#i am going to make a little timeline w/ glasses for them btw cause i only decided this recently
hoardlikegoldenirises · 4 months
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Peter isn't really an animal person.
or, me drawing the boys with their cat equivalents.
Peter gets to be a black cat because 1) bad luck 2) dark hair 3) Felicia would think it's funny.
Kaine's cat here is, of course, a male tortoiseshell. Actually it's supposed to be a torbie but i was too lazy to put tabby marks on all of them (not that it would be visible on Peter's cat…)
Also I was gonna give Ben and Peter the same kind of cat but then I thought it would be cute to make Ben's cat equivalent an orange tabby instead…. so I did both lol but made the black version sun-rusted on account of his sun-kissed tan 😂
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krizaland · 4 years
It Takes Two to Tango (Yandere!Zib x Reader)
This was one of the many wonderful ideas requested by @zestyfrogs  I had a ton of fun working on this!  
I’d also like to give a special shoutout to my dear friend @melodyofthevoid for introducing me to the song used in the fic! Thank you so much, friend!  It fits Zib like a glove!
Be warned: There are obsessive behavior, implied stalking, drool, and forceful kissing ahead!
Here’s the song btw
“Y/N…..Y/N~ Time to wake up my love~”
Your heavy eyelids slowly opened to a blurry figure’s cold hand caressing your cheek.
You tried to rub your eyes but your arms felt like they were being held down by tight metal cuffs.
The only way to wake up your eyes was to blink a few times.
However, what you saw before you made you wish you hadn’t.
Standing before you was a grotesquely disheveled Dib! His skin was moldy-green and covered in warts and throbbing veins.  His glasses were cracked and his eyes had yellowed. Even his hair was off, as his usual cowlick, had doubled!
Drool dribbled down his chin as he revealed his jagged, pink teeth.
He honestly looked more like Zim than Dib!
You choked back the urge to vomit as you could feel the madness oozing from his eyes.
Figures, his mental instability was remained the same.  
“There we are! For a minute there I thought you were dead! I mean, sure I could’ve cloned you but I don’t really have time for all that.” Zib chuckled as he clapped his hands together.
“What the- Dib?! What happened to you?! And why am I chained up?!” You spluttered as you wriggled in your restraints.
“Oh! I guess I have changed quite a bit since we last saw each other, but for the better don’t you think?” Zib chirped as he gestured to himself.
“What?! For the better?! Have you even looked in a mirror!? You look like you’re made of mold!” You snapped.
Zib’s face twisted the moment those words left your lips.
“Are you kidding me?! Even after all the pain I’ve endured, I’m still not good enough for you?!” Zib snarled, causing a few flecks of drool to pelt your face.
“What are you talking about?!”
“What I’m talking about is the fact that I did this for you!” Zib turned around and gestured to the massive PAK fused the back of his head.
You let out a horrified gasp and tried to look away.
“What’s the matter Y/N?! Don’t you recognize your boyfriend’s PAK?!” Zib giggled.
“Wait! What the- What did you do to Zim?!” You stuttered as tears begun to form in your eyes.
“I defeated him that’s what! I defeated him and saved our world!” Zib boasted as he put a hand on his chest
“You….You killed Zim?!” Your voice was shaky as the tears poured down your cheeks
“Well when you say it like that you make it sound like a bad thing.” Zib chuckled as he put his hands on his belly.
“It is a bad thing! What is wrong with you?! Why couldn’t you get it through your stupid, big head!? Zim didn’t want to destroy the Urth anymore! He had changed! He-”
“He could never change, Y/N! Never change! Zim was nothing more than a vile, alien monster! Don’t you get it?! He was just trying to use you for some, sick twisted scheme of his!” Zib interjected as he snapped a finger in your face.
“The only monster here is you, Dib! Look at yourself! Do you have any idea what you’ve become?!”
“You…You really are insane! I can’t believe I ever stuck up for you!” You seethed as you shook away the spit drops on your face.
Zib went silent for a moment as his left eye twitched.
“You really are insane! Insane! Insane! Insane!”
Your words echoed in Zib’s mind over and over again.
A deranged smile spread across his face as a small giggle escaped his throat.
The giggle grew into a chuckle and the chuckle grew into a laugh.  Soon his laughter grew and grew until it morphed into full-on maniacal laughter.
“W-What’s so funny?” You stuttered as a shiver ran down your spine.
Zib’s laughter slowed to a stop as he wiped away a tear.
