#i already was close to finishing background 2 (where eddie will be seen walking to wallys house) but my tablet died
ch1zzie · 4 months
Forgot to post this here butttt
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Working on a welcome home animation and mighttttt take me a while
#the idea is just wally getting the barnaby plush and thats kinda it#i did plan this before when i ordered the wally plush (sep 8 2023) but didnt have the motivation and stuff for it#its inspired by the image of wally peaking out of homes side window with the text below “there he is!” not sure if its wally saying it#either wally noticed someone or someone noticed him but anyway#i saw that image and was thinking to make an animation of it instead of the “there he is!” text its going to say “he's here.”#i also realized i might need to voice that only line or even make sounds for the background😭#i already was close to finishing background 2 (where eddie will be seen walking to wallys house) but my tablet died#grrrrrr#also unrelated but i wrote in my book todayyy (i never write at all) but hey its kinda fun to write my ideas huahahahaah#i plan on doing some research on welcome home and write it down (maybe even some theories hmm??) also doing research on the characters#just to try to get to know them more (cuz i have been crazy for them for AGES and still feel like i haven't done enough)#oh yeah CALL ME CRAZYYY butttt since the irl world sucks i plan on making little writings like im IN welcome home just because idk#more explaining and better ones on my tiktok vid description (user in my bio)#also i feel like things might be getting better for me cuz wowie i never thought id be animating again#but now all this motivation...so many ideas appearing...need to focus on one at a time...darn#HEY! 12 days till a break from the evil cell of educational purposes??? (school) FINALLY PURE HEAVEN I CAN BE FREE WITHOUT SUFFERING#welcome home#partycoffin#wally darling#welcome home arg#welcome home fanart#welcome home wally#7 backgrounds left to do...then ill have to animate...oh evilllll so evillll
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221bsunsettowers · 3 years
Buck/Eddie: I Can’t Get Enough of This Kind of Love (Part 2 of the Good News on My TV Screen Buddie AU series)
In just a few days, Buck has been in his second helicopter crash, been rescued by his boyfriend and their friends, witnessed people almost dying at a bug eating competition and the largest charley horse possibly ever, seen a woman with a high heel through her face at a child's beauty pageant, and had his beloved Eddie tell him he loves him for the very first time while tripping on laced brownies.
So there's that.
In which news reporter Buck is an integral part of the events from the episode 2x06 "Dosed".
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(Amazing fanart poster by the amazing @jemmalynette! )
(Thank you so much to everyone who left love and kudos and comments for the first story in this series! In my head, the first story was a one and done that I had a lot of fun writing, and then all the requests to make this a series inspired me to do exactly that!
If you haven’t read the first story in the series, I would recommend doing that first, so you get the background of news reporter Buck and firefighter Eddie, and how they first meet and get together. You can read the first story here )
I Can’t Get Enough of This Kind of Love (can be read on Ao3 here)
Carefully placing the box labeled Dishes on the kitchen counter, Eddie immediately went back outside, bending down to grab the next box. "You really want me to like you, don't you?" Maddie's voice came from behind, and Eddie spun around, meeting her stare with a hopeful smile.
"Honestly, Maddie, I really like your brother, so yes please," Eddie answered promptly, and Maddie's gaze softened. She stepped forward, and patted Eddie on the shoulder as she walked past him and into her new home.
"Excellent answer!" Maddie called back, and Eddie felt arms wrap around him from behind. He leaned back into his boyfriend's embrace, smiling as Buck planted a kiss behind his ear.
  "Evan!" Maddie yelled out the window, "you can make googly eyes at your boyfriend later, he wants me to like him and my furniture isn't going to move itself!" She smirked as Buck blushed and walked over to the couch, bending his knees and grabbing one end as Eddie dutifully grabbed the other.
"Googly eyes, maybe when you stop making googly eyes at Chim," Buck muttered under his breath, and Eddie laughed as they moved in tandem up the stairs.
"I'll tease Chim relentlessly at work if that helps," Eddie promised with a wink, and Buck grinned mischievously, nodding his head.
"We've got a helicopter crash, a news station was doing a traffic report," Bobby explained as the fire truck screeched to a stop and everyone quickly hopped out. Eddie noticed the rest of his team shooting worried glances at him, but he waved them off with a grateful smile.
"Buck never does the traffic reports," Eddie assured them, as Bobby called them into a quick huddle. "He told me he paid those dues a few news stations ago."
"Um, Eddie?" Chimney said hesitantly, facing the helicopter and extending a finger to point at the back window. Turning, Eddie met Buck's gaze, could see from even this distance how he was working hard to keep his breathing even and his body still.
"Fuck," Eddie breathed out, feeling his heart stutter in time with the still-spinning rotors.
"Eddie, you going to be okay on this one?" Bobby asked softly, laying a comforting hand on Eddie's shoulder.
"Buck needs me, Cap, I'm on it," Eddie promised, forcing his focus onto the job at hand. "We need to watch for dynamic rollover, when we start getting them out the weight of the copter could shift."
"Okay, Chimney, you're going to pull Buck out first, make sure you're keeping an eye on the balance," Bobby ordered as they moved towards the helicopter.
 "Eddie, can you shut down the helicopter?" Eddie opened his mouth, about to argue that he should be the one to get Buck out, but then he sighed, nodding, knowing he needed to trust his captain to get Buck out of there quickly and safely.
  Still, Eddie couldn't keep his eyes off Buck, lunging forward as the helicopter rocked, but then Chimney had Buck back on solid ground, and Eddie was next to the pilot, stabilizing the balance and shutting off the engine. The second he had the pilot out and in Hen's capable hands, Eddie spun around and grabbed Buck in his own grasp, pulling him into his arms.
Eddie gripped onto the back of Buck's shirt, tugging his body as closely as possible. Buck nestled his face into the crook of Eddie's shoulder, and Eddie swayed them gently from side to side, pressing his lips against Buck's temple. "You're safe, sweetheart," Eddie murmured into Buck's skin. "I've got you."
He could feel Buck nodding and pulled back just enough to see Buck's face, running a gentle finger over a small cut on his boyfriend's cheek. "Let me check you out," Eddie insisted, leading Buck over to a bench and kneeling in front of him.
"You can check me out any time," Buck bantered back with a mischevious smile, and Eddie laughed, shaking his head as he squeezed Buck's hand.
"Sounds like he's just fine!" Chimney called out with a smile, patting Buck's shoulder as he made his way over to where the pilot was sitting.
"No comments about how you're hotter than just fine, or how much you like me kneeling in front of you," Eddie commanded, pointing a finger at Buck, who shrugged and grinned,  Eddie smiling back in relief. "You scared the shit out of me," Eddie whispered, leaning in to cup Buck's face in his hands, laying a soft kiss on his lips. "Let me make sure you're okay, please?"
"Yeah," Buck whispered back, resting his forehead against Eddie's, "yeah, of course." Pulling out his penlight, Eddie shined the beam into Buck's eyes.
 Nodding in satisfaction, he took Buck through the rest of concussion protocol, checked for any other injuries, and cleaned out the small cut and bandaged it. Next to him, Chimney and Hen were finishing checking the pilot, assuring Buck he was completely fine.
"What were you doing on traffic anyway?" Eddie asked, sliding up to sit next to Buck, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as Buck leaned into Eddie's side.
