#i am abed nadir (unfortunately)
parkercore-69 · 8 months
resonating with abed a little bit TOO much recently, because i too feel like i’ve been passing through life never really understanding the people around me and never really understanding myself, either. Connecting with society through movies and tv and using what I’ve analysed in film to try and make sense of people, yet still being thrown in a loop whenever someone does something I can’t personally ever imagine my own self doing.
and THEN, finding someone who I thought I understood perfectly and vice versa. Finally finding someone who’s mannerisms I could read like a large print book and who’s thoughts i could click together like lego. I felt like i could be fluently understood without any reasoning, like we were both speaking some language only we knew. Loving every moment i spent with them as if it was some sort of sacred experience I may never get to see again- but being ensured that this was forever. Yet, inevitably, being chucked back in the loop when they still leave and I find myself slowly forgetting words in a language that used to feel like second nature.
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defectivegembrain · 2 years
Community characters as Crazy Ex Girlfriend songs
Yep I'm doing this because of course I am. Partially inspired by this post, but also I do this a lot at least in my head with a lot of different media.
Jeff: Let's Have Intercourse, Settle For Me, Don't Be A Lawyer, I Could If I Wanted To, Greg's Jeff's Drinking Song, I'm the Villain in My Own Story, End of the Movie (to Abed), Feelin' Kinda Naughty (about Rich), Get Your Ass Out of My House (to Chang), The Moment Is Me
Jeff and Troy: Sports Analogies, Fit Hot Guys Have Problems Too
Jeff and Britta: We Should Definitely Not Have Sex Right Now, Horny Angry Tango, Nothing Is Ever Anyone's Fault, We'll Never Have Problems Again
Jeff and Craig: Gratuitous Karaoke Moment
Britta: I'm a Good Person, Without Love You Can Save The World, This Is My Movement, You Stupid Bitch, What'll It Be, A Fuckton Of Cats, This Session Is Gonna Be Different (when she tries to "therapize" Abed), Oh My God I Think I Like You (about Jeff), The Darkness, I'm Not Sad You're Sad, Love Kernels (about pretty much every guy she dates tbh, yes even Actual Ray of Sunshine Troy Barnes)
Troy: I Have Friends (in high school), Thought Bubbles, A Boy Band Made Up Of Four Joshes Troys (in early Annie's head), Trapped in a Car With Someone You Don't Wanna Be Trapped in a Car With (driving everyone home on his birthday)
Troy's dad: Get Your Ass Out of My House
Troy and Abed: Having A Few People Over (housewarming party), You Go First (pillow war)
Abed: A Diagnosis, Gettin' Bi (yeah yeah not canon whatever, let me have this it's so cool in my head), Dream Ghost (to Jeff)
Gobi Nadir to Abed: I've Always Never Believed in You (I'm so very very sorry), Forget It
Annie: The Darkness, Love Kernels (about Jeff), Dear Joshua Felix Chan Troy (does he have a middle name?) Barnes, Romantic Moments, How to Clean Up (to Troy and Abed probably at some point), I'm Just A Girl In Love, You Do/Don't Wanna Be Crazy, Meet Rebecca Annie (Other Annie is the version in Jeff's head he imagines being married to)
Annie Kim: I'm So Good At Yoga Model UN
Evil Annie to Evil Jeff (unfortunately): Strip Away My Conscience
Annie's mom about rehab: Forget It
Abed and Annie to Troy: What U Missed While U Were Popular
Annie and Jeff in response to the ACB (Jeff is Paula being unenthusiastic): Back in Action
Shirley: I'm a Good Person, I've Got My Head In The Clouds, Maybe This Dream
Pierce: My Sperm Is Healthy (I'm so sorry, but if I had to think it you have to read it)
Britta, Annie, Shirley, and also Abed I guess? That time they encouraged him to insult other women they didn't like: Women Gotta Stick Together
