#i also need to change her name but i still havent found one i like yet
ozymoron · 1 year
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here have a sketch thing i did of my oc with her new haircut since i, like, never post my art
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clowncryptids · 1 year
Im turning my fave Lioden lions into ocs bec I can... here's my main's king <3
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Here they are... my beloved purple and pink lion <333
Ive been obsessing over some of my faves from my pride and coming up with fun backstories for them, Willow is the first one who received this treatment... fair since I have spent just soooo much time and beetles on this fawkin cat. I still havent gotten all the markings I want for him oughhhhh T-T
I tried to stay as close as possible to his in game colors and markings though I added a few things, specifically some extra stripes to her face bec it looked boring... maybe I will get him a thrashed face marking .... some day.... its not on the top of the markings I want list....
Anywaysss below is the backstory I came up with for him! I am not at all following what happened in game bec saying "She was bought for 500 SB and I proceeded to replace my old king with them" is boringgggg
Flowering Willow is the 3rd King of the Flowering Pride!
Originally named Chalk, Flowering Willow originated from a much more desolate land, and was born to a pride with a kill or be killed kind of nentality, which Chalk had never bought into. As an adolescent they left to find a better life and pride for themselves. She eventually reached the Flowering Pridelands, an abundant land filled with wild flowering plants and plenty of prey, a place that was almost the complete opposite from his birth home. Chalk was found on the territory by the Flowering Pride's submale (and the king's mate) Birch, who, to Chalk's surprise, happily invited him to stay as long as she needed.
While staying with the pride, Chalk was shaken by the hospitality and kindness of the majority of the Pride members, and they felt that they had finally found others who shared their preference for kindness over violence, which had been a rare trait to come across in Chalk's old home. Chalk felt that she had finally found her home, but they worried that they would not be welcome forever as a king can only care for so many submales. However the King of the pride, a primal named Mangrove Flower, saw great leadership potential in Chalk, and Mangrove had been looking for the prefect heir as he knew he would not be able to lead forever. So Mangrove asked Chalk if he wished to stay in the pride permanently and become Mangrove's heir. Chalk was shocked at this not expecting to be allowed to stay let alone made a heir, but they excepted, happy to serve the pride for the rest of his life. As an official Flowering Pride member, their name was changed to a proper (plant themed) pride name, Willow!
Mangrove Flower sadly passed on early (in gameplay i retired him early lol) and so Willow became the King sooner than she had expected. During their Kinging ceremony, they were named Flowering Willow, a change from the previous kings' names receiving Flower after their original names. This was requested by Mangrove Flower before he died and he believed that Willow becoming king would be the beginning of a new peaceful and stable era for the pride, and he believed that the change to the naming tradition would be symbolic of this.
Overall Flowering Willow is a very kind and calm lion, he prioritizes kindness and fairness over all things and tries to make any lion he comes across (in his pride or not) feel safe and not threatened.... That is unless the lion (or any other creature for that matter) makes themself a threat, because then Willow will not hold back in fighting to protect his pride and territory. Willow though seeming soft and like not much of a fighter is actually every good at battle due to where he grew up and also thanks to Mangrove Flower and Birch's training.
Willow viewed Mangrove and Birch as surrogate fathers, and he was devastated by Mangrove's death. He is extremally close to Birch and deeply appreciates Birch's aid and advice when it comes to leadership.
I havent decided if he has any actual mates, of course he has sired cubs but I havent decided if he is romantically involved with anyone hmmm...
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thewertsearch · 11 months
Ask Comp 19/10
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That's true - we don't know for sure that Trollian can fully emulate Sburb's surveillance capabilities.
If the trolls were sufficiently motivated, though, they wouldn't actually need to. Sollux could probably hack one of the kids' computers, to gain access to their Sburb viewport - although if he did, he wouldn't need a camera to snoop on their messages.
Is there a paranoia Aspect? I think I've finally found my calling.
anonymous asked: heya! ive just finished re-reading your ENtIRE liveblog and i to send asks about some stuff but i waited to finish so im sendind everything at once! (im gonna send stuff in a bunch of small asks so cat can stop just one instead of the whole thing in case of accidental spoilers) (aslo hi cat!) (also its ninnoy, havent sent an ask in a while but i changed my pfp to something slightly more spoilery so im in anon now) [...] the jade pen pal thing, do you have any new theories on who it could be?
None! I'm sure that it's someone derived from Grandpa Harley, but everything else is a mystery.
I have no particular theories about who he is, how he knows Jade, where he got his hands on so many endgame weapons, or why he's got such an antiquated accent if he's watching movies from the 80s. I assume time travel is involved, but that doesn't really narrow anything down in a comic like this. He (she? they?) is a complete enigma, and I'll just have to wait to learn more.
ALsO WHEREs YOUR sONAs? we havent seen them in so long im afraid sahlle might have actueally died of meteor strike (joking of course) also have you realized that "sally" and "cat" are both one letter of from a valid kid name? you could lend her one of your "L"s
I've actually been workshopping some Quest stuff for Sahlee this week! I suppose I'd need to figure out her Title first, though, and for that, I'd need to get a more solid idea of her personality, and how her experiences on Alternia have shaped her.
in one of your last posts you seemed to imply that the multiverse exists inside the timeline, but ive always read it as the opposite, the timeline inside the universe that would explain why the trolls can pick any time from the humans universe to talk to them but cant have private conversations with their own futute/past selves, its not an inherent part of trollian, they are just outside the human timeline (the memos are still trollian being time fucky) dont know if that makes any difference but its a thought also i realize the tag may be unecessary due to my quirk, but its too late to stop now
(NOTE: quirk omitted for readability, but the substitutions are [t -> 7, s -> 2] - sort of a variant of Sollux's quirk. I actually don't think we've seen any quirks which add a 7, so the voice here is distinct from any trolls we've seen so far. I like it!)
Originally, my assumption was that each timeline contained a duplicate of the entire multiverse. Doomed timelines don't seem to let you communicate with other universes/dimensions, though, so they don't need to contain other sectors of reality. I'm currently of the opinion that doomed timelines only contain an instance of the dimension they were doomed in. The only timeline which contains the entire multiverse is the Alpha.
This mechanic keeps doomed timelines simple, but in-universe, I don't know why it exists. Much like the Alpha itself, it's a mystery I can only speculate about.
has the shipping chart been updated since the last time we saw it? also you (at some point) said that equius<>feferi was a controversial ship so i had to go back to check the notes and i was the only person i found talkig about it so i guess im the whole controversy? if thats the case i would like to thank you for recognizing me as the equius<>feferi number 1 hater (all jokes of course)
I got a few skeptical asks about Equius<>Feferi, but you're the only one who discussed it on the post itself. I guess by some measures, you are the most dedicated hater, because your hate was posted publicly! 🤣
I could make one or two changes, but I don't want to post a new chart until the kids meet the trolls in person, hopefully at the end of the Act!
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The Scratch, naturally - but I'm also looking forward to seeing exactly how WV was Exiled. He's currently on Skaia, and Jack has lost interest in him, so who's actually sending him through the portal?
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Tavros is barely a presence on the Land he's ostensibly the hero of, and all of his actions are being dictated by a third party who can physically control his body. This third party does not acknowledge or respect Tavros's own desires, effectively forcing him to play the game in a way that she personally approves of.
She claims it will make him stronger.
@bladekindeyewear submitted: That was a long, thorough, and fantastic response! It's fascinating seeing your opinion on these things-- and I'm glad to see that considering the questions we've given you seems to have made you more paranoid. But I'm just not entirely sure you're paranoid ENOUGH. Not yet. Much like how you just found that "BREEZE" quote in your Breath research, back at around the time you've now reached in the comic, we had dozens of theory-miners combing back through everything that had been said and shown in Homestuck, over and over again, searching for anything we might have missed that might have been of some importance. [...] So, uh….. how do I put this… Would you prefer to strictly handle that sort of thing all by yourself, as you've said? Which I'd agree is still the best way that you should keep to, for the most part? Or would you mind if I gave you just a CRUMB of an example, only one? A tiny bit of text that we in the theory community only found at about the time you've reached in the comic, even though it was more than a thousand pages earlier?
Shit, this is such a dilemma. I'm honestly really torn.
See, I'd probably find old fandom theories absolutely fascinating to analyze. I'd love to know how closely my ideas align with those of the early Homestuck fandom, and whether I'm saying anything really out-of-pocket. My analysis of Sollux's ~ATH script was apparently an original theory, and it's honestly one my proudest moments.
