#i also think the blood in the back fits in well yknow
vialae · 4 months
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bizlybebo · 3 months
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Dakota and Williamcore
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Hey I have this Eddie idea! Maybe lame but yknow how guitar players tend to have calloused fingers/hands? Let's say his gf went to watch corroded coffin perfom & it was his best yet; Eds just totally shredding on that guitar causing the calluses to bust open & bleed :( do ya think u could write something abt the reader patching his hands/fingers up after his show?? I imagine him bein totally hyped up on adrenaline like "whoa babe did you SEE THAT?!" while also bein a very needy & lovesick boy 🥺
cont: Continuing off that last part, Eddie just becomes so enthralled at the idea of someone nurturing and loving him so much while his gf patches him up. Sorry i couldn't fit the entire idea on one post but yeah. I've often thought about Eddie's possible musical injuries haha 😄
i'd literally give up my sense of taste to be able to patch him up after a concert.
Nothing pumps eddie with adrenaline more than performing. Something about the dingy bar lighting, the sticky floor beneath his boots, and the amalgamation of drunk middle aged men and his closest friends cheering him on has energy racing through him.
That's why it's so difficult to corral him so that you can fix the busted callouses on his fingers. He obviously isn't able to play with bandages on his fingers, he tells you very emphatically that they wouldn't be good for shredding, so they have to be administered after the show, when the damage has already been done.
"-you see that?! Like, that had to be the best show we've ever done. I was- man I was killing it! The guy in front of me was filming." He reminds you proudly, as if the camcorder hadn't been in your line of sight the entire time he'd been using it to record the performance, "I think he's a scout or something. He's gonna send it to a producer, 'make us big."
"I'll have to tour with you," You hum, fingers wrapping one of Eddie's own with a plain brown bandage, "You'll need a medic for after your solos."
Eddie's brows furrow, and he glances down at your hands, suddenly aware of your touch. He realizes with a start that he's bleeding, too busy rambling before to feel the sting of his cuts.
"Oh shit," He mumbles, staring at the bandage on his pointer finger. You reach for his middle, crouched by his feet to have a better view of his injuries.
"'Must've busted when I was playing," He hums, brain still whirring with excitement.
You nod, humming in agreement, "Probably. Unless you were playing with a cactus I didn't see?"
"Yeah, it's back there," He gestures to a corner of the room that you know full well does not have a cactus in it, giggling softly as you squint at his blister. You're making sure that no residual blood is left on the skin, the cotton ball in your hand stained a murky crimson, when you feel Eddie's lips against your temple, his neck craned down to reach you.
"Thanks for patching me up," He murmurs, his voice soft against your skin.
You preen under his affection, eyes scrunching in a smile as you nod, "Mhm. Can't let you drive with bloody hands."
"'Sounds kinda metal," He muses, and you know he's joking, that he won't actually smear blood over his steering wheel. Still, you jerk your head towards his guitar, the thin strings tinged red.
"I think that's just about the most metal thing you could have." You finish dabbing away at his blood, wrapping one last bandage around his cut, "You'll have to leave it all bloody and sell it when you get big."
"No way." He shakes his head, curls flying, "I'd never sell it."
"Why not?"
You're expecting a rant about his sweetheart, how he could never bear to part with the guitar that had carried him through so many shows. But he surges his head forwards, eyes narrowed in an incredulous stare, "Uh, 'cause then someone could clone me?"
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bestworstcase · 3 months
Yknow I've been thinking abt various concepts, and I've come to the idea of like. Weregrimm. Like werewolves but Grimm. How do you think that might work? I think it's a really interesting idea tbh
werewolf folklore is so diverse that salem, cinder, and the hound all fit into some mold of person-becomes-wolfgrimm honestly
but that’s not a very interesting answer and i’ve also Thought About this general concept quite a lot for um no reason in particular so…
real were-grimm aside i think stories about people turning or being turned into grimm would probably be SUPER COMMON across pretty much all cultures in remnant because, well, in the real world people are always telling stories about people turning into various dangerous beasts. wolves, bears, hyenas, jaguars, whatever. if it’s huge and deadly and might kill and eat us odds are we’ve been telling tales about people turning into it since the dawn of time. QED, remnant has were-grimm folklore at least as varied and ancient as our concept of lycanthropy.
add in that some ancient cultures canonically did believe grimm to be animal revenants, spirits or corpses returned to terrorize the living, and historically the dividing lines between vampire and werewolf and revenant and witch are often very porous, well. there’s no shortage of real folklore to draw from to devise were-grimm folklore for remnant.
(if you’ve ever wondered why werewolves are conventionally considered ‘undead’, by the way, that’s the reason. the modern pop culture conception of werewolves draws much clearer boundaries than actual folklore, but "died in the act of a deadly sin and came back as a horrid blood-drinking flesh-eating wolf" is a not uncommon variant.)
as for Real Were-Grimm, like i said, there are canonical examples proving that it’s possible for humans/faunus to be combined with grimm in a variety of ways. so all you really need is a plausible explanation for how the person can survive it (or how the person gets revived as a grimm, for the revenant angle).
and then you can just riff on whatever strain of werewolf folklore you like.
lycanthropy as a sort of disease or curse afflicting those bitten by a werewolf? maybe a rare parasitic type of grimm similar in nature to a chill or a nightmare that, rather than lurking deep in woods to wait for unwary prey to pass by, ride around in the jaws of other grimm. when the carrier grimm bites someone, they burrow into the wound—maybe the victim experiences a sudden surge of adrenaline that ups their chances of escaping or killing the carrier grimm, maybe there’s a symbiotic relationship between the two so the carrier runs off after delivering the bite, whatever.
like a nightmare, the… idk, let’s call it a bisclavert, feeds on slowly on aura of its host instead of killing outright. but rather than ensnaring them in a nightmarish lotus dream, it amplifies their emotions and infects them with its own hunger—the early symptoms are usually attributed to post-traumatic stress following a grimm attack. but the bisclavert is, even moreso than the nightmare, specially adapted to keep its host alive for as long as possible, so it actually grows by fusing itself with its host: turning bones into grimm chitin, weaving its own sinew into muscles, that kind of thing. if it goes undetected long enough the host will start to grow fangs and claws and grimm fur.
and then what? becoming grimm doesn’t turn you into a violent monster—although it does make every feeling you have more intense, so if you were prone to violence before you might become more brutal than before—but this world is not kind to humans who grow fangs or claws or fur. if you’re a faunus, living apart from humans, you might be able to turn to your friends and family for support—it isn’t so much different from being a faunus with frightening traits, is it? maybe there’s an equilibrium to be found. but a human would have a bad time, i’d imagine, as soon as it became impossible to hide. getting run out of town, hunted, ostracized, what do you do then? run away? embrace the idea that you’re just a violent beast now? seek vengeance? hide? lots of possibilities depending on the character.
