#i am SO excited for you to read the next chapter bc anon i really am
landograndprix · 9 months
overcaffeinated anon here with her longass opinion piece on mini me, mini you🙋🏻‍♀️
so because I feel like it's been so long since I started it and I want to get all the feelings back I will be rereading it and adding my thought onto every part
Part 1: Lando saying 'get off your phone or I'll send you back home' -bestie the foreshadowing 😐 part 2: when y/n is telling her bff 'that's the man you're marrying next year..' - her bestie really wants them to break up 🫠 Lando saying 'you piss me off when you say that, stop thinking the boys are more important than you, they're not' -> hun if you leave four days early when you're having a hard time with your girlfriend, she will think that part 3: ahhhh the good old miscommunication trope mixed with the bestie not knowing when to stick to her best friend. rereading the text messages between yn and her bestie actually hurts (but hun you hit every note to make it angsty) bestie saying 'I asked you bcs I knew I wasn't gonna hear the truth from yn what kind of answer is this' actually is maddening Charles is flirting with her but girlie is staying respectful (I'm kinda split on how I want this to end sooooo excited to read both parts) part 4: bestie being a snitch (truly sick because I could never do that to my best friend- that girl is my sister) Lando and yn's text convo was truly heartwarming aaaaand Charles and yn talking about kids made me tear up a bit and her then posting him AND LANDO TELLING HER TO SHUT UP LIKE YES TELL HER OFF MAN part 5: the fact that they got a dog is kind of cute and solves her feeling lonely when Lando is away, but it isn't a bandaid to the whole baby-situation the only way I'd say 'a thing or two' to my bestie is like this 'bestie I love you and I may be overstepping but I feel like if I don't say this I'm disrespecting our friendship….' part 6: ahhh the england thing aaaaand he threw her out - ouch but I kind of understand where he is coming from part 7: ahhh the break up aaaaand Charles being nervous is cute part 8: (i think this is where I stopped and now everything is new to me) ahhhhh Landoooo you can't say that - hindsight is 20/20 and the bestie coming through at the end
Part 9- Charles' part: awwww Joris is mad as well 😂 I love Charles the pregnancy tests 😭 but CHARLES IS SO CUTE FOR BEING SO INSISTENT ON GOING TO THE DOCTOR WITH HER AND LANDO CONGRATULATING THEM AND THEY ARE HAVING A BABYGIRL 😍😍😍
Applause to you for coming up with that story it's so good and you did really well with all the angst, and fluff and the potential love triangle 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
ugh thank you for this, this made my night 😭 also;
Lando saying 'get off your phone or I'll send you back home' -bestie the foreshadowing 😐
bestie, you don't know how surprised I am by my own foreshadowing because I am in fact never foreshadowing anything considering I never know what's happening next, I barely even know what happened in the first part when I got to chapter 3 so.. 😭
'I don't think I can choose him over you' will forever be my favorite line in this story along with the "I'm freezing my tits off" "please don't, I love those two." Conversation between the gremlins 🥰
Thanks again for this, you're the best! <3
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smytherines · 1 month
got very excited when i saw u reblog the anon post thats been going around bc u deserve all the compliments. every compliment ever
as someone who's kinda still slightly new to this fandom, youre one of my favourite creators!! you're always interacting w others abt ideas and just having a blast discussing different aspects of the show, the amount of thought u put in all of ur posts is so incredible. the fact u love saf so!! much!! how u consider every aspect of the show w so much detail, how you have such beautiful complex characterisations of them. the way u write them in chwm is just sooooooo!!! you just care so MUCH about these characters and this show and it makes me so fucking happy. you really make such a wonderful impact on the community space. thank you sososososo much for caring as much as u do abt our silly little spies i cant explain how much we appreciate it <3
(also, the woodworking thing u made is actually SO CRAZY COOL IM OBSESSED W IT. YOU DID THAT. WITH YOUR HANDS. AND TREE SHIT. THATS SO FUCKING CRAZY. the detail is impeccable, the shapes of curtwen's silhouettes are made w such care, AUGH woodworking is such a cool art form and ur so amazing for being so good at it im lowkey jealous)
(also also so sorry if this is slightly incoherent, i am very sleep deprived but i really wanted to send something in)
Oh wow, thank you so much! I honestly worry sometimes because I can get kinda intense and write obscenely long responses and theories and headcanons, and I worry that it just makes me kind of tedious and irritating to everyone else. Just like our boy Agent Curt Mega, I am ADHD, so rejection sensitive dysphoria is something I have to manage pretty much constantly. So it really means a lot to know I'm not being a pain in the ass for everyone.
I'm absolutely thrilled to see chwm get a shoutout!!! So thank you for that. It was a total accident, it was only ever supposed to be that first chapter, but I sort of fell in love with that fic and decided I had to fold it into the larger series I was originally planning. I just adore getting to get inside these characters heads, to explain the way I see them in a more artistic way as opposed to long theory posts (although obviously I love those too). They're fascinating, messy, beautiful, horrible, compelling characters, and every chapter I post I just say a little prayer that I'm doing justice to them.
I'm actually finishing up the epilogue for chwm in between answering these asks, so that should be up by morning. I'm gonna spend most of May doing writing projects for Curtwen week, and then I have the sequel/next installment mostly mapped out to start working on after that!