But that's also sort of the problem, isn't it? If I dive too deeply into other people's fan theories, they'll start to affect my own - and if I'm introduced to a really compelling fan theory, it could end up replacing any homegrown theories that I could have developed in lieu of it. If someone had send me a well-reasoned ~ATH theory before I did my own analysis, I'd probably have been less motivated to make the analysis in the first place. After all, many of my questions would already have been answered by a clever theory I just read.
People are free to send me their own off-the-cuff opinions on what's happening in the comic, or their own takes on any meta I write. I get a lot of asks like that, and they're some of my favorites. There are also asks which spoil a little too much, but I'm still interested in their takes, so Cat's saving them for later. We don't really delete asks - we just delay the ones that aren't necessarily appropriate for a blind liveblog.
Obviously there's a fine line here, and whether a given ask is a theory or just an opinion is a little subjective - but in my opinion, the influence that asks and submissions have had on my analysis has been relatively minor. I don't think many of my theories have been spawned from an ask, or killed by one.
This is a little different, though, because it's part of a theory that was crowdsourced over several years. It doesn't sound like something that could be inferred by an individual, so I'm not sure if it's something an individual liveblogger should necessarily know about? If I start crowdsourcing my analysis, my theories will be less Wertsearch and more fandom consensus, and I don't think I'd enjoy that as much.
I really want to know, but I think I'll enjoy the liveblog more if I don't. When I finish the comic, I'll gleefully analyze any fan theory that anyone sends me - but for now, I'll just have to wonder, and come up with theories of my own!
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Yeah, we've really been getting into it with Vriska lately. I've enjoyed trying to explain and predict her actions, and I'm glad people don't think I'm going overboard when trying to analyze her.
When a character does something interesting, I don't like to move on until I have a theory about why they did it. Sure, it may be refuted later, but it needs to be something that's consistent with what I currently know about their personality.
Vriska takes a particularly long time to puzzle out in this way. Her motivations are derived from a complex web (lol) of factors, including Scratch, Spidermom, her rivalry with Terezi, her horrendous relationship with Tavros, classism, teenage hormones, quadrant politics, highblood society and the Alternian culture of violence. They all inform her decisions, and any combination of them could have been the catalyst for the latest Vriska Incident.
I want characters to make sense to me, and Vriska is written to deliberately challenge my attempt to achieve this. Her meta is fun to write, so I'm glad it's also fun to read!
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littlelittlestar-o · 22 days
Ima post them bc yall asked
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Meet bebe tessa doorman (yes N desided to make tessa her middle name,tessa is also her godmother!) the daughter of of N and Uzi doorman (When they married N changed his last name to doorman) bebe is a cheerlearder with her bff maddie!! But she is still an angsty teen robot!! She is 17 years old. And she is dating SD-C (more on the new murder drones later) she made and programed a dog which she named biscuit!! Biscuit is a 3 month year old sized golden retriver with bright brown eyes (his size is that of a 3 month year old puppy) biscuit has retractable claws,biscuit is very protevtive of bebe!!
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Meet the twins maddie and hunter johnson!! Mads and hunter and and odd pair... To say the least. Maddie unlike both their parents (V and Lizzy johnson, same story as N, V took lizzys last name) she is a bubblie and kind drone!!! Her being bffs with bebe and she has retracable claws (more lore on how they have them latter) she is also dating James( j x tessa's child)!!! Hunter is more like V though being sarcastic and ready to fight... Even his own sister. Like his mom he can regenerate but has no other abilites beside being awsome at basketball!! He is also bffs with the one and only james!!!
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Meet james Elliot the son of tessa and J (tessa got revide by uzi, idk i got inspo from the worker drone tessa comics)!!! Hunter is alot like his mom, J. (He calls J mom and tessa mother or mama) james is very down to earth (or should i say copper-9?) He often softens up to his girlfriend maddie. His bff is hunter (it was very caotic when maddie and james first told hunter) he often is getting getting mistaken for a girl. He also plays basketball with hunter following him and maddie around he dosnt talk much but when he dose its quite and short.
You may not be asking yourself but why are they all workerdrones? Well due to cyn making the species its very hard to even have full disembily drone cildren also if you were to have them it would be crazy hard to keep alive sence they are not made to have children they dont have baby forms making it almost imposible!!!
Why do hunter and maddie have abilits and dose any one else have abilities? 1. Maddie and hunter are pretty much the closest thing to a murder drone! V and lizzy are very confused on how they got the abilities and how! 2. Hunter and maddie aren't the only ones with abilities bebe infact has the absolute solver but ever sence she found out she has been hiding it!!
Who are the new disembily drones? Ever sence J, V, and N "retired" 3 new murder drones came, sd-c (bebe's awsome girlfriend) and her 2 brother (the older on is 22 and the younger one is 12- sorry! Sorry! 13 🙄!!) Sd-X (X is the older one) and sd-G (younger brother) but not everything is fine with the murder drones... X is often trying to kill G due to him "being younger and useless". G is still learning how to be a murder drone he is not good at using guns and missles he is better at fighting/killing with swords and knifes. G is also good at flighing but no as good when it comes to landing he often just faceplants he also takes longer to heal for example when uzi shot J in the piliot that damage to G would take him at LEAST 3 years to fully hear in conpasine to J who only took 2 months to fully heal (my au) thats why when X tries to kill him and damages him badly its really bad. Nothing is really known about X besides his hatered twords G for unknown reasons. C is often the one in the middle needing to protect G from X. C is also 17 yrs old and the only girl in the gang i will show a pic!! (I havent drawn X or G yet)
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One fact about C is that her hands are bigger near then end for a reason that reason is because she can transform them into sheilds!!!
Can we have more info on biscuit? Of course!! Bebe created buscuit when she was 16 years old, she made him what she thought a golden retriver was like althogh biscuit got a few more traits from following N, Uzi, and Bebe around!!! Biscuit is kind but can get aggresive if he sences danger twords Bebe, Uzi, or N when bebe sneaks out to hang out with her secret girlfriend biscuit is often following her!!!
If you have any question about these fanchildren and all of that reblog or ask in the comments below!!!
Thanks for all the people asking to see this AU!!!!
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reckless-avacado · 3 months
um hi. I just watched agggtm the tv series and I have a bone to pick with everything.
THis is ur warning if u havent watched the show Bye.
Don't get me wrong, ive read the books and i LOVED them but this tv show did not do them justice, it changed sooooo many details that didnt need to be changed and left out a lot of stuff, leaving them with no set up for season 2. Good Girl Bad Blood. I will now rant.
Ravi - No hate to the actor that played Ravi but he sucked. The line delivery on so many things was severly lacking. They also made him miss out on an iconic line "Real men wear floral when trespassing". In the show they made it so Ravi didn't rlly help Pip at all. He was simply there for Pip to tell her theories and information to.
Stanley - Stanley was just non-existent. he just wasnt there. This leaves no set up for season two. Bad choice on behalf of someone
Becca Bell - It may have just been me who thought of Becca as this frail 20 year old who was still grieving. But that wasn't represented in the show. They made Becca straight up find Pip and get angry at her instead of Pip just finding her in a cafe or whatever and asking her a few simple questions.
Ant - Ant was there, but not a part of Pip's friend group, he was just known as this dude that asked Lauren out.
Howie Bowers - First of all, his last name wasnt mentioned in tv show i dont think and it came off as this terrifying dude with a scar, when in the books he was just a drunk dude that was tryna sell drugs and didnt want to get called out by a bunch of teenagers. We never saw his house, Pip never tracked him down, he just happened to be at the Calamity party.
Da silvas - They made him more of a character than he needed to be. It was annoying. Also he did this weird nose grabbing thing eww. They also made Nat da Silva one of Andie's best friends instead of it being Chloe and Emma, it was Nat and Emma.
The cave - This cave shouldn't have existed. The calamity party that Pip was supposed to go to the track down the drug dealer, was in a cave. She didn't pretend to smoke with a guy on a garden wall, she simply asked where he was and he took her to Howie.
