#hope this properly answered the questions
luizd3ad · 3 days
Late Night | Poly!Jegulus x GN!Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: James Potter x Regulus Black x GN!Reader WC: 1,005 CW: unhealthy sleep schedule, poly relationship, insomnia(??), slight anxiety, mentions of food (cookies), james worrying, no use of Y/N Author's Note: Damn haven’t wrote anything in a few weeks hope this isn’t like terrible 😅 Summary: You and Regulhs are being night owls
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James shot up when he heard what sounded like something being dropped on the floor. 
He immediately put his glasses on and looked to his side, getting a rush of anxiety when he realized he woke up alone. 
You and Regulus weren't there and it had to be at around two or three in the morning considering it was pitch black outside. 
James immediately got out of bed and walked out of the room as quickly and quietly as he could while he felt his heart beating out of his chest and his mind raced.
What if someone was in their home? What if someone was hurting you and Regulus? 
James cursed at himself when he realized he came out of the room empty handed. How did he manage to forget his bloody wand?
He felt as if it was too late to turn back now.
While James was looking around their home in search of you and Regulus he noticed that there was light coming from the kitchen. 
With furrowed brows he proceeded to the kitchen with caution, his mind still getting the best of him.
He peeked into the kitchen and James felt all his anxieties wash away but his confusion only heightened. 
There you and Regulus were talking in hushed voices while… eating cookies?
Were you and Regulus having cookies?
Without him?
James never felt so offended in his life. There you two were the loves of his life having snacks without him! Especially when the three of you should be asleep.
A true betrayal. 
“What are you two doing?” James asked, making his presence known. 
Regulus and you looked up at James slightly startled and looking like two kids who were about to be scolded. 
Which you and Regulus both knew was a possibility since James often stresses about the importance of a ‘healthy sleep schedule’.
Whatever the hell that means.
You immediately grabbed a cookie holding it out to James giving him the biggest smile you could manage attempting to distract him from the fact that it was the middle of the night. “Cookie?” 
Regulus just dropped his head looking down while shaking it obviously not impressed with your attempt to distract James. 
Apparently James wasn't impressed with your attempt either since he took the cookie you had offered him with a quiet ‘thank you’ but then he decided to repeat his question.
How Rude. Literally not at all.
“What are you two doing?”
“Nothing much, you?” Your response earned a small frown from James and a small smirk and chuckle from Regulus.
Regulus proceeded to wrap an arm around you, kissing your head softly trying to hide his amusement from James. “We've been caught darling. No use trying to get out of it now.”
“Worth a shot.” You muttered while shrugging. 
Regulus just chuckled again thinking to himself that you might be spending a little too much time with Barty.
“Are either of you going to answer my question?” James asked concerned and slightly irritated but you knew his irritation was only coming from a place of worry.
James had a tendency to worry a lot about the people he carried about.
Especially you and Regulus. 
Since you could remember James has worried about yours and Regulus sleep schedules. You two could stay up all hours of the night, sometimes even days and you both could function properly which worried James since sleep is very important in maintaining a healthy body and mind. 
“We couldn't sleep so we decided to make cookies.”
“We tried to stay quiet so as to not wake you but someone dropped the backing sheet.” Regulus looked at you with a teasing look in his eyes as you glared at him while you muttered something about it being an accident.
James continued to look at you with a concerned look in his eyes but he couldn't help but feel his irritation faded since he had always found it hard to stay upset with you two especially when you both were the cutest people he has ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on.
He just couldn't help but worry about your wellbeing. 
“Why didn't you wake me? I could have tried to help you two sleep.” 
“Jamie, it wasn't going to happen for us. It's just one of those nights.” You sent a small smile to James while grabbing his hand, pulling him towards you and Regulus gently. 
Regulus pushes some of James' hair out of his face so he could look in James' eyes; those eyes that Regulus loved with all his heart. “There was no point in all of us being awake mon amour.”
“Plus Jamie you get kinda grumpy when you don't get your beauty sleep.” Regulus nods in agreement while James just scoffs at the both of you but the small smile on his face shows he means nothing by it.
“That's beside the point. You could have still let me try… I just worry about you two sometimes.” 
Regulus pulls James closer so that the three of you are in a hug. “We know mon cerf, and you've done so amazing at helping us but sometimes old habits die hard and that's okay. Just because there's a few setbacks doesn't mean you've failed. We appreciate you so much.”
“We promise that we’re okay. Sleep just doesn't always come easy for us and that's not your fault.”
James sighs and nods, resting his head on you. “You're right, both of you.”
“Yeah. We normally are.” That earns a laugh from both of your boyfriends. 
James goes to give you a kiss on the cheek with a smile on his face while he whispers ‘I love you’. 
James stayed up with you and Regulus for as long as he could, finishing off the rest of the cookie and cuddling on the couch while watching movies.
You and Regulus stood up for most of the night till eventually all three of you were fast asleep on the couch in each other's arms.
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imagineitdearies · 12 hours
~ A Flawed Eternity ~
(AKA drabbles set in the Perfect Slaughter universe)
In which Tyrus and Astarion enjoy modern literature.
“Not interrupting I hope, darling?”
If not for immediate recognition of the voice, Tyrus may have dropped his book and cast Fire Bolt first, asked questions later.
Two days outside of the palace and he still felt—well, only a bit more safe, amongst a thousand other emotions. Luckily the person to thank for the majority of that safety now stood just past the door that had somehow opened without Tyrus hearing, who was grinning and holding a larger bag than he’d returned with the previous evening.
Tyrus relaxed and laid the book on his lap, gesturing at its pages as he answered, “Oh, just judging your choice in literature for me.”
Astarion brightened further at that—he’d brought Tyrus an impressive pile after his first shopping spree yesterday—and was quick to shut the door and hurry into their heavily curtained room above the Elfsong Tavern, leaning over Tyrus at the side of the bed to see what exactly he was reading.
Tyrus sighed and flipped it to show the cover, though he watched with a small smirk at how ecstatic Astarion was to see its title, The One that Got A Thay.
Astarion put on a playful pout right after, throwing a hand out in dramatic gesture as he spoke with playful shock, “You read most of it without me! I expected this to be the last book you picked from my selection, love.”
There were three arcane books that looked useful, even could teach Tyrus a new variety of spells now that he wasn’t confined to Cazador’s purposes. And besides a few general adventure books Tyrus had spied two more volumes of the Drizzt legends, though he wouldn’t dream of reading those without Astarion. Last, he’d noted the smut book, read its description and scoffed a bit—and ended up devouring it over the last three hours.
“I suppose I wanted a break from studying important things, after . . . so long,” he shrugged, smoothing a finger down the crisp pages.
Astarion’s face gentled. He discarded his cloak and bag and sat more properly next to Tyrus, pulling him in with an arm around his shoulder. “You’ll just have to catch me up, then,” he replied with a quick kiss to Tyrus’s ear. “I want to hear all about this dark, brooding necromancer and the pure-hearted, muscled beserker who changed his life.“
Tyrus was happy to oblige over the next few minutes: “Well, the two wasted half the book arguing with each other, the necromancer doesn’t know how to talk about feelings—no, much worse than you’ve ever been, Astarion—and the author kept describing the berserker’s size over and over again during the first sex scene, why does that even matter? But otherwise, it’s a rather interesting story and the plot entails a lot of history . . .”
They spent the next few hours reading the last third of the book aloud, laughing at the wrong parts, critiquing every unrealistic aspect of the sex scenes, and having such a lovely, relaxed evening together that Tyrus felt nothing but pleased to find a book titled A Pleasurable Deal added to the pile after the next shopping trip.
Maybe it was a strange thing to enjoy, given everything they’d both been through . . . but maybe a little escapism was healthy, every now and then.
