#i also rarely refer to him as childe haha like i know it’s what the north american fandom uses most often with him
mellowwhumps · 3 months
oc introductions!
heyo! now that i’m finally done with june of doom (which was meant to serve as a basic version of this) here’s all my oc introductions! i cannot for the life of me make it sound interesting but hopefully my future content compensates for that…roles are listed from least to most, but may deviate at times since i love role swap!
i’ll make picrews or coloured references like literally any normal creator. someday. soon. (lies)
side note: their personalities do change a lot between AUs since yknow. choices influence actions so yeah!! same yet different love that…as another side not everything i tag as simply “AU'' is just the main one i usually use since that’s the most developed
i really recommend checking their toyhouses since it goes into a lot more detail :3
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haley !! 
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toyhouse (both original and AU)
quotelist + more in elowen’s quotelist
roles: whumpee-whumper (ex), caretaker
my scrunkly scrimblo…in a way i’d describe him as half living weapon. why half you may ask? because for the first half of his life he was treated as a human and then abruptly in the second half it just. changed. no more nice words. conflict between his ‘home’ and a neighbouring kingdom peaks, war comes, everything ends, though i mostly don’t focus on the war part haha. this guy knows he’s meant to be wielded and used, but just how much of a weapon is he? 
personality wise, he’s not a talker. despite his generally serious demeanour, he’s a much nicer person to be with than the one who raised him, caring about others because he thinks the world should just be kinder, and maybe if he cares enough he can repent for it all.
for the most part he shifts personalities quite widely between aus…
halcyon !!
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toyhouse (unfinished)
roles: whumpee (ex), caretaker
from the aforementioned neighbouring kingdom! she serves the queen as the captain of the royal knights, yknow the drill, there’s war and they started it. she’s the type of person who believes in what’s right but also won’t hesitate to rethink if her beliefs are wrong. her story is mostly about dealing with all the hard stuff like Feelings and the Aftermath because nobody likes doing that ew.
she’s trying her best. i respect this behaviour
elowen !!
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toyhouse (AU)
roles: caretaker turned (reluctant) whumper mostly but no fixed role
the guy that took haley in yeah. he cares. a lot. but sometimes his job matters more. he’s mostly there to drive the plot and then he literally just. dies. but that’s not the end is it? he lives on in haley’s memories, forever an enigma. their relationship is so complicated i wouldn’t do it justice in a short introduction…he’s alive and well in the AU and very relevant though
yes his intentions are good. yes he’s coping with it in the only way he knows how. he does genuinely care. he unwavers in his belief that he wants to give everyone a better life, wants to help more people than he possibly ever could. unfortunately, every decision has its downsides.
ria !!
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roles: whumpee (mostly emotionally i swear)
look. okay. i get to use at least one child for my found family agenda. once again i focus on the aftermath rather than anything else so it's mostly emotional whump
rogue. gremlin. she bites (sometimes) (affectionately) but she’s just dealing with how she simply is. she’s like the glue holding it all together as best as she possibly can, because she can’t even come close to understanding how bad it all was and sometimes that’s just better. can and will go through the five stages of grief before admitting that she cares and actually isn’t as independent as she thinks she is.
ida !!
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toyhouse (AU)
tiny quotelist (w. yuuto)
roles: whumpee, caretaker, whumper (rarely written)
right now i only have the AU version of him! his story’s about identity and somewhat also breaking free. oh and also semi-doomed yaoi but that’s not the problem here. he has a prosthetic arm and heart but that is 100% not his entire personality and just a few of the burdens he carries!! personality-wise he Does Not Care about restrictions but is also the furthest thing from impulsive when it’s most needed
i’m on a roll so this guy definitely gets more development in my writing than whatever i say here so!! check him out
ibys !!
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toyhouse (AU)
roles: whumpee, caretaker
right now i also only have the AU version of them although that and their current design might change someday…his themes are similar to haley (fate + past vs present) but they could not be more different in story and personality despite both being living weapons!! wanted to try a seperate route with them so this happened. they’re so serious but they’re working on it. so yes, since their story is directly intertwined with ida’s, their themes are similarly also about identity!!
the things i have planned for them are definitely more serious and whumpy than my other ocs (yknow. living weapon typical story) but sometimes that’s required for a good ending!! so bear with me and my little scrunkly scrimblo over here i swear they get nice things too
twelve !!
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toyhouse (both original and AU)
roles: whumpee
verrill and them are from a completely different universe than above^^ (some of my ocs were previously from their home city though)
honestly their story is just based off one of my favourite dystopian literatures but i change it up a little! sorry their quotelist paints them as such a romantic because i sourced most of them when i was obsessed with their crackship…anyway!! damn this guy (gender neutral) can hold so much trauma with photographic memory that’s literally out for war with them
i think the best way to describe them would be dull exterior colourful interior! they hold so much hope in them…no 1 hurt/comfort extraordinaire
verrill !!
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roles: whumpee/caretaker, pretty balanced
he's an adult he just has chronic babyface from my artstyle rip
the catalyst and the end of it all…this guy has Problems and refuses to deal with them. first attempt at a morally grey character, i suppose? extremely loyal, extremely caring, but only if it’s in his preference. loves playing hero but hates playing hero. walking contradiction. he cannot be described in a few words. he simply cannot.
roles of other characters that might be mentioned (once again, least to most):
mc/emmei: caretaker
naeri: whumpee (90% emotionally) but really just there to drive the story. may/may not use her
cerilux (previously unnamed character no 2): (whumpee), caretaker
unnamed character: “caretaker”, whumper
more by @/lemlem21 | @/qiuthewhumps, a whole load of other characters in a whole load of roles: yuuto, saora, chelo + more
oc asks
BECAUSE I WAS TOO SHY TO ASK PEOPLE TO. ASK. SO I JUST DID NEARLY EVERYTHING (please look at this to find out more i spent so much time on this it’s kinda insane) (still unfinished with spontaneous updates because i do whatever i want)
and of course, promoting my other completely unrelated oc introduction post here
anddd that’s it!! thank you for scrolling!! may or may not be extra ocs or content added later on but for now this is my final cast; feel free to send in whatever, whenever! inbox always open to prompts questions musings anything really 💥 please i get so happy if it wasn’t obvious enough by me maxxing out reblog tag limits for things i love pleasepleasepl
update: you can find my masterpost in the read more under my pinned post^^^
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2n2n · 3 months
Little Nightmares....
been enjoying the games Little Nightmares 1&2! Would like to... type some thoughts about LN2. Spoilers for the Little Nightmares series!! Mono & Six's situation... it's a kind of thing I really like!
The more I dwell on the Pale City, & Mono's psyche, the more endearing it all becomes.
First of all.... basic overview and such. he is such an interesting boy. The kind I really like! Described as an 'uncommonly single-minded child. When he sets himself to a task, he rarely gives up before it's completed' believing 'the world outside hates him, and wants him to fail'.... but maybe my favorite way of phrasing him comes from a dev in an interview saying, 'So you can treat him as a shy boy, or someone who doesn't want to reveal his personality'.
at the reveal of Mono as the Thin Man & thus perpetrator of the Pale City & an endless time loop, these traits become ... menacing! He's single-minded! He doesn't give up! He believes he's hated & has to persevere! He's hiding something about himself! I love when someone being 'shy' does not necessarily come from something you can be entirely sympathetic about. I think it is sweet that Mono does not want Six to hate him, fears it, but of course, it is manipulative to obfuscate himself in order to achieve that. We don't quite know how self-aware he is of loops, however! He may only have a vague, bleary, undefined, abstract sense of 'something about me, I have to hide'. Honesty may not be a choice available for him, and the truth manifests even to himself, possibly, as nonspecific anxiety, pure imperative to be secretive.
I really like that 'Mono' is probably just a reference to 'Monophobia' or the fear of being alone ... Unlike protectiveness, or love, fear of being alone would be a relatively selfish motivation (not saying these all don't co-exist in Mono, just saying the Signal Tower likely is seeking something more selfish or toxic). I tend to imagine an entity like the Signal Tower exists to expand & feed off of & broadcast out this sort of feeling, this desperation for control, this warped perspective of a hateful & violent world, enhancing it. It likely is seeking a host as indomitable as Mono, someone who only ever increases their intensity of emotion to get what they want. The perfect endless fuel!! I think Mono has a determination in him that FEW other humans have. I think if he were more easily made hopeless, the world would be better off, HAHA. It's not his fault that he's so persistent it makes him some kinda ideal vessel, though! His heart is kind of pure, like that. It's also fearful and animal.
Lots possible, all tantalizing! Poor Mono, and also poor Six, who can't understand the kind of beguiling going on as she is befriended & rescued over & over, if Mono might not even understand it as beguiling either. It's a bit of a doomed dynamic... well, you can't have any dynamic operating on necessary secrecy, or confusion. It has to explode. She'll have to see him eventually, and Mono will have to see himself....
It's really hard to imagine what the reveal of Mono being the Thin Man feels like to Six, as she drops him (after a long, lingering gaze at his face). I don't think many really dwell on her perspective. I think it's a kind of loss, for her. It's a bone-chilling degree of betrayal, it sets everything they have endured together as... being some sort of deranged performance or puppet-show. What meaning is there in Mono 'saving' her, if everything he is 'saving' her from is something he has orchestrated? If this entire hellscape is of his design (and she cannot begin to know how consciously/willfully), if the Thin Man is Mono, what meaningful protection did he ever offer? What was this world like before Mono's psyche corrupted it? Was it even so dangerous, before?
Even at the beginning of the game, it seems Six has been doodling the Pale Man on her prison wall, haunted by unknown, vague memories. Mono helping take her to the City, isn't so kind, if he's the monster waiting for her at its heart. Probably, both of them equally seek answers, clarity... but as a reveal to endure, it is skewed against Mono's favor, as, in some sense, the one in power. One must sympathize with Six being unable to deal with or understand why any of this is happening.
Six is strung between two self-hating states of Mono-- each with contrasting views of what 'saving' or 'protecting' her means. They fight each other for the territory of protecting Six! I really liked a dev in an interview saying bluntly, 'Six doesn't need to be protected'.
I really like the idea of a savior complex essentially forcing the world to corroborate the need for saving, by making it inhospitable and violent. The Pale City was not like this before Mono.
Anyway, curiously,
Even the Thin Man does not hurt her. I often see him described as vengeful or hating (like some sort of incel lol), but I honestly do not believe this is true. I believe he is sad, and hurt, but resolute that this pain will not stop him from what he is trying to do, which is save Six from her fate, and probably, save himself from loneliness.
She's kept contained in a room, with toys & sweet music... and actually, even Six's original music box-- when first met in the Hunter's Cabin-- contains the Signal Tower/Thin Man's eye insignia, making even it feel like a gift from Mono's psyche, somehow, comforting her in every iteration of this loop. When you think of the world around them, and the Maw ahead... you can understand what the Thin Man, Mono, was trying to do. It's a deformed and disfigured world. The Signal Tower is the safest sanctum there could be. Is this the worst outcome possible, for Six? How did she really feel about it, while living it? We don't really get to know. There are some implications that Mono destroying that escapism was deeply upsetting to her. Whether the Thin Man imprisoning her, or Mono destroying that prison, is the 'worst part', we just don't know .... both seem pretty painful, and worse if they are both the same person. All of it robs her of any agency, autonomy, choice. It's Mono's will being imposed upon her, without explanation.
I think this is well-conveyed in Mono's hi/hey! turning into a booming, domineering, authoritative, painful shout, menacing her from all angles, repeatedly busting open closed doors she is hidden behind, dragging an axe across the floor before her, & swinging it at her sense of comfort. You couldn't really get a more potent visualized metaphor for what Mono is doing to Six. Confusing, hurtful, scary....
Meanwhile, just before that confrontation: Six's soul walks with Mono along the streets of the Pale City while she is trapped within the tower, with a strange whimsy! She balances playfully on a raised platform next to Mono. Why? She's certainly not that whimsical inside of the Maw!!! DOES she like being trapped in the Signal Tower??? baby we really don't know, but I have to take into consideration how unusual it is for Six.
Really do not understand (or sympathize with !?!?!) a common perception that Six is 'ungrateful'... I think with her limited knowledge and view, it's all accosting & disorienting. There isn't reassurance, that anything happening to her is in earnest. I believe it is in earnest, of course, I believe Mono would like to be her hero, and save her from future pain & contortion (the Maw) (maybe the whole world)... but he's so busy fighting himself about how to do it, and of course, he can't articulate anything. We don't know how much he even has the mental capacity to....
well... *closes book* thus ends post #1 .... about Little Nightmares 2.... and in closing, I would really like Six and Mono to figure out how to kiss. I think it could shake things up out there.
