in love and somehow gayer ever since.
“I do, though.” She rasped out into the tension filled air between the two of you.
“Huh?” Came your very in-sexy reply.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you,” your hold on her loosened as she rose from the bed and you found yourself once more perched in her lap as she whispered your name, “You’re . . . Everything.”
The emotion she conveyed behind it had slick pooling in the heat between your thighs.
You didn’t protest when she maneuvered you back into position, staring at her reflection in the mirror. 
“Eyes on you,” She commanded and your gaze darted to the side, to stare into your own eyes. Your breath hitched as she undid the buckles to your overalls and you lifted your hips to help her push them down your thighs, body temperature rising the moment they hit the floor. 
“Pretty,” She commented as she hooked a finger into the side of your yellow panties and you winced, wishing you’d gone with one of the few sexy pairs you had instead of just a cotton pair. They weren’t as easy to get off, you’d thoroughly soaked the center so they stuck to your labia. When she’d managed to pull them away, down the meat of your thighs, a thick, clear string of your slick refused to part with them, Robin had to run her fingers through it to sever the connection and her whimper did nothing to help with your waterpark down there.
“Okay—Jesus—I know I’m not really great at sounding super sexy with my words, but babe, thatwassofuckinghotohmygod.” She hadn’t even pulled your panties completely off yet, they remained just above your knees since she couldn’t be bothered to do anything but rub your excitement between her fingers. 
Oh. Your mouth dropped open, as you watched her suck her digits into her mouth, eyes fluttering closed as she hummed around them before pulling them back out, tongue pressing against the roof of her mouth to savor the taste of you.
“And you taste so fucking good, too. It’s not fair.” She whined before she went straight to business, ring and middle finger reaching down to nudge at your clit and when you inhaled sharply, she began teasing it, rubbing little circles into the sensitive patch of nerves.
Your head dropped back onto her shoulder as you whimpered.
“Uh-uh, eyes on the mirror, babe.” Her ministrations slowed, forcing you to raise your head and stare at your disheveled reflection. Your forehead was beginning to shine, sweat already beginning to break through your skin. 
The moan that came out of you when her fingers dipped low, past your clit to rub at your hole was near pornographic and Robin had to quickly slap her free hand over your mouth, refusing to stop the descent of her fingers but unwilling to have your parents ruin it.
“Shh, baby, you have to be quiet,” She whispered against your ear, pressing a kiss to the skin behind it.
“I can’t,” you whined against her palm, smothering another one of those moans against her palm when her middle finger slipped easily inside of you followed shortly by her ring finger. She was ruthless, plunging, curling and dragging them against your walls, “‘s so good!”
It wasn’t long before the sound was apparent, a delicious squelch every time her nimble fingers plunged in and out, never fully leaving the warmth of your cunt. 
“Almost there,” she sighed out, breath hot against your neck. Robin licked her lips, brows furrowed as she reached a little deeper, fighting off a proud smirk when she heard you keen, chest heaving—and yeah, she kind of regretted not taking your shirt off so she could stare at your tits but another time—as she finally found that spongy spot inside of you, finger pads pressing insistently at it.
Just like magic, you melted; body going lax as you relaxed completely into her embrace. Robin loved to get you like this, you always became so pliant when she found your g-spot, like a ragdoll Robin could have her way with. It also meant she was finger fucking you so good you legitimately couldn’t form words, could barely make a sound, forced to pant out huh-huh-huhs as she bullied your pussy, thumb coming in to the mix to play with your clit and resume those tight circles from earlier.
“There we go,” she let out a breathless laugh and your head lulled to the side, body puddy in her hands and thighs quaking over hers. “You gonna come for me? Squeezing my fingers awful tight.”
You were about to try to tell her to shut up, or maybe beg for her not to stop when your eyes locked on the mirror again, gaze taking in your sweaty face once more before glancing at Robin’s reflection. She wasn’t staring back at you, no, her gaze was locked on the reflection of what her hands were doing between your thighs. That area of the mirror ended up attracting your attention, too.
It was completely obscene, you could see your slick coating your inner thighs, your mound and her fingers every time she pulled them out, pale skin and pink knuckles glittering with your wetness, a contrast to the dark shade of your legs surrounding them. Even her thumb was coated, pressing it into your clit as she massaged it. A beautiful mess, while it was clearly your body and you could simply look down to see her taking you so thoroughly apart, it was somehow more vulnerable to see it happening to your reflection, to the pretty, sweaty girl sat on your girlfriend’s lap.
You really were beautiful. 
You choked on a moan, eyes squeezing shut as your orgasm hit you hard and Robin cursed under her breath as you pulsed around her fingers, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing.
She didn’t relent even as she felt you get wetter, rubbing furiously at your clit to prolong it for you, didn’t stop until you whined and reached a hand down to yank hers out of you when it became too much. 
Robin pressed a smattering of kisses to your hairline as you heaved, then turned her head to the side as she sucked your spend off your fingers like honey, making sure they were coated in her spit and she hadn’t let any of it go to waste. 
You watched her reflection, took in how pleased she looked with herself before those pretty blue eyes were on you again, winking at you through the mirror.
“Told you we look good together.”