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fuzzyautumninmetal · 6 hours
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x Fem!Mermaid reader
Big thanks too @brokenpieces-72 and @all-purpose-dish-soap for the plot idea!! love you 🫶
I really really hope I've done Kyle justice here 😩
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The icy water clawed at Kyle's skin, the pressure in his ears a dull throb. Panic flared in his chest, a cold, sharp spike. His oxygen gauge flickered, a mocking red, and his lungs burned. He'd been reckless, pushing too far, and now his tank was failing. He was going to die here, alone, in the depths of this frigid, unforgiving sea. Then, strong arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him upward. He felt a surge of relief, a desperate hope, but his vision blurred, his body heavy. He couldn't see who was helping him, only felt the powerful, rhythmic strokes pulling him towards the surface.
He woke to the harsh sunlight and the familiar faces of Task Force 141. The relief was overwhelming, but it was quickly followed by confusion. He remembered the panic, the darkness, and then... someone had saved him. But who?
Kyle, still shaky, shook his head. "No, I... I don't know what happened. I felt someone pull me up."
"You alright, Gaz?" Johnny's voice was gruff, concern etched on his face. "You were out cold for a good five minutes. Thought you'd gone and met Nessie down there."
The others exchanged glances. "You sure you didn't just black out and think you were saved?" John asked, his tone sceptical.
Kyle frowned. "No, I'm telling you, someone was there. I felt their arms around me."
The incident became a running joke amongst the team, with Johnny constantly teasing Kyle about 'meeting Nessie.' But Kyle couldn't shake the feeling of truth in his memory. He had to know who saved him.
Weeks later, driven by a need for answers, Kyle returned to the mission site. He rented a small boat and spent hours scanning the water, the memory of the strong arms pulling him up vivid in his mind. Then, he saw it. A flash of emerald green, a tail shimmering in the sunlight.
A mermaid.
You swim gracefully through the crystal clear waters, your emerald tail propelling you effortlessly through the waves. your long, wavy hair cascades behind you like a waterfall, reflecting the sun's rays as you moves. You pauses when you spot something floating on the surface.
A boat? 
Curiosity piqued, you surface, your eyes widening at the sight of a human. That human. The one you saved.
As the figure surfaced, Kyle's heart skipped a beat. It was her, the mysterious saviour from his near-death experience. You were real, not some delusion or hallucination brought on by oxygen deprivation. You were stunningly beautiful, your hair flowing like a river of molten gold in the sunlight, your eyes a captivating blend of gold and red that held an air of mystery. You were different, unique, unlike anyone he'd ever seen before. And you'd saved his life.
You quickly dove back down into the water. He shouldn't be here. He shouldn't have come looking for you. It was stupid really. Reckless. You should of left him to his fate...but you couldn't. You couldn't watch an innocent human die.
Kyle watched as the enigmatic figure dived back beneath the waves, leaving him with more questions than answers. Despite the brief encounter, he knew he wouldn't forget you any time soon. Your actions spoke volumes about your character, and your beauty captivated him in a way no other woman had. There was something undeniably intriguing about you, a sense of mystery that made him want to learn more.
He found himself returning to the same spot over and over again, drawn to the memory of the mermaid who'd saved his life. Each visit filled him with a strange longing, a desire to see you again, to thank you properly for saving his life. He began to bring offerings, seashells and starfish, anything he thought might catch your attention.
You can feel his presence every time he comes. Its annoying really. He doesn't belong here. This is your home, your sanctuary. Why does he keep coming? To see you? No. He wants something else. Something more. He wants answers. Answers to questions you cannot give. You're not supposed to exist. Not anymore anyway. But you do...and you can't let him find out. You can't let him expose you.
One day, as he tossed a handful of sweet treats onto the water's surface, he swore he saw a flicker of movement beneath the waves. Was it her? Had she returned? He stayed longer than usual, waiting, hoping for another glimpse of the mysterious mermaid.
He waited for you, patiently watching the horizon until the sky turned dark. He knew you were there, hiding in the shadows, observing him. He knew you didn't want him there, but he also knew you hadn't stopped him yet. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever came next.
"I know you're there," he called out, his voice echoing across the empty sea. "Please, I just want to talk. I won't tell anyone about you. I promise."
You listen to his words. You don't trust them. Humans lie all the time. They lie to protect themselves. They lie to get what they want. But you need to hear him out. You need to understand why he keeps coming here. He's persistent isn't he? Maybe that's something you admire? Or maybe its infuriating? Either way, you decide to show yourself. Just enough so he knows its you. Your eyes meet his as you break the surface of the water.
When the mysterious figure finally emerged from the depths, Kyle's heart pounded in his chest. It was her, the mermaid who'd saved his life. Their eyes locked, yours filled with a mix of curiosity and caution, while his were filled with gratitude and admiration.
"Thank you," he said quietly, his voice barely audible above the sound of the waves crashing against the boat. "For saving me."
You watch him. Watch his face for any signs of deception. None are shown. You swims closer to the boat, your movements graceful and fluid. Your close now. Close enough to touch if you wanted to. You reach out a hand, touching the side of the boat gently. A sign of acceptance maybe? An olive branch? Or just another test? Only time will tell.
He watched, entranced, as the mermaid swam closer to the boat. He could almost reach out and touch you, if only he dared. When you touched the side of the boat, he felt a surge of hope. Could it be that you were willing to communicate?
"I'm Kyle," he introduced himself, extending a hand towards you.
You watch his hand move through the water towards you. You takes it hesitantly, your grip firm yet gentle. You pull yourself closer to the boat, your body breaking the surface of the water. Your upper body is exposed now. You looks up at him, your eyes questioning as you introduced yourself.
Kyle heart raced as you pulled yourself closer to the boat, your body breaking the surface of the water. He was face-to-face with a mermaid, and you were even more breath taking than he'd imagined.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, his voice trembling slightly from excitement. "I owe you my life." You hold his gaze, your eyes intense. You pull yourself further onto the boat, your lower half still submerged in the water. Your upper body is bare, your skin glistening with water droplets. You look at him curiously, taking in his features with equal intensity.
"Why do you keep coming back?" you asks, your voice soft yet steady.
Kyle swallowed hard as you pulled yourself fully onto the boat, your lower half still hidden beneath the water. His eyes traced the lines of your body, taking in your bare skin glistening with water droplets. You were even more beautiful up close.
"To see you," he admitted honestly, meeting your gaze. "To thank you properly for saving my life."
Your eyes narrow slightly as you process his answer. You take a moment to study him. To analyse his facial expressions, his tone of voice. Is he lying? Does he truly just want to thank you? Or is there something more? You can't read humans very well. They're too complex.
He met your gaze head-on, unflinching under your scrutiny. He understood your scepticism; after all, he would likely feel the same in your position. But his intentions were pure - he simply wanted to express his gratitude.
"If it helps," he offered, "I've brought you gifts." He gestured towards some sweet treats beside him.
You look at this gifts he brought you. Gifts? From a human? "What are they?" You questioned. Your gaze never leaving the gifts, you've never seen anything like them before. They look...spongy and pretty? He pointed out each item one by one - the fluffy, sweet-smelling muffins, and the rich, decadent chocolate cake. He hoped these would help bridge the gap between their two worlds.
"They're called muffins and cake," he explained. "They're sweet and delicious. Would you like to try one?" His question hung in the air, a silent plea for acceptance. You look at him sceptically and then back at the gifts. Muffins and cake? What a strange name, and you can eat them? You looked back at Kyle, your curiosity got the better of you. 
Kyle's heart swelled with delight when you agreed to try the food. He carefully picked up a muffin and held it out to you. "Here you go," he said, his voice filled with anticipation. "It's called a blueberry muffin." As he spoke, he couldn't help but marvel at how surreal this situation was. Here he was, on a boat in the middle of the ocean, offering cake to a mermaid.