This stupid cave was also where Andie was hidden, it was like a well or something in the cave that Becca dragged Andie into instead of the Farm house
Isla - In the books Isla was this mentally unstable girl Elliot found on the side of the road that he believed was Andie, Isla being unstable then believed she was Andie. Elliot then hid her away in his attic and looked after her. When Pip finds her the girl introduces herself as Andie, Pip then realises it's not. In the stupid TV show, Isla is a poor girl living at a bus stop that Elliot thinks is Andie but quickly realises is not but offers her a place to stay for the night because of her condition, the next morning he confesses to the murder of Sal to her, which he then traps her in the attic. When Pip finds her she says, "I'm not Andie" UGH, it removed that whole plot point.
Barney - Now i was prepared to ball my eyes out at Barney dieing, (I warned u abt spoilers). A few things were different. First Barney was lost at Josh's bday party, not on a walk like in the book. Secondly (spoiler for book three) Barney wasn't drowned. He was discovered dead on the side of the road after being hit by a car which I can't see how they could make that Jason killing him on purpose.
Jason - They didn't make this man more of a suspect. They needed to make him suspisious to set up for a possible season 3. They made Dan da silva a suspect.
Pip showing up at ppls houses - The main way pip interviews ppl is by showing up at their houses, the show eliminated a bunch of these interactions. Pip met Ravi when on a walk with muffins, not his house, Pip met Max while waitressing for a party, (yes at his house but didn't show up on his door step like in the book) Nat da Silva, Pip interviewed her in the locker room after a tennis match when she was half naked.
There are propably so many more big things wrong with this show. It needed more of a budget, they ended up using some of the same shots, like Pip driving the same road, and Young pip. It was very annoying. I had such high hopes for this show to stay close to it's source material becasue Holly was so involved in the filming process, she even has a mini cameo in the hotel episode (look for the guest in a robe). But i was very disappointed so many things were changed. They even missed the whole renactment of murder to prove Sal's innocence. They just left out so much and it's very annoying.
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ordonianhero · 1 year
It’s complicated
Warning: game and manga spoilers
CW: Mention of abuse and r*pe/S.A. (avoid if you can’t read said content for your own safety)
Disclaimer: not writing this to invalid people’s ships. Just wanting to make something clear about how toxic it is to normalize abuse. (Despite how in character it maybe that they did said action/behavior)
So I am writing this because I felt something needed to be clear up. In the game of Twilight Princess, Midna shatters the mirror of twilight because for the simple reason of knowing if left open, that everything they did to save both kingdoms would be at risk of yet another attack. This was also shown in the manga. Though the manga creators were given more creative way of telling the story, it is not canon to Nintendo. Nintendo allows it but have made it very clear the mangas have never been canon. Not saying people who are midlink shippers are wrong. Thats the thing about fandoms, you can ship however you like and that is 100% valid for you. Not everyone will ship the same way. Thats okay too. So now that’s out of the way, i would like to discuss something I felt was disturbing.
So in the game midna is very sassy, it just her trying to cover up her feeling of being able to do anything in her current state once Zant turned her into the imp form. So she seemed help, but wasn’t exactly nice about it. Link (twilight) happened to be her tool to getting what she wanted. Taking back her kingdom and giving little care (at first) to what happened to his world. She had an agenda. His agenda was basically to save his home and the people who are in it. The Ordon kids, ilia and the village. He later on found out though the light spirits that his task was much more then just his little village. That he was fated to save all of hyrule. He also even through her sassy ways, could see Midna behavior was of someone who was scared for her people, her kingdom. Though she only saw Link (Twilight) was a means to and end. Her attitude changed after he (despite how she treated him) when he went out of his way to get her help as she was dying. Along with seeing how much both Link and Zelda were willing to sacrifice to help her save her kingdom as well.
The manga story was a tad different and it doesn’t entirely follow the game because the creators were given creative leeway by Nintendo to tell their own version of the game. Yes Nintendo had to approve the manga before it got published. However, Nintendo has been clear that the mangas are just a work of fan content and by no means canon. Other then the one in the Hyrule historia. I actually wasn’t too fond of the creators take on Link’s back story, but that’s just me. Still amazing piece either way. So what is troubling me is the normalization of the way Midna was towards Link (twilight) and assuming that its a healthy relationship (or friendship. However way you saw it) to be physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive towards him. She hits him, calls him names….I mean that’s not okay.
“Oh well she just teasing and being sassy.”
Yeah okay in the game that’s true, the manga really went a lot father then just sass some times. There were other characters in the manga where it sort of implied things far more beyond just abuse, beside link and midna stuff. Manga was far more darker then the game.
At the end of the final manga we come to the part where Midna is about to shatter the mirror and telling Link that no, he can’t go with her. (Manga implied they have feelings for each other) some may assume if they havent played the game she is shattering the mirror for no reason. She is. It cause light and dark can’t mix. That is clear. Thus she is shattering the mirror to once again protect both their worlds from having happened, to happen again.
So now you maybe wondering where I have issue with the manga and Midlink area. Many have gone to say the content in the manga is “Juicy” when Link (twilight) couldn’t understand why he couldn’t just leave with her. Her reasoning was because he belong in the light world. To continue to serve hyrule (completely different from what actually happened in the game). Midna called him “disobedient and rude….” As she has said and told him several time through the manga series. Ever since they met that is how she saw him. “Disobedient” and “Rude”. Then she full on smacked him. A very in character thing for her to do. Yes. Then tells him, “No link, go back”
He replies, “I don’t want to.”
Which then resulted in her kissing him, pushing him away and saying with a smirk, “there’s… your reward.” Followed by “I’m not trying to silence you. That was a GIFT…from the real me.” Followed by her breaking the mirror. Which few speculate once again that this was to stop link from chasing after her. If the mirror was intact. Sure that maybe how it was seen I guess, but knowing all that hyrule went through, midna knew they couldn’t be together and to protect his and her world, it had to be shattered.
So for many people, seeing the kiss is a way to make up for smacking him. People saw this as Romance was confirmed, which no doubt it seems so. However this giving readers the thought that some how the way she treated him during the whole series was completely normal and shows a “Healthy relationship” between two people.
Sorry to break it to folks, but that is in no way “Healthy”. Matter of fact her way of treating him, even if he was was being disobedient and rude, by no means did she need to do half the stuff she did to him. Yes he is stubborn, yes the he sort of got an ego after he got the master sword. But by no means is smacking a person okay or doing half the dang stuff she did. I can’t stand for that kind of message that its normal to hurt each other in a pretty abusive way. Even if it wasn’t abusive…nobody (friend, family, partner) should ever treat another person the way Link was treated in the manga. That is where I have issue is the view that this is normal and okay. Healthy. NO! If you are a midlink shipper and you are making the conclusion based on the Manga that smacking or hurting anyone demonstrates a “healthy relationship” I worry.
So what’s going on in LU, well the Comic creator has made it very clear we wont be seeing midna, that Link’s feelings right now are just complicated and that his heart sort of torn right now, though he is close with Ilia. (Relationship or friendship) she is basing her take on Midna and Link friendship, relationship, its complicated based off the game and not off of the Manga. Not sure of what her take is of the manga it self. But this what she said a long while back:
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So in conclusion, i wasn’t midlink shippers to enjoy their ship, but avoid justifying abusive actions as “Healthy”. Though this is about a bunch of fictional characters. There are folks out there who have or do experience this and chalk it up to they deserve this kind of treatment. Which is not true. Everyone deserves to be in a relationship where one should never be physically, verbally, or emotional treated in such a manner.
Now if you saw things differently and I am open to hear you out. Comment below and explain how you saw the interaction between LInk and Midna.
But I wanted to share my upset at the thought people found the ending showing a healthy relationship by abusive behavior.
That is all. I again don’t want other to take this as me being anti midlink or discouraging people who ship midlink. I was just troubled.
Thank you for hearing me out.
