#i am going to grab that man and trow him at a wall
rat-rosemary · 2 years
*cough* the reason so many people are very biased towards c!Tommy is because Tommy Innit is the only bitch in this entire smp who's streams have not become lost media *cough*
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sparkzstar · 4 years
At Arm's Length
When Caleb first met him he was overwhelming, too much, too bright and often too close.
The longer they travelled together the more he felt he needed to make the choice consciously to keep this purple tiefling at arms lenght. And the longer and the more he did, the more he felt like the Tiefling just grinned at him and grabbed him by the arm he used to keep distance with to him.
Tiresome. Too much. Too uncomfortable and too warm.
He didn't.  . . He didn't think he could bear it.
He wanted it and by the dawnfather and the moonweaver too he wished he could let himself at times but there was so much on his mind and he didn't deserve or need this right now.
Too much. Too complicated. Too good and too binding.
At times he was too exhausted to put up all those walls and keep the full distance and this little devil of a man. . . He knew and he could tell. And he would use it to worm his way right where he wanted to be without regards to how Caleb tried to let him not to.
A tiny kiss on the head, a small hug, a pin to the wall and increasing invasion of privat space.
Too gentle, too caring, too foward and too much needed at times.
When it came time and they fought to find and free their friends and Mollymauk Tealeaf himself was the sacrificial lamb, only then it was that Caleb realized just how much there was a space empty now. Emptied out and hollow made by someone worming gradually their way further and further in.
Too cold. Too hollow. Too quiet.
And all he could do, all he could think and say were the many regrets he suddenly knew he would carry around from now on. And his last words were for him to be bright and full of live again like he used to. And his touch was light as he tucked the hair out of Mollymauk's face but he could tell just how M T he really was at this moment and how terrifying that felt.
Too wet. Too silent. Too scared amd too regretful.
He Avenged him, anger burning hot and red just like Lorenzo's body before it turned to ash but he didn't tell anyone where that rage truely was founded. How it was truely his anger at his own inability and rage for having yet lost and destroyed another so sweet thing to him. However his anger subsided fast, maybe it was what he deserved.
Too messed up. Too undeserving. Too . . . Too late.
As they continued the others were shook by the news and shook by this turn of events. Yasha, dear dawnfather above forgive him for doing this to her, devastated and in great pain about this just like him but she. . . She deserved to feel angry. At him. At Lorenzo. At everyone. He failed them both.
Too selfish. Too distanced. Too. . . Alone now.
As their journey went on and on he learned, he healed and he grew closer and a bit happier with the rest of the nein around. He learned to love each of them dearly and appreciate their company at every step and he was grateful for that. And yet. Yet there was sonething, someone, missing and he was stuck on that. Has been and will be for a long time so he tought.
Too long. Too useless. Too much to be good for him anymore.
He was fine though wasn't he? He tried to be. And all of his friends were there to help and support him just like he would for them without question anymore.
And when he managed to land the decisive blow on Vokodo the fact that he saw a city so moving and magical yet predatory like cities shouldn't be and he heard the mention of nein eyes it struck him. Like lightning or an icicle right through the chest and he felt his heart beat heavy in his throat.
Too close. Too good. Too suddent and all too violent.
The fears that used to hold him back were gone about his old mentor, his mind not being able to afford being out of it now though not fully applied. It was his turn now to do something. They accept the job offer and they met for dinner with old friends and a mentors he wished to see dead rather sooner than later but what really ate away at his mind now was research.
Too little. Too unusable. Too suspiciously picked clean and too many questions.
He knew there was only one way to get answers.
And that was a grave soaked and muddy with a friend lying in it, bound in a tapestry and marked by a beautiful coat. And he would get his answers. He was going to hell for all his failings, mistakes and shortcommings anyway so he might aswell help shovel this grave and add to the list. It was M T.
Too deep. Too easy to remove and definitely too free of a missing friend and piece of his puzzle.
When Jester scryed on him and told the mighty nein of her findings Caleb could feel it again. A burden, a heart, beating so heavy in his chest he would have been worried if he wasn't too busy trying not to cry. He couldn't. He wasn't to believe it's true until he had proof. Tangible proof for himself.
Too wonderful. Too unbelievable. Too good to be true.
They hurried along their wintergear and left as soon as every piece was retrieved, even if with the help, rather unwanted but ultimately needed to be donefaster, of their new Contractor Vess DeRougna. And after that it sure did not take long for them to be on their way. On a ship. Shortly saving the world and secondly kicking a frozenover butt from someones ex. And then stayed the night in the Base before the big travel.
So close. So restless. So very anxious too.
It was that night that Jester scryed on him again. The very Tiefling they had buried and mourned so deeply before. And he was different. But oh so much the same. His glowing eyes like shiny fresh blood and that wicked grin plastered on. However his accent and the way he carried himself too. . . They were different weren't they? But it was him. Atleast it was this body. And a bloody mess. Which they were to clean before following him the next morning.
So far. So soon. So unprepared he felt.
And yet so determined.
It only took them serval more days and the making of a few new friends as well as a very none-compliant Emerald to finally reach the excavation side and Jester in the name of the whole group being welcomed . . .by Mol- Lucien. It was now most likely. Caleb needed to see him, feel him to believe any of that was real though.
So insecure about their place. So unsure about what was ahead and yet so positive they would soon see him again and learn more.
They were so close, each step heavier and more searching, hoping, as they wandered deeper and deeper into this. Many things and a few spiders and ice elementals were to be found and thankfully survived or avoided but whatever swept through this did so thoroughly. And it was after the last door opened that there was no doubt to any of them that who they were searching for was infact that very 'whatever' along with his group.
So bloody. So smug. So. . . Alive.
He smiled at all of them and apologized for the mess. He really was trying to clean up before they would arrive but Caleb didn't care. He saw him. And suddenly it was like he was on autopilot, his feet moved foward slowly. The last lost soul in the hands of this Tiefling was discarded, trow aside as he saw the wizard coming closer and he instinctively raised his arm at his side signaling his companions to wait. Not move. This was not their moment, that much he knew. It was his. So he too stepped foward, towards this wizard cautiously approaching.
He looked so lost yet found at the same time, So disbelieving and so very good compared to . . .to what. He felt like it has been a long time. Seeing any of them. There were dull bells ringing but they didn't make it through.
Caleb stopped and so did his counterpart infront of him. For a moment they shared a deep look neither of them too sure what to do with it before Caleb's lips parted "Mr. . . .Lucien. Is it fine to call you that?" He lifted his arm up, thanks to the arms lenght distanced not yet touching him. Lucien started to grin and lifted his arm too, putting it ontop of calebs outstretched one and grabbing him by the upper arm, then pulling Caleb along to him.
The nein were about to make a jump foward before realizing that it was not needed as now there was Lucien, holding a slightly dazed Caleb in a shoulder hug.
"Oh my! What a formal man! If you want to give me a title I am the Nonagon else Lucien is quite enough." For a moment Caleb did not know what to do. This was it. A tangible moment. A touch. A hug. And it was so different and yet there it was, the same old feeling triggered inside him. Beneath all those winter coats and clothes and all there was still this guy he loved. And he was overwhelmed. Without thinking for a moment he hugged Lucien back. It wasn't a greeting hug no, it was a tight I know you and I missed you hug clear to see for everyone. But truely Caleb just felt so happy. That which he tought lost was there. He was here! He was alive! And Caleb didn't know if it was his own or if he could feel Luciens heartbeat beneath all of those thick layers of wintergear hammering but Lucien himself? Without being able to explain why he felt his heart skipt a beat or two. This man was strange. But he sure knew. He felt a smile creep on his face. As that stranger burried his face into his coat in the hug. As long as noone saw it, Caleb was sure, he sure wasn't crying.
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dnarez · 4 years
Chapter 3 - Principal's Office
I get up really slowly with the help of my alarm clock and a dog barking at it. "Damn it girl! Why so loud?" My wings get slight red in the tips.
Haru keeps barking at it.
"One more bark and no breakfast for you" she goes silent immediately "hm! Thought so" the wings go back to gray, I got up, stretch and put lotion on my back, the best I can "ok wings... time to tuck you in... again" I hide them and feel a little down because of it "maybe I should tell the principal since I will have then showed to the world if I get in to the hero course..." I start to get ready.
"Should I eat something now? Hmmm... there is leftover from yesterday" I finish changing by putting my hair up after have finished with my clothes and go to the kitchen "And... water" I sigh "well... chicken it is" I put the boneless chicken without the skin in Haru's food bowl "HARU FOOD" I hear the sound of her nails hitting the floor while she run to the kitchen.