Jeff, Britta, Annie, Troy, Abed sometimes I guess: The Math of Love Triangles Quadrangles Whatever the Fuck Kinda Shape That Makes
Craig: I'm Just A Boy in Love
Rachel and Anthony when Abed and Annie were trying to decide who would live with them: I Feel Like This Isn't About Me
The Fives in Meow Meow Beans: Friendtopia
Jerry trying to convince Troy to do plumbing: Flooded With Justice
The group when they try to get Abed to flirt with that girl, Jeff and Britta trying to convince Troy to like Annie, Annie setting up Troy and Britta: The Group Mind Has Decided You're in Love
Rich to Jeff: Research Me Obsessively
Nicolas Cage to Abed: Research Me Obsessively
Everyone except Abed about Frankie: Who's The New Guy
Frankie: I Feel Like This Isn't About Me
The group in Basic RV Repair and Palmistry: Trapped in a Car Van With Someone You Don't Wanna Be Trapped in a Car Van With
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hidendumbassvillage · 3 years
All the tagging games at once
Okay so basically over the last few months I’ve been tagged for various game and I love this ! However I’m a big ass procrastinator and did nothing :,)
Anyway, here is me doing all the tag things all at once in one big “get to know me” post because I though it would be easier and less annoying for the people who tagged me to be tagged once and not 34 times in a row
Thanks a lot to all the people who tagged me and kept tagging me even though I didn’t answer soon after, it really means a lot !
Tagged by <3: @blightowl​ @sixleggedboar​ @woofgang69​ @heyitswrenn​ @ladykissingfish​ @dumbblossom​ @kazulmehto​ @phlebasphoenician​ @sasodeidreaming​ @thou-can-say-azrail​
Rules: People I’m tagging (and others !), feel free to do as many of these as you want ! 0, 1, 2 or all, it’s up to you! However please don’t reblog ! That’s important, I don’t want this to be a chain going around on tumblr ^^’ (not that I am popular here or anything but tagging chains can get long)
Tagging: @blightowl @sixleggedboar @woofgang69 @heyitswrenn @hellotheremaryrose @ladykissingfish @dumbblossom @kazulmehto @phlebasphoenician @sasodeidreaming @thou-can-say-azrail @bugshuffle @theyrejustcute @kakairu-connoisseur @oh-my-hashirama @greencuttingmat @murobrown @thewindisanexplosion @narutobookshelf @goodguydanzo @libby-failedsage @lluu50 @bluntkunai
1. 10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Itachi Uchiha, Naruto
 Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead
 Yassen Gregorovic, Alex Rider
Jayfeather, Warriors
L, Death Note
Saitama, One Punch Man
Samwell Tarly, Game of Throne
Abed Nadir, Community
Louise Belcher, Bob’s Burger
Deadpool, Deadpool
2. Trope Tier Tag
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Link to the trope tier maker
3. This or That (Fanfic Edition)
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4. Fic Writer Review
1. How many fics on AO3?
7 at the moment
2. Total AO3 wordcount?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Naruto (88)
4. Top Five by Kudos?
Shark Anatomy
Two (or Three) Hearts
Killing Me Softly (soon to be renamed)
With a little help from my friend
The Nukenin and the Ninneko ex aequo with C’est l’amour à la plage
5. Do you respond to comments, why/why not?
I want to but it gives me anxiety so I don’t... Which also gives me anxiety yay me! I cherish all comments though <3
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Killing Me Softly I guess but I haven’t posted anything with a really angsty ending. It’s bound to happen because I love Angst lol
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I do have something crossover-y planned but it’s not an actual crossover, more like a Xfandom!AU idk if that makes sense?
8. Have you received hate on a fic?
No... well there’s one comment I got that was quite ambiguous but it doesn’t count as hate I just have no idea how to interpret it
9. Do you write smut?
Yep !