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romanoffprentiss · 2 years
Next Thing you Know 
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 Me hating country  and most of my fics based on country songs 
You swear you’re staying single next thing you know
You meet a girl at a bar next thing you know
You get her laughing 
Its 2 am
Emily joined the BAU with the goal of staying single. She had been burned one to many times and the effort wasn’t worth the heartache. That was what she said to JJ one night at a girls night. Like a sign from above you walked into the BAU and changed her world. She had tried to stay professional, but after a night at Penelope’s she decided your laugh was the best thing in the world. That night she kissed you on your car door and your smile was present for weeks after.
:read more:
Then you tell your buddies 
3 months in
She aint moving in
Derek heard about the kiss from Penelope who heard it from JJ who heard it from Spencer who you told. Derek walked over to Emily’s Desk with a pep in his step,
“So y/n?” He grins and Emily sighs looking up at him,
“What are you talking about?” She raises an eyebrow and he smirks,
“Why don’t we recreate what you two did at baby girls place” he teased and Emily hit him with a file,
“Its not like that” she defended and Derek rolled his eyes,
“mhm, Penelope told me you’d be considered a ‘u-haul lesbian’?” He quoted and Emily laughed,
“She is not moving in !”
But next thing you know
There’s a U-haul trailer 
Next thing you know
Your old apartment 
Is y’alls new place 
There goes the carpet 
But the deer head stays
Derek wouldn’t let it go as he helped unload boxes into Emilys apartment.
“Remember a couple months ago?” He began and Emily threw a stuffed animal at him,
“Em ! Watch out !” You playfully scold as you pick up the stuffed toy and kiss her cheek leaving Emily apologizing and leaning in for a kiss and chasing after your lips when you pull away,
“You’re so whipped” Derek continued his teasing, this time Penelope walks over,
“Leave the love birds alone Derek! They’re so sweet” she cooed and you both blush at the comment.
That next day you got to work re arranging the living room,
“Woah what’s wrong with it?” Emily pouts seeing you put the carpet in the donate pile,
“This one I ordered will fit with the space better” you say and she sighs,
“Well then my emo rock collection stays” she says and you laugh,
“As long as you do the same hair and eyeliner” you tease walking over to her and wrapping your arms around her waist kissing her cheek,
“I can’t believe Garcia showed you that” Emily groans hiding her face in your neck leaving kisses up and down,
“It was actually Spencer” you whisper and Emily gasps,
“Im gonna kill him” 
Next thing you know 
You’re Savin money like never before (just to)
Spend it all at a jewelry store (gettin)
Emily had been comfortable all her life, which is why she spared no expense picking out your ring. She spent multiple nights in JJ’s office going over rings and sizes,
“This one is perfect” she says pulling up the most beautiful ring she’s seen in days,
“She’s going to love it” JJ says and smiles trying to ignore the hefty price tag.
Down on one knee on her mama’s porch
Just pray she don’t say no
The dinner was amazing. Conversation flowed freely and Emily looked like a lovesick puppy the whole time. After she pays she grabs your hand and leads you down a path,
“Emily  considering what we do for a living this is the worst idea ever” you joke as she leads you down the wooded dark path,
“It’ll be worth it, plus I have my gun” she replies and you giggle as an opening reveals with rose petals and candles,
Emily leads you to the middle and you notice Penelope and JJ standing off to the side with cameras,
“Em?” you turn to face her but look down seeing her on one knee noticing a ring box in her hands,
“Y/n Ive loved you from the moment you walked into the BAU I thought I would never fall in love and the-“ she’s cut off as you almost take her down hugging her. She laughs and you kiss her all over her face,
“Yes yes yes ! A million times yes” you say and she kisses you deeply. Once releasing she puts the ring on your finger,
“I got it !” JJ shouts walking over with the camera with a proud smile as she congratulates you two. 
Next thing you know
Your best man gives a half drunk speech (and you’re)
Sunburnt on a honeymoon beach (and your)
Left hand’s getting used to that ring 
There the next two three or years go
Emily sat next to you at the bridal party table, JJ to your left and Emily to your right. Once Derek stood up you knew it would be trouble, you give a look to Emily who shrugs and kisses you gently which gets rid of any fear of Derek’s speech,
“Emily Prentiss, or should I say my princess” Derek begins,
“I met you on your first day on the BAU and woo, at first I thought I could have a chance with you” You raised an eyebrow and Derek looked at you,
“Don’t worry mama she’s all yours, I knew once y/n walked in that Emily was gone, miss. commitment issues Prentiss, miss. I don’t need anyone Prentiss, had met her match, and she tried in the beginning to ignore it, but y/n has that effect on people, to squeeze her way into your heart even if every defense tells you to avoid her, even when she’s enabling Reid to go on his long rambles, and can convince you to drink way more then you should on a work night” the crowd laughs and you squeeze Emilys hand and see her staring at you lovingly,
“I mean look at them, can’t take their eyes off of each other for 5 seconds” Derek teases and you chuckle as Emily leans in for a kiss.
The next week is spent blissfully on a beach. You sip your drink and watch as Emily gets out of the pool, you didn’t think someone could make it look so sexy but here she was. She walked over drenched and stands over you. You lower your sunglasses as she leans down for a kiss,
“Hi baby” you say and she grins,
“Hello mrs.Prentiss” she grins and gets on top of you,
“Emily ! You’re soaked !” You shriek but can’t help but laugh,
“You said till death do us part” she jokes and you kiss her again,
“Death will come soon for us with hypothermia” you joke and she laughs. It’s your favorite sound, you’re amazed you can spend the rest of your life making her laugh like that. 
