#i already had to go back and correct this a billion times
cobaltfluff · 1 year
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how to take care of your weird-looking plant (teru vash)
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giddyfatherchris · 9 months
Bunny threat
Pairing: bts x gn!reader (platonic)
Genre: crack? comedy? all good stuff haha
Warnings: None
Word count: 820
Requests: Open for stray kids and bts!
A/n: okay so funny thing. I wrote this a billion years ago, and forgot it existed (tbh i also forgot i had this account lol). Since i want to bring this page back to life i thought i could update the original version (and correct some grammar mistakes lol) and bring it back as my first official post. So here we go! I hope you like it :))
*gif is not mine
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“Stop practicing and come eat!” shouted Jin for the fifth time.
You were all at the studio rehearsing a few new choreos for an upcoming performance. It was now 8:00 pm, and the delivery guy just came in with his precious cargo. As soon as the good smell of the local Korean meals filtered into the room, your seven friends instantly stopped what they were doing to rush on the food like starved men. 
“Y/N! Come before Taehyung eats everything!” urged Yoongi. You faintly heard him scold his younger brother, as he was probably trying to steal said food. 
“Won’t be long. Just let me get this last move right!”
Still in the dance studio part of the room, you just couldn’t be satisfied with the execution of a certain move. It wasn’t precise enough, and you couldn’t eat without having this part right. It would be a defining moment in this new choreo you created for the boys, so you had to get it right. 
Minutes passed, bowls emptied themselves, and you still hadn’t eaten anything. 
“Y/N, stop it now. Too much is like not enough!” advised Joon with his father-like tone. His concern and the smell of the delicious food almost made you stop, but you took a deep breath to focus and went back to dancing without a word. 
“Tae has gotten to the bowl of samgyeopsal!” tried J-Hope to make you rush in to get your hands on your favorite dish. 
“Mmmmmm, SO GOOD!” added the boy while making huge slurping sounds, though you weren’t sure if those disgusted you more than they made you envy him. 
They sat still, waiting to see if you would stop your tireless rehearsing, but you were so intent on doing it perfectly that it felt like they didn’t even exist. 
“They really won’t come to eat.” pouted Jimin while he looked at Namjoon with the saddest puppy eyes. 
“Makes me think of someone,” mumbled Yoongi, not without earning an annoyed sigh from the talented dancer. 
“Alright, Jungkook, I think we need to take drastic measures.” sighed Joonie, already wincing at the idea of your reaction. 
The youngest boy simply nodded, finished his bite, and headed out of the little room without saying a word. The other boys stared at the door, waiting for what was coming. It started with the music stopping abruptly, then you whining, “Oh please, one last time! I was starting to get it. AH JUNGKOOK LET ME DOWN! JEON JEONGGUK!” Some laughed, but they all winced when you started screaming like a lunatic. Jungkook entered the room with you thrown over his shoulder, screaming and whacking his back. He dropped you on a chair and went to his plate with the most unbothered expression. You opened your mouth to start whining again, but Jimin and Tae were faster and stopped you by dropping a steaming portion on your plate.
“Eat. You don’t want to overwork yourself, don’t you?” encouraged Jimin with a caring look. You reluctantly looked at the bowl he nudged in front of you.
“And if you faint, you will forget all the progress you have made, and you will be back to step one,” mocked Yoongi with his nose still in his plate. You rolled your eyes at his remark but still felt a pang of stress from the thought. 
“Funny, but seriously," You started getting up. "One more time, and I’ll-”                                                                                                                                                   
You were cut short by a pretty mad Jungkook as he reached for your wrist across the table. 
“If you get up one more time before you’ve eaten all of this goddamn plate. I will tie you down to this chair and feed you each bite until you’re done, and I won’t be gentle this time.” 
He uttered his threat in a growl, and just at the thought you gave up, suddenly plopping down on your chair. Once he felt your body relaxing he let go of your hand, still looking at you, then at the bowl until you ate four big spoonfuls of the dish. Only then did he focus again on his own, going back to being the cute little bunny he was. All the other members stared silently at you guys, too shocked to say a word. Until they exploded in laughter, you and Jungkook quickly joining in. The bantering followed right after, the atmosphere finally lightening up.
“Don’t be upset Y/N. We just want you to be okay and healthy, but don’t worry we'll help you with the choreo,” assured Jimin as he stood up, finished with his plate, and encouraged you to follow through. 
“Thank you, but… I still have some food left, and I don’t want Jungkook to put his threat into execution.” 
They all laughed at your comment as the brown-eyed boy on the other side of the table shot you a huge bunny-like smile.
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gracesimp · 2 years
tenth doctor x fem!reader
Summary: it's rare, but sometimes in the universe, people meet their soulmate. Upon first touch with one's soulmate,a connection is formed. A physical and mental bond. What happens when the Doctor meets his soulmate?
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Nearly eight billion people live on Earth. With the possibilities of life on other planets and different worlds, the belief of soulmates wasn't unwarranted in any way. The belief, however, of meeting your destined partner was a little harder to accept. Maybe it was one of the cruelest tricks of all. Knowing that they were out there - somewhere - but unlikely to ever meet them.
The Doctor often talked about miracles. The gift of the universe. Rare, though that makes then more magical when they occur. Never when you're expecting nor prepared. The Doctor was neither when the present of a miracle was handed to him, but he couldn't be more grateful if he tried.
Rose Tyler ran into the console room, a spring in her step, yelling out for the Doctor and squeaking in surprise when his head popped up from under the railings.
"Whistle, would you?!" She moaned, resting a hand on her racing heart as the Doctor laughed. She rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at him when his smile widened.
"What do you want to do today? We could go to the future! There's this planet, yeah, that's literally made of diamonds! The sky shines so bright, you have to wear these really blocky sunglasses that they invented especially for sightseers." He chuckled, words spewing out faster than his poor companion could comprehend.
"OR, we could go back in time! I could take you to meet Cleopatra..ooh, actually, maybe not. I think she's still mad at me for winning that game of cards. Sore loser-"
"Doctor!" Rose cut his ramblings short, failing to keep her amusement hidden. "I need to go home. Just for a quick visit." She said, reaching into her pocket and taking out her 'super-phone' before she waved it in front of his face. "I've not seen my best mate for a bit. I'm beginning to miss her." She frowned.
The Doctor hesitated slightly due to a strange feeling running through him, but it was gone as quick as it came. He shook his head then began to press random buttons.
"Sure, where does she live?"
"Nah, I already messaged her, she's meeting me at home." The blonde told him, receiving a low groan from the alien. She turned to him, eyebrow raised. "What?"
He cursed under his breath, kicking his feet on the ground in defeat. "Nothing, just means we've gotta see your mum."
After a little struggle with parking the tardis, the two had finally landed in the correct time and place. Rose immediately hopped up from off the floor after she had been struck down by the dodgy driving and ran out the door.
The Doctor was taking his time, slowly shoving his arms into his brown coat, unable to shake this weird feeling. He moved towards the door, ready to leave, when the tardis began to trill. Her lights flashed teasingly and the Doctor narrowed his eyes. "What do you know?" He asked. "What are you not telling me?" He didn't earn a response other than some more flashing lights and a playful wheeze from his ship. "Whatever." He huffed when the tardis mentally nudged him with a tiny sense of urgency and made him feel compelled to walk out the door.
Doing as instructed, he shoved the door open and was met by his blonde friend, who simply rolled her eyes at him before linking their arms and pulling him towards the estate. "Could you take any longer?"
"You wouldn't understand but it takes time to look this good." He mocked, running a hand through his messy hair.
"Oh, shove it." She nudged him hard.
After countless amounts of stairs, the duo had finally made it to the Tyler residence. Not bothering to knock, Rose walked straight in, dragging the doctor with her. Jackie came running at the sound of her daughter, embracing her tightly in a hug. The Doctor subtly tried to slip away, but was unfortunate and the oldest Tyler spotted him, pulling him in, uncaring of his arms flying around awkwardly.
They pulled away and Jackie turned to her daughter, crossing her arms across her chest. "What have I told you about that bloody phone? Just one call, please!" She cried, and the Doctor sniggered at the embarrassment on his friend's face at the telling off she was receiving.
"Sorry." Rose mumbled, slyly elbowing the Doctor in his stomach, ignoring the groan of pain that replaced his snickering.
"Right, anyone for tea?" Asked Jackie, sauntering away into the kitchen, noting Rose's shadowing footsteps.
"Ooh, tea. Lovely! Milk and six sugars, please!" The only brunette spoke, following Rose into the living room and deciding to ignore the disgusted look on her face. He shoved his hands into his pockets, eyes making rounds across the room. Messy, but a natural kind of messy. Like it had recently been cleaned, but there were signs of life. Such as the magazine that was just thrown on the sofa and a stained mug abandoned on the table. He liked it.
"Yeah, I'll have a cup please, mum." Rose shouted into the kitchen. "Y/n not here?"
"No. You know what she's like. Always late, that girl." She chuckled while she poured the water into the cups.
"I'd better go help her." Rose said, excusing herself from the room.
"So, go on, where've you been now? You been taking care of her, Doctor?" The mother questioned, smiling softly when he answered with a 'She takes care of me!'
"Good, that's what I like to hear." She smiled, taking the milk out of the fridge when the doorbell rang. "Ooh, that'll be y/n!"
"Doctor, can you go let her in?" Rose asked, peeking her head around the door, hands full and a tin of biscuits under her chin. He chuckled at the sight, nodding as confirmation.
He opened the door, ready to greet Rose's friend, but stopped in his tracks at the sight of her.
Her reaction was similar. She smiled brightly, but it slowly dimmed at the stranger in front of her. Her eyes took all of him in. His messy hair, his freckled cheeks, his honey brown eyes that adorned specks of caramel.
The Doctor did the same, watching as she took a strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear. Looking at her lips as they parted in surprise. The feeling he felt earlier only intensified when he trailed his eyes slowly down her body, taking his time and savouring every detail.
When they locked eyes again, a mutual blush was shared. No words had yet been spoken, but somehow an understanding was made. Neither could quite tell how long they had been stood in silence. Maybe a few seconds, perhaps a few minutes. Neither cared, both wishing to live in this moment for as long as possible.
Alas, they were interrupted. The blonde came marching to the door, whacking the doctor on his head as she placed her hands on her hips. "What are you doing?" She rolled her eyes, watching as the Doctor reluctantly tore his eyes away from the woman still standing outside. "Invite her in, idiot!"
The Doctor sputtered, blush deepening as he brought up a hand to rub the back of his neck. "O-Oh, yeah," he coughed. "Come on in."
Y/n smiled shyly, ducking her head as she walked by.
Rose tutted, leading her into the living room. "You'll have to excuse him. Still training him. When we first met he had no idea what was socially acceptable or not. He's why my job blew up. Still, good job he's got me, eh?" Rose giggled, tidying around a bit.
Y/n laughed a little, trying to ignore the tall man who had reentered the room.
The Doctor coughed, tapping Rose repeatedly on the leg as they sat down. Ignoring him, Rose turned to Y/n, attempting to start a conversation but losing her nerve at the neverending smacks she was getting from the Doctor. "Oh, my God, what?"
"Are you not going to introduce us?"
"Oh, right. Y/n, this is the Doctor. We travel together. Doctor, this is y/n. We've been best friends since primary." She smiled fondly.
"Lovely to meet you, y/n." He grinned, reaching out to shake her hand in greeting.
"Likewise." She smiled, taking ahold of his hand. Both of their grips tightened as gasps escaped their lips. The room and the sound of Rose's panicked yells faded away.All Rose could do was watch, confused, as golden energy began to course through the veins in their arms.
The pair had been engulfed in pure ecstasy, all three of their hearts racing. Y/n clung on tighter to his calloused hand as she began to see visions. Strange, random flashes that didn't make any sense, but she somehow knew that eventually they would. She saw as shadowed figures danced in the moonlight. She heard echoed laughter, she could see stars and supernovas. Flashes of a blue box began to appear. A little blue box, not so little at all.
It was strange. It was like she was experiencing memories that had yet to be made. Some of them felt as though they weren't hers. Perhaps a tad longer than she'd like to admit, she was able to conclude that she was walking upon the memories of the Doctor. She could see his past faces, his former companions. She could even see the first time Rose ran into the tardis, then out again, then back in. She listened to all the astonished cries of 'it's bigger on the inside!' and she could feel the joy the Doctor felt for hearing it.
And lastly, a soft echo of a whisper could be heard. A name kept hidden. A name so secret the power of it alone broke her from the transelike state.
They both came to with a deep gasp, losing their grip on each other as the room reappeared. Y/n's head bobbed a bit, feeling too heavy and her hearing was diluted. Rose and Jackie's yells felt so distant. A sharp burning sensation struck her head as she cried out, unable to see the Doctor rubbing at his own temples, or the hiss he released before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she allowed the darkness to consume her.
Hours had passed by before Y/n woke up. She let out a soft wimper as she took I'm her surroundings. She was tucked up in Rose's bed, still wearing her clothes. The Doctor had a soft smile toying on his lips when she let out a noise of surprise upon finding him sitting at the edge of the bed.
"Hello." His voice was low, almost talking in a hushed whisper.
Y/n smiled back and rearranged the pillows behind her so that she was sitting upright. "Hello."
The Doctor nodded to the side of her and she looked at the bedside table. "Tea?" he asked, pointing to the hot cup situated on the otherwise lone table. "Just how you like it."