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
I’m not sending this in because of Mikasa ship, or any other ship for that matter, I’m sending this because I absolutely hate it when people call Levi old….
This is actually copied from Quara — it’s exactly what I always believed plus the math is already done so ;
[start] Popularly people say that Isayama said that he was in his mid thirties in the first three seasons. I read somewhere that in an before timeskip interview Isayama first said that Levi is in his late 30's but later corrected himself and said that Levi is in his early 30's. Makes sense that he cannot be older than than 32–33 given the timeline. Kenny took in Levi sometime after year 829(the year Uri inherited founding titan) and Levi hardly looked 10 there. Even if we push his birth year to 817, it makes him only 33 in the year 850 and 37 in year 854. This is something I would say Isayama forgot to properly think about, because if Levi was 13 years old when his mother died, then he could have done better than sitting and waiting for death. I mean, Uri Reiss looked way too old when Kenny met him, well his aging was because of stress but still it should be atleast a few years after inheriting the founding titan that he met Kenny because Rod was looking older too. So let's say Kenny met Uri in the year 831 and then later went to see Kuchel in the same year, Levi here was let's say 10 or 11 and that's already stretching it. That would make Levi 29–30, we can cut an year and make it 830 for when he went to see Kuchel but that is the most practically speaking. That is why, i personally believe he is 30–31(birth year 819 or 820)at the start, unlike most who call him 35 at the start. That would make him 35 after the timeskip. Hange is maybe a year younger or same. [end]
The interview was sourced (still is) on Levi’s wiki page, but unfortunately the tumblr account who translated it is deleted. It was actually Armin’s voice actor who corrected Isayama when he said that Levi is in his mid / late 30’s in the beginning (if I remember correctly it was later said that he made that mistake because of nervousness)
It should also be taken into consideration that there is no way Levi looked his age when Kenny found him. He was severely malnourished. He was lacking people skills — Kenny referred to Levi as “socially withdrawn”; he barely talked with him, which suggests he barely (if) talked to other people. Considering this, I don’t think Levi knew how to beg for food properly / in a way people would actually give him some.
I always believed that he’s 30-31 at the start. Idk just thoughts 🙈 I should probably stop sending you those essays 😅
Yeah, I always assumed Levi was at most 30 or 31. And the timeline adds up. I've never payed much attention to the timeline, so I never thought too much about it, haha, but for sure, Levi looks very young when Kenny finds him, but as you said, it's hard to gauge his actual age, given how malnourished he was. I actually wrote two, long posts about Levi's upbringing, and what it was probably like. You can read them here if you want: https://www.tumblr.com/cosmicjoke/714444060984737792/the-psychological-and-emotional-impact-of-levis?source=share
Most people tend to have a rose-colored view of Levi's years with his mother, because we know she loved him. But given the desperation of their circumstances, I don't think their lives together could have been very happy at all, and I think Kuchel most likely had to have been somewhat neglectful, not because she didn't love Levi or want to provide for him the best she could, but simply because she couldn't. People rarely think about the toll her "work" had to have had on her. You couple that with raising a young child, in a place as dangerous and cut-throat as the Underground, and I think Levi probably spent a great deal of time alone, with no one to teach him. I think Levi's lack of social skills, and his withdrawn behavior when Kenny found him, was a sure sign that he hadn't been socialized at all, and that was likely a result of Kuchel simply not having the capacity or the option to teach him how to interact with others. This is something that we see still affects Levi to this day. He's no good at talking to people, or expressing himself.
Anyway, yeah, it's pretty cool to see people have figured out the math on this. I never understood why people called Levi old, but I guess maybe it's a result of Isayama misspeaking in that interview. You can tell Isayama doesn't like giving interviews, I think, so that doesn't surprise me that he would make a small mistake like that. I always just assumed Levi was like, 25 when Erwin pulled him out of the Underground, and about 30 when the 104th finally makes it into the SC.
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thestalwartheart · 1 year
for the numbered asks - i tried to pare it down to three, i really did. two of these go together though, so it's kind of only 4.5
6. What’s one fact about the universe of Dispatches From The Division that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself? and 5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Dispatches From The Division? Answer it now!
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written?
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
Hi! omg no, it’s a complete privilege to have an ask with this many questions. Thank you, @dude-watchin-with-the-brontes!!! I’ll do my best to give you some decent answers.
What’s one fact about the universe of Dispatches From The Division that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself? and what do you wish someone would ask you it? Answer it now!
A couple of details:
I never mentioned explicitly that Harris (the almost-Double-0) had a child with Jamila, the woman he regrets losing before he dies. He ran for the hills when she told him she was pregnant (they hadn’t been together very long). I think he really regretted his actions in the end, and he’d been at a point in life just before he died where he wanted to seek her out and make amends.
I headcanoned that 004 beat Bond to Paris and succeeded in her mission, but she died in an accident afterwards.
As for what I'd like someone to ask me, there isn't anything specific, but I do wish more folks would ask me about some backstories for the Double-0s! However, I’m going to hesitate in answering now because I have some surprises planned for OC Day during Fest 👀
Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Oh, these kinds of questions always stump me because I’m lucky enough get quite a bit of traction on my work.
But one of my favourite ever fics to write was by any other name. While it is absolutely not my least popular fic, I think it sometimes gets a little overlooked by folks who dive into the back catalogue. I'm a huge classic Bond fan, so weaving in some of the older silly names for the Bond women was a lot of fun for me!
Of course, there are also the non-00Q ones. I was so, so, SO proud of country matters (and the Hamlet reference in the title!), but I think it will linger for a while at one of the least commented on or bookmarked fics I’ve written simply because it’s M/F and full of rare pairs.
If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written?
It's my hands have become death.
I’m fond of it because I really like the mood I captured with it. It's a fic where the things that go unsaid are probably more important than the things that do get said. I mean, in a world of stiff upper lips, how do you talk about depression? You don’t, except when by some miracle you find someone that can relate with a sliver of their own experience. And then there’s little need to talk after that because there’s a whole world of silent understanding between the two of you.
And I had a few really lovely messages and comments where people told me the fic meant a lot to them. That always makes me proud. ❤️
What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
I started writing fic when I was about fifteen, and I think a LOT has improved since then haha. But in regards to how long I’ve been writing for Bond, I actually don’t really know the answer to this. In some ways, I wish I could get back to writing the way I wrote when I first started, which was with no pressure and far too much confidence for a woman who hadn’t written a scrap of fiction in years. For as flattering as it is, having a bit of a bigger audience has given me a lot of fear and imposter syndrome!
But I would hazard a guess I’ve gotten better at writing detail, and letting a moment in a story breathe.
Thank you so, so much for the incredible questions, my friend. I'm so lucky to have someone like you who's so invested in my writing! ❤️
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draculas-husband · 1 year
15 questions/Get to know me!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Sort of actually, haha. As a transman I chose my own name. I sort of named myself after King Richard from the TV series Galavant! (That everyone should watch btw because it is a criminally underrated comedy fantasy musical.) But there were definitely other people and characters that influenced my choice... As well as all the cool nicknames you can use when named Richard such as Dick, Rich, Ricky etc.. etc..
Also the name and nicknames comes with so much pun potential!
2. When was the last time you cried?
It was rather recently.. It was an rp moment that really got to me emotionally, touching me to tears. Though it would be even more recently if we count laughing so hard you cry. Either way I blame @nikyri-ninky for both!~ 😘
3. Do you have kids?
Does my cat count? Cause I call him my son, my baby boi, my sweet child.. If so yes. My fur baby named Major Flumph. I also have fictional children as well as a few friends who refer to me as their dad.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I would not say that I do, no. On occasion for sure. Especially if I am teasing my boyfriend. Though that is mostly payback for him doing it to me.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played a bit of soccer, did gymnastics, and played a lot of floor ball (a sport that was invented in Sweden) as a kid. But sport rarely interests me these days.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
That is a damn good question that I struggle to answer. I genuinely do not know for I notice a good number of things but could not tell you what the first thing is even if I wanted to.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. Both is good. If I had to choose however: happy endings. I love me some scary movies but I also struggle with anxiety and stress enough that happy endings are usually more healthy for my mental health in the long run.
8. Any special talents?
My coworkers, parents, partners and several friends would all kick my ass if I didn't mention drawing and painting. Also baking and gift giving (more specifically finding things for people that is based on their genuine interests).
9. Where were you born?
In Stockholm, Sweden!
10. What are your hobbies?
Playing gaymes, drawing, baking, gposing, role-playing, talking with my friends. The list is long hahaha but those are the main ones.
11. Do you have any pets?
Ah whoops, mentioned him already but oh well. Yes! A super fluffy, handsome tuxedo cat named Major Flumph. I've only had him for a few months but I love him with all my lil' gay heart! He turns 1 the same day I turn 28!~ 💖
12. How tall are you?
I am 5'9" / 175cm
13. Fave subject in school?
Art and English.
14. Dream job?
Something where I get to be helpful or creative. Doesn't have to be something super specific as long as I earn enough to live comfortably and have lots of fun. But then again I believe in universal basic income so... I def want a job that mainly allows me to grow as a person while also letting me have fun.
15. Eye colour?
Tagged by: @mirrim-the-moonfaerie and @mimble-sparklepudding , thank you both! 💖
Tagging: @nikyri-ninky , @slumberingslothfully , @elizabethrobertajones , @sosei and anyone else who wants to do it!~ 💕
If anyone would like to get to know me even better just shoot me a dm, despite my name I do not bite! Not at first at least...
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
Is it just destroy my feelings night? Because I’m not even done reading fics before bed. And I know there’s more angst coming…so get ready for this incoherent mess:
How freaking dare you?! I mean this is your brain child so it’s yours to use for all manners of evil but ugh I was really hoping that Eddie was gonna have a solid alibi and not have to deal with the cops. I was hoping we were gonna have a real mystery on our hands and we could use Eddie’s big brain for good instead of him being traumatized from witnessing Chrissy’s death and in perpetual flight or fight…
But instead we have a Willow who is in that situation and her big brain might be affected especially by (OH MY GOD WAIT WHAT IF) and an Eddie who is at the station undergoing, I’m sure, a brutal interrogation. (Actually I sincerely headcanon Callahan especially as some bumbling asshole but he especially has it in for Eddie. BUT ALSO after PinkRelish’s last chapter of TYP too. Gah. You’re all in cahoots I swear to god). It’s only chapter 2!!!
But also real talk…like ok if he’s occupied at the station does that mean that he’s gonna be off the hook when Vecna strikes next? I know you’re gonna be vague and say like “you’re gonna have to wait and seeeeee.” So I’m gonna be the side of myself that is rarely seen in my usual responses: a sarcastic piece of shit.
I feel like…remember that one time I said “oh I’m gonna need a notebook and I’m gonna have to start tracking Mordor for clues? Haha just kidding” *slams a shitty notebook I have left over from high school* YEAH I AM WRITING THESE DOWN MY FRIEND. You get to live with Mr. Fucking Johnson’s 12th Grade Statistics and I got 100% in his class. I will crack this mystery!!!
But in all seriousness. What a great chapter. Oh my god. I feel like…ugh the frantic energy is in the air with Willow driving the van and Wayne being Uncle Dad and Max being as amazing as she is and everything. The thing with the ibuprofen…I know Anne’s a nurse but damn I felt specifically called out.
And after a fucking blowjob! Like way to get our heart rates going twice. You’re a genius. An evil genius. As per usual. Congrats on the next great chapter and the game is afoot or whatever. Jerk. *gentle forehead smooch*
jo, i am CACKLING. oh my gosh i don’t even know where to start.
okay okay first of all, RIGHT? last night so many incredible fics were posted i was truly getting hit from all sides. still haven’t recovered from luna and boom. gosh. got my heart ripped out and stomped on only to be picked up and brushed off, then ripped up some more, then taped back together some more. GAH.
and listen. LISTEN. i’ve always been interested in how things would go down if the evidence against eddie wasn’t so damning, but was still enough to make him a suspect!!! like, would the town still blame him? would the authorities still try to use him as a scapegoat? does his reputation still play into it all? (and… where is jason? 🤔) and not the kahoots 😭😭😭 i swear everyone else is too cool to be in kahoots with me i just hate callahan even though he’s kind of hot i mean cmon
you know me too well. because my response is that you’ll have to wait and see <3 although this is definitely one of those moments i hear yalls theories and go “oh yeah that could have happened”
i am HONORED to join those statistic notes my friend. this chapter actually did have very very crucial foreshadowing (just one line i’m referencing, and i don’t think it’s the one everyone is worried about haha). well i mean obviously there’s vecna foreshadowing, but y’all already know!!! reader advantage baby!! we know vecna and we know his sneaky lil advances <3
thank you so much for reading my friend you already KNOW i adore you 🖤 i’m sending that forehead smooch right back and a very loving bitch
you get the reference right? you have to. i refuse to believe anyone on this sight doesn’t get references to that show.
