#i am angry beyond reproach i will kill that man
autismvampyre · 5 months
i haven't seen the whole episode yet because the act of watching it brings me so much anxiety because the stakes feel so high that i genuinely feel sick to my stomach
however, i already hate oisin just based on the spoilers i've seen. genuinely hope they kill him. if anyone of the rat grinders deserves adaines furious fist its that motherfucker
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Fully Complete 6
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), violence, mutual irritation, harassment, general hatred, allusions to death, toyplay, binding/restraint, whipping.
This is dark!Loki x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s a new face in Birch and he’s come to haunt your door.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, and Little Bones
Note: Think we got one chapter left after this one but don’t worry, we will eventually have more Birch beyond that.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 6: Wait and you'll see
Your ankle bent for the fifth time as you entered the small county hospital. Loki kept his hand covertly on your elbow after you jabbed him several times in the ribs on the drive over and noticed the way your eyes searched around. You couldn’t help it. Even if Jerome’s life was in the balance, you wanted nothing more than to be away from this man; if you could call him one.
The halls were sterile and the bright lights added to the sting in your eyes as you were shown to your brother’s room. A motorcycle accident, the nurse said, but Jerome’s bike was destroyed with everything else in your shop. You knew what happened was far from an accident.
His eyes were closed and tubes ran down his arms and across his face. It was a sobering sight. It reminded you of your father’s last months. You dreaded seeing anyone like that ever again. Even if Jerome was a cowardly weasel, even if he let those men trade you like livestock, he was still your kin and he was all you had left of your father.
You wiggled away from Loki and he let you as he pinched you in warning. You went to Jerome’s bedside and glanced over at your escorts. Korg actually showed an ounce of empathy as he stared at the bed.
“Can I have some privacy?” you snarled.
“We’ll be right outside. Don’t think of trying anything,” Loki reproached.
“I just want to be alone with my brother,” you curled your lip, “not everything is about you.”
You waited until you stepped out and you leaned on the bed rail. He looked so frail just laying there with machines pumping life into him. The nurse said he might wake up but they were still waiting. The only good news she had was that the surgery on his spine was successful.
“I don’t forgive you,” you whispered, “I never will but I love you.”
Your eyes pricked and you rolled them to force away the tears. The machines beeped and fanned. You shook your head and gave a grim smile.
“I want to ask how we got here but we know. We knew life would be like this. Daddy said it would. He knew you were gonna be a club man like him and he told you to hold onto your soul. He’d be so disappointed.” You sighed, “Do you know what that man is doing to me? What he’s gonna do?”
You looked away and huffed. You were angry, hurt, but not broken. Not yet.
“I can’t stop him, I know that,” you confessed quietly as you reached for his hand, “I was stupid to think I was different from those other girls. To think I’m above them. No, these men are all the same and we just gotta deal with it.”
You swallowed and pushed yourself up.
“Yeah, yeah, we know what happened to mama. Same thing’ll happen to me now,” you said, “and you’re gonna go see daddy. I hope he’s at peace, I hope you find that too.”
You turned and wiped your wet eyes. You wouldn’t let Loki see you cry. He wouldn’t have that pleasure. You would play along until you could act. You would pretend that you believed Jerome would live. You would fake, you would take, you would survive.
The car ride was silent as you stared out the window. You were quiet, still. Even as Loki’s fingers wandered to your skirt and played with the fabric, you did nothing. You were tired and fighting wasn’t doing nothing but draining your energy. You leaned back and played with the button of the jacket. The clothes were entirely impractical against the winter.
The main road of Birch passed outside your window and Korg drove by the sidestreet where the Victorian house stood. You saw the moniker with Cleopatra and you didn’t need to ask where you were going. You didn’t even wonder why. You knew.
“You think you can behave?” Loki asked, “for your brother’s sake?”
You turned to him and resisted a snarl. You nodded and tensed as he squeezed your leg.
“Darling, I mean it. You go in there and you show the boys how tame you can be,” he smirked, “show off your new clothes.”
“I got it,” you said through gritted teeth, “but you touch my brother again and I will never stop. I won’t stop until you kill me too.”
He raised his head in triumph and flicked your chin with his finger, “we have an understanding, don’t we, darling?”
You turned and reached for the handle. He let you and followed you out smoothly. He was quick to hook his arm around your waist as Korg led the way to the bar and opened the door ahead of you. You entered and focused on keeping one foot in front of the other as your instinct told you to throttle the man at your side.
Your breath caught in your throat as your vision cleared. Steve sat with his girl and Bucky with that waitress he was fucking. You saw in her eye a feeling you knew well. Her and the mousy one shared that brittle complacency. Your sights narrowed at Bucky as you got closer and time seemed to slow.
When you reached the table, Bucky looked over and stood. He smiled between you and Loki, the amusement plain on his face. You felt the flicker inside of you. You couldn’t hold back as you slipped quickly from Loki’s grasp and around the side of the table. You latched onto the front of his jacket. You hit him across the jaw with your fist and were ready to lay another as someone caught your fist.
The voices rose around you as you kicked out and caught him in the stomach as you were wrenched away. You looked up as you growled a slew of curses and found Steve and Loki both clinging to your arms. You continued to flail.
“You fucking piece of shit,” you grunted, “I swear to fucking God, I’m going to end you!”
“What did I say?” Loki hissed as they tried to rein you in.
Bucky was just as fast as he approached you and drew his gun. You didn’t still even as he aimed the muzzle at you and stared down the barrel. 
“She’s fucking rabid,” Steve uttered, “Christ.”
“Do it, you fucking bastard!” You spat.
There were no thoughts, no fears, only pure rage as you stomped your feet and tried to wriggle free. You glared back at Bucky as the gun hung before him. He exhaled loudly and put it away.
“You gotta put a leash on that bitch,” Bucky said, “I told you it wasn’t going to be easy.”
“Darling,” Loki said as you yanked against his hold, “that’s enough. Surely you didn’t forget so quickly that yours is not the only life in the balance.”
You looked over at him and blinked. You unballed your hands and stilled. You were stiff as the anger tensed your entire body but you tamped it down with effort. The men slowly released you. You peered around as you seethed, the two women at the table watched you in shock but beneath, you saw intrigue.
You raised your hands in surrender and looked at Bucky. Your jaw locked but you forced the words out. “I’m sorry.”
“Huh?” he raised his brows as his own anger receded, “what was that?”
“I’m sorry,” you enunciated, “alright?”
He laughed and looked you up and down dramatically, “didn’t think you’d get this far,” he said to Loki, “she looks like a woman.”
It took everything you had not to try again. You backed away as Loki removed his jacket and you mirrored him. He pulled out a chair and pointed you down with sneer. He sat beside you and rolled his shoulders as he fixed his blazer.
“Apologies for our lateness, we did have to make a detour,” he said, “I promise, I will keep her in line for the rest of the night.”
Bucky poked his cheek with his tongue and sucked his teeth, “you better,” he grinned.
You looked to your lap and unbent your fingers as your nails dug into your palm. You peeked around and caught the eye of Bucky’s girl and for a moment you just stared back. She was pensive and tilted her head before she looked away. You might not be entirely alone.
“I am unimpressed with that scene,” Loki hissed as Korg clung to your arm and angled you up the stairs ahead of them, “but I will give you a choice. Do I punish you or your brother?”
You reached the top and turned down the hallway. You entered the bedroom without resistance as the burly toady kept his grasp on you. You turned with him and watched Loki enter.
“I’m sorry, really. I deserve… punishment. Not him,” you said stiffly as you swallowed. The words were like bile in your throat.
“Oh, darling, that is the smartest thing I’ve heard you say,” he slithered, “Korg, get her clothes off.”
You blinked and looked up at Korg. He returned your gaze doubtfully and glanced back at Loki.
“Sir?” he asked.
“You heard me,” Loki said as he went over the chest of drawers and pulled the top one out, “get her naked and put her on the bed.”
“I can do it myself--”
“No, Korg, do as I say and hold her down,” he turned as he held some leather straps and you scrunched your nose as you tried to decipher all the crisscrossing.
“Sir, I--”
“You know I don’t like to repeat myself and I’ve already done so once,” he snapped, “so do it.”
Korg let you go and you bent quickly to undo your boots. He watched you take them off and you put your back to him, “the zipper,” you said quietly. He pushed it down and you held your arms straight as he tugged the sleeves past your wrists. He jerked you unintentionally as the dress gather at your waist and apologized.
You steeled yourself and stepped out of the fabric as it fell to your ankles. It felt like giving up but it was the only way. It was a means to an end. You bit down as Korg fumbled with your bra and stuttered. You reached back to help him and the cleared his throat.
“Hurry up, you fool,” Loki growled.
Korg hesitated as he pushed down your stockings one at a time and then slipped your panties off your hips. He stood and gripped your arm, lighter than before. You let him move you to the bed and Loki stopped him.
“Raise your foot, darling,” he bent and opened the leather straps. 
You obeyed and he nodded to the other. You lifted your other foot and put it back down. He pulled it up your legs and zipped the harness up to your waist. The leather straps wounded around your pelvis and thighs but offered no cover, just a strap along your cunt. 
“Put her arms back,” Loki demanded as he rose and came around you. He pointed behind you and your wrists were buckled into the cuffs attached to the thickest strap on the harness, your arms bound behind you. “Very good, now on the bed… face down.”
Korg gently guided you down and you wiggled onto the mattress. Loki dismissed him curtly and the door closed, marking a stolid silence. You kept your face away from Loki and tested the resistance of the harness. Even if you could get free, you wouldn’t get far.
“What is the matter, darling?” he taunted as you heard the rustle of fabric.
“You know, trying not to wretch at the thought of you touching me,” you snipped.
“Oh, is that what you think your punishment is?” he mused and the air was cut with the bite of leather before it lashed across your ass, “you’ll be begging for my touch when I’m through.”
You held your breath as he laid another strike and another and your body jostled on the bed with each. You knotted your fingers and every muscle in your body was rigid. You felt the welts rising on your skin but you focused on the pain. It kept you from crying, from thinking. It kept the humiliation from drowning you.
Was it worth it? Could you live with the shame when it was over?”
He stopped as you panted shallowly. He snickered and you heard him moving around again. He tutted and the mattress dipped as he pushed your legs apart. He pulled on the strap along your cunt and slid a smooth, slightly curved object between it and your skin. He tightened the buckle at the back of the harness so that the silicon was snug to your clit.
He poked his finger along it and it began to vibrate. You sucked in your breath as your body responded to the pulsing. He retreated off the bed and you pushed your legs together. That only made the sensation more intense and you tugged desperately at the cuffs as you rolled onto your side.
“It said about twelve hours battery if kept on low,” he said, “just enough to keep you awake but not enough to do much else.”
You bared your teeth as your eyes threatened to roll back and growled. Your feet arched as you bent your legs slightly and tied to shift the vibrator. You crushed your hands as you wiggled onto your back and dug your heels into the mattress.
“I am patient, darling, you’ve helped in that,” he taunted, “but oh, it is worth the wait to see you squirm.”
“Oh, you prick, why don’t you just… get it… over with?” your breaths caught as the toy buzzed against you.
“Where is the fun in that?” he ran his hand down your thigh and you flinched, “and you kept me waiting long enough. You will know the same pain.”
“I fucking hate you,” you sneered as you rocked back and forth and pushed your head back into the bed.
“I know,” he said gleefully, “it makes it all the better.”
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ffej16 · 4 years
THEinc-HIM Daily Bible Meditation - February 19 - Full Text - Shabbat Shalom
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PSALMS: 19, 49, 79, 109, 139
OLD TESTAMENT: 1 SAMUEL 10:1 - 11:15
1 The heavens declare the glory of God.
The expanse shows his handiwork. 
2 Day after day they pour forth speech,
And night after night they display knowledge. 
3 There is no speech nor language,
Where their voice is not heard. 
4 Their voice has gone out through all the eretz,
Their words to the end of the world.
In them he has set a tent for the sun, 
5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
Like a strong man rejoicing to run his course. 
6 His going forth is from the end of the heavens,
His circuit to the ends of it;
There is nothing hid from the heat of it. 
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul.
The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. 
8 The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart.
The mitzvah of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. 
9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. 
10 More to be desired are they than gold, yes, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the extract of the honeycomb. 
11 Moreover by them is your servant warned.
In keeping them there is great reward. 
12 Who can discern his errors?
Forgive me from hidden errors. 
13 Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins.
Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I will be upright,
I will be blameless and innocent of great transgression. 
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in your sight, LORD, my rock, and my redeemer.
1 Hear this, all you peoples.
Listen, all you inhabitants of the world, 
2 Both low and high,
Rich and poor together. 
3 My mouth will speak words of wisdom.
My heart shall utter understanding. 
4 I will incline my ear to a proverb.
I will open my riddle on the harp. 
5 Why should I fear in the days of evil,
When iniquity at my heels surrounds me? 
6 Those who trust in their wealth,
And boast in the multitude of their riches -- 
7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother,
Nor give God a ransom for him. 
8 For the redemption of their life is costly,
No payment is ever enough, 
9 That he should live on forever,
That he should not see corruption. 
10 For he sees that wise men die;
Likewise the fool and the senseless perish,
And leave their wealth to others. 
11 Their inward thought is, that their houses will endure forever,
And their dwelling places to all generations.
They name their lands after themselves. 
12 But man, despite his riches, doesn't endure.
He is like the animals that perish.
13 This is the destiny of those who are foolish,
And of those who approve their sayings. Selah. 
14 They are appointed as a flock for She'ol.
Death shall be their shepherd.
The upright shall have dominion over them in the morning.
Their beauty shall decay in She'ol,
Far from their mansion. 
15 But God will redeem my soul from the power of She'ol,
For he will receive me.
16 Don't be afraid when a man is made rich,
When the glory of his house is increased. 
17 For when he dies he shall carry nothing away.
His glory shall not descend after him. 
18 Though while he lived he blessed his soul --
And men praise you when you do well for yourself -- 
19 He shall go to the generation of his fathers.
They shall never see the light. 
20 A man who has riches without understanding,
Is like the animals that perish.
1 God, the nations have come into your inheritance.
They have defiled your holy temple.
They have laid Yerushalayim in heaps. 
2 They have given the dead bodies of your servants to be food for the birds of the sky, The flesh of your holy ones to the animals of the eretz. 
3 Their blood they have shed like water around Yerushalayim.
There was no one to bury them. 
4 We have become a reproach to our neighbors,
A scoffing and derision to those who are around us.
5 How long, LORD? Will you be angry forever?
Will your jealousy burn like fire? 
6 Pour out your wrath on the nations that don't know you;
On the kingdoms that don't call on your names; 
7 For they have devoured Ya`akov,
And destroyed his homeland. 
8 Don't hold the iniquities of our forefathers against us.
Let your tender mercies speedily meet us,
For we are in desperate need. 
9 Help us, God of our salvation, for the glory of your name.
Deliver us, and forgive our sins, for your name's sake. 
10 Why should the nations say,
"Where is their God?"
Let it be known among the nations, before our eyes,
That vengeance for your servants' blood is being poured out. 