Y/n picked it up, raising an eyebrow at the, what she had previously discovered, timelord.
"Don't worry, Jackie didn't make it." They both shared a chuckle and he watched as she took a little sip, moaning in delight.
Silence filled the room as y/n placed the cup back down. She just stared at the man, and he did the same.
Seconds had passed before she broke the quietness. "Doctor.. What happened before? I mean, it was weird. It was like.. I was seeing into your life. And even now, I can feel things that aren't mine. I just don't understand." She frowned.
The doctor leaned over, taking her hand in his when he felt the twinge of her panic, able to make it subside just by his touch.
"I don't believe it." He whispered, brushing his thumb across the small mark on the back of her hand. One that had not been there before. One that now matched his. "Y/n, have you ever heard of soulmates?"
The woman nodded, replying softly with an "of course."
"Well, sometimes, very rarely, but sometimes, people meet theirs. I've only ever heard about it in stories, I never thought it would happen to me." He said, now searching her face with his eyes. "Y/n, you're my miracle."
And she was. She saved him in every aspect.
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 3 months
Rayllum Month 2024! (4/13)
white flowers and love letters, you say i’m yours forever
July 7th - Flowers
Rayla hated mornings. Callum couldn't get enough of them- she was convinced he must be on something, but it wasn't her place to say; hell knew she'd done weirder shit. And conversely, Callum hated late night while Rayla loved them. But at least she had a reason- she was a Moonshadow elf, after all. Moon's at night. The math wasn't difficult.
He slumped onto his bedroll when they made camp that night in a meadow, a clear view of the stars above. And if Rayla had chosen it specifically for that, in memory of their last time and hoping for a repeat, well… at least Callum had the good nature to not say anything if it bothered him. He was probably too exhausted to care.
She pushed his hair back. “Go get some rest, Sleepy Mage.”
He groaned, pushing himself up and rubbing at his eyes. “No, I'm fine. I'll help with dinner, and-”
Rayla rolled her eyes, lifting the bag off Luna and holding it out of Callum's reach. “Your eyebags could carry a gallon of milk. Go to bed- you're exhausted. I've got it.” She smiled, letting her hand fall within his reach. “Really.”
Callum took it, sending a rush of warmth through her perpetually cold body, the smile he gave her worth a billion gold coins. No- more. Priceless. “Thanks, Ray.”
She smiled back, squeezing and lingering. “It's not a problem.”
With Callum passed out instantly, Rayla ate a handful of beige bittersquash as she set out her own bedroll. Once she had it laid out as flat as she could get it on the uneven ground, she plucked Stella from her shoulder, the cuddlemonkey looking at her sleepily.
“Shh, I know, baby,” she soothed when she chittered, scratching her under the chin. “Will you do a very quick job for mama?”
Stella nodded eagerly, big purple eyes focusing.
Grinning, Rayla set her down near Callum with a pat on her head. “I'm going to go use the bathroom. Will you keep an eye on our things and Callum for me?”
The cuddlemonkey saluted her, adorably tapping Callum’s shoulder.
Rayla kissed her forehead. “Thanks, baby. I'll be right back. So fast you won't even notice I'm gone.”
She picked her way off through the woods until finding a dark, secluded enough spot to do her business. Stopping the fuss with the buckles of her pants on her walk back–honestly, she’d had them for over a year now, and the damn things never got any easier to clasp–she stopped short.
Nothing looked familiar. Sure, it was dark, but Rayla had always been good at memorizing environments and had keen night vision even for a Moonshadow elf. Shit, was she lost? Wonderful; that was just the icing on the cake.
Rayla flicked open a single blade, letting it hang at her side. She doubted there was anything nearby, but better safe than sorry.
She slowly spun around, getting her bearings and trying to figure out which way was east, the way she’d come from. Moss grew on the north side of trees, so if she could just find some freaking moss, she’d be set.
She squinted at a faint glow in the darkness, picking up the pace as she made her way over, curiosity getting the better of her. She was already lost; what was another detour?
A cluster of flowers bloomed at the base of a tree, glowing silver and shaped like lilies. A little like lunablooms, Rayla couldn’t help thinking, a shuddering wave of nostalgia washing over her.
Rayla inhaled the flowers’ scent, smiling at the smell of, oddly enough, fresh-baked cookies and Stella–unhygienic as the little monkey was, she thought with a snort–and- Callum. Why on earth did a flower smell like her ex-boyfriend? Why did it smell like home?
Greedily, she leaned back in to smell it again, but lurched back when instead of everything she’d longed for those two years away, it smelled of sulfur. Of evil. Rayla coughed, shaking her head. Where had that come from? Yet when she sniffed them again experimentally, certain she’d gone well and truly crazy, she was proven correct by how it had gone back to smelling like home.
She was clearly crazy, Rayla decided. She’d already been having auditory hallucinations, and with the added stress of her parents in her pocket, the fate of the world on her and Callum’s shoulders, everything that might happen once they reached the Starscraper, what he’d asked her to do… She really deserved more credit for keeping herself out of an insane asylum.
She pulled up a flower, gently gripping it by the stem in her free hand, and continued on her way. No reason to kill all of them. Let a little beauty spread around, right? But, come to think of it, it was odd that none of the little blossoms were anywhere to be seen other than that one patch.
But what did Rayla know? She was no Earthblood elf, no botanist. And she had bigger things to worry about than flowers.
And yet, she couldn’t make herself let go of the blossom in her hand.
By the time Rayla found her way back to camp, tired and agitated from stumbling over tree roots and through thorn bushes, it’d been at least twenty minutes since she’d planned on returning. Stella had fallen asleep curled up with Callum, out like a light.
Rayla smiled softly at the monkey, brushing a kiss against her forehead. She glanced down at the flower in her hand, and before she could think better of it, tucked it behind Callum’s ear. Adorable.
Read more on AO3!
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dasher85 · 1 year
He theoretically understand the concept of love
Neuvillette x Reader | y/n | you
short story
Part 1 | Part 2
sad theme (supposedly)
[ and all that I want is to finally be honest ]
"Have you ever thought about how the world perceived itself?"
That same question has been haunting Neuvilette's mind for a while now. He couldn't find the answer to it. At least a perfect response to the person who has spoken of such a question. 
The truth is, the question itself wasn't the only thing that lingers in his mind. If it was just a question he would've already thought of an answer within at least a few days and yet that wasn't the case for his heart was devastatingly shattered by the next thing that came after.
"...or how did I perceive you?" 
Words you've said. What was so meaningful about it? He has heard a billion excuses and pleas in the high court and yet he couldn't easily let go of this. He was hurt but he didn't know how to admit it. You didn't give him a chance to realise anything or at least let him think of an answer. 
'What was it again? The cause of it all?'. He questions himself as he recalled that day when he was left alone and his cheeks were damp not even because of the rain. 
He stood up and picked up the stack of files on his desk. Important cases, criminal's identity and the jurisdiction records. Time does seem to fly in his office space but even after all this time his soul has been stuck in that same place.
'What could've happened if I had the correct answer right then and there?'. His mind has been occupied despite being monotonously unexpressive. He sighed as he arranged all the files accordingly based on alphabetical order into the shelves.
He doesn't know it either. He wasn't human to begin with so it's understandable if he lacks in these situations and yet he blamed himself for it.
Neuvilette returns to his seat and for a brief moment he stares back towards the front door. As if expecting someone to enter the door but of course no one did.
The weather outside hasn't stopped raining for a while now. The gloominess inside his office and the grey sky outside reflects his beating heart.
He then resumes to write down a record for today's court report. Just like any other day, he was busy. He used to feel obligated to do all these things because it was only natural for someone who holds the position as the Chief Justice.
"Neuvilette, how about a cup of coffee…". He snaps his head up and unexpectedly it was just his imagination. A soft melodic voice that has been ingrained in his mind. His expression unchanged but he felt disappointed because it was all a mere fraction of his memory.
'Why did I even say that?'. Neuvilette finally remembered or actually he finally realised his actions. It was all because of him. It wasn't anything harsh but he was just trying to be considerate. He didn't want to trouble anyone, especially you but why did things turn out this way? 
It's true that he can focus with work and that things are a lot more progressive without distraction but why does he feel uncharacteristically empty? He didn't understand it either but somehow this feeling was more overwhelming than the times when a trial was over.
'What was it that I really wanted?'. He thought while exhaling heavily. His mind and his actions are purely contradictory with each other. He needs an answer, he needs a break and he needs to collect his thoughts but his work is important too. 
"Where have you been?"
You smiled softly at the nice smell of sweetness coming from the warm hot chocolate drink. The ceramic mug held in between your hands.
It's been raining outside ever since you stopped working for the court. So, the temperature is a little cold and having something warm was a really good decision.
Life has been quite peaceful without headaches or unnecessary expectations. At least that's what you thought about your previous ordeal.
You shook your head sideways profusely to remove the thoughts about those days. It was so childish and immature to expect anything more than working your job diligently. You should've stayed professional and not get caught into a one sided love. It was all too embarrassing when you think about it now.
'It's alright… My feelings won't harm anyone and I know there's always someone who'll be better for me'. 
You nodded reassuringly to yourself as you slowly drank the sweet hot chocolate. Just the right amount to dissipate your lingering feelings. If time is forgiving, in just a few months you'll eventually learn to accept things as they are. As long as you keep yourself away from the court or that specific individual, your heart would surely mend itself.
The slight ambience from the coffee shop was quite calming as you calmly gazed through the clear glass window outside.
"Y/n… you're here". His deep voice was calm and yet a hint of excitement was evident as he spoke over your head.
You snapped your head towards the source who has called your name without notice. In that instant, you felt like your stomach dropped into a bottomless pit and a mix of overwhelming feelings returned into your heart.
Your once calm expression twisted into one that of pain and sadness. Out of all people, your heart is unprepared to meet him again. Not yet. Not when you're trying to forget about him. Not when you're trying to move on. Why did it have to be him?
He stood there with a small smile appearing on his lips but upon meeting your gaze, his smile slowly disappeared. 
Neuvilette knew his presence wasn't how it used to be. It's true that he didn't know human emotions any better but he has seen human's facial expressions numerous times to the point where he can differentiate between happiness and sorrow.
He wanted to go and listened to your pleading stare, listened to your wistful unspoken wishes… He knew you didn't want him there and that his mere presence was hurting you.
Neuvilette knew that much… you didn't need to tell him. Even for someone like him, he would still understand that look on your face. 
However, just like how he wished all the villains should serve justice, he still stubbornly stood there. Staying on his ground like a shattered fragment of glass in between a bleeding wound.
He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. He didn't know what to say to you. Should he apologise? Should he tell his feelings? Should he act oblivious?
"Y/n, I…"
You quickly stood up and walked away from there, leaving your warm cup of chocolate drink unfinished. You didn't want to get involved with him anymore for you only want what's best for your already crumbling heart.
If you stayed any longer, you would've broken into a crying mess. It's embarrassing and you've cried enough for your damn unrequited love. It was time to move on now. Your heart has suffered enough and it's your own responsibility to protect it from harm.
Unhesitatingly, you run to your heart's content without looking back. You didn't care if people would question your actions but you knew that'll keep you away from him.
Eventually you reached somewhere far, somewhere you thought he couldn't reach or find you. You just need time for yourself and anywhere is fine so long as you're away from him. You started to walk aimlessly as you caught your breath from your unplanned escape.
'I'll be alright'. You thought. 
Suddenly, your wrist was grabbed as the person spun you around in an instant. You didn't have time to react as you met with his unwavering gaze once more. 
You didn't say a word as realisation struck into your mind but you were quick to struggle away from his hold in an attempt to free yourself.
"Please… Y/n, let me just-"
He didn't let go. His grip wasn't hurting you but it was impossible to break free from the mere fingers that were encircling around your thin wrist. 
"I don't want to!". You started to feel agitated by the situation.
He sighed, he didn't want to make things worse as it already was but a side of him was reluctant to let you go. If he did, he knew you'd walk away without hesitation and his effort would be in vain.
"Y/n!". He raised his voice just enough to make you stop from struggling.
Neuvilette was nervous. He was so scared that he'll fail to receive enlightenment for his own feelings. If he couldn't give a good answer, he should at least get an appropriate explanation from you. 
"Listen…". His usual calm voice returns once he knew your attention was on him. Even if it was for a brief moment he needs you to listen.
"You asked me about how someone perceives things, about the world… about you". He reminds you of those questions you've asked him before you quit working at the court. 
You quietly listened but you've averted your gaze away from him. Those questions were all just a useless bitter taste in your heart. 
"I… I still don't know what you meant by that. I don't know the answer to that but…"
"I don't care anymore. I don't need your answer". You cut through his words so fast before he could end his sentence.
He was still holding your wrist but his calm expression instantly twisted into a pained frown. It reflects his heart deeply.
"...I'm sorry". He spoke almost in a hushed whisper.
"So stop talking to me! and just go…". Your rage slowly quiets down as your gaze returns towards him. Droplets of warm tears softly landed on your face as he looked down at you. 
He didn't speak and neither did you. The both of you stood there in between the unfamiliar tension of emotions. You didn't understand why he was crying neither can he fathom the reasons behind your anger. It was confusing and yet laughable. 
You sighed, the sight of the Chief justice crying himself because of you felt unreal to you but you knew he was just being honest. You knew you made him cry for simply being expressive of your anger.
