#i also want my muses to have someone crush on -them- also go melting puddle when they see them
darabeatha · 9 months
Where do I sign for dynamics where your muse has a crush on mine and/or my muses developing these silly crushes o r obsessions towards other characters-
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ssamie · 3 years
off limits.
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·˚ ༘⌗ someone had caught langa's attention, and reki being the supportive friend that he is, decided to help langa score a date with them, all without knowing they were joe's precious little sibling.
·˚ ༘⌗ hasegawa langa x gn!reader
·˚ ༘⌗ warnings: langa's shitty flirting, fluff, im using ASH as ur name in S lol sorry if u hate it, long-ish ig
gen masterlist.       sk8 masterlist.
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"yeah! go ASH!" "damn! they're so cool!"  "ASH! come take a picture with us!"
you simply grinned and waved to the crowd as they repeatedly chanted your name and cheered you on. you had just won a beef against your very own brother kojiro, or better known as JOE, and everyone was going crazy.
"well then, i win so you know what to do, right JOE?" you smirked tauntingly as your brother sighed in exasperation "yeah, yeah" he rolled his eyes "im doing laundry for this month as we previously agreed upon" he said
you snickered and waved him goodbye before rushing off to MIYA. you and him were fairly close friends since you were both candidates for japan's national team and often meet up outside of 'S'
"woah.." langa said with a gasp as his eyes followed your form. reki raised a brow in confusion as he followed langa's line of sight.
"langa? whats wrong?" reki asked. "ASH.." langa responded. his eyes were glimmering with amazement and adoration as a bright and sparkly aura surrounded him.
"oh, them?" reki hummed "they're really cool, huh? their tricks were really amazing" he said
langa simply sent you one last glance before reluctantly averting his attention towards reki. "reki! i think.. i think i like ASH" langa admitted with a blush
"eh?! like, like like them? or-" langa cut him off with a frantic nod, making reki scream out in surprise
"eh?! that's awesome! go talk to them then!" reki exclaimed as he tried to push langa towards your direction. "no! i can't!" langa panicked as he tried to plant himself in his spot
"yeah you can!" reki laughed "just go for it!" langa shook his head in distress and tried to run away, although reki caught him by his collar just in time.
"but i don't know what to say! they might find me weird!" langa exclaimed. reki hummed before nodding in agreement. "yeah, you're right. then you'll never get a chance if that happens"
langa paled as a look of dread and fear had dawned upon his features. reki immediately took notice and frantically patted his back to calm him down. "no, no! it's fine! you just gotta practice what to say first so you don't mess it up when you finally talk to them!" reki said
langa nodded with determination. "you're right, reki" he said. "so you'll help me right?" he sent reki an expectant look, making the latter gulp.
"ofcourse!" reki exclaimed "with my help, you'll score a date with them in no time!"
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"um-hey, uh how's it-"
"no!! wrong wrong wrong!!" reki exclaimed as he shook his head in disappointment "we've gone over this! we've practiced for a week straight!" he sighed out in exasperation
they were currently at a convenience store parking lot, practicing langa's lines and flirting skills for when he finally musters up the courage to approach you.
"just be cool! be natural! you're too stiff" reki said as he lightly punched langa in the chest. "it's too hard" langa sighed dejectedly "i can't do it"
reki frowned and slapped langa's back, making him yelp. "you can do this! miya said they're really nice so you don't have anything to worry about" reki said in reassurance
"yeah, i guess" langa said with a pout "but im just-"
he yelped as he suddenly collided with another person, his foot had been caught up in his board, causing him to slip and for the other to stumble.
"ah, im so sorry!" you said as you frantically grasped his wrist just before he could fall to the ground. thankfully, you were able to balance yourself and catch him in the process.
"wait-" reki's eyes widened "you're.. ASH?!" you then grinned and set him a wave "hey! you're reki right? miya mentioned you a few times now" you said
"but you probably shouldn't address me as that when we're outside. it's against the rules you know?" you mused with a kind smile "just call me y/n"
"i-i uhm.. you-" langa stammered out. "hm?" you hummed in confusion as you turned around to face a red-faced langa, who seems to be in the brink of combustion at the moment. you followed his eyes down to your hand, which was still holding his wrist, and immediately let go. "oh, sorry dude! you're the rookie right?" you cooed out with a grin
"nice to meet you. i've seen you skate before, you're really good" you complimented him with a suave smirk
"..." langa didn't respond and simply looked at you with sparkling eyes and a blank expression, making reki face-palm in the background
"uh, you alright, langa?" you asked with a chuckle "you look real red right now" you grinned and jokingly elbowed him "it's not cause you like me or anything right?" you teased
"NO!" langa exclaimed. both you and reki blinked in shock while langa simply shook his head with a shaky smile "i mean-no i do! but not like that! but i don't don't like you-"
he suddenly cleared his throat upon receiving a silent signal from reki, making you smile in amusement. "so uh- what's an eye candy like you doin in a place like this?" he asked in a 'flirtatious' tone, though it only came out awkwardly and forced due to his aloof and blunt nature.
you chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly "not much. just shopping" you replied as you showed them the grocery bags filled with ingredients for kojiro's restaurant. "why? wanna take me elsewhere?" you teased
you laughed and lightly nudged him with your hip. " 'm just messing with you! you're too serious, loosen up will you?" you chuckled. "r-right!" langa laughed nervously as he silently marveled at you and your angelic laughter. "seriously," you grinned "you don't have to be so nervous. i don't bite you know?"