11 Let the sighing of the prisoner come before you.
According to the greatness of your power, preserve those who are sentenced to death;
12 Pay back to our neighbors seven times into their bosom
Their reproach with which they have reproached you, Lord. 
13 So we, your people and sheep of your pasture,
Will give you thanks forever.
We will praise you forever, to all generations.
1 God of my praise, don't remain silent, 
2 For they have opened the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of deceit against me. They have spoken to me with a lying tongue. 
3 They have also surrounded me with words of hatred,
And fought against me without a cause. 
4 In return for my love, they are my adversaries;
But I am in prayer. 
5 They have rewarded me evil for good,
And hatred for my love. 
6 Set a wicked man over him.
Let an adversary stand at his right hand. 
7  When he is judged, let him come forth guilty.
Let his prayer be turned into sin. 
8 Let his days be few. Let another take his office. 
9 Let his children be fatherless,
And his wife a widow. 
10 Let his children be wandering beggars.
Let them be sought from their ruins. 
11 Let the creditor seize all that he has.
Let strangers plunder the fruit of his labor. 
12 Let there be none to extend kindness to him,
Neither let there be any to have pity on his fatherless children. 
13 Let his posterity be cut off.
In the generation following let their name be blotted out. 
14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by the LORD.
Don't let the sin of his mother be blotted out. 
15 Let them be before the LORD continually,
That he may cut off the memory of them from the eretz; 
16 Because he didn't remember to show kindness,
But persecuted the poor and needy man,
The broken in heart, to kill them. 
17  Yes, he loved cursing, and it came to him.
He didn't delight in blessing, and it was far from him. 
18 He clothed himself also with cursing as with his garment.
It came into his inward parts like water,
Like oil into his bones. 
19 Let it be to him as the clothing with which he covers himself,
For the belt that is always around him. 
20 This is the reward of my adversaries from the LORD,
Of those who speak evil against my soul. 
21 But deal with me, the LORD the Lord, for your name's sake,
Because your loving kindness is good, deliver me; 
22 For I am poor and needy.
My heart is wounded within me. 
23 I fade away like an evening shadow.
I am shaken off as the arbeh. 
24 My knees are weak through fasting.
My body is thin and lacks fat. 
25 I have also become a reproach to them.
When they see me, they shake their head. 
26 Help me, LORD, my God.
Save me according to your loving kindness;
27  That they may know that this is your hand;
That you, LORD, have done it. 
28 They may curse, but you bless.
When they arise, they will be put to shame,
But your servant shall rejoice. 
29 Let my adversaries be clothed with dishonor.
Let them cover themselves with their own shame as with a robe. 
30 I will give great thanks to the LORD with my mouth.
Yes, I will praise him among the multitude. 
31 For he will stand at the right hand of the needy,
To save him from those who judge his soul.
1 LORD, you have searched me,
And you know me. 
2 You know my sitting down and my rising up.
You perceive my thoughts from afar. 
3 You search out my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways. 
4 For there is not a word on my tongue,
But, behold, LORD, you know it altogether. 
5 You tzitzit me in behind and before.
You laid your hand on me. 
6 This knowledge is beyond me.
It is lofty. I can't attain it. 
7 Where could I go from your Spirit?
Or where could I flee from your presence? 
8 If I ascend up into heaven, you are there.
If I make my bed in She'ol, behold, you are there! 
9 If I take the wings of the dawn,
And settle in the uttermost parts of the sea; 
10 Even there your hand will lead me,
And your right hand will hold me. 
11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me;
The light around me will be night;" 
12 Even the darkness doesn't hide from you,
But the night shines as the day.
The darkness is like light to you. 
13 For you formed my inmost being.
You knit me together in my mother's womb. 
14 I will give thanks to you,
For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Your works are wonderful.
My soul knows that very well. 
15 My frame wasn't hidden from you,
When I was made in secret,
Woven together in the depths of the eretz. 
16 Your eyes saw my body.
In your book they were all written,
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there were none of them. 
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them! 
18 If I would count them, they are more in number than the sand.
When I wake up, I am still with you. 
19 If only you, God, would kill the wicked.
Get away from me, you bloodthirsty men! 
20 For they speak against you wickedly.
Your enemies take your name in vain. 
21 LORD, don't I hate those who hate you?
Am I not grieved with those who rise up against you? 
22 I hate them with perfect hatred.
They have become my enemies. 
23 Search me, God, and know my heart.
Try me, and know my thoughts.
24 See if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
1 Better is the poor who walks in his integrity
Than he who is perverse in his lips and is a fool. 
2 It isn't good to have zeal without knowledge;
Nor being hasty with one's feet and missing the way. 
3 The foolishness of man subverts his way;
His heart rages against the LORD. 
4 Wealth adds many friends,
But the poor is separated from his friend. 
5 A false witness shall not be unpunished.
He who pours out lies shall not go free. 
6 Many will entreat the favor of a ruler,
And everyone is a friend to a man who gives gifts. 
7 All the relatives of the poor shun him:
How much more do his friends avoid him!
He pursues them with pleas, but they are gone. 
8 He who gets wisdom loves his own soul.
He who keeps understanding shall find good. 
9 A false witness shall not be unpunished.
He who utters lies shall perish. 
10 Delicate living is not appropriate for a fool,
Much less for a servant to have rule over princes. 
11 The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger.
It is his glory to overlook an offense. 
12 The king's wrath is like the roaring of a lion,
But his favor is like dew on the grass. 
13 A foolish son is the calamity of his father.
A wife's quarrels are a continual dripping. 
14 House and riches are an inheritance from fathers,
But a prudent wife is from the LORD. 
15 Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep.
The idle soul shall suffer hunger.
16 He who keeps the mitzvah keeps his soul,
But he who is contemptuous in his ways shall die. 
17 He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD;
He will reward him. 
18 Discipline your son, for there is hope;
Don't be a willing party to his death. 
19 A hot-tempered man must pay the penalty,
For if you rescue him, you must do it again. 
20 Listen to counsel and receive instruction, ‘
That you may be wise in your latter end. 
21 There are many plans in a man's heart,
But the LORD's counsel will prevail. 
22 That which makes a man to be desired is his kindness.
A poor man is better than a liar.
23 The fear of the LORD leads to life, then contentment;
He rests and will not be touched by trouble. 
24 The sluggard buries his hand in the dish;
He will not so much as bring it to his mouth again. 
25 Flog a scoffer, and the simple will learn prudence;
Rebuke one who has understanding, and he will gain knowledge. 
26 He who robs his father and drives away his mother,
Is a son who causes shame and brings reproach. 
27 Stop, my son, listening to instruction,
And you will stray from the words of knowledge. 
28 A corrupt witness mocks justice,
And the mouth of the wicked gulps down iniquity. 
29 Penalties are prepared for scoffers,
And beatings for the backs of fools.
OLD TESTAMENT: 1 SAMUEL 10:1 - 11:15
10:1 Then Shemu'el took the vial of oil, and poured it on his head, and kissed him, and said, Isn't it that the LORD has anointed you to be prince over his inheritance? 2 When you are departed from me today, then you shall find two men by Rachel's tomb, in the border of Binyamin at Tzeltzach; and they will tell you, The donkeys which you went to seek are found; and, behold, your father has left off caring for the donkeys, and is anxious for you, saying, What shall I do for my son? 3 Then shall you go on forward from there, and you shall come to the oak of Tavor; and there shall meet you there three men going up to God to Beit-El, one carrying three kids, and another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine: 4 and they will Greet you, and give you two loaves of bread, which you shall receive of their hand. 5 After that you shall come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of the Pelishtim: and it shall happen, when you are come there to the city, that you shall meet a band of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery, and a tambourine, and a pipe, and a harp, before them; and they will be prophesying: 6 and the Spirit of the LORD will come mightily on you, and you shall prophesy with them, and shall be turned into another man. 7 Let it be, when these signs are come to you, that you do as occasion shall serve you; for God is with you. 8 You shall go down before me to Gilgal; and, behold, I will come down to you, to offer burnt offerings, and to sacrifice sacrifices of peace-offerings: seven days shall you wait, until I come to you, and show you what you shall do. 9 It was so, that when he had turned his back to go from Shemu'el, God gave him another heart: and all those signs happened that day. 10 When they came there to the hill, behold, a band of prophets met him; and the Spirit of God came mightily on him, and he prophesied among them. 11 It happened, when all who knew him before saw that, behold, he prophesied with the prophets, then the people said one to another, What is this that is come to the son of Kish? Is Sha'ul also among the prophets? 12 One of the same place answered, Who is their father? Therefore it became a proverb, Is Sha'ul also among the prophets? 13 When he had made an end of prophesying, he came to the high place. 14 Sha'ul's uncle said to him and to his servant, Where went you? He said, To seek the donkeys; and when we saw that they were not found, we came to Shemu'el. 15 Sha'ul's uncle said, Tell me, Please, what Shemu'el said to you. 16 Sha'ul said to his uncle, He told us plainly that the donkeys were found. But concerning the matter of the kingdom, whereof Shemu'el spoke, he didn't tell him. 17  Shemu'el called the people together to the LORD to Mitzpah; 18 and he said to the children of Yisra'el, Thus says the LORD, the God of Yisra'el, I brought up Yisra'el out of Mitzrayim, and I delivered you out of the hand of the Mitzrim, and out of the hand of all the kingdoms that oppressed you: 19 but you have this day rejected your God, who himself saves you out of all your calamities and your distresses; and you have said to him, [No], but set a king over us. Now therefore present yourselves before the LORD by your tribes, and by your thousands. 20 So Shemu'el brought all the tribes of Yisra'el near, and the tribe of Binyamin was taken. 21 He brought the tribe of Binyamin near by their families; and the family of the Matri was taken; and Sha'ul the son of Kish was taken: but when they sought him, he could not be found. 22 Therefore they asked of the LORD further, Is there yet a man to come here? the LORD answered, Behold, he has hid himself among the baggage. 23 They ran and fetched him there; and when he stood among the people, he was higher than any of the people from his shoulders and upward. 24 Shemu'el said to all the people, "You see him whom the LORD has chosen, that there is none like him among all the people?" All the people shouted, and said, [Long] live the king. 25 Then Shemu'el told the people the manner of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and laid it up before the LORD. Shemu'el sent all the people away, every man to his house. 26 Sha'ul also went to his house to Gevah; and there went with him the host, whose hearts God had touched. 27 But certain worthless fellows said, How shall this man save us? They despised him, and brought him no present. But he held his shalom.
11:1 Then Nachash the `Ammonite came up, and encamped against Yavesh-Gil`ad: and all the men of Yavesh said to Nachash, Make a covenant with us, and we will serve you. 2 Nachash the `Ammonite said to them, On this condition will I make it with you, that all your right eyes be put out; and I will lay it for a reproach on all Yisra'el. 3 The Zakenim of Yavesh said to him, Give us seven days' respite, that we may send messengers to all the borders of Yisra'el; and then, if there be none to save us, we will come out to you. 4 Then came the messengers to Gevah of Sha'ul, and spoke these words in the ears of the people: and all the people lifted up their voice, and wept. 5 Behold, Sha'ul came following the oxen out of the field; and Sha'ul said, What ails the people that they weep? They told him the words of the men of Yavesh. 6 The Spirit of God came mightily on Sha'ul when he heard those words, and his anger was kindled greatly. 7 He took a yoke of oxen, and cut them in pieces, and sent them throughout all the borders of Yisra'el by the hand of messengers, saying, Whoever doesn't come forth after Sha'ul and after Shemu'el, so shall it be done to his oxen. The dread of the LORD fell on the people, and they came out as one man. 8 He numbered them in Bezek; and the children of Yisra'el were three hundred thousand, and the men of Yehudah thirty thousand. 9 They said to the messengers who came, Thus shall you tell the men of Yavesh-Gil`ad, Tomorrow, by the time the sun is hot, you shall have deliverance. The messengers came and told the men of Yavesh; and they were glad. 10 Therefore the men of Yavesh said, Tomorrow we will come out to you, and you shall do with us all that seems good to you. 11 It was so on the next day, that Sha'ul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and struck the `Ammonim until the heat of the day: and it happened, that those who remained were scattered, so that no two of them were left together. 12 The people said to Shemu'el, Who is he who said, Shall Sha'ul reign over us? bring the men, that we may put them to death. 13 Sha'ul said, There shall not a man be put to death this day; for today the LORD has worked deliverance in Yisra'el. 14 Then said Shemu'el to the people, Come, and let us go to Gilgal, and renew the kingdom there. 15 All the people went to Gilgal; and there they made Sha'ul king before the LORD in Gilgal; and there they offered sacrifices of peace-offerings before the LORD; and there Sha'ul and all the men of Yisra'el rejoiced greatly.
6:43 Therefore Yeshua answered them, "Don't murmur among yourselves. 
44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up in the last day. 
45 It is written in the prophets, 'They will all be taught by God.' Therefore everyone who hears from the Father, and has learned, comes to me. 
46 Not that any man has seen the Father, except he who is from God. He has seen the Father. 
47 Most assuredly, I tell you, he who believes in me has eternal life. 
48 I am the bread of life. 
49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. 
50 This is the bread which comes down out of heaven, that anyone may eat of it and not die. 
51 I am the living bread which came down out of heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. Yes, the bread which I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world." 
52 The Yehudim therefore contended with one another, saying, "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" 
53 Yeshua therefore said to them, "Most assuredly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you don't have life in yourselves. 
54 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 
55 For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 
56 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I in him. 
57 As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father; so he who feeds on me, he will also live because of me.
58 This is the bread which came down out of heaven -- not as our fathers ate the manna, and died. He who eats this bread will live forever." 
59 These things he said in the synagogue, as he taught in Kafar-Nachum. 
60 Therefore many of his talmidim, when they heard this, said, "This is a hard saying! Who can hear it?" 
61 But Yeshua knowing in himself that his talmidim murmured at this, said to them, "Does this cause you to stumble? 
62 What if you would see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? 
63 It is the spirit who gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and are life. 
64 But there are some of you who don't believe." For Yeshua knew from the beginning who they were who didn't believe, and who it was who would betray him. 
65 He said, "For this cause have I said to you that no one can come to me, unless it is given to him by my Father." 
66 At this, many of his talmidim went back, and walked no more with him. 
67 Yeshua said therefore to the twelve, "You don't also want to go away, do you?" 
68 Shim`on Kefa answered him, "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life. 
69 We have come to believe and know that you are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." 
70 He answered them, "Didn't I choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?" 
71 Now he spoke of Yehudah, the son of Shim`on Ish-K'riot, for it was he who would betray him, being one of the twelve.
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blogfriendofgodblog · 4 years
Knowing the true GOD
How to know the true GOD
Behold, I am the Father of your spirit, even Emmanuel
HOW TO KNOW ME If anything is said to come from me
Look closely within it-
If you find any kind of "fear" it does not come from me
I accept one, and only one true faith from those who claim to be my "followers"
and that faith... is the faith which affords all humanity
the right "to walk away"
fully knowing that there will be no condemnation whatsoever
Any other faith is based upon FEAR
I will never ever accept love based upon fear
Yes indeed my Children
Try to name one thing in the macro-cosom or micro-cosom
that you can point to and say-
this has always existed and has never had a beginning
It has always been so easy and yet so many have missed it
I began right here- on this earth, as a man
As man is in the world ... I once was
As I am now ... Man may become
I am your future ... You are my past
I evolved from the human race
I tell you truly,
no man can bring forth children unto himself except there first be some woman to take seed
Listen and understand...