lycanthropy as a punishment or curse inflicted upon those who commit certain sins, like cannibalism or murder? easy! lean in to the "grimm are dark’s half of humanity" angle. every person has that darkness inside them, that capacity for malice and violence. grimm hunt and eat people. what happens if a person does the same? what happens if they keep doing it? in a world where shapeshifting magic is real and faunus believe themselves to be humans who were transformed to reveal their true inner selves, what happens to a person who decides that their true inner self is a predatory grimm? maybe the physical form ever so slowly changes to reflect the self-perception. maybe—as in some werewolf myths—the transformation is not physical, but the person finds they can sink into a trance and leave their body to prowl the world in grimmlike form for a while. or maybe the darkness is empowered enough to manifest physically in the world as a spiritual doppelgänger.
or, for a less metaphysical / semblance-oriented approach, perhaps someone cruel and vindictive or very scared but physically weak might envy the violent strength of the grimm and try anything to claim it for themselves—drink water mixed with grimm ash, dress themself in black furs and bone masks, throw themself over the ledge in pursuit of becoming a monster powerful enough to protect themself or enact revenge. (and then you can throw a semblance on top of that to really intensify the "transformation," however literal it may be)
undead / revenant werewolves? make that part of the apathy’s "life cycle." or another kind of grimm similar to the apathy—but think about it. they’re vaguely human-shaped skeletons held together by eldritch tar and their method of hunting is to sap their victim’s energy and then, presumably, engulf and consume them. let’s imagine that the emotion and vitality the apathy drain from their prey are not destroyed but rather stolen, and that the natural form of a grimm of this type isn’t a desiccated human-like thing but an amorphous blob, like a slime mold—as in, they conform roughly to the shape of what they consume, and the humanlike bones we see are literally the remains of human prey.
well, if that’s so, what happens when an apathy-blob gluts itself on all the emotions its human prey felt as they succumbed to it and it absorbed them, ate them alive? right after a meal, bursting with all that energy and terror / rage / pain / desperation to live that it swallowed, wrapped around not a dissolving half-eaten skeleton but a fresh corpse… it isn’t fast or powerful like most grimm, but perhaps it could be for a little while, after it eats. until the prey is digested and the emotional afterimages fade and hunger weakens it again. and that’s how you get vaguely human-shaped grimm tearing across the countryside, ravaging everything that stands in their way, maybe once every few months, only to seemingly melt away within a few days, and the local folklore falls anywhere between "there’s a person in our midst who turns into a grimm" to "the dead are rising again as vengeful grimm-wraiths" to explain what’s happening.
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thegamingcatmom · 20 days
I just got back in my twilight phase and discovered your blog, so I was wondering if MC ever got transformed into a vampire in the sisters universe, who would be the one transforming her? I feel like the obvious choice would be tanya, but a part of me thinks that irina trying to kill MC, but accidently turning her would fit the level of unhinged they are. But also if turned into a vampire, how do you think the sisters would react to MC being stronger AND possibly hotter?
In that case:
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Welcome to my blog! :3
Right off the bat: Irina cannot be trusted alone with MC at this point in time, that´s true. But it´s not gonna stay like that forever. She´ll come around sooner or later (more later though), so the chances of MC getting turned because Irina actually tried to finish the job are pretty slim. But I can see where you´re coming from and I love that yall´s minds are coming up with possible scenarios for the Unholy Trinity and their, uh...chosen one. 🤭
With that said-
It´s difficult to say who´s gonna turn her, as it depends on everything that leads up to that moment. And it´s gonna be a while yet before we even get to that moment. I don´t plan anything I write beforehand. I simply go with what feels right, so I´ll know who´s gonna turn MC when it gets to that. 😅
However, I´ve been working on a lil something for a bit now (yes, the something that´s supposed to make yall suffer), sort of like an alternate ending to The Sisters. Like, yknow how some games have multiple endings? There´s the good ending, the hidden one, and the bad one.
Well, consider my WIP the bad one. 😅
BUT: It might shine some light into everyone´s motives, especially when it comes to the whole turning thing.
As for the sisters´ reactions to vampire!MC?
...I mean-
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So, not rly any different from now. LMAO.
It´s true though: They might not realize it yet (well, except for Tanya lol) but, to them, MC´s already-
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I´m actually gonna take a page out of Edward´s (well, SM´s lol) book here:
MC´s always gonna be their MC, just a lot less fragile. ;3
Like yknow, I don´t think there´s all that much that would change for them. Ofc it´s gonna be nice when they won´t have to worry about accidently crushing MC when hugging her anymore (Kate´s bear hugs can be rather suffocating, it has to be said), but when it comes to attraction? I don´t think they could possibly be any more smitten with MC. Or else they might actually eat her up, lmao.
So, it´s not gonna be an overly sexual first reaction, if that´s what you´re asking. It´s more like they´re completely in awe of what they´re seeing, almost like they´re not quite sure what they´re seeing is even real. Because, at that point, all of them have been through a lot, right? All those months (perhaps even years, I haven´t decided yet) of madness and longing and arguments and more longing and fighting and some more madness and then longing again and-
By the end of The Sisters, it will have been one hell of a ride for everyone involved. So, seeing everything finally come full circle when their chosen one joins them in their shared forever? I don't think words could truly capture their feelings, tbh.
However, something I find quite funny to think about:
I reckon it´s gonna be MC who turns into the horndog this time, lmao. As a newborn, there´s only gonna be two things on her mind when she first opens her eyes to this new world:
That´s gonna be all she cares about. And, somehow, I think she´s gonna try and go for the latter first because duh, look at that gorgeous wom-
Wait, there´s another-
And another-
Jesus, can you imagine?? Poor MC, completely driven by her instincts. Instincts she just doesn´t know how to deal with yet. Her brain´s gonna melt. She´s gonna melt. This is too much, she is but a newborn-
And the sisters? They couldn´t be more delighted at that display. For them, it´s like watching a baby take its first step. I mean, they´re literally ancient. And MC´s so young, she´s a baby. YKNOW WHAT I´M SAYING??
Sugar Momma mode activated.
Honestly though, that´s kinda how I envision it. The sisters are beyond mature, and MC just can´t cope with any of it. She´ll need the sisters to guide her, show her how it´s done. She´ll also need them to soothe that inner beast of hers that keeps telling her stuff that totally contradicts with what she´s actually thinking-
And then MC goes about actually jumping their bones, only for them to-
Tanya: "Ah, ah...first we must get that thirst of yours under control, my love."
Kate: "I hate myself for this but, for once, I gotta agree with the spoilsport. One craving now, the other craving later. But God, you´re so sexy when you´re-"
Irina: "As Tanya said...we wouldn´t want you losing your pretty head halfway through and risk half of Alaska´s population being drained by noon, would we, maličký?"