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inkykeiji · 2 years
so I started playing genshin impact (I hate that I have to play on my phone but my brothers literally claim the playstation 24/7 LOL) but its soooo good omg. im not at the level with Childe but when I do ill be sure to let you know my thoughts lmao
hehehehehe omg anon!!!!!!!!! so i completely spoiled myself and did over a day’s worth of research on him before deciding to start the game because idk i’m weird like that and i never want to take the time to get into something without knowing if there is FOR CERTAIN a character i’ll love (i did the same thing with dabi and bnha) but YESSSSS U MUST TELL ME UR THOUGHTS!!!!!!! i can’t wait to hear them!!!!
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unoriginalmess · 3 years
Untitled Feralnette Fic Ch. 1
Hiya there anyone who happens upon this first chapter of this fic. I would like to start out by saying that this is my first fanfic ever. I've been wanting to write a fic for the miraculous fandom for a while but I haven't had any inspiration until I stumbled upon this glorious AU created by @bigfatbreak. I highly suggest checking out all of their posts about this au because they are hilarious and genius and about 100 other amazing adjectives that could be used to describe them and their posts. Anyways enough with my rant and let's get on with the fic. ⚠️Slight angst⚠️ ⚠️Swearing⚠️
When Marinette got home after her and Luka's breakup, all she could do was cry. She wanted to be with him, but her Ladybug duties came first. If lying is a deal breaker for him, then maybe it was best that they ended it now while their relationship was still in its early stages. Still, she couldn't help but feel the loss of her first relationship. She ended up crying for a whole entire day. She just hoped that Hawkmoth(or Shadowmoth or whatever the fuck he wanted to be referred to as this week) wasn't feeling particularly akuma-y today, because she didn't know if she could bottle up all these feelings, even though the world is relying on her ability to do so.
Ugggghhh!! It has been exhausting having to be "happy and perfect Marinette" and "happy and perfect Ladybug" All. The. Time. She's also pretty sure that Hawkmoth had discovered the similarities in her personality as Marinette to Ladybug, and that's why she's been targeted by multiple akumas lately. She has had to have her emotions under control even more than usual. If only there was a way to get Hawkmoth to stop targeting her. Maybe she should just not give a fuck anymore. Haha as if! It couldn't be that easy! Could it?
The more she thinks about it the more it starts to make sense. If she just let herself go completely crazy as Marinette, she would be killing like 10 birds with one stone. She would get hawkmoth off of her trail, she wouldn't have to deal with having to hide her emotions all of the time, she wouldn't have to deal with the added stress of maintaining her perfect persona, she wouldn't have to deal with the stress of Lila's lies taking her friends away if she didn't have friends in the first place, and so much more stress would be taken off of her plate! It was perfect! It might hurt a little at first, but it's for the best in the end. She spent that night planning out her outfit for tomorrow, doing her homework, and going to sleep knowing that, in the morning, François Dupont isn't gonna know what hit them.
Adrien Agreste had been having a rough week. He had been abandoned on patrol by ladybug, been broken up with by his girlfriend, and was feeling completely and utterly alone. He knows that his lady has been feeling overwhelmed by her guardian duties lately, and that he 100% deserved that verbal lasting that kagami had given him but he couldn't help but feel this way. He was also feeling guilty about lying to kagami and leading her on for so long. After she broke up with him he took some time to assess his feelings for her and realized that he had more of an admiration for her than an infatuation. He definitely didn't feel the same way about her that she felt about him. She told him that she LOVED HIM, and he was so distracted (blinded) by ladybug that he didn't even process her confession. So, he was looking forward to Sunday morning. He cleared his schedule and on that beautiful Sunday morning, he did what he is only allowed to do on very rare occasions: sleep in. Or at least... thats what he had planned on doing.
When Nathalie had knocked on his door that morning Adrien was not in a good mood. He vaguely heard her say something about father wanting him downstairs in some amount of time for something involving a business partners child and some other robotic sounding words that his half asleep brain couldn't process completely.
"I have a cleared schedule this morning, Nathalie. What could father possibly want me for that is more important than my precious sleep?" He asked snappily.
"Your father wants you downstairs to welcome the new guest that will be living in the house for the rest of the school year. You have 15 minutes to make yourself look presentable and I suggest leaving the attitude upstairs," she half informed/half reprimanded him. As she walked away, Adrien reluctantly rose from his nice warm bed and went to go get ready with only one thought racing through his mind: Who could possibly be staying with them?
Felix Culpa was not looking forward to living at the Agreste mansion for the rest of the school year, but for their parents' sake they would do what they had to. It wasn't all for their parents either, they were also concerned about the strange "dissapearance" of Emilie (who was his aunt in all ways except blood relation) and about the treatment of Adrien since said "disappearance".
You see, Felix Culpa is the heir to the Culpa Fabric Empire. The Culpas have been the sole fabric supplier of the Agreste brand since the very beginning. Felix's mom Diana was best friends with Emilie since their college days. Diana and Emilie made the deal with the two brands because as best friends who are both involved in the same industry, it just made sense to have a business relationship with each other. Diana never really cared for Gabriel as a person, but she could tell that he loved Emilie more than anyone else in the world so she could tolerate him for the sake of her best friend.
When Emilie went missing, Diana was absolutely devastated and tried anything she could to find her. She invested in missing person ads as large as billboards, organized search teams, tried to aid the police in their search for her in any way she could, but there was no leads, no legitimate calls to the number on the billboards, and the search team came up empty handed. While she was doing all of this to try to find her, she couldn't help but be furious over the fact that Gabriel was doing nothing to help in the search. All he did was hole himself up in his oversized mansion and call it a day.
The last straw for Diana was when Gabriel tried to use the "grieving my wife" excuse to try to abuse their business arrangement. That day, she told him that the Culpa brand would no longer be associated with the Agreste brand and that after the new collection is released, he would need to find a new fabric supplier. She knew that the Agreste brand would take a huge hit from having sub-par fabric, but she never thought that Gabriel would try to make up for that fact by using Adrien as a walking mannequin and locking him up in the desolate prison that he calls a home. As soon as she realized that he was doing this she scrambled to find a solution.
That is how Felix ended up here, standing in front of the mansion they would be living in for the next 9 months in exchange for Gabriel getting back into the Culpa brand's good graces. Don't get them wrong, they were excited about being able to be in Paris, home of the most innovative fashion pieces in the world, and about being able to see their honorary cousin Adrien (who wasn't half bad to be around despite him having no backbone whatsoever when it came to anything involving his father) but dealing with Mr. Agreste was definitely one of the low points of this arrangement.
They decided to just get it over with and knocked on the door. It was opened by the man that their cousin affectionately referred to as Gorilla. They nodded a thank you to the man, remembering that he was a man of few words, and proceeded to the bottom of the staircase. Mr. Agreste stood at the top with a very tired looking Adrien a few steps down. Felix wasn't even slightly surprised that this is where he chooses to welcome his guests, looking down on people must give him some sort of power trip or something. It's almost as if he heard the phrase "It's over, Anakin, I have the high ground," and made that his own personal motto. Whatever, let him have the feeling of false power if he wanted it, Felix knows that they have all the power in this situation and they're sure that Gabriel knows it as well.
"Hello Felix," Mr. Agreste greeted them with the same amount of warmth in his voice as liquid nitrogen, "while you are staying in this house you will abide by my rules. Adrien will inform you of them and show you to your room. You will attend school with him in the morning and I'm sure that you already know that you must represent not only the Culpa brand, but also the Agreste as well. I will be in my office working, do not disturb me. Contact Nathalie with any questions that cannot be answered by Adrien." He finished his spiel and left to what Felix assumed was his office space.
"Hello Felix!" Adrien greeted him with as much enthusiasm as he could muster in his sleepy state. "Come with me and I'll show you to your room."
Adrien led Felix to their room and listed all of the rules of the household that they were expected to follow. And... wow. Felix could not believe that their cousin had to live like this. The only social interaction this kid gets is at school and fencing? Pre-approved outings only with people determined socially acceptable by Gabriel? And if he gets even one "B" he isn't even going to be allowed to go to school at all? Felix knew that the living situation was bad for Adrien but know the only question running through their head was: What did they get themselves into??
And... thats it for chapter 1! Mostly background info at this point, but next chapter will be the class' reaction to feralnette and felinette meeting for the first time. I just want to say thanks again to @bigfatbreak for giving me the inspiration to write a fic for the first time ever. Feel free to leave constructive criticism, I'm always looking to improve, especially at writing since this is my first time posting anything I've written online, so I want to get better so that I can make better content for you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. If anyone wants to be tagged just let me know and I'll make a tag list for ya. :)
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
Part 10
A/N: I can’t believe I’m already on part 10 for this series and to be honest it’s fun to write. And in all seriousness, the tumblr mobile app needs to allow you to put a read more link. But anyways love you all and let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! Mwah! 🖤🖤🖤
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appear at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language, some violence, and blood
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“Im sorry, did you just say Madripoor?” You blinked at Zemo, dreading the destination ahead of you.
“What’s up with Madripoor? You talk about it like it’s Skull Island.” Sam questioned, looking between you and Zemo.
“Imagine Mos Eisley from Tatooine but without the aliens and blasters.” You tried to make an analogy. “In other words, a shithole. And to be honest, I’d rather be in Mos Eisley.”
“It’s an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s.” Bucky explained to Sam.
“It’s kept its lawless ways.” Zemo added before turning to James. “But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.”
You had a feeling Zemo would suggest all of you going in with different identities, and being the only woman in the group, you already had a wild guess you weren’t going to be ecstatic about yours. You looked to Bucky with a frown on your lips. You knew what Zemo had meant towards him, and you didn’t know how it would affect him to transition back into the person he tried so hard to deviate from. Bucky saw the sympathetic smile you gave him, and he returned it with a look that reassured you that he would be fine.
“Y/n.” Zemo now spoke to you, tilting his head to meet your eyes. “I’m sure you are aware of the conditions.”
“Zemo if you...” Bucky trailed off as he glared at him, silently warning him to watch what he says next.
Sam and Bucky kept their eyes on Zemo, waiting to hear what his suggested persona for you was and ready to beat his ass if he dared to suggest something that would be demeaning to you.
“No way in the pits of Tartarus. I am not going in as an escort.” You voiced with a clenched jaw. “And if it’s eye candy you need, you have Sam.”
Sam gave you a surprised look from your comment, flattered to have you recommend him to be the designated eye candy before going back to the topic at hand. “Hell no Zemo. You’re not having y/n pretend to be an escort.”
“I’m afraid Sam is already going as someone.” Zemo sat back with his hands folded in his lap. “And don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on having you go as an escort, it isn’t befitting of a baron like me. Plus, I figured it would be uncomfortable for you, so I was going to suggest you act as my fiancé, if you are willing of course.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, pondering on the subject. You were a bit relieved in all honesty. But to pretend to be Zemo’s fiancé and be in close and almost physical proximities with him?
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to y/n.” Sam uttered to you.
“I’ll do it.” You confirmed.
“Are you sure?” Zemo asked you again, making sure you were comfortable with acting the part.
“I thought Zemo might step out of line with this one, but we don’t want you to do something that will make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m sure. I’ve had to do things I wasn’t comfortable with plenty of times in the past.”
Once you had all landed, Zemo decided to stop by a place so that you all may get dressed. You had already packed a dress and a pair of heels with you just in case for situations like these, since this wasn’t the first time you had to dress up for a mission. The dress you wore was a black, burned velvet silk slip-like dress with the velvet print being dark red roses. The dress wasn’t too tight to be constricting of movement and fit perfectly around around your curves. If the situation should arise that you needed to defend yourself, you needed the freedom to be able to move. Going down, the fabric flared slightly at your hips, brushing barely against the floor with your heels on. The skirt was slightly sheer from the bottom of your thighs and down with the floral velvet print, and had a slit going up your right thigh, perfect for kicking and concealing your dagger. The top torso portion of the front of your dress was a spaghetti strap cowl neckline that stopped just above the curve of your breasts, allowing for just a bit of cleavage. Your back was left bare, stopping at your mid back with thin straps that came across in a pattern. Your dress almost had a Grecian/witchy look from the way it draped over your chest and hips. It wasn’t too formal or too scandalous, it was elegant and classy, and showed just the right amount of skin where it wouldn’t be too revealing.
