#i am a lesbian and a cis woman and a SA survivor and i am telling you i want more sexy and/or pathetic lady characters
lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 6 months
To say the whump community hates women characters is so cynical and unfair. Have you considered most of us are women and just not interested in hurting our own? like congrats if that's your deal, but let's not act like there's misogyny at play here.
So being a fellow female survivor of assault, why is it that we have separate tags for lady whump stuff? "Well, because women in DV situations can be too close to home", extremely fair point, I can more than sympathize with that. But then why don't we have an unspoken-rule-type tag for male whump? Why is "whump" in general entirely assumed to be male characters and male dominated? Because it's expected, because most of these women in the whump community love hurting their lil gay bois? We decree violence against women only to turn around giggling with our friends about taking a 12 gauge shotgun to a twink's knees so he has to crawl?
No one said she even had to be a whumpee. She can be a whumper, a carewhumper, a caretaker, a random side character. She can be a mom or a sister or a spouse or a childhood best friend. The problem is she doesn't exist at all. She doesn't get to be the victim or the hero or the villain because she's not appealing enough. I read male whump when I wanna feel spicy, I read female whump when I wanna relate. I want to see the same girl I was, broken and abused, I wanna see her rise to the top, I wanna see her take it too far, I wanna see justice delivered in the bloodiest form, I wanna simp over a bad bitch who would seduce me in a night club with a tight black dress and leave me in an ice bath in the morning.
In a community with 98% male OCs, I think we can spare a crumb for more women who are weak or cruel or kind. Just make more women in general.
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thepinkwriterr · 2 years
Co-star told me not to overidealize today, but I am doing it anyway!
I am starting college next week and I can't wait. I want to find a beautiful girl and take her on dates, write her letters and poems, make her art, and do all of the things I haven't done in over a year.
I went through a really terrible breakup in November and haven’t dated or really talked to anyone since. I have also decided that because my state has become an anti-abortion (anti-healthcare) state, and because men are terrible, I will only be dating/pursuing women. 
I was in a relationship with a man for two years, one that really fucked me up, and I broke with him mostly because I knew I wanted to be with women. 
I still identify as bisexual (or whatever else. I simply believe that sexuality is fluid and shouldn’t be such a big deal. But, I know that labels are important to lgbt+ people because cis-het norms are pushed so heavily), but have decided not to be with men as of now. 
Of course, that could change, but I would hope it doesn’t. I love women so much and have never really been with one. I want to brush her hair, dance with her, bring her flowers, make portraits out of her beauty (although my poor draftsmanship could never do her justice), and do everything you would do with the love of your life. 
I want women in such a way that I have never experienced with men. I am starting to believe that I could possibly be a lesbian with severe trauma related to men (SA survivor & daddy issues!). I hope that is true, honestly, because men only seem to hurt me, and that it the way it is bound to be. 
I believe that my heart is much too soft for a man’s touch. My skin is too delicate for their lips, and my spirit is too vivid for their eyes. The way that a woman loves is much different than a man, and I am too much for any man. 
If you have any comments, advice, or anything to say, that would be much appreciated. 
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