I'm also thrilled to see a shoutout for the wood segmentation project! It was a lot of work, but I'm so happy with how it turned out! I can't really draw or do a lot of the immediate, visual stuff that our wonderful talented fandom artists can, but woodworking is something I love and I just had to find a way to honor this show I love so much with it. I've considered a few ideas for another SAF woodworking project, but I'll probably be focused on writing for the immediate future, so we'll see if I can make it happen.
Seriously though, thank you for this very kind ask, it really felt so good to read
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hcuyk · 2 months
helloo i just read our inferno and i love it!! i just saw your # saying nobody said anything about it and that you weren't sure if anyone has read it so im here to assure you that it's been read and loved🫡🫡 i wasnt expecting it to go the way it did when i first started reading it (dont wanna spoil it for those who havent read it but shite got intense after the car scene, i was expecting romance i guess) but nevertheless i loved how things ended up there!
i'm new to the concept tho, you said something about this being haechan's version so it will be haechan's version for all other chapters (idk how many it'll have) right? also super excited for the next one <3
HI ANON OMG :( was not expecting this AT ALL and i cant tell you how much i appreciate you reaching out!! and im so glad it was a turn of event even with the warnings and whatnot stated LMAO BUT IM SO GLAD YOU LOVED IT :(((
so basically, this work was meant for hyunjae, so he's the original muse! i replaced all the names in his version to make a haechan/nct dream based version so my work reaches a bigger audience!! all chapters for haechan will be released a week after i drop hyunjae's chapter, so they're both basically being updated at the same pace!
its such a large series that im assuming we'll potentially hit 100k words total since the first chapter was almost 20k and im not even halfway into the first section of the entire plot (and there's 6 total sections...), but yes haechan will have the full story!! if i discontinue haechan's version, its bc i gave up on the original bc its such a big project 💀 i am very passionate about it though and to have people like you who reach out and show their appreciation is what really keeps me going, so thank you so much for doing this again :(
if you thought the first chapter was a wild ride, i can Confirm that the second chapter is just as insane, perhaps even worse?! im excited to write it and have yall experience it :(( this is a completely new kind of genre, writing style, and everything else for me so i hold this series so close to my heart AAAA it makes me so happy to see this i hope you can see how passionate i am about inferno 😭 thank you so much for supporting and i hope you stay around 🫶 and my inbox is always open! i need more dreamzen moots I SWEAR i get so sad knowing i have almost zero to none :(
thank you again! stuff like these always motivate so many writers to stay on this hellhole of a platform, and i really really appreciate you reaching out and taking some time to send me this :(( biggest hugs!!
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andromedism · 10 months
hi! i binge read your entire fic in one night and i have things to say:
precursor to everything that there are parts of this fic that i literally repeated out loud and ended up reading to my gf bc i like needed to justify to her why i was staring at my phone and saying things like “i’m like an egg!”
the trash twins scenes are immaculate. i love them together. i LOVE them together. they have such great banter.
the listicle for charlie’s brine exorcism was so good. so funny. i could totally see it all play out in my head like a sequence from the actual show. and his monologue about the brine was so in character lol
mac and dennis’ fight and dennis’ monologue about hating mac’s bf was also so good. i could hear the glenn howerton delivery of “how much honey do you think i eat, buddy boy?” and “am I to infer that Colin plays the timpani in an underfunded high school drumline, mac!?”
dennis’ angst is so good bc you captured how in denial he is about it!!!!!!! when i got to the last line and there were no more chapters i yelled out loud.
i can’t wait for what comes next. i hope you know this fic is a gift.
omg anon!!!! i love when people tell me specific things they like about my work!!!!!!! it’s so validating, honestly. like “oh thank god, someone got it.”
i’m actually in the throes of writing the final few chapters and i’m really excited about the ending (it’s where all of the spice is concentrated and i’ve read those bits over like a hundred times, tweaking them, bc i want the payoff for my four chapters of witty banter to be so good and also i’m afraid of disappointing you fbsdjwxbakdabxajdabdakseb).
i love that you loved the listicle! it’s my favorite part of the whole work. and dennis’ angst is so fun to write—that angsty little fella! and yeah, i love dennis and dee so much. i hope s17 has like a really good trash twins episode, just for me.
pls pls pls keep sending me feedback on this fic, i crave validation and constructive criticism. i love this note and i love you for sharing it with me! thanks again!
feedback is for this fic (x)
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kamiversee · 3 months
omg i wanna give you a smooch ty for taking the time to breakdown my 4 am ramble 😘 it’s so ironic you mentioned that this is how you are with the MCU because i was the anon that said these last few chapters are my Avengers Endgame 🥲 but holy shit you were right, this is more like my Infinity War because the feeling of the cliffhanger and devestation is the same. I LUV U KAMI it’s 6 am rn and i realize i left a lot of my notes out of that “mini” TFL analysis so once i’m fully awake i might go sniffin’ for more hints 🤍 i’m sure someone else has found the Sukuna detail by now with your hints so i’m excited to apply those two hints into refining more theories!!