"well, unless you want me to" you grinned cheekily as a his face exploded into a bright shade of red. "oh.. is that so.." he stammered out
langa had once again fallen into silence as he settled for ogling at your side profile with his eyes sparkling with adoration. reki sweat dropped and nervously chimed in as to not make things awkward.
"so, y/n-san" reki said with a nervous smile "you're a really cool skater! and you also remind me of someone i know" he said
"oh well then you're probably talking about my brother. i heard you often hang with him in and outside of S" you said
"your brother?" reki and langa mumbled out in confusion. you nodded "yeah it's-" you were cut off by the ringing of your phone, making you shoot the two boys an apologetic smile and a wave goodbye.
"sorry guys, i gotta go. but maybe next time we can hang!" you said as you start to skate away. but just before you could get too far, you stop in your tracks and shoot langa a wink.
"catch you later, snow~" you cooed before finally disappearing from their sight, leaving behind a flustered langa and a surprised reki.
langa blinked one last time before dramatically falling down onto the floor like a melted puddle, his face bright red and a hazy smile grazing his lips.
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"geez, you really need to keep your shit together." reki sighed "y/n was clearly flirting with you and you didn't even make a move." he said
langa frowned and nodded, "yeah, i guess i was just nervous. and it's a little awkward too.." he said. reki deadpanned and slapped him by his nape "dumbass! it's only awkward cus you make it like that!" he exclaimed
langa winced and shuffled away from reki "ouch! yeah, yeah, i'll do better next time.." he muttered with a pout.
they stopped as they arrived at kojiro's restaurant, they were there to meet up with the others for a friendly hangout. "hey guys!!" reki greeted them with a grin
"oh, the slime is here." miya said as he continued to play on his phone, not even looking up once. "oi! im no slime!" reki whined as he tackled miya in a hug, much to the latter's annoyance.
"hm? what's wrong, langa?" kaoru asked with a hum as he took notice of langa, who seemed more out of it that usual.
"oh, langa's thinking of ways on how to flirt with this person he likes!" reki exclaimed with a cheeky grin as he teased his friend. "a crush?" kaoru mused
"you're too young for that" joe said with a laugh "but if you need help, then im definitely the right person to go to" he followed up with a smirk
kaoru simply bonked him in the head with his fan and sighed. "you are definitely the worst person to come to." he said
joe gritted his teeth and glared at his pink haired friend, before huffing and facing langa once more. "so, who exactly is this crush of yours?" he cooed
langa blushed and sheepishly turned his head away, "its no one.." he muttered.
"it's ASH." miya chimed in with a smug grin "aka y/n. those two slimes have been asking me about them for the past week. it's honestly sad." he snickered.
kaoru and kojiro's face paled while langa simply turned into a blushing mess.
"wait-" kaoru gulped "y/n.. y/n as in kojiro's-"
"nii-san!" your voice emitted from the kitchen "i finished putting the groceries in the back room" you said
you walked into the room, untying the apron around your waist as you make your way towards your brother.
only then did you notice all their eyes trained on you, especially langa, who looked like his eyes were about to pop off with how much he'd widened them.
"umm.." you mumbled out sheepishly "is everything alright?" you asked
kojiro slowly walked up to langa with a dark look in his eyes, much to langa's horror. "oi, rookie." kojiro called out, his tone laced with malice
langa yelped and immediately shielded himself behind reki "i can explain.." langa muttered with a nervous smile
"explain what?" kojiro scowled. his muscular arms pulled you towards him, much to your confusion, and held you protectively against his chest.
"that you're flirting around with my baby sibling!!?!" kojiro exclaimed
"NO!" langa denied "well uh- kind of.. but i only did it once and-reki! help me!" he gave reki a look of helplessness.
reki gulped as kojiro's glare had averted towards him. "ah, joe! it's just that-langa here thought y/n-san was very alluring, right?" he mused, to which langa nodded along.
"so uh-we asked miya some things about her.. but miya never told us they was your sibling!!" he exclaimed
miya simply gave them a cat-like grin, smiling and giggling to himself as he innocently looks around the place.
"that doesn't excuse your actions, you punks!" kojiro bonked them both in the head
"let me get this straight.. y/n is off limits. got that?" he glared at langa "no flirting, no dating, no boyfriends."
you scowled and wiggled yourself free from his hold. "what the hell are you talking about?" you crossed your arms over your chest as you look at your brother expectantly.