"Stop crying… you… you don't look like yourself". You quietly mumbled under your breath as you tried to keep your cool attached yet a part of you wanted to console him.
He didn't, that didn't make him stop from crying. That grown man, who's taller than you, quietly cried like a small child being told to do their difficult maths homework on their own.
"Alright, I'll… I'll listen to you". You slowly added with a heavy sigh.
"Really?". He calmly questions. Despite sulking in messy tears, his voice seems to lack any unclear clarity. It was as if the voice barely belonged to a person who's crying.
You nodded and slowly returned your gaze to meet his enchantingly unnatural blue eyes. His sad gaze feels ethereal as the beauty of nature itself.
"Then could you please explain to me… tell me the answer to your question." His beautiful eyes still glistened with tears but he seems a lot calmer than before.
Neuvilette's innocent demands for your answer felt unnecessarily weird. How could he ask you that when humans not only have difficult unexplainable emotions but ego and pride?
Should you say it directly? You were so close to moving on from these feelings. If you explain that to him, would anything change? You didn't want to give a hint of hope inside your heart for that love anymore. It's unbearable if things stay the same. If you were being honest, you wanted more than just him to understand your feelings. 
"It's alright if you don't know the answer. It means that my question was just a bunch of baloney"
Unlike his usual calm facial expression, his eyes widened in response to your remarks, "You're lying. Tell me the truth!"
His words struck your heart like piercing lightning in a thunderous rain. You nervously looked away from his gaze. He was right.
Despite that, you shook your head refusing to tell him. You slowly reached out a hand in an attempt to wipe away the evident tears on his cheeks but you hesitated. After all, who would've been so insane to touch a person's face without clear reasons. You're well aware that you're just a stranger to him.
Neuvilette didn't move away neither did he say a word but instead he brought his face to lean into the palm of your hand. His smooth clear skin in contact with your bare hands felt a little odd to you but somehow your restless heart feels startlingly at peace with the soothing warmth.
His eyes calmly closed, seemingly appreciating your touch. You noticed that he seems unusually happy because of such simple reasons or was it just your own imagination playing tricks on you?
"I feel-"
The moment his mouth started to speak you retreated your hands away from him. The conscience in you feels reluctant to be in a vulnerable state once more. You're in this constant battle of removing yourself from harm but at the same time you still want to place a glimmer of hope. Which you knew you shouldn't considering that he's unable to perceive you more than you wished him to be.
He opened his eyes to meet your gaze. As he stared back deep into your gaze, he could feel the intense rejection even before he tried anything. Where did he go wrong? He has so many unanswered questions but where should he start first? 
"You should know that I feel suffocated with sadness when I can't see you anymore and it's unfair that you're avoiding me now"
Your disappointment slowly returned into your heart. To you, he was a lost cause but wasn't it too harsh to say it too soon? Your heart was torn in between.
"Unfair? What are you spouting about?". You snickered coldly with your eyes unwaveringly gazing up at him. 
He looked away to the side at your distaste directed on him but he courageously kept his hands securely holding on to your wrist. He hasn't given up and he won't let go.
Neuvilette knew that it was better to keep quiet when humans were in rage but he still wondered if the things he wanted to say would change your mind. Even just a little, would it amend things between you and him?
"...because maybe after all this time, I thought things weren't bad between us". He turned his head towards you once more. A sense of calmness returned when he spoke his mind.
"It wasn't. I was the problem but you don't need to worry… just give me more time and maybe someday we can finally be friends"
"So now? What about now?". He spoke without much hesitation and dismissed the things you’ve told him.
His question pushed you like a tsunami. What was he talking about? Was he giving hope? You want to cry so damn much because it was still painful despite your efforts to move on. It's only been a week since your efforts to forget about him but obviously that wasn't even near to erase your lingering feelings.
"I… I don't know. Why don't you tell me?".
Admittingly you still want something out of this. Perhaps him being here holds something significant for you. It must mean something that he hasn't told you. Maybe you should give him a chance. But would you let him fix it? Would you dare to step into the hand he was trying to give you? Or can he even be that someone?
You're scared to hope and yet you still want him to tell you something more. Something that could at least make you feel better.
Neuvilette searched your face in an attempt to find a definitive answer from you.
"It was really difficult to find you". He starts.
It's true, you were extremely careful with your whereabouts despite the chances are already insignificant due to the nature of his busy schedule. You refrained from walking outside and purchased groceries only when you knew there was an ongoing trial. Such as today, it was said that he was supposed to be in an important court session.
"It's because you were busy". You simply added.
"But I get to meet you today". He replied with a soft voice.
You always thought why did you even fall in love with him in the first place? He barely even smiles or does anything besides his responsibility in the court. He was that boring if you were to compare him with your preferred ideals. What nonsense has had your heart trapped into this?
"Maybe I should travel somewhere else so that we wouldn't meet again". You sarcastically replied under your breath.
"If you do that then… I'll come with you". He responded without a second thought. Your words have yet again driven him into the corner of his own emotions. If he doesn't speak now it'll be too late. 
You scoffed as you shook your head in complete disbelief, "Sure, even a child would believe you".
"You could do anything to me, you can run, you can hide but I won't let you escape my love". He suddenly spoke with conviction.
"You're bluffing, who are you to talk about love?". Those words came out of his mouth so suddenly that you became defensive. 
"If you feel like leaving. I'm not going to beg you to stay because it's your rights". He calmly spoke but with a hint of confidence as he ignored your statements.
You took a step back and he took a step forward.
"This regret has filled me with a sadness that has haunted me for a week". He then admitted.
"I'm aware that I've been dismissing you whenever you want to help me but I never intended for you to handle my responsibilities.". He paused to look at you.
"Perhaps you didn't like that good gesture of mine but I'll make sure to listen to you from now on". He opened his mouth to say something but seemingly hesitated.
"So maybe I should hold my heart out for you to take but…". He gently held both of your trembling hands and brought it in between the both of you.
"...will you keep it?"
------[ yes | no ]-------
A/N: and so I shall see how this will go...
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t3kandson · 4 months
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Make You My Bias
Wordcount; 3,854
Fandom; Ateez
Pairing; Reader X Jung Wooyoung
Characters; Jung Wooyoung, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yeonho , Kang Yeosang, Choi San, Song Mingi & Choi Jongho
Warning; Angst, Alcohol Consumption, Smut, Oral (Giving) & Sex
You had seen millions if not billions of Atinys, and so many greeting you during Fanmeet’s. It was one of your favourite activity's. Getting to know them and often teasing them to make them blush. But this time it was the other way around. She had eyes that just melted you. Her lips which right now she was biting onto with nerves, was having your heart beat heavy in your chest. "Hello princess," you managed to choke out as your hands lifted to encourage hers. She smiled letting a beautiful crimson tone hit her cheeks as she interlocked her fingers with yours. You had done this with many Atiny’s. But this time, this one girl had your body tingle with the connection. "Hi Woo," she said, her voice so silky you felt your cock twitch. Coughing gently to break your predicament, you spun your usual lines. "Did you enjoy our recent comeback?” you asked letting your thumb roll the skin between her thumb and forefinger. She hummed her excitement which made your member harden. What the hell was wrong with you today. "What's your favourite part, or who?” you flirted with a wink that saw her blush further. "I think it was all great, you're all great," she said shifting silently. You had done enough of this to know that body language. It meant they have a favourite part and a person that was not you. But they don't want to upset you so they go neutral. You had the response many times and it never bothered you but this time it really stung. "Come on we know there's someone. Just spill the beans, I won't be offended. I will make it my job to encourage to lur you in”. You said with confidence this time you didn't quite feel. Her eyes brushed along the member line where everyone but Jongho was sitting. Your eyes falling to every single one of your members and watching to see if you were correct in where her eyes fell. But by the time your eye found hers she was smiling her perfect eyes your way. "You won't get it out of me," she said confidently. "Never say never," you said mirroring her confidence. "Trust me I can get anything from those," you said pressing a finger to her lips. Your heart beat watching her gulp as a sense of achievement washed over you. "I think I can guess really easily," you said his eyes widening. "Go ahead," you stuttered making yourself pleased with the flirting you were exposing her to. "Me," you said despite knowing you wasn't. She smiled warmly in an attempt to not answer to save your heart. You realised she had the most cutest of hearts trying to protect yours. You leaned across the table letting her hand go as you whispered into her ear. "Princess I will be if I'm not already," you said sitting back down watching her fidget in her seat. You couldn't help but feel the warmth hit your skin with the excitement of seeing her squirm. You might not be her bias but now meeting you, you had a desire to make you hers. Or rather make her yours. You never felt the need to date but your desire to own her in every way hit you. "Where are you from?" You asked wanting to know as much as possible about her. "Originally from Daegu, but I live in Ilsan," she said brushing a hair behind her ear. "Wow, that's where I'm from," you said not helping the excitement that you could pass each other once again. "Does that mean you travelled here today?" You asked hopeful that she would confirm she was staying locally. "I got a hotel not far from here," she confessed as your hands found hers once more, knowing time was slipping away. Before she could answer it was time to let her go. Your hands tightened with her like you didn't want to part. She blushed further as she looked your way. "Woo," Jongho whispered breaking your trance as you looked up to find Mingi’s previous company impatient to meet you. "I haven't signed this sorry what's your name," you asked looking sheepish at Jongho and the staff behind him. "Y/N," she said as you signed her album.
"To the most beautiful atiny ever, Y/N thanks for being my fan, love your future bias" he wrote squibbling his signature.
He couldn't help but occasionally steal glances at Jongho while he communicated with her. You tried your best to not allow your current fan be aware but you could tell from her annoyance that she knew your mind was on Y/N. -------------------🔺-------------------
"What is wrong with you," Seonghwa said gently slapping the back of your head breaking you from your trance. "Hyung have you ever found an Atiny that you feel such a strong connection from that you want to know more?” you asked with confusion on your thought process. Seonghwa looked at you like you was crazy before softening his gaze. "Sorry Wooyoung I haven't," he said as he patted you on your shoulder. "But you know just as much your probably not see her again," he added as that thought saddened you. "Woo if you see her again and again and again you know she's a sassang and no beautiful girl is worth that," San interrupted which irked you. "Y/N isn't one of those trust me," you replied annoyed with how he was placing a bad vibe upon your cherished memories. "He's right though, your either going to see her non stop or never again," Seonghwa added sympathetically. "Is that the one that held up the line," Hongjoong said walking into the conversation as you tensed sitting up. "Irresponsibly just like her bias," he said gulping down some water. "I'm not even her bias," you sulked remembering the feeling of a stung rejection. "Your getting melty over someone who probably likes me," San said cocky earning you to dead pan his way. "Sure she's probably blown your mind away, but I think everything's against you," San chuckled as he got up to leave you feeling a heaviness in your chest. ------------------🔺--------------------
Today wasn't how you expected it to be. You was so eagly excited and a little Delulu meeting Ateez. You had imagined losing your mind meeting your Bias, imagined your wreckers giving you sweaty palms and palpitations. Yet it was the one you felt cute but sibling like that gave you the biggest dose of Delulu. Jung Wooyoung was the crazy member that had your heart hurting from laughter. Though he was very attractive, his plump lips and strong dancing talent was a beauty to witness. He just had failed to grab you like the others. Your bias line had changed so many times as a atiny and Wooyoung hadn't climbed close to wrecker let alone bias line. So when his eyes fell upon yours like they were lost. It felt like a verge of electricity shock you. His fingers lacing you stole a breath away you never expected coming. You had encountered the fan servicing from the other members. But none of them could compare with the devotion that Jung Wooyoung gave you. He made you feel as if you were the only person who existed. Like you were more to him then a fan.
"To the most beautiful atiny ever. Y/N thanks for being my fan love your future bias Wooyoung," Your hands followed the writing to which he had been so engrossed with you he forgot almost to write. Your heart hurt a little that he had guessed he wasn't your bias. You knew he would hurt more that though your line had changed it had never been him. Your hand raking over the photo of your bias, his tall frame in your feature made your guilt feel worse. Yes his interaction was sweet, the blushes on his cheek when you exposed he was your bias. But Wooyoung just couldn't be removed from your mind. Feeling your stomach rumble you looked at the time and decided to leave the hotel for something to eat.
Hugging your full stomach you crawled back to the hotel. The scores of Atiny outside told you that Ateez was present here. You managed to squeeze through showing the security guard your hotel pass to prove you was also staying. The excitement filled through you that you could see them also here. But at the same time this was they're resting space. The screams behind you told you that they had arrived as you dashed as quick as you could to the lift.
Going to your room you reached into your pocket, the card to your room no longly present. Groaning with frustration you calmly sought your way through your belonging to no avail. When you realised you had to make your walk to the desk to solve the situation. Walking back towards the lift your breath almost hitched when you found Wooyoung making a beeline towards you. Was this really happening? Was Wooyoung following you? "I think this is yours, your bias didn't find it by the way, I did," he smirked as he handed it to you. The blush heating your face you bowed to thank him. "Its good I remembered your pretty face to know it was yours," he said folding his arm with a strong sense of confidence. "That and your room number engraved on it," he said as you felt your mind letting words fail you. Was being in Wooyoung’s company giving your bias gibberish fear vibe. "Do you want to drink with us in about a hour or two?" He said smiling your way. You brain struggling to fathom what he was suggesting. "You drinking with the fans?" You gasped out which had him chuckle. "Only our favourite fans," he winked. "They have to be beautiful, sweet, and well they have to be you," he said blushing as he spoke. "So I'm the only Atiny that will be there?" You asked still feeling like this was a dream. "Yes, as long as you don't eye ogle your bias, unless you plan on making me him," he winks as you let a laughter leave your lips. It's like the sound puts a shiver down his spine as he looks lost with lust filled eyes. "I promise," you said pulling your little finger his way. He smile's so excitedly entwining his little finger as he pressed his thumb to yours. "Pass me your phone," he said with his eyes gleaming when you obeyed. Letting it ring his, he smiled content watching his phone disclose your details. "See you in an hour or two," he said smiling as he dashed back from your view.