the fan theories are so much fun to read, but way more fun to find evidence for. i have a few excerpts from diff chapters to support theories like Choso being involved with the list generation, Sukuna and Gojo “working” together, etc. even if i’m not fully onboard with some of them. i feel like you can relate to enjoying the process of going back and gathering details, so you totally know where i’m coming from with all of this lmao
i’m so excited for your blue lock fic to be uploaded!! shidou and sae are too fine for their own good i need these men so fucking BAAAAD!!! considering that i only found you once you posted on Tumblr, it would be really cool to see how your writing progressed to the point that it’s at in TFL 🤍
That…That was a MINI analysis? HELLO?😭
Anywho, yes, to me, TFL is my Infinity War & the next fic is Endgame. I think the cliffhanger was inspired by my love for marvel too & l the things in it that connect & how they branch out…
Yeah yk how one marvel movie or show will reference another? Just wait til’ I get more fics on here & trust me I’ll be cross-referencing shit like crazy😭
Anywho, the Sukuna detail was how he texted the reader first despite him giving her his number— they never exchanged numbers, he just gave her his so, how did he text first? ><
The other detail issss, actually I think someone else found it so I’ll respond to tht ask & confirm in a bit💀
Anywho, I love how you can find something to support all sorts of theories bc it really gives me a chance to see how creative I could be going forth 😉
LASTLY, my Sae & Shidou fic was my first masterpiece imo, the angst, the fluff, the smut (I’ll probably rewrite some bits), EVERYTHING. It’s a great story & was one of my favs before I made TFL my focus ^.^
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wintrwinchestr · 3 months
OMG i was so excited to see you updated!!!!!! what the FUCK i was not expecting them to fuck that quickly lol, and that song is crazyyy lol I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of jealous fans started posting about it 🥴 but the switch up??? I was not expecting that either wtf. I don't think it's bc he's being a dick, I assume he feels bad that he fucked her so quickly and he doesn't want her to be offended but he just made it worse lol. The dramaaa and angsttt i'm so excited. I really wanna see what he thinks of her song 👀
hiii sweet anon im so glad you enjoyed!!
right now i am planning for some joel pov at the top of the next chapter so u can understand where he’s coming from a bit more. he is just kind of like having feelings for the first time and did not handle them correctly 😭😭 meanwhile poor reader is about to eat his heart out but who can blame her she’s literally just a girl
thank you so much again for reading and sharing your thoughts with me!! 😁💖
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
It's so nice to have new Sebagni content with big feelings and disabled Sebastian
So much content of this ship is made by antis and I don't want to suport them so thank you for making this story that I identify with
Anon 🥺🥺🥺🥺 … this ask made (makes) me so happy.
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I’m such a sucker for all those things in a story and there just…. Isn’t a lot of it in the fandom, especially for ships like sebagni. I also am sad that antis love that ship so much, bc as wholesome as it can be, I also like exploring some darker aspects of Agni’s character.
I think it’s easy to see him as this perfect paragon, and maybe he did become that, but he wasn’t always that way, and even so, he was still human. I think antis especially like to pretend the “bad agni” that existed before Soma never existed…. But I think the fact that Agni wasn’t always so pure and saintly is part of why he such a loveable character.
I’m glad you can identify with the story, too (though I’m sorry if it’s bc you also deal with illness/disability and all the frustrations that go with it 🫂)…. I really didn’t ever intend to publish the story. At first, I was just gonna write it for myself as I desperately needed something to cling to with the absolute bullshit I’ve had to deal with in the last couple years (this year especially), but I am glad that I did opt to share it, as it does seem to have resonated with a niche group of people. <3
I’ll spend the next day or two on editing and formatting, so hopefully I can update officially on Wednesday. Unless something happens, it should absolutely be this week.
I’ve been really enjoying finally writing sebagni, so much so that if I am able to finish this story this year (that would be amazing if I could), I may try and start another sebagni piece, maybe one of my abandoned (put on the far back burner) ideas, or maybe another one in a similar vein…. I guess time will tell.
For now, I’m really enjoying the relationships in this fic, especially Seb & Tanaka and Seb & Agni ofc. But also Tanaka/Vince. In fact, I may end up doing a oneshot spin off that covers some of their relationship, like how they met, why they couldn’t be the couple/family Tanaka wanted, and how Vince died…. But it’s possible that may end up as part of Synch proper….
I have a semi-concrete idea of what the rest of the fic will entail, and I think it’ll be around 10 chapters. But so far it’s been surprising me, so it may be longer than that… but it’s not gonna be a fraction as expansive a story as WDH, so it is theoretically possible I could finish it this year.
I’m trying to take a laid back approach to this story, just write what I need to for my sanity and enjoy it as I go.
But I’m excited bc we’ll have two new characters to meet in ch 4!
Ty again so much for this ask. I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story. (^_^)
You can read the first 3 chapters of Synchronize on AO3.
Anyone is welcome to read and comment as long as you’re respectful and kind. 🥰
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lovelyelbowleech · 1 year
HELLO!! HAIR ANON HERE!!! I’m SO SORRY this was delayed but I have been crazy busy. Mostly with good things (like graduating and getting my MA [🎉], and working out the details of starting my next MA program!!), but most recently with covid LOL. BUT THE LAST TWO CHAPTERS OF WAR GAMES HAVE BEEN KEEPING ME SANE. Or causing me to lose what’s left of my sanity (that last chapter especially). Honestly probably both at the same time 😂
Bc OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH my GOD that last chapter. I feel VINDICATED. I feel FEVERED (and not just because of the covid lmaooo). I feel YRIEIFOWHFOWHDOWUDOWHDUD. I don’t even know how to describe how I’m feeling other than CHAOTIC and OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE. My brain is fuzzy but I needed you to know this was the most hyped up I’ve been about something fandom related in over a decade. I’m glad my gf wasn’t home bc I’m not sure I would want to explain the multiple screams I let out, or the multiple honest-to-god flails that happened.