"wha- y/n you're too young!" kojiro shrieked "im not a kid, you know?" you sweat drop
"you're younger than me, which means you're a kid. so no boyfriends." kojiro huffed "kaoru help me out here!!" he said
kaoru simply sipped on his drink and sighed. "i personally don't have any problems if y/n chooses to date." he says in a calm tone
but it soon changed into a look of malice as he looms over langa's shoulder. "but if you hurt them, i will surely be teaching you a lesson." he muttered in a low tone "alright?"
langa yelped and nodded. "right!" he exclaimed
you sighed and bonked both kaoru and kojiro in the head, pushing them away despite their protests, and approached langa.
"don't mind them." you said "they're just overprotective. most of it were empty threats anyways!" you laughed
langa gulped as he looked at the two over your shoulder with dread. "im pretty sure those threats weren't empty..." he muttered
you laughed and took his hand, flipping it over to reveal his wrist. you then took a pen from your pocket and wrote your number down onto his skin.
"i gotta go, but when you have time, give me a call okay?" you cooed with a smirk
langa watched with sparkling eyes as you gave him a flirty wink before taking your board and walking out of the restaurant.
"bye~" you cooed with a wave before skating away
"i- what?! did my baby sibling just give some guy their number?!" kojiro shrieked in horror
"you act like you don't do the same thing in a daily basis" reki sweat dropped
reki then turned to langa, who was still staring at the digits on his wrist with a blushing face. "so, are you gonna call them?" reki mused
"like hell you will!!" kojiro scowled
"i will!" langa exclaimed with a determined look
"oi! didn't you hear me?!" kojiro snarled "don't call them! they're off limits! oi, listen to me!!" he groaned in aggravation
"joe, im gonna ask them to be my s/o!" langa said with a straight face as he stared at joe with a hopeful glint in his eyes
"im doing it anyway!"
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monofpoke4life · 3 years
Datr Week 2020 Day One: Missing You
(Totally forgot yo upload this last year. I think I was unhappy with it, but I can’t remember why. Anyway, please enjoy)!
"So how'd you know to do that thing to Chunk earlier?" His young voice squeaked, echoing into the dark, shapeless abyss.
"Any enemy can be felled with the right jab. It's just a matter of knowing where to hit. Most are susceptible to major and vulnerable organs like the kidneys or liver. I am particularly fond of throat punches. They're ideal for stunning an opponent while leaving them alive for questioning." Replied a feminine and distinctly accented voice.
A frown tugged at the corner of his lips, yet all it did was morph a frown briefly into a pout and back.
He felt his brow furrow, as the world suddenly came into view. It was like turning on your phone in the middle of the night. Blinding and full of color at its sudden appearance, but it didn't strain his eyes as they continued on their walk. A set path expanding in front of them far beyond their view, but materializing in front of them with each new step. One he walked what felt like a million times before. No different than all of the other times he walked it. Just the same old sidewalk with the same old cracks that were on his way from the school to his house.
Certainly nothing looked out of the ordinary, and yet, this walk was entirely different. It would be one thing if it were just the electrified thrum in his veins or the ecstatic beat of his heart from the idea of catching Zim in one of his alien schemes or running home to watch a new episode of Mysterious Mysteries. However, it was neither of those things, and had everything to do with the young lady walking beside him.
There was a tingle in his leg, but he paid it no mind as he chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind the next time those bullies try to stuff me in the trash again." He shook his head at the memory from earlier that day, before he pointed out, "But you still never answered my question." Her steely gaze of rare, purple eyes flicked over to meet his own bespectacled gaze as he elaborated, "I know you're British, but come on, "keep them alive for questioning?" You sound like you're from MI6 or something. I mean, where do you learn techniques like that?"
"Girly Rangers," came her little too clipped reply as she turned her head, giving him her full, narrow eyed attention.
At that, his heart suddenly jumped into throat. He could easily get lost in her eyes. His breath quickened just a tad as a wave of nerves crashed into him. Both the expected good kind, and unexpectedly bad kind, settling sourly in his stomach.
They stared a moment later before he called her bluff, and she quipped, "If I didn't find the idea ludicrous myself I'd have swatted at you." She shook her head as a genuine smile graced her lips, before she looked up to the bare branches of the trees that lined their walk, as she continued, "My mother was in the military. You pick up a thing or two with those you live with."
He felt the pin prickling feeling of a chill run down his spine, starting at his neck, yet his body lacked the telltale twitch as he excitedly murmured, "That's so cool!" At that remark, the corner of her lips twitched into a proud smirk at his unsubtle praise. Realizing she heard him, his face grew hot. He wanted to turn away, crawl into a hole, but the sight of her amused, gentle smile kept his eyes riveted to hers. 
"S-so what else did she teach you? Anything useful I could use on my paranormal investigations?"
The anxiety in his gut increased, and a familiar dread set in, waiting patiently for his world to shatter. The kind of dread that makes somebody want to hide under a blanket from the world. Yet he heeded it no mind as his lips parted into a shy yet ecstatic smile.
"Sure, one more tip couldn't hurt," she said, murmuring the last part more to herself. "Well, body language is always telling. When someone is lying their eyes will look up and to the right because they’re tapping into the imaginative part of the brain.”