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gaysonlyocean · 1 year
Speak my child. Speak your truth. (The OCs)
so first off run down of my main oc stories, then the loose ocs i have running about
so! my main story out of everything is ashstone!! my silly lil metaphor for trauma and isolation i adore it so much, basically fucked up mountain based off the highlands and islands and everyones mentally ill on it And Good God There;s Beasts
next we have the one i havent worked on in a while cause i had to give it a major renovation and its. still unnamed sobs and goes by the working title "experiment gang" cause that was the joke name for the main characters but anyway five human experiment guys with superpowers become the worst found siblings ever and try to explode the government
and last main one rn is helmine!! fucked up selkie story cause i needed something more than ashstone to process some shit, a 23 year old selkie finds out ai is in fact a selkie and forces ais friends to come along on a murder quest to find ais sealskin, things go wrong!
one of my more iconic ones is lazarus, he DID have a story to go with him but i dont like it anymore, i still like him though
basically hes got a bunch of fucked up superpowers that genuinely hurt to use but he does it anyway even though hes been told not to
hes like 49 and hes a whore and keeps doing body horror shit unprompted for fun
been thinking about neopronounsing him but nothing quite feels like him
another fun oc i have a care about a lot is gwendolyn sloughton!! gwen for short, shes so fucked up
basically her whole thing is shes got some subconscious reality altering power, shes not even aware of it cause shes grown up with it, so like for example for her 12th birthday she Really wanted a dog but her parents couldnt afford one at the time but when she came home from school there was a dog waiting for her out of nowhere
unfortunately shes not a good person!! so it turned from innocent things to "i wonder what it would be like to watch someone get hit by a car" and shit, and low and behold it happens
she also kills people in her 20s cause she can get away with it due to this, its really fun to write especially cause other people around her can pick up on things being changed around her but she has no idea
MOVING ON FROM GWENS MURDER PALACE!!! we now have ribs my beloved
hes a werecrocodile!! and theyve kinda grown up completely feral in the middle of nowhere about it
also has a lot of scars and even missing half their left hand from doing crocodile things and fighting with others
hes another bitch who originally had a story but i dont remember anyones name in it but basically he accidentally got kidnapped and now theres a werecroc lost in the big city, surely nothing will go wrong
last one im thinking about rn is almyra!!
shes a funky lil sentient dimension that Believes shes the ghost of a woman who died in like 1904, in reality she was there before the woman [the real almyra] was even born its just when she was murdered things got worse
she thinks shes just haunting the house almyra died in, shes not, shes taken over a entire town and her reach is still growing
a lot of people go missing cause of her and she doesnt even realise it
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mizuki-nikki · 4 months
i tamed my ex husband's mad dog (honest review & major spoilers!) 👑✨
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summary from tropedia:
"As soon as Reinhardt Lincke wakes up 15 years in the past at her father’s funeral, she stabs her husband, the crown prince, in the leg.
Even though he is the one at fault, Reinhardt is the one who is punished. But fate seems to smile upon her when, during the rocky journey to her place of exile, she encounters Will Cohlonna, her husband’s “mad dog” and war hero from her previous life.
Thirsty for revenge, Reinhardt decides to give Will a new name and use him for her revenge. This time, Reinhardt has the joker, and she’s playing to win."
recently just found a post worthy manhwa that i would like to share! indeed this one surpassed my expectation (we all know how many historical manhwa that we have in the comic industry at the moment), but this one surely did not dissapoint
this manhwa comes across a crazy male lead, with a cold female lead. i can't explain all the stories, but i will just tell u some plot twists that made me just.. so mesmerized and shocked at the same time ✨
1. wilhelm colonna's possesive love and behavior towards reinhardt, our female lead
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i am gonna be completely honest but i dont like our main male lead.. at least not the way he's being shown since the beginning of the story. at first, wilhelm is being raised by reinhardt and i feel like the idea of him falling in love with reinhardt is a bit.. gross (my bad) since i thought of him as her son and not as lover. but it is what it is.
wilhelm is a walking red flag.. not gonna lie about it. he's possesive and secretive, he's definitely not as innocent as reinhardt saw her. and when i notice that he actually has ulterior motive by also approaching dulcinea, i knew he is definitely something else.. (although all of that is for rein. yep i know. he did it bcs of his love but still..)
2. how come dietricht is not the main male lead?
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this!!! this is the ultimate agony that i have over and over when i binge read all the stories. dietricht is a green flag and he's definitely the perfect match for rein! i was so sad when he died in the battlefield and i feel like rein actually only love dietricht since the beginning. dietricht is just.. sooo nice. he's the most likeable guy in the comic and wilhelm is just so jealous of this guy (gosh, so childish, i cant)
3. wilhelm has also lived life once and can time travel
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this is one of the most shocking plot twist for me. knowing that wilhelm remember his past, and how he was tortured by dulcinea (that woman is the worst.. i feel bad for her at the beginning for getting involved in all of these but.. ugh she totally deserves it). this explains why he's dang good in swordmanship.
4. dietricht's comeback (he's not dead oh god 😭)
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THE ULTIMATE STORY LINE THAT WE NEED UGHH. this guy is just my favorite character in this manhwa. when i read that dietricht was not dead and just losing his memories, i was so happy. his personality changed a bit as he becomes more caring. he's not as cheeky as he used to be and i feel like he should end up with our main female lead instead.
5. how wilhelm also secretly wishes dietricht to die..
this is also one of the biggest plot twist in the manhwa for me. wilhelm actually knew that there will be an ambush from his old memory and he did nothing to save dietricht. he secretly have inferiority complex over him and how rein likes dietricht more than him (honestly i think it is also necessary to the plot as rein would definitely reject wilhelm if dietricht is not dead).
6. wilhelm's new characteristics as the new emperor
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i havent been a big fan of wilhelm's personality but he becomes more attractive after he become an emperor (still unlikable, but oh well) but i can understand his pain for being rejected by rein (i mean he lied a lot to her. if i were rein i would've done the same)
7. rein & wilhelm's child!! 😭
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GOSHHHH he's so cuteeeee i love his interaction with dietricht. dietricht will make a good father and husband for sure. the greenest green flag man 😚
overall this is a satisfying manhwa to read. i am still waiting for other chapters so i am looking forward to read more 😆
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rosykims · 1 year
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hiiiiiiiiiii sorry it took me literally 3 months to do this but here she is !!! my tav, vierynrae drisune — viera to her closest friends and vierie to her doomed-by-the-narrative boyfriends. disclaimer please immediately disregard her hair bc i still havent found a hairstyle OR fit i like for her, but since she would realistically change her look every 6 to 10 hours im happy just waving some selections of note @ u all <3
truly unfathomable lore dump under the cut (tw for physical assault and miscarriage)
209 years young <3
astarion romance with a generous sprinkle of dream visitor sexual tension for reasons i'll get into (tldr the emperor takes the form of her dead fiance bc they both know its the only form that could ever hope to get through to her 😍)
"seldarine" drow! formerly a lolth sworn menzoberranzan girly, now a well established and famed diabolist of neverwinter (we'll get into it lol).
nowadays shes lolth's no. 1 hater but — having regrettably served her pretty contentedly for 100+ years — she feels too alienated from the seldarine pantheon to truly consider herself a follower. she does toss a prayer eilistraees' way for good karma's sake every now and then, though !
fiend pact (of the chain) warlock ! outside of the power her patron offers her, she's relatively useless in a fight (ie no multiclassing for her lol). the majority of her skills are in leadership, social maneuvering and underhanded political subterfuge. forging her pact was a very deliberate and very necessary move from her perspective to like. add some bite to her bark going forward.
im saying that her level one feat (if the mod ever drops lol <3) is magic initiate: bard and while she isn't canonically a multiclass, she could very easily become one if her pact fell through.
she's canonically a noble background, though she could easily be mistaken for a sage. truthfully all of her interest in the arcane stem from political ambition, noble is the correct answer (and a background she tries to keep under wraps)
lawful evil alignment, bordering very close - and eventually transitioning - to lawful neutral. evil is a sort of unfortunate necessity from her pov right up until the start of bg3, but her character is more aligned to the Lawful part as opposed to the Evil part. she follows a strict code of professionalism, unscrupulous loyalty, and also sometimes "just business, sorry kid" :/ but outside of those circumstances she's as charming/kind/reasonable as they come lol
ok. whew. heres the full unabridged off the walls loredump. prioritizing her menzoberranzan history over her diabolist career bc otherwise i'd need a whole third month for this lol.
viera drisune (later taking the elven adult name vierynrae) was the 13th of 21 total children borne to mistress viciiva drisune, matriarch of the 17th house of menzoberranzan
only vierynrae herself and 2 other sisters actually survived to see viera's elven 'adulthood'. one sister was xaeszara drisune- the firstborn and heiress. xaeszara saw herself as an aspiring proxy of lolth, forsaking politics as she became utterly consumed with fanaticism and religious fervor. she perceived acts of heresy against her goddess in the everyday routines and familiar faces of her kin, and often took to culling her siblings and cousins in sporadic ritual offerings to the spider queen :)
arac'nene drisune, the 16th child and vierynrae's younger sister, also survived - specifically because she was just as deranged as the eldest. she didn't possess xaeszara's zealotry, but still relished in lolth's simpler tenets of chaos and slaughter. the two essentially allied together to pick off the other siblings and minor family members, arac'nene acting as xaeszara's attack dog against any she deemed undevoted to lolth. which was all of them, naturally.