Next thing you know
Y’all weren’t really trying next thing you know 
There’s a test on the counter next thing you know 
She’s standing there crying nodding her head yes 
You’re half excited half scared to death (cause)
After almost a year of treatments and tests and needles you were ready to give up. It broke Emily’s heart to see you so upset over it, one last attempt you had both agreed that after that, you couldn’t handle another negative. Emily came home from a brunch with her mother and frowned when she couldn’t find you in the living room, the kitchen, or the bedroom. She walked over to the bathroom door and knocked gently,
“Y/n?” She asked and you sniffle opening the door for her,
“Honey what’s wrong?” She asks and hugs you. You cry into her shoulder as her eyes meet the stick laying on the counter,
“Is that?” She pauses not believing it as she holds up the stick seeing the two lines. She gasps and looks over as you nod and she picks you up hugging you tightly. It all hits her that there is a baby now. It’s no longer a hypothetical but a reality. Someone she will be in charge of and have to make sure she raises them properly. 
Next thing you know 
You’re wearing scrubs and a funny white hat (and the)
Doctor’s saying how you doin there Mom (and)
Nobody’s ever called you that (and)
You take the drive home slow
Standing in the OR, Emily did not picture this. You’re on the table, the meds have definitely kicked in and you smile up at her,
“You look so funny baby” you say and she chuckles wiping the tears from her eyes,
“Anything to be here with you” she says kissing your head. She doesn’t look over the curtain until you make a look of discomfort,
“You’re doing so well” she whispers in your head and stands up to see. A gasp is let out as she sees the baby be lifted up and a screeching cry fills the room,
“Is she okay?” You ask and Emily nods eagerly,
“She’s beautiful y/n” she says and the doctor rests the baby by your head. Emily lets out a sob as you hold the baby for the first time,
“You doing okay there mom?” Rossi asks as Emily spaced out for a minute as the team each take turns holding the baby,
“Yeah just soaking it all in” she says and is off again in her own world as it hits her that she’s a mother now. She would do anything for your little girl. She’s never felt this strong of a love before. 
On the way home you almost complain about how Emily goes 5 under the speed limit,
“She’s okay em” you encourage sitting in the back seat as Nadia holds your finger in her sleep.
Next thing you know 
Its first steps, first dates, first car (it’s)
11:01 wondering where they are
Then you’re saying USC’s too far
Its amazing how fast 17 years go
Emily sighed leaning back in her desk chair. It was a long night of paperwork, she thought back to the days that it didn’t matter if she stayed late but now she had you and Nadia waiting on her. She longed to see you both, you had left earlier, finishing your report early to be able to pick up Nadia. The lights were dim and everyone but her and Hotch were left. The door to the Bullpen open and she hears and squeal and some footsteps,
“What are you guys doing here?” Emily said turning around to see you both standing,
“We missed our mama, didn’t we?” You coo at Nadia who reaches out,
“Mama” she says and you put her down on the floor holding her hands to guide her to walk over, she had been teasing walking for a while but still needed something to hold onto,
Until suddenly she let go of your hands and took three steps right into Emily’s arms,
“Oh my god ! Oh my god ! you did it baby !” Emily smiled lifting Nadia up into the air and kissing her cheeks as Nadia clapped.
That felt like just yesterday. Emily looked into Nadia’s room as you helped her apply her lipstick. It was prom and you did not waste a second making sure it would be perfect for Nadia. Emily never got to go to prom herself and was glad to see how excited Nadia was. She was glad that you both raised her to be able to enjoy normal teenage things,
“Isn’t she a little too young for all this?” Emily asked and you rolled your eyes,
“She’s 17 its completely appropriate” you say and Emily chuckles. Nadia looks up at Emily and smiles,
“How do I look?” She asked and Emily smiled,
“Gorgeous like always” she kissed Nadias hair as the doorbell rang,
“Ill get it” Nadia shoots up but you hold her back,
“Let mama make him sweat a little” you chuckle as Nadia looks mortified as Emily answers the door,
“Hello mrs.Prentiss, is Nadia almost ready?” The boy asks and Emily notes he’s dressed up and holding a bouquet of flowers,
“You make it really hard to play bad cop Henry” Emily teased and let him in. Nadia and you walk down the stairs and Henry smiles,
“You look amazing” he lets out and hands her flowers, she giggles and they go to leave,
“Wait wait ! I need pictures !” You say grabbing the camera, and Nadia lets out a groan. You blink away tears as they pose,
“I can’t believe you guys are all grown up” you wipe a tear and Emily puts her arm around you,
“You guys get out of here before the waterworks, have her back by 11 mister” she points at Henry who nods quickly, 
“Yes ma’am” he says. You both watch as they share smiles and Henry opens her car door for her,
“Those smiles are dangerous” Emily points out and you chuckle,
“Let them be teens” you say and send JJ the pictures.