MC, who hasn´t understood a word after "thirst": 🩸👁️👄👁️🩸
But I also kinda HC that, in the world of vampires, with age comes status. All vampires have this inner beast that´s responsible for their more primal behavior and instinctive reactions in certain situations. Such as coming face to face with an elder. And MC´s got three of them.
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Lord have mercy on that poor girl. We all wanna be her, let´s face it.
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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socksandbuttons · 11 months
I have an odd feeling we haven't exactly seen the last of Killcode. Moon seems to be... Stressed... As well as completely MIA right now. He might go and see if there is anything left of Killcode to salvage and if Lunar can be brought back from a single Nanomachine, he might be able to bring KC back. Even if it directly goes against KCs wishes. Given that he had knowledge of Star Power and with just everything going on... It's not impossible. Though it might really piss KC off.
Might scare the life out of the Blood Twins too...
...it would be nice to get giant KC back. Although he'd need to renovate his home to actually fit in it.
I MEAN THATS A VALID THOUGHT. (Altho i think the VA is sick that might be whyyyy but also also... use it) Bloodmoon may have assured nothing was left but like... look at him. Mightve thought he did in the rage of it all (and itd make sense to crush everything he could cause Yeah No They Definitely were very upset from that. which thE PROCEEDS NOT TO UTILIZE A BIT MORE BUT YKNOW) I mean if Moon DOES bring KC back and against his wishes you could have KC literally break off connection with them due to that. Also parallels with sun once againw ith bloodmoons if we scare bloodmoon (emotionally distraught AND confused?? hella yeah). How KC would react to that tho... well first of all. its an 'I told you so' but also me going ... kc trying to calm them down but they run off. TALL KC RETURNNNNNN i would love that
but would they give this to me
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stray-tori · 1 year
link click s2e01+02 eng dub thoughts
waiting for my friends to wake up for new link click ep so i'm watching the dubbed episodes and ??? holy, the death flash segment has such a different vibe.
well not SO different but yknow... I do hope they didn't write themselves into a corner here...
Dub: "I'm sorry… everything is going to be different now. death isn't something even one of us can change. the best we can do is accept it, so please don't let this be another burden for you to carry." Sub: "It seems... everything is changing... If death cannot be avoided, then it might be better to face it now."
"don't let this become another burden" ???? ToT
Dub!LG was rly like "dude, speak faster- thERES SO MUCH MORE PAIN YOU CAN FIT IN HERE" dshjds-
Also I find the "even one of us can change" bit to be a little off-throwing. Maybe the emphasis is slightly wrong but I didn't process what he meant immediately upon first hearing it. Sounded more like "ONE of us" than "one of US" (i.e. ability).
alejandro's slight stutter when answering about the ability UGH GOLD
Little sad that the flow of red-eyes conversation isn't as good. usually the dub did great with convo flow, but here it seems a little jumpy. "if you dont know where to start, let's start with activation" -> "I can't quite figure it out" (then proceeds to explain how much they alr figured out adhsjds-)
Also the "i need to trust you again" depends heavily on the viewer knowing what red-eyes means there (i.e. the lie of no cops/the dark room plan).
ik that this is in the sub too, but the "but she sees right through you" is still a little weird to me and it's more obvious in dub i think. I thought that what this was going for was a sort of "you may be okay with fooling me, but fooling her (while i'm her) will end badly" kinda deal, but maybe I was wrong? In the dub it just directly sounds like they mean they were only able to tell the lie because they're in QL's body and get some of her memories and feelings (like CXS does, maybe?) - but they actively paid attention to his shaking hands and everything, so I kind of don't think they relied purely on QL.
nooo they keep making red-eyes slightly different. from them assuming the photos and then confirming it through the "does he run here or teleport" moment, instead they just try... to stab her?? i guess?? and then they go "ohh i get it now" which... isn't a huge difference but kind of takes away from their smart thinking.
Going from the reaction -> "oh so I was right! How interesting!" (sub) to -> "teleporting with pictures, talk about a convenient power!"
"why would I wanna hurt lu guang? he's family to me!" dub out here confirming the marriage, good for them good for them why would they do this to me
"you said the girl is innocent" -> "from what we saw it wasn't the girl" WHAT ABOUT THE BLOOD ALL OVER HER MADE YOU CONCLUDE THAT
Changing the part where CXS calls the murderer "the person who calls themselves my friend" (paraphrased) was a good call, bc that... sure was A Move.
Damn, dub just implied CXS wanted to perma-dive via "Two years... that is more than enough time. i could go back and change everything.". afaik we still don't know if the 12h restriction is bc of lu guang's rules or actually a restriction, so that is... certainly A Move, too. In Sub I felt like it was just desperate and he might have tried even with the 12h windows, but here it rly does sound like he'd just dive for longer? Unless I'm reading the dialog wrong...
"Sorry to disappoint" LOL ICONIC, slight adjustment but based.
"what's with the stuffed animal? not for me, i guess?" LMAO HELP ME- "it's for my daughter, wise guy." PFFT
"and he's already a ghost. he doesn't even have social media. some might say he doesn't exist" o... okay? does dub know more than we do dshjds-
"Breathe, damn it!!" pfft Captain Xiao is trying-
"is he the streetfighter master siwen talked about?" DUB WHAT ARE YOU DOING- i'm p sure this is just about the style, not the person ahhh-
"our backup's gonna be here soon" - "how funny, mine just arrived" While not what I've seen people translate this line as, still a good flow for this moment.
Aight. Some stumbles imo, but maybe they know more than we do and it'll all work out!
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kingcunny · 1 year
viserys x amma is a marriage out of duty.
viserys married alicent out of love.
viserys loves helaena.
i basically agree with this but i also think its a little more complicated!
viserys x aemma was 100% an arranged marriage. viserys was born and raised in kingslanding, aemma in the vale. you cannot convince me they ever met before their marriage. but i do think they grew to love each other. i like to think they had similar personalities and meshed well together. but their marriage was always held back by duty. had viserys never been named king i think things wouldve gone better between them.
(i had mandela’d myself when i read fire and blood into thinking alysanne arranged their marriage. i remember thinking that was so odd considering how upset she got at jaehaerys over daella. not to mean i dislike this idea, i actually think it fits with alysannes character very well. she martyrs her daughters once theyre gone but doesnt do anything to help them while theyre alive. but its probably a bit more likely that it was jaehaerys and baelon. viserys was eventually going to be king and aemma was his only living unmarried female relative.)
i think viserys loved the idea of alicent more than alicent herself, evidenced by the troubles later in their marriage, but i think alicent also did the same thing to him. seeing the man she wanted him to be instead of the man he was. but until those illusions were shattered i think they had a very loving, if delusional, relationship.
i like to think viserys first met alicent while she was taking care of jaehaerys and he was like “wow what a kind young woman :)” and then after aemmas death alicent again reached out to rhaenyra to comfort her. (i also like to think alicent lost her mother young, so she knows how hard it is and wanted to like, look after this young girl) he loved alicents kindness, but never saw her ambition.