Your mind was swirling did you just exchange numbers with Jung Wooyoung from Ateez? Was this a dream? It had to be, you were going to wake soon and the fan meet hadn't been held yet. You hadn't even entered your hotel room when your phone blinged.
'Room 504 on level 6 Princess. Look forward to spending more time convincing you to make me your bias 😜' you looked at your phone amused with his words.
'Can't wait,' you replied feeling self conscious that you didn't want to sound like some crazy ssaseng.
Heart in your mouth you knocked on the hotel room. Your hands sweaty as you struggled to calm your wrecked nerves. Not knowing how many members you would encounter tonight made it feel just like the fan meet. But strangely the thought of Wooyoung calmed those nerves down. When his brown eyes met yours at the door sparkling it was like he dragged those fears away. "You came," he squealed in excitement. "I said I would," you said feeling the blush to your cheek return. "Come in," he said placing his arm around your shoulder bringing you to the suit that he was staying in. Seonghwa was lounging on his bed as you blushed his way. "Hello again," Seonghwa said with his flawless makeup less face. "Hi," you bit our nervously as he chuckled. "Shout help if you need it, I’ll help you escape," Sans said entering from the bathroom. Only you could be stuck in a room with two thirds of the demon line and Wooyoung. "Do you want a drink?" Wooyoung asked as you nodded words failing you. "You don't have to be so nervous you know," Wooyoung said nudging your shoulder. "Hard not to be when I'm in all your company," you said feeling a little overwhelmed. "Then take my hand let me calm those nerves," Wooyoung said as he reached out. Instantly your hand found his as you watched the grin spread across his face. "Yuk," Seonghwa said making puking sounds your way. "Get a room," he added sarcastically. "Have one, it's a shame I share it with you," Wooyoung spat out which has a chuckle leave your lips. "I don't know to be jealous having some girl put that smile on your face and not me," San said winking his way. The famous Woosan in your company was still amusing. Before Wooyoung could respond the door went as you got startled. "It's ok princess it's only the others," Wooyoung said pulling your hand to his mouth to press a kiss to. When Yunho, Jongho and Mingi appeared Wooyoung pressed himself as close to you as he could. His strong hold letting his confidence wash over you. "Ahhh the lovely Y/N," Yunho said smiling your way that made your heart melt slightly. "Wooyoung’s Bias challenge," Mingi winked that caused a blush. "Shut up hyung," Wooyoung said as he squeezed you tightly. "You cling to her much harder she’ll run for real," Jongho scoffed shaking his head at his slightly elder. "It's ok I won't run I promise," you said in a desperate need to reassure him. "You won't say that in time," San chuckled as Wooyoung flipped him off. Hoongjoong and Yeosang soon appeared completing the group. You sat there listening to their story's, mocking of each other and there teasing of Wooyoung. Shots of Soju making them all tipsy. But you held a strong reserve when it came to alcohol.
Wooyoung had been drinking slowly almost like he was getting drunk on you. His hold not wavering but you strangely didn't mind. His comfort made you feel like you was enjoying a evening with friends rather then a whole South Korean boy band. "So who’s going to ask her that very important question," San chuckles as Wooyoung stiffens beside you. "Who's your bias as Wooyoung's wingeing tells us it's not him," Yunho smirks as you inwardly rolled your eyes. "I like all of you, you're all special especially now I've met you all." You said shifting slightly. "It's ok you won't upset me princess I already know that eventually It be me," Wooyoung said his eyes intrigued like the others. Minus your actual bias who was looking amused at the possibility of being the cause of a Wooyoung meltdown. "You're all important," you reconfirmed. "We all know it's me she's just too scared to spill that," Mingi said nudging you. "You were at one point," you confessed as the group started laughing loudly. "Wait so you had more then one bias?" San said in shock. "My bias has changed three times already," you confessed looking towards Wooyoung worried. He clenched your hand smiling that made you mirror. "Seonghwa," Yeosang said as you smiled wildly. "He was my first, and he drives me crazy all the time even now," you said complementing him as he blushed brightly. "Has to be San's," Mingi spluttered his way as San gave the most beautiful eye smile your way. "Wrecker he really has tested me though," you said as Seonghwa elbowed him. "Well it has to be Hongjoong then he's the demon line, sounds like she has a thing for them," Jongho chuckled. "Sorry Hongjoong," you said scrunching your nose his way. "No issues here," he said reassuring you with his hands held high. "It's Yunho," Wooyoung said from beside you. Your eyes looked to his watching the hurt behind them. "Woah Yunho," you heard San squealed excited when you couldn't comment. "It's ok Princess," he said in attempt to reassure you but you knew the words didn't resonant with him truly. "Wow I'm truly honoured," Yunho said looking pleased at himself, adding a tongue to stick out towards his younger. You looked back at Wooyoung quiet within himself. Leaning toward him his eyes widened. "But I'm open to a fourth change," you whispered in his ear watching his eyes light up. "Right San toss me your room card," Wooyoung stands up. "What? Eww no your not using my room," San stood horrified. "Plus that's my room too surely you don't want to do it in her bias’s room," Yunho scoffed that made Wooyoung close his eyes. "Well everyone out, Seonghwa go share a bed with Hongjoong," he scoffed frustrated. "Fine, you owe me one," Seonghwa said huffing as he herded everyone out the room.
"You know I have a hotel room right," you chuckled once the room was cleared. "I didn't think that far advance," he said pulling you closer to him. "I just want to ravish you, give you a time to remember, and make you choose me as your bias," he said with desperation in his voice. "What would that entail?” you asked winking his way. Cupping your face he pressed his lips to yours as sweet soft kisses fall. Hands falling to your hair as he lets his tongue roam closer in your mouth. Lifting your lips from his, leaving you both panting you press them towards his mole under his left eye. The beautiful blemish which all of a sudden you just can't get enough of on his beautiful face. Pushing your top slightly down he presses his kisses to your collarbone. Gentle but he's enjoying admiring your skin. "I want to kiss everywhere." He groans confirming your suspicions. Lifting your T-shirt to remove it you let him view more. Your sure you felt him gulp as he took you in his eyes. "How about that for some more skin," you said feeling butterflies' attack. His hands cup your face as he gets lost in you once more. "Y/N your so perfect," he whispers smitten as you smile his way. Hands falling to your bra clasp he wastes no time letting your breast be shown to him. "Oh their so beautiful," he gasps as his hands fondle them. Kisses finding there way from your collar bone to your breasts he gets lost in you. Suckling around your nipple as his hand gently tweak the other. After he's enjoyed kissing them with every salvia his mouth could spare. He presses his lips back to yours as he walks you towards the bed. Removing his t'shirt he smirks when he hears the gasp he pulled from your throat. "Fuck Woo," you cry pressing your hand to his defined chest. "Do you like," he said more in seek of confirmation. "What's not to like," you smirk as you drag your finger down towards his navel.
Catching your hand as it reached towards his core. "If you just want to see him you only have to ask," he whispers with lust blown eyes. Falling to your knees your hand reaches his thighs as his breath hitches. "Please Woo," you say as he shivers to your plead. Removing his bottoms he let his dick slap his stomach as you hummed in satisfaction to cover the gulp. Hands falling to touch the silky skin as you pumped him slowly. Wooyoung's body tensed as he pushed his heel to the floor struggling to hold his own noises back. "Fuck Y/N," he whimpers as you set a pace as you pump him. Your mouth waters as you see his precum leak. Swirling your tongue around the tip his hands find your hair. The grip getting tighter as you place your mouth around his cock. Your tongue feeling the throb of his veins as you set your rhythm. "Shit Y/N we have to stop before I cum," he pleads as your pace goes up a notch. You hum against his member as he scrunches your hair in his struggle. The slight sting has you ready to make him beg for you to stop. "Y/N, Y/N," he whines as his grip pulls harsher. Thighs shaking and tears at the side of his eyes he managed to plop your mouth off him. "Fuck, are you trying to kill me before I can even kill you," he pants, his cock looking angry and desperate. "You want me to make you my bias, I want you to scream my name as I break you," you snigger as he chuckles eyes widened. "Oh the god truly sent me a devil today," he says with that gleam in his eyes. Tossing your jeans and pants to the floor you see his breathing slow when you show your wet gleaming pussy.
Sitting in his lap, your fold wrapping his cock as you lean in to kiss him. His hands brush against your back as you grind yourself. Moans being sucked down by your tongue his hands find your waist. Guiding himself he pushes you down his cock. The strength has you momentarily lost as your walls struggle around him. "Your pussy so tight, so warm," he hisses through his teeth. biting his lip you set your pace, his hands cupping your ass as he leaves loud moans in his wake. The passion deep between your bodies as your skin heats from the interaction. His groans becoming deep as he chases his high. Lifting himself to meet your thrusts his tip hits against your cervix. Strings of high pitch moans leave your lips as he momentarily makes you lose your rhythm. Lips falling to yours you both suckle each other's moans as his pace increases. Walls clenching around him you feel your thighs shake as your high nears. "Your mine," He whimpers muffled by your kiss. "I'm yours," you cry as your lips break. "Woo," you scream as your nails dig into his perfect skin. "Fuck Y/N," he whimpers undone as you feel him spill his seed in you. The warmth pushing you to your own.
Heavily panting you loll your head into his chest as he chuckles. "You tired princess?" he coos as he strokes your hair. "I feel like I'm going to wake from this dream soon," you reply as you can feel him smile against your crown. "Princess this is real trust me," he says as his cock twitch's resurrecting while embedded in you. "Am I your bias now?" He says cupping your face. "You're my boyfriend, but I may need more persuasion about the bias," you tease with a wink. Twisting you so you're laying on the bed underneath him. "I'm going to fuck you all night long till you make me your bias," he threatens as you smirk at him from beneath him.
Main Masterlist
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
buckle up, because I’m about to go off. So i posted this take this morning, because I was thinking about F1 fandom’s habit and hipocrisy of criticising “third-world” or “middle-eastern” countries about their breach of human rights (no matter how much i personally think most of it is performative, pat-myself-on-the-back-for-being-a-good-human kinda “activism”), while nobody is saying anything about F1 racing in Miami, Florida, which is currently literally one of the worst places to live. to which, as is usual on good ol’ tumblr, i got this ask
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i blocked the anon, obviously, but to borrow dear friends’ words “this ask is so american, all it needs is an eagle, a gun, unaffordable healthcare and perhaps a burger”. HOWEVER. i can’t stay silent. i choose violence (metaphorical) these days. my first thought was to reply with “i’d check my privilege but im too busy being able to check my bloodwork with my free healthcare”, which may be a bit tone-deaf and mean. so i outsorced this ask to certain friends (including a full-blooded american and a person from the middle east), and here is a series of screenshots of their responses, because they are wonderful and smart and more verbose than i was this morning, with only one coffee in my blood and irritation level of +billion. their opinions also kind of matter more than my own, because these are their lived experiences. 
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now. as i said, and as you can see, these are the lived experiences of my friends, and are therefore also subjective at their core. so lets look at some facts. 
“florida is in the usa, a free, democratic, modern, developed country where protection of human rights is enforced”, i believe you said? ALLRIGHT:
- a bill that passed in florida 10 days ago that allows judges to alter custody agreements if they think one parent might allow gender affirming care
- florida abortion ban after 6 weeks, with no exceptions for rape or incest after 15 weeks 
- a transgender sports ban in florida that allows genital inspection of minors, aka children (thank you @lauda4theback​ for finding these links for me)
- USA’s position in the Democratic Index;
- tumblr post with sources made around four days ago with details about just some of the gun violence happening in the US currently;
- BBC article about 160 mass shootings that had happened in 2023 up until April 16th and data from gun-violence archive (which, correct me if im wrong, is singularily an american thing);
- Anti-Trans Bill tracker no 1 and no 2 in the US, which, you know, implies violation of basic human rights;
- banning of books in the us to cripple education and avoid taking responsibility and acknowledging already existing and rampantly rising levels of racism, homophobia, transphobia, and generally what you all like to call “traditional (christian) values” and the rest of the world likes to call “blatant right-wing fascism” - here’s florida specifically (god i hate nyt); 
these are just some of the FACTS about the united states, and they very much speak for themselves. i couldve found a million more sources, but, honestly, i dont feel like waddling through more of the mud that is this country’s awful politics and policies. 
now its time for my opinion. im assuming youre american, because if youre not, thats just... i have no words, then. you can come in here spouting absolute fucking brainwashing propaganda your country does to you on a regular basis, but dont expect me to have to listen to it, and do anything other than laugh derisively. your-us centrism is tiring, scary, and insane, because your country, to me, is little more than a glorified cult. it’s dangerous to the rest of the world for many reasons, not the least the way it permeates every sphere of our public life and pushes american fucking propaganda upon all of us, whether we want it or not, and its absurd and awful fucking military, which i would like to see razed to the ground immediately, but i pity you, anon, for being so absolutely lacking in critical thinking that you actually believe this bullshit that you are spewing. i was trying to criticise our fandom’s way of expressing outrage when it comes to non-western, whatever the fuck that means, countries while simultanously not speaking about or even acknoledging the fact that rapid erosion of democracy in the us has all the markings of the same “dictatorial” regimes we like to be enraged over when it comes to racing in bahrain or jeddah or abu dhabi, except the usa is not being held hostage by a single autocratic dictator but with the republican party which controls the government institutions. that is sometimes the only difference i can see.
i wont speak about human rights in the middle east, because i am not middle-eastern. there’s people who can add their opinions here, and i invite them to do so. i also invite anyone to tell me if i got something wrong, used a wrong source, or said anything that i need to re-check or do more research on. but the bottom line is: for you to take my LEGIT criticism and get offended on behalf of the fucking US instead, well. that says a lot about you and your priorities, doesn’t it?