“Babe come to bed” you say from the staircase as Emily sits in the kitchen,
“She should be home by now” Emily says and you frown,
“did you call her?” You ask walking over and wrapping your arms around her shoulder’s kissing her cheek,
“No but we agreed 11” she huffs and you grab your phone and see Nadia sent a text saying the movie got out late and she was on her way home now,
“See no need to worry” you try to reassure her but she doesn’t budge. She waits for Nadia to come home and once she’s inside and the house is locked up you walk past the hall to see Emily tucking Nadia in. You stand in the doorway as Emily kisses her forehead,
“I know USC is exciting and you want to get away but maybe a school in the same state? Or timezone? I don’t think I can handle worrying about you while you’re all the way on the other side of the country” Emily says and Nadia chuckles,
“You worry too much mama” Nadia replied and Emily shook her head,
“Its my job, I just want you to be safe and happy, and if USC is it, then ill be right there, but me and mom need at least weekly calls to keep us sane, otherwise ill steal the jet and fly over myself” Emily says and Nadia nods,
“I love you mama” she says and hugs Emily,
“Love you too bug” Emily says. 
Next thing you know
You get to know your wife again (and you’re)
More in love then you’ve ever been (with a)
Lot of years of remember when’s
And still some down the road
Emily thought that the house would be quiet. Coming home after getting Nadia settled. She was proven wrong. She missed Nadia dearly but part of her loved this new phase. Waking up to breakfast in bed, dancing around the living room, baking, watching tv, anything was way better doing it together.
Retirement felt amazing, Emily worried that she would miss the action, and maybe occasionally she did, but standing behind you in the kitchen while you guys tried to make homemade cookies, she knew that she never wanted to leave this life you two have built. 
Cause next thing you know
You got a yard full of your kid's kids and ya
Take 'em to church, teach 'em to fish, and ya
Tell 'em stories every chance you get
About how fast this life down here can go
After Emily’s mother passed, she inherited her fathers old cabin. You two quickly moved in and settled into an outdoors lifestyle. She was brought back to summers spent here with her father so many years ago. She walked out onto the porch and watched as Henry chased a little Charlie around who’s giggles were infectious, she walked over to where Will, JJ, Nadia, and yourself were chatting at the table. Henry soon walks over with Charlie on his shoulders,
“Grandma can we go fishing now?” Charlie asked and Emily smiled, though originally she hated the grandma title, feeling too old, Charlie, just like his mom, had Emily wrapped around his finger,
“Of course bud lets grab our things” she said and they walked into the shed. You smile watching the two,
“He looks just like you Nadia” you comment taking a sip of your cup,
“Reminds me when Elizabeth tried to come camping with us that one year” you reminisce and Nadia lets out a laugh,
“She had pantsuits on to go for a hike” Nadia remembers and you both laugh. Emily leads Charlie to the lake and smiles as she helps him with his rod,
“You know I used to fish with my dad when I was your age, in this very spot” Emily tells the boy and he squints looking up at her,
“You were my age?” He asked and she laughed nodding,
“Long long ago, one day you can take your own kids fishing and tell this story” Emily says and the moment is interrupted by a pull on the line and Emily helps him reel in the fish. Charlies face lit up as Henry ran over with his camera to take a picture of the moment. After putting the fish back and sitting around the fireplace that night. Emily put her arm around you,
“I think we did alright” she says softly and you look up at her,
“I wouldn’t change a thing” you agree and kiss her gently, still managing to give her the butterflies you did that first night at Garcia’s apartment. 
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crazywolf85 · 2 years
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couple of height differences, as you can see.. twobrains IS the tallest
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
The Messy Route
Dom’s OH playthrough where we use Ethan to get the diagnostics job, are FWB with Bryce and trying to romance Raf. MC is Dr. Love Lao. 
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Ch. 1
Book 1, Ch 2
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So much for the plan. 
Sienna Trinh. Goddess of all things good in the world. We’re friends now. She doesn’t have a choice - Love nor Sienna. These girls are ride or die!!!
Asshat’s words get under Love’s skin and she is REELING. Being a doctor is all she’s ever wanted and on her first case she almost killed someone. Maybe everything she thought was wrong?? (Can you hear an identity crisis in the distance because I sure can)
Loves not a quitter. Never has been, never will be. Could the angry words of the one renowned attending she idolized change her?
Definitely not.
Girl just needs a mental break. Oh look there’s a supply closet!
Breathing in and out and trying to wrangle in the crushing feel of failure, she doesn’t get two minutes alone before the door swings open.
It’s the annoyingly attractive surgeon with the now-faltering smile and warm glow.
“Get in or get out Bryce. Just shut the door” ouchhhh she snapped at him and his smile completely disappeared
He joined her in the cramped space.
All signature cockiness left when he asked in his delicate and concerned honey-like cadence “what’s wrong”. She told him and he was a pretty good listener, all things considered. 
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(She says that now but little does she know that is EXACTLY what she about to do the next two years 🎉)
Honestly it’s a shock that this dude has a heart and a pretty decent outlook on life. He’s oddly good at pep talks. Judging by his physique he wasn’t on cheer squad but dayummm
His hugs were soft and warm and peaceful as he pulled her against his toned chest. His arms strong and safe. Love could certainly do this again. Minus the whole closet breakdown thing.
She really wants to not like the guy. But
There’s just something about Bryce Lahela 🤔
And she wondered what his other talents include 😏
As he’s looking down at her with that sweet lopsided smile asking if this is all a ploy to get him alone she has a strong urge to stand on her toes and kiss his pretty lips.