vierynrae only survived because she clued in to the alliance early, and knew the only way to survive was to win the favor of their matriarch and mother, viciiva, by making herself an invaluable asset in all matters of house affairs. and she did! what she lacked in combat prowess she made up for in charisma and intelligence, and quickly earned the trust (and protection) of viciiva after overseeing several successful raids/assassinations of rival houses and improving their overall position in drow hierarchy. the other two siblings couldn't touch her without dooming their house's winning streak or worse, earning the mother matriarch's wrath.
for almost 70 years viera enjoyed the relative safety of her mother's protection, while being groomed by her into a natural leader. vierynrae's actions helped house drisune ascend the ranks of nobility until they were eventually named 10th of the great houses.
in all those years she dutifully followed the tenets of lolth, the only faith she'd ever known, until one day while skulking about in the caverns just outside of the city, she met kiryn'kel nathril , a handsome, bewilderingly sweet man whom she would soon come to learn was not only a seldarine surface drow, but also ironically a cleric of eilistraee, who would regularly venture deep into the underdark to save its denizens from the tyranny of lolth.
against all odds (and in spite of several dozen death threats and attempts viera would make against his life) they fell in love, and began an affair in secret that would last for over 15 years. during this time kiryn taught her about the surface; about sunlight and freckles and kindness and what an honest, earnest hug felt like. he was patient, and successfully de-radicalized her, soon even convincing her to begin aiding him in his efforts to undermine lolth and free any who might stand a better chance on the surface
try as he might, though, he was never quite able to convince her to leave menzoberranzan and marry him up in his home in neverwinter. she had too many ambitions in her own city and still held on to the drow superiority she'd been indoctrinated in to. what's more, she still held a stubborn, optimistic hope that she could miraculously change her home from the inside (while conveniently consolidating all her power and authority over the other houses, too, of course)
this didn't happen, obviously. vierynrae's family's suspicions were growing due to the subtle change in her attitude over the years, all culminating with her abruptly learning that she was pregnant with kiryn's child. she knew her child was a son, and that her house already held the two total male heirs allowed (ie: the two surviving men xaeszara hadn't murdered), and so she finally accepted kiryn's proposal and began to make bittersweet plans to flee the only home she'd ever known.
the plans were short lived, and the pair were inevitably caught by house drisune mere hours before they had agreed to leave. to avoid the shame - and consequences - of the truth getting out amongst the other houses, the matriarch viciiva allowed vierynrae to live, but only after cutting off her ring finger, confiscating its band, and forcing her to watch as kiryn'kel was publically and sadistically executed.
but this wasn't enough for xaeszara, who noticed during the execution that viera's hand hovered a little too long - a little too protectively - over her stomach. in her grief, vierynrae barely noticed her two siblings' whispers, nor when her mother was invited into its fray. the gravity of her situation only dawned on her when her mother bid her halt during the long walk back home, and asked her one grim question: "is it a male?"
her silence was the answer, and viciiva nodded, permitting xaeszara to push vierynrae down a flight of stairs carved into the stone. arac'nene was waiting at the bottom, laughing, to kick her nearly to death - more than enough to guarantee the child would never be born.
minutes blurred into hours, and vierynrae -grieving, raging, but mostly numb - knew her days in house drisune were numbered. she never went home, instead limping her way out of the city gates and on towards the secluded place she had first met kiryn all those years ago.
from there, she began bargaining, first to the gods - who would not answer a lolth-sworn - and then to the anyone in the nine hells who would listen. she screamed at the cavern walls that she was willing to bargain, and after three days, the fiend who would soon become her patron emerged from the dark. she offered up his soul to him right there in exchange for the power to raze the city of menzoberranzan and everyone in it, but the devil only laughed. "do you truly think your little soul is of equal value to that of the city of spiders?" he asked. "how many souls call menzoberranzan home, i wonder? thirty thousand - fifty? not to mention the wrath of lolth this tantrum of yours will inevitably bring about . . . why, that price alone is worth as many souls as you have hair on your head."
and with that, the terms of a pact began to form. a drop of infernal power for every act of service - and for every soul sent to the styx - tallied by the silver hair on her scalp. each deed's value would be measured in strands, turning black as the underdark itself to mark the progress of such an insurmountable price. once every hair had turned, she would know at last that the pact was complete, and she would be powerful enough to return to the underdark and attempt a final stand. until then, she would serve her patron in any and all things.
her first kill was her mother, matriarch viciiva. her patron was true to his word; as 17 strands of silver hair turn blacked, she felt an equivalent surge of power - just enough to make the weeks long trek out of the underdark and up into the sunlit lands, alone.
i hit the block text character limit oh god 🤪
and so her new life began. she navigated a hostile surface world with only her patron's whispers to guide her, eventually settling in neverwinter, in spite of a population vastly hostile to her kind. over the years, her uncanny ability to sniff out a desperate soul - and then cordially offer then aid - made her a recogniseable and accepted figure in the city, eventually putting her in the position to make a legitimate business out of it.
business flourished, and as her renown grew, so did her power, forever measured by her rapidly darkening hair. by the start of baldur's gate 3 she is formiddable — a diabolist and the right hand of her patron, feared and respected, secretly amassing every resource, ally and advantage she has at her disposal through low whispers and coded letters. all of it to pay the price of marching — one day, perhaps centuries from now — on menzoberranzan, and having the power to take it.
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enchantingruinscandy · 5 months
heyyy u got ocs u wanna share w the class 👁️👁️
okay so at first i didnt know which to pick, but almost all of my ocs will be talked about in one way or another at some point. so im gonna tell you about an older oc who i made in middle school and havent really done anything with since (under the cut)
her name is alex sampsin and her universe is completely original. kinda inspired by my two hyperfixations at the time (sly cooper and batman), she comes from a family of thieves. everyone in her family had a specialty. i dont remember everyone's skills anymore and i doubt i have the journal with my notes either. her skills were with technology and lockpicking. looking back, her family was kind of like a gang, like there was an initiation they had to go through and it was kind of brutal to do to your kids. but anyway, they were highly skilled and known in circles of other criminals for their ability to get in, get the goods, and get out without being detected.
Alex, as kids do, did what her parents told her and helped them steal, but she always felt bad about it. when she was maybe 5 (idr how old, but she was very young) she tried to get out and ran to the nearest police station. however, when they realized who she was they told her to return to her family and work for them as a double agent. she did so and spent the next decade or so feeding information to the police, who knew of the sampsins, but had no evidence and needed to catch them in the act. Alex couldnt be too obvious about feeding info to the outside, and if she lacked in her skills her parents would figure it out, so she worked just under her capabilities and the police never caught the family.
one day (and i dont quite remember why), alex had enough. she couldnt keep being a double agent, so she fled to her aunt and uncle's home. alex wasnt forced to go back to her parents and the cops had to find a new way to catch the thieves.
alex got to spend the rest of her teenage years as a pretty normal kid. she graduated and went to college for a degree in smth to do with computers (i had one picked but idr it). after college is when she strayed from the path of normal yet again.
she knew first hand that the cops couldnt do their jobs, so someone else would have to pick up the slack. she decided to become a vigilante. she used her tech skills to build a suit that looked like an anthropomorphic panther, with a long prehensile tail. she that people would not be happy with what she was doing, and that it was harder to be found if people didnt know to look for you (hence making ppl think she was a mutant cat thing).
i never really got any good plot lines written for her, but i did have a space arc halfway planned in which she gets kidnapped by these badass winged aliens and only one is friendly enough to help her out (lorate you will always be famous to me). i also had planned her first major task, which was to put a stop to her family's schemes, in which people discover she exists and started making conspiracy theories as to what she is (she has a lot of fun with that btw)
i had a set design for her initially, but i kept deciding i didnt like it and wanted to change it, but if i find lorate's design i will share it bc i still think its so good. also i never settled on a name for her hero identity i liked. she didnt name herself, but i kind of thought other people might refer to her as 'the cat' bc wtf else are you gonna call that thing?
ty sm for the ask, winter! sorry i took so long to get to it!