“Wow, so you’re like a walking, talking lie detector?”
“You can if you train yourself enough,” she said nonchalantly.
“Could you teach me?” He inquired as a fluttery feeling in his gut returned. His arm nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he continued, a little too quickly, “Maybe you come over my house some time and-”
“I beg your pardon?” She inquired quizzically, yet something in her voice had an edge to it. Ice filled his veins at that, and he stammered and scrambled to recover, “I mean or your place is fine. Of course, only if you wanted to, but nobody ever usually wants to. Actually, no place is fine then. Look let’s just pretend this never happened and-”
His heart dropped from his chest only to roar within his ears as he felt a delicate finger lightly touch his lips. He froze. He didn’t dare to breathe let alone talk; meanwhile his eyes fixated upon the dainty appendage touching him. If he didn’t know better, a spark spread from her to him, electrifying him from the inside out. His whole body grew hot, and he felt like his brain would melt from the radiant blush that was surely upon his cheeks.
“Hm, so that’s where you’re off button is,” she mused aloud as she pulled her hand away. Her eyes shined with silent mirth. He gulped and could practically hear himself audibly swallow. Gawd she had to have known what that clever smile did to him! Forget his brain melting, he was going to melt into a puddle at her feet.
Dazed, he saw her lips move, yet didn’t hear a word she said.
“Sorry, I spaced out. What was that?”
“You shouldn’t apologize. It’s a sign of weakness,” she chided. He felt confused and opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, she continued, “I said that’s very kind of you, but unfortunately my parents and I are still adjusting from the move; however, once we’re settled, I’d love to come over.”
He blinked owlishly behind his round glasses. His flushed face cooling down within the time it took to sink in. However, when it did finally sink in, he grinned so hard his face felt like it could split in half.
“That’s great! I can’t wait until then! How long do you think that will take? Maybe a week? Oh I need time to prepare and clean my room-er-not that it’s not clean, I-” He abruptly cut off his ramble as he saw her finger raise once more. He skittered backwards with his trench coat flapping with his rapid movements. The usually heavy yet oddly light feeling backpack nearly threw him off balance, but he managed not to fall.
She snickered. His heart skipped a beat, and a warmth coalesced in his chest, emboldening him.
“How does this Saturday sound,” He asked with all of the courage and grace a socially outcast boy, like himself, could with his first real friend. The first person who made him feel secure and supported since...gawd, he couldn’t remember! He couldn’t think!
By that point they started walking again, and that dread came back tenfold. His untrained eyes followed her right hand as she tucked a dark blue strand of hair behind her ear. A gust of forceless wind slammed into them, and it appeared as though she turned her head to shield it from the winter wind. She was always honest with him up until that point, so he had no reason to doubt her. No reason to notice how the motion drew his attention away from her eyes.
But he knew to look for it now, and all of the other times his mind replayed it over and over again within his head. On this night, as it had so many times before, that dread feeling his gut finally crashed to the forefront as everything went dark, and squealing, victorious laughter surrounded him like a stereo system. 
He went to scream, to shout, warn her, anything! Yet nothing came out. In fact, she was gone. He whipped around in an attempt to find her. As he looked behind himself, he went to turn back around, and there she was in all of her green, alien, Irken glory as she rushed at him with pak leg raised. When she was so close he could see the darker, barely discernible, purple of her pupils did he finally gasp and rocket himself into an upright position. Eyes shooting open as he nearly fell out of bed.
His stomach roiled as a brief wave of vertigo hit him from moving too quickly, especially without his glasses. With the grace of a lean yet gangly teen, he leaned on his side towards the edge of the bed. His arm flopped onto the end table beside his bed, and he hung his head between the space that separated the two as he let the wave pass. He also took the time to catch his breath.
Once recovered, he raised his head to blearily look for his glasses in the dark. After a few near misses of lightly brushing against them, Dib finally managed to snag them. As he placed them upon his face, he frowned at the sight of the slight tremble of his hand.
At the reminder of his memory, that nightmare, Dib growled at himself as he flopped onto his back. He yelped and flinched as a sharp pain shot up his leg, having hit his ankle off of a bedpost. 
The pain quickly went away as swiftly as it came, and Dib huffed and sighed. His forearm falling back to rest upon his forehead. Barely awake and he was already exhausted. Of course, the fact that he had that blasted dream again didn't help at all.
At the thought of the dream again, Dib growled and rolled over onto his side, facing the wall and his open window. He knocked his glasses up towards his forehead as he rubbed his clenched shut eyes with the heel of his palms. If only he could forget and move on. That would make his life so much easier.
And yet...the thought of forgetting Tak or how she made him feel...he could never do it. Just the idea made his heart race into a panic and sent his mind into a whirlwind. His childhood crush aside, Tak was his first friend. A real friend, or so he thought.
Pfft, just his luck that his first friend turned out to be an alien who only talked to him for his information on Zim. The thought triggered a dull, painful ache to grow within Dib's chest. One more powerful than the pain of her trying to destroy the earth. With him on it.
