parkercore-69 · 4 months
resonating with abed a little bit TOO much recently, because i too feel like i’ve been passing through life never really understanding the people around me and never really understanding myself, either. Connecting with society through movies and tv and using what I’ve analysed in film to try and make sense of people, yet still being thrown in a loop whenever someone does something I can’t personally ever imagine my own self doing.
and THEN, finding someone who I thought I understood perfectly and vice versa. Finally finding someone who’s mannerisms I could read like a large print book and who’s thoughts i could click together like lego. I felt like i could be fluently understood without any reasoning, like we were both speaking some language only we knew. Loving every moment i spent with them as if it was some sort of sacred experience I may never get to see again- but being ensured that this was forever. Yet, inevitably, being chucked back in the loop when they still leave and I find myself slowly forgetting words in a language that used to feel like second nature.
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liyawritesss · 5 months
ɪɴꜱᴏᴍɴɪᴀᴄ!ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀᴍᴀɴ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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Characters: Peter Parker, Mary-Jane “MJ” Watson, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: General headcanons for the main protagonists of Insomniac’s Spider Man 2 on PS5.
Warnings: probs some cursing somewhere, and ofc spoilers for the spiderman 2 game! You’ve been warned!!!
A/N: This game is definitely up there as one of the best games I’ve seen/played in 2023, so it wouldn’t be right for me to go into 2024 and still not have much written for it; so I’m correcting that! Take this as a spoiler for those who have not finished playing the game/watching a full gameplay of it to the end.
Tags: @6-noir @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @jacuzziwaters @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @niyahwrites @marsfunzon22 @briology @honeybleed @romiantic @onlyperc @starsoirees @yasminisbroke @asensitivecookie @kdyance @sussybaka10 @famedrs-blog @milesismyhubby @foreclosure--of--a--dream @ykimobessed @soilmayo
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Peter Parker
Oh poor Peter, he’s just got so much going on. With Aunt May and the house, him tryna find a stable job, his relationship with MJ, and now prioritizing his friendship with Harry, he’s being pulled in so many different directions it’s honestly dizzying!
There’s so much going on in his life that I wouldn’t be too surprised if he developed some anxiety around it. Like we know Peter for being this quirky, goofy kid who’s got hella jokes and can rock your ass in a science test, but when he’s alone, the turbulence of his life gets to him a little. And it’s not like he can let anyone really know - he’s Spiderman for crying out loud! If he goes down, who knows how the rest will take it.
And of course the Venom Symbiote doesn't make things any better - Pete’s whole acting like an ass thing wasn’t intentional by no means necessary, but I think that would also play into his anxiety as well. He doesn’t want to ever hurt his friends the way he did with that symbiote in him - they’re the last thing he has.
On a completely not depressing note, I feel like having the house to himself gives Peter the opportunity to really figure out his own aesthetic. Sure, he’s the cute nerdy heartthrob guy, but he wants to expand himself! I feel like he wouldn’t be into the super modern high tech home decor that’s been sweeping through every interior designers palette - I see him as a mix of warm country house vibes (courtesy of Aunt May), with a hint of the technological advantages that he’d implement into certain appliances and spaces (*coughcough* at home lab *coughcough*) and a finishing touch of midcentury modern for a pop of color….it won’t stop him from being a bit of a slob though unfortunately.
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Mary-Jane “MJ” Watson
If i were her I’d be one critique away from giving Mr. J.J.Jameson a taste of his own desk, because oh my god the self-centeredness he possesses makes me want to vomit. But it’s a good thing I’m not, and our darling redhead angel has enough patience to deal with him for the sake of a bag - I applaud her for that.
I know a lot of people don’t like the MJ segments in the game but i actually appreciate them! Shows that she’s not just a pretty face that Pete falls in love with you know? And I like to think she actually likes the moments she gets to take down the Hunters because it makes her feel like a badass - which she totally is!
As a destresser from being a prime member of the Spider Team (yes, I’m claiming them as the Spider Team since Spider Squad is already taken) and her journalism job, I’d like to think she’s into something so niche like jewelry making - specifically little charm bracelets that she gifts to the others. Yknow, on some ‘friendship lasts forever’ type shit.
Also in her freetime she has writing projects on the side that she wouldn’t consider viable enough to send in as a story, but just fun little stories she’ll write for the hell of it. There’s nothing too specific about them, but they also serve as a way to track how her writing is progressing, and she’s in a group of beta readers of sorts that give her feedback on how much better she’s getting.
Another poor boy that just has way too much on his hands, good lord. Granted, I never saw the hype around Harry, but I think after this adaptation of him I might be warming up to him a little bit.
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Harry Osborn
Getting on the bandwagon of adopting new hobbies, I see Harry as getting into drawing, especially during the period in which he doesn’t have the suit. Since his health is deteriorating and he isn’t able to be as mobile as he would like, he needs something to keep his mind and hands busy. And drawing does the trick for him. He starts off with just basic drawings like items in his room, but he advances very quickly and starts drawing portraits of himself and MJ, who spends a lot of time taking care of him. He symbalso sketches a picture of him and Peter when they were in highschool over and over again, especially when he runs out of muses.
Harry also spends a lot of his time thinking. Thinking about his life thus far, his friends, the legacy he wants to leave behind. He doesn’t just want his last name attached to something to make it great - he wants to earn his keep and his place in society. It was the whole reason he started the Emily-May Foundation; it would have been his mark on the world, and yet, here he was, tied down to his bed once again. Then again, who knows if the symbiote would have done the same to himself, had he let his own convictions get too far?
Considering what happens at the end of the game, though, I suppose we won’t ever know…until the next installment that is.
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Miles Morales
Why are there so many poor boys in this game? Like I got enough sympathy to go around but Jesus save these guys!!!
He is a HEAVY romantic, especially when it comes to Hailey (so so SO happy he got his girl in the end was rooting for them so hard in his game). He plans their dates according to the mode and vibe of the day, whatever the two are feeling, whatever is mentioned in fleeting conversations, etc. He’s in love and proud of it!
He’s getting better at dividing up the attention to the important people in his life, as well as school and his Spiderman duties. Sundays are for him and his mom to lounge in their pajamas and catch up with each other on the weeks events; he hangs with Ganke throughout the week and sometimes goes out with him to science expo’s every now and then. He’ll pop up on Hailey whenever she’s in the neighborhood and just sits and chills with her (and if she’s working on a street piece, even better! He’s her no. 1 supporter!)
He, Peter and Ganke get into rubix cubes competitions to see who can complete the rubix cube the fastest. Right now Ganke is ranked number one and Peter and Miles are tied for second place, but they’re getting another, more difficult cube to compete again soon.
He’s got a big heart, and knowing the effects of everything that’s happened with Harry, Miles makes it a point to check in with Peter every now and then. He’s lowkey worried that if the older Spiderman’s worry for his best friend doesn’t do him in, then somehow the effects of the Venom symbiote on Peter’s psyche will turn him cold again, and that doesn’t end well at all. He does this well with MJ, and they talk frequently on how they can be better support for Pete and Harry in the aftermath of everything that’s happened.
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cloverthecactus · 10 months
Assistance [Peter B Parker x gn!reader]
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summary: peter and his wife split after having their first child, mayday. peter has custody of mayday and comes to her daycare teacher for guidance/help/assistance
warnings: none (purely assistance for peter and mayday)
word count: 1.7k
not proofread, just plug and post
intentional use of lowercase letters with capital letters being used for certain words, phrases and letters.
no use of y/n (me no like fanfic with y/n)
it was kinda, sorta hard to write as peter so bare with me.
this is not exactly a relationship type of fic
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it had been a long day of peter sitting at spider society headquarters and doing nothing but bothering miguel while he worked. peter only bugged miguel because it was the first day that he had been without mayday.
peter and mary jane had recently gotten their second divorce because of peter's carelessness of where mayday is and isn't. because of this, peter enrolled mayday in a nursery so that he knows where she is at all times and so that she doesn't become as stupid as her father and learns something.
an alarm went off in the main building of the headquarters, indicating that day-spiders swapped out with night-spiders. (like shifts)
"well, miguel, it's been fun chatting to ya'. i have to go pick up our child from kindergarten." peter snickered, standing up from a chair placed on the platform in miguel's 'office'
"just leave, peter. AND what do you mean by 'our child' ?" miguel raised his brow as he turned to face peter, annoyed at the male who wore a pink gown to work.
"well, you are always taking care of her..."
"because you always bring her to headquarters and leave her with unreliable people... LIKE HOBIE!"
hobie, who was standing on the floor of the wide office, crossed his hands over his chest and watched as the two men descended with the platform. "i'd have you know im actually a decent babysitter"
peter chuckled and over exaggeratedly pointed at hobie as he said his statement.
"okay, i get it." miguel rolled his eyes as he stepped off the plaform. "now leave. mayday is waiting for you."
peter sighed exhausted and said his goodbyes to the team, opening a portal and changing out of his suit before picking up mayday. he couldn't have people know he was spiderman... especially after the divorce was such a huge thing because of MJ's reputation.
he sighed as he drove to the daycare. his depression and mental health had rapidly decreased and he knew that if he didn't get his act together, it would affect his relationship with the one he loved the most...
peter inhaled a deep breath and forced a red smile on his face as he entered through the door. the jingle of the bell on the door woke you up from your blanked-out state. you held a quiet and sleepy mayday in your hands and peter walked in a bit amazed as she has never been that quiet lately.
"hey mr parker. i was afraid you weren't going to show" you joked, standing with mayday and walking over to the front desk, reaching over to give him mayday's bag and her sign-out form.
"yeah, sorry about that." he chuckled, rubbing his neck as you slowly bounced mayday in your arms and he signed the form and took her bag
"oh no, don't stress about that mr parker. if you feel as though you're going to come fetch her later than normal, just call ahead." you smiled and handed mayday to peter. a loud cry erupted from her mouth as he landed in his arms. he tried to lightly bounce her quiet but failed and the small girl in his hands began to reach out to you again. he looked at you and nod, indicating it was okay for you to take her again.
you held the girl in your arms again and slowly began shushing the girl, bouncing and rocking her back and forth in your arms. she slowly stopped crying and smiled as she laid against your chest.
peter raised a brow at you and gestured for mayday to go back into his arms, and when you gave her to peter, she burst into tears again. peter released an exhausted sigh and bounced her in his arms as you did.
"oh, let me guide you" you smiled and took mayday's bag from his hand and set it on the desk. you stood behind peter and guided his hands underneath his daughter and told him where to support her in order for her to feel comfortable. once he held her the way you told him to, you began guiding his movements.
"okay, now slowly rock your arms back and forth while tapping your hand against her back softly and at a rhythmic pace." you spoke softly and stood aside to watch him do what you had instructed.
mayday slowly stopped her loud cries and stuffed her head into peter's chest, and stayed silent. she closed her eyes and began to fall asleep. peter looked down at her and up at you, amazed by what had happened.
"how'd you do that?" he asked with a genuine smile on his face.
"when working in childcare for years, you pick up a few tips and tricks" you softly chuckled and turned off all the lights and electronic devices.
you were the only one left at your daycare. you sent your workers home when the daycare closed and you had to stay an hour longer because peter showed up late.
"i do apologise about being late. the hours at work are a bit harsh and with my ex-wife not being able to take care of her-" peter sighed and took back her backpack from you. "its just a lot of strain on me." you smiled softly and offered to walk the man and his daughter out. "it's alright mr parker."
"call me peter" he returned your soft smile and accepted your offer. you lead him out and turned off all the lights before locking the door and putting on the alarm.
you walked peter to his car and helped him set an extremely sleepy mayday into her cat seat. "now cover her with her blanket-" you spoke softly and looked over his shoulder as you instructed him. he put her teddy between her arms and shut the car door to talk to you.
"thank you for this." he extended his hand to shake yours. "its no problem at all. i know all the struggles of being a single parent." you chuckled softly as you reciprocated the greeting.
"you have kids of your own?" he raised a brow and looked at your hands, seeing if there was an indication that you were married.
