#i also recently downloaded In Other Waters i looked it up in a search engine and saw exactly 2 pieces of fanart. not a good sign
conflictedkismet · 1 year
I hate games, actually. What do you mean this highly specific game I stumbled upon while browsing the switch eshop. that i have never heard of outside of right now. doesn't have a thriving and highly active tumblr fanbase >:(
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The Kitchen Renovation Doesn't Have to Be As Painful As You Might Think
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You've reached your own personal tipping point: the toaster won't work when the coffeemaker's on, you're down to one working burner on your stove, only one person can be in the kitchen at a time so your family eats in shifts, and finally the microwave blew on the morning of your big presentation at work, and you decided, "Enough is enough. We need a new, functional kitchen!"
You're not alone. Usually everyone has a particular tipping point; that one last thing that sends them into the renovation pool. You try to hold on for as long as you can because you're dreading the noise, the dust, the inconvenience and the disruption to your daily life. When your space becomes unusable, it's time to do something. But you can't just jump into a renovation, particularly one as costly, time consuming and inconvenient as a kitchen renovation, you need a well thought out plan of attack if you're going to pull it off in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of inconvenience and expense.
Start by developing a Design Plan: A renovation will only be as successful as the research and planning that's put into it. Like any business proposal you develop for work, you need to have a clear goal of what you want to achieve with the renovation. Do you yearn for updated electrical wiring, maximizing storage space, adding an eating area, appliances that work?
You can start by popping into kitchen renovation stores to look at the latest available features in kitchen design. Speak to the staff, tell them you're at the beginning of your journey and see if they have any ideas for you.
Cut out photos of kitchens you love from magazines and put them in a folder. Identify why you like the kitchens you've chosen - is it the space? The lighting? The colour? The style of cabinetry or countertops? It is even helpful to give your designer images of things you definitely do not like. That way they won't propose those very things in your dream kitchen. When you determine what you really want, it will help your kitchen designer draw up the plans that suit you.
If you have a friend who's recently renovated her kitchen, take pictures and identify what you like about it as well and stick it in the folder with your other pictures.
Toronto architect Jacqueline Rhee says that when she sits down with potential clients and they say to her, "Design us something gorgeous," she has to explain that they aren't giving her enough information. She says, "What their idea of 'gorgeous' is and what I might have in mind could very well be two different things. Maybe they want French Country, but I have an idea that they might prefer a sleek contemporary kitchen." The more direction clients can give their designer about their likes, dislikes and what their goals for the space are, the better the design can live up to their expectations.
Budget: The good news regarding a kitchen renovation is that it tends to be a good investment. The Appraisal Institute of Canada estimates that a kitchen renovation will return 75-100% of your investment if you were to turn around and sell your home. However, the sky is never the limit, even for Donald Trump. Just as you would plan your company's annual marketing budget, you need to develop a budget for your kitchen renovation. A general rule of thumb for how much to spend on a kitchen renovation is up to 10-15% of the value of your home. But don't feel like you have to spend that much; if you can do more with less, do it. For example, if your cabinets are in the right location and sturdy but just tired and outdated, consider refacing them. Refacing comes in at about 50-75% of the cost of new custom cabinetry.
Hiring a Kitchen Company and/or Contractor: Most people hire a contractor or kitchen designer through word of mouth. If you've been to a friend's recently renovated house and you like what you see, start asking questions: Who did the work? Did you work well together? Was he on time and on budget? Is the end result what you expected? Was he well-organized or did you scramble to get finishes at the last minute? Were there any major problems during construction, and if so, how did he handle them? If you liked the answers your friend gave you - assuming your friend isn't shell-shocked from the direct grilling she's just received - get his card. Now, find at least two other contractors and/or kitchen companies so you can compare quotes.
Meeting with the Designer and Contractor: If, while you're meeting with a designer or contractor, your gut tells you that no matter how great the work is you couldn't stand being in the same room with him for more than a minute, cross him off your list of candidates. You may have to meet with this person every day. If your personalities don't mix, you'll never be able to solve problems together. Likely, however, if you're getting that vibe, the contractor or designer is too; it's best to part ways before a relationship has begun.
If, on the other hand, your first meeting is fantastic and you're bowled over with his enthusiasm and ideas and you get along as if you'd known each other your entire lives, you still need to do your research. Ask him how many jobs he can handle at once and how many he has going currently and make sure he is bonded and insured.
Further necessary research - the internet is your new best friend: Researching kitchen companies and contractors has become a whole lot easier with the age of the internet. Now there are websites which are specifically focused on capturing word-of-mouth reviews from consumers online. If the companies you're interested in using don't have any reviews, you may want to look at other companies that do and compare their services. Also check out the company's website. If they don't have one, you have to wonder how professional they are.
Another tip you can try is entering the company's name in search engines like Google and Yahoo!. You may find some feedback people have posted on them on various forums. You can also post a question asking if anyone has ever used this company. Finally, check the references he or she gives you as well, talk to a few of his past clients and go see the work he or she did for them.
Once you've chosen your designer, contractor and/or kitchen company, get ready: Ask yourself if you can live through the renovation by setting up a second kitchen in the garage or basement. Do you have toddlers who would be better off away from the construction site? Make arrangements to be out of the house for a specific amount of time and make sure that you and your project team have discussed the most reasonable move-out and move-in dates.
Did you have to factor furniture storage into your budget or can it be wrapped and stored on site? Again, your contractor will tell you which is the best option depending on the size of the job and your storage space availability on site.
During the renovation: Assumptions: One of the breakdowns in communication between homeowner and contractor is in assumptions made by one party or the other. For instance, one woman had purchased bathroom sinks and fixtures for a brand new home. The contractor saw that the powder room fixture would be outfitted with separate taps and a faucet and so drilled three holes in all the sinks because he assumed that all the fixtures were the same. Unfortunately, they weren't and the homeowner had to replace the other fixtures to match the holes.
But incorrect assumptions can just as easily be made by the homeowner. A homeowner handed a water filter kit to the contractor and asked him to install it. The homeowner had read on the box that the water filter was good for the whole house and could be fitted on the main water supply. When she returned at the end of the day, the contractor had installed it under the kitchen sink. She'd never told him where it was to go, she had just assumed that he knew it was meant for the entire house.
Problem solving: In any renovation, no matter how minor, there always seem to be unforeseen problems. It's not as surprising as you might think. What happens behind the walls stays behind them until they're ripped apart. Up until then, you might not know that the insulation used was actually newspaper, or that the plumbing went through the wall that needs to be demolished. How your contractor and you handle these problems depends on how proactive your contractor is.
During Sue and Leon's main floor renovation, the designer had called for the laundry room backsplash to consist of stainless steel tiles; beautiful, but at a cost of approximately $5,000. Sue balked. The contractor suggested instead a row of the tiles, two feet high, just behind the washer and dryer at a cost of $500. Sue was grateful that contractor made her aware of the costs and had an alternative suggestion for her.
The end result -- your dream space: Living through the dust, noise and strangers in your house for weeks to months on end can be tiring. Even though you get along well with the crew and your contractor, you can find your temper becoming short, particularly if there are delays during the project leading to prolonged construction. Recognize that delays are often unavoidable and that one day, you will be back in your home, the workers will be gone and your new beautiful kitchen will be all yours.
On-line Resources: This Old House: This website is a DIYer's dream. There are videos and tips on probably every aspect of renovating a kitchen. Kitchens.com: A wealth of information on everything you ever wanted to know about kitchens, including information on "greening your kitchen." Better Homes and Gardens has an extensive section on renovating your kitchen including an "inspiration gallery" to give you some ideas. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: CMHC has an excellent website for any renovation or home purchase. The kitchen renovation area has downloadable charts you can use for reference guides as you go about your renovation planning. Appraisal Institute www.homerenovationvancouver.ca  of Canada: The Renova section of this website allows you to input the cost of your renovation and it will calculate how much of a return you would receive if you sold your home.
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canalstreetbaker · 6 years
Sixth World Storytime
Sit back kids, and get comfortable.  I’m going to tell you about Dozer.
Shadowrun, as most of you are aware, is a cyberpunk hypercapitalist dystopia which we’re slouching to even today, with a bevy of guns, cars, sweet-ass cybernetic implants, corporations larger than any country today with yearly profits in the trillions, and absolutely everything being for sale.  Food is mostly soy and corn reconstituted into a myriad of things and treated with a flavor faucet.  Surveillance is omnipresent but the analysis systems are so bad that those without ID numbers just kind of slide through the spaces between.  Those without System Identification Numbers - without SIN - do not exist.  This is good, and bad.  
Shadowrun also has magic.  And fantasy races.  Specifically it has Orks.  This is important, because Dozer is an Ork in a Human’s world.
(Below the cut we get a little nasty.  Disclaimer for the admins when they eventually fall upon this depravity - this is a fictional event in a fictional world based upon a tabletop roleplaying game.  Back the fuck off.)
In the Underground of Seattle rests a community of Trolls, Orks, and Dwarves no that’s all.  Until recently in 6W canon, the Underground was not recognized as an official District of the Seattle Metroplex - and the Orks liked that just fine.  The Trolls didn’t care much, since they tended to hang with the Orks or their own kind, shared Hurlg (a hyper-IPA with plenty of nutmeg and a caustic that could burn an Elf’s stomach to pieces) and plenty of meatlike substances at bars and restaurants that catered to them.  In short, the Ork Underground was its own little city, with businesses, religion, medicine, and police.
Dozer, an Ork, was a member of the Underground’s police force - the Skraacha. An Or’zet term meaning ‘Scorcher’, the Skraacha handled neighborhood watch, ne’er-do-well training into ‘functional’ members of society.  They kept the peace, supported metahuman rights rallies, beat the fuck out of the local neo-Nazi human supremacists in town (Humanis) and in their off time ran protection rackets and smuggled wepaons.  They loved young, angry Orks with a bone to pick and a chip on their shoulder.  Dozer fit in perfectly.
An aside, this is 5th Edition Shadowrun.  Dozer was built as a cybered ‘street samurai’ specializing in close-encounters of the murderous kind.  His muscles were cybernetic, he had a blade the length of his forearm concealed in his forearm, and he’d somehow begged, borrowed, and stole enough nuyen to install a bespoke Synaptic Booster, which - coupled with an Adrenaline Surge to make sure he always went first - ensured anyone who crossed his fist had a very bad day.  
By the time he retired (a wonderful story in itself, but not the focus of today), Dozer had about 350 karma, 4 Street Cred (after faking his death, a story I’ll tell later), 4 Notoriety, and managed to stay out of the Public Eye until the very end when he stole a nuclear submarine.  Again, a story I’ll tell later.
Dozer had quit the Skraacha after a terrible fight between a lieutenant of the group (Eybyu) and another pipe-thumping patrolman which left both patrolman and lieutenant dead, and Dozer in critical condition with massive damage to his face.  Upon recovery, he promptly quit the force and went into business for himself - running a food truck he’d bought with the “insurance money” that he called C2T Solutions.
(Because you can solve any problem with a Cyberspur 2 the Throat.)
You see, Dozer had also installed a Suprathyroid Gland, which is pretty much what it says on the tin - it’s a carefully engineered runaway growth problem which confers increased strength, speed, and toughness.  It also makes one the terror of buffets everywhere, and after Dozer had been thrown out of the fourth one he decided he was going to start cooking.  And if he was going to cook, then by Dunkelzahn he was going to make enough for everyone.  
Plus nobody looked at the cook unless he had a ponytail and a storied Naval career, so he could use it for information gathering.  Only...things didn’t go that way.
Dozer’s first use of the food truck was when he and a team of pipehitters was hired to cross off a list of names - with bonuses for those made to look like accidents.  There were six names on the list:
* A Federated-Boeing executive
* A Stuffer Shack employee
* An IT goon in a corporate enclave
* A retiree on the state dole
* A city employee with the Parks Department
* A ten-year-old trustafarian in a ritzy enclave
Dozer drew the short straw (or stole them while the rest of the crew argued) and took the city employee, the Stuffer Shack employee, and in a move that disgusted the rest of the team, the ten-year old. How can an Ork just cruelly kill a ten-year old kid?
With cupcakes, Dozer reasoned.  Kids love cupcakes.
