#i am having a heart attack
kurosolos · 1 year
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umm0lly · 2 years
color theory - katya x sofia (updated)
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(@mimiadraws for the art) 1031 words - katya x sofia goncharov 1973 - unreality
Katya has always worn white.
White was pure. Katya had to be pure. White was clean. Katya knew she was clean- though her past may not be. White was unconvincing. Soft. She could always rely on their first impressions, first opinions. She never doubted they'd think her weak, and she never missed. She never doubted that white was her color. She never cared for a different color. She never thought that perhaps she didn't need to put on this act- she viewed it as second nature.
Until Sofia came along. Sofia came along and Katya was stuck. Until Katya punched her mirror, shattering it. Until she broke the facade. She watched the blood splatter on the white carpet. Until Katya knew what she needed to do.
Until Sofia started wearing green and that was the only thing Katya could focus on- her green eyes that she gladly got lost in day after day, always forgetting the way out of the labyrinth that was her touch. Her green dress fit her better than Katya would have liked. She stared more than the men that night. Her green jealousy for all the men who Sofia paid attention to instead of her, all the men Sofia whispered in the ears of instead of hers, all the men that Sofia's gaze was locked on when Katya had only eyes for her-
Until today, she wore white. She was pure. She was calm, the seeds of the pomegranate locked inside. She was unconvincing. Nobody had reason to think twice about her. She never missed, until Sofia. Until Sofia, she wore white.
But Sofia thinks she'd look better in red. The drop of pomegranate juice, the splatter of blood on the carpet, and the rich wine she and Sofia chat over; all the same color. Until Sofia, she never wore red. Until Sofia, she was pure. Until Sofia, she'd only thought about the women around her. Until Sofia, she'd never kissed one.
Until she started wearing red, Katya was trapped. The mirror in front of her reflected a thousand faces, none of which were her own. Until she started wearing red, the pomegranate lay untouched in a basket long forgotten, its blood-red seeds screaming in a failed attempt to be heard and seen. Until she started wearing red, Sofia was out of reach.
Now, Katya wears red. Now, Katya is poison. She is the blood that will be spilled upon the kitchen floor. She is the lipstick Sofia wore when she stained Katya's wineglass and when she stained Katya's cheek and mouth and neck-
She is the glimmer in Sofia's eye when she flirts, a different glimmer than when she's with a man, a different glimmer than when she's without Katya-
Sofia used to wear blue.
Sofia used to be melancholy. Sofia used to be reserved, insecure, and introverted. Sofia had never put herself out there unless she had to. Sofia never grew up rich. Sofia was not Katya.
But Sofia wore Katya's pearls.Every woman should be allowed to feel like she is looked at beautifully, Katya had told her. When Katya looks at her, Sofia feels beautiful. When Katya looks at her, Sofia is broken. Sofia is blue. Katya is white and Sofia is blue.
Then Katya started wearing red.
And, say, if I were to break down your outer layers? What seeds would I find? Nothing worth anything to you.
Sofia knew she had found the seeds. She knew she'd have this chance and this chance only. She seized it. The same red on her lips, the same red as Katya's new wardrobe, the same red as the pomegranate they shared- it wouldn't match her blue.
And Sofia started wearing green.
Sofia was reborn. She is not weak. She is not insecure. She is not hiding from Katya like she used to. She pried open Katya's shell, and she opened hers. Only, Katya will not find red like the red stains Sofia leaves imprinted on her.
Katya found green.
Now, Katya finds a new labyrinth to get lost in. A new Sofia to lose her mind over. A new Sofia to obsess over like she never obsessed over her husband. A new Sofia, who told her to wear red, and who clouds her mind to the point that she's missing her shots. A new Sofia, one who heard the cries of the pomegranate seeds and now devours them whole.
This Sofia manages to tempt the temptress herself, and this Sofia wears green.
The world should fear this Sofia. This Sofia breathes life and death.
Katya has never felt less afraid.
Sofia had once spoken to Katya about her insecurities. She wore blue. Katya wore white. Her nails were red when they took her pearl necklace off and handed it to Sofia. Her eyes were blue when they drilled into Sofia's. Her lips were pink when leaned forward and pressed onto Sofia's.
The next day, Katya wore red. Two days after, Sofia wore green. The day in between, the world was purple.
No questions are raised when Katya's white pearls find their way onto Sofia's neck, then her wrists and ears.
A glance at Sofia's neck is all that she gets when she has to cover it with Katya's red scarf because of the stain of lipstick.
No more than a few whispers are shared when Katya's heels are on Sofia's feet and Sofia's makeup is on Katya's lips because of a rushed morning.
This is all there is, and while Katya sips wine with Sofia more frequently than she sees her husband, she knows that her husband, dressed in black, is drinking with someone dressed in brown, and that is all she knows.
A missed shot leaves white snow red, and Katya only started missing after Sofia's lips were on her neck and shards of her mirror lay on the ground. The grass is turning brown, the color of a suit usually worn by the same man her husband has been drinking with.
The only fruit found in the bowl on top of the kitchen counter is pomegranates. Sofia buys them every Monday morning, and they're done by Friday. It's alright, though. The two of them have each other to satisfy their hunger.
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bunnions · 11 months
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cherrasitic · 10 months
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buglordsupreme · 2 years
Mexico baby I love you but you need to understand that you need GOALS to win
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jacks-wack-attack · 2 years
I literally just SCREAMED so loudly.
Dean is in the photo. Dean is in the FREAKING PHOTO.
Holy crap. What the hell. I think I just had a heart attack. I am hyperventilating
I need answers right now. Right. Now. 
Who do I need to sell my soul to, so I can get the answers? I will make a demon deal. Just give me ANSWERS
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kanejmademedoit · 1 year
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tagerrkix · 8 months
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(sorry for deleting and posting this again 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ one tiny insignificant thing was bothering me and when I edited it it wouldn't show on reblogs and that kinda made me go 😠😠😠)
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ruubesz-draws · 8 months
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Quality time with the eldest (Earth) and the youngest (Minus One)! Whatever could go wrong??
Yet again, another cat moment for Minus One. He likes Legendary the most out of all the brothers
Goodbye, Minus One... you will be missed :'(
(Pro tip! Be careful with your belongings at the beach. You never know what might happen to it)
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thegamingafro · 2 years
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foxy-kitsune · 4 months
NA JAEMIN???!?!?!!!?!?!?! WITH THE BROWN HAIR??!?!?!!?!?!? AND THE WHITE SLEEVELESS SHIRT!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! HELP?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!!?
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a2zillustration · 8 months
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I don't really remember why I picked Abjuration Wizard for Croissant but it fits them perfectly.
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polar-equinoxx · 1 month
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post hop chillaxing✨
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evilkaeya · 1 year
Dazai, seventeen, shaking Odasaku, crying and throwing up because Chuuya held his hand again and his skin burns and his hands feel tingly and his heart is beating too fast and oh my god is he allergic to Chuuya? Is he dying? Ango stop laughing and help me!
Chuuya, seventeen, screaming and crying to Kouyou after having his nth dream where he's a prince and Dazai is his princess and fucking hell it's black magic isn't it? Or was he cursed by some evil sorcerer? Ane san do something!
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aurinkomoukari · 5 months
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i need to see benoit blanc in at least five more movies and i would like to learn a teeney weeney amount about him each time this is the perfect way to build a character
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