"Oliver called in sick last minute, so I offered to sub in," Buck answered, sighing in relief as Eddie moved a hand to the back of Buck's neck, rubbing at the tense muscles. "I definitely didn't expect to be in my second helicopter crash." As Eddie's hand suddenly stilled at Buck's words, Buck bit his bottom lip, meeting Eddie's wide-eyed gaze. "If it helps, I clearly survived that one too?" he offered up hesitantly, and he heard poorly-concealed laughter coming from the rest of the team's general direction.
  "Can't say I didn't know what I was getting myself into," Eddie sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head, before leaning in to kiss Buck softly. "Let's try to keep helicopter crashes off the agenda, yeah?"
"No subbing in for traffic again or chartering a romantic copter ride for the two of us, got it," Buck recited with a smirk, and Eddie rolled his eyes, nudging Buck in the side before hopping off the bench.
  "Any chance I could get you to come back with me to the fire station so I can keep an eye on you?" Eddie asked hopefully.
"I would love that, but I have to get back to work," Buck said ruefully, gesturing at the news van that was already pulling up.
  Eddie sighed, leaning forward to rest his forehead against Buck's. "Text and call me when you can, please? Just let me know you're doing okay?"
"Of course," Buck promised, sneaking another quick kiss in before heading towards the van. Grabbing the door handle, he turned around. "Be safe out there, babe! And thanks guys!"
Eddie had gotten a myriad of selfies from Buck in the hours after the helicopter rescue. One at his desk, captioned I promise I'm watching out for papercuts. Another getting ready to go in front of the camera, Taking proper electrocution prevention steps. The pictures continued rolling in, Eddie laughing fondly at each one, saving them to his photos because he couldn't resist. Any picture of his boyfriend was one he wanted to have, even when said boyfriend was being a glorious little shit.
His phone trilled out "Breaking News!" again and Eddie quickly clicked on the new picture, a smile spreading across his face as the photo revealed Buck standing in front of the fire station, captioned Practicing fire safety. Shoving his phone in his pocket, Eddie hurried down the stairs, skipping the bottom step in his haste.
"Surprise!" Buck called out with a grin, hurrying forward to meet Eddie, throwing his arms around his boyfriend's neck before leaning in for a kiss. Eddie's arms looped around Buck's waist as he held him close, both men smiling broadly.
"This is a great surprise," Eddie proclaimed, brushing a curl of hair away from Buck's eye. "Did a story fall through?"
"Actually, a new story came up," Buck grinned, grabbing Eddie's hand and interlacing their fingers. "C'mon, let's go upstairs, I want to talk to everybody about it."
"Hey Buck!" Chimney met the two at the top of the stairs, grabbing Buck's hand and pulling him in for a quick hug. "Since we have a chance now, what kind of wine does your sister like best? I'm going over to help her move more of her stuff after work."
"Red, and make sure you bring some popcorn too," Buck answered with a wink, patting Chimney on the shoulder. "Maddie could eat popcorn all day every day and be very happy about it."
"Thanks!" Chimney called back as Buck made his way around the kitchen, greeting everyone else before moving to the coffee maker. Placing a filled mug in front of Eddie, Buck sat down holding his own mug (the one Eddie had brought from home for Buck to use whenever he visited the fire station). Leg brushing against Eddie's, Buck took a sip of coffee.
"Before I say anything else, I just want to make sure you guys know you can absolutely say no to this," Buck began, meeting the eyes of everyone else around the table. "You don't have to give me a reason, and I won't take any offense, I promise." Turning to Eddie, Buck interlaced their fingers. "Including you babe, okay?"
  Waiting until everyone had nodded, Buck continued. "My boss knows I'm dating someone from the 118, and after that helicopter rescue this morning, he came to me and told me he wants a story done on a day in the life of the LAFD heroes of the 118. I told him I have to be the one to do it, because I don't want anyone else twisting up the story in any way, and that you guys have to be okay with it or it isn't happening."
There was silence for a minute, and then Bobby spoke. "You know, normally I would absolutely say no to this," he said with a sigh, leaning back in his chair, "because a reporter could get in the way, could create their own narrative that has nothing to do with the truth, or could even use someone's pain or cause harm themselves. But Buck, you also know I trust you. I believe that you will do this truthfully and put the safety of others above the story."
"I will, absolutely Bobby," Buck vowed, blushing at Bobby's words. "I would never spin anything to make you guys look bad, and I would never put anyone in danger or show them suffering, I promise."
"Of course you wouldn't," Eddie said proudly, slinging an arm around Buck's shoulders and pulling him in close. Buck beamed up at him, leaning into his side.
"We all trust you, Buck," Hen said, and Chimney nodded, and Buck smiled bashfully, glancing down at where his and Eddie's fingers were now intertwined on Eddie's thigh.
"So it's okay to start tomorrow?" Buck asked hesitantly, and Bobby let out a gentle laugh, nodding.
"Absolutely, Buck, we'll see you then," Bobby responded, just as the alarm sounded, and the rest of the team leapt to their feet.
  "I especially like the part where you'll be at work with me all day," Eddie grinned, leaning in for a quick kiss, which Buck eagerly returned.
"Me too," Buck grinned back, squeezing Eddie's hand before letting go. "Stay safe, sweetheart."
The next day saw Buck arriving hand in hand with Eddie, each balancing a carryout tray of coffees in their free hand. "You know we already love you two, right?" Hen teased, plucking the coffee with her name on it from the tray and taking a grateful sip. "But please feel free to keep the caffeine coming."
"I'm ready for my close up!" Chimney announced, dramatically leaping into the room, arms flourished. He grinned as everyone laughed, before taking his coffee as well.
"Since you're so ready, Chim, why don't you come for your interview first?" Buck gestured downstairs, eyes twinkling mischeviously as Chimney followed him. "We can start with you telling the story about how you got  your nickname..."
By the time the round of interviews was over, Buck was near tears. He would swear he heard his cameraman sniffing as well. Every story the 118 had told him had broken his heart and lifted him up, all at the same time, and when his friends and boyfriend shared what were the best things about being a part of the 118, Buck was honored all over again that they had welcomed him into their family.
A sudden alarm jolted Buck out of his emotions and back into the present, and he quickly followed the team as they raced towards the fire truck and flung themselves in, settling into their seats.  "You mean I can't just ride on your lap?" Buck pouted teasingly, as he ran to the driver's side of the news station van.
"You've taken a ride on my lap plenty of times, Buck," Eddie murmured into Buck's ear, "and I'm sure we can arrange another ride when we get home tonight." Smirking, he planted a quick kiss on Buck's lips before joining the others in the truck.
"You gorgeous bastard!" Buck yelled at Eddie's retreating back, Eddie's snort of laughter making Buck smile as he buckled his seatbelt and started the car.
"Whoa!" Buck's jaw dropped as he took in the crowd, and particularly the monitor lizard, in front of them. "Did you know monitor lizards have long forked tongues just like snakes?"
"Ah, a fan!" the woman nearest the lizard exclaimed, clapping her hands as Chimney darted out of the way. "His name is Claude, and the winner gets to take him home. Do you want to give it a try?"
"I'm okay over here, thanks," Buck responded quickly, as he took in the rest of the scene before him, namely the man struggling to breathe. As the 118 made their way over to the man, Buck made sure he and his cameraman stayed out of the way.
Chimney and Hen both flinched as they knelt down beside the man. Buck had the cameraman swing the camera away as soon as he realized the patient was in clear medical distress, instead having him film the other competitive eaters at the table, which unexpectedly included the woman with live cockroaches crawling back up out of her mouth.