In a stunningly macabre display of chemistry and culinary science, Dozer whipped up a pair of dark chocolate cupcakes one would expect to find at a boutique patisserie, both frosted with chocolate buttercream icing. Special icing.
Because icing doesn’t burn off the alcohol content of spiced rum - and Chloral Hydrate (Shadowrun’s version of Rophynol) has double potency when mixed with said rum.
Add in a gaily-wrapped box from an actual boutique patisserie with an Augmented Reality tag noting they were offering gift boxes as a ‘thank you’ to the community they served, and Dozer had created the perfect lure to ensnare anyone with a sweet tooth.  
Ten-year old Trudy stepped out of the schoolyard gate, savoring the fine Bellevue weather as she walked along the road towards home.  She didn’t *need* to walk, but it had been a nice day at school and Trudy felt even better about the day as she could remember the highest points of it while getting that last bit of exercise before the afternoon homework session began.
The sun was shining, the roads were quiet save the occasional yellow bus or GridGuided car taking her classmates to *their* homes.  Allison had suggested Trudy come over to her house for a group study session, but the last time that had happened Allison’s homework looked suspiciously similar (okay, they were exactly the same) as hers.  
“Afternoon, Ms. Appleton!”
The voice caused Trudy to turn and wave with a bright smile, her DocWagon bracelet jangling against her pale wrist.  Two Knight Errant patrol officers leaned against their car, waving back before scanning the area for potential suspects to question and search.  
“Good afternoon Officer Cortez!” she yelled.  “Hi Sergeant Weber!”
The two officers were well known in the neighborhood, and Trudy’s parents had noted with pride the discount they had received on their insurance premiums by agreeing to the surcharge for having physical patrols in the area during and after school hours.  Really, they had said, it was leaving nuyen on the table if they hadn’t, and having security services available during their 12-hour workdays meant they could put in the extra hours at the office but still sleep easy at night.
As she walked past manicured lawns, a smelly groundskeeper trimming hedges, and Augmented Reality picket fence property indicators to her own modest home, Trudy’s day got even better as she spied a specialty cardboard container from her favorite bakery on the doorstep.  She’d never thought that Le Petite Sweet would send a delivery, but someone must have really been thinking of her today to send over such a treat!  Trudy picked up the box before sending the unlock code to the house’s front door via her bedazzled trode patch on her temple - right where her Datajack would be, she thought.
The cool air of the perfectly-adjusted central heating and cooling system brushed against her face as Trudy stepped inside, her commlink downloading personal messages from the corporate grid once her PAN interfaced with the wider house network.  There were two more messages from Allison, one of which was a repeated offer for Trudy to come visit today and do homework, and a second one that her Nixdorf Sekretar agent indicated was a phishing attempt via a picture of a cat playing a piano.  Trudy thought the picture was funny, but not funny enough to allow Allison access to copy her homework directly. Besides, there were much more important things to consider.
Trudy set the box on the dining room table and opened her prize, finding a pair of chocolate cupcakes with a dark chocolate icing.  They smelled freshly baked and sweet - not as sweet as she liked, and without the chocolate sprinkles she always wanted when she would get her weekly treat at Le Petite.  In fact, they didn’t even look quite like the bakery’s signature cupcake - but her stomach growled in anticipation anyway, so she took a bite while going through her homework questions for the day.  The rich flavor of the chocolate was slightly offset by the spiciness in the icing.  Trudy was confused for a moment, then took another bite.  
There was rum in the icing.  Trudy knew because she had stolen a drink from her father’s liquor cabinet, and the dark liquid in the bottle tasted just like this.  The icing, however, was much better than that terrible alcohol.
In no time at all, the first cupcake was gone, and Trudy yawned while sending a message to the fridge unit to pour her a glass of milk.  She felt oh-so tired all of a sudden.  Maybe the nice groundskeeper opening the back door could help her get her milk.
Shaking his head, Dozer gently took poor Trudy upstairs to the bathtub, ran the water, and laid her inside.  He took the box and the detritus from the cupcake, and let himself out the door he entered.
The payment hit his account fifteen minutes later, as medical services screamed towards the house where a drowning had occurred.
There are, of course, several other stories I have involving Dozer and his food truck, Dozer and his old patrolman buddy Stamp, Dozer being thrown off a ten-story building and hitting the pool with nothing more than a bruise, Dozer inventing the term ‘dumptrucking’ as it refers to lateral strategy, and finally Dozer stealing a nuclear submarine and becoming a pirate king with a mage and a decker he’d run with on that last score.
But for today, we’ll leave it with poor Trudy.  Maybe tomorrow I’ll talk about how Dozer changed the outcome of a re-enactment of the historic Battle of Helm’s Deep.
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 years
thesingl esjukebox
Vikram Joseph: On American Football's 1999 debut album (and, for some 17 years thereafter, their only album), laconic, meandering guitar lines intertwined and diverged, set against a pillowy backdrop of woozy horns and jazz-tinged percussion; Mike Kinsella's vocals drifted in and out like conversation through patches of broken sleep, feeling more like another instrument than a driving force for the song. The songs were rarely streamlined, but in their soft drift they captured, with heart-stopping precision, something ephemeral and intangible -- sunlit fields and slow dusks, an essence of youth and summer. "Uncomfortably Numb" is the Before Midnight to the Before Sunrise of their early songs: older, harder, burdened with regrets and worn down by disappointment. It's more conventionally structured than any other American Football song, borne on a crisp, clean, cyclical Plans-era Death Cab guitar line, and some of Kinsella's lyrics (not always his strongest suit, and better as hazy evocation rather than narrative) are a little on-the-nose ("I blamed my father in my youth/now as a father, I blame the booze"). But it builds a melancholy beauty all the same, Kinsella's voice interweaving with that of Hayley Williams in the flickering chorus; "The lessons are so much less obvious the further you get from home," rings awfully true. The solutions don't present themselves so easily when the issues get this hard to unravel. [7]
Iris Xie: How does one capture the sadness and tenderness at inevitable breakdowns, and the connected hope and sorrow that ties together such tragedy? Through a production that imitates the warmth of moving amongst muted pastel clouds, for muddled psyches and safe spaces. The creation of the space, which facilitates and echoes the depth of the relationship and their connected interiorities, is conveyed through the glowing guitars, patient drums, soft harmonizing, and evocative but hazy lyrics, and sets the environment for a simultaneous warmth and distancing, with endless compassion. There is this beautiful sound in the background where I can't tell whether it's one of the singers slowly humming in the back, or it is a gently played horn, but it is chilling in conveying their not telepathic, but almost as connected, thoughts, even from a distance. When their voices overlap, they glimmer. As Williams sings over his monologue, it results in an incredibly succinct expression of their struggles: "Now I'm used to struggling (tied to a contortionist)/for two"; his last two words are swallowed, giving an impression that he may only be starting to come to terms with how he is hurting for both him and his inner child, while she understands too well what is occurring as an outsider. This conveys clarity in what level of disaster is occurring, as he continues to turn away from home. Unfortunately, there lies the familiar tale to many womxn-identified folks, because Williams's POV remains at home, frustrated and exhausted after her sacrifice. They echo as they distance: "I just want you home/I'll make new friends/In the ambulance." The instrumentals empty out to a lingering, uncertain optimism, and complete this quiet hush of family tragedy. There are no harsh disasters here -- just the slow, ebbing progression towards the rock bottom, from which up is the only way to go. [10]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: As I get older, I find myself far more attuned to the melancholic music of singer-songwriters written in adulthood than in youth. That's partially because so many of these earlier albums -- from Down Colorful Hill to Songs About Leaving to American Football's debut -- defined my teenage years, but also because they featured incredibly overt depictions of angst and malaise. American Football's music post-reunion is far less insular, and with their aging band members comes a more precise portrait of my current life: one characterized by the ability to function in the real world despite persistent, unceasing depression. In other words, the emotions here are palpable because they're less flashy -- after all, histrionic melodrama will only draw attention to one's own childishness, and we're all trying to avoid that, right? With "Uncomfortably Numb," Mike Kinsella finally makes the song I've always wanted him to make. On "Bad News" and "Ugly on the Inside," he delivered harrowing diatribes against friends that I personally read as songs written for himself (this line of thinking being an obvious projection of my own self-hatred). But here, he enlists Paramore's Hayley Williams to take on the role of a wife who's hurt by his decisions. Her topline is unmistakably Kinsella's (the "clear"/"see-through" line being a dead ringer for his lyrical style), so this track does give the semblance of Kinsella addressing himself, but I'm mostly reminded of conversations I've had with my sister; my parents never quite understood or acknowledged my depression, so my sister was the only family member who was evidently concerned about my mental health. But after years of my sister dealing with me, I understand that if she ever caught me in the worst of states again, there would be this mix of pain and compassion and tiredness that Hayley so effortlessly captures here. Her feature is doubly affecting because she represents a generation of emo bands that came after American Football's, highlighting how Kinsella is still succumbing to these habits and mindsets perpetuated by depression. The twinkling guitars and winding drums act to remind listeners of why it can be so hard to break free; the instrumentation is as pretty as anything on the 1999 debut, but it's also incredibly familiar, incredibly safe. When depressive thoughts and actions feel like the warp and weft of your being -- the typical non-solution to dealing with hardship or success or anything at all -- it's easy to default to such a mode of living, even when the numbness is uncomfortable. [9]
Iain Mew: As a dad who just lost my dad, I'm doing the mental equivalent of holding my hand in front of my face to avoid looking at this directly. Except it's all so gentle, nothing but chiming charm, that it's more like the recent time that the sunlight through my office window was perfectly lined up with the corner of my eye but I couldn't even see it there, just notice that my eyes kept watering. [6]
Thomas Inskeep: Never have heard them before, this is American Football, the supposedly legendary emo band? Because "Uncomfortably Numb" sounds uncomfortably like a soft Jason Mraz song. Emo as Adult Contemporary in 2019: who knew? [3]
Jonathan Bradley: The first time I heard the word "emo" was from the tracklist of Blink-182's Dude Ranch; they had named one of their songs this because it sounded a bit like Jimmy Eat World. I didn't know that then, so I got on to a search engine through my high school's computer lab -- school had internet, unlike home -- and AltaVista or Ask Jeeves wondered if I might be looking for Emo Philips. Or maybe an emu? Blink's intentions remained occluded for a few more years until I caught a chance airing of a Get Up Kids song on the radio, which led me to SongMeanings' deconstructions of Sunny Day Real Estate and early Pitchfork pans of The Promise Ring. Then the girl in my drama class with the cool hair who changed her name told me I had to listen to Death Cab because "Photo Booth" was "the most emo song ever." At a time when music gleamed with such bright intention -- even the "alternative" acts of the time, like Korn or Green Day, performed in spit-polished block capitals -- these foreign bands I glimpsed through newly connected dial-up sounded like nothing else: they could be muted, they could be unhewn, they could be obtuse. They were American, but a model of Americanness that was unknowable in Australia then. They were always, in a way mass culture seemed to discourage, unfailingly and embarrassingly earnest. I never heard American Football in 1999; we had the internet at home, but my precious download quota was spent, by chance, on Braid and Texas is the Reason. Hearing the shivering guitar tendrils of "Uncomfortably Numb" now, with its calm and studied drum figures, drops me vividly back into those days. Mike Kinsella's plain voice arcs modestly over the fussiness, melding at times indistinguishably with that of his stylistic successor Hayley Williams, and maybe its only beautiful in the context of the late 20th century. But no; it is beautiful now, too. [8]
Will Rivitz: "I'll never forget the first time I heard American Football because, like, you don't forget the halcyon summer before you depart your home city and go to university," begins a review of the band's reunion LP three years ago, and I think that's pretty on the mark for how people about my age consume and relate to this kind of emo. So much of its appeal is a nostalgia for times we were too young to know when they were happening and, a few years after that, a nostalgia for that nostalgia, the age at which this was the music punching our collective gut. It's weird and a little difficult to articulate: there's something comforting about looking back at other young adults when you yourself were one, understanding that, despite differences in musical diets and environments and technology and what have you, a college-aged guitar virtuoso is probably going to have the same sorts of fears you do. That, I think, is what makes emo's particular nostalgia so powerful; as late-teenaged walking and talking existential crises, we found solace in looking back. We learned that the late-teenaged walking and talking existential crises of a few decades back both captured how we felt with stunning accuracy and, often, made it through alive, helping us feel both less alone and less desolate. Even nostalgia has its limits, though, and though there's no obvious line to demarcate absolutely everything that can be contained in emo's resonant power, it seems reasonable to conclude that Hoobastank is not one of those things. [3]
Will Adams: Wisely restrained, dreamy but devastating, and generally pleasant to hear. At least during the moments it doesn't remind me of "The Reason." [6]
Tim de Reuse: The only good things about American Football's post-reunion material have been the parts that kinda sound like they could've been written back in the nineties, when their crisp, angst-driven debut wormed its way into the hearts of many a disaffected suburbanite. Judging by this single, it looks like their 2019 album is gonna be gaudy, covered in sparkly reverb and dramatic electric guitar tremolos -- and I'm not thrilled about that -- but while I sharply disagree with their sound engineer, I can't fault the composition itself, or the gorgeous (as always) showing by drummer Steve Lamos, or the choice of subject matter. Teenage stress gives way to directionless middle-aged depression: "How will I exist," he says, and there's a weird pang in my chest I didn't expect to get from a band that spent 14 years broken up. [6]
Alfred Soto: I hope these guys gave their engineer a bonus: boy, do those arpeggios sparkle. "Uncomfortably Numb" sparkles to muddled effect, for what they recorded is a valentine to anomie disguised as a depiction. [5]
Ian Mathers: I'm not sure what I expected (having not paid much attention back in the day) when I finally got around to hearing all these reunited or still going post-emo acts, but it sure wasn't for it all to be so determinedly, shapelessly... pleasant. I feel like I enjoyed it, but 10 seconds after it stops it's already vanished from memory. [6]
Alex Clifton: There are a lot of lovely quiet moments in this song with the rolling guitar in the background and some gorgeous harmonies between Hayley Williams and Mike Kinsella; this is more of the music I always wanted to hear Williams do. But something about it doesn't punch me the way it should. A song called "Uncomfortably Numb" should at minimum wedge itself under my skin with some hard truths about life I'd rather not acknowledge; if it wants to go harder, it should leave me devastated. But there's a lot to be said for the numbness here; try as I might to feel for these people, I can't conjure the feeling. [5]
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sending-the-message · 7 years
I Went Looking for an Adventure on the Dark Web by Sinister-Intentions
Hi, my name is Jacob. My life hadn’t gone the way I’d expected it or rather my future hadn’t been what I’d hoped. When I was in college my whole life revolved around school and work. If I wasn’t on the computer writing some program I was in class or tutoring. If I wasn’t doing any of those things I was helping out at the help desk of our school. Either way I had no life outside of class and work, mainly because I told myself that I would focus on the fun parts of life when I had a degree and decent paying job. Right now I needed to earn all of that.