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of but I doubt it happened
11. Ever had a fic translated?
No! Though I could translate my fic in french but unfortunately I’m lazy ^^’
12. Ever co-written a fic before?
13. All time favourite ship?
I’m quite a multishipper and I tend to switch between OTP (at the moment it would be KisaIta)
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
There are two fic I’m currently stuck on. They’re both angsty KakaYama and I really wish to finish them someday! Especially one of them that’s part of an ABO serie because I need to post it before posting the other.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I guess I’m quite good at writing in free indirect speech? I’m not sure but I like doing it at least
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Tense coordination (extremely frustrating because in french I have no trouble with that), descriptions (I lack vocabulary and I tend to make them quite short (even in french)), too succint also (that goes with short descriptions ahahah)
17. What are your thoughts of writing dialogue in other languages?
Depends! If we (the reader) are not supposed to understand then yes (though it had to be at least somewhat correct)! If we are supposed to understand then I would say no.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Naruto in 2021
19. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Killing me softly I think, it’s the first one I’ve written and it convinced me to write more because I liked writing it
5. Catching up with/Getting to know better
Favourite colour: Blue
Currently reading: Le langage des animaux, by Karsten Brensing
Last song: Django Maintheme, Rob Starr and the Hollywood SIngers and Orchestra
Last movie: Matrix 2
Last show: American Horror Story season 2
Sweet, sour or savoury: Savoury
Craving: Pop corn or Katsudon
Tea or coffee: Both !
What I’m currently working on: Eeeeeh my fic for the Kisame Halloween Mini-event
6. Get to know me
Rules: Get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means i want to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing.
I love agrumes, specifically lemon and grapefruit
I’ll definitely get a dog at some point in my life
My 2 all time favorite authors are Walter Moers and Stephen King
I play the bass and the guitar
I’m learning Japanese
7. Playlist
Rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
Get Back, The Beatles
Space Dementia, Muse
Feeling Good, Nina Simone
Endlessly, Muse
Don’t Be Shy, The Libertines
Eleanor Rigby, The Beatles
Na Na Na Na Naa, Kaiser Chiefs
One Love/People Get Ready, Bob Marley and the Wailers
Separate and Ever Deadly, The Last Shadow Puppets
A Little Death Around the Eye, Pete Doherty
(I recommend all of these songs actually)
“Head over to personalitydatabase and pick out the top six fictional characters you identify with that share same MBTI as you! If you don’t know you MBTI here are a few tests to try out! X X X”
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9. Fall
pumpkin or apple // cocoa or cider // halloween or thanksgiving // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze // wooly sweater or furry slippers // pumpkin carving or knitting // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders // mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie or maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn // vampire or werewolf // fireplace or cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversized hoodie
10. Pass the Happy
“Pass the happy! 🌻 When you receive this, list five things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications. 💛💛💛”
Talking to my friends
My mom’s cooking
Observing crows and pigeons
11. Last Line
Last Line Tag Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog!
The young man froze, he thought he didn't know, he *wished* he didn't know, but the knowledge had been burnt into his brain. And he knew.
"No! Please no!" Itachi begged
12. What do you have in common with...
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Well that was a ride ! Sorry about this 😅
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boygirlbowie · 3 years
Do you have any recommendations for shows or movies with autistic rep?