'no rings. they're a single parent too...' he thought, reassuring himself.
"oh, no. many of the parents that leave their children at our daycare are single. i helped them with taking care of their kids because it gets tough with work and extra responsibilities. that's why i never had an issue with you coming later than expected." that reassuring smile crept back onto your face which made peter feel more at ease.
although you never knew the struggle of being a single parent, you understood and was offering the help that peter so desperately needed. he glanced back at his young daughter and back at you.
"if you have time, would you mind helping me take care of mayday?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders nervously.
nervous that you would say no and that he would have to struggle alone
you nod your head and smile wide. "sure peter. i wouldn't mind helping you." you pulled out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down your name and personal contact number. "just call and I'll assist or i'll be right over" he nod and pulled you into a gentle hug. you were a bit startled, but you understood the relief he felt to have someone helping him again, so you hugged him back with equal energy and smiled as he said:
"thank you".
after a few minutes of talking to peter, the two of you bid a farewell and went your separate ways.
turns out the house you had recently moved into was directly opposite peter's. this made your job of helping peter with mayday easier
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mhaccunoval · 1 year
Give us a rundown on your OCs for the OC asks- (Name, bio, visual reference if possible, the world around them, trivia)
assuming this is about dina and nadia— sold
— DINA —
legal name: farouk yousef abudullah
preferred name: dina mariam abudullah
pronouns: he/she
bio: egyptian american gender weird (AMAB) lesbian. affectionately called miss dyke by her daughter because he's a priss, a women lover, and was born in 1972-ish so was JUST barely old enough for late 80s / early 90s prides and dyke marches. she has a younger brother named ahmed who she's not really that close with (he's a bit... flaky and just kinda fucks around doing his own thing) but she's pretty close to her parents, who try to be supportive though they don't entirely understand the whole gender situation. was BRIEFLY a slut until she found nadia's mom (who still needs a name and story) and really fell for her, married her and everything. he always wanted to be a mom (very specifically a mom; there's always been a gender weird element, including wanting to be a mom) and managed to convince his wife to have one; nadia was born the day he turned 26 (so now that date is known as The Birthday). became a single mom within a few months (still fleshing out this bit but) because his wife's postpartum depression and commitment were too much, which dina respected and. she's been just fine raising nadia herself (with help from her parents of course). now it's him and nadia being sarcastic bastards to each other in the most loving way possible. oh and i nearly forgot about her bestie 'velma'
world around them: i still need to figure out a general geographical location but. for some reason thinking connecticut
visual reference / face claim: the best way i can describe it is. lesbian genre pedro pascal. like. This type shit
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(beard and all. like she's probably on a low dose of estrogen but like. masculinity being big to her in saying her gender is butch)
full name: nadia yasmine abudullah
pronouns: she/her (OCCASIONALLY they)
bio: nadia's egyptian from dina's side and tunisian from. thinking Marwa for dina's wife. she was born. i THINK i was thinking may for The Birthday. maybe may 15-ish. ANYWAY. born on dina's birthday to dina and. marwa left when nadia was only a few months old so she has no memory of her and only really finds out in her middle-to-late teens that it was a Serious relationship that she was born from (since dina's been around a BIT once nadia's gotten a bit older but he hasn't been super serious with anyone, in part because marwa leaving devastatingly broke his heart so he's a bit terrified of it happening again And in part because nadia's his whole world so who else does he need). she was born in 1998-ish so living her adolescence in the early 2000s / 2010s and enjoying being a little shit to her mom. she DOES have friends in school and online but she spends most of her time with her mom and grandparents, which is completely fine by her since she loves it.
world around them: i think if she and dina do live in connecticut they're probably uconn fans and uconn's main campus is in storrs so
visual reference / face claim: nico parker <3 and using These pictures specifically because they're cute And have dina & nadia energy <3
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(for more information, my organizational doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SzYnq2jsdSjBT_SEjoevtqvumJupMkQcFBC6AllWmTM/edit?usp=sharing)
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First Entry
Main entree, here it is.
I suck.
Plain and simple, there it is. When people ask what i'm interested in and I say "nothing" and shortly thereafter realize "oh wait, food!" I always circle back to what I initially and so strongly felt.
Ok, ok, sure, I have an interest in nature too....But really, outside of food and nature... Not much else. And I used to be so sad because I felt so lame. My social currency was at a resound -100,000,000.
But then I became sad. I realized what it meant bigger picture - and its pathetic that it took me so long to have this epiphany - but it meant I wasn't enjoying the experiences life has to offer :( I wasn't falling in love with anything. Nothing mystifies me, it's just bleh.
I look at people with hobbies and interests with such envy. People that are really skilled at it? Hate you even fucking more. Mentally disabled guy that knows every NY metro stop from north, south, east, west, ESPECIALLY FUCK YOU. Why do you get to have your purpose.
I realize how hateful I sound, but really, just to have an interest and love for something so deep, would be so nice. So beautifully poetic.
I started writing this because I read a girls blogpost Crybaby there are multiple y's in there somewhere but how am I to remember. She also runs a vintage store called kgvintage. My muse. I love her. I came across her instagram when I was looking for influencers in the area & found her post when I looked up the location Santa Anita Racetracks. She reminds me of my friend Nadine, so witty with their words, so chic and rich in their consumption and taste in the "fashion world." They know what to reference, what cool jargon to drop, what was in and was out in 1963. They love Sex and The City and imagine themselves to be Sarah Jessica Parker. I think I was too afraid of being a poser if I tried, but you know what, here it is. The beginning of the cultivation of my mind on Tumblr.
Tumblr, the place I used to go on in middle school and once I stepped away I realized maybe I wasnt depressed, maybe I was just on Tumblr too much. But looking back, those were the times I was most excited by the arts. I hope it happens again, I hope I feel again, and maybe it'll be the start middle and end to me living a more full life. (I also rediscovered tumblr for its porn4ladies haha) Ta ta for now.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ∖ p. parker.
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✎ paring ─ any!peter parker x fem!reader. ( characters are of age but age doesn’t really matter in this fic! )
✎ description ─ in which peter thinks back to his relationship; and how he realised he never deserved you or your love.
✎ warnings ─ pure angst lol, mention of blood, swearing and sad!angry!peter (to himself though!), ideas of insecurities? 
✎ authors note!  ─ this is based loosely off the song ‘Don’t Deserve You’ by Plump so be sure to listen to that while reading this! 
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You’re the first face that I see
And the last thing I think about
   PETER PARKER MISSED YOU. You were the golden ticket to happiness; with that smile you would make showing off your dimples when his hands would tickle your hips that you always talked down about, or the way you would get flustered and slightly embarrassed when he would lean in close to your ear and whisper whatever was on his mind.
   Which was always you.
   You were always on his mind, everyday, every night, every moment his mind replayed on you; like a broken record spinning around and around with no desire to stop. Though, he wasn’t complaining and never in his life wished for the broken record to be fixed.
You're the reason that I'm alive
You're what I can't live without
   Every breath was for you, every thought was for you, everything was for you; but yet, Peter Parker had lost you, had lost his breath and thoughts. He had to begin to rely on himself, cooking dinner alone with the cold depressing wind as his only friend and lover as you were gone.
    It hurt. Really fucking hurt to think about you, to imagine himself while he laid in his bed or at his kitchen table; his hands unknowingly holding above his slightly chapped lips and a dreamy yet sad look staring out into nothingness as if he was imaging a pair of lips on his; imaging your lips on his.
    It was pathetic how Peter Parker seemed to struggle getting out of bed everyday as the moment his eyes would flutter open and his mind began to wake up, his thoughts instantly ran to you. And how much he had fucked up with you. . .
You never give up
When I'm falling apart
   “Peter --” You let out a loud gasp as the boy you had just called out for came stumbling through your window; a large red bloody gash clearly seen on his chest, bruises covering his face and arms and small cuts on his face. You couldn’t help but run towards him, your night-wear instantly being ruined and soaked by blood and dirt as you picked up your broken down boyfriend with your arms under him, helping him stand until he could find himself in a more comfortable seating position instead of the wooden floor.
   The moment you found him in a good and comfortable position you instantly went to work; cupping his cheeks as you leaned in to kiss his nose your eyes wandering his body and face to try and see the full damage.
   “Y/N --”
    “Don’t even try and say you are okay because you aren't and you will sit here in silence and let me heal and love you ‘kay?” The stern look in your eyes made him instantly shut up, though it wasn’t like he could really fight back as all his energy left was just on keeping himself up and awake.
   Oh, and the fact you and him had this exact same routine every single day. 
   You were always so caring towards him, always taking care of him no matter the time or day you never had a issue nor complained. And he had the audacity to call you a clingy bitch. . .
Your arms are always open wide
And you're quick to forgive
When I make a mistake
You love me in the blink of an eye
   “I needed you Peter.” You sat there emotionless; a scary sight that no one wished to see but yet, it happened. All because Peter Parker had forgotten again.
   “I know love I know,” his lips met your forehead, a sign of love, but it didn’t feel like love; it felt cold and broken, sad and alone. It didn’t feel nice. “I am really sorry.”
    He was always sorry. Sorry for missing out on dinner dates, sorry for missing anniversary’s, sorry for skipping breakfast again. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
   You hated the word sorry; because you heard it more than you heard the words ‘I love you’ come out his mouth. There was a point where you used to force yourself to believe that every time Peter said the word ‘sorry’ it meant ‘I love you’ as those three words were barely heard; and the word ‘sorry’ seemed to mean so much more than ‘I love you.’
I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
   He holds onto you like the world was ending. Like if his arms were to drop from your hold his heart would stop, his air-flow would die out and his heart strings connecting to his heart would break. Everything inside of him begged for you to love him back; to forgive him for his mistakes and just hug him back.
   And of course you do; of course you wrap your arms around his waist, bringing him closer than ever and your souls meeting once more. You of course, allow him to kiss your forehead with the muffled words of “I’m sorry.”
  And of course, you gulp down your hurting and heavy heart with a muffled: “I know. And it’s okay.”
   Peter Parker threw his plate into the sink, slightly shocked it didn’t break from the throw or impact of the hard metal but he didn’t dwell on it for long.
   His mind was playing tricks on him, always on you, always about you -- during his lonely dinners and his depressing days he found himself always referring back to his mistakes; playing on a loop like the God’s above him were bringing karma down onto him by forcing him to watch his younger self fuck up again, and again and again.
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
   “Please Peter--” You were begging for him to listen, to stop, to just do something other than run away from issues again; run away from you.
   “God Y/N,” the boy snapped in the dark gloomy park, no sign of life other than you two was there; rain pouring on both of you like some cliché movie, “Leave me alone!”
   You ignored the hurt in your chest, you ignored the way tears were dwelling in your eye’s and most importantly; you ignored Peter’s asked.
   “Peter please, you need to sort this out-- don’t leave me again!” You were begging, praying through your broken voice. But Peter seemed to not care about your prayers. . .
   “Just fuck off Y/N alright! Stop being such a clingy bitch!” And with that he walked off, leaving you alone in the pouring rain all while taking your last piece of your heart with him.
   He woke up in a sweat.
   There you were again, in his mind, in his dreams; replaying one of the last days he had with you before you finally packed up your bags and left; his heart and broken promises leaving with you.
   He’d never forgave himself and probably never will. But he doesn’t deserve to forgive himself now that he thinks about it. Frankly, he deserves to live in sadness and always having a dark cloud looming above him. He deserves everything that comes to him because he was so selfish he allowed the one person who truly cared and saw him for himself walk away from him; all because of him.
   He had to stop replaying the memories on repeat and stop the slight hope he made himself feel every morning that maybe just maybe you would walk through his door with a large forgiving smile on your face ready to take him back.
   Because bottom line is, you would never forgive him, and frankly, he would never let you. Because he didn’t deserve you and he didn’t deserve your forgiveness nor your love. 
   He deserved nothing, while you deserved everything. And everything was something he failed to give you.
And I don't deserve you.
authors note!
loved this tbh, i was in such a angst mood so i hope you enjoyed!
