#i also have a bunch of these on my gdrive
deadpanwalking · 2 years
re: the last anon (not me i'm just always hunting for book recs) anything else for medical history? i have the two books you've listed already on my tbr and would b interested in something in the realm of infectious disease/historical pandemics or something along the lines of the immortal life of henrietta lacks/the radium girls/books about phossy jaw where it's also a bit of a human interest piece of this helps at all
Diseases? I GOT YOU COVERED. I love diseases. I have 2 whole levels of my built-in bookshelf containing nothing but books about diseases. I got malaria, cholera, influenzas, fevers, smallpox, ebola, polio, the black death, etc.
Justinian's Flea: The First Great Plague and the End of the Roman Empire by William Rosen
The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic — and How It Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World by Steven Johnson
Flu: The Story Of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It by Gina Kolata
The Demon Under the Microscope by Thomas Hager
The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time by John Kelly
Pale Rider: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How It Changed the World by Laura Spinney
Polio: An American Story by David M. Oshinsky
The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years by Sonia Shah
Pox Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82 by Elizabeth A. Fenn
The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story by Richard Preston
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tea-earl-grey · 22 days
misc Gallifrey transcriptions
so a few years ago i started making transcriptions for the Gallifrey audios and i was intending on doing the whole series but i ended up not finishing because joint pain/migraine issues. since i'm unlikely to actually finish (and since i saw a post asking if there are any transcriptions up), i decided to share what i had.
included are: Weapon of Choice, The Inquiry, Lies, Pandora, Mindbomb, Disassembled, Annihilation, Evolution, Renaissance, Ascension, Intervention Earth, Enemy Lines, Unity, and Beyond.
please note that the style conventions i use to transcribe these very much changed so some are written a bit more amateur-ish than others. i'm also sure there are typos because i've done zero proof-reading of these since i last made them i have really shit audio comprehension so there are a few muttered lines that i simply do not know what they are saying. also because this was originally going to be a personal project, i have a bunch of stupid in-jokes in there. from my memory most of them are about commenting on how much i love the sound of the swishy doors in s1-6 and also me pointing out every time one of the writers/directors was voicing a background character by writing their name in instead of a character name.
also MAJOR NOTE for people who haven't listened to the series before – these transcripts CONTAIN SPOILERS for future episodes. this mostly applies to season 1 so hopefully without spoiling anything – i'd very much recommend listening to all of s1 before you look at any of the transcripts.
feel free to share the link/add these transcriptions to various gdrives that collect Gallifrey transcriptions but just be mindful of where you're posting for copyright reasons <3
(also tagging – @autisticstevenuniverse and @gotyouanyway)
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lautakwah · 3 months
hey ling, hope ur doing well and was wondering if i could ask some advice - totally ok if no but. im currently trying to screen record a cdrama right now so i can rewatch it later w/o paying, but i only recorded one episode and it's taken up all my icould and google drive storage 😭 i was wondering if u knew anything i could do, since i feel like r educated in the ways of 🏴‍☠️ 😭
screenrecording is the least efficient way of doing it i think :( ive never tried to do it for more than maybe a few minutes-long clips (most are around 30-40 seconds!), and doing it bloats your memory while also being worse quality. now the last thing may not be a huge deal (i personally dont mind if sth is 4k or 480/720p, esp since older films and dramas simply are harder to find in full hd), but storage efficiency is what you're here for so!!
delete things (files, programs, games, etc) you don't use (anymore), as that probably already opens up a ton of space. there are programs that can help you with looking up which files and shit you use/open the least.
when pirating, ofc use a trusted site and client but also check which files are the smallest and just get that one (unless youre a gifmaker or a real stickler for hd, 720p will suffice imo). tv series in my experience run about 20-30gb if theyre 1080, so even smaller if it's not as hd! google drive only gives 15gb but i think if you compress it into a zip file it miiiiiight fit? if not you can just split it between gdrive and your icloud :)!
an alternatuve option would be to find a streaming wrbsite that had the series but not paywalled, it's less work but the downside is that you can't access this offline (the main reason i like owning (digital) copies)
last but not least, and unfortunately this is the best way to have enough storage: invest in an external hard disk. if you're planning on having more tv series (and perhaps movies) on ur pc/laptop, the best and easiest way to make sure you (almost) never run out of storage is to just... buy more! i splurged on a 5tb external hard disk with bday-christmas money but obviously even having a 256gb/512gb one will be enough if you're not obsessed with putting entire filmographies on there like me djfngmv even getting a bunch of 32/64/128gb usb sticks will prob help out, and while it absolutely is an investment, if you're already paying for a subscription this is a surefire way to make sure you get your money's worth in case they take it off the platform or whatever (looking at how guardian got the boot from literally every streaming platform including yt 😭😭😭)
anyway i hope this helps!! :3
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opinated-user · 2 years
Lily Orchard Accusations Masterpost (response)
“Lily wrote pedo fic!”
This references an old fanfic called “Scars” that skewered and condemned the brony fandom’s romanticizing of abuse and their excusing of pedophilia. Was hosted on GDrive, and then angry bronies edited it to have underage sex scenes into it and reposted it to other sites under the name “Stockholm” using the same tactics they’d developed harassing a teenage girl for not liking their rapist Celestia comic.
Scars was written in 2012, discarded and disowned in 2014, and rebooted in 2018 to be an original story about trauma.
first lie. see EssenceOfThought’s video that include a clip of LO’s saying “i can’t do (a video) on Stockholm, i wrote that one.” more than that, there are multiple clips circuling around about LO talking about stockholm, showing fanart for it or referencing written facts that only ever happened on that series. @lilysstreaminghiglights​ has another bunch of clips of LO openly talking about her writing process behind stockholm and referencing ships she only wrote on stockholm. her character spectrum, that she still references to this day, was originally an OC from this fanfiction. it takes a lot more effort to believe someone misteriously wrote Stockholm (that is a long series of multiple fics, not just one) and pin it on LO than believe LO wrote it when she was an adult and doesn’t want to take accountability for it.
“Lily encouraged a friend to groom a minor!”