“Ah, I know you don’t really think I’m insane. Right?”  
“Right?!” Zib demanded as he clutched your face.
Zib’s yellowed eyes pierced deep into your soul.
You swallowed thickly and tried to open your mouth to speak.  Unfortunately fear had robbed you of your voice! All you could do was slowly nod and pray Zib would let your face go.
“That’s what I thought..”  Zib growled as he released your face.
You let out a sigh of relief as you felt your heart pound in your chest.
“After all, you’re my soulmate! You would never think such horrible things about your soulmate!” Zib’s words seemed more directed at himself rather than you.
Noticing you were scared out of your mind, Zib’s face softened for a moment.
“Oh now don’t look at me like that. You know I didn’t mean to frighten you! I love you! I would never harm you! I’ll prove it!” Zib pulled out a small remote and pressed a button.
You were freed from your restraints and fell flat onto your bottom.
“There. See? I set you free!” Zib cooed as he put the remote back into his pocket.
After jumping to your feet, you noticed an opening that seemed to lead to a hallway.
Without thinking, you tried to make a run for it! However, you escape attempt was cut short by Zib clamping his hands around your waist.
“Now, now, Y/N. Don’t make me regret my decision…”
You let out a shriek as Zib twirled you around to face him.
Zib let out a chuckle as he flashed you a toothy grin.
You wriggled out of his grip and tried to run once more but Zib pulled you right back to him.
“Let me go, you creep!”
“No…You have no idea how long I’ve waited to make you mine. You’re not going anywhere..” Zib’s voice was a low whisper as he gently caressed your cheek.
You swatted Zib’s hand away as you tried to tried to wipe off the flecks of spit on your chin.
Zib simply tutted and shook his head.
“I know, I know, I know…This situation’s strange….”
“It takes a little getting, a little getting used to…”  Zib grabbed your shoulders and spun you back around.
“Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me more! Than you possibly could!” Zib demanded as he shook you.
You peeled his moldy-green claws off of you, only to feel them wrap around your wrists instead.
“It’s not that complicated. No matter what they say, You’ll never need another me…” Zib purred as he tightened his grip.
You let out a yelp as you frantically tried to free your wrists.
“It’s not that difficult, to get your head around. You’ll never need another me!” Zib pulled your wrists close to him.
You pulled and tugged as Zib continued to sing.
“You’ll never never ever never need another me!”
You finally managed to free your wrists as you bolted for the hallway, only to be stopped by Zib once more.
He zipped in front of you and pulled you into a very tight tango.
You tried to break free but the more you struggled, the tighter Zib’s grip became,
“I know, I know, I know…I’m always in your place…”
You managed to pull away but Zib simply pulled you right back.
“But don’t you see my dear? I am your doppelgänger! I have your face…”
You let out a gasp as Zib clutched your face and pulled you as close as possible.
You could see your face reflect off of Zib’s cracked glasses as his worm-like tongue slid out of his mouth.
“Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me more! Than you possibly could!” Zib begged as he pressed your face against his.
Zib’s claws dug into your skin as he pelted your face in spit.
“It’s not that complicated. No matter what they say, You’ll never need another me!”
You pushed Zib off of you and wiped away the spit he left behind.
“It’s not that difficult, to get your head around! You’ll never need another me!” Zib growled as he tried to run towards you.
You managed to doge him and tried one last time to escape.
A large tentacle jutted up from the ground and wrapped around your waist.
“You’ll never never never ever never need another me!” Zib sang as the tentacle pulled you back into his arms.
Zib hummed as he continued to dance with you.
You wanted to fight back but you had run out of energy. All you could do was hum along as Zib led you around his lab.
Soon the tango from hell slowed to a stop as Zib gently dipped you
“It’s not that complicated. No matter what they say. I’ll never need another you…”
Zib’s eyelids lowered as he leaned in closer.
“It’s not that difficult, to get my head around. I’ll never need another you…”
Before you could respond, Zib crashed his lips onto yours.
All you could do was let out a muffled squeak as Zib’s worm-like tongue invaded your mouth.
Zib let out a growly moan. Oh how long he had waited to taste your sweet, sweet lips.
Eventually, you and Zib had to part for air.
Zib slurped up the remaining drool and lifted you back up
“I’ll never need another you….”