"Damn girl, go slower or you gonna choke" she keeps eating fast I just sigh seeing it. "Void! You will get none since you didn't finish yesterday" I finished eating and get everything I need. "There and just in time" I look at the clock seeing I was super early the way I want it, and go to the door with Haru following me and Void flying to my shoulder.
"Sorry Void, I can't take you but when the sun starts to set you can come get me ok? I let the balcony window open just enough for you to pass trow" I scratch his head, and he goes to my room "Come here Haru give some good luck kisses" she comes to me wagging her tail and as I pet her head she licks my hand "Thank you sweetie, please be good, I will be back the sooner I can" I start my way to the school extremely nervous and happy at the same time.
'Let's hope that I won't regret it'
As I make my way to the school by foot I listen to some tunes.
I look up at the sky and fantasize about flying to school. 'That would make my life so easy'
As I get to the U.A. I decided that talking with the principal first would be the best idea, if I didn't in the end I would be alone in the class since I arrived extra earlier.
I turn off the music, go straight to the principal office, and knock at the door, waiting anxiously.
'I hope they don't just send me to my parents after I tell them the truth... even if it isn't my fault'
"Come in" the voice was kinda... cute?
I get inside and see the... the... mouse? Maybe dog?... I don't know "Excuse me... are you the principal...?"
"Yes! I am! You can call me Nezu, please sit down" he points to the chair in front of his desk "what an unusual thing to happen in the first day of school, normally the teachers are the first to greet me" he chuckles omg... he's so CUTE!
I sit down in front of him and chuckle a little "Sorry to be a nuisance, but I though that telling the school now was better than to get you all by surprise if I ever use my quirk"
"Wait... aren't you Takami Y/n? The documents your parents send me tell me that you don't have one"
"Yes but they are forged.... My mother and my father were afraid that people would want to get me because of my quirk"
"Hmmm..." he cross his arms "I understand the situation, but you do know that you will have to tell me what your quirk is right?"
"Yes Nezu-sama, I know"
"But before that... why are you telling us your quirk now? Why not live on with that lie?" He tilts his head confused and still smiling 'omg I want to hug him'
"Because I don't want to stay in the general studies course! I heard rumors that while you study in any other department there are a few times that you can prove that you can be a hero, and by that winning a place in the hero course" I look into his eyes and ask "so... is it true?" I can feel my hands shaking while they grab the edge of my skirt.
"Yes indeed it is, but I tell you it won't be easy, you will be competing with a lot of people, and also the hero course will want you out of their way, do you understand that?"
"Yes principal Nezu! And I can tell you that I will make my way to the hero course, it doesn't matter if they like it or not! I will do it!" I smile brightly
"Hmmm..." he smiles at that "may I ask you... why do you want to become a hero?"
"I want to help people just like my big brother! I want to help people while I am at his side!" I beam with just the thought of working side by side with him.
"Oh! And who is your brother?"
"I-i... I can't tell you... sorry"
"It's fine, so let me change my question... tell me about your quirk, so I can update the system please"
"Yes sir! I have a pair of wings and they-"
"Wait... you have wings? Do they appear with your energy or something?"
"No sir, I hide then, they are tucked in and tied up to not be showed right now"
"And why do you hide them? That must hurt and also be bad for your growing up" he got serious and had a look of concern in his face
"Mom and dad don't like then, so I hide it..."
"For what your file tells me you live alone now yes?"
"Yes sir I do" I tilt my head confused to where he was getting
"I would like for you not hide them anymore, that can be awful for your health"
"Wait, what?! But I can't! I-I-I don't have the right type of uniform or money to buy another one!"
"That's fine, we have a few in stock, your health is more important than money"
I look at him with wild eyes "B-but I will hit everything and everyone with them! I never got out without them being hidden, a-and a few feathers are missing! I left them at home! Please don't make me do this principal Nezu! I'm begging you!" I feel my eyes getting watery with tears
He looked at me with a concerned and sad look "Why are you so afraid? They are part of you, I'm sorry but you will have to accept it no 'buts'... can you fly?"
I sigh defeated and look at the floor letting my bangs hide my eyes that are filled with shame and sadness "no I can't"
"You can stay after hours so you will have a safe place to practice okay but only on week days? Now wait just a minute, so I can get that new uniform for you" he gets up and comes to my side "don't worry everything will be fine" he stays in the tip of his toes and pet my hair "I won't take long" he goes out of the office leaving me alone.
'Maybe... just maybe it won't be as bad as I think it would be' I blink fast to hold back my tears
I take a shaky breath and start to untie the knots of my h/l h/c hair with my fingers, I was so focused on my on thoughts that I didn't hear someone calling me until I felt their hand in my shoulder snapping me out of it. "O-oh! Sorry! Did you want something?" I look at the tall tired man, he had black shoulder length hair, black clothes and heavy bags under those black eyes.
"Yes I asked you where is the principal"
"Sorry again, he said he was going to come back in a few, I don't really know where he went thou"
He nodded and sat down at the couch that was a bit behind me and against the wall.
The room fell silent until he spoke again.
"Why are you still here then?"
"Principal Nezu told me to wait for him here"
"And why is that?"
"So... he could give me a new uniform"
"And why do you need a new one?" His stare was intense and calculative, it was making me nervous
"Because this one doesn't have holes for my wings..."
He looked at my back and looked at my eyes again.
"Wings made with energy doesn't usually need holes" his gaze was really intense but his questions were worst
"Yeah but doesn't concern you! And can I ask you who you may be?" I snap back at him
"A teacher" I take a sharp breath at that.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you, it shouldn't matter if you are a teacher, I was rude, and I am profusely sorry" I bow my head to him the best i can being sited
"It will be fine if you answer one question" he smirks
"O-oh... well... what is the question?" I feel my cheeks getting pink from embarrassment.
"Why do yo-" the principal gets in the office interrupting the tired teacher
"Oh! Aizawa, I thought you were on your classroom already" principal Nezu walks up to me and give me the uniform "there is a bathroom down the hall to the left, change and come back here"
"Yes sir" I take the clothes and go to the door stopping before getting out and bow to both of them "thank you very much" I then get out and go to the bathroom to get changed.
'Damn it... it took longer than I thought it would' I go and walk to the principal's office again and knock st the door. "Nezu-sama? I'm back"
"Come in Takami" I get inside and close the door behind me "was it hard to get dressed?"
My cheeks and my wings get light pink "Yeah... It was hard to put them on... I never used clothes that I could use and have my wings out...” I look around and see that the Aizawa guy has already left
"They are really pretty"
"Hm? What is pretty?" I tilt my head confused
"Your wings of course" he laughs "the bell will ring in a few minutes, it's best if you go to your class now, but please come back here in the end of the day"
"Yes sir!" I nod smiling and bow to him before getting out of there with both wings totally light pink.
'I need to get to my class fast' I'm walking fast to the class 1-E, my wing bump hard into someone that was in front of the class 1-A making him fall to his side "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I help him get up.
"I-i-i-it's fine! Really!" The boy with dark green hair blushes heavily and get's up with my help
"Are you sure? I didn't want to be late to my class, so I was practical running, I'm so so so sorry" I bow down
"Really it's fine! O-oh! By the way I'm Izuku Midorya what's your name?" He looks anywhere but to my eyes
I smile brightly "y/n Takami!" I bow one more time "it was nice meeting you, but I reaaaally have to go now, bye!" I wave at him and go back to going to my classroom.
"See you later!" He smiles and goes inside his classroom
'Ok! I can do it!' I go to my classroom and stop at the front of the door 'Let's make it happen!' I sigh and calm down my thoughts and nerves, making my wings going back to gray. When I'm finally calm I open the door and get inside trying to not overthink.
1896 words, I think I over did it hehehe 😅
Next chapter will be cool too! I'm sorry that I'm very perfectionist with the story, I want you to feel like you are in her skin, felling what she feels and stuff.
Also, I'm not fantastic with name titles, sorry
Hi silent readers! I love you all💕
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Reunited at last (5/6)
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Part: 1, 2, 3, 4
After exploring the old ruins that was were streets. It was a long lost dream to find this place and here I was. I wasn’t suppose be there on the hill of the mountain, but I was. Rafe had yet another meeting with Nadine and her men and he didn’t want me their, with the excuse it was way to boring for me and I could use that time exploring the building. So that was what I did. I explored and figured it all out.
Walking trough history, thats how it felt. Everything was just like it had been left behind after what looked like a huge fight, some could call it a war. Bodies where spread over the clearing, canons, weapons and barricades could be found.  It was unclear who’s battle it was and what they where fighting for.
Making my way inside the bloodshed had continued, who ever the battle was between had made their way inside.  Big golden looking doors, three times bigger than that I was, kept me from entering, what I only believed to be, the treasure room. A lever on my left was my way in. I pulled it towards me and a heavy mechanism could be heard starting to work.