IN HONOR OF THAT some of my favorite lines:
“Zuko’s eyes were bright, even in the dim light. ‘No,’ he said. ‘I just wanted to be normal. So I went with it.’” GOD. GOD. GOD. GOD. THE IMAGE THIS PAINTS. LIGHTING SOMETHING ON FIRE RN
“No, that wasn’t true. He had plenty in his head. Things like the fact that perhaps, just between him and himself, he could admit that maybe there was an attraction that he had been trying to convince himself was something else, like envy or admiration. He did maybe stare at Zuko’s muscles a little too much, and find the blushing and the way his hair was starting to flop very charming. Cute, even.” THIS…. INVENTED ROMANCE?? THE NOISE I MADE WHEN I READ THIS WAS SOMEWHERE BETWEEN A SQUEAL AND A WAIL
"’The Avatar is not a baby,’ Zuko said faintly, his eyes a little wide. ‘Not all babies are bald.’ He looked like maybe his brain had stopped working.” THIS MADE ME GIGGLE SO HARD SJDKSJDIWID ALSO THE WHOLE SCENE WHERE THEY WERE FIXING THE TENT!!! Toph, Katara, and Zuko had me in HYSTERICS, also I’m SO PROUD of Zuko’s angry stitching, good job, buddy
ALSO!!! Tu’s section was so sad and so good and so beautifully written??? I’m so worried about what’s going to happen to him and the freedom fighters. But as someone who loves your writing I’m also VERY EXCITED to see what happens with them. 😂 And omg YAY SUKI AND SHEN SURVIVING! And Shen *GETTING SOME*! I think I actually said, “YEAH, GET SOME” out loud when Shen rediscovered his dick. Good for him, man. He fucking deserves it (pun only half intended). Now I’m just desperately curious about what Azula is going to be up to in the next chapter, and which of the four groups we’re following are going to meet first 👀 I’M SO EXCITED TO FIND OUT AHHH
Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU as always for sharing your amazing writing and story with us!! I am having the time of my life reading this and I am so grateful that I get to. I’m so excited and am waiting very patiently for the next chapter. I hope you’re feeling better, and thank you so much for sharing, again!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Well done for graduation and getting your MA! Sorry about the covid though, that sucks. I hope you are feeling a bit better!
Glad you enjoyed the chapter 😂😬
"also I’m SO PROUD of Zuko’s angry stitching" > I have such a strong image of what those stitches looked like, and all the rage and frustration that went into them. I might have been projecting a bit 😂
Poor Tu is really going through it, his sections are very short at the moment, but I always pack a lot of suffering into them (like Katara's were before she met back up with Sokka, lol)
Shen's been though a lot, he deserves a treat. Good thing Suki is also there to keep ragging on him and making sure he doesn't get ahead of himself 😂
Thank you once again for the amazing comment! I am glad you are still reading and enjoying! And I hope you are on the mend from the plague! ❤️❤️❤️
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
The way I’m shaking like a leaf… She cried? Oh my gosh. She really feels not so great about herself right now… Poor baby 🥺 I hope Hoon says something or does something to make it better. An offhand comment. Some amazing aftercare. Something! Oh my gosh I was literally shaking after reading. But knowing Hoon he’ll just go beat the shiz out of somebody over it.
I am very curious to see if he’ll mention it or ignore it or what. Literally I’m just so excited for what happens next.
Like I just know they’re in their head about each other. I saw your beautiful thought about the skating rink and I wondered whether there are moments when they’re together that their bodies and minds remember what it was like to hold each other. They had to trust each other so much to be partners. Know each others unspoken communication and body language and they never forgot. That’s probably why they’re so good together in bed. I just have it in my head that she looks down at him—meeting his gaze when he’s about to taste and her mind flashes back to that same face so much younger and happier. Eyes filled with affection and laughter—all for her—all about her—and it’s so painful and beautiful at the same time that she has to turn away… There’s such a tragic beauty to losing love in childhood. Your heart and innocence is just frozen there in your memories… When I tell you this chapter broke my heart…
Like I know he doesn’t want to care but I would be willing to bet in that moment, when he saw her cry, he had that same kind of flashback, you know? Her tears probably always tore him apart because her smiles were so beautiful. Maybe once upon a time it broke him to see her in pain… and maybe he hates that it still does. Maybe that’s why Jaemin had to suffer. Because he can’t (shouldn’t want to) fix what’s broken in her anymore so he settles for breaking what broke her instead.
It’s all there… you painted this incredible world filled with emotion and it’s all there and I just let myself drift in it sometimes. That’s really the magic of a truly good story with really amazing characterization like yours…
I haven’t had time to write in a long time. I miss it so much, and stories like this make me remember why. I hope you know that you really are that talented.
I really can’t wait for more. I just love this story. It’s a lovely highlight to my day. I look forward to it. When I was writing I would get anons and followers that would write me long paragraphs and daydreams about my characters and my stories and my worlds (especially The Alpha—I used to receive NOVELS about that story) They always made me smile because I knew it meant that they were as invested in the world and characters I created as I was. So I hope me sending you these daydreams doesn’t make you frustrated or uncomfortable. To me, creating a world that is rich enough to daydream in is the highest achievement. And you really have done that. Thank you so much.