Dib shifted his right arm under his pillow to further support his head while he opened his eyes to pensively glare at his drumming fingers.
"Four freaking years and I still can't get you out of my head," he grumbled to one person in particular. Not that she'd ever hear him, being flung into space in her ship's escape pod and all.
The pod. Possibly drifting aimlessly in the vacuum of space. Cold and lifeless as the metal shell encasing Ta- 
He shook his head to dispel the direction of his thoughts. However, he didn't do it fast enough as he felt the slight burning tingle of his eyes welling up with tears only for one to slide down his cheek.
He grumbled some more as he wiped it away and gazed up at the midnight blue sky. The busy tizzy of his mind slowed down to a crawl as he closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing. In and out. Find his happy place and think happy thoughts, or at least ones different from those that woke him up.
It almost worked too, as the angry tension in his muscles slowly evaporated from his body. His limbs became noodle-like and his facial muscles relaxed. The drumming stopped, and his mind drifted into a hazy fog of nothingness. He liked the nature of the nothingness. By definition, there was nothing there. Nothing that could potentially hurt him physically or mentally.
In and out. He pondered the nothingness, and how something so endless in area and possibilities could give him a sense of security, like being wrapped within a warm blanket.
Then, Dib's mind drifted to the thought of security, as it always did. The lack of it, how he could hold onto it, how he could find it within himself or others, and then finally when was the last time he felt it.
"Ya know they're wrong, right?" Tak's voice echoed from a memory that felt like decades ago. 
His younger self jumped at that, looking over at her from where she sat beside him in the library. She'd broken him out of a very important task...which was to stare morosely at his unopened book.
"Hm, what was that," He inquired, trying to sound tired to hide the sadness in his tone.
Her purple eyes narrowed at him suspiciously. As per usual her penetrating gaze felt like she could see right inside him, reading him like an open book. However, she chose to ignore it in favor of the topic at hand. 
"I said, ya know they're wrong, right? About you?"
His eyes widened in surprise at that.
"O-oh?" He paused a moment, before his brow furrowed and he inquired further, "About what exactly?" It wasn't like he didn't believe Tak. Dib had no reason to doubt her, but years had cautioned him to not get his hopes up. 
He watched her frown a moment as she paused. The question caught her off guard as she clearly thought it would be a one and done statement. However, ever the perfectionist, she persisted to speak her opinion of him.
Glaring at the pencil she twisted between her fingers, she elaborated, "Well, a lot of things. The most prominent, though, is that you're not crazy for being different, for believing in the paranormal."
He sat up straighter at that as he continued to stare in astonishment, watching her wearily for any sign of a lie. He found none, but still felt the need to ask, "Really, you mean that?"
"Of course! There's nothing wrong with being different. It-" She trailed off at that. He ignored the part of his brain that thought her brow furrowed pensively was cute. This was a serious, heartfelt situation, and it wasn't the time to make googly eyes at someone who probably didn't like him that way.
He opened his mouth to offer a word, in order to help her along, but she continued before he could.
"It doesn't make you wrong. You- you're not- you're not defective." At the word "defective," it came out of Tak's mouth with as much disdain as one would use when talking about the city's cesspool, and her gaze immediately snapped up to look him in the eye.
A part of Dib felt like she wasn't just talking to him at that moment, especially as shortly after she said it, she unconsciously snapped the pencil in half. It made him wonder who hurt her or called her that in the past, what was their address, and could he beat them up. Well, maybe die trying, but preferably not.
The other part of Dib felt like she meant every single word. Even after everything that would happen later, he still felt she meant it. The way her determined stare carved into his very soul, refusing to look away until he agreed with her. How those amethyst orbs tenaciously glared and willed him to take to heart her words of wisdom, but most importantly; the earnest, raw edge of emotion that slipped into her voice. 
No matter how brilliant of an actor she was, she couldn't fake that.
The full meaning of her words combined with her body language finally sank in and a blissful warmth settled in his chest. It quickly spread to every neuron and nerve until it felt like pure happiness, contentment, and safety was going to erupt from his mouth in the form of the widest grin he'd ever make.
However, he had enough sense to not grin at her like a fool or madman. His entire body thrummed with energy and oddly a sense of calm. 
For once in his life he felt relaxed, safe, peaceful even. Relaxed to just let things play out, and to have faith in her as his friend, as he did for her. He could say or do anything, and she'd have his back, always giving her 110 percent. It felt...blissful.
However, that bliss couldn't last, just like the nothingness as the memory faded in exchange with his conscious state. Before it fully faded, he remembered he got her to laugh
 Not a laugh at someone's misfortune, like Zim, or being victorious against those bullies, like Chunk, but a genuine, gentle laugh with a small smile to match.
The memory faded, and he opened his tear filled eyes once more. As they dripped onto his pillow, he curled in on himself. His heart was as erratic as his breathing. Trying not to sob aloud kind of does that to you.