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puzzlevision · 7 months
hello, yoko here.
so some of you may noticed that i changed my username, you can still call me as yoko but once the revamping is started, you will no longer call me by that name. i want to seperate myself from that name that made me known on the smg4 fandom.
this is a very long explanation so its under the cut, and note to people on tumblr around: it contains controversal stuffs happening on glitch productions
this change is because of the smg4 controversy that happened recently, with the main one being taris old va (celeste notley-smith) being replaced by a new one. which is okay at first because celeste is a mother and a teacher and needs to focus on other stuffs and yadda yadda, until you found out that she fired from glitch after 6 years.
now picture this: you are one of the first voice actor/actress from a recently new company, only to get replaced by a new one after years of voicing a character that you dearly love. the new tari va (lottie baurne) almost sounds like her old va and thats okay, but this situation is awful. not only that, robyn (smg2s former voice actress) is stepping down from glitch because of that. she recently made a video about this controversy on her channel "anime america", so please make sure to watch it.
yeah yeah i know jasmine yang (the voice director) made an apology, but that… is just not that good. sometimes we always forget things, but her apology? this is meh. im hoping to see celestes respond about her apology so the situation will be calm once again (like it was used to be… back in the early years). im also looking forward for the lerdwichagul brothers' responds as well.
and about the other controversy, we got glassdoor ratings about employee mismanagement coming from ex-workers, thanks to the ceo… aka kevin. i dont understand why kevin was hated by everyone back then, but it turns out that they are right. kevin is a completely different person with cameras OFF. that one scene from the episode "smg4… are you okay?" where smg4 tortures toads into manipulation by making videos for his channel became more obvious with this one. the good side is we havent heard about luke (smg4) yet.
on the other hand, i will probably start a career as a utau producer once i have speakers for my pc, dowloaded utau, and practiced how to use that software (hence the "prod" on my url). there is a chance that kikyuune aiko will be my main. smg4 stuffs will still be around, however you will see less smg4 stuffs here due to the controversy and the fact that this is a multifandom account aside from my likes. buuuuut that does not mean ill stop working on pandemic love distortion. (for those who didnt know about this one, its a wip smg34 fanfic made by me that was put on developmental hiatus due to irl stuff)
and for those who havent heard of it already, i will permanently post all my future arts to @blueberry-arts, but previous arts from my main will still be here and remain. so if you want new arts from mine go to my other account pls 🙏
soooooo i guess that will be all. thank you for reading.
signed, yoko. 🫐
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evencoolername · 1 year
tell me about half moon in your rewrite pls
i love you anon I am kissing directly on the lips in a platonic way thank you so much for leting me talk abt my girltragedy
Im still ironing stuff out. So alot of things havent been developed or ares subject to change. feel free to leave suggestions for changes or things that could be added. Questions abt this are also welcome. I love getting asks they r so tasty
Firstly to properly understand everything im gonna have to tell you some of the Rewrite Lore. 1. The three (and Dovewing but shes not important rn) are reincarnated gods. Every once in awhile they reincarnate into random cats. I might change their names but for now they're just called Jay, Lion, and Holly. 2. there are three groups. I havent come up with names for them tho :l The leaders of the groups are named Tiger Stripes and Leopard's Claws. 3. no time travel bc that plot was kinda dumb.
Her name is originally Bright Moon. But I will call her Half moon for convenience. She is a softpaw along with her friends, Jay's Wing, Lion's Roar, Fallen Leaves, and Holly Berry. (like in canon Lion isnt related to jay and berry) But her, Jay's wing and Holly berry are especially close.
There isnt any romance with Jay in this they r just besties. Moon and Berry on the other hand are doomed and tragic yuri. (Qpr edition!) Both of them are aroace.
Things are all great until Fallen Leaves Dies. They're all very sad but Lion is especially distraught. In his grief he starts to distance himself from the others. Half Moon trys to confort out him but he pushes her away.
Like one or so month after Fallen Leaves' death the leader of their group dies. They hold a vote for who should be the new leader. The two candidates are Falling Flakes (name pending) and some random ancient cat. The group is very split on who should be the leader as some think Falling Flakes will lead them to be stronger and others things hes too violent.
The night before the vote Jay's wing has a vison that if Flakes becomes leader life as they know it will be wiped out. He tells this to his friends (incuding Lion) The vote is split evenly and despite Jay's warning Lion's roar (who is the newest sharpclaw here) casts the final vote for Falling Flakes.
Jay gets upset with Lion for not heading his warning and they get into a fight. Moon and Berry take jay's side which strains Lion's relationship with them further.
As predicted Falling Flakes starts agressing the other groups. Lion's Roar is his bigest supporter. When a fight eventually starts with Leopard's claws group Lion's Roar kills his right hand man which ony makes things worse. Half Moon is horrified by what her friend has become.
But something else is happening in Half Moon's own group. Anyone who speaks out against Flakes mysteriously is found dead near the border and is used as justification for attacking the other groups. Moon has a sneaking suspicion of why this keeps happening.
The group of three friends agree that Falling Flakes must be taken down. Holly Berry has an idea but she refuses to share it with the other two. She just asks them to trust her. Jay's wing is hesitent but agrees. Half Moon tells Holly Berry that she would trust her with her life.
And then a few days later Falling Flakes is found dead by a river. So now the group needs a new leader. Lion's roar is the obvious choise but Half Moon nominates Holly Berry as the other choice. She gets acused of being biased but Jay's wing claims he had a vision saying that she should be the other leader canidicandidate.
Some insist that they dont need to vote because Lion was practically Flake's second hand man but the elders say they must respect tradition.
Half Moon asks if Jay actually had that vision and he tells her the vision was just a Holly bush grown over the voting spot.
The vote is once again close but Berry wins in the end. Lion is put under close watch. Half Moon congrats her dear friend and thinks that everything will be fine now. What she doesnt know is that the worst is yet to come.
The fights have hurt the land and winter is now apon them. (the story starts in really early spring) so now theres a famine. Everyone is extremely desperate for prey. Combined with highted aggression cats will fight tooth and nail for prey.
Many cats in all groups starve to death. This includes Half Moon's own mother. Moon is racked with grief. One of the remaining people in her life who cared about her is gone. (her father died long before this) And it doesnt help that Holly Berry has been more distant. so she leans on Jay for surport.
Holly Berry is not handling any of this well. She is very stressed by everything. Flakes' remaining supporters say that if Lion had been put in charge they'd be doing much better off.
Berry starts to spiral. That maybe if she hadn't killed Flake so soon the cats who starved would still be alive. Maybe Half Moon's mother would still be alive. She tells everyone to get prey by any means necessary. In the end she deside that she should attack Leopard's claws group. That if they drove them out there'd be more prey to go around. And its what Lion's roar would do.
So she does. Almost every cat in the group dies. Leopard's claws himself dies to Holly Berry's own claws. The survivors flee, getting scattered. Anywho in her group who dissagred was threatened with violence and told 'we could always use one less mouth to feed' so they stut up.
Tiger Stripes desides to leave the lake because they were hit the worst by the famine. (but everyone else left doesnt know that till later)
Holly Berry's actions anger Jay's wing. He wants to kill Berry but Moon convinces him to talk with her. Reluctanty Jay agrees. Beacue deep down he still cares about his sister.
So they go and have an invention. Jay yells at for a while but basically he says he says that she only made things worst. Angered by this, Holly Berry lunges at him. She accidently slits his throat or hits something important (but he doesnt die instantly)
Holly Berry, realizing that she just killed her how brother is mortified by this. Half Moon goes of on Berry . She says that Jay's wing was right and that they should have killed her. That the Holly Berry she loved died the day she became leader.
Realizing that she Fucked Up Big Time Holly Berry runs into the tunnels, never to be seen alive again.
Half Moon on the other hand is deep in grief for both Jay's Wing and Holly Berry. She officially changes her name to Half Moon to represent how she fells like half of her is gone.
When she goes to sleep she is greeted by a many winged cat (think biblically accurate angels) who looks an awful lot like Jay's wing. He tells her go leave and go in the direction of the mountains. She asks him what his name is but he juts tells her she'll know soon enough. Moon tells the remaining members of the group that they should leave and while most deside to go with her, Lion and a few others deside to stay in the dieing land.
When they make it to the mountains she gets named Stoneteller. Half Moon swears to never care for anyone as much as she did Holly Berry.