You watch as he holds out the muffin to you. The gesture is kind and gentle, and you find yourself drawn to it. You reach out slowly, your fingers brushing against his as you take the muffin. Your touch is light, hesitant. You bring the muffin to your lips and takes a bite.
Your eyes widen in surprise as the flavours burst in your mouth. Sweetness, tanginess, a hint of crunchiness. It's overwhelming and amazing all at once. You chew slowly, savouring every bit before swallowing. Kyle watched as you took the muffin from his hands, his heart pounded in his chest as he waited for your reaction. When your eyes widened and you began to chew, he let out a sigh of relief. She liked it!
After finishing off the muffin, you look over at the..... Cake? Your eyes wide with curiosity. You reach out and pick up a piece of the cake, holding it up to inspect it. It's dark and moist looking, and smells divine. You bring the piece to your lips and takes a bite.
The taste is unlike anything you've ever experienced. Rich, sweet, and smooth. It melts in your mouth and leaves you wanting more. You place it on the boat before you hoist yourself up and sit on the edge of the boat, you fin swaying lazily in the water as you picked the cake back up.
Kyle watched in awe as you eagerly devoured the cake, your eyes lighting up with each bite. He couldn't help but smile widely, feeling a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had managed to share something new with you. "That's chocolate cake," he told you, pointing at the remaining piece. He leaned back against the boat, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and the company of this intriguing creature.
You continue to eat the cake, savouring each bite. You look up at Kyle, studying him. There's something about him that's different from other humans you've encountered. He seems genuine, honest. Any regrets you had saving him were now gone.
He noticed the change in your demeanour. Your earlier suspicion seemed to have faded away, replaced by an almost friendly curiosity. He felt relieved. "I should probably start heading back soon," he mentioned, standing up and picking up the empty food wrappers. "But I'd love to come visit again sometime."
His words were sincere; he genuinely enjoyed spending time with you and wanted to get to know you better. You look at him as he stands up, and you notice his form is tall and lean. He moves with an ease that you admire. As he picks up the wrappers, you gently lower yourself back into the water. "Tomorrow?" You ask softly, your voice echoing the sincerity in your eyes.
Kyle was taken aback by your question. Tomorrow? He hadn't expected you to invite him back so soon. But the thought of seeing you again, sooner rather than later, filled him with excitement.
"I'd like that," he replied, a warm smile spreading across his face. "See you tomorrow then." With a final wave, he started the boat and drove it back to shore, leaving a trail of bubbles behind.
You watch as he drives the boat back to shore, your eyes following the trail of bubbles until they disappear completely. A small smile graces your lips as you dip back under the water, the surface reflecting the moon above.
Back on land, Kyle couldn't stop thinking about his encounter with you. His heart swelled with warmth as he replayed the events of the day in his mind. He found himself looking forward to tomorrow with eager anticipation.
The next evening, he arrived at the same spot as yesterday. He was excited to see you again, and brought more treats with him.
Kyle waited patiently, scanning the water's surface for any sign of you. After what felt like an eternity, there was a splash and you emerged from the depths, your wet hair slicked back and clinging to your skin. You swim towards him, a big smile on your face. When you reach him, you climb onto the boat and sat on the edge, dripping water everywhere. You look at the food he brought. For you.
Kyle's heart fluttered as you emerged from the water, your smile as radiant as ever. "Hey there," he greeted you, handing you the food. "I brought some more treats for you." You accept the food from him, your hand brushing against his. You take the food and begin eating it, savouring every bite just like you did yesterday. You glance up at him occasionally, a soft smile on your face.
He watched as you ate the food he'd brought, noting the soft smile that graced your lips when you looked at him. He felt a strange warmth spread through him, a sensation he'd never really experienced before. "Would you... like to go for a ride on the boat?" He asked, trying to keep his nervousness in check.
You tilt your head, your nose scrunched up in concentration. "How about we race instead?" You suggests, your voice lilting. "See what's faster. Me or the boat."
Kyle laughed, the sound echoing across the water. He loved your playful spirit. "A race it is," he agreed, starting the engine and adjusting the throttle. "But fair warning, I'm pretty competitive." With that, he revved the engine and waited for you to signal the start of the race. "So am I" you giggle as you dive into the water, disappearing beneath the waves before coming back up. "First one to that buoy over there wins." Kyle watched as you dove into the water, your movements graceful and fluid. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he waited for you to resurface.
"On your mark..." he called out, his gaze locked on the buoy. "Get set... GO!"
Without hesitation, he gunned the engine, sending the boat speeding through the water. The wind rushed past him, carrying with it the scent of the sea and the thrill of competition. As Kyle sped off, it caught you off guard, but you quickly caught up to him, your sleek tail easily keeping pace with the boat. You swam alongside Kyle, teasing him with your speed and agility. You laughed and disappeared beneath the waves, using your powerful tail to propel yourself through the water. You knew you had the advantage in this race, but you couldn't resist the opportunity to show off your skills to Kyle.
His heart pounded in his chest as he raced through the water, the wind rushing past him. He could see you right beside him, your speed and agility a testament to your nature. Just as he thought he might catch up to you, you would suddenly disappear, only to reappear further ahead. You were fast, incredibly fast. But Kyle wasn't one to give up easily. With renewed determination, he pushed the boat harder, matching your speed stroke for stroke.
You continue to tease Kyle, showing off your speed and agility. Your laughter echoes through the water as you dart in and out of his path. You enjoy watching him try to keep up with you. You flicked your tail to splash him, hoping to catch him off before you sped off again.
Kyle felt a rush of cold water as you splashed him, your laughter echoing in his ears. He could see the teasing glint in your eye as you darted away, your tail flicking playfully.
'She's enjoying this too much,' he thought, his determination growing stronger. He pressed the throttle even further, the boat responding eagerly. You continue to tease him, your laughter filling the air as you dodge his attempts to catch you. You love the way his face scrunches up in concentration, the determination in his eyes. You flick your tail to splash him again before darting off once more.
He let out a hearty laugh as the cold water splashed him again, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel the power of the boat beneath him, its response to his command. 'She's got spirit,' he thought again, admiring your tenacity. As you darted away once more, he pursued you, determined to win this race.
You continued to lead him on, your laughter ringing out across the water. You enjoyed the thrill of the chase, the challenge of staying ahead. You flicked your tail to send another wave of water crashing over him before darting off again towards the buoy. You were close. So close. Kyle doesn't have a chance.
You see Kyle closing in on you, his determination clear. You decide to make one last dash for the buoy. You push yourself to your limits, your muscles straining as you use your powerful tail to propel yourself forward. You reach the buoy first, a triumphant grin on your face.
Kyle saw you pull ahead, your speed and agility leaving him in awe. As they neared the buoy, he gave it one last shot, propelling the boat forward with all his strength. He reached the buoy mere seconds after you, you brought your fin up out of the water and nudge him lightly, a playful smirk on your face. "Told you I was faster." You say, your laughter filling the air again.
He smiled, his heart still pounding in his chest. He could feel the salty spray of the ocean on his skin, the exhilaration of the race still fresh in his mind. "You were faster this time," he admitted, meeting your gaze with a playful smirk of his own. "But next time, I'll beat you." His words hung in the air between them, a promise of future races and the camaraderie that came with them.
You giggle, your eyes shining with mirth and satisfaction. You lean against the side of the boat, catching your breath from the race. "Oh will you now?" You say, your voice light and teasing.
Kyle nodded, his smile widening. His competitive spirit was already stirring, ready for the next challenge. "Oh yes," he said confidently, "I always keep my promises." His gaze lingered on you, appreciating your strength and resilience. You were a force to be reckoned with, and he couldn't wait to see what other adventures they'd share together.