Gawd how he missed that feeling of security, of being supported, of someone having his back, and boy did he miss the one who made him feel that way.
Ironic how an alien could act more and treat him like a human than the real humans. And there's a high chance that all of that was fake. If it wasn't, well, it was four years too late to think about that.
A choked sob escaped his lips as he angrily sighed out the window, "I hate that I miss you."
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damnusillygoose · 4 years
Jerza fanfiction(fluff)
Title: The morning after.
Summary: Erza and Jellal spend a tranquil morning together.
Fanfiction link leading to the site:
Disclaimer: these characters are owned by hiro mashima sensei.
As a fugitive, Jellal's life was filled with caution as if it were to be ingrained in his volition. He wasn't used to a deep uninterrupted slumber. A rich fulfilling sleep was a delicacy that he cherished wholeheartedly. This normalcy of getting a full 9-hour sleep was still peculiar to him but he tried his best to adapt, after all this was going to be his future ahead which he is going to walk alongside Erza.
Their sex session last night was rough and it made his back sour all over. He woke up peacefully with the expectation of a warm body cleaved to his side. He opened his eyes to check on her only to find her tenderly staring at his face. She looked so angelic and serene. He once again reminded himself how fortunate was he to witness her glory which was only exclusive to him
'Good morning, Jellal', she giggled and gave him a peck on his cheeks.
'Good morning, Erza', he replied back bashfully as a blush embellished his cheeks
This feeling right there. It seems simple right? To wake up beside someone after sex? However the significance of the event changes when the concerned person is the woman you love. You don't have sex with the woman you love, you make love to them.
All of his life, he loathed his existence. Never allowed himself a respite. Continued to be harsh on himself. Hence, in moments like these when he is exceptionally vulnerable, he feels blessed to lay beside the woman he devoted himself to since he was mere 11 years old.
He took a deep breath, with no urgency and slowly closed his eyes in sheer tranquillity. He stroked his fingertips along her palm in an endearing manner and gave it a chaste kiss.
'What are you musing about, love?', Erza asked, curiously as she watched him close his eyes with a smile adorning his beautiful face.
'It's nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today'
It was instances like these when Jellal would say something sweet and she would start feeling warm all of a sudden. Yes, she is the Queen of fairies and yes, she is strong but she is also a woman whose heart would burst with joy when the man she loves flirts with her first thing in the morning.
Their relationship was relatively new. They both were amateurs and naïve in terms of love but they were willing to learn. Willing to learn with each other.
'Aren't you ashamed Mr. Fernandez? Flirting with me first thing in the morning.'
'Why? I can't even flirt with my girlfriend?' Jellal looked at her smugly as he shifted his body to completely lay in her lap.
Girlfriend. His girlfriend. She could never utter this word without getting giddy. She finally brought herself to reality as the sweet term spilled out from the very same mouth that ravaged her last night. They are in a relationship now. They are living together. They have no hinderances that would pull them apart from being together. Emotional, physical, none.
She is his. He is hers. No excuses. No fibs. She would expect neither and she knew he wouldn't leave her, No matter what. Not after the love she witnessed in his eyes and his reverent caress as they united with each other again and again.
She looked down and saw him rubbing his nose against her belly and kissing her soft supple skin as he fondled her waist, delineating against the voluminous curvature of her body. He appeared extremely childlike right now. Just like the boy she thought she lost in that abominable tower, but she knows that boy is still there. He resides in the man who is right in front of her. In the man who is vehemently protective of her and wouldn't hesitate to lay his own life down to save hers. She knows the love that he harbours for her is boundless and he tries his best to make her feel cherished. He was learning to love. And so was she.
She firmly ran her fingertips in his scalp and massaged it lightly. Jellal let out a content sigh and submerged further into her.
'I stink, don't I? she asked.
'Nope. You smell wonderful sweetheart.'
'Stop lying. I know I do.'
'You don't, I swear', he grinned and resumed to suck her skin lightly
'You are biased towards me, Jellal!' she exclaimed with a barely hidden smirk of her own.
'Maybe', he finally looked up and gave her one of his savage smirks that she knew would turn her into a puddle. He was a literal sex god.
Suddenly surmounted by her possessive streak, she lurched forward and fondly pulled him into her warm embrace.
Warm. Soft. That's how he would describe the embrace he was crushed into. He slowly pulled his arms forward, taking her completely in his arms whilst giving her temple a long kiss and nuzzling his nose, like a spoiled child, in her sweet-scented hair he adored so much.
Jellal sighed. Heaven. Heaven resided in her arms.
Erza rested her limp form in Jellal's safe arms and delineated random patterns with feathery touch across his back. There was a time, back when, she used to yearn to catch a glimpse of his face, when the odds were against them and meeting each other was impossible.
And now? she had him entirely to herself. She wanted to melt into him, to devour his existence, to ravish him completely, to make him into hers. She had become greedy, she noticed.
Their past was a reminder, an admonisher that distance brings pain and sufferings. If anything, else it did? It certainly made them devoted to each other even more. Distance made their hearts grow fonder.