Even though you completely loathed and detested heels of any kinds, your heels were fairly simple, made of black velvet with straps that came across your ankles and toes. You dreaded heaving to wear them but at the same time you’d stick out like a sore thumb if you wore your docs with these. Perhaps you should’ve brought your nicer sandals, but it was too late now. You kept on your mother’s necklace and wore a set of amethyst drop earrings, throwing on a silver cuff bracelet on each wrist. Your hair was let loose to conceal your short sword that you hid on your back underneath your dress, the hilt resting right between your shoulder blades. You prayed that having your hair down would cover the scars and the sword you had on your back. But you were mostly focused about the scars, you failed to mention them to the guys about it since it was something that was hard for you to share. The only makeup you had on was some eyeshadow and mascara to darken your eyes, very little blush, and a lip tint.
The last thing to do was to put on some perfume, so you spritzed on your favorite oil based one that you had from Olympus on your pulse points. The scent was filled with incense-like scents like dragon’s blood, sage, crushed red roses, sandalwood, ghostly white musk, absinthe, almonds, and heady gardenia. It wasn’t as harsh as the common alcohol based ones, this one was more earthy and ancient, and every time you wore it, the scent lingered and heads turned. You gave yourself a once over when you were done, taking in a deep breath before heading out to join the others.
You became nervous as you saw them gathered together, talking amongst themselves as they haven’t noticed you yet. You rarely ever wore dresses these days, especially of the kind you were wearing now which left you feeling bare and exposed even though the dress wasn’t at all much revealing. So as you approached them, you couldn’t help picking at your fingers in anxiety.
The men turned at the sound of your heels clicking against the ground, and when they laid their eyes on you, they couldn’t help but gawk with their mouths parted open, as if they had seen the most beautiful creature to ever walk the earth. You chewed on the inside of your cheeks as you saw how they stared at you.
“Wow.” Sam was the first to say something. “You look like a million bucks.”
“What? Never seen a woman in a dress before?”
“No, I’ve just never seen you in a dress before.” Sam answered. “You’re always dressed like some hippie/librarian, with your bands shirts, sweaters, plaid pants and jackets.”
“Haha vary funny.”
“Also since when did you have muscles?” Sam noticed as he poked your bare arm. “And since when did you have a tattoo?” He observed the mark you had on your upper right arm, right below your shoulder. It was the mark that was given to you to signify your Olympian status and what you represented. It was about the color that henna left behind after you wiped the paste off your skin, the color of ginger and bronze. The center of your mark was a lightning bolt, which represented a child of Zeus. Below that was your symbol, the torch and the triple moons.
“Since when did you start asking so many questions? But yeah, I’ve always had muscles Sam, I was trained in combat since I was, you could say 9 years old in human years. Also, technically everyone has them, it’s what allows us to move and lift things. And that.” You pointed to your tattoo. “Is my goddess mark, not a tattoo. Every Olympian god has one and they each have their personal symbol that represents them.”
“Wait, so you’ve been trained since you were a kid?” Bucky looked at you to clarify what he heard as they all started to head out.
“Technically, everyone on Olympus starts training that young. Then, when they become of age, a tournament is held to display their skills, following a ceremony after, to celebrate their victory.” You explained as you walked beside them.
The four of you were currently walking on the bridge that led to Madripoor. You could see the city’s skyline out in the distance, the cyberpunk like buildings lighting up the night sky.
“Do you need my coat?” You heard Zemo say beside you, making you look at him.
“Do you need my coat?” He repeated himself, referring to how your arms were bare against the cool night. “I wouldn’t want you to get cold.”
You stared at him, stunned from the kind gesture as you tried to form words to say. “Oh uh.....I appreciate the gesture, but I’m fine actually. I’m not that cold.” Though you didn’t want to admit it, you actually would’ve liked to try on his coat, because in all honesty it was a damn nice coat.
“We have to fix this.” You heard Sam say with irritation visible in his voice. “I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.”
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing.” Zemo mentioned as he pulled out his phone to show Sam. “The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.”
“He even has a bad nickname. Hell, he does look like me, though.” Sam observed the photo.
“You smell this?”
“Yeah, what is that? Acid?” Sam sniffed the air as you did the same.
“Smells rancid.” You scrunched your nose at the smell.
“Madripoor. No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error.” Zemo instructed as a black car pulled up in front of you. “High Town’s that way. Not a bad place if you wanna visit, but Low Town’s the other way.”
“Let me guess. We don’t have any friends in High Town.” Sam remarked as he opened the door for the back seat.
“Y/n. A moment please, if you will.” Zemo uttered to you.
You stopped in your tracks, seeing Bucky and Sam stand on either side of the car doors, looking between the two of you and especially Zemo, with caution. You nodded your head at them, signaling you were fine and that they can get seated. And though they sat themselves inside the car, that didn’t stop them from keeping their eyes glued to Zemo to make sure he didn’t pull anything stupid.
“What’s the issue?” You turned to Zemo, giving him your attention.
“Since you will be portraying my fiancé, there’s a certain key element you will be needing to complete the image.” You watched as he pulled out a ring from his coat pocket, displaying it in front of you. “If I may?”
You stared at Zemo blankly before nodding your head and holding out your left hand for him. You knew this was only for a show, but you couldn’t help but stiffen as he delicately held your hand with his gloved one before slipping the ring onto your ring finger.
“There.” Hi smiled softly at you, his hand still holding yours. “Now you look the part.”
The two of you stood there for a moment, his thumb brushing against your knuckles, leaving behind a trail of warmth as he gazed down at you. Zemo swore he could have gotten lost in the violet swirls and gold flecks of your eyes forever, which now sparkled against Madripoor’s lit up skyline, the neon city and the places he’s visited not even coming close to the beauty he held before him.
You tried not to blush under his gaze as you gave him a polite smile before slipping your hand out of his. “I should probably change my eyes huh.” You remembered, changing your eyes to a normal color known to earth. “Should I hide the scar?” You asked him, referring to the one on your face.
“I think you should leave it. It suits you, and besides, you never know who might recognize you without it.”
Nodding your head at him, you headed to the car and settling in beside Bucky as Zemo followed, getting in the passenger seat in front of you. In the car ride there, you glanced down at the ring Zemo slipped on your finger, it was definitely a beautiful elegant ring, with a rose gold band and a pear cut garnet in the center that had diamonds that accented the bottom. Once you arrived in the city, you walked through the neon lit streets beside Zemo while Sam and Bucky followed behind. You loosened up your body as you went, swaying your hips slightly as you tried your best not to walk like a bodyguard and look threatening as everyone’s eyes followed the four of you strolling through the streets.
“Here we are.” Zemo announced, stopping in front of a bar before speaking to Bucky in Russian. “Ready to comply… Winter Soldier?”
As you went in, Zemo leaned in to whisper in your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck and startling you as he spoke in a hushed tone. “I want to apologize in advance, forgive me.”
You looked at him with furrowed brows to question what he meant until you felt his gloved hand slide across your back before resting on your waist, pulling you closer to his side. You noticed how his hand fumbled after brushing across your sword as he gave you a questioning look. What was that on your back? Did you really conceal a full on sword on your back underneath your dress? On your way to the bar table you saw people stare as you went through, some of them gawking in surprise at Bucky, or the winter soldier as he was now portraying, while the slimy men in the area roamed their eyes over your body hungrily. Zemo noticed your uneasiness from the way your muscles tensed, though your face didn’t show a sign of it, and glared at the men who dared to lay their eyes on you, only pulling you closer to him to prove that you were with him while Bucky and Sam noticed this as well and positioned themselves where you were blocked from the view of your peers, allowing you to breathe a little better as you approached the bar.
“Hello, gentlemen.” The bartender greeted you all. “Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.”
“His plans changed.” Zemo answered for him. “We have business to do with Selby.”
“The usual?”
Sam nodded his head.
“And for the lady?”
“Um Something fruity.” You answered with a flirtatious smile, silently hoping they had something like that on the menu and that you hadn’t blown their cover by ordering the wrong drink.
The bartender handed you what looked to be a pineapple martini and you internally thanked the gods for your sheer bit of luck, taking the drink and thanking the bartender with another smile. You watched as he went to work on Sam’s drink, pulling out of a jar what definitely was a snake. You gulped, your stomach feeling nauseous as you saw the bartender cut open the dead snake, taking out its guts and throwing it in the shot glass. You were mortified to say the least, snakes were one of your symbols and you had owned plenty of the gentle little creatures. You shot Sam a sympathetic look once you saw his expression.
“Cheers.” Zemo held up his glass while Sam stared at his before gathering the courage to drink it all in one go. If Sam wasn’t going to throw up, you were going to do it for him.
While your eyes were trained on Sam’s expression, you felt someone breathe over your neck before feeling a clammy hand graze across your ass.
“Hey baby-“
Your eyes widened before you grabbed the wrist of the man behind you in one quick motion, twisting his arm to an unnatural position as you yanked it away from your body, causing the sleazy looking individual let out a yelp of pain. You would’ve crushed his wrist like crumpled paper if Zemo hadn’t put a cautionary hand on your arm as he whispered to you. “Careful now.”
You let go of the man’s wrist before shoving him aside like a pile of garbage. If their identity wasn’t at risk of being revealed, Zemo, Sam, and Bucky would have gone over there and beat the guy up after you were done with him.
“I got word from high. You ain’t welcome here.” You watched from behind Zemo as a bearded man approached him.
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me…” Zemo gestured towards Bucky.
“New haircut?”
“Or bring Selby for a chat.”
The man glanced between Zemo and Bucky before leaving.
“A power broker? Really?” Sam turned to Zemo.
“Every kingdom needs its king. Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.”
“Do you know him?” You asked.
“Only by reputation. In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner.”
Another man was approaching in your direction, most likely to kick you all out or worse, and after following your gaze, Zemo turned to Bucky, speaking to him in Russian just as the man laid a hand on his shoulder. “Winter Soldier. Attack.”
You stood back, watching as Bucky grabbed the dude’s arm and twisted it back. You refrained yourself from intervening as Bucky took down the men that fought against him.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form.” Zemo commented to you and Sam.
Bucky slammed one of the men down on the counter. And as you heard the clicking of guns being loaded, your defensive mode nearly kicked in as you almost reached for your sword before Zemo stopped you.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispered to you both before turning to Bucky and speaking in Russian again. “Well done soldier.”
You let your arm drop back down to your side, not a single change in your expression as you eyed everyone around you.
“Selby will see you now.” The bartender spoke up after getting off the phone.
Zemo gave him a thanks, nodding you over and holding out his hand for you to take as you went to his side again, Bucky and Sam following after you. You went through a back door, going down a dark corridor with Zemo’s hand on your back as he guided you through.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” You heard a woman’s voice speak, turning your head to see an older woman in a suit with short white hair lounging back on the coach with her security around her.
“Not a demand. An offer.” Zemo sat down on the couch before waving you over when he saw you standing near Sam. “Come sit schatzi.”
You straightened up, plastering a smile on your face as you went over to him. Selby’s eyes followed you curiously as you placed your hand in his, your eyes rapidly moving in nervousness for what area would be the most appropriate area to sit. Were you......were you supposed to sit on his lap? Is that how couples work? No, that would be inappropriate. Before things got awkward, you quickly plopped down on the empty spot next to him, crossing over your leg in a way so that it draped over his, leaving your thigh completely exposed from the slit in your dress, save for the dagger that still remained hidden. Sam and Bucky widened their eyes at what you just did, while Zemo stiffened at this sudden movement from you as you also draped one arm around his shoulders, bringing yourself closer to him. Were you even doing this right?
“A lot has changed since you were here last.” Selby observed the two of you before her eyes landed on your ring. “Who’s this pretty little thing?”
“This.” Zemo looked at you with a loving look, throwing an arm around your waist to draw circles on your bare back, while his other hand rested on your thigh, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps on your skin as you felt shivers go down your spine. “Is my fiancé. Gorgeous isn’t she?”
