#i already bascially knew this was going to happen
ghost-rule0 · 2 years
Mindfuck (Part 1/2)
Vash the Stampede x Reader
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Another draft for the fanfic I wanted to try writing down. Again not edited bc I am still at work just writing down ideas. This time Imma split it in two parts tho, one focusing on exploring readers own defensiv strategies while also bonding with our beloved ex insurance worker and now reporter Meryl :3
The second part is again some fluff with Vash obviously and I might also trow in some Wolfwood and or Roberto interactions for the sake of writing them.
I still need to do more researche and draw more concepts for this fanfic to actually start so imma just bomb you with scenarious that I might or might not will later trow in the real book. Also yes I will probebly trow in isekai reader but thats just an idea for now
The tension in the air was almost suffocating. The room was painfully silent aside from the faint sobbing of children and their mothers trying calm them down, voice trembling in fear.
Y/N knew this scenario more than she did like to. The bandits that held the bank hostage that she and Merly entered some hours ago were having an heated argument in back of the room while the other hostages nerves were tested at the fearful image that was infront them. The bandits had shot one of their own comrades that didn't want to share with them and now was laying dead in his own puddle of blood.
Human brains worked the same no matter which dimension they were in. It didn't matter if it was on Earth or here on Gunsmokes Criminals were always mentally scared beeings, so if stressed some tended to use the only form of problem solving they knew.
That just happened to be violance.
Back at home before she crashed the dessert here some weeks prior she was studying exactly that, using her observant nature and her deep interest in crime to become a profiler.
In a world where Guns and Violance was dominating the planet having the abilitys she possesed, analyzing heavior and seeing the patterns while also manipulating people to let her be, that was her ultimate weapon to stay alive. since the only other weapon she had was a metalic pipe and that barely worked against a fully armed bandits.
She stayed silent most of the event, looking around and calmly observing her surroundings. Originally there were three bandits. Two dominat ones and one subbmissiv guy. Right as they started this whole trouble she knew from experience some shit would eventually go down since most of the time criminals only could operate in groups with one dominat member that so happen to have submissiv sidekicks, so seeing the two man bicker over the leader role already set of the alarm bells in her mind.
Meryl meanwhile was also surprisingly calm, or at least she tried to be. The reporter wasn't used to beeing in the middle of conflict. Since she joined Roberto, Vash had always been the center of attetion which made it a bit easier for her to stay back and have less stress. But Vash wasn't here and she was stuck with the only other person on this god forsaken planet that was similar a danger magnet than the blond man himself.
But that didn't stop her from keeping herself cool. Seemingly more nervous than her partner beside her but still in a better mental state than the other hostages. For Vash for this matter, who was outside with Roberto and wolfwood. The trio hid in a alleyway near the bank, carefully watching the sheriff and the bankers wife talk about the situation. The blond man was basically a nervous wreck and blamed himself for the capture. Telling himself he should have gone with the two girls or at least get inside to save there asses. But he didn't let that get through, while his anxious side was bascially ripping his brain apart the gunslinger and rational side of him was already working on a plan.
Y/N didn't exactly know that but she predicted that he would do something like that. He cared for people too much to just let a hostage happen under his watch. But she knew as much as she wanted to, she couldn't put all the afford on getting them out on the boys. Which is why she already had an idea.
Prior to them walking off to the bank Roberto gave Meryl one of his darengers, which she thankfully had hidden so good in her coat that as the bandits demanded all weapons to be given to them they couldn't find one on her. And since she was the only one currently possesing a weapon it was her job to take out the leader while she herself took the side kick.
The screaming of the leader become loud and obnoxious enough that he had all the attetion of the room, so she could whisper to merly without anyone noticing.
"I think I got a plan" she whispered as her eyes were locked on the duo. "You think? What are we supposed to do its two armed gigants against us" she hissed silently in the (h/cs)nettes ears. Y/N hummed agreeing as answer as her eyes roamed the area. "You still have the gun Roberto gave you right" her voice dropping almost inaudible as the word gun rolled of her tongue, playing even more save no one would notice their conversation. Meryl softly nodded before Y/N spoke up again. "When I give you a signal you shoot the gun out of the bigger guys hand. Try not to aim for his fatal spots until really necessary. I take care of the second one..." she laughed air and soundless before looking at me. "He also has a gun how do you want to do that?! As soon as I hurt his boss we are swiss cheese!"
Carefully observing the smaller man as he started to nervously chew on his fingers she smirked. The gun in his hands he held firmly but his finger never was even near the trigger. He flinched every time his boss was pointing at one if the hostages when he spilled empty threats and ealier as he shoot the other bandit he couldnt even look at the corpse.
"That is gonna be childsplay trust me"
It didn´t take long until the argument had finally stopped and the bandits attetion was back at their hostages presence. No one dared to move. They didnt need to rope them up since all of the people were scared, scared too shitless to even try to resist. Most silently sobbed, some prayed, others sat in their corners and accepted their envidible doom and Meryl and Y/N meanwhile had gotten their hands on one of the belongings of the bankers inside. Working in a bank all day takes a lot of time and nerves since its takes full concentration out of someone to carefully count money and take care of the safes in the back. So it wasnt surprising one of them had empty bottles laying around. Collecting laying around juck was less noticable than for example asking the staff memembers for say cigerettes and lighters. It wasnt much but it was enough to cause the bandits to panic. The leader kicked one of the workers in the face as he held his gun to the poor mans head. “you useless fucks are even less worth than the little to no cash you have laying around in this bullshit bank! Not even the Sheriff wants to pay for your pathetic asses! Fucking useless shits!” he growled in rage as the banker cried and plead for his life. “Please..Please! I have a wife and children at home! Please do..don’t kill me” he maniged to croak out between sobs. The Bandit puts his finger on the trigger and grinned, in a widely spread and digusting smile. His eyes were could and his eyebrows twitched in amusment. He was getting a kick out of seeing the mans fear, begging him to not pull the trigger. Y/N knew that face and she cursed silently in her head. The man didn’t care for the money anymore. After killing his teammate he started to get a kick out of it.
He started to like killing people.
“fuck it” the girl growled digusted before jumping up, carefully having moved to the blind spot carefully over the past minutes, before trowing the bottle as hard as she could at the back of the leaders head, stunning him for a second as Meryl dashed forward and shot right trough the hand that was holding the gun. A loud and painful cut trough the silence as blood spat everywhere, leaving the mans head mangled and impaled as the reporter takled his screaming form to the ground and took his gun. Holding both the deringer and the mans own gun to his head, hissing in his hear to stay down or else he would have two more holes in his head to speak shit out from. The other robber meanwhile started to panic and point his gun at her friends head. “Get....get of....off him or else...else I will shoot!” he stuttered out. His eyes were wide and fearful but also paniced. Y/N meanwhile walked slowly between them. Having the gun of the panicking robber pressed against her forhead. As she calmly smiled. Her calm starring made him seemingly shake more, having the finger on the trigger non stop as he blabbeled more nonsense, trying to threath her. But it was barely understandble english since his stuttering made him almost mess up every word. If she didn´t knew better he almost looked like beeing moments away from having a panic attack. Shaking, heavy and unsteady breating, increased heartbeat and blurred vision by tears.
Yeah she knew all this systems all too well from her time back home.
Meryl seemed also to sweat, becoming more nervous for her friends safety as she carefully held the man down, recalling her words from ealier. “childsplay? you are insane!” She chuckled as she smiled at her “maybe you need to be a little insane to survive here. Ok listen I will stun the leader so you can get a good aim for his hand and dash to hold him down. And no matter what you hear, concentrate on holding the guy down and don’t turn around to me, ok?”
She swallowed hard as she mumbled “you are so fucked up” clenching her eyes shut as she forced herself to concentrate fully on holding the guy down, not looking if her friend would soon be silenced as a shoot would ring.
But it never came. The nervous mumbling of the bandit was interupted by a cutting, clear and cocky sounding. “you won´t shoot me, you don’t have the guts to do soo”
The gun fell from his almost forcefully shaking hands, right before the cocky grinning Y/N grabbed him and pulled him forwards. Punching him right in the face, covering her fist with lots of his blood, probebly breaking his nose, before his limp body hit the ground.
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gillianthecat · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Boys Planet: in which I discuss the contestants, muse over K-pop and reality tv, and go off on many tangents
Reality TV here I come! I don’t watch it that often, but I don’t avoid it. The main things I’ve watched at any length are Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance (but mostly only watching routines, I don’t think I’ve seen many full episodes) and the Great British Baking Show. So basically I watch dance and low stakes fun competitions. (I can’t stand any lifestyle or dating reality tv, it makes me sooo uncomfortable on behalf of everyone involved and I have to hide away.)
The most recent reality tv thing I watched was probably my favorite. After The Untamed I got into a Xiao Zhan phase and watched the singing “competition” show he was in Our Song,which was lovely and non-stressful because everyone was already a working professional singer at various stages of their career, so a) they all sounded good and knew how to put on a good show, and b) it felt like they were all going to be just fine, no matter what happened. There wasn’t the angst of contestants’ dreams dying when they get eliminated, as I suspect will be the case for Boys Planet.
I don’t know a ton about K-pop, although I’ve absorbed some stuff through tumblr and the general atmosphere. I do feel like this could be, in an oblique sort of way, a useful introduction to the K-pop industry for me. Not that I think they’re going to present an accurate picture of what it’s like, but I find that I can learn a lot through the stories that they try to show, and the things that slip through the cracks, and all the assumptions made. My impression of the industry is that it is very competitive, and an intense, heavy-workload training process that starts way too young, and that idols are under heavy pressure to look and present themselves a certain way. So actually a lot like the ballet world, and I’m a big fan of ballet, but for some reason young K-pop idols make me more worried. Perhaps because they seem so much more exposed, the K-pop audience is enormous and these kids are hoping to get famous fast, whereas even the Maria Khorevas and Isabelle Boylstons of ballet stay pretty safely unknown to most of the world. Yes, the training is unhealthy in many ways, but at least the reward for it isn’t losing your private life.
Caveat before I get into the show itself: the contestants are all really good dancers, much better than me. If I sound judgmental sometimes, well, that’s because I’ve watched a lot of top level dancers of a variety of styles, and have developed Opinions. Are the Opinions necessarily accurate or fair? No, but I still have them.
Like @petrichoraline, I get stressed out when the judges are mean, and worry about the contestants being exploited for their dreams. So many of them are still teenagers! With these kind of things, especially with the contestants so young, I actually tend to hope it’s more staged than not, because that feels more protective of these idol hopefuls; their raw selves aren’t hung out for everyone to see.
The beginning is cute with us discovering the Boys Planet world and how things work with these two dorky contestants who only feel worthy of one sticker star. They feel like the plucky wide-eyed farm boys setting off on an adventure in a fantasy novel. I wonder if they’re hear just for this role—with NINETY-EIGHT! (sorry I still can’t get over it) contestants, and I think half of them being eliminated right away (?) there must be some of them who are just here bascially as seat fillers, or reaction shots, who knowingly don’t have a chance, right? Just to make things easier for the judges/audience voting. I just hope that those contestants know that that’s their role and aren’t getting their dreams crushed by surprise.
I’m not a big fan of this editing choice of all these double takes. It’s distracting and I keep feeling like it wastes time when there are NINETY-EIGHT contestants to go through. I’m generally not a fan of the quick cuts and constant switches to reaction shots—I want to see them perform—but I realize that’s just a part of how reality tv is done. And it’s true that some of the reactions are great.
With NINETY-EIGHT idol hopefuls, there is no way to keep track of everyone and I am already lost. It doesn't help that so many of them, especially in the K Group, are dressed so similarly. I am glad for my sake that they’re at least organized into groups by… agency? training school? I’m not exactly sure what their relationships to these corporations are, although I have heard of many of them. I’m also glad for the contestants' sakes they’re in groups, that seems a lot less terrifying than doing a solo. Also, frankly, group performances are usually better, a solo performer needs a lot of charisma to hold the stage alone.
I feel (sort of) qualified to evaluate their dancing, but not at all their singing. I am giving their voices a lot of leeway. I know in music videos the voices are recorded separately from the dancing, get a lot of processing before being released, and I suspect it’s true to some degree or another (from instantaneous digital enhancement to full on lip-syncing to a prerecorded track) of all the live professional performances. Here it sounds like they’re not getting any of that, we’re just hearing their unmodified singing, and while they’re vigorously dancing, which is really hard! So I know it’s not going to sound “professional,” but I don’t know enough about singing to be able to evaluate their raw voices.
I’ve paused halfway through to type this up, and I’m trying to remember who I’ve seen already. I’ve mostly lost track of our original duo; it seems the show has dropped them as guides.
There is the Last Contestant, Lee Hoe-taek, already a K-pop idol, just back from military service. Being largely ignorant about Kpop bands, I’m not sure if he was a Big Deal or in a small band most people don’t know, but either way his big dramatic reveal at the end was entertaining. All the contestants sure seemed to recognize him and be shocked that he was there.
I always suspect with these things that the company knows going into it pretty much who they want to hire. I mention that now, because I’m guessing Lee Hoe-taek is here to either to anchor the group that forms at the end, and so is definitely getting in, or is just here to provide veteran (no pun intended) presence in the competition, and is definitely not getting in, because they want a group full of young unknowns.
On the other hand there is audience voting, so… are they manipulating it somehow? Or are they actually going to abide by audience choice? (It’s possible there are rules I could look up. But I’m just gonna speculate instead.) I suppose if they don’t care so much about the group produced but just the competition to get there that would make sense. I am very intrigued about what this show is trying to do, especially given the Korea vs. the rest of the world framing, which they occasionally play up. The message seems to be, “We in Korea are the originators of Kpop and have training down to a science and therefore are the best at it” but also, “Isn’t it exciting how far K-pop has reached and how many people want to be a part of it like us.” They’re not hitting us over the head with it (so far), but some of the judges masters’ comments are implying that. But I also don’t feel qualified to talk about what’s going on in the international cultural politics of it all, other than to notice it’s very present.
And of course there is also that time honored method of audience vote manipulation: editing! Which they’re already using extensively (they really have no choice with NINETY-EIGHT contestants) so perhaps they’ve a short list of candidates they want for the final nine and are willing to let the votes work out the details. I honestly wouldn’t be shocked if Lee Hoe-taek selflessly pulls out at the last moment to give a younger contestant a chance, or something like that.
Where was I? Oh yes, the contestants. First up was the K Group quartet from Jellyfish, presenting themselves as extremely confident (they each took seven stars stickers!) which felt put upon to me, like someone (Jellyfish? BP producers? the boys themselves?) decided that would be their “brand.” Like their swagger didn’t feel natural, but who am I to say. Anyways, I thought they were quite good! And the fact they didn’t get 4 stars, and others did, had more to do with the story the show wants to tell, either the Jellyfish group’s redemption from being down, or some complicated politics about K Group vs. G Group, than it did with the actual talent of the contestants. But also, it’s hard for me to evaluate the dancing with all the quick cut editing, and I can’t speak on the singing at all, so the judges masters could be seeing something that I’m not. They did go quite hard, and that one master made a good point about needing some nuance, needing to let the voices be heard. It just seemed Jellyfish was being held to a higher standard than others. I’m not personally super into their style, but they’re very skilled. Park Gun-wook seems to be getting the main character treatment, with his solo and all.