Only it was for a little while before it stopped, doors still closed. With a groan I walked over to the door and pushed it with all my wight. It took a lot of effort but I manged to open the doors by force. My believes where right, this room used to be a treasure or trophy room, only this one was empty.
It was hard to imagine what had taken place hundred years ago but I had my ideas. By the looks of the state this room was left in, Avery had already taking his treasure elsewhere. Along the walls almost life sized paintings hung portraying the pirates. Avery, Tew all the founders of Libertalia.
They were all marked with the word ‘’Thief’’ meaning the treasure was already gone by the time the citizens had fought their ways in. Looking around the room for further clues I found the last peace of the puzzle. It was so small most would have missed it, but not me.
A map was painted on the sealing, it was barely visible because most of the roof was missing. But it was there. It showed a small town named ‘’New Devon’’ inhabited by seven large mansions. One for each pirate of Avery’s crew.
Smiling to myself, proud of my findings, I found myself calling for Nate. ‘’Nate, I figur,-’’ I cut my self off mid sentence, realizing Nate wasn’t here. In that moment of happiness I longed for my best friend. I should have been here with them, with Nate and my father.
Gunshots pulled me back to reality. It sounded far away but not the less it caught my attention. In a haze I looked for a way out. It took me way more time then I had anticipated and by the time I found a way outside the sound of a gun fight had stopped.
Now standing on top of a watch tower I looked around in the hope to locate the source of the fight. But what I found was more disturbing. Shoreline men filled my few, weapons drawn. Panic filled my body and the only thing on my mind was that I needed to get the hell out of here.
Making my way down was difficult because the tower was about to collapse. Running as fast as my legs could carry me I made my way down. Just before the tower collapsed I jumped to the roof of a nearby building.
My body wasn’t used to these kinds of shenanigans any more, so the safest way was the ground. No more jumping buildings. More shots filled the air and sometimes I needed to duck to prevend myself from getting shot.
In the distance I saw Rafe running inside a gave with some of the Shoreline soldiers. I followed him and waited till I got close to make my presence known. I ran out to a small clearing leading to a ravine. ‘’Rafe!’’ I called out. All eyes where now on me and so were most of there guns. ‘’Rafe?’’ I called out again, this time with my hands in the air.
Looking around the group I saw Nate and Nadine who was held captive by someone I couldn't see its face of. The man holding Nadine shifted slightly in its place making it able for me to see his face. My eyes grew bigger from confusion. ‘’Sam?’’ My voice was shaking, my mind making over hours. ‘’I told you to stay away.’’ Rafe spatted at me. A low growl could be heard leaving Sams throat.
Snapping my attention to Rafe I spat back at him. ‘’Excuse me?’’ I was still being hold at gun point but I ignored them. With anger in his eyes Rafe took a step towards me. Trying to hold my ground I stayed put. Locking my eyes with his I looked for answers. ‘’You knew, didn’t you.’’ I asked bluntly not giving him time to talk. ‘’You knew, all this time he was alive?!’’ I felt a white rage burning in my stomach and my anger got the best of me.  
Waiting for him to confirm my theory I kept my eyes locked on his. ‘’Of course, who else did you thought broke him out for a second time.’’ Without thinking I swing my arm back and connected it with his jaw. Through the force of the impact Rafe stumbled back. By only one sign, one of the Shoreline soldiers grabbed me and put his gun to my temple.  
The safety of a gun being pulled back could be heard, coming from Sam, still holding Nadine. ‘’Let her go Sam, or she dies.’’ pointing at me Rafe kept his vision at Sam. ‘’No.’’ Sam said trough gridded teeth. ‘’Don’t make me ask again, sam.’’ A threatening hint was visible in his voice.
Nate who kept watching until now made a move no one expected. It all happened in a second. Nate moved towards his brother and unarmed him so Nadine could step free. ‘’Now let her go, Rafe.’’ Nate said trowing the gun away. ‘’I can’t quite do that yet, Nathen. I still need her.’’ Anger kept boiling up inside of me.
I lowered my head towards my chest before I yanked it back, making contact with the nose of my captor. He let me go to grab his now bloody now. Kicking the gun out of his hand sending it flying. ‘’I am done helping you, Rafe.’’ I spat my words out, filled with poison.  
A cynical laugh left his lips. ‘’I don’t think so princess. You and your not so dead boyfriend over there are going to lead me to Avery’s treasure.’’ With his pistol raised at Sam, he shot daggers at me. ‘’To bad I don’t know where it is.’’ I lied, shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly.
He wasn’t to happy with my answer. ‘’Then you better figure it out, fast, or els.’’ He threatened me. ‘’Please, I am sure we can figure something out, make a deal, find it together.’’ it was Nate he broke the silence. ‘’There is nothing to figure out. I only need one or two of you.’’ His gun shifted from Sam to Nate. ‘’No!’’ Sam and I yelled in unison. But it was to late, Rafe had pulled the trigger.
Sam jumped in front of Nate to take the bullet but it hit him in the shoulder. It was a trough and trough and it launched itself in Nate, who fell backwards to the edge, eventually falling over leaping to his faith.
The build up anger that i’ve been collecting inside bursted, I launched myself towards Rafe. One of the Shoreline men grabbed me but without luck. In a second I had disarmed him and held him under gunpoint with his own gun. ‘’Tell your men to stand down and no one gets hurt.’’ I threw a quick glance at Rafe. ‘’And who is going to hurt them, you?’’ wrong answer.
Pulling the safety back and pulled the trigger I shot the man in his back. Dead. ‘’Yes, me.’’ with an empty look in my eyes I looked at Rafe. Sam watched me from his position on the ground. An amused and proud look spread across his lips.
A vein on Rafe’s forehead was about to burst so much anger was he carrying. ‘’Maybe I only need one of you.’’ Rafe said coldly and pulled the trigger. The bulled embedded itself in my torso, falling to the ground immediately. Faintly in the distance I could hear Sam’s voice but I couldn’t figure out what he was saying.
One by one Rafe and his people left the cliff, dragging Sam with them. Leaving me to die. But one thing Rafe forgot, he doesn’t get rid of me that easily. What felt like hours I woke up.  My body felt stiff and everything hurts.
Weakly I made my way trough the cave to the shore. My last hope for survive was my dad. He owned this ridiculous old aircraft that could land on water.
Nearing the shore I saw the outlines of the aircraft, with the last strength I had in me I screamed for my dad. ‘’DAD!’’ limping closer to the water I tried again. ‘’Dad!’’ I hadn’t much strength in me left, but it was just enough for him to hear me.
For a second time I lost conscious. The next time I woke up I laid in the plain all patched up. ‘’Dad?’’ I asked silently, slightly in panic. ‘’I am here, doll.’’ I heard my father say over the sound of the plain. ‘’We are getting Nate and Elena at the north side of the island.’’ By hearing Nate’s name I shot up from my laying position. ‘’He is alive?!’’ I could barely believe it.
A tension filled the air followed by a deafening silence until I broke it. ‘’I know about Sam.’’ My dad looked at me quickly over his shoulder. ‘’Sweetheart, I am so,’’ he started but I stopped him. ‘’I understand Dad. You did it to protect me and because the whole thing with Rafe.’’
The flight was short, we landed near the shore and waited for Nate and Elena. Loud explosion could be heard in the distance. Getting closer and closer by the second. An armored car seemed to be chasing something or someone.
In horror I saw who the car was chasing, Nate. ‘’Dad, it’s Nate!’’ But my dad was already on the case and shot an RPG at the car, making it stuck on a wall. ‘’Trow me the RPG!’’ Nate yelled and my father did what he asked.
We helped Nate up de wall after the car was taken care of. Without giving him time to react I embraced him tightly. ‘’I thought you were dead.’’ I breathed in his chest, slightly crying. ‘’Me too.’’ He whispered back. 
After breaking apart I looked for Elena. ‘’Where is Elena?’’ and right after the words left my mouth she came running towards us. ‘’Hey.’’ She said before embracing each other. ‘’Hey.’’ he said back. ‘’How are you doing?’’ My father asked. ‘’Im doing good, some close calls but,’’ She stepped away from us to look at the ruins. ‘’He covered me.’’ And walking out of the ruins came Sam.
Part 6 
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sheeple · 4 years
The intern | 11: Drunk confessions
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GIFS NOT MINE. THIS IS ALL FICTION. Genre(s): intern!au / fluff / mild angst Group(s): NCT / Red Velvet Pairing(s): Moon Taeil x fem!reader Summary: The new Elysion Publishings intern is the youngest they ever had. It’s not a problem until she grabs the attention of the IT guy. Warning(s): Age-gap of five years [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist]
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“Let’s play truth, dare or drink”, chirps Wendy after around an hour of drinking, eating, and talking. We’re all sprawled across the couches and the ground.