You wink at Kyle, your eyes twinkling with mischief. You're not sure if you believe his claim, but you're looking forward to seeing if he can prove it. You stretch lazily, your muscles still tingling from the race. "I'm always up for a good challenge," he said, his gaze never leaving yours. "And if it means spending more time with you, then I wouldn't miss it for the world." His words were sincere, a testament to the bond they shared. Despite their differences, they understood each other, respected each other. And for that, Kyle was grateful.
You meet his gaze, your own eyes reflecting the same sense of camaraderie and trust. You understand his competitive spirit, his desire to test his limits. You respect him for it. "Good," you say simply, "because I like a good challenge too."
"Then it's a deal," he said, extending his hand for a shake. "To future races and adventures." As their hands met, the bond between them strengthened. They were partners in this journey, allies in a world where survival was often a game of wit and skill.
You take Kyle's hand, feeling the firmness of his grip. You squeeze gently, your eyes locked onto his. This is more than just a race or an adventure; it's a partnership, a bond forged in the depths of the ocean. "It's a deal," *you say, your voice steady and resolute. As you gaze at his hand clasped in yours, a sudden surge of alarm courses through you. A crimson stain blooms on his skin, seeping through the cracks in his weathered hand.
"Kyle, you're bleeding!" You exclaim, your voice a mixture of concern and urgency. The words dance across the surface of the water, creating tiny ripples that break the otherwise still surface.
He looked down to see a cut on his palm, blood trickling down his fingers. "Damn," he muttered, wincing slightly. "Must have caught it on something when we were racing." He glanced at you, a sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Guess I'm not as invincible as I thought."
"Obviously," *you couldn't help but chuckle. You held your hand out. "Give me your hand." Your voice was firm, leaving no room for arguments. When Kyle didn't give you his hand, insisting that he was fine, you gently grabbed his wrist and brought his hand up to your lips but paused. You were about to do something that might seem a little...unconventional, to put it mildly.
"This is going to seem weird...and disgusting," you warned him, your voice softer now, almost apologetic. He looked at you, confusion etched on his face. You licked your lips, the saltiness of the ocean water leaving a metallic taste on your tongue. Then, you did it. You licked the palm of his hand, your tongue tracing the gash, the blood mingling with the salt.
Kyle watched, mesmerized, as you licked the wound on his hand. He felt a strange mix of discomfort and fascination, the sight both gross and oddly alluring. "What...the hell..." he muttered, though there was no real annoyance in his tone. He'd seen stranger things in his life, after all. Still, the sensation of your tongue against his skin sent a shiver down his spine. It wasn't unpleasant, but it definitely wasn't normal either.
He watched, transfixed, as you lapped at the cut on his hand. He could feel the coolness of the sea water mixed with the heat of your breath, the wetness of your tongue against his skin. It was an odd sensation, but not entirely unpleasant. "Damn," he breathed out, his voice low and rough. "That's...that's some crazy shit right there." But even as he spoke, he found himself leaning into the sensation, his body responding despite his mind trying to process the strangeness of it all.
You pull away from his hand, watching as the cut closes before your very eyes. The edges of the wound fuse together, sealing shut without so much as a scar. Your saliva does its job, healing the small injury instantly. "There," you softly say, feeling satisfied. "All better." You look up at Kyle, meeting his gaze. Your eyes glint with a knowing smile, a silent acknowledgment of the bizarre yet effective method of first aid you just employed.
Kyle stared at his healed hand, disbelief washing over him. He'd expected a few stitches, maybe a band-aid at most, but not this. Not a lick of his hand by a mermaid. "That's...fuckin' amazing," he said, shaking his head in awe. "I mean, I've seen some shit in my time, but this takes the cake." He lifted his hand to inspect it again, running his thumb over the smooth skin where moments ago had been a gaping cut. His mind raced, trying to comprehend how something so simple could have such profound results. "And here I thought you were just a pretty face," he added, flashing you a teasing grin.
A laugh bubbles up from deep within you, echoing around the two of you in the vast ocean. It's a sound that's as unexpected as it is infectious, causing Kyle to join in, his hearty laughter mixing with yours.
"Pretty face?" You echo, rolling your eyes playfully. "Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself." 
You poke him lightly in the chest, your fingertips pressing against his skin. The contact sends a spark of electricity coursing through you, reminding you of the connection between you and Kyle. "But I suppose there's more to you than meets the eye too," you add, giving him a sly smirk as you splashed some water on him with you tail.
He chuckled, enjoying the banter between the two of them. He leaned back in the boat, his arms folded behind his head as he watched the waves crash against the hull. The salty air filled his lungs, a stark contrast to the thick smoke and grime of his usual environment.
"You know what they say about judging books by their covers," he quipped, shooting you a playful wink. His attention shifted momentarily to the horizon, his mind wandering to the events of the day. From the adrenaline-fueled race to the peculiar healing technique, today had been anything but ordinary.
You lean against the boat, your head resting on the side as you watch the sun dip below the horizon. The sky puts on a show, painting the heavens in hues of pink, orange, and purple. "It's beautiful," you murmur, your voice barely audible above the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull of the boat. You turn to Kyle, a soft smile playing on your lips. "Wanna see another cool trick?"
Kyle turned to face you, his curiosity piqued. He'd seen plenty of sunsets in his lifetime, but none quite like this one. The colours seemed brighter, more vibrant, as if the world itself was putting on a show just for them. "Another trick, huh?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm intrigued. What ya got?"
He leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows as he looked at you. There was a certain allure to you, a mystery that drew him in. You were unlike anyone he'd ever met, and he found himself wanting to know more about you.
You pat the side of the boat invitingly, a teasing smirk on your lips as your tail swishes behind you. "You've got to come in the water," you say, your voice a melody carried by the salty breeze. "Unless you're scared," you add, sending a playful splash of water towards him.
Kyle laughed, the sound rich and genuine. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had this much fun, or been around someone who could make him forget about everything else for a moment. "Nah, I ain't scared," he said, pushing himself off the boat and stepping closer to the edge. "Just don't want to get my good clothes wet," he joked, looking down at his jeans and t-shirt.
You giggle at his comment, the sound light and carefree. Your eyes sparkle with mischief as you hover near the edge, waiting for Kyle to take the plunge. "Well then, tough luck," you tease, flicking a droplet of water at him. "Just take your clothes off."
Kyle rolled his eyes, a chuckle escaping his lips. He stripped off his clothing, leaving him in nothing but his boxer shorts. The cool air sent a shiver down his spine, but he ignored it, focusing instead on the anticipation building within him. "Alright, alright," he said, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm coming in. Just don't laugh when I start swimming like a brick, okay?" With that, he took a deep breath and plunged into the water, disappearing beneath the surface.
As he resurfaced, he blinked rapidly, adjusting his eyes to the dimmer light. He shook his head, sending droplets of water flying in all directions. "Fuck, that's cold!" he exclaimed, his teeth chattering slightly.
You burst out laughing at Kyle's exclamation, the sound echoing around the both of you. You swim closer to him, your tail flicking playfully. "Cold? For you, maybe," you tease, your voice muffled by the water. "But I'm used to it." You swim up to him, so close your noses are nearly touching. "Close your eyes," you murmur, your voice softer now.
Gaz hesitates for a moment, then obeys, shutting his eyes tight. You gently cup his cheeks, your cool hands a contrast to the warmth of his skin. He smells of salt and seaweed, a familiar scent of the ocean. You lean in and kiss him, your lips meeting with a soft, damp touch. You feel the surprise, then the wonder, as his breath catches in his throat. You don't linger, but with a swift movement, you submerge you both under the water.
Kyle felt a rush of something unfamiliar as your lips pressed against his. His eyes were squeezed shut, his senses heightened by the unusual situation. He felt the chill of the water envelop him completely as you pulled him under, the sensation of being submerged sending a jolt of fear through him.