Time is like a thin piece of paper, wilted and weak, which can be easily blown away by the gust of the wind. Today you hold it within your hands, tomorrow you won't. Erza and Jellal were intelligent mages who know better than to take this teaching seriously. After all who can depict the woes of being away from each other better than these two?
A/N: do you guys fancy more fluff jerza? Constructive criticism is appreciated!
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Hello! You asked for prompts? So For tyrus, maybe some best friends to lovers trope? Like, they're both out to each other and bond over being gay and unrequited crushes. And then.. they catch feelings. Love ya💕
((this is so open ended and i have no idea where it’ll go but YES i need more requests like this or angsty ones. also they’re aged up in this one, like bc tj can drive))
It was a lazy September afternoon, and TJ and Cyrus were, surprisingly enough, not sitting in TJ’s living room watching Marvel movies over and over. TJ drove him and Cyrus to one of the state parks and they were going on a hike. Yes, Cyrus complained about physical activity, but TJ convinced him to come. So before he knew it, he was kicking rocks and sticks out of his way.
“How much longer?” Cyrus panted, struggling to keep up with TJ and his long strides. Curse genetics for giving him the short end of the stick, literally.
TJ chuckled, slowing his steps to try and let the shorter boy catch up. “I’d say another quarter of a mile, so not that long, Underdog,”
“Homophobia,” Cyrus muttered through gritted teeth, the path ahead seeming to only get longer and steeper. At least the leaves were starting to change colors and fall to the ground. That was the only saving grace of this trip.
That and being with TJ.
After what felt like ten miles to Cyrus and far too much sweating, the boys finally reached the peak of their trail. It was a small site with a few picnic tables, remnants of a fire pit, and trees surrounding the place. It was truly beautiful, and it was probably worth the hike, although Cyrus would not admit it.
“What do you think?” TJ asked, taking a seat on one of the picnic tables facing a split in the earth.
“I think that I’m sweating in places that I never have before,” he mumbled, “but it’s breathtaking, really, the whole view.” And he meant it.
“This is where I come when I need to clear my head, or when I’ve had a bad day. So, I’m here most days,” he said with a dry laugh. The boy regretted his words when he met Cyrus’ pout; he was so weak for that.
“Kidding, I’m kidding.” He put his hands up in mock defense and beamed, but Cyrus wasn’t buying it.
“How often do you come out here?”
The only sound that filled the air was the rustling of leaves, as TJ let the question settle on to his shoulders. How often did he come here? It wasn’t every day, not really. But it wasn’t once a month?
“Probably a few times a week,” he shrugged, leaning his elbows back onto the table, “I’m not always here because it’s the end of the world and the only that can cure it is a hike and crushing some leaves. It’s peaceful here. I come here to think too,”
“You know I’m always just a text or a phone call away,” Cyrus assured him, patting his back twice before slinking his arm away. “What kind of things do you think about?”
TJ shrugged in response, distancing himself from the question. “Nothing terribly important.” That was a complete lie. “This is the idea place to think gay thoughts,” he joked, “whenever there’s a rainbow, this is the best place to see it from,”
“Now you’re speaking my language,” Cyrus chuckled, ruffling a hand through his hair, and letting the silence make itself at home for a brief moment. “Did I ever tell you about my first straight boy crush?”
“You mean Jonah?” TJ raised his brows and Cyrus doubled over in laughter, nearly crying.
“Jonah Beck is the most bisexual person I’ve ever met,” he choked out between giggles, “he’s not straight. No, I’m talking about Carter,”
TJ’s jaw dropped. “Carter Mason? Like, captain of the baseball team? That Carter?”
“No, TJ, Carter the plumber. Yes, Carter Mason! It was in middle school and I was only just becoming comfortable with the fact that I was gay,” he explained, his eyes lighting up as he spoke (and TJ was totally not blushing as he watched Cyrus’ lips move).
“Anyways, I thought he was cute, because in all honest, me and every girl in the seventh grade thought he was cute. I had his number from a biology project that we worked on together, and so one day I texted him ‘Hey, do you wanna go to the Halloween Dance with me?’, which honestly, how did Seventh Grade Cyrus have that kind of courage?” he chortled, before clearing his throat, “Then he couldn’t say the he couldn’t go out with me because I was a-” he paused, the word caught in the back of his throat, “something I’d rather not repeat,” he swallowed his words, letting out a shaky breath.
TJ’s frown deepened, slinking his arm around Cyrus shoulders. “That’s awful. Like literally disgusting. But honestly? He does’t deserve you, and you can do so much better,” he sputtered, his cheeks flushing a gentle pink.
Cyrus eyes crinkled when he smiled, and TJ believed he could melt into a puddle right then and there. This boy was too much.
“What about you? Who was your first straight crush?” Cyrus asked, and TJ had to laugh.
“Funny you should ask,” he mumbled, his heart deciding to thump loudly in his chest, “actually my first guy crush was someone I thought would be straight, but turns out that he’s not,”
“Wow, what luck,” Cyrus mused, kicking the crimson leaves underneath his feet, “tell me more, tell me more, was it love at first sight?” he sang, cracking himself up.