  As the man began breathing again (and consequently began throwing up live crickets), the camerman got footage of the saved patient and the 118 loading him into the ambulance. "Did you know Joey Chestnut once ate seventy four hotdogs in ten minutes?" Buck piped up eagerly, and Eddie grinned, giving Buck a quick peck on the lips as he hurried towards the truck.
"You are so smart, babe," Eddie said proudly, Buck beaming as he slid back into the driver's seat of the van.
  "Even live bugs erupting out of people's mouths can't turn you two off from kissing, huh?" Chimney called out as he started up the ambulance. Eddie shook his head, offering Chim a proud grin and a wink as he drove off.
After rescuing a body builder from the largest charley horse anyone there had ever seen, the fire truck and news van pulled back into the station, Buck hopping out to join the 118 as they headed towards the kitchen.
"You did good, kid," Bobby said with a smile, squeezing Buck's shoulder as he passed. "You put the people above the story." Buck ducked his head, blushing, as he did a pleased little hop on his way towards Eddie.
"He's right, babe," Eddie grinned, tugging Buck into his side, planting a kiss to the top of his head. "Just like the day we met."
"Thanks, baby," Buck said with a bashful grin, turning his head to steal another kiss from his boyfriend, before squeezing his hand and pulling away. "I've got to get in a call to Taylor and give her an update before the next call."
"I'll be waiting on the couch," Eddie promised, and Buck winked at him before striding away, already pulling his phone out as he headed towards the bench right outside the station.
"Want a brownie?" Hen asked Eddie as she walked over, holding out the last brownie on the plate.
"Thanks, I'm starving," Eddie answered, grabbing the brownie and taking a bite. "Are there more treats on the table for Buck? He's just calling in to his boss."
"There are plenty of delicious snacks left," Hen promised as she settled into a chair. "Just not any more of these between you, me and Bobby."
"As  long as there's sugar," Eddie laughed, looking fondly over towards Buck, who had now hopped up onto the bench and was skipping back and forth across it as he talked into his phone.
The next call brought them all to another unexpected venue, this time a child beauty pageant. "Is that..." Buck asked, trailing off as he stared at the reason the 118 had been called.
  "A woman with a high heel stuck in her face?" Chimney responded, shaking his head as they made their way towards her. "Yes, yes it is."
  The little girls were all swarming around Buck, who had crouched down immediately and was now occupied giving out smiles and high fives to the giggling children. So it took him a bit to notice that Eddie and Hen were definitely not acting like themselves. Eddie was staring down at the kids surrounding Buck with a look of shock and some terror too, his eyes wide and his body frozen.
"Eds, you okay there?" Buck asked, carefully rising to his feet and laying a hand on Eddie's arm.
"Are we giants, Evan?" Eddie asked, dragging out every syllable, before getting distracted for a minute trying and failing to see his own tongue. "Or are these the tiniest ladies ever?"
"Um, they're definitely kids, babe," Buck responded, eyes squinted in confusion even as he couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Your hair is glowing," Eddie breathed out in awe, holding his hands out over Buck's curls. "It's making my heart warm." Buck blushed, reaching for Eddie, who just kept making grabby hands at Buck's head. Buck quickly gestured to his cameraman to stop filming, before turning to Chimney.
"Hen's doing it too," Chim answered, just as confused, as he finished up with the injured woman and watched her be taken out on a gurney. Both men turned to see Hen poking a balloon, giggling with delight each time it bounced back at her.
  "They are definitely tripping," Athena said matter-of-factly, coming up from behind them, having finished putting the high heel attacker in handcuffs. Hen hurried up, beaming as she took in Athena's face before delightedly informing her she smelled like love. Athena calmly nodded her thanks before radioing in for RA backup.
"The brownies," Chim said suddenly, turning to Athena. As Athena pressed him for more information, Buck heard Eddie start loudly crying, and ran to his boyfriend's side.
"I don't like this," Eddie blubbered as a police officer gingerly handcuffed him.
"Hey, hey sweetheart, it's going to be okay, I promise," Buck promised, cupping Eddie's face in his hands reassuringly, Eddie leaning into the touch. "Just breathe, I've got you."
Eddie sucking in air and puffing out huge dramatic breaths was definitely a sight Buck was tucking away for later, to tease his boyfriend with when it wouldn't make Eddie start crying more. Athena shook her head and sighed, exchanging a fondly exasperated look with Buck before explaining to Eddie and Hen what had happened.
"We don't want you to hurt yourselves or anyone else," Athena finished, as Hen was beginning to reach for her for another sniff and a hug.
"Yeah, yeah I like that idea," Eddie choked out. As Athena helped guide them towards the door, the backup RAs rushing in, Eddie tugged back towards Buck.
  "I've got you, let's get you somewhere you feel safe," Buck said gently, squeezing Eddie's arm in reassurance.
"I love you, beautiful Buck," Eddie whispered into Buck's ear, before planting a sloppy kiss on Buck's cheek and letting himelf be led away, a stunned Buck following silently behind him.
Stumbling out of the bunkroom a few hours later, Eddie blinked at the bright lights, sighing gratefully as Buck pressed a large glass of water into his hands. After Eddie downed the entire glass without stopping, Buck refilled it and joined Eddie on the couch.
  "Are you feeling okay now?" Buck asked softly, as Eddie placed the now-empty second glass on the table and leaned his head onto Buck's shoulder.
"Just got a headache, dry mouth, and an overwhelming sense of humilation," Eddie huffed out, burying his face in Buck's shirt. "I can't even imagine what came out of my mouth."
"You don't remember, huh?" Buck sighed softly, and Eddie quickly lifted his head to look at him.
"Buck, please don't tell me I said something horrible to you," Eddie said quickly, grabbing at Buck's hands. "I was out of my mind, I had no idea what I was saying."
"That's what I was afraid of," Buck mumbled, staring at the floor. Eddie tugged at his hands until Buck looked at him again, and Eddie's eyes grew wise as he took in the pained look on Buck's face. Reluctantly, Buck pulled away before responding. "Eddie, you told me you love me."
"Shit, that's what I was afraid of," Eddie sighed, scrubbing his hands over his face. The whimper that slipped past Buck's lips, the sharp intake of shaky breath, and the footsteps quickly retreating had Eddie snapping his head back up, yelling "Buck!" as he saw his boyfriend's back moving further and further away.
Sprinting, Eddie reached out and grabbed Buck's hand, planting his feet and refusing to budge an inch as Buck tugged half-heartedly. "Eddie, please," Buck whispered, fixing his gaze on the floor. "I can't watch you walk away, okay?"
"And you think, what, that I want to watch you walk away instead?" Eddie was fully aware how much of himself he was putting on display, but he kept going, fingers under Buck's chin to tilt his head up and meet his eyes. "I meant I didn't want the first time I said it to be while I was out of my mind on laced brownies surrounded by tiny beauty queens."
  "Wait, Eddie, what..." Trailing off, Buck's breath hitched, his wide watery eyes staring into Eddie's.
"Turn the camera on," Eddie said firmly, gesturing to where the cameraman had left his equipment while he went to grab food with the crew. Buck opened his mouth, but Eddie gently lay a finger across his lips, shaking his head. "Please trust me, and turn the camera on. Point it right at me."
Buck nodded, shaky, picking up the camera and resting it on his shoulder, turning so the lens faced Eddie, who was now sitting down on the couch. As soon as the light switched on, Eddie looked straight into it. "You once asked me what was the best thing about being a firefighter with the 118," Eddie said, voice strong even as he wiped the fresh tear on his cheek. "And I said it was the comradery, that that was what I missed from being in the military, and I had found it here, again, with this team."