Next up: Team WakeOne from G Group. From Japan, I think? I forgot the details, I have to re-watch. They start with this little warm up thing, I think they’re trying to make themselves stand out with it? I don’t really get it tbh. But in the actual performance they’re also quite good. One of the things I was worried about going into this show was that there would be a lot of embarrassing flailing around on stage, but so far everyone shown seems very competent and well trained. It really does feel like a nearly professional level group, ready to transition to being an actual idol. I guess that’s the difference with SYTYCD, which had people from so many different dance backgrounds trying on new styles; here everyone has trained for this specific job they’re going for. I don’t have other thoughts on this group specifically, the edits are too fast for me to really evaluate other than “they know what they’re doing.” Oh, right! Haruto was the ballet dancer. Thirty fouettés. In socks! I’m very impressed (even if he no longer has a ballet dancer’s form.) He is a very expressive performer though. And the first all-star!
Next: Ah yes, the four from Taipai, with the contemporary-trained extremely flexible main dancer. I don’t remember much about them other than they were also very competent. And the contemporary dancer was quite skilled (even though I don’t particular enjoy that style of meaningless trick based competition style “contemporary” choreography that he did). But it impressed everyone, so that’s what counts, and luckily for me that will probably be the only time I see it here. And it got him all-star! They do love their cross-trained classical dancers, lol.
Oh this part was kind of odd. Next up was a duo from Vietnam, another from Thailand, and four from China… and they just sort of talked around their performances? I thought they were building up to a big reveal, but it seems like they did poorly and so the editors just decided not to show them? I do appreciate on one level if they’re protecting the candidates from embarrassment. But in the tiny clips they showed they seemed reasonably competent. Perhaps the big reveal will come later. They are getting the hardworking underdog with big dreams treatment, so I can’t imagine they’ll disappear just yet.
Ah the Americans! My countrymen. I wasn’t intending to be all patriotic, but Jay is kind of adorable. As that other contestant said, he has amazing reactions to everything. I was racking my brains for who he reminded me of: it’s Zeng Shun Xi, who played Wu Xi in Ultimate Note, especially when he smiles. These two are also well trained, danced well and sounded good. They seem more singing focused; I think the choreo was simpler compared to the others, the voices more highlighted. And Jay uses his face wonderfully! I’m totally charmed. I have a variety of thoughts and feelings about non-black people doing hip hop, and their style felt especially… imitative of R&B somehow? idk, I don’t really know what I’m talking about. But the influence of black hip hop and R&B on Korean music and dance is another large (and fascinating) conversation I don’t know enough to say much useful about. I guess the fact that he’s from the US makes it stand out to me more here.
And Jay gets another all-star! Poor other American, in Jay’s shadow. I do wonder how everyone feels about getting separated from their original group, as some get eliminated, as I imagine is going to happen. Have they worked together long, or were they thrown together just for this? I’m not “shipping” any of these people, but I can also see how these situations are rife with drama for good stories. I understand why Cheewin set part of War of Y in an idol competition show—so much potential here!
Halfway through! I’m impressed if you’re still reading my ramblings; I’m not really sure why I have so many thoughts about this show that I want to share, but I do.
Eavesdropping on the “private” conversations as the contestants are on break. I’m just assuming (hoping) that they know they’re being recorded. The chatter is about what you’d expect, admiration about how talented and good-looking every is, worry about how they’re doing. It’s a bit boring, but I hope the show continues to mostly avoid interpersonal drama.
The annoying thing about competition shows is that the contestants are forced to come up with these inane and vaguely xenophobic statements like “Group G can’t beat Group K. Why? Because are roots are different.” Just to build up the “rivalry.”
Ok! Now we’ve got the two groups from YueHua! And Gasp! They end up doing the same piece. If they were from different companies I would acknowledge the possibility of coincidence. But I can’t image YueHua wouldn’t know, so it has to be intentional. All the better to make comparisons! Group G YueHua is full of charming bluster, and both seem at the top level in terms of training and skills, but, sorry Global group, the Korean team wins this round. That 16 year old dancer everyone is fawning over really is very good. But I don’t think Group G Yuehua is going anywhere; they’re all too charming to be kicked off yet. (And here’s the “and ollie.” of that first post I reblogged! I’m still awaiting the “heterophobe” with bated breath.)
Oh yes, the violin! No one’s even listening, lol, there just impressed he can play! Which I am too, tbh. (I do wonder what twosetviolin from youtube would have to say about it, is he any good?) Zhang Hao gets himself an all-star with that and his high notes.
Ok, but I love 29 yo Lee Hoe-taek’s reaction when Han Yu Jin says he was born in 2007. Me too buddy, me too. (I just googled, he was actually FIFTEEN in the English way of counting age when this was filmed. He turned 16 last week. Holy shit.)
OMG. I just checked and that contestant who looks so much like the actor from Roommates of Poongduck 304 IS that actor. Kim Ji Woong. I kept thinking they looked so alike whenever the camera focused on his reaction (as it often does) and then I remembered I’d read there was a BL actor on the show.
Anyways, onward. Ricky and Zhang Hao are more nervous watching their Korean label-mates than the were performing themselves, but I can’t tell if it’s because they want them to do well or are worried they’ll beat them. Do the two teams train together at YueHua? For some reason I get the feeling they’re being supportive, but maybe its just because I like that idea better.
Omg it’s so annoying when they interrupt and restart and restart and restart the choreography to build dRAmA. Once again I say, I am not a fan of reality tv style editing. But Yu Jin really is a captivating dancer, and this choreo serves him well. I think maybe the group isn’t as good vocally as the Chinese team? but are collectively better dancers.
These little tidbits from the Chinese YueHua team about seeing the Korean YueHua team rehearse are fascinating to me. That’s what I like most about dance reality shows, these little glimpses behind the curtain. The Korean team had such stage presence, I could see it only coming alive before an audience, and hard to access in the rehearsal studio.
Now seems as good a place as any to share one of my theories about why most K-pop idol dancers I’ve seen (which I admit is still not that many), despite being incredibly skilled and talented, do not quite cross over to the WOW level for me of really inhabiting the movement. Part of it of course is that they are singers and celebrities as well, and the nature of that is that most of them end up being really good at two two things instead of absolutely amazing at one. But also I think a lot of them have mirror head. I don’t know if it's a real term or I just made it up, but it’s a real thing—when you train you spend so much time watching yourself in the mirror, perfecting every move, but you forget to learn to move your head naturally, so the dance doesn’t seem full-bodied in the same way. My hypothesis is that Yu Jin’s training has been so rushed (1 year!) that he’s largely relying on his natural talent and movement quality, and hasn’t accidentally frozen his head. Obviously there are many other little details that turn a performer from extraordinarily competent at dance to dancer, and of course the whole idea could be bullshit.
Four all-stars for them! It would have been sad if the last guy got left out, lol. First time I watched I wasn’t sure what I thought about Kim Gyu Vin asking to also do a solo dance, but this time I thought it was cute.
Tangent from all my tangents—I find it hilarious how they’re blurring out their signs. I know it’s to avoid spoilers about how many stars everyone has (since I assume they’ve edited this into a different order than how they actually performed) but because the stars are right over everyone’s crotch while seated, well…
Next up a solo act! This is adorable how he messes up his little intro line. I like how supportive Lee Hoe-taek seems. I’m finding myself grow fond of this guy for absolutely no reason. I just like his reactions. Perhaps it’s the “old folks” solidarity? (I’m a decade older than him, lol.)
I can’t tell what I’m supposed to think of blue satin shirt’s performance here. To me it’s the most high-school-talent-show level of singing and dancing they’ve showed yet, but also performing solo is a lot harder and more exposing. So I don’t want to judge too harshly.
This has got to have been staged… there is no way two contestants that just happened to be the only solo acts just happened to do the exact same piece and oh look! they’re also the only two wearing black slacks with slutty satin button downs in complementary colors! Spontaneous idea! Why don’t they dance together? It’s a cute bit though, so I don’t mind.
Oh yes! The master going to help red satin shirt fix his earpiece was also adorable. (These guys seem to be the comic relief of the episode. Hopefully for their sakes it’s on purpose.) I enjoyed his performance more, although it felt equally amateurish, I think because he seemed more relaxed and having fun. I liked the way he smiled through it, even if the judge master thought it was odd. “Something feels very loose about it. But I don’t want him to fix it and do it properly.” Same sis, same. Somehow it works, lol. I also love that he takes off his shoes and socks.
OK! I’m back to where I was when I paused to “jot down a few notes.” 😂 Several hours later:
The master is right, it does look better as a duet (this whole thing was definitely planned). They’re still no superstars, but at least they look respectable.
Oh dear. I was just thinking oh he’s kinda hot when the master said, “oh he’s handsome.” But he is!
Did these two really do the choreography for most of k-pop, or did the producers somehow set it up so all the groups keep doing their choreo? Since supposedly the contestants didn’t know these would be the judges until they walked into the room. This is where my industry ignorance makes it hard to evaluate things. Either way it adds a nice frisson of tension to the proceedings.
Oh dear. They’re bad. I do appreciate the editing and reaction shots making it clear it’s not just me who thinks that. But I do feel for any contestants who come on and get the you suck edit.
Another solo! I feel pacing-wise he needs to be good after comedy bad and just plain bad. Crossing my fingers. The soloist is right, both masters are very handsome 😄 This little bit is cuter than it has any right to be. Oh, I guess bad contestants are not over, instead we’re going all in on the bad singers 😬 I had such hopes for this dude after his dramatic start, but that was painful to hear. All of these singers are. It's not quite as kind about bad performances as I thought earlier, but at least we're only getting short clips.
At moments like these I wonder, were these bad singers deliberately chosen to pad out the NINETY-EIGHT and make it easy to cut? And give an excuse for this speech on the importance of singing the lyrics? As a non-singer I do find it interesting how performers balance the singing and dancing. But I feel bad for all these kids who came on with hope. Did they think their singing would be good enough? Or that their dancing was all that mattered (I can’t tell if they were good dancers because the clips were so short.) Or were they in on the trick of it all? I hope for the last one, but I suspect Mnet is not that kind.
Yeah it’s a long day, there are NINETY-EIGHT trainees here. (Seriously. I want to understand the point of that decision. Are they charging contestants for participating? Do they think it increases the drama for the television audience? We’ve barely seen a quarter of them so far and it already feels like a lot.)
Matthew, that was a bold claim, that you speak French! You had to have guessed they’d ask you to speak it. Good thing none of the judges seems to understand. (Not that he’s terrible, just trying to speak yet a third language that you’re not fluent in while under pressure. Difficult.) Anyways, I can’t decide now if he’s going to be good so they can keep him around (along with Jay) for the North American crowd, or if this is a sign of imminent disaster. They’ve certainly managed to endear him to me, I find myself hoping he’s amazing. Aw and this background story about his friendship with Sung Han Bin is adorable. He has to stay at least one more episode after this editorial treatment. Yay! He’s good :-) Not like mindblowing, but good enough to seem like he belongs there. Hmm. This is the first time we’ve seen the judges give normal actually useful feedback. I wonder why that is? The editors certainly seem to be promoting Matthew as "the one who will grow."
Sung Han Bin. I’m pretty sure it was him I saw on a video here who was dancing like amazingly well, so I’m looking forward to this. His very stiff nervous posture isn’t a good sign, but they are saying he used to be a dancer so I have hope. Oh yay! We get to see one of the choreographer judges dance! Oh boo it’s mostly just reaction shots. But she is good. And so is he, in the little bit the actually let us watch. Yay!
Oh interesting. They get to check boxes on what they think they’re good at and what they want work on. Did all those poor kids come thinking that they didn’t need to be good at singing yet? Also, they keep saying, “he’s singing this live, right?” Does that mean that some of them actually weren’t?
He seems good, but they won’t let me watch him long enough to actually seeee anything 😾. Honestly, he doesn’t seem quite at the level as I was expecting for having worked as a backup dancer for two years, but singing at the same time and being a solo act is a whole different ballgame. And his voice seems pretty good, considering that’s not his specialty. I wonder, are he and my arbitrarily beloved old guy Lee Hoe-taek the only ones who have worked professionally as performers before, or are there many of them? Oh wait, our BL actor friend with the kissable lips, Kim Ji Woong, was also a working idol at one point. Now I’m finding myself curious/nervous to see how he does. I bet out of the NINETY-EIGHT contestants, at least a few of them have experience.
Ok, a trio from Tokyo! And they too are doing a song by someone in the audience, although this time it’s a fellow contestant. The producers have to be arranging this for the drama. There are a lot of possible K-pop songs, right? I don’t know, I’m new here. Ahh. they made it a mandatory practice song. Maybe they just hoped someone would get the hint and pick it on their own.
Aww, why do I love Lee Hoe-taek so much? His reaction is adorable. He’s sitting all alone there in his center throne. I hope the show is kind to him and he’s able to use it purposefully rather than be used by it.
I’m not a big fan of this trio’s voices, but it’s a fun song, and it’s fun having something that the whole audience knows well. Aww, my beloved is crying over the whole upcoming generation dancing along to his song. I don’t know what conversations are had about mandatory military service in S. Korea in general, or specifically about the experiences of Kpop idols going in and then returning the world nearly two years later, but I could imagine that being intense for them in so many ways. Ok, that’s it, I’ve found my guy. I’m not necessarily rooting for him to win, because I suspect he has career path options that fit him better than a debut group with teenagers, but he’s still my guy.
And now we transition into his moment. My boy is going to make me cry. And I never even heard of him before this morning. But he gets to come baaaack! To the staaage! And he has to do it all alone. “How is a trainee?”—that’s right Ollie, you tell them, don’t let them diminish my boy. Aww, and he’s encouraging everyone in his pre-performance speech! But someone is asking The Question—why is he here as a contestant instead of a master?
Arg, this teasing editing is so frustrating. But it looks like yes, he is a PERFORMER. Such presence in those brief clips. I love it when unassuming-looking people turn themselves on on stage. Oh god, they’re building the drama as much as they can. Obviously he did well though, they’re all crying! And it seems like the official answer to The Question is that he just wants to someone to finally tell him he’s good at what he does. Aww. Break my heart why don’t you. Like, I’m not sure how much this character of Lee Hoe-taek has in common with the real person, but the character is compelling.
And of course that’s the cliff hanger. Well now I have to watch episode two to see my beloved perform. I won’t (shouldn’t) blog about it though. (I shouldn’t, but I might be tempted.)
And that wraps up day one, with less than half of the NINETY-EIGHT contests seen. And that was with speeding through some of them. I'd already forgotten the beginning, how are they going to get through it all. I remain curious.
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thekaijudude · 1 year
Ultraman Anime Season 3 Review
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This was absolutely the best season by far, theres much less inconsistency and plotholes this time around. And with 12 episodes, it definitely felt more comprehensive and less rushed.