But as quickly as it came, the fear faded, replaced by a sense of calm. He could breathe! It was strange, almost magical, feeling the oxygen fill his lungs without having to break the surface. He opened his eyes, blinking away the stinging saltwater, and saw you before him, your body glowing in the dim light.
You were beautiful, even under the water. Your hair fanned out around you, swirling like tendrils of silk. Your eyes glowed with mischief and joy, reflecting the light from above.
You pull back slowly, watching Kyle's reaction closely. A grin spreads across your face, seeing the awe in his eyes. You reach out, taking his hand in yours, leading him deeper into the water.
Kyle allowed himself to be led, his grip on your hand firm yet gentle. He moved through the water with a grace he hadn't known he possessed, the weightlessness allowing him to move with ease.
He glanced around, taking in the beauty of the underwater world. Fish darted past, their scales shimmering in the light filtering down from above. Corals waved gently, their colours vibrant and alive. The world around them became a blur of colour and movement, but only your presence remained constant. He felt a strange warmth spreading through him, not from the water, but from within. The sensation was overwhelming, intoxicating. It made him forget about the war, about the bloodshed, about the pain. All he cared about was the moment, this singular moment shared with you.
You lead Kyle further into the depths, the world around you growing darker and more mysterious. The pressure increases, adding an element of danger to your adventure. But you're undeterred, pulling him along with a determined look in your eyes.
Eventually, you stop, turning to face him. You place your hands on his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. Your own heartbeat quickens, matching his rhythm. You lean in, pressing your forehead against his. In this moment, there's no need for words. Everything is understood between you, communicated through touch and glance. It's a silent promise, a vow sealed under the sea.
Kyle let you guide him, entrusting himself fully to you. As the pressure increased, he felt a thrill run through him, a mix of excitement and apprehension. But he wasn't afraid. Not with you. When they stopped, he looked into your eyes, seeing a depth there he hadn't noticed before. A kind of longing, perhaps? Or was it hope?
His heart pounded in his chest as you placed your hands on him, feeling the wild rhythm of his heart match yours. When you leaned in, pressing your forehead against his, he closed his eyes, savouring the moment. He held you tightly, not wanting to let go.
Your bodies are pressed close together, the slight friction creating a spark of electricity between you. Without warning, you pull back, grabbing his hand once again. You begin to swim upwards, towards the light. Your movements are graceful, powerful, guiding Kyle effortlessly towards the surface.
As they neared the surface, Kyle began to feel the urge to breathe. His lungs burned, craving air. But he waited, holding his breath, trusting you to bring them safely back to the world above. And then, suddenly, they broke through the surface. He gasped, sucking in a lungful of sweet, fresh air. He looked at you, gratitude and admiration shining in his eyes.
You emerge from the water, your body slick with wetness. You turn to Kyle, a triumphant smile on your face. "Pretty cool right?" He nodded, still trying to catch his breath. He looked at you, your body glistening in the moonlight, and he had to admit, it was pretty damn cool. "Unreal," he finally managed to say. He reached out, running his fingers through your wet hair. "I've never... I didn't know..." He shook his head, unable to find the right words.
Kyle moved closer, closing the gap between them. He reached out, tracing a finger down your arm, feeling the smooth skin beneath his touch. He leaned in, his lips hovering just inches from yours. He could taste the saltiness of the ocean on your lips, mixed with your unique flavour. It was intoxicating, making him want more. Before he could second guess himself, he kissed you. His lips pressed against yours, soft and seeking. The kiss was hungry, desperate, a reflection of the emotions swirling inside him.
Feeling Kyle's lips on yours sends a jolt through your system, lighting up every nerve ending. You respond eagerly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. Your tongue slips past his lips, exploring the warm cavern of his mouth. You can taste the salt on his skin, mingling with the sweetness of his breath. It's a heady combination, one that makes you dizzy with desire. Breaking the kiss, you pull back slightly, looking into Kyle's eyes. There's a hunger there, a need that mirrors your own. And it's a need that you're more than willing to satisfy.
You lean in again, kissing him deeply, losing yourself in the moment.
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livesworthlivingau · 3 days
Lives Worth Living Chapter 14
ISAT Spoilers below the break!
"It seems I must have finally taught you how to properly steep tea over those decades." (Odile comments with a smirk, watching you carefully pour from the kettle into each of your teacups.)
"It only took me 5 of those years to make a decent cup~."
"... The fact I can't tell if that's a joke or not is more concerning than anything else..." (You let out a heavy chuckle at her somewhat worried look. You stick your tongue out a give an exaggerated wink.)
"And it still doesn't count as a wink if you only have one eye Siffrin..."
"You've been telling me that for 30 years Odile, it never sticks~." (She just rolls her eyes as she adds a bit of honey and milk to her tea.)
"Speaking of… How are you doing Siffrin, truly?"
"… I think you already know the answer to that question, Madame" (You tease with the lightest chuckle, though it's bittersweet.)
"I suppose I do, though it would still be nice to hear you say it properly." (You pause for a second, before letting out a sigh.)
"… I don't really know anymore… I guess I'm better than I was the first time around at this point, the first few weeks were really rough for me… It's nice to make some better memories to replace it… But those bad times were still important too…" (You start to explain, your hand wrapping around your covered forearm, as if for emphasis.)
"Those moments helped get you to where you are now… It may have been a painful journey but it was just as important as the destination." (Odile finishes the thought for you, her arms crossed as she gets lost in her own thoughts.)
"… Yeah… I know you don't want me to apologize again for what I said on that last day… So I'll just say thanks Odile, for trusting me with your oh so sacred backstory~." (You laugh. Your eye starts to blur from the tears welling up in it before you wipe them away. Odile just smirks a bit at your comment before rolling her eyes.)
"Yes yes, that and my fake research. I'm simply too generous for my own good." (She remarks sarcastically.)
"Now let's discuss something else, I'm tired of all these emotions."
"Heh, I couldn't agree more."
"Hey, Odile?" (You ask over your shoulder, fiddling with some thingamajig you found on the shelf. The both of you going on one of your famous 'secret missions' at a little random shop in the town you were passing through.)
"Yes, Siffrin?" (She responded over her shoulder as well, glancing through the various books they had for sale.)
"... There's... I can't stop thinking about something... from, uhh... before." (You begin, trying to dance around the topic without explicitly stating it. She pauses, perking up and waiting, as if telling you to continue.)
"... We all kinda went separate ways eventually, we were still a family of course but... we all had someone else at least... everyone but you Odile..."
"... What is it you're trying to say?"
"I-I'm saying... I don't know if you were happy... It felt like all that you cared about was work, when none of us were left around... You never got a partner, you never talked about friends you made, you..."
"Why are you bringing this up now, Siffrin?"
"... Probably because I never got the chance to before, and I didn't want to let that happen again..."
"I'm not sure how much use there is in talking about something that happens decades from now. What are you proposing anyways?"
"I... I don't know, just... I want you to be happy, I don't want you to be alone..."
"So, what do you intend then? Should I move in with you and Isabeau and stay on the couch forever?" (She asks with a smirk. Your lip curls a bit in response, but quickly falls again.)
"I mean it, Odile..." (She pauses at that, sighing out as she realizes how serious you were.)
"... Very well, Siffrin, I promise I'll keep this in mind... We've got a long road ahead of us until that but maybe things will be different this time around. That's what you're hoping for, yes?"
"In some ways I guess... I mean, these loops have to be for something, right?..."
"Maybe we should be focusing on that right now instead."
"Yeah... I guess you're right." (She suddenly walks over and lifts your hat off, ruffling your hair heavily.)
