#oc: michiko
ozymoron · 6 months
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i drew my oc next to him. in my beautiful world they would be best friends
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burnitmyg · 2 years
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my heart will never feel, will never see, will never know.
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5poundlobster · 5 months
☆OC: Koharu
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Name: Koharu Maruyama Nickname(s): Ko-chan Age: 20/21 Birthday: 10/10 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight
•Appearance Hair color: Black Eye color: Green Height: 154 cm (5' 0")
•Relationships Parents: Loves them a lot Siblings: Loves her younger sister but hates the fact that she's the shorter one Friends: Her closest friend is Natsuki Partner(s): Mitsukuni Haninozuka
•4 facts about her: °Has a big baby face and therefore stays out of a dating pool (Honey is an exception due to him also looking young) °Wants to be a clothes designer and therefore takes fashion very seriously °Loves gothic lolita fashion °Wants to learn how to fight
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breezypunk · 3 months
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Rest of the photostory under the cut ♥︎
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“A soulmate will never leave you. They will always be apart of your life until one day the chance is given for them to become your life. It is then you will become one.” ― Faye Hall
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cybervesna · 3 months
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2020 vs 2024
I had to remind myself that I'm not stuck in one place and I really learned a lot. Also Wiosna had a nice glow up!
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ghostinurattic · 7 days
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little something based off of this! M feeling like art again!
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camo1000le · 24 days
I wish people liked OCs more, I don't really know where to post them bc IG is in poop rn
Anyways, some ref sheets from my babies, I'm doing them for Artfight !! (that's the incentive but they're mostly just to have refs for art trades and stuff)
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danizmomota · 6 months
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So for some reason after I talked about (on my instagram) how in the THH School Mode, Monokuma gives you a analysis of who your good friends with.. I had the mental image of just Chihiro, Dani and Yasuhiro getting caught eating pizza for no reason and I visioned it would look like this
Other Context: it said that I’m rlly good friends with Hiro and Chihiro
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kankuroplease · 4 months
Do you by any chance have a full body drawing of michiko? Her face looks so sweet
The real question is do have any full body pictures of her clothed and the answer is no 💀 but I do have this tumblr appropriate scribble of her and @qettleqorn ‘s OC ~
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mjstral · 2 months
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I'm not really back but I found myself with some free time so why not? Here's Michiko and Tomie! I'm sure you've noticed some changes in their appearance, but that's not the only thing that changed; I've officially changed Mary's name (for many reasons) so now she's entirely inspired by Michiko Ishihara. I will not brag about it and just leave these three pictures here :) hope you like it! P.s. the fourth picture is Michiko Beast version.
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What's Your Quirk?
MHA OC writing
Posted it on ao3 if you wanna read there instead :>
"What are you doing here?"
Michiko's head lifted from her book to be met with a blonde who was a little too close for comfort. She flinched back from his face. Did he not know personal space?
"I'm just esting lunch and-"
"Yeah well I called dibs on this spot this morning."
Dibs? Seriously? Is that how others her age worked?
"Sorry, I'll just-"
"Whats your name?"
She paused from putting her book back in her bag. It returned to her lap as she sat up again, a cautious twinge to her tone.
"Chisaki Michiko."
"Monoma Neito. You in the hero course?"
"Yeah, 1-A. You're-"
"1-B, yeah I know. Want an autograph?"
What the fuck was this kid on? She tilted her head to the side as she studdied him. He was fairly rude with cutting off her sentences and he seemed to have an ego. Was he compensating for something? Her online friends would probably come to that conclusion.
"Why are you up here by yourself?"
She watched as the blonde leaned on the ledge of the roof. The book was set down on the other side as she relaxed. He was waiting for a response, maybe deciding to tone down on the rude behaviors.
"I just wanted to eat lunch by myself."
He cracked a grin. "Isn't that kind of sad?"
"Well, I didnt see anyone come up here with you."
His smile fell to a pout. He turned to look down at the other students. They looked small like ants as they ran around outside. She turned her head to gaze down at them as well. It felt nice up there, the remaining summer sun warming her skin. She could sit up there observing them for hours if she was allowed to.
"Whats your quirk?" There was a hint of genuine interest in the question. He still didn’t turn his head to her.
Neito turned to face her again, a slight pout on his face. He had expected her to keep going. "Thats all I get? Just the name of it?"
Michiko faced him again. He wasnt going to leave her alone, was he? She sighed before turning back to the view. "I can grow pumpkins and manipulate them like puppets."