When school finally ended I was in a panic to get a decent job because I knew not soon after uncle sam would come calling for me to pay back all the student loans I’d taken out. Suffice it to say that I wasn’t being very picky and really just applied for anything that paid a decent amount of money. I didn’t even care if it was related to my computer science major, just that it would pay the bills.
I finally found a job with a small web development company which seemed to be the big dream I was hoping for. It paid great, my coworkers were excellent, my hours were flexible, and work was fun enough. There was an itch in the back of my mind that I couldn’t quite scratch though. Was this it? Was this the life I had given up my early 20’s for? I got up in the morning and worked out. I’d get dressed and go to work. Then for 8 or more hours I would work on different code banks and polish up different websites, before sluffing off back to my new apartment to eat, sleep, and repeat.
I tried going out with friends, going to bars and parties, taking walks, all the things you are supposed to do with a normal life, but none of it brought any excitement to me. I started taking inordinate risks when I was driving, caring less about how people perceived me when I talked with them, and ignoring friends and family.
You have to understand some things about me to really know what I was going through. For the better part of my life I had been regarded as a pretty strange kid. I was interested in the more occult and obscure parts of life, didn’t really care much for rules, stealing from other, breaking into houses in my youth, and lying like second nature. As I entered my teenage years I realized quickly that I couldn’t get away with these things anymore if I wanted to get ahead and decided to change a lot about myself. In essence I learned to wear a mask and got so good at it that I seemingly forgot I’d been wearing it for all these years. I had even fooled myself.
With the boredom and mediocrity of life after college settling in my mask was starting to wear loose and the creature from my youth was peeking out from behind it. I started frantically looking for things to satiate my growing need for thrill and excitement and my numbness to social norms grew even more deafening.
Working in computer I had heard of and used Tor on many occasions, the browser used to access the deep web, but had never been interested in anything it provided. At most it masked your identity and sacrificed speed, but at worst it was where the dredge of society lurked and for all my social ineptitude I knew I wasn’t anything like those people.
On my way home from work one day I was driving down the freeway as normal, but suddenly a guy cut me off and dodged in front of me almost causing me to crash. I slammed on my brakes and turned my steering wheel as hard as I could causing me to run off the side of the road into a ditch. My brakes and wheels no doubt took some heavy damage, but in general my car was ok.
The whole experience made my heart beat like it was young again and instead of being mad I remember I was almost excited by the thrill of it all. That’s when it occurred to me that I may have a use for the deep web after all. Like I had said it was where you could find all the dregs of society and while I sure wasn’t one, perhaps I needed someone who was willing to stoop to that level.
When I got home I downloaded Tor, and started researching different anonymous forums where I might be able to score a little action. To the more experienced users of the dark web I likely came off as a newbie going around poking his head into places that he knows nothing about, but I didn’t care, all I really needed was for just one person to be interested in guiding me through the gates of this underworld.
I posted a little thread here and there on any open forum I could find. ‘Looking for an adventure and something that will get my heart pumping like I’m alive again’. I provided a recently set up email and waited to see if I would get any replied. Many of my threads were taken down by moderators and those that weren’t found unsolicited spam, obvious virus links, or disgusting images sent to the email I had provided.
After a few days of no success I learned of a few chat rooms that I believed might be more helpful with my search. These would be live conversations so I wouldn’t have to wait for replies and they would hopefully be more welcoming to someone who didn’t know a lot about this kind of thing. After posting my normal ‘looking for adventure’ most of the rooms booted me, either as a newbie or believing I was a cop, but in my very last one I received a pop up to talk with one of the chat member privately, which I was more than happy to do.
There I was at my desk, nothing lighting the room but my computer monitor. Sitting in the darkness I chatted back and forth with this guy about my life and how I wanted something more interesting, risky, and fun. He said he’d met many people who’d stumbled onto this chat looking for the same and that he always liked helping them out. We talk for days about the different adventures he’d taken his past acquaintances on, but how each of them always wanted to return to their normal dull lives after a bit which left him to continue his search for that one buddy who wouldn’t leave.
The whole this sounded incredibly sad and stalkerish, which believe it or not didn’t frighten me away but left me more interested. I’m not naïve or stupid. I was talking with someone I’d met on a random dark web chat room. At the most harmless it was some old fat guy sitting on the other end spinning me a web of lies, but at most it really was someone dangerous and I wanted to find out for myself. I wanted him to be dangerous….because therein lies the thrill, which was my vendetta from the beginning of this little adventure into the dark web.
I got up the courage to ask him if he’d ever want to actually meet and go on one of his little trips just to see what his reaction would be, and of course he was more than happy. I learned that that he was only about 7 hours from me so I suggested we meet the next week and that I didn’t want to know any of the details, just that I wanted to have a fun time for a few days.
The days passed by quickly and the night before I was planning on making the trip I packed up all the things I thought I might need. Clothes and travel stuff, but also a few self defense item, a flashlight, and several burner phones. Loading it all in my trunk I started to get a rush then and there of what I was about to do. I was meeting up with a complete stranger in the middle of the night, putting myself in danger, and had no idea what the morning hours were going to bring. As I drove down the dark highway road, my lights beaming in front of me, I felt as alive as ever. The dull drudgery of my job, the boring routine of my life, it all just slipped away. Night and the passing cars gave a kind of quite and peace to my racing mind.
When I got to the town of my new friends address I really started to feel the excitement wash over me. I had given him the number of one of my burner phones and he texted me ‘are you almost here’. I didn’t reply as I knew I was and pulling over would have just taken more time. I winded up a road near the edge of the town, but definitely removed from public and prying eyes until I seen a house a little way in the distance. Pulling into the driveway the reality of what I was doing started to hit me and more than excited I began to feel scared.
My car lights shown strong against a large metallic garage door and I seen a shadow move across the bay windows of what looked to be a living room. I received another text. ‘come on in, the doors unlocked’ it said. I took a deep gulp and opened my car door, the beeping startling me as I’d forgotten to turn off the engine. Pulling the keys out I put a few between my knuckles and stepped out the seat onto the dirt, shutting the door behind me.
My heart was racing and my breath getting more labored. Every instinct I had was telling me to turn around and I looked back at my car, but I just kept moving forward. I heard every footstep I took in the dark night air and I slowly reached out to turn the handle on the old door, cracked paint funning down it and a rusty handle. Inside the garage a large white light hung from a cord in the center over two pick up trucks muddle and rusted from head to toe.
The place was very cluttered and I had to step along a narrow path until I reached a screen door just above a few steps. I kind of whispered to myself ‘you can just turn around, just go back’, but my adventurous and apathetic nature took over and I took a few steps up and through the screen door as it squealed shut.
Inside the house looked fairly normal, and I started to say “hello” into the room. “is anyone there?” I didn’t hear anything. I said it a few more times and started to walk forward into the living room I’d mentioned before. “I’m downstairs, just fixing the water heater” I heard come from behind me. “There’s a wrench on the table, would you mind bringing it to me”.
I sure as hell wasn’t going to do that. I wanted adventure, but wasn’t going to willingly walk into god knows what kind of trap in a completely locked off room downstairs. All of those instincts that I should have been listening to from the get go came roaring back to my attention and I immediately turned around to get the hell out of there.
Running up to the door I turned the handle but it refused to open. I started panicking and turned it so hard that it broke off the door. Just then I started to hear creaking like someone coming up the stairs and my heart didn’t race, it just stopped and calmed down. I turned around and remember the wrench sitting on the kitchen table. I picked the heave thing up and prepared to fight my way out if I needed to. Those giant bay windows were another way out this house. Quick like lightening I ran passed the door to the stairs where the voice and creaking came from and slammed the door shut as I did. I hoped onto the couch and bashed the windows with the wrench climbing through the broken shards of glass.
Climbing into my car as if there wasn’t a tomorrow I shoved the keys in the ignition and screeched out of the driveway, laying my foot into the pedal as hard as I could. After hours of berating myself on the long trip home the sun was starting to come up and felt some twinge of relief come over me. I was so tired from the whole night of events and after slinking into my apartment and out of my clothes I crawled into bed wanting to forget any of this craziness had ever happened. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
A few hours later I woke up to a beeping on my computer, meaning I had a new message. I went over to the computer and seen that it was from my now former, never to actually meet, acquaintance. “why did you leave? We’d have had so much fun”. I didn’t reply, I just looked at the message and considered what my next move should be at this point. Another message came to the screen which left me shaken and cold. “your apartment looks so boring compared to what I had in store”. My webcam wasn’t on, so how on earth did he know what my apartment looked like? How the heck did he know where I even was? How did he ---.
That was the last thing Jacob told me before meeting a rather unfortunate accident. My basement really was much nicer than his apartment and I was so sad he couldn’t have stayed for long. All my friends always seem to leave me. I guess I’ll just need to find another. Tell me, have you ever thought of going on the dark web, I know somewhere you might like.
-Sinister Intentions
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tamboradventure · 5 years
The 9 Best Places to Teach English Overseas
Updated: 01/26/2020 | January 26th, 2020
Every year, tens of thousands of people go overseas and teach English. Young and old, they go for many reasons: to learn about a new culture, make some money to travel, seek adventure, or just experience something new.
The time I spent teaching English overseas in Asia was life-changing. In Thailand and Taiwan, I learned that I could make friends and start a life in a strange place, as well as adapt and thrive in a different culture. It gave me a confidence that nothing else before had ever done. It helped make me a better version of me.