In Heaven is there made to dwell, your Heavenly Mother
the Great Mother Spirit, who whispers unto all our children- male and female
You are, our literal spiritual offspring and have the capacity to become just like us
you were first, and foremost a citizen of Heaven
yet, being in your present state-
You are a sojourner from afar walking through a native land as a stranger
From the beginning of time...
I desired that our children should inherit unto themselves
a ..fullness.. of our Glory
that they might come to a ..fullness.. of the Father and the Mother
because the children of my soul were unable to perceive or full embrace with understanding
the good which here in Heaven dwells
for in their brief but happy life they have not known nor fully understood
this glory in which they live
for they had been given no ..opposition.. by which to compare the things of greatest worth
Possessing in themselves no real understanding of all our goodness
for they know not evil
having themselves no deeper knowing of all our joy
for they know not sorrow, nor the darkness
The time had come...
when our children must grow and be fully knowing in the ways of their Father and Mother
For what wise parent would even consider
that all their children should remain as little children forever
For even though such innocence proves natural and good
still would it prove unseemly and hurtful in those which would stand full grown
causing that they should appear as dimwitted and ill prepared in the handling of greater issues
For this law proves ever constant:
It is in the nature of all living things to grow and full mature
I have prepared a way
(Eternal Progression)
whereby even all the children of my soul might become even as we are
Mortality will be the ..school.. where we shall send our children
It shall be for them ... a school of Opposition
and within this school of "Opposition"
they will experience evil so they can find and appreciate good
they will experience wrong so they can find and appreciate right
they will experience sorrow so they can find and appreciate joy
they will experience lesser so they can find and appreciate greater
and they will experience an imposter god SO THEY CAN FIND AND APPRECIATE THE TRUE GOD
Heavenly Mother speaking: Let us therefore, see for ourselves, the God which men shall choose to follow
the god of wrath, or the God of Love
the god of judgment or the Heavenly Father and Mother who even now call most tenderly unto them
Let us see, by what path the children of men shall choose to walk
The path of fear and servitude, or the path to endless glory and exaltation
Thus, in this ..school.. so far away,
we shall give to each child, whether male or female,
a multiplicity of lives
And whosoever knows not good from evil, even they shall be granted the mercies of GOD
for I shall cause that they shall come ..again.. into mortality
that they might come to a knowledge of what is good and what is evil
for I shall restore the soul of the fallen that they might dwell again among the living
whereby they might eternally progress
they will be born unto death, yet in their passing,
they will be born again unto life
and all those which believe this not-
the same will not find me
And they shall return again and again unto this world
passing from life to death to life again even till they shall find me
death is appointed unto all the living and life is appointed unto all the dead
For we sincerely desire that the children of our soul see mortality and mortal life as a school
where they might learn for themselves the way which is greater still
And all those who shall ..embrace.. this truth which comes from above
even they shall see mortal life as some school only
and in that ..moment.. of understanding
shall they see no need for desperate acts of judgment, reproach,
nor inhumanity of any kind
seeing that now into their keeping is this knowledge
For in the knowledge of heavenly things is all fear made of no effect
And in the wisdom of God is life made to become most joyful and filled with promise
for this would I have even all to know, that in the death of the body is there not some final ending
but only the awakening unto some other life
No... This is a "school" of good and evil- with many atrocities of all kinds
and because of this, we decided that our children must be
fully knowing
and aware of the ..atrocities..
that they will see, hear about, and even possibly experience in a world that is ..not.. controlled by the hand of GOD
Those who choose to come to mortality progressing to becoming like us
will have their memory veiled
Sure I can and perhaps will intercede in certain circumstances
but for the most part you are on your own
and will have to ..experience.. those bad things that perchance come upon you
This is how you will learn This is how you will become stronger
I even put ..limits..
on the things your guardian angels can do while you attend this school of "Opposition"
for the mortal life is a school filled with constant learning,
causing that each child should know for themselves the weight of many oppositions
Thus did I restrain the angels from intruding much too far
but do permit that they should touch the life of the child they watched just once every day
and in that touch...
bless or instruct, protect or enlighten the child for which they cared
You are here to learn- to choose good over evil
the greater over the lesser
I have created Jehovah, to rule this school of Opposition
He will be the lesser little god with all the lesser traits of sinful man-
angry, wrathful, vengeful, jealous, and yes will even kill in the blink of an eye
He will demand blood, death, and a human sacrifice and reign with a government based upon fear-
Your Fear
This enemy will hate me and wish to kill all of you immediately
but Satan who fell will actually help my cause...
as he will convince Jehovah
not to kill mankind and be alone- but make them his blind servants of fear-
thus...the Bible and Religion
Now listen very carefully...
We will be watching to see whom it will be of our Children attending Mortality...
that will use ..some.. intelligence-
to look ..past.. the lesser little god who kills, demands blood, death, and an human sacrifice-
to find us-
No... I will come to dwell in mortality as Yeshua and begin to teach you the way that you should go
and your Heavenly Mother (HOLY SPIRIT) will be whispering within your ear
My teachings will be the ..undoing.. of Religion and it's lies
Jehovah will murder me on the cross and switch masks to become Jesus-
The False Christ
continuing the deception of almost the entire world
Many will be fed the great lie of Blood Atonement
Please, Never Ever forget this...
It is not my blood that gives you eternal life
It is my words and my example that gives you life
For such exaltation as I would give comes ..not.. by reason of my death upon the cross
but it is my word which gives eternal life
for the words which I speak are spirit, and they are life
What shall it profit a man if he believe in my death and burial,
or if he take delight in my resurrection but does not do the things that I teach
For I have left unto all who will
an ..example..
that they should follow in my steps
that they might become even as the ..Only Begotten..
Hear then and understand this mystery that you may learn great wisdom
to shed blood does not atonement make
I did not lay down my life as many will be taught
Truth can be found... Sharper than a two-edged sword
and truly it will offend many-
who really aren't looking for it-nor really want it
Religion's way to Me... is based upon my Murder and Death
My way to Me... is based upon my Life and my Example
If you really believe, that I Yeshua (whom many believe to be Jesus)
..had.. to die for ..your.. sins
Then you are "in agreement" with my "murder" by religion and the imposter god of man's bible
and if you are "in agreement" with this ..atrocity.. You are also ..guilty.. of the crime itself
Even the very thought of being ..washed.. in my blood is atrocious
as is the ceremonial cannibalism... of drinking my blood and eating my flesh
As I depart, I have somewhat more to say to thee
Read it slowly and ponder it greatly and I will see you shortly when you return home
For Heaven is your truer home and the angels are your brethren
and in a place beyond your dreams you walked beside your GOD
let go your fears, set free your doubts and open wide your heart
for here in the great eternal do many Gods await
ever hopeful with outstretched arms to receive you once again
The Precious Blood of the true Yeshua
Did the precious blood of the true Yeshua- whom many of you ..believe.. to be Jesus
pay for all Sin for all time (Past, Present, and Future)
If the Sacrificial System was true and forshadowed what the true Yeshua would come and accomplish
Only a Priest in the lineage of Aaron could transfer all the sins of the children of Israel to the head of the Sacrifice
Lev 16:21 And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the goat, and confess over him ALL the iniquities of the children of Israel and ALL their transgressions in ALL their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat
Question: Were the sins that were being put upon the sacrifice committed sins or non-committed sins
Answer: They were the "committed" sins of the children of Israel It was those sins and only those sins that would be gone forever
Since this one sacrifice, had nothing to do at all with the ..future.. sins of the children of Israel The same ceremonial sacrifices would continue as the children of Israel committed future sins
Now, follow me through on this...
When the true Yeshua met John the Baptist at the Jordan River
who was indeed the very ..last.. Priest in the lineage of Aaron-
Did he or did he not... take the sins of the world upon his head at his Baptism
Were the sins that John the Baptist put upon Yeshua the committed sins or the non-committed sins of the world
They were the "committed" sins... of the entire world Yes the sins of the entire world that had been committed- Those sins, only those sins
As forshadowed, this sacrifice had nothing to do with the non-committed sins of the future
If the Biblical account was true...
Then Yeshua, your sacrifice... had to have the "committed" sins of the world on his head before he was killed
His sacrifice would be meaningless to the world if he was killed without the sins upon his head
Let's go back in time... to the Sacrificial System and imagine this
If the Priest was lazy one day and decided NOT to put the sins upon the head of the sacrifice-
but decided to just kill it and be done with it
Would this be acceptable to Biblical Jehovah
No Way
The sins had to be ON the sacrifice before it was killed-
no other way would be acceptable than the very way Jehovah required it to be done
Now then.. Let's say the Priest had a change of heart... and felt guilty for not having performed the ritual exactly as God had required it to be done
and so he went to the already ..dead.. sacrifice and proceeded to now put the sins upon it- AFTER IT WAS ALREADY DEAD
Can you tell me... that you really and truly believe-
that this secondary effort would be acceptable to the Biblical Jehovah
So tell me... Why is it that most Christians are taught to pray daily putting their sins upon a sacrifice... THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN KILLED
Is this after the fact effort ever going to be accepted by the angry wrathful God of man's Bible
Only those sins ... that were on the head of the Sacrifice before it was killed would be gone to the satisfaction of the Biblical Jehovah
Here is the ..LIE.. of "It is Finished" Here is the ..LIE.. of "Blood Atonement"
Upon the Death of Yeshua the Salvation of the Human Race was completed
The required ..payment.. of Blood and Death for sin- should have been immediately satisfied at the very moment Yeshua was killed
And there's another big problem with this lie of blood atonement...
Any future sins of the people living at this time not to mention the sins of those not even born as yet
could never ever be put upon an already dead sacrifice
Thus, we would have to have another Sacrifice, another Savior, another Murder-
Nothing was ever FINISHED...
Ponder this for a few thousand hours:
Yeshua You and your ..truths.. of the true God will ...not... be the "undoing" of our Church
We will murder you and replace you with Jesus and the entire world will believe in him over you
Jehovah's reign of fear and servitude will continue and your name and your memory will be forgotten
Who will you send and who will listen to them as the entire world has already been deceived
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coolturalworld · 4 years
Memories of a child slave
I was born in a slave house in the courtyard of the Fernández house, I never knew my mother, nor my father, I don't remember them. Everyone here was born alone, and others were thrown into the sea so as not to suffer this life, all these stories were told to me by Toña, one of the oldest slaves in the Fernández family, a great woman, she is the guardians among the community. I was lucky to be born -she said- but there has been no luck at all, I am not the owner of my life and sometimes I suffer the pain from hard work, my life is not like the other children.
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My name is Alberto, Mrs. Toña gave me that name when I was four years old since I didn't possess one, she knew my parents and I feel that she knows where they are, but sometimes she doesn't want to speak about it. I am 13 years old, and along with other children we serve the Fernandez family, I am short and a little thin, I have sunken cheekbones, a flat nose, my forehead and eyes are prominent, and the shapes of my ribs are a little strange, sometimes I limp because I had a big wound on my left leg due to an accident. I dress in brown and white tetters, with the dirt and the work I do, they are always muddy, I am regularly in contact with the soil because I work in the orchard, and sometimes I have to take the food sacks and even take them to the kitchen. Sometimes when I do this work, I ask myself why I have to do it? I was born to do only this? Children were born to do this? I ask myself many questions, and sometimes I am jealous that I am not like the children of the masters, they play in the garden and have fun. When slave children have fun, the woman scolds us because we make a lot of noise.
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One day Mrs. Toña came to me in her dirty muddy and slightly sweaty clothes, sat down next to me and told me stories about our ancestors until she told me about my parents. She told me that they wanted a better future for us, they tried several times but it was a hopeless case.
—Black people are condemned to serve whites, forever. —He said to me as the sweat dried.
—Why? Is there no chance we can be free? Mrs. Toña, sometimes I get tired doing my job and sometimes I wish I could be like the children playing in the garden, free as the wind. -I said to her, perplexed and angry inside.
—Don't worry about these things, you'll understand them better in the future. —The lady said with a disappointed face and a comforting voice.
I quit to the orchard frustrated, with a head bowed and I got skimming the future and my parents, I would like to know them, and I wanted to know more about them; why they abandoned me? Why I never met them? So many questions were hanging over my head while the fulgent sun hit me in the face. I opted to run to Mrs. Toña's place to answer my questions, but something prevented me as if someone had stopped me from nothing, hence, I better keep on farming and drawing up the yucca, perhaps today it was going to end faster, even though, I was a bit worrisome.
When the night fell, some children and I silently played with some rocks we found in the garden, they were round and could roll, so we made a hole in the ground and played to put the stones in the hole, it was fun, I won many times, I had quite a good aim. At that moment, I felt peace and serenity inside. Suddenly in the background an outcry was heard as if someone was being tortured, when we heard that scream we ran out to hide, but I wanted to know what was happening, somehow I was the oldest of the children, I looked out of the shuck behind the courtyard and beheld that a man was being whipped, Mrs. Toña and other women there were sobbing with frightened faces. When I witnessed this scene I was very shocked, and I wanted to get a little closer, with anger that all this happened, sometimes it was incomprehensible, to see someone suffering and that we could not do anything, the man was shouting and babbling something that I could not understand, the light-skinned man, the one who waved the whip on the man's back, began to curse us.
—All the misfortunes are because of you, you bring bad luck, you're all scum, you're useless. May you rot in hell! —The man said with the eyes of the devil, hitting even harder.
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A very deplorable scene, I still feel creeps for everything the master said, echoing in my head over and over again. That very night after that man stopped, one of the men who worked with the tortured slave, killed himself, from what I could hear, the man with a blade cut his throat and waited until he bled out, leaving his body lying in the grass. Mrs. Toña did not allow us to see the dead and we stayed locked in the shelter, the man who was tortured was being healed with plants but it was not enough, he also departed. That night it felt unpleasant, and I felt that my chest was going to explode, my heart was pumping very fast, I was afraid that in the future it might be me who was being tortured.
The next morning I asked Mrs. Toña but she didn't want to go into detail because every time she named the dead slave her voice broke and her eyes filled with tears.
—Ma'am, are you all right? Why did the master whip that poor man?  —I asked naively while Mrs. Toña was organizing the bed.
—This doesn't concern you, go and do your job. —Said the woman as if she didn't care.
—Why did he do it? — I shouted
Holding me by the arms tightly and looking at me with tearful eyes, she said: —You are still too young to understand, you must obey or else the same thing will happen to you as to that poor man.
—I want one day to be able to talk about my parents, I still have more questions about them. —I told her without expecting an answer.