disclaimer that I personally do not have autism so i am sorry if the things I mention may not be entirely accurate or these shows/movies are actually be bad rep-
i honestly haven't come across/heard of much media that includes autistic characters or portrays them well.. :/
Atypical isn't bad I think? it's a tv show on netflix, the main character, Sam(m, white, teenager), is autistic, and through him other autistic characters are shown in support groups and group therapy, but they're small characters. it does sometimes portray autism as a burden to the rest of the family. [EDIT: ok. so the rep is much worse than I thought it was. I mostly watched this for casey for gay & gender reasons and her plotlines but read here for why it is not good rep. however. it is  there]
Abed Nadir (m, palestinian) from Community im pretty sure is confirmed as autistic but if not is is extremely heavily implied
. now. if you want non-cannonical characters who seem like they have autism but it's never confirmed:
will graham (m, white, adult) from hannibal (netflix) is heavily autistic-coded. he is extremely empathetic, has trouble with eye contact, is socially awkward, has sensory issues, and stims (debatable). this is even more clear in the book, imo [EDIT: i actually just rewatched the first ep and they do reference him being “on the spectrum” “closer to Asperger’s and autistics than narcissists and sociopaths]
spencer reid (m, white, adult) from criminal minds (netflix, hulu, amazon prime) also autistic-coded. he is similar to will graham, also has special interests, hyperfixates on cases, and it is referenced by other characters that it seems like he has autism, though he nor the show ever confirms it. penelope garcia (f, white, adult) from the same show also displays traits common in autism, such as hyperfixations, hating change, and how she is nearly always shown with something in her hands like a clicky or floofy pen or other kind of toy... like a stim toy
lilo (f, hawaiian, child) from lilo & stitch (disney +). this one has been defended a lot i'll link you to this post that i think explains it well
tina belcher (f, white, teen) from bob's burgers (hulu)
newt scamander (m, white, adult) from fantastic beasts and where to find them (netflix)
charlie (m, white, teenager) from perks of being a wallflower (netflix)
klaus (m, white, teenager) & violet (f, white, teenager) baudelaire from a series of unfortunate events (netflix)
castiel (m [?], white, adult) and jack (nb, white, child) from supernatural (netflix) <333
uh. this is definitely bad rep but sherlock (m, white, adult) from sherlock (netflix)
i know i missed a lot who are canonically autistic or who are autistic coded so. this is a call to all my mutuals ig and anyone else to add characters. i hope this helps :)
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troy barnes and his forgotten love confession
pairing: troy barnes/abed nadir 
summary: troy and abed wake up in the library surrounded by their disoriented classmates with their memories wiped. unfortunately for troy, one look in his friend’s eyes caused the entire forgotten ordeal to play out inside his head-- including the love confession that ended with a scream of agony.
warnings: uh language? insecurities maybe? zzzzombies? 
notes: trobed time babeyyyyyyyy B-) also this is sort of a trail run for me writing for trobed?  just trying it out with a short 1.3k word fic. lmk how you like it bc i am operating off of feedback. idk i love these two theyre wonderful and i would die for them i think. SPOILERS FOR COMMUNITY S2 EP6 “EPIDEMIOLOGY” 
taglist: @simonsbluee
            The first thing Troy noticed was the pounding headache. The lights were all too bright and everyone was too loud and he felt like he’d gotten hit by a car. It was almost as if he was hungover, but one glance at his surroundings disproved his theory. The library was filled with groggy students and staff, the hallways jammed by sluggish athletes and a passed out Leonard. Troy didn’t really care about them, though, all he really cared about was the fact that Abed was lying on the floor beside him in a torn up Predator costume. 
            It was Halloween. The dean had thrown a party-- why couldn’t he remember it? It was all a fuzzy cloud of nothingness; for Troy, that’s almost normal, but something about this felt… different. Almost as if the gaping hole in his brain was made by something other than Troy. For a moment, the memories teetered on the edge of his conscious stream of thoughts, but they were quickly dissolved by Abed’s groan of discomfort. 
            “Troy,” He whined. “Are we hungover or were we drugged by Russian spies?” Abed’s hand brushed Troy’s as he struggled to sit up beside his friend. “Or maybe the dean’s Halloween party descended into chaos to the point where the government had to get involved…” Abed trails off. Troy was too disoriented to focus on anything other than the wisp of a recollection that swirled in his hippocampus. He felt sick, but Abed made it a little better.