“Probably,” he replied quickly, “I mean, I’m not the type of person that really believes in love at first sight, but it was pretty damn close. He’s, like the greatest person ever,” he blushed, noting that Cyrus hadn’t moved from under his arm. The sun had slowly started to go down; you could still see it all, but the sky was bring painted a brilliant mix of orange and pink.
“Aww, TJ has a soft side,” Cyrus joked, poking the taller boy in the side and making him laugh. It all felt so natural that he almost didn’t notice when their hands were touching. Almost.
“Only around you, dork,” he stammered, his words a touch too ‘lovey’ for his taste, “I-I mean, like, you’re one of the only people I can be open with,”
Cyrus felt his lips melt into a smile, and allowed his head to lean onto TJ’s shoulder. He could get used to this, except that he also couldn’t. He couldn’t get used to something that would only cause him pain in the long run. That’s what happened with Carter.
“If you’re so open, why don’t you tell me who this mystery guy is?” Cyrus pressed, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment. He focused on TJ’s heartbeat, steady.
“I-I can’t. I mean, I could, but I also can’t.” TJ fumbled over his words, allowing his head to lean on Cyrus’.
Cyrus turned his head upwards, his chin nearly touching TJ’s. It felt like all those times when they walked, and they hands barely brushed together, but he ached to hold the other boy’s hand. His eyes flitted across the blond boys face, freckles dotting his skin.
“You can tell me,” he whispered, “I cross my gay heart that I won’t judge,” he chuckled, feeling TJ’s breath tickle his skin.
I won’t judge. When did Cyrus ever judge him? Never was the answer, but it didn’t mean that TJ wasn’t scared. He was still terrified, but at least he knew things between them would still be…relatively normal.
“Cyrus I-” he choked, his eyes meeting Cyrus’ and practically being able to count his eyelashes he was so close, “I like you,”
Cyrus broke into a smile and then into a laugh, peeling himself off of TJ and laughing so hard that tears were trickling down his cheeks.
“Whew, you really got me there,” he wheezed, flicking tears off his face with his thumb, “for a second I thought you said you liked me. This mountain air is making me hallucinate.”
TJ’s shoulders slumped, his happy demeanor long gone. “I’m serious, Cyrus,” he whimpered, allowing his fingers to trace the grooves on the picnic seat, “I like you. And I get it if you don’t like me, that’s…fine.” A lie. “But I don’t want things to change between us,”
Cyrus drew his brows up together, and offered a weak smile. “I-I kinda do want things to change between us,” he admitted, linking his hand with TJ’s. Cue the butterflies.
Error. TJ.exe has stopped functioning. “Wait–what?” he sputtered, his reddening cheeks a result of the crisp autumn air and the involuntary blush cause by being around Cyrus.
“Do I need to spell it out for you?” Cyrus balked, bringing his legs up onto the seat and crossing them, “I like you too, TJ. Have for a while, actually. I just..was worried you wouldn’t feel the same so I didn’t say anything. But hey, we’re here now.” His voice got softer as he spoke, and with each word, he inched closer to TJ until he could rest his chin on the blond boy’s shoulder.
“Yeah, we are here now,” he hummed in response, pulling out his phone from his pocket, “Carter Mason has no idea what he missed out on that night, but I don’t want you to have missed out on that, too. Care to dance?” He asked, turning on a slow-song playlist and offering his hand to Cyrus.
The shorter boy happily accepted, taking TJ’s hand and letting him guide them a few feet away from the picnic tables. Cyrus hands found themselves around TJ’s neck, and TJ slinked his hands around Cyrus’ waist. The boys swung softly from side to side, and according to Cyrus, TJ looked like an absolute angel when the golden sunlight hit him. His eyes sparkled like the night sky, and his smile was warmer than ever before.
“Thanks,” Cyrus mumbled, resting his head on TJ’s shoulder and taking in the scent of his cologne. Although it had been a pain in the ass to climb all the way up here, it was now definitely worth it, and he would do it all over again.
The song ended, fading into a new one and Cyrus picked his head up from his resting position, his eyes meeting with TJ’s. “Can I kiss you?” he practically begged, already leaning in towards the other boy’s lips.
“Please,” TJ managed, before he was swept away by the indescribable feeling of Cyrus’ lips on his. It was like the world was frozen and spinning out of control all at the same time. His lips buzzed in an unfamiliar fashion, but when he pulled away, he ached for that feeling again.
“Better than Carter Mason?” he joked, putting his chin on Cyrus’ head and pulling him into a hug.
“So much better,” Cyrus hummed happily. This was so much better than Carter Mason. So much better than sitting at home and watching movies. So much better than not saying anything.
This was perfect.
tag list: @shortstackofpeaches @seanna313 @geekingbeautytx @heavenlybyers @ghostswasp @wlwandimack @giocondasstuff @lemonboytyrus @adorejrizzle
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