She lives out the rest of her life plagued with guilt. Maybe if she tried harder to reach out to Lion's Roar he would have listened to Jay's Wing's warning. Maybe if she had tried to help Holly Berry with leader ship more she wounldn't have drove away the other groups .Maybe if she hadn't deterred Jay's Wing from killing Holly Berry, he'd still be alive.
Despite everything she can't bring herself to hate Lion or Holly.
Every once in a while the winged tom meets her in her dreams and tells her something. (prophecy, warnings etc)
Many years later, soon after Gray Wing and the others leave for the forest, she peacefully passes in her sleep. In death she is met by the winged tom once more. He finally introduces himself as Jay. Half Moon asks if he's Jay's wing. Jay tells her that Jay's wing was a incarnate of him but they are two separate entities.
Next she asks where Jay's wing is and a new voice chimes in telling her that hes a ghost unable to pass on like the others. She turns around and is met by a pitch black molly with glowing light yellow eyes with a striking resembles to Holly Berry.
She introduces herself as Holly, the god of death itself. She elaborates that Jay's Wing Holly Berry, Lion's Roar, and Fallen Leaves are still trapped on the mortal plane. But then says that they didnt bring her here just to tell her she'll probably never see any of her friends again.
Jay says they are doing something they've never done before. Half Moon turns to faces him. He extends his paw and offers her the chance to become a higher being. She hesitates for a moment but still takes it.
Basically this means she becomes a demigod. Now she watches over and guides the tribe. Forever will she be willing to hold out hope that one day she will be reunited with her friends and the love of her life.
The story of why they left their old home was different from telling to telling. As time went on all those tellings merged. Eventually Holly Berry was told as nothing but tyrant, Half Moon being the one who heroically stopped her regin of terrier at the cost of her best friend's life. The knowledge of bond that Half Moon and Holly Berry shared was lost to time, now only known to them.
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cephiwyrm · 2 years
please please please share all of your ocs!!
HELLO YES I WILL??? there was one i was specifically vague posting about in the one reblog which i will NOT but i will share something funny abt him
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my ex made a cardboard cut out of him, hated him so much they STABBED HIM and then mailed me the arm, and of course i still own it. ANYWAYS! pulling these from my main toyhouse (i have an ugly watermark i am so sorry) let the rambling begin (extremely long i am so sorry LMAO)
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(cutely pulls up a piece of art) alright this is my cherry pop story! they are 3 cryptid / unnatural monster type hunters in a universe that is pretty much exactly like earth 1:1 except it was cats and dogs that became the main dominant species. the main character (aka just the one we see through her POV theyre all main characters to me.sniff) is Annie! she is a quiet and get it done type of character, besides working the 9 to 5 monster hunting job, she really likes games (this takes place in the 2000s btw) and is interested in how mechanical stuff works! also she is a trans icon :)
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next is Peyton! shes she nerdy, figure it out type. probably the one in the group the most interested in what they're actually being paid to do; also one of the first ones to notice what is actually going on. she mainly enjoys going out and fucking around with her skateboard and shes a little sillay gal
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last but not least in cherry pop is Micah! hes the brawns and usually helps with doing physical objectives, and also just catching the monsters in general if need be. first one to come to conclusions, even if they are SEVERELY wrong. he is captain of the swim team and wishes to go to a bigger college one day (they are in a small town)
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OK NEXT !! AFTER PARTY they are some of my oldest ocs (not OLDEST oldest but def. there) and their story is a little all over the place since its with me and my friends and we havent gotten into it recently (its basically a masquerade type kill scenario) all their art is a little old but this is Okano! at a very young age, her father died and she was able to take over a very well off company. Well she doesn't make huge decisions by herself at the moment, she shows great opportunity in the future. she is very distrusting because of it though, and takes a while to warm up to people.
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next is kaga! (one next to peyton) shes a little silly gal, shes very reckless and kind of doesn't care about danger shes in it for the thrill. absolutelu kills it being a roller blader, but also just likes walking around with no shoes on. also ! she works in a tattoo shop :)))
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now realizing i have a lot of. trio characters huh. anyways! heres kiki. no ur not getting a genuine image bebcause she iisss so baby...... anyways; she is a french vlogger! she loves exploring the world and showing it to her growing number of people. also has a small AU inside of stardew valley :) shes obsessed with seagulls as well
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ok realizing i have too many ocs and i dont want this to be like two million word post (30+ on my main and more not even on TH) so ill end off with my TTRPG charas :) this is Milo my druid aarakocra for DnD! on like the second session he got struck by lightining and got a god that way. When he was just a litol baby he wandered off from his home and into a forest where his brother, an elf named Leo, went up to his soon to be mentor/father figure Crechir like CAN WE PLEASE KEEP HIM PELASEEEEEE and may or may not have lied about his entire home burning to the ground later on he found a little gold dragon which when touching different objects changed colour; and was named skittle. little funny thing about skittle was everytime a gold coin was fed, he would grow just a little bit. even more later on, he was sent an ominous message about his birth home about how his mother had died and he was the next chieftan and so he had to go do some special trials in order to become one! he also went to the hell casino and since crechir gave him chips he was able to get an amulet that lets him shift between his two forms, treefolk and birdfolk
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and finally, this is Ash for MOTW! she is a twin in a small town in canamerica (canada and america fused because our irl party is in both) due to being a twin, she was born with some spooky (haha her class) powers, and will send her twin Ali memes via telapathy. unfortunately being a teen with powers, she is also kind of very angsty and prone to some bursts of outrage. besides that, she has a very strong interest in wood carving, while her twin loves to hunt crytids, due to the strangeness of their town they have to deal with it every once in a while! they have a pet snake belovingly named banana (or boenana. shes a boa constrictor) and is honestly a teen that is addicated to her phone
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furballfaggot · 9 months
!! surprise motherfucker
tumblr sure does Notify Me Of Things! you already know a bit about this one but im telling you about him anyways bc I Need to talk about him. soery. no art bc i havent drawn him in like 2 years (i really need to though augh)
general details: Antiander Hapheles, he/xe, born to parents i havent named yet and older brother to sister i also havent named yet. im very good at what i do. pansexual, genderqueer, and autism + adhd. because i project them onto like all of my characters. likes squids and the ocean, sewing, and rollercoasters
tws for domestic abuse, murder, and suicide
Antiander Hapheles (he/xe) is a lust demon who works at Cerberus Law as a defense attorney. originally born as a normal human named Jared Montagna, Tian was a frequent partier who hooked up with various people while xe was alive. sometimes these would just be hookups, sometimes theyd be short-lived relationships. it was never really possible to tell beforehand what it would become, but they really only ever lasted a few months at most (usually due to the other person losing interest, since most people he got together with were also frequent partygoers who were pretty much the same as xem)
all of that changed, however, when he met a woman named Alicia (she/her) at a party -- and not for the better. while jared was genuinely in love with her for at least a while, she seemed to only treat him as a punching bag for her needs. she abused him frequently, cheated on him several times -- they had previously agreed on a closed relationship, but she insisted on making it an open one after her first few affairs -- and got silently jealous and far more controlling when xe spent any quality time with anyone but her. they would go to parties together, but as time went on Alicia started to isolate him more and more even while out and about with her. eventually jared slept with someone at a party against her wishes, which spun out of control once she found out and ultimately resulted in her committing murder-suicide and very violently ending their 9-month relationship. i know this doesnt sound like a very human villain but theres only so much condensing that can be done to at least 2 years worth of established backstory before you lose some depth
as a murder victim, jared was given a new name when entering hell and thus became antiander hapheles. at first he was cautious of everything and everyone (youd be paranoid too if your horrendous now-ex girlfriend literally backstabbed you in your sleep) but eventually fell back into xyr partying and hookups. all of that changed, however, when he met a woman named Sontorelle at a party. this was alicia, who manipulated, gaslighted, and blackmailed him into entering another relationship with her. this succeeded, partially because antiander was Very Drunk, and thus their relationship continued for about another year. during this time, tian got a job at cerberus law and eventually started making friends and connections. sontorelle had no idea xe had a job, since 9 times out of 10 she was out with someone else or otherwise ignoring what her victim was doing, but after a while Antiander started spending time with his new friends Azariah (they/them) and Velnoir (she/they) outside of work which she caught onto right away. the duo, meanwhile, quickly noticed the scarring and bruising all along tian's body and began to check in with xem on the regular. eventually antiander finally gathered enough strength and confidence to break free of sontorelles clutches and got a restraining order, as well as reporting the long history of abuse xe had endured. to his knowledge the courts didnt give her a very long sentence, so shes very likely still out there, but by now its been a good few years and she hasnt given xem any trouble. antianders mental health since then has greatly improved, though xe struggles with cptsd from his abuse
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pikawarrior · 1 year
Welp welcome back to my random rambles im just gonna talk bout alot of random stuff mainly my stories so here for go lets hope this is understandable
Story/maybe comic stuff
Turning of the orange | The Strawberry Patch - Old soon to be remade/written stop motion strawberry shortcake zombie movie me and my dad were making when i was in elementary schoolish. We unfortunately didnt make it that far since he had to leave often and for long times cuz work, but recently i found my old tablet with all the pics and my notes so rework time baby. Im about to use all my years of angst/horror writing to fuck these bitches up even more
The Butterfly Effect and It's Consequences | The Phoenix Effect -
The Butterfly Effect is my main rottmnt fanfic series. About my little rottmnt oc's (Ame) life and how the gang adopting them into the family changed everything mostly for the better but the bad things kinda got alot worse. Idk been focusing on the phoenix effect more
The Phoenix Effect is kinda an extension of that. Its basically the same thing but adds the cass apocalypse series into it. Basically how future Ame being there also changes things and how oopies mystics powers are hard to control after being half dead in stasis for about 12 years hope Ame does trys to leave to protect everyone from himself only to get kidnapped putting everyone in worse danger also oopies isnt that the super dangerous alien someone accidentally freed awhile ago
The Future Diary - So i watched The Hot Box's video on the anime future diary and well here we are
Another rottmnt oc thing. Ame obtains a diary from his future self being like "hey so the world is gonna end soon here's how i think you could possibly stop that. Pls dont do this all alone ur like 5" and ame decides to do it all by himself.