"You might have some years on me now, but you still overthink just the same." (The both of you laugh the seriousness of the conversation off, finishing up your little trip.)
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draculas-husband · 1 year
15 questions/Get to know me!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Sort of actually, haha. As a transman I chose my own name. I sort of named myself after King Richard from the TV series Galavant! (That everyone should watch btw because it is a criminally underrated comedy fantasy musical.) But there were definitely other people and characters that influenced my choice... As well as all the cool nicknames you can use when named Richard such as Dick, Rich, Ricky etc.. etc..
Also the name and nicknames comes with so much pun potential!
2. When was the last time you cried?
It was rather recently.. It was an rp moment that really got to me emotionally, touching me to tears. Though it would be even more recently if we count laughing so hard you cry. Either way I blame @nikyri-ninky for both!~ 😘
3. Do you have kids?
Does my cat count? Cause I call him my son, my baby boi, my sweet child.. If so yes. My fur baby named Major Flumph. I also have fictional children as well as a few friends who refer to me as their dad.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I would not say that I do, no. On occasion for sure. Especially if I am teasing my boyfriend. Though that is mostly payback for him doing it to me.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played a bit of soccer, did gymnastics, and played a lot of floor ball (a sport that was invented in Sweden) as a kid. But sport rarely interests me these days.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
That is a damn good question that I struggle to answer. I genuinely do not know for I notice a good number of things but could not tell you what the first thing is even if I wanted to.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. Both is good. If I had to choose however: happy endings. I love me some scary movies but I also struggle with anxiety and stress enough that happy endings are usually more healthy for my mental health in the long run.
8. Any special talents?
My coworkers, parents, partners and several friends would all kick my ass if I didn't mention drawing and painting. Also baking and gift giving (more specifically finding things for people that is based on their genuine interests).
9. Where were you born?
In Stockholm, Sweden!
10. What are your hobbies?
Playing gaymes, drawing, baking, gposing, role-playing, talking with my friends. The list is long hahaha but those are the main ones.
11. Do you have any pets?
Ah whoops, mentioned him already but oh well. Yes! A super fluffy, handsome tuxedo cat named Major Flumph. I've only had him for a few months but I love him with all my lil' gay heart! He turns 1 the same day I turn 28!~ 💖
12. How tall are you?
I am 5'9" / 175cm
13. Fave subject in school?
Art and English.
14. Dream job?
Something where I get to be helpful or creative. Doesn't have to be something super specific as long as I earn enough to live comfortably and have lots of fun. But then again I believe in universal basic income so... I def want a job that mainly allows me to grow as a person while also letting me have fun.
15. Eye colour?
Tagged by: @mirrim-the-moonfaerie and @mimble-sparklepudding , thank you both! 💖
Tagging: @nikyri-ninky , @slumberingslothfully , @elizabethrobertajones , @sosei and anyone else who wants to do it!~ 💕
If anyone would like to get to know me even better just shoot me a dm, despite my name I do not bite! Not at first at least...
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starnervefan · 13 days
what does our best guy detective fear like to do for fun? owo
aw! Thank you for the question 🥺💜 Nobody ever asks me things about my AU gdfsfh 🥹😭 /pos
But anyways-
He probably plays a lot of chess and card games given the chance and a worthy opponent. He'd join tournaments, he's not exactly competitive but still likes the feeling of outsmarting his opponents. He reads a lot (horror and thrillers despite his overactive imagination, and… sometimes, trashy romance). He'll happily critique or pick apart trashy movies and admittedly, he's fond of cartoons and silent films.
Even though some "scary" movies amuse him more than scare him, he's interested in criminal psychology in an almost morbid way, keeping himself up late at night reading about horrific crimes.
Socializing heavily isn't really his thing, he's shy, easily overstimulated and keeps to himself. Contrasting with his partner Anger, who's always dragging Fear to noisy gatherings where there's a lot of booze, smoke and jazz music. It's ok though, Fear gets to drag Anger to the theater (where Anger will usually wind up falling asleep from the boredom, if Fear's commentary doesn't keep him awake).
Lately a certain thief lady is on Inspector Fear's mind and he spends an awful lot of time thinking about her and trying to find her, even and especially during his off-hours, though whether it's "fun" is up for debate.
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the-whispers-of-death · 4 months
stone sparring against reader ?
Stone is cautious when sparring with you, as he is with everyone. He's a big boy as previously stated numerous times, he can do damage.
But he won't do you the disservice by throwing the sparring match. He wouldn't ever fathom throwing a match. Sparring is to test each other's skills, throwing the match wouldn't do much and would actually hinder improvement.
Unlike how he would spar with Ghost, where he'd dodge and weave. With you, Stone would use his brute strength to his advantage. He's sending blow after blow to you, testing how you'd evade and counteract his punches and kicks. He'll find your weaknesses quickly, using some of that quick processing speed in his brain that allows him to understand what an injured soldier needs in the midst of combat.
Of course, Stone won't always win. Just like how it is with Ghost, it depends on the time of day. You'll have a much easier time getting Stone onto his knees to tackle him and pin him when it's later in the day, since he's been in the base hospital for a long period of time.
But of course, unless you're taller than him (6'9"+) than you might not be able to keep him pinned. Again, it can happen if it's later in the day and you tired him out. But if you manage to get him down onto the sparring mat when he still has stamina left? You're most likely not getting him to yield in your pin. He's twisting out of it the moment an opportunity strikes.
Regardless of who wins the match, Stone is proud of you. He has heard by several people that he's very intimidating physicality wise and so he often doesn't get asked to spar, mostly it's Price telling another soldier to spar with Stone. But you initiated the request, you took on the challenge. And if you won the spar, he's even more proud of you.
It's hot when you manage to pin him down and make him yield.
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kdelarenta · 1 month
you guys, this is going to sound mean, but i PROMISE this is an actual, genuine question - can anyone name one personality trait of either simon or daphne?
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noeggets · 2 months
High yeah I wanted to ask what prompted you to make your post where Amy is breaking down, I just wanna know what made you think of making it cause I wanna see more
OH gee let me try to remember, ok i was listening to the Sonic IDW comic drama
cause in my tags there is
"#watching the zobot drama is really putting it into perspective #they've been traumatized in ways that cannot be removed from their minds"
i was talking to my friend @ssxdz2 i think theres another post but this is the only one i can find where i was talking about it
in the post this was said by @wummy :
#they can also be considered conditioned super-soliders but were not ready for that conversation
and i said
we may not be ready but we need to have that conversation tho, cause u r right, nobody else is gonna do anything so they are conditioned to be super soldiers not only by themselves but by the people around them, look at how GUN would probably canonly ask for Sonic’s help and cooperation and if you don’t the world is doomed cause nobody is strong enough to do anything except you they also conditioned their-self to think this way because they all have the mindset “If i don’t do anything nobody will” and it’s sad that they are right, if Sonic or any of his friends don’t stop Eggman nobody will do anything, and if they do do something it wont be enough to be considered anything cause nobody can stop Eggman except Sonic or maybe GUN if they tried hard enough
Cause the world truly does depend on Sonic and his friends like they are the world
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his-tamine · 2 months
How did you find out you were trans? I hope thats okay to ask
Ofc, you're all good anon :]
tbh, I'm pretty sure I always knew - or at least, for as long as I've been aware of the concept of gender &/or how my physical form was perceived, anyway.
like being a girl just never felt quite right. I'd always wanted to be a guy, but at first, just assumed it was nothing because I had more traditionally "girly" interests (baby dolls, the color pink, etc.) eventually, I ofc learned what being transgender was, and was like, "oh damn. that's me."
in the beginning, i tried to ignore it for the most part, thinking maybe it'd go away on its own, ((spoiler: it did not lol)) cause I was already seen as an "odd" kid that unfortunately very few people liked, and I didn't wanna draw any more unnecessary attention to myself.
that, and i wasn't sure how my family would receive it. ((spoiler: not very well... :,] )) ofc, things got a lot better over time, and the people that actually cared about me got used to it. some people are in your life for a reason, while some are only in it for a season, after all. and you have lived - and will live - with yourself the longest of anyone else. so making your body feel like home, is more important than sparing the feelings of those who don't actually have your best interests at heart.
in conclusion, i just kinda always knew. just didn't always have the word(s) for it. 6 years going strong - on T for almost 2.