This refers to FireRose, an awful real person ship the Brony Analysis Community was encouraging that I was pressured to go along with under the threat of harassment. I was previously deluged with death threats by one of these people for not liking Team Fortress 2 and it had been to first time I had been harassed en masse so I was intimidated into complacency. I immediately denounced the people involved once I escaped from that mire of toxicity and fled. The only surviving relic of this is an old post on Josh’s blog, who naturally never reblogged the denouncement because duh. My blog itself was purged of all posts in 2018. After 5 years (this took place in 2013) I naturally didn’t think such an old relic would be dug up but I guess you should never underestimate the obsession of a stalker.
see EOT’s video for more references and screenshots proving this incident. nobody bullied LO into saying “they won’t be for long” when someone pointed out that the person involved was a minor. LO said that out of her own free will.
“Lily is a zoophile!”
A furry drew furry porn and blamed it on me.
refering to Patch. here’s a video of him talking about it, providing multiple screenshots of LO approving the art and paying for it. also includes Patch expressing that he felt pressured to be more and more sexual while interacting with LO because he thought that was the only way to be a good friend to her. “furry porn” also doesn’t fully covers what the porn actually was. it was a drawing of a bunch of dogs SA Evelyn, the OC of Lizzy that LO later stole, recoulered and barely changed her name when Lizzy mentioned taking possible legal actions since her character is copyrighted. at the time that these transactions were taking place LO would complain a lot behind Lizzy’s back about how sexually inactive she was and how LO wanted more sex from her. more on this later.
“Lily groomed a minor!”
A 16 year old got around YouTube’s age verification to access an 18+ stream and saw my boobs.
what she fails to mention is that she promoted a 18+ stream on a SFW channel and then failed to explain to said minor why exactly it was 18+. on youtube 18+ content can refer to sexual jokes, mentions of sex, LGBT+ issues or irl violence, but never porn. pornographic material, including naked bodies with the end goal of titilating anyone, are forbbiden so that 16 had no immediate reason to assume that LO would do that during stream. see EOT’s video for evidence.
“Lily abused her exes!”
I have three exes these people refer to. One of them emotionally abused me for years, raped me several times, and toyed with my head out of a sick need for control, and swatted me. Her actions nearly drove me to suicide.
Another allowed her mother to verbally abuse me at every turn without protest.
The third ended the relationship on a very innocent misunderstanding and we’re still friends.
i guess this is official confirmation that she isn’t on good terms with Carousel, who she brings up later.  in all fairness, the only one of her exes that has come forward with allegations of abuse (more specifically, emotional abuse, being pressured into engaging in sexual activities that she already said no to, which included drawing NSFW art that made Lizzy uncomfortable and LO still has to this day, and cheating) was Lizzy. but that doesn’t mean that she is the only person that has allegation of similar nature against her. Patch is one, @britts-galaxy-brain​ was another. they were both friends of LO and found themselves manipulated into giving in to her sexual demands.
“Lily suicide baited her ex!”
I was suicidal after my ex’s extensive abuse.
you were suicidal publicly on a platform where everyone could see it. Lizzy then called for a wellness check and LO has called that swatting ever since, adding up a story of being abused by the police but also saved by a convenient lesbian police woman who just happened to be there.
“Lily faked being trans to get in a lesbian’s pants!”
Putting aside the fact that this is blatant TERF rhetoric, I came out as trans two weeks before ending that friendship. And I’d already been in her pants years prior.
the mention of a “terf rethoric” is going to be really funny in a bit. but how curious she didn’t mentioned what friendship she’s talking about. maybe she doesn’t because then she’d have to admit that was @britts-galaxy-brain​, that they were still friends when LO came out, recieving full support from Brittany, and despite the multiple guiltripping and manipulation tactis that she attempted to do, while catfishing as someone else, LO never met Brittany in real life. the bringing up “been on her pants” is still a gross details that nobody needed to know. side note: i don’t actually support this theory either. i don’t think it does anyone any good.
“Lily dated an 11 year old boy!”
This was in 2003. I was born in 1992. He was a classmate. This accusation rose after I talked about my first childhood relationship in 5th grade.
this is the first time i ever heard of this claims. nobody cares.
“Lily dated a 17 year old girl!”
This was in 2008. Same story. I was the younger one in that relationship. This is why the dates events happened are important, people.
again, never heard of this before. i don’t know why LO felt strongly enough about these two points to bring them up before.
“Lily abused a fan for drawing her fanart!”
Said fan drew me in an extremely harmful way almost immediately after I made a post complaining about how people would draw me in that way. This fan was a long time viewer and knew this already. Though I apologized for lashing out and the fan apologized for doing it in the first place, said fan went on to harass me anyway.
see Opal’s video on this situation to get their side of the story. i saw it all while it was happening so i can confidently say this is all mostly lies. LO never apoligized to Opal nor Opal knew that her drawing would cause such a violent angry reaction because LO famously refuses to have a clear guideline of what kind of fanart she prefers. Opal did apoligized to LO, twice, and LO doubled down as many times she wanted to frame Opal as a awful person, all the while having blocked Opal. unless Opal was doing something behind the scene, they never harassed LO either and LO has never provided any evidence of this. the reason LO claims that Opal is harassing her is because they have two videos providing further evidence that LO did wrote Stockholm: 1, 2. the fact that she wants to framme Opal as a harasser  is because she doesn’t want to public to know about it. side note: Mangakamen also did his own video referencing the situation and pointing out how abusive was the response of LO.
“Lily groomed her partners!”
Both my wife and my ex girlfriend have been the subjects of these accusations. My wife is 29, my ex girlfriend is 22.
Lizzy and ginger were both 19 when you first dated them. ginger talked themselves about how they were a fan of LO since they were 17 and were quickly accepted on the “inner circle” of LO when reaching 19, which also quickly turned into a relationship. ask yourself why LO doesn’t bring ginger’s age up.
“Lily romanticized suicide!”
This refers to a story idea where two old women pass away within a week of each other.
lie. LO said that Rey would commit suicide after the death of her partner and, more horrifying than that, that she talked about it to the rest of her family and they all agreed it was a good idea. for weeks LO argued that this was very romantic and rey was old anyway.
“Lily holds lewd streams for her mostly minor audience!”
7% of my audiences are minors according to Google Analystics. The streams were age gated. YouTube requires an ID verification to access them. They are also no more raunchy than an episode of Family Guy.