“What are we, children?”, questions Taeyong, his head leaning on my shoulder.
“No”, I pout, “it will be fun.”
Everybody agrees and we shove the couch back against the wall as Mark grabs an empty soju bottle and places it on the ground. 
We gather around it and Johnny gives the bottle a spin and it lands on Wendy. “Truth or dare?”, he asks with a smirk.
“Dare”, she grins. 
Johnny pulls out his phone and scrolls through it, a smirk forming on his lips. “Let Mark style your hair and keep it for the rest of the evening.” 
Wendy let’s out a loud groan. “Oh come on! He will make me look ridiculous.” She throws her arms up and Mark gets up and walks over her, sitting behind her and combing through her hair with his fingers.
“Don’t worry, cous. I’ll do my best.”
I give him a brush and some elastics as Wendy spins the bottle, landing next to me, on Taeyong. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but dare.” A heavy sigh leaves his lips as he watches Wendy
Wendy grabs Johnny’s phone and her eyes travel over it. “I dare you... to spin ten times and then try to walk straight.”
He jumps up and pinches his nose as he starts to spin. We count with the turns he makes and as he reaches the tenth, he stands up straight and sets one food in front of him, before he stumbles to the side, on top of me.
I laugh loudly and help him back on his feet. “Just try to follow the seam of the floorboards”, I encourage him. 
Taeyong succeeds after a couple of failed tries and lets himself fall back on the ground, leaning with his forehead against my shoulder. He reaches for the bottle and spins it, not really doing a great job. 
The bottle lands on Taeil and he blushes. “Dare.”
“Hmm... drink ten shots”, grumbles Taeyong, still a bit nauseous from the spins.
“Ah shit, I’m a light-head”, he curses and grabs one of the shot glasses we’ve prepared on the table. “Can I do five now and five later?.”
Taeil trows back shot after shot and I look with big eyes at him. I never imagined him doing it. He pours five more but sets them back behind him.
Now it’s Taeil turn to spin the bottle and it lands on where Mark sat before he got to do Wendy’s hair.
“Truth”, he says as he twists three strands together.
“Have you ever cheated”, says Wendy before Taeil can ask anything.
“It was not your turn to ask anything”, snaps Mark back as he tugs harshly on Wendy’s hair.
“Good question! Did you?” Taeil leans with his head on his palm.
“If it’s about school tests, I did not. If you’re talking about video games. Then I did it a couple of times.” He shrugs.
“I knew so! There’s no way you beat me everything at Uno!”, I let out and smack Mark on his head with my slipper.
“Oh shut up you”, he grumbles as he spins the bottle, this time landing on me.
My ears heat up. “Truth.”
Mark smirks deviously as Wendy whispers something in his ear. “Do you have a crush? And if yes, what’s their name?”
“Oh fuck, I don’t know dudes”, I immediately say and throw the cousins a nasty glare. 
“So you do?”, smirks Taeyong and Johnny laughs loudly.
“I never had a real crush so I wouldn’t know what it feels like.” I scowl and get up. “Whatever, I’m gonna pee. Tae, you can have this turn.” I shuffle towards the bathroom and close the door behind me.
I sit on the toilet and pull my phone out of my pocket. I open up the chat of my friends back home and start to type away. 
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As I am mid-type, a knock on the door scares me. I unlock the door and to my surprise stand Taeil leaning against the doorpost, supporting his drunk body on it.
“Do you like someone else?”, he asks, his voice unexpectedly clear for someone who drowned ten shots. 
When I don’t answer but keep blinking at him, he pushes me into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. I take steps back until Taeil has me cornered against the sink.
“Tell me”, he whispers, “did I get my hopes up?” Taeil presses his forehead against my own. His alcohol breath tickles my nose and I scrunch my nose.
“You’re drunk, Taeil. You don’t know what you’re saying.” I push against his chest.
But he grabs both of my hands and intertwines our hands, letting them drop next to our bodies. 
“I... I finally dare to say what I wanted to do for a long time. And now you admit to having a crush... I thought we had something. A connection.” Taeil looks away and I chuckle, unwinding one of my hands and placing it on his cheek.
“Look, I don’t know how this whole crush thing works. As I said, I never... how do I put this? I never like-liked someone, you know?”
Taeil looks up, a weird expression in his eyes. “Let me take you out”, he says breathlessly.
A smile grows on my face and I nod. “Again? I would love that.”
He lets out a surprised laugh and hugs me tightly, burying his nose in the crook of my neck.
And at that moment, even if it was for just a smidge, everything felt complete. Everything is in its place and it’s just Taeil and me.
Just for a moment, because we soon get interrupted by Taeyong who throws the door open and everyone standing there with a smirk on their faces. The fuckers had it all planned...
“See! They weren’t hooking up!”, yells Taeyong as he throws his arms in the air.
“Well... it could be”, mumbles Mark, whines leaving his lips as Wendy gives him a smack against the back of his head.
“Shut up y’all”, I say with a bright blush on my cheeks, shooing them away. 
They stay for another two hours but decide that around 11 will be the best time they go home.
“It was fun”, says Johnny as he, Wendy, and Taeyong hug me. 
“Are you guys sure you don’t want to stay over? I have a big bed and extra blankets and pillows.”
Wendy shakes her head and strokes my hair. “That’s very kind, darling. But we’ve called a friend who’s willing to bring us home.” 
“Speaking about that friend, he’s here”, says Johnny as he pokes his head around the corner and Wendy and I give each other one last hug before they walk down the stairs.
“See you another time”, says Mark as he slides his arms through the sleeves of his jacket. 
“Do you need me to walk with you?”, I question as I watch Mark lace up his sneakers.
“And let you walk back alone? How about no?” He rolls smiling his eyes.
“Don’t worry, I have Taeil to protect me.” I pull the said man on his arm closer to me and smile.
“He is?”, says Mark at the same time Taeil says, “I am?”
“Yeah”, I say matter of factly, “he’s staying over.”
“I am?”, he questions again. 
“You are. Don’t think I let you drive back home with all that alcohol in your system?”, I bicker back, silencing him.
“Anyways, text you when I am home.” Mark waves at us as he walks away, grabbing the keys of his bike.
“So”, I say as I throw the door closed. “Just go and watch some tv or something as I clean up the dirty dishes.”
“None of that”, scoffs Taeil as he starts to stumble around, grabbing cups and plates to clean up too. "I’m not that rude.”
I just nod and let him try to fix up the living room. I grab the empty bowls and walk towards the kitchen. I fill the sink with warm soapy water and put all the dishes in it. 
“My dishwasher sucks so I have to pre-clean everything”, I explain to Taeil as he looks at me weirdly. 
He hums, putting the glasses in the water too. “I’ll clean the living room and make sure everything’s back on their original place if you load the dishwasher?”, he propositions and I nod, rolling up my sleeves.
After a while, as I washed and loaded in everything in the dishwasher, I notice it’s awfully silent in the living room. As I dry my hands I walk towards the living and see that Taeil has fallen asleep on the couch, his cheek mushed against the cushion.
A chuckle leaves my lips and I walk towards my room, pulling out a spare cushion and blacked. I lift Taeil’s head up and tuck him in. With a soft smile, I brush away his bangs to admire his peaceful expression. 
I turn around and walk away to get ready for bed. As quiet as I can, I brush my teeth and get into bed, the smile no way coming off my face.
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It’s half-past twelve and after scrolling through my phone for half an hour and almost dropping it on my face, I finally let myself get the rest I need.
But that’s soon disturbed by a soft knock on my door and the creak of its opening. Taeil peeks his head through the crack, his hair falling in front of his eyes.
“Hey, (Y/n)”, he whispers and I hum. “Are you sleeping?” 
With a soft groan, I get up and look at him. “Nah, just trying. What’s up?”
“Well, it’s very cold and I can’t sleep so...”, he trails off while playing with his hand. Now I notice the pillow under his arm.
I scoot over and pat the space next to me. Taeil smiles brightly and waddles over, placing his pillow next to mine and sliding under the covers.
"We have to get up early tomorrow though if we want to be on time at work. Since we have to drive past your place first.”
“Why? I can go to work in the clothes I wore today.” 
I roll my eyes. “You mean the clothes you spilt three shots of soju on, those clothes?” 
Taeil bites his lip. “You’re right. Better get up early tomorrow.”
I shake my head with a slight smile. “Goodnight.” I close my eyes and with a sigh, I fall asleep.
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How you met Stray Kids
Hey bbs! This took me so long to write. I am so sorry! I hope I can come back to a more regular schedule so that you guys can have more stuff! I hope you enjoy!!!!
