#i also just. generally dislike the hate on fun artstyles
foolbo · 2 years
“rossmos artstyle doesnt fit the book” the book is about tim living in a boat based queer communiy and beating up old poetry it deserves silly fun art
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jeannedarkterraguard · 3 months
Holojustice Debut Reactions
Another HoloEN generation another post from me...
Actually i have another Holo-related post in the works but i actually need to do some work for that one...
Anyway first up Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
-well she's certainly British
-starting off with a song huh... neat
-i know it probably bothers literally nobody but me but her... shoulderpads?... pauldrons?... seem to interact weirdly with her boobs when she moves...
-no Liz you're not tall... no one in hololive is tall... we've been over this
-impressive impressions
-cheeky chicken... so she likes Kiara
-okay that takamori bit was funny
-she dislikes tea? I didn't think that was allowed in Britain
-did... did the stream just end in the middle of her song?
Gigi Murin
-okay that intro video was... confusing... but I liked the artstyle
-a... shock collar... what the fuck
-a jar is not better Gigi... I actually think it's worse
-cool character sheet
-she's really speedrunning this
-i did not expect this vote to be so close...
-she failed to put on shoes...
-see this is what I expected from hololive fans... they made her bark at the dog
-go into the forest there's no way that could go wrong!
-i don't think Gigi could lift chat...
-i stand corrected
-holy crap there's a chat game?!
-that was predictable it took twitch forever to beat pokemon... and pokemon doesn't require any kind of timing
-that's... that's European friendly... somewhat it's still 11pm here because of summertime which... nope not gonna rant about that that would take all day
-also I just noticed we didn't get a schedule for Elizabeth
well that was fun... now bedtime and then the other two tomorrow
Cecilia Immergreen
-okay I think she broke
-nevermind she's fine
-her voice sounds somewhat familiar but I really can't put my finger on it... damn this is gonna keep me up all night...
-she speaks German... that's cool
-don't worry Cecilia I also hate coffee... though I also hate tea... or anything that's served warm really... drinks are meant to be refreshing not make me overheat even more
-that went better than Gigis game...
-I've never heard of any of these anime
-or these manga
-violin music... man this brings back memories from when my sister had a Lindsey Stirling phase and wanted to learn to play violin... I think my eardrums still haven't fully recovered from that
-Aaand she crashed the car...
-that was a really weird dream
-more EU friendly streams...
Raora Panthera
-wow... that's an accent...
This is where the sleep deprivation seemingly caught up with me because Raoras movement were actually blurry in my eyes so I did the responsible thing and NOT drink my 5th can of energy and instead went to bed... so everything from here on is me watching the VOD...
-wow her desktop is even messier than mine... barely...
-Italian... so we have a German, an Italian, a British and whatever Gigi is (since she only speaks English and doesn't have an obvious accent I'm gonna assume American)
-also I think this is the first generation in all of hololive where no member is fluent in Japanese right? (Calli and Kiara in myth, IRyS and Bae in Promise and Fuwamoco in Advent... yeah)
-she want's to become a mama in hololive... that would be interesting
-well I think that was her 7th live
-doesn't like reading and skips text in games... Undertale is one of her favorite games... something doesn't add up
-how is naming all the pokemon a talent there's only like... a thousand of them... okay maybe that is a talent...
-4 covers and an original song... they really went all out with this generation...
-7 am EST... we EU fans are really eating good right now
and that's it for this gen they're all really fun but I think Cecilia is gonna be my favorite... anyway see you in my next post...
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sytokun · 2 years
Nitpick N(Oct)ovember #1: 👄
Time to start off my first day of Nitpick November. Basically it's an event started by @odsalt for us to talk about our RWBY gripes that we don't want to spend time intellectualising, hence the name. So if you're a RWBY fan, you can already skip this.
Anyway, this is something that has bothered me for the better part of... 6 years now? It pains me knowing I've grappled with this in RWBY for a longer time than I spent not.
I have an irrational and near-constant dislike of RWBY's post-V4 lips. I hate them so much.