Yet, with seemingly millions of places to teach, most people often wonder: where are the best places to teach English overseas? What countries provide the best experience, pay, or benefits? Here’s my list of where to score a fun, rewarding, and well-paying job teaching English overseas:  
Table of Contents
South Korea
The Middle East
Teaching English Online
  1. South Korea
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South Korea is one of the best places — if not the best — to teach English overseas. Jobs are abundant, the pay averages $1,600-2,600 USD per month, and you get awesome benefits, like a contract completion bonus, free housing, and airfare reimbursement.
A lot of recent college graduates are attracted to Korea because of the money, benefits, and the fact that Korea takes many first-time teachers. If you don’t have any experience, this country is one of the best options for you. As a place to live, Korea has plenty of things going for it: the food is delicious, the country is dirt cheap, and the people are friendly.
Plus you will find lots of other international young expats there. Since you earn so much money in a country with such a low cost of living, most people leave having paid off a substantial portion of their debts! You could easily walk away after a year of teaching with your loans (school or non-school) paid off AND money for travel!
2. Japan
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Japan has a reputation for good jobs which means it also attracts as many people as South Korea. Though the years of easily teaching in Japan and making quick cash are long, long over, people willing to stay at least a year can generally save a substantial sum of money.
While the cost of living can eat up a lot of your salary, especially in Tokyo, there are a number of programs out there (including the government’s JET program) that reward long-term teachers with generous benefits and completion bonuses.
Additionally, the Japanese are incredibly friendly and polite, the food is endless gourmet heaven, and the culture is unique. It’s one of my favorite countries in the world.
3. The Middle East
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The Middle East lures many teachers in for one reason: its salary packages. Middle Eastern countries offer incredibly large salaries (up to $70,000 USD per year for an experienced teacher), lots of benefits, and no taxes. A teacher can walk away with around $40,000 USD after one year.
However, this is no place for the recent college graduate. These countries want certified and experienced teachers. If you couldn’t teach at a public school in your home country, you have little chance of getting a job in this part of the world. As such, most of the teachers here are older and more settled and have families.
Dubai, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia are the most popular destinations for teaching English in this region.
4. Thailand
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Thailand attracts lots of young and new teachers with its cheap cost of living, warm beautiful weather, tropical beaches, mouth-watering food, and party atmosphere.
Most of the language school teachers are ex-travelers looking to save for future travels…or travelers who thought they were doing that but ended up never leaving. The pay in Thailand isn’t that high ($1,000–1,500 USD per month), unless you teach in Bangkok or at an international school.
However, teaching English in Thailand isn’t about making lots of money — it’s about everything else: the ease of getting a job, the food, the fun-loving atmosphere, the weather, and everything in between. It’s one of the best destinations for young, new teachers, especially in a larger city, since you’ll fit right in.
5. China
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As China rises in global stature, its need for English teacher grows as more and more citizens need to know the language for their job. Moreover, the culture puts an emphasis on learning it. As such, it is one of the easiest places to find work. No matter where you go, you can find work, even in saturated cities like Beijing and Shanghai.
You can earn a decent salary teaching English here (upward of $1,500-2,000 USD a month), and many jobs give completion bonuses, free housing, and airfare reimbursement.
China is the brave new world and a country in constant change. It’s a good location for teachers of all abilities — there’s something for everyone there!
6. Prague
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Prague has a seemingly abundant supply of teaching jobs. The city has grown in size over the last few years, attracting a variety of tech start-ups and expats, which has created a lot more job opportunities for teachers.
While it’s very hard to get a job in the public school system or a university, there are plenty of language schools in the city to choose from. The pay isn’t as high as other countries in the world and there are few benefits (especially when compared to Asia or the Middle East), but you’re a stone’s throw away from everywhere in Europe.
The city is one of the most beautiful, vibrant, fun, and popular cities in Europe, which makes Prague an excellent central base from which to explore the continent.
7. Spain
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Teaching in Spain is one of the best opportunities for anyone looking to work in Europe. There are plenty of jobs, the government has an active program for attracting teachers, and your visa means you can freely travel around Europe.
There are also many opportunities to teach private lessons on the side. You don’t get many benefits (or high pay compared to Asia or the Middle East), but the pay is still enough to live off of.
8. Taiwan
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Taiwan is an excellent country to teach English in, thanks to lots of job opportunities (though they tend to be with young kids), high salaries, benefits similar to South Korea, and lots of other young teachers to share a social life with. The country places a high importance on learning English, and you’ll be able to find freelance tutor opportunities besides your regular, steady teaching job!
I loved my time in Taiwan, made some wonderful friends, and adapted to a completely new culture.
9. Teaching English Online
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This was something that didn’t exist when I was teaching. Thanks to the Internet, you no longer have to be tied to one location to teach Teaching online is becoming more popular as a way to make money while working remotely. Platforms like Cambly and italki don’t require any teaching degrees either. The pay isn’t great but it’s something that can have you earn enough money to keep traveling.
*** I had a lot of fun teaching English overseas. It was on my favorite experiences on the road and it taught me so much about myself. You gain a lot of perspective on life by living in another culture.
While there is an opportunity to teach wherever English isn’t the native language, the destinations above draw the biggest crowds, offer the best pay, the best perks, and are the most fun.
If you are thinking about becoming an English teacher overseas, my advice is to head to one of these destinations and just do it!
Ready to Make Money Overseas? Get My Comprehensive Guide
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This digital guide will put you ahead of your competition, help you land a high-paying job with a reputable company, and give you first-hand knowledge from real teachers! Get started today with this downloadable PDF (for your computer, e-reader, or mobile device) with the book PLUS 12 interviews about life as a teacher, plus job advice from one of the industry’s top recruiters!
Download eBook
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!
The post The 9 Best Places to Teach English Overseas appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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glenmenlow · 4 years
Brands Now Thrive As Platforms Not Products
It is no longer enough simply to have a product or service — that’s just game stakes — you have to have a YouTube (or other video) presence, pop-in store, TV show, video game, music downloads, memes, print content (book, zine, oversize, lookbook, catalog), a festival, Virtual Reality, an airplane — in addition to the website or APP, the outdoor, Influencers (if you have them), conferences, tshirts, posters, water bottles, CRM, social content and other effluvia.
Look at Brands like Dr Dre, Gwyneth, IKEA, Amazon, Salesforce, et al.
Patagonia not only makes outdoor gear, they also fight polluters, have their own business book-set on how to become a socially conscious business. A line of food products. Patagonia Action Works, YouTube videos, lobbyists and more.
Google is no longer just a search engine. They have Maps, a movie (“The Internship”), lobbyists in D.C., Think With Google, books, brand architecture, personalities, and an entire Googleplex of thought experiments, consultants, analysts, stock prices and free food.
Watch brand Shinola just opened a hotel in Detroit.
Dessa, a rapper artist living in New York City, has music as her art, an incredible new book titled “My Own Devices,” a hit song on the “Alexander Hamilton” Broadway soundtrack, tours with Doomtree and her group of collaborators — in addition to her blogs, Facebook and Instagram posts, various personal appearances and more. And you probably still haven’t heard of her.
But now you have.
In this environment, traditional marketing categories like B2B, B2C, DTC, and others (B2C2C) all become blurry associations that no longer fit. Forget those halfway descriptors about bought, shared and earned media. We live in a whirlyworld of messages, bespoke and not. Everything (and everyone) is also something else.
Why position me here, when I want to hopskip over there?
This all adds up. The blindsiding body blows to your attention span can be time distorting, ethereal, even material.
As my wife shredded last night as she thumbed off Instagram, ”I feel like I’m living inside of an advertisement.”
Thing is (and thanks for reading this far) storytelling for Brands was once reserved only for the biggest Brands who could afford the time, effort and the millions of dollars necessary to tell stories via advertising. (Facebook and Google, by the way, are vying to equal that spend.)
Brand platforms make marketing sense because we all have to create pipelines. We live in a post-advertising world but the grounding point is that people still have to hear about you. In fact, the face smash is that they need to have seen or heard about you in 5 different places before they are even aware that you exist (17 places if you live in Singapore).
Plus, the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships published a report recently that claims it takes 100 hours to make a friend.
Combine those two stats and you understand the need for plenitude.
While you don’t need millions of dollars for advertising, you do need monies to produce all of the experiences that fill the pipeline. As a collaborator asserts, “It’s all about execution.”
And there’s still plenty of room for confusion. Your product is not your Brand, but neither is your platform.
Content and experiences are merely the attractants that draw people to cluster around you, like honey in the hive. They are the social engine for WOM.
Ultimately, your Brand isn’t a product or platform, your Brand is a person. A heart and brain standing alone, gazing out over the vast twinkling atmospherics that express all the omnichanneled ways that you understand how they want to feel — a warm, sensate being that perceives without thinking that you are perfect for them, created for them, there for them, exactly when they want to plunge into the warm, raw millions who act, feel, excite and wait just for them.
Contributed to Branding Strategy Insider by: Patrick Hanlon, Author of Primal Branding
The Blake Project Can Help: Get actionable guidance from experts on Brand, Growth and Purpose strategy.
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Growth and Brand Education
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anthonykrierion · 5 years
Google Podcasts App and Making Podcasts Easier to Find
Podcasts Can Be Hard to Find
I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately. They can be fun to listen to while doing chores around the house, like watering plants, washing dishes, cooking meals, and cleaning up. There are podcasts on many different subjects that I am interested in. A good number about Search Engine Optimization.
Someone asked me If I had seen any patents about podcasts on Twitter recently. I hadn’t at the time and I told them that. A patent application later appeared on January 9, 2020. I returned to the tweet where I replied that I hadn’t seen any, and tweeted that I had found a new one, and would be writing about it. This is that post.
I am not the only one listening more to podcasts. Techcrunch from last year had an article about the growth of audiences for podcasts: After a Breakout Year: looking ahead to the future of Podcasting.
It seems Google noticed this trend and has worked on making podcasts easier to find in search results and by releasing a Google Podcasts app.
Google Tries to Make Podcasts Easier to Find
At the Google Blog, the Keyword, a post last August from Sack Reneay-Wedeen, Product Manager at Google Podcasts, called: Press play: Find and listen to podcast episodes on Search
If you produce a podcast or are looking for one to listen to, you may find this article from last autumn helpful: Google will start surfacing individual podcast episodes in search results.
It tells us that:
Google is taking the next step in making podcasts easier to find. The company will now surface individual podcast episodes in search results, so if someone searches for a show about a niche topic or an interview with a specific person, Google will show them potential podcast episodes that fit their query.
In Google Search Help is a page about finding Podcasts titled Listen to podcasts with Google Podcasts
There are also Google Developer pages about how to submit your Podcasts for them to be found using Google at this page: Google Podcasts, which offer guidelines, management of podcasts information, and troubleshooting for Google Podcasts.
The Google Play Music Help pages offer information about using that service to subscribe and listen to podcasts.
There are also Google Podcast Publisher Tools, which allows you to submit your podcast to be found on the Google Podcasts App, and preview your podcast as it would appear there.
The Google Podcasts App is at: Google Podcasts: Discover free & trending podcasts
How the New Podcast Patent Application Ranks Shows and Episodes
The new Google patent application covers “identifying, curating, and presenting audio content.” That includes audio such as radio stations and podcasts.
The application starts out with this statement:
Many people enjoy listening to audio content, such as by tuning to a radio show or subscribing to a podcast and playing a podcast episode. For example, people may enjoy listening to such audio content during a commute between home and work, while exercising, etc. In some cases, people may have difficulty identifying specific content that they would enjoy listening to, such as specific shows or episodes that align with their interests. Additionally, in some cases, people may have difficulty finding shows or episodes that are of a duration that is convenient for them to listen to, such as a duration that aligns with a duration of a commute.
It focuses on solving a specific problem – people being unable to identify and listen to audio content.
The method this patent uncovers for presenting audio content includes:
Seeing categories of audio content
Being able to select one of those categories
Seeing shows based upon that selected category
Being able to select from the shows in that category
Seeing episodes from those shows
Being able to select from an episode, and seeing the duration of playing time for each show
Ranking the episodes
Seeing the episodes in order of ranking.
Rankings are based on a likelihood that a searcher might enjoy the episodes being ranked.
The episodes can also be shown based upon a measure of popularity.
The episodes may also be shown based upon how relevant they might be to a searcher.