7% is not 0 and as long there isn’t 0 you have no excuse not to think about them. the first stream where LO flashed the audience wasn’t age gated. Youtube requiring ID only happens in certain countries, from which she never clarified a majority of her audience comes from, not world wide. here’s a clip of her showing her personal spank bank on a stream that wasn’t age gated. here a clip of many followers of LO talking about how they followed her since they were minors. here a clip of LO disregarding people being uncomfortable at being shown porn. here a clip of LO trying to set up a irl meeting with a fan for sex. here is a clip of LO claiming she sucked her wife off during stream. here a clip of LO claiming to be completely naked while streaming. this is not raunchy content, this is encouraging a hypersexual environment where she knows children could be. other factoids that i couldn’t find a clip of so take with a grain of salt at your discretion:
-LO lamenting that she couldn’t flash everyone on stream because one minor mentioned being a minor on chat.
-one of the flashing incidents happened with MO, who did it too.
“Lily called a Jewish Woman a Nazi!”
I criticized the way Steven Universe bends over backwards to get along with fascists, a worrying trend many leftists are getting into. I never called Rebecca Sugar a Nazi. I called her a suicidal idiot.
LO made a almost three hours videos constructing the narrative that Rebecca Sugar is a nazi sympathizer and then offering a weak passive “i didn’t say that but i wouldn’t blame you if you did”, all the while misrepresenting the show, the character of Sugar and straight up lying to support her narrative. on her blog since then LO popularized the trend of calling SU a name that ties back to nazis.
“Lily doesn’t consider antisemitism worth talking about!”
After the 4 year long harassment I recieved for criticizing Steven Universe, I decidedly avoided talking about the antisemitic tropes of The Big Bang Theory and Harley Quinn, both of which have Jewish creators.
i’m not sure what she’s even saying here. SU also has a Jewish creator. what she said doesn’t work as a response to the claim either. the claim was “LO doesn’t really care about antisemitism” and LO defense was “no, i don’t, you’re right.”
“Lily hates women’s sexuality!”
I said Reylo was bad, straight women’s fixations on serial killers was bad, and that Bayonetta was Hideki Kamiya’s fetish fuel.
she also has erased the sexuality of bisexual women she doesn’t like by calling them straight and in some cases that they have “a straight woman’s taste on men.” the judging women for their sexuality is very much still misogyny, even if those women are straight and they like characters that you don’t.
“Lily hates sex workers!”
I said “Sex work is work.” I am also a former sex worker.
i have nothing for this one. 
“Lily fetishized black women!”
I dated a black woman, and then made a black OC that I thought was cool, and got excited about a few black characters that I also thought were cool.
LO also said that Hunter (a character she won’t shut up about) would be “inherently more interesting” if he were black. she made a comic where rey crushes exclusively on black women. even if none of this is enough to convince anyone of anything, LO still showed anti-blackness when she painted the black people who called her out for making them uncomfortable as vultures and stalkers not worth listening to during a stream. many of her claims are constantly debunked by her own streams. why do you all think she deletes them?  more than that, it’s pretty weird that the first thing she says to the claim of fetishization is that she dated a black woman. those are not mutually exclusive facts.
“Lily is racist!”
I have had a few slip ups in the past. I have apologized and made strides to do better. I have said many times I don’t begrudge anyone who is still angry about them.
she won’t blame anyone for being angry at her because of her “few slip ups”, but she’ll still minimize it on her “accusations masterpost”. if it looks like contradictory and like she isn’t really sorry it’s not for nothing. one of those “slip ups” was admitting to keep repeating a song that contained the n-word on it.
“Lily misgendered a trans person!”
This refers to Essence of Thought, a right wing Youtuber whose gender I was unaware of until recently. She came into my stream chat to hurl verbal abuse over me not taking her bullshit seriously and I said “Dude fuck off.” The chat then mocked her until she left.
here’s a clip of LO misgendering EOT during a stream and saying that she deserves it because she acts like a dude. anyone can see EOTS’s channel to see at a glance that she’s not right wing at all.
“Lily is a TERF!”
I don’t like the Q slur
queerphobia is part of the terf rethoric that before she thought was bad enough to ignore all together. but this one time she can spread part of terf rethoric because it’s LO and only LO is allowed to do that.
“Lily mocked a trans woman’s voice!”
I did the Valley Girl accent reading out one of Contrapoints’ idiotic tweets.
this is just an admission of transphobia. 
“Lily is faking her ethnicity for clout!”
I am a light-skinned indigenous woman who won’t provide evidence for her ethnicity to random white people on the internet.
a “indigenous woman” who has no connection whatsoever to the Nation she claims to be a part of, has any respect about their cultural practices or has even attempted to connect to other indigenous people outside of her own family before.
“Lily’s avatar is brownface!”
My avatar is lighter skinned than me.
this is her avatar as it is currently:
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this is a selfie of LO: 
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what do you think?
“Lily hates Japanese people!”
I said anime was shit.
LO also said that anyone who cares about Japanese culture or language has a fetish for it, and that the entire Japanese language can be entirely replaced by English without missing anything important.
“Lily generalized all anime fans as pathetic weirdos!”
That’s not a crime. Maybe if y'all weren’t so evangelical I wouldn’t think you were weird. Anime fans are like vegans.
i honestly don’t care.
“Lily has accounts on porn sites where she favourites shotacon!”
The only supposed proof of this is an account with a similar name to a TVTropes user that some people think is me because *checks notes* they edited my TVTropes page and didn’t fill it with all of the accusations covered on this list. Fun fact by the way, you’re actually not allowed to fill a creator’s TVTropes page with irl drama. That’s why it was locked lol.
LO fails to mention: 1- they were 3d rendering of not only shotacon, but many other material of worse nature. one of them involves what looks to be a irl girl naked opening her mouth and that picture in particular haunts me to this day. 2-those two accounts misteriously dissapeared very, very soon right after they were brought up to the attention of the public. one of them had reached 800+ favourite images before being deleted. 3- the account without the 3d renderings that Brittany discovered has been years in constant usage, but all activity on it stopped suddenly the moment she brought it up to the public until very recently.
“Lily hates south east asian people!”
I didn’t want to watch a video about Lindsay Ellis.
reference to a series of videos made by Xiran Jay Zhao with the collaboration of multiple southeast asian creators. the first video only mention Lindsay Ellis briefly but it’s actually about Disney and the way they handled the SEA representation on the movie Raya and the last dragon. LO just showed here that she prefers to hate more on a white woman than hear about what SEA people say about their own representation. similar to how she much prefers to hate on a white traumatized teenage boy that appreciate the afrolatina main character.
“Lily is fatphobic!”
I mentioned trying to lose weight a few times.