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I just find them so... ugh. I've rarely liked anime where the bottom lip has a prominent shadow like this unless it's done well, and to know this was going to be in RWBY forever now when the models looked perfect before made me shrivel up inside. Not to mention the shadow covering the entire underside of the nose is also really unappealing to look at.
Chalk it up to my own art preference combined with it just being another hurdle that made the jump between the Poser and Maya models even more painful. I'm a very visuals-oriented person and how the characters look in a show is already enough to get me to watch or drop it, making a special exception for RWBY post-V4.
It's probably because of their engine or shader, but there's some shots (only one with Ruby that comes to mind) where the lip shadow isn't visible and the nose shadow is only on one side and I swear the model looks so much cuter:
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(Put next to Volume 2 Ruby for comparison)
I decided to go ahead and remove the lip + nose shadow on different shots of the girls from Volumes 7-8 to prove my case, and personally I find them way nicer to look at. (not to mention that the skin shading in RWBY always tend to have this weird muddy tone to it which further contributes to making the overall face look worse)
The nose/lip shadow is such a small thing to gripe about but it's like a fly in the room - it's always there and always bothering me. Hence why I call it a nitpick.
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In Penny's case, I actually had to raise the entire mouth and nose up a little because the facial features look too weirdly long without the shadows - the long faces are sort of a problem with all of RWBY's faces, which are only further exacerbated by the shadows.
I'll be honest, if the models in RWBY consistently looked like this at the very least, I'd be way more forgiving of it. But this has been a constant itch in my brain that's constantly kept me from fully getting into the show. It feels like it's trying to imitate Avatar's style of shading, only... it doesn't look good.
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In Avatar, the rest of its more Western-anime hybrid artstyle matches its shading style, namely the more defined noses and mouths. For RWBY, it's like it's trying to shoehorn Avatar's shading style onto a conventional anime style, and the result is just this off-putting half-measure that's neither here nor there.
(but I guess I shouldn't be surprised given how much RWBY tries to copy Avatar's surface-level traits without considering how to actually do it well)
"So that's why you're hating on this? You just want the characters to have boring cute anime faces?"
Yes. I like cute anime faces on my hyperstylized anime-inspired show about cute anime girls.
"You just want the characters to have these samey cutesy faces on all of them?"
As if they don't all have the same generic face model for every character anyway - especially the female characters.
For god's sake, if you're gonna copy another media's style of 3D anime shading, why not copy ArcSystem Works? You know, the company you've collaborated with before?
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Anyway, that's it. Click Read More if you want to see more RWBY screenshot edits without the lip/nose shadows - they were pretty fun to do.
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Hiya :)
Welcome to The Universe Said, an interactive fan comic about the various series that Legundo has done. There is an overarching plot that does largely hold base in the function of the 100 days multiverse, however due to a simple unwillingness to horribly mischaracterize any of the characters in these worlds for the sake of plot, be prepared for the use of OC's. Also I got fun with the worldbuilding, it's an incurable disease.
IF you happen to dislike crossovers, OC's having a role in plot, or the mangling of canon, you likely will not enjoy this comic. This means that you have the simple option to instead click off, or block this blog. I won't be mad, I promise!
Hi! I see you. I know some of you exist on this webbed site. If you see this, interact at your own risk! I mean it. I don't know the extent of which you care for your characters and how they are interpreted and portrayed in media, and I'm warning you now! All of them are likely exaggerated to some extent, either for character conflict, plotline, or for sillies. The above note applies to you too. If you dislike this comic, you are welcome to block the blog as you wish. If there is something that makes you uncomfortable, you are welcome to let me know and I can retcon it as necessary, or again. I will politely point to the block button. My feelings will not be hurt.
Other notes
This is fairly self-indulgent. I like crossovers. I'd very much like to have fun with this, and as such, there will only be so much tolerance for anybody who stumbles across this and decides the correct response is trolling.
Something I'm going to emphasize here is that these are based off of characters played by the youtubers present. If there is no line for me to draw between character and youtuber their presence in this will either be non-existent or minimal.