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fleetsonourgecentral · 2 months
I suddenly remember That you never told us how a meeting between Prime/Archie! Sonic and Fleetway (Amnesiac/Good) Super Sonic would go.
Also I want to read Fleetway Sonic and scourge reactions if They somehow end Up dating (I like Fleetonic and I need something to draw lol)
I imagine any meeting between Prime and Super would likely come after Prime has already had the misfortune of meeting Sonic, and subsequently had at least one (1) argument about Super. If the argument hasn't already happened by the time Prime and Super meet, it's definitely imminent. I imagine Prime would be a lot more forgiving of Super than Sonic is (partly because he just doesn't have the same baggage Sonic does and partly because he's just overall less of a dick) so he'd be sympathetic to his plight. He'd be much quicker to believe Super when he says he doesn't want to be that evil person who hurts and kills people for fun. Sonic would scoff and call him a trusting idiot, but it's not that Prime is oblivious to or ignoring the danger that Super can cause, he just doesn't believe dogpiling the guy about it will actually help his situation
Sonic's reaction to finding out they're dating would just be more "I think you're fucking stupid" or, depending on how not-awful his relationship with Super is, just a quiet scoff. He probably tells Prime that if he's soooo fond of Super, then he can take Super with him back to his dimension, but he's probably also secretly worried about Prime actually following through, because if anything goes wrong, Sonic isn't there to help stop it. Chaos energy in the fleetway dimension is fucky and corrupted; for all his bitching and "don't come crying to me if he tries to kill all your friends", Sonic doesn't actually want another universe to suffer from that corrupted energy. He definitely doesn't want the chaos energy in the prime zone to become corrupted the same way his was, either
I can't imagine Scourge has much emotional attachment to Super to care too much. Like, he sees a part of himself in Super, specifically in how both of their identities used to be tied to Sonic, but he doesn't like that he can relate to Super. He doesn't hate or dislike him, but he definitely doesn't like him, either. He just often ends up being the one Ebony calls for out of everyone else in the freedom fighters because he's the one with the least amount of history with Super, so Super doesn't put him on edge the same way he does everyone else. So if Super started dating Prime, he'd probably just make some snarky comment about weak-hearted goody-two-shoes flocking together
Ultimately, the two of them together will probably mock the relationship. They probably only find out because one of them comes home and immediately starts bitching about how "did you HEAR Super and Prime are dating now???" and then they spend an hour talking shit about them. After all, even if Sonic has warmed up to Super a little, he probably still doesn't trust him or is comfortable being around him, and Scourge is a stubborn fucker who won't change his mind about disliking Prime out of sheer spite, so neither Prime nor Super have much of Sonic and Scourge's respect
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sigmaelxgr · 3 months
13 and 22 for Xangr?
Hey, thank you ! <3 Interesting questions. Let's begin.
Tumblr media
13 : When do they fake a smile? How often?
This. Is a harsh question. The right question should be; "When is Xangr's smile not fake ?"
Hear me right - Xangr has troubles showing emotions. He barely understands himself and can barely reach his own feelings. It took time for him to understand faces, and part of his makeup is here for this specific purpose; making him more expressive. Xangr always seems to have a slight smile, something appealing, a little mischievious and soft, sweet at the same time, but he thinks nothing of it. He just learnt that THIS particuliar face is the one that works best to achieve his objectives when he has one. He's a dancer, a subjugator, a seducer, he has to be appealing, sibylin, quite uncatchable without being unreachable... And his smile has something warm, honey-like, but cold at the same time. You only learn to fear his smile when you get in his way - something that hopefully will never happen to you, as he is insanely meticulous with the informations he lets be known on his case.
Xangr suffers from a lack of sensitivity. Its not that he does not feel - he struggles feeling what others would feel. It asks him to think to even understand a face, to even understand a laugh, a wink, a smile. His smile is not truely a lie either, its convenient. It seems imprinted on his lips, and it moves with subtility. He has a "I feel nothing" smile, that diverges from his "I feel nice" so slightly, and from his "I may hurt you soon enough" even more slightly. This comes with another of his traits: his voice is sugar-coated, purring, but monotone like he only says truths, like he reads everything instead of feeling his own words. It is extremely complicated to reach his core and to get to KNOW him.
If you manage to annoy him, you'll see the darkest, tenderest smile you'll ever witness - not a threat, a prediction.
22 : What simple activity than people do / can do scares your character?
To his point of view, people every day "give up" many things for the sake of love, faith, wealth, or friendship - and especially themselves. He's for exemple insanely confused by how people grow attached to one another to the point they cant live without, like their own life stopped having meaning by itself. Its scary because it fills no point to him, but he learned to keep this confusion for himself as he learned to express the perfect smile, so he could seem perfectly fine and alright at first. One day, a mer he had intercourse with him grew so attached he cried when Xangr told him he may die soon - Xangr got so, so out of his comfort zone he almost panicked to witness this sudden burst of emotions he couldnt get. People too will give themself up to Gods and other beings, and he's terrified of how easily this sacred mortal life everybody should have joy about can be traded for lies and delusions. He was here first, he KNOWS, and that's because he knows he's made uncomfortable with it. He's a calm mer, resulting of years and decades of chaos and learning, but having characters giving themselves up can really throw him out of his mind. This is the kind of situations he may shout things like :
"How can you, YOU that can bask in the gift of belonging only to yourself, hope you'd have a Master!?"
This kind of sentence betrays something deep about him. Something very deep.
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quizzicalwriter · 4 months
I remember, a while back, you mentioned that you wanted to write for The House That Jack Built. I was wondering if you’re still interested in writing about the film, and, if so, what kind of rules would you set to ensure your comfort?
Hi! This is a brilliant question. Yes, I'm still interested in writing for him! I'm actually finishing up my parts at the moment, it's rather lengthy. I typically write in globs rather than something concise, like beginning to end. I'll get motivation for a certain section, write that, and then write in the connecting pieces later - so, I'm currently wrapping up some of the connecting pieces.
I usually don't have an issue writing tougher things, disturbing content, etc. There are certain things I won't write, like children in a NSFW manner or bodily fluids outside of normal occurrences during intimacy. I do write for rougher scenarios, and I've never minded that. I'm able to disconnect myself a fair bit from my writing, and I'm using that quite a bit for this piece. It's darker than what I've written before. I think what's keeping me from finishing it up quicker is my worries on how others will see it, y'know?
That and dub-con is a bit of a fine line, but I take plenty of breaks with my writing. I don't think I'd ever write something that jeopardized my mental health. Although, I do love branching out, and I've enjoyed writing that piece - mainly because it's pushed me past my comfort zone.
It's worth it to branch out of your comfort zone, but everyone has limits to what they'll write - and that's okay! You have to have boundaries, just have to stick to them. And don't beat yourself up if you don't feel comfortable writing something, or if you lose motivation. I have pieces that I haven't touched in months, but I know it'll come back to me. That's usually why I tell people it'll take me a while to get to requests, but I always will get to them. It might take a few weeks, but they'll get done LMAO.
(I will say though, the piece I'm writing concerning that movie is dub-con, contains bodily harm, and will be tagged appropriately. Just a forewarning for those who are looking forward to that piece. And I'll definitely be open to writing for him again, if anyone ever requests more or the inspiration comes to me!)