Tho there were still some sticking points which Ive made a list of while binge-watching the season such as:
1. I felt that the portrayal of the scene where Hayata supposedly “dies” couldve had a much greater impact if it was shown that Shinjiro was able to identify Hayata on the rooftop prior. It was really weird to see Shinjiro act out when the blast imploded when previously it was shown that he couldnt even make out what was happening on the rooftop.
2. The whole idea of “Bemular being Ultraman” point has been put off so far by this point that seeing him working behind the scenes felt so painful and contrived to watch cause no one from the main cast really “acknowledges” him even tho they should since hes literally Ultraman. And with all the events tied to his existence, aka Shinjiro’s 2nd awakening and the Space Contraction event from Season 2, has no one bothered to consult him on the validity of the Universal Alliance Council? 
3. Daisuke later pointed out that Bemular was Ultraman, but previously no one seemingly make the link so to have this reveal being taken so nonchalantly at that point feels like a total waste of dramatic reveal (but then again, its a reveal thats been late for 3 seasons alr so..). But in fact, they didnt even outright reveal that, they just simply pointed out that Bemular somehow has access to Specium, as a manga-reader im like bruh wtf is this, its like the anime writers are trying their absolute best NOT to establish this connection like wtf
4. I found it really weird that Adad didnt really bother to give more info about Mephisto to Dan, sounds like prolonging the plot for no reason and being mysterious for the sake of being mysterious, because there was really no reason why shouldnt, especially since at that point in time, the SSSP were dealing with the Univeral Alliance Council as a whole, which threatens bascially everyone
5. Anyone else had the feeling that Taro was nerfed for the first half? Dude was just reduced to shooting fireballs and not literally sprout actual flamethrowers and pulses of pure fire like in Season 2
6. So Rena just stupidly decided to trust Seiji even tho his suit was spotted killing her dad? Plus Seiji’s filmsy explanation was really weird considering he was framed.  This is some Asahi-leveling of illogical behavior coming from both sides since this new piece of revelation shouldve stunned and alarmed both parties in question 
7. There was a pretty convenient plothole here, that Taro told Ide that he was gonna go to the hospital that Endo is at but Shinjiro went to the hospital that Ultraman and Zetton fought in, and only later it was revealed that apparently its the same hospital wut? Alot of conveniences here this season
8. Another convenient point to hasten plot progression was Bruh Jack and Rena showing up at the SAME town that Shinjiro and Taro are in even tho they came from vastly different locations? Jack had just arrived from the US and Rena literally came from the Alien city
9. Another convenient point was why didnt Zarab just killed off Endo instead of leaving him alive in the first place tho? In fact, why was he hurt in the first place? It was obvious that Mephisto already knew about the “Calamity” plan, and Jack even detailed it out to the rest later on. In fact, why didnt Bemular just pop up to the SSSP and explained wtf was happening to Shinjiro and how to manage it, it was apparent that he knew what was going on from the get-go but seemingly as an act to artificially prolong the plot, he refused to talk directly to the SSSP and this bascially setup the redundant chain of events that lead to Endo’s assassination attempt
10. Valky pointed she had different goals from Mephisto, but we have no idea what it was even till the end? Was it a planned subplot that got abandoned again?
11. While Taro did came to the conclusion that the there was indeed the existence of Fake Ultraman, this was truly only valid to explain the cases of Shinjiro going berserk in the 1st and 3rd instance. We saw that Shinijiro truly went berserk during the 2nd instance when he envisioned Zetton for the 2nd time but he didnt really point that out either during Taro’s monologue.
12. Bemular died too quickly and we still don't have an in-anime explanation why he became like this
13. So it was never really explained why did Shinjiro not evolve into a Giant of Light again? And why is evolving into a Giant of Light a bad thing either? Would he lose himself after evolving or...? Cause it wouldve helped if we had more exposition on this, this whole line of logic of Shinjiro becoming a Calamity was very obviously rushed and botched considering its aided by the fact that Bemular for some reason, refuses to actually provide his expertise on wtf is going on with Shinjiro throughout the season
14. The various “visions” Shinjiro had throughout the season was so random, literally the exact same situation as Orb in UFO having visions about ES of all things, except in this case, this was purely done for convenient plot progression like bru
Overall, it was kind of rushed near the end because the fact that Shinjiro still went out of control seemingly on purpose in the public eye made it still hard to believe he didnt had his power under control
Plus from the standpoint of the public which was deluded so deeply by Mephisto prior and had their reservations, truly it wouldve been less convinced. Esepically at the end of the day, Mephisto and Edo’s of logic makes complete sense and the anime totally sidestepped addressing the crux of the conflict between the 2 ideologies with no reconcilation, it ended up being reduced to Shinjiro’s personal character development instead. Especially so since Edo and Mephisto were sort of lumping their attitude towards the New Ultras with the impact of the original Ultraman itself
But this season gets BIG bonus points as imagine my surprise when Maya was still alive lmao (since yall know from my s2 review that I really didn't like how they handled Maya's character then) for the post-credits scene, but it still dosent explain the plotholes of the other Warudan aliens in the previous season
Again, this was definitely the best season by far and with EVEN MORE exciting action. 
Although this is the final season, I doubt TsuPro is actually done with this venture since Season 2 was Netlflix Japan’s Number 1 anime last year and I have no doubt Season 3 would be the same this year. And tbh, this is literally the final season purely because the Manga just simply doesnt have enough content at this point to warrant a 4th Anime Season. So I suspect that this sub-franchise most likely continue with as said, the Tiga/Zero route and either theyre gonna be following the Novel concept of also including the previous Ultra suits from the first 3 seasons, or itll be a totally brand new, fresh slate with totally new suits and characters involved only.
Personally Im hoping itll be a mixture of the 2, but for this to work, they would most likely have to nerf Shinjiro and have him being able to only use the Type B suit. And I really hope we get to see the suits of other ultras like the ones we saw some years back like Gaia, Max, Hikari etc
In fact, I believe I read somewhere that theres gonna be some news about this on the 21st of this month, so stay tuned
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delicatebluebirdruins · 10 months
Your comments were disabled for this post, but I just couldn’t let this go. I’m fascinated by this. RE3R was made by an out-of-house team, while RE2R was in-house. The two teams were largely disconnected from each other, only coming together to ask questions about the game engine. Where did your information come from? Was it actually listed in the credits? And if so, I wonder how the two games could be so widely different from each other then. I know RE2R cut some content, but it wasn’t nearly on the same level as RE3R.
1 i rarely remember how to disable post things so i have no idea what happened there sorry
2 RE2R and RE3R were developed by different teams at the same time as you said chatting to keep their timelines as straight as possible (with the RE2R's team decision to leave it up in the air with who got to RPD first and how similar the campaigns ran like Birkin and Annette dying twice further confusing things with Marvins knife in re4r)
3 with the cut content the makers of the game themselves (quite a few working on the orginal Nemesis including the main director Kiyohiko Sakata making his debut for RE3R) wanted to make it streamlined to make it a straight run through bascially keeping the ongoing main story points and being cut throat with other things (those things were probably going to end up as DLC because Carlos did pick up a extra pouch during the siege, Tyrell did get into trouble by someting other than zombies considering how he looked when he got to the hospital and something broke that wall in the RPD, and you cannot tell me were not going to get a Marvin DLC somewhere in there and I almost forgot Nicholai how did he get off the train? how did he get to the courtyard in time to see Jills battle with Nemesis where was he in proximity to see that fight and Nemesis infecting her.)
(yeah RE3R is slightly more action orientated then 2 its almost as if she's a trained veteran part of an elite team or anything)
my only thought when reading that silly comment was oh yeah like this guy who actually fucking worked on RE3R and then went on to RE4R
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there is not a lot of information about M Two studios but here is one thing https://www.gamesindustry.biz/tatsuya-minami-reportedly-starts-new-capcom-backed-studio-m-two-inc
"So RE2 started [development] first," said Fabiano in a recent GameSpot interview. "But one thing to clarify is that when we decided it was the right time to work on that game, we knew that we wanted to remake RE3 as well because it would essentially tie up the trilogy. We had already brought back the RE1 Remake with the remaster, and we were working on RE2, so we knew we wanted to have RE3, too. So it's not like it just came out after one year RE2 was done, and then suddenly you had RE3. It was planned."
he commented further: "But just to be clear, they didn't start development at the same time."
Simultaneous development should come as no surprise to those familiar with the industry's creative pipeline process. Fabiano explained that RE3 was in active development for three years, and had some overlap with RE2's development. In fact, what the RE2 team was doing with Mr. X helped inform the RE3 team's work on Nemesis, the towering tyrant-like pursuer pursuing Jill in that game.
"We saw what [the RE2 team] were doing with Mr. X, and he kind of upped the ante in their reimagined version of that game," said Fabiano. "And so when the RE3 director saw that, he was like, 'Okay, well I need to take Nemesis to the next level.' And I think that comes out in what players will see."
[if Nemesis was exactly like the Tyrant in RE2R people would be bitching because Nemesis in the remake is a cat he is toying with us he can come into small rooms like the safe room where you get the bolt cutters]
I think i shared this article before but here it is again for this quote
Fabiano: We had members of the original team working on the game so they were extremely excited to completely rebuild their vision for what Raccoon City should look like, as well as being able to tell a fully fleshed out narrative with today’s technology. We were also pleased to be able to tie the stories of Resident Evil 2 and 3 together more than in the originals. It’s always a challenge to figure out what to include and what to change or adapt but we’re happy that we were able to stay on target and realize our vision. (this particular interview was June 1st 2020 and its Peter Fabiano announcing RE3R and I suppose by default RE2R are finished projects)
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Alright curious anon here. All this is /dsmp /rp from here on out unless otherwise specified and is refering to characters. If i make any mistakes or am misinformed please let me know! So by the cat was nothing compared to mushroom henry i was meaning more toward the fact that the cow was killed as a punishment for something not worth or ok for it to be killed for at all and the fact that it belonged to tommy, wheareas the cat was killed more to annoy dream and belonged to tommy. (1/?)
alright then another lengthy reply, here i come! /lh /dsmp /rp
Dream also did not seem to mourn the cat much, shrugging it off with a "just more motivation to break out".
it was killed to hurt dream, not to "annoy him". it doesn't matter who it belonged to, c!dream was attached to it and it died, which had an effect on him and also further proved his point about attachments being weakness and caring getting you hurt, and it's still very sad.
you say that it was not ok at all to kill mooshroom henry, but the cat's death wasn't ok either, so i really don't see your point.
again, i disagree it was "nothing compared to" either way. i never meant to compare them in the first place, i was simply talking about the cat and c!dream so i don't see why it is in any way necessary to drag c!tommy and other dead pets into this. /nm
also, it isn't true he didn't mourn it. he is a very reserved person who doesn't show his feelings much, that's true, but the cat death still changed the way he acted afterwards, as well as the attempts he made to prevent it. he didn't "shrug it off", he yelled about it because he was understandably upset.
You mentioned that propganda was used to make dream seem like a tyrant, could you specify a bjt? Cus im a little confused srry /gen. Because the most i can remember from the lmanburg era at least is him being called a b'tch or other similar insults. You also mentioned how trauma responses can be differet which is true! I agree! Do you have any ideas to what caused dream the trauma?
wilbur would continuously make him out to be some sort of oppressive, tyrannical force, in front of his troops - a prime example of this being the lyrics of the l'manberg anthem itself and the l'manberg declaration of independence.
actually! here's a nice thread about l'manberg's establishment complete with links, timestamps and evidence :]
i also said in my previous post what could've possibly caused it, but since the character intentionally hides his emotions from the public, it would be difficult to see how things really affected him - which is why the way his spiral went is the majority of the evidence that would imply it, however it does make sense within the story as well with what i mentioned last time.
I would like to note that for sapnap at least had reason to leave dream. Some examples off the top of my head are dream leading an angry fundy to sapnap's pets on purpose, resulting in some deaths, dream assisting tommy in burning down sapnap's effiel tower where he got engaged to karl, and dream giving tommy either mars or the other fish at the battle of the lake. Idk about george tho other then the whole mexican lmanburg/el rapids thing and decrowning him
c!sapnap was actually at fault for most of this, and it wasn't really ever betrayal on c!dream's part.
c!dream is a mediator and he wants to stop everyone's conflict - c!fundy was angry because of c!sapnap's actions, and hence it made more sense for c!dream to centre him on c!sapnap's animals instead of running around killing everyone's pets (at that time, all c!dream knew was c!sapnap did something really bad and c!fundy wanted beckerson / mars from him, which were also his and c!george's fish).
c!sapnap was an instigator, and in multiple conflicts during the time as well as before he'd align himself against c!dream. he isn't "loyal" per se, he causes chaos and the reason c!dream helped c!tommy was because, c!sapnap, again, killed his pet. the first l'manberg war and then the 16th are signs of the fact that c!dream and c!sapnap were willing to fight together in actual war, but these small conflicts where c!sapnap continuously picked fights weren't about personal loyalty, nor did they seem to affect their relationship at all.
c!george was never really hurt by c!dream either. the dethronement was him very obviously being a guilt-trippy drama queen, but, well, that's just the character. he had stolen the l'mantree while he was supposed to be the diplomatic figure of the greater smp, which is why c!dream was justified in - very politely, may i mention - taking the duties off of him (seeing as he was also trying to keep him safe and c!techno had already assassinated him once).
Im pretty sure i remember cc!sam stating that his character never canonically physically tortured dream during his subathon but take this with a grain of salt as i am looking for the clip currently. So to the best of my knowledge dream did not have a physical contact trigger during tommy's visit which! I rewatched the vod and dream actually was first to hit tommy and i can give you my full writing downs but 10/12 of the phy-
you never finished this point because you had to go do something, but i'll reply to what is here at the moment (i suggest writing these down before sending next time, or even writing them out wholly before sending a single one could help avoid stuff like this).
i am 95% sure that the reason cc!sam stated this was because people were suspicious he had already been doing what c!quackity was doing after - torture within the storyline itself is associated pretty much only with what c!quackity is doing, so that's what he meant, just to clear up confusion - the starvation or terrible conditions haven't been retconned, but it was direct torture (like c!quackity is doing) people were asking him about.
i never said c!dream had a physical contact trigger at all, i don't think he had that, though he probably will after the torture.
huh, ok, i'm gonna have to rewatch then, but i remember c!tommy punching c!dream a lot and him just telling him to stop and only punching back to get him to stop. trigger or not, getting hit isn't very pleasant, if you know what i mean.
You mentioned tommy stealing dream's armor unprovoked. Do you have the vod or a general idea of the time so i can find it? Like before lmanburg after another event so and so because if you do not have it i can find it but any help is appreciated.
i am pretty sure you can find the video on cc!tommy's channel! there are also recaps of the disc war on youtube :]
I wanna talk a little on why the Final Control Room was so messed up. For starters, with the way the room was designed. It was small, and had labeled, empty chests with each person's name on them as a mockery. The next reason is that its bascially a kill box.