Also, due to the currently unfinished nature of the 100dmv series, I am running with some of my own theories, but will be doing my best to keep some worldbuilding* largely canon compliant.
I intend to post information blocks about the OC's present in this as they come up and as information regarding them becomes relevant. Along with the prologue, I intend to post a small excerpt about the worldbuilding I've done.
This is intended to follow a kind of chaptered line. I have a brief plan for certain points to reach in each chapter before I will move onto the next. You will know when the current chapter will be finishing. Also, only the opening posts for each chapter will be maintagged as to avoid clogging it. I've seen it happen, people were grumpy
On that note, Chapter openings and chapter closes will be drawn in a higher quality than the majority of the comics.
Each comic will be tagged with the relevant chapter as well as a general story tag. Anything not comic related will be tagged with something else. Haven't decided what yet.
I will be adding more than just various Legundos. Characters from related Scenarios, and Dominion SMP may also make an appearance. I have a few in mind already, but that gets to stay secret for now ;)
*things such as how Decem, The Alterans, mystery 3rd party multiverse agency (????) interact with the world, though again. I point to the potential mangling of canon.
Final points, and Rules!
The askbox is not a place for trauma dumping, expression of personal political opinions, hate speech, bigotry, or other forms of hate.
If you have a problem with the way I am doing something, you are welcome to bring it up in the askbox, however keep in mind I am allowed to disregard it.
Yes I know the artstyle/character designs are going to be inconsistent. Woes of a constantly developing art style I guess.
I highly encourage you to share theories! On literally anything related to this. Worldbuilding? Character dynamics? headcanons? The OC's? 100Dmv series? Go for it!
At the beginning of each chapter, there will be a short list of all characters currently available for interaction. Any time a character is added to the scene, an updated note about current character availabilities will be posted and added to this post.
N/A (it hasn't even started yet.)
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pennycat83 · 7 months
I keep seeing this debate about analog horror and I wanna real quick add one final dunk on Slug whilst I talk about this.
(saw this post on the analog horror subreddit so take it with a lump of rock salt)
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(also I find it fucking hillarious Slug's the poster child for all of these)
I don't fully blame Urban Slug for this. I think in general a reason why a lot of people are starting to dislike analog/ digital horror is simple.
It's becoming repetitive. I keep seeing indie shorts/ series that take inspo from stuff like Lacy, TWF, GHE (etc.) that are good, but the same. Hell I don't even get scared by some of them at times, either the artstyle's too cutsie for it or they don't do that spooky of imagery. Like neither the concepts do much, like they could be interesting if they added that bit more thought or depth. People more or less jump in without much depth or planning into something and make good but not memorable stuff.
As for Urbanslug, he did it for fun. According to Wendigoon's vid about the series, he allegedly made the series to show off his art and make merch. Problem is, unlike most shitpost series, this wasn't made clear at the beginning, so people took it at face value. Don't get me wrong I fucking hate the series, every part of it makes my braincells drop. But it kinda also proves the slight fault in a lot of analog horror.
It isn't just dying because it's repetitive, it's dying because no one's putting that extra time and care into their projects. Like the same person who made this also praised Shipwreck, a project that was 2 years in the making complete with functioning websites inside the game, layers to the story and an underlining horror to it that isn't obvious.
Don't get me wrong it's still got familiar beats like the body horror of the Shipliners, but it isn't too much, it knows when to stop.
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Hell even Slug put work into his drawings. It's not about the actual analog. It's the effort. How much work you put into something equals the amount of adimration you get. It's that simple, horror is as much of an art piece as any other, and should be treated as such.
Like the reason my series hasn't come out yet (outside of my dogshit ADHD and work anxiety) is because I had to plan out the series in full before hand. I deleted my old FNAF ARG because I wasn't pleased with it.
TLDR: Don't just shit out a horror vid on the spot, but some back bone into it.
Also please reblog this is if you want I need to start prodding people into reblogging my shit more.