LO also thinks this is “thick”:
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inkofamethyst · 7 months
March 8, 2023
No one would ever get this out of me irl but I very occasionally, at the peripheries of my thoughts wonder what might have been if I had agreed to go out with that guy from biochem. (Can you tell that Hadestown has had an effect? This is dizzying. Next thing you know I'm going to be begging to have a crush (but also I'm very picky about my crushes bc they can't be undergrads (lol tbf I'm only barely not an undergrad myself), they can't be in my department, and they have to be someone I see somewhat regularly (no passerby crushes)).) Because part of the reason I said no was fear and part of it was that I was in excruciating pain when we had that study date (mostly the fear though), and then there was also the whole being devastated about not getting to show off that solo that I worked really hard on. Bad vibes all around. But he wasn't a bad guy. I was just scared.
Even still, I can't seem to remember his name.
[edit, next day: I wrote the above last night and you would not believe the butterflies I got today when all I did was make eye contact with some (very attractive) dude before a class. Ridiculous. (I have the need to catch his eye again.) This is gonna be like bike-boy from junior year lol. Or the caving dude, also from junior year (literally who did I think I was, trying to go caving just to get close to a man??? Lowkey still wish I'd been able to get in on that trip, but alas).]
God, I really cannot dance. Was recently informed that alum from my undergrad uni would be restricted in their GDrive space so I went in and culled (will ultimately have to remove half of what I have stored) a bit. In early pandemic days there was some Broadway challenge (it was basically a big ad but it was fun and free (and very successful, incredibly marketed), so) where each week you'd have to take time to learn a song or dance or something and post it and I saved my dance video to my uni GDrive and it's AWFUL. Like the steps are all there, I can remember them (because I drilled it hard) but I'm so clunky lookin--it's dreadful. IT'S SO BADDD. (keep in mind it was newsies though so like it is bad but the choreo isn't helping either) But. If nothing else, I keep that smile on lock(down). I haven't watched any of the theatre tapes from high school but that doesn't make me excited to see them, beyond hating the recorded sound of me singing, bleh.
Found out what next year's stipend numbers are going to be and there's still literally no way I'd be able to make it work with my current savings rates (25% (also I'll be increasing my estimated taxes to 30% from 25%)) without help. It feels kind of weird to say this because I truly miss my grandmother so much like it's not even funny, but she's helping me so much right now.
Want to make a text-based, randomized, hunger-games-style battle royale game in python for my friends to play. In a different life, I think I could've been a game dev. Literally. Writing, music, computer science (I don't really do visual arts though). To be fair, like, there's nothing stopping me from trying. On the side, just for fun, coming up with minigames. I think I'd need to become like Brandon Sanderson though, where I relax by doing something (actually, now that I think about it, I'm not that far off, it's just that I don't have a ton of access to my favorite hobbies rn (music, sewing, etc)).
Today I'm thankful for how beautiful biology can be sometimes. I love how we find reflections of the same ideas at all levels!!! Recently I was thinking about multicellular organisms, and how they're just a bunch of different cell types that have different jobs with the goal of all working toward the greater good of staying alive together. And you don't just see this in things like animals! There are unicellular organisms that form colonies when times get tough, and they sometimes will even divide out work amongst themselves. And at the multi-organismal level, people banded together during those early days of covid to make sure the elderly were fed, that we were getting fitness classes, that we could see performances. And I know this is a basic idea in biology, but that doesn't stop it from being beautiful.
[edit: I finished all of my pre-spring break homework!!!! Let the breaking begin!!!!]
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fe3hgenderfuckery · 1 month
Hi, I'm trying to apply, but the portfolio is kinda knocking me back mentally
My best portfolio is on Instagram. It has all of my finished artwork and is generally my strongest collection of artwork. In one of the descriptions, it is suggested that the portfolio be hosted on another site. Is it OK for me to link my Instagram as my portfolio? Or should I make a Google folder with several works? I'm fine with either.
Hello, thanks for reaching out to us! In that case we would recommend a gdrive folder or dropbox or any other file share platform that works for you and is publicly available with a link. You can throw in a bunch of your strongest works as a portfolio and to show your range and highlight a few of them with the samples. You can also add your Instagram link but it's hard to use/more or less unusable without an account and not all mods have instagram. That's why we recommend the gdrive/alternatives to gdrive over it.
~mod Elenya
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iantimony · 10 months
accidentally back to tuesdaypost
despite my best efforts, shabbat came and went and i did not make my post. oops. trying a new heading template this week as well.
maybe not this week but i am thinking of starting to host images for the making section somewhere else...maybe on gdrive? or postimages.org? imgur? just so that if my tumblr ever breaks the images in dreamwidth won't vanish.
partizan! halfway through episode 12 right now, which means, according to where i was last week-ish, i am averaging about one episode a day LOL. extreme sport FatT speedrunning. also relistening to all is as all should be recently, just scratches a brain itch for some reason. it's very brain-worm-able to me, i've been humming songs from it all week.
reading i was going to say fallow and then went. hooold on. i've been reading SO many things just not, like, books.
wikipedia articles of the week: Naomi Shihab Nye, Rachel's Tomb, Matzevah, Alexandre Cabanel, Abd el-Ouahed ben Messaoud, Leo Africanus
because it's november and i'm nostalgic for nanowrimo (and considering doing it again once i'm done with classes and therefore homework), i went and reread some of my nano from when i was in high school and WOW. nostalgia!!! some of it is very very bad, unsurprisingly, it was almost 10 years ago, but some of it is actually quite good. very fond of the comments left by a friend on it that were preserved when i downloaded the google doc a billion years ago to save on my external drive, including one that said "your prose is crisp like an autumn apple" or some fucking thing like that. truly delightful. i'd also somehow forgotten that i'd actually hit the word goal? the document is about 60k words give or take, the story was not finished though which is probably why i misremembered. i should start writing again.
in my quest to populate my inoreader with blogs and other such things i've been delving into my bookmarks and re-found this delightful site, their most recent article is just the world's most specific niche horn memes it's so funny. like this is absolutely meaningless to literally everyone else that it passes back into absurdity and probably funny to non-horn players again. i am VERY excited to peruse their pdf library though.