The identification of a group of candidate episodes is based on an RSS feed associated with shows in the subset of shows.
The patent application about podcasts at Google is:
Methods, Systems, and Media for Identifying, Curating, and Presenting Audio Content Inventors Jeannette Gatlin, Manish Gaudi Applicants Google LLC Publication Number 20200012476 Filed: July 3, 2019 Publication Date January 9, 2020
The methods described in the patent cover podcasts and can apply to other types of audio content, such as:
Radio shows
Any other suitable type of audio content
Television shows
Any other suitable type of video content
The patent describes a number of techniques that podcasts are found with.
A group of candidate shows are selected, such as podcast episodes using factors like:
Inclusion of evergreen content relevant to a listener
Related to categories or topics that are of interest to a particular user
Recommendations of shows look at whether a show:
Is associated with episodic content or serial content.
Typically includes evergreen content (e.g., content that is generally relevant at a future time) or whether the show will become irrelevant at a predetermined future time
Is likely to include news-related content based on whether a tag or keyword associated with the show includes “news.”
Has tags indicating categories or topics associated with the show.
Has tags indicating controversial content, such as mature language, related to particular topics, and/or any other suitable type of controversial content
Has previously assigned categories or topics associated with a show that are accurate.
Has episodes likely to include advertisements (e.g., pre-roll advertisements, interstitial advertisements, and/or any other suitable types of advertisements).
Has episodes that are likely to include standalone segments that can be viewed or listened to individually without viewing the rest of an episode of the show.
Has episodes often with an opening monologue.
Has episodes featuring an interview in the middle part of an episode.
Features episodic content instead of serial content, so it does not require viewing or listening to one episode before another.
is limited in relevance based on a date (after the fact).
Human evaluators can identify episode based upon features such as:
General popularity
Good audio quality
Associated with particularly accurate keywords or categories
Any other suitable manner
Some podcasts may have a standalone segment within an episode that may feature:
A monologue
An interview
Any other suitable standalone segment
That standalone segment could be trimmed as a new episode and included to be selected with the other episodes.
Blacklisted Content
Episodes that are deemed too long in duration could be blacklisted or deemed not suitable for selection as a candidate episode.
An episode that contains adult-oriented content may be blacklisted from being presented to a user during daytime hours based on parental controls.
An episode containing a particular type of content may be blacklisted from being presented to a user during weekdays based on user preferences (e.g., particular topics for presentation on the weekdays as opposed to particular topics for presentation on the weekends).
Ranking of Candidate Episodes
Ranking can be based upon:
Likelihood of enjoyment
Previous listening history
Relevance to previously listen to content
Audio quality
Reviewed by human evaluators
The patent tells us that this process can rank the subset of the candidate episodes in any suitable manner and based on any suitable information.
It can be based on a popularity metric associated with a show corresponding to each episode and/or based on a popularity metric associated with the episode.
That popularity metric may also be based on any suitable information or combination of information, such as:
A number of subscriptions to the show
A number of times a show and/or an episode has been downloaded to a user device
A number of times links to a show have been shared (e.g., on a social networking service, and/or in any other suitable manner)
Any other suitable information indicating popularity.
This process can also rank the subset of the candidate episodes based on a likelihood that a particular user of a user device will enjoy the episode.
That likelihood can be based on previous listening history, such as:
How relevant a category or topic of the episode is to categories/topics of previously listened to episodes (Is it associated with a show the user has previously listened to?)
A number of times the user has previously listened to other episodes associated with the show
Any other suitable information related to listening history
This process can also rank candidate episodes based on the audio quality of each episode.
Alternatively, this process may also rank candidate episodes based on whether each episode has been identified by a human evaluator, and episodes that have been identified by human evaluators are ranked higher than other episodes.
A combined episode score might be based upon a score from:
A trusted listener
The audio quality
The content quality
The popularity of the show from which the episode originates
This patent appears to focus primarily upon how podcasts might be ranked on the Google Podcasts App, rather than in Google search results.
The podcasts app isn’t as well known as some of the other places to get podcasts such as iTunes.
I am curious about how many podcasts are being found in search results. I’ve been linking to ones that I’ve been a guest in from the about page on this site, and that helps many of them show up in Google SERPs on a search for my name.
I guess making podcasts easier to find in search results can be similar to making images easier to find, by the text on the page that they are hosted upon, and the links to that page as well.
SEO Industry Podcasts
I thought it might be appropriate if I ended this post with a number of SEO Podcasts.
I’ve been a guest on a number of podcasts, and have been involved in a couple over the past few years. I’ve also been listening to some, with some frequency, and have been listening to more, both about SEO and other topics as well. I decided to list some of the ones that I have either been a guest on, or have listened to a few times. They are in no particular order
Experts On The Wire Podcast
Hosted by Dan Shure. Dan interviews different guests every week about different aspects of SEO and Digital Marketing. I’ve been on a couple of podcasts with Dan and enjoyed answering questions that he has asked, and have listened to him interview others on the show as well.
Search News You Can Use – SEO Podcast with Marie Haynes
A Weekly podcast about Google Algorithm updates, and news and articles from the digital marketing industry. This is a good way to keep informed about what is happening in SEO.
Jim Hedger and Dave Davies have been running this podcast for a few years, and I’ve been a guest on it about 4-5 times. They discuss a lot of current industry news and invite guests to the show to talk about those. My last guest appearance was with David Harry, where we talked about what we thought were the most interesting search-related patents of the last year.
The Search Engine Journal Show!
Danny Goodwin, Brent Csutoras, Greg Finn and Loren Baker take turns hosting and talking with guests from the world of SEO. No two SEOs do things exactly the same way, and learning about the differences in what they do can be interesting.
Edge of the Web Podcast
Erin Sparks hosts a weekly show about Internet Marketing, and he takes an investigative approach to this show, asking some in-depth questions. He asks some interesting questions.
Search Talk Live Digital Marketing Podcast
Hosted by Robert O’Haver, Matt Weber, and Michelle Stinson Ross. They offer “Expert Advice on SEO and SEM. I had fun talking with these guys – I just listened half of my last appearance on the show.
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
Kate Toon is the host of this show, and she focuses on actionable tips and suggestions from guests on doing digital marketing.
Last Week in Local
Hosted by Mike Blumenthal, Carrie Hill, and Mary Bowling. They often discuss news and articles that focus on local search, but also discuss topics that have a broader impact on sites such as image optimization.
#AEO is SEO Podcast
This is hosted by Jason Barnard. The “AEO” in the title is “Answer Engine Optimization” and Jason has been attending conferences to give him a chance to interview people for his podcast. The last time we did a show it was in a bakery across the street from my hotel in a suburb of Paris, talking about Entities at Google.
Connecting the Digital Dots
Martha van Berkel is the host of this show and is one of the people behind Schemaapp. She and I talked about featured snippets.
Search Engine Roundtable Vlog
Barry Schwartz runs Search Engine Roundtable, which is originally based upon the roundtable in tales of King Author that knights would sit at. In this VLOG, he visits people where they work, and asks them questions about what they do. It’s fun seeing where people are from and learning more about them.
Bill and Ammon’s Bogus Hangout
This is a weekly conversation between a number of SEOs having discussions, often about marketing and SEO, but sometimes veering off into different topics. It takes inspiration from early days of SEO where conferences such as Pubcon were often meetups in bars, with people sharing stories about what they had been doing. I am one of the hosts, and recently I’ve been joined by Doc Sheldon, Terry van Horne, Zara Altair, and Steve Gerencser.
Page 2 Podcast
Hosted by Jacob Stoops and Jeff Louella. They have guests join them from the world of SEO, and they ask them about their origin stories as SEOs. They have added a news section to the show as well,
Deep Crawl’s Open Dialogue
These shows feature interviews with some really sharp and interesting SEOs and provide details on tips and techniques involving digital marketing and technical SEO.
SEO Training Dojo
With David Harry, and Terry van Horne. The Dojo is a center for training and learning SEO. It often includes guests who have been sharing ideas and approaches about SEO for years.
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beimanorthrun-blog · 5 years
Dating app rate guys
New app Lulu allows women to rate the men they've dated Conclusion To be sure, dating apps can open up a whole new world to people seeking new friends and connections.  Each day, I received a curated list of men who had already liked me.  Alexandra Chong does not stop there! Until then i have to make due.  The next day, during a watered brunch with friends, she realized that women needed a search engine to learn more about the men they just met.  These experiences are encapsulated in the entertaining yet touching short-film below exploring themes of connection and rejection which recently premiered at the Au Contraire Film Festival in Montreal.  If you're interested, you can try one month of premium for free.
Once Dating App Lets Users Rate Men to Help Women The assessment is based on several criteria: humorless or joker, focused on sex or ice in bed … men are well scrutinized.  Lulu was sold to Badoo in 2016.  The first phone he ever swooned over was the Nokia 7610, because man, those curves.  The app parameters of operation are misleading at best and deceptive if the truth where applied.  When Lulu launched , its approach to mobile dating raised more than a few eyebrows.  While safety for women in the online dating environment appears to be at the centre of the app for its founder, Alexandra Chong, from Canda, others have lambasted Lulu for its seemingly sexist approach But while safety appears to be at the centre of the app for its founder, others have lambasted Lulu for its seemingly sexist approach.  Men are now more likely than women to sign up for dating apps, according to new research.
Men More Likely to Sign Users can create a profile by uploading several photos, along with a short text description.  Once these decisions were made and my profiles were created, it became official: There was no turning back.  Lulu Dating App: a success between young women.  Observer Content Studio is a one-stop, full-service, in-house creative agency connecting brands to a national, affluent audience.  In case you were unable to deduct that Briana had significantly more success than Brian, the video states she had 2.  Any publicly exposed nude or naked photos will be removed.  In 2015 the app moved away from Facebook, and currently only allows registration via mobile phone numbers, for both male and female users.
‎Surge Currently, boasts 20 million daily matches.  Topics vary from sexual preferences to relationship woes, offering an open space for all to comment.  It's the gynocentric system that's the problem.  Chong points out that Badoo is the definitive leader in Europe by some stretch and has a lot more potential to grow, including in Asia-Pacific.  In 2014 Truth Bombs was launched: an anonymous forum where users can anonymously share their doubts and opinions about relationships and sex.  The government is basically acting like every woman's pimp these days.  It's not clear why Lulu took such a drastic leap, but we can hazard a few guesses.
Lulu App Lets Women Rate The Guys They Date However, no such social ecology exists within the world of dating apps.  Popular dating apps such as Tinder now have over , with some reports noting that the average user spends a whopping on the app.  A 30-something Frenchman with artistically tousled hair, Meyer is seasoned in dating applications and Yankee culture.  As I enter my 24th year, I also enter into real adulthood in a new city.  The app allowed to access the evaluation system, and evaluations made through the app are attached publicly and anonymously.  A man and woman hit it off online and agree to meet for a first date.  The high: Man, oh man, did this site give my ego a boost.
Lulu App Lets Women Rate The Guys They Date Unlike other applications with multiple bells and whistles, the design is sparse, allowing users to stay on task.  Just a few months and i'll be in Asia permanently.  That being said, though, I gotta ask: know someone who needs a girlfriend? Lulu attracted attention after its release for how its initial collection of male Facebook users' data was at the time in violation of Facebook's Platform Policies.  Once the profiles were created, experimenters swiped right on 1,000 consecutive profiles for Brian and Briana with no method to their madness whatsoever.  The social experimenters at set out to uncover the disparities between men and women when it comes to success on dating apps, specifically Tinder.  Also, I saw several different guys who were active on both Tinder and Bumble.  So yes, not much entertainment here.
Dating app Lulu's controversial guy reviews are no more I've dated plenty and women haven't changed at all.  Once those are completed, women can select from a series of pre-chosen hashtags to describe the guy.  Takeaways The most bothersome and interesting part of the entire experience for me was not, in fact, that many men and women are just looking to casually hook up you do you, friends! The basis of these apps is simple.  Say what you will about the value of anonymous reviews; Old Lulu was a platform based more on information than action.  Dramatic Drop in Registrations However, it is not all good news for dating app companies.