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zeraphias · 3 years
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guess whos just doing this for fun!!!!!!!!! answers under cut
1. digital.. i can do traditional sketches but beyond that…
2. pretty much since i was a little baby kid? but ive only been posting art on tumblr since like. one or two years ago? i think only one year
3. beyond middle and elementary art classes, one. and i never will again. i hate drawing and art classes!!!!!!!! that shit sucks!!!!
4. tumblr, instagram & twitter. its all in the pinned post babey. although when i was younger i had a deviantart but uh. we dont need to talk abt that
5. oh just people!!!!! people are fun to draw!!
6. arms raising in any sort of way why is the body like that. hands i can handle. legs and feet i can handle. arms raised? no.
7. less than i should.. i try to and i want to but im also so lazy. too much work.. references make everything easier tho so if u draw use them
8. just for fun. altho if u want to pay me for my art just let me know :) . i have considered doing it professionally but i get burnt out and unmotivated easily. and also if i had to draw professionally i would actually hate art forever
9. uh. very little. my current drawing set up that i had is Unavailable so its destroyed any comfortable drawing i can do. its also why i hadnt posted any art until last weekend. im working on figuring out a new set up. but even before that i dont draw everyday, thats tiring !!
10. sort of? kind of? idk people will always be better at u than something and people will always be worse at something than u thats just life. i like bits and pieces of my art and i dislike other parts. i dont like showing my art to strangers in real life !!
11. a lot!! i think. i dont keep track of who i follow that much? i do on twitter but on tumblr…. ive had this blog for like 6 years thats too much to keep track of.
12. absolutely!!! altho u may have to elaborate.. my process sometimes changes based on what im drawing
13. uhhh i like drawing for others but if im drawing shit for myself then it typically stays in the For Myself area. i have over 800 canvases in procreate and ive only posted like. 150 drawings. most of the stuff i draw is for myself.
14. i dont think i have ever collaborated but i wouldnt mind it i guess? if i ever did it was with my friends like years ago
15. 2-4 hours. up to ten or twenty hours if its something longer or bigger. that multipart bioshock piece took around 12-14 hours and it was a couple of days.
16. i draw less but i do more fully finished pieces now. its mostly just circumstance. in class i always doodle and draw but since i havent had proper classes in a year and a half i havent really been drawing as much. but i do have more time which means i can finish pieces more easily
17. uh. i guess? it depends what theyre drawing? like if its people then i think i could give advice but.. idk i only give advice if asked to? and i dont really think about it?
18. side profiles last night lol.. i think ive figured it out??? in general im still trying to find a way to finish pieces that im satisfied with. like with lining and coloring i mean.
19. backgrounds. easily. that shit is annoying!!!!!! nightmare hell realm and all that
20. hair i guess! its pretty simple for me and i like doing it
21. uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…………. sort of? i like trying things and improving so………. i guess.
22. yes. i like to compare my old art to my new art! i actually have sketches from forever ago that ill go back and redo just to see the differences! its funny thinking abt it bc at the time of drawing ill be like. I Am Superior To My Previous Selves and then the next time i look at it im like. what the fuck is wrong with that little guy
23. more original art definitely!! my original art folder has over 400 pieces and any other folders has like. 100 or less
24. depends! mostly inspired nowadays. i mimic artstyles that i like a lot of the time and it helps expand upon what i already have. i am an amalgamation of things i love and enjoy. i dont really get jealous about art anymore
25. with music, podcasts, videos, anything really! i cant draw and talk tho. i cant really read or write while listening to stuff. sometimes im able to put on music and read or write but if i have to concentrate too much then i turn off the music lol
26. i use procreate!!! like. exclusively.
27. uhh around 20-40 layers depending on how complicated im making it? layers all get merged at the end
28. -
29. -
30. other artists!!!! other art!!!!! i will just see the most pretty things and im like. i want that!!!!!!!! that’s pretty and beautiful!!!!!!! i have an entire folder dedicated to just. pretty art. thats also the entirety of my saved photos but. uh. anyways yeah!!!!!! other people’s art makes me want to do art because its inspiring and nice!!!!!!!!!! mwah @ other artists
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Couple of questions for you 1Have you seen Miraculous Ladybug since it's apparently everywhere in France?2Fav protag?3Fave antag?4Fave Danganronpa fan artist?5 Things you hated in DR3?6Most basic question ever but favorite colour?7Any other games/anime/shows you'd recommend (I am really low on content)Thanks!