But she pushes the urge aside with a chuckle. Time and place babes. This ain’t it. Also he’s a colleague. And they just met. And they’re in a supply closet. Not really a good first impression for all parties 👀
She gets a bit of flush on her pale cheeks when he departs with a wink. Leaving her alone to collect herself from her mini breakdown.
((I hc that with all Mrs Martinez’s free time and boredom she’s just doing squats in her room and has a very toned ass for an old person and just wants to show off. If she can’t lay naked in Cannes she’ll get the thrill of the breeze through her gown and the satisfaction of knowing she pulled someone out of their comfort zone for a minute or two))
Asking the nurses to page dr grumpmunch to meet her in Annie’s room was the most satisfying and gratifying feeling. Eat shit mothafuckerrr
He doesn’t have the common decency to come into the room? Or talk to the patient? Just lean against the doorframe like a limp ass tree ??? Absolutely ridiculous and callous behavior for a grown ass man. 
She’s SO pleased with herself as she follows Ethan out of the room.
Which lasts about 2 seconds until asshat checks his watch and hands her a prescription.
Love FLIPS. She does not need his charity or opportunity and just wants her patients treated with the best care. Having Annie wait another hour was precious time wasted. Wtf was he thinking???
Dr. Ramsey made a good point about growth and crap. But she’s too riled up to apologize or even listen. She just scowls and goes to walk away
BUT THEN she stops when Aurora finally turns up all pissy.
And Ethan’s kinda hot when his anger isn’t directed at her. Woah nelly, reign in the heart eyes he’s a total prick.
Though power is an aphrodisiac 👀
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(Why am I just now noticing he calls himself a badger???)
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(gosh she’s so pretty. And yet she’s going to let Mitch get away with treating her like garbage??? Oh pb and their inconsistencies 😔)
The surgeon looks good shirtless. His arms look amazing in his scrubs and the green really compliments his complexion. In his everyday clothes he looks... like and Ivy League douche. But those bracelets accompanying his watch are doing things to her.
Everything about Bryce Lahela is off putting and exciting.
So she joins him and his surgical buddies for a game of darts, wagering a kiss. They’re not at work no’mo might as well see if he lives up to all the talk 😏
He doesn’t play fair. His hot breath tickling the shell of her ear. Taunting that “medical interns can’t handle the heat”. 
Oh she can handle the heat alright. But maybe there’s more value in losing this bet? 
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Love’s counting on it 
But she’s also not gotta let him off that easily. She does the same but lets her lips graze his ear. And, well... 
That stupid victory dance was a reward in itself. 
She licks her lips and grabs his outstretched hand. 
For a second time that day she’s pressed up against him with his strong arms wrapped around her. He tastes like malt and mint and sugar... Did he snag some cookies somewhere?? 
And then his lips trail away from hers and down her jaw and up to her ear and she’s molded into him and holding onto his biceps tightly in a state of pure bliss at this point. It’s going to be a good year. 
The surgeons call rounds for another game and Love taps out on that. She observed her friends all around the bar and found one pair of eyes swiftly averting from her. 
So she makes her way over to him. 
She eyed the empty glass in front of him and scoffed to herself. Scotch. It was her drink of choice in undergrad - she thought it would give her an enigmatic edge over her peers, instead of drinking beers like everyone and their older brother.
For the first time in the 15 hours she’s known asshat he shoots her a small smile of approval. Bingo. 
She scoffs audibly this time when he thinks she’s bribing him. He’s not completely wrong but she won’t give him the satisfaction. 
So she gives him a wry smile and says some garbage about a thank you for making her better.
He orders two specials and up this close she notices how devastatingly handsome Dr. Ramsey. Devastating because those looks are wasted on his garbage personality.   
Of course the drink he orders is delicious and she refuses to admit it. Dr. Ramsey sees right through her bluff and Love kinda appreciates it. She’s learning she can’t trick him and that’s valuable insight to file away for later. 
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She’ll be blowing you, Ramsbo, darling.
(I’ve also never paid attention to Landry before... but now I’m starting to think he has a crush on MC and oh my god this route just got a lot more fun) ((but then again asking mc to teach ramsey his name is throwing me off)) 
A/N: Thanks for making it this far! I’m adding my taglist. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in this mess or not ✌🏻❤
@rookiemarsswiftie @lucy-268 @binny1985 @thegreentwin @queencarb @danijimenezv @starrystarrytrouble @terrm9 @interobanginyourmom @adrex04 @maurine07 @mercury84choices @schnitzelbutterfingers @theeccentricbibliophile @wingedhairstylemusicweasel​ @whimsicallywayward15​ @mvalentine​ @rookie-ramsey @drariellevalentine @lifeaskim @otherworldlypresents​ @therookie​ @aylaramseycarrera​ @angela8754 @fireycookie @stateofgracious​ @missmiimiie​ @uneravine​  @peaceinmidstofchaos​ @choicesaddict5​ @iemcpbchoices ​
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ravenofthefandoms · 5 years
Here are my thoughts on S8E2!
If you’re gonna post about an episode after watching the leak TAG UR SHIT I saw way too many spoilers and literally two hours before it aired. If you can’t tag ur shit then don’t post at all until it’s over. At least then most people have seen it. If you don’t tag ur shit then ur legally an asshole so be careful
ANYWAYS Thoughts from S8E2:
- Hi yeah did Dany kinda forget that her dad was the Mad King or is she just gonna act like she’s the only one with the right to want Jaime dead?