His eyes widened as the grin returned. That one could be useful, if he could get her to show him how it worked, ganted she was in a different class. But who knows, their classes could potentionally train together to gain a variety of experience. He straightened up and pushed himself from the ledge to stand in the middle of the roof.
"Show me."
"We're on the roof, who's going to see us using quirks from down there. Unless yours is big and flashy enough to draw attention."
Her eyes darted between his before she sighed, spinning around to stand on the roof. She dug into her bag to grab her stash of seeds and popped one in her mouth. She spit it out and watched as it popped out vines and soon a full pumpkin. It looked mostly hallowed out with a face carved into its flesh. It grinned at the two as she motioned for it to come towards her. Its used its vines like an octopus would crawling on the ocean floor. Neito stared in amazement before he placed a firm hand on her shoulder, his other one extended.
"Give me a pumpkin seed."
Michiko blinked. "What?"
"I'll show you my quirk if you give me one."
She reached back into the baggie and placed a seed into his hand. He took a step back and popped it in his mouth. He paused, both waiting for something to happen. He wasnt prepared when vines poured out of his mouth. His jaw felt strained as a rapidly growing pumpkin almost failed to escape. Michiko's eyes went wide as she watched it happen. Her hands wrapped around the biggest of the vines as her foot rested against his abdomen. The roots were ripped from him before they could do more damage than a sore jaw. She looked horrified as the second jack-o-lantern stared up at her as she laid on the concrete.
"That- that was-" Neito took in deep breaths between coughs. It took him a minute before he was able to form a proper sentence. "How come yours happened different?"
She watched it crawl off her and towards Neito, the blonde gesturing for it to go towards him. Her nerves settled as she realized he could still even breathe after that. She almost wasnt that lucky when she first experienced it.
"I just need my spit, not the whole mouth." She fixed her skirt and settled into a better sitting position. Her eyes were glued to the orange grin that stared back at her. "How did you-"
"I can copy peoples quirks."
Her eyes met his again as he rested his arms and head on the gourd. He was rubbing his jaw as he felt the soreness pick back up. He could get used to that quirk, having minions he could control at his own will would be fun. She, on the other hand, was still in shock. He had just used her quirk without any warning.
"If I knew you were going to use my quirk I could have told you how to properly use it."
"But wheres the fun in that? The theatrics? The drama!"
"Your jaw wouldnt be sore at least."
That was true, but he could live with it, it wasnt as if it was the end of the world.
"Thats a cool quirk though."
His eyes lit up. He was so used to going unnoticeable due to the nature of his quirk. It wasnt flashy or big and he was more relieved than ever to have been even accepted into UA. Despite his massive false ego.
"Yours is kind of fun too. Can you teach me how to use it?"
Michiko felt herself perk up at the request. She nodded her head with a slight smile. This was the second time she had been adopted by an extrovert, although this one seemed to be more of a pest than Eijiro.
"How about tonight?"
Michiko shook her head, the smile fading to her normal expression. "I have something planned tonight."
"Damn." He huffed and rested his chin on his arms again.
"Maybe tomorrow at lunch?" She offered. It wasnt much time to really get anything but the basics done, but it could be a start.
"Yeah, we can do that. Its not like you're eating with anyone right?"
She shook her head. Hell, she didnt even get a chance to eat. Not when the bell rang and she had to rush to show him how to age it to dust. She shoved her face full of cold dumplings, sharing with her new friend as they rushed back to class. They said their goodbyes before she rushed to sit back in her home room.
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ozymoron · 6 months
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i love her so much
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anemoflower · 11 months
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It's Maeve in the official artstyle!
Inspired by this post by @/jils-things hope that's ok!
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5poundlobster · 5 months
☆OC: Michiko
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Name: Michiko Okano Nickname(s): Michi-chi Age: 22/23 Birthday: 9/21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight
•Appearance Hair color: Dark Brown Eye color: Blue Height: 168 cm (5' 6")
•Relationships Parents: She has 2 and she loves them Siblings: She has a younger brother and they have typical sibling relationship Friends: Most of them are either idols or college friends Partner(s): Raku Wakaoji
•4 facts about her: °Is an idol °She suffers from depression and ptsd from watching her friend get hit by a car but she's getting help °Bonds with Kayo over their loss of a friend °She plays drums as a hobby
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tokiko220 · 2 years
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SOH 5 releasing oh so soon!! > 7 <)
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cybervesna · 2 years
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I was doing @wolv2077​ amazing >Lock Screen Template< when I found out I need some avatars and made: 
>>>>>>>>>CORPO AVATAR TEMPLATES<<<<<<<<<
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