(i do really like what hotd did with alicent and ottos relationship. her emotionally incestuous father pushing her to marry into the physically incestuous family i thought was very smart. but i also think alicent Is ambitious and, yknow, Wanted to be queen. wether or not this was something her father put in place-well. this post is getting long enough as it is)
viserys did love helaena! she was the only one of his and alicents children that he actually cared for and saw as His. maybe this was because subconsciously he knew helaena wouldnt be able to challenge rhaenyras claim, or maybe because viserys was meant to be a girldad and just deluded himself/was convinced/ that he needed a son.
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shellyseashell · 1 year
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universe: descendants
name & meaning: elaine is the name of various arthurian characters, but she’s not based off any of them, or any other arthurian character, because this is descendants, and the existence of artie already ignores arthurian lore. so i do what i want.
age & birthday: she doesn’t know her exact birthday, but she assigned herself July 17, and she’s probably 15-16 (same age as ben)
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: haven’t figured it out yet, but she’s not straight
height: 5’7
face claim: mackenzie foy
powers & species: she’s a fay, and her powers include: teleportation, shapeshifting, spells/runes, and seeing.
mbti: enfp, the campaigner
background: she was born to two fay from avalon, but didn’t grow up there. when she four, when near the border of camelot and auradon (camelot is not part of auradon, because i refuse to believe every fairy tale land is part of it), her parents were killed by anti-magic extremists. she was later rescued by merlin who was in the area for narrative reasons, i guess, who then took her back to caerleon (where arthur holds court). originally, she was going to be sent to avalon to live and train her magic, but in that time she grew attached to arthur, and arthur grew attached to her, so she was adopted instead. however, she’s not the heir — artie, who i renamed loholt, is, because he’s related to arthur by blood, and was already born when she was adopted.
when she was 14, she was sent to auradon as a sort of peace offering? basically, if she apprentices under fairy godmother, and does well, camelot will be left alone. this is not the first, or last, time they have done this.
residence: caerleon or avalon
affiliation: camelot and the round table
weapons & fighting style: uses a sword, and also her magic
hobbies: reading, sword fighting, riding
disney song i associate with them: let me make you proud from tangled the series
- wears only tunics and trousers, mostly to spite auradon, who are far more modern than camelot
- i’m still figuring out how i want to work arthuriana into descendants so things are subject to change
- talks a lot, and talks quickly
- holds herself with a lot of confidence, but is actually anxious all the time
- she has nightmares that double as prophetic visions, and they’re often very distressing. she has no idea how to control them, so she usually just doesn’t sleep.
- technically her roommate is jordan, but jordan lives in her lamp, so she has the room to herself. in one of my aus, she rooms with claudine.
- committing treason against auradon is on her bucket list
- her and maddy would be besties if they met
- her current best friend is her cousin, gawain. i’m still figuring out how to disney-ify him, so all i’ll say is they never get away with anything ever.
- struggles to manage her temper, especially in auradon, but she does her best
- i’m not sure if this actually fits in with auradon, but given my other headcanons for how they work, i think it fits. to keep her in line, fairy godmother makes her wear iron when she gets too defiant, or is failing her lessons. which is yknow, deadly for fay. audrey and jane figured out how to remove it for her, so as long as fg never finds out, she’s fine.
- fairy godmother also tries to train her to do magic she literally cannot do, because they’re too different types of fay
- she tries to present herself as being perfect, as being less than perfect could mean war. she is failing. miserably.
- very, very competitive
- had a hard time controlling her magic growing up, but now only struggles with her visions
- she idolizes her father, which leads to a lot disappointment, and is the root of some of her perfectionism
- really likes birds, except for archimedes. she thinks he’s annoying.
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neetily · 17 days
꣑୧ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── MATCHUP EVENT: Date #21
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─ you have one new message from...
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Robin . . .
last night was so fun babe!!! but maybe we can take things a bit slower tonight? a new ep of our show is out, would love to watch it with you <3!
Why? robin could really use someone chill and supportive of him, and he'd be the exact same back at you! the dream team, tbh. he would love all of your jokes and i can see you both sharing a couple of inside jokes that no one else gets, giggling away in a corner by yourselves, just having the time of your life together!! two cheerleaders cheering each other on, yknow? you two would bond over a love of anime too, i think. sharing series, watching a few together, perhaps collecting a few figurines to showcase together? omg could you imagine... couple cosplays of your fav characters/shows!!? same with gaming, you two share a love of that and i can see you both playing handheld consoles together in bed, or prompting the other to go back to their room so that you could play online games together hehe... also!! despite the fact that he's often viewed as sweet, submissive, and otherwise subdued, i think he has great capacity to be the witty and sarcastic matchup you're looking for! especially once he's comfortable with you, he's only deceptively sweet, and his true nature shines in the form of sassy remarks and lovingly sarcastic comments with you! he'd be so big of physical touch with you, always wanting to hold your hand, even when it's not the best time to do so like when gaming... and, of course, he loves praising you. for literally anything and everything <3
he's just happy to relate to someone else and to feel seen through shared hobbies with you! he thinks you're so funny and appreciates that he gets to sort of... switch off when he's with you. only you get to see him at his most comfortable <3
Dive Bar . . .
the pub bathroom wouldn't be his first pick of places to rail you in, but he can't deny that the inherently seedy nature of it, sticky floors and graffiti ridden walls, was alluring in a way most befitting to you.
because you're just so cute in contrast to your surroundings, a couple drinks in and already babbling nonsense on the end of his fat cock, throbbing inside of you as all the blood rushes below his belt and his fists squeeze harsher into your soft waist. roaming over every inch of skin he can reach, pinching and prodding and loving all over you because he just can't help himself.
he, too, is a little drunk. just a bit tipsy, enough to leave his brain buzzing with heady fuzz, vision glazed over as he attempts to take in just how pretty you look under the dim lights that bounce off your cheeks so perfectly; a hidden angel amongst the filth, he loves you.
it's too tempting to watch in awe as you take his cock so well, like putty in his hands. a mess of sniffles and sobs, moaning for more as he fucks you so full of cock— god, he feels dizzy himself with the amount of butterflies that line his stomach when you whine his name, over and over again like some sort of mantra. pretty little thing, he's fucking obsessed with you, keeping up the unfair pace of his thrusts just to lovingly bully you into submission some more.