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og-danny-dorito · 5 years
SpiderMan Noir Headcanons
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S F W:
- he gets very flustered very easily, but he's good at hiding it. for instance, of you say something to compliment him he'll just blush up and cross his arms, quietly thanking you for the compliment and seeming like he doesn't care much. but under that mask his face is bright red and his mind is racing
- since he has such bad eyesight (he's near sighted) he can really barely see without his glasses, so he ends up getting very nervous when he can't find them in the morning. like his eyesight is so bad that if he tries to look at something without the mask it's just a blur of mixed colors and light and he can't make out anything
- this causes him to actually have lenses specifically for his eye type in his mask, rather than having a pear of bulky glasses underneath. it's more tactical that way (can't punch nazis if you can't see em)
- he doesn't actually take a lot of time to do his hair in the morning, surprisingly. while his hair isn't extremely neat and he takes pride in how cleanly cut it is, he ends up not having the time to actually do it. he's either rushing out or the door to work or rushing to stop some crime that's been happening that requires urgent assistance. this also means that he barely ever eats breakfast, and when he does he ends up just stuffing it in his face before running out of the door
- with an s/o I'd imagine he'd try to regulate this so he can eat breakfast with them in the morning, but that almost never happens and he ends up coming home nearly exhausted and ends up just eating dinner with them instead
- on the rare occasion he does get to spend some quality time with them though, he makes the most of it by giving them ALOT of affection. quite honestly he appreciates them, even though he thinks he doesn't do a good job of showing it sometimes. he's young but he's always busy 
- normally peter’s a pretty clean guy, and so if he's on a patrol he doesn't exactly get hurt a lot, but he's not invincible. most of the time he ends up coming home at 3:00 am with his side bleeding or some of his clothes ripped, resulting in you having to haul out of bed to stitch him up. honestly you should have a medical degree by now from how many times he's come home needing stitches
- since his timeline takes place during WWII, it's safe to assume that he's nearly an expert on being conservative. no, I don't mean conservative as in run-of-the-mill dude in the southern hills, I mean conservative as in repairing nearly everything. seriously, he doesn't want to have to spend money on new clothes and so he just resorts to repairing everything
- this means that socks, shirts, even things that have just grown old with time are usually mended up and fixed in no time, earning him nearly expert stitching skills. he's even sewed a few things! (even though he ended up forgetting about them entirely and denying he ever made them once you'd find them)
- idk where I found the pic, but I saw this art of noir smoking and I was like 👀 interesting do you mind if I take that concept dear sir/ma’am/unspecified-gender-person (actually wait i found it  https://mobile.twitter.com/kookirani/status/1082319828247994369)
-  yeah, he smokes, I know that's craaaaazy
- it's mostly a coping mechanism, in all honesty. on the contrary he wouldn't know that its kinda dangerous though, since smoking was deemed as dangerous in the late 1950s and WWII took place during the late 1930s-1940s. so yeah, to him it's totally normal (a lil bit of facts there for y'all)
- a lot of the time you'll be able to find him standing on the balcony with a cigarette between his lips, his shirt off for the bandages and other things to get some air as he tries to ease into his own comfortability and think over what he could've done better over the past patrol. it's almost like an assessment of sorts
- speaking of not having shirts on, he's about 5″10 and has a sorta muscular build. obviously his shoulders a broad, and so he really look so like a grown ass man with his deep voice to accompany his aesthetic. he's got a lot of scars as well from previous accidents, such as one on his lower torso from being stabbed while breaking up a street fight and one on his knee where he accidentally flew into a wall. but while he may seem rough and hardened on the exterior, he's got a few weaknesses that prove that he's really just a kid wearing a suit (he's 19 btw)
- on an angst level, he's too compassionate for his own good. for instance, he doesn't kill, but finds it right in his mind to offer redemption to his opponents while still defending the weak and helpless, just as he once was. while he's not a complete pushover obviously he does help people a lot out of the mask. people are struggling during these times, and the women and families that need his help are still out there and around him (it's WWII, shits not great)
- this means that he frequently fixes things for neighbors when they can't afford a repairman, comforts kids who lost their mothers in the crowded streets of Queens, defends minorities both with and without the mask, and so on and so forth. overall he's just a nice guy with a strong sense of justice, and doesn't mind to occasional scrape or so on his knees if it means protecting the people he cares about without even meeting
- peter ends up getting a little...reckless because of this though
- when that's said, that's means that he will literally jump in front of a bullet for anyone. even if it gets him hurt. he's selfless, and a lot of the time he's hurt because of it. but telling him that he can't possibly save everyone is pointless
- “"So what? I should stop trying just because I can't help everyone? That means helping no one gets the same results. I'm not gonna watch people drop like flies cause I can't save the world.”