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brawltogethernow · 3 years
I suppose the next step then is "BBC Merlin but it's SpideyTorch"
Oh my god. TEACHER, TEACHER, SHE’S TARGETING ME okay okay uh.
Peter, secret warlock, goes to Camelot with his mother figure, May, who does not know about the warlock thing because it kicked in when he was a teenager and they both strategically decline to tell each other things. Gaius is Reed, who was the court sorcerer and is now the court scientist. (He’s not an old man except spiritually where he has been a senile professor since he was 19.) He literally didn’t change anything he was doing, considering science and magic as different points on one spectrum anyway-- No. That’s Doom’s schtick. DOOM was the court sorcerer, and was fired. He is upset about it. Reed is just a science guy but worked extensively with Victor, so he’s kind of useful, but not as useful as Peter was hoping.
I know very little about Sue and Johnny’s dad except that he’s a supervillain who...faked his death, revealed himself, and then died for real like 12 hours later? Did he also fake his wife’s death at some point? Would he do a mad king magic ban thing? Idk but for plot purposes we’ll say yes. They conveniently already share Arthur’s dead mom syndrome. Maybe their aunt whose name is different depending on what issue you’re reading is also here just to convolute the court drama. Wait no didn’t Arthur have a shady uncle show up after like five seasons. She.
Peter is very talented at finicky, specific magical formulas. (Reed: :) )But in practice he really prefers to just slam out a big wave of power, and if that doesn’t solve the problem, repeat until it does. (Reed: :( ) He gives this a go at the beginning of sorting out any problem, like restarting your glitching computer, and if it doesn’t work the problem is complicated enough to be an episode plot.
So obviously I’m still gonna do secret identity shit? Peter saves the young prince and heir’s life and is rewarded with a second job; he only came here for job reasons and you’re all lucky he doesn’t turn down paying jobs otherwise he’d be having some words with the king. Peter also accidentally becomes a masked vigilante out in the town. His very existence is illegal because he’s obviously doing magic! They keep sending his boss out to hunt him down, and their eyes are always locking dramatically and shit in brief silent stare-offs from opposite ends of the street in thunder storms at sunset until Johnny’s horse rears and breaks the eye contact causing Peter to snap out of it and flee. You know how it is.
Sue is older than Johnny and thus older than the magic ban, so she responded to it by going “:) That’s nice, Dad” and socking away a bunch of books before they could go on the fire, and now she’s just a sorceress on the dl. This is approx. a first season finale reveal, because her real superpower is being able to keep her mouth the hell shut. I literally cannot with how nobody in Merlin ever exchanges information, so shortly after Peter and Reed learn this they exchange secrets, like sane people, which opens up their resources a bit.
That said Sue is an extra legitimate royal, not the Morgana equivalent. Maybe Gwen should be Gwen, especially since I have thought Gwen/Johnny/Peter has potential since reading Spider-Man/Fantastic Four (which if you read an earlier ask, I recommend if you want to see new art of Gwen being mean in hair clips). But Peter/Gwen and Merlin/Freya are like...same energy except the latter wasn’t as well done. And Merlin’s Guinevere honestly more reminds me of Betty. Morgana--
Okay I thought this trying to reconcile as much of the cast as possible and I now can’t unthink it so. The king’s ward is Dorrie Evans. Yes she goes nebulously sapphic evil witch queen. Sure she was an unpleasant teenager and readers hate her, but you know what, I’ll simp, whatever. Let Dorrie poison some people. In a cape. This feels natural to me. Also Betty Brant and Dorrie Evans???? Betty/Dorrie vibes???? I guess!!!!
So like. The thing where Arthur gets mystically whammied by love potions once a month, except also Johnny’s normal relationship-anticipating giddiness happening organically mixed in, the part before he actually starts dating someone and becomes immediately depressed. Peter is in the bg sarcastically dismissing magical incidents saying he can’t even tell the difference, and Reed is like 😬 Please Check Anyway. Peter’s not, haha, Peter’s not jealous, Johnny is just an idiot, and, okay maybe Peter is a little jealous! But it doesn’t matter because the prince is going to marry some noble and--
Reed: Prince Johnathan is a bit like a little brother to me, so Please Stop Telling Me About Your Problems.
Reed/Sue is reciprocated but on permanent hold for class reasons. Spideytorch is in the same boat except they’re also stupid and working it out by dating their way through the whole country, except Peter is actually into that and Johnny is not.
The dragon is...Ezekiel?????? That’s the right level of wise wry mentor who’s very shady and will kill you, so he’s a dragon now. And when he tells Peter he’s the (other) chosen one, Peter full stop doesn’t believe him. This disbelief goes on extensively. Peter is not a fate-oriented person. Johnny would love to hear about the fate thing, but no one will tell him.
Literally I’m just going to add more chronologically unmoored medievalish shit to Merlin now to cram more of the cast in. There’s some kind of town crier/herald outfit, and Jonah is their boss. He’s just out in the road yelling sometimes even though he can delegate that. The buglers otherwise known as Bugle staff named Peter’s vigilante persona the Spider, which was supposed to sound menacing but is in practice also cool. This is out-of-universe fairly equivalent to Merlin’s real name as a neat two-syllable animal word and possible title. In-universe maybe I’d elbow out Emrys and just use this. Merlin is already very servants-don’t-work-like-that, so Betty just also has two jobs for no reason so she can knock elbows with them.
MJ is the court jester and knows absolutely everything, which is a dramatic mid-game reveal that isn’t exactly foreshadowed so much as always possible while carefully obscured from the viewer (the reader). Before this she’s already a Wise Fool, Shakespeare-ways archetype character, it’s just not clear how much. She is the most important character in Homestuck Merlin Spider.
Every ship is real for at least 30 seconds. Most of the extended FF cast are either magical antagonists or weird nobles.
Ben????? (Grimm, I mean. Ben Parker is dead. Ben Reilly is a recurring episodic plot.) This show was painfully formulaic and would simply not keep someone with any version of his deal in the main cast, but he’s a full quarter of the FF so. A magical accident approximated his rock body deal. Maybe specifically tying him to ~the magic of the land~. And then, uh. Wandering the country is too satellite-like. Hiding out in a forbidden castle wing is interesting but doesn’t do him justice. So I guess it’s a come and go semivoluntary transformation thing that’s kept secret? Rock werewolf. Were-rock. Good opportunity to fake out like you’re going to do a monster of the week plot, and then he contributes to the tension to abolish the magic ban.
Knights?? Wyatt is there from the beginning, being tall and reassuring (holding a sword edition). Not sure how him or his immediate ancestors got to Europe and then ended up this involved with the local nobility, but it was probably exciting. And Flash, or he’s an early addition. Either way he’s from the same village as Peter and is approximately White’s Kay, except directed at the wizard instead of the future king, and otherwise you can completely superimpose their comic dynamic including the fanboying over the secret identity angle, which is entertainingly seditious. ...Others. I don’t know enough FF characters for this. I’ve accidentally implied the eventual addition of Bennet Brant, but his evil sorcerer of the week energy is very strong, so maybe not. Randy eventually because I already implied the Robertsons and can see it.
This is so long, covers nothing, and explains none of the namechecks. Using both these characters’ franchises in one fusion is too much stuff. I keep not talking about the core relationship because it’s just. Like That. I don’t feel like I need to elaborate on the Merthur dynamic, even transposed on a different ship. It’s Just Like That.
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
Okay I hope this isn't too much!!
🦝 — trash panda. • send in a description about yourself; A little abt your personality (a lot if you want and appearance too if you’d like), gender preference & fandom. and I’ll ship you with someone!! :))
can I ask for the fandoms Teen wolf, Marvel, and HP?
I'm 5'1, typical short girl, I have a big attitude and I will give anyone shit no matter who they are as long as I have good reason (good reason to me at least). I have medium length hair that I dye all the time. usually it's red or black. I have a lot of mental illnesses. Depression, general anxiety, major social anxiety, I think bpd and a bunch of other stuff. My social anxiety usually affects me a lot more when I'm alone and not with someone I trust. If I'm with someone I trust I'm a giant extrovert and i get a lot more reckless and loud. normally I'm pretty quiet. definitely a people watcher. I sit back before I go into a new situation and observe everyone so I know who to talk to, who to avoid, just hwo to interact with everyone and everything. I don't trust easily but once you've earned my trust I will fight tooth and nail for you and I'm very loyal. My love language is touch and gifts. I'm always cuddling and touching and hugging the people I care about. I'll be as close as possible as long as the other person is comfortable and ok with it.
um that's a lot so ima stop myself here
yo damn I relate to you so much. I read that and I just immediately felt like I was reading a lot about myself wowo 
thank you <33
okay so…
teen wolf; Scott McCall. I feel like because he’s kind of more of a shy, puppy lover kind of guy I feel like you being with him would be a good match. but I don’t think you guys would get together like immediately or something you know. but yeah I’m gonna go with Scott McCall. I feel like you guys would relate to each other with the loyalty, and I think he would be able to help you with the social anxiety, I think he most likely would be able to sense that because he’s a werewolf yk it is main priority most likely would be to protect his mate. and I feel like he’s a very touchy person himself so he wouldn’t mind at all.
^ going with that I would also ship you with stiles. I feel like he would love a girl with a big attitude that would give anyone shit if you had a good reason. and I feel like he knows what it’s like to have depression and panic attacks because he still gets panic attacks so I think he would be there to help you no matter what. and I think he’s already a touchy person so he would love to just hug you, anytime. and I feel like you guys would have the best connection together because once you earn that trust and that bond, you guys would have this amazing energy together. like it’s when you have that friend where you guys just look at each other and you guys just start laughing and it’s the laugh that dead silent but you guys are just dying and that’s what I’m getting from the both of you. idk
Final answer for teen wolf is Stiles :D
marvel; ngl i’m thinking of Peter Parker but I think I’m gonna go with Pietro Maximoff. mostly because I think you would earn his trust and he would earn it from you too, and he seemed very protective of his sister so I bet he would be even more protective of you too. and if the depression and the social anxiety were getting to you I think he would be very good at comforting you and helping you out. because I remember a scene or some thing where he was helping his sister yk and I also think he would make sure to learn how to help you with the bpd. or just be there with you. now I think he would love to just speed around for example around the tower or something and when he finally found you he would just pick you up in a big lovable hug from behind oh my gosh <33 I think you and him would very much be similar in the observing people area and I also feel like you guys would gossip a lot. I don’t know why but I bet if he was in more of the Marble universe I think his attitude would be the same as yours, the I will give anybody shit only if I have a good reason for it. because that’s basically what he did with Tony so. 
Mcu answer is  Pietro Maximoff. <33
Harry potter universe:
Golden trio era; I kind of wanna ship you with Ron… same with pietro I think he’ll be the biggest sweetheart with all of that, like I bet there’s times where you might feel that it’s too much and you don’t want to put this on your significant other but I feel like he wouldn’t care, that he would want to help you, no matter what.
^ after I wrote that I kind of was thinking of  George Weasley more. and I feel like George is somehow always in the shadow of Fred and he is kind of more of the quiet one I don’t think he has a lot of lines but I kind of want to switch this to George. same going with what I just said he would be the biggest sweetheart, he would just wanna comfort you and he’s like 6 foot 1 bro he will just pick you up and hold you ‘cause he will be your teddy bear, he most likely has a lot of issues with social anxiety too since Fred is more of the talker but I feel like George has more charm he’s more genuine kind of maybe I’m not saying that Freddy is rude or anything I hope you get what I mean… 
but for Golden Trio era George Weasley is my final answer. 