- Admin SoSo
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It was cold, basically freezing. Because of that you decided to go out to the nearest coffee shop. To go get something hot to warm yourself up.
As you pushed the door open you heard loud voices and laughter. You went in and stood in line. You realized you were standing behind the people who were making such a ruckus and turns out they were very cute. You turned your attention to the extensive menu. You had no idea what you wanted and the complicated menu didn’t help at all.
“You should get the green tea. It’s really good!”
“Huh?” You weren’t expecting that, You turned towards the voice, finding one of the cute boys looking at you.
“The green tea. it’s my favourite!” He was adorable.
“Oh thanks. I’m Y/n by the way!” You introduced yourself shyly, a small smile gracing your lips.
“I’m Chan.” He turned around after one of his friends tapped his shoulder yo warn him that it was his turn to place his order.
He ordered a small green tea, once he got his drink he headed for the door. He waved you goodbye and walked out. A small pang of sadness hit at the probability of never seeing him again.
You walked up to the barista and placed your own order. a small green tea. Just as you received the steaming cup the door slammed open. There stood a panting Chan. He took a couple steps towards you.
“Hey Y/n, do you wanna maybe go out sometimes?”
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You were officially lost. You had no idea where you were or where you were going. It was a wonder you even made it this far. Every turn you made seemed to bring you back exactly where you started. You were getting desperate. you looked around, hoping to find something to help find your way back. The street was almost empty. Key word was “almost”. You spotted a lone man, he would probably be your only chance at finding your way back.
You stepped forward and slowly inched towards him. As you came closer, you got got a better look at his face. He was really handsome. You weren’t expecting that. You gathered up your courage with both hands and rose your shaky voice to catch his attention.
“Excuse me?. He turned towards you and the little amount of courage you managed to gather seemed to falter. Butterflies swarmed around in your stomach.
“I... I’m lost and I can’t find my way back...” the butterflies who were peacefully swarming around were now trowing themselves around into your stomach walls.
“Of course no problem.” Heat rose toy your cheeks. You really wanted wanted to talk to him more.
“Do you maybe wanna go out sometimes?” You weren’t expecting to actually say that. You were never this courageous or forward but you actually really did want to see him again. He seemed surprised but you managed to even shock yourself. His face melted into a warm smile. 
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You worked at a quiet little diner. It was cute, hidden off of a busy street. It got a steady stream of costumers without it ever getting too busy. You were working the graveyard shift, which sucked. Nobody else was around. No costumers or co workers, only Greg the grumpiest cook in existence. You stayed clear of him meaning you were simply standing at the little counter letting time go by.
Then the door got pushed open and in walked a man covered from head to toe. It wasn't even raining. You pushed your curious thoughts aside in favour for taking his order. He ordered enough food for a small army.
"Is this all for you?"
"No, I'm on food duty for me and my friends." His voice came out a little muffled from behind the face mask he wore.
"Name?" You were really curious'in situations like this you really didn't a name but you wanted a name.
"Why do you need it?" He retorted
"Oh it's protocol." You quickly lied.
"I'm the only one here." He pointed out.
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So you were single, you were pretty happy being single. Your parents, ever so lovely, didn’t really understand that. You loved them with your whole heart, really, but they didn’t understand that you’re alright with being single. So to ease your lonely heart they set you up on a date. 
They set you up with one of their old school buddies' son. You weren't expecting much. Usually when you parents introduced you to a boy, they turn out to be less than ideal. At first it was a little funny how your parents could dig out the weirdest of the weird but it quickly got old.
So needless to say you didn't head into this date with a lot of confidence. You walked into the restaurant heading straight for the hostess. There you gave her your last name, she led you towards the back of the restaurant dodging through tables and chairs. She stopped in front of a table where a lone boy was sitting. 
He was wearing dark clothes and was suprisingly handsome. Once he saw you he shot straight up. He had a relived smile on his face, which made you chuckle. He reached out his hand and you shook it gently.
"I'm Changbin!"
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n!"
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Being a trainee was hard. It could really take a toll on both your mental and physical state. It was long hours and constant pressure. Sometimes you wondered why you were even doing it but you would be quickly reminded that you loved it. you loved singing and dancing but most of all you loved performing.
Usually, you could keep riding onto the high you got from performing but today it didn’t seem to be enough. Your voice didn’t seem to be able to reach the high points of the song you couldn’t follow along to the song. The worst part was that you were the only one out of your group that had trouble with this song.
That night you stayed behind, after everyone left to keep practicing. You were finishing up after practicing for hours, when you heard a loud thud. You whipped your head around to face the door and there laid a lanky guy. You furrowed your brows trying to figure out how he ended up laying in the entry way.
“Are you okay?” You asked. He quickly turned his head to look at you. He clearly hadn’t realized that there was someone else in the room.
“Uhhh yeah I’m fine. My friends they just pushed me.” He quickly pulled himself up, wanting to save himself from more any more embarrassment. “What are you still doing here it’s way past midnight?”
“I was actually finishing, I stayed to practice some more. What about you, why are you still here? As far as I know it’s past midnight for you too!” You whipped out a water bottle from your duffel bag taking large gulps.
“I was just leaving too.” He nodded his head, avoiding your gaze. “W-Would you like for me to walk you back to your dorm?”
“Sure, I’d like that ....”
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It was a slow Sunday, you had a lot of time to kill. So obviously you decided to kill your time by going to the arcade. Usually you would’ve forced your friends to come with you but ironically you seemed to be the only person on earth to be free today. 
You slowly made your way through the arcade, considering each and every game before settling for Pac-Man. An old classic. The Pac-Man game was right beside the Dance Dance Revolution game that was always packed, no matter what. You lightly shoved some people out of your way as to get to the game.
Out of no where a hand shot out and grabbed your arm. You snapped your head around as to spot the culprit. There stood a handsome guy. He was staring at you intently. You eyebrows shot up.
“Can I help you?” You softly detached his deadly grip from your arm.
“Yes. Are you good at Dance Dance Revolution?”
“I’m ok at it. Why are you asking?” This was easily one of the weirdest situations you’ve ever experienced.
“My friends and I are doing a Dance Dance Revolution tournament and I need a partner. Will you be my partner?”
“Alright, let’s do it. I’m Y/n by the way.”
“I’m Jisung”
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Korean was hard. You realized this before you accepted the exchange program to Korea. What you didn’t realize is that even impressed in the language and culture you still wouldn’t have a clue about the language. 
So as to pass your classes you decided to take an after-school Korean class. It was the first day and you were quite nervous to say the least, so nervous you got there almost an hour early. You clutched your bag and picked a spot at the back to hopefully not get called on by the teacher. As time passed by students piled into the class. 
There was barely five minutes before the course and nobody was sitting by you. Somehow everyone else paired up meaning you had all the space in the world. You were just about to put down your bag on the other chair when the class door burst open. A boy just stood, now realizing the dramatic entry he just did. He blushed and quickly spoted a chair. He plopped the remaining place which was right beside you.
You stole a quick glance at him, he was really cute. Even though you would miss the extra space you were quite glad such a cute boy sat by you. He abruptly turned towards you and shot you a smile.
"I'm Felix. Nice to meet you, I guess we're gonna be spending a lot of time together."
"I'm Y/n nice to meet you too."
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It was finally summer break. After such a long year you truly deserved a break. As to celebrate the first day of vacation you and your friends decided to go to the mall and buy some new summer clothes. You were walking on the pathway sipping on your freshly made drink discussing when one of your friends yelled out. 
"Seungmin, over here!!!" Your head snapped around to find a handsome boy making his way over to your group of friends. Your friend suddenly turned towards you.
"Y/n you're gonna love him! He's super sweet and really cute!!" She was bouncing in place at the idea that you were finally going to meet Seungmin. He weaved through the crowd before getting to you and your friends.
“Hi I’m Seungmin, I don’t think we’ve met.” Heat rose to your cheeks. Your friend mentioned he was cute but not this cute.
“Hi I’m Y/n and no we haven’t” You must’ve looked like a tomato at this point.
“Well it’s nice to meet you”
“Yeah it’s very nice to meet you too...” 
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It’s hard being the new girl in school. You just transferred from another school and you hated it. As much as you liked the idea of starting fresh you hated it. You were completely lost in the school and you were already late to your class. You were wandering around the hallway hoping to magically find your classroom. 
Turning the corner you suddenly bumped into a chest. you stumbled backward surprised by the interruption. When you looked up there stood the cutest boy. He somehow made those tacky uniforms look good.
“Oh sorry...” He quickly apologized. Still stunned by his good looks you saw your opportunity to find your way back to your class. 
“It’s fine. Could you tell me where my class is. I’m new and i still haven’t figured my way around.”You asked pointing to your schedule.  