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playing pokegoooooo. i am visiting my grandma and going on long night walks around the old people development with pokego is very elite. i am a little nervous that someone will call security on me though because i frequently just stop (often like...in front of people's apartment buildings....) and stand still to catch pokemon if a bunch have spawned in one location...
watching i have not watched it yet but i am VERY excited to start season 2 of the tgcf donghua!!
watched kurtis connor's "deep dive into potterheads" and literally cheered out loud at the end when he mentioned the snapewives. that made me want to watch strange aeons so i also watched her video on msscribe and snapewives.
i wasn't On Livejournal or active in fandom while everything was going down but i remember learning about it a few years after it all happened so seeing comprehensive deep dives now is very, very...satisfying isn't quite the right word, but i am a messy bitch who lives for drama especially when i'm not involved in it. what a mess.
making pottery!!! i have a bunch of stuff coming out from a glaze run that i'm very excited to see but it will have to wait til saturday when i get home from visiting my grandma for thanksgiving. i do however have pictures of this little box i made:
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it was a gift for my grandma, and i glazed it all the way back in the beginning of october i think? the kilns got monopolized by some other stuff for the owner's business (which is super fair) which means we didn't get a student project run until literally friday, two days before i was supposed to leave town, so after some texting with her she was able to put it out on her porch around 11pm on saturday when the kiln cooled down enough so i was able to pick it up at like 5:30am on my drive to the airport LOL so all in all it worked out! next roundup post will have pictures of some of my other glazed pieces, i'm very very curious how they do!!!
i've been playing with underglaze because i was like ohhhh i love the look of carving designs into underglaze...and i bought some fun colors when i went to The City a few weekends ago...so i have this mug that needs its first fire, i also have some fun eye-motif ones in the works at the moment! i also added some underglaze color to my dragon carving from last week.
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finally this bowl already had its first fire but i painted underglaze on over white to try and get a watercolor-type effect? i put lilypads on the inside and painted koi on the outside (no picture of that yet)
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misc not a whole lot else! since my summertime trials and tribulations i have unfortunately become the kind of person who gets tummy issues when my stress levels get too high. i have always become a basket case in the ~24 hours before i have to travel somewhere so that's been less than fun but i'm figuring it out. also trying to switch psychiatrists right now is sooooo fucking aggravating i will not get into it but ughhhhhh.
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2hoothoots · 2 years
13 Misery Way sat in a dead-end cul-de-sac on the outskirts of a sleepy little town called Dreadford. Raz rapped sharply on the neat red door with his knuckles, and then stooped to peer not-so-subtly through the window as Dogen fidgeted with the cuff of his sleeve and watched a line of ants troop up the brickwork.
"You think she's in?"
"Mm," Dogen said. "Dunno. Maybe."
Raz pursed his lips. He spent another moment watching through the window, neck outstretched like a heron watching for fish. Then he raised his fist to knock again.
He didn’t get the chance. The chain jingled, and then the door swung open about a foot to reveal the home's inhabitant. She looked Raz up and down, and the sliver of her face that was visible from the outside (a vertical slice, from one ear to about one-third of her nose) crinkled into an expression of distaste.
"Oh," Elka said. "It's you."
i did get it up tonight after all! here is the fic i was alluding to in the last ask lol. as always it’s very satisfying to just write something short over a couple of hours and put a neat little bow on it
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florbexter · 2 years
I just uploaded the iQIYI version of ep2 on my gdrive for everyone who is interested to see the changes from the youtube version. They cut one kiss as far as I know and the bathroom stall scene was also cut a little.
Download it here.
It’s without subtitles, it’s a screenrecord in HD and the last minutes after the first credits are missing because my connection broke (huge storm here in my area). Please don’t ask me any technical questions I don’t know if you have to enhance the video for gif-ing because it’s a screen record and if a bunch of people downloaded the video you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can download again. Have fun.
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samparkerart-blog · 3 years
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It occurred to me that I have a bunch of video files for Taylor and Amalia that I am not sure are that easy to find these days. I think it helps us all when we all share what we have amongst the fandom. I would love to see more gif sets and fanvids of both girls work so my hope is to help make that happen.
So in the spirit of sharing I want to offer any file I have to anyone who needs them. And in return I hope that people who have better quality rips or shows/movies I am missing would share those with me. Skipped MFS as we all obviously have those. 
If anyone has a suggestion for a safe place to host the files I would love to hear it. I tried Gdrive but it doesnt hold that much. A few 1080′s might get skipped if I have 720′s for hosting size reasons for now.
Together we can get through this long drought and work together to keep the Raylla fandom alive. 
I also am not following that many Taylor, Amalia or Raylla tumblers (or twitters really). I would really like some more that focus on that to follow so please give me some great tumblrs to feed my Amalia/Taylor/Raylla addiction.
P.s. Taylor is only in a few minutes or less of some of those movies and most of Amalia’s stuff is without English subtitles.
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candydos · 2 years
First of all: You are my savior! I've been looking to download a bunch of shows (I have a huge flash drive full of show and movies :3 ) and I couldn't find any good places to download The Owl House and Amphibia!! Thank you for all your hard work!! And second of all can please link a gdrive will all the episodes for amphibia and molly mcgee? (since i already have the owl house downloaded) Mega is great and all but it takes so long to download! (5 eps. per day sob) I totally understand if you cant
hey anon! I’m glad my links help you out :)
under my #froglinks and #ghostlinks tags, every episode is posted with its own google drive link. I also have some other shows (see: pinned post)
I don’t have a joint drive folder for episodes because I uploaded onto different accounts (storage issues, you know how it is haha). hope this helps!
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entamesubs · 3 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS Episode 48 Sub Release
Thanks to everyone for waiting so patiently.
Sub file only: click here! Video torrent with soft sub (720p): https://nyaa.si/view/1387304 DDL GDrive: click here!
I have a ko-fi where you can donate if you wish! The trello is still set to private until I can get through my backlog reliably.
If there are any corrections you wish to make, please put them through the ask box, but please make sure to read the FAQ first.
Below are extended translation notes for this episode, so spoilers ahead.
奥義 "Secret Techniques” / Technique
This is a little bit of a double entendre. While 奥義 (ougi) does mean “secret techniques” or “technique” (as in a fighting style or something similar), it can also mean “heart” or “inner being”.
The title of this episode has a double meaning. It’s a clash of Tiger and Asana’s secret techniques, but it’s also a clash of their inner hearts as they reminisce about that fateful snowy day.
Shiroba and Kayama’s Express Home Delivery Service
A little bit of a cultural note here about Japan’s post delivery and courier culture.