It's fairly inescapble with the stairs being ones you have to jump up, slowing anyone who climbs them down. The final reason it is messed up is that it is shown to have caused every person who died in it trauma. With tommy there are several examples, the time he saw it with techno, the way he refuses to go near it, the exposure trauma, etc. Fundy also appears to have trauma, as when the Red Banquet executions began, it can be seen as him being afraid of dying last again.
It can Be thought as tubbo having trauma because he buries most of his issues and pretends to be ok. Moreover this event took at least one of each person's canon lives, making it the most canon lives lost EVER in a dream smp event. (This is not hate on any of the ccs btw i loved this scene and its one of my personal favorites). Plus the fact Eret's betrayal just literally happened, giving at least Tommy and Wilbur canonic trust issues.
i wouldn't call the chests mockery? it was a trap. people had traps on the smp before. it was a trap in the middle of war, supposed to end said war by killing them all at once rather than individually which would be a lot more bloody and difficult.
i agree c!tommy and other people might have post-war trauma, especially if they were young during the time, but i think that's because the final control room was "messed up", moreso because the war itself was. it all happened fairly instantly as well? i don't think c!fundy would be able to realize he was the last one standing within the two second before he wasn't.
it "can be thought" and it can be interpreted like that but besides c!tommy there isn't much evidence for them "all" being traumatized by the final control room. of course betrayal would spark trust issues, i understand that.
The probation was humiliating in my opinion because dream was Sending tommy anatgonizing messages through out the whole meeting, plus he had to write a review of his day every single day, which fundy mocked him for.
i mean, it was definitely a strike to his pride, but he was being extremely uncooperative so i don't really blame the other members of new l'manberg trying to teach him to listen for once? of course i know c!dream was riling him up, and that should definitely be considered. i don't think it would be as humiliating if c!tommy didn't make it, is what i'm saying.
for the tommy being toxic to fundy? At least for the examples you gave, to me personally they come acoross as either in a meta way being the cc's bantering or in canon being the characters having banter. If you can send the post with the clips so i can read the tone better that would be cool but if not i will try and find em.
no, these were all in canon. canon isn't only when c!tommy is being nice, it's also when he's being a jerk. /lh
the first one was him threatening c!fundy about kicking him out of l'manberg and undermining his self-worth, and the second one was him trying to get c!sapnap to vote for them via bullying c!fundy.
i found these from a transcript focusing on c!fundy's character, so i don't know exactly where the first one is from, but the second one i am pretty sure is from when the elections were starting with the whole cabinet battle deal and all of that.
there are other instances, and all of them are canon. his personality was never being nice or compassionate, so i'm not really surprised? he still cares about the people he cares about and is very brave, y'know. but this part of his personality is definitely a valid reason for people to dislike him.
I hope the exam went well :). Hope u have a great day! (Ps i think theres something called a submission box to send in pictures? Am not entirely sure sry)
it would've gone well but my work-speed is a tad too slow for the schooling system (considering i'm three years younger than my classmates,,, probably that's also a factor) so probably not despite the fact i knew everything and would've aced it if i only had more time. i did as well as i could so i'm not worried about it, but thanks!
i think you're thinking submissions. sadly, i tested it and it doesn't work on anons, so idk how you'd solve that, maybe make a burner account?
Curious anon here one point you may wanna include in the redemption essay is that c!tubbo or c!tommy do not necessarily have to forgive him. What's important is that he recognizes what he did was wrong (exile, beating tommy to death, manipulating them both, etc) and does his best to make amends. Hope this helps! Can't wait to see your essay
it's out, idk if you've seen it yet, and i think i included enough of that so hope it's all good! :)
the mcc update video is out if you are an mcc enjoyer. It's very neat, if you wanna check it out
yeah! i am a fellow mcc enjoyer, saw it already, thanks for telling me though, i'm really hype for today.
Allo curious anon here sorry if the lots of asks bother you. I was just curious if i could share an interesting post i saw today about c!dream :0 (not necessarily negative i think? More of a statement of an often-confused canon)
sure thing! i don't know what you mean by often-confused since, the entire fanbase is very confused always, and often selection bias plays into the perception from both sides, but sure :]
you also sent in a thing for the other anon who said they didn't know what c!dream did that bad; pretty sure they couldn't really be alerted since, not sure if they watch my blog that closely, but i'll summarize your points just in case and add some notes;
the repeated blowing up of l'manberg (in my mind that's largely a positive since i,, despise that country, but fair enough), revealed c!ranboo as a traitor (they seem to be friends so i also,, think that might've been planned between him and enderboo), sent ghostbur away (i don't think c!dream knew it was dangerous for him and wanted to actually hurt him, but idk), participated in fighting against c!sapnap when he killed people's pets (that's only negative against c!sapnap and didn't seem to hurt him much at all), and then the whole vault scene where he was allegedly planning to steal people's things (though saying he would & being stopped beforehand and doing it are two different things, frankly).
so i still agree with the other anon that a lot of the hurt he did "to the entire server" (he only negatively interacted with like,, a half of them) is exaggerated both by the characters and the fandom, but i guess that's a consequence of most people seeing him as a threat to everyone's happiness rather than a complex personality.
Also he was aware of the butcher army going to kill techno but only got involved because he saw an opportunity to get a favor. (As he knew in advance due to him telling techno to get a totem, watching from afar instead of interveing or manipulating tubbo out of it)
i don't understand this at all, i'm sorry. how do you know he only helped techno in order to get a favor? last i remember he was only doing it to protect and strengthen his alliance, and techno came up with the whole favor thing entirely on his own. you might've not watched techno's perspective or their prior interactions, idk, but this really is a misinterpretation in my eyes. /nm
sorry if that is overly dream negative i just wanted to let yall know cus you seemed unaware -curious anon
nah dw, i watch the smp and i watched all of these things happen so, wouldn't say unaware, but thanks.
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taegyuun · 4 years
scared ice prince
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requested by: @nico-nico-niki MWAH !!
genre: fluff, childhood best friends to enemies to lovers, angst-ish
warnings: swearing
word-count: 2.8k
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as children you and sunghoon lived nowhere near each other
literally on the complete opposite sides of the town
so you may be asking “how did we meet”
now now
your friendship started in one place that was right smack dab in the centre of the town
the ice rink :D
both you and sunghoon started around the same time but you started just a tad earlier maybe like a week or two so y’know you already knew like the basics like how to tie your skates properly and what not
sunghoon did not
so this is how your friendship started !!
when he first came in he was this TINY tiny child literally the most adorable little thing baby baby <333
he was incredibly shy not shine tho and didn’t speak to anyone not even the instructor
and you could see that he was struggling to tie his skates so you walked over and crouched down before untying your own
he looked over curiously and you started showing him step by step how to do the basic knot so he could follow without even saying anything
and then you were basically inseparable LMFAOO
ik crazy how tying a skate lace can blossom such an incredible friendship
whenever the instructor asked to pair up for a skating assessment you two were already stuck together like glue
literally no one tried to separate you two bc they knew if they did, it’d either end in very LOUD tears or them having bruises
but like i said, you two lived on the opposite sides of the town and as little 8/9 year olds you couldn’t exactly venture out on your own and just walk to each other’s houses
so outside of the weekend figure skating practice, you two barely saw each other
your parents once in a while, maybe every two weeks, drove one of you to the others house so you could play and what not but you both had busy parents so it wasn’t always a constant routine y’know
but as you grew older you became more and more inseparable
like in middle school, you forced your parents to move you to his school so you two could be together which they actually agreed on but that’s only bc his school had better education-
and then in highschool everyone thought you were dating
even though you didn’t really potray any sort of skin ship other than smacking the other one across the head 💀
you two were just so close that everyone just assumed
oh and yes you both carried on your figure skating career !!!
when you entered high school that’s kinda when it got a lot more competitive
middle school, sure you both competed but it wasn’t really anything crazy
it wasn’t like a proper competition that you felt accomplished for winning - it felt more like child’s play
but now that you’re both almost adults- you went to actual tournaments and competed with other incredibly talented figure skaters
this also meant spending less time with sunghoon and more time at the ice rink
you were both incredibly passionate about the sport and it clouded both of your minds so much that it was bascially the only thing you would think about
you stayed at the same ice rink that you started at- the one in the centre of your town
while sunghoon transferred to a more “prestigious” one that was closer to the city
it’s not like you couldn’t afford it you just weren’t bothered to travel that far for the same schooling that you got here
you weren’t exactly sure why sunghoon transferred
i mean, the teachers taught you the exact same things in the same ways
you did have your suspicions of him not wanting you to see his practices bc you were both starting to compete against each other but if that was the case he could just have fully private lessons instead of lessons with you
you never really thought about it too much, you just focused on yourself and how well you were doing with the sport
the reason for sunghoon transferring was the exact reason that you guessed
he didn’t want you to see him practice.
sunghoon, well, ice skating was basically his whole life
it was his joy in this cruel world
and he loved it so much he forgot about anything else that was in the world because of it
it also made him forget about his best friend of the last decade...
he became incredibly competitive - especially when he was skating against you
he made it his priority to win every time but he tried even harder to win when you were in the tornament too
he wasn’t sure why but similarly to you, he didn’t bother thinking much about it especially when the sport was filling his thoughts so much
it’s like he almost had no time to think about anything but figure skating
it’s like he didn’t even want to think about anything but figure skating
so this is exactly why you two fell apart and became ‘enemies’
he basically lost all contact with you out of nowhere once you two started competing properly
you tried to reach him at school and whenever you had the time to see if something happened or if you did something
but he would always dismiss you or simply ignore you
you tried to get jake, your other best friend and the only person you knew who actually could talk to him, to get him to contact you
but every time jake got back to you it was a shrug and a “idk y/n, something got to him and he won’t listen to a single word i say... hes a completely changed person”
so yeah sunghoon turned into a dick in the span of a few months
it did hurt you
it hurt a lot
he was really one of your only friends who you were so tight-knit with that you felt like you could tell him anything
i mean - you were literally best friends for a decade!
you even contacted his parents and they were confused themsleves
your parents were even worried for him
but we move i guess we can’t be crying over some stupid boy in this household youre strong >:)
even though you two never spoke anymore, becuase of your shared friendship with jake, you two still saw each other frequently at school - especially at lunch
you would always catch him sneaking glances at you every time you laughed at something jake said or when you teased jay for some stupid things he said
jealous sunghoon????
but like i said WE MOVE !!! you did not pay him any attention at all and as you should bc the kid literally randomly dropped you for no reason at least that you were aware of
other than school lunches, you mainly saw him at competitions
and however much you disliked him for what he did, you could not deny that he was an incredibly talented skater
when he glided across the ice you could feel his happiness and how peaceful he felt even when doing intricate spins and jumps
and even though you knew you couldn’t, you felt happy for him
ok maybe you felt more than happy for him
you couldn’t deny the feelings that were present 😐✋
as much as you didn’t want to, you started falling for the boy you saw on ice because that same boy that was gliding so effortlessly inside the rink reminded you so much of the boy you used to once see and speak to everyday without any worries
but the second he stepped off the rink and met his eyes with yours your feelings instantly deflated
you then once again felt the same rage rushing through you at what he did to you
you were still waiting for an explanation as to what the fuck was going on
and everytime he stepped off the rink with the widest smile, his eyes would meet yours as if he was searching for you to see if you watched
but when he met your dejected and angry eyes, his smile would drop and let out a sigh
he was angry at himself for what he did to you
he was frustrated that some stupid sport had ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him in his whole life
he knew he was in love with you
he knew for so long
and maybe that’s the reason why he begged his parents to let him transfer to another ice rink
so he didn’t have to watch you gracefully skate across the ice and not have to worry about somehow fucking up and saying the wrong thing
he was scared of being in love with his best friend
becuase that trope either turns into an endless love or the everlasting sorrow of losing your best friend to dumb feelings
so instead he acted upon some MORE dumb feelings and locked you off from him
he tried hard, he really did
but he couldn’t stop thinking about you
he looked for you at every competition and for some reason, he always found you there even if you weren’t competing
in school he always looked for you and every time he said something stupid or said some sort of joke he was waiting for a smack on the back of his head or one of your incredibly ugly but somewhat endearing snorts
but that never came
however! something was present
you always tried to hide your smile by dropping you head and looking at the table during every lunch
or when you met his gaze you’d look away and pretend to be interested in the wall beside you
he knew that you felt something as well and it wasn’t just him
but he may have realised that a tad late
but i mean it wasn’t just him who was doing these things
you were also unconsciously looking around for him after every performance and during school to see if he was ok
now now how do you two become lovers you may ask?
i am getting to that now
funnily enough both of your instructors were siblings and they wanted their companies to partner up together and hold this one big performance for the end of the year
in that performance they wanted all of the skaters to skate individually and then two people to skate together in a “romantic” performance
they thought it was a cute way to start the year ok-
you can see where i’m going with this cant you 😼
and well bascially the way it was done
was they put everyone’s names in a hat and chose two out
sunghoon and arrabella
arrabella was some random ass girl from sunghoons ice rink you literally never saw her at the competitions but alright
you were secretly hoping to hear your name being called out and not so you could hold hands with sunghoon while skating 🙄
but bc you wanted him to finally speak to you one on one and tell you what the frick happened
arrabella was clearly a big fan of sunghoon as he almost passed away from hearing her name and his together
sunghoon looked quite disgusted ngl
so he walked up to the instructor and whispered something in his ear to which the instructor nodded at
you then watched as he dunked his hand in the hat again before pulling out another piece of paper
your name was called
you were like ????? bc wasnt it meant to be only two people performing??
and then they told everyone that you and arrabella were switching places bc she wasn’t fit for the performance
sunghoon didn’t actually tell the instructor to chose your name he just asked him to chose another person bc he knew all she’s do was gush over him instead of actually learning rhe perfomance
but yes he secretly hoped you’d be chosen and TA DA !!!!
so you stand up and skate over to where sunghoon was standing as the instructor shows you the video that you were going to recreate
it involved a lot of waist grabbing, hand holding and touches.