- yeah angsty as fuck, but he means it. his words come out harsh, but he tries to apologize for being so rough
- “"I'm sorry, I just...” He'd pause. “"I can't watch it anymore. I'm not a bystander. I won't be a bystander.”
- and with that he'll pull you into a hug and just hold onto you tightly, almost as if you'll fade away and leave him if he doesn't
- you're part of him, and you might be on earth of the only things keeping him safe. you're the representation of the good he protects, and god help him I feel he ever fails at something to simple
- anyway that's enough angst let's talk about LIVING with him :3
- it's the little moments that mean the most to him, in all honesty. he doesn't even need you to be the domestic one really, since he views you both as a team rather than husband and housewife
- he usually does most of the cleaning and cooking though I'd imagine since Aunt May taught him to clean up after himself and respect his and everyone else’s space. you going out and getting groceries or just cleaning the clothes for him is enough, so if you're one to typically work around the house more often and take the time to make sure everything's is perfect, he'll partially thank heaven they sent you to him and feel a lot like he's slacking on his part
- he likes to pamper you, give you gifts. expect a bouquet of flowers almost every Friday when he comes home, his smile wide on his face as he professes his love to you through a bunch of cheesy one-liners
- but he also likes to be taken care of and pampered himself, although he never admits it. once again anything small makes him happy, so if you go all out he literally can't stop thanking you. washing his hair, cooking for him, making him things, he loves everything, and appreciates the thought behind it
- to be honest I'm sure he's not really attracted to a certain body type in particular, it's your kindness that infatuated him. generally polite, kindof shy people just make him that much more enamoured, but he likes someone with a good head on their shoulders and a strong sense of justice and morality just as much (if not more)
- if you were a crime fighter, peter would be absolutely enamoured with you. he knows you can hold up your own better this way, and that you don't really need that much protection. he prefers to work alone, but if he has to work as a partner with anyone it'd be you and ONLY you. no third wheels
- but this comes with a downside; peter gets extremely worried when you get injured. he knows better than anyone that it's really just part of the job, but his heart can't help but stammer a little when he sees a bloody lip and bruises all over. you bet your ass he’ll take care of whoever hurt you asap if you haven't yourself
- you hurt his s/o your ass is grass m8
- he also doesn't get really jealous, but if someone is hitting on you he feels not worthy enough or just angry in general
- he usually needs a lot of reassurance, maybe a hug or a kiss after he gets particularly emotionally exhausted. he likes to sit in silence a lot, either thinking or just watching you as you do chores around the house or watch tv. he loves you a lot, and he could watch you just absentmindedly talk about your day or your friends for hours
- really random btw, but this dude can sing. he doesn't think it really necessary so he doesn't outwardly flaunt it, but when he's listening to a song he likes it's easy to catch him humming along to the tune or singing the chorus. it's deep, breathy, right on the verge of raspy almost, and his eyes seem calm when he does
- usually he really only listens to jazz and swing, so you can listen to him using his voice perfectly when the singer over the radio hits a particularly complicated note. if you catch him in the act though he'll immediately blush up, his whole face turning red as he stutters out something to say
- you'd take his hand, grinning, asking him he'd want to dance with you as you smile up at him widely. he agrees, letting his body press to yours as you slow dance around the kitchen, living room, etc. his head will drop to your shoulder, inhaling your scent as he sings softly to you and sways gently from side to side, sharing a moment of wordless emotion that you both understand, share, and relish in. he’ll kiss you, letting his hands fall to your waist loosely to grip you as yours to his shoulders in a sort of grounding gesture. and so you dance, sharing a quiet waltz as lovers in the comfort of your modest home
- all in all, he loves you, too much to where you'd ever imagine. he's not exactly the most sensual, yeah, but that doesn't mean he won't try. you mean the world to him, and he'll go through hell and back just to keep that smile on your face and those eyes bright
 ( for https://zovatm.tumblr.com/, love you bro <3
- Ya Boi 🖤💜💛)
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estuarries · 7 years
baby’s first liveshow commentary
hello lads i have decided to attempt doing @nihilist-toothpaste​ inspired video commentary/write up/review thingies!!!! welcome to ramble-y fun time
phil’s liveshow on august 10, 2017
his smile in the first minute makes my heart so happy i love him so much
i love the eye-tongue-eye emoji stop being mean to it
he’s a bit late bc he just finished filming a new ap vid!!! it took him longer than he thought it would to finish filming bc he was rambling. this is a #relatable brain thing
“i just said goodbye and now i’m saying hello again!” wrt filing and then doing a liveshow makes me rly happy bc i wouldn’t have thought abt it that way. i love phil’s brain
new vid clues: paper bag(?) and bubble wrap. amazingphil asmr part ii??