Like the United States, there are three giant mail companies in Japan. These are Kuroneko Yamato, Sagawa Express, and Japan Post. In Japan, you can schedule home deliveries to be at almost any time of the day, unlike in America. For example, if you want something delivered at exactly 2:15PM on a Wednesday, that is an included service. Couriers will usually deliver to-door, even in apartment buildings (provided they can access the interior freely, or there is no other specified “post drop” point).
Sagawa Express, in particular, likes to sell calendars of their attractive male couriers, and releases them annually (much like sexy fireman calendars, for a comparison, though not as sexualized).
Kayama’s delivery service is most likely a parody of Kuroneko Yamato, whose logo is a black cat. It’s just instead of a cat, it’s a bird.
Curry Ramen
This may sound strange, but it is actually a thing that exists. In fact, curry ramen is best known in the northern part of Japan, in Hokkaido. Hokkaido as a region is best known for its many different varieties of ramen that change from city to city.
If you ever want to try a bunch of different types of ramen, Hokkaido is the place to visit!
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clarionglass · 3 years
tagged in this meme by my beloved gremlin and perpetual doc lurker, @monimolimnion ​, who knows exactly all the horrible things i have named my writing docs and has 100% tagged me to name and shame em
THE RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Anyone can send me an ask afterwards (or a comment in this post) with a title that most intrigues/interests you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it if it’s an art piece!
i have. oh boy i have a bunch of wips, organised in my gdrive by fandom. i’m also gonna pepper in a couple of completed works (marked by a [X]) because the doc titles are a Lot :’))) feel free to shoot me an ask about any of these! i’m sure people will recognise the posted ones lol
tma: tma gc fic where they’re alL ALIVE AND HAPPY GDI [X] lonelyeyes side fic non-laggy doc so i can write on my phone in bed (technically [X] because i just use it to write chapters of chatfic without it lagging) tma uni pretension tma hustle au god help me tma chatfic dnd sequel concert 2 electric boogaloo tma locked tomb au someone stop me pls
good omens: Magpie (provisionally-titled Good Omens fic) good orchestra In the Demonic Style, a Good Omens Mandy AU
other: please @bbc pick up our spy comedy i promise you it’ll pull in the ratings (britcom) sbs part 1 (and parts 2, 3 and 4; doctor who) witness and reward (doctor who) Digging Ever Deeper [X] (britcom)
editing for the Second time because once i posted too early (ctrl+enter instead of shift+enter my detested) and the second time i realise i forgot to tag other people!! anyone who sees this on your dash is free to take this as a tag, i’m far too shy to tag other writers unprompted lol
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actualbird · 3 years
basically the context for this is!! mc was trying to ask luke about something regarding his past/why he was avoiding her when he came back to stellis (not super deep, dont worry) but luke was kinda reluctant to tell her. now she's apologising for pressurising him.
mc's thoughts: even though it was in the past, luke and i were so close that we were almost like just one person, with no secrets ever between us. but now, we've both grown up, and after growing up, there will be definitely be boundaries between us. forcing/pressurising luke to tell me everything in his heart, or forcing him to accept my help, that's not right. relentlessly asking him like i did when i was younger wouldn't be right either.
MC TELLS HIM THAT, BUT THEN LUKE SAYS A WHOLE BUNCH OF OTHER CUTE STUFF THAT MADE ME GO TT but i shall not say it here in case you dont want the spoilers hehe
it really makes me think about just how close luke and mc were to the point that she?? even described them being so close with each other that they were almost one person :((( childhood fic anytime soon? (im just joking akshfbkds 💖)- 🌃
hhhHHHHHH NIGHTSTAR, THANK U FOR THIS, I AM SO SO SO INCREDIBLY EMO NOW. i dont want to know anything further than this bc i want to experience it fully when the time comes but hhhhh.
and also LMAO AT THE CHILDHOOD FIC THING BC. just answered an ask like 10 seconds ago talking about a hypothetical 10k fic on luke and mc dealing with the changes of being different people now.
and then ur ask made me realize that the perfect way to structure that hypothetical 10k fic would be to intersperse it with scenes from their childhood. to have this idyllic memories of children enjoying life, sharing everything, loving innocently and messily and---
smashcut to next scene. i love you, luke thinks. but do i have the right to if i was gone for so long? when i was away during the time you grew up into who you are now?
//puts my face into my HANDS. DAMN IT. DAMN IT.
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7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
15. What is the fanfic you’ve written that you’re most proud of? 
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for?
17. What fanfic tropes do you gravitate to writing for? 
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear?
21. Is there an idea you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet? 
36. What fanfic of yours has the symbolism you’re proudest of? 
39. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Fanfic Writer Asks
7) In terms of headcanons (which I wouldn’t say I make often) I think I’m most proud of how I unabashedly use magic in a lot of my stories. Elsa’s magic, Troll magic, Other-magic - if I think something is neat then I kind of just roll with it!
Elsa’s ice magic, in canon has a LOT of uses, but I like pushing the boundaries. Ice-GPS? Check. Icepack for that burn? Check (though who hasn’t xD). Troll magic used for time travel? Check. Troll magic used for Dream-traversal?? Check. Physical embodiment of a strong emotion via magic? Check. Physical, evil appearance of an emotion incarnate via ice magic and troll magic and the POWER OF LOVE? Where’s my BINGO sheet? Cuz check that too.
15) OOF wow, that’s a hard one. I hate to say it but it MIGHT be one that’s not published and is currently sitting on my GDrive >_>;; I’m really proud of my Frozen!StarWars crossover
But of the ones that are published? Either A Banisher’s Dilemma or Great Knight Annatorias, The Abysswalker. I got to be super nerdy and meta on the second one^^
16) I avoid writing smut, I’ve never really been game for it. I’m always amazed that other people can write it, but I never really want to. I also tend to avoid angst, especially if it’s for no other reason than JUST angst. It has it’s place, but I don’t like using it just to get a reaction. (Some of you are already pointing fingers at Spirit - I know I KNOW xD It was a one off, I swear!)
17) I immediately gravitate towards anything SOFT. I love slice of life, I love characters bonding with each other, I love when they have CONVERSATIONS, especially about hard things that they can work through together! I also love “Firsts’”! First meeting, first hug, first confession, first kiss, first hand-hold, first date, first anniversary, etc etc. I love confessions and conversations. On the flip side I really love established relationships? Whatever they are: familial, friends, romantic or marital. There’s something really nice about a a pair or a group already being together. I have no idea where that all fits under your standard trope lists, but those are mine!