let’s just say you had to take a few deep breaths
you and sunghoon haven’t properly spoken for the past few months and we’re almost at the brink of hating each other but now you have to do this ??? good lord give me strength
but in all honesty you both put your feelings aside when it came to practice bc you didn’t want to disappoint your instructors and wanted to make a nice perfomance for everyone
so every time you had practice with sunghoon you put your professional game face on and just did what you had to do
trying to ignore his large hands on your waist or the way hes softly but tightly hold your hand when you had to do some sort of spin
and alas
the day came of the perfomance and up until then both of you barely said anything to each other, only minor things that helped the other improve in the dance
after the whole perfomance happened and everyone was finished, you both received a lot of praise for such a stunning show from literally everyone
the most frequent comment you got was “wow! your chemistry was indescribable,,, that was the most beautiful relationship i had ever witnessed” and you’d just look at each other like “uh-“
so you both stayed behind to collect some things that you got given and well
you both figured it was time to finally speak about what was going on
“so i-“
“do you mind-“
he lets you speak first wow what a gentleman 😐
“so do you mind telling me what the fuck this was all about? you randomly dropped me and acted as if i didn’t exist yet you always looked for me during your competitions or at lunch?? sunghoon, i don’t know what i did wrong but please for the love of god tell me what is going on we can’t keep acting like this”
sunghoon just started at the ice quite dejectedly
he had this whole speech to say to you that was a whole apology and also a confession but for some reason it completely slipped his mind the second he faced you
he didn’t even realise how much time passed as you started to turn around and slowly skate away after saying “if you’re not going to speak to me i’m leaving”
well obviously mr. park had to get his shit sorted out so he quickly skated to you and grabbed your wrist wow what a classic move
you turned around and huffing looking down at his hand on your wrist before looking back up at him as to say “what now”
so now it’s time for his explanation wow took you long enough
“ok first of all i’m so fucking sorry y/n idk why i did this i think it’s because i was scared to be in love with you and i didn’t want to ruin our friendship with some stupid feelings but instead i did exactly that and instead of actually having the weight off my shoulders for you finally knowing i just had more put on because i ruined what we had in the worst way possible and i know this is an incredibly shitty apology, if you can even call it that, but it’s been so hard without you i’m so frustrated at myself for doing this i just wish i cou-“
then he felt your lips on his
oh my god he burnt up so much at the contact he thought the ice beneath him would meltn
he obviously kissed back and you felt relieved that it was the right decision to do
as you pulled back you said “i forgive you and i love you too but pull that shit on me one more time and i’m burrying you in ice.” and then kiss him again <3
after that sunghoon decided to move back to the old ice rink so the same one youre in and oh my god
the relief everyone felt when they saw you and sunghoon back together all happy and smiley and giggles and sunshine’s and what not
every time jake sees you two he internally sighs and thanks whatever is up there for giving him his friends back - sure a little more lovey dovey but they were back
i mean they knew you’d end up together at some point it was painfully obvious but still-
and you lived happily ever after
the end
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iidaemii03 · 3 years
Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader - Need You Now - Songfic based on the song by Lady A
This is my first full on story/oneshot here so I hope the people of Tumblr like it! I always knew I wanted to do something angst-based as soon as I heard this song a while ago, but I had to make it angst to happy ending cuz I often feel so sad when I read stories that is just left after the angst. I need comfort!! I also wanted to do a reader story since that’s bascially all I read nowadays! I also decided to do female reader since that is what I am most comfortable with, so sorry if that is not your thing. Anyways, I hope this is good enough, I really tried with this one, so hope you all enjoy! <3
Info to know beforehand!! (Although you all already know this most likely!)
Y/N means Your Name (L/N means Last Name)
(e/c) means eye color
(h/c) means hair color
(s/c) means skin color
Texts is in italics
The room was dark. Lights were off except for in the connected kitchen and living room area. Y/N sat on the couch, dressed in sweatpants and a long-sleeved sweater belonging to her boyfriend, a bottle of wine standing on the table together with a half-full glass. Picture perfect memories were scattered all around the floor from the fight that happened a few hours earlier. Fight… was that the right word for it? Maybe argument was a more correct word? She didn’t care. Her mind was filled with thoughts and questions. Was it her fault? Or his? What did they argue about again? She didn’t quite remember, nor did she care. She just wanted to see her boyfriend again.
Teary (e/c) eyes all red from crying, looked up and scouted, seeing the empty room before her, the quiet feeling so foreign to her. She reached for her phone lying on the table, immediately opening it and opening the gallery app. Y/N looked through the pictures of them together: One from an amusement park date from three weeks ago, the pair eating churros while looking at the camera. Another picture from last year when they went on a cruise to celebrate their two year anniversary as a couple, the sun setting behind them while they held each other close. The tears were starting again, she couldn’t fight it anymore. She bailed her feelings out, screaming and crying, not caring who heard her. Y/N lifted her eyes after a while, tears continuing to stream down her face. She switched to the contacts app to see that he left a few messages that made her heart light.
Hi, how are you doing? I don’t know if you’ll see this message or if you want to, but if you do then please… call me. Please <3
Me again. Just wondering if you’re still angry with me, and if you are then I can’t blame you… I was a jerk for getting mad at you, no not a jerk... an asshole. I miss you… :(
Can we please forget this? I really miss you.... </3 Can I come back to the apartment? Or do you wanna come here? There aren't that many people here now… although I would love to be in your arms again </3 Please…? <3
The clock showed a quarter after one, and Y/N looked out the window of the apartment after reading the messages over and over, her (h/c) hair tousled with some strands hanging in front of her face. He wanted to apologize, so did she. He cared for her, and she knew that. It was just a stupid little argument that happened between, an argument that ended with him storming out of the door of their shared apartment going who knows where. He was most likely in the city. That didn’t matter right now though, because all she wanted was to see her lovely boyfriend again. She was all alone and she needed him now. That was it! She wiped her tears and texted him back:
Yes please… Come back! I need you now, here, in my arms again! <3 I don’t know how I can do this without you, I just… need you now <3
In the dark of the city, at a local bar sat Shoto Todoroki. In his hand was a shot glass with whiskey. He gripped it tight and poured it down in one go, the strong alcohol flowing down his throat. It was probably his third, maybe fourth glass of it, but that wasn’t the most important thought he had at the moment. His eyes were glued to the bar-table he sat by, the bartender cleaning some glasses on the other side by the corner. “Another shot of whiskey please.” Shoto’s voice came out as bland and emotionless. The bartender lifted his gaze from the glass he was cleaning to the boy across from him. “Of course sir. It will be your fifth shot this evening though, are you alright?” The bartender spoke in concern as he took the bottle and poured the amount in the glass Shoto still held in his hand. Shoto’s eyes narrowed in question: Was he alright? Is this really what he should be doing now, drinking his thoughts away? He let go of the glass and shoved it away from him, the liquid still in the glass. No, he should return to Y/N soon, this was ridiculous! Him drinking? That was so unlike him! He remembered though that his father used to drink after a difficult job at the agency, after a task that didn’t seem to reach a conclusion, or just after a general hard day. The thought angered Shoto. He was turning like his old man... great.
Shoto reached for his phone in his pocket and decided to check if she had responded to his messages. Maybe the three messages he sent was making him seem desperate? That was the last thing he wanted to do. He switched his gaze from the phone in his hand to the door of the establishment. Maybe she would walk through that door soon and surprise him, hug him and tell him that everything was ok. Sweep in the way like he remembered she did before. But no, she didn’t. It wouldn’t be that easy anyways. He returned to look at the phone when the message sound reached his ears. His eyes widened… she answered!
Yes please… Come back! I need you now, here, in my arms again! <3 I don’t know how I can do without you, I just… need you now <3
The simple message brought him so much joy and relief. He stood up from the bar-chair and handed the bartender some money plus tip. “Keep the change and I didn’t need the fifth shot anyways. Excuse me.” He grabbed his jacket and put it on in a hurry, scrambling out the door to get back to his girlfriend. “Ok then, have nice… night.” The bartender grabbed the money and watched as the two-toned hair boy went out the door, a smile on his face as he continued to clean the glasses.
Shoto ran as fast as he could back to the apartment where he knew you were. Luckily, the bar wasn’t that far away from the apartment complex you both lived in. He didn’t even think of calling a taxi, probably because he was a little drunk from the few whiskey shots he took. All he knew was that he needed to get back and reconcile with his lovely girlfriend and apologize for that stupid argument that caused this. What was it about again? He shook his head of the thought, the matter not being important anymore. He ran and ran, his lungs burning and his body begging for a little break, something that Shoto did not have the time for right now.
He reached the complex and decided to take the stairs rather than the elevator, the adrenaline in him kicking. The elevator would have been faster, but he didn’t think of anything other than seeing you again. Your beautiful (h/c) hair that he loved to brush his fingers through, your glowing (e/c) eyes he could stare at hours after hours, your magnificent (s/c) skin he loved to touch with his hands. After many flights of stairs his eyes started to tear up from the thought of seeing you again. Everyone who knew him knew that Shoto Todoroki didn’t cry. He always wore a calm expression, almost looking bored sometimes, but he never cried. He did now though, letting his eyes water. He blinked trying to push the tears back, but he couldn’t deny it any longer.
He now stood in front of the door to the apartment, trying to catch his breath. He lifted his hand and knocked three times. After a painfully long moment (at least to Shoto), the door opened wide and Shoto’s eyes widened when seeing you standing there looking up at him with red eyes. Oh no. He made you cry. That… he didn’t even think of that possibility. “I-eh…” Shoto couldn’t find the proper words. He had something planned out on the way to the apartment, but now he wasn’t able to say any of it! “Oh I…” Y/N was exactly the same. The words just didn’t want to come out. They both stared at each other, no one uttering a single word. Until Shoto decided to take a step forward and then another. Y/N in response took a step back and then another, as they both moved further into the apartment. When Shoto finally entered the apartment fully, he immediately closed the door behind him without looking away from Y/N. She waited for her boyfriend to make a move, and to her surprise and shock, he did just that.
Shoto’s hands took hold of Y/N’s face and she didn’t get the time to react in any way as he locked their lips together in a loving kiss, finally letting the tears he had in his eyes fall down his cheeks. Y/N’s eyes widened briefly before closing and letting her own tears cascade down her cheeks as well. The kiss felt warm and for Y/N it felt like all the sadness and anger from before faded away in an instant. It was almost like the kiss made light return into the room. And that light felt amazing for both of them!
They separated and looked each other in the eyes, (e/c) eyes staring lovingly at grey and cyan blue orbs. Both were left panting due to the intense kiss they just shared. “I am so sorry that I yelled at you, Y/N. I- I immediately regretted what I said. I love you so much, and I really appreciate you being in my life! I want you to know that!” Shoto’s voice came out so… broken, and Y/N immediately knew that he had been trying not to cry but eventually succumbed to the tears anyway. Y/N gave him a smile, eyes still teary from earlier. “I’m also very sorry. I love you so so much too! I love being with you every day, and I want you to know that you can come to me with your problems so that we can try to solve them together! Let’s do that next time, m‘kay, so that we can avoid fighting like we did now.?” Y/N moved her hands from her sides to grasp Shoto’s hands. His was so warm, ironically though since you would think his quirk would make one of them cold. But nevertheless it was such a comfortable feeling. Being here, with him, together again.
“It’s like you said: I literally don’t know how I can do without you. I need you… now and always.” Shoto declared with a soft smile playing on his lips. Y/N smiled back at him. “I feel the same, Sho!” She lunged at him and hugged him tight, with him immediately wrapping his arms around her returning the hug. “Want to chill on the couch, maybe watch a movie and cuddle?” Y/N asked, looking up at Shoto with still blank eyes. He looked down at her, smiled lovingly and gave a simple answer: “Yes.”
And that’s how you two ended up on the couch, a random movie playing in the background, while you and Shoto were lying together on the couch cuddling close. Your head was placed in his lap and he played with your hair with one hand while the other was holding yours, fingers intertwined. The movie was becoming the least important thing happening at the moment. You were busy showing your love and giving comfort to each other. “Are you even watching the movie, Sho?” You suddenly asked looking up at him. He answered with a shrug of his shoulders accompanied by “No not really. Are you though?” He looked down at the girl with a knowing grin. She smiled sheepishly and hid her face in his sweater before giving a very muffled answer “No.” He just chuckled at her action and continued to play with her hair. Y/N removed her face from his sweater and continued to lay comfortable in his hold. The comfortable silence took over again.
The hours passed and before you knew it, the movie was finished and was currently playing the end credits. On the couch was a passed out Shoto and Y/N, comfortably bundled together, their soft breaths being the only sound in the room. They were both fast asleep, but still they were holding hands, looking like neither wanted to let go. This was their comfort: Each other. Even fights like the one they had many hours ago wasn’t enough to seperate them for long. They knew they would apologize afterwards, because they knew their shared love was stronger than any harsh words thrown at each other previously. It was clear as day, that the love between Shoto Todoroki and Y/N L/N was a strong bond that was gonna last long into the future, even into future fights their love would bring them back again. Because they also knew that they needed each other, always.
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We’re A Team
Fandom: Chicago PD / One Chicago
Pairing: Hailey Upton x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 618
Request:  Could you do hailey upton x female reader? Were the reader replaces Mouse after he deploys again
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“I don’t like the idea of you coming out into the field with us,” your girlfriend, Hailey, said for the dozenth time this hour, leaning against the weapons table with her arms crossed, worry written all over her face.
You looked back at her from where you were standing in the open van, partially bent over as you finished setting up the surveillance and coms systems Intelligence would need mobilised for this case.
You’d taken the job of civilian tech consultant shortly before Hailey had joined the unit, replacing Jay’s old army buddy Mouse when he’d redeployed. Voight had been hesitant about finding someone new to fill the role, but after spending a few months with Adam at the helm he’d decided it was the best thing for everyone. 
“I’ll be in here,” you reassured her yet again, grinning in triumph as the screen in front of you finally flared to life. Dusting your hands off you turned and jumped out of the van, smoothing down your clothes and heading over you her. 
“Doesn’t mean you’ll be safe,” she said tightly, almost certainly thinking of the time she and Jay were shot up in the old van. You knew it wasn’t risk free, and how worried you’d been about Hailey then, before you’d even started dating. 
“I get it,” you told her, lightly putting your hands on the tops of her arms, “I worry about you out there all the time.”
“This is different,” she insisted, meeting your eyes, “I’m trained to be out there, you’re-”
“Just tech support?” You cut her off, knowing that you were the only member of Intelligence without a badge or even proper field certification. It got to you, she knew, that you couldn’t do as much to help as you’d like, often feeling so helpless behind a desk, especially when a situation was turning bad. 
“That’s not what I meant,” she said in a soften tone, uncrossing her arms and taking your hands, running her thumbs along the backs as she thought of what to say. “I- I can’t do my job properly and worry about you Y/N, not when you’re out there. In here... at least I know you’re safe.”
You took a breath, knowing it was rare for Hailey to show such vulnerability and feeling privileged that she chose to be this way around you. “I know, but I’m needed out there today to keep you safe, which isn’t something I get to do often, but it’s something I take very seriously. If I hang back and something happens to you... I don’t know what I’d do if I knew I could have done something and didn’t,” you did your best to explain, hoping she’d understand as you’d very much already made up your mind about going out into the field today. “We’re a team, Intelligence, and us.”
Hailey sighed, seeing the determination and drive in your eyes and realising this wasn’t exactly a discussion. “You best be careful out there,” she bascially ordered, squeezing your hands. 
“Yes ma’am,” you grinned, earning a slight laugh from Hailey as some of the tension left her shoulders. 
“I’m serious,” she tried again, but she was already smiling, unable to resist as you beamed at her, pulling her in closer for a kiss. 
“You two need another minute or can we get on with this case?” A voice said from behind you, jumping in surprise as Voight emerged through the doorway. 
You both muttered your apologies as the rest of the unit filled in, giving Hailey’s hand one last squeeze as Voight’s briefing got underway. 
No matter what happened out there, you knew Hailey had your back, and now you had hers too.
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter sixteen: Hey Kiyo!