STOP you know one thing i LOVE about writers who read? they just send you comments like this so casually like bestie you just wrote the most beautiful and well thought through commentaty on my work and i just wanna say i love and appreciate you so much.
i always see your comments and asks and replies and i cant lie they never fail to make me tear up. maybe its your phenomenal way with words or just the way it feels so kind and genuine but either way i just wanna say that i genuinely and truly appreciate every word you've sent my way 🥺
the fact CH is such a big part of your day is smth i will forever keep close to my heart and honestly i dont even wanna comment on your thoughts bc theyre so beautiful and ive been thinking about them so much yet have not find the right ways to reply. i love and appreciate you so, so so much i hope you know that 🥺💗
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fortheloveofexy · 1 year
hey, I hope I'm not bothering you so much, but I have some questions related to your writing that I feel could help me out woth writing my own fanfiction. I really hope this isn't a stretch and that you don't feel bad if you can't answer.
I know that you write on google docs, but do you write the same wip on the same doc or do you separate them by folders? Like, with merdrew, do you have a separate folder for each chapter/idea/random dialogue or you just dump everything in the same area and know how to work your away around without issues?
How do you know a wip is worth showing? I literally love your snippets and the scenes give me so much serotonin, but I don't know if my idea is worth it nor if a scene is good enough to be posted.
Last thing: do you plan ahead or you just write and work around the scenes you built freely?
Hi anon! It's no bother at all, I'm happy to answer this :)
Re: how I organize in Google docs - for 99% of my fics, everything just gets dumped into one document, including my outline, notes and any random snippets I've written. The only exception to this is MTW - the fic is simply too large and the plot is too complicated to put everything in a single doc, so I have one doc for notes/snippets, one for the actual fic and then I use a separate tool called Plottr for the outline and detailed chapter planning.
Within each doc, I do have a system to keep myself organized. First I write a bullet point outline, then I arrange all the random snippets in chronological order of which they take place in the fic beneath the outline. This is so I can easily find them and plug them into the fic later.
Once I'm ready to start writing the fic properly, I begin writing above the outline. This way I can easy see what my next bullet plot point is at any given time that I'm writing, bc I can just scroll down a bit and it's immediately there. Once I've finished that plot point, I delete it and move on to the next one.
So the order, from top to bottom, goes:
1. Fic
2. Outline
3. Snippets
4. Misc notes
Re: your question about what scenes are worth showing - I tend to pick scenes that I know are emotional high points in the fic, scenes that turn me into a puddle without being too spoiler-y. I try not to give away major plot points in snippets if I can avoid it, but my general philosophy is to share snippets that I myself am excited to read.
For your last question - I do plan ahead, and quite extensively at that. Essentially, the fic already exists as a fully formed movie in my head, and snippets that I write in advance are basically just cherry-picked scenes that I'm most excited for or interested in.
Sorry this got so long! Hopefully this helps answer your questions!
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analogwriting · 5 months
ok I feel a bit weird sending in another message today, but the newest chapters put me in such a killer mood I wanted to read more for him
and I must say??? We need more killer writers pls 😔 I love oneshots, hcs, all that stuff, but where are my longfics??? not to complain (i am), but WHERE IS THE SLOWBURN??
ambrose you are a godsend fr fr… I get so picky with this kind of thing because sometimes i’ll say “Oh I don’t like slowburn THAT much” but the moment I find a good slowburn, I will eat that shit up. I will be HOOKED on my phone for hours at a time and let my work pile up because yeah, these fics have me forgetting I need to sleep
Wish I could give you all the kisses in the world because you really just spoil us with ur amazing writing… ive never felt so blessed by an author before cuz the way the slowburn is so agonizing it has me ripping apart my lungs, my heart aching, myself going insane… I live for it.
Respect to you and other slowburn authors, cuz it takes a lot of work to write one… I always find other law or killer fics and the relationships always feel so rushed 😔 please, law and killer are such slowburn potential characters and i hate to see them act so impulsive in other works. I love how u write tho. So so so much. everything is so slow and i love it
(one day I’ll get to reading your law fanfic…hopefully this weekend)
anyways, me 🤝 number 1 kese hater, next chapters are rlly gonna get me 😭
-long rants anon
first of all, don't feel weird. I love getting asks, replies, or anything. no matter how many times. I eat that shit UP ✋✋
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second, FKSKFKEKOD???? got me ugly crying on main frfr with this ask. i literally called my bsf crying 💀 you're so fucking sweet??? im just a funky little guy that had a few dreams and decided to write em out bc fuck it and to know that people are enjoying it that much is so insane to me 😭😭😭
im a sucker for slowburn and would eat that shit for breakfast lunch and dinner if I could. i just never really found it of my favorite characters so i was like "dammit if i want this shit gonna have to make it myself ig" i always felt like the law stories kinda happened to fast as well and i wanted some PINING. and then when I started my killer fic, there was hardly any killer content in general. there seems to be a surge in content for him tho which I am forever excited about my mans deserves it.
like the last time I wrote fanfiction it was a decade ago when I was first starting off high school. (not counting rps n shit with friends that continued forever)
never in a million years did i know people would enjoy it as much as they are and that shit makes me so unbelievably happy. like y'all have no idea. when i say i be giggling and kicking my feet n shit I MEAN IT
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like this is me every time I get y'all's comments n shit. like I be giggling and just glowing all day. (it's partially why I just kept the trend of posting updates at night so I can wake up to them nice messages 💅 start the day off RIGHT)
like my head is reeling from this ask and im on cloud nine frfr. you are so fucking sweet and i just want to tuck you in my pocket and keep you safe. like FJSKDKDKS I'm going to be thinking about this all day and probably the rest of the week if not forever 😭😭😭
but seriously, from the bottom of my soul, thank you for this. shit makes my year frfr. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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andvys · 6 months
it’s THAT sad?!
oh no absolutely not. i already dug the grave for the steve ending, now i’m gonna have to dig the grave for myself bc ITS THAT SAD?!?!
like how much worse can it be for my man?!
oh man i’m like panicking over here. lemme recover.