Lacing his fingers together, Eddie rested his chin against his knuckles, keeping his gaze focused on Buck, who appeared frozen, all breath and words caught up in his throat, eyes glued on Eddie's face. "But that's not true. I do care deeply about the people here, the family I chose, but that's not the best thing about being a firefighter here."
"Then what is?" Buck whispered, hands gripped so tight around the camera his knuckles had turned white.
  "The best thing is that I met the love of my life," Eddie said, making sure his voice was loud and clear, that both the camera and Buck couldn't miss a single word. Eddie shrugged helplessly, letting out a watery laugh as he bit his bottom lip. "This gorgeous man refused to air someone else's pain to gain viewers, and suddenly I was watching the news way more than I ever had before, just to see his face and learn his name. Turned out his name is Evan Buckley. And he's the bravest, smartest, kindest man I've ever known. And I am so, so in love with him."
Buck sniffled loudly, and Eddie knew his own voice and face were full of the degree of emotion he only ever really showed around his son...and now around Buck. There wasn't any point in fighting it, especially not if it ever made Buck doubt how much he was loved.
"So Buck, you can use this video in the story, you can keep it for yourself if you ever need a reminder of how very loved you are, you can do whatever you want with it. I know I don't always say how I feel, and I'm sorr-" His words cut off on a surprised huff as Buck suddenly put down the camera and ran to the couch, bouncing onto the cushions and tackling Eddie onto his back, immediately wrapping his arms around him.
"I love you too, Eds, so much," Buck sniffled, wiping at his eyes, "and if this is you keeping your emotions hidden, I don't think I would survive having you turn them on full force." Eddie laughed, grinning up at Buck full force, before reaching up and pulling him down into a slow, tender kiss, one that Buck eagerly reciprocated.
When the special on the 118 aired, Eddie and Buck watched it snuggled up on the couch with Christopher, all three in their pajamas and surrounded by empty pizza boxes and popcorn bowls. Christopher giggled and clapped his hands every time he saw his dad, and patted Buck's cheek with a grin every time he heard one of Buck's voiceovers play over the images on the screen.
The special concluded with a montage of the 118, all explaining why they joined the station and what it meant to them. Eddie heard his sound bites about the military and comradery interspersed with the others, before the camera focused in on him again. "The best thing is that I met the love of my life," Eddie heard himself say, the image on screen changing to a video clip of Eddie hard at work on the scene of a car crash, the very first day and the very same place he and Buck had met.
"The best thing is that I met the love of my life too," Buck's voiceover rang out over the footage, before the video faded out to a wideshot of the fire station. "And he is a hero, surrounded by heroes. The 118 never hesitate, never put their safety over the well being of others. They spend long days and nights in harrowing conditions, helping people through horrific experiences, and these brave men and women never ask for anything but to know where the next emergency is. We all owe the dedicated members of the 118 far more than we may ever know. So next time you pass by a fire station, think about saying thank you, even though they will never ask you to."
Eddie couldn't stop smiling, pressing kiss to Buck's temple, who grinned up at him from where he was nestled into Eddie's side.
The video shifted to one of Buck, hanging off the fire truck by one hand, grinning mischeviously. "Just please, please don't bring brownies. Try a nice gift card instead. Trust me on this. This is Evan Buckley, signing off, thank you for watching."
Eddie's laughter rang out over the closing credits.
If you would like to be added to my Buddie fanfiction taglist and/or my Good News on My TV Screen taglist specifically, just let me know!
@dancer-me @buddie-buddie​ @perfectlynervousbeard​ @i-had-bucky​
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As Old As Time [1/?]
Pairing: teen!Richie Tozier x black!fem!Reader
Warnings: cursing, the term black instead of African American
Author's Note: Richie Tozier is such an awesome character, in both the book and the movies (all from which I will be pulling some inspiration, such as the Hanlons being the only black family in Derry and Henry still living), so I am super excited to write him. I hope you enjoy this piece!
Part 1 Part 2   Part 3   Masterlist Black Girl Insert Series
* * * * * *
When your parents told you that you were moving from your small town in Ohio to a small town in Maine, you were never really disappointed. You and your friends all made the best of your time and you even had a going away party at the end of the school year.
On the drive, you watch out the window and write about everything. By the time you get to the cute little town of Derry, you have a book full of poetry, short stories, and doodles. All relatively happy.
As you pull up to your new house, you look to your mother, "Ma, when I get all my stuff in, can I look around town?" Your mom lifts an eyebrow skeptically and hands you one of your duffle bags, "Mhm, don't come back with no boy, and make sure to take an umbrella, just in case it rains. I'm not re-doing those braids if they get fuzzy today."
Your dad frowns at you jokingly and you laugh as you heft one of your boxes into the house.
It takes twenty minutes, but you finally have all of your own stuff in your new room. Promising to be home before ten, you grab your notebook and a folding poncho and shove the poncho in your pocket with your favorite writing pen.
Seeing as it is summer, there are a lot of kids outside. Some riding bikes, some drawing with chalk, some are even just squealing and running in circles around each other. You notice how routine everything looks in their movements, as if they have been premeditated, and make sure to take note of it in your book.
With your head down as you're writing, though, you don't notice the group of high school boys sitting in the alley to steer clear of sticky handed children and groaning adults. You definitely don't notice the tall boy with the curly hair and coke bottle glasses, but he sure notices you.
Richie is pulled into silence when you walk past the alley, head down and bottom lip pulled between your teeth. "Really Rich? Where are you going?" Eddie calls after the boy as he wanders towards the street to watch you walk into the grocery store.
Once he can finally lift his jaw from the ground and pull his eyebrows from his hair, Richie turns to his friends, "Mike, do you have any relatives visiting?" He asks, still keeping an eye on the sidewalk in case you go back past.
Mike wrinkles his face and looks out at the sidewalk as well, "No. Why?" This makes Richie laugh loudly, "Because that means there's a hot new girl in Derry and I call dibs." The boys all bicker amongst themselves for a moment before Mike shushes them all, "Wait... Related to me? You mean she's... black?"
Smile wide, Richie nods, "Yeah, and hot. I saw her first. And I already called dibs." Now is Mike's turn to smile, "Nope, I get dibs, it's the rules." Scoffing, Richie begins to backpedal so he's nearing the sidewalk, "Like fuck you do! It's the 90's, there are no rules!"
Almost as if to prove his point, Richie turns and makes a mad dash for for the store, popping in before his friends even reach the sidewalk. Richie ignores the scolding voice that tells him not to run in the aisles and sprints until he finds you at the drink cooler in the back.
Slowing to a meander, Richie walks until he's by your side, "Oh yeah, you're definitely her." He says, looking straight forward, even though he desperately wants to stare at you. Looking at the boy, your eyebrows furrow, "Are you talking to me?"
Now Richie leans his shoulder against the cool glass doors and looks at you, his eyebrows lifting dramatically, "You didn't hear it on the speakers? They stopped the music and everything to say, and I quote, 'Mr. Tozier, there's a cute new girl back at the drinks with kiss me written all over her. Over' end quote."
The line makes you laugh as you settle on just a plain water, "Cute." You chuckle as you pocket your pen and walk to the counter. Richie follows you up, eyes scanning your face and body. He's never seen a girl that looks like you, Mike and his family being the only black family in Derry to date.