Summary: Y/n and Tendou are deeply in love. Living on the other side of Tokyo now, the Monsters are still up to their old shit. They even opened a few businesses for Tax reasons. Even though it’s been almost three years later, Y/n still has never been able to understand how they have avoided the law several times. When Tendou’s Mother reappears in his life, Y/n is confused as Tendou claimed she is dead. Finding out Tendou is being forced to take over the family business by his Mother, she soon learns the truth behind Tendou’s reason he never gets in legal trouble is his family business. His mother is quick to decline Y/n as his future wife and tries to set up Tendou with someone she sees more fit. What will happen to Y/n and Tendou? What will happen to Tendou’s “family business”? What does this mean for the future of the Monsters?
Tw: Swearing, mole (traitor) Mentions, past death mention
AN: Hey everyone! I am back!! I made a personal planner for my smau’s and I may double up on the week days and post two chapters a day, one from each smau. Other wise it will be 6 weeks and I just was hoping to get a few more smaus started before my summer ends. I will be posting two bnha smau’s next so stay tuned :) One will be more angst vibes like I have now and one is just enemies to lovers bascially.  I am also deciding to do an AU in an AU with my horror smau band. The way it works will be explained in due time if you are interested for that tag list as well!! 
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Third person pov 
Y/n walked into work as she was greeted by the head chef. 
“Looks like we are stuck working the night shift tonight huh?” He joked with her as she laughed. 
“Do you know if Kiyoko is working tonight?” 
“Yeah she started an hour ago in the bar tonight I think.” He said as the two of you shoved your bags into the lockers. 
“Do I have time to run over and see her real quick?” You asked him. 
“Well you start in 2 minutes, but for you, take all the time you need.” He smiled at you. 
“Thanks Chef.” She said as she began to walk away. She walked out into the open and up to the bar as she walked up to the bar. 
“Hey Kiyo!” 
“Oh hey Y/n. What can I do for you?” 
“How would you like to make some extra money.” Kiyoko was shining glasses as she looked up at you.
“What kind of job are you talking about?” 
“Just a casual flirt with a guy and then possibly get him to admit who he works for.” 
“Yeah, I can do that.” 
“I will text you the details later.” Y/n said as she walked out and headed back to the kitchen. 
Meanwhile in North side headquarters…..
Sugawara looked between Asahi and Hinata. 
“It’s way too soon to go in don’t you think?” 
“No, since it was so easy for our intel guy to slip up and let a few of our men get killed AND our guns stolen, now is a good time.” Hinata said. 
“He was the easiest one to trick to come to our side.” 
“Asahi and I got this. We both are great actors you know?” Kageyama laughed as Hinata said that. 
“So what is the plan again boss?” Asahi spoke up.  
“Today is just a scout mission to see what she’s like. I may ask a waitress about her or maybe you will then we can seem interested in her, she will probably befriend us instead.”
“How do you figure?” Sugawara asked. 
“Well she’s a nice person, right?” 
“Debatable. My spy said she can be a bit… crazy” 
“How so?” Hinata was interested. 
“Well, Hanamaki sent me screenshots from their group chat about her driving away from a bust where they sold organs.” 
“They sold organs?” Asahi asked with nerves in his voice. 
“Yeah I guess so. She is a wild card so just, be careful.” 
“I am the boss. Never doubt me.” HInata snapped. 
“Sorry boss.” Sugawara said as he looked down ashamed. 
Back in the South side….. 
Kyotani walked to the door of their new house, ripping it back at the visitor. Kohaku stood in front of him now. 
“Is Satori here?” Kyotani just let out a low growl as he walked away from the door. He stomped into the kitchen looking at Tendou. Tendou knew based on the look who was at the door. He sighed as he walked over to the door. 
“Why are you here?” 
“Well hello to you too son. I need you back at the base as the new leader. It's up to you to make the decisions now.” 
“FIne.” He said as he pushed past her. 
Terushima entered the kitchen as Matsukawa took something from the oven. At the island Kyotani was already seated angrily tapping his fingers against the marble. Matsukawa made three plates up and placed them in front of the guys. 
It was quiet for a bit. Terushima couldn't help but to keep looking around wondering where Hanamaki could have gone off too. 
“What would you guys do if you knew something that you should share but sounds unbelievable?” 
“Are we talking like you only banging one girl a night or like Hanamaki getting more then 2 girls a week?” Matsukawa asked. 
“No, I mean if I said I am a virgin level of unbelievable.”  
“Fuck dude what’s the big news?” 
“I know who the mole is.” Kyotani slammed his fist on the table. 
“WHO THE FUCK IS IT? I'LL KILL EM!” He screamed. 
Third person Pov … Back at the restaurant  
Y/n was heading out for her break distracted more than usual with the thought of Hanamaki on her mind. She didn’t even notice till it was too late when her ass power slammed on the floor. 
“What the fuck.” She said barely audible. 
“I am so sorry, miss!” The large man started to panic and flail his arms around. 
“It’s fine I guess.” She said as she stood up. She went to walk by him as he stopped her. 
“Are you on break? Let me buy you something to make it up to you! I’m Asahi.” 
“Yes I am on break and no thanks. I work here obviously.” She motioned towards the chef’s uniform she had on. “ You should just get better vision.” She heard someone clear their throats behind her as she turned to see the chef. 
“Why don’t you get a special drink from Kiyoko, Y/n.” He suggested. She walked away as the chef apologized for her behaviour. 
You walked up to the bar and slammed your hand down. “Give something strong Kyo.” She said. 
“Something happen to put you in such a sour mood?” Kiyoko asked. 
“Some ass just ran me over.” She snapped annoyed.    
“I said I was sorry!” A voice from behind you said. 
“Are you following me, asshole!” Y/n said quite loud. 
“N-no I swear that guy is my friend.” He gestured to the orange haired man at the bar. 
“H-hinata.” Asahi called out to him. Hinata turned around and bounced over to where he stood. 
“Hi I’m Hinata! It’s nice to meet you!” He cheerily yelled in her face. 
“Yeah sure.” Y/n said as she turned back to the bar where Kiyoko placed another drink.
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claymorecut · 4 years
A/N: Gintsu week is here and I'm finally writing this fic. I'm sorry if it feels rushed but I'll try to make a few changes later. College and internship is killing me but I'll try my best to write some good fics for this event. Hope you guys enjoy it! <3
"Hey. Do you remember when we inhaled that stupid love smoke thingy back then?"
Late night meets were pretty frequent for them. It was almost midnight by the time Tsukuyo met up with Gintoki in Yoshiwara and well, just like any other time, they decided to spend their time together in a random rooftop. Their meeting sessions were not new at all. In fact, during the last few years, this had become quite a habit of theirs to spend their time together like this. And most certainly, they didn't mind spending their time together at all.
Tsukuyo smiled at the memory of that unforgettable day. How could she ever forget? "Yeah. What of it?"
"Nah. I was just wondering. You inhaled some of that too, didn't ya? And you bascially fell in love with me."
She could hear the clear amusement in his voice. Tsukuyo knew the moment he brought this topic up, he thought of teasing her because apparently she had "fallen for him" after inhaling that smoke which was a really interesting subject for him to tease her about. But in this case, she had the upper hand.
"Well, yeah I did." she admitted. "But at least I was sane enough to not sleep with old women and the Commander of Shinsengumi." And she got back at him.
The quick retort from Tsukuyo suddenly made Gintoki's face fume with unease. It was already dark and the only thing that could help them see a bit were the dim city lights and she was lucky enough to see the view of his flustered face clearly.
Tsukuyo could only snicker as she watched Gintoki cover his red face with one of his hands. "You didn't have to remind me that, woman." His voice was muffled and yet he sounded so embarrassed, it made her heart leap with joy. It wasn't always that the lazy, dead fish eyed samurai felt embarrassed and this was one of the moments she wanted to savour.
Taking a deep breath, Gintoki tried to get his composure back as he now turned to face her. Heavens knew how much he felt embarrassed after that day and if he was being honest, he actually felt like never showing his face at that place ever again. Even though he was still known as Savior of Yoshiwara, Sakata Gintoki felt like he had lost his leftover dignity on that day. And the woman right beside him was only confirming that fact.
However, Gintoki wasn't going to back down. Not like this. "Hey! You fell for my charms woman! That proves how much power Gin-san holds in his looks!"
"And you're back with your miserable comebacks." Tsukuyo sighed.
It was a pathetic comeback he knew, but he had to say something to protect his already lost pride. "Oh just shut up! Not only were all the women of Yoshiwara in love with me but the infamous Courtesan of Death fell for my charms!" Gintoki announced victoriously as he pointed back at her. "That's enough proof for me to say that Gin-san can steal your heart away!"
Betweem his loud laughter, her snickers halted. That day might have been a accident but she knew her feelings for him weren't. Tsukuyo knew this man in front of him was just miles away from her and honestly, she never wanted anything back from him. But as she heard him announce how she had fallen in love with him, the words only made her smile because that's exactly what had happened.
She was in love with him.
"Well, I take full responsibility for that." She replied honestly. "I know I fell in love you that day."
Her voice no longer had the same playful tone and as he heard her sincere answer, Gintoki could no longer laugh. He didn't know what it was but hearing her say "I fell in love with you" only made his chest a little tight.
Are you in love with me..?
For a few seconds, none of them spoke. For all these years, both of them knew that there was always this...tension between them and it was just so unresolved, they could just die in frustration. So much was unspoken between them and yet, none of them ever dared to speak as if thinking they would only make things worse.
This was enough.
This is all I need.
But was it really all that they needed?
Tsukuyo couldn't stop herself. But she should. "It was a love drug, Gintoki. Of course I fell in love with you after inhaling that."
This conversation was taking a different route and she had no idea how to handle the steering. She didn't want to lie but she just didn't have enough courage to confess the truth.
A small smirk appeared on his face as Gintoki drifted his gaze a little. "Yeah, right." He tried but he couldn't hide the slight distress in his voice. "Well, I did say falling in love is a pain in the ass. Especially when it comes to falling for me. There's just..too much to do."
"It's the same with me too you know."
And there was silence again.
"Do you guys still have those incense though?"
But Gintoki decided to break it.
This caught her off guard. "...Eh?"
"I mean.." he was rubbing his neck. He was nervous. "you know we can check it a little and see how it works if we take a small doze of it. Maybe...the results...get different..?"
So, there was something, huh?
He was a strange man. Always living with his oblivious attitude and yet still understanding everything. Perhaps that's what made him this strangely charming man.
Hearing him admit such an obvious thing in such a vague manner suddenly made her chuckle lightly. Tsukuyo rarely chukles but in front of him, she might have shown these happy expressions more than she could keep count of. He was right, loving someone like him was difficult. But that's all the more reason for her to keep understanding him.
"We threw all of that away, don't you remember?"
It was her chuckles that lightened his mood a little and now that she reminded him, Gintoki's face was red again. "Oh, yeah. Yeah I forgot."
"Pfft. It's alright. I didn't know you wanted to try that love incense again."
"Well...I thought it was a good idea with um... Ah, nevermind. Just forget about it Tsukki!"
The discomfort and tension between them was no long as the two once again started to talk in their usual manner. Tsukuyo could just smile back as she saw the man once again smiling genuinely. "Let's go. It's getting pretty late now."
Gintoki nodded "Yeah. Let's get back."
They walked the rest of the way in comfortable silence before they finally reached the exit gate.
"Good night then." Gintoki said.
"Night. See ya later." Tsukuyo said her goodbye as she turned around to get back to the city. But suddenly, she felt a hand grasp hers.
Surprised, she turned around to look at the hand holding hers and then found Gintoki looking at her as she matched his gaze. "I think we don't need the love incense."
Before she could even comprehend what he was saying, Gintoki pulled her close. His eyes were serious and for the very first time tonight, she felt her face growing hot. Her body was so, so close to his and it only made her heart flutter more. When they were at the rooftop, the lights were not as bright as this place and well, they didn't have an audience unlike the Hyakka members here. This only made her face grow mlre red in embarrassment.
"So my charms do work on you without any incense, huh?" Gintoki's face was only inches away as she saw him with his usual goofy smile. He finally got the upper hand now.
"G-Ginto-" her heart was racing as Tsukuyo felt like she was back to the day when she inhaled the smoke and finally came to the realization that she was in love with him. Even looking at him now made her heart flutter and she just felt like hiding somewhere.
She saw him closing towards her left ear, his breathe tickling her a little. "No more pretending." And he finally whispered it.
With that said, Gintoki let go of her hand as he took a few steps away from her.
Tsukuyo's face was so flushed she just wanted to cover it all up in an instant and run away. "W-what are you s-sayin'?" And goodness, she was stammering now!
Gintoki just smirked proudly at her reaction. This was the one thing he had been dying to look at all night. "You heard me, woman. No love incense, no stupid games. The whole love thing might be difficult but if it's you, I'm ready to take the risk."
Turning around, Gintoki finally decided to take his leave. "Next time, it your turn to say it!" She heard him calling her out before turning around the corner.
The loud cheers from the Hyakka members around did not matter as she could only hear his words in repetition over and over again. Tsukuyo just stood there, surprised, flustered and happy, thinking what she'd gotten herself into. Shaking her head lightly, she felt her lips curve upward as she whispered "idiot" under her breathe.
She was in love with a lazy bum and he felt the same way too.
He didn't even say "I love you" and yet he was asking to say that to him next time? He was such a bastard and she was literally an idiot for falling in love with him.
Seriously, Tsukuyo was not used to such conversations or confessions. And she was pretty damn sure that he had no experience in this field too. But no matter how much she denied it, she could no longer unsee the fact that he just stated in front of her.
Maybe love for them was too hard to handle. And maybe that's why, they decided to wait so long so one of them could finally make a move. Maybe it was always there. Maybe, it was just them who kept on refusing what the other might have felt.
But whatever it was, it was now very much clear.
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tirasany · 3 years
ok somethign kinda personal but also I want to talk about something else here
I always hated going to weddings and I didn't know why, it was just like that.There was an event in my life I already thought about but not from that point of view. I always felt out of place and I always thought it started there but now I am sure it was even more damaging then I ever thought. It was a “ fake wedding event” in Kindergarten and the two that would get to be “married” were my two best friends, you could say we were a trio of sorts. As a kid I never understood why, well I still don't know why them. It made me feel incredibly out of place and I asked myslelf “What is wrong with me... why them? Why not me?” I now just realize like 20 years later that this might actually be another reason why I hate attending weddings so so much. Not that I think “oh why not me being getting married” (I really don't care about that honestly) it's more that I really hated being dressed that way and such because then I got this feeling “it doesn't feel like me”. It made me feel so out of place. This is just horrible!!! As a kid I shouldn't think about “why not chose me” that shouldn't even be a thing in a damn child's mind!!! Additionally how did it never cross their minds that it might make our friendship weird?!?? Don't get me started on how disrespectiful it is for you know a certain problem that is going on in this world. There are so many problems with that I don't want to go too much into detail now (and I mean the other two not just about me, just genuinely what the fuck.) My point is please be aware of children and how they might feel about things like that. They were never asked if they want to do that or anything adults just had that idea and bascially forced them to do it of course some thought it was kinda fun because like costumes and stuff (I am sure some don't even remember that)  but what about those that didn’t want that? I was one of those children who already had some grasp of what is happening around me. It's so sad that I knew I wasn't as cute as him (Neurodermitis). My best friend was like the favourtie kid of that one tutor, which pretty much made me try to overcompensate with things, trying to be good at everything bascially. It was truly stressing. All I am saying please don’t force your children into things they might turn out to be so different in the end and just listen to them please...