Marauders era; this one’s kind of a tough choice for me. I really don’t know. I feel like you would be great friends with a marauders and i’m really thinking of all three… poly!marauders but without peter ofc. i’m thinking this because I mean it just kind of makes sense for me. with remus I feel like he would be able to calm you down if you get like overhyped with giving someone shit, and he would definitely earn that trust too. as for Sirius I think you guys would be a great match because like earning that trust and then just having fun together, but I think there would be times where he might get jealous of maybe how you act with the other boys and maybe that’s because you don’t talk to Sirius the way you talk to them about feelings and stuff, that might be because Sirius has gone through so much already and he don’t want to put more on him but once he learns that he tells you that he’s okay with it and then he wants to be there so you like through and through. as for Jamies, I think james is a very touchy person so he might bug you a lot but he would definitely earn you that trust and he’s most likely a lot about trust too but he doesn’t like focus around it, once he knows he has it then he has it and he stays with it, going back to him being a touchy person I think he would just love holding your hand hugging you touching you in any sort of way and you both just get so used to it that like it calms you down to if you’re having a panic attack, or if you just need someone to like hold you for a little yk. now going with your other love language which is gifts, I feel like they would all give you a bunch of gifts. I personally feel like Sirius would start off by giving you like little gifts oh that would be cute <33
you didn’t give me your sexuality if that you liked girls or not, and I mean if I’m allowed to I will choose if you do not like girls ignore this part. I kinda wanna pick Marlene too,  that’s because I feel like she already has this big ass attitude and I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel like you’re a Slytherin maybe I’m wrong mhmm no you’re a Hufflepuff… oooh idk 🤷🏼‍♀️
OK marauders era; if I’m allowed to pick a girl I would pick Marlene. but I’m very strongly going with poly!marauders. without Peter.
hopefully I covered everything :3 thank you 🫶🏻
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
Shannon! I have a question for today, it might be a little broad, but how did you come up with Natia’s character? :)
AMY!!! hello! sorry that i have *just* gotten to this as my weeks have increasingly gotten insanely busy between my job starting back up, school, college stuff, and ap exam chaos as well haha! i did this at about 11pm(?) and i'll be queuing it up for the morning for you, but outside of tumblr, i've thought a lot about this question and what i really wanted to include in this question. having almost spent 10 months spent writing and developing natia to who she is today makes a whole lot of stuff move through my brain when i go back to my developing stages for her! thank you for the question (and the broadness, never fear, i absolutely love it!)
Natia's character really came from the idea of just wanting to really push myself out of the box and *out there* to see what I could do. And I will say Landslide is one of my most *out-there* projects in terms of content - I mean we have Death as a personified character, crazy Agent Mortem, all these past connections to Natia? It's chaos haha! But, I had experimented previously with a partly Polish-OC, Hazel Parker of "The Soldier of Stars", and from that, I went, well there's no centrally focused Polish OC yet that I have seen (this was back in like June-July 2020 mind you, so there probably has been Polish OCs created since this time!!) and I had always felt that the Warsaw Uprising was inherently important! I also read up on the Polish Resistance and how they were the most effective resistance group of continental Europe during the war, with ultimately the Warsaw Uprising being their last final push that did sort of end that.
Something I've really enjoyed about creating Natia's character was putting a great focus on her flaws. Now, her strengths are just as important - she is a great soldier in the field, she's highly intelligent and can make quick decisions on the fly, she withholds a lot of strength when it comes to situations where she needs to focus, she's observant, and she keeps herself fairly humble when not bursting at the seems. She doesn't let herself get stepped over very often (unless it's Mortem) and if anything she will insert herself, and show what skills she has, but she won't go overboard. She's also passionate about her country and her people and she always has something to fight for and even when she feels all hope is lost, she withholds a tiny little sliver no matter what, even if she doesn't feel it. But her flaws I feel are a massive part of her character. She's stubborn, she won't let people help her, she has trouble expressing emotion, she numbs herself more often than not to not feel the pain that she is supposed to feel, she blames everything on herself, she gets hot-headed quite easily, and grows to the point of nearly irrational at some moments in time and even will let her emotions get the best of her in times like this. But that makes up who Natia is as a character and who she is as a person in general.
But even with the strengths and flaws of her character, it makes her very much still a human being. And that was one of my main goals when creating Natia - make her human enough to make that angst HURT, but make her human enough that when you see her succeed or even the little wins here and there, you want to cheer. Because those are human moments. And I know this sort of character creation is not for everyone, but for me over the past near-year, this has been one of my favorite things about creating Natia because I've found myself able to relate to her even though I'm so vastly different from her.
I did some research on a British-Polish SOE Agent, Krystyna Skarbek otherwise known as her alias Christine Granville and I took a few liberties from this amazing woman and used it on Natia. But things such as Agent Mortem, Death/War connection and the eventual introduction of another character Solomon Campbell (who will be in Part 3), as well as the Resistance group of Part 1 and her siblings and parents, are all more of my own ideas and connections!
Something I have had a LOT of fun doing is showing that even though on the exterior Natia seems cold-hearted and dark and numb, and whatever other *cold+dark* ideas can be thought up, she is very much underneath -- not that. We can see how much evidently she cares for someone like George Luz; I mean even Joe Liebgott has pointed it out to her. She always is just trying to do her best and do what is best in the situation - no longer it is about what is good or bad anymore to her, it's about doing what's best in the situation for the time being, and I really love that aspect of her character a lot! We can see that when the war ends, she wants to live on the English coast, far away from war all alone with a dog and even a little goat in a seaside cottage. She grew so attached to the word AWOL after Joe Toye came and sat with her that night in Holland and they talked for once about something other than war. She even withheld her name, her nationality and just about everything else to keep the idea of the cold-face agent she thought she was up so the men of Easy Company don't have to know the real her. But -- was it to protect her...or to protect Easy? All these little ideas I threw in there to show that she is actually, very, compassionate in many ways, and caring and attentive and observant of the men and women she works with.
I really try to show that Natia listens when she listens to someone speak and she observes and she pays attention more than anything. And she ends up, holding information like that close to her and finding comfort in it.
My goal with Natia was to show that there can be a balance to "the bad-ass fighter" idea who fights for what she believes, but also remain human as well. We can see how much things affect her, especially the loss of friends. Of course, she doesn't show this to other people, but to use as readers, we see this and we see her occasional breakdown - and in a way, she continues living on their legacies because she listened to what they had to say. For example, Zdzich told her to not let the war overtake her, and throughout the story so far, we've see her sort of repeat this to herself in various ways. Because Zdzich meant that much to her. She's lost so much by this point in war that almost it's so sad to see that she, from what we all know of BoB, still has to go through so much, but at that point, she's fought so much, that all she can do it keep pushing on with it.
I think one of the most interesting moments from writing Natia was when the first few chapters were actually uploaded on platforms and there was someone really coming after Natia for her decisions and for this, that and the other thing (amy if i vaguely remember i think you remember who this person is as well because you clapped back at them once, and man your response was GOLD!!!). One of those things was Natia's approach with food (TW: mentions of struggling to eat with food, references of depression and struggling to eat, mental health issues relating...) and the person who commented would always be saying something about how she needs to eat, and she needs to remain strong and she needs to snap out of it with her depression and all this other stuff and to be honest, I sort of sat there for a moment like??? But there's reasons WHY she's not eating? Why she's holding back? (And of course ones I had mentioned so...) But let's move on.
Mental health was a prevalent thing in World War 2, though it was not looked upon fondly and Natia essentially does have depression as well as a border-line eating disorder. And so when the comment said that she had to snap out of it, I don't know it sort of off-put me because I have family with both those disorders and they've had treatment for it for years and you can't just snap out of it. I really tried to stress that 'the snapping-out-of-it" does not work, and the person kept firing back a bit at it, so I just moved on from it and ignored it. Natia's struggle with eating, as one can see, also comes from the heavy guilt and grief that is slowly uncovered throughout the story of what Natia has done and what has happened throughout the course of the war to her. Natia's number one thing she constantly does and has now become the focus of many character relationships with her (ie Doc Gene Roe) is the clenched fists, that she squeezes until they bleed and eventually need wrapped up by the Doc. Something she also refuses to accept she has a problem with. As we can see, acceptance is a concept she struggles with more than anything and something she will essentially have to learn to simply, accept.
That's just sort of one of the many bits of information about her character that I added, especially in society today as mental health is so important and so I just wanted to share a bit of the backlash I got from someone for it. But I guess that's life, but I'll continue to write Natia Filipska as an OC who does struggle with depression because of her life in war.
Natia's character and her story is probably one of the most complex characters and stories I've written and crafted and created and I'm just extremely happy with how she ended up coming out in the end! I'm about to go and do some writing and editing for her and it's just so exciting writing her because of all these various levels she withholds and she slowly lets uncover as the story unfolds! I just love it! OH - and we can't forget about the infamous mentions of the piano....yep that'll be coming up soon haha!! <3
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTION AMY!!! IT MEANT SO MUCH!!!! just getting to talk about Natia a little bit and her character and what my mind set was creating her - it means so much. my mindset with her is somehow always changing and shifting as she goes through her character arc throughout the story and how her developmental shifts and it's just something i really love and enjoy more than anything!!! <3 so thank you for letting me just talk about it for a little while as well as my thoughts and opinions, it means a lot :)
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professorchaos · 3 years
Stan for the ask game play :)
Why I like them
animal lover who sicks up on the girl he likes when he gets nervous. listens to music that makes him depressed just because. doesn't know how to reach out for help, so he tries helping himself through "helping" others... he's just a kid ):
Why I don’t
he's the least interesting of the main 5 to me... but that's just my personal taste! he's very... protagonist-y. thinks he's doing the right thing for everyone else, but generally only has his own best interests really in mind. (that's okay, though, because he's ten years old).
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
fun with veal and clubhouses immediately come to mind. getting old and assburgers are classics, obviously. bebe's boobs destroy society is another great one
Favorite season/movie
can we say that the pandemic special counts as a movie? surprisingly recent but i was very endeared to him in that. also the actual movie. HE WAS SOOOO LITTLE they were all so little!!!
Favorite line
i'm sorry stan stans but i can't think of any. i've failed you
Favorite outfit
TOOLSHED! he looks so SILLY! his kommunity kidz apron was really cute.
don't really care? i vaguely ship him with wendy, kyle, eric, butters, jimmy, craig, heidi, nichole... but yeah i don't have a strong feeling about it.
main 5 (of course) and with each of them separately (very fond of stan and butters friendship, it being based on parker and stough's). everyone i said under brotp. the goth kids, maybe.
Head Canon
nonbinary (but who knows if he'll ever come out now that he's been told he's a "cissy" by everyone who loves him). uses his problems to vent through music and art (note: he makes very weird music and art).
Unpopular opinion
if you kin stan marsh you have to accept that you're trey parker factkin (just kidding, i can't really think of anything). oh wait! i hate his phone destroyer legendary so much. why did they do that to him.
A wish
for him to find hobbies and friends that make him happy!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
i never want to see adult main 5 in the show do not do that to me. do not show me trey parker stan marsh i couldn't take it.
5 words to best describe them
tries too hard god bless
My nickname for them
stan. raven
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Blessing in Disguise
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader
Peter Parker x villain!reader
Warnings: Hospitals, Explosions, depictions of pain, allusions to mania and depression, self harm/unhealthy coping mechanisms, mentions of death and the dead, gambling, potential underage drinking, theft, guns, gun violence, depictions of bullet wounds, and drunk people. 
Word Count: 3.4k
Songs: All the kids are depressed- Jeremy Zucker, Everywhere- Chloe x Halle, Middle Child- J. Cole, She Knows- J. Cole, Breezeblocks- alt-J, Pussycat Doll-Flo Milli, It’s Been So Long- The Living Tombstone, Take me to Church- Hozier, Good Kid- Kendrick Lamar, Death of a Bachelor- Panic! At the Disco, Them Changes- Thundercat, Detention- Melanie Martinez, Recess- Melanie Martinez, Something for your M.I.N.D- Superorganism 
A/N: I actually hate this chapter because I feel like the writing doesn’t flow. I feel like it’s to jampacked with things that don’t do anything to push the story forward. Anyway I hope you still read it anyways. 
Series Masterlist   Previous Part   Next Part
I did the hand sign stating I’d stand. I knew I won for sure this time because I had a perfect hand of 21. The two other people playing against groaned as I was declared the winner yet again. 