ANYWAYS even though it doesn’t sound like i’m excited for the new chapter, i truly am. like i checked your page constantly today with a box of tissues at my side ready to cry. AHH IM EXCITED
also even though it took me twenty chapters, im finally at peace with the eddie x reader ending.
(i wasn’t gonna riot, stomp, send you bad words, and never check your page again though like SOME of these brave anons. i’m not that delulu, have too much respect for you, and i’m not a child)
like i feel like after everything you’ve published for this story, i don’t see how steve and reader could get back together (even tho i will still pay all my money for it to happen). like it just doesn’t seem realistic anymore, especially for the ending to be this close.
i’m also very excited to read your upcoming fics! very excited for more steve, more steve, and more steve! so since i know i get more steve fics, this loss (i’m so competitive gosh) will sit just fine
it is that sad! unless i’m just weak and got super sad while i was writing it 😂 but yeah, in my opinion it is really sad and so will be the next chapter after that one. the last one will be kind of angsty too but it’ll turn into fluff and a happy ending.
i’m glad you changed your mind about eddie x reader :')
and i promise you will get many more steve fics in the future! i’m so excited for it and to finally write more than just angst for steve *cough* smut *cough*
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adonis-koo · 1 year
Vindictive OC is EVERYTHING (Please bring her back in the next chapters) !! Its even better bc it is out of character for her but as she said she is no fool and she has every right to be angry and disappointed.
The whole drunk monologue from Jungkook had me soft not gonna lie.. the way you write his yearning and longing for her is so good !
I love wicked so much, thank you for sharing your amazing stories and writing with us ♥️ Also, please please please give us the scene with the servants moving oc’s stuff out as a bonus 🥺
YESS YES YES I’m happy to hear people enjoyed seeing a different side to MC, because while in some ways this isn’t like her, in other ways it most definitely is if we look back to how mean she was in the earliest chapters, and don’t you worry anon, she is coming back full throttle soon 😏 and I am SO excited to write it because, wow, I didn’t realize how much I loved writing slightly unhinged women until I wrote her.
Originally the whole monologue was going to be scrapped because it was in the original draft of 15 which I ended up rewriting, but then o remembered a few banger lines that had everyone going crazy and just couldn’t bring myself to not put it in 16, and from then on I realized that I also love pathetic men 🥰 Jungkook is constantly bottling his emotions up until they explode so I wanted to use him being drunk as a way he could express all these emotions in full and it really is seeing a side of him he rarely ever shows.
Thank you so much for reading and sending such kind words! A lot of people have requested the moving out scene so I’ll definitely see what I can do to make a small drabble out of it!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
fun fact the whole time i was reading the new glass chapter and especially the night market scene i just kept thinking [THIS ACTION WILL HAVE CONSEQUENCES] over and over again lmaooo
we're getting more "he"s and more "wilbur"s fuck yeah!! i got so excited when i noticed the lack of the name pythia in the narration in the bathhouse scene bc i don't usually notice it on my first read. it's such a genius narrative style can i just say again how much i love it
that conversation at the end is really interesting to me. wilbur/pythia's chosen now to stay with the deathlings, because while his situation with them is complicated they're still kinder to him than anyone in the palace had ever been, and he's realized that! he's finally admitting that the things that were done to him as the pythia hurt! that's a huge step and i'm so proud of him 🖤
but he's still loyal to clara, he still "belongs" to her in his own words, and i think that loyalty's the final thing holding up his identity as "pythia" over his identity as "wilbur" (if that makes sense?) and i doubt he'll ever stop being the pythia until he can admit that he is his own person and he does deserve better than just being a holy vessel, and only then he'd be able to let go of the "pythia" identity
but, speaking from personal experience, losing faith in something you've grown up believing is painful, especially when it's so entwined with your very identity, and i'm not sure wilbur/pythia's quite ready to face that, or even if it's a good choice for him tbh
(man i'm not very good at longform analyses, so if this doesn't really make sense i'm so sorry)
also. snakes tattoo man. if i'm right about who that is. ohhohhohHOOOOH i am so excited to see where this goes next!!
(i think i should start labelling my asks too at this point. i use 🖤 in a lot of my past asks, so i could go with that?)