Men Vs. Women: Tinder Experiment Shows Gender Disparity On Dating Apps Called , you can think of it like Yelp, but the diners are all women, and the restaurants are all men.  Chris is Engadget's senior mobile editor and moonlights as a professional moment ruiner.  This part was harder than expected — for the sake of the experiment, I wanted to keep each profile consistent to the next.  The app then calculates a score out of ten based on the responses Pic: Screen shot Lulu also offers direct chat for users to get to know each other before agreeing to a date, along with anonymous forums where topics are extremely diverse.  Les garçons know they will be evaluated each time they meet a woman in person.  I did all this for one main reason: to make this process easier for all those of you who want to try it.  The concept is simple: Lulu dating app is an application for women that allows them to write anonymously and without their consent their former buddies.
New app Lulu allows women to rate the men they've dated If you think it's all worth it, go ahead.  I am not surprised that there is a low matching rate for men on Tinder.  While there certainly is a large group of people who use dating apps to find a one-nighter, there is also a large group of people who want more.  Download today to find sexy studs in your area.  Don't want to get trouble with the people next door.  Only men who are a part of the Lulu community can be rated Pics: Screen shots Questions range from the best to the worst quality of their date, to what the guy's manners were like and how they looked and smelled.
0 notes
evolvelocks-blog · 6 years
The Kitchen Renovation Doesn't Have to Be As Painful As You Might Think
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You've reached your own personal tipping point: the toaster won't work when the coffeemaker's on, you're down to one working burner on your stove, only one person can be in the kitchen at a time so your family eats in shifts, and finally the microwave blew on the morning of your big presentation at work, and you decided, "Enough is enough. We need a new, functional kitchen!"
You're not alone. Usually everyone has a particular tipping point; that one last thing that sends them into the renovation pool. You try to hold on for as long as you can because you're dreading the noise, the dust, the inconvenience and the disruption to your daily life. When your space becomes unusable, it's time to do something. But you can't just jump into a renovation, particularly one as costly, time consuming and inconvenient as a click here , you need a well thought out plan of attack if you're going to pull it off in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of inconvenience and expense.
Start by developing a Design Plan: A renovation will only be as successful as the research and planning that's put into it. Like any business proposal you develop for work, you need to have a clear goal of what you want to achieve with the renovation. Do you yearn for updated electrical wiring, maximizing storage space, adding an eating area, appliances that work?
You can start by popping into kitchen renovation stores to look at the latest available features in kitchen design. Speak to the staff, tell them you're at the beginning of your journey and see if they have any ideas for you.
Cut out photos of kitchens you love from magazines and put them in a folder. Identify why you like the kitchens you've chosen - is it the space? The lighting? The colour? The style of cabinetry or countertops? It is even helpful to give your designer images of things you definitely do not like. That way they won't propose those very things in your dream kitchen. When you determine what you really want, it will help your kitchen designer draw up the plans that suit you.
If you have a friend who's recently renovated her kitchen, take pictures and identify what you like about it as well and stick it in the folder with your other pictures.
Toronto architect Jacqueline Rhee says that when she sits down with potential clients and they say to her, "Design us something gorgeous," she has to explain that they aren't giving her enough information. She says, "What their idea of 'gorgeous' is and what I might have in mind could very well be two different things. Maybe they want French Country, but I have an idea that they might prefer a sleek contemporary kitchen." The more direction clients can give their designer about their likes, dislikes and what their goals for the space are, the better the design can live up to their expectations.
Budget: The good news regarding a kitchen renovation is that it tends to be a good investment. The Appraisal Institute of Canada estimates that a kitchen renovation will return 75-100% of your investment if you were to turn around and sell your home. However, the sky is never the limit, even for Donald Trump. Just as you would plan your company's annual marketing budget, you need to develop a budget for your kitchen renovation. A general rule of thumb for how much to spend on a kitchen renovation is up to 10-15% of the value of your home. But don't feel like you have to spend that much; if you can do more with less, do it. For example, if your cabinets are in the right location and sturdy but just tired and outdated, consider refacing them. Refacing comes in at about 50-75% of the cost of new custom cabinetry.
Hiring a Kitchen Company and/or Contractor: Most people hire a contractor or kitchen designer through word of mouth. If you've been to a friend's recently renovated house and you like what you see, start asking questions: Who did the work? Did you work well together? Was he on time and on budget? Is the end result what you expected? Was he well-organized or did you scramble to get finishes at the last minute? Were there any major problems during construction, and if so, how did he handle them? If you liked the answers your friend gave you - assuming your friend isn't shell-shocked from the direct grilling she's just received - get his card. Now, find at least two other contractors and/or kitchen companies so you can compare quotes.
Meeting with the Designer and Contractor: If, while you're meeting with a designer or contractor, your gut tells you that no matter how great the work is you couldn't stand being in the same room with him for more than a minute, cross him off your list of candidates. You may have to meet with this person every day. If your personalities don't mix, you'll never be able to solve problems together. Likely, however, if you're getting that vibe, the contractor or designer is too; it's best to part ways before a relationship has begun.
If, on the other hand, your first meeting is fantastic and you're bowled over with his enthusiasm and ideas and you get along as if you'd known each other your entire lives, you still need to do your research. Ask him how many jobs he can handle at once and how many he has going currently and make sure he is bonded and insured.
Further necessary research - the internet is your new best friend: Researching kitchen companies and contractors has become a whole lot easier with the age of the internet. Now there are websites which are specifically focused on capturing word-of-mouth reviews from consumers online. If the companies you're interested in using don't have any reviews, you may want to look at other companies that do and compare their services. Also check out the company's website. If they don't have one, you have to wonder how professional they are.
Another tip you can try is entering the company's name in search engines like Google and Yahoo!. You may find some feedback people have posted on them on various forums. You can also post a question asking if anyone has ever used this company. Finally, check the references he or she gives you as well, talk to a few of his past clients and go see the work he or she did for them.
Once you've chosen your designer, contractor and/or kitchen company, get ready: Ask yourself if you can live through the renovation by setting up a second kitchen in the garage or basement. Do you have toddlers who would be better off away from the construction site? Make arrangements to be out of the house for a specific amount of time and make sure that you and your project team have discussed the most reasonable move-out and move-in dates.
Did you have to factor furniture storage into your budget or can it be wrapped and stored on site? Again, your contractor will tell you which is the best option depending on the size of the job and your storage space availability on site.
During the renovation: Assumptions: One of the breakdowns in communication between homeowner and contractor is in assumptions made by one party or the other. For instance, one woman had purchased bathroom sinks and fixtures for a brand new home. The contractor saw that the powder room fixture would be outfitted with separate taps and a faucet and so drilled three holes in all the sinks because he assumed that all the fixtures were the same. Unfortunately, they weren't and the homeowner had to replace the other fixtures to match the holes.
But incorrect assumptions can just as easily be made by the homeowner. A homeowner handed a water filter kit to the contractor and asked him to install it. The homeowner had read on the box that the water filter was good for the whole house and could be fitted on the main water supply. When she returned at the end of the day, the contractor had installed it under the kitchen sink. She'd never told him where it was to go, she had just assumed that he knew it was meant for the entire house.
Problem solving: In any renovation, no matter how minor, there always seem to be unforeseen problems. It's not as surprising as you might think. What happens behind the walls stays behind them until they're ripped apart. Up until then, you might not know that the insulation used was actually newspaper, or that the plumbing went through the wall that needs to be demolished. How your contractor and you handle these problems depends on how proactive your contractor is.
During Sue and Leon's main floor renovation, the designer had called for the laundry room backsplash to consist of stainless steel tiles; beautiful, but at a cost of approximately $5,000. Sue balked. The contractor suggested instead a row of the tiles, two feet high, just behind the washer and dryer at a cost of $500. Sue was grateful that contractor made her aware of the costs and had an alternative suggestion for her.
The end result -- your dream space: Living through the dust, noise and strangers in your house for weeks to months on end can be tiring. Even though you get along well with the crew and your contractor, you can find your temper becoming short, particularly if there are delays during the project leading to prolonged construction. Recognize that delays are often unavoidable and that one day, you will be back in your home, the workers will be gone and your new beautiful kitchen will be all yours.
On-line Resources: This Old House: This website is a DIYer's dream. There are videos and tips on probably every aspect of renovating a kitchen. Kitchens.com: A wealth of information on everything you ever wanted to know about kitchens, including information on "greening your kitchen." Better Homes and Gardens has an extensive section on renovating your kitchen including an "inspiration gallery" to give you some ideas. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: CMHC has an excellent website for any renovation or home purchase. The kitchen renovation area has downloadable charts you can use for reference guides as you go about your renovation planning. Appraisal Institute of Canada: The Renova section of this website allows you to input the cost of your renovation and it will calculate how much of a return you would receive if you sold your home.
On-line Forums: Forums are a great place to ask questions about all kinds of different topics. Search forums first to see if a thread already exists on the topic you're interested in.
HomeStars Forum.
This Old House Forum.
Bob Vila's Forum.
Style at Home Forum.
Canadian House and Home Forum.
Holmes on Homes Forum.