Swiping the chips for the 3rd time since I’d been at the casino. I decided to take my wins and make my way to the bar that our “target” was residing. 
I had a hunch on where Carmen was but had no actual idea. I’d just text her. In the meantime I had this grown ass man to make a move on. 
I was like 97% sure I had the right guy anyway. I looked much older than usual tonight due to Carmen being a makeup goddess and I gotta say flirting can get you a long way. 
“Hey,” I spoke, sitting on the bar stool next to the man.
He looked up at me mumbling a quick hey.
“You expecting someone?” 
“Nope,” He popped the ‘p’ “What about you?”
“Same as you,”
“Now I don’t believe someone as beautiful as you is here alone,” He moved his arm that much closer to mine. I pushed out a smile and giggled. 
“I could say the same about you,” We made eye contact for a second “But no seriously, I’m just here with a girlfriend. It was my birthday yesterday but she wasn’t free so we came out today,” I lied. 
“How old did you turn?”
“Twenty Two,” He nodded seemingly content with the answer. 
“So you’re not around here are you?”
“Either you’re a genius or I’m just very bad at blending in, no I’m from New York,” 
“Ah, I have some friends in New York, which part?” 
“Harlem actually but I recently moved to Queens,” I lied again. 
“Oh I don’t many from those cities,”
“If we're being honest I don’t know many people from Queens either my life’s been more hectic ever since I moved,”
“I hear you,” He informed me, leaning on the small backing the stools had. 
We talked for about 15 more minutes, him explaining the switch between New York to Nevada. Then Carmen walked up to me and feigned drunkenness signaling she was done with her job. I made my way back. To the man who’s name I still hadn’t learned. 
“As much fun as I was having talking to you, my friend is way too drunk to be out in public so we should probably head back to the hotel.” I sat back on the barstool turning my legs towards the man batting my eyes 
“Could I possibly use your phone to call an Uber mine is dead?” 
“Yeah of course you can…” His sentence fizzed off at the end in place of where my name would be.
“Ciara,” I filled in “And you are?” 
“Jim” He started handing me the phone.
I used his phone for an entirely different reason than I’d claimed. The project Carmen had been working on was melting the wires together to fix the flash drive that works inside of phones. It hadn’t worked in years.
It took about a minute to duplicate the phone's data. I stuck the flash drive in my bra before going to give the phone back. 
Just as I started moving a loud argument broke out, by the drunk accents I could tell it would soon get violent. Seeing as I had many experiences with an aggressive drunk. I wasn’t going to take my chances and began turning towards the main exit.
 I heard the first shot echo followed by another. Soon everyone was shooting. Including Carmen who I think just wanted an excuse to shoot at people passing it off as “protecting her friends”. 
She was closer to the exit than I was so she slid me the gun and I was able to ward off anyone shooting in our general direction. Not for long though. A bullet lightly grazed my dominant arm’s shoulder; it still dug in enough to do some sweet damage. 
What’s up with me? I haven’t been on my A game lately. 
We were also out of bullets. Mostly because we weren’t actually expecting to have to fucking shoot at people. I ducked back down behind the bar trying not to get caught on the broken glassware. 
“I think it would be a good time to do that thing?” I asked. 
She rolled her eyes 
“You know I hate doing it,”
“Well I’m literally bleeding out,” I dramatized pointing to my shoulder. “So if you want to get out of here not in body bags, do the thing,” 
“Alright, just this one time,” She begrudgingly made her way out from behind the bar and away from me. 
I covered my ears and closed my eyes as the glass around me rained down and the bar shook. I could slightly hear the cries from beneath my hands. Once she moved back over to me 
“See that wasn’t so bad, birdy,” I scrambled up to my feet ignoring the pull in my shoulder. 
I made my rounds grabbing Jim’s phone, cash, wallets, watches, and anything else that looked expensive from pockets and the ground. 
I stood awkwardly staring at my feet as I slid from side to side with my butt planted on my skateboard. 
“Hi,” I heard squinting my eyes looking up revealing a equally nervous looking Peter
“Hey,” I nodded at him. 
The conversation wasn’t as awkward as I thought it’d be he’d apparently asked Liz to prom and he said yes. Which I was definitely super happy about because why wouldn’t I be? 
Anyway who cares about that anyway. Props to Peter for not bringing up the whole ghosting everyone thing for like a week thing. Because if he didn’t bring it up I was going to act like it never happened. 
We talked about everything and anything. From favorite candies or colors to our beliefs about life after death. I’d found out his favorite candy were skittles, favorite color: red and that he was Jewish but not necessarily religious and didn’t believe in heaven or hell but he believed in the eternity of a soul. 
I’d told him that my favorite candy was F/C, my favorite color being pink and that I didn’t know what I believed in. I believed in a higher power but not that they were inherently good because of all the suffering on earth. I’d told him if they weren’t good and had abandoned us while alive. Why would they care or have any plan for us into the afterlife? I think that part is up to us, and what we believe. I’m trying not to think about death.
Then like clockwork he had to leave before 9 which is funny because it’s like he wasn’t even trying to hide his secret identity. He’d told me he lost the internship and normally his excuse to leave was the internship. 
I just guess that means he no longer has Stark’s backup. He only had it for a while anyway he’d be fine without it again. Actually when I think about it,  from his behavior he’d exhibited as Spiderman in the short few months I’d had the displeasure of knowing him as ‘Thorn’ he’d be weak. He was unconfident, relied on his tools far too much. Couldn’t see himself without the suit. So maybe he was really just going home. So he’d be fine. 
I’d also be fine. No matter how much it didn’t look like it at the moment. I’d be fine. I was always fine. I was fine without my mom, without Rose, without my dad, without Olivia and any one else I’d ever been stupid enough to get attached to. I’d bounce back. I always did. 
It’d taken Carmen much convincing to not sit around and babysit me 24/7 because of my shoulder. She was sure that I’d do something dumb and it would get infected. 
 I was sitting on MJ’s bed getting ready for homecoming. My neck jerked again as Bri attempted to detangle and braid my hair. 
If I hadn’t spiraled into the Vulture, Kingpin and SHIELD, rabbit hole I probably would have taken better care of myself and my hair. 
“Stop moving,” She tsked.
“Stop trying to rip my head off my neck,” I hissed back. 
Bri did my nails back when we were still at her house waiting for MJ to pick us up. She actually did pretty good. I think she would do great at a cosmetology school. She's pretty much into everything: hair, nails, makeup the whole nine yards. She did all of that for me. 
The make up was very simple, but I was still able to get my signature winged eyeliner. Winged eyeliner is something very dear to me mostly because Rose was the first to put me on it and I wore it everyday since. It kinda felt disrespectful to stop at this point.
The only thing left was the dress MJ had gifted me. Her mom bought her a dress but she still refused to wear dresses so she returned it for this one, she opted for a very nice pantsuit she already had. Then Bri's outfit of course matched her boyfriend’s. 
I’ve never really liked school dances they’re always so overhyped, but I go to them all anyways, because then I get in on all the drama. It helped me build up my arsenal of knowledge about everyone. 
I was sitting at one of the round tables near the entrance with MJ, Bri, and Olivia. We had a bottle of “Gatorade” open and out for anybody who wanted to drink it. I was about to drink from it when I saw Liz enter alone. 
I made my way over to her.
“Where’s Peter? I thought he asked you?” 
“I don’t even know he just ditched me,” She let out a deep breath. 
“Aw I’m sorry,” I wrapped my good arm around her shoulder.
 “Well don’t think about that asshole, you’re way out of his league anyway,” I assured her to which she let out a weak laugh. 
“Come sit with me and my friends,” 
 A girl with knockers dancing all along her head came up to before speaking 
“Why are you crying?” 
I sniffed pulling my head from my arms. 
“I miss my mom,” 
“I miss my mom sometimes but I like my grandma too,”
“Where’s your mom?” I asked.
“I don’t know my grandma says she’s sick,” She shrugged. “Where’s your mom?”
“Well my grandma says she’s in a better place now but I know that just means dead,” 
“Yeah my dad is dead too so I know what you mean, I’m Rose. What’s your name?”
“Y/N, that's a pretty name,” She smiled. “You wanna come sit with me and my friends Y/N?”
I jumped a bit at the voice before matching it to MJ
“What?” I asked in a harsher tone then necessary.  
“Jeez sorry,” She reeled back “Someone is asking for you named Carmen. They said it’s important,” She waved her phone around. 
My face dropped and I hoped no one caught it. 
I grabbed the phone exiting the auditorium.
“Okay what’s up?” 
“You know Liz’s dad whatever her name is but yeah, He’s gonna rob that plane that’s moving everything from the Avengers tower,” She rushed
Holy shit 
That must be where Peter’s went. So he figured it out too. Kid’s smarter than I give him credit for.
“I’ll send you the location on your phone,”
“Why didn’t you just call me from there?”
“Because you never answer it,”
“Y/N?” She whispered.
“Be careful,” 
“Always,” I smiled. 
I rushed out of the building not thinking about how I could get caught. Near the buses there was the new Shocker lying unconscious. 
I took the webshooter I found next to him. Then made a run for it. Stopping to hot wire the nearest car, I sped to one of the locations that I knew Vulture’s team kept their weapons at. I was throwing everything in the same pile. Getting ready to destroy them. 
Then the door creaked open.
I felt the bed dip as my brother sat next to me. 
“Are you coming?”
I pulled the cover off my face 
“Why should I?”
“Because you’ll regret it if you don’t,” 
“No I won’t leave me alone,” I pulled the cover back over my head. 
“You gotta eat something,” 
“No I don’t leave me alone,” 
I knew what he was going to say and I didn’t wanna hear it. 
“She would want you to eat something,”
“Fuck you! How would you ever know what she would've wanted? No one here knew her and now one will ever get the chance to again so just leave me alone,” 
“Don’t Y/N me, get the fuck out of my room,” He sat there for a second, stunned “NOW!” 
As soon as the door closed and I flipped back over
I was shaken back into the present only to find that I was pinned under the man who’d entered the room before I zoned out. He reached for the nearest weapon. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Which is rare. I have a whole weapons catalog in my brain. Unfortunately for him he couldn’t grab it without giving me leeway to get from underneath them. 
Unfortunately for me I put too much pressure on my arm in the seconds I took to grip my shoulder recuperating myself. The man had fired the weapon he had at the pile of weapons that I stumbled back towards. 
The weapons then emitted purple light before exploding leaving me caught under some wood and concrete as the ringing in my ears only got louder and louder.
The fire around me crackled loudly and I bit my lip.
The smoke was only getting more plentiful.
I started coughing which only got more and more painful.
When I came to myself, I wasn’t choking anymore and the fire around me had died down. I was able to push myself from underneath the rubble holding me down. Not without lots of pain though.
The dress I was wearing was torn completely, holes big enough to see what I was wearing underneath it already. 
So I just took it off.
It wasn’t like I was completely naked I was wearing boxers. Not like I haven’t left the house in a bra and shorts before. Also who gives a fuck I just almost died. 
It was like 35° but I wasn’t cold in the slightest. I was actually kind of hot.
If my phone was accurate the plane had already made it near the edge of Queens and Staten Island. Rushing there I was seconds late as I saw the plane crash after I saw two figures fighting along it. 
There was fire everywhere but I wasn’t thinking. I was just running because I couldn’t make out Peter’s shape and if he was dead- 
I swear to fucking God if he was dead. Not again. I couldn’t handle another death.
Peter was saying something. No, pleading as the Vulture stood tall with his wings still intact. He was talking about how it was a nice try and he doesn’t know what he’s messing with.
Peter might not but I knew what this was. I also knew I wasn’t letting him get away with it. 
The wings started producing visible waves of heat. Then it hit me, what Peter was trying to say. The wings were gonna blow.  I got a head start and lunged towards the man. The element of surprise was on my side. That was until he used the wings to lift himself off the ground. 
Now I was fine with parkour and other activities, but being lifted off the ground by someone else, someone who’d never interacted with me ever, is where I draw the line. Then Peter was shooting a web at the wings. To which Vulture dropped me to go after him.