dan’s not joining the liveshow bc he has a headache but phil’s gonna hop into dan’s next one
closed eyes and happy gesticulation whilst telling sleepy-morning “unexpected window cleaning man frightened me” story
phil’s fight/flight/freeze response is freeze
“imagine if i had decided to make breakfast naked! ...if i was that kind of person…” its okay m8 we know u like to make nakey bro brunches w danyul
are the emoji pants the only pair of graphic pj pants he has now ??? why are they being featured so prominently lately ???? phil IS an emoji is the only phnnie conspiracy i can support now
in the ap vid phil did SCIENCE and REACTED TO THINGS (chemistry . reaction . hehe :3)
he’s out of tv shows to watch ….he and dan have watched so many series together over the years ..... i am emotional
phil hasnt watched in a heartbeat EITHER !! BLASPHEMOUS BOYES!!!
re: rick and morty. i strongly agree and it makes me so nervous that rick burps all the time i cannot focus on whats happening in the show bc rick gives me so much anxiety
he misses the cherry blossom tree in thehowlter’s front yard and they are hopefully going to put it in when they have money
“you’re all like dan! not everything has to be symmetrical!” thank u for these affirmations that not everything has to be perfect thank u for being chill. a chill phil. 
“i dont mind a little bit of wonkiness!” “i’m at a bit of a wonk!” “is the entire house wonky?” the only real phil branding is ~WOnKy~
phils hands are so beautiful???? i love them?????? @ 8:50ish
him trying to figure out his best side and saying “one? or two?” as options like at the optometrist when ur getting ur eyes checked. 
someone in the chat: “both!” phil’s cheeky grin/”don’t flatter me!!!” response
someone in the chat: “side three!” i snort laughed along w phil this is truly Good Content. dark!phil RISE
phil doesn’t think he really has a bad side and his easy neutrality wrt his physical appearance is dreamy. i love him and i love that he’s comfy w himself like this
phil had an eye infection and this is the first day he’s been without glasses…… why does he glasses-bait us like this …..
it’s really hard for him to concentrate with dilated pupils so that’s why he was being a wee bit wonky in the last liveshow
his eye is no longer infected and is “white and ready to see!”. the tone of his voice, his accent, and the phrasingof that reminded me so much of my british grandma who i havent seen in a few years and now i want to call her i miss her
wicked was “as the kids say...Wicked.” I SNORTED AKLHFAEIHKF
also i cannot believe that he and dan used the same silly phrasewhen talking about their opinions of wicked. is it still #copyrightinfringement if its your bf blatantly enterprising ur intellectual property?
phil was feeling a bit meh going into wicked but now he’s converted and a fan
he loved defying gravity :(
phil: every audience is important! me: crying
phil loves coming-of-age/college/highschool aus … Me Too
phil remix: the top fans to the tune of mad world “all around me are familiar faces...lillyphanstuff, joteleena…”
he’s had “mad world” and also that fuckin. ditty song stuck in his head
“...is one thicc bih - NO!” is the best thing ive ever heard
im so sad that phil hasnt experienced the joys of ditty. apparently he doesn’t have it downloaded and doesn’t really know what it is
14:07 is my new ringtone (he sang the ditty tune in “doot doot doot”s)
“bandicussy” IM DEAD
phil thought it was a good family activity to see dunkirk but it made his parents very emotional bc his maternal grandad was in the war
making your entire family cry is apparently the phil way to entertain
neither he nor dan understood the timelines of dunkirk upon first watch
after filming his ap vid he sanitized using vanilla cupcake hand sanitizer
he watches zoe’s bath and bodyworks candle/lotion hauls??????? ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
apparently b&bw has some ~priiiicey~ candles. phil is the coupon clipping, consumer reports reading dad
he said that livestreaming games on dapg would be “dope”. i am reminded for the millionth time that he is a 30 year old white man. i am moderately uncomfortable.
jk it was someone in the chat who said it he was just reading the comment
“hi to the ‘phan’s moving boxes’ group chat”
facterino according to the nature man on tv: in england nature has decided that it’s autumn already. this is evidenced by blackberries coming out in august. because fall isstartingso early they’re expected to have a harsh winter but its fine bc he is excited for snow!