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eurekakinginc · 6 years
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"[P] Game utilizing Accord.Net framework for AI powered by a Deep Belief Network that evaluates enemies altered by Genetic Algorithms"- Detail: Intro:Hello, kind stranger. I’m a student at University of Helsinki in pursuit of my MSc in Algorithms, Data Analysis and Machine Learning. For my thesis I’ve created a unique story-based game that utilizes all three facets of my degree in novel ways. The AI utilizes machine learning and the enemies have individual genetics as part of the gameplay, and to fully accomplish the ‘Data Analysis’ portion of my degree I need as many people to play the game as I can convince to give it a try. The game is completely free and designed in such a way that anyone of any skill level can play it, because whether you win or lose a level the story will continue progressing on to the next level. Skip to the bottom of my post to start downloading it from one of three indie game sites.Game:The game is a futuristic, story-based tower defense game that runs on the Windows and MacOS 64-bit platforms. The premise is that it is the year 2238, and humans have left the destabilized Earth to terraform the nearest habitable planets. You are Shepherd Cartalia, of planet B382, and have supervised the growth of your colony since its founding in 2148. You have successfully increased your colony’s population from meager beginnings to over a thousand citizens, but at the start of the game your sustenance and nutrient generator has begun to malfunction. Rather than spawning livestock that is ready for slaughter, the animals now produced have become violent and are attacking your people. It is now your responsibility to put up defenses against the attacks, while you evacuate your people from the outposts scattered across the land, and search for a lasting solution to the unexplained crisis.Gameplay Overview:The game features ten levels, six tower types with three shared upgrades each, fifteen enemy types, a branching dialogue tree of over 2,500 interactions, and four different endings. The primary gameplay mechanics are tower selection/placement/upgrading, and dialogue choice. It will take an average of an hour to complete. There’s only a single, non-managed save slot but the game can be replayed with increasing difficulty as the machine learning model improves.Development Overview:I developed this game alone, starting in November of 2017. The character art, attribute icons, and landscape objects were designed by Yuexin Du, a UI & UX designer from Aalto University. I used the Monogame framework, FlatRedBall game engine, Accord.Net for machine learning and genetic algorithm classes, Keen.IO for data collection, Sprite Pro for creating the animations, Articy Draft for creating the dialogue tree, Visual Studio 2017 IDE, Tiled for map design, GIMP for artwork creation, and Audacity for sound design. Most of the music was created by Anttis Instrumentals (/u/Mrloop), a few of the tracks were created by my brother Brallit (/u/Brallit), and one was by Zack Darshon (/u/how_small_a_thought). The basis for the sound effects were sourced from many CC0 sources on FreeSound.org. The UI assets and tileset for levels were purchased from GameDevMarket.net. The title screen images were found on Google Image search using ‘labeled for reuse with modification.’ The base for the world map was purchased from the Unity marketplace, and lastly, the sun/moon calculations were performed using Vladimir Agafonkin’sTechnical:The game utilizes a Deep Belief Network, with one hundred and fifty hidden nodes, and two layers (input/output). It is trained at the completion of each wave with six hundred and fifty-five data points, comprised of enemy attributes (health, speed, resistances, etc), defense attributes (range, damage type, attack speed, etc.), pathing points, and water hazard size/locations. Training is done with a mixture of unsupervised and supervised learning on the resulting score of a group of enemies, i.e. a wave. Each wave is scored calculated by determining how close to the goal each enemy could get, with the total score being the average of all enemies individual scores. The score is weighted such that if even one enemy reaches the goal that wave would outscore a wave in which every enemy got 99.9% of the way to the goal.In addition to machine learning, the game also implements genetic algorithms. Each type of animal starts with a set of randomized genetics, consisting of eight chromosomes, that alter the animal’s base attributes. After every wave in the game the machine learning model is used to rank the fitness of the genetics, by hypothetically scoring an animal using those genetics in the immediate circumstances, and then a tournament ranking is applied to select the best specimens for the following generations with the ideal of progressively improving the genetics of an animal as the machine learning gains proficiency in evaluating fitness.To prevent these computationally intensive processes from impacting game performance, they are delegated to a low priority worker thread. A new model training process only starts when the last one has completed, but each time the process is kicked off all the available data is used to train the models so the intermittent training won’t impact model performance. The game utilizes whichever model was most recently trained for all its decisions, and that model is replaced after each learning and evaluation process.Data Collected:First, I want to stress that none of the data is personally identifiable. It is all anonymous and collected for the sole purpose of presenting my thesis. None of it will be used commercially or for any use outside of writing my thesis. Having said that, the following data is collected: machine learning model performance, genetic fitness improvement, dialogue choices, tower selection, ending type received, originating geolocation of the player, game launch count, and time played.Objective:I will be writing a 50+ page thesis on the usage of machine learning and genetic algorithms in games, and will be doing some data analysis on the anonymous statistics reported by the game. Primarily I am looking at the effectiveness of the machine learning models and genetic algorithms. I want to see at what sample size the machine learning model outperforms random guesses, and identify the point at which model performance stabilizes. I am also going to perform a data analysis on the met data collected with no leading hypothesis, but simply make observations based on player generated data. This may be what dialogue choices are favored by different parts of the world, what dialogue choices are most often chosen, and attempt to identify correlations between dialogue selection and tower selection.Personal Note:I started this project with the idea of applying machine learning and genetic algorithms to a game, and the theme that most strongly resonated with those concepts isn’t one I’m particularly fond of. To be blunt, it’s quite dark and a bit depressing. I personally prefer to play, and make, games with happy, uplifting themes (shout out to Stardew Valley which is the inspiration for my other game, Let’s Go Fish King!) and creating this game was entirely out of character for me.There are still many features I wanted to add to this game, such as a technology tree and more play-reactive dialogue, but I don’t believe I’ll be returning to it this project after this thesis unless I get strong support for the concept. Perhaps it’s not a very good game, or perhaps my dislike for the theme I settled on has bled through, but regardless of the actual cause, I’m just not a fan of how it turned out. For that reason I’d like to apologize to you ahead of time for asking you to play this quite depressing game for the sake of helping me with my thesis. I can assure you my next game will be quite a bit brighter, cheerful and hopefully a lot more fun than this attempt. Despite those misgivings, I truly hope you’ll give it a play through in the interest of helping me with my thesis.Small Album on ImgurYou can download The Abbattoir Intergrade for Mac/Windows at:Itch.IOGameJoltIndiexpo. Caption by Cabrill. Posted By: www.eurekaking.com
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Top Seven WordPress Plugins For Your Blog
Top Seven WordPress Plugins For Your Blog
Many bloggers are using WordPress and with good reason. It is the most popular blogging software in use today and one of the largest reasons is the ability to add functionality through the use of plugins. Plugins can turn your run-of-the-mill blog into a high powered online tool capable of bringing traffic and profit to your site. Consider using the top WordPress plugins on your current WordPress blog or on a future blog. You will not be disappointed. Happy Blogging.
7. Page Mash
This is a simple WordPress page management plugin. The Ajax interface allows you to drag-and-drop the pages into the order you like, modify the page structure by dragging a page to become a child or parent and toggle the page to be hidden from output. You can also see the id of the page which is often helpful for theme developers. If you have a WordPress site with more than just a handful of pages, PageMash is extremely helpful.
6. All in One SEO Pack
The All in One SEO Pack plugin automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engine by allowing you to fine tune things like your page title and meta tags. This plugin is extremely easy to use as it works great straight out of the box. If you are an advanced user, you can customize everything. And if you are a developer, this plugin has an API so your themes can access and extend the functionality of the plugin.
5. Google XML Sitemaps
Perhaps the most downloaded WordPress plugin, the Google XML Sitemaps plugin not only automatically creates a site map linking to all your pages and posts, it also notifies Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Ask.com when you make changes to you site. If you want to include pages that are part of your site but not part of you WordPress managed content, you can do that to.
4. WP Super Cache
If you have a popular WordPress website you should seriously consider running WordPress Super Cache to improve the performance of your website. If you are not caching your pages, then every time a visitor comes to your site, WordPress has to pull together various pieces of information out of a database to put your page together. If you have a high traffic site, this is can really become a problem. WP Super Cache will store a copy of each of the pages on your website so that after the page has been assembled from the database once, WordPress can rest and just keep serving the static html copy of the page. This may be a bit techie, but the idea is you can dramatically speed up your site and reduce the load on your server by using WP Super Cache. If for no other reason, use this plugin so you do not have to panic when your friend says, "I just Dugg your site."
3. NextGEN Image Gallery
If you want to display a photo gallery, show a series of product images, or just publish a slide show from your most recent vacation, the NextGEN image gallery is the plugin for you. NextGEN Gallery is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with a Flash slideshow option. Among the many features, NextGEN Gallery includes a thumbnail generator, sortable albums, and a water mark function.
2. cformsII Form Plugin
If your looking for a free form management plugin, cformsII is an extremely powerful plugin for setting up contact forms on your WordPress site. You do not need to know any PHP or write any code. You can visually build forms in the WordPress admin panel. Then, navigate to the page or post where you want to use the form and there is a button in the WYSIWYG editor that you click and up pops a list of forms that you have made. Simply click on the one you want and your form is inserted into your page. Update your page and you the form is live. You can specify required fields, default values, and there are plenty of styles to make your form blend in perfectly with your site.
1. Gravity Forms
If you want the best forms plugin WordPress has to offer, you need Gravity Forms. Gravity Forms is an amazing plugin for managing online forms. Some of the incredibly useful features include conditional form fields which means you can show or hide a field or entity sections of the form based on a value selected in another field. You can pre-populate form fields using querystring, shortcut, function or hooks.You can even schedule when forms are available by assigning a start date and end date for when your form is live on your site. Supposed you want to run a contest where the first 50 people that fill out the form win a prize. Gravity Forms lets you set a limit on the number of entries a form can receive. Pretty much anything you ever wanted a form to do, Gravity Forms can do it.
Ata Rehman
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Top Seven WordPress Plugins For Your Blog
Top Seven WordPress Plugins For Your Blog
Many bloggers are using WordPress and with good reason. It is the most popular blogging software in use today and one of the largest reasons is the ability to add functionality through the use of plugins. Plugins can turn your run-of-the-mill blog into a high powered online tool capable of bringing traffic and profit to your site. Consider using the top WordPress plugins on your current WordPress blog or on a future blog. You will not be disappointed. Happy Blogging.
7. Page Mash
This is a simple WordPress page management plugin. The Ajax interface allows you to drag-and-drop the pages into the order you like, modify the page structure by dragging a page to become a child or parent and toggle the page to be hidden from output. You can also see the id of the page which is often helpful for theme developers. If you have a WordPress site with more than just a handful of pages, PageMash is extremely helpful.
6. All in One SEO Pack
The All in One SEO Pack plugin automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engine by allowing you to fine tune things like your page title and meta tags. This plugin is extremely easy to use as it works great straight out of the box. If you are an advanced user, you can customize everything. And if you are a developer, this plugin has an API so your themes can access and extend the functionality of the plugin.
5. Google XML Sitemaps
Perhaps the most downloaded WordPress plugin, the Google XML Sitemaps plugin not only automatically creates a site map linking to all your pages and posts, it also notifies Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Ask.com when you make changes to you site. If you want to include pages that are part of your site but not part of you WordPress managed content, you can do that to.
4. WP Super Cache
If you have a popular WordPress website you should seriously consider running WordPress Super Cache to improve the performance of your website. If you are not caching your pages, then every time a visitor comes to your site, WordPress has to pull together various pieces of information out of a database to put your page together. If you have a high traffic site, this is can really become a problem. WP Super Cache will store a copy of each of the pages on your website so that after the page has been assembled from the database once, WordPress can rest and just keep serving the static html copy of the page. This may be a bit techie, but the idea is you can dramatically speed up your site and reduce the load on your server by using WP Super Cache. If for no other reason, use this plugin so you do not have to panic when your friend says, "I just Dugg your site."
3. NextGEN Image Gallery
If you want to display a photo gallery, show a series of product images, or just publish a slide show from your most recent vacation, the NextGEN image gallery is the plugin for you. NextGEN Gallery is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with a Flash slideshow option. Among the many features, NextGEN Gallery includes a thumbnail generator, sortable albums, and a water mark function.
2. cformsII Form Plugin
If your looking for a free form management plugin, cformsII is an extremely powerful plugin for setting up contact forms on your WordPress site. You do not need to know any PHP or write any code. You can visually build forms in the WordPress admin panel. Then, navigate to the page or post where you want to use the form and there is a button in the WYSIWYG editor that you click and up pops a list of forms that you have made. Simply click on the one you want and your form is inserted into your page. Update your page and you the form is live. You can specify required fields, default values, and there are plenty of styles to make your form blend in perfectly with your site.
1. Gravity Forms
If you want the best forms plugin WordPress has to offer, you need Gravity Forms. Gravity Forms is an amazing plugin for managing online forms. Some of the incredibly useful features include conditional form fields which means you can show or hide a field or entity sections of the form based on a value selected in another field. You can pre-populate form fields using querystring, shortcut, function or hooks.You can even schedule when forms are available by assigning a start date and end date for when your form is live on your site. Supposed you want to run a contest where the first 50 people that fill out the form win a prize. Gravity Forms lets you set a limit on the number of entries a form can receive. Pretty much anything you ever wanted a form to do, Gravity Forms can do it.
Ata Rehman
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yourabsentgod-blog · 7 years
Top Seven WordPress Plugins For Your Blog
Top Seven WordPress Plugins For Your Blog
Many bloggers are using WordPress and with good reason. It is the most popular blogging software in use today and one of the largest reasons is the ability to add functionality through the use of plugins. Plugins can turn your run-of-the-mill blog into a high powered online tool capable of bringing traffic and profit to your site. Consider using the top WordPress plugins on your current WordPress blog or on a future blog. You will not be disappointed. Happy Blogging.
7. Page Mash
This is a simple WordPress page management plugin. The Ajax interface allows you to drag-and-drop the pages into the order you like, modify the page structure by dragging a page to become a child or parent and toggle the page to be hidden from output. You can also see the id of the page which is often helpful for theme developers. If you have a WordPress site with more than just a handful of pages, PageMash is extremely helpful.
6. All in One SEO Pack
The All in One SEO Pack plugin automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engine by allowing you to fine tune things like your page title and meta tags. This plugin is extremely easy to use as it works great straight out of the box. If you are an advanced user, you can customize everything. And if you are a developer, this plugin has an API so your themes can access and extend the functionality of the plugin.
5. Google XML Sitemaps
Perhaps the most downloaded WordPress plugin, the Google XML Sitemaps plugin not only automatically creates a site map linking to all your pages and posts, it also notifies Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Ask.com when you make changes to you site. If you want to include pages that are part of your site but not part of you WordPress managed content, you can do that to.
4. WP Super Cache
If you have a popular WordPress website you should seriously consider running WordPress Super Cache to improve the performance of your website. If you are not caching your pages, then every time a visitor comes to your site, WordPress has to pull together various pieces of information out of a database to put your page together. If you have a high traffic site, this is can really become a problem. WP Super Cache will store a copy of each of the pages on your website so that after the page has been assembled from the database once, WordPress can rest and just keep serving the static html copy of the page. This may be a bit techie, but the idea is you can dramatically speed up your site and reduce the load on your server by using WP Super Cache. If for no other reason, use this plugin so you do not have to panic when your friend says, "I just Dugg your site."