"Lovely day out, ain't it miss?" The old lady behind the counter questions with a kind smile. You nod, returning the smile and setting your water on the counter. Richie throws a wink to the woman, a charming smile on his face, "Toss in a pack of smokes and put her order on my tab, eh Rose?"
Setting her eyes on Richie, the woman - Rose, you presume - scowls, "You don't have a tab here, Richie. Buy your own cigarettes or get out." Seeing this is a usual charade, you hand Rose a dollar, "Keep the change, Rose. Mr. Tozier can buy his own smokes."
Richie gives Rose an incredulous look as you begin to approach the exit, "Jesus, Rose! Way to fuck up my rhythm." The attendant doesn't bother to hide the aggravation in her voice as she yells at the foul mouthed boy to leave.
Hearing the jingle of the door and not wanting to miss you, Richie snatches up the cigarettes and runs after you, "I'll pay you later Rose, promise!" Richie calls back before jogging up to your side. "That was supposed to be a lot more smooth." Richie easily recovers, walking beside you with his hands in his pockets, "You were supposed to be all over me by now, but Rose and her big fucking mouth got in the way of that."
You can't help but to laugh at him. He is cute, really cute, actually. "Maybe your big mouth is the reason, Mr. Tozier. According to the announcement I missed, you should be all over me, but you spent up your time talking and annoying sweet old Rose." Richie is all prepared to tell you how the tantalizing plea for affection you carry has in no way expired, but he notices that you have stopped walking to write in your notebook.
Craning his neck, Richie tries to make out your handwriting, "And what have you got in there, doll." Finishing up, you close the notebook and put your pen back, "I was just making a note about you for later." Richie smirks at this, stepping around the little boys sitting outside the salon and pushing his glasses up with his slender fingers, "Only stuff to cure late night loneliness, I hope."
You take a sip of your water before answering, "Sure, Richie. Whatever floats your boat." His name coming from your lips sounds like magic. He was liking the steamy background that could be ad-libbed with you calling him Mr. Tozier, but he decides he definitely likes hearing you call him Richie much more.
"Hey Trashmouth! Get back here!" A boy with sandy curls calls from a ways back. "Friend of yours?" You ask curiously, not sure if this is a lanky bully or a tough loving friend. Richie rolls his eyes behind his lenses, "Yeah. One of my best friends actually." Turning around with one hand gesturing to you, Richie tells back, "Can you give me a second, Stanley? Jesus!"
Their exchange makes you chuckle, another thought to be written down in your notebook. Turning back around to see you finishing another note, Richie shakes his head, "I'm gonna have to get my hands on that thing, see what you're writing about me." Closing the notebook, you look at Richie, "You don't even know my name yet, why would I let you see my innermost thoughts?"
He opens his mouth to ask for your name then, but you cut him off before he can begin, "Y/N, it's written in really big cursive letters on the front and back of the notebook you keep trying to peer into." Richie laughs at himself when you hold up the notebook and show him the front and back, both decorated with doodles and your name.
"Well, since I fucked that up so badly, I think I am responsible for showing you a good time. Me and my friends go down to the quarry, just up the road that way, you take the first left and keep walking until the trail becomes dirt. We're going to be out there tomorrow around noon if you wanna come. We just swim in our underwear, but those are optional." He finishes with a wink.
Taking another sip from your water, you nod, "Alright. I'll try to come out, Richie Tozier." You smile at the boy and continue walking back home.
Richie returns to his friends with a triumphant smile, "Guys, we have to go to the quarry tomorrow." The Losers all groan, Stan shaking his head, "We already went to the arcade today! You don't get two days!" Ben nods, "Plus, we don't do the quarry first week off."
Pushing his glasses up in frustration, Richie scoffs, "What?! Look, I'll get you guys one of those chili cheese fry buckets from the arcade. And we all went when Bill invited Beverly. Deal?" The friends all reluctantly agree, making Richie cheer, "And we have to be there by noon." He adds, making the boys groan again.
Part 2  Part 3
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90sgrungewriter · 7 years
8. Untitled - Eddie Vedder
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Status: Unedited 
Friday evening came very quickly. It was neering seven pm, and you were beginning to put your jacket on when there was an abrupt knock at the door. You quickly shrugged it on, and swiftly opened the door to greet whoever had come to pick you up. Jeff never clearly stated who it would be, but you didn't think it would be Eddie. But whatever, you were glad it was him.
"Hey you." You smiled. "Just let me grab my purse." that sounded really girly coming out of your mouth, but it really wasn't at all. Just a small black bag you threw over shoulder to carry your wallet, keys and smokes, and what not. He nodded. 
“Don’t worry, no rush. We’re not on till 8.” He reassured.
"Who's car did you take?" You asked out of curiosity, since you knew he didn't have one yet.
"Well we already got our shit at the venue, the guys are there already. Jeff just shot me the keys to the truck." He lifted his hand to show he held the familiar keys to the truck.
"Oh, alright, nice." You made your way back over to Eddie, before speaking once again.
"Are you excited?!" You shut the door behind the both of you, locking it.
"A little nervous actually. We wrote a few other new ones and theres this one...uh, i dont really know them by heart so I gotta use my lyric sheets." He said sheepishly, slugging his shoulders.
"Aw it's okay, Ed.  I'm sure you'll be fine. I know you'll do great." You patted his shoulder. He looked down at you and smiled.
You two made your way to the truck and drove to the venue, making idle conversation. You could tell he was nervous and you wondered if this is what he looked like before the first show. Your mind fled back to the night you met him, when he was with Stone and Matt. He did seem a bit off...maybe that’s why. Poor guy.
"So how has Stone been? Better, I hope." It was a nice night, so you had the window rolled down a bit as he drove (kind of slow) down the Seattle streets. You didn't know why he was driving so slow though. You just brushed it off, he was probably just being safe and shit.
"Yeah, I think so. I mean...I don't really know what normal Stone is."
"Right, sorry. Uhm, less of an asshat then? Jeff told me he was being pretty bitchy the past few days." You kept forgetting he hadn’t been here for very long.
"Well yeah, I suppose he has, now that I think of it." He spoke after thinking to himself for a few moments.
"Hey, how long have you been here for now anyway?" You turned to look at him from your seat.
"It will be 2 weeks tomorrow, actually." You nodded your head and the rest of the way was silent. The radio was softly playing Bowie in the background whenever he pulled in the parking lot of the venue. You could faintly hear the loud rock music coming from the club. You wondered who else would be playing tonight.
The two of you walked side by side and made your way through the entrance. Looking around, you tried to spot anyone familiar, but after a few seconds of searching, Eddie's voice flooded your ears.
"I think most of the guys are in the back." He nodded his head toward the door that led backstage, hands in the pockets of his black leather jacket. You could feel the warmth of his breath tickle the side of your face, and your cheeks flushed a light pink.
"Oh, alright. Should we grab a drink first?" You suggested, you needed one after this week, for sure.
Ed nodded his head and you both made your way to the bar to grab a beer.
"So who else is playing tonight?" As of right now, there was no one up there, just the big speakers playing some punk rock songs.
"The Alice guys." He confirmed. Cool, this was going to be a good show.
Once you had your beers, you made your ways toward backstage. Once the two of you had arrived, you were greeted by a chorus of many different voices.
"Hi everyone." You smiled and waved, and Layne came up to you first. Most people went back to their conversations, and Ed was stolen away by Jeff fof something.
"How are you, Dani?" He hugged you gently, patting your back.
"Always good, you buddy?"
"Same old, same old." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Who's up first? Alice or Mookie?"