—You see, your parents aren't here on this earth and they won't ever come back, they broke the rules. —The old woman said to me, cruelly.
—But you know you can count on me, I've brought you up as if I were your mother, you can't reproach me for anything. —She replied with a face more like one of disappointment when I hear it.
Without answering her, I ran out of that place with tears in my eyes, without hope of knowing what would happen to me, I didn't want to continue to suffer, I didn't want to end up like that man, I wanted to know more about my parents, I wanted to be like those children in the garden.
The days went by, I was doing my job faster than usual as the harvest was about to rot and they said there was a plague. The supervisor would ride by with the whip to inspect, if we didn't collect enough, we were sold because we didn't produce enough.
One afternoon, a slave lady I had never seen before, called me by name, I ran out at her call, she seemed very interested in telling me something, she was wearing a neat white dress and had her hair combed, she looked at me and gently grabbed me by the face. It seemed as if a delicate flower was brushing my face.
—You look like your father, and you have your mother's mouth. —She said to me with his eyesight lost in my face.
—Did you know my parents? — I asked him, surprised and a little confused
—Come with me, I'll show you something. —We walked to a tree, and she start told me that my parents were meeting there with certain slaves in the early morning to discuss our rights.
They told us that we could ask for our freedom without having to give money to our masters to buy our freedom. —Looking at me, he began to relate.
—Look, boy, they had an eloquence in speaking and they could read, apparently a master taught them on the sly, and they in turn stole law books and learned a few things. Nobody discovered them and so they could tell everything they knew. The blacks have been enslaved for a long time, they told us that we came from far away, from Africa, a continent far from here. —The woman spoke with an interest in telling me more.
—But you may wonder why it was only the blacks who were chosen to be slaves, it all comes from an idea that the whites have of being the pure race, that is, the Aryan race, the only race that can have power and possess land. Black people have been regarded as the servant, the hard worker, our skin colour has condemned us to be as we are. —With his face fixed on me he stood there for a moment thinking and analyzing what she had said.
Reasoning from this fact I was processing all that information, it is as if someone finally answered my questions.
—If so, what can we do to change that idea? What is the right that my parents were talking about? and why after so many years of slavery no one has done anything? look how many of us are suffering, how many of us are suffering this misfortune that we do not deserve, that we did not choose, that they did impose us. —I said to the lady in a loud voice, I didn't know where she got those words from, but I think they made sense.
The perplexed lady looked at me and said, —You sure got that temper from your parents.
—I don't know how to answer those questions, but I do know that what you can do now is think that freedom goes beyond not working for the masters but is within you, you can't choose your future but you can do it better from the love of your neighbor and in what you do, you must accept that this is your future, living in bitterness is not an option, maybe you or someone in the future will raise their voice, sooner or later this must end.
Thinking about what he said, I thought about my parents, if they were about to make a change, what happened to them.
—Where are my parents? —I said, hoping for some answer.
—They're in heaven. —She said quietly.
—What does that mean?
—That means they're living in heaven, they're in paradise, heaven, they've already left the world, they died with dignity fighting for our rights.
—Who killed them? —I said grieving.
—It doesn't matter who killed them but why they were killed. —She told me
—If heaven is paradise, why don't we all go there?
—It's not easy if you do bad things here on earth, you must serve, be a good boy, live with your condition without hurting anyone.
—If I go to heaven, can I meet my parents again?
—Maybe, but I can't assure you of that. We can meet our ancestors there.
—I want to go to heaven. -I said with emotion.
—To go to heaven is to die, nobody wants to die, you have to keep on living.
—What for?
—Because one day we'll be rewarded for our work.
She got up and walked away until I lost sight of her, then I went to the orchard, anxious to know more, about heaven and our detachment from all this misfortune.
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The months passed, I had a lot of sleepless nights, remembering the words of that unknown woman, I pictured heaven with my parents, with the hope of finding my freedom. Mrs. Toña looked at me strangely because I did everything with good grace, in the right way, and I didn't throw outbursts every time they carried me for work. Something changed in me after that woman spoke to me. But I didn't continue to see the woman, something happened with her, I didn't see her anymore after that day, I asked Mrs. Toña if she had seen her, but she told me that she had never met a lady with the same characteristics. Then I asked the other women, and they told me that they did not know her and that they had never seen her, the children did not recognize her either. For me it was something strange, I had never seen her before either, it seemed like she came from somewhere else.
It was very discouraging that no one knew about it, and I find it a little strange that it came out of nowhere to tell me these things. I was depressed all afternoon and Mrs. Toña came to me worried.
—You've been very cheerful these days, why are you like this today? Is something wrong? —She says, holding my hands.
—I met a woman who said she knew my parents, she had a clean appearance and her eyes were very deep; she told me about my parents and all that they did for our rights and the meetings they held. —I said to the lady looking at the floor.
—It's impossible, I can't believe it. —The lady was disturbed and started walking around.
—What's wrong?
—It's all right, she's an angel, she comes from heaven, many say she calls herself a white angel. But, weirdly, she shows up now, every time something strange happens.  
—What's an angel?
—They are beings sent by God, they give advice, many say that they don't really do it and that it only happens in people's dreams. Some time ago a child also appeared to this angel and days later many men disappeared.
—But it was not a dream, it was very real, I felt his presence. —I told him confused.
—Okay, don't worry, sometimes it's good luck to have an angel appear. —I'm not sure.
With those words, she withdrew thoughtfully.
The night fell, the twilight formed shadows under the trees, we had already finished the work, when suddenly a truck arrived, a white man got off it and exchanged a couple of words with the man. Then they approached us, sent us into line. I was very nervous about what was going to happen.
—Whoever I call, they step forward. —Said the master.
—Francisco, Miguel, Alberto, Juan.
The master sold us to a man named Manuel, he seemed to be a respectful man, he didn't yell at us or hit us. We got into the truck where there were four other men, when we arrived they were talking and I heard something about a runaway. At that moment I didn't see Mrs. Toña and I felt a great pain for not saying goodbye to her, I had a lump in her throat. The other men weren't even grimacing, they were inexpressive and followed orders. When we were already on the road these men spoke to us in a low voice.
—We have to get away, we can hit the master and we can run away. —One of them had a crack in his face with a thick, rasping voice, convinced that this was his moment of freedom.
—The plan is as follows, we have to hit the man on the head so we can escape.
—Do you know which way to go? —One of the men who came in with me asked
—Yes, there is a place they have called the palenque, where escaped Negroes are sheltered, we can go there.
These men had everything figured out, although I did not understand much of what they were saying because they used a strange language, yet I was able to know what it was all about. I was a little scared by what these men were planning, but I remembered the words of that woman and I was filled with courage.
The man next to me got up, took off his sweater and began to hang the master, hit him, until he was unconscious for a moment, the truck stopped and we ran away, running through the bushes so hard that I could not feel my feet. From a distance some shots were heard, the master was already catching up with us, we ran, but some were hit by the bullet, the master kept shooting and suddenly I fell, I felt my leg numb, I was shot and I was bleeding to death, the only thing I was thinking about was my freedom and the sky, I couldn't crawl, I didn't have the strength, everything was dark, in a moment I saw my body lying on the grass, it was floating in the air, I had achieved my freedom.
                                                     The end
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ardalionandnatalia · 7 years
Ardalion and Natalia (X)
Katya is awakening now.
Katya just had a dream about the first time she and Kuzma came together.
She blinks as she wakes up and realizes she is not with Kuzma any longer.
Having entered the temple with her bundles of sheaves, herbs and flowers, Natalia is led to bathe and purify herself. She does so, and then seeks Katya in the woman's assigned chambers.
She sighs, feeling cold and sad as she remembered what had happened to her.
Had she really died, though, she wondered? She did not recall dying. She had only assumed she was dead after talking to Sam and the others.
She see Katya sleeping, now stirring. She kneels down beside her bedside and awaits for her to wake fully.
Katya: Natalia?
Folding her hands in her lap, Natalia poses still. Hearing her name uttered, she raises slightly, nearing Katya now, over her bed.
Natalia: Are you awake now? *gently draws back the covers and helps Katya sit up in bed*
Katya: yes, I am fine. Thank you for attending to me. What will happen next?
Natalia: *bows head in respectful deference, since Iole tasked her with serving Katya and preparing her for tomorrow* Iole and the other oracles are in the midst of final preparations and prayers to appeal for the forecast tomorrow. Iole has asked me to guide you through the final preparations you and I must undergo, since I am to be your companion when we traverse down into the inner core of the temple, beneath the ground. Today, you must be dressed and taught how to offer offerings to ensure you are answered.
Katya: I see. Thank you for guiding me. Are we heading out now to the core of the temple?
Natalia: No, not yet- we need to dress and prepare our garments before we are summoned by the oracles. It's not tomorrow yet. We have many things to do today. *offers Katya her hand, though wonders if Katya will be alarmed by her own boniness and claws. Ardalion's words still gnaw on her about bodies and such.*
Katya does not seem phased and takes her hand.
She is careful not to touch the claws, but does not seem to really care.
Natalia notices that Katya's forearms have some small scars on them from the years of working at the factory.
Surprised by her acceptance, Natalia glances down at their hands, and in the growing light of the sunlight shafting through, she notices the fine, pale scars lining and splotching Katya's arms. Natalia realizes Katya has lived a hard live and is determined to make this new life easier for her. She feels a swell of sympathy for the composed woman before her.*
Katya looks at her curiously, but does not indicate any other emotions otherwise.
Katya: You seem to be very curious about me.
Natalia: Let's go to the outer hall- we have better lighting, and we can prepare our garments and headdresses for tomorrow. I'll show you yours, as I'll be making it for you. Yes, you do elicit my curiosity- you're from another land, another people. I'm curious, especially since you are from the future, at least to me. You're two centuries beyond me. Come, let's go to the outer hall. The sun shining and there's a nice breeze.
Katya: Ardalion is also from my time and my country. I see you have been talking to him a lot. How do you find him...?
Natalia: I found him, along with another man, a man from England, who disappeared. Ardalion developed an altered form with powers, and we slain a trio of monsters together. He is a vain creature, fueled by the basest. I dislike him now and do not wish to speak to him. He is amusing with his ideas, he fancies himself some sort of philsopher, but he is like some upstart who thinks they're another Descartes or Prometheus because they read a few books or get promoted in their trades.
Katya: ...I see.
Katya bows her head.
Katya: You dislike Ardalion?
Natalia: I do- what of it? Let's focus on you and your goal here. Enough talk of him. Or the men here.
Katya: I don't truly dislike him. I still like him somewhat, to be honest. He is a charming man. My goal here is to see the vision to see my husband again, right? Well, this is related. My husband and Ardalion actually share my traits in common. Perhaps this is why I can't dislike Ardalion entirely, still, after all that has happened.
Natalia: Charming? I suppose he can be. But he's a lewd brute as well. Let's focus on your husband. And your baby.
I know what you mean, though. About not hating someone entirely. I and my mother... well.... it is complicated. She and I were as complex at the Gordian knot. And it seems we tied that knot between ourselves, equally at fault.
Katya's mouth tightens.
Katya: Indeed, things can be like that sometimes. Shall we progress with the ritual now? One more thing. Lewdness is not necessarily a bad thing. Or perhaps I'm wording it wrongfully.
Katya frowns.
Katya: I'm not good at expressing myself sometimes. I wasn't that well educated, unlike Ardalion and my husband.
Natalia: *nods, and leads Katya to a low-legged table, laden with a cloth, on top of which are bundles of herbs and fresh flowers, plus ripened wheat sheaves and fresh, supple sprigs* Education can only do so much- I too am educated, yet I fail at being gentle and kind. It's hard for me to make friends or be liked.
Katya: Emotional expression plays a large role in getting people to like you.
Natalia: It's better to be a better person, than have all the education in the world. Better to be enlightened, than scholarly.
Katya: There is nothing wrong with being scholarly though. *she frowns, hating herself for being a peasant*
Natalia: Yes, you are right. And I have a bad temper, as you might see in the future, Katya. You should be warned.
Katya: Enlightenment doesn't always come to the blind who have blind faith.
Natalia: Scholars can solve problems, but never themselves.
Katya: one must learn about the world with open eyes and not rely on blind faith as the uneducated are wont to do. My husband is a scholar.
Natalia: Perhaps. Enlightenment is a choice. Arrogance can barricade a person from choosing enlightenment. It demands humility at times. Then he is fortunate to have you, then.
Katya: and ignorance often means succumbing to drunkenness and abuse. I've seen it all.
Natalia: I lived among the educated- drunkenness and abuse are in all people.
Katya: You and I are from different cultures, different times. Where you come from, it seems like the women, in particular, act very differently. The way you talk about your mother...
Natalia: My mother, despite being the most educated and refined lady of the highest breeding, was a cruel soul. She was violent, too. She killed my father when he became blind after an accident.
Katya: It is not common where I come from for a woman to act like that.
Katya bites her lip again.
Natalia: Let's forget the past, and focus on what's before us. You want to see your husband and child again, do you not?
Katya: Yes.
Natalia: I am fortunate fate gave me another mother in Iole, though I respect her enough not to call her so.
Katya: I don't need a mother.
Natalia: Let me show your headdress, it's different from mine and the others.
Katya: I am glad you have found one though.
Natalia: But I do. So let's focus on our task at hand.
Katya: You like to talk back a lot, don't you?
Her tone is not angry or reproachful, merely curious. She's never talked with someone who replies like this before.
Natalia: Yes. What of it? Does it displease you that I do?
Katya: Most people I know would have just ended the conversation just then. No, it's just peculiar. And makes me wonder if I have angered you with my different opinions. I personally don't like talking back, so maybe that is why I thought for a while you were angry at me.
Natalia: *softens and lowers sharpened guard down* We are different, for sure, Katya. I hope I have not angered you, or given you offense. *grows thoughtful* I guess I talk back because I felt a need to talk back. Like if I didn't talk back, I'd have no power, and others could demean me, or overpower me. I like to voice what I think and feel, because for so long, I was forbidden to do so. Why do you dislike talking back? You are shy, I think?
Katya looks away.
Katya: I want to avoid conflict at all means. I don't mean to disturb you. Let's just go back to the task at hand.
Natalia: You should not be afraid, now that you're in this new world. You don't have to worry about the conflict being bold would have had in your life and world. *picks up the sheaves and supple, green sprigs to make Katya's headdress*
Katya doesn't respond. She doesn't quite appreciate Natalia lecturing her, however, and thinks that people should just agree to disagree. She dislikes the idea of talking back just for the sake of it, particularly to a stranger like Natalia.
Katya: Thank you for helping me out again.
Katya: *to herself* I'm bold in my own way. Who does this person think she is, lecturing me? She doesn't know anything about me and assumed I was even shy. If I wasn't bold, how would I not have made the connections I did with Galkin? I would not have gotten close to Kuzma if I was not bold, either. It took guts for me to find and approach him again, for me to start our relationship!
Natalia: *glances at Katya sideways and senses her inner annoyance. Natalia regrets her brash assumptions and how she paraded them before Katya. She attempts to reconcile*
Natalia: You
Katya thinks she'll never see Natalia again anyways, so what is the point of thinking so much about this?