3. NextGEN Image Gallery
If you want to display a photo gallery, show a series of product images, or just publish a slide show from your most recent vacation, the NextGEN image gallery is the plugin for you. NextGEN Gallery is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with a Flash slideshow option. Among the many features, NextGEN Gallery includes a thumbnail generator, sortable albums, and a water mark function.
2. cformsII Form Plugin
If your looking for a free form management plugin, cformsII is an extremely powerful plugin for setting up contact forms on your WordPress site. You do not need to know any PHP or write any code. You can visually build forms in the WordPress admin panel. Then, navigate to the page or post where you want to use the form and there is a button in the WYSIWYG editor that you click and up pops a list of forms that you have made. Simply click on the one you want and your form is inserted into your page. Update your page and you the form is live. You can specify required fields, default values, and there are plenty of styles to make your form blend in perfectly with your site.
1. Gravity Forms
If you want the best forms plugin WordPress has to offer, you need Gravity Forms. Gravity Forms is an amazing plugin for managing online forms. Some of the incredibly useful features include conditional form fields which means you can show or hide a field or entity sections of the form based on a value selected in another field. You can pre-populate form fields using querystring, shortcut, function or hooks.You can even schedule when forms are available by assigning a start date and end date for when your form is live on your site. Supposed you want to run a contest where the first 50 people that fill out the form win a prize. Gravity Forms lets you set a limit on the number of entries a form can receive. Pretty much anything you ever wanted a form to do, Gravity Forms can do it.
Ata Rehman
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Faucet below to switch on desktop computer notices to obtain the news sent directly to you. A man suffering from apparent gunshot injuries was discovered in a Daybreak highway Friday evening, authorities claimed. Latest port telephone call is NEWPORT NEWS, USA Currently the vessel MV PODHALE is on her next location to NEWPORT NEWS as well as the approximated time of arrival (ETA) is around Sep 15, 10:00. Unfortunately, real-time streaming for this suit isn't offered at bet365. Once as long as he or she satisfies the eligibility standards, a person may use for the PMF Program even more compared to. Our Gazdówka is authentic - here you will really feel as individuals residing in Podhale over 50 years ago - without plastic and con. Vocalist Johnny Manuel stuns with his rendition of the Dreamgirls timeless. This is why the susceptabilities which consist of BlueBorne are based upon the various applications of the Bluetooth method, and also are a lot more common and serious compared to those of current years. Do not worry - your e-mail address is safe with us. We'll never share your personal information and also you can unsubscribe any time. Palfrey, that plays Big Mama in the West End production, went through an emergency situation appendectomy. In practice, information is generally carried by weak stimuli that need to be found by specialized sensory systems and intensified by energy inputs before they can be functional to the organism or system. Lafaro Insurance coverage Firm on Peach Street hosted the cookout in the car park outside its office. Apple has actually never collaborated with any federal government agency from any kind of nation to create a backdoor" in any one of our service or products. This susceptability was located in the Bluetooth pile of the Linux Bit, which is the extremely core of the os. The Podhale State Higher Vocational Institution in Nowy Targ (PPWSZ) was started in 2001 as the initial higher education establishment developed complying with the effort of the province's self-government. Keep in mind to Android individuals: To examine if your gadget is at risk or is the gadgets around you go to risk, download and install the Armis BlueBorne Scanner App on Google Play. NASA's Kennedy Room Center will ultimately resume tomorrow (Sept Keep in mind: Agencies could not require the completion of academic requirements for particular coursework for professions that do not have a favorable education and learning need. Holistyczne podejście do rozwoju oraz poprawy sprawności fizycznej jest zapewnione dzięki. Krakow additionally provides for the household, at Henryk Jordan Park you can rent out watercrafts, bikes and electrical cars and trucks and The Dinosaurus Park is as much instructional as it is enjoyable, with resources for educating all ages concerning dinosaurs and also a number of thousand-year-old trees. Spory domek około 100m2 dwie duże sypialnie salon z aneksem kuchennym - kominkiem oraz korytarz łączący pomieszczenia wraz z niezależną łazienka, wszystko w domku ma cieszyć oko drewno przybliżać do natury, niepowtarzalny klimat czyste powietrze cisza i spokój przy tym dobry dojazd oraz wiele medii zadowoli każdego, idealne miejsce wypadowe miedzy innymi w Gorce Tatry Zakopane Białka Bukowina, Pieniny oraz zalew Czorsztyński. A number of these creators had already given up significantly to cost-free Poland from the Nazis. No. The Pathways Programs laws are clear as well as agencies have actually devoted to fulfilling program demands when authorizing their Pathways MOU with OPM for participation in the Pathways Programs. Samodzielny trening zalecamy osobom już zaawansowanym, nie polecamy tej opcji osobom dopiero rozpoczynającym treningi lub nie czującym się pewnie w programowaniu własnych treningów. To please the Pathways Programs public notice requirement discovered in 5 CFR 326.104( c)( 6)( iii) and also 362.105( b), a company has to initially offer OPM information concerning the task opportunities it means to fill with Pathways and how it intends to upload the chance. Bank on Male Utd to win versus Everton and also obtain take advantage of probabilities ehanced to 25/1! If less compared to three people are in the finest quality group, the agency can combine the highest as well as 2nd highest quality category right into a brand-new category - offered that preference qualified veterans from both categories are detailed ahead of the non-preference eligibles in the recently merged classification. Long lasting Legacy: Militaries Unveil Mural at Marine Week Detroit Sept Pastoral in Podhala of Poland, outside songs, typically sung and unmetered. Many United States kennels are using it effectively on pet dogs to prevent coccidia break outs. As well as if you intend to escape the crowds, they provide an excellent opportunity to get a flavour of the area. The home is secluded, as well as an auto is needed to navigate. Pursuant to 5 CFR 362.105( c)( 2), each company is called for to apply professionals' preference when filling up positions using the Pathways Programs. Diagenetic background of the Podhale-Orava Basin and also the underlying Tatra sedimentary structural units (Western Carpathians): evidence from XRD and also K-Ar of illite-smectite. ASME offers sources for journalists on a series of mechanical engineering-related topics. Veterans unable to apply within 2 years of obtaining their level, due to military solution responsibility, have as long as 6 years after degree completion to apply. The food is outstanding as well as fairly valued for a good sized section. Moreover, the company must publish an adequate option method of requesting prospects that do not go to the job fair or various other event. Copiez-la put la partager facilement avec vos amis. Hands-on discovering through a capstone job as well as growth of a portfolio as you advance with the program. After booking, every one of the residential or commercial property's details, consisting of telephone and address, are given in your booking verification and also your account. Search for cheap rental automobiles in Nowy Targ with KAYAK as well as rent out a cars and truck that matches you ideal. Then you should absolutely take a bus as it is among the most affordable methods of transportation. Far more than a mere vehicle taking you from Nowy Targ to Vienna, riding the bus will certainly subject you to several of most stunning scenic views while enroute to your final bus stop. And also, if we're obtaining stereotypical, I guess I should point out how entertained I was to discover the Irish Times reporting on the globe smart phone tossing championships in Savonlinna, Finland. Greater than 40 regional as well as local companies spoke with participants regarding employment possibilities. Additionally reasonably near the city (about 16km away) is the Czorsztyńskie Lake, a terrific vacation destination for water sports fanatics. Terin Butler, 26, of Jamestown, is accuseded of break-in, menacing as well as illegal jail time. SLA-1 was identified for its transformational influence in design and manufacturing. Campaign period has actually formally begun for the basic elections, as well as last night the mayoral race was a warm subject at the Jefferson Educational Society. Le trouble du déficit de l'attention (TDAH) nowy targ est noticeable à l'IRM. Two kids invested a minimum of 24 minutes inside an SUV on a hot South Florida afternoon as their mommy went shopping in an apparel store, inning accordance with Boynton Beach police. Nowy Targ was started by a imperial charter and, subsequently, was possibly covered by the royal authority of De non tolerandis Judaeis, as considering that its facility till the end of the sixteenth century there is no mention of Jewish occupants in any type of historic sources concerning the community and also its location. To create a MiTM assault utilizing Wi-Fi, the assailant needs both special tools, and also a link demand from the targeted gadget to an open WiFi network. Provider: Avenue Veterinarian Facility offers Marquis currently MIXED. Agencies may hire Interns on a temporary basis for as much as one year for a preliminary period, or for an indefinite duration, to complete the instructional requirement. If you have to give ALBON for Coccidia, it is Far Too Late. You can watch MKS Cracovia Krakow vs. MMKS Podhale live stream online if you are registered participant of bet365, the leading on the internet wagering firm that has streaming insurance coverage for greater than 70.000 real-time sports events with real-time wagering throughout the year. A może ktoś ma ochotę na wzięcie udziału w konkursie fotograficznym dotyczącym właśnie Podhala. The meeting program includes term paper discussions, panel conversations, keynotes, doctoral student consortium, and a camp for early-stage IS professors. A/E" is the second installation from the Pippin celebrity's brand-new visual cd Necessity. A company's procedures for receiving applications (see 5 CFR 302.201) should attend to using these choices. Bus service from Nowy Targ to Vienna will certainly be offered by the most relied on bus business. Sensational house in a really calm secluded place yet within close distance to the city of Nowy Targ, Zakopane and many other travelers attractions including several hot spring swimming pools. I invite you to my relaxing, wooden residence in Gronkowie. I hereby accept receive to the e-mail address provided above a digital copy of the newsletter of the National Museum in Krakow and various other publications as well as information consisting of marketing according to the Act upon Rendering Electronic Services of 18 July 2002 (Journal of Regulation No. 144, item 1204). It's the seventh nationwide prize captured by Tychy, the club that has won even more times the competition. The cities, towns as well as towns of the area of Małopolska. These are the most effective prices located by tourists that looked TripAdvisor as well as a select team of our price search partners in the past 72 hrs. The School of Information's initial January beginning event recognized summer season and also fall 2016 data science graduates. Time Zone Converter: Compute time difference between time zones on the planet. You will certainly discover the full range of holiday accommodation in this community from the most lavish 5 star hotels with as much as day and modern-day features to pensions (a type of bed and breakfast or boarding home) as well as spaces or houses at extremely affordable costs. Obtain the current on global politics in your inbox, on a daily basis. Will certainly give true turn by turn navigating on Side 800, 810, 1000, Visiting including customized hint entries. The church was founded by Casimir the Great in 1346. Bigotry hurts pupils throughout the college admissions procedure, leading scholar informs meeting of admissions therapists. New modern technologies, an expansion of communication networks, and also the climbing flood of data are overthrowing campaigning for. Former NFL players Stroughter, Floyd educate, instructor and also return to Sacramento. . With Podhale these households wished to not just develop cultural and instructional facilities with the objective of spreading out the Polish language among the young people" and also expand additional efforts in academic centers" all year long, but also to see Poland be complimentary once again and also craft the future leaders of the Polish people. Le Parlement Européen a tranché: les robots auront bien des droits. Gorgeous contemporary while being really functional things is excellent for relaxation. Prevent spending way too much time on the highway by just going with the fastest bus. Podsumując był idealny i nie mógłbym znaleść nikogo lepszego. Tym razem miała to być granica pomiędzy Słowacją a niemieckim Generalnym Gubernatorstwem. The gotten to Lucchetti's Pizza on West 26th Street around 11:30 a.m. to locate smoke pouring out of the rear of the building. Great location bordered naturally, a really comfy home as well as fantastic hosts. VIDÉO - Le jeune homme don't le viol présumé lors de boy interpellation a déclenché plusieurs nuits de physical violences urbaines a pu retrouver ses proches. The Family Theme Park in Rabka - Rabkoland is the largest amusement park in Little Poland and a location for the entire household to enjoy. Charming and also attractive home with more than 80-year background. They also built strong relationships with comparable Polish Scouting organizations throughout the United States. While Podhale still held solo occasions like outings to Corning as well as Watkins Glen, receptions, as well as theatrical manufacturings; they also held joint endeavors like interior komineks" with scouts from Rochester, NY, as well as 3 Ontario cities: St. Catherine's, Hamilton, as well as Burlington. If you see something you wish or such as to understand more regarding please contact the holiday accommodation directly as we do not take payment as well as we take the perspective that their very own site will have much more as much as day information on just what they offer than if we were to include it right here.
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