"Mookie." He smiled, and you nodded smilling back.
Looking around for a moment you spot Stone talking to Jerry and Sean when he caught you looking at him. He gave you a small grin and a light wave. You kindly gestured the same in return, glad things were back to normal.
"So...You and Eddie huh." Layne gave you a knowing smile. You gasped and punched his arm.
"What do you mean? Where the hell do you guys come up with this shit, goddamn." You shook your head, his laughter filling your ears.
"Hey, what're you two boneheads laughing at?" Mike Inez came up, smacking you and Layne on the back. You took another sip of your beer and rolled your eyes.
"Nothing, lame ass." You tried to get away from the topic that was Eddie, but sadly, it just never seemed to work for you.
"We were just talking bout Eddie." Layne shrugged his shoulders innocently. Mike raised his eyebrows up and down.
"Ooh, la la." He grinned and pinched your cheek lightly, while you tried swatting his hand away.
"Oh, shut up you guys. There’s nothing going on between Eddie and I." You assured them, and right as you said so, Jeff showed up out of butt fuck nowhere.
"For now." He grinned innocently. You were about to speak when he beat you to it. "Mookie guys are on in a half hour! He shouted, making sure they heard him, before quickly walking away to the food table. You just rolled your eyes and silently escaped the small forming group to sit down.
The backstage wasn't very big, but it wasn't too crowded with all of you in there either. There were two couches and a couple of chairs, and the table along the wall was filled with snacks and sodas. There was a fridge on the left side that had beer, and you drew a sigh of relief. At least you wouldn't have to go back out front to the bar for your next one.
You took a seat on one of the couches and talked to Sean, Jerry and Stone for a few a bit until it was time for the guys to get up there.
You bid them all good luck, as they made their way to the stage. You quickly grabbed another beer and walked over to the side of the stage. The curtain was pulled to the side, so you had a perfect side view of the guys. You knew this was going to be a good show. 
You could tell Eddie was nervous, and much like the first show, his eyes were glued to the ground. They played through a few songs, when things seemed to switch in him. And suddenly, his eyes weren't glued to the ground anymore, they were looking at you. You smiled wide and gave him a thumbs up, to which he replied with a fucking wink that almost made your knees buckle. His presence on stage grew, and you were completely mesmerized by him. 
They played a beautiful show, and there were a couple of new songs, to which he indeed was referring to a music sheet which lay on the stage floor in front of him. Brother had a real catchy guitar rift, so did Breath, and for some reason you felt you could listen to Eddie sing all day...But soon it all had to come to an end. Unfortunately. The Alice guys were all standing by your side the whole show, giving the boys some good support. You could tell they were happy for Stone and Jeff, things were slowly coming back together for them. The crowd cheered, and you knew they loved them.
The five sweaty guys came running off stage, but not before introducing Alice in Chains and before you knew it they were up there giving it their all. You loved Alice music, and you hadn't seen them play in a long while so you were going to enjoy it. 
You congratulated your boys on their awesome show, and they thanked you, with sweaty hugs from Jeff and Stone. You pushed them off, yelping out insults at them about how gross they were. Jeff just rustled your hair and left to go outside with the rest of the guys to get a few minutes of cool air. They would probably have a smoke too. You turned away and made your way back toward the side stage as you felt a sweaty hand touch your shoulder. You turned around to be greeted with a smile that could cure fucking cancer, you had seen his dimples up close before but you chose this moment to study even more, and you took notice in the tiny crinkles under his eyes when the smile reached its peak. It made your stomach flutter so much it felt like you were gonna puke for a second.
All the while you were probably staring very moronic at him right now, you seemed to be doing that more often than you would care to admit. Fuck sake.
"You alright?" His smile was slowly starting to fade into a look of confusion, but before it could fully be, you grabbed his arm gently.
"Yeah, sorry just uh-"he looked at you expectantly, nodding his head for you to continue, "was just thinking about uh-" you stuttered, your brain was still on his fucking dimples and you weren't thinking straight, "I was checking out your dimples." Fuck it, you replied honestly. To make it less awkward, you made it look like a sarcastic joke when you reached over and pinched the taunting fuckers lightly between your fingers. Eddie laughed.
"Oh, were you?" He asked teasingly, and you nodded, laughing and bringing your hand back down to your side. Ed looked down at his shoes and back up at you, his cheeks a light shade of pink, most likely from the pinching.
"So whats up, Ed?" you decided to let him speak so you could stop making and idiot out of yourself.
"I just wanted to- uh" this time, it was him stuttering, though you didn't know why. "just coming to watch the Alice guys.” 
Oh, okay.
"Okay, uhm-come on, we'll watch together." You smiled gesturing he come and follow you and he complied. You watched their show and soon the rest of the guys filed in as well, all of them standing with you now.
You loved the music you were hearing, you just couldn't say that enough. They were a group of very talented dudes. They flew through the rest of their set list and finished way too quickly for my liking. Once they came off stage it was their turn to get some fresh air outside.
You were halfway done your third beer by now, talking with Eddie and McCready about whatever. Glancing at the clock it read 9:18 PM, damn that flew by. At some point, Mike got up to grab another beer or something, and it was just Eddie. He sat quiet, as he twiddle his thumbs nervously. You were about to say something when he straightened up, averting his eyes to yours.
After a few more seconds of silence, you rose your brow in question, and he finally opened his mouth to speak.
"Are you uh-" he tore his eyes away for just a moment, struggling to spit out the rest of the sentence, before looking back into your crystal blue ones. "do you have any uh- plans tomorrow?" You chuckled at how many times he said 'uh' in that sentence. You hoped he didn't take that the wrong way, as he held a sheepish look upon his face. You were confused, why would he ask you that?
"Uh, none that I know of," you laughed softly, "just gotta work in the morning. Why, whats up?"
"Oh okay, I was uhm...wondering if you would like to hangout. With me." oh my god. "Maybe, just us two? If that’s not weird. I-" He sighed, not continuing his sentence before putting his face in his hands. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I've just been thinking and- my god this must sound really bad I just..." He struggled. You wanted to do something to make him calm down, but were speechless because you were confused at why he was acting so upset. So you stayed quiet, and decided to just give him a moment to pull his thoughts together.
"Me asking you that must make me look like a total fucking douchebag." He shook his head. What? Why would he think that?
"Ed, what are you saying? I'm sorry, I don't really understand..." You apologized, wishing in this moment you weren't so stupid.
"No no no, its not you please don’t apologize. Its just...Well, if I were you in your shoes, and you were in mine, if you were to ask me that I would think you just want to hang as a rebound or something..." He spoke truthfully. Now, you were beginning to understand. In the moment you were trying to keep a serious face when all you wanted to do was jump around with excitement over the fact that he actually wanted to hangout with you, alone. 
Yes, you hung out alone before, but that was probably him just trying to be nice cause you let him crash on your couch. You played it cool.
"Hey, you don't have to worry. I definitely don't think that of you, first of all." You grabbed his hands, which held his face, and gently placed them on his lap. When you were about to pull away, he laced his fingers with yours, and you locked eyes. You knew it wasn't like that, and he really didn't need to explain it. "I should be off work around 2, swing by sometime after that? We could figure something out." You smiled, not looking away from him. He smiled sheepishly in return. God, he was cute.
“Okay." He decided it was probably best to be short, and you couldn't help but let out a small giggle.
"Well well well, what do we have here." The smooth voice of Mr. Jeff fucking Ament woke you from your euphoric moment with Eddie, and you realised now how it must look to them. You quickly withdrew your hands at the same time as Ed did, and you spoke first.