“Of course.” He grabbed your schedule, your hands lightly brush each other. A soft smile brushed across your lips.  
“Well it’s across campus.” No wonder you couldn’t find your class, you were in the completely wrong building!
“Alright thanks!” You took back your schedule and turned on your heels to make your way to your class.
“Wait, how about I walk you.” He reached out lightly grabbing your elbow.
“Sure!” You were quite embarrassed but you felt quite happy. You didn’t need to know that Jeongin’s class was actually where you both started.
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bellismaperry · 7 years
One shot: Loki x Valkyrie
This was a reguest from @hiddlesloving , I hope you like it ☺️😄
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"Grandmaster is looking for you know, you kind own him something" Valkyrie says as she walks over to loki, who is looking quite amused by her finding him.
"I know , im not blind, as you can see that's why I'm here or you haven't figured that out yet?" He says as he walks closer to her with a giant smile on his face, he loved picking people to see what they could do until they bursted.
" calling me stupid prince?" She asks as she folds her arms gives him a stare. He laughs and shakes his head.
"I'm not , on contrary , I'm calling you slow. "
Valkyrie laughs in anger and puts her arm behind her ready to grab her knives , just in case he pulls a trick. Which he could he is the god of lies and tricks.
" Aren't valkyries supposed to warriors of Odin? Fastest, strongest , intelligent, defenders of Asgard! "Loki says as he walks around her in circle.
She was a pure beauty he couldn't deny that for sure. Any man would be lucky enough to have her. He would love to tell her that, but that would be her advance of wining, and he wasn't that generous of man, he always love to win no matter what.
"But here you are being the grands master puppet, for what money?. What a joke " Loki says with a smirk. Valkyrie takes out her knives out to the view to him to see. Giving him a warning of what would happen if he continued.
But that didn't scare or affect it all Loki. He's the god of chaos and destruction , danger is his middle name.
"Oh is Valkyrie is mad? Well that's the sole truth. You are nothing but a defeated warrior! Who tried to over come her group and got all killed to fill that revenge. And what got her? Death. What are you going to do now? Fight me? If so I'm honored , fighting a Valkyrie is an gracious opportunity , to bad I'm going to win and take the only thing you have left" loki says which so much anger in his voice.
Valkyrie being the hard headed woman she is, ignored his words and responded.
"Yea and what is that?"
Loki smirks " your dignity" with that he takes out his knifes and lunches him self to Valkyrie.
Val being as fast she is blocked his attacks in one swift move. He would attack in the middle she would in his left, he launches in at her face she would block and hit for his center.
They looked synchronized like dancing almost. Anybody who would see them fighting they would thing they planned. But no, that was how good they where together.
"You impress me, never thought you had in you" loki says as he blocks one of Valkyrie attacks.
Valkyrie laughs and block one of his. " oh I'm so honored to have fine words to say to me by the prince!" She says sarcasticly as she lower her knives and trows a punch taking Loki by surprise.
Almost hitting loki , he takes her and and twist it, but didn't have the acknowledgment of her the freeness of her feet as she kicks him in the gut making him fall over Crying in pain.
"Am I still slow?" Valkyrie says as she stands over him with the biggest smile on her face. A winner.
Loki groans and holds his stomach of were Valkyrie hit him.
" please have mercy" loki stutters as he groans.
Valkyrie groans in anger and rolls her eyes. As much she didn't want to help him, she would probably have done the same if she was in his shoes. Lost his brother, fucked up the only way out this place , and messed up the only thing keeping him alive in this planet. As much she wanted to knock him out, she couldn't.
"I beg" he says as he takes deep breaths.
Valkyrie looks away and groans "fine"
She takes out her hand for him to take, Loki smiles and takes it , he couldn't believe she actually helped. He stands ups and dust himself of.
"You better not be playing me" Val says.
Loki looks at her and smirks " now why would I do that" and just with that Valkyrie was pressed up against the wall with Loki pressed against her with his hands pressed in the wall each side of her head.
"What do you think your doing?!" Val snaps.
"This" with that Loki kiss her.
She couldn't move , it was like her body was disconnected with her mind. Her lips moved with his like it was meant to be. Her hands moved to his hair and his hands to her waist grabbing her gently like doll. She was in heaven but she didn't want to admit it. But her day dream was cut short when he moved away.
"Sorry Darling but this has to carry on later, I promise you that" he Takeshita check and gives her one last peak and leaves running.
Val stands there thinking what just happened, how could she let him kiss her like that, in such way. But it was magical in a way she was never kissed like that by anyone, but she does know something, it was time for drink and a big one.
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lordavanti · 7 years
Imagine Ubbe making your day
Modern AU: Ubbe x Reader Note: Special for @elenawrit who was asking for a normal Ubbe request but all of the sudden we wanted Ubbe in blankets so I just couldn’t resist on writting that fantasy down for her. Kill those exams girl, I hope you enjoy the little gift! Words: 1769 Warnings: Way to much Ubbe-fluff
You were quite the multi tasker, scrolling though your mail on your mobile while you looked for your keys in your jacket. It was like your head exploded after a day like this. The stress, the pressure, you were glad to be home. You pushed your coat from your shoulders before you walked further in the apparment. He jumped from behind the kitchenwall, wrapped in a blanket and with his arms up, scaring the shit out of you. 'Damnit Ubbe!' You shouted, slapping him with your jacket in anger. He laughed, getting away from your bad temper by ducking underneath you jacket. He filmed it, you heard your own scream on his mobile. 'I'm really not in the mood to play your games and don't you dare to put it online.' You lashed out, pushing your jacket into his arms while you walked the kitcken in looking for some painkillers. 'I thought to suprice my girl and you get angry about it.' He reacted. You turned around, looking how his body stood their in the doorway, arms crossed before his chest and the blanket still resting over his shoulders. It looked rather cossy there, between his arms, but you weren't giving in on his good looks and heavy charms. 'In what of a way! It's good for me to get a heartattack.' You took a glass of water and swallowed the painkiller with it, placing the glass rather hard back. 'You are really angry.' 'What part of this you don't understand.' You pointed to your own cranky face. He frowned his eyesbrown, not that impressed by your bad temper. Yes, he was just to worse sometimes, you asked yourself why he was still with you after all those months together. He opened his arms, the blanket like some kind of wings inviting you. You sighned and walked over to him, he wrapped his arms around you and it felt safe. You rested your head against his chest before you sneaked your arms around him to. 'You hardly can stay long angry on he.' He said a little amused. You murmered something that maked him laugh for a bit. The blanket around you felt so safe, so warm, you could stay forever in this kind of an embrace. 'I'm sorry.' You apologized for your earlier behavior. You turned your head up on his chest and looked to him. 'You make it up.' 'Yeah, I promise.' You tightened your grip around him and he did the same. 'I love this blanket.' You noticed the softness of it. 'Is that all you love?' He asked you. You chuckled against his clothes, taking in his smell before you looked up again. 'I love you to.' 'Thought so.' He rested his fingers under your chin before he placed his lips on yours and kissed you gentle. You could forget everything when he did this, being so comforting, supportive. He didn't ask about your day because he knew you wanted to forget it. He just wanted to be there for you, just like you would be there for him. He distracted your mind, not always in the best ways but he maked up for it, like he did now for scaring the crap out of you. You pulled back out of the kiss, looking with a loving smile up to his gorgeous mixed eyes. 'What about you take a bath and I make dinner?' He suggested. 'I'm not sure if I want to leave this nice blanketmaked comfortzone.' You replied with a soft smile. 'You have to, or you will be cranky again because there is no dinner.' 'Stop it.' You laughed, getting on your toes to get another kiss on his lips. 