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tardistimes · 3 months
Apt Apology
Part of The Master's Maniacal Misadventures series. AO3 link.
Cape Canaveral. Florida, November 1967. What you asked for, the Master delivered.
You still eyed him with suspicion as he joined you in the doorway of his TARDIS.
“There you go then. Your pea shooter launches in an hour.”
“Pea shooter?” You said, a frustrating fondness seeping into your tone. With a sharp reminder, you remembered your vow that this was a one-time trip. A trial run he had called it, but it wouldn’t last long. A few hours at most and you’d be able to let O go once and for all. It would be easy – he’d never existed to begin with.
“A launched Saturn V rocket is the loudest sound humans have ever produced.”
“Have ever produced so far.” The Master corrected. “You’ve never heard 10 billion of you screaming in harmony.”
Resolve hardened, you replied acerbically, “Yes. I remember how much you like to torment my species.”
It’s why you were here. His plan to kill humanity thwarted only by the Doctor. A plan she’d unwittingly pulled you into, though you suppose you were always in it. You just didn’t know you were a pawn at the time.
With a small sigh, you looked back at the scene before you. It really was 1967. You were going to watch the first launch of the Saturn V rocket that was sitting across the bay. Hear that almighty boom with your own ears and shield your eyes from the dangerously bright flair on its five F-1 rocket engines igniting.
You started to step out of the TARDIS, drawn by the sight, when a hand stopped you.
“Already losing points in the intelligence column.” The Master snarked. “Forgetting something?”
Glancing down like you would suddenly be missing trousers, you accidentally stumbled across his point. Rather than giving him the satisfaction, however, you used an excuse. “Did you see me pack a change of clothes? In fact,” turning to face him fully, you crossed your arms, “I remember you specifically telling me not to pack.”
“Cast your mind back with greater care, human.” He retorted, careful to say the name of your species with extra derision. “I told you not to pack as the TARDIS has a full wardrobe.”
Letting your lip curl back a fraction, you eyed him slowly before saying, “No offence. But I don’t think dressing as a colourblind geriatric on day leave from the care home is going to help me blend in.”
You didn’t know whether he’d scowl or smile and waiting to see gave you an odd thrill. You didn’t enjoy this. There was nothing of O’s sweetness here, nothing of his kindness, his charity, his passion for the greater good. But when the Master grinned you still saw him, even if his teeth looked a little sharper.
“You know you love it really.” He said, turning sharply so his coat tails would billow.
“Such a drama queen.” You muttered.
“What was that?” He asked, glancing over his shoulder.
“Lead the way.” You said theatrically, emphasising each word with care. “I don’t suppose this wardrobe of yours has a hearing aid to complete your look?”
With a shove, you went into the TARDIS ahead of him.
Both looking appropriate for the decade, you stepped back out into the sunshine.
Really, you would’ve been happy living in that wardrobe but you weren’t passing on the chance to get your own back. After spending eighty years trapped on Earth, this location was just as good as any to give the Master a little retribution for all the suffering he’d caused you. He’d be miserable here, you were sure of it. Watching subpar technology in the most insufferable place humanity had to offer – Florida. The humidity had already ruined his coiffure within seconds; that would drive him to new levels of madness in no time.
Clapping your hands together, you looked around gleefully as he locked up.
“Where shall we start? Should we get a spot now or is there time to visit those stalls over though. Oh, that one has ice cream. Have you got any money?”
“Does it look like I’ve got a wallet on me?”
You definitely weren’t going to be tricked into scanning his trousers for a bulge, but you did shoot him an irritated look.
“Again, you told me I didn’t need to bring anything.”
“I can get us money, human. But you won’t like how I do it.”
With a sigh, you figured that was true enough. “Fine, let’s find a good spot. I want the best view.”
“Go back into the TARDIS then. I’ll pilot us to ride alongside the thing.”
Instead you marched forward, toward the crowd of people already gathered on the shoreline. Like you they all had sunglasses on, the Master the only one ridiculous enough to go without. Apparently his superior alien eyes didn’t need them. That or he couldn’t find a pair large enough to fit his head.
You were able to find your own little spot further along the island that sat across from the cape. Unsurprisingly, for the time period, there was no crowd control to push you back.
Unlike the other spectators, you had the foreknowledge to take some ear plugs. Luckily the Master’s TARDIS had some in the wardrobe. His precious alien ears would probably be fine, but you’d like to live to hear another day.
Before you could sit on the grass, the Master put his hand out to stop you again.
“What now?” You said, rolling your eyes.
Reaching into his jacket pocket, he somehow produced a fully sized picket blanket.
Staring at him blankly, it took a minute to form words. “How did you fit that in there?”
“The pockets are bigger on the inside.” He answered. “Obviously.”
Laying it out, he gestured for you to sit first then followed you down to the ground. Carefully spreading your skirt over your legs, you glanced at him a few times. You had plenty of questions. How was something bigger on the inside? How did he travel through time? If he was an alien, why didn’t he have spookily long fingers and big eyes? You didn’t ask any of those.
“You said you were planning on coming back. To see me. Once you’d finished your plan.” You started, keeping your eyes on the horizon. Little figures flocked around the rocket, like ants on a leaf from such a distance.
“That’s what I said.” He agreed, unbuttoning his jacket so he could lean back on his forearms.
“But what was the plan, exactly? You were going to turn up on my doorstep, me the only human left in existence, reeling from everyone I’ve ever known dying and… were you going to be O?”
The Master sighed. Maybe he didn’t want to talk about his recent failure, but you still couldn’t wrap your head around his return. You could be mourning O; the Master a distant nightmare. Instead he was back and, despite what he said in your kitchen, you still didn’t know why.
“You might have been more amenable if I was O.” He said eventually, once he sensed you wouldn’t let the conversation go. “So, yes. For a time, I would have continued the ruse.”
“And then, at some point, you would have revealed that you’re a time travelling alien? With a spaceship.”
“I always planned to tell you who I really am.” The Master answered carefully. It was a complicated plan and in a way the actual turn of events had made things easier. Even if it meant conceding to the Doctor yet again. Of course, he could’ve taken you but that wouldn’t be interesting. This, this was interesting. You had every reason to turn from him, but you were here. That was interesting, which made you interesting.
“You said. That’s why you gave me those files about the Doctor.”
“And you thought that’d work?” You said incredulously, turning to face him. “That I’d be totally fine with everything and we’d – what? Travel together.”
“Actually I thought we’d leave Earth immediately. You knew enough to be exposed to alien technology and there wasn’t much point staying in a wasteland. I mean,” he turned to look around him, “look at this place.”
The sun shone bright overhead, the brilliantly blue sky was lightly dusted with the faintest of clouds, and there was an excited hum in the air as humanity waited for history to unfold before their eyes. You thought it was beautiful. Was he missing something, or were other worlds truly more lovely than your home?
Shaking your head, unable to believe your planet was anything like a wasteland, you asked, “Do you really hate Earth? Or do you just hate anything and anyone that isn’t you? Do you want the universe to yourself?”
His eyes flashed and with a moment of clarity you realised that the thing he hated above everything was himself. And the Doctor, you amended. But there was self-loathing that you could only believe he had let you see. He was too good an actor. Or was this an act for your sympathy? He could be playing you again.
“Did you come here for the history or the bang?” The Master asked, leaning toward you as a darkness fell over his face. “Better yet. Did you come here because you wanted to or because you wanted to punish me?”
It was his turn to see something in your eyes and with a smile he knew. “We’re more alike than you realise. Different enough to make things interesting. Maybe we’ll learn to love it. Maybe we’ll grow to hate it.”
“Not knowing.” You said slowly, realising why he wanted you here.
“Even as O you saw me better than most. And the people who do see already hate me.” He sat back, resting on his arms again. “This is different. Live long enough, different becomes interesting.”
“Why, how old are you?”
“That, human, is a very rude question. According to your culture anyway.” He deflected.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “So you hate Earth, hate humans, but you want to follow the standards of polite society?”
He shot you a dirty look that had you laughing even harder.
“I get it, I get it. You only like rules when they work for you. That’s right.” You grinned. “And if I ever try to hide between the same rule, you’ll ignore it. Like a hypocrite.”
“Don’t try and guess the future, love. This will only end faster.”
You felt the joy drain from your eyes but it quickly recovered when you heard a murmur pass through the crowd.
“It’s time.” The Master said ominously. “Wake me up when you’re ready to go.”
He started to lay back but you thwacked his knee with your hand. “You’re not sleeping through this. It’s the loudest noise.”
“Says the woman who’s never heard it.”
Shushing him, you were still pleased when you felt him sit up and rearrange himself to rest beside you on the rug with thinly veiled impatience.
“Fine. Just you wait. Once you’ve seen the stars, you’ll realise how dull…”
Whatever he was saying, not that you’d been paying attention, was drowned out by the most deafening roar you’d ever heard. And that was with your ear drums safely protected. Smoke billowed out, stretching to the banks opposite your side of the river and flames shot out from beneath the rocket. Inexplicably, this giant vehicle was propelled up, the force of the explosion outweighing its vast size. Eyes wide, you followed every second. You knew what was going to happen, but feeling the blast ripple through your bones was entirely different. You were really here.
The Master watched the side of your face, not in the slightest interested in primitive Earth technology. The delight in your eyes, that was interesting. Very interesting, he mused to himself.
When the rocket passed out of sight and the crowd finished clapping, when your heartrate steadied and your hands stopped shaking, the Master ushered you off the blanket.
“Right. Off we go. Time to go see some real planets.”
He left the blanket on the ground and you started to protest.
“You can’t just leave it here, it’s littering.”
“Oh come on.” He said, snatching your arm to drag you along. “The TARDIS has everything we need.”
Well, in that case, you guessed someone else would find use for it. Dropping your arm, the Master walked without a backward glance to unlock the door. He left it wide open – infuriatingly confident, you could tell, that you’d follow him. And, as you stalked after him, you found that your irritation was nearly nothing next to your excitement.
The trail run might last longer than one trip after all.
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kirythestitchwitch · 11 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - Freaky Friday Time Travel fic - Part 2
Okay so FFTT fic won the poll so here you go! I gave an extra amount bc I couldn't decide a reasonable place to stop. Picks up after this snippet.
While her vampire hearing might have been bogged down by the noise in the Square, she was annoyingly attuned to Klaus’ presence. His parting words reached her easily: “Someday, you will.”
She had gone to lunch grumpy and while fortunately Matt had accepted her grumbled explanation of having run into the hybrid menace–he agreed that would put anyone in a bad mood–she hadn’t quite been able to shake the vague itch that sat under her skin as she helped Matt struggle through algebra.
Even before Elena had been assisted into mind-wiping her whole personality, it felt like the only times she’d been needed were to attempt to twist Klaus around her finger, and those all had middling results that usually left her staring at her ceiling that night instead of sleeping. And now that Klaus wasn’t the worst monster in town–at least from her perspective–she hadn’t gotten a lot of calls recently. Maybe that was why she was so eager to help Matt: it was nice to feel needed.
And maybe that was the reason she had gone over to Klaus’ house when he’d blown up her phone with eleventy billion messages. Not that he’d freaked her out with his half-coherent voicemails. It was already a betrayal in several ways that she agreed to be friends with him. Admitting she cared? She tried to imagine what Tyler would say, his mom’s murderer friends with his girlfriend.
By the time she left the grill, Matt was consistently getting the correct answers on the tougher equations, and she’d worked herself into a ball of stress that only a hemoglobin juice pouch could sate.
Now, staring down at the small cardboard box on the porch swing, Caroline wondered what game Klaus was trying to play. Was he trying to make up for being a bit of a dick–okay, not really, but it’s the principle of the thing–the last time they spoke? If it was Klaus.
A ripped piece of sketch paper was taped to the top and she tugged it free. Her name was printed in Klaus’ bold handwriting, and she sighed. Picking up the box, she let herself into the house. Once in her room, she set the box on her vanity and told herself sternly she would deal with it later. Both AP Bio and AP Calculus finals were tomorrow and she needed to study. Really needed to study.
Pulling her books out of her school bag, she arranged herself comfortably on her bed, shoes off, color-coded notebooks at hand, rubber-banded stacks of flashcards at her hip. She put on soothing lo-fi as background music; she was ready.