1- Have you seen Miraculous Ladybug since it's apparently everywhere in France?
I don’t know if it’s “everywhere in France” but it is, to my knowledge, a french show. I have never watched it because I’m not typically interested in western cartoons, and since I don’t watch TV, I never “accidentally ran into it” either.
... I did go to a Burger King that had Miraculous Ladybug toys in their Kids’ Menu, though.
(I’m assuming the next questions are Danganronpa-related)
2- Fav protag? 
My favourite DR protag is Makoto Naegi. I just think he’s the most sympathetic protagonist and I relate to, and deeply appreciate, his evergoing optimism even in the face of tragedy.
3- Fave antag?
My favourite antag is definitely not Nagito Komaeda... I mean... Hahaha... I’m not... this type of fan... you know... haha... hahahaha... ha.
4- Fave Danganronpa fan artist?
How am I supposed to only pick one,, @qosic makes gorgeous fanart, @ministarfruit always makes so many cute and well-constructed pieces of fanart too, @missariliciousart has such an interesting artstyle, @takano-mankintan has some of my favourite pieces, @hadahadam on Twitter consistently posts really beautiful DR fanart, and that’s just citing a few!
(To compensate for me @ing these artists, please check out their blogs if you haven’t already!)
5- Things you hated in DR3?
Bold of you to assumed I “hated” anything about DR3, since I actually liked it a lot,
But there are still things I disliked, the main one being human Nanami (you’ll probably find some of my posts explaining why I personally was disappointed in her under my “jan-essay” or “chiaki-nanami” tags--). I was also disappointed by the way the brainwashing video was used on the entirety of Class-77 all at once, when I think it would have been intersting to at least explore its different effect on students like Koizumi or Kuzuryuu.
6- Most basic question ever but favorite colour?
Blue. I’m really starting to love orange as well, though.
7- Any other games/anime/shows you'd recommend (I am really low on content)
In general? I always warmly recommend Psycho-Pass and Steins;Gate (and Fullmetal Alchemist if somehow you never read or watched it!!!1!). They’re just so, SO good.
To a Danganronpa fan? I’d definitely recommend Ace Attorney, it’s a really interesting and fun game series that I basically grew up with. Jigoku Shoujo is a really tragic anime but if you liked Danganronpa’s executions, you’ll definitely like some of Jigoku Shoujo’s too (don’t ask me why season 4 was needed tho). If you’re looking for a Battle Royale-like manga, Akuma no Riddle is rather underrated as well. I wasn’t crazy into it when I watched the anime but I have pleasant memories of it now. If you’re looking for a Visual Novel, I can recommend 428 Shibuya Scramble, it’s super underrated as well.
That was more than a couple, but thanks for the ask! I always love the attention.
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nyrator · 4 years
been feeling like venting, so just some random vents- then afterwards, JSRF ramblings because I just beat that game
turning 29 at the end of the week, not looking forward to it- turning 30 next year terrifies me
mother’s funeral was friday, got that out of the way relatively painlessly (other than having to spend an extra 800 dollars just to bury my sister with her, about $4500 by the end of it
gofundme raised about $2000, other donations about $1300 last I counted (probably higher), so most of it was covered
yesterday my mother’s 70 year old best friend held a party at a bar for my mother’s friends and I was obligated to go, bunch of crazy old women talking like sailors, drinking and smoking pot and laughing about all the drugs they did and all the times they got raped (yeahhhh), the only person I was comfortable around was the best friend. And then the party ends two hours late, we’re getting kicked out of the bar, and this friend falls bending down to grab a picture of my mother that she dropped, smashes her face into the floor, and collapses with a pool of blood under her face, unmoving, right in front of me. I couldn’t get the words out that I’d go and pick the photo up for her before she went to get it, and I regret it
Thankfully, she only had a concussion and a broken nose, she started responding after about a minute of just lying there, but it messed me up, I think.