Oh hell no.
“Give it up Peter,” He continued to get closer and closer as the webs were continuously cut through. 
You know how people say they see in red when they get angry? Well the opposite of that happens to me I just see black. Remembering very little to nothing.
Last thing I remembered was fire just fire. From my fingertips, arms, head. It destroyed the wings in seconds, before they had a chance to blow up on their own. 
Peter webbed up the man before moving out of my sight. 
How the fuck do you get fire coming from your body. 
 Literally what the actual fuck. 
I couldn’t breathe. 
That’s what it was, I was dying, I was probably in some coma and this was a weird hallucination my brain pushed out in its final moments.
Okay this is it. I was dying suffocating in some coma.
Or even worse this wasn’t a coma and I was going to die with my body lit on fire literally.
“Oh my God,” I gasped trying to get air into my lungs. 
I closed my eyes and when I opened them Peter was in front of me in a torn up ripoff suit. 
“Y/N,” He moved trying to catch my eye.
“Y/N, Y/N breathe…”
I couldn’t really process his words. My mind was clouded with fear, fear and anger. 
Before I knew it I was hitting my head so I wouldn’t hit anyone or anything else. It’d been a coping mechanism I used ever since I was 3. 
Peter reached for my arms reeling back after his hands came into contact with my boiling skin. 
“Y/N you have to calm down,” He moved in front of me.
I stopped moving my hands but it was still difficult to breathe.
The monitors beeped all around me and if I closed my eyes  and concentrated hard enough. I could convince myself they were birds. 
I could tell from the patter of the knock on the door that it was Rose. 
“Come in!” I called out.
She picked up the clipboard examining it. As she did every time she visited. Luckily for everyone there was no nurse she could bombard with questions and criticism. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked. 
“Itchy, like my guts are on fire,” 
To which she replied by singing the chorus to Girl on Fire. 
“Anyway,” she brought us back after our laughter. “I got you pizza today since I’m sure you’re tired of McDonald’s,”
“I don’t mind McDonald’s actually, anything is better than hospital food. Well actually, their chicken strips aren’t that bad,” 
She placed the box down on my lap. I lifted up the lid and was hit with the smell of the many herbs. I pat by my legs signaling she could sit down. She wiggled into the spot that the bar of the bed allowed. 
“What are we watching today?” 
“Uh…” I clicked on the TV “Vampire Diaries?,”
“That show is still going?
“Yeah, I don’t think it’ll ever end,” 
Somehow the show turned into us dancing around the cramped hospital room.
We spun like the ballerinas in the broken jewelry box I got from my mom. Arms flailing around. The air conditioner made a rattling noise and a half eaten pizza on the bed. The situation was probably extremely weird or unpleasant from any other perspective, but because it was her it was perfect. 
It was like the moment in rom coms where the camera zooms into the main characters dancing as the rest of the characters are put out of focus and they stare into each other’s eyes. I closed my eyes. 
When I opened them I saw Peter’s eyes above mine. 
His hands were immediately on my face making my look straight at him. 
“Are you okay?” He breathed out. 
I sat up feeling a pounding in my head and a pull in my lungs. I was met with the fact that I was definitely not on the ground. I was actually very far from the ground on some ride on the pier. My mouth was dry so it took me a minute to get the words out and when I did it hurt my throat.
“Yeah ’m okay jus’ tired,”
“Okay, well don’t go back to sleep because I think you have a concussion,” 
“You’re acting like I died or something, how long was I out dang,” I joked I always hated when things got too serious. 
“Uh probably...30 minutes? I don’t know I don’t have a watch,” He sniffed and that's when I realized he’d be crying. 
“Were you crying? I knew you cared about me,” I smiled “It was only a matter of time before you fell in love with me, I’m irresistible” 
He laughed weakly wiping his eyes “This isn’t funny,” 
I looked up at him and started uncontrollably giggling. Soon Peter was laughing too.
The moment was interrupted by a squad of police cars pulling up. I absolutely did not want to get down but my tired muscles betrayed me. I was extremely exhausted.  I literally could not move. I just had to go wherever Peter decided to take me. I honestly think I might have a few broken ribs. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before though. We stood off to the side watching as Vulture was stuffed into the back of one of the cars. 
“So Spiderman?” I smirked.
“Uh.. no?” He said as if he’s questioning himself. 
“It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone I’ve known for a while now,” I twisted my body to face him hissing as a sharp sting shot through my body “You're not very good at hiding it,”
“Hey!” He cried out “But seriously you can’t tell anyone,”
“I already said I wouldn’t, but if it makes you feel better I’ll pinky promise you, and everyone knows you can’t break a pinky promise,”
“Alright,” He sighed.
I tried to move closer again and was stopped by the pain in my sides. 
“Okay well, the offer still stands, you’re just gonna have to come over here,”
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saturnwritings · 4 years
tear-salted popcorn
—while doing your job as a movie theatre janitor, you come across a boy who stayed back after a movie and oh shit is he crying?!
pairing(s): kenma x reader 
word count: 1273
warnings: spoilers for avengers: infinity war
a/n: on this installment of saturn uses ellipses too much!!! i headcanon that kenma likes marvel also i wrote this in dec 2018 but coming back to edit this i literally had to research what happened in infinity war cause for some reason everything i think happened in infinity war probably happened in endgame o_o
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Bucket and mop in hand, you sighed as you walked into Theatre 7 for your last job of the day. 
As a student living in Tokyo, it was no surprise you needed extra pocket money. Unfortunately, your parents had taken the liberty to cut off your monthly allowances, forcing you to get a job. As it turned out, a movie theatre near you was hiring, the pay was good enough, and you were even able to get an employee discount sometimes, so all-in-all in wasn’t too bad. 
As you entered the doorway of the theatre, you noticed something was a bit off. Before you were even able to start ascending up the dreaded stairs, you heard a cry that sounded an awful lot like a sniffle. 
From the corner of your eye, you see a hooded figure sitting in one of the seats. The figure was in what looked like a white Avengers hoodie (with the hood up), black jeans and brown boots. As you drew closer, you realized that the figure was a boy with his knees drawn up to his chest.
Just as curiosity almost got the better of you, you remembered your promise to yourself to be home by 10:30pm to make sure you had time to finish that science project that was due tomorrow. Keeping that in mind, you decided to get to cleaning. The faster I finish this, the faster I get home, you thought. Your coworkers that had shifts before you had already done most of the cleaning in this theatre, so all you had to do was mop up the steps.
Trusty mop in hand, you set the bucket of water on the floor and started cleaning. It was a complete coincidence that you had decided to start cleaning the same row the mysterious boy was sitting in. 
A few minutes pass. 
Only a few seats away from the boy, you could now see what was happening. The boy, around your age, give or take a year or two, had his knees tucked to his chest, cradling an XXL bucket of regular, salted popcorn, between his thighs and tears streaming down his face. 
Off the top of your head, you tried to remember what movie had just been playing. Black Panther? No, that was Theatre 4… The Incredibles 2? No, that wasn’t really a movie to cry over… but I guess everyone has their preferences? You tried to take another ‘subtle’ look at the boy and that’s when you finally connected the dots. 
Avengers: Infinity War! You concluded. You, yourself, had already seen it the week before, as soon as it came out. However, judging by the amount of tears on this guy’s face, he had managed to avoid all spoilers in the past week. 
You contemplated his options. On one hand, most people don’t really appreciate being approached by strangers while they’re crying, but as you mopped the sticky, movie theatre floor, you couldn’t help but find the boy cute. After cleaning the majority of the first staircase, you decide to say ‘fuck it’ and approached the boy. 
“Hey, um, are you okay?” you asked the boy with a nervous tint to your voice. The boy’s face snapped up with widened eyes as he tried to hide his sniffles. After regaining his composure, he dropped his feet to the floor, exposing a Marvel logo on the front. You mentally pat yourself on the back for being able to guess Avengers: Infinity War without seeing what he was wearing. He responded. 
“Yeah, I um, just finished, uh, you know…” the boy vaguely gestured to the now black and empty movie screen. 
“Oh… Infinity War?” You questioned as he indicated to the boy’s hoodie.
“Yeah…” an awkward silence proceeded and you were having none of it. Switching your mop to your left hand, you thrusted your right hand out. 
“I’m y/n, by the way, I work here… ” After raising his eyes to meet you suspiciously, the boy reluctantly thrusted his hand out as well. 
“I’m Kenma…”
“So, Kenma, what was your favourite part? I mean… it is a pretty depressing movie, but, you know, there were some good parts, right?” You asked apprehensively, trying to dissolve the awkwardness. 
“Well, I guess I really liked the battle scenes? Especially the one in Wakanda, that was pretty epic.” replied Kenma. 
“Yeah I loved that part! It was really cool to see so many different characters fighting together.” You suddenly exclaimed, Kenma nodded in agreement. “I, personally, really liked any parts with the Guardians, they’re really entertaining and have just the right amount of comic relief while still being able to be serious when they need to be.” You rambled.
This girl really was really… energetic, he thought, not in a bad way considering he was suppressing a smile. After that hell of a movie, it was almost kind of endearing how you were trying to cheer him up. After a while of you talking about how the Guardians saga was probably one of the best ever, it became silent again before Kenma spoke up.
“I really should get going… it’s getting pretty late, and, um, sorry for holding you up,” Kenma awkwardly said as he got up.
You bit your lip.
“I’ll walk you to the entrance! I’m basically done so… we can walk together!” You said as you clutched your mop with both hands, right before you mentally cursed and slapped yourself for sounding so eager. Kenma blinked.
“Um, well, I-I mean, if you really want to that’s okay?” He sounded uncertain of himself. “It’s fine, though, if you need to do… other things?” You laughed a bit.
“It’s all cool! I didn’t really need to mop the other side, anyway!” You totally did. 
Mentally cringing at the thought of not finishing your work to hang out with a boy you just met, you gave him a reassuring smile. Reciprocating your smile, Kenma stood and you leaned the mop against a random aisle seat. 
You walked out of Theatre 7 and headed towards the entrance, talking about everything from how OP Doctor Strange is, to how cool and almost relatable Peter Parker is, to the heart breaking ending, Kenma almost bursting out into tears at the line Peter’s lines “I don’t feel so good” and “I don’t wanna go”. 
You were pretty sad when you got to the main entrance of the cinema, as it meant saying goodbye to your (hopefully) new friend. Kenma shifted awkwardly. 
“Well… this is me…” You smiled. 
“I guess it is, it was fun talking to you though!” Kenma opened his mouth before closing it again. He hesitated, then finally spoke up.
“Uhm, is it okay if I, um… Could I have your number?” You could tell he was extremely nervous, but out of all the things you were expecting, asking for your number was definitely not one of them, “Maybe we could, I don’t know, talk about other movies? Maybe even watch the second part when it comes out…? Even though that’s, like, in a year…” You finally snapped out of your daze.
“Uhm, yeah! Of course! And, I know it’s in a year but let’s definitely go together, I can get us a discount if we come here, too!” You grinned. Kenma smiled, mentally, he slapped himself for getting stomach butterflies for an almost-date in a year’s time. 
bonus: dw you exchanged numbers and after he left, you went back to clean the other side of stairs. when you got home you did NOT do your science project but instead kenma invited you to play on his minecraft server :)
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vole-mon-amour · 4 years
OTP tag game.
Tagged by @captainjowl. You know for sure than I'm struggling to pick only 10 & fit them in here. But hell, that’s fun, thank you <3
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Rules: Choose 10 OTPs BEFORE reading the questions, and then get to answering
1) Harry James Potter & Sirius Orion Black
2) Daniel Le Domas & Grace (Ready or Not 2019)
3) Samuel & Nathan Drake (Uncharted 4)
4) Corvo Attano & The Outsider (+probably Emily Kaldwin; Dishonored series)
5) Steve Grant Rogers & Bucky Buchanan Barnes (Marvel)
6) Tony Edward Stark & Peter Benjamin Parker (Marvel)
7) Handsome Jack & Rhys (Borderlands video game series)
8) Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert (TVD Books & a tv show)
9) Batman & Joker (in every universe, really)
10) Adam Jensen x Francis Pritchard (Deus Ex video game series)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
I believe it didn't hit me before Spider-Man: Homecoming. Civil War was about Steve & Bucky for me, but when I saw that growing up Peter with Tony, their dynamic, chemistry. Tom & Robert are really just like that.