"Fuck off, you two. What, you's are fucking stalkers now?" You stood up and nonchalantly flipped Jeff's pink hat off his head, and it fell to the floor. His reflexes were getting rusty.
"Hey!" He swatted his arm aimlessly at you, obviously missing as he went down to pick up his hat. Layne and Eddie were laughing as you walked over to grab yourself another beer.
The night led on, and you all had a great tine. You all talked and drank, like you normally did, but it would never get old to you. You loved these guys and you wouldn’t give up nights like these for anything. 
Time went by quickly, and before you knew it everyone was getting their shit together to head out. You bid your farewells to the Alice guys and you made your way over to the truck. Dave had taken his car here, so him and Mike went their ways as they lived the opposite way of the rest of us. You waved goodbye, and the guys stated they would plan studio dates tomorrow. 
As you were about to open the trucks door, a hand had already beat you to it. Eddie stood, sliding the door open with ease, and you blushed.
“Thanks Eddie.” 
“You’re welcome.” He winked, and slid the door closed once you were fully seated. You sighed.
Eddie Vedder would be the fucking death of you.
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kellynkane · 7 years
The Story...from a Bride’s POV
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So I created this blog because I wanted to share the WHOLE story from start to finish for whoever was interested. Our love story wasn’t all hearts and rainbows! There were A LOT of rain and stormclouds throughout our (almost) 8 years of being together. So please, continue on if you dare! 
***When I mention song titles during the wedding portion of this, please listen...to set the mood.
I’m going to keep the background pretty minimal, considering i’m sure a lot of you already know how we got to this point. This will be MAINLY the wedding day! (We didn’t have a videographer so I wanted to share from my point of view- THE DAY) feel free to scroll down to the wedding chapter if this begins to be drawn out. Look, i’ve never blogged before so cut me some slack!
So take it back about 7 years and 8 months ago...
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(One of our first pics on those old flip phones that had to be turned around and taken in a mirror so you could see...)
We met through friends. I had gone to my neighbor’s house to hang and long story short Adam was there, we hung out, and the rest is history. When they say “head over heels for eachother”, that was what we were. I can’t even begin to explain the love I felt for this kid. (I say kid because that's exactly what we were...two young kids.) We were inseparable. I knew I loved him from the moment we introduced ourselves to each other. Crazy right? 
A short year later we had a baby. Mason Robert Kane. And this my friends is where things ‘got real’. You think you have your crap together? Add a baby to the mix and watch what happens...So basically the next 2 years or so were very rocky. Lots of ups and downs. This was what people would call the breaking point. But our point never ‘broke’. We certainly were pushed to our limits and maybe at times pushed OVER our limits but there was something that just never went away- our love for one another. It wasn’t having a baby guys, I know, I know...you would think this was a big part but it wasn’t JUST that. There was a much deeper connection that even to this day we question as to what exactly it is/was. It’s just something. Something that kept us hanging on, stringing us along all these years.  
Between year 2-5 I would say were the hardest part of our relationship. To our friends who were around, THEY KNOW. But hey, we’re humans. We were young kids when we met. Going through your early 20′s are the years where you actually grow up. They’re the years where you question who you are and who you will be as a human. You question your relationships with not just your significant other but friends and family as well. There are A LOT of ‘what ifs’ and ‘I don't knows’ during these growing up years. BUT these are the years that make EVERYTHING worth it in the end. 
So this puts us at about year 5 and a half. Just when we thought we were through the woods...After getting through some of the toughest years of my young 20 something life, we had ANOTHER baby. (Yes, we questioned our sanity as well.) He WAS an accident. Surprise, surprise. *insert crying laughing face. Or maybe just crying face* No, really Hunter Matthew Kane has added joy to our family we never thought was needed. Very difficult at times, but that’s for another blog post. Like I mentioned before: ADDING A BABY TO THE MIX DOES NOT MAKE ANYTHING EASIER. I REPEAT: “SHIT GETS TOUGHER!” but we made it work. You can’t run away from life. Choosing to have our children and continue on this journey of life together, was what we wanted to do. Did we fight? YES. Did we cry and question things? YES. But again, being able to persevere through all of that and come out on top...well, THAT’S what makes it worth it people! 
So (not-intended) long story short, fast forward to:
Sunday, June 18th 2017
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The day we said “I Do.”
Those hard times we went through are what made our wedding day, the best day of my life. It sounds cliche but it truly was the best day of my life. I married my best friend, guys. The man I grew up (into an adult) with. The man I cried and fought for years with. The man I shared so many laughs and joyous memories with. The man who is the other half to my two beautiful boys. I married him. And he’s now mine, mine, mine. *Immature editing there.*
If you’re still reading this, this is where I want to lay out the day for you. Because in my eyes (and hopefully others as well) it was a freakin’ AMAZING day. 
Early Sunday morning I arrived at the venue with my girls. (Bless every single one of them because if it weren’t for them, we may not have actually made it to ‘I Do”.) We began setting up the venue and getting hair and makeup done. 
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While I’m getting ready this is what was going on with my other half:
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So now, it’s time...
It’s time to put on the dress and do the damn thang. 
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The music begins:
***Jason Mraz- I Won’t Give Up
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I’m watching from up in the bridal suite all the groomsmen take their places. Then Adam. My heart begins to pound. I watch my girls one by one begin to walk down to the pond. Then, my oldest Ring Bearer Mason and flower girl Gia begin to walk. Mason & Gia begin arguing (as usual) as SOON as it was time to walk. Mason is basically dragging Gia saying “COME ON, GIA!” while she is trying her hardest to throw petals saying “HOLD ON, MASON!” It was one of the funniest things to watch! 
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Then, my Grandfather (who is so extremely important to me. He helped raise me from birth. I love that man with everything in me) pulls the wagon which has my littlest ring bearer- Hunter, and littlest flower girl- Renzi. Hunter holding a sign “Here comes the bride!” 
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Now music changes:
***The Piano Guys- A Thousand Years
I look up at my Father- a man who I can honestly say, I have NEVER seen cry and I say “You ready?” and with that, he breaks. He begins to tear up and says “I’m sorry, i’m going to get emotional”. Well jeeze Dad, now i’m going to cry! We have to get it together! So after all the tears we begin to walk. 
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At this point right here ^, this is what I see:
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The man that I am 20 feet away from marrying, in tears. Full fledged ugly crying- tears. And that’s what makes me lose it...Hopefully he was crying tears of happiness and not “now I’m stuck with this crazy woman for the rest of my life” tears. I’m going to go with the first one just for my own sake! 
Here we stand hand in hand (which from the photo up top, I held his hands the wrong way (the manly way) and I’ve been obsessing on it since last week...but whatevs) Jason (who is actually the Godfather of our children and very close friend of the family which makes it even more sentimental to have him marry us...) begins his spiel and then it gets to the part where we exchange our vows. Let me break this down for you- I HATE BEING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. I literally contemplated dropping out of college when I heard I HAD to take speech 101...So you already know i’ve been freaking out about this part since I got engaged. BUT I can honestly say, (without being mushy gushy) as soon as I was up there with Adam, I felt like it was just him that I was speaking to. I felt SO at ease...So we said our vows and then we get to the exchanging of rings. Good Lord, I would be the one who messes that part up. It took me two tries AND reading off of Jason’s paper to get it right. 
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After rings, Jason says the all too familiar saying: “You May Now Kiss The Bride!”