I’ve been debating if I want to start drinking. I never tried before, mainly because my father was an abusive and violent alcoholic. The other reason is because I’m afraid what I’d do to myself if I had no inhibitions in place, I feel like I’d be very dangerous to myself.
neck has been stiff for two days. Probably slept on it wrong. Also keep feeling like I get different symptoms of covid every so often after exposing myself to the public (that bar was packed with old people who wouldn’t wear masks and had no concept of personal space). Today my throat’s been sore and I can barely breathe.
my boss told me I can go back to work as soon as the funeral’s finished- not sure if I should call her to remind her or wait for her to call me, she texted me last week and I told her the funeral was on friday. But my coworker was also wondering and asked me today, and I didn’t know what to tell her, since my boss doesn’t want me to let her know just yet because of how limited they’re open (three days a week, four hours a day)
relationships are very hard
I’m a terrible person who does the bare minimum to help someone who’s terribly lonely and depressed, and it’s like I’m backed into a corner in desperation from being unable to do anything about it. I’ve caused so much harm to this relationship that I wonder if there’s any way it can survive sometimes
It’s always the case, though- I can’t get myself to do more than the minimum effort it takes, and my social anxiety prevents me from ever initiating anything, which has cost me so many people that I shouldn’t be surprised at this point. And I can feel that awful, selfish bitterness inside of me, that part of my father and my sister that’s in me that I try to suppress, and I hate it.
my diet is going well enough, lost over five pounds since starting it late August. But it’s mostly because I just dislike eating, so eating in portions is easier for me. And then there are days like today, where I just don’t eat at all. Just ate one slice of bread, 30g of peanut butter, and a small cup of ice cream today, and I don’t even feel hungry. Normally I try to get some food in me, but today I’m just too disgusted to even try to make dinner.
My sleep’s also been weird, still. Been going to bed later and later again, but can’t stay asleep. Usually only sleep in bouts of 3-4 hours, then just lay awake until I’m half asleep long enough that I feel the urge to give up and get up. It’s been like that for weeks now, I can’t remember the last full night of sleep I’ve gotten.
In lighter news, finally got back to playing JSRF. Beat it the other night after 24.5 hours of game time, just have a few more challenges left (did everything from Dogenzaka Hill to the Bottom of the Sewage Facility so far), got all graffiti and souls possible before beating the final boss. Played it via emulator (which worked great except for crashing when entering the graffiti selection occasionally) with a Switch Pro Controller, felt really good. I own it and the original Xbox for it, but just am spoiled by a PC experience, I suppose.
The gameplay is great, but the level design leaves a funny taste in my mouth. Aesthetics are worse than JSR for me, while music... it’s tough to say, it’s different than JSR, but really grew on me. Sometimes it felt more like noise (I remember the Sewage tracklist not speaking to me too much at first with the more ambient-ish tracks), but it did grow on me a lot. Baby-T was my Garage theme the entire game, such a great track.
Naganuma’s music in the first game was definitely the weakest of the original’s OST (still good of course), but in Future I feel he really stepped up his game. Teknopathetic is one of my favorite songs in the new OST.
speaking of favorite music, here’s mine from each game:
Bout the City
Magical Girl
Miller Ball Breakers
Mischievous Boy
On the Bowl (A.Fargus Mix)
Rock It On
Super Brothers
Yellow Bream
Aisle 10
Birthday Cake
Count Latchula
I'm Not a Model
Like It Like This Like That
Rockin' the Mic
Statement of Intent
The Scrappy
(shout outs to Girls from the one JSR CD, haven’t listened to much of the other exclusive songs to it, but Girls was good)
but yeah, my minor gripes with Future
Linear level design was a bit painful (missing a jump and not being able to backtrack a lot was bleh), and the later levels were very painful (the sewage area and the rooftops are come to mind, skyscraper to a lesser extent but I liked the skyscraper one a bit more), but at the same time, they force you to get good, which I can appreciate, so hm. Still, a checkpoint system (especially since there are save points) or unlocking shortcuts would be a bit more convenient, if not entirely necessary.