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littlenekosfan · 4 years
Jugram and Bazz-b are canonly gay for eachother
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i know it looks like a meme post, but its actually a long ass post so please 
read under the cut!!!!
i have already done two analysis about jugram and bazz (which is a little more objective but not really ::)) ) if you’re intereseted, but anyways
this analysis was by pure self indulgence, please don't take it seriously actually i do make some good points so it’s not all jokes... still, i will only take shippers’ criticism :^))  
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still naming your bf by his nickname that you gave him over 1000yrs from now? gay.
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this panel literally makes me feels things every fucking time, i cant explain it, but just fucking look at it, YOU CAN FEEL THE SEXUAL(?) TENSION IN YOUR VEINS, THERE IS SOMETHING BUT I DONT FUCKING KNOW WHAT IT IS, FUCK ME
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they BOTH fucking think about their past as they fight bc despite all this happened 1000 years back, ITS STILL SO FUCKING IMPORTANT FOR BOTH OF THEM, they cannot forget about it or pretend it never happened...
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WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS ??!?!?!?!? i would first say “love at first sight” but i fucking hate this trope so, ill go with “ their first unexpected meeting that ended up starting their beautiful friendship “ (bc jugo was not liking bazz when they started talking fhdfjdhf but bazz showed he liked him and jugo felt the same back after :’’)) )
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look at them, they are so baby oh myyy god, bazz is just being a cutie but has such a loud mouth shdgjdghfd, jugo is just, who the fuck is this kid shut the hell up and stop flexing
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this part makes me really sad for jugo and love bazz so much for sympathizing with him, like, im so sorry you have such a miserable childhood jugo and such a low self esteem :((  (refering to his quincy powers) and i thank bazz for using that same nickname to erase the link it has with jugo’s uncle and helping jugo out so he doesnt get hurt again :((  (he knows jugo is trying to get bazz out of his sight to do his stuff and im glad bazz just didnt listen and caught up on his situation)
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for the LOVE OF GOD, BAZZ USE THE TERM “FRIEND” INSTEAD OF “UNDERLING” YOU CLOWN, anyways, this is SUCH a key moment in their relationship, actually, its the beginnig of their friendship!! the way how jugo’s eyes become so, ahhhhhhh, he’s genuinely so happy, brb gonna cry, he finally feels like he values something to someone/being loved (also, its not really explicitly said but, bazz obviously didnt really have any friend back then considering his way to talk/flex, jugo was probably his first/only friend, and he picked him over anyone bc he knew there was something in him... he liked him before even talking :’)) )
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5 long (he says it wasnt but thats a fucking lie (my highschool was fucking long ok ?)) years with the TWO of them, TOGETHER, IN A FOREST ????, TRAINING ?????????? WHAT KIND OF TRAINING BITCH ????? ok but seriously, if there was no developpement in their relationship during that 5 years, believe me, they woud have broke up and took different path (jugo didnt even have a revenge desire like ????????) they obviously did stuff, talked, played, cared, etc. (let your mind imagine....) they also fucked but kubo didnt want to tell us, anyways, my point is, you cannot just constantly train for 5 years living with just one person in your life and tell me there was nothing between them (yes, i do hc them not knowing Love like the average ppl’s definition is of it, but still ??? they probablly have their own way of showing love and that’s just as good/valid and they’d also learn from the other’s! so bascially, they are in love with eachother but not in the “traditional” kind of love)
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anyways, bazz’ gaze at jugo? gay.
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JUGO IS SO WORRIED ABOUT HIS BF HELP AHHHHHH he also call him bazz ahhhhhhh he doesnt want him to get hurt :(( (probably bc he thinks they arent ready and bazz being so careless but i dont blame bazz for his behavior...)
NOW, i will not talk about their... break up bc: 1. i dont wanna cry 2. both of them were put under a lot of stress/trauma, traumatizing events do not define a character so... (im talking about the trauma itself, not its consequences)
back to the fight
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Dare to tell me that someone else knows bazz’s full name, its a fucking lie like, i know it doesnt seem big, but knowing someone’s full name when they never talk about is so, personal ????? i think bazz doesnt like his full name bc he likes to build up his own persona, that not even his parents define it (with a name) he always presented himself with that nickname even AS A KID, he loves his nickname and yet told jugram at some point his full name... and jugram, JUGRAM SHOUTING HIS REAL NAME TO STOP HIM ?!?!?!?!? BYE ????!?!?!*?@$9739*$&#@)(*
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bazz monologue makes me feel like shit so, no image, but whether it was before or in the future, only him, only jugram, he was bazz’s goal and he never let go, he didnt want to be the strongest, he wanted to reach him, more than anything (why ? i still have a hard time to figure that out...)  i already talked about it in my previous analysis but, i think he wants to prove him wrong for 1 his ego 2 perhaps that will open jugram’s eyes and he will finally understand all this means nothing if their relationship is not going to be like before (actually spending quality times you know ?) anyways, just read it and you will feel bazz’s pain in his words, the feeling he has lost his only true friend... he truly loved him, its just so hard for him to show it when jugram seem to be so... apathetic about it (of course he love u bazz, believe me, he really do)
and jugram... oh my god jugram i want to punch you too in the face (bc yes, i wanna punch bazz too for having such a big ego and never opening up) WHY CANT YOU JUST TELL HIM HOW YOU ACTUALLY FEEL, HOW YOU REGRET ALL THIS SHIT YOU FUCKIN-, we all know he didnt want to leave bazz back then (and if you think yes, you need to reevaluate your level of empathy/sympathy toward ppl) okok i KNOW he cant do that but i wish he could talk to bazz about all this ?!??!?!? their separation like, please ?!?!?!?!? and i wont talk about the fucking pin, THE FUCKING PIN BAZZ GAVE HIM WHEN THERE WERE JUST KIDS, HE HAD IT ON HIS SWORD THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME HE USED THAT SWORD, HE WOULD SEE THAT AND BE REMINDED OF BAZZ, god he loves him so much it hurts
i always wondered why they never settled things during a whole ass MILLENNIUM, so here i go to why (this is big hc time so, naki your whole post is hc stuff, shhhhhh): bazz is the type to direct right ? well not really with his feelings, he always seem to hide his true feelings with his loud mouth (bazz’s brain: i miss jugo :( bazz’s mouth: haha jugo u dumb bitch) there is also that time when he just joined the army, i feel like he isnt very talkative in that period, i think he didnt call him by “jugo” but rather his real name and always felt he missed too much of jugrams life, that he cant catch up with him, thus making him feel so silent and just being a little brat... with time, that gap changed (SO THEY DID STUFF, THEY DIDNT LEAVE IT BIG AS IT USED TO BE) but never closed sadly... (i wonder if something happened between them for him to call him jugo again...)
in jugram’s case, i feel like he closes himself to bazz on purpose so he doesnt hurt him, he still loves him very dearly, but if he were to show these feelings toward bazz, he might put both of them in danger (rumours, jugram being biased, a hierarchy difference etc.) or might hurt bazz even more... he kept is distance and feelings to himself so bazz wont be to heartbroken if something ever happens between them... he’s doing this in order to protect him and i mean... it kinda worked... but not really
speaking of, bazz last line was probably to tell jugram how himself he was sad/disappointed in how losing to him didnt hurt as much as he would have wished... BAZZ HIMSELF WAS HURT BY HOW HIS FLAME FOR JUGRAM DIED LIKE MUCH MORE THAN HE THOUGHT, but that also means, jugrams goal was reached, bazz wasnt too hurt by being killed by his own bf... but also failed bc bazz never stopped loving him.... like i said, bazz was hurt by the fact his feelings werent as strong as before...
and their death...
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oh fuck me. Really kubo ? you think this is funny ???? I CRY ABOUT THIS EVEN AFTER 5 FUCKING YEARS, THE WAY THEY JUST BOTH THINK ABOUT EACHOTHER BEFORE DYING ?????????????
their life started to be meaningful the moment they met each other and it ended thinking about it again.... if that isnt what true love is, then i dont fucking know shit about love
there is also another thing i wanted to point out (perhaps its just me projecting but...) i feel like the main factor, among so many, that made them not open to the other about their feelings is... the feeling they dont deserve it. jugram is conscious about how badly he hurt bazz when he left him, and bazz feels he doesnt deserve jugram since he grew so much/become stronger without him (yes he still feels guilty about “using him” to enhance his power even tho its not his fault) and how he’s not part of his life anymore... they both wanna go back to what they used to be but just,, dont. not only they know they cant, but they feel like it would be selfish for them to be wishing that... (bc they dont know that feeling is mutual) ahhhh i dont know how to explain it, basically,, they wanna be together but cant bc they’re both holding back bc of their own mistakes
i just cannot explain how dearly they care about the other despite their separation and over a millennium of words left unsaid... i know actions speaks louder than words, but in their case, words would have changed everything,,,
there is also an interesting topic between them i should write about but it’s pretty...demanding, the concept of duality between them, always being the other’s opposite but also complement (unlike yhwach and jugram which is more two halves making one, (co?)dependency and not interdependency like in jugram/bazz)... but thats a whole other thing..
but i will say this. i never liked the concept of “other half”, it doesnt sounds... right to me, other half implies there is only one true love (one person) i believe love can be felt toward a lot of ppl (not everyone ofc), we just choose to let ourselves to fall for someone else, so no, one true love doesnt exist, which leads me to how i love love love jugo and bazz opposite personalities dynamic bc it made me realize about how i kinda had and have that relationship and its not always easy... bazz is the hot headed and jugo the cold one, and yet they both work out just fine, why? bc they may not be the best one for eachother, but their love is unconditional and genuine, it woudlnt have worked out if their feelings werent reciprocal... and thats why i love juazz so much (and plenty of other reasons tbh) the fact two ppl who have opposite personas and still loving their partner is just.. i cant. also, thats why i tend to never use the term "best friend" when i talk about them, i just think the best and more genuine friendships/relationships doesnt come with how compatible the ppl are, but how much they love each other no matter what, best friend implies that there is good and bad ones, and also, there is some kind of ranking... best ≠ closest best is more in a profit way closet/dearest is more about love/closeness/intimacy
i know this part isnt clear but, tdlr, juazz relationship was genuine more than anything and i fuckin live for it
i still cannot believe how kubo just wrote about their whole backstory even tho it didnt really have any impact on the main story (or very small...) or how he named it friend when bleach is all about friendship... why them (over all the characters in the series)??? how come they have never called each other friends ?? we will never know...... anyways have that little meme to conclude my shittalk:
no one in the whole bleach series:
jugram and bazz: have not 1, not 2 but 3 flashbacks about their past explaining their relationship and both had 4 chapters and half cutting the whole current battles/events for their story even tho that had nothing really to add to the main story but kubo still wanted them to have something , bc why the fuck not i guess ?!?!??!?!
so, in conclusion ? 
juazz is real.
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ask-theparty · 4 years
Mod Jason: Hello! I’m creating this in the drafts so that the rest of the mods can contribute too! :D I’ll be speaking in bold when other mods might be on the same post, so that you know it’s me. Otherwise I’ll just have the thing marking me as Jason at the end!
Essentially, this post will be covering any specific details about the AU. First off, ships. Obviously this will be a Byler blog. I think we also do Elmax and Henclair? Also, I think we do either Jancy or Stoncy?
Next, on to sexuality HCs. I think that everyone in this AU will be cis, like in the show, unless any of my fellow mods have any transcanons? Essentially:
Will Byers: Gay. Unless y’all other mods subscribe to the gay/ace WIll HC, which is very pog.
Mike Wheeler: Personally, I interpret him as gay, though if the other mods want him to be bi in this AU, that’s also pog. 
Max Mayfield (god it’s been so long since I watched the show I had to google her last name): Either bi or lesbean. 
Eleven Hopper: Bi or lesbean.
Dustin Henderson: Bi/gay
Lucas Sinclair: Bi/gay
I am very indecisive except when it comes to Byler. 
We also have pining!will, oblivious!mike, and everyone else being knew.
Anything else y’all need to add?
Mod Dishtowel: Hi y’all! My deal is the same as Jason’s cept I write in italics not bold, and I’ll mark my indivual posts with Dishtowel. For the ships, I’m pretty sure we do Byler (duh), Elmax, Henclair, and maybe Stoncy if you guys want? I don’t really have too much of an opinion on the ships with the older teens. I have a hc that Max's pronouns are she/they (there’s me projecting lol) but we don’t have to do that if you guys don’t want to. 
For sexuality hc, I kinda differ from Jason. Here’s my take on it:
Will: Gay
Mike: Gay/bi (im cool either way)
Max: Lesbian
El: Bi/Lesbian (again, cool either way)
Dustin: Pan
Lucas: Bi/Gay/Pan (cool every way)
I’m honestly cool with a lot of different variants of it. This is a modern AU on account of Youtube, ya know, not being a thing in the 80s. Go ahead and add stuff if you need to my fellow mods!
Ooh, she/they Max is pog. Maybe we could also have he/they Will (watch me project) (This would be like, ‘They/them is great, but He/Him is better’ kind of he/they. Again, projection). 
Curse @thatadhdfeel for making pog one of my stimmy words. Therefore, any souls who choose to follow us (or that one person who already follows us, jfc how’d you get here so fest), I hope y’all are cool with pog, y’all, and swearing.
So fest, Jason? So FEST? (kidding)
yee yee its ya boi, finn, i will be doing small talk (get it) lol anyway i think this'll just be a byler/henclair/elmax yt au thingyyyy. i use they/them pronouns so doNT MISGENDER ME PEASANTS. *ahem* anyways here are my hcs.
will byers: homoromantic, ace, he/him
mike wheeler: bi bi bi, he/they ftm
eleven hopper: lesbean, they/them
max mayfield: i put the bi in bitch, she/her
dustin henderson: pansexual, he/they
lucas sinclair: omnisexual?, he/him
okay thats literally it lmaoo
I’m cool with pretty much all of what Finn said
Also how are you so funny?
because i am humour itself
Interesting. Jason we just need your opinion on this, I like Finn’s hcs
I personally like the HC that Mike is gay but oblivious, but I can work with bi mike. Gay ace Will, however, is superior to everything, and I adore this.
So, to conclude, the sexuality/gender hcs written in the tiny text (or small talk as Finn put it) is what’s happening in this AU. Bascially no one The Party is straight, they run a youtube channel that was originally just them playing DnD and is now a bunch of other shit alongside the DnD, Will has a huge crush on Mike and everyone knows but Mike, they have an incredible fan base which Max is very much secretly part of, and I think that’s it! Anyone wanna add anything? 
That looks good! If Finn agrees, they can post it!