2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2?
Lmao. I've read like 50% of the tag on AO3, I wrote my own & started a few wips on them. They are amazing. Plus, with that shitty canon? We didn't get enough of them & they deserved better, so it's only logical to save yourself with fanfiction.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr screen saver?
I was living with The Outsider icon on my twitter & tumblr. That one is still my Google profile picture I believe. Don't remember about having an icon with the two of them. Also had The Outsider as my lockscreen on my smartphone for a while.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
Funny how it fits canon, lmao. Rhys literally tried to erase Jack's AI in TFTBL, so I guess another day on Pandora, nothing new. They torture each other, they kiss each other, they kill other people in the process. It'll be fiiine.
5. Why is 1 so important?
I love them since the first time I met them, which was much more than 10 years ago, I don't even remember when. At some point they were the reason I was waking up & forcing myself to eat just to read more fanfiction & feel something. Even if I was drowning in pain (I was extremely depressed), it was still something. I read every fic I could find at that time. The depression that Harry went through, all these feelings, his love for Sirius. I was living through it, I could relate.
I'm currently drowning in these two again, though in a much healthier & happier state. I see their flaws & I know as much as I can. I see them differently as an adult. They saved me, they keep being my number one, I still consider making a tattoo of Padfoot/Sirius or of both Harry & Sirius together. I have many headcanons, ideas, I write fics about them. They are everything, you see? They were my choice when there was nothing, no one. They are HOME.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Both. There goes the dynamic of Jack & Rhys: torture, fighting, flirting, a lot of trauma. I'd definitely say that they are wild and comical sometimes, but they are definitely serious. With the Asylum, the mental health issues. There is so much more to it, the complexity of their relationship. The struggle of loving who you probably shouldn't (but hey, when does it work like that?) Thinking about Tettlate's Batman, about Batman: Europa & how Joker was: "You must be crazy, putting me in charge of the plan, letting me decide. Okay, well..."
Nah, they are entertaining, but this is a serious ship.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Are you kidding me? They are all the definition of CHEMISTRY. I'd say 5, but then go 2, 6, 7, 8. Come on. I'm not choosing. Most of they are WILD.
9. How many times have you read/watched the 10’s fandom?
The fandom itself? Idk. I found one of my favourite artists through this fandom. If it's about the characters themselves, I played the first game with the DLC from start to beginning, looking around every corner. Spent more than 60 hours in there. Watched a second game (my laptop can't run the game) and the DLC (obviously), since Francis is in the DLC & not in the main game. I have a tag for them on tumblr, I read fanfiction, I tried to write my own. I still follow Elias & want a third game. Elias liked my tweets about Adam and Jensen being an actual couple a few times. I'd say I interacted with all of this a lot? Still do, actually.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
5. Best friends since childhood, fought & died for each other, still found their way back to each other. "It would break your Captain's heart, to see what they did to you." That only the MENTION of Steve can pull Bucky out of this brain washing(ed?) state, distract him in the middle of a fight. When Steve died in the comics because of Sharon & Tony sent Natasha to take Steve's shield from Bucky because even Tony knew how much Steve means to Bucky. And Bucky was like: "Oh, I see what he did. Not happening!" Fought Natasha (that is his ex in the comics) & kept going for Steve's sake.
Well, you see the point, I can go on and on.
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
They're not actually canon so none? They had a few fights: In Civil war (the comics), in Homecoming (the movie).  That only means that they’ve got history & love each other.
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
As fierce Grace is, they wouldn't stand a chance against Damon & Elena. Those two had to deal with worst thing than brainless stupid zombies. On the other hand, if there were no alive humans to drink their blood... It's either an animal diet that Damon hates so much or I don't know? Still, they're faster & more powerful. Their bodies have advantage of healing the wounds as well.
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
From some people, yeah. Don't tell Athena, don't tell Vaughn, don't tell Fiona. Though Rhys wasn't very subtle about it & Jack just doesn't give a fuck. You will probably end up dead if you disagree or bore him, or if you're useless.
"I can take you to the top, but you gotta know where the top is" & Rhys doesn't tell anybody until Jack makes him the President for like whole 20 minutes lol.
Fiona & Sasha: "This can't be happening." Sure it can, darling.
14. Is 4 still together?
I have a headcanon about The Outsider finding Emily & Corvo after Billie frees him from the Void. He doesn't have anybody & they are his only friends aside from a potential friendship with Billie. And if we don't consider TOTO dlc, they definitely are! The Outsider visits them both when they sleep & takes them to the void sometimes. How could he not?
15. Is 10 canon?
Not really but also sort of? Let's say that they really care about each other in canon, despite Adam pushing Francis away because of his trauma & fear that Megan caused him. :/
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Can you imagine wizards fighting extremely powerful vampires? Superheroes with venom in their bodies that make them super strong with people that made a deal with the Devil himself (hi Le Bail)? 5000 y.o. God and his lover that share his powers and an augmented human protecting his tired IT guy? Combine mental health issues to that, Jack and Rhys with Batman and Joker. Corvo & The Outsider would probably slay them all as Corvo and Emily did in both games with entire islands, though it will still be a slaughter anyway.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
All the fucking time, lmaooo. I’m not even talking about it.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
I feel like I already did with Steve & Bucky after many Marvel movies (we're not even mentioning Endg*me, I fucking died & was dead for full 4-5 months).
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
I used to do that a few years back, but not anymore. There is not much content since the trilogy is finished.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
1 already went through it & fandom lives, so I'd say maybe 7? Rhys will find a way to bring Jack back & they are both so wild. It’s what happened in canon anyway. Jack kidnapped Lilith & forced her to do Angel's job, so I'd like to see that witch try at first. Jack is an immortal bastard. <3
Now that I think about it, Corvo would also deal with her in seconds as she waits to curse them.
As a conclusion: no one breaks up forever, we're killing the witch.
I tag: @ianmillkovichgallagher​ & @aledbr​
Whoever else wants to join the game, please do.
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spider-manholland · 5 years
Wrong Person | Peter Parker
Pairing(s): brief Peter Parker x Female Reader, Peter Parker x Michelle Jones
Warning(s): angst, whole lotta sadness, implications of rape, torture, murder, small hints of fluff, major Far From Home spoilers
Summary: Peter Parker’s biggest secret was out to the world and now, it was his job to protect the people he cared for most in the world against the many others that targeted who he loved, both platonically and romantically. But he will soon then learn that he was protecting the wrong person all along.
Author’s Note: I was forreal tearing up when writing this one-shot. I changed the way Peter found out about his secret of being Spider-Man was released to fit this one-shot. Hope you guys enjoy this heartache.
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You knew your chances with Peter were over the moment you saw his lips meet MJ’s on top of the London Bridge, feeling your heartbreak at the sight of his wide smile that formed on his face when he pulled away.
You wanted to be angry. You wanted to hate MJ for taking your chance with him away but you couldn’t. She was perfect for him. She was everything you weren’t. Incredibly beautiful, insanely smart and just—perfect. You also wanted to be mad at Peter for not taking the your hints on how you feel about him but you couldn’t. You knew after everything he went through on this trip he deserved happiness and if he was happy, you were okay.
But sadly his happiness didn’t last long.
- - -
“-oh I just can’t wait be king!” You sang along cheerfully as you and Peter watched The Lion King in your room, the half-eaten bowl of popcorn resting on your lap.
“I still can’t believe no matter how many times you’ve watched this you still react like this is the first time.” Peter laughed as you sang loudly, a bright smile on your lips as your tore your eyes away from the television to face him. “Hey,” you scoffed playfully, “You don’t seem me complaining whenever we watch Star Wars over and over again. This week is my turn to choose the movie so deal with it.”
“Alright, touché.” Peter nodded, nudging your shoulder as the both of you laughed. You couldn’t help but feel your heart flutter at the sound of his laugh, sparks erupting in your chest at the sudden touch from him. It’s only been a week since you both came back from your disastrous trip in Europe and this was the first time you two actually got to spend time together...alone. There was part of you that still wanted to tell Peter how you like him, mentally telling you that if you don’t confess to him it’ll eat you up for the rest of your life. But the other part of you was telling you not to say anything, that if you do it’ll only cause problems because he was with MJ and he was happy, and you confessing your feelings to him won’t change anything.
“So how are you and MJ?” You suddenly asked, hoping that hearing him talk about his relationship, seeing up close on how happy he is would help you decide on what to do. “Oh, we’re doing great.” Peter smiled, his mind wandering towards the dark-skinned girl that he had a crush on for months and was now his girlfriend. “Yesterday we went on a date and I took her swinging around the city. She loved it.”
“That’s great.” You smiled fakely, hoping that Peter wouldn’t notice but of course he did. He immediately noticed the small glint in your eyes and the crinkles on your forehead as you nibbled on your bottom lip, tearing your gaze away from his. “I’m really happy for you.”
“Hey,” Peter frowned, placing a comforting hand on your thigh, forcing your softened eyes to meet his concerned ones. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing-” you tried to lie but was then cut off when Peter shook his head, causing you to stop and stare at him confusingly. “Don’t try to lie to me, Y/N. I know when you’re lying.” Peter sternly pointed out. “It’s just me. Talk to me.”
You could feel your heart beating against your chest as you stared down at your hands, trying to put your words together. “Peter I-” Before you could even properly say anything both of your phones suddenly went off, seeing that you guys both received a text from Ned in the group chat the three of you shared. The text saying in all capitals “TURN ON THE NEWS”
Without asking why, Peter grabbed your television remote and turned your guys’ movie off, changing it to the news channel. And that’s when you felt both of your hearts stop. Playing on your television was a video of Mysterio saying how Peter was Spider-Man, the video then changing into a yearbook photo of your best friend.
You turned to face Peter, your heart sinking at the sight of his glossy eyes and the frown on his lips.
The entire world now knew that Peter Parker was Spider-Man.
- - -
It’s been two weeks since the world found out that Spider-Man was none other than sixteen-year-old Peter Parker. It’s also been two weeks since you’ve seen Peter yourself.
When the world found out he was Spider-Man, Peter has been practically attached to the hip with MJ, constantly with her, making sure her she was safe. You could feel your heartache every time you could see him by her side, his hands always gripping hers or having a protective arm around her. You wondered why he never checked up on you, your his best friend and it bothered you. Did he not care about you?
You were so lost on your thoughts that you didn’t hear Mr. Delmar call you until you felt him grab your shoulder, bringing you back to reality. “Hey kid, is Peter coming soon? I gotta close shop.”
“Um,” you glanced down at your phone, seeing that Peter was already three hours later. “No, he isn’t.” You frowned, standing up from your seat and smiling apologetically at Mr. Delmar who was staring at you with sympathetic eyes. “Sorry kid, I’m sure he was just caught up with something—especially after everything that has been going on lately.”
You didn’t say anything other than gave the older man one last smile before leaving his deli store and began to make your way home. As you walked home, you couldn’t help but start to feel angry, reaching for phone inside your pocket and quickly dialed Peter’s number. You then rolled your eyes when you were sent to voicemail, like usual now.
“Hey Peter,” your voice laced with anger. “You missed our dinner plans at Delmar’s, again. You know, the one we made together when you couldn’t make it to our movie night last week.” You didn’t know you were crying until you felt your tears drop onto your arms. “I just miss you, Pete. We don’t see each other anymore, we don’t even talk. You always ditch me at lunch to sit with MJ, you don’t answer my calls and you don’t reply to my texts. Can you-” you paused, hearing a couple footsteps behind you, sending goosebumps along your skin. “Can you just please call me back? Bye, Pete.”
The moment you hung up your phone the footsteps became louder, sending your heart into overdrive as you quickened the pace of your walking.