Got all eight chapters planned out already with two already at stage two (aka fully written out just needs to be edited and stuff). I just dont know how to use ao3 in this sense or how to tag stuff plus i got anxiety so its just sitting in my notes app
Video stuff cuz yes
Currently working on a few more special videos. On my channel ive technically reached 100 videos (i unlisted alot of old ones/never posted a bunch more so technically i reached that months ago but shhh let me have this) plus i got 135 subs now so celebrations are in order. Idk what to say bout this, am making a video using the ok ko ending song idk the name, one is a fake collab a friend made and another is an original meme a youtube mutual/friend by association made. Plus like so mant mini things for my ocs, Dimension and Watcher are gonna get so much development and cute couple moments.
Also everyone else is gonna go through so much trauma my gods its gonna amazing.
Also ive been trying to like voice things, audio quality sucks cuz im working off of my tablet but like ive voice a few of my own videos (only one posted) and like its so fun i wish i had proper stuff to do this so i can do it more
Other art stuff
I got a toyhou.se (its EnviousDeath), pls enjoy these characters and stuff
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Im trying to make my art more mess and chaotic while staying clean? If that makes any sense. Still a lover of doing gacha stuff but am trying to branch out more.
Also btw how do people just idk do social stuff like trade characters, comment, and just aaaa idk what am doing i forgot how to do social stuff and also i never understood how to do this type without being awkward as hell
Character stuff
Watcher - *slaps religious trauma onto them* bitch gets sacrificed. Okay okay so Watcher, wasnt always Watcher. Before they used to be Ena a simple kid who was sent away for reasons i havent thought of yet to a church. Blah blah corruption, Watcher gets sacrificed for not falling in line blah blah they were saved and given a second chance.
Dimension - *slaps alot of anxiety and identity issues onto her* bitch got issues. Same as Watcher, Dimension wasnt always Dimension. Before she was Ellie a poor girl hated by her whole town because of the lies their mother spread about them and their father who had left years ago. She only had one friend, Watcher. Somehow they managed to make contact with each other despite being in different universes. Eventually Dimension snapped and went on a killing spree, slowly ripping apart her world in the process because this wasnt supposed to happen (think spiderverse canon events but different ill explain later) with her world crumbling around her, Dimension messages Ena one last time, not knowing Ena was already long gone, and accepts what they assume to be death only to fall into whats basically the anti void from utmv, gets corrupted and became a villain technically more of a multiversal criminal.
(For time and length reasons im cutting this segment short)
Multiverse stuff
How does what happened to Dimension's universe work? The way i explained it is like spiderverse canon events but different, but heres the details. Idk how to explain this but bare with me
Imagine each universe as a game in a folder on a computer. Each game has different code, story, art assets basically all are mostly different.
Most games are coded to have very specific story events and when something goes wrong everything breaks. Like take a spaghetti thing of code that shatters the moment you try to do something like trying to talk with an npc while having a status effect and thats how some of these worlds are like. And Dimension's was very much one of those worlds, and her breaking down like that shattered the code of their world and everything fell apart.
Im too tired to continue but my main multiverse is like one big computer own by a game creator who only sometimes knows how to make a stable game
Feel free to ask about any of what ive just ramblef about am always willing to ramble bout my stuff
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diary-episs · 1 year
havent written here in like foreverrrrrr, been to sjasks and bjørks birthday and just like studying. Bjørks birthday was pretty fun, liked talking with like salbo, smiggs, mathilde and bjørk! didn't get too drunk.
Sjasks birthday was a lot of fun too, we played fissehul and I got to talk with Hazel and Magnus. Sarah is kinda annoying ngl, can't really take jokes and her and Magnus' relationship is kinda obviously not gonna last. Plus Sarah is really stingy with like everything, especially her weed. She gives like extreme sheltered only child vibes. Everything has to be an exchange, like I give you this and get this. Instead of just like sharing??? Also the first time we met she misgendered me before knowing my pronouns and traumadumped on me. idk shes tolerable but I don't want to spend with her one on one.
anyway at Sjasks birthday i got really drunk and then smoked some weed with sarah (stingy lol) and then I started passing out and stuff, until I puked where I started feeling better. Hazel was really helpsome and caring, she held me up and like sat with me when I puked. I love her so so so much, she's so nice to me. She also went to get food with me afterwards and offered to pay. Birk was also really nice about it and got me water. My bed felt so nice after all that shit.
Anyway I'm studying for physics exam, probably gonna get 02 or 00 lol.
I've been with Hazel for 9 months now and we haven't had any big problems at all. like we've only had one argument and it was just based on misunderstandings.
Sjask and Nik are somehow still together, but like their relationship has so many problems. Like they're both really codependent which is probably the main thing holding them together, a lot of the time I've been with them, I've ended up having to comfort one of them bc of the other. talked with Birk about it and like they agree that they won't last. Also Aisha and August are together and like happy as far as I know, they had a few bumps in the beginning but they're good. They got together at new years, I was at Willys party instead of theirs, got high and just like sat on their couch and ate the whole time.
We also went to Galla, the warm-up was so much fun. Sjask, Nik, Birk, Amina and Jamie got locked out before I even arrived. We had a really nice time by the canals in Sydhavn. I got really drunk on the way to our school, so did sjask. The way there was really fun and then when we got there I wanted to watch Raske Penge and Klumpen so I accidentally left the others cause drunk yk? I really really felt like I knew the words to songs I definitely didn't know the words to lol. I talked a bit with Nora about their love life while really drunk. Anyway Nik got really worried and bpd about sjask because he couldn't find them and he promised to protect her. I did my best to comfort him and then when we found sjask she'd just been talking to Birk the entire time. Then me, jamie, nik, birk, Amina, and that one person whose name i still don't know left to get food and sjask didn't wanna come with us. The plans got scrambled and Sjask called Nik because she changed her mind, we then had to find a very drunk Sjask whose mood swings were off the charts, like crying and laughing back to back. She apparently wanted to find a pin she'd lost and had kinda made up that she saw it across the street and since she wasn't in any condition to cross the street i went over and checked, no pin to be found. That wasn't enough so she decided she needed to check. But like cars and she was out of it. So we hold her back, she gets triggered and hits nik, looks for the pin, no pin. She then after cooling off realizes that she has hit her boyfriend and starts becoming apologetic and crying and shit. had to comfort sjask for the entire bus ride despite the fact that nik definitely needed and deserved it more, there's been a lot of comforting those two. Especially cause they're both really mentally ill.
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