Not having a way to stop auto-grinding, even if just holding down a trigger or something- the way I latched onto rails especially in the sewage area was painful
Points challenges mainly being “find the special points rail and just spamming Y” on it was a bit odd (mainly for the Jet Techs so far, just five minutes of spamming Y...), but I like how the combos feel in this game, especially X combos to speed up. Has a rhythm that’s hard to explain but just feels natural.
Also street challenges should’ve been explained better in general, had to look up most of the special ones (and glitched out the Shibuya Terminal one many times until realizing the fix was just “hop all over each platform multiple times and hope it counts”, the second one next to the tilted platform specifically for me
Mew/Bis/Rhyth’s redesign still hurts, but you better believe she’s the character I used throughout the entire game after unlocking her
Storywise, I think I like JSR’s take better- Professor K being a neutral party and more amusing/less insulting, Onishima > Hayashi, and the character designs and artstyle I overall prefer from the first game
Felt like it tried to add things that just didn’t really work sometimes (Death Ball comes to mind, though I haven’t messed with Versus yet, the story mission was very easy compared to how they hyped it up), and the boss battles were all... strange. Tagging enemies on that roller coaster level, having to grind up to that one Hayashi boss fight over and over and over, then even moreso for the final boss... never got much use out of targeting enemies, spinning circles around them, or things like the railgrab for high jumps or skidding to slow down for graffiti, either, but maybe they have their uses.
But man, the game did feel fun to play, just frustrating to explore, I think. I still like the idea of making Skatered, even more after playing this game. Maybe I could learn modding, or something...
Oh yeah, also got all the pieces of my costume together (minus some eva foam), we’ll see how that goes. Not looking forward to assembling it, honestly, but I can’t back out now. Main regret I think is the tights, being unable to find striped ones (and the solid ones I bought being a bit too see-through, I should’ve bought a size up maybe). Still not confident enough in my makeup abilities, either.
and one last bit of light news- I finally got my Kuja figure, he’s so beautiful and detailed and I need a good place to put him
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expshared · 5 years
a little bit o’ spring anime season retrospective, a little late 👇
I’ve only watched 2.5 series involved in the Isekai Quartet but I was thirsty for Re: Zero content so I tuned in to this. I’mma be honest: this was fun. Crossovers are fun. I really enjoyed seeing funny skeleton man and Goddess of Dumbass interact, and I think equal time and attention was given to all parties involved, and that made it fun, too. It was accessible for someone like me whose knowledge of these shows was only tertiary and even if it had its questionable moments (Darkness I hate you so much), the sum is an enjoyable package. I question if this show could work with any other quartet of isekai heroes because all other isekai protagonists are boring af.
Watching Fruits Basket again makes me realize that I absorbed too much of Tohru Honda into my personality when I was impressionable and wee and never figured out that it was bad. Anyway this was a nice new coat of paint on a beloved series. The updated designs are nice to look at and the care given to the new material is evident. But it is considerably less…fun than the first incarnation and can I be honest? As a manga reader, knowing what I know about how the little love triangle pans out and watching it from the beginning? I just don’t like Kyo like I did when I was 12. Which, uh, wasn’t that much to begin with. Tohru deserves the world and the anime has a lot of work to do to convince me that Kyo can give that to her.
Fairy Gone takes its place alongside The Lost Village for being the biggest waste of time. In its favor: I liked the main character’s design and that she wore pants. Its sins: horrible clunky CGI I could not make out, way too many proper nouns, infodumps every episode, butt rock, a general disinterest in its main cast and their secrets. It expected me to care about a bunch of stuffy old men and their machinations when there were friends-to-enemies girlfriends in the background they weren’t even considering. I don’t remember who the assistant attorney general prime minister of Not-England is and I don’t care. The fact that this gets another 12 episodes is baffling, how anyone could anyone listen to another 12 episodes of dull political cud-chewing is beyond me.