How long has it been since you were this close and personal to someone? The last you could remember, women still wore corsets and people still rode carriages. You felt your body heat up from being this close to him, and from the way he stroked your back. How was a mortal man able to leave you feeling like this? If he was able to send shivers down your spine with the mere touch on your back with his gloved hand, you wondered how it would feel to have his bare hands on you, just skin to skin. And if you were being honest, you never really were a fan of cologne but his smelled of a deeper earthy tones with hints of musk, and you were surprised and almost ashamed to say you liked how he smelled. You returned the same loving look to Zemo, trying to make it as believable as possible as you ran your fingers through the hair on the back of his head before placing a kiss on his jaw close to his ear. Sam and Bucky couldn’t believe their eyes at the scene before them, the same you who preferred to be a hermit and didn’t go on dates because it involved human interaction, was cuddling up to none other than Helmut Zemo himself. Zemo’s breath faltered a bit from from your touch as he swallowed the lump in his throat, struggling not to break character. Being this close to you, he was able to get a whiff of your perfume and my goodness, Zemo felt as if he could drown in your scent, you smelled like the heavens, not overbearingly sweet, but dark and luxurious and even seductive. Is this what vampires and sirens smelled like when they lured people to their deaths? You raised a brow at Zemo, your heightened senses were picking up on his breathing patterns and heartbeat. Was he getting nervous?
“Extremely.” Selby commented, smirking at the two of you before roaming her eyes over your body. You could feel her taking you in but you kept your eyes trained on the side of Zemo’s face. “Where did you pick this one up? She looks like a fighter.”
“As they say, why not get a woman who can do both. She was part of the Sokovian armed forces, I met her through there.”
“By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?” Selby added after finally taking her eyes off you.
“People like us always find a way, don’t we? I’m sure you’ve already figured out what I’m here for.”
“You’re taller than I’d heard, Smiling Tiger.” Selby turned to Sam with a flirtatious grin, using her hand in a claw like manner as she let out a purr. “What’s the offer?”
“Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum.” Zemo got up off the couch, going over to Bucky and holding his chin between his fingers. “And I give you him, along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.”
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember. I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately. Yeah, you were right to come to me. Arrogant, but right. The super-soldier serum is here in Madripoor. Dr. Wilfred Nagel is the man you wanna thank. Or… condemn, depending on what side of this you’re on. The Power Broker had him working on the serum, but… things didn’t go as planned.”
“Is Nagel still in Madripoor?”
“Oh. The bread crumbs you can have for free, but the bakery is gonna cost you, Baron. And before you get all cute, don’t think you can find Nagel without me. But.....” She turned you with a sly smile which made your insides turn. “Throw her in with the package and you have yourself a deal.”
Zemo, Sam, and Bucky turned to look at you with dread upon hearing her words. This wasn’t at all part of the plan.
“No, no no. That wasn’t the deal.” Zemo stepped over to where you sat, blocking you from her. “She’s not for sale.”
“Why not?” Selby raised her brow at Zemo. “I’m pretty sure a man like you could pick up someone else to be your plaything or fiancé or whatever. I like this one in particular.” She turned to you again.
“That’s not-“ Zemo started before he was cut off by Sam’s cellphone vibrating.
You breath was caught in your throat and it felt as if the room had dropped in temperature. You could feel the tension floating around the air as everyone’s eyes were trained on Sam now, making you sit up straight and uncross your legs so that they were planted firmly on the ground. Your hand rested on your thigh just above where the hilt of your dagger was as your eyes darted around the room, watching each and every person like a hawk about to swoop down on its prey. You had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well.
Tag List: @girl-obsessed-with-things @aerynchromie @sunshinepower17 @viviace @kakimakiloh @thebivirgin @gambitsqueen @spookycereal-s @lulu-yuming @mochminnie @gabitanaka47 @s00nhi @vanteguccir @tomhollandsslilslut @dracoxxyoflam @suchababie @uhhhcrypticbastard @on-my-way-to-erebor @thewinterrbucky @mylifeispainandiloveit @fillechatoyante @padmoonyfeorge @montypythonsholysnail
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shima-draws · 4 years
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At last, here she is...best girl Olivia!
As usual, all of her info is under the cut c:
Age: 18
Hair color: White (with pink/purple streaks)
Eye color: Green
Element: Fire
After a lot of debating I decided that Olivia is actually Jasper and Mouna’s daughter--if you don’t know them they’re two older OCs that I’ve had for a while! (I figured I might as well give her parents already existing within the ATS-verse anyway, and I planned on Jasper and Mouna getting together and having a child somewhere down the line so it fits.)
When she was born, Olivia was very weak, and most healers feared that she would not make it—similar to how weak and frail Jasper was when he was born. Because of this, Jasper and Mouna are both fiercely overprotective of her (Jasper more intensely) so she was sort of suffocated by their attention. She grew up within the Spinelrose Guild and was treated more delicately by the rest of the guild members, especially because of how slow her development was and how often she was ill as a child. She originally had a difficult time making friends because Jasper was so afraid she’d get into trouble and get hurt, and the other kids didn’t want to accidentally put her in danger. Olivia was pretty isolated from her peers as a kid, and that frustrated her, because she didn’t want to be treated differently from everybody else just because of her fragility. Unfortunately she was never really strong enough to make her point, and just ended up being coddled by the guild as a result.
As she developed into a teenager, Olivia eventually outgrew her sickly physique and started to become stronger, both mentally and physically. She started to speak up about her parents’ treatment of her more—she knows that they just want to keep her safe, but she feels smothered by their hovering tendencies. Mouna eventually realizes how important this is to her and starts to back off, realizing how strong her daughter has become. Jasper, however...it’s harder for him to let go lol because she’s his only child and he knows how difficult it was to grow up as the weak link, the one who got ostracized because of their general health and well-being. It doesn’t help that Olivia is very clumsy and gets into little accidents all the time, which just makes his stress skyrocket.
Even worse, Olivia is a fire elemental, which is considered to be one of the most dangerous simply because of how destructive it is without proper control. When Olivia was a kid Jasper forbade her from practicing any of her magic, too worried that she’d end up hurting herself. Of course, Olivia has a bit of a rebellious streak, so she tried it once by herself and inevitably ended up burning the side of her face with her magic. (By now the scar is almost faded, but you can still see it.) Both of her parents flipped their lids, and Olivia was so terrified that she decided to never use her magic again, viewing it as a curse. Mouna tries to tell her that her magic is a blessing, something that encompasses life, and that she just wasn’t ready to use it so freely without any training. But Olivia is insistent—scarred both in the literal and metaphorical sense, she refuses to use her magic, scared that she’s going to hurt herself again, or worse, somebody else. 
As the years pass Olivia starts to feel more and more unsatisfied with her current life—she likes the guild, likes her friends and her family, but she feels as if there’s more she could be doing with her life. Since she’s refrained from using her magic all these years, and because of how much of a klutz she is normally, she’s not really a strong fighter, and is pretty useless on guild missions. Seeing the rest of her guildmates put their all into what they do, and being able to succeed in it, drives her to eventually seek escape and try to start off with a clean slate. When she turns 14, Olivia decides that she’s going to leave the guild and travel to someplace new in an attempt to be more independent and maybe find a purpose for herself.
Of course she realizes that if she tells her parents this they’ll probably refuse her, so she corners her uncle Terrence instead. Seeing her drive, Terrence decides he’s going to escort her to make sure she arrives safely. Olivia initially refuses because this is something she wants to do on her own, but Terrence warns her that the world is a dangerous place, and since she doesn’t know how to fight or use her magic the trip would be near suicidal if she went on her own. Terrence tells her the best option is going to stay with Spinelrose’s sister guild, Amethystus, and receive proper training in order to hone her magic and her fighting skills. That way she’d still have a direct line with Spinelrose in case something goes wrong, but she’d be far enough away to be independent.
Olivia prepares to sneak out in the middle of the night, but she gets caught by both Jasper and Mouna (because Terrence is a good uncle and he told them lmao). Fearing that they’re going to stop her, Olivia stands up for herself and makes it clear that this is something she needs to do. Much to her shock, Jasper and Mouna encourage her to follow her dreams and come home a new woman. It’s a very soft moment when they all hug each other goodbye, and there’s lots of tears :’) Olivia leaves home knowing that her parents are worried, but they’ll support her decisions because they love her.
After their crazy trip (where Olivia second guesses herself a million times and wonders if she can really survive out in a world this chaotic), they finally arrive at the Amethystus Guild! Olivia literally bumps into Ginni and from there, they form an instant close friendship. Ginni respects Olivia’s desire to be independent and is somewhat envious she made the decision to leave her guild in order to become stronger. Olivia admires Ginni’s confident personality and her fearlessness. Together they get into LOTS of trouble lol, mostly led by Ginni who is a notorious troublemaker within the guild, with Olivia just along for the ride.
During all this, Olivia meets the guild’s official blacksmith and, upon seeing the incredible things he can create by using fire magic, starts to rethink her opinions about her own “cursed” fire magic. The blacksmith, normally a very closed off, grumpy, and rude person, notices Olivia’s conflict about fire, and decides he’s going to train her in order to help her overcome her fear. Through a lot of practice and very intense sessions, Olivia is finally able to confront her trauma and move past it—leading to her discovery that she’s a talented natural at using elemental magic, finding that it comes very easy to her and is something she can control without thinking too much. This is a rare skill, for normally it takes an elemental years of practice and training to have perfect control over their magic. On top of that, her fire is very pretty and beautiful to look at, a reflection of her soul. Her master berates her from hiding something so beautiful and pure for so long lol
Olivia finds passion in blacksmithing, and trains under her master in order to create beautiful and powerful weapons. She does get burned a few more times during this, leading to some relapses, but her master tells her it’s part of the job and something that every elemental will come across: they aren’t always the perfect masters of their magic, and sometimes can hurt themselves without meaning to. But being able to understand what went wrong and how to fix it will make her stronger. Within a couple years Olivia flourishes and evolves into one of the guild’s most fiercest fighters, with an excellent handle on her abilities!
Olivia and Ginni grow up together in Amethystus, and are pretty much inseparable. When Ginni gets kidnapped by the Forces and is missing for several weeks, Olivia is beside herself with worry. After Ginni returns with Kaz in tow, Olivia is one of the first people to accept him and trust him fully, because she believes in Ginni more than anybody else. (Kaz develops a soft spot towards Olivia because of this, and is forever grateful for her support.) Over time Olivia starts to realize just how awful Kaz’s life at the Forces was, and grows very sympathetic towards his situation. She understands wanting to start over somewhere new with a clean slate, though Kaz’s circumstances are much worse than hers, because she still has a loving family and home to return to someday. Olivia becomes determined to make Amethystus a home like that for Kaz, as well as Hiro, who they discuss recruiting to their side from the Forces. As Kaz continues to reveal more of his past, as well as Hiro’s, Olivia and Ginni both get very gung ho about going to fetch Hiro LOL because they both want him to be safe (though Kaz assures them Hiro isn’t in any sort of danger, being the colonel, as well as too intelligent to put himself in trouble).
Kaz meets with Hiro, who was actually sent out on a mission to fetch him, and they negotiate Hiro acting as a double agent for Amethystus to spy on the Forces. Hiro had already been planning on leaving the Forces at some point, so he sees this as a perfect opportunity to get back at them for years of mistreatment. Over the course of the next several months, Hiro routinely reports back to Amethystus of the Forces’ plans, their current hideouts, and everything he knows about the higher ups. During all this he and Olivia meet, and at this point Olivia has started to refer to the colonel as ‘Hiro’ in her head, because it’s too confusing for her to call him the colonel, and she reasons that since Ginni gave Kaz his name she might as well give Hiro his. (Also because she believes that he’s a true ‘hero’ for enduring all of that suffering for so long, so it fits ;D) She calls him Hiro by sheer accident, but luckily he takes to the name well haha and they start to grow closer >:’) Hiro comments on how close Kaz and Ginni have become and the two start betting on when they’ll get together lol
Eventually Hiro’s position as a double agent is discovered by Mallary and so he finally breaks away from the Forces (and Mallary’s manipulation) and starts living permanently at the guild. Olivia’s pretty happy about this. She can’t explain why but she feels very safe and at ease around him, and she’s the person he’s the gentlest and softest around—unbeknownst to her, this is because he’s fallen in love with her, but she’s completely oblivious to his feelings. She’s pretty dense when it comes to romantic stuff like this whoops. Olivia finds Hiro’s intelligence incredible and likes that he’s such a skilled fighter despite not being that strong physically. Hiro likes watching her do her blacksmithing duties and always has expert things to say on her craftsmanship. They get along very well! Olivia’s never felt more at home than with Ginni, Kaz, and Hiro, and likes the tight knit little group they’ve formed. She becomes very fond and protective of them and, upon realizing how important they are to her and how much she’s changed because of them and because of her decision to join Amethystus, she decides to cut her hair as another sign of her growth as a person, and as a sign of change! She finally discovers what she wants to do: become a master blacksmith, and work alongside her friends to protect everything they can, including taking down the Forces to set free all of the people forced to work for them, and bring peace to the land.