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lunaetis · 6 months
@avaere asked :
he's tired of it. tired of having to report to whenever the whispers of a traveler sporting dark attire has wandered into his domain, tired of having to escort her back out again after --- time and time again --- stating that there is nothing of interest at the fortress. tired of her, and the way she puts him in these situations that have the duties of the duke in a chokehold, causing conflict in every gesture and action rising between them in the oddest of ways; the way her hair slid so neatly between his fingers remains in the back of wriothesley's mind, frequenting wandering thoughts on nights where he may admit to find loneliness far too boring of a company. eden is trouble, for he doesn't know her, not the wriothesley has had it in him to make any advancements in that direction. who and why are questions unanswered, left in nothing but assumptions from the warden's end, all thoughts skeptical in most ways. she's a stranger to fontaine, a stranger to other nations. there's no file on her. " i don't trust you," wriothesley mused, chains rustling as he rid himself of the heavy coat weighing down his shoulders, its heavy fabric meeting with the surface of the desk in his office. " i don't know anything about you; who are you, why are you here, why do you keep insisting on coming back ---" when he clearly attempts to deny her ( rather , himself ) the pleasure of --- what exactly ? their banter, seeing each other break boundaries and haul out parts of themselves that don't seem to do well in light? wriothesley finds it hard to answer, hard enough that boots echo through his office as steps carry him close to his guest ( clearly, it's a title she has begun to live up with how often he finds her around ). silvery gaze fall down onto hers , examining every feature as if trying to figure her out by here glances. he doesn't trust her. every bone in his body says so. ( there is something dangerous about her / what is it ? ) when did dangerous stop him ? so how come there's something in him that wishes to break past that skepticism, to reach out and --- eyes close for a second, chest heaving in a heavy, long sigh. oh , archons. why. " i don't understand you," and here there's a hand reaching out, sliding up against eden's cheek, that silvery gaze finding its way back onto her golden eyes ( they settle so quickly, sink into hers so willingly, starving for the gaze offered by her ), savoring in the gaze shared between them ( his touch is so soft , yet wary , ready to pull itself away if she proves to be hostile or raise threats to his name ). for only a moment, it might seem as if the duke... ... yearns. " ... but maybe i'd like to."
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「エデン」─  why do you keep coming back ? a question that he had posed to her many times prior to yet another meeting of theirs, much to his displeasure. it was a question that the TRAILBLAZER had neglected to answer every single time he had uttered it. a shrug was what she usually gave him, followed quickly by her being distracted by something else and in turn, diverted even her own attention away from the query. sometimes, she'd humor him by claiming that she simply wanted to challenge herself whether or not she would be able to find another loophole in his security system he took pride in. the FORMIDABLE FORTRESS. or, maybe she simply took it as a personal goal to prove his effort in keeping her out futile.
                one would never know with her. no matter what the real reason was, she had found her way into meropide once more, and in his OFFICE this time.
                i don't trust you.
                it wouldn't be the first time anyone felt that way about her. the words themselves didn't offend nor hurt her. it was simply THE TRUTH, and the trailblazer had long understood that about him. she would be blind to not know that from the way he treated her and the way those icy blue hues landed on her. DOUBT, skepticism, conflict. and to be fair, he had all the reasons not to. that was why she didn't blame him. it was only NATURAL to be wary of things you don't understand.
                eden was leaning against the edge, the railing supported her weight as her frame faced his desk, facing him whether he was looking at her or not. it was as though he was trying to make sense of his own emotions, of his own actions up until this point. she could still remember his SCENT and taste when her fangs sank themselves into his skin — that, and the taste of his lips upon hers for that impulsive moment that she wondered if he regretted doing at all.
                her eyes didn't take themselves off of him, not even for a second, not even when he had shortened the distance between them, and the moment his hand slid to her cheek, she TILTED HER HEAD UP, meeting his gaze. there was a quiet moment on her part as he spoke. each syllable lingered in the air — the warmth of his hand seeping into her skin and instinctively, she nuzzled towards his hand. it was different from the way she had acted around him. different from how she was so eager to bite him. her eyes closed, and she leaned into his hand.
                ... for once, wriothesley saw the usually rebellious intruder turning into ... a lost soul. in that moment, it was as though there was no WALLS nor masks between them. it was a raw, unfiltered emotion and vulnerability. she stayed still, allowing his touch to remain before her gaze slowly reopened.
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                " i don't know who i am ... " the words were uttered barely above a whisper. it sounded like a SECRET even when it wasn't one. her tone wavered for a moment as each syllable hung in the air. other than those upon THE ASTRAL EXPRESS and selected few upon herta space station ( barring the stellaron hunters who were responsible for her awakening, ) no one else knew that fact. if one listened carefully, there was a hint of REGRET lacing the words themselves.
                regret ... ?
                regret ... that no matter how much she wanted to tell him what he wanted to know, no matter how DESPERATELY she wanted someone to know her, to understand her, it was impossible. how could anyone hoped to know something even she didn't know ? gloved hand slowly came to his, placing over it to press it closer to her cheek.
                and her fingers shook unconsciously.
                it was the FIRST TIME she had ever looked so unguarded around him. so ... openly vulnerable. to allow someone to see through her, to see a part of her that was resonating with the core deep within. he had witnessed once of her faltering, of her control SLIPPING from the seed of disaster, but it was nothing like this. for once, she was ... genuinely scared. of what, exactly ? of the truth, of consequences, of WHAT she was, what she is, what she could be. when your path was decided for you, what did that make you ? when some strangers you don't remember, the destiny's slaves, probably know more about you than you do yourself. then how are you supposed to feel ?
                i wish i could tell you. but i have nothing i could give. nothing i could offer. no past. no memory. nothing. and that's the truth.
                i don't know who i was. i don't know who i am. i don't know who i'm supposed to be.
                the WHIRRING of the stellaron inside of her made her thin her lips. what could she say ? what else could she tell him ? that she wasn't even HUMAN ? that she was made to become a vessel of something capable of destroying worlds and civilization ? that the burning warmth in her chest was CANCER OF ALL WORLDS ? that he was right to be wary ? she was dangerous. he was right to want to keep her away from here.
                hold me. hold me. hold me.                 i don't want to hurt anyone.
                why do you keep insisting on coming back ---
                because ... because —
                i want to be seen. not as a hero. not as a perfect vessel. not as the pawn to the script. because you don't know anything about me, maybe ... maybe you could see who i am without all those titles, without all those expectations, without the PAST i don't remember.
                her fingers that rested upon his trembled. aureate orbs peered up towards him, gold meeting silver. the look she was giving him, it was one of HEARTBREAK.
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                " am i a threat to you ? "
                i was hoping you'd see me as eden.                 even though i don't know who eden is myself.
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griffinsboyfriend · 6 months
you're gay, one of them queers or you're girly pop?
I wish I could serve girly pop but I’m in a butch queer man irl. I queen out from time to time sometimes, but for the most part I’ve been confused as straight a handful of times at diff parts of my life. 😅😝
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draculas-husband · 2 years
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Oh that's a tough one. Drac's past is rather messy and frankly there is a lot he has been sort of forced to forget in order to function.
Slaps the top of his head - This bad boy can fit so much trauma in him!
I would say that the most common thing to trigger his nostalgia is food and drinks or the smell of them. Especially when consumed or encountered outdoors. It brings him back to his younger adventure days when part of the fun was to explore different places and try the local cuisine.
It is definitely a feeling he enjoys.
He can however pretty much never experience hot chocolate without a pinch of pain anymore. Although it more often than not mainly brings him comfort. ❤️
Last thing I want to mention is that after meeting Edmont, he can definitely never inhale the aroma of or consume tea without thinking of him and how much he adores him. ❤️
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