20) I absolutely scream if anyone ever quotes my stuff back to me saying stuff like “I really liked this line/paragraph/part because...” and then says why. I lose my mind. I also love when people say “This made me feel X” because I’m just ever so curious about how writing affects people!
Edit bc I forgot: I’ve had one (1) person make me fan art once as “feedback” for a story and I was on cloud 9 for like, shit, a month?? I still think about that person. I legit hope they are living their best life.
21) I wouldn’t say I “always” wanted to write this since I’m WAY too impatient to wait on ideas most of the time BUT I have had this au sitting in my WIPs folder for nearly 6 YEARS and it’s about how the King and Queen of Arendelle are secretly part of a vampire hunting guild. They kill a vampire that snuck into the castle one night but not before it infects their daughter and heir to the throne, Elsa (who’s like, 6 or 8). Even though they’re oathbound to kill vampires, they can’t kill their daughter. The castle is closed similar to post-Accident Frozen 1.
Jumping to modern times, Anna is a history student exploring the mountains of Norway with her classmate, Hans, and a guide, Kristoff, and they are heading for the ruins of Arendelle castle for a research project. Rumors say that despite wars, invasions, thrill seekers, and treasure hunters, a lot of people that go into that foggy area of the fjord waters and forest end up lost and never found. The few that make it out tell tales of strange chills and the feeling of eyes at their backs. Locals know that the headstones of the last living Royals (who died at sea) are still tended to, though no one knows by whom. Anna gets separated from the group and encounters a sleeping Elsa in the castle before sundown. Afraid for the stranger’s safety (it’s winter, it’s cold, and it’s going to be night soon), Anna attempts to wake Elsa, to no avail. Realizing she’s sort of stuck herself, Anna builds a fire and awaits morning (and her own rescue), unknowing that in the last rays of sunlight her “companion” is about to wake. For the worse.
Unrelated to fanfic, I HAVE always wanted to write a story about a girl named Rain (as such for her birth during a terrible storm) that misfortune is heaped upon by the bucketful, so much so that everyone believes she’s cursed, except for her tutor. I want her name have a double meaning that she both slumps and shines under, since rain may bring destruction, but also growth and healing.
36) A Banisher’s Dilemma, hands down. I did SO MUCH RESEARCH for that fic AND I was in a Bible New Testament class at the same time, so I just SHOVED a whole bunch of Christian history, themes, imagery, and references in there. It’s not the only symbolism however, as I mixed plenty of other global and cultural references in there as well. Hard not to, since Anna is literally jet-setting to a new location nearly every chapter.
39) Surprising maybe no one: light humor! My writing is often funny, mostly because I like to make myself laugh :D If I’m not having fun, than what’s the point!? Most often it’s shown off in my one shots or short fiction, but even re-reading some of my longer chapter fics still has me laughing at the same jokes I wrote many years ago.
If not humor than portraying strong emotions. I’ve received too many (generous and loving <3) comments about how pinpoint accurate or visceral my portrayal of joy or sorrow, grief or fear, or love and happiness are to deny it. And that’s much less of a boast and more a humble acknowledgement of people who have written very thoughtful responses to my work, and it would be irresponsible to imply that their words over the years were false in any way.
Thanks for the ask! These are a lot of really good questions!
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
DRUCK reactions - s4 ep2
With special thanks to Michi ( @wodrueckts ) for looking over it to make sure I didn’t say anything glaringly wrong. 💛
CLIP 1: It’s hard out there for a hijabi
Here’s one thing I like about this episode: the shot of the tiara spinning in the air. That said, it’s kind of inexplicable. It’s been like a month since the Abiball, so what’s the tiara doing here? Was Amira holding onto it all this time? Did she have this vision of, like, sorting out her shit as she prepares to move out of her parents’ home, and remembering how her gay friend gave the tiara to her because he hated that his boyfriend was so hot he just naturally won all popularity contests? And she was like, “Imma do a solid for future Amira and get rid of this dollar store tiara right now”?
So far, Amira M.’s season has been the only Sana season not to drop during Ramadan. Seems like the Druck team thought they might not even get to Amira, and then they got renewed at the eleventh hour. So they needed to put that shit out quick because the character was set to leave for Australia and anyway it would’ve been really weird to do an Amira season in uni, and then go back to high school with the next gen. So this season is set in summer, and depending on what Wtfock does with Yasmina, it might be the only Sana season to do so.
I think setting this clip lakeside was pretty clever. Plenty of chances to show people in swimming suits or skimpy clothing, as well as people’s reactions to Amira’s burkini. It very quickly sets the stage for the season, same as the bus montage did for Sana in Skam.
I’m not sure how to feel about Sam thinking cunnilingus is boring. Is she sure she’s having it done right? I thought Abdi had a longer than average tongue.
And thanks to Michi, I discovered that this was a reference to Skam, which I didn’t even know because I still had the gdrive subs for s2, where Chris says getting eaten out in Gran Canaria was fun, as opposed to the new subs, where she says it was boring as shit and she fell asleep.
I can’t remember whether Sana’s prayer app ever went off in front of the girl squad. When Skam España did it, the girls immediately freaked the fuck out at the thought of Amira praying right in the middle of a street party. In this case, Kiki looks at Amira for a second. Amira turns the app off though, so we never find out what the girls would’ve done if Amira were to pray right there. Or if it’s happened before. (I’ve been told by Michi this has happened before but the girls didn’t have a reaction then either.)
“Girls, why does it always have to be about boys with you guys?” GO OFF, AMIRA. I remember when I watched the season live, I became exhausted at all the boy talk, so it’ll be interesting to see if I still get this feeling watching the episodes.
In comparison to Vilde, Kiki is also a good sport about Amira wanting this topic to be over. I mean, she laughs a little (perhaps knowingly?), but Kiki is always up for changing the topic to something else about her… Like her and Carlos’ house hunting!
And also, Druck has sent Mia off to Spain to reassure viewers that this Noora won’t take over the season like other Nooras. (Ahem.)
For lack of something to talk about, Amira brings up boxing. Kiki is immediately interested, since she loves working out. Amira is really not into the idea of her brothers getting to know her friends, so she uses Hanna’s reticence to shoot Kiki down.
Her mood has been spoiled all in all, so she stays back to feel alienated as the girls splash around.
She does look cute as hell in her burkini and sunglasses though.
CLIP 2: Am I a bet? Am I a fucking bet?