            “Abed,” Troy asks. His voice is unsure and the sentence is punctuated with a fitting voice crack. “Do you--”
            “Remember anything from the past 12 hours? No. I’m assuming you don’t either, which leads me to believe that no one here does. Usually, I’d be more than happy to launch ourselves into an investigation, but to be honest, I feel like shit,” Troy can only smile at Abed’s ability to read him like a book. It’s almost as if they shared brain cells-- Abed was, in every sense of the phrase, Troy’s soulmate. Something in Troy’s brain stirred the moment the word ‘soulmate’ crossed his mind. Something was lurking beneath the fog in his head, he just needed to draw it out. 
            “We should save the adventuring for tomorrow,” Troy agrees after a long pause. “God, my head hurts,”
            “When we get home we can watch a movie and lay down for a bit, that might make you feel better,” Abed assures before rising to his feet. He looked down at Troy expectantly, but Troy was frozen in place. Something about hearing Abed call his tiny dorm their home struck Troy differently than usual-- he held onto the phrase before looking back up at the man above him. Anxiously, Troy took Abed’s hand and rose to his feet. It was apparent that Abed mistook Troy’s silence for something negative.
            “We don’t have to watch a movie-- if you wanted to you could just go home. Or we could make a blanket fort and sleep in there,” 
            “I don’t care what we do, as long as we’re together,” Troy grins. “And, uh, away from the dean. He looks oddly… manic.” They both glance over at their dean and erupt into giggles at the sight of his askew wig and ruffled skirt. Dean Pelton’s costume was great, sure, but in that moment he looked less like Lady Gaga and more like a barbie doll that got caught in a garbage disposal. 
            Troy and Abed walked hand-in-hand to Abed’s dorm room, small groups of confused students hidden in the corners as they walked. The feeling of Troy’s fingers intertwined with those of his best friend was both familiar and foreign-- they held hands all the time, but this time felt different. It felt less like a simple sign of affection and more like a statement; with every brush of Abed’s fingers on Troy’s knuckles, something between them changed. 
            “I was thinking something mellow,” Abed cuts through the silence. “I don’t know why, but I don’t think I can handle anything too intense,” Troy nods, a movie suggestion falling silent on his lips as his eyes meet Abed’s for the first time that night. One glance in the spiraling brown irises his friend dawns opened the floodgates of Troy’s mind. It was everything, all at once-- an overwhelming whirlwind of emotion and struggle and pain and confusion. There were zombies and a hot doctor and chaos and the U.S Military, but Troy didn’t care about any of that. No, his main focus was the echoing goodbye in his brain.
            He and Abed were cornered. Troy could escape, but it soon became apparent that he would have to leave Abed or succumb to the zombie virus that overtook their community college. And so, Troy said the one phrase he held back every single time he saw Abed-- he spilled his guts before his best friend was torn apart. 
            “I love you,”
            “I know,”
            Troy’s eyes filled with tears; the mixture of the overwhelming rush of the past 12 hours and the emotions that rocked him to his core making his tears inevitable. It’s not uncommon for Troy to start crying, but Abed could tell that this time, something was different.
            However, Abed had never been good with handling emotional situations. He did his best, hastily tugging Troy into his dorm room. He sat him down on the sofa, grabbing the first blanket he saw and wrapping it snugly around Troy’s shoulders. Abed darted around the room, frantically searching for something to comfort Troy; it wasn’t until Troy grabbed Abed’s forearm that he paused.
            “I--” Troy stopped. He didn’t know what to do. He was anxious and tired and all he wanted to do was fall asleep in the middle of a stupid horror movie next to his best friend, but he couldn’t do that because his hellbrain was screaming at him. He loved Abed, sure, but did Abed love him? An offhand Star Wars reference doesn’t count as an ‘I love you’, although when it came to Abed, you could never be sure. Troy thought back to the night he dislocated his shoulders. He thought about how he acted under stress, how he ruined his chances at a football scholarship; he ruined his life and made the best decision he ever had in the same move. He couldn’t take the risk again-- he couldn’t risk losing his closest friend over something so trivial. He took a deep breath.