When the time comes to finally take down the Forces, Olivia starts to develop feelings for Hiro as well, though it takes her a while to figure out because she’s never really been in love before, and mistakes a lot of her attraction for simple admiration. As Hiro continues to put his life on the line for their group and do anything he can to protect them, Olivia starts to discover that maybe she wouldn’t mind spending the rest of her life with him. There’s a point where Hiro gets injured so badly in battle he’s certainly going to bleed out, so he pleads for her to use her fire magic to cauterize his wound. Olivia’s trauma comes crashing back in and her worst fears are confirmed: her magic will end up hurting the people most important to her. Hiro tells her that by doing this, she’s going to save him, that her magic is life itself. Encouraged by his words, Olivia burns Hiro to save him, though it’s an extremely painful thing for her to do :’( But it’s at this moment she realizes that she definitely is in love with him, and would sacrifice anything for him.
Not long after that, Mallary attacks, enraged, and accuses Olivia of stealing everything important away from her. It’s a really emotional battle;; Mallary basically vents out about being the one left behind, the only one who couldn’t find a happy ending, and who had the only people she cared about taken. She says some really nasty things to Olivia about Hiro lol and this really makes Olivia mad, so they basically duke it out over Mallary’s twisted feelings for Kaz and her perceived ownership of Hiro. And Olivia’s just like. Bitch you don’t own him!! He’s not an object or a toy for you to play with!! Yeah. It’s nuts
After the grand battle with the Forces comes to an end and everything is resolved, Olivia decides to confess her feelings to Hiro, but it doesn’t...really go as planned. Hiro gently rejects her, but Olivia takes it the wrong way, still not realizing how head over heels for her he is. Shortly after this, Hiro and Kaz part ways with the guild, deciding to go on their own personal journeys of self discovery. During the year they’re gone, Olivia laments over her feelings for Hiro, miserable that she didn’t realize how she felt until it was too late, and miserable because she might never see him again. Eventually she tries to move on from that, but Ginni repeatedly tells her that Hiro is literally holding a torch for her lmao and that she shouldn’t let it go so quickly. Olivia protests constantly and strives to work harder to become a better blacksmith and stronger guild member, trying to put her feelings aside and ignore them. 
Of course, when she and Ginni eventually reunite with Kaz and Hiro, Olivia realizes that shit I’m still in love with him and my feelings haven’t gone away, they’ve just grown stronger during the year we were apart;; luckily for her Hiro’s gone through a lot of self reflection and feels ready to be in a relationship with her, so, after a rocky road of awkward confessions and pouring out their feelings, they FINALLY get together. 
The four of them go on a journey together! There’s some problems when Hiro runs into his childhood friend and first love, Lorelai, but in the end he shows he’s pretty damn dedicated to Olivia and it’s super soft. I just. I just love them so m u c h //shakes fists
AND THAT IS ALL FOLKS!! Most of it anyway lol
Extra personality traits:
-Very compassionate and caring about others—she’s a very motherly type. She’s able to get people to open up to her easily because of how friendly she is. She also settles disputes within the guild often, being the mediator between arguments
-A social butterfly. Probably the most social one out of the group, and the one most used to conversing with other people
-She’s got a lot of self-esteem issues because of her upbringing (and really, I promise Jasper is not a bad parent!! He’s just concerned), but she’s learned how to handle it better. She’s definitely way more confident than she was before!
-Tends to be very indecisive when it comes to big decisions, and is hesitant about fighting—though she will put her all into it if the stakes are high. She CAN whoop your ass 
-Super passionate about blacksmithing! It’s her true calling, and something she throws herself into fully. She’s very artful with her work and makes gorgeous pieces, and tends to ramble on about the specifics even when nobody understands lol
-A bit oblivious and airheaded sometimes. She’s completely unaware of several of the guild members’ feelings for her, including Hiro’s.
-VERY affectionate. Because she was isolated from other kids as a child, she’s very touchy feely and loves expressing her affection through casual touches. And lots of hugs!
-Since she’s the sweetest and nicest person in the group, she is terrifying when she’s angry. She’s super protective of her friends and won’t hesitate to leap into action to keep them safe, often getting very fierce when she does so
-She hates being alone. Being raised in an atmosphere with so many people around, she isn’t used to being by herself, and her instant source of comfort is being near others
-Isn’t afraid to tease her friends or state her opinion when it really counts
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: Would you draw SukuFushi? (Sukuna x Fushiguro)
maybe? *thinking face* if I ever got an idea for it, why not. I find sukuna’s obsession with fushiguro entertaining so I don’t count fanarts for it as impossible haha
Anon said: I looked and I couldn't find if you've answered this already, so apologies if you did, but how do you draw your faces? I always struggle with face shape and yours are always super good with really expressive features! Anyway, thanks so much I love your art <3
HMMMMMMMM how do I do that indeed, the basics are honestly what you’d find on any basic tutorial about drawing a face (circle, cross in the middle of it, build the face around that - I really still can’t avoid that step and probably never will). As for the expressions, to be honest with you my way of going about them is thinking them up in emoji/kaomoji form first and then go from there. Emojis and kaomojis have to simplify expressions to the max since it’s such a simple format, right? But they’re still super expressive and convey exactly what they’re trying to say with one single glance, so using them as some kind of reference sheet has helped me a lot in figuring out what’s essential to express what I’m trying to say - still working on it though! I’m rarely satisfied with my expressions, they really do make or break a drawing don’t they............ you never stop learning, I guess!
Anon said:  Ahhhhhhh I just spent like hrs scrolling thru ur oc tag and they’re all amazing I love them so much but I keep confusing the everloving SHIT out of myself cuz I too have a child who is Leo and he’s literally so different from ur Leo lol. Anyway tho ur art is amazing and it honestly just makes me so happy so ty and hope have a good day!!
OHHHHHHHHHHHH MY LEO! It’d been forever since I’ve last drawn him, I kind of miss him............... glad you like my stuff, by the way! Especially about you liking my ocs, that means the world to me!
Anon said: hi there !!! i was wondering if i had ur permission to ur ur itafushi art in one of my edits ! i wanted to be sure before using it <3 total respect if its a no !! thankyouuuu
Sorry but I’d prefer if you didn’t do that!
Anon said:THERES A OCTOPATH TRAVELER LIGHT NOVEL AND ITS SO COOL BUT ITS ONLY IN JAPANEESE ! ;^;There's four stories with centered around pairs of characters and alfion is one of them !Idk if itll be transleted but i hope itll be cuz it sound awesome
OH I KNOW!!!!!!! I saw the art for the alfion one a while back, it looks so soft!!!! ;;;;; 8path is kinda niche as a game though, so who knows.............. let’s cross our fingers!!
Anon said:  hello, i am here to recc Skeletons by New Years Day because i think it might fit a few of your ships<3
Thanks anon now I’m emo ;;;;;
Anon said: bakubro gives the best hugs. kirishima is the only one who knows this. everyone is absolutely incredulous when the question "who gives the best hugs" goes around and kirishima answers bakugo. (bakugo thinks kirishima is the best but he benefits from kirishima bodily hugging him and he's biased)
Definitely!! He’s strong and warm after all, bet hugging him would feel the best.... the only one who shall ever know is kiri though, as I bet his hugs are only that nice when he really likes the person he’s hugging hahaha
Anon said: Hi! Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your JJK art! The colors and style are absolutely stunning.
Thank you so much!!!!!!! I feel like I’m mostly drawing for myself lately ngl hahaha so knowing you like it means a lot!!
Anon said: Hi!! This isn't a request I just really like your art! I found you from Pinterest on a kiribaku thing you drew! Your art is so cool! I wish I could draw like that!!! I'll keep looking for new art you've made :D
Aw pinterest.......................... glad you could find your way back here though!! And thank you!!
Anon said: This happened a while ago, but i wanted to say it anyway. I remember when I started watching jujutsu kaisen and I was looking for content arter finishing the first 10 episodes in less than a day and I found your first jujutsu kaisen post (it was posted that dame day) and i was like ???? One of my favorite artists got into jk at the same time than me!!! I just thought it was a neat coincedence to share! I really love your art too, you're amazing!! Happy New Year!!
It’s!!!!!!!!!!!! a pretty dang neat coincidence for me too, since it’s always nice to know at least some of my followers are still into the stuff I make hahahaha
Anon said: i think a lot abt ur art and how ive been seeing u since middle school and now im graduating highschool and we're still in the same fandoms, i hope this doesnt make u feel old but rather VERY cherished qwq
No anon this makes me feel amazing you’ve been around so long!!!!!!! I can’t believe you’re still here with my thank you so much for that!!!!!! I think I’m gonna cry a little here.......... ;;;
Anon said: Hi! I love your art so much!! 🥰 Have you read a KiriBaku fic called The Pit??
Probably not, haven’t been reading krbk fics in a while by now! I’ll add it to my for-later list, thank you so much for the rec!!
Anon said: can u believe that (sans sero) the entire bakusquad can be put into some form of punk/goth fashion? the realization was a galaxy brain moment for me. also realizing that tokoyami, kirishima, and tamaki are all varying levels of goth/emo (some more concerning than others)
Sero’s the hippie friend every punk friend group needs, he balances things out and that’s why he’s very cherished and necessary!!!!
Anon said: your bakugo drawings convinced me to finally start stretching my ears and tbh i'm extremely excited (i've had off and on thoughts of stretching my ears (again) before this so it's not as impulsive as it sounds haha)
Anon that’s so cool!!!!!!! I love gauges so much.....................glad I could give you the last push for it!!
Anon said: uhhhh, i love the style of that top left goge drawing dude!!
Anon said: i sent the dragon!kiri and bakugo tug-of-waring over a piece of meat and honestly your response is exactly what i thought
Great minds!!!!!!! hahaha
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Time for oc fun facts!
You got it!
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-Ohm's full name is Ohm Alphonse Mizuki Ambros. Ohm is a reference to his parents both being electro users as an Ohm is a measure of electrical resistance. Alphonse is his father's name but means "Battle Ready" and Mizuki means either "Water Moon" or "Beautiful Moon" either way. Its a reference to being the Favoured Moon. Ambros means 'Immortal'.
-My favourite written voiceline for Ohm is his field snack line. I can and will recite it by heart. In regards to recording though, I think either his Troubles line or About Ohm iii. I get to drop the vocal act for him and switch his personality completely. Its very fun and much closer to how I actually speak.
-All of Ohm's death/knockout lines reference acceptance. He says it himself that not only has he been waiting for this, he also expected this. The last one is only a tad different by saying to die is his destiny. Even one of his Low HP lines suggests that he's ready to die in order to do his job. Take what you will from that.
-Ohm's abilities are unique from other healers because he doesn't just heal wounds. He physically transfers the injuries to himself. Its why he loses such a large amount of his HP when reviving his teammates. It's also why he only passively heals them when he's under a certain health threshold, he "takes" their injuries. Story wise this is how it works.
-When he was fourteen and after everything happened, Ohm had been consumed by rage and rage alone. This is why he got into paper origami. It was distracting enough and he was creating something. If it weren't for this hobby of his calming him down, the events that happened when he was fifteen probably wouldn't have been able to happen because he'd still have been too angry. It's his only artistic skill though haha.
-Though its seen more storywise and in cutscenes then in regular game stuff, Ohm can take fatal blows for a mortal and still keep going. However he has multiple weakness outside of this. His karma, his energy levels, and also his heart are just some. The karma is self explanatory, the energy is if he uses too much well that's it, and his heart is physically frozen, as a result if the ice is shattered, its game over for him.
-I've written some voicelines for characters about my OCs. Though Ohm has many due to how many lives he's intertwined with. My favourite is probably Mona's. "Ohm Ambros, now there's a man whose fate has already caught up with him. Not everybody can see it, but the moon that guides him has begun to consume him, too. Oh his constellation? Vita Altaris, one half of the Scales. Supposedly the scales once judged his family a long time ago and decided they were guilty of something. Of what even I cannot be sure. Either way, I do not envy somebody in his position. To have Celestia always watching? To battle that darkness? No thank you.”
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-Sandrone's full name is Sulien Haru Donati Ambros. Sulien means "Sun Born". Haru means "Sun" or "Spring" in this case, I bet you can guess which he is named after. Donati is short for Donatello, which means "God Given". Sun Sun God Given Immortal, quite frankly its hilarious and I love his name.
-In the same vein, my favourite written line for Sandrone is his Interesting Things line. I think being able to show off his true interest, knowledge, is nice. Recording wise its a toss up because Sandrone and I have very similar speaking tones. Aka we're both monotone. So all of his are easy for me to do. Though either his Memories voiceline or his line about the Tsaritsa are my favourite to do given their topics.