'Go, before I change my minds about certain things.' He reacted, opening his arms so you were a free woman again. You know what he meant with that, you twerled around your body, bitting your lip when you looked at him and walked backwards out of the kitchen. You almost fell asleep in that bath, the fresh smell of your favorit shampoo and the heat of the water relaxed your body, the painkiller eased you headache. In the background you heard Ubbe wistle a song and that just brought that smile on your lips again, got you out of the bath and into your pyjamashorts. When you looked through your mobile again you smile fadded a little when you noticed Ubbe his instagram story, he put it online. That scream ... you had to admit it was pretty funny. 'I scream like a little girl.' You said while you walkd back out of the bathroom. Ubbe was biting a piece of carrot when you walked into the kitchen, his blanket was more a Headscarf now, like he was planning on walking in the desert. 'Hvitserk just said the same thing.' Ubbe laughed when you played the video again. Offcourse he did, Hvitserk always was the first to taunt you when things like this appeared on Ubbe his story. 'It's a little funny.' You admited, sneaking under his arm.  'So,' 'No, you won't do it again.' You warned him. He only smiled teasing and you turned your camera and took a picture from him and that blanket wrapped around his head. 'Y/n.' He said before he could pull away. You chuckled and uploaded it to your story. 'Payback is a bitch. What is it with you and that blanket anyway?' You asked while pulling it from his head, wrapping it around your own body. He pulled you back before you could run off, snuggling his head against your neck, taking in the smell of your shampoo. 'You smell so good.' He noticed. 'That isn't an answer to my question.' You reacted with a playfull grinn. 'I was lonely and cold.' You looked up to him and started laughing by his explanation. 'And thats why you decided to walk around in a blanket?' 'You do it all the time.' 'Yes, well, you can't.'  'Why not?' He asked defensive. You catched him with the blanket, trowing it around his neck and pulling him closer. 'You are way to adorable with it.' You told him. He maked your day, or at least the combination of Ubbe with that blanket maked your day. 'I'm not adorable, you don't say that to a man.' He protested amused. You released him from the blanket so he could get back to the dinner, what looked like something with pasta. And while you were admiring his movements, his cooking skills you saw him laugh all of the sudden, like he reminded something that was worth laughing about. 'What?' You asked curious. He turned away from his cooking and shook his head. 'Hvitserk and Sigurd maked forts out of blankets all the time when they were little.' He smiled by the memory. 'And what did you?' 'Playing the viking invading that fort.' 'You don't have any viking skills.' You teased him. Vikings were rough, hard, strongheaded, he was way to soft for that. The only place he could be rough was in ... 'You sure?' He asked, spinning the towel in his hand to one hard roll. You started running, just not escaped from the spanck he gave you with it on your butt. You giggled, running  to the livingroom, but he catched you right in the door from behind you. You trew your head backwards while he grabbed you around your waist, the both of you laughing like little kids. 'I will show you how viking I am.' He bited playfully in your neck while you tried to get away from him. 'Ubbe.' You shouted throught your laugh. But he held so tight on to you that after minutes of protest you just hold still in his embrace. He turned your around in his arms and lifted you face, kissing you as passionate, heated almost, as you saw people on tv do it. You wrapped your hands around his neck, jumping up so your legs wrapped around his waist. You knew where this was heading, if he wanted to show you how viking he was you wouldn't hold back on it. 'What about dinner?' You asked between kisses through. He pushed you against the wall and you bited your lip, holding back a smile with pleasure. 'We skip dinner.' 'What about that blanket fort?' 'You wanna make a blanket fort?' He asked amused. You looked down to his chest, supressing the upcoming smile. 'Never did it in a fort before?' You asked him. His eyebrows got up in surprice. 'I never had dinner in a fort before either.' 'What about you make dinner, I make a fort and we can have it all at once.' You suggested. Damn, you felt like a twelve year old. 'Deal.' He place a kiss against your lips and you moaned by the pressure he pushed on your body before he let go of you. It was a nice fort, you had to admit it. The coatch was covered in blankets, lucky for the both of you you loved to have blankets around so there were enough of them. You maked some kind of roof to the tv, it look more like a tent to be honest. 'Ivar would laugh with uss if he saw this.' Ubbe said while he crawled into your little cave of cosiness, holding a big bowl of icecream, your kind of comfortfood. 'Ivar is way to serious for his age. This holds relationships together, being a child from time to time.' You said. He handed you the bowl and you started digging in the icecream, watching to the tv that was just close enough to fit in your blanketfort. The both of you sat on the ground, leaning against the coatch. Ubbe wrapped his arm around you and you rested your head against his shoulder while you watched the tv. It was nice, it felt good. And after a while you turned your head towards him, looking to that amazing face of him. 'You make my day, there is nothing I look more forward to than coming home to you.' You confessed your love. He looked away from the tv to you, not smiling, deadly serious for a moment. 'There is nothing more I'm looking forward to than seeing you coming home every day.' He took your spoon and took a small bite for the icecream while giving you that loving smile you so much adored. 'You still need to show me how viking you are.' You pointed out, knocking your fingers against his chest. 'Hmmm.' He agreed, enjoying his bite of ice before he enjoyed you.
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oceniram · 5 years
Goku & Bulma
                                                                            Disclaimer I don't own dbz z and gt. Three years have passed since Goku killed King Piccolo and his minions. During those years Goku got training from Kami, to prepare him for the final battle against King Piccolo's reincarnation.  The final battle will take place in a tournament held in Papaya island. The island was full with happy merchants, excited fighters, and onlookers. The monk staff  were calling all fighters  " All fighters who wish to enter  the tournament must register today," yelled a monk. The fighter rushed to the registration desk.
Bulma Roshi and Launch were waiting for their friends to return from their hard training. "Where are they?" Launch asked Bu 
A taxi stops in front of them  as soon as the door opens a flying cat and pig come out. Oolong  puar  master roshi called them as he raised his hand. Hey guys long time no see replied oolong . "Master roshi is good to see you " said puar. Roshi nodded . He started a conversation with oolong. You look well I think your ears have grown quite a bit. Actually I had them reduce. Said the blushing pig. Puar was laughing  at the embarrassed pig Don't worry  am sure the others would notice. Its not my ideal conversation replied oolong a little angry . As Bulma steps out of the  car she runs to launch and says its great to see you again . Bulma was the reply . "Have the others arrived yet?" asked Bulma No not yet . answered launch   Am at loss for words you've grown more feminine! Exclaimed roshi as he reached bulmas butt. Bulma elbowed him in the face. Keep your hands off my rear. I see your personality hasn't matured. Said roshi. Neither has yours bulma told  roshi. Catch it catch it. Cried a little girl sniff sniff the little girl was about to cry when bulma approaches her and tells her dot cry I'll get the balloon ok. as bulma turned to ask for help a man grabbed the balloon and says hi.do any of you know him? asked bulma no they replied in union here you go bulma! exclaimed the mystery man  how do you know my name? asked a confused bulma he ignored bulmas question and greeted the old man. you all look great where are krillin and the others asked the man it cant be... it cant be... g-goku.they said in union.  what's wrong isnt obvious? Good the rain is letting up. are you really goku? oolong asked what? you cant tell with this wrapped around my head? question goku as he took of the tur- ban  and he and bulma looked in to each others eyes they got lost and there the out side world didn't matter all sound went dead. wow shes gotten prettier thought goku bulma was thinking the he's gotten so handsome.master roshi decided to interrupt and told goku to sign up. Goku did as told. krillen and the others arrived at the last minute to register, then they went to the hotel that master roshi reserved for them. in goku and krillens room krillen i think theirs something wrong. goku stated whats wrong?asked krillen when am around bulma i feel funny. goku answered funny i don't fallow. to say that the monk was confused was understatement its like i have butterflies in my stomach goku told his long time friend oh... heh... you mean you like her. krillen stated of course  i like her shes my first friend. goku replied no what i mean is that you like her in a special way. krillen commented huh... i don't get it. goku said as he scratch the back of his head you know you want to do things to her. Said krillen with a smirk. i don't want to hurt her. goku answered his friend.