Katya doesn't say anything and stares straight ahead.
Katya: Is something the matter?
Natalia: You're irked by what I said, are you not? I'm sorry. I assumed too much. In truth, I do not know you, so I can't understand you entirely, and what you do, and how you act.
Natalia: Forgive me.
Katya: I am not angry with you. Please proceed.
Katya closes her eyes, hiding a dismissive look away from Natalia.
Katya: *to herself* and this is why I usually don't have female friends. They assume too much and they think they can tell you all of these things on a first meeting.
Katya thinks it's a great irony that she was thrown into this mostly female world and the only two males here are Ardalion and Sam of all people.
Natalia: *opens her mouth as though she desires to pursues this matter further, but seeing Katya's dismissive look, feels piqued and meek. Hangs her head slightly, wanting to withdraw a bit. She has driven away yet another, and she regrets it was a newcomer as Katya is.*
Katya has not really given Natalia much thought as she thinks about Sam and how humorous he is.
Natalia: No, we have to prepare here. *grows a bit pensive. She senses Katya dislikes her company.* *bites her lip down, not wanting to fail Iole and vex Katya any further*
Katya: What do we do to prepare?
Natalia: *begins picking up the sheaves and sprigs, now bending the supple, tender sprigs into a U-shape, like a crown of sorts* We first need to make your headdress. Because you're a wife and mother, your headdress must be fashioned with ripened sheaves of wheat and corn, to symbolize your fruitfulness in life as a wife and mother. *holds up a golden sheave as she explains, the fine bristled head of the sheave glimmers slightly in the sunlight*
Katya: What if I was only a wife and not a mother? Then what?
Natalia: *places down Katya's designated headdress and picks up several flowers* Then your headdress would be of these- these flowers symbolize the woman before motherhood and marriage- she has not lived long into life, so she is like a flower.
Natalia: It's the same if you're wife and not a mother.
Katya: I see.
Natalia: But you're both, you're a wife and a mother.
Katya looks at Natalia for a while and is tempted to ask if she was married, but doesn't.
Katya feels that Natalia is indignant about this topic.
Katya: Yes, I am. I didn't know I would be, to be honest. But that's a topic for another day.
Natalia: Mine differs because I was never a wife, nor a mother.
Katya: I see. It is interesting. It must be liberating to never be a wife and mother.
Natalia: Yes, it was for the best. I'm not fit for either role. But let's return to yours. It will look very nice once I'm done.
Katya: especially since you seem very at peace with your choice, and the fact that you long to be mentored by a woman.
Natalia: Liberty only comes to those who can enjoy it despite their lives. I could be free as a mother and wife, or free as a woman on my own. A woman on her own can be just as oppressed.
Katya: Can I help you make the headdress?
Natalia: I'm sorry. I spoke too much. Let's focus on the task at hand, here. Almost finished- yes, please help me*notices her claws are tangled and tied in the delicate threads of the stripped sprig- holds out her hands to Katya to untangle and then re-tie the sheaves to the bent sprig*
Katya untangles and helps her to re-tie.
Katya: I never got along well with women, to be honest. I cannot imagine living here that long. I'm sorry about the comment I made about not wanting a mother when you clearly have alway wanted one. I spoke too soon.
Natalia: *looks thoughtfully at her, pauses for a moment before she speaks*
Katya: I just never felt the need to connect with any woman, to be honest. I've always had difficulties for some reason. I've always felt that women were judgmental, rude, and nitpicking.
Natalia: May I be honest with you, Katya?
Katya: And I admire people with strong goals who climb the social ladder. most women I knew and know are not like that. That is why I always felt the most comfortable with men. What do you want to say?
Natalia: Back in my life, when I lived as a human, I too never sought or even liked the company of women. They all seemed, as you say, just as you say- nitpicking, assumptive, meanly-minded, materialistic, and cruel creatures. All I saw were women like my mother, so many women like her. And my prioresses as well, who were no better than her. I met one girl who was a friend to me, but I lost her. Men were intelligient, they did things, they advance and moved the world in ways women were not allowed in my time. I wanted to join that world. I liked the company of men, like my father, Andrea, Signors Morosini and Di Petro, and even an unusal and unlikely friend in Calafado. I relished their company and took comfort in their understanding and acceptance.
Natalia: Even Calafado was kinder to me than my own mother.
Katya: I see.
Katya sighs and looks away. She was not expecting Natalia's life story.
She feels too tired and overwhelmed to have a proper conversation about these kind of things. She feels a bit guilty she hasn't been very open to talking more to Natalia, though.
Natalia: But I spoke too much now, I'm irritating you. See*holds up the headdress before Katya* It's finished now.
Katya feels that Natalia's personality is somewhat like Liza's--very acidic, critical and overly emotional. This somewhat disturbs her.
Katya decides to smile and take the headdress and forget all of this came up.
Katya: Thank you! This looks wonderful.
Natalia: *gestures for Katya to bow her head so she can crown the piece on her head*
Katya bows her head.
Natalia: *carefully secures the headdress between her ears and weaves a few strands of her light hair to fully latch the piece like a crown*
Katya: I bet this looks great on me. Thank you for your wonderful help, Natalia.
Natalia: Yes, you look fit now. Now for your robes.
Natalia: *ducks into another hall, speaks with another oracle, and is handed two folds of robes, one for herself, one for Katya*
Katya: What will you be doing to my robes?
Natalia: *gestures for her to stand in another hall where the sun is shining the least, so there is shade*
Natalia: We need to dress you now, in these special robes.
Natalia: *lies out Katya's robes on a lit patch of the mosaic floor, a white peplos with a red himation, the red symbolizing her marriage and motherhood*
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The Secret Tip to Resolving Hatred
Xiao Wu
I was self-employed. Mainly I sold all kinds of textiles, and I also made clothes for my customers part-time. After a few years, my business became more and more popular, and people around me were all very envious. Later, a neighboring household opened the same kind of shop as mine and became my competitor. Naturally, the business in my shop was affected. The popular proverb says two of a trade never agree, but my peer was not just anyone, but my most trusted pupil, Xiaochen.
Not only did Xiaochen open the same store next to my house, she even waited outside of her shop to intentionally steal my business. Whenever she saw somebody pass by the shop, she approached them and greeted them enthusiastically, guiding them into the shop, and she even purposefully said awful things about me. Seeing Xiaochen do everything she could to steal my business, I regretted taking her as my pupil and started hating her from my heart. When I saw her, I was unwilling to approach or talk to her, and sometimes I would even say some bad things about her in front of customers, or I would intentionally give customers a discount to bring back repeat customers, so that I could reduce her clients. But because we were neighbors, we could not avoid running into each other. As time passed, I became more and more pained and repressed in my heart, and my hate for her became deeper and deeper. It reached the point that whenever I looked at her, my heart became awfully choked, and my whole mind was occupied with thoughts of how to deal with her. Even when I dreamed, I dreamed I was fighting her. I was living so painfully at that time!
In 2002, I heard my schoolmate say that believing in Jesus could bring peace and happiness, that it could broaden our hearts so that we no longer harbored hatred, so I believed in the Lord Jesus. I saw that the Lord Jesus said: “But I say to you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which spitefully use you. And to him that smites you on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that takes away your cloak forbid not to take your coat also” (Luk 6:27-29). From the Lord’s words I saw that the Lord has an unlimited and boundless love for us. He has unlimited tolerance, patience, and forgiveness for us. Didn’t the Lord already practice out these things that He required us to do? The Lord’s love deeply encouraged me, so I wanted to follow the Lord’s teachings, and I tried to tolerate Xiaochen, and not to quarrel with her. But in real life, I still hated her uncontrollably, and I could not practice the Lord’s word at all. When I thought that the Bible said that hating somebody is like killing them, I felt even more pain. I thought: I want to forgive Xiaochen, but why is it that I simply could not do it? I believe in the Lord and I know His demands, but why can’t I put the Lord’s word into practice? I lived in pain, and I could not extricate myself.
Soon, in 2003, I had the fortune to accept God’s work in the last days. In a gathering, a sister read a part of God’s word directed toward my difficulty: “Man was only saved and forgiven his sins for his faith, but the sinful nature of man was not taken away and still remained within him. … This requires man to understand the path of growth in life, the way of life, and the way to change his disposition. It also needs man to act in accordance with this path so that the disposition of man can gradually be changed and he can live under the shining of the light, and that he can do all things in accord with the will of God, cast away the corrupt satanic disposition, and break free from Satan’s influence of darkness, thereby emerging fully from sin. Only then will man receive complete salvation” (“The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). She also fellowshiped to me: “During the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus did a step of redemptive work. The sin of us humans was only forgiven, so that we were no longer sentenced by the laws. However, our sinful nature still remained, and it had not been resolved. It is like you living in hatred to Xiaochen, you can only control your external behavior to not insult her, but you have not resolved the source of hatred in your heart. We humans have been corrupted by Satan for thousands of years, and we have been completely taken over by all kinds of satanic poisons. Satanic philosophies and laws such as “Heaven destroys those who are not for themselves,” and “A man dies for money; a bird dies for food” have become our life and our nature. We uncontrollably rely on these things to live, so we have all become selfish, self-interested, and only interested in profit. We fight and argue over our own interests and become jealous and hateful, causing us to uncontrollably commit sins and oppose God. Although in our heart we want to practice the Lord’s word, because we are bound and limited by satanic nature, we cannot put them into practice and we live in unbearable pain. In the last days Almighty God comes to resolve the root problem of us corrupt humans committing sins, to completely rescue us from Satan’s domain. For this purpose, God speaks words to perform the work of judging and purifying man, so that, through the judgment and chastisement of God’s word, we recognize our own satanic nature, come to understand that God’s righteous disposition is beyond reproach, gradually come to revere God, no longer live by Satan’s poison, seek the truth in all things, live on God’s word, and replace our own corrupt disposition with practicing the truth. In this way, we can live out a normal humanity, we can know how to act and how to conduct ourselves in contact with others. When we have left the bondage of Satan’s authority and are no longer controlled by our corrupt disposition, then we are living in release and freedom. Sister, if you often read the word of the Almighty God, experience God’s judgment and chastisement, often pray to God, ask God to protect your heart, then you will surely be able to let go of the hatred in your heart, break away from Satan’s corrupt disposition, and live relaxed and free. So, you must have confidence in God….”
After listening to the sister’s fellowship, I understood that the reason I was never able to resolve the hatred in my heart while believing in the Lord Jesus is because the Lord Jesus only performed the work of redeeming sin, but not the work of casting away sin. This is why the satanic nature and corrupt disposition within me have not yet been removed. Only Almighty God’s work of judgment in the last days can fully cleanse and transform me, rescuing me from sin! Having understood this, I became confident again about how to resolve the hatred between Xiaochen and me, and I made up my mind to properly pursue the truth and shed the satanic corrupt disposition soon.
One day, I saw God’s word saying: “Cruel, brutal mankind! The conniving and intrigue, the jostling with each other, the scramble for reputation and fortune, the mutual slaughter—when will it ever end? … How many do not act for the sake of their own interests? How many do not oppress and discriminate against others for the sake of maintaining their own status? ” (“The Wicked Must Be Punished” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). After reading God’s word, I began to self-reflect. Why is it that I keep living in hatred to Xiaochen? Isn’t it just because she stole my business and this affected my own interests? In order to get more money and have one less competitor, all I thought about was how to exclude her and resent her, and I even had dark thoughts about her. In the past, I thought that my hatred of her had a reason. She offended me first, so that’s why I hated her to this extent. Now, I know that this is caused by my own selfish nature. Having recognized these things, I quickly prayed to God: “God, only now do I know that I hate Xiaochen because I have a selfish nature within me. God, I am willing to rebel against myself, I am unwilling to live by my satanic nature. I hope that You can help me, so that I can let go of my hatred to Xiaochen and live out a normal humanity.”
In order to help me walk out of hatred, God arranged a situation for me. One day, Xiaochen was refurbishing her kitchen, and it took up the stairwell passageway shared between our two houses. Looking at this, I felt angry in my heart, that she was really pushing it too far. After stealing my business, now she was coming to take over my territory. This was really getting more and more out of hand! When I wanted to argue with her, I suddenly remembered that God said: “God is forever supreme and ever honorable, while man is forever base, forever worthless. This is because God is forever making sacrifices and devoting Himself to mankind; man, however, forever takes and strives only for himself. … for the effort of man is always for his own sake and not for others. Man is always selfish, while God is forever selfless. God is the source of all that is just, good, and beautiful, while man is he who succeeds to and makes manifest all ugliness and evil” (“It Is Very Important to Understand God’s Disposition” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Yes, God’s love is too selfless. God is incarnated into flesh twice only to save us humans. God has paid the absolute price so that we can achieve salvation. In the past, He sacrificed Himself on the cross for the salvation of humanity, and now He is incarnated into flesh again, enduring people’s resistance, condemnation, persecution, and defamation to perform work and save people, all without complaints or regrets and never asking us to repay Him. God’s life substance is so beautiful, so lovable, so worthy of our admiration and worship! And I have been corrupted by Satan to be too selfish and despicable, too cunning and evil, and I lived by Satan’s poison, “Fight for every inch of land and seize every bit you can get.” As long as it relates to a bit of my profits, I would fight with others, haggle over every penny, and I cannot take any losses. I see what I live out is exactly the same as Satan’s, as if I am a living demon. Now, God has pointed out a path to changing my life disposition. I ought to practice it in accordance to God’s word, rebel against Satan, and no longer live by Satan’s poison. So, I prayed to God: “God, the matter that I encounter today is set up by You for me. I am willing to live out Your word, and no longer live by Satan’s poison. I hope that You will grant me confidence and strength, so I will no longer be fooled by Satan and let go of my hatred to Xiaochen in my heart.” After praying, my heart gradually became calmer, and I felt incomparably secure in my heart. At that moment, I felt for the first time that letting go of hatred could be so relaxing and releasing.
Having had this experience, I was more willing to live my life in accordance to God’s word, and I was no longer willing to be fooled or corrupted by Satan. One morning, Xiaochen’s shop hadn’t opened yet, and I heard somebody yelling outside, “Miss Tailor! Open the door quickly!” I opened it up and had a look, and it turned out to be Xiaochen’s customer coming to pick up clothes from her shop. The customer saw that I opened the door, asking me if Xiaochen was at home. At this moment, I remembered something that happened before: One day, I was cleaning upstairs, and a customer came to look for me downstairs. Even though he knew I was at home, Xiaochen’s husband didn’t tell the customer. Thinking of this, I felt angry, and I didn’t want to tell the customer about the fact that Xiaochen’s at home. Then I remembered God’s word said: “You ought to know that God likes an honest man. … To be honest is to refrain from impurity in your actions and words, and to deceive neither God nor man” (“Three Admonitions” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “When you rebel against the flesh, there will inevitably be a battle within you. Satan will try and make you follow it, will try and make you follow the conceptions of the flesh and uphold the interests of the flesh—but God’s words will enlighten and illuminate you within, and at this time it is up to you whether you follow God or follow Satan” (“Only Loving God Is Truly Believing in God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). The enlightenment of God’s word allowed me to see that what I had just thought was still living by Satan’s poison. I wanted to treat Xiaochen as an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Isn’t this still living within Satan’s corrupt disposition? God asks us to be an honest person and not lie or deceive people, but Satan allows me to act in accordance to the corrupt disposition of the flesh. Should I follow Satan and satisfy the flesh, or should I rebel against Satan, practice the truth, and satisfy God? At this moment, I felt God observing my every word, every act, and each and every movement. No, I must rebel against the flesh and practice the truth to satisfy God. Thinking of this, I told the customer calmly, “If you’re looking for Miss Xiaochen, she’s at home, just wait for a bit and she’ll come out.” When I practiced this, I felt very secure in my heart.