I really like the blink and you’ll miss it shot of (I think is) the customized snow globe with the Nadia and Amira pic.
Some other stuff in Amira’s room: A polisci book, a list of lodgings in Sydney open on her browser, and what I’m pretty sure is a save the date card from Nadia and her fiancé. This is a very smart way to set up Amira’s character for people who might not have been paying a lot of attention to her so far. It’s always fun to get a peek at a Skams character’s bedroom for the first time.
Amira’s season came after Imane’s, and one thing I immediately liked more about Druck was that they spent time with the prayer scenes. I remember ONE (1) scene where Imane prayed in Skam France, and we only got to see the tail end of it.
I’m pretty sure the game the Mahmoodis play doesn’t actually exist, which probably has to do with having to pay royalties to show a real game. Interestingly(?), when I searched Dr. Whoo and Chopstick on google, it led me to Doctor Who pages, so I wonder if it’s all an elaborate Doctor Who reference on the part of someone in the Druck team.
In Skam, Sana misses the shot because the balloon squad are talking throughout the whole song, but Amira loses because Mohammed literally leans into her line of sight to make eye contact. In general, Mohammed is a lot more suave and savvier than Yousef ever was.
CLIP 3: This apartment is gonna kill somebody
And on a similar note but related to Amira, she is set up as someone the other girls rely on for advice. Kiki needs her help with the renter, while Sam asks her for romantic advice. I think the reason for this might be that while the girls didn’t exactly rely on Sana for advice in Skam, Sana was the one with the ideas since the start. Amira doesn’t necessarily take charge of situations the way Sana did, but there’s this notion that without Amira, the squad would fall apart.
The Berlin housing market = shantycore goals.
I also like the bit of subtle social commentary in Amira’s speech, about middle aged people helping young adults get started with life, so the latter can support the former when it comes to pensions, etc.
CLIP 4: Huh.
So even though Amira didn’t want the girls at the gym earlier, they are here now.
The day before, Amira posted a story on ig reminding the girls about the boxing class, with no indication that she ever tried to get them not to come.
Hanna gives a quick bit of exposition when she mentions Stefan is already working full time (and in a job that presumably requires a uni degree) while she just graduated high school. Which she finds weird.
As in Skam, Essam calls Amira ‘slave,’ which Kiki and Hanna notice. Amira quickly says it has to do with a bet, and the subject gets dropped.
When the season was airing, I thought for sure this wasn’t the end of it, and it would be brought up again, either through Kiki, Hanna, or possibly Stefan via Hanna. But no, this is really the end of that storyline.
My question is, why? What is the point of recreating this storyline from Skam (even going through the trouble of setting up a week during the hiatus between episodes 31 and 32, where Amira wins and Essam has to be the slave) if you’re just going to drop it in the same episode? It’s bad writing because we’re still in the stage of the season where storylines are being set up for later. It’s bad writing because Kiki and/or Hanna literally never bring up this bet/slave business again after devoting several clips and a bunch of social media to it. It’s like the writers didn’t really want to adapt this storyline from Skam, but they also didn’t have a ton of ideas for this week. Or maybe they were going to go somewhere with it, but then they changed their minds because it made some character look bad, but they forgot to take it out.  
Like okay, fine, it wasn’t my favorite storyline in Skam either. It made Vilde look like an idiot at best, or a racist and a traitor at worst. But then why even have Kiki and Hanna overhear Essam? It’s not like they had to do it for adaptation reasons. Skam France didn’t.
It’s frustrating as fuck, and it won’t be the last time this season will pull this on the viewer.
Speaking of which, Sam thinks Mohammed is hot as hell (she ain’t wrong) and invites Essam, Omar and Mohammed to Jonas’ birthday party. This bothers Amira, because she doesn’t want her brothers to hang out with her friends. Even though she apparently just invited the girls to the boxing class that takes place at the gym her brothers attend.
But anyway, Sam is being characterized as someone who is in charge of her sexuality (throughout the whole show, but specifically in this episode). While Amira is pining from a distance, getting flustered just from eye contact, Sam sees a hot guy and immediately creates an opportunity to see him again.
CLIP 5: Barbecue pining
There’s such a summer vibe about always finding reasons to hang out at a specific place because your friend got a summer job there.
I gotta give it to the writers. Essam is such a well-constructed younger sibling character. He’s a brat exactly in the way younger siblings are, and yet… That’s also the reason he’s so endearing.
And, on that note, Omar gives off such dad vibes. Not even older brother vibes. Every time I see Omar I feel like he’s thinking, “ha-ha! These little brats are acting out because they’re going through a lot! We just have to understand them!”
The conversation Amira and Mohammed have around the barbecue is so dumb, but you gotta love how pleased Amira is that she has Mohammed’s attention. Though she’s also unused to liking having a guy’s attention.
David and Matteo are back, and they’re still adorable! Good for them.
The way you could describe this moment as, Amira literally turned around for a moment and Sam was already touching Mohammed’s hair, and have it be accurate, sums up what they’re going for here.
Social media
There was a lot of social media content to keep people fed in the hiatus between episode 31 and 32. David and Matteo backpacked through Europe, Mia left for Spain and Kiki made a video about it, Stefan was invited to a game night with the crew, Kiki and Carlos looked for an apartment, and as I mentioned earlier, Essam lost a bet to Amira and had to be her slave for a week. I think that’s about it!
Abdi suggests that he and Carlos give Jonas supplies to make a protest sign as a birthday present and I almost lost it.
I think the piece of social media that most pissed off Skam purists was a chat where Jonas assures Amira he’s already thought of buying halal meat (as well as vegetarian and vegan options) for his birthday, because apparently Druck wanted to show up Skam or something, but like… It’s not like this storyline went anywhere on Skam either, like at no point do the girls learn to order pizza Sana can eat. So what does it matter if Jonas is already aware that Muslims eat halal meat.
I love that Hanna went to boxing class once, posted a bunch of stories about it and then never attended again. What a mood.
And to close the week, Kiki texts Amira that Essam started following her on insta.
When the season was airing, I found these clips cute enough. But on rewatch, I didn’t care for this episode and the reason is that so much of it ended being irrelevant to the season. What this episode did well was setting up the Kiki/Amira friendship, setting Kiki and Carlos’ apartment and the boxing class as recurring settings for the season and some character details. Essam is a really solid character from the get go, and I like the details in Amira’s room. They could’ve left out just about everything else.
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