- Also I love how she’s like “your sister lied to me wut you gonna do about it”
- She needs to step oFF of Tyrion
- I hope Jaime really does slit Dany’s throat tbh how great would that be
- Bran is great fuckin hilarious
- God I love Sansa so freaking much 😭 she actually values her advisors opinions unlike another queen I know
- I love how Dany expects Jon to be like “yeah babe whatever you want” and then he’s like “nah Sansa’s right”
- Grey Worm I love you but you’re not intimidating buddy I’m sorry
- Jonno does a 10/10 walkout
- Tyrion you don’t deserve this work environment abuse go give your wisdom to someone else who deserves it
- Mmmmmmm Gendry what a man
- “It’s strong enough” what ur dick?
- “What do they smell like?” What kinda question is that wtf
- PSA: sharp objects handled by Arya Stark turn on Gendry pass it on
- Arya Stark, Queen of BDE
- Fuck yes I love this Bran and Jaime reunion
- Bran is like it’s chill tbh it’s like a good thing that you pushed me out the window and made me a cripple cuz now we’re here and I’m a magical motherfucker
- Bran is the most understanding person ever after he became the Three Eyed Raven
- “She’s your new queen too” mmm no
- Actually, contrary to popular belief Tyrion, it’s not hard to blame her
- Tyrion is both smart and a dumbass at the same time how the fuck
- Jaime’s like a dog who just heard a squirrel like “????brienne?????”
- Awww Brienne and Jaime are like the awkward high schoolers who have a thing for each other
- Why does Jorah still call her Khaleesi
- I’m glad Jorah isn’t a dumb bitch. Like he literally betrayed Dany to her brother’s killer and she still forgave him but Tyrion decides to trust his sister for once??? Nope he fucked up too bad not trustworthy
- Uhhh the position wasn’t Jorah’s to be stolen
- This scene is proof that Daensa will never happen and I am glad for it
- “I wish I could have that kind of faith in my advisors” uhh??? Maybe get some new advisors then??? You should trust them??? That’s why they’re your advisors????
- Uh no a) the northerners accept Sansa pretty well they actually like her and b) you’re not doing a damn good job of it dumb bitch
- Uh the family that destroyed Sansa was your family dumb bitch
- Is this bitch really making the excuse that she was manipulated?¿?
- This bitch big stupid
- This scene literally reminds me of high school like Dany literally reminds me of those fake ass bitches who were sickly sweet just to get what they want from me like wtf Dany is so obviously fake that it makes me cringe
- I love how he just ignores Dany and is like SANSA I WANNA SERVE U BB
- Suddenly I ship Theonsa
- This Theonsa hug is all I have ever needed in life
- Isn’t that the thief from Merlin?
- I love that little Irish girl who’s like “imma fight give me a sword” like is this Arya 2.0??
- I heart Gilly
- Tormund is like surprise bitch you getta hug me first
- Beric is basically that cool as fuck and chill as hell uncle
- “The big woman”
- We love a Jon Snow pep talk
- Bran is like “hi yeah I’d like to be uhhh bait”
- Damn Samwell you didn’t have to flex on us like that with that deep thinking aight
- Noooooo let Tyrion fight you ain’t his boss bitch (I mean you are but)
- Need it for what? Taking over the north?
- “No one’s ever tried” hehe I’m in danger
- Stark fam looking badass as fuck
- Walkout #2 isn’t as smooth but still acceptable
- “It’s a long story” bitch I got time start talking
- I CACKLED when those girls walked away from Missandei like I felt bad but that was just such a “you can’t sit with us” moment
- Ghost is that you homie????
- Awww the Nights Watch reunion made me tear up a lil
- I love this banter with my whole entire heart
- i miss grenn and pyp so much I’m crying grenn was my pre-Pod husband
- I love Lannister brother moments so much they are so pure
- Oprah is handing out redemption arcs left and right wOw
- CACKLINGGGGG “half a cup” pours in half the wine jug
- What a squad
- He’s the awkward kid who tells weird stories and then does weird shit
- “Kingslayer get it right” - Jaime on the inside
- Everyone just has a “wtf” look on their face and I’m dying
- I fucking love Sandor with my entire heart and soul
- “I fought for you didn’t I?” Touche you got her there
- “I’m not gonna sit with you old shits I’m gonna go fuck a bull I mean uhhhhh I gotta go ”
- Arya being lowkey jealous makes me cackle like a witch
- “Is that your first time?” “Well yeah Arya I don’t put leeches all over my dick every time I get home wtf”
- Arya having her first time be CONSENSUAL and with someone she loves makes me happy as fUCK
- All I want at this point in my life is for Podrick to hold me in his big strong arms like I just wanna cuddle him fUCK
- “Not a Ser?? Why the fuck not get outta here with that bullshit”
- “I never wanted to be a knight” Podrick: I call bULLSHIT
- Tormund is supportive of Brienne even when she’s dating another guy he doesn’t even care
- Podrick is Brienne’s proud son I am living for it
- Honestly Tormund just wants to see Brienne happy and successful and tbh I don’t think he would care if that meant that she was with Jaime
- I stg if anything happens to babygirl Lyanna i will throw fists she looks like such a little bad ass in her armor omg she’s adorable
- Yeah Jorah you don’t gotta wield it in Randals memory he was kind of an asshole
- Can Podrick sing me to sleep every night please holy fUCK
- Theonsa? Check. Gendrya? Check. Grey Worm and Missandei? Check. Podrick making my whole self thirsty for him? Check.