Caroline’s resolve lasted an unfortunate seven minutes before she was pulling a pair of scissors out of her vanity and cutting the tape keeping the box closed. Pulling the flaps back revealed cottony packing fluff that she began pulling out until at last the real contents of the box were revealed. Nestled in more fluff, a thick chain with a chunky triangular prism on it sat in the box. It was old, the prism framed in gold. 
“Oh wow,” she murmured, picking it up by the chain and dangling it in front of her face. The stone was some kind of iridescent green with small cracks in it, and the frame of the pendant had markings on it. “That is… really ugly.” It rotated in the light from her lamp, and what looked like writing was down one side. Caroline put out a hand to move it back to get a better look at it, but the moment her fingers connected with the pendant, they stuck.
An odd whooshing filled her ears, and the light in her room must have popped because her vision went white.
“Oh shit!” She blinked rapidly, hoping she could see something, anything, while she shook her hand, trying to dislodge the necklace. Whatever magic bullshit was going on, she was going to kill Klaus when she got her hands on him, white oak stake be damned.
A pulse slammed through her and it almost felt like she fell past someone, and then she stumbled back and slammed into something that felt like bars. The necklace fell away from her hand and clattered to the floor; she left it there. Sparkles were dancing in her vision, slowly clearing into the view of an expensive-looking bedroom through a balcony door. She could see a large bed and a chaise lounge next to a bookshelf, another door that looked like it led to an en suite. It could have been an expensive apartment or a fancy hotel room, it was hard to tell. None of it looked familiar, and it certainly wasn’t in Mystic Falls. It didn’t even look American, that look that comes from being several hundred years old that few still occupied buildings had.
Pushing herself up against the balcony, Caroline turned around to take in the view and gasped. In the distance, the Eiffel Tower lit up the night horizon, the glow of a thousand lights brightening up the city. Some part of her was horrified, she’d clearly been kidnapped, she didn’t know how she was going to get home in time for her final unless Klaus could zap her back, and explaining this to her mother would probably ensure she was grounded for, she didn’t know, opening strange packages or something. Caroline should know better.
The other part of her was frozen, thinking how magical the city looked at night.
A soft noise came from behind her. “I would be open to giving the neighbors something magnificent to look at if you insist on the balcony, although I may have to kill them for the pleasure of it afterward.”
Caroline spun around at Klaus’ voice, poised to give him a piece of her mind, and froze. He stood in the door frame without a single stitch on, the lean muscles of his body on display for her like a feast, the tattoos she’d seen on his chest the one time, the trim waist leading down to his incredible co–she clapped her hands over her eyes. There was no looking, none. “Seriously, why are you naked?” She may have shrieked a little. “And why are we in Paris? Is this your idea of a date? Because you are taking me home right now, buddy. I cannot believe you kidnapped me.”
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Y'know, I think the flashback to Nico's first meeting with Nyx is really enhanced by the way that for the first chunk of it he only knows her as Mother, because that's how Hypnos initially refers to her. For the first... three, three and a half pages or so of her presence on-page Nico refers to her as Mother in the narration because he has nothing else to call her. I feel like it would've been better if that had come back at the end (the climax would've been better if the big secret was that Nico was a descendant of Nyx on his mother's side and I will be dying on this hill), but with how important Nico's mother has been to him since BotL him facing this deeply intimidating and cruel figure who is very much toying with him for fun and only being able to call her Mother? There's something unnerving about that! I... kind of wish Rick and Mark had taken the idea of Nico only knowing Nyx as "Mother" and run with it a little longer, honestly, I feel like there would've been some interesting directions to take that dynamic that would've been much more compelling than what Nyx's interest in Nico actually ended up being.
...Actually... It might have been fun to have a "Hera/Juno with Jason but a billion times worse" sort of thing where Nyx decided that if she couldn't have demigod children of her own to act as her champion (since as far as I'm aware there's no confirmation that the primordial gods can have children with mortals? Someone correct me if I'm wrong) then she was just going to have to acquire one and a son of Hades was the best possible candidate as someone already heavily tied to darkness and the Underworld (and as someone who conveniently was in Tartarus). Now there's a fic concept... If I was good at writing that sort of really heavy 'torture both mental and physical to warp someone's mind to suit someone else's purposes' hurt/(eventual) comfort whump I would do that. The angst! The suffering! The back and forth between torment and "comfort" that we see briefly during the flashback! The bonding with Nyx's children, at least the ones we interact with in TSatS who are ultimately decent (or at least decent-ish) beings and would hate to see someone that we know from canon they actually quite like be tortured like that! The eventual escape and recovery! So much potential!
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demdems · 3 months
sorry for being a little hater while watching the new natlan trailer and coughing up blood everywhere, that was a bit dramatic of me
mind the blood tho, we're still talking
a very not cohesive list of grievences i have with natlan [and genshin], I'm writing as i go so if its too long the rest is under read more
I mean truth be told i opened youtube, saw the trailer first thing, noticed the thumbnail, and kinda just immediately knew it was joever
we can start w the archon i guess [I'm assuming the red haired lady is the archon by using context clues] uh ive seen people argue that its fine/makes sense that she's white since the assumption that's been made is that she's based on himeko from hi3 but uh like, himeko murata is japanese, she's not white, if the name didn't make that obvious [this is similarly why i don't like the argument that nahida being white is fine due to her being based on theresa hi3, theresa is a clone of a white german woman im not sure why mhy based the archon of a nation based on swana cultures on her but i digress] i think its at least good that she beat the conquistador allegations, left a bad taste in my mouth when that was being speculated
The confirmation of names means people have been honing in on the cultures natlan is taking inspiration from, ive seen a lot. i made my best guess when talking with a friend but i believe theres polynesian, west african, indigenous american [mexico and central america? specifically based on the name citlali] [[feel free to correct me on anything]] honestly wasn't expecting much based on sumeru
Tbh i have like zero energy to hate on the natlan debut cast cuz i already did it w a friend but I'll do it anyways, its a lifestyle
the argument of, why look for dark skin rep in a game made by a company who's colorist [either by choice or due to pressure from the government since genshin has incredibly insane cultural impact in China], is legit since its like me looking for clothes at the soup store and getting upset
But genuinely even if mhy had a vision with genshin and wanted to show a diverse world in its game, its kinda weak to be almost so blatantly colorist outside their playable characters. I don't think that making npcs dark skinned and playable characters light skinned is a good look, especially when it's the second time that that the human enemies of the region for the most part are darker skinned than the characters used to fight them
And i don't like how parts of the community jumps on people who critique genshin for this. Like, if its a non issue to you why get upset with people yk. Plus never speaking up on stuff is bad like fine, the multi billion dollar company won't listen to you, but id like to think that other people would learn from this to some degree and understand why people get upset. And idk maybe its overstepping and silly but id like to thing that outrage reaches people who can see that yea maybe there's people who Will listen to the stories you wanna tell but idk
I just don't like that people are making it okay to just be racist and colorist like, that's just gonna eventually bounce back and then great everyones seeing how mad ur getting over someone wanting a character w a skin tone darker than #FFFFFF, i cant vocalize my thoughts right tho but you get me ig
aeugh anyways on the characters specifically, the darkest skinned character in the trailer looks almost gray thats not great, and then the girls w darker skin tones [there's so few men in genshin lately] are dressed very much not at all which is a reoccurrence, sumeru dressed its darker skinned characters in not a lot clothing which like if you've ever been to a country that's hot and sunny, people don't dress in swimwear they dress in pants and sleeved shirts because hi sun damage exists and too much exposure is unhealthy and people tend to get used to the climate
Also a lot of animal themed characters this time, do correct me if I'm wrong but i kinda see an overuse in the women of color in genshin being animal themed but if im looking too much into it then uh idk maybe genshin should release a catboy
The modern theming in the outfits isn't egregious but i think too much streetwear might bog down the overall look, like latin america cultures just by themselves have amazing fashion and god id kill to see something like a dancer based on mexico's traditional dances since those are the prettiest dresses, like modernizing is fine [i believe i saw somewhere that chongyun's outfit is based on chinese streetwear and i think it fits great in with the more traditional outfits in liyue] but stuff like the hoodies around the waist and the weird half shorts half pants of one of the characters kinda weakens the overall vision [but I'm not well versed in fashion so I'm not sure what direction wouldve been best for natlan to take to both respect the fashion of the cultures inspo is taken from and also fit in with genshins vibes overall]
Natlan the region itself is the best thing of the trailer tbh, it's very nice looking and yea there isn't a yellow orange filter over it like this were american tv or something, and the music is great i think the one part of the team who does good is the music
Personal expectations, i just hope the characters are good, like i hope good personality saves these guys and my soul while i play the natlan quest getting flashbanged everywhere i look
wegh, drip marketing Monday, and 5.0 in like 7 weeks, let's get this bread gamers
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Good Friend & Epilogue - Lloyd Hansen Series
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Character: Lloyd Hansen x Rich!Female Reader
Words Count: 2639
Summary: Lloyd chased Reader to London, and they finally admitted their feeling. But what’s the deal with Reader friend Thomas? Is he a friend or foe?
A/N: This is a final chapter y’all. I put Epilogue in this chapter, and there’s also an extra story of Counting Days before Lloyd and Reader met. 
Thank you for reading this series. I’m thankful for the reblog, comments, and likes I received. 
This chapter is from Lloyd Hansen's Series - 3 Billion Divorce.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 (Extra Story)
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
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Lloyd's body felt heavy when Carmichael asked to be close to Thomas through you. He never wants to use you for his benefit. 
You finally trust someone after being betrayed many times. 
“What’s on your mind Lloyd?”
You wonder why he was silent the whole ride. When you get ready, he suddenly says he will accompany you to meet with the Prime Minister. 
Lloyd sighed heavily and held your palms. “Do you trust Thomas?”
“Why do you asked me that?”
“I heard that he’s not as good as his image.”
You were quiet for a minute and pulled your hand from his grasp. From your action, Lloyd thought you were mad if he told you the truth about Thomas. 
“I knew it from a long time ago.”
You know Thomas is not a saint like everyone sees him. You always felt his smile wasn’t genuine. Your question finally got answered after you went home late from the library one night. When you returned to your apartment, you saw someone lying and making a weird voice in the dark alley near the trash. 
You were scared, but you approached the man. When you look closely, his face is full of scars. 
Panicked gets all over you; when you want to grab your phone, someone already snatches it. You turned around and saw Thomas. You have never seen him with this expression like he wants to kill somebody. His fingers were also filled with scars and red bruises. 
You thought you would feel his wrath too, but instead, he tapped your shoulder, and his smiley face that you knew appeared. He told you to go back, and he will clean the trash. 
That was the first time you saw the honest Thomas. 
The next day he acted like nothing happened; if he didn’t want to tell you, that’s fine. Everyone has their problem. 
“He’s like a ticking bomb.”
You nodded. “I learned two-face personality from him.” 
There was silence again inside the car. Then Lloyd hears a short laugh from you. He had this confused look on his face. 
“Sorry, I just hope that at least I have one friend. But it seems like I will have to shot him if he tried to hurt me like anybody else.”
Lloyd brings you closer to his body and kisses your head. His touch already gave you comfort. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here for you.”
When the car stopped at the iconic building, Thomas opened it before you opened the car door. 
“...” You didn’t know that Thomas would be here, yesterday he told you he won’t come along because he needs to attend a TV interview. 
You turned around and saw Lloyd standing behind you with this calm expression, but you knew he was pressing his anger. Quiet the opposite with Thomas, who is friendly towards Lloyd. 
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That’s the perfect word to describe Lloyd's situation. He’s confused with Thomas. He thought this guy would flirt or make rude remarks with you. But instead, Thomas is being respectful towards him and you. 
But Lloyd keeps on his guard because your friend is the mastermind of the arms dealer. 
His hunch was correct when Thomas left you alone to talk with the PM, and he signaled all the guards to leave the room. He must be powerful to give an order in someone else house. 
He walked towards Lloyd and said, “Do you like my gift Mr.Hansen?”
“I told my men to make a headline news of me and Y/N.”
So it was Thomas who made the gossip and made Susan laugh at him. 
Suddenly Thomas's feet were dangling above the ground. Lloyd had lifted Thomas by the neck in one hand. 
Thomas was choking, he tried to claw the hand, squeezing his throat with his fingernails, but it didn’t affect Lloyd since he wore a leather jacket. 
“The last time someone tried to make fun of my wife, he woke up with a missing finger.” 
Did this crazy man just laugh? Lloyd tightens his grip on Thomas's neck.
Thomas tapped Lloyd's arm “Let…me…go…first, and… I… tell… you…”
Lloyd let go of his grip and tossed Thomas away like he was not heavy.
“Uhhuk...” Before Thomas could breathe properly, he heard a clicking sound in his right ear. Sure enough, Lloyd had already pointed his gun. 
“If you shot me, you will be an Interpol fugitive. Do you want to leave Y/N alone?”
Hell, no to that. Lloyd put back his gun. “What do you want, Hermes?”
Thomas widened his eyes. He never thought Lloyd would call out his secretary's identity this soon. He got to his feet and patted his outfit.
“The correct one is what the CIA wants from me.”
Lloyd stood with arms crossed. “So you already knew.” Thomas's real personality finally came to the surface. It’s a good thing Lloyd came along with you. 