last time goku talked to krillen about loving bulma
bulmas room launch am in love with goku. bulma stated do you know or do you think your in love? asked launch. i defiantly know i mean his handsome,brave,handsome,strong,handsome,kind,oh and did i mention handsome. as bulma said this she had a dreamy look on her face. don't you think you should be telling him all this instead of me.launch told her friend yeah... but i don't think he knows what love is. bulma said with a dispointed look on her face. well if i were you id go and tell him. does that mean you told tien about you loving him? asked bulma with a smirk bulma didn't notice that she got looked out of her room by launch. she was going to the lobby when she spotted goku. what are you doing out here? bulma asked goku oh nothing i was just going to train. they stayed in silence.they got closer with every step. before they know it their faces was inches apart. bulma and goku kissed.neither broke the kiss until they needed air. wow that was amazing. oh am goku i got locked out do you mind if i spend the night with you? asked bulma. i kind forget my key. goku and bulma decided to let their roommates sleep. so bulma and goku went to sleep in one of bulma capusle house. the day of the tournament has arrived.many worriers are here to be the world strongest.however goku has another mission to accomplish.goku and his friends battle in the preliminary were they met new and old foes as well as pretty. goku and his friends minus chiautzu made it. The first match up former champion tien vs tao. let the fighting commence.as this was announced the crowd especially a crazy blue/blond went wild. the fighters had stay in the same stance for 10 minutes. remarkable tien has a perfect defense i cant find a weak spot anywhere.tien got out of his defense that's when tao made his attack however tien dogged it  and elbowed him in in the cheek. lucky shot said tao as he stood up. ha it looks like you got better i guess i don't have to hold back anymore. announced tao. tao runs jumps trows a kick only for tien to blocked with out trying.tao started his attack wait a minute there's something i need to say. tien said to his former master. its to late to beg for mercy weakling. ill forgive what you've done if you stop this madness.tien stated calmly. don't talk like your in control. replayed tao as he attacked tien moved and appeared behind  the cyborg.  don't sneak behind me you cowered tao said as he turn and took distance. tao got closer and trow as many punches and kicks only for tien to doge them all. the last punch that tao trow was got. i thank you and your brother for teaching me how to fight. what a surprise tien is escorting his opponent out of the ring.announced the announcer. as tien and tao got closer to the edge of the ring taos mechanical arm was taken off. tao jumped behind tien and his arm was replaced with a knife. the find cut tien chest. tao used a weapon their for his disqualified making tien the winner. the announcer with no name said. oh shut up i don't care about your match as long as i get my  revenge. tao said. as tao ran to stab tien with his blade tien caught and broke it. tao took his distance and used the supper dodaray. with a mighty yell tien took the ray down. he punched tao and knocked him out. tien has won the match he goes to the semifinals. in the audience master roshi was thinking on how tien has grown.he told himself that their was nothing left to tech tien. well its my turn now goku said  to himself as he did some stretches. if i was fighting her a be thrilled to. krillen commented. the 2nd match is about to begin we have goku who almost won the last time. and this lovely lady who proved that she could play with the boys. well be referring to her as annoyance . how could you?, as long as live i never forgive you for this.annoyance  announced. in anger. i dont understand we never even met before i think your mistaking me for somebody else.replayed goku don't be stupid you are goku aren't? you asked annoyance . its time you may begin as soon as that was said annoyance  ran to attack goku she punched and kick.goku just dodge and blocked. as goku dogged he asked have we ever met before? of course we met before.annoyance said as she ran to attack goku. in the audience who is she and how dare she treat my goku that way. this was bulma thought. GOKU TAKE HER DOWN! bulma screamed back to the fight are you that dense? did i mean that little to you? annoyance asked if you don't mind can you tell me what i forgot so that i can remember. all this was said as they attack each other did you forget the promise as well? annoyance asked. what did i promise you? fine ill tell you you promised to marry me. as bulma heard this she felt her heart ache saw her world crash down she felt that she was losing hope until she heard goku question. hey krillen what does marry mean? as goku asked this krillen annoyance  and yamcha fell anime style. a marry your life is... wait cut in bulma as she jumped the wall walked up to the ring. excus me miss this area is for fighters, and staff members only. the announcer told bulma.. bulma was escorted back to the audience. please resume the fight. who are you? asked goku fine il tell you only if you beat me. replied annoyance. in the audience to say bulma was pissed was under statement. goku come on i already know who she is. the pig told himself. however bulma heard him tell me who she is or ill start the piggy thing. okay okay. oolong signal bulma to come down. he whispered the name of annoyance which shock bulma. back at the fight. goku punched the wind and knock annoyance  out of the ring.bulma jumped over the wall ran to goku and kissed him in the lips as annoyance  wakes and sees this she and yamcha are shocked. once bulma lets go for air she tells goku that annoyance   is chichi. as he was going to explain chi chi was no where in sight. to be continuedlast time:tien fought and won his match. goku fought and won his match. bulma revealed her feelings for goku. as bulma and goku leave the ring they see yamacha approach them. listen yam... bulma begin but was cut by yamcha i wont lie am hurt but at the same time i could see that you two were meant to be. it was going to happen. thank you yamcha. bulma said and kissed him in the cheek. bulma went back to her place in the audience. goku and yamcha left the ring. OK that was surprising.said the announcer, next match is krillen vs majunior. krillen be careful hes not an average fighter.goku warned the monk how is he different besides the green skin asked krillen as he walked in the ring. in the audience he looks familiar this thought past by bulma and the other begin announced the announcer as this was announced the warriors took stand. krillen shifts to different stance. he attacks majunior with a double blast. majunior doges at least that what he thought.however the blast keepet following him he used laser eyes to destroy krillens attack. krillen then appeared behind majunior and punch him.and majunior was about to fall. incredible majunior recovered his composer in mid air. announced the announcer after an exciting Ariel assault both krillen and majunior have brought the battle to the ring the announcer announced. krillen runs to attack majunior doges the attack. krillen follows with a series of punches that majunior blocks. the take the battle to the air. as krillen was to throw his punch majunior kicked krillen. krillen was about to fall out of the ring when he reveled that he could hover back into the ring. i known that i can show you my real power. majounior exclaimed ha ha ha real power alright lets see it.krillen said confident as majunior powers up he extends his hand reaches for krillens leg squeezes uses some type of thunder punch trows him to the wall krillen recover rushes to attack. majunior kicks him in to the air follows. krillen then cups his arms and say kame ha me ha as piccolo comes next to him. it turn out to be an after image as the real majunior appears behind krillen and attacks him in the head causing krillen to fall krillen was getting back on his feet he stands down. causing majunior to win. as krillen heads back to the fighters area he hears a sobbing noise. he decided to check it out and finds none other then princesses chichi. are you okay? krillen asked. n- nooo sniff... t- the man... sniff... i love b- betrayed me. chi chi said this as she whipped tears off her face     chi chi think you were so obsessives with a promise that you didn't realize he had no idea of what he was saying. as krillen floated up so he could be on eye level. come on lets watch the tournament. krillen held his hand out and led her back to the warriors area. alright the fourth match we have experience warrior yamcha takes on shen. announced the announcer. the audience is going wild the warriors entered in the ring yamcha took his stance  shen started to move his hands up and down   why don't you attack first yamcha offered. okay thank you. shen said. hey goku what happen to your tail, and why so serious? asked krillen oh my tail is tugged inside my pants. and don't worry am fine goku told his long friend. shen ran to attack yamcha dodged shen trip kicking yamcha in the ribs. as yamcha recovered he went for kick but shen accidentally hit yamcha in the crotch as the fight went on yamcha got desperate and use his spiritball attack .it fell shen kicked yamcha out of the ring. the winner is shen. announced the announcer. the semifinals will begin in a few minutes the rematch between two stunning warriors tien vs goku. announced the announcer. as he said this the two warriors entered the ring; the warriors took there stance.as soon as the announcer says begin tien and goku rush to attack each other.both failed  the rush attack. tien then threw a series punches that goku dodged. they take the battle to the skies. as they fly  tien throws an energy blast that goku reflected goku and tien are trading punches in mid air. the warriors are moving so fast that the audience cant see them. the battle takes a pause. goku and tien continued their fight by tien giving goku a head bud goku hold tien in full lock. tien and goku kept struggling. tien and goku finished their struggle. well done your better then you were 3 years ago. tien said as he breathes heavily thanks but the praise should be for you. your powerful. goku commented feeling exciting. thank you but theirs a skill i master that you cant keep up and that the skill of SPEED. tien shouted the last part as he ran and jumped in the air goku followed. tien attacked goku from behind. tien chased him goku recovered and attacked tien. tien  dodged the attack. tien took the offense by kicking goku tien threw various punches and goku kept blocking them. goku decided to  take his under shirt boots and wrist bands off. tien multiplied himself the battle was intes but goku came out victorious.   last time yamcha confronted goku and bulma. krillen and chihi had a talk . krillen fought and lost his match .yamcha lost aswell tien and goku fought goku goes to the finals. majunior vs shen shen attacked majunior wit an energy wave that send him flying. shen fallowed majunior threw an energy blast that shen dodged by moving to the side. piccolo hits shen in the head shen goes down. he lands in the ring. piccolo attacks from behind but the shen that piccolo attac turned out to be an after image as shen kick piccolo. shen runs to attack majunior they trade punches and kicks it seems their evenly match as they re able to block and dodge each attack. shen goes for a kick piccolo blokes it and threw shen fallowed by an energy wave that shen  blocked. it looks as if the two fighters are conversing in a different language.the announcer announced. shen takes out  a bottle from his pocket  places it on the ground. shen takes his distance  get in to position and shouts evil containment wave. as the wave gets closer to piccolo, piccolo yells evil containment wave reverse as his hand turn some what yellow. the wave goes to shen. as shen was being sucked up  thge guardian  released the vessel he was using. the battle over majunior won and goes to the finals. as piccolo leaves the ring he stops in front of goku. give me the bottle demands goku. you mean this bottle ? piccoloasked as he threw it and ate it. piccolo taunts goku before he leaves during the intermission goku and his friends were talking about the image they saw. the person you saw being sucked up is the guardian. he and piccolo were born as one if one dies the other suffers the same fate. goku told his friends the final battle will begin goku vs msjunior   you should feel honored.said junior why is that goku asked a bit confused because am your executioner. answered junior as he removed his cape goku and junior began their match by trading punches the first to draw blood was junior
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