Thinking you could escape whoever was following you, you jumped when two men suddenly came from the dark alleyway in front of you, devilish smirks on their faces. “So, you’re Spider-Man’s girl?”
“W-What?” You croaked out, taking a couple cautious step back only to have your back collide into someone’s chest. You turned around, your eyes widening when seeing another two men standing behind you. “N-No I’m not. I-I don’t even know Spider-Man-”
“Don’t try to lie to us!” One the other men snapped, one of his hands gripping onto your arm and shoving you into the dark alley, hissing in pain when your body fell onto the ground. “My boys remember that little Spider freak saving you from Adrian Toomes, our former boss.”
“And we’ve tried so hard to find a way to make Spider-Man pay for making us lose our jobs and spend years in jail.” Another man took over, pacing around you, causing your skin to turn pale from fear. “And when his true identity was revealed, it wasn’t hard to find the people he cared for to target.”
You felt your heart drop into the pit of your stomach at his words. “Who else are you going after?” You questioned, your mind being filled with images of May, Ned, and—MJ.
“Right now,” the main man stepped forward, a smirk clear on his face as he pulled something out of his pocket. Your eyes then widened, filling with tears of pure horror when realizing that it was pocketknife, the bright moonlight reflecting off the sharp blade and hitting your face. “Only you.”
- - -
Peter found himself waking up at the feeling of the empty spot next to him on his bed, his mind wondering where MJ was. After a long night of watching Star Wars, May allowed MJ to spend night, only if they promised no funny business and kept the door open. She knew that ever since Peter’s secret was exposed that he became extra protective over his new girlfriend, not wanting him worry if she did leave in the middle of the night.
When Peter got up from his bed he could hear the faint sound of the living room’s television on. And when he entered the room, his eyes immediately landed on May and MJ, who were currently watching the news with tears in their eyes.
“What’s going on, May?” Peter asked out of complete worry, walking towards MJ and taking her trembling figure into his arms. “Hey, you okay?”
“Don’t look at the tv, Peter.” Was the only thing MJ said, her glossy eyes staring into Peter’s confused ones.
“Why-” Peter began to ask but stopping when he saw your photo appear on the screen of television, the next words coming out of the news’ anchor causing his entire world to come crashing down.
“-and onto depressing news, this morning a passing pedestrian came across a female body laying in an alleyway near Delmar’s Deli and Grocery. The police were on the scene at sunrise to collect any evidence that was left. The evidence that they managed to collect revealed that victim was a sixteen-year-old girl named Y/N L/N.  And from an anonymous source, we’ve learned that the girl was friends with Spider-Man himself.  Now we must ask, was this just a normal robbery gone wrong?  Or a violent--horrific act to get Spider-Man’s attention?  We may never know.”
Peter fell down onto his knees as another photo of you appeared on the screen, this picture revealing what exactly happened. Peter felt himself choking on his sobs as tears began to spill uncontrollably down his face, taking in the features of what was now your lifeless body. Seeing the bruises that covered your arms, the cuts that littered your face and clothes you were wearing that were torn apart, showing off your now pale skin. The sound of May and MJ calling out to him went faint as he soon came to realize...
He was protecting the wrong person.
Send in any Peter Parker/Tom Holland requests you guys have.
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jackymedan · 4 years
television & film ask - 9, 27, 69, 86
9. Favourite guest-star appearance on a television show? idk does it have to be in a show I was actually following, or does watching 2 episodes JUST because that specific actor was in them also count.. if the latter counts then maybe it’s CKR in La Femme Nikita, bc his character Gray Wellman was adorable in that show, but I’ve never seen any of the other episodes :’)..
if the latter doesn’t count then maybe I’d go with william shatner AND leonard nimoy being in an episode of The Man From UNCLE together before star trek tos ever happened :’) bc that’s still hilarious to me.. but tbh there’s too many things I could list here bc every single time I recognise an actor I like while watching an entirely unrelated show I kind of lose my shit like OMG IT’S [insert character I know them as’ name]!!!
27. Name a show that had the worst series finale, in your opinion? idk there were definitely shows I’ve seen that had endings I didn’t like.. either bc they killed off one of the main characters right at the end which was uncalled for tbh (medium), or bc there kind of wasn’t an actual tied up ending bc the show got cancelled unexpectedly, so you’re just kinda left hanging (pushing daisies, shattered).. but I can’t really think of one specific example that was The Worst(tm).. most of the shows tumblr posts mention having bad finales are things I either haven’t seen at all or I stopped watching long before the finale even happened.. so.. idk
69. An actress you love that nails it in both television & film? idk tbh, most of the actors I’ve seen a lot of things of (so both movies and tv shows) are male :\ (ckr, michael palin, paul gross).. I mean otoh when you watch a lot of canadian things bc of ckr and pg you also end up seeing molly parker 100 times so.. and I did see her in both movies and tv shows (shattered and twitch city).. so I could definitely answer her bc she’s great. (can’t answer sandra oh bc I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in a tv show myself, although I’m sure she definitely does nail television as well)
(also honorary mention to piper perabo who I’ve seen in one (1) tv show (covert affairs) and then watched 2 queer movies of, one of which was nice (imagine me and you) and the other kinda depressing (lost and delirious), but she personally was great in all of them so..)
86. Have you ever walked out of a theatre mid-movie? What was the movie? honestly I never actually went to movie theaters that often even before covid.. especially after a lot of movies started being in 3D only (at my theater at least) I just waited until it was released on dvd to watch it.. so whenever I DID go to the movie theater it was probably a movie I was quite sure I was going to enjoy (otherwise I wouldn’t have gone through the effort of leaving my house for it)
the few times I did watch a movie in the theater that I ended up hating, it was during a school trip or something (like the wickerman movie with nicholas cage) and you don’t really walk out of a movie theater when you’re there with your whole school class.. tbh it would have to be really bad (as in BAD sensory overload or actually triggering things happening) to get me to walk out in general, bc I have social anxiety and the thought of having to get up and bother everyone between your seat and the exit sounds terrifying..
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Since i have done this 30day challenge on two of my other pages it was about time I did it for this page, starting firstly with The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Legacies will soon follow I promise.
So if you do not already no I have zero chill and zero patience so instead of 30 days I just do it all in one go 😂 feel free to sound off in the comments with your opinions, open to reading others' opinions and share in the love for this fandom 💖
1 - Klaus Mikaelson 💖 my king, my heart, the unrequited love of my life (fictional ofcourse)
2 - (in order) Caroline Forbes 👑 Rebekah Mikaelson 👑 Katherine Pierce 👑
3 - Klaroline, always and forever 😍
4 - Bamon or Stexi 🤔 although Stexi was definitely a more loyal friendship and I didnt want them together as a couple like I did Bamon
5 - Claire Holt, Love her to pieces, love her interviews and her post and pre TVD and TO work as an actress.
6 - Joseph Morgan, my husband in my fantasies only 💖 fantastic actor who I cannot wait to see what he does next 😍
7 - Daniel Gillies and Paul Wesley, their bromance is both adorable, authentic and slightly homoerotic 🙊😈
8 - Bamon or Elenijah, Bamon id have legit loved to see as endgame over Delena anyday and Elenijah I'd have love to have seen explored at least.
9 - Although neither the originals or Katherine were in every episode they were far from secondary in my mind, so in terms of secondary I'd say Lexi for sure.
10 - 2 and/or 3, most of the originals arc and Katherine stuff was peak TVD for me.
11 - The 100th episode for so many reasons, the nostalgic lookback at previous characters, Klaroline finally getting it on, a Mebekah reunion and lots of Katherine 👑
12 - He is your first love, I intend to be your last 💖 Klaroline was all kinds of epic and how poetic is it that she wound up being his last love💔
13 - Caroline singing at her mothers funeral 💔
14 - Elena, I know she went through alot but who didn't in the TVDverse, she was the victim and stayed within that role from beginning to end and god was she depressing to watch. She was also largely hypocritical with her judgements over things she too was guilty off 🙄 the fact I loathe her and love Katherine shows the incredible acting range of Nina Dobrev though 💖
15 - Stefan, he is like Angel with the Angelus edge, id say the male elena but that would be harsh as he didnt piss me off nearly as much 😂 he was alright I suppose I just didnt care for him that much, if he died early I'd have been like meh! I couldnt buy evil stefan either instead it made me cringe which is weird because Paul Wesley plays unhinged so well in Tell me a story...oh and also Stefan killed Enzo, not once but twice and he can only blame the humanity switch for one of those kills 😡
16 - i did ship Delena till they got together and lost all their magic, i never shipped Stelena but they did suit each other better than Delena or the very ill advised Steroline which should have stayed a friendship! Bonnie and Jeremy made absolute no sense and had zero chemistry so on those grounds id say those two or Steroline, Steroline itches me up the wrong way the most tbf.
17 - Elena and Caroline, Caroline was the better friend hands down for both Bonnie and Elena but Elena always seemed harsher to Caroline and yet couldnt handle it when Caroline gave her tough love back especially over Delena which tbh Caroline was right....IMO anyways.
18 - I cannot say Candice, Nina, Kat or Claire are anything but amazing actresses so I would never say any of them...maybe the actress who played Liv Parker, she was always kind of one note to me although not terrible but nowhere near as good as the others....I could probably later think of someone else but for now I'll go with her.
19 - Zach Roerig, a typical answer from fans I've noticed but he was just so blah for 8 full seasons I totally get why Im not alone here...also so far him and Steven McQueen are the only ones from TVD to appear in Legacies...Jeremy's cameo i didnt mind, Matts however...like when is he going to die and stay dead already? Sorry matt fans 😂
20 - A good chunk of episodes in season 7, didnt like Elena but didn't like TVD without Elena...would've loved the actress to stay on and either play another role or make Katherine come back preferably 🤩
21 - Most of them I started liking then hating, or hating to liking then back to hating 😂 I dont think I hated anyone from beginning then loved them by the end so ill just give a love to hate, Alaric...I liked him in early seasons but thought he came to a natural end when he died...from 6 onwards after he came back he lost any appeal and felt like he was just there to have another dead ex, then to cockblock Steroline which tbf was a good deed but still didnt revive him 🤣 and I full out despise him in Legacies but I'll dig deeper into that come a Legacies themed version of this challenge 😂
22 - Damon wins hands down here, loved him in the pilot, love turned to like as the show went on and then Delena happened and completely destroyed his chracter, Bamon gave him a much needed revival but Elena soon dragged him down once more...his live for her was obsessive to me, unhealthy and toxic and he couldnt cope without it. BAMON would've fixed all this IMO
23 - Okay stick with me here as this one has multiple answers for me...I'd have rathered Caroline or Bonnie as the main character alongside the salvatores than Elena so thats answer one. Answer two would be I'd have loved Katherine to have been the mainstay doppelganger instead of Elena. Answer three would be more flashbacks of Lexi and her life away from the Salvatores would have been interesting. Last answer, Rebekah should have been in more episodes both on this and TO but I'll probs get more into that when I do TO.
24 - The romances, the vampires, the villains and the aesthetic of Mystic Falls 😍 if you follow my other pages you know obsessed im obsessed with the supernatural genre 🥰
25 - Too much time centred around Delena and Stelena, which I know was the main story of this show their love triangle but it didnt have to be...
26 - Elena daggering Rebekah, my heart broke for Rebekah and hardened towards Elena...her biggest hypocritical move of many too!
27 - Heres one so this post isnt all bashing poor Elena 🤣 i love when Elena and Stefan wind up drinking in that bar together having a good time as friends...honestly wouldnt habe minded more scenes centered on this friendship.
28 - Klaroline getting together in the woods and/or the Klaroline moment in the last episode where he donates money to the boarding school...tbh any Klaroline moment 💖
29 - Liz's death and funeral, my heart breaks for Caroline everytime and Damon too, loved Liz and Damon's friendship 💔
30 - Almost all Lily Salvatore scenes, the worst mother alongside Esther Mikaelson....their deaths make me so happy every single time and I will never apologise for that 🤣
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