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Bio! Dad Strange part 7
More Gotham Rouges being themselves, carrying for Marinette, crossover with Why Marinette Hates Tim, and yes, this au is slowly coming together. somewhat. I’ll get to the Ladybug days sometime soon, because yes, that is being covered, and heads up, Marinette is allowed to have multiple relationships and crushes in this. Yes, there is writer salt in this au, but characters are being fixed from cannon actions to more season 1 characterization or fannon... except lila. she will be split into bascially-a-new-person-altogether and fannon as Layla Rossi. Fannon and cannon felix will make eventual appearances since both are fun when the fandom’s gotten involved.
Sorry for those tagged, i posted on the wrong blog a ew minutes ago, so this is the corrected version.  Marinette stares at her uncles and aunts when she gets back this time. They were acting weird. That usually meant… “So who’s being targeted this time?” she asked Rose, who flinched. “The council will kill me if i say.” The Council… who’s unofficial mission, she realized last year, was to keep her safe and–oh. Oh. OH! “Is it Hatter or Jerimah?” She was tired of poeple calling the knock-off her favorite uncle’s moniker. He didn’t even deserve his own in her opinion. “Uh, both, i think.” “Oh.” Not good. Jerimah can plan and get Hatter–Tetch–to listen. Tetch is insane and obsessed with her as Alice, whatever that means. Marinette was worried this time. She was right to be. Hero Stalker was missing, and no one would tell her what happened. It was loosing Red Hoodie all over again. She was angry and hurt and only 9 years old. Aunt Quinn, best person ever, and Aunt Pan, ‘worst person to give Rose to ever’, took her to Central City for a week to try to keep her out of their reach. It was okay, kind of. She didn’t catch Barry Allen–best forensic scientist and very much a ‘meta are just people with powers, let them be people’ person–at any crime scenes. She was glad most of then weren’t from her Aunts this time… one of them was theirs but the guy was stalking a teenager and the kid was as scared as Marinette is of Mad Hatter/Tetch and Jerimah teamed up so. So she had to help, okay? the police didn’t help in Paris with the Dupont Stalker. The Gotham ones ignored cases like this mostly. And she had no clue about Central but damn if she wasn’t going to help the kid out. Aunt Quinn–trip alias for Harley Quinn, obviously, trapped them. She didn’t know what Aunt Pam did with her plants, but there wasn’t a body left in the end. Marinette, as Jill Smith, helped them scale up to the roof and get somewhere safe. She checked up on them and they were okay. she was glad. Aunt Quinn took her to the Meta Museum–technically the Flash Museum but it was about metas and crimes against them too so she thought of it as the Meta Museum. some of the exhibits made her feel weird, sounded a bit like the news reporters in Paris calling metas a problem to be rid of. controlled… Then she ran into The Barry Allen, best Forensic Scientist, and she heard him saying they got things wrong and she knew it! She couldn’t  stop herself, physically, from asking him questions about what they got wrong. Iris West, Barry’s finacee and a meta-reporter, went off on different things, emphasizing not just the Flash but different victims and how to prevent it. Marinette took a lot of notes mentally. Aunt Quinn was amused, Aunt Pam, who introduced them as such, tried to pull her away but… Marinette was happy. And the couple seemed to like listening to Marinette rant about cases, mostly Barry’s. “Oh and what about the case with the woman who melted? if you still have her remains i think if you use a stabilizer–cold base is a good start but she should reconstitute in a few days. It looked like the melt was an instability and molecular stability issue for maintaining physical form in this universe, not others if the worlds portals are anything to go by, so introducing stability is all that needs to be done and she’s likely to be herself again” Barry stared at her when she said that. was that too much? Its one of the cold cases from a few months ago. Did she overstep? “I, how did you find about other world portals?” Marinette almost froze. but she remembered that the Waynes did have the tech and a few months ago there was a big multiverse mess… “Its part of the multiverse theory, isn’t it? and since we’ve seen heros from other universes enter ours that means its less theory and more reality, and that people can enter them if they use the right molecular vibration with the correct chemical composition and ability to enter the intended environment. With those restrictions, it makes more sense for people to make windows instead, and uh, some of the Rouges tried once and a lot of Gotham ended up seeing other places a few months ago.” it wasn’t a lie. she was implying she was there when she wasn’t, not saying she was. This is still the only way she can do things like this and not look like a liar. Iris saw the slip though, and knew something was up with the girl. Before she could tell Barry there was an alert–Gorilla Grodd. Marinette was upset about the interruption, but knew that an attack meant hide. She forgot her stickers at home and were going back that day. She noticed that where Mr. Allen should be was moving more like a… Oh. He’s a speedster. and only one speedster has measurements like his. The Flash. Harley grabbed her tight and ran, Ivy behind Marinette. Grodd was taken down while they were on their way home. Then there was an explosion and it was dark… – Marinette woke up chained to a wall, in a dark place, with a lot of water under her. Jeriome and Tetch were fighting. Her head hurt. Then Tetch was killed in front of her. She didn’t cry. She screamed though. Apparently it was enough to cause some things in the room to move. She was scared. Jerimah kept debating what to do with her. How to prove that He is Better than Jerimone and Harley. Marinette’s powers kept getting worse. Everything was loud. she could hear heartbeats and footsteps. It took week for her to catch him too far in his thoughts, too caught up in his ‘revenge’ until she knew he coudln’t hear her movements. She broke out of her chains while flying, well, floating at that point. she carefully dislocated her thumbs, slipping out and moving carefully. Jerimah wasn’t looking when she hit him. He wasn’t dead. Heartbeat still. She grabbed his phone, almost breaking it when she grabbed it. she did her best to be gentle (cracking the screen) as she called Rose. It took forty minutes for her to be found. Rose turned the dead Tetch into fertilizer. Frost grabbed Jerimah and said something about giving him to Zsasz. – Marinette blinked a few times when she was back at Ivy’s. Apparently Rose wasn’t letting her out of her sight. Ivy freaked out and took over Gotham while she was missing. There was a new Robin. Who looked way too much like… “Hero Stalker?” The new robin froze when he saw Marinette, Pixie Pop, shaking by a green crystal. “Pixie pop you’re…” “Don’t. Rose will hear.” Hero Stalker nodded, watching her carefully. “What happened?” “Tetch and Jerimah–uh, Hatter and Mr. J. Mr. J killed him when he got me…” Robin paled at that. “Is that why…” “The plants are coming back in, yeah… Don’t tell Bats.” Hero Stalker stared at her. “You know what i look like.” “Yep.” “Do you know…” “uh, yeah. and two more form the League apparently… I’m blaming you for all of that figuring out for the record.” “What did i do?” “Make it easy to figure out… you don’t even–nevermind. Just go, don’t tell Bats and one of my uncles will have us meet up before i leave again, okay?” Robin listened, because he knew Pixie Pop didn’t mess around. – Robin ended up trapped in a puzzle maze. With Marinette who was just Done with everything. “how did you–” “You looked like you. Didn’t even try to change hair or clothes or anything. YOu fail at disguise 101.” “I could just look like–” “Voice, posture, gait. All the same.” “oh.” then “Why are you here?” “Got caught grabbing catwoman’s jewels  on camera.” “Wait, you’re the one returning them?” “Duh.” Marinette was insulted he thought she wouldn’t. “So…” “Make a different persona, since i made you ages ago. And that let me make your whole team–Yes your not-brother and even batgirl. Honestly, NIghtwing’s is very obvious if you get he was Robin and look at old tapes, but he’s a lost cause.” “I know! That’s how i figured them out!” “And that’s why you need to make a new persona so everyone is not outted by your obviousness. I can pull off Princess, Pixie Pop and three other personas since i was little and don’t slip up. Up your secret identity game already!” “I. Okay. But can i ask Rose for help from her plants on drug rings and really bad guys?” Marinette hummed. “I think so. I’ll have Uncle Riddler give you a burner to talk to me when i get home-home.” “thanks! Bats is good but he’s missing so much and its annoying!” “Your lack of secret ID game is annoying,” Marinette grumbled, “No tracking me though. I will spill to Frost and he will be extra annoying and lecture-y.” “He can’t be worse than disappointed agent A.” “I garanutee you i think i know who you’re talking about and it pains me to say Frost is like a chemical-only angst-y version of him that forgets he’s always right.” “How–how!” “I think its the lack of sleep and over-exposure to all the gases.” – those that asked for tags (or seem like they’d like to be?) are below. list is still open. Next time is (probably) more Paris while dealing with Gotham, a touch of Batfam mentions while Marinette chews out Tim, who reveals that Red Hoddie was the former Robin and then curses her with meeting Robins pre-Robin-ning. @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @dast218 @weird-pale-blonde-person @mystery-5-5
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likehandlingroses · 4 years
Thank you for the star! I had to take a minute to decide what I wanted to do, but I chose a scene from Chapter 4 of Enter Ellis: 
Thomas searched for a polite way to ask why that in particular? What had caught so many’s interest about it? He’d wanted many things in life—far-fetched, silly, indulgent things...never once had he wanted to dress in pearls or skirts. 
When you’re in a position where you are constantly having to undermine your own desires, it’s difficult to accept other people indulging their own, especially when those desires seem less important than the things you feel you’ve been denied. So Thomas is curious, but he’s also really baffled that men would--as he sees it--risk so much to do That. 
And I think deep down he realizes that this pattern of behavior somehow includes him, whether he immediately knows why or not. It’s easy to dismiss people who aren’t like him for doing things he finds silly or trivial, but this is like...A Whole Thing he’s not sure he grasps but feels like he should. 
...perhaps when he was very young, he thought, reminded uncomfortably of his mother’s small jewelry box hidden in her dresser. He’d stolen a silver bracelet, held it in his pocket for weeks, wore it around his wrist when he slept, and once to school, which is when he’d lost it and Ms. Fennell found it in the mud outside the schoolroom. 
They’d blamed Maggie for taking it out of the box, and he’d let them. What else could he have done? 
The journey in the story--Thomas “stole” something as a boy and kept it...then he wore it in private...then he decided nothing bad had happened so he should wear it out. Then he lied about his involvement. Thomas was already aware of/testing the boundaries at that young age, he wasn’t innocent of what it meant, just more willing to bend the rules. And he gets burned! It’s not a story of total innocence, but a story of a failed experiment. A memory that reinforced the rules. 
He wasn’t ready to tell Dick that story yet. Wasn’t ready to tell anyone such a story, or how he’d punished himself for it after. Killed the part of himself that was too strange, too off-center. Too— he didn’t like to think the word. He’d long ago negotiated what he was allowed in this world, who he could be under the conditions he’d been born into. 
One of the evils of stereotypes is that the qualities aren’t always intrinsically negative/untrue, and yet now people feel as if they have to avoid being Those Things. Somehow, being seen as effeminate or delicate would be conceding something in Thomas’s eyes, so he’s bascially told himself, “I’m not embarrassed about Being Gay, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I’m not Like That.” When really, of course, that isn’t much of a mitigating factor in reality for most people. 
Perhaps some people were ready to do away with such contracts.
“It’s not for everyone, even here, even among men like us,” Dick explained. The extra weight as he ran a hand over Thomas’s back told Thomas that maybe he’d guessed just a little of the story Thomas wasn’t ready to tell, of the questions he couldn’t ask himself, let alone someone else. 
Thomas is looking at this man who seems, by now, to really be similar in a lot of ways, and he’s asking himself, “could I be that way? Would I want to be that way? Why does it scare me to think I might want those things?” 
I wanted Dick to understand those things on some level because he’s lived them as well. 
“I’m not sure if it’s for me or not…” Thomas said, before adding fairly that he hadn’t minded watching it, after the shock. 
“Even watching takes some getting used to, I know,” Dick said, hand still heavy on the small of Thomas’s back even as he smiled. “But if you ever decided to give it a go, we’re always looking for a vamp. You’d be perfect.”
And in spite of all he’d taught himself, Thomas grinned at the thought of him playing Theda Bara. “Because of my pout?”
I spent way, way, WAY too much time researching old film actresses for this chapter because I initially was convinced I wanted to make Dick’s impression something specific...but I realized that it really didn’t matter because Thomas’s POV was focused on other things and it just wasn’t going to come up, so I never nailed it down in the end. 
BUT I knew knew knew I wanted to make a Theda Bara joke with Thomas. I am probably more excited about the line than I have any right to be, but I love it. 
Dick’s hand left Thomas’s back to run through his hair roughly, teasingly. 
“I knew you were doing it on purpose…” he said, considering Thomas with a closed-mouth smile, hand tracing the back of his neck. 
The idea that Dick has noticed that Thomas does things On Purpose, that he IS performing an idea of himself...what is authentic about him and what is manufactured, and do those things overlap? The more I watch the show, the more I realize how much Thomas really tries to put forth an image--you can see the difference. And it doesn’t mean there isn’t reality behind that image, but it’s now a degree removed from that reality. 
This is pointed out playfully here, with someone who Thomas is having to do that less with...and I think that’s a big deal with Richard/Thomas wherever you’re writing them. They don’t need to pretend with each other, and it’s such a relief to both of them. 
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daffietjuh · 5 years
5 Faves
I was tagged by @acomebackstory! Thank you Aileen, I actually hadn’t done this yet! 
Rules: Time to love ourselves! Choose 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, arts, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many creators as you want to spread the love!
1. Speeding Towards Disaster
Speeding started out as a silly idea brought on by my mild obsession with Formula One. I never thought that I’d end up with 72k of Malex as F1 drivers going from enemies to friends to lovers. It was my second 70k plus story of the year and I thought I’d burn out and start hating it, but I didn’t. There’s something very nice about building the boys a different backstory and giving them a different beginning. 
2. Caufield Reimagined 
This was one of my sceret santa fics and probably about as close to writing in canon as I’ve come. It’s bascially me going “this show doesn’t make any fucking sense, I’ll go fix it”. It stemmed from my desire to have Alex stand up for himself and realize that he deserves to be treated better. So I rewrote season one starting from the moment Alex finds out Michael is an alien. 
3. The Son of a Traitor
I love the Musketeers and I love writing AUs, so writing this was an easy choice. I really wanted to do something different with them. A story that wasn’t them meeting for the first time and falling in love. I wanted to write something where they already knew each other, but they just didnt realize they were in love. So I wrote a Muskteers AU where Alex is a Musketeer and Michael is the bastard son of the King (I think I have a thing for making Michael royalty....)
4. Whiskey in Mind (Series) 
Now this is technically cheating, because it’s not one fic, but a series of 4 fics. The first part of this was my second ever attempt at writing smut. It was supposed to be a random encounter/ hook up and that was it. Instead I ended up with 24k of romance because I am weak and I love happy endings. This all started because of a country song I love and I regret nothing. 
5. Faded Under Gold Skies
This is one of the earliest things I wrote for Malex. We know by now that I love a good AU and this little thing about what might have happened if Michael joined the Air Force as well, is actually one of my early faves. It was a way to let them reconnect without having had the shed incident in their past. 
Honorable mention for some Kylex because this is all Malex! 
a long way from the playground was my Kylex fake-dating fic for the Roswell Prompt advent and for @likebadgal-riri . It was supposed to be around 5k and turned into 17k instead. It’s my favourite Kylex piece I’ve written!
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