#i havent played it yet tho
conflictedkismet · 1 year
I hate games, actually. What do you mean this highly specific game I stumbled upon while browsing the switch eshop. that i have never heard of outside of right now. doesn't have a thriving and highly active tumblr fanbase >:(
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vlasdygoth · 1 month
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scarapanna · 4 months
I've cooked once again!! Sprinkled in a teeny tiny bit of lore too/silly
This took me 3-4 days but I'm really really proud of this so it was worth it
[I kept the video unlisted as I dunno if I'm comfty with making it public at the moment, but on the archive account there's a public playlist with the this day aria animatic and this one!]
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crimewave420 · 5 months
ever played baldurs gate 3? bro halsin is so desperate for gay sex like you keep it professional with him 100% and then he just comes onto you so strong out of nowhere anyway it made me like his character less
come on bro just let him have a little dick..........
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cerubean · 3 months
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hotel wip???
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beheeyemite · 5 months
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More art of 06 Blaze being from her own dimension.
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milkbreadtoast · 9 months
i havent drawn cookies in a while but i love this lil guy he is so cute to me... basque cheesecake flavor anubis puppy.. w pretty long hair.. (his kr voice is so cedric🤧
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special message from the tweelssssssss-
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yes its another one of those meme again— people rlly liked my oso san one so im doing it
i slapped two renders of these guys on ibispaint and added the impact font in and called it a day
i just love these types of memes they make me unironically happy
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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kuroiwa/yagami commissions for a lovely on twitter :]
Commission Sale Info (Sept. 27th - Oct. 2nd, 2023)
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c-53 · 30 days
If you like the remnant contamination plotpoints in murderbot diaries, you should play dead space 1. I mean this with full sincerity.
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dotssu3 · 1 year
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peppino bambino
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catgirlsp0ck · 2 months
still playing persona 3 for the first time (im playing reload). im on nov 9 and i wanna make some predictions !! so under the cut is me speculating on some shit thats going on so far :D i don't expect to be right about it all but i just wanna be able to come back to this post and see if i was right about some of it or if i was totally wrong lol (also, this has spoilers for some major stuff leading up to november !!)
ok, so im on nov 9 and just met a new character named ryoji. now, ryoji looks suspiciously like pharos (the little boy who we met during the dark hour before each boss basically).
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like, they have the same mole, eyes, eyebrows and same VA. i think its kinda obvious that they're the same person, especially when ryoji is saying shit like this:
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but that isn't what i wanted to make this post about. im thinking that because pharos' social link was the death tarot, maybe him becoming ryoji is what ikutski was trying to do. idk how to explain it that well but hear me out lol. i think that ryoji is what's going to bring about "the fall." i think that defeating the 12 shadows (and maybe also the "sacrifice" of ikutski and mitsuru's father) is what transformed pharos into ryoji. everytime we see pharos, hes wearing an outfit that looks like something a prisoner would wear. maybe the existence of the 12 shadows was making it so he couldn't use his full powers or some shit, akin to being imprisoned and them being defeated unleashed him. the last time we see him, he says he remembers what he has to do and that he has a duty to fulfill. not chained back by the shadows anymore, he was able to become ryoji and possibly try to bring about the fall? im not sure if im getting this right lol but thats what im thinking. and i think that while she might not fully remember it, aigis might have some kind of knowledge about this bc of how she reacts to ryoji when he first joins the class:
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she knows something about him but i don't think she fully remembers what it is. an interesting thing i saw in the dictionary tab is this:
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"it's birth was already intended to happen once, ten years ago." aigis was made 10 years ago and also maybe im reaching for this but pharos looks to be around 10 years old or so when we meet him. he is the death tarot, and this dictionary thing is under the term "death." aigis being made around that time could be why she thinks that ryoji is dangerous, maybe she sees the resemblance between pharos and ryoji? idk if im right or if im grasping at straws but i just had to rant about what im thinking so far !! im really excited to see where this all leads. (pls if anyone actually is reading this shitty post, no spoilers 🙏🙏)
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frisky-bitz · 7 months
im sorry gamers i have to say it. i LOVE joe and Sara's dynamic as best friends they are the besties ever but i can't see joesara romantically. I have tried so hard
I love joesara shippers they are so epic but imo platonic joesara is 🔛🔝😔
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nightseeye · 25 days
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Ive been struck w a ton of Captain 3 thoughts lately so! Here he is!!! My legally dead nonbinary prettyboy who doesn't! Have a name yet!!!
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nukacourier · 26 days
By the way. Mostly for my followers but feel free to send me any Fallout related asks (my opinions on characters, factions, and my ocs ofc), I genuinely love doing analysis and deep diving into anything that interests me :]
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northern-passage · 6 months
I hope this doesn't trudge up any sense of longing for things that weren't possible, but I know as a creator there're things you most likely wanted to include in TNP but couldn't make work.
Are there any you could talk about ? For example: Weapons. Were there any weapon choices you wanted the Hunter to have but couldn't?
Every now and then I think about mine wielding a scythe or something like the Hunter's Axe from Bloodborne. Complete with the ability to extend for long range attacks.
hmmm well it's still kinda early on in the story, so it's hard for me to say what will have to be cut in the end. there are a few scenes i've had to take out here and there, but there's a chance i may still reuse them in the future.
i definitely wish we could explore more of the world and see more monsters.... originally i did plan for the gang to go down south at some point, but that's not a part of the story anymore, which is a little disappointing. chapter 3 is going to be a bit of a monster of the week moment though, which i'm excited about, so we'll get to really see the hunter in their element (and monsters, of course).
when it comes to weapons, i definitely wish i could add more 😭 but writing combat is HARD especially with so many variations. and the blackwater fight i even made everyone use a sword and it still kicked my ass. i tried to do some interesting stuff with the magic and alchemy, which was definitely inspired by elden ring since i was playing it at the time (i know one of the moves, iirc with air magic, was directly inspired by the waterfowl dance)
if you want cool weapons, i suggest picking the alchemy skill. the whips in ch2 are some of my favorite weapons, as well as their spiked gauntlet they use against Duncan.
but the dream would be for the hunter to wield the ultimate pizza cutter....
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