LMAO will it have consequences or will it not hmm we'll see...
aaa thank you!! i'm having so much fun with the narration in this. this chapter especially involved more switching between 'pythia' and 'he' and 'wilbur' than i've ever done in a single chapter I think?? wilbur's mental state was all over the place so I was just going along with it and trying to make the narration match where his head was at at any given moment
yes he's taken a HUGE step. he was already kind of willingly staying with the deathlings before, but even then he could still reason it as like "well it's not like it would be an easy escape even if it was theoretically possible" but now he's done with the excuses. he could've just walked away and he didn't. and he admitted that being the pythia has hurt him!! it's such a big moment for him even if he's still falling a few steps back
yup, the thing is he cannot be both wilbur and the pythia because the two inherently contradict each other. the pythia is not supposed to be a person, and wilbur is the most human version of himself. if he accepts wilbur, he rejects the pythia and vice versa. so he can't be a person until he gives up his identity as the pythia. and losing your faith like that is painful, exactly like you said. so it's still going to take a bit for him to get to that point.
hehe you'll have to wait to find out who that is :)
tysm for your thoughts!! lovely to have you here black heart anon!
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kamiversee · 3 months
okay, i calmed down a bit. holy shit what a chapter. this chapter is possibly one of the most intense chapters you've posted yet, if not the most. the only other chapters that immediately come to mind in terms of emotional intensity are the ones including Gojo's tearful confession and the chapter with the "last kiss." this chapter devastated me on a completely different level. the drama had me reeling and i loved it so fucking much. well done, Kami. really well done.
i'm going to try to not sound like a broken record since you already know my immediate thoughts based off of my past few anons 😭 it's so interesting that Choso immediately goes to call Geto's brother shitty, yet later on in the chapter Geto refers to them at friends. Choso's denials are believable since he does seem like a major introvert and only really goes out of his way to socialize with the reader, but i wonder if we'll ever meet Kenjaku in this fic. or is this a sneak peak as to who we may meet in a certain sequel...? 👀👀👀 KAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! why do i feel like you're going to draw some parallels between Suguru and his brother's relationship to Choso's relationship with Sukuna. i'm not sure how it would go, but if you do choose to do that i feel like it would floor me.
i love that this chapter is unveiling so much of Choso's toxicity holy shit. i know it's all related to his possessive nature, but the anger issues had me taking breaks and walking laps in my room at 1:30 am on a work night. the way he's upset about things we aren't even aware of (how "flirtatious" we come off in a regular conversation) was expected but the way it built up to him exploding was just *chef's kiss*. the way still calls us little pet names, especially after that huge fight, stung me.
not only did this chapter reveal so much about Choso, but it really does solidify how toxic the reader is for him as well. there's no such thing as a perfect character (even though these jjk men get so close) but this was a perfect reminder that despite everything, the reader has her own red flags to work through as well. will she ever? probably not bc holy shit that passage was so perfect and needed. also, who wouldn't act that way in that kind of situation 😭 swatting OUR hand away when HE is the one causing the scene? omfg it got me so mad LMFAOOOO
also the reveal that Sukuna is a physically abusive asshole? omfg. it makes sense for his character but still, the contrast of that info to how we knew him is intense. it's a shame that he's so fucking hot 😭😭😭 with the things he's done, i understand why Choso has the feelings he does. but holy shit dude, the reader didn't know 😭 why tf is he taking it out on her 😭😭😭
Suguru that motherfucker. i hate now smart and intentional he is with every fuckin' action he does in this series. UGH. the way he had me cringing (in a good way) to the point of having to take breathing breaks after practically every line. especially when he said "Go after him, idiot."
KAMI. YOU 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵 OH MY GODDDDD. IF IT WASN'T OBVIOUS THAT WHAT THE READER IS TO CHOSO, GOJO IS TO THE READER, HOLY SHIT. YOU'RE PRACTICALLY POINTING A NEON-LIGHT ARROW TOWARDS THAT PARALLEL. such a genius way to reuse that line. once i read that, it fucking clicked. the same fucking line Geto says to Gojo in chapter 8 after their first big fight. oh my fucking God Kami. reading that made me have to put down my phone and stare at the ceiling for a bit. so fucking well done. it's lowkey so funny how Geto has been there for so many of the big fights. i'm so fucking excited to see how this develops. my brain is so fried once again.
- ☃️
Smirks. Chat, it’s time for another Kami yap session, LETS GOOOO
1. Gojo’s breakdown chapters & the chapter where Choso leaves (chapter 19 I think) were one of the only chapters that made me tear up while I wrote them😭 Well, aside from the next one I’m abt to drop- ANYWAYS THOUGH, glad you enjoyed it like always ^.^
2. See, here’s the thing about Kenjaku’s mentioning, he was only brought up to show two things; One, Choso has friends and a life outside of the reader, and Two, Choso and Geto have more of a connection/knowledge of each other than what might’ve been expected :)
It’s also another slight anime reference bc like I’ve said previously, I do tend to mirror things such as friend groups or actions to the way things are done in the anime & Choso’s appearance was always made with Kenjaku so, why not make that a factor here yk?🤷‍♀️
3. There actually are already some parallels ^.^
Notice how Choso calls Kenjaku shitty & Suguru snaps back by saying Choso’s brother (Sukuna obv) isn’t any better. Then, you also have Yuki who points out that both men haven’t told the reader anything about these terrible brother’s of theirs, despite both men having connections & intimate moments with her.
It’s kinda meant to show that there is a lot the reader simply doesn’t know. That was honestly somewhat the point of the past few drama chapters! There’s a list of things she learns all in the span of one day, from Gojo’s obsession to Sukuna being abusive— she learned all of that within a single day.