Thomas straightened his suit, and the door behind him got opened by an armed bodyguard. Before he left, he looked back at Lloyd and said, “I have a proposal towards you and Y/N. My mansion will welcome both of you at 8 p.m.”
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After the meeting, you went back to the hotel with Lloyd. You felt something doesn’t seem right. Thomas had already left when you opened the door, and Lloyd's face seemed like he had eaten sour fruit. And now Lloyd is walking around back and forth inside the room. 
You were sitting on the couch to read the contract but couldn’t focus because of your husband. Something is not correct. “What happened behind the door while I was stuck at the meeting?” 
Lloyd stops his foot and sits beside you. He looked like a mess; his hand ran through his face and said, “Thomas is Hermes."
“Who?” You have no idea about the connection between Thomas and Hermes from Greek mythology. 
“Hermes is the name of a famous arms dealer. The CIA has been looking for this person. I was also part of the team to find this person before I met you. After years of searching, we found Thomas Kimberely is Hermes.”
“A… are you sure it’s him?”
“He smiled when I called him Hermes.”
It’s been a while since you got this surprise, especially since it’s about your friend. His life became more dangerous; he was playing with fire. 
“And he invited us to his mansion?”
“Me too?”
“It’s much safer if you stay with me.”
“Should I wear the Kevlar suit? Just in case.”
Your answer caused Lloyd to burst into laughter. 
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At Kimberly Residence.
When you enter the mansion, Thomas greets you with a warm welcome. He acts like a carefree person while both of you are cautious. 
He keeps talking and being overconfident; his new personality reminds you of someone. You looked at Lloyd. He used to be this annoying.
“Both of you looked at me like you wanted to stab me?”
You shook your head. "Nah, I'm just being alert to be in the same room with Hermes."
Thomas isn't surprised anymore that you know his secret identity. He grabbed a wine bottle and empty glasses.
“Woah there must be a big misunderstanding here. Why would I want to hurt my best friend worth billions?”
He poured the wine into the glass and put each to you and Lloyd. Then he went to his seat.
“I have a business proposal towards both of you.”
“How much is it worth?”
“Y/N,” Lloyds whispered and held your hand under the table.
“If I say it's worth trillions, would you be interested?”
You folded your arms and crossed your legs. There’s a little smile on your face. “Keep talking.”
“I’m going to need Mr Hansen's expertise too.”
“What is this all about?”
Your grandfather always repeats those words. He always wanted his bloodline to continue his business but only with the right person. 
"People like us always attract danger everywhere we go. What's the point of having too much money if we get hurt?"
"We need a strong barrier to keep the legacy and not forget it. False rumors, ridiculous scandals, assasination, a lot of people want to see our downfall because of the privilege we got. We don’t want to be the good guys anymore.”
Thomas folded his arms. "That’s why me and other wealthy families want to invest in Hansen Security."
"Don't you want your descendants to be proud of being born in a family that has a powerful legacy?"
He's right. This is why you've been fighting to keep the empire your grandfather built.
Lloyd was silent the whole time. He turns to you and asks, “What do you think, Y/N?”
You asked him back, “What about you?”
In your own opinion, you think it’s perfect for Lloyd. Because of the contract, he barely touched his security business when tied up with you. 
“It’s not bad.”
From Thomas' proposal, Lloyd understands why you fought to keep your grandfather's legacy because you appreciate his hard work and want to keep it alive. He wants his descendants to be proud of their heritage. 
Lloyd was tempted for sure. Because when someone gets the power, it’s never enough. The temptation of greed is too strong.
Thomas could feel that both of you would accept his offer. “You don’t have to betray your friend Mr. Hansen. Ask him to join, and tell him he will get a fat paycheck.”
“To get his trust first, I will give you one of my contacts to make the agency happy.”
“...” Lloyd got triggered when he heard that name because this Pedro guy shot his shoulder at a gunfight. 
“Compared to the big fish, he’s nothing. I know the CIA has been looking for him too. He’s been hiding in his private island in Hawaii.”
Lloyd couldn’t agree more. Perhaps Carmichael will say yes because he's tired of being an errand boy to do the dirty work off the record. And he could get away from Susan. 
“If I found out you're doing something behind my back, you know what's going to happen.” This offer gave Lloyd an excellent benefit; these rich people were willing to pay much for their life just like you did. 
Thomas raised his arms. “If I get hurt, I won’t enjoy the money I have. I won’t betray both of you.”
You put your hand on his shoulder. "Thomas, I never shot a friend. I hope you won't be the first." 
Lloyd smirked when he heard your threats, while Thomas nervously laughed, "Haha, I will remember that."
After leaving Thomas on the way to the hotel, you want to walk at the park nearby with Lloyd. Besides, you can't rest after a serious conversation with your friend. 
When you know the truth about Thomas, you accept the term that you won’t be able to have a regular friend. Only a lunatic could stay beside you, first Lloyd, a sociopath, and then Thomas, a friendly person with a two-faced personality. 
There's no way you could go back to the old life you had. But you didn't regret it, because you met this man even though the first meeting wasn’t usual. 
“I’m glad I met you.”
Lloyd didn't expect your sudden confession. He looked at you nervously. “Do you still hold a grudge towards me for how we met for the first time?"
You thought, ‘Of course, you hit my car, flew me to Europe and tied me up.’ “I still am, and you need to make up for it.” You went up on your tiptoes and kissed his lips. 
“That will do my dear.” Lloyd still felt but had all the time in this world to make it up to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your lips. Feeling like both of you had the entire world in your grasp for a moment. 
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Epilogue : 
Lloyd finally got home after the 12-hour flight. He had just returned from Bangkok to save his client from the hostage situation. He let Carmichael finish the rest because it's been two weeks since he's been away from home. 
Lloyd's fatigue was gone in a second when he saw a little kid lying down while holding a crayon and painting a drawing car in the living room. 
“That’s a nice car.”
“Papa.” A big smile appeared on his angelic baby face. Lloyd always loses words every time his son smiles. 
Five years ago, Sean Hansen was born. Holding his son felt like the greatest gift he ever had. He is a healthy and clever child. 
“Hey, champ.” Sean jumped to Lloyd's hip and hugged him like a koala.
"I miss you papa."
"Me too." He caressed Sean's hair. This child is growing up every day. Soon Lloyd won't be able to hold him with one arm. 
“Where’s mom?”
Sean raised his pointed finger. “Mama is in her office.”
Lloyd sighed heavily and went to your office. He already told you not to work too much, especially with your current condition. 
You were looking at the tablet screen for a video call when he opened the door. You didn't even notice both of them.
The conversation didn't go well because he could feel anger in your voice. 
You rubbed your head. "I'm out of patience with you. I know that I'm the only one who gave the highest offer but you keep asking to raise the number."
"It's not like that…."
"If you sell the company to me. I will respect the value and history of your family business. While others will stomped on your company's good name and dignity."
"With that gentleman I pulled off all my offers, and I hope you find another buyer."
You were pissed; you have a good intention to revive this old media company. But they started getting cocky, and your quality time with Sean got cut because of this pointless negotiation.
When you lift your head, all the stress is gone. He only left for two weeks, but it felt like a year. 
You put down the tablet “Lloyd, when did you arrive?
He hugged you and kissed your cheek.”I arrived a while ago and came here straight from the airport.” "How was the negotiation?"
You shook your head. Lloyd wants to curse and dare to make his wife stressed out. But he can’t since Sean is in the same room. 
"Should I scare them a bit?"
"Lloyd…"You punched him lightly, even knowing it won't affect him. "Hmm, a little bit."
Lloyd kissed your forehead. "Don't worry. You have me."
"I know." You are always grateful to have a husband who will make great efforts for you. 
Your bright smile made him fall in love with you more and more. Plus, you are glowing more than ever while pregnant with the second child.
Lloyd can count how many times he cried. When you told him you were pregnant again, that's the third time he cried in his life. 
And Sean always hugs your big belly if he sees you relaxing. Since he felt the baby kick when he touched his stomach, he always waited for his little sister to do it again and say, “Hello, I’m your big brother.”
Looking at your son in Lloyd's arms and having this peaceful time, you can't believe it's been six years since you became the CEO and Lloyd's security company became more successful than before. 
Before, you thought you would spend your life with paperwork or become the puppets of your relatives. 
But one trivial moment became a turning point in your life that you would never imagine in the past.
No matter what happens in the future, you hope you can spend it with the four of you. 
-The End-
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Author Note: Thank you for reading, everyone. It's difficult for me to end this series, but I have to since I don't want to drag the story.
Check out the Extra Story before Lloyd and Reader met Counting Days.
If you are new, this chapter is from Lloyd Hansen's Series - 3 Billion Divorce.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 (Extra Story)
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
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thetetratan · 5 months
(welcome to the cartilage)
(the place in between multiverses)
(this is a post essentially explaining all of the TETRATAN's lore soooo)
(also anything in parentheses isn't in char)
(but everything else is)
(read this post if you want to know about the TETRATAN's lore)
(Or go in blind and see if you can piece together anything)
(that may be more fun)
(idk it's up to you)
(but this post did take more than two days to write)
(so I would appreciate it if you did read it all)
(this story starts a long long time ago, like every damn story. But I'm talking like REALLLLLY long time ago. Like HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF YEARS AGO. This story takes place in a kingdom, and by now you already have deja Vu from the stories you were told as a kid. But this kingdom wasnt any normal kingdom, because it was an ENTIRE OMNIVERSE. At this moment in time, the only inhabitants of this omniverse were all the different types of Titans, omniversal beings that held time most power out of any species, ever. Besides the other types of Titans, of course. There are four types of Titans. Normal Titans, who can use Titan magic, or xylves, but can be hurt by anything. Then there are Supertitans and HYPERTITANS. Both being able to use xylve magic, and only being hurt by said xylves. HYPERTITANS, being stronger than Supertitans, had their entire names capitalized, even in speech! And finally there was the most powerful Titans, the TETRATANS, who not only had two extra tentacles for legs, but also were incredibly rare and unique. The TETRATANS were actually around the same power as the HYPERTITANS, but the difference comes from a different item, the TETRA CRYSTAL, which gives incredible power to any who wield it. Any being could receive a major power boost in all areas with this crystal, but the titan types, especially the TETRATANS, were extra reactive to the crystal. These TETRATANS were few and far between though, so the ones that did exist were basically worshipped by everything, including lesser Titans. (Also this may be a good time to note that cannibalism was morally acceptable at this time, in fact it was a regular occurrence, because Titans of all variations besides regular Titans feed solely off of deceased xylve matter, and Titans were not just using xylves, they were made of it, so going to war with other Titans was a good idea cuz death of people meant food ok now back to the main story oh wait we only now just finished the background info oh shit this is a lot of lore) So one of these worshipped TETRATANS was named ECHO (@21ducky don't you dare even think about it) and ECHO was kinda a tyrant (just like @21ducky) and no one really liked him but they still worshipped him because they would immediately die if they stood against him.)
(or would they?)
(see, there was this one person, who wasn't any type of Titan, but was at the moment pretending to be a Supertitan. His name was DISCORD. You may be asking, why is HIS name capitalized? I thought only HYPERTITANS and above get that treatment! Well, you would be correct. DISCORD gets the capital name treatment even thought he technically isn't a Titan at all. This is because he became a person with equivalent power to a TETRATAN. DISCORD found a material that, when used in a process that involves the TETRA CRYSTAL, can become a new material that mimics parchment paper. But everything written in it will come true. So he used his newfound power to become as strong as ECHO, and he eventually won. He sealed ECHO in the first dimension to stay for all eternity. But ECHO will be important later...)
(meanwhile, DISCORD starts to fake being a TETRATAN cuz even thought he has the power of a TETRATAN and the cool TETRA CRYSTAL thing, he technically isn't. But the other Titans don't know that they'll just worship him anyway. DISCORD goes med with power trying to make sure no other TETRATAN tries to become another tyrant, and becomes a tyrant himself. So that worked well for him, didn't it? He settles in the Citadels, which house the HYPERTITANS and live in the one in the middle, which houses the TETRA CRYSTAL. So yeah a pretty overpowered location. He starts using that material from before that gave him power (don't have a name for it yet) and writes things assuring that he stays in power, buuuuuut in his rush to make sure no other TETRATAN can come to power, he made the thing wrong (L) so THIS paper does absolutely nothing besides serve as paper. But he doesn't know that, so he keeps writing and writing, and starts writing these in rhyming poems and plays them off as prophecies (even though they won't even come true lol). The HYPERTITANS dub him as a prophet, and dub his living space as the Prophet's Castle. Eventually has a plan to get more power. But don't worry about that plan because he DIES.)
(So after their leader and idol DIES, the HYPERTITANS all go to war against each other.)