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With that he announces us as the NEW Mr. & Mrs. Kane!
Music begins (Mind you EVERY song I mention has specific meaning to it. Our music playlist was IN DEPTH. Thanks, Scott Cash for doing a fantastic job!) 
***Eddie Vedder- Hard Sun
I take Adam’s arm and Mason’s hand. And Adam picks up Hunter and we walk down the aisle together. As a WHOLE family. Not just the Bride and Groom but as a whole family unit. Because that is what we are. We aren’t JUST a husband and a wife. We are parents. And more importantly we were parents BEFORE marriage. So it was important for us to include our babies when leaving the main stage. 
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(Yes, Mase was crying. He’s an emotional little dude, just like his Dad. And I say little in regards to both Mase AND Adam.) 
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Click, Click. 
Time to do what I know I do best- BE A MODEL! (I’m totally just kidding...I absolutely hate having my picture taken, I can selfie it up all day but when I have to pose without seeing myself, totally weird...)
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Music begins:
***Beyonce- Crazy In Love
Our bridal party including parents and grandparents get introduced! 
And because I love sidenotes: Adam and I LEGIT got in a HUUUUUGE argument during wedding planning because I wanted Nelly- Hot in Hurr for the entrance song and he was NOT ABOUT THAT life...so that didn’t happen (even though I think it would have been fantastic) but BEYONCE DID HAPPEN! I had to put my foot down for my guuurl.
***Rusko Remix- Jahova
I gave the DJ STRICT orders to wait until EXACTLY 30 seconds before he announces us in. THEN at 40 seconds (when the beat drops) we walk in!!!
I know, I know...we’re lame. But like I mentioned earlier, the playlist for the evening is based around songs that represent US! Back in the day 8 years ago when we thought we were so cool going to raves, that song was THE SONG that we loved. So THAT is why we chose it...just a little FYI.
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(See that up there ^, that’s Adam doing his little rave dance signiture move. Me on the other hand, i’m just waving it left and right because I have no rhythm...)
Okay if you’ve made it this far God bless you  AWESOME THANK YOU! I’ve realized I have reeeeally strung this along so i’ll try and speed things up a bit! 
***Chris Stapleton- Tennessee Whiskey
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***Fleetwood Mac- Landslide
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Quick sidenote: My Dad had probably a little more booze than he needed before this point so long story short...he was trying to dirty dance with me during our father/daughter dance. Oh well, it makes for a good story to tell!
I mentioned earlier about my Grandfather being a very important person in my life, so I knew it was only fitting to give him a little dancing action. He said “I don’t dance” When I leaned over to him mid-dance with my Dad. So I grabbed his hand and made him stand up with me. As we danced he tells me the story of when he first met my Grandmother (who passed away a few years ago) and how he asked her to dance and she told him he danced like a chicken so he never has danced since. After that, he begins to get emotional and tells me how he wishes she was here. Then we both begin to ugly cry together. It was beautiful. 
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***Van Morrison- Days Like This
Now it’s time to GRUB! Look they don’t call me Big Mama Kel for nothin’! I love me some food.To set this scene, we (as in MY DAD) had a whole roasted pig. Kind of gross...I was against it, BUT my Dad wanted it. He paid. End of story. It actually was pretty good!
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Carley or should I say Carlaaay & Zack (Our best man and maid of honor) KILLED it on the speeches. Some of the most heartfelt words were said by both of them. They have seen Adam and I both at our best AND worst. So thank you guys. They honestly both wrote such amazing speeches, I was seriously impressed...BUT I have to say, the SURPRISE speech from MASON, was what took the show! He got up there with the mic and basically said how much he loved us and was so happy. Thanks for the added tears Mase! 
*Insert mic drop*
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Lots of booze and lots of dancing AND lots of trips to the photobooth
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Who in the world did I think I was?...
Beyonce...ALWAYS Beyonce.
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Oh and lots of cooling off in the bathroom because it was so hot...hey, I’m really as modest as they come but a brides got to do what a brides got to do. That dress was freakin’ heavy and hot!
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(No booze for the kids obv. Just added for cuteness factor! Well, and because they’re my kids duh!)
But can we just pause and take a second for this:
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Oh and these too: 
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(He spent probably the most time in that photo booth!)
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Probably saying “YAAAAASSSS I’m married!” But then again, who knows. I had one too many at this point...
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And last but surely not least- My Mermaid-of-honor. My best friend. Carley is the sister that I never had. So thank you for being my right hand lady through this entire wedding experience. I love you. 
***Aerosmith- Sweet Emotion
This song had no meaning. They just say “sweeeeeeet emooooooootion” so figured it went with the whole cake cutting thing...
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Thanks for smashing cake all over me...but hey, that’s what you’re suppose to do right? 
And a little bit of this:
Song Choice: ***Bad Company- Feel Like Making Love
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Look at my Dad sitting back there...so proud to have been front row for such a wonderful experience...(This is high level sarcasm here) 
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Garter toss & Bouquet toss-
Song choices were:
Garter Toss: ***Jay-Z- Big Pimpin’
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Bouquet Toss: ***Beyonce- Single Ladies (of course)
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And with that guys, that’s pretty much it. 
OH we played flip cup too, you know...keeping the wedding EXTRA classy! So with that... 
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For our Sparkler Send-Off song at the end of the night:
***Led Zeppelin- Over The Hills And Far. Of course we waited until 1:28 seconds (because i’m that type of bride, if you couldn’t already tell...) to run through, what should have been a tunnel but turned out to be a circle, of sparklers!
"Hey lady--you got the love I need. Maybe more than enough.
Oh Darling... walk a while with me. You've got so much... "
I know I have a TON of soon-to-be bride’s that I am friends with, so if I could give ANY advice at all through this whole process, it would be to JUST breathe! And don’t sweat the small stuff! Seriously…people aren’t going to notice how one flower arrangement isn’t set the way it should or that your ONE piece of hair isn’t laying right (and I can guarantee your significant other won’t notice either!)
Oh who am I kidding? I was sweating every small detail that was out of place and I probably would again if I had to do everything over. But if I could give ANY solid advice it would be to try and sneak away for a few minutes with the one you JUST married and look over your wedding and take EVERYTHING in. They aren't lying when they say your wedding day GOES BY FAST so try to enjoy it! Haha but other than that, just have fun and let loose with your Lovie. It’s YOUR time to shine lady! 
Hopefully you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Re-living this day is amazing.
Love you all!
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I would like to thank ALL vendors who were involved in making this day as special as it was. Please feel free to check them out!
Lead Photographer: Summer Mae Photography  www.summermaephoto.com
Photographer: Charlie Peacher Photography
Venue & Catering: Pond View Farm   www.pondviewfarm.com
Props & Floral: Vintage Prop House   www.vintageprophouse.com  
DJ & Photobooth: Scott Cash  www.scottcashphotobooth.com
Makeup: K. Marie Styling Studio  www.kmariestylingstudio.com
Hair: Kimberly Guercio 
Baker: Hollie Watts
 A BIG thank you to my Dad for making my dream wedding a reality! I know we argued a lot the past year, but you did good champ Dad! I love you. Also, a BIG thank you to Adam’s parents- Suzi & Jeff for paying for flowers and the rehearsal din-din! AND I COULDN'T FORGET: a big thank you to my Mama Bear for running around entertaining the littlest of the Kane clan- Hunter during the wedding. He sure does love his Mom-Mom and Adam & I both love you too, Mom. 
Now we’re off to Cabo! 
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