Anywho, the parallel is simply that the men who she claims as her type both have done similar things to her in regards to opening up🤷‍♀️
4. I wanna note that a lot of people are calling Choso’s actions here toxic. Now, I’m not going to disagree of course but, I will just say, his moment of blowing up isn’t unnatural. Choso’s not the best with his feelings, as we can see, and imagine you’re in his shoes for a moment.
How would you react to everything he was just told? Do you think you wouldn’t have blown up as he did? Especially when you consider how passionate he is about his brothers, more specifically, Yuji.
Just wanted to throw that out there! Yes, he shouldn’t have yelled the way he did but this is something that’d been building up & because he’s such an introvert (I am too ngl) it’s not unusual for him to have a sudden outburst as he did seeing as he typically keeps his thoughts and emotions inside rather than wearing them on his sleeve :)
5. Yep, I want people to understand that she herself is not perfect in anyway. The reader just gaslit the hell out of Choso & played on the fact that he believes she knew nothing about Sukuna.
NOW before y’all jump on our mc, while it is toxic & bad, she only does that for the benefit of everyone if you think about it. I said this earlier but she has learned a shitload of info in one day. With that, she’s just as stressed and tensed as Choso is atm so she uses her situation in order to manipulate Choso into telling her the truth about everything.
Think about it, she could never manipulate Gojo into telling her his truth and as said, the last thing she wanted was to go through that again, especially with someone like Choso who typically tells her everything.
Yes, yes it is bad that she did that but in a way, it was for something positive such as forcing Choso to open up to her. Not only that, it also gives her a path to reveal other things to him ^.^
6. Again, Choso didn’t exactly mean to blow up on her but he’s been tense the entire time so it was bound to happen. He’s not blaming her, he’s just upset and is unsure of how to properly express tht as we can see💀
And I think I said this to a few anons so far but, who knows the last time Choso & Sukuna interacted with one another? Given that & based on what the reader experienced, we don’t know how long ago Choso saw Sukuna be abusive to women, now Yuji on the other hand is different ofc because Choso clearly states Yuji’s current age and that kinda shows that tht abuse is ongoing.
7. When I tell you, I WAS SMILING SO HARD AS I WROTE TS. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE making parallels so I literally went back to the chapter with Gojo & Geto just to recall what Geto said to him and then I was like “Yup, time to reuse this shit😈”
But yesyes;
Gojo —> Reader —> Choso
It’s so perfect too ^.^
Ty for reading, mwah, ily <33
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hongism · 1 year
THE NEW CHAPTERRRR OMG!!!! i’m that anon who isn’t on tumblr much and wants moc as a physical book on my shelf if you remember (if not das aight you’re basically a celebrity here 😩) and after so long i decided hmm lemme check if there’s an update i forgot about this app and BOOM posted 1 hour ago !! timing is impeccable my soul knows and she’s just as excited for updates.
anyways back to thoughts because THERES SO MANY!!! so first things first i for one love love LOVE characters that aren’t conventionally the perfect person who makes no mistakes and would do anything the reader wants. NO. i like grey morals 🤩 i like TROUBLE i like the ones who do things that GET THEM in trouble. make mistakes baddie go crazy get in trouble purrrr.
i’m loving the relationship with mc and jongho/mingi they’re bffs in the making next chapter we’re gonna see them with matching bffs necklaces and bracelets that have magnets and lock into each other i just know it 😩
and the ending bit with saaaaannnnn like ik he says don’t doubt my love and i would never san i would never promise pinky swear….
but i can see exactly why mc feels that way and like word i would too if i was not the reader i feel so bad for her
but now for the star of the show, the one person who i’m sure could beat all of the crew one by one no sweat. the one who could eat them all up without so much as lifting a finger. the one who hongjoong wishes he was cause he gets the respect that he dreams of….. LUCA THE BADDIE
he’s a little gambler aint he with his poker BUT THE WAY HE GAVE SOME CHOCOLATE TO JONGHO AND MC EVENTHIUGH HE WON FAIR AND SQAURE (questionable 👀)
anyways i’m not the best at conveying emotions in writing (you do you have such a talent at this and you’re an amazing writer i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again and again every time) but this was such a good read and i always know i’ll enjoy what you write because even a short phrase has so much talent and poetic notions to it - I HOPE YOU KNOW THIS!! THAT YOURE AN AMAZING WRITER - you’ve got bragging rights go crazy no need to be humble lawl
anyways this ended up being longer than i thought hope it’s not too much stay healthy drink water and take care of yourself!!
- bookshelf anon or sumn idk 😭
p.s. i think at this point you’ve made me a tumblr stan i’ve never written this much before much less AT ALL might be on this app more
ofc i remember omg i love to see that my timing was immaculate 🤓 i too adore grey morals so incredibly much it makes things so much more exciting! having wholly good or wholly bad characters is fine and all but i just, ADORE having morals play into shit too 😎
why doubt san and his love if he says don't doubt then!!! we shouldn't doubt him!!! pinky swear!!!
i love the set up here bc i was like oh hongjoong NOPE we're talking about luca the lil baddie himself KJSDFKJS i love him :( he's cute :(
really tho don't worry about conveying emotions i feel every bit of what you're saying and i appreciate it all so much i'm so thankful so grateful! i personally am not a person who can't brag or talk highly of myself much at all, but really hearing kind words and sweet things about my writing always means so much to me ;-;
it's not too much at all i hope you stay healthy too! drink lots of water and take care be sure to eat lots of good and yummy food <33 !!!
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