"mine, all mine—" he huffs, the intended dominance in his voice petering off into sheer desperation at the way your cunt squeezes around his cock so well in response, choking him up with a broken moan escaping his throat.
his head falls against your own, sweaty with alcohol, tacky hair mixing with your own as he fucks it all a mess.
but you're prettiest like this, he thinks. sloppy little cunt, pretty pouty lips, rolled back eyes... prettiest girl in the whole wide worlds when you're getting fucked stupid on his cock, unable to form a single coherent sentence back at him in the face of his easy dominance.
he's so happy you picked this date spot, actually.
— you like to... listen to music when alone! here is a playlist that i think fits your matchup!
In Too Deep - Sum41
American Idiot - Green Day
Watamote Ending Credits
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oasisofgalaxies · 1 year
Hi! I saw you were looking for song recs. Can I have some more details about the force quit AU so I can tailor song suggestions better, please?
YES OF COURSE! Fair warning this is a long boy post so be warned SLDFKJ
ok so basically the Force Quit AU is a generation loss au that is a bit self indulgent so bear with me here :D! The self indulgent bit is the addition of another character, Marvin! They are an ex stage hand and set designer for Showfall that was able to escape the company's mind control. They now work from inside the company to help others escape, including Ranboo and his friends. I've taken this little detail for myself and labelled it as Marvin's doing. So basically hes a little helper
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ANYWAYS! Force Quit follows canon pretty closely until around the end of The Choice. I have two ways this could go and I havent really decided on which i like better so I'll cover both!
Option 1 is that Marvin sneaks into the control room/heart of the facility as the voting is occurring. Before Hetch makes the call and pulls the metaphorical trigger to box Ranboo, Marvin comes up from behind Hetch and knocks him clean out with a length of pipe. Marvin then gets Ranboo down from where he is stuck and they both run like fucking hell. Both make it out of the facility.
Option 2 involves a little bit of context on some of the ideas I have about Showfall and the Security monsters specifically. So personally I call the Security monsters Taskmanagers! I think its fitting to name it after the computer program.
Additionally, you know Hetch's line where he describes the motionless Showfall employees? He says this: "My best guess is they were once people, and then something moved in and kinda repurposed them to be.. yknow, whatever the company needed."
So I took this and RAN. I came up with a concept that there is a stage before the Taskmanagers we see in Genloss. I haven't come up with a name for them yet. They arent really a "larval form" but more of a base form. Showfall either made a deal with some entity or experimented enough to create these creatures made out of wire and a tar-like substance. They use analog technology as "shells", sort of like hermit crabs. In addition they feed off of electrical signals.
I don't think that they're actively malicious, the company just uses them in an awful way. Anyways the employees will start out as normal people working their jobs. The masks have some filtering and control capabilities but no where as strong as Ranboo's mask since it's not directly connected to the body.
This can change though if the employee discovers something they shouldn't have or if Showfall just wants to do it. An employee can go through a process called "rewiring." There are several degrees to it ranging from a mild degree which involves the process of physically wiring the employee to the mask. This continues until the highest and final degree which is a full rewiring. A full rewiring is when an employee is offered to one of these little wire creatures. The creature, when prompted, will take the employee and inhabit their body. They will feed off of the brain's electrical signals and give Showfall direct control over the host's actions. There is usually no going back from this. This is also inspired by the scene in The Choice where Ranboo stabs an employee and wires come out instead of blood!
For Taskmanagers specifically I think they are originally the result of a botched Full Rewiring process. The host and wire creature did not react well and in turn created the Taskmanagers who are dangerous and actively hostile. Showfall, after accessing damages, realized they could purposefully trigger this botched creation and use them to their advantage, thus creating security.
SO, after that long explaination, onto Option 2! Sorry there's no easier way to explain this, trust me, I've tried.
So Option 2 involves Marvin somehow befriending a "defective" wire creature. Or, alternatively, befriending a defective Taskmanager. I really need to work on a name for the tiny ones gees- Anyways Ranboo is rescued here more by.. uh. Brute force rather than stealth. Here, before Hetch can pull the trigger, Marvin and the wire creature bust through a door or wall koolaid-man style and rescue Ranboo. Admittedly this option makes less sense but I'm still including it because I had the visual of the box beginning to close on Ranboo but two GIANT wire-y hands catch the two sides and WRENCHING it back open. I dont know thats just so cool to me I love big monsters!
Regardless of how the rescue goes, Ranboo escapes and is outside the facility. Marvin in hesitant to join him because of their ongoing mission to save as many people as possible. And Ranboo upon hearing this explains that Sneeg and Charlie are still trapped in there. Marvin is hesitant to believe either of them are alive but Ranboo begs them to at least check. Marvin agrees and returns inside the facility, leaving Ranboo with an address for a place he can spend the night in as well as a small two-way communicator.
Marvin enters back into the facility and discovers that both Charlie and Sneeg are alive. Charlie, however, being wounded by a Taskmanager, has some electronic bits placed into his abdomen. I am working on a design for him at the moment but here's what I'm using for inspiration:
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A green liquid-cooled PC. Please have fun drawing your own conclusions while I work on his design LSKDJF
Sneeg, while attacked by security, was not wounded enough to require any replacement parts. He just has a couple of large scars on his torso. The real damage was done during The Warehouse where he was "reset." When Sneeg was reset, he gained awareness of everything Showfall was doing. He could see the cameras and he knew none of this was real. But this comes at a detriment because while he now has an immense amount of "behind the scenes" knowledge about Showfall, Showfall has the ability to completely control him. I'm unsure if this denotes a full rewire or if Showfall is using some experimental remote technology.
Anyways when he was revived after being attacked by the Taskmanager in The Choice, the revival process messed with what the reset did to his mind. The connection between him and Showfall is a little glitchy now. He still has insider information but sometimes he can accidentally trigger a meltdown where he believes he is once again on stage in Showfall. This either manifests itself as that panicked state we saw him in during The Warehouse where he was given the wrong hat OR how apathetic he was immediately after being reset. His perception of reality is distorted as well. Sometimes he can almost predict something before it happens, almost like a sixth sense.
Ok so where was I?? Sorry I took a hard left into infodumping territory. I mean I already am infodumping but i did EVEN MORE! LSKJDFLSKDF
Anyways the AU from here, in short, is saving each member of the cast! Charlie and Sneeg stick with Ranboo and form their little trio. I'm not sure where Niki, Austin, Vinny, and Ethan fall in the AU yet but I do want them to be rescued as well. I just don't know if they will be in the main group after or not!
Ok hopefully that was coherent and not a boring read! But yeah thats the Force Quit AU I love this thing to death already its been occupying all of my waking thoughts! Yay :D!