            “I-- uh-- I really appreciate everything you’ve done. For me.” A second passes and Abed doesn’t react.
            “Oh. It’s okay, you’re my friend. I’ll always take care of you,” Abed’s voice was calculated and robotic, but his words held depth that only Troy could truly understand. Abed smiled before opening the cabinet beneath his TV, revealing a plethora of movies ranging from rom-coms to thrasher to historical fiction.
            “I went through the movie selection we have-- our mellow options include Coraline and--” 
            “There is no way that Coraline is mellow, that shit is horrifying!” Troy chuckled, wiping away the few remaining tears on his face. The mood was lightening and the natural rhythm the two shared was once again buzzing through the air. 
            One day, Troy will tell Abed how he feels. He did it once, he could probably do it again. Or maybe he can’t. Maybe he’ll be a coward forever. Maybe he’ll die alone in a ditch with a stray cat named Doug-- hell, even Doug will leave him--
            “Troy?” The swaddled man was snapped out of his thoughts. Troy tried his hardest to hide his anxiety, but it was apparent that he was failing.
            “Yeah?” Abed paused. He looked down at his palms before intertwining his fingers in his lap. There were three movies laid out on the coffee table, but Abed didn’t acknowledge them. Troy was afraid, but he wasn’t sure why. It was the odd seriousness that muted the buzz from before. Abed knew-- he had to. That’s the only reason why his mood would shift so drastically. He knew that Troy loved him, he remembered the disastrous party and the zombies and he knew. Finally, after three solid minutes of Troy’s silent panic, Abed spoke.
            “I love you.”
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honeylikewords · 7 years
i was tagged by @witchyemmy !! so many tag games today wowza!!
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 people you would like to know better.
1. Name: well, uh, if you guys promise not to laugh, my full first name is katarina. please don’t use this fact for evil
2. Nicknames: k, on here! i also go by kitt and katie and She Who Is Wretched, Wretched, Wretched. 
3. Zodiac Sign: pisces!!
4. Height: i don’t actually know please don’t make me think about my physical incarnation
5. Orientation: jon bernthal gently shushing.
6. Ethnicity: jewish and Filled With Dread
7. Favorite Fruit: strawberries and grapefruits!
8. Favorite Season: autumn! and winter. snuggin’ season.
9. Favorite Book Series: The Name Of This Book Is Secret, A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Chasing Vermeer
10. Favorite Flower: lily of the valley!
11. Favorite Scent: fresh air, vanilla, rain on grass, a freshly snuffed candle.
12. Favorite Animal: DOGS n koalas
13. Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: tea on the reguar and hot chocolate for Special Times
14. Average Sleep Hours: bad
15. Favorite Fictional Characters: sO many that i can’t bear to choose just a few but you all know about The Boys so !! here are some ones you probably Don’t Know About: wirt, abed nadir, ben wyatt and leslie knope, kristofferson silverfox, singularity (a marvel character who is a living galaxy and i Love), and, aaaa, so many
16. Number of Blankets You Sleep With: comforter and or big quilt my friend made for me!
17. Dream Trip: i disappear into a cottage in a small, vaguely rainy place where the sun is warm in the day and the moon is full at night. there are many flowers and the world is quiet here. i can sit on rocks and sing songs to myself while i fidget with flowers and no one makes fun of me for how i dress or my hair or the way that i talk, and everything is peaceful.
18. Blog Created: this one is less than a year old! but i’ve been on tumblr for A While! 
19. Number of Followers: a Good Lot and i Love Them
20. Birth Order: second child, but i hardly see it that way. my older brother and i were raised as twins and it’s complicated and horrible and not worth discussing
anywhome i do not feel Very Good right now so i will be Not Taggin because i am A-Feared but i love u all!! hope u learned something Nifty about lil old me
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