(The HYPERTITANS have been broken up into a few clans. Being in a clan was advantageous because they were going to war with other HYPERTITANS all the time. They also unanimously decided to keep it a secret that DISCORD died from the other Titan types. Just because THEY wanted to be the ones to get to the Prophet's Castle. See, most HYPERTITAN wars were fought between two clans, just for the sake of food. But there was another motive to this war. Remember the TETRA CRYSTAL? Yeah, that was kept with DISCORD in the Prophet's Castle so if any clan got into the Prophet's Castle, DISCORD would have INSANE powers over the other HYPERTITANS. So each clan was trying to get to the Prophet's Castle, to get that sweet sweet extra power for themselves. Eventually one clan got to the Prophet's Castle and used the TETRA CRYSTAL's power to defend themselves and stay in control. There, the leader of that tribe had his second son. (His other son left to the land of the Supertitans as a representative of his clan to establish trade offers) This new baby HYPERTITAN was actually really special, because he wasn't a HYPERTITAN. He was a TETRATAN. (Remember TETRATANS are just HYPERTITANS with a stronger connection to the TETRA CRYSTAL) So considering that the new baby was part of a species that was worshipped in the past and when in proximity to the TETRA CRYSTAL are by FAR the strongest beings in the omniverse, the HYPERTITANS decided to raise him as their own and try to use his power against their enemies. But Titans in general age much slower than humans. Like, MUCH slower. It depends on what Titan that person is, but for HYPERTITANS AND TETRATANS, it's around one TETRATAN year (or HYPERTITAN year) for every one BILLION human years. So the HYPERTITANS will have to wait a while before having this powerhouse. The HYPERTITAN clan tried to keep it a secret from the other clans, but eventually word got out, and all the HYPERTITAN clans had a new target. To either kidnap or kill the infant TETRATAN. (And if it isn't clear yet, this infant is THE TETRATAN. The one who runs this blog.) Eventually, one of the outside HYPERTITAN clans were able to infiltrate the Prophet's Castle and kidnap the TETRATAN. But not before his oven clan noticed. In the midst of the battle that ensued, the TETRATAN did one thing, that changed everything. He started to cry. Now, this may not seem like so much, but this is a TETRATAN, LITERALLY ADJACENT TO THE TETRA CRYSTAL. Also, no one was expecting a massive blast to come from the baby being kidnapped, so when it came, no one was ready. Everyone was all so not ready, in fact, that they ALL DIED. So yeah, nice going there TETRATAN. And when I say they all died, I mean EVERY HYPERTITAN, AND MANY TITANS were affected. The Titans don't even live in the area! The Supertitans live even further, but even they could feel it, although no one got hurt. This big boom was also strong enough to SHATTER THE TETRA CRYSTAL. The TETRA CRYSTAL broke into many TETRA SHARDS, each giving whoever wields one an AMAZING boost of power, but not NEARLY as amazing as the full TETRA CRYSTAL.)
(Killing wasn't the only thing that this blast did, though. It also created the ENTIRE OMNIVERSE. The one EVERY UNIVERSE AND MULTIVERSE THAT HOUSES A NON-TITAN SPECIES IS IN. And, if it isn't clear enough yet, this baby crying was the cause of the BIG BANG.(The one they were in before is now called the ruins, cuz that blast destroyed most of it, and this new one is called the Omniverse, as uncreative as that is. There are other omniverses, but none besides these two are important to this story.) So now with the creation of non-Titan beings, and a massive blast coming from the HYPERTITAN area, there was a lot that caught the eyes of the surviving Titans. Including a certain HYPERTITAN off establishing trade offers in the SUPERTITAN lands. THE TETRATAN'S BROTHER!!!!!! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!)
(The TETRATAN's brother, understandably panicked by the big boom boom, rushes back home immediately and sees what has come of the ENTIRE HYPERTITAN SPECIES. And he notices the only survivor is a baby. He quickly figures out that the baby caused the big boom (somehow) and, having just lost his entire family (well not his ENTIRE family cuz the baby is his brother but he doesn't know that) the TETRATAN'S brother decides to yeet the TETRATAN into the omniverse he just created to live there cuz he doesn't want a baby (child neglect be like). The TETRATAN lands on a deserted island inhabitated solely by octopi (squids and octopi evolved from the HYPERTITANS). So at least he has food.)
(many years later ooooooooo)
(time skip a FEW billion years, the TETRATAN has self-taught himself a lot of magic. He need to do this to survive, because his brother, after living for a few billion years in solitude, has reconsidered his old choice to send the TETRATAN off into the omniverse, and is now trying to kill him. You know you else is trying to kill the TETRATAN? MY MO-)
(You know who else is trying to kill the TETRATAN? DISCORD!!! Remember him? Yeah, turns out his death was staged and he was waiting for the next TETRATAN to come along because he wanted to make sure no new tyrant like ECHO would rise to power, so he decided killing the only other being powerful enough to do so would stop that from happening. Also everyone thinks DISCORD is a TETRATAN, but technically he's not. He still says he is though. The TETRATAN doesn't really know much about his past, because everything blew up, and the only people who DO know anything much about his past are trying to kill him. (This is actually why he goes by the name of his species, the TETRATAN, instead of his real name. He doesn't know his name. He can't read or speak in Titan language so he can't figure it out himself, either.) All three of them are trying to collect as many TETRA SHARDS as possible to become more powerful than the others, and it is chaotic. DISCORD is also the only one out of the three who doesn't know how to teleport. And the TETRATAN messes around with the inhabitants of the omniverse he created when he's bored, and lives in the seventh dimension, aka the void.)
(@myconidwitch how's that for lore)
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solarwynd · 6 months
Right?? This whole week as LC was increasing I saw non stop tears and recriminations because "guys we need to focus on new releases". But somehow LC reaches one billion and now suddeny the new focus is getting every member to 1B. They don't even seem to be that sad that neuron has completely left the chart. It's been 1 week 💀
Anyway the project is doomed to fail like anon said. Many armys nowadays seem to have no concept of how charts or streams work. I don't think most of them have worked out how long it's going to take to get all of them to 1 billion. With the numbers as they are SNTY and LMA would probably be the easiest to get to 1 billion and it would still take at least half an year more to get that done. Reminds me of that one army yesterday who had no idea that the spotify counter is for unfiltered streams or that army from a few weeks back who tried to cover up being an anti by saying let's get LC to 1 billion in 3 days when it still had 20M left to go.
I used to think armys (and other solos) were being deliberately obtuse about things because there's no way they don't see the payola JK got or not know how the hot 100 or radio works but I'm becoming more and more convinced that the armys of today are not the ones from 2018-2021 because they seem to have no clue what's going on most of the time.
Fandom is already divided as hell - with the anti-company stans and boycotts, the pro-company stans demonising other armys, some outright antis masquerading as ot7s and everyone else only being here for bragging rights and fighting other kpop stans, things are not looking good for 2025. BTS better bring their a-game for their next work because if they're planning on skating by with some boring ballad as a title track, weak concept and with all of them sitting on chairs, its going to land them nowhere with the fandom in this state.
All I know is armys better point that finger at themselves if hobi doesn’t chart on hot 100 next week, cause I’ve never seen such a lack of effort for a bts member’s comeback in all my years of being in that fandom.
“I'm becoming more and more convinced that the armys of today are not the ones from 2018-2021 because they seem to have no clue what's going on most of the time.”
You’d be correct. A lot of people left with the english trilogy and onward and got replaced by the chart obsessed ones here now. Which sucks cause army twitter was better 2018-2019. It definitely still had it’s issues but armys back then were a lot more useful.
“BTS better bring their a-game for their next work because if they're planning on skating by with some boring ballad as a title track, weak concept and with all of them sitting on chairs, its going to land them nowhere with the fandom in this state.”
Chair era was the absolute pit. I know it was concentrated around the more ballad type songs but even spring day had choreo. Pair that with both LGO and YTC being dull songs everything was just so lackluster. And after seeing Jimin do smf2 level choreo, having to watch him go back to sitting on chairs would do me in. So I honestly hope that they don’t come back with that. Or them damn white dionysus clown boots!
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stupidsagestars · 1 year
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𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐫! 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 who could feel his eyes about to fall out of his sockets. Besides juggling his multi-billion bank business he had recently started talking to [𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫! 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞] about a new mansion. You told him you'd take care of it,being the amazing wife you were,but he refused, you didn't need to lift a finger. "just go to chanel or something." He says as you beg him to come back to the company.
"I have! 3 times." You whined and he raised his eyebrows, "do you need me to add more money to your account??"
"No. I need you to let me work in the business we built together, I don't wanna be a housewife all the time." You mumbled, and he laughed. "You were the one that begged me for a kid."
But anyway, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐫! 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 was tired, he now had even more things to deal with. He wasn't even listening to his co-worker's proposal,he wanted to be home,back in your lavish apartment with your adorable 2 year old. As he made his way back to his office, he wondered what you were doing now. You probably had already dropped your son off at his friend's house for the morning. You might be at the spa, or indulging yourself in some dior perfume,having breakfast with your friend Mikasa, maybe even at Victoria's Secret having a look at some lingerie. He scoffed at himself, it was 9 in the morning, you two hadn't had sex in a week, that had to be the explanation for his tiredness. He took his phone out of his pocket to have a chat with you but he was shocked to find you sitting on his chair. You were wearing a stunning black dress and smiling at his surprised face. He closed the door and dropped his briefcase behind him.
"You left your lunch." You hum.
He doesn't respond instead hes letting his eyes relish every inch of you.
"You're in my seat." He says standing behind you, hands gripped to the leather chair.
"Correction dear, my seat, since when did you take my office?" You smile turning your head to look at him.
He bends down (let's pretend that's true) to face you, flawlessly spinning the chair to face him.
"You wanna boss me around y/n?" He whispers placing soft kisses on your neck. "Take control of me?" He continues, tracing his tongue around your collarbone, hands palming your legs.
You respond in soft moans.
In an instant he pulls you off the chair and onto him.
"Windows are tinted but you know that because this is your office right?" He teases.
"Can't believe we're doing this on the floor." You sigh, letting your dress slip off you revealing a stunning black lingerie.This wasn't a shock to you, when it came to sex, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢! was always eccentric.
"You're saying it like we haven't before." He retorts, letting you unbutton him.
"True." You say,starting to grind on him slowly.
"I think you like it when I boss you around." You say to him,pushing deeper into him. He could feel his trousers about to rip.
He groans in response, he moves your hand towards his belt,urging you to unbuckle it. You laugh at his action, but still you do it for him.
Being married for 5 years meant that 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐫!𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 and you were both experts when it came to fast undressing. You pulled his trousers off him and let your hand dip inside his boxers.
"hard?" You taunt, rubbing the tip of his cock with your finger.
"Don't tease." He grunts and you smile, "Fine."
You pull his calvin klein boxers off, letting his cock spring out. Levi hasn't felt this horny in ages, his cock was a flushed red and it felt so heavy, he was just waiting to release his thick load into you.
"I'll tell you what boss. Since your chair seems to be unavailability as of now, I can gladly provide my services." He says looking at you with pure bliss.
"How kind of you."
With both of you finally undressed (besides your bra but that don't matter) you positioned yourself onto him. You slowly started to bounce, he kept a firm grips on your hips.
"Faster ." He groans bucking his hips up. You let him take control, the feeling of him being inside you ovveriding all of your thoughts.
"G-gonna cum." You moaned, pushing yourself deeper into him.
"Really tryna milk me dry huh?" He says in breaths.
"And if I am?" You gasp, slowly letting out a sensual moan from reaching your orgasm.
"I really just want to fill you up." He mutters, looking at you. What's the harm in another kid?
"Hmm. What do we do?" You ask sarcastically.
He thinks for a second before easily lifting you off of his cock and onto his stomach allowing himself to cum.
"I like it when you're my boss."
---★--- this wasn't proofread so feel free to point out mistakes also, the property developer! connie reference is my upcoming post so follow to keep updated!!
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karmicbias · 7 days
Ghoul Week part 2!
What a night!
As before, unmasked ghouls below 👇
I hopped on a train to Manhattan early this morning. We're lucky enough to have a direct line and it really only takes a couple hours longer than driving, with the benefit of not having to pay for tolls or gas, you don't have to find somewhere to park, and you get to listen to music and nap the whole way there. Pretty much perfect.
I was a little worried about unforseen delays as Amtrak is sometimes unpredictable, but fortunately we rolled into the city pretty much exactly on time. I made this trip last year as well, and had a better idea of my orientation to the grid this time upon emerging into midtown.
Had just enough time to check in to my hotel, put my luggage down, run a washcloth over the important bits, change into my show 'fit, and catch a train uptown.
The subway was one billion degrees and we were packed in like sardines even more than usual, I think, but thankfully I was only going a couple stops. Ascended from the steamy depths, made a quick wrong turn and correction, and got to 54 Below pretty much exactly on time.
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The first thing I noticed when I got inside is that Ashley (you know, of changing Papa's shoes onstage infamy) is running merch. Neat!
I get seated and say hi to my tablemates who are all Patrons, I think, or students of either Mad/Dylan or Sophie. The place was pretty full and my seat was absolutely excellent!
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I snagged a couple things from the merch table, made awkward conversation with Ashley (she mentioned she designed Mad's costume for the night), and then got back to my seat to order a drink and dinner - both of which were absolutely fantastic.
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The show itself was lovely! Both ladies, as we already know, have powerhouse vocals. They sang together and individually and did a mix of original songs and covers. Lots of fun and that costume did not disappoint, holy cow.
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Because the venue had a second show, there was an after-party a couple blocks away. I meandered over, yapping about Ghost and Drag Talk and musicals with some new friends, and we got settled into the reserved space while waiting for the guests of honor to arrive.
Long story short eventually I got to chat with both of them (as well as with Ashley a little more)! Sophie did a really amazing cover of She Used to be Mine from Waitress that I absolutely had to tell her how incredible it was. I didn't manage to get a photo with her, but did chat with Mad for a while and got a very silly series with her that delights me greatly.
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Now I gotta hydrate and get some sleep. Tattoo tomorrow!
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