-All of Sandrone's death/knockout lines reference memory. 1 and 2 both specifically reference his brother. One is a bit more vague. But 2 directly references to the fact they used to use the wind to communicate when they were first separated(Thanks Barbatos). His final line is also about memory but in a completely different vein. Its a reference to his clan rather than his sibling. This was woven within their fates.
-Sandrone's abilities are centered around shaping the battlefield using a wall of cryo and then dendro to make blockades as well. Story wise he has an ability we don't see him use which is to create a protective dome of ice around himself or a target. I annexed this ability because I liked the wall better, but it does appear in cutscenes + story. His abilities are massively defensive despite usually working alone.
-He cuts his own hair and he's actually really good at it. Sandrone just doesn't really care about his hair anymore because he forgot what it meant to him in the past. But it is an odd little skill of his. I mean somebody needs to do it and he ain't taking his mask off for anybody so... He learned to do it himself<3 the first few times though.. Yikes.
-Due to what happened, Sandrone rarely reacts to pain and often times can't even feel it. You could stab him and he'd be unsure of what happened for a hot second. As a result his damage lines are incredibly difficult to record because he just doesn't actually outwardly react. He isn't allowed to react, after all. So he just kinda laughs it off.
-Sandrone also has voicelines about him by various characters. However, despite not knowing him personally, surprisingly.. Mona has one about him too! "Ah.. That harbinger.. Yes, his fate is dark, but escapable. He is ruled by Mors Altaris, the death altar. And yet, his altar is one commanded by the sun. He is the second part of the Scales. Sol's child. Hm.. What else.. Ah yes. Destiny has not been kind to him. Celestia's cards have been cruel, at best. But something tells me that he has the power to wrangle his own fate and choose how he wants this to end. Just like his brother, however, I do not envy him. There is something to be said about belonging to Celestia and none of it good."
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unaffiliatedmagpie · 4 years
Sassy and semi clarevoyant bitch that he was, Obi - Wan Kenobi leaves a will that includes everything he held back on saying in life. Luke is given a letter describing the many Obi- Wan pov of his child. Listing, in alphabetical order, every time Luke almost got himself killed and Obi - Wan had to save him, including that time he was tied to a stick and kidnapped by wamp rats (Aunt Beru told him that was a dream), holos showing everything from his first steps to his first date, (he and Biggs shooting wamp rats together) a similar collection of Leia, a collection of vids of his mother lectoring someone while holding a blaster, viroblade or suspiciously sharp stylus and gesturing heavily, 20 minutes of his father falling on his face and proceeding to pretend it never happened and a few highly technical blankets hand woven high quality in the ugliest color combinations imaginable. This plus a journal that at one point describes the semi drunken ( horrifying) threesome between Obi-Wan, Beru and Owen is more then Luke ever thought Ben even owned.
He was also made executer of the will.
I want to know what ridiculous bequeaths Obi Wan made to everyone and how many casual references to casual sexual escapades can be slipped in to a will.
Nield: a cleaned up security holo of himself Cerasi and Nield that had been meticulously colorized and painted. A second copy was officially given to the Melida - Daan historical society and permanantly placed in the city hall. Though only Nields copy included the personalized note that read, "Try banishing me now asshole. Ha haha hahaha-haha. PS you are old."
Dex: a storage unit full of rare salvaged weaponry plus 3 boxes of tattooine cookbooks with personal annotations and commentary.
Anakin: a carved box that had the engraved words " Look at them Anakin" the engraving on the inner lid and the box was empty.
Leia: similar to Luke only she was more horrified to realize that the young red head she saw in the holos, tripping her father and casually sharpening stylus in the corner of a senate pod was the same young man she had found pictures of a personal nature of amongst her parents possessions years before. Plus blackmail material on many senators of the old republic and the empire, though he referred to it as entertaining anecdotes.
Cody: a blue kyber crystal
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 18: Countdown To Tokyo’s Annihilation (Review)
Thoughts on the eighteenth episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
This episode was a weird one for me. There was action, and the plot ends up going somewhere, but it still felt like nothing really happened?
Nidhoggmon is one scary looking digimon.
I actually liked the moment Yamato finally called Taichi by his first name, even if there wasn’t that much of a build up to it. I’m Taito trash, I guess. :P (Though I wish Yamato had referred to Sora as “Takenouchi” just once before this happened . . . because I’m sure he’s going to use first names for all of them from now on.)
While I love Omegamon (he is my favourite digimon), the fact that he showed up in the first few episodes makes his reappearance now quite underwhelming . . . been there, done that, you know? Also, having Takeru and Hikari “help” create him again annoys me. In the OG, having Angemon and Angewomon shoot arrows at Taichi and Yamato to reach Mega was fine, because it only happened once. Here, Takeru and Hikari already helped earlier . . . I hope it’s not going to be established that Takeru and Hikari need to help Taichi and Yamato evolve to Omegamon. (Though, obviously, it does make sense that they need to so early on in the story, where no one has even reached Mega yet - but I want Omegamon to be “just” Taichi and Yamato’s power down the track.)
In Takeru’s apartment, under the astronaut poster, there is a plane. Again, I can imagine Yamato influencing Takeru with his love of toy planes and interest in flying and space and it’s all so adorable. :)
So it seems Takeru has been transported to the Digital World, but Hikari has not? His hands digitised while hers didn’t, and we saw her later on, still in Tokyo. I’m assuming this is because they’re following the OG where Takeru was in the Digital World with the others, before Hikari joins them later as the Eighth Child.
When Omegamon appears, Sora is actually physically pointing at him. I thought it looked funny. :P
The other kids might as well just get out popcorn to watch The Taito Show. :P
When Omegamon was doing the final strike against Nidhoggmon, Taichi and Yamato screamed like they were going Super Saiyan, haha.
Yuuko: “Hikari!” Hikari: “Mum.” Yuuko: “I’m so glad!” Hikari: “Yeah . . . Mum, Taichi’s OK.” Yuuko: “What?” Hikari: “I can tell.” Don’t worry, Hikari, your mum wasn’t thinking about her other child at all. :P
So Sora, Koushirou, Mimi and Jou literally just sat on their arses the entire time, doing nothing but watching Taichi and Yamato, just to get sucked away from the main plot in the end . . . OK, sure, you do you reboot. :P
Devimon is the longest tease ever. He does seem cool though, but he better be a worthy adversary (and not die in one episode). I liked that he finally revealed himself to Taichi and Yamato (because it’s been such a long tease), but I question . . . why? lol
So I’m pretty bummed that Takeru and Hikari didn’t join the team this episode, when I thought they would and was looking forward to the team being complete . . . I’m amazed Toei has held off on them for so long. It’s been months since the series started and we’ve rarely seen Hikari, and Takeru even less. They are really playing the long game here. Kinda impressed, kinda annoyed. :P
I also thought the entire group would be together again after the Ultimate group splits . . . I was really looking forward to them being a team and interacting with each other. But now they’re split up again? SIGH. Hopefully they reunite really soon though, because even I’m getting tired of the reboot being The Taito Show (and they consist of two of my three favourite characters!).
This episode wasn’t it, folks. The Omegamon bits did feel “epic” but the episode itself felt strangely muted. Here’s hoping next week is better, but it looks like it’s just going to focus solely on Taichi and Yamato . . .
I really think Toei Animation need to understand that if you’re going to have eight protagonists, you need to give all eight time to develop and shine. Taichi may be the main protagonist, and Yamato the second main, and they are absolutely the most popular, but . . . there are other characters with their own fans, too.
Please acknowledge all your creations, Toei.
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1dcraftawards · 4 years
November Author of the Month...
Drumroll please.... our November Author of the Month is none other than the incredibly talented...
@all-things-fic ! 
Congratulations to a wonderful author, Liz! You can check out our interview with her below!
1.Did you start writing fanfiction for One Direction, or was there another fandom that you wrote fanfiction for before this?
I have one fic that I wrote for One Direction Fanfic Archive, that will never see the light of day. It was really awful, but everyone starts somewhere. I’ve shared it with two people on Tumblr and we just laughed about it.
I’ve also written a Niall Horan fic which has been flagged for how explicit it is, which is quite laughable as it’s tame in comparison to the Harry stuff (eek!)
2. How old were you when you started writing fanfiction?
I was a teenager when I first started writing fics. I don’t know if I would consider it “proper” fanfic though as it was riddled with cliches.
3. What’s been your favorite fic that you’ve written to work on so far?
For the longest time I was proud of the second part of Divorce Harry and specifically the second part. It just felt real to write. I can’t even explain what it is about that piece.
I think at the time it stemmed from an ask I received where I was asked if I was a parent - I’m not - but this someone said I portrayed aspects of a marriage and how children can tip the balance really well.
The sheer bitterness of two people in love and the juxtaposed feeling it brings was an interesting dynamic. Being bitter and in love? How? It happens. You love someone, but bloody hell don’t you hate at the same time.
And I think on the hand Quarantine Harry is the opposite side of the same coin. I love it because it’s so happy. When you’re smitten and basking. Your baby waking you up at 3am and meeting your husband on the landing with the freshly made bottle is a time to enjoy because you’re doing it together.
But soon enough the third child is sprawled out in your kingsize bed and their foot is pressed against your ribs and you're tired. This isn’t me saying the two stories are linked (I do get those theories quite a lot haha)
4. Do you prefer AU or OU?
Definitely more of an OU gal. I’m massively into writing things “realistically” because I think it’s so relatable and helps draw readers in more so. Especially if the writing uses and references visuals that readers are aware of.
5. What’s your favorite trope to write?
Would we call a long-term relationship / established relationship a trope? If so then this is my favourite. Writing characters who know how to push each other’s buttons, knowing what they can and can’t say to get the other going. Being able to write two people who can share as little as a glance and know what the other is feeling.
Sprinkle a bit of angst on the top for good measure.
That’s my kryptonite.
6. What’s your ideal space to write in?
I tend to write when I’m in bed quite a bit, usually really late at night and on my phone rather than my laptop. Often lying in the dark. Sometimes first thing in a morning.
7. How do you get motivation to write?
This one made me laugh considering I’m unable to finish a single piece of writing at the minute.
Pictures are quite inspiring. New images of Harry can usually start something in me. The images of him in the whacky joggers for example from set have inspired a scene in Quarantine Harry (who knows for which part just yet!).
8. Do you typically like to listen to music when you write? If so, what do you listen to?
Very rarely listen to anything when I write, I tend to like silence really. Sometimes this is so I can dictate into my phone.
9. Your dialogue is some of the best I’ve ever read on tumblr, how do you plan conversations in your fics?
Thank you for the compliment, it’s really nice to read that you think so highly of my dialogue. I don’t really plan them - conversations or my fics. I’m quite visual in how I write, so anything that you’ve read I’ve most likely had it play out in my mind and typed it as it’s moved. For dialogue I tend to speak out loud as I’m typing to try and get the pacing right for the conversation.
No, I don’t try to do a Manc accent… Just in case anyone is wondering haha!
10. What is your writing process like?
I write what I see and then hope it fits. Honestly it’s pretty chaotic. The only time I tend to plan is when I’ve got a lot of different scenes written and I need to know if they’re suitable for an update or what order to place them.
Then I read through them and think about the characters and how they would be a certain time and move the documents into another document. Then I close all the tabs and cry cause my motivation is nonexistent.
11. What’s been your favorite scene to write from Quarantine Harry?
One that hasn’t been shared haha! I’m joking (maybe).
From part one my favourite bit has to be the part where she makes up with him by taking him a cuppa and he gets a dig in about how she hasn’t brought any biscuits with her. Also the bit where he says “come an’ love me” meaning he wants to cuddle. I’m quite conscious I don’t really ever write soppy fics, so when I’m writing “fluffy” aspects they’re more so everyday affections. Like, you know someone is properly in love with you when they’re doing the washing up cause you’re busy, or they’re taking out the bins on bin day. That kinda thing.
From part two absolutely the entirety of the morning where she takes the pregnancy test. That was the part I had as clear as day and I worked backwards to the opening scene. I really loved the idea of Harry knowing his partner is pregnant before said partner knows. Him knowing his lovers body like the back of his hand so much so that he’s able to pick up on the smallest of things.  I knew I had to write it.
And how he casually suggested she took the test, by pressing a kiss into her back. His face finding that test and then being an insufferable sod and pleased with himself cause he’s in the know about the outcome before the MC.
12. Is there a schedule you follow in terms of when you write? Or are you more impulsive and just write where and when you can?
So impulsive it’s actually embarrassing. I cringe at myself. I know I’ve mentioned this loads but I really write what I see. So if I’m not seeing anything, I’m not writing. It’s quite frustrating.