some climate change discourse
he’s not a big doctor who fan but his fav doctor is david tennant
he’s excited for the “lady doctor” and i’m uh. not a huge fan of that wording
23:02 pre-sneeze noises and hand motions are Delightful
apparently it’s southern england peeps who pronounce scone with a hard o (scOHne) and northerners pronounce it with a soft o (scAWn). phillu doesn’t know which pronunciation he uses
my mom grew up in cornwall (and moved to america when she was a teen. i’m american btw!) and pronounces it the northern way. we’ve had the scohne vs scawn debate!! lots of #britishfamilythings in this liveshow
philly homework motivation song @ 24:52
his first response to ppl being sad about school starting in a week is to calculate how many seconds are in a week so they can re-frame their time left in a way that feels more plentiful. i love this ???
i also really love how he tries to read premium messages from different people every time. idk that’s just really thoughtful and as a fan i really appreciate it
he knows that black makes him look good …. GOodBYe
today is world lion day!
phil is the one who puts the funny/random holidays on the dnp calendars. of course it was but im still so happily surprised  
doinganap’s sicth/sixth discourse
he’s reading people from the chat’s bdays and telling them what funny holidays are on their birthdays! i love how he finds different ways to get ppl in the chat involved every liveshow. i appreciate him so much !like yeah i know its a marketing thing but let me pretend its solely phil’s care for us
he wants to go back to japan
he can’t read or edit and listen to music at the same time! me neither
someone asked what a good pet would be and phil went on a lil tangent about how it’s important to have enough time to take care of the pet you choose!! dont get an exotic pet or a breed of non-exotict pet that requires a lot of time, money, or energy to care for it if you’re not at a point in your life where u can take care of it to the best of your ability! <3
hedgehogs are one of the most common animals in the uk??? what the heck?
he can’t remember whether or not he’s seen a hedgehog irl so he texts mum lester to ask <3 why is this the sweetest thing in the world . like seeing a hedgehog irl would be an experience that his family facilitated or even if he was moved out when it happened it would have been so exciting that he def would have told kath about it. so any way it happened she would know about it. my heart is Warm.
he’s not a huge summer candle burner but as soon as it’s september he’ll be on the pumpkin spice train
mum lester texted back and apparently his grandparents had a family of hedgehogs in their garage and his granddad built them a little hedgehog house to hibernate in :( wow!
phil might play shelter 2 … with dan. No Thank You. let us have some phil-only time plz 
shelter 2 is more of an autumnal game so he might do it later when he can cozy up with some cocoa and herd the badger babies
he feels a coffee buzz after five (5) chocolate-covered coffee beans. r u sure u even drink coffee phil????
rye bread is worse (in phil’s opinion) than regular bread and is ”claggy”. i busted out laughing and texted my mom IMMEDIATELY bca LOOOONG time ago we were at a family christmas party with my dad’s extended family and all of the Adults were playing scrabble. my mom ended up spelling claggy and everyone else was like THATS A MADE UP WORD WHAT THE FUCK!!!! and my mom was like ???? no its not? my dad’s family is from the eastern us and had never heard the word claggy before and i remember my dad giving my mom shit about it for YEARS afterward because she caused such an uproar. idk if it was a regional thing or if americans just don’t say claggy but REGARDLESS. my mom and i had a good laugh over this description of rye bread and we both love phil
he’s nervous abt what dalien is going to look like and become as he grows up. phil’s general reaction to dalien has been one of caution and nervousness and idk ?? someone more thoughtful analyze that please
his advice for making the most of the last bits of summer: do something you haven’t done before! immediately after bestowing upon us this Wise Advice he giggles and becomes self aware of his parental tone. Our Dad Is Becoming Self Aware
he doesnt swear around his parents?????? my mom says fuck all the time :0
2018 calendar and season two pastel plushies are in the works!
he’s singing another song to list the top fans. suggestions include toxic, the ditty tune, and the tetris theme. he goes with the ditty song and starts laughing in the middle of it so makes a seamless musical transition to toxic
if everything recorded properly with his new vid we should see it in the next few days!
he hopes that we have a lovely weekend and that whatever we end up doing brings us a bit of happiness :( i love him thank u phil
tiny little bonus song after he covers up the camera. schrodingers phil.
all in all i love phil’s liveshows and this has been the highlight of my day. thank u for reading!
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