Carole and Tuesday makes La La Land look like a plastic bag tumbling underneath a highway. Carole and Tuesday should win the Oscar for best everything. Carole and Tuesday is the best contemporary musical by a mile. Watanabe has been waiting 25 years just to make this show, and it’s a delightful cross section of everything that’s made his shows successful in the past—the slice of life futurepunk of Cowboy Bebop, the zaniness of Space Dandy, the ensemble cast of Samurai Champloo. It’s a pleasure to watch. I love seeing these girls underestimated and then blow everyone out of the water, it’s a consistent delight. The soundtrack is amazing and everything on it sounds genuine and legitimate—probably because it is. Netflix shouldn’t be keeping this one all to itself.  
Hitoribocchi was a sweet little gem of goodwill. Strange, anxious Bocchi’s quest to make friends with her equally strange classmates was funny, empathetic, and endearing. I love this cast of weirdo misfits and who among us doesn’t secretly hope their friends don’t forget about them when they’re sick oh thank goodness it’s not just me.
Senryuu Shoujo was a little cute, a little funny, a little heartwarming. It’s forgettable but a nice kind of forgettable, where you fondly remember it for five minutes and then move on with your life. It’s a short form series so if you’re in the mood for a quick n’ light shoujo about pining and misunderstanding, this is an easy recommendation.
I think I set my expectations too high for Sarazanmai. I wanted it to be the takedown of yaoi tropes like Yurikuma so gleefully pitchforked yuri tropes, but that wasn’t its project at all. It was Ikuhara’s most visceral work, but also, I feel, his most grounded in reality, which is a weird fucking thing to say about a show wherein three boys turn into kappas to go up the concept of someone’s butt. This was, decidedly, my least favorite Ikuhara title, which isn’t to say it’s bad. It’s just not Penguindrum or Yurikuma. Its scope felt smaller, its commentary less biting, its reveals less….revealing. Stand By Me is a bangin’ ED, though, I will Stand By That.
Kono Oto Tomare suffers from not knowing who its main character is. Surely it’s Megane Senpai, who starts the show off? But it’s not, it’s most assuredly Delinquent Guy, who is the emotional heart of the show and who definitely has something going on with our third main character, Prodigy Girl, leaving Megane Senpai the third wheel. This show just doesn’t start with its feet underneath it—it hobbles along an ungainly fusion of shoujo and sports anime and doesn’t do either tremendously. It does, however, have a heart, and this cast did eventually grow on me and I want to see them succeed. Protip: if your show is about an activity, please feature the activity. There is very little actual koto playing in this show and this is one of its biggest missteps. It’s a serviceable show, but not a great one.
I don’t drop a lot of anime but I dropped Cinderella Nine at episode 5 because it was just too ugly. It was so bad that I began to doubt there was an “on model”. There was just nothing going for it—the character designs were awful, the animation would pass as a power point, and the sportball was nonexistant. Non Non.
Dororo really let me down. I didn’t care for its ending at all, and in fact, sort of felt as if it nullified all the hard work of the prior 23 episodes. Having Dororo and Hyakkimaru part is a terrible decision. Nothing was learned. The payoff was not rewarding. Would have to point to Aldnoah to find an ending in recent memory I disliked more than this one. >:(/10
The show I was most hyped for every week was Demon Slayer. It didn’t start out swinging—Tanjiro’s origin story is unfortunately pretty par for the course in terms of shonen heroes, and the years-long training arc and time skip right after it was not the most inviting beginning. In fact, that’s where I dropped the manga when I tried reading it a couple of years ago. But ufotable makes this serviceable and by the fourth episode or so, I was completely sold. Something I loved about the manga was its unique artstyle and use of patterns and gradients—any other studio would have sacrificed both. Watching a fight scene in Demon Slayer is a joy. Characters ping pong around each other and footwork is fancy and weapons feel dangerous and the techniques look cool and require Tanjiro to puzzle them out. Also, Tanjiro is such a good boy. He drinks so much respect women juice. Every time an episode ends I’m disappointed I don’t have more to watch.
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