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composeregg · 1 year
Sleepy inquiry: relationship bingo for Jon and Daisy
Ship opinion bingo
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I am so normal
My favorite way of writing jondaisy is queerplatonic, but platonic and romantic is also fun! They just have VIBES yknow?
I just think. I just think. That Daisy should get to consider Jon part of her "pack" after the coffin, after the buried! He is hers and nobody is allowed to hurt him. I think it's tasty if one of the people he is now safest around was one of the people who terrified him the most
"She knew she had no right to ask for forgiveness" "I never forgave her and she never tried to apologize" im FERAL
They can be monster buds, whether that's enabling each other or helping each other NOT give in! A little indulgence in not judging a cheat day :)
(You can toss in a lot of different flavors to this mix, I personally enjoy platonic dom/sub dynamics here, there are many options!)
I really enjoy Jon being possessive of all of "his" people, anyone who was his assistant and others he feels he needs to protect. Which fits well with Daisy, who can be protective of her people, but those people are Basira and Jon. Maybe she looks out for Martin, but that's an extension of caring about Jon more than anything.
I think they're both very compatible, after everything they've endured. She's hurt him so much, and he's thought he deserved it, so her being the one to protect him, look out for him now, is so, so good.
They're not the same fucking guy buy they are two people who can see the worst of themselves reflected back at them in the other, and know that they are understood. There are scars, there is blood between them, but they have something here. He reached for her when she was helpless and alone, and she reached back, seeing the good in him finally as well, not just a target to hunt but a person to care about.
Don't listen to the blood. Listen to the quiet.
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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indiemovies · 2 years
(in response) EXACTLY
canon nancy has been... through so much people-wise. apart from her blood family, nancy's had no one-on-one relationships survive, or end all that well
steve's out of high school, and it's pretty evident they don't spend much, if any at all, time together. jonathan's been in cali for a year, and the both of them are definitely aware things are sliding downhill. barb- well. barb and fred are pretty self explanatory. but the point is, ever since she lost barb, she hasn't really figured out how to be much of (and i mean this in the nicest way) a functioning member of human society
and honestly, it's not exactly clear if barb's death was the proper catalyst for this. because even before, nancy was struggling to maintain a balance between keeping her best friend + their relationship the same, and trying to date king steve. barb was absolutely right, nancy was acting Off and doing things that weren't true to herself
but after losing barb, nancy was. quick to spiral into place of depression and guilt and trying to deal with trauma while keeping her head above water and holding up appearances as virtually everyone around her, even those who were involved, seemingly moved on with their lives. idk what it was about nancy and barb, whether nancy loved barb or vice versa, or none of the above, but it seemed like that was her one true friendship. the only other times we see her hinting at having other friends is when she gets an invite handed to her at the door by tina, and when she tells her mom she's sleeping over at ally's or stacy's (though later we see karen. saying the wrong name which clearly implies that nancy doesn't talk much to her parents about said friends, because karen can keep track of mike's friends fairly well imo)
and exactly as you said !!!! fred's death dragged all of her insecurities and past traumas back up and into the open, and while she's trying to (once again) wrap all her interpersonal troubles up with duct tape and shove them in little boxes in her brain to deal with the more physical, earth-threatening issues at hand, robin hurricanes into her peripheral. so nancy starts to let robin in bit by bit, etc etc, and then. the finale. and of course nancy's gotta be the one (wo)manning the plan, because if she can do anything to make sure her loved ones aren't ripped away from her by this bastard, she will. except, the plan sorta goes to shit, through no fault of her own, and-
gOOD GOD WHEN WILL THE WRITERS PLEASE ADDRESS NANCY'S ONGOING TRAUMA WITH HER LOVED ONES !! because it seems like a good portion of the fandom writers are occupied kissing steve's ass (or having eddie kiss said ass) and yknow. there's nothing wrong with that ship, or having favorites who aren't nancy. but just... there's so much to explore and delve into, even if she's not always the easiest-to-love character. god this is so long and rambly i apologize
in conclusion, i love nancy wheeler, and i love her more for her flaws and the fact that she, badass who wields guns and kills monsters, hasn't quite figured out the living-a-normal-life part, especially when you try to throw her own emotions into the mix
SCREAMINGGGGG......THIS ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!! never apologize for sending a long nancy message to me bc it is truly the greatest gift anyone can bestow upon me and you are enabling to reciprocate by talking about nancy for a long time as well
ok um YES i agree with everything you said especially about stuff starting even before barb's death. i hate barb discourse (though i understand how the overhyping can lead to retroactive hatred) i just think the dismissal of either barb or nancy as a bad friend is just the most boring and lame way you can approach that dynamic. i love nancy going through normal teen girl struggles of wanting to be different but also wanting to fit in. and her relationship with barb being such a necessary element in this conflict. AND PEOPLE DONT UNDERSTAND THEY WERE LITERALLY CHILDHOOD GIRL BEST FRIENDS who were maybe intense and maybe had feelings for each other they could never quite understand. and that intensity can lead to things like jealousy/possessiveness/resistance to change. so maybe they were both bad friends or neither of them were but that doesn't even matter bc they were each other's best friend.
and i think post s1 nancy struggled so much trying to be a normal teen girl again. everything she longed for at the start of the show seems so frivolous to her now that she's experienced a loss that has shaken her. that's in part why her relationship with steve didnt work, it wasnt bc she associates his pool/their first time with barb's death (or at least it wasn't just that) it's that barb's death forced her to grow up and shattered the illusion of normalcy and complacency for her. she's like what did i use to want and why did i ever want that. and ever since mid-s2 then she's been gogogo, not stopping bc she knows the second she does 1)she has to face her own thoughts and feelings and 2) she feels like she has to protect people through her proactiveness, whether that's her loved ones or some innocent civilian being victimized by authority/government without accountability (does this make sense. she is a true for the people journalist imo) and so she can't stop.
but i really hope in the final season she can get a moment where she CAN stop. where someone makes her. sits her down and talks to her and tells her she doesn't have to responsible for everyone and every bad thing in the world. and i hope that person is EITHER robin or mike.
also i agree with you on that last point lol obviously anyone can like whoever they like (as long as it's not b*lly) and i like steve and eddie!!! but i feel like all of their scenes, characterizations, and possible backgrounds have been analyzed and talked about to hell and back. meanwhile nancy has not slept in 52 hours and is mean to people to keep them out so if she loses them it won't hurt as bad (but she still tries so desperately to save them) and acts more like an alert aggressive guard dog for her family rather than a daughter/sister atp and her face lights up when she finds her old stuffed animal and. no one is talking about it but she is literally THE CHARACTER OF ALL TIME. it's so annoying when people are like "i hate this character for [intentional character flaw/mistake that is literally what makes them so interesting]" GROW UP!!!
also it is going to be hilarious and sad when she shows up to emerson as this battle-hardened serious journalist freshman and she cant help but resent her roommate bc the worst thing that ever happened to her was her parents divorcing. nancy cannot be a functioning member of society at this point!!! and this leads perfectly into my "nancy gets laid off from a newspaper at age 27 and opens a supernatural detective agency" vision
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iravaid · 3 years
I don't know if you already have answered this question but what are your headcannons for what LaCroix is like when he is in a relationship?