- Uhhh Daenerys are you not gonna be concerned that you were idk fuckin your nephew or maybe that you aren’t the last Targaryen???? Maybe something important like that not the Iron fucking Throne???
- This bitch really thinks that Bran and Sam were lying hAh she drank a lot of dumb bitch juice this episode
- Daenerys is like those anti-vaxxers or flat earthers who refuse to see the facts
- Fun fact: episode 3 is going to tear out my heart and soul, put them in a blender, and then fucken shook it until it exploded like a coke with a mento in it
- I read somewhere that said something to the effect of characters who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it and that sounds like Dany w/ the Mad King to me rn
- Honestly every time Dany talked in this episode I got pissed off so that’s not good
- This episode made my heart full and I’m going to cry
- Ummmmm in case y’all haven’t seen in Dan Portman (Podrick) posted on his Instagram and it may or may not be a spoiler and if it is then I’ll kill myself
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missjackil · 6 years
Get to Know Me
SPN Questions Thanks @aborddelimpala i figured it out 😜
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
Feb 29th 2015. My friend had been bugging me for months, I was recluctant. She told me to just watch s1 and 2 and if I wasnt hooked by the end of s2 then we can pick something else... well... here I am!!
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
Im a Samgirl but I love Dean too!
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
Cas, hes useless beyond the occasional pep talk anymore
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
Rowena, she acts a;; badass but shes a softy
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
Rowena... same as above
7. John or Mary?
John definitely! No he wont win Father of the Year, but he loved his boys enough to die for them. He didnt cjose to eliminate them from his life after they died for him to help a flock of strangers in another world. 
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Sam: Awww hes gonna be drop dead gorgeous when he grows up Dean: Cute little smart ass aint he? Cas: Angels have weird lips Jack: Well hes gonna be fun!
9. What’s your favorite season?
Season 12, maybe the sexiest of all seasons, and I liked the scaled back theme. More personal and the big bad was just humans. The boys looked amazing too!
10. What’s your least favorite season?
3 or 10. even though they both had some good episodes. I felt like 3 really really lacked an arc. Yes they were trying to keep Dean from Hell but they never got close. 10s MOC arc had potential they never saw through with. How did the fact that Cain killed his brother never come up in conversation?
11. Opinions on Destiel?
Its a fan fiction ship. Its never going to happen and generally I dont care if people ship it, its just when they get obnoxious about it that it pisses me off.
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
Not even remotely. Queerbaiting would be if the show acted like they would develop a queer relationship and never do. The show never does such a thing, only some fans with a fetish do.
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
8-14, I like Sam and Dean more the older they get
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
Not at all... the best series arc they have had is the Sam vs Lucifer story. They just need to get back to that and make Lucifer more impressive and not a spoiled 15 yr old
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
Sam & Dean both. They’ve both been through Hell (figuratively & literally)
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode?
Who We Are and Swan Song... though Im adding Prophet and Loss to that list.
18. Do you like case episodes?
Moreso now than I used to. In the early seasons it got boring just chasing monsters, I liked the myth episodes to move the story along, but now the MOTWs are much better and I really apreciate just the bros together
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
I relate to both Sam and Dean for different aspects of my life. 
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
I love Sam and Dean and their psychotic  co dependency. Jared and Jensen are wonderful actors and I cant imagine anyone playing a better Sam and Dean
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
Kill off Claire and bring back Mick Davies
Tag: whoever who wants to answer :) 
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3rdeyezoe · 4 years
Tumblr media
🚨🚨🚨🚨#SCAMALERT🚨🚨🚨🚨 We have to #protect each other in #vanlife #blackvanlife especially us women ... so I had a heart for another woman who I thought was truly in need. Last week @worldschooln_wanderers made a post about needing assistance due to bankingissuess she had no money. so I came to her aid that night but she never mentioned it while she was asking the #vanlifecommunity for help She then posted the CashApp the next day after receiving food and essentials like water from me and tagged me (first red flag) I literally went to Costco and gave her half my haul. she was accompanied by the young man who stated he was an expert on renovations to mechanical. She kept saying he had to finish her RV before he could help the next person yet telling the Internet she was broke and needed $400 to finish her project. So he got pissed one day which I later found out so much more about their so call secret relationship yet again another scam. long story short because I have tons of video and receipts trying to share the highlights This guy spent 2 days on my vehicle and literally took everything apart under the hood and then told me he needed another tool to put it back together. While in the middle of working on my car @worldschooln_wanderers constantly interrupting the workflow to bring attention to her needs which supposedly she could not afford. I never saw the kids nor her sister but I did meet @universaladventureofpebbz and hoping she too isn’t being scammed. Bottom line there was no followup of free leads suggested or banking help, she was the reason my Truck was towed because she waited to meet. he kept saying he could do the work on my car which after 2 days and $560 later all my parts was in The back seat of my car and the distributor cap I had just bought had been taken apart and he took a component after telling me he couldn’t do the work. Then while getting the car towed to pep boys to put my truck back together they texting me for a $40 extension cord they refused to move their RV for 2 days and offer nothing towards all the issue they had caused but kept wanting help. Every one in VanLife aint about community worst experience ever! (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAkfBnBF1O/?igshid=1ts89clo0wmms
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scoup-d-etat · 7 years
10 Question Tag
Tagged by @kwan--nie hope ur doing well :))
Is there something that you’re currently into that, maybe 5 years ago, you’d never dream of yourself liking?