13. What is one thing you wish you would’ve known before you started writing?
To not talk about your writing before you’ve finished it. I feel like I massively let people down when I post sneak peeks and then I can’t deliver because life gets on top of me!
14. What do you prefer writing, multi-chaptered fics or one shots?
One shots and then if they develop into something more that can be exciting!
15. What's your secret to portraying such a complex and interesting relationship between your main characters??
Personal trauma…… *tumbleweed at another one of my poorly thought out jokes*
I’m a bit stumped on how to answer this one. I think being well read(ish) helps you create complex characters and relationships, not saying that I am but I’ve read a fair few books. Life in general helps too, sometimes personal relationships. Just growing up. My fic when I was younger was nowhere near the type of things I’m writing now but I’ve got a couple (okay, more than a couple!) of years on myself since then.
I think just apply your own lived experiences and call upon emotions you may have felt through certain times that you’re writing should you have experience it.
Partly I also think so many of us are a little bit nosy. Sometimes we all kinda want to be the fly on the wall in the home of couples to see if everything is a rosy as it seems or as intimate. Or whether it is just raw passion with a couple of arguments thrown in for good measure.
16. What Harry era/mood/look/vibe/song/etc. do you get most inspired by?
What’s weird is my favourite era of Harry is 2014, but I wouldn’t want to write him like that. The current Harry is quite marvellous. I’ve never known anyone like him, he really is fine wine (the real album title…. ‘we’ll be a fine wine’)
If you’re asking what mood I like to see him in, it’s either when he's pensive and looks a touch pissed off with a crease to his brow or when you watch his joke his eyes before he’s even said it and he’s amused/pleased with himself.
His current look, mainly late 2019/2020 is quite something (hence the quarantine fics)
I tend not to get inspired by his songs but my two faves if I had to pick would be Woman and TBSL. I think they’re massive Scorpio energy and would make great premises for a one shot sometime!
I’m not sure if I even answered this how you wanted it answer but hopefully it was something haha!
17. Who or what inspired you to start writing?
I’ve always loved writing, I think it’s because I do a lot of it with my line of work. The person that gave me the push on this site was actually an account called @meetyourmouths. The lovely Iz is no longer on tumblr but she wrote a Harry piece that just made me think ‘fuck it’ and I posted Practicing. If you go to that piece the authors note makes mention to Iz.
I would also say @stylishmuser was one of the first people to reach out to me and be encouraging which has always stuck with me. Massive love for, P and still talk to her all these years on.
I’m now sat here thinking about listing all the lovely lovely people who have been so nice to me both in regards to writing and outside of it and I’m conscious I’m not mentioning them. The troubles of being a bit of a people pleaser. Hopefully those people know I love ‘em… You know?
18. Some readers are wary of leaving feedback because they're unsure how the writer will take it, how do you personally like to receive feedback? Do you want to be critiqued, or would you like to just know if they did or didn't enjoy what they've read?
First thing I’d say is please don’t ever think as readers you can’t be negative. Sure there is a way to present the feedback to the author cause writing can be quite personal, but everyone has room for growth.
Just come chat to me. Can be about anything and everything. A simple ‘loved the update’ to ‘this bit was rubbish’. I’m open to all feedback.
One thing to remember is there are a lot of writers out there so there is something for everybody. If a fic isn’t for you there are tons out there waiting for you to go and grab ‘em!
19. Is writing a hobby or do you have aspirations of writing professionally outside of fanfiction?
I used to think it was mainly more so a hobby, and I do still lean towards this. However, now I’m not so sure. My problem is I tend to have long spells of not being able to find balance in my ‘real life’ job and the extra-curricular stuff.
I’m dragging myself here but I don’t think my fics have much plot to them. I’m more so about writing the everyday life and I don’t think there is a market for that really (unless you have something explosive happen somewhere).
20. And finally, What's your purpose for writing? What do you hope to accomplish?
For a while I wanted to write Harry being insufferably British. I found it quite hard to find writings that I thought wrote him using Britsh-isms (is this even a thing?) and types of phrases that are common over this side of the pond. I wanted to put that out there for someone who may have once felt like me.
Mostly,  I just want to put pieces out that take people elsewhere, even if only for a couple of minutes. A lot of the world is a bleak place, if you find my little corner on tumblr and it makes you smile, that’s achieved something, hasn't it?
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kreekey · 4 years
examples of people being racist toward yoko unintentionally: 1- calling her a weird stalker when they glorify/don't mind the many white fangirls who used to stalk the Beatles. 2- spreading misinformation that she lost custody of her daughter when in fact she'd won against her white crazy ex despite everything NOT in favour of her 3- bashing her for using John's glasses on the album cover she worked with John on, when they would've praised the artistry and bold statement if she was a white woman
Hey sorry I got around to answering your ask so late! You make a lot of really interesting points and I rarely hear people consider that. 
1 - reminds me of a Tumblr post I saw about an obsessive Beatlemaniac stalker and people were like “me” or “bless her” haha. Definitely different when they can interpret Yoko’s actions as “stalking”. And your point also reminds me of this quote, which isn’t about fangirls but still somewhat kinda related.
“Like Yoko when she met John, Linda was a divorced woman with a daughter when she met Paul mere months later.  There are stories similar to those about Yoko of her “scheming” to meet and marry Paul.  In the same way that Yoko is said to have joked prior to meeting him that she was “going to marry John Lennon,” Linda joked like any woman with a celebrity crush about how she was “going to marry Paul McCartney.”  (Bob Spitz notes both in his book The Beatles.  Guess which one he thought was conniving, and which one he thought was adorable.)... Was it the lucky fact that Linda got the scene a few months later than Yoko, or was it her whiteness?“ 
And I don’t have the answer if it was Yoko’s race that made her such a target, but it’s something interesting to consider and note. [And I’ll clarify this, I'm pretty sure Yoko didn't know about the Beatles until she became face to face with one, like she wasn't a fan who got lucky enough to meet her idol. In the David Frost interview and the 1971 Rolling Stone interview, John noted that Yoko didn't know him when they met, and Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies by Neil Beram says this on their meeting: "She was about as familiar with John's work as he was with hers. "I was an underground person, and such an artistic snob," she said later. "I knew about The Beatles, of course... but I wasn't interested in them." Just about the only thing she could recall about them was the drummer Ringo Starr's first name, because ringo means "apple" in Japanese.”] Also, and this definitely wasn’t stalking, but I posted a quote from Bob Spitz’ biography where he writes along the lines of
“[Linda] always insisted that she was going to marry Paul McCartney,” [Nat Weiss] recalls, “even before she met him”... It was no accident that Linda Eastman veered into his aura. She’d taken a few polite shots of Ringo and George before “zeroing in on Paul,”... Linda had come dressed to kill. Most days she played the typical rock chick, decked out in rumpled jeans and a T-shirt, with little or no makeup and unwashed hair. But today her hair had been carefully blow-dried so that it fell perfectly forward in wing points at her chin. And she was dressed in an expensive double-breasted striped barbershop jacket arranged just so over a sheer black sweater, with a miniskirt that flattered her gorgeous legs. When she squatted down – not so subtly, in what must have been a rehearsed gesture – in front of Paul for an intimate chat, he had trouble keeping his eyes from wandering below-decks...
, and some people commented that it appeared kinda predatory/pre-planned (reminds me of some criticism of Francie Schwartz’s meeting with Paul), but overall cute and everything. At the time I wondered how people would react if Yoko did that to John lol. No way of knowing, just a thought. And also, I know Yoko sent him Grapefruit and little instructions often, I think that’s usually what people cite as the stalking, that she tried to ensnare him with it. Again quoting Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies, 
For a time Yoko kept in touch with John by mailing him daily instructions-she called this Dance Event-that said things like "Dance" and "Watch all the lights until dawn" and "I'm a cloud. Watch for me in the sky." John found the instructions as perplexing as he found them intriguing.
And quoting this interview (in which she also asserts that “each and every occasion she visited John at Kenwood, it was at his invitation.”),
Despite the popular theory that Yoko was frantically inventing schemes to snare the wealthy Beatle, she was struggling with problems in her marriage [with Tony Cox] and also working hard to establish her career in the UK. Arriving in London in September 1966 to perform at the ‘Destruction In Art Symposium’, Yoko was already respected as an avant-garde artist and performer in New York, where she was allied to the Fluxus movement. She had a trained musical background, and had recently been involved in the improvisational music favoured by her peer group. She had also compiled a book of conceptual and instructional pieces called Grapefruit, and printed up a limited edition.
Yoko distributed copies to a number of influential people during 1966-’67. And John Lennon was one of the recipients. This has since been interpreted as one of various ruses on Yoko’s part to enchant Lennon.
She retorts: “There was a myth that I sent Grapefruit to him… how I wanted to trap him. It was a printed, published book. I had an orange carton of them, a lot of it. I would be giving it to critics. It was that sort of thing. He wasn’t the only one who got it.”
And by then, John had already eagerly offered to sponsor one of her shows, I think he was genuinely interested in her work. I don’t think John was actually threatened by these notes or felt he was harassed, especially since he made the jump to invite her over while his wife was away (and Yoko just thought it was a party!). He once referred to Yoko “someone that could turn me on to a million things” in the Lennon Remembers interview, he admired her art. And I know he said to Cyn that the letters were just junk from another one of those weird artists, but c’mon, what do you think John would say to his wife regarding the woman he’s romantically interested in? I don’t think it would’ve been fully truthful IMO, especially considering when John said that he nearly invited Yoko to India around that time because he liked her so.
2 is very true. Tony himself tried to make it seem like Yoko and John were crazy heroin druggies, and that's the case he tried to make (and that’s what he tried to tell Kyoko, that he was “saving” her from drug obsessed occultists). But, Yoko had gone “cold turkey” (ala the song) off heroin in 1969. This was 2 years before she won full custody in 1971. 
Although neither parent had been awarded sole custody of the child, Mr. Cox became increasingly reluctant to let Yoko and her new husband spend time with Kyoko, and finally refused to permit it at all. For a year before the Lennons came to America, they had been chasing Mr. Cox and Kyoko around Europe. In Majorca, Spain, the Lennons caught up with them and spirited Kyoko off to their hotel; but Mr. Cox called the police, and a Spanish court gave the child back to him. The incident added to his fear that the Lennons wanted to take her away from him for good.
Soon after the Lennons arrived in New York, they went to the United States Virgin Islands, to the same court where Yoko had been divorced, and that court awarded her permanent custody of her daughter.
But, Tony then took Kyoko to Texas (hiding/kidnapping her) which was in violation of that court order. Then more custody battle due to Tony’s stubbornness and evasiveness, but yes, Yoko did win custody then despite everything (even though John was very threatened by Tony lol, to the point he disallowed Yoko to visit him alone in order to discuss co-parenting when that was an option and suggested kidnapping Kyoko. But then again Tony was also kinda crazy. Seriously though IMO Yoko really tried gallantly to have Kyoko in her life, and the loss hurt her. To hear people try to spin it as Yoko being the monster in the situation through misinformation is unfortunate.)
3 is hypothetical, but I do speculate that if Yoko was white, the attitude toward her would’ve been different. Sean said, “It’s intense how racist the world is. If my mother had looked like Debbie Harry, I really think the reaction would have been different.” (X) Yoko’s former partner, Sam Havadtoy, also touched on this in an interview from 1990:
Q: ...No matter what Yoko does, she’s frequently the victim of a bad press. Any idea why?
Havadtoy: After John’s death, newspapers wrote that Yoko was this selfish person hoarding John’s memory, controlling it, not willing to share it with his fans. So after two years, she puts out 200 hours of film footage and a record and they say she’s exploiting John’s memory. She can’t win.
Q: Why not?
Havadtoy: Racism. If she were blond-haired and blue-eyed, nobody would have blamed her for breaking up the Beatles. They were the darlings of the universe; she was an outsider, an Oriental, an avant-garde artist--easy to pick on. When John married Yoko, the British press wrote: “At least he will have clean laundry.” And it’s still happening. America is infatuated with Japan-bashing. 
And I do think Season Of Glass was a memory thing, I posted about it here: X. 
And yes, I think that much of Yoko’s criticism/legacy was rooted in that initial reaction, which was pretty sexist and racist. But I think that influence can still be felt today, in ways that aren’t obvious. And like you said, unintentional. (Before anyone gets mad, if you dislike or hate Yoko that doesn't automatically make you racist lol. But the narrative built around her might’ve influenced your opinion of her, and the narrative was kinda rooted in a racist mentality. So that’s why and re-interpreting her in a fresh light is necessary).
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