I don't think I've gotten one for LaCroix bar his hc ask! Just our little meow meow... left in the sun for too long he's started to curdle...
Like the Nines one, I only really think of relationship stuff for LaCroix in the lens of him in a ship w/Nines lmao, but have tried to keep this vague!
Would offer to take them to a suit or dress fitting, yes to getting them a Nice set of clothes to make them feel and look good, but also for white collar events where he can be smug when they outshine other attendees, because He helped them flourish.
In that same vein - would also try and get them nice little things, maybe self care items like expensive hair care products, jewellery, electronics. Half showing he has Wealth and Power in an attempt to impression, but also he wants to Provide yknow? Remnants of his upbringing perhaps.
Feel like he'd go through moments of intense dedication and then distance, both because of his age + low humanity induced emotional numbness, but also his own issues with commitment and the Thought of someone knowing him deep enough to love him can be so unnerving he needs to step back for a moment, needs therapy to unpack that. Vulnerability and gentleness so deeply ingrained into him to be seen as a weakness that LaCroix struggles to extricate the love from the guilt.
By god someone hold this little man he is so starved of physical and emotional affection. Thinks someone is proposing marriage to him when they like. brush their fingers through his hair. poor thing.
Very protective of and snappish for his s/o, especially in the company of other Camarilla kindred. Is so used to having people talk down at him, and expects them to also disparage his choice in partner, so is very defensive of both his relationship, as well as his partner’s qualities/flaws. Thinks he has to justify why he cares for them and why he shows affection towards them in public.
When he does eventually get over that initial stopping block and internalised embarrassment of showing affection (cringe), I like to think LaCroix shows a lot of little gestures of physical affection - a hand brushing some imaginary lint of his partner’s clothes as an excuse to touch them, cupping their face for a moment, brushing his fingers against their wrist; very Victorian of him.
LaCroix doesn’t (really actually does) show it but Man!! this dude wants some compliments! wants some praise and encouragement!! perhaps some damn respect!! A little nod of approval and he’s glowing.
Would enjoy dancing with his partner to slow music, reading beside them, bitch about assorted underlings to them over glasses of blood, whinge about whatever slight has happened to him that night; just the small things lmao
Has a vintage gramophone and collects old vinyls, some are first recordings of songs that never left France from the 19th century. Needs a reminder of home every now and again, and maybe even shares this with his partner after a while.
Can be such a bitch and would like someone to be a bitch BACK. Psychic battles are a requirement in a LaCroix relationship, he needs the enrichment of a good, fun spat. 
Deep down I think he wants someone to take care of him, even for a little bit. Sometimes it gets too cold and his joints ache in the memory of the march on Russia. It makes moving painful. The thought of having someone to just hold him through this is something LaCroix’s had for a long time. 
Has moments where he overthinks like. getting a gift, or even his partner’s displays of affection, thinking either they’re moving too fast, or he’s being tricked into thinking they like him and are just using him for their own gain. Not a fun time when the paranoia starts to win over and scheming happens. More often than not I like to think maybe the Sheriff might occasionally interject, or LaCroix actually like. talks to his partner, gauge things in a more subtle line of questioning. Or he has something of a breakdown and shuts himself off from them and ghosts them until they leave him be and he’s back to being alone and miserable and wishing someone might find it in themselves to tolerate him long enough to love him <3
That’s all I can think of rn! thank you for the ask and your patience!
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monaisdark · 4 years
Ok ok, just hear me out, I haven’t read any one shot or story with knife play and like, I’m kinda into that shit, no judgment plz, um but for my request I would love a dominant reader who’s a villain, paired with literally anyone, I literally just want femdom with a knife plz 🖤 I really like your content 🖤
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FEMDOMS WITH KNIFES FEMDOMS WITH KNIFES THANK YOU !! decided to do some bakugou because yknow what - that man needs to be put in his place by a sexy villain lady goddammit !! also, dw about judgement here ‘cus there is a 90% chance im into it :’) ofc thank u for the ask bc yall’s brains >>> 
➨ paring — Pro Hero! Katsuki Bakugou x Fem! Villain! Reader
➨ warnings —  dubcon, Sub! Bakugou, Dom! Reader, knife play, blood play, begging, handcuffing
Bakugou didn’t know what even led up to this. It was late at night and he was on patrol, he does this all the time! Yet, you got him. He didn’t even have time to react before his gauntlets were knocked out of his hands, cuffs were put on him, and connected the chain attached to the cuffs to a fence in the alleyway.
“You fucking bitch!” He yelled, immediately trying to activate his quirk but it only amounted to a few sparks. “Huh?! —“
“Quirk cancelling cuffs. Crazy the things the black-market sells.” You lifted the hood of your coat, getting a little too close for Bakugou’s comfort. “Dynamight, huh? I was expecting more of a fight for a Pro Hero.” You were taunting him, the sounds of sparks echoing throughout the empty alleyway.
“Y’know, that’s the definition of insanity — doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” A laugh left your lips, as Bakugou scowled, “You’re the crazy bitch here! What the hell do you want!?” Your tone darkened, grabbing his face. “Stop yelling, I might have to put a gag in your mouth.”
Bakugou couldn’t help but shudder, your touch was cold. And your eyes staring into his didn’t help him stay calm. Bakugou hasn’t felt this vulnerable in a long time. You captured him so easily, how has he never heard of you?
“The smart ones lurk in the shadows. Bet you didn’t even hear me!” You were back to laughing his face, you were able to read him so easily. He growled curses under his breath, thrashing around. “Ah, don’t be like that. I haven’t even done anything to you... yet.” 
“You low-life! Take these cuffs off and fucking fight me!” That was it, you pulled out a scary-looking knife, “A lot of people want you dead, I’m sure you know. If I were someone boring, you’d be lying in your own blood right now.” Bakugou could feel the tip of the knife though the fabric of his hero costume on his chest, his breath hitched. There was nothing he could do. 
“Mhm... even with quirks, I don’t think anything beats a good ol’ knife.” Bakugou could see the blood that stained the knife, you’ve used it before. “I’d rather have some fun with you, y’know? Not everyday you get to capture such a great hero.”  
“What the hell are you talkin — !“ A lick. You licked his collarbone, “Aha! You are so cute.” Bakugou froze up, he wasn’t expecting this. He tried to hold back a gasp when you started palming him. You were crazier than he thought.