Hmmm probably just weird ass fashion or bold fashion. When I was 14 I would only wear anything’s that dark so I could blend in easily. Nowadays I tend to wear things I probably wouldnt even dare to look at 5 years ago.
What drew you towards your bias? What do you like about them?
Hmmm... I already said it before but S.coups was the first one I noticed when I joined the fandom because his name was ridiculous jk i love it. But I fell hard for him in ofd season 1 bc he was such a dad. He was so soft to his members and you can see how selfless he is and how well he takes care of them. Coups is reliable and resposible and I feel like I could show my weaker side to him without being judged . yup im whipped
Is there a kind of aesthetic you love?
Im just and art hoe in general. You know that feeling when youre in front of a fireplace with a sweater, a warm blanket and a new book? HMMMMM the smell of new books 
Is there a kind of aesthetic you hate?
I think people are entitled to have their own aesthetic tbh. What’s not pretty for you is pretty for someone else. I like all kinds of it :))
If you could go back in time to 2015, what would you do?
2 years ago I was 17 i only had few dollars hmmm I think I would give myelf a pep talk to not take myself too seriously. Enjoy your free time, don’t stress too much bc you’ll be constantly in 2 years lols BE NICE TO YOUR PARENTS they soft and don’t try to change yourself to fit in. Good friends will find you :))
What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?
I hope I’d have my bachelor’s degree in nursing ; maybe with a small apartment and a cute cat ~ What should I say Im simple like that
Who is your favourite kpop group? Why do you like them?
SEBONGIES : They’re very authentic and you can really feel how much they love each other and how much they trust their fans. Like the relationship between carats and sebongies is so pure 
When did you get into kpop? And how?
I got into kpop around 2011? I was depressed bc of private reasons and I was on youtube. I accidentally  watched some kind of variety show featuring SS501 yes SS501 omg people dont even know them anymore ;cries; then yeah I started listening to their music and the rest is history
Is there anything you hate?
I can’t think of anything specific but I guess when people are judgemental. Nobody gives you the right to jude other people’s action, be thankful for what you have and mind your own business
If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?
Not to sound serious or anything but maybe the whole political system. A system where people are satisfied, a system that will end inequality in all fields yeah that aint gonna happen right? I want to change america’s president to snoop dog
Which do you prefer? Dance, rap, or vocals?
My biases are almost always rappers but I appreiciate a good choreo. Props to hosh my man 
Im tagging peeps I want to get to know better:)) You dont have to do it if you dont want to : @softmanscoups  @pocky-bugi @7teencarot @violin-and-schoolwork @verngyu @incorrect-seventeen-quotes
Im also tagging everyone who want to do it! Just tag me when u do it! 
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luchorgasm · 8 years
I was tagged by my darlings @culepersempre @4fabregastasticxavi6  @xavimascheranos @thinkingoverloves and @messifangirl !!! xoxo :D (Always always always adore you both!) 1) Nickname: I don’t have one. Well, not one that has stuck. I’ve been called Alexa, A-Money, Alaska. 2) Gender: Female 3) Height: 5′4″ 4) Hogwarts House: Always felt drawn to Slytherin and thanks to Pottermore I am a Slytherin for sure 5) Favourite color: blue, although I definitely love black, dark green, burgundy, and grey 6) Average hours of sleep: It’s not consistent enough. I get 4 hours one night, 6/7 another, 9/10 another, 11/12 another... Depends if I work my late night shifts. 8) Last thing I googled: how to make slime 9) Favourite character: fffff.... I’ll go with the one I have loved since elementary.. Aragorn
10) How many blankets do you sleep with? It’s winter here and I get cold easily. I got six. 11) Favourite bands/artists: U2, Green Day, BSB, NKOTB, Mumford and Sons.. 12) Dream trip: Currently working on it. I want to head to Barcelona, I want to visit family in England, stadium trip around Argentina, and yeah. 13) Dream job: Radiologist... (another part is paid to travel but the doctor is more realistic) 14) Current outfit: all black everything... black skinny jeans, black shirt, black shoes, late work shift tonight. 15) Following: 889 16) Posts: 53,188 17) Do I get asks on a daily basis: lolno i aint that popular. 18) Reason for my url: I, on a occasion, to a healthy degree have quote unquote inappropriate thoughts about Luis “Lucho” Enrique Martinez. Relationship status: single or in an ot3 relationship with Lucho and Pep. OT3: Will It Ever Be Enough?   - the answer is a NO Lipstick or chapstick: lipstick, i use that more Last Song I listened to: any song I can find of Amelie the musical Last movie I watched: Moana Top 3 TV shows: Stranger Things, Better Call Saul, and Game of Thrones Top 3 favorite characters: Aragorn, Luke Spencer, and Rafael Solano Top 3 favorite ships: PEPLUCHO, MASCHESSI, and Aragorn/ARwen
I tag: @brozukas @xavihernandes @ivanrakitic (feel free to do or not do it :)
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