Later, when repeat customers came to my house to make clothes but I was too busy and couldn’t manage it, I would introduce them to Xiaochen’s shop. When she found out later, she was also very touched. Finally, one day, when she saw me, she deliberated for a long time, and then called excitedly out, “Master!” This “Master” made me feel extremely warm inside. Ever since she opened her shop next to my house, she had never called me Master once. I knew at that moment that the reason we could resolve our hatred was because of the effect achieved by God’s word. Otherwise, the hatred between us could only get deeper and deeper. Thank God! All glory and praise be to Almighty God!
Recommended: 4 Principles on How to Be Closer to God
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The Secret Tip to Resolving Hatred (Audio Essay)
                                                  Xiao Wu
I was self-employed. Mainly I sold all kinds of textiles, and I also made clothes for my customers part-time. After a few years, my business became more and more popular, and people around me were all very envious. Later, a neighboring household opened the same kind of shop as mine and became my competitor. Naturally, the business in my shop was affected. The popular proverb says two of a trade never agree, but my peer was not just anyone, but my most trusted pupil, Xiaochen.
Not only did Xiaochen open the same store next to my house, she even waited outside of her shop to intentionally steal my business. Whenever she saw somebody pass by the shop, she approached them and greeted them enthusiastically, guiding them into the shop, and she even purposefully said awful things about me. Seeing Xiaochen do everything she could to steal my business, I regretted taking her as my pupil and started hating her from my heart. When I saw her, I was unwilling to approach or talk to her, and sometimes I would even say some bad things about her in front of customers, or I would intentionally give customers a discount to bring back repeat customers, so that I could reduce her clients. But because we were neighbors, we could not avoid running into each other. As time passed, I became more and more pained and repressed in my heart, and my hate for her became deeper and deeper. It reached the point that whenever I looked at her, my heart became awfully choked, and my whole mind was occupied with thoughts of how to deal with her. Even when I dreamed, I dreamed I was fighting her. I was living so painfully at that time!
In 2002, I heard my schoolmate say that believing in Jesus could bring peace and happiness, that it could broaden our hearts so that we no longer harbored hatred, so I believed in the Lord Jesus. I saw that the Lord Jesus said: “But I say to you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which spitefully use you. And to him that smites you on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that takes away your cloak forbid not to take your coat also” (Luk 6:27-29). From the Lord’s words I saw that the Lord has an unlimited and boundless love for us. He has unlimited tolerance, patience, and forgiveness for us. Didn’t the Lord already practice out these things that He required us to do? The Lord’s love deeply encouraged me, so I wanted to follow the Lord’s teachings, and I tried to tolerate Xiaochen, and not to quarrel with her. But in real life, I still hated her uncontrollably, and I could not practice the Lord’s word at all. When I thought that the Bible said that hating somebody is like killing them, I felt even more pain. I thought: I want to forgive Xiaochen, but why is it that I simply could not do it? I believe in the Lord and I know His demands, but why can’t I put the Lord’s word into practice? I lived in pain, and I could not extricate myself.
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Soon, in 2003, I had the fortune to accept God’s work in the last days. In a gathering, a sister read a part of God’s word directed toward my difficulty: “Man was only saved and forgiven his sins for his faith, but the sinful nature of man was not taken away and still remained within him. … This requires man to understand the path of growth in life, the way of life, and the way to change his disposition. It also needs man to act in accordance with this path so that the disposition of man can gradually be changed and he can live under the shining of the light, and that he can do all things in accord with the will of God, cast away the corrupt satanic disposition, and break free from Satan’s influence of darkness, thereby emerging fully from sin. Only then will man receive complete salvation” (“The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). She also fellowshiped to me: “During the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus did a step of redemptive work. The sin of us humans was only forgiven, so that we were no longer sentenced by the laws. However, our sinful nature still remained, and it had not been resolved. It is like you living in hatred to Xiaochen, you can only control your external behavior to not insult her, but you have not resolved the source of hatred in your heart. We humans have been corrupted by Satan for thousands of years, and we have been completely taken over by all kinds of satanic poisons. Satanic philosophies and laws such as “Heaven destroys those who are not for themselves,” and “A man dies for money; a bird dies for food” have become our life and our nature. We uncontrollably rely on these things to live, so we have all become selfish, self-interested, and only interested in profit. We fight and argue over our own interests and become jealous and hateful, causing us to uncontrollably commit sins and oppose God. Although in our heart we want to practice the Lord’s word, because we are bound and limited by satanic nature, we cannot put them into practice and we live in unbearable pain. In the last days Almighty God comes to resolve the root problem of us corrupt humans committing sins, to completely rescue us from Satan’s domain. For this purpose, God speaks words to perform the work of judging and purifying man, so that, through the judgment and chastisement of c we recognize our own satanic nature, come to understand that God’s righteous disposition is beyond reproach, gradually come to revere God, no longer live by Satan’s poison, seek the truth in all things, live on God’s word, and replace our own corrupt disposition with practicing the truth. In this way, we can live out a normal humanity, we can know how to act and how to conduct ourselves in contact with others. When we have left the bondage of Satan’s authority and are no longer controlled by our corrupt disposition, then we are living in release and freedom. Sister, if you often read the word of the Almighty God, experience c and chastisement, often pray to God, ask God to protect your heart, then you will surely be able to let go of the hatred in your heart, break away from Satan’s corrupt disposition, and live relaxed and free. So, you must have confidence in God….”
After listening to the sister’s fellowship, I understood that the reason I was never able to resolve the hatred in my heart while believing in the Lord Jesus is because the Lord Jesus only performed the work of redeeming sin, but not the work of casting away sin. This is why the satanic nature and corrupt disposition within me have not yet been removed. Only Almighty God’s work of judgment in the last days can fully cleanse and transform me, rescuing me from sin! Having understood this, I became confident again about how to resolve the hatred between Xiaochen and me, and I made up my mind to properly pursue the truth and shed the satanic corrupt disposition soon.
One day, I saw God’s word saying: “Cruel, brutal mankind! The conniving and intrigue, the jostling with each other, the scramble for reputation and fortune, the mutual slaughter—when will it ever end? … How many do not act for the sake of their own interests? How many do not oppress and discriminate against others for the sake of maintaining their own status? ” (“The Wicked Must Be Punished” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). After reading God’s word, I began to self-reflect. Why is it that I keep living in hatred to Xiaochen? Isn’t it just because she stole my business and this affected my own interests? In order to get more money and have one less competitor, all I thought about was how to exclude her and resent her, and I even had dark thoughts about her. In the past, I thought that my hatred of her had a reason. She offended me first, so that’s why I hated her to this extent. Now, I know that this is caused by my own selfish nature. Having recognized these things, I quickly prayed to God: “God, only now do I know that I hate Xiaochen because I have a selfish nature within me. God, I am willing to rebel against myself, I am unwilling to live by my satanic nature. I hope that You can help me, so that I can let go of my hatred to Xiaochen and live out a normal humanity.”
In order to help me walk out of hatred, God arranged a situation for me. One day, Xiaochen was refurbishing her kitchen, and it took up the stairwell passageway shared between our two houses. Looking at this, I felt angry in my heart, that she was really pushing it too far. After stealing my business, now she was coming to take over my territory. This was really getting more and more out of hand! When I wanted to argue with her, I suddenly remembered that God said: “God is forever supreme and ever honorable, while man is forever base, forever worthless. This is because God is forever making sacrifices and devoting Himself to mankind; man, however, forever takes and strives only for himself. … for the effort of man is always for his own sake and not for others. Man is always selfish, while God is forever selfless. God is the source of all that is just, good, and beautiful, while man is he who succeeds to and makes manifest all ugliness and evil” (“It Is Very Important to Understand God’s Disposition” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Yes, God’s love is too selfless. God is incarnated into flesh twice only to save us humans. God has paid the absolute price so that we can achieve salvation. In the past, He sacrificed Himself on the cross for the salvation of humanity, and now He is incarnated into flesh again, enduring people’s resistance, condemnation, persecution, and defamation to perform work and save people, all without complaints or regrets and never asking us to repay Him. God’s life substance is so beautiful, so lovable, so worthy of our admiration and worship! And I have been corrupted by Satan to be too selfish and despicable, too cunning and evil, and I lived by Satan’s poison, “Fight for every inch of land and seize every bit you can get.” As long as it relates to a bit of my profits, I would fight with others, haggle over every penny, and I cannot take any losses. I see what I live out is exactly the same as Satan’s, as if I am a living demon. Now, God has pointed out a path to changing my life disposition. I ought to practice it in accordance to God’s word, rebel against Satan, and no longer live by Satan’s poison. So, I prayed to God: “God, the matter that I encounter today is set up by You for me. I am willing to live out Your word, and no longer live by Satan’s poison. I hope that You will grant me confidence and strength, so I will no longer be fooled by Satan and let go of my hatred to Xiaochen in my heart.” After praying, my heart gradually became calmer, and I felt incomparably secure in my heart. At that moment, I felt for the first time that letting go of hatred could be so relaxing and releasing.
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Having had this experience, I was more willing to live my life in accordance to God’s word, and I was no longer willing to be fooled or corrupted by Satan. One morning, Xiaochen’s shop hadn’t opened yet, and I heard somebody yelling outside, “Miss Tailor! Open the door quickly!” I opened it up and had a look, and it turned out to be Xiaochen’s customer coming to pick up clothes from her shop. The customer saw that I opened the door, asking me if Xiaochen was at home. At this moment, I remembered something that happened before: One day, I was cleaning upstairs, and a customer came to look for me downstairs. Even though he knew I was at home, Xiaochen’s husband didn’t tell the customer. Thinking of this, I felt angry, and I didn’t want to tell the customer about the fact that Xiaochen’s at home. Then I remembered God’s word said: “You ought to know that God likes an honest man. … To be honest is to refrain from impurity in your actions and words, and to deceive neither God nor man” (“Three Admonitions” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “When you rebel against the flesh, there will inevitably be a battle within you. Satan will try and make you follow it, will try and make you follow the conceptions of the flesh and uphold the interests of the flesh—but God’s words will enlighten and illuminate you within, and at this time it is up to you whether you follow God or follow Satan” (“Only Loving God Is Truly Believing in God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). The enlightenment of God’s word allowed me to see that what I had just thought was still living by Satan’s poison. I wanted to treat Xiaochen as an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Isn’t this still living within Satan’s corrupt disposition? God asks us to be an honest person and not lie or deceive people, but Satan allows me to act in accordance to the corrupt disposition of the flesh. Should I follow Satan and satisfy the flesh, or should I rebel against Satan, practice the truth, and satisfy God? At this moment, I felt God observing my every word, every act, and each and every movement. No, I must rebel against the flesh and practice the truth to satisfy God. Thinking of this, I told the customer calmly, “If you’re looking for Miss Xiaochen, she’s at home, just wait for a bit and she’ll come out.” When I practiced this, I felt very secure in my heart.
Later, when repeat customers came to my house to make clothes but I was too busy and couldn’t manage it, I would introduce them to Xiaochen’s shop. When she found out later, she was also very touched. Finally, one day, when she saw me, she deliberated for a long time, and then called excitedly out, “Master!” This “Master” made me feel extremely warm inside. Ever since she opened her shop next to my house, she had never called me Master once. I knew at that moment that the reason we could resolve our hatred was because of the effect achieved by God’s word. Otherwise, the hatred between us could only get deeper and deeper. Thank God! All glory and praise be to Almighty God!
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The Secret Tip to Resolving Hatred
                                                Xiao Wu
I was self-employed. Mainly I sold all kinds of textiles, and I also made clothes for my customers part-time. After a few years, my business became more and more popular, and people around me were all very envious. Later, a neighboring household opened the same kind of shop as mine and became my competitor. Naturally, the business in my shop was affected. The popular proverb says two of a trade never agree, but my peer was not just anyone, but my most trusted pupil, Xiaochen.
Not only did Xiaochen open the same store next to my house, she even waited outside of her shop to intentionally steal my business. Whenever she saw somebody pass by the shop, she approached them and greeted them enthusiastically, guiding them into the shop, and she even purposefully said awful things about me. Seeing Xiaochen do everything she could to steal my business, I regretted taking her as my pupil and started hating her from my heart. When I saw her, I was unwilling to approach or talk to her, and sometimes I would even say some bad things about her in front of customers, or I would intentionally give customers a discount to bring back repeat customers, so that I could reduce her clients. But because we were neighbors, we could not avoid running into each other. As time passed, I became more and more pained and repressed in my heart, and my hate for her became deeper and deeper. It reached the point that whenever I looked at her, my heart became awfully choked, and my whole mind was occupied with thoughts of how to deal with her. Even when I dreamed, I dreamed I was fighting her. I was living so painfully at that time!
In 2002, I heard my schoolmate say that believing in Jesus could bring peace and happiness, that it could broaden our hearts so that we no longer harbored hatred, so I believed in the Lord Jesus. I saw that the Lord Jesus said: “But I say to you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which spitefully use you.  And to him that smites you on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that takes away your cloak forbid not to take your coat also” (Luk 6:27-29). From the Lord’s words I saw that the Lord has an unlimited and boundless love for us. He has unlimited tolerance, patience, and forgiveness for us. Didn’t the Lord already practice out these things that He required us to do? The Lord’s love deeply encouraged me, so I wanted to follow the Lord’s teachings, and I tried to tolerate Xiaochen, and not to quarrel with her. But in real life, I still hated her uncontrollably, and I could not practice the Lord’s word at all. When I thought that the Bible said that hating somebody is like killing them, I felt even more pain. I thought: I want to forgive Xiaochen, but why is it that I simply could not do it? I believe in the Lord and I know His demands, but why can’t I put the Lord’s word into practice? I lived in pain, and I could not extricate myself.
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<highlight>The Secret Tip to Resolving Hatred</highlight>, Christian Prayer Soon, in 2003, I had the fortune to accept God’s work in the last days. In a gathering, a sister read a part of God’s word directed toward my difficulty: “Man was only saved and forgiven his sins for his faith, but the sinful nature of man was not taken away and still remained within him. … This requires man to understand the path of growth in life, the way of life, and the way to change his disposition. It also needs man to act in accordance with this path so that the disposition of man can gradually be changed and he can live under the shining of the light, and that he can do all things in accord with the will of God, cast away the corrupt satanic disposition, and break free from Satan’s influence of darkness, thereby emerging fully from sin. Only then will man receive complete salvation” (“The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). She also fellowshiped to me: “During the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus did a step of redemptive work. The sin of us humans was only forgiven, so that we were no longer sentenced by the laws. However, our sinful nature still remained, and it had not been resolved. It is like you living in hatred to Xiaochen, you can only control your external behavior to not insult her, but you have not resolved the source of hatred in your heart. We humans have been corrupted by Satan for thousands of years, and we have been completely taken over by all kinds of satanic poisons. Satanic philosophies and laws such as “Heaven destroys those who are not for themselves,” and “A man dies for money; a bird dies for food” have become our life and our nature. We uncontrollably rely on these things to live, so we have all become selfish, self-interested, and only interested in profit. We fight and argue over our own interests and become jealous and hateful, causing us to uncontrollably commit sins and oppose God. Although in our heart we want to practice the Lord’s word, because we are bound and limited by satanic nature, we cannot put them into practice and we live in unbearable pain. In the last days Almighty God comes to resolve the root problem of us corrupt humans committing sins, to completely rescue us from Satan’s domain. For this purpose, God speaks words to perform the work of judging and purifying man, so that, through the judgment and chastisement of God’s word, we recognize our own satanic nature, come to understand that God’s righteous disposition is beyond reproach, gradually come to revere God, no longer live by Satan’s poison, seek the truth in all things, live on God’s word, and replace our own corrupt disposition with practicing the truth. In this way, we can live out a normal humanity, we can know how to act and how to conduct ourselves in contact with others. When we have left the bondage of Satan’s authority and are no longer controlled by our corrupt disposition, then we are living in release and freedom. Sister, if you often read the word of the Almighty God, experience God’s judgment and chastisement, often pray to God, ask God to protect your heart, then you will surely be able to let go of the hatred in your heart, break away from Satan’s corrupt disposition, and live relaxed and free. So, you must have confidence in God….”
After listening to the sister’s fellowship, I understood that the reason I was never able to resolve the hatred in my heart while believing in the Lord Jesus is because the Lord Jesus only performed the work of redeeming sin, but not the work of casting away sin. This is why the satanic nature and corrupt disposition within me have not yet been removed. Only Almighty God’s work of judgment in the last days can fully cleanse and transform me, rescuing me from sin! Having understood this, I became confident again about how to resolve the hatred between Xiaochen and me, and I made up my mind to properly pursue the truth and shed the satanic corrupt disposition soon.
One day, I saw God’s word saying: “Cruel, brutal mankind! The conniving and intrigue, the jostling with each other, the scramble for reputation and fortune, the mutual slaughter—when will it ever end? … How many do not act for the sake of their own interests? How many do not oppress and discriminate against others for the sake of maintaining their own status” (“The Wicked Must Be Punished” in The Word Appears in the Flesh)? After reading God’s word, I began to self-reflect. Why is it that I keep living in hatred to Xiaochen? Isn’t it just because she stole my business and this affected my own interests? In order to get more money and have one less competitor, all I thought about was how to exclude her and resent her, and I even had dark thoughts about her. In the past, I thought that my hatred of her had a reason. She offended me first, so that’s why I hated her to this extent. Now, I know that this is caused by my own selfish nature. Having recognized these things, I quickly prayed to God: “God, only now do I know that I hate Xiaochen because I have a selfish nature within me. God, I am willing to rebel against myself, I am unwilling to live by my satanic nature. I hope that You can help me, so that I can let go of my hatred to Xiaochen and live out a normal humanity.”
In order to help me walk out of hatred, God arranged a situation for me. One day, Xiaochen was refurbishing her kitchen, and it took up the stairwell passageway shared between our two houses. Looking at this, I felt angry in my heart, that she was really pushing it too far. After stealing my business, now she was coming to take over my territory. This was really getting more and more out of hand! When I wanted to argue with her, I suddenly remembered that God said: “God is forever supreme and ever honorable, while man is forever base, forever worthless. This is because God is forever making sacrifices and devoting Himself to mankind; man, however, forever takes and strives only for himself. … for the effort of man is always for his own sake and not for others. Man is always selfish, while God is forever selfless. God is the source of all that is just, good, and beautiful, while man is he who succeeds to and makes manifest all ugliness and evil” (“It Is Very Important to Understand God’s Disposition” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Yes, God’s love is too selfless. God is incarnated into flesh twice only to save us humans. God has paid the absolute price so that we can achieve salvation. In the past, He sacrificed Himself on the cross for the salvation of humanity, and now He is incarnated into flesh again, enduring people’s resistance, condemnation, persecution, and defamation to perform work and save people, all without complaints or regrets and never asking us to repay Him. God’s life substance is so beautiful, so lovable, so worthy of our admiration and worship! And I have been corrupted by Satan to be too selfish and despicable, too cunning and evil, and I lived by Satan’s poison, “Fight for every inch of land and seize every bit you can get.” As long as it relates to a bit of my profits, I would fight with others, haggle over every penny, and I cannot take any losses. I see what I live out is exactly the same as Satan’s, as if I am a living demon. Now, God has pointed out a path to changing my life disposition. I ought to practice it in accordance to God’s word, rebel against Satan, and no longer live by Satan’s poison. So, I prayed to God: “God, the matter that I encounter today is set up by You for me. I am willing to live out Your word, and no longer live by Satan’s poison. I hope that You will grant me confidence and strength, so I will no longer be fooled by Satan and let go of my hatred to Xiaochen in my heart.” After praying, my heart gradually became calmer, and I felt incomparably secure in my heart. At that moment, I felt for the first time that letting go of hatred could be so relaxing and releasing.
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<highlight>The Secret Tip to Resolving Hatred</highlight>, christian testimony Having had this experience, I was more willing to live my life in accordance to God’s word, and I was no longer willing to be fooled or corrupted by Satan. One morning, Xiaochen’s shop hadn’t opened yet, and I heard somebody yelling outside, “Miss Tailor! Open the door quickly!” I opened it up and had a look, and it turned out to be Xiaochen’s customer coming to pick up clothes from her shop. The customer saw that I opened the door, asking me if Xiaochen was at home. At this moment, I remembered something that happened before: One day, I was cleaning upstairs, and a customer came to look for me downstairs. Even though he knew I was at home, Xiaochen’s husband didn’t tell the customer. Thinking of this, I felt angry, and I didn’t want to tell the customer about the fact that Xiaochen’s at home. Then I remembered God’s word said: “You ought to know that God likes an honest man. … To be honest is to refrain from impurity in your actions and words, and to deceive neither God nor man” (“Three Admonitions” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “When you rebel against the flesh, there will inevitably be a battle within you. Satan will try and make you follow it, will try and make you follow the conceptions of the flesh and uphold the interests of the flesh—but God’s words will enlighten and illuminate you within, and at this time it is up to you whether you follow God or follow Satan” (“Only Loving God Is Truly Believing in God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). The enlightenment of God’s word allowed me to see that what I had just thought was still living by Satan’s poison. I wanted to treat Xiaochen as an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Isn’t this still living within Satan’s corrupt disposition? God asks us to be an honest person and not lie or deceive people, but Satan allows me to act in accordance to the corrupt disposition of the flesh. Should I follow Satan and satisfy the flesh, or should I rebel against Satan, practice the truth, and satisfy God? At this moment, I felt God observing my every word, every act, and each and every movement. No, I must rebel against the flesh and practice the truth to satisfy God. Thinking of this, I told the customer calmly, “If you’re looking for Miss Xiaochen, she’s at home, just wait for a bit and she’ll come out.” When I practiced this, I felt very secure in my heart.
Later, when repeat customers came to my house to make clothes but I was too busy and couldn’t manage it, I would introduce them to Xiaochen’s shop. When she found out later, she was also very touched. Finally, one day, when she saw me, she deliberated for a long time, and then called excitedly out, “Master!” This “Master” made me feel extremely warm inside. Ever since she opened her shop next to my house, she had never called me Master once. I knew at that moment that the reason we could resolve our hatred was because of the effect achieved by God’s word. Otherwise, the hatred between us could only get deeper and deeper. Thank God! All glory and praise unto Almighty God!
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If you want to know why women don’t come forward with allegations of sexual assault, today’s Senate hearings offered a clue.
In the morning, an all-male panel of Republican senators hired an outside prosecutor to try to pick apart Christine Blasey Ford’s credibility live on national television. They refused to subpoena Mark Judge, the key witness, or launch the FBI investigation Ford asked for. And after hearing her testimony, and judging it credible, they simply ignored it.
In the afternoon, those same senators feted Brett Kavanaugh, the man Ford accused of attacking her. They cut off the prosecutor they hired in order to give speech after speech lamenting the way he and his family have suffered. They said they had no doubt Ford’s assault was real, but that her memory was flawed; whoever had assaulted her, it wasn’t Kavanaugh. But Kavanaugh’s memory was beyond reproach. After calling in professional help to cross-examine Ford, they repeatedly apologized for troubling Kavanaugh.
Senator Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican, delivered an unforgettable performance. He was silent during Ford’s testimony, freely yielding his time to prosecutor Rachel Mitchell. During Kavanaugh’s testimony, however, Graham buoyed the witness and ripped into the Democrats. “This is hell,” he told Kavanaugh. The hearings were “the most unethical sham” he’d seen in his decades-long political career.
Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) during his time to question Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Win McNamee/Getty Images
“To my Republican colleagues,” Graham spat, “if you vote no, you’re legitimizing the most despicable thing I have seen in my time in politics.”
But the Ford-Kavanaugh hearings played out in a larger context. Since the dawn of the MeToo movement, the question has been when the backlash would come, and what form it would take. This week, you could feel it building. The media was reverberating after Ian Buruma, the editor of the New York Review of Books, was fired for overruling his staff and publishing a Jian Ghomeshi essay about how dozens of allegations of sexual assault and harassment against him had unfairly derailed his career. Harpers published a similar essay at around the same time, and was also pounded for it. The terror that women’s accusations were unfairly ending men’s careers — and that there was nothing men could do about it — was boiling over. But someone needed to take a stand, and be backed up by enough power to survive that stand.
In retrospect, it makes perfect sense that President Donald Trump would be the one who would provide the playbook. After all, he’s been the great scourge of the MeToo moment, the one whose misdeeds have never hurt him.
On Wednesday, Trump gave a press conference where he took direct aim at MeToo. “When you are guilty until proven innocent, it’s just not supposed to be that way,” Trump said. “That’s a very dangerous standard for the country.” That night, CNN reported that a concerned Trump had told Kavanaugh that the time for calm denials was over: he needed to go on offense.
So he did. It was the moment the MeToo backlash truly took shape.
If Ford and her husband had never remodeled their house, Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination would have sailed through the Senate.
According to Ford’s testimony, she had never told anyone of her sexual assault in detail. That changed in 2012, when she and her husband were redoing their home and she insisted on having a second front door — a second way out of the house. Her husband couldn’t understand; the request seemed ridiculous. Why does a house need two ways out?
During a session with their couples’ therapist, Ford explained, it all spilled out. Ford had been assaulted as a teenager. She was pushed into a room and nearly raped. Her attacker, who she recalled then and now as Kavanaugh, clapped his hand across her mouth when she screamed, pushing down so tightly she couldn’t breathe, so tightly she thought he might kill her by accident.
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He was laughing. His friend, Mark Judge, was laughing. That’s what she remembers most of all, she says, the laughter. At some point, they tumbled off the bed, and she fled the room, locking herself in a bathroom until she heard them go back downstairs and their voices receded. Then she ran from the house, terrified she’d run into them on the way out and the attack would begin again.
That’s why she needed a second door in her house, she explained. Because in a moment of trauma, she had needed another way out, and 30 years later, there was still a part of her that couldn’t be comfortable, that couldn’t feel safe, without another way out. That’s why there’s a record from 2012, when her therapist wrote down what Ford said; when her husband first heard Kavanaugh’s name. That’s why her allegation was taken seriously.
That’s the story, through tears, she told the Senate and the country, on Thursday.
“I am here today not because I want to be,” she said. “I am terrified. I am here because I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me with Brett.”
Ford’s testimony was — by wide acclaim — powerful, specific, and gutting. She was a friendly witness, trying to answer questions, asking repeatedly for an investigation to help clear the holes in her own memory, thanking the committee for the consideration they gave her. Her expertise as a professor of clinical psychology kept shining through, as she offered clear, powerful explanations of how trauma worked on the brain, how it had worked on her brain.
Mitchell, the prosecutor, largely abandoned the task of questioning the core of Ford’s account. She ended up harassing Ford on points that even Republicans thought minor, like why her fear of flying hadn’t prevented her from taking past vacations, and who paid for a $200 polygraph test.
Ford was such a strong witness, in fact, that the fear was she had set an unreachable standard. “Through no fault of her own, she has also reinforced the incredibly high bar of believability,” wrote BuzzFeed’s Anne-Helen Peterson.
Ford is white, upper-middle class, married, and highly educated. She is calm but demure. She is visibly shaken yet steady. She could afford the therapy that helped document her psychological past. She has a support system and the means to hire a lawyer. Imagine if you lack even one of these qualities. Imagine if your behavior, or your voice, or your face, or the life you’ve lived doesn’t perfectly match what is demanded of the ideal victim. Would you be believed?
“Were men out there brought to tears or shaking visceral response by that?” Asked New York Magazine’s Rebecca Traister. “Because the messages I have from women, and what’s happening in my own apartment, suggest that many many women were.”
Even Fox News was impressed. “This is a disaster for the Republicans,” said Fox News’s Chris Wallace.
And then it was Kavanaugh’s turn.
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If Ford did everything — and more — that could be asked of a witness, Kavanaugh did something near the opposite. He entered the hearing with his jaw set and his face flushed. His voice a near-shout, he read a long, angry, unflinching, and notably Trumpish statement.
“This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit,” he raged, “fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record. Revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups. This is a circus.”
Kavanaugh’s anger worked. Just as Ford fit society’s expectations for a victim, Kavanaugh looked like a man falsely accused: furious, fearful, tearing up when he mentioned his parents or daughters. He laced into his tormentors, determined to clear his name. He gave no ground. He badgered and interrupted the Democrats questioning him.
Supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 27, 2018. Melina Mara-POOL/AFP/Getty Images
And in his pain, his outrage, the assembled Republican senators found their voice. Initially, they left their questioning — as they had with Ford — to Mitchell, the outside prosecutor. But after Graham refused to yield his time, choosing instead to apologize to Kavanaugh and cut into the Democrats, so too did every Republican after him. And one after the other, they apologized to Kavanaugh.
“Judge, I can’t think of a more embarrassing scandal for the United States Senate since the McCarthy hearings,” said Senator John Cornyn.
The Democrats “have brought us to our worst in our politics,” apologized Senator Orrin Hatch. “It’s certainly brought us no closer to the truth.”
“This could have been handled in such a way that didn’t turn this into a circus, one that has turned your life update down and your family and the life of Dr. Ford upside down,” said Senator Mike Lee. “I consider this most unfortunate.”
But it was Senator John Kennedy, the final questioner, who laid everything truly bare.
Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., listens to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as he testifies. Tom Williams/Pool Image via AP
“I’m sorry, Judge, for what you and your family have been through and I’m sorry for what Dr. Ford and her family have been through,” he said. “It could have been avoided.” And then he asked: “Do you believe in God?”
Kavanaugh said that he did.
“I’m going to give you a last opportunity right here, right in front of God and country,” Kennedy said. “I want you to look me in the eye. Are Dr. Ford’s allegations true?”
Kavanaugh looked him in the eye. “They’re not accurate as to me. I have not questioned that she might have been sexually assaulted at some point in her life by someone someplace. But as to me, I’ve never done this.”
“None of these allegations are true?” Kennedy asked.
“Correct,” Kavanaugh said.
“No doubt in your mind?”
“Zero. 100 percent certain.”
“Not even a scintilla?”
“Not a scintilla. 100 percent certain, Senator.”
“Do you swear to God?”
“I swear to God.”
“That’s all I have, Judge,” Kennedy said. And, with that, the hearing was over.
Trump was thrilled. “Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him,” he tweeted shortly after the hearing ended. “The Senate must vote!”
The day played out like a set piece. In the morning, Ford showed how high the bar was to even have a chance of being believed. Her story is specific, credible, serious. She’s told it to multiple people over the years. She tried to tell it to Congress before Kavanaugh was nominated. She places Kavanaugh in the town he lived, at the house of a person he knew, in a room with one of his best friends. She tried her best to be polite to the senators, to avoid offense, to show gratitude to the committee for listening to her. She took a polygraph, begged for an FBI investigation. She says she’s 100 percent sure it was Kavanaugh who attacked her.
In the afternoon, Kavanaugh simply denied all charges. He denied ever being blackout drunk. He denied ever forgetting anything of importance. He denied the possibility he was wrong, that it might be useful for his alleged accomplice, Mark Judge, to testify or the FBI to investigate. He said Ford’s memory had failed her, but was incredulous at the idea that his recall could deliver similar error.
And he fought back. He slammed his accusers, he made clear his pain, he made clear his rage. If Ford was grateful for the opportunity to be heard, Kavanaugh was incredulous that she was being given that opportunity, that it was taking this long, that it could possibly take longer.
Asked why the committee couldn’t take another week to investigate the claims more thoroughly, he shot back, “Every day has been a lifetime.” His suffering was immense, unfair, unforgivable. “I’m never going to get my reputation back,” he said. “My life is totally and permanently altered.”
The suffering of his accusers, women who say they’ve been living with the trauma of what he did for decades? They were mistaken, and their claims could be, should be, for the good of the county had to be, dismissed. “This grotesque character assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country,” he said.
The feminist philosopher Kate Manne coined the term “himpathy” to describe the “tendency to dismiss the female perspective altogether, to empathize with the powerful man over his less powerful alleged female victim.” What Kavanaugh did today was activate the Republican Party’s powerful sense of himpathy: His suffering was the question, and Ford’s suffering, to say nothing of any further search for the truth, slipped soundlessly beneath the water.
We ended the day in much the same place we started. His word against hers. But even as everyone agreed Ford’s word was credible, it didn’t matter. There was still Kavanaugh’s word. And it appeared, for Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, that that was enough. She was 100 percent sure and he was 100 percent sure, but it was his 100 percent sure that mattered.
On this, Trump was right. What Kavanaugh had needed to do was go on the offensive. He needed to remind the all-male Republican panel that he was the victim here, that any of them could be victims, that moving his nomination forward would be a show of strength, a message sent to the Democrats and their allies, a statement that these tactics end here and they end now. This is how you fight MeToo: by focusing on the pain it’s causing men, by centering their suffering.
All of this was, perhaps, predictable. On Wednesday, a new NPR/Marist poll found that while large majorities of Democrats and independents believed Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination should be rejected if Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations are true, a majority of Republicans believed Kavanaugh should be confirmed even if Ford’s allegations are true. If Thursday’s hearing didn’t ultimately seem to be about the truth at all, well, perhaps that’s why: The truth was never really what the Senate’s Republicans were after.
Original Source -> The Ford-Kavanaugh sexual assault hearings, explained
via The Conservative Brief
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The Secret Tip to Resolving Hatred | the Church of Almighty God
Xiao Wu
I was self-employed. Mainly I sold all kinds of textiles, and I also made clothes for my customers part-time. After a few years, my business became more and more popular, and people around me were all very envious. Later, a neighboring household opened the same kind of shop as mine and became my competitor. Naturally, the business in my shop was affected. The popular proverb says two of a trade never agree, but my peer was not just anyone, but my most trusted pupil, Xiaochen.
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Not only did Xiaochen open the same store next to my house, she even waited outside of her shop to intentionally steal my business. Whenever she saw somebody pass by the shop, she approached them and greeted them enthusiastically, guiding them into the shop, and she even purposefully said awful things about me. Seeing Xiaochen do everything she could to steal my business, I regretted taking her as my pupil and started hating her from my heart. When I saw her, I was unwilling to approach or talk to her, and sometimes I would even say some bad things about her in front of customers, or I would intentionally give customers a discount to bring back repeat customers, so that I could reduce her clients. But because we were neighbors, we could not avoid running into each other. As time passed, I became more and more pained and repressed in my heart, and my hate for her became deeper and deeper. It reached the point that whenever I looked at her, my heart became awfully choked, and my whole mind was occupied with thoughts of how to deal with her. Even when I dreamed, I dreamed I was fighting her. I was living so painfully at that time!
In 2002, I heard my schoolmate say that believing in Jesus could bring peace and happiness, that it could broaden our hearts so that we no longer harbored hatred, so I believed in the Lord Jesus. I saw that the Lord Jesus said: “But I say to you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which spitefully use you. And to him that smites you on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that takes away your cloak forbid not to take your coat also” (Luk 6:27–29). From the Lord’s words I saw that the Lord has an unlimited and boundless love for us. He has unlimited tolerance, patience, and forgiveness for us. Didn’t the Lord already practice out these things that He required us to do? The Lord’s love deeply encouraged me, so I wanted to follow the Lord’s teachings, and I tried to tolerate Xiaochen, and not to quarrel with her. But in real life, I still hated her uncontrollably, and I could not practice the Lord’s word at all. When I thought that the Bible said that hating somebody is like killing them, I felt even more pain. I thought: I want to forgive Xiaochen, but why is it that I simply could not do it? I believe in the Lord and I know His demands, but why can’t I put the Lord’s word into practice? I lived in pain, and I could not extricate myself.
Soon, in 2003, I had the fortune to accept God’s work in the last days. In a gathering, a sister read a part of God’s word directed toward my difficulty: “Man was only saved and forgiven his sins for his faith, but the sinful nature of man was not taken away and still remained within him. … This requires man to understand the path of growth in life, the way of life, and the way to change his disposition. It also needs man to act in accordance with this path so that the disposition of man can gradually be changed and he can live under the shining of the light, and that he can do all things in accord with the will of God, cast away the corrupt satanic disposition, and break free from Satan’s influence of darkness, thereby emerging fully from sin. Only then will man receive complete salvation” (“The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). She also fellowshiped to me: “During the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus did a step of redemptive work. The sin of us humans was only forgiven, so that we were no longer sentenced by the laws. However, our sinful nature still remained, and it had not been resolved. It is like you living in hatred to Xiaochen, you can only control your external behavior to not insult her, but you have not resolved the source of hatred in your heart. We humans have been corrupted by Satan for thousands of years, and we have been completely taken over by all kinds of satanic poisons. Satanic philosophies and laws such as “Heaven destroys those who are not for themselves,” and “A man dies for money; a bird dies for food” have become our life and our nature. We uncontrollably rely on these things to live, so we have all become selfish, self-interested, and only interested in profit. We fight and argue over our own interests and become jealous and hateful, causing us to uncontrollably commit sins and oppose God. Although in our heart we want to practice the Lord’s word, because we are bound and limited by satanic nature, we cannot put them into practice and we live in unbearable pain. In the last days Almighty God comes to resolve the root problem of us corrupt humans committing sins, to completely rescue us from Satan’s domain. For this purpose, God speaks words to perform the work of judging and purifying man, so that, through the judgment and chastisement of God’s word, we recognize our own satanic nature, come to understand that God’s righteous disposition is beyond reproach, gradually come to revere God, no longer live by Satan’s poison, seek the truth in all things, live on God’s word, and replace our own corrupt disposition with practicing the truth. In this way, we can live out a normal humanity, we can know how to act and how to conduct ourselves in contact with others. When we have left the bondage of Satan’s authority and are no longer controlled by our corrupt disposition, then we are living in release and freedom. Sister, if you often read the word of the Almighty God, experience God’s judgment and chastisement, often pray to God, ask God to protect your heart, then you will surely be able to let go of the hatred in your heart, break away from Satan’s corrupt disposition, and live relaxed and free. So, you must have confidence in God….”
After listening to the sister’s fellowship, I understood that the reason I was never able to resolve the hatred in my heart while believing in the Lord Jesus is because the Lord Jesus only performed the work of redeeming sin, but not the work of casting away sin. This is why the satanic nature and corrupt disposition within me have not yet been removed. Only Almighty God’s work of judgment in the last days can fully cleanse and transform me, rescuing me from sin! Having understood this, I became confident again about how to resolve the hatred between Xiaochen and me, and I made up my mind to properly pursue the truth and shed the satanic corrupt disposition soon.
One day, I saw God’s word saying: “Cruel, brutal mankind! The conniving and intrigue, the jostling with each other, the scramble for reputation and fortune, the mutual slaughter — when will it ever end? … How many do not act for the sake of their own interests? How many do not oppress and discriminate against others for the sake of maintaining their own status” (“The Wicked Must Be Punished” in The Word Appears in the Flesh)? After reading God’s word, I began to self-reflect. Why is it that I keep living in hatred to Xiaochen? Isn’t it just because she stole my business and this affected my own interests? In order to get more money and have one less competitor, all I thought about was how to exclude her and resent her, and I even had dark thoughts about her. In the past, I thought that my hatred of her had a reason. She offended me first, so that’s why I hated her to this extent. Now, I know that this is caused by my own selfish nature. Having recognized these things, I quickly prayed to God: “God, only now do I know that I hate Xiaochen because I have a selfish nature within me. God, I am willing to rebel against myself, I am unwilling to live by my satanic nature. I hope that You can help me, so that I can let go of my hatred to Xiaochen and live out a normal humanity.”
In order to help me walk out of hatred, God arranged a situation for me. One day, Xiaochen was refurbishing her kitchen, and it took up the stairwell passageway shared between our two houses. Looking at this, I felt angry in my heart, that she was really pushing it too far. After stealing my business, now she was coming to take over my territory. This was really getting more and more out of hand! When I wanted to argue with her, I suddenly remembered that God said: “God is forever supreme and ever honorable, while man is forever base, forever worthless. This is because God is forever making sacrifices and devoting Himself to mankind; man, however, forever takes and strives only for himself. … for the effort of man is always for his own sake and not for others. Man is always selfish, while God is forever selfless. God is the source of all that is just, good, and beautiful, while man is he who succeeds to and makes manifest all ugliness and evil” (“It Is Very Important to Understand God’s Disposition” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Yes, God’s love is too selfless. God is incarnated into flesh twice only to save us humans. God has paid the absolute price so that we can achieve salvation. In the past, He sacrificed Himself on the cross for the salvation of humanity, and now He is incarnated into flesh again, enduring people’s resistance, condemnation, persecution, and defamation to perform work and save people, all without complaints or regrets and never asking us to repay Him. God’s life substance is so beautiful, so lovable, so worthy of our admiration and worship! And I have been corrupted by Satan to be too selfish and despicable, too cunning and evil, and I lived by Satan’s poison, “Fight for every inch of land and seize every bit you can get.” As long as it relates to a bit of my profits, I would fight with others, haggle over every penny, and I cannot take any losses. I see what I live out is exactly the same as Satan’s, as if I am a living demon. Now, God has pointed out a path to changing my life disposition. I ought to practice it in accordance to God’s word, rebel against Satan, and no longer live by Satan’s poison. So, I prayed to God: “God, the matter that I encounter today is set up by You for me. I am willing to live out Your word, and no longer live by Satan’s poison. I hope that You will grant me confidence and strength, so I will no longer be fooled by Satan and let go of my hatred to Xiaochen in my heart.” After praying, my heart gradually became calmer, and I felt incomparably secure in my heart. At that moment, I felt for the first time that letting go of hatred could be so relaxing and releasing.
Having had this experience, I was more willing to live my life in accordance to God’s word, and I was no longer willing to be fooled or corrupted by Satan. One morning, Xiaochen’s shop hadn’t opened yet, and I heard somebody yelling outside, “Miss Tailor! Open the door quickly!” I opened it up and had a look, and it turned out to be Xiaochen’s customer coming to pick up clothes from her shop. The customer saw that I opened the door, asking me if Xiaochen was at home. At this moment, I remembered something that happened before: One day, I was cleaning upstairs, and a customer came to look for me downstairs. Even though he knew I was at home, Xiaochen’s husband didn’t tell the customer. Thinking of this, I felt angry, and I didn’t want to tell the customer about the fact that Xiaochen’s at home. Then I remembered God’s word said: “You ought to know that God likes an honest man. … To be honest is to refrain from impurity in your actions and words, and to deceive neither God nor man” (“Three Admonitions” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “When you rebel against the flesh, there will inevitably be a battle within you. Satan will try and make you follow it, will try and make you follow the conceptions of the flesh and uphold the interests of the flesh — but God’s words will enlighten and illuminate you within, and at this time it is up to you whether you follow God or follow Satan” (“Only Loving God Is Truly Believing in God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). The enlightenment of God’s word allowed me to see that what I had just thought was still living by Satan’s poison. I wanted to treat Xiaochen as an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Isn’t this still living within Satan’s corrupt disposition? God asks us to be an honest person and not lie or deceive people, but Satan allows me to act in accordance to the corrupt disposition of the flesh. Should I follow Satan and satisfy the flesh, or should I rebel against Satan, practice the truth, and satisfy God? At this moment, I felt God observing my every word, every act, and each and every movement. No, I must rebel against the flesh and practice the truth to satisfy God. Thinking of this, I told the customer calmly, “If you’re looking for Miss Xiaochen, she’s at home, just wait for a bit and she’ll come out.” When I practiced this, I felt very secure in my heart.
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Later, when repeat customers came to my house to make clothes but I was too busy and couldn’t manage it, I would introduce them to Xiaochen’s shop. When she found out later, she was also very touched. Finally, one day, when she saw me, she deliberated for a long time, and then called excitedly out, “Master!” This “Master” made me feel extremely warm inside. Ever since she opened her shop next to my house, she had never called me Master once. I knew at that moment that the reason we could resolve our hatred was because of the effect achieved by God’s word. Otherwise, the hatred between us could only get deeper and deeper. Thank God! All glory and praise unto Almighty God!
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