“Shit, stop... stop this!” He wanted to move, just enough to kick you in the chest to get you away from him, but the knife was pressed so closely to him. Any more movement and he would have it piercing his chest. And even then, he’s still cuffed and chained, how will he fight you? “Ah, stop? But you’re getting hard, what monster would I be to give you blue balls?” You giggled in his ear.
It wasn’t long before you were crouching before him, the knife moving from his chest to his lower  abdomen, “Get the fuck away from me! I’ll fucking kill you!” Bakugou tried to cling onto his power. He didn’t expect you to listen, but like hell he’d let you get away with this so easily.
A smile spread on your face as you took his semi-hard dick out of his pants. “Such words for someone who’s turned on.” Bakugou’s breath hitched, damn his body for responding to you. “Don’t...don’t do anything — shit!” You were stroking him, bringing your mouth close to his head to give him kitten licks. He cursed as he felt himself grow fully hard now under your touch, much to his dislike.
“I have to say, you’re impressive. Now — “ You pressed the knife down on the exposed skin of his lower abdomen, Bakugou could feel a small blood trickle down from there. “Don’t try to fight back right now. I’d rather not plunge my knife into you right now.” You pushed him onto the cold concrete ground, moving his trapped hands above his head. 
Everything was rushing over Bakugou, he wasn’t one to not fight back. But the knife paired with your quick movements and those damn cuffs, he’s weak. Weaker then he ever imagined himself being around a villain like you. You crawled on top of him, not wasting time on removing your panties and hoisting your skirt up. You sat on his lap, his cock against the fabric of your skirt.
He could still feel the blood from his abdomen trickle down, a wince coming from him as he felt another small slice go with his previous one. “Sorry! Couldn’t help myself.” Your voice was oddly smooth, it was like it was tickling Bakugou’s every being. Maybe it was the blood rushing through his body but he couldn’t deny you were attractive. Bakugou tended to focus on his hero work, he had no time for women even as a Pro Hero. 
Bakugou was becoming puddy in your hands, your gloved hand stroking him as the knife trailed his torso, a small a trail of blood being left behind. He tried to hold his panting, but he couldn’t help it. It made it worse seeing you lift yourself from his lap, not wasting time on plunging yourself on him.
“Ah, aha... A snug fit, right?” Bakugou was fully a mess now, you felt amazing. “No... shit — get... get off! You...you bitch!” He didn’t want you to stop. His pride was getting over him, what if someone saw him? He was a Pro Hero - a damn good one as well - and he let a villain with cuffs and a knife get the best of him? He should hate this, yet his pants and moans were showing otherwise. He was even bucking his hips slightly!
“You’re so mean!” Bakugou winced as he felt stinging again, this time on his upper thigh. You cut him again. “Say sorry.” You demanded, your knife teasing another slice to his thigh. Bakugou stayed quiet, clenching his jaw as he felt you going up and down on him. “Say sorry!” This time you were louder, another stinging pain hit Bakugou, a second cut to match the previous one on his thigh.
Bakugou couldn’t even open his eyes or mouth, how pitiful did he look right now? Say sorry? You’re the one doing this to him! You were making him such a mess, he’s the one that’s supposed to be stronger! 
“How childish. You can’t even say two words yet you’re panting like a dog right now! Let’s see...” Bakugou felt you stop moving and the knife move to his neck, he wanted to curse. You can’t tease him like this. “I wanted this to be fun but you can’t just let your stupid superiority complex go, huh?” Friction, he needed friction desperately. The knife was cold like you, but your cunt was so warm. Please just forget about it and move, wasn’t tying him up enough?
“Fuck... move, just move.” He didn’t want to have to beg, that’ll confirm you have the upperhand. “Mhmn, not until you say sorry —” You stopped for a second, a devious smile forming, “...Actually, if you want me off you so bad...” You lifted yourself off of him slowly, teasing him as he could no longer feel your soft insides around him. 
God, he hated this. He was so hard it hurts, a string of pre-cum was forming at his tip. He was sweaty and red despite the weather being cool. You still sat on him, even without him inside you, he could feel your soaked, warm core that contrasted your body. Your eyes staring down on him like he was a deer and you were a hunter. You wanted him to beg. 
Bakugou struggled to form a sentence, he was out of breath and half lidded. Words that he never would have expected himself to utter came out, “Inside... back inside. I’m sorry! P-Please, please, put it back in!” A tight, warm feeling engulfed around Bakugou’s cock again, he missed it. A smile spreaded on your face, not one of deviance but one of joy, “Ahah, you see? How hard was that?” You removed the knife from his neck and opted to trailing it along his lower stomach. 
You beat him, Bakugou was enjoying this. He didn’t care that you were a villain anymore, or how you had the upper hand in all this. Hell, you could use that knife all you wanted on him! Just bounce on his cock, that’s all he wants.
He could feel you pulling him in every time you thrusted yourself on him and Bakugou was brought to the edge each time. He was beginning to twitch and you seemed to notice too, slowing down to drag out the feeling you gave him. “Do you want to cum inside?” He nodded profusely, “Use your words.” He has to beg to cum? He truly has to give up all his control.
“Please! Ah! Cum inside... let me cum inside!” Bakugou was loud, it was a surprise nobody ventured into the alley with all the sounds of skin slapping and moans. Perks of shitty, small neighborhoods. Nobody gave a fuck. Not that he wanted anyone to see this anyways, this was certainly a way to be ‘defeated’ by a villain.
“Go ahead — you’ve been so good.” You left the knife on his stomach but with the way Bakugou was breathing, the tip of the metal could poke him still. You let him buck his hips into yours, leaning down to grab his head with your free hands to give him a kiss on the forehead. He wasted no time in filling you up, the way you continued to bounce on him despite him cumming already brought him over the edge to another orgasm. 
After what felt like hours of warmth and tightness, Bakugou was a mess. Everything was clouded in his head, he just came in a villain. And he liked it.
He could the weight of your body get off of him, grabbing the knife from his stomach and tucking it in your coat pocket. Bakugou cursed himself for missing your touch, the cold from the air was different from the cold of your body and knife. “Be good and don’t do anything, hm?” You dangled the keys to the cuffs and chain above him. He nodded — not like he would anyways, he was smitten. 
As you uncuffed him, Bakugou didn’t even try to attack you, which was great for you. He didn’t say anything, looking at the ground though his breath was heavy. He felt a piece of fabric fall on his lap, your panties. “Parting gift.” You laughed but Bakugou felt his stomach begin to turn. As you walked away without another word, he could feel panic build up slightly — he still knew nothing about you. 
He wasn’t mad like he should be. He wanted to see you, feel you. All he could do for now was hold the